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Ant Agile Sofos Profile

Ant Agile Sofos

Lithuanian, Finance, 4 seasons, 104 episodes, 1 day, 15 hours, 23 minutes
„Ant Agile Sofos“ tai pirmasis Lietuviškas Podcast įrašų ciklas nagrinėjantis Agile metodiką. Jo sumanytojai bei laidų vedėjai tai trys Agile Coach‘ais dirbantys ir ilgametę patirtį šioje srityje sukaupę Agile metodikos entuziastai. Laidų metu mes tarpusavyje bei su įvairiausiais laidos svečiais nagrinėjame Agile temas iš įvairiausių kampų. Čia diskutuojame, dalinamės savo žiniomis bei patirtimi, mokome ir stengiamės įkvėpti vis daugiau žmonių ir organizacijų rinktis Agile ir teisingai įgyvendinti šią metodiką savo kompanijose. Mūsų tikslas – jog Agile atneštų kuo daugiau naudos kuo didesniam ratui įmonių Lietuvoje. Kviečiame jungtis, klausyti, užduoti klausimus ir dalintis savo komentarais Agile temose bei įkvėpti vis daugiau žmonių pabandyti šį veiklos organizavimo būdą.
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How to know what to change and what not to change - Agile Lean Europe 2023

One more episode from Agile Lean Europe 2023! This time, ALE member has raised a question: How do we know what to change and what not to change? This question was raised at the organizational level, as the company is working in a very diverse portfolio of services, so there are many things that can be changed or improved. Tune in to find out! This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
1/24/202428 minutes, 45 seconds
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Agile Frameworks: Good or Evil? - Agile Lean Europe 2023

One more episode from Agile Lean Europe 2023! This time we have debates - are Agile frameworks good or are they evil? Both sides have great arguments to tell, also few of people can find arguments for good and for evil. So what are those arguments and what are the conclusion? Tune in and find out! This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
1/10/202420 minutes, 38 seconds
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Simple Scrum or IT Focused - Agile Lean Europe 2023

We are presenting a one more episode from Agile Lean Europe 2023 video series! This time we are talking around well known Scrum and where does it fit, what are the boundaries - Simple Scrum for everyone or IT Focused? Want to find out what we have discussed? Tune in into this episode and find out! This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
12/27/202331 minutes, 59 seconds
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Is Agile Dead? - Agile Lean Europe 2023

Continuing with our Agile Lean Europe 2023 series! In this episode we are talking around the topic that might sound scary to Agile community: Is Agile Dead? Even though this is not the first ones to bring this topic up, we still got really interesting input on it from our discussion forum. Want to find out what it is? Tune in into this episode and find out! This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
12/13/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Agile Bullshit - Agile Lean Europe 2023

A continuation of our Agile Lean Europe 2023 series! A controversial topic has been brought to us. Agile bullshit! What kind of Agile bullshit is around us? Why it is there? How we deal with it or accept it? Various opinions about various sub-topics in this talk, so watch this episode and find out all of them! This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
11/29/202340 minutes, 58 seconds
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Merging two company cultures - Agile Lean Europe 2023

Another episode from Agile Lean Europe 2023 video series! Many people these days encounter situation where two companies are being merged into one, but did you ever think how to deal with different cultures, ways of working, people? In this episode people are sharing different experiences, giving advices and discussing what not to do. Check it out and learn from #ALESOME people! This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
11/15/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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Remote VS Onsite Teams - Agile Lean Europe 2023

We are sharing the 2nd Bonus episode of our Agile Lean Europe 2023 video series! This time we have a debates about Remote VS Onsite teams - quite a popular topic on these days. Participants share different perspectives as there is no one solution. It is really interesting to see good arguments for and agains this topic. As well actual experiences from participants brought an interesting flavour. But what was the conclusion? Watch this episode and find out! This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
10/31/202326 minutes, 28 seconds
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Stable vs Fluid Teams - Agile Lean Europe 2023

This is the first Bonus episode of our Agile Lean Europe 2023 video series! We started ALE 2023 with a debate session where teams argued, what is better - having stable teams or fluid ones? There is no right or wrong here and both sides had really good arguments. But what was the conclusion? Watch this episode and find out! This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
10/18/202317 minutes, 17 seconds
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Raimundas Bučius and Yannick Vanderstraeten On the Agile Couch | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

The last Bonus episode from Agile Day Kaunas 2023 goes live! Simas is talking with our podcast friends Raimundas Bučius and Yannick Vanderstraeten from Telesoftas! As usual, we shortly discuss the conference itself and then we touch upon the topic that was held in one of the open space sessions - how Scrum Master and Product Owner far should go, within the organization, outside or even further? The sound might be a bit funny due to Yannick and Raimundas sharing one microphone, but the topic does worth to stay calm and listen or watch. Want to know more about what have we discussed - tune in to this episode of On the Agile Couch! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
9/20/202311 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ziryan Salayi On the Agile Couch | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Additional Bonus episode from Agile Day Kaunas 2023 goes live! Gražvydas is talking with Ziryan Salayi from Scrum Facilitators! As usual, we shortly discuss the conference itself and then we touch upon the topic that Ziryan did his workshop about - how to become a better facilitator. Want to find this out - tune in to this episode of On the Agile Couch! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
9/13/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Charles-Louis de Maere On the Agile Couch | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

One more summer Bonus episode from Agile Day Kaunas 2023! Simas is talking with Charles-Louis de Maere. The podcasts starts with improvisation game activity where Simas and Charles-Louis tries to show how conversations might be different depending on your mood (happy, nervous, excited, pessimistic). Discussion continues around how understanding of the text message or e-mail is impacted by the readers mood. How to avoid misunderstandings, what is good to be aware of, what are your actions that you can take? Check this out and learn more! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
9/6/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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Laura Binish Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Dar vienas pokalbis Ant Agile Sofos Agile Day Kaunas 2023 konferencijoje jūsų dėmesiui. Šį kartą turėjome proga pabendrauti su viena iš renginio organizatorių Laura Binish. Gražvydas su Laura padiskutavo apie konferencijos organizavimo užkulsius, iššūkius bei išmoktas pamokas. Kokios jos? Kviečiame klausytis šiame epizode! Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
8/30/20237 minutes, 32 seconds
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S3 On the Agile Couch | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Additional Bonus episode from Agile Day Kaunas 2023 goes live! Andrius is talking with three guests from S3. As usual, we shortly discussed the conference itself, workshop benefits, open space and how to get best out of conferences when joining with a colleague. Want to find this out - tune in to this episode of On the Agile Couch! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
8/17/202311 minutes, 15 seconds
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Aurimas Jaskonis Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Dar vienas pokalbis Ant Agile Sofos Agile Day Kaunas 2023 konferencijoje jūsų dėmesiui. Šį kartą Simas pasikalbėjo su aktyviu Agile lietuva bendruomenės nariu - Aurimu Jaskoniu. Aurimas atvyko į renginį kaip dalyvis ir čia dalinasi savo įspūdžiais bei išmoktomis pamakomis. Kokios tos pamokos ir kaip jos gali padėti kiekvienam? Kviečiame klausytis šiame epizode! Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
8/9/202310 minutes, 10 seconds
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Nancy Beers On the Agile Couch | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

One more summer Bonus episode from Agile Day Kaunas 2023! Gražvydas is talking with Nancy Beers from Happy Game Changers! And apart from discussing conference itself we, off-course, talk about games in work! How gamification and serious games can help companies and teams, what are the examples of successful game driven workshops - tune in and hear it out as we talk about it On the Agile Couch! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
8/2/202311 minutes, 40 seconds
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Anna Strinadko On the Agile Couch | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

One more summer Bonus episode from Agile Day Kaunas 2023! Andrius is talking with Anna Strinadko, Project Manager/Scrum master, about Agile Day Kaunas 2023. Anna visited this conference for first the time, so she shared a lot of interesting insight regarding workshops, open space, content and participants. Tune in and hear it out as we talk about it On the Agile Couch! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
7/26/202310 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dainius Stasiulis Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Tęsiame pokalbių Ant Agile Sofos Agile Day Kaunas 2023 konferencijoje ciklą. Šį kartą svečiuose turime Dainių Stasiulį, kuris yra ilgametis Agile lietuva narys ir didelę patirtį sukaupęs vadovas. Su Dainiumi kalbejomės apie workshop’ą ir jo fasilitavimą, kuriame Dainius buvo Agile Day Kaunas 2023 metu. - Kaip komandoje pakelti intelektualumo lygi ir bendrą mastyseną? Taip pat su palietėmėme ir labai svarbų klausimą - kaip padaryti, kad agile fokusuotas būtų ne tik į pasitenkinimą darbu, bet ir į klientą ir nauda jam. Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
7/19/202318 minutes, 33 seconds
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Tomas Lekavičius ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Tęsiame pokalbių Ant Agile Sofos Agile Day Kaunas 2023 konferencijoje ciklą. Šiandieninis mūsų svečias Tomas Lekavičius. Gražvydas su Tomu padiskutavo apie konferencijos įspūdžius bei aptarė darbinę sesiją, kurią konferencijoje vedė Tomas - komandų temperatūros nustatymas bei jos reguliavimas. Kas tai ir kaip tai veikia? Kviečiame klausytis šioje laidoje! Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
7/12/202310 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ilija Popjanev On the Agile Couch | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Additional Bonus episode from Agile Day Kaunas 2023 goes live! Andrius is talking with Ilija Popjanev, owner of DOOR Training & Consulting! As usual in this bonus series, we had short talk about many different topics - basketball, psychological safety, Leading Agile Teams to High Performance (Ilija facilitated workshop about this topic) and a bit about the conference itself. If you want to hear our talk - tune in to this episode of On the Agile Couch! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
7/5/202310 minutes, 38 seconds
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Kęstutis Mikelėnas ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Štai ir naujas bonus epizodas iš Agile day Kaunas 2023! Šį kartą Simas pakalbino Kęstutį kaip padėti užstrigusioms komanoms tobulėti, kas veiksminga ir nuo ko verta pradėti. Daugiau apie visą tai išgirsite šiame epizode, tad kviečiame klausytis ar žiūrėti. Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
6/28/202312 minutes, 18 seconds
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Thomas van Zuijlen On the Agile Couch | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

One more summer Bonus episode from Agile Day Kaunas 2023! This time we have Thomas van Zuijlen on the Agile Couch! Thomas is hosting this event for a last couple of years, so what does it mean to do it, how much of preparation it requires - hear this out directly from Thomas! Our guest is also sharing an interesting position he holds in the company he works for - C level Scrum Master. What does it mean, what it entails and would your organisation benefit from such a position? This is what we talk about in our short conversation On the Agile Couch, so tune in! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
6/21/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
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Kevin Pedersen On the Agile Couch | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

We continue the cycle of Bonus episodes from the Agile Day Kaunas 2023 conference. In this bonus video podcast we have @Kevin Pedersen - Managing Director and international trainer for Growing Agile in South Africa. During the Agile Day Kaunas 2023, Kevin facilitated a workshop - "Unlock creativity to spice up your Scrum", so Andrius and Kevin discussed the conference, his workshop, participants and many other things. Join us for this short but fun talk. Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
6/14/20237 minutes, 57 seconds
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Justas Lisauskas Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Tęsiame Bonus epizodų ciklą iš Agile Day Kaunas 2023 konferencijos. Šį kartą mūsų pašnekovas - Justas Lisauskas. Simas su Justu aptarė konferencijos įspūdžius bei pasigilino į temą - kaip įtraukti projekto ar produkto analizę, reikalavimų rinkimą ir produkto vystymą į visą komandos darbo procesą. Dažnu atvenu nenorime, kad reikalavimų rinkimas būtų atskirtas procesas nuo kūrėjų komandos. Kviečiame klausytis! Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
6/7/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Karolis Noreikia Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2023

Pradedame dar vieną Bonus epizodų ciklą. Šį kartą tai pokalbiai Ant Agile Sofos iš Agile Day Kaunas 2023 konferencijos. Pirmasis mūsų pašnekovas - Karolis Noreika. Gražvydas su Karoliu aptarė konferencijos planus bei pasigilino į klausimą - kaip komandą įtraukti į norą Agile pokyčiams kai komandos lyderiai turi stiprią savo nuomonę. Kviečiame klausytis! Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
5/17/20239 minutes, 15 seconds
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Gustav Messany-Oberwandling On the Agile Couch | Agile Tour Vilnius 2022

We are towards the end of bonus video podcast from Agile Tour Vilnius 2022 which was organized by Agile Lietuva. This time we are sharing a conversation with Gustav Messany-Oberwandling about democracy and it's principles. Simas and Gustav discuss how does democracy work in working environment, what is important, what are the key principles. How to start, what are the biggest challenges and why Democrasy is similar to Agile? Answers to these questions and many more are hidden in video podcast. Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
2/22/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
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Staffan Nöteberg On the Agile Couch | Agile Tour Vilnius 2022

In this bonus video podcast we have @Staffan Nöteberg - the author of the bestselling books about Monotasking (2021) and Pomodoro (2009). During the Agile Tour Vilnius 2022, Staffan presented topic - 20 Reasons to Skip the Sprint Backlog, and during podcast recording with Andrius, both of them dug deeper into few of those reasons. Sadly but last minute had to be cut because of technical reasons. Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
2/8/202312 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jurgen Appelo On the Agile Couch | Agile Tour Vilnius 2022

In this bonus video podcast we have @Jurgen Appelo - the author of UNFIX patterns library. During the Agile Tour Vilnius 2022, organized by Agile Lietuva, @Simas discuss with Jurgen about the ways of using UNFIX, what Jurgen would recommend for starters, how to promote the change and do we need stable or fluid teams. This and many more tips and tricks are share in video podcast. More about the UNFIX model can be found in Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
1/25/202318 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bent Myllerup On the Agile Couch | Agile Tour Vilnius 2022

One more bonus video podcast from Agile Tour Vilnius 2022 which was organised by @Agile Lietuva. In this Podcast we have @Bent Myllerup - cofounder of Better Change, an organization of master-level agile coaches in Europe and South Africa. @Bent and @Andrius touched Agile certification topic as According to the State of Agile Report 2021, only 19% of people who consider themselves to be Agile Coaches have a master-level certification in this area. Bent shared a bit of details from his Agile journey and provided suggestion where and how to start Agile journey for curious people. And even more you will be able to hear if you will join us by listening to this podcast. Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
1/11/202315 minutes, 19 seconds
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Tomas Mikelionis Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Tour Vilnius 2022

Dar vienas pokalbis iš Agile Tour Vilnius 2022 jau čia. Pas mus Ant Agile Sofos svečiuojasi Tomas Mikelionis iš Teltonika Telematics. Su Tomu pakalbėjome, kaip Agile veikia ne tik programinės, bet ir fizinės įrenginių gamybos veikloje. O čia tikrai daug įdomių niuansių, gi klientui išsiuntus jo užsakytą gaminį ir sugalvojus jį staiga atnaujinti, tai padaryti ne taip lengva kaip programinės įrangos atveju. Tai kaip čia padeda Agile? Kviečiame paklausyti Tomo įžvalgų ir pamokų. Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
12/14/202221 minutes, 57 seconds
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Diana Borovik Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Tour Vilnius 2022

Šį kartą jums pristatome dar vieną bonus epizodą iš Agile Turas Vilnius 2022. Šioje Video Tinklalaidėje mes kalbamės su Diana Borovik, kuri ir yra pagrindinė šio renginio "kaltininkė". Simas klausė Dianos kaip sekėsi organizuoti Agile Turą, kas buvo netikėtą ir kokius rekordus su šiuo renginiu Agile Lietuva sumušė. Visą tai, bei ko dar galima tikėtis iš Agile Lietuva planuojamų renginių iki metų pabaigos klausykitės ir žiūrėkite šiame įraše. Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
11/30/202213 minutes, 3 seconds
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Vaidas Adomauskas Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Tour Vilnius 2022

Tęsiame savo Bonus epizodų ciklą iš Agile Tour Vilnius 2022. Šį kartą pas mus Ant Agile Sofos grįžta Vaidas Adomauskas. Su juo pabendarvome apie Agile Turo konferencijos evoliuciją, Agile "plėtimą" startuoliuose bei tam taikomą LeSS metodiką, komandų ko-lokavimą ir galiausiai apie mąstymą tikslais, o ne darbais. Kviečiame paklausyti trumpo, bet gerų pamokų siūlančio pokalbio. Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis arba
11/16/202216 minutes, 12 seconds
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Pierre Neis On the Agile Couch | Agile Tour Vilnius 2022

Another bonus video podcast from Agile Tour Vilnius 2022 which was organized by @Agile Lietuva. In this Video Podcast we have @Pierre Neis - the author of "The New Normal: AO concepts and patterns of 21-st century agile organizations," and "Swarming X4". @Andrius discuss with Pierre about and "The 12 steps of an Agile Transformation". First topic is about worldwide gathering of like-minded people who believe that playing is the best way to learn, share and be creative. Second is about his speech during Agile Tour Vilnius 2022. SUBSCRIBE to our podcasts in Apple, Google, Spotify Youtube platforms, LIKE our page at LinkedIn and see you in next episodes! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
11/2/202215 minutes, 15 seconds
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Charles-Louis de Maere On the Agile Couch | Agile Tour Vilnius 2022

We have some bonus content for you - podcast series from Agile Tour Vilnius 2022 which was organized by Agile Lietuva. The first Video Podcast is recorded with Charles-Louis de Maere - the amazing visual and creative facilitator. Simas is having a conversation with Charles-Louis about his session "Fairy Tales at Work, Why Not?". Discussion is about how fairy tales might be used in working environment as facilitation technique. As well gentlemens discuss the power of visual facilitation and how this helps to communicate, transmit messages and align. Charles-Louis is going to be in Vilnius on 8th of December 2022 for one of his workshops and in 2023 he is planning to hold a Bikablo class about visual facilitation and drawing techniques. Get in touch with him for more details, tips and tricks. SUBSCRIBE to our podcasts in Apple, Google, Spotify Youtube platforms, LIKE our page at LinkedIn and see you in next episodes! Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us on or
10/19/202220 minutes, 25 seconds
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Paulius Tuzikas Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2022

Dar vienas įrašas iš Agile Day Kaunas 2022. Kalbinome pranešėjus, organizatorius, bei dalyvius apie konferencijos įspūdžius bei išmoktas pamokas. Šį kartą kalbinome Paulių Tuziką. Paulius didžiąją dalį praleido "Open Space" konferencijos formate, tad dalinosi savo įžvalgomis. Taip pat diskutavome ko mes tikimės iš ateities konferencijų, ko dar galėtumėm išmokti, bei kaip nestandartinis vizualinis problemų sprendimas gali padėti mums darbo aplinkoje? Kviečiame klausytis, mėgautis, būti Agile ir sekti mus LinkedIn Taip pat pamėkite ir prenumeruokite mūsų Youtube kanalą!
8/24/202210 minutes, 46 seconds
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Saulė Aida Dilijonaitė Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2022

Renginyje Agile Day Kaunas 2022 kalbinome dalyvius, pranešėjus bei organizatorius apie konferencijos įspūdžius bei išmoktas pamokas. Šiame įraše Ant Agile Sofos bendraujame su Agile Day Kaunas 2022 renginio organizatore ir savanorių komandos vadove Saule Dilijonaite. Pašnekovė dalinasi įspūdžiais apie šį renginį, organizacinius jo niuansius, kaip Agile padėjo rengiant šį renginį bei kokie planai kitų metų konferencijai! Kviečiame klausytis, mėgautis, būti Agile ir sekti mus LinkedIn Taip pat pamėkite ir prenumeruokite mūsų Youtube kanalą!
8/17/202212 minutes, 15 seconds
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Dominykas Punis Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2022

Renginyje Agile Day Kaunas 2022 kalbinome dalyvius, pranešėjus bei organizatorius apie konferencijos įspūdžius bei išmoktas pamokas. Šiame įraše Ant Agile Sofos bendraujame su koneferencijos dalyviu, Dominyku Puniu. Kalbamės apie įspudžius ir pastebėjimus Agile Day Kaunas, bei šiandienines aktualijas darbo aplinkoje - darbas nuotoliniu būdu ar gyvai, ofise. Kviečiame klausytis, mėgautis, būti Agile ir sekti mus LinkedIn. Taip pat pamėkite ir prenumeruokite mūsų Youtube kanalą!
8/10/202213 minutes, 54 seconds
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Leonard Vorobej Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2022

Renginyje Agile Day Kaunas 2022 kalbinome dalyvius, pranešėjus bei organizatorius apie konferencijos įspūdžius bei išmoktas pamokas. Šiame įraše Ant Agile Sofos bendraujame su Agile Lietuva prezidentu Leonard Vorobej. Pašnekovas dalinasi įspūdžiais apie šį renginį, Agile Lietuva tolimesnius planus bei pagrindinius renginius šiais metais. Leonard taip pat atskleis visiems kada laukti kitų metų Agile Day Kaunas renginio! Kviečiame klausytis, mėgautis, būti Agile ir sekti mus LinkedIn Taip pat pamėkite ir prenumeruokite mūsų Youtube kanalą!
8/3/202211 minutes, 3 seconds
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Darren Aitcheson Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2022

One participant of the Agile Day Kaunas 2022, Darren Aitcheson, shared his experience in the event. Darren gave some insights about dynamic reteaming workshop that happened in the event as well as about team dynamics, where does the team creation starts, what to do when the new team members joins. Stay tuned for more upcoming videos from Agile Day Kaunas by Agile Lietuva. Kviečiame klausytis, mėgautis, būti Agile ir sekti mus LinkedIn Taip pat pamėkite ir prenumeruokite mūsų Youtube kanalą!
7/22/20226 minutes, 46 seconds
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Agnė Kelminskienė Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2022

Renginyje Agile Day Kaunas 2022 kalbinome dalyvius, pranešėjus bei organizatorius apie konferencijos įspūdžius bei išmoktas pamokas. Šiame įraše Ant Agile Sofos bendraujame su Agne Kelminskiene, kuri šiame renginyje vedė darbinę sesiją apie komandų performavimą ("reTeaming") bei kas padeda ar gali stabdyti šį procesą. Su pašnekove pakalbėjome apie komandos narių santykį tarpusavyje, atvirumą vieniems su kitais bei kaip išlaikyti teisingą balansą tarp būvimo draugais ir kolegomis. Kviečiame klausytis, mėgautis, būti Agile ir sekti mus LinkedIn Taip pat pamėkite ir prenumeruokite mūsų Youtube kanalą!
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Mikhail Sorokin Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2022

We are sharing one more video recording with Mikhail Sorokin about his workshop that was about "Setting Goals for Delivery and Motivation". Mikhail and Simas talks about simplicity and key ingredients of successful usage of OKRs as a goals in product organisation. Stay tuned for more upcoming videos from Agile Day Kaunas by Agile Lietuva. Kviečiame klausytis, mėgautis, būti Agile ir sekti mus LinkedIn Taip pat pamėkite ir prenumeruokite mūsų Youtube kanalą!
6/30/202218 minutes, 26 seconds
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Markus Wissekal Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2022

