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The Archers Podcast Profile

The Archers Podcast

English, Public-Community, 1 season, 156 episodes, 1 day, 10 hours, 13 minutes
Contemporary drama in a rural setting
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Writer: Liz John Director: Julie BeckettDavid Archer …. Timothy Bentinck Jolene Archer…. Buffy Davies Kenton Archer …. Richard Attlee Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Harrison Burns …. James Cartwright Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Vince Casey …. Tony Turner Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy …. Emerald O‘Hanrahan Mia Grundy …. Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin …. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin …. Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin …. Susie Riddell Fallon Rogers…. Joanna Van Kampen Markie …. Greg Hobbs
2/2/202413 minutes, 8 seconds
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Shula and Vince come to visit Kenton at the hospital. Vince tells them that he has spoken to Harrison, and it sounds like the police will be launching an investigation. He talks about the attack and Shula cuts him off, seeing how much it is upsetting Kenton. Jolene offers to get them coffee and Vince follows her. Once they are alone, Kenton opens up to Shula about how he is really feeling. He tells her the reason he was moved to a private room is that he had been shouting in his sleep and is struggling to drown out feelings of terror as he relives the attack. Shula sympathises, telling him it will take time to get over the ordeal. Kenton adds that he will have to undergo more surgery - the wound in his thigh is very deep and the plastic surgeons need to sort it out.Whilst waiting for the queue to go down in the cafeteria, Vince manages to coax Jolene into telling him her suspicions about Kenton’s attackers – she recognised them from years ago and thinks they were the same thugs who started a brawl, using knives and chains, outside one of her gigs near Wolverhampton. She remembers being terrified, locking her band inside the dressing room. She says the venue burned to the ground a week later. She worries what it could mean for The Bull and their safety. Vince suggests he will put out some feelers to see if anyone has heard of this crew, but it will take time because he’ll have to be very careful.
2/1/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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David steps in to help, and the fashion show is thrown into chaos.
1/31/202413 minutes, 3 seconds
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There’s an emergency at the Bull, and Brad puts his foot down.
1/30/202413 minutes, 2 seconds
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The results are in for Kenton, and there’s a new face in Ambridge.
1/29/202413 minutes, 16 seconds
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It’s panic stations for Lilian, and Mia is not impressed.
1/28/202413 minutes, 12 seconds
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WRITER: Caroline Jester DIRECTOR: Kim GreengrassBrian Aldridge… Charles Collingwood Helen Archer … Louiza Patikas Jolene Archer … Buffy Davis Kenton Archer … Richard Attlee Natasha Archer … Mali Harries Tony Archer … David Troughton Lilian Bellamy … Sunny Ormonde Alice Carter … Hollie Chapman Susan Carter … Charlotte Martin Harry Chilcott … Jack Ashton Clarrie Grundy … Heather Bell Ed Grundy … Barry Farrimond Eddie Grundy … Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy … Emerald O‘Hanrahan Brad Horrobin … Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin … Madeleine Leslay Adam Macey … Andrew Wincott Azra Malik … Yasmin Wilde Rebecca Price … Rose Robinson
1/26/202413 minutes, 13 seconds
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Susan and Clarrie read the article in The Borchester Echo promoting the Tearoom and Dairy. Adam turns up to have a refresh of the dairy in preparation for covering when Helen goes on holiday. Susan’s nose is put a bit out of joint and she tells Adam that they’ve held the fort before. Adam explains he’s just going to observe them. When he compliments them on their work, Susan takes the opportunity to put some streamlining ideas his way, much to Clarrie’s irritation. Afterwards Adam suggests going for a drink at The Bull where Burns Night is being celebrated. Susan pushes Clarrie into having a whisky even though she doesn’t want one. Whilst Adam’s at the bar, Susan thinks they might have a bit of fun with Adam while Helen’s away.Ed and Eddie get ready to herd the Texels to the cricket ground. Ed wonders if it’s such a good idea after all – they haven’t got permission for the sheep to be there. Brad arrives to help Eddie and Ed, while Emma and Mia are waiting in position further on. Things get tricky at St Stephen’s church when a ewe and her twins head for the church porch whilst there’s a funeral on. But they manage to move them on and successfully reach the cricket ground. The experience has made Ed make up his mind about the tree surgery business. He just needs to get some money for the equipment by selling the new rams in August. Ed feels luck might be coming his way.
1/25/202413 minutes, 16 seconds
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Alice drops in on Brian who hasn’t got dressed and is watching TV. They discuss the news and then Alice asks Brian if he’s ok. Brian reluctantly explains that he’s had a tightening in his chest since the weekend. Alice postpones her hack with Harry to sit with Brian, who guesses Alice has something else on her mind. Alice admits she’s wondering whether it’s too soon to introduce Harry to Martha. Brian tells her to stop over-thinking it and just ask Harry if he feels ready for it. Alice agrees to do that, but only if Brian makes an appointment with his GP.Brad’s still stressed about working out who’s the Longest Drinker for The Bull’s competition. Added to that Mia’s asked him to find a model for the ReNew Fashion Show. Chelsea says Brad just needs to learn to say 'no' and reckons that Mia will think Brad’s really assertive if he gets Eddie Grundy on the catwalk.Ed thinks Adam’s suggestion of the cricket field might work, although he couldn’t get hold of Grey Gables to ask if it would be alright. Brad appears and tries to convince Eddie to be a model at The ReNew Fashion Show. Eