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The Dispatches

English, Talk, 3 seasons, 107 episodes, 3 days, 15 hours, 27 minutes
Commentary and contrarian thinking on politics, current affairs and culture from Aotearoa New Zealand
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New Study Shows COVID Vaccines Cause Higher Than Expected Adverse Effects - What Next?

In this episode we discuss the brand new research which proves beyond doubt that COVID vaccines have “significantly higher than expected” potential risks, and what this means for communities where vaccine coercion and segregation occurred. ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: 
2/22/202426 minutes, 47 seconds
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Abortion Activists Silent as Yet Another Mother Dies at an Abortion Facility

In this episode we discuss the tragic death of yet another mother at an abortion facility in Melbourne, and why there has been such a stark difference in the media coverage of this particular abortion-related death.✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at:  The Voice For Life article
2/20/202425 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Treaty Principles Bill - Has Act Won? | Dispatches With Dieuwe

In this debut episode of our new monthly show, Dispatches With Dieuwe, political commentator and radio show host Dieuwe de Boer joins me to discuss the results of his new political tracker, which keeps constant tabs on whether or not the NZ Government is delivering or failing on its promises. We also talk about Waitangi Day, David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill, and we ask ‘who stands to lose the most in all of this?’ ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at:  Dieuwe’s NZ Coalition Government Tracker
2/15/202451 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Tale Of Two Shoplifters

In this episode we explore and contrast the stories of two different shoplifters - one a high profile Green MP, the other other not. Both stories are true. Both involve thefts that took place in New Zealand. What makes these two stories so markedly different is the outcome and how the guilty parties reacted. ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: 
2/8/202425 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Exorcist: A Profound Work of Christian Theology and Philosophy That You Can’t Recommend To Anyone!

In this episode we take an in-depth look at The Exorcist - the 1973 movie which become a cultural icon. We look at the fact that it is actually the first in a trilogy of films which deeply tackle the philosophical proofs for the existence of God in the face of suffering and evil. We also contrast this with the atrociously bad 2023 exorcist film, ‘The Exorcist Believer’, and how it starkly reflects the collapse of Western culture and art. ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: 
2/1/20241 hour, 44 minutes, 27 seconds
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Women, Leadership, And The Church | Anna Abraham and Jemma Brunton

In this episode, we speak to theologian Anna Abraham and leadership expert Jemma Brunton about the sometimes vexed issue of women in leadership in the Church. These two awesome leaders share their thoughts and experiences, and what it means to navigate this highly politicised topic as women who want to use their talents and abilities to serve the Christian Church. ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: 
1/25/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 26 seconds
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What Is A Man? | Dr. Peter Holmes and Dean Mischewski

In this episode, Aussie theologian and university lecturer Dr. Peter Holmes and Kiwi theologian, communicator and athlete Dean Mischewski join me to discuss the loss of authentic masculinity in the West and what we can do to recover it. ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: 
1/18/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 40 seconds
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Surviving The 9/11 Terror Attacks | Jason Winslade

In this episode we speak to Jason Winslade about his personal story of being present at ground zero in New York City, on Tuesday 11th of September 2001, as the 9/11 terrorist attacks unfolded immediately above and around him. This isn’t just a personal account of surviving one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in US history, it’s also a powerful story of the path to conversion and redemption for a young man who discovered that there was more to life than career and a hedonistic search for self-fulfilment on that harrowing September morning.✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: 
1/11/20241 hour, 20 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Power Of Sacred Music | Dr. Robert Loretz

In this episode, we have a fascinating conversation with Dr. Robert Loretz about the culture shaping power of music. In our two hour discussion we cover all sorts of fascinating topics from the history of music, the difference between sacred and profane music, and even the issue of music and artificial intelligence! ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: 
1/4/20242 hours, 8 minutes, 22 seconds
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Race And The Gospel | Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

In this episode, we talk race, law enforcement, Christianity, and more with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers - a former police officer, law enforcement trainer, and monk who also happens to be a fan of Iron Maiden! This is one conversation you definitely DON’T WANT TO MISS! ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: 
12/28/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 15 seconds
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How Christianity Elevated Aristotle and Virtue | Dr. Robert Loretz

In this episode we speak to Dr. Robert Loretz about Aristotle’s profoundly important insights regarding virtue, and how Christianity took these natural law truths and elevated them to profound new heights through the life and teachings of Jesus. In this two hour conversation we discuss why all of this matters so much for societal and individual flourishing. ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: 
12/21/20232 hours, 1 minute, 39 seconds
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SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! | Coming Friday 22 December!

Check this special announcement about our exciting return on Friday 22nd December! ❤️ Become a patron at
12/14/20234 minutes, 22 seconds
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CONSERVATIONS PREVIEW | Surviving The 9/11 Terror Attacks

In this free preview snippet from Conservations - our monthly interview podcast - we speak to Jason Winslade about being at ground zero in New York City, on Tuesday 11th of September 2001, as the 9/11 terrorist attacks unfolded immediately above and around him. This isn’t just a personal account of surviving one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in US history, it’s also a powerful story of the path to conversion and redemption for a young man who discovered that there was more to life than career and a hedonistic search for self-fulfilment on that harrowing September morning at the base of the Twin Towers.   Get the full episode by becoming a $5 monthly patron at
9/14/202324 minutes, 39 seconds
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Why Has Conservatism Failed to Conserve Anything?

In this episode we tackle the question 'why has conservatism failed to conserve anything'? ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: VISIT OUR PATRONS-ONLY SPOTIFY: 
9/7/202355 minutes, 49 seconds
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ON THE CLOCK | Why Parents Are Still The Best Sex Educators

In this episode we discuss why parents are the still the best and most appropriate sex educators of children, and the vital things they posses which sex educators don't. ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: ❤️VISIT OUR 
8/4/202323 minutes, 21 seconds
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Race And The Gospel | Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

In this free preview snippet from Conservations - our monthly interview podcast - we talk race, law enforcement, Christianity, and more with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers - a former police officer, law enforcement trainer, and monk who also happens to be a fan of Iron Maiden! This is one conversation you definitely DON’T WANT TO MISS!  Get the full episode by becoming a $5 monthly patron at
7/27/202341 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Collapse of Liberalism Demands People of Conscience, Courage, and Lived Convictions

In this episode I share a recent presentation I was invited to give to a group of lawyers. ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: ❤️VISIT OUR 
6/30/202344 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Waco Siege And Why It Still Matters

On the 19 April 1993, at a place called Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, 76 men, women and children from the Branch Davidian religious sect died in a fiery blaze when the FBI assaulted their compound. In this episode we take a detailed look at these tragic events, the history that led up to them, and the vitally important lessons it still has to teach us today. ✅ Become a $5 Patron at: ❤️Leave a one-off tip at: ❤️VISIT OUR  (Netflix) ’Waco: American Apocalypse’:  (Book) ‘Waco: A Survivor’s Tale’:  (Book) ‘Waco: David Koresh, the Branch Davidians, and a Legacy of Rage’:
6/15/20231 hour, 55 minutes, 13 seconds
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Luxon is Right: We Have a Serious Fertility Crisis (Patreon Preview)

Full episode available to $5 monthly patrons at    
6/12/202321 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Power of Music | Dr. Robert Loretz

In this free preview snippet from Conservations - our monthly interview podcast - we have a fascinating conversation with Dr. Robert Loretz about the culture shaping power of music. In our two hour discussion we cover all sorts of fascinating topics from the history of music, to the difference between sacred and profane music, and even the issue of artificial intelligence!  Get the full episode by becoming a $5 monthly patron at
6/8/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 51 seconds
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Are Bilingual Road Signs Safe? (Patreon Preview)

To unlock the full version of this episode, and get access to every our Monday and Wednesday exclusive patrons-only podcasts, simply become a $5 dollar monthly patron at 
6/6/202324 minutes, 24 seconds
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Are Public Servants Immune to Misinformation? (Patreon Preview)

To unlock the full version of this episode, and get access to every our Monday and Wednesday exclusive patrons-only podcasts, simply become a $5 dollar monthly patron at 
5/31/202324 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Despotism of Classical Liberalism (Patreon Preview)

To unlock the full version of this episode, and get access to every our Monday and Wednesday exclusive patrons-only podcasts, simply become a $5 dollar monthly patron at 
5/23/202314 minutes, 48 seconds
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Science at its Best: Life-Saving Brain Surgery on an Unborn Child (Patreon Preview)

To unlock the full version of this episode, and get access to every our Monday and Wednesday exclusive patrons-only podcasts, simply become a $5 dollar monthly patron at 
5/22/202315 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Truth about David Seymour (Patreon Preview)

To unlock the full version of this episode, and get access to every our Monday and Wednesday exclusive patrons-only podcasts, simply become a $5 dollar monthly patron at 
5/16/202317 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Importance of Repression (Patreon Preview)

To unlock the full version of this episode, and get access to every our Monday and Wednesday exclusive patrons-only podcasts, simply become a $5 dollar monthly patron at
5/15/202319 minutes, 54 seconds
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HOLIDAY SPECIAL | Martyn Iles: Free Speech, Conversion Therapy, and Israel Folau

Every week during the Christmas/January holiday break we are going to be posting special interview podcasts that have previously only been published as video interviews. This week’s interview is with Martyn Iles, well known Christian commentator and Director of the Australian Christian Lobby. We talk free speech and the importance of the conservative voice in the public square. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
2/2/202354 minutes, 2 seconds
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HOLIDAY SPECIAL | Daisy: Why I am De-Transitioning Back to my Biological Sex

Every week during the Christmas/January holiday break we are going to be posting special interview podcasts that have previously only been published as video interviews. This week’s interview is with Daisy, a courageous young woman from the USA who shares her story about de-transitioning back to her biological sex after engaging in a transition that included hormones and a double mastectomy. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
1/26/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 42 seconds
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HOLIDAY SPECIAL | Laura Dodsworth: How the State Weaponised Fear During COVID-19

Every week during the Christmas/January holiday break we are going to be posting special interview podcasts that have previously only been published as video interviews. This week’s interview is with UK filmmaker, journalist, and best-selling author Laura Dodsworth about the different ways that Governments and media have utilised fear during the COVID-19 pandemic to nudge public behaviours, and the serious practical and ethical harms this has caused. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
1/19/202343 minutes, 11 seconds
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HOLIDAY SPECIAL | Professor Robert George: The US Crisis, Ethics & Civil Public Discourse

Every week during the Christmas/January holiday break we are going to be posting special interview podcasts that have previously only been published as video interviews. This week’s interview is with the internationally renowned Professor Robert George of Princeton University. We discuss the American political landscape, ethics and civil public discourse. . ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
1/12/202350 minutes, 43 seconds
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HOLIDAY SPECIAL | Pete Espil: Top 10 Western Films

Every week during the Christmas/January holiday break we are going to be posting special interview podcasts that have previously only been published as video interviews. This week we start with something light, a conversation with Pete Espil, my American, ex-Marine pal - we trade notes on what we consider to be our top 10 Western films! . ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
1/5/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 10 seconds
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46. Why Euthanasia Expansion Is Inevitable In NZ & What We Can Do About It

In this episode I discuss the latest data about euthanasia in New Zealand, why its expansion is inventible, and, most importantly, what we can do about it. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/9/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 45 seconds
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45. Why I am Troubled by the Leaked ARISE Church Report

In this episode I explain why I am troubled by contents of the leaked report into the ARISE Church allegations. Sadly, rather than helping to bring clarity and move the healing process forward, I think this report has the very real potential to derail things and make this already difficult situation even more confused. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
8/25/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 11 seconds
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44. Stuff’s ‘Fire and Fury’ Has all the Hallmarks of a Moral Panic

In this episode I discuss the major flaws in Stuff’s ‘Fire and Fury’ documentary, the serious conflict of interest behind it  that raises serious questions about its credibility, and why it has all the hallmarks of a moral panic. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
8/19/20222 hours, 17 minutes, 48 seconds
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43. Remorse, Redemption, and a Pagan Nation Without Mercy

In this episode I discuss the Sam Uffindell incident, and the very troubling picture this paints about the current state of our nation and its approach to remorse, redemption and forgiveness,. Most importantly I highlight the serious harms all of this poses to New Zealand and political leadership. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
8/12/20221 hour, 36 minutes, 13 seconds
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42. Why we Need to be More Discerning about Matariki

In this episode I discuss a recent social media post of mine about Matariki that attracted some contention from others. I explain in more detail my reasoning behind our family’s approach to the celebration of Matariki, and why I believe that all people of the Judeo-Christian tradition need to be more discerning about this. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
7/29/20221 hour, 57 seconds
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41. The Myth of ‘My Body, My Choice’

In this episode I explain the origins of the ‘my Body, my choice’ myth, why it doesn’t stack up with the reality of the human experience, and where our legitimate bodily freedoms actually come from. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
7/7/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 44 seconds
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40. How an Interview about Abortion Exposes the Ideological Activism of Mainstream Media

In this episode I dissect a recent TV interview about abortion which exposes the ideological activism of the mainstream media before culminating in a truly shocking moment of live television. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
6/10/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 15 seconds
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39. Why Refusing Communion to Pro Abortion Politicians in the Most Loving Response

In this episode of I discuss the issue of asking pro-abortion Catholic politicians not to present themselves for Communion, and why this is the most loving response we can offer them. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
6/3/202258 minutes, 45 seconds
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38. Is There a Major Socio-Political Upheaval Underway?

In this latest episode of The Dispatches podcast I discuss the perfect storm of phenomena which I think are omens of a major socio-political upheaval we are currently embroiled in, and how we might best navigate all of this. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip:
5/13/20221 hour, 43 minutes, 41 seconds
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37. How Easter 2022 Has Exposed a Serious Cultural Identity Crisis in NZ

In this latest episode of The Dispatches podcast I respond charitably to some public comments from the Reverend Frank Ritchie and a truly tragic op-ed from the Reverend Glynn Cardy about Easter, and the serious cultural identity crisis that Easter 2022 has once again exposed in NZ. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
4/22/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 52 seconds
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36. What I Have Learnt from Catching COVID

In this latest episode of The Dispatches podcast I share my experience of catching COVID two weeks ago. I talk about my symptoms, the various therapies and home remedies I employed, and the important lessons I have learnt as a result of catching COVID. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
3/31/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 11 seconds
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35. How Undemocratic is the New ‘Safe Areas’ Act?

In this latest episode of The Dispatches podcast, I discuss the so-called ‘safe areas’ Act that was passed in the NZ Parliament on Wednesday night (16 March, 2022). This new Act now makes it possible for peaceful, and even silent, protest within 150m of an abortion facility to be a punishable criminal offence in NZ. In this episode I discuss the history, the specific content, and the serious questions about the legitimacy of this new legislation. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
3/18/20221 hour, 23 minutes, 14 seconds
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34. Analysing the NZ Anti-Mandate Protest now the Smoke has Cleared

In this episode of The Dispatches I do my best to analyse the events, and the aftermath of the NZ anti-mandate protest outside Parliament now that all of the smoke has cleared. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
3/10/20221 hour, 40 minutes, 34 seconds
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33. Are the Freedom Protests the Physical Class vs the Virtual Elites?

In this episode I discuss an important new article which offers key insights into the freedom movement protests. It proposes that what we are witnessing outside our Parliament, in Canada, and in other parts of the world is actually the result of a new class struggle between ‘the virtuals’ and ‘the physicals’. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
2/17/20221 hour, 39 minutes, 29 seconds
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32. Some Thoughts on the Anti-Mandate Protest in Wellington

In this episode I share some observations about the anti-mandate protest in Wellington, what it has revealed about our society, and what a more humane and rational response to this group of protesting New Zealanders and their concerns might look like. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
2/11/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 34 seconds
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31. The Malone’s Top 10 Christmas Movies

In this episode the kids join me in the studio and we have a raucous and fun filled discussion about our top 10 family Christmas movies. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
12/21/202135 minutes, 42 seconds
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30. The People Using COVID to Smuggle Other Ideologies

In this episode I examine the various ways in which people have exploited the COVID crisis in order to smuggle in other ideologies, including a recent article proposing some very troubling ideas in response to the so-called crisis of ‘misinformation’. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
12/14/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 31 seconds
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29. What Qualities Matter in a Political Leader?

In this episode I explore the question: what qualities make political leaders great? Do we need more politicians who are scientists? Does their private life matter? What about the issue of abortion?  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
12/8/20211 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
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28. Why I am Grateful for Vaccine Segregation

Today the Traffic Light System and vaccine passport segregation comes into effect in New Zealand. In this episode I discuss ‘vaccine privilege’, the marginalisation that will be experienced by those who are not vaccinated, and what I am grateful for about this burden.   ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
12/2/202158 minutes, 25 seconds
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27. The Perverse Symbolism of Midnight Mass

In this episode I discuss the recent Netflix mini-series Midnight Mass, and why I think that the deeper symbolism of the series is perversely horrific and fails to present a mythology that is good, true and beautiful.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
12/1/202154 minutes, 54 seconds
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26. Why Informed Consent Matters so Much

In this episode I explore the profoundly important moral underpinnings of informed consent, and why a failure to respect this fundamental principle of medical ethics matters so much.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
11/25/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 41 seconds
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25. Live Not By Lies

In this episode I discuss the profoundly important ‘Live Not By Lies’ essay that was published by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn the day before he was exiled from Marxist-Socialist Soviet Russia for daring to speak up against the injustices of the regime.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
11/18/202123 minutes, 34 seconds
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24. How to Escape the COVID-19 Dancing Plague

In this episode I explain why I think that COVID-19 has spawned the equivalent of a Dancing Plague, and what practical steps we can take to avoid the mass hysteria of this moment and confront COVID-19 with greater emotional sobriety.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
11/16/20211 hour, 46 minutes, 7 seconds
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23. How to Love Authentically in a Time of Great Crisis and Division

In this episode I offer 12 practical tips for how we can avoid anger and despair and instead choose to keep loving authentically, and live a culture of goodness, truth and beauty in the time of great crisis and division that COVID-19 has wrought upon our society.   ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
11/9/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 10 seconds
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22. Can a Christian Support Someone Who is Being Euthanised?

This coming Sunday a new law legalising assisted suicide and euthanasia comes into force in New Zealand. In this episode I discuss what the right thing for a Christian to do would be if someone asked them to accompany them on the journey of euthanasia or assisted suicide.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
11/4/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 36 seconds
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21. Was Data Falsified in the Pfizer Vaccine Trials?

In this episode I discuss a new investigative journalism article that has just been published in the British Medical Journal raising serious questions about the reliability of the Pfizer vaccine trials.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip:  The British Medical Journal article: 
11/2/202142 minutes, 52 seconds
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20. How Unreliable has the Media now Become?

In this episode I discuss the alarming implications of an astounding new article that has just been published by a Radio New Zealand journalist arguing for media censorship of dissenting voices.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
10/28/202158 minutes, 21 seconds
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19. Ten Reasons why Vaccine Passports are Incompatible with Christian Churches

In this episode I offer ten reasons why segregating or excluding people from the worshiping community based on their vaccine status is an unjust act that has no place in the Christian Church.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
10/26/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 54 seconds
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18. Why Desmond Doss is a Timely and Important Model of Conscientious Objection

In this episode I explain why Desmond Doss is an important model of conscientious objection, and offer seven important principles we can learn from him about how to be a moral conscientious objector in a time of great crisis.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
10/21/202142 minutes, 37 seconds
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17. There are Goods Greater than Safety, and Evils Worse than Death

In this episode I share my thoughts about why I think that, if we want to live a truly moral life, we need to cling firmly to the truth that there are goods greater than safety and evils worse than death - and therefore certain lines must never be crossed, no matter the cost of not crossing them.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at:❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
10/19/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 53 seconds
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16. The Media’s Absolutely Disgraceful Vaccine Witch-hunt

In this episode I discuss the media’s disgraceful vaccine witch-hunt that has been targeting New Zealanders with public shaming and bullying. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
10/14/202144 minutes, 59 seconds
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15. Beware the Corrupting Danger of the Ring of Power

In this episode I discuss the important warnings that the Lord of the Rings might have to offer us about forcing teachers to be vaccinated or be sacked from their jobs. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️Our website: ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
10/13/202155 minutes, 28 seconds
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14. Have You Drawn Your Line in the Sand Yet?

In this episode I explain why it is vitally important to draw your moral line in the sand before you find yourself in a time of crisis, and why you need to be clear about why this is the line that you won't cross. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
10/7/202152 minutes, 41 seconds
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13. Why Labour’s Vaccine Passport Announcement has me Worried

In this episode I explain why I am extremely concerned after today’s announcement from the Prime Minister that Labour will be implementing vaccine papers as early as next month. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
10/5/202135 minutes, 52 seconds
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12. A Professor of Theology Discusses Vaccine Mandates

In this episode I share an excellent interview with a Catholic professor of theology who explains his views on the morality of vaccine mandates and vaccine choices. I also respond to some feedback from episode eleven. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
10/1/202153 minutes, 1 second
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11. The Morality and Harms of Forced Vaccinations

In this episode I explain the eight important criteria that I think would need to be met before it would be moral to force people to be vaccinated, and why I think forced Covid-19 vaccines will do serious harm. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/29/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 9 seconds
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10. The State is Not God - Why Religion Should be Classified as an Essential Service

I explain why religion should be classified as an ‘essential service’ by the state, and why this is so vitally important in a time of great crisis like a global pandemic. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/27/202137 minutes, 36 seconds
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9. Will 7000 Kiwis Really Die of Covid-19 Each Year?

In this episode I explain why I am highly skeptical of the claim that there could 7000 Covid-19 deaths a year in NZ and why it was a serious mistake for the Government to make this claim yesterday. I also suggest that there is a REALLY important warning in all of this that has been missed. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/23/202135 minutes, 47 seconds
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8. The 11 Different Types of Media Bias

In this episode I explain the 11 different types of media bias that can shape our perceptions about the issues of the day without us even realising it is happening. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/22/202139 minutes, 58 seconds
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7. Should a Newspaper be Running a Vaccine Campaign?

In this episode I explain why I think that it’s a major conflict of interest for a media outlet to be running its own nationwide vaccination campaign in the middle of a pandemic. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/20/202144 minutes, 28 seconds
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6. What happens if the misinformation is coming from the authorities and the media?

In this episode we explore multiple examples of misinformation that have come from the Prime Minister, Ashley Bloomfield, Siouxsie Wiles and others over the past week - and how to remain close to the truth when such things are happening.  ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/17/202153 minutes, 55 seconds
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5. Why Ignaz Semmelweis is Such an Important Man for Our Times

In this episode we explore the profoundly important contribution to medical science made by Ignaz Semmelweis, and why this makes him an exceedingly important man for the times we currently find ourselves living In. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/14/202120 minutes, 41 seconds
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4. Do we Need to Learn to Live with COVID-19?

In this episode we ask whether we need to learn to live with Covid, and whether the Government has started to lose public confidence after yesterday’s announcement that the lockdown would continue across the entire country for at least another eight days. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/13/202143 minutes, 56 seconds
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3. Why Politicisation, Authoritarianism and Distrust are the Cause of Conspiracy Theories

In this episode we take a deeper look at the issue of misinformation and conspiracy theories, and how, if we are truly serious about addressing them, we need to recognise that politicisation, authoritarianism and distrust are the issues we really need to think more carefully about. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip:   
9/12/202159 minutes, 6 seconds
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2. Why a Citizen-Police State is Worse than a Police State

In this episode we discuss the troubling rise of the citizen-police state, especially in relation to Covid and the policing of mask wearing, and why this isn’t a good thing. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip:   
9/9/202131 minutes, 26 seconds
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1. The Pandemic of False Dichotomies

In this episode we discuss the troubling rise of false dichotomies, and how this is creating a fertile breeding ground for dangerous social divisions during the Covid pandemic. ✅ Support Left Foot Media and receive exclusive episodes of The Dispatches at: ❤️ Check out our website:  ❤️Leave a one-off tip: 
9/7/202118 minutes, 40 seconds