Renginyje Agile Day Kaunas 2022 kalbinome dalyvius, pranešėjus bei organizatorius apie konferencijos įspūdžius bei išmoktas pamokas. Šiame įraše Ant Agile Sofos bendraujame su Markus Wissekal, kuris šiame renginyje pristatė - 360 Why's. Su Markus trumpai aptarėme kas tai yra, bei pasidalinome renginio įžvalgomis. Kviečiame klausytis, mėgautis, būti Agile ir sekti mus LinkedIn Taip pat pamėkite ir prenumeruokite mūsų Youtube kanalą!
6/22/20227 minutes, 56 seconds
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Danil Michailovas Ant Agile Sofos | Agile Day Kaunas 2022

Renginyje Agile Day Kaunas 2022 kalbinome dalyvius, pranešėjus bei organizatorius apie konferencijos įspūdžius bei išmoktas pamokas. Šiame įraše Ant Agile Sofos bendraujame su Danil Michailovas, kuris šiame renginyje fasilitavo Open Space diskusijas. Su Danil pakalbėjome apie patirties dalinimasi komandose ir kompanijose, kaip tą skatinti bei kodėl tai kartais nepasiseka. Kviečiame klausytis, mėgautis, būti Agile ir sekti mus LinkedIn Taip pat pamėkite ir prenumeruokite mūsų Youtube kanalą!
6/15/202210 minutes
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Jim York Talks On the Agile Couch

Jim York, executive and Team Coach, co-owner FoxHedge Ltd. joined us On the Agile Couch in the Agile Tour Vilnius 2021. Andrius and Jim had a discussion about importance of learning loops in coaching and they have covered additional questions which was not answered during Agile tour session so we invite You to listen. As always, questions and feedback is welcome, so you can send it to You can support us:
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Tom Gilb Talks On the Agile Couch

This time we had Tom Gilb On the Agile Couch that participated in the Agile Tour Vilnius 2021 as a speaker. Simas discussed with Tom about his delivered speech "Agile Value Stream Management" as well invaluable Tom's experience & impact on the Agile Manifesto formation while being on the Agile Couch. Listen to get some insights from our Agile Grandfather as Tom calls himself. As always, questions and feedback is welcome, so you can send it to You can support us:
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Francis Laleman & Charles-Louis de Maere Talks On the Agile Couch

Francis Laleman & Charles-Louis de Maere were hosting a Collaborative story creation workshop in Agile Tour 2021 conference. Next day we invited them for a talk about it on the Agile Coach. How can visuals help to do workhops, engage your audience and most importantly enable all participants to take part and reach beneficial results. Just a few things we touched during our Talk, so we invite You to listen. As always, questions and feedback is welcome, so you can send it to You can support us:
12/22/202124 minutes, 22 seconds
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Leonard Vorobej Talks On the Agile Couch

Leo had an opening speech of Agile Tour Vilnius 2021. He covered a lot of things from Agile Lithuania history, shared interesting insights and we had a chat regarding Agile Tour. What challenges they had, how to become speaker in future events and more. One more interesting topic is that Agile Lithuania is becoming Association as a Platform so join our talk and hear more of what it is. As always, questions and feedback are welcome, so you can send it to You can support us:
12/9/202115 minutes, 47 seconds
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Frederik Vannieuwenhuyse Talks On the Agile Couch

After delivering interesting speech about Personal Agility system in Agile Tour Vilnius 2021, Frederik Vannieuwenhuyse visited Agile Couch and had a talk with Simas. Why personal agility is important, how it can help to clarify your priorities, how this might work with your family and many more ideas Frederik shared while being on the Agile Couch. Listen to get some tips and how-to-start guide. As always, questions and feedback is welcome, so you can send it to You can support us:
11/24/202121 minutes, 13 seconds
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Gai Ben Dor Talks On The Agile Couch

After delivering really inspiring and motivating speech during Agile Tour 2021, Gai Ben Dor visited Agile Couch and had a talk with Gražvydas. How to keep motivated during touch moments, how to achieve what's seemed impossible and how to understand when to let someone go by himself / herself. Just a few topics we touched during our Talk, so we invite You to listen. As always, questions and feedback is welcome, so you can send it to You can support us:
11/9/202116 minutes, 29 seconds