The Bookshelf presents daily serialized half-hour book readings, featuring local and national authors and read by local Spokane voices. The Bookshelf, a celebration of the spoken word, is produced by Spokane Public Radio.
'The Sun Also Rises,' Episode 8
Doug Nadvornick reads Ernest Hemingway's first novel.
15/2/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
'The Sun Also Rises,' Episode 7
Doug Nadvornick reads Ernest Hemingway's first novel.
11/2/2022 • 0 minutos
'The Sun Also Rises,' Episode 6
Doug Nadvornick reads Ernest Hemingway's first novel.
10/2/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
'The Sun Also Rises,' Episode 5
Doug Nadvornick reads Ernest Hemingway's first novel.
9/2/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
"A Key to Treehouse Living," Episode 11
Written by Elliot Reed and read by Trevor Rau
21/1/2022 • 0
"A Key to Treehouse Living," Episode 10
Written by Elliot Reed and read by Trevor Rau
20/1/2022 • 0
The Bookshelf: "A Key to Treehouse Living," Episode 3
Episode 3 of Elliot Reed's novel.
7/1/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Bookshelf: "A Key to Treehouse Living," Episode 2
Episode 2 of Elliot Reed's novel.
6/1/2022 • 0 minutos
The Bookshelf: "A Key to Treehouse Living," Episode 1
"A Key to Treehouse Living" Episode 1
5/1/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Bookshelf: "How the World Got Better" by Greg Flint
What if, right about now, every human soul were to answer
4/1/2022 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Bookshelf: "People and Trees," Part 2
"People and Trees" is produced by Jane Fritz, founder of the Idaho Mythweaver, who has been producing local and national programs on Native issues since the 1980s. This is the first in a series called Voices of the Wild Earth.
28/12/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
The Bookshelf: People and Trees, Part 1
"People and Trees" is produced by Jane Fritz, founder of the Idaho Mythweaver, who has been producing local and national programs on Native issues since the 1980s. This is the first in a series called Voices of the Wild Earth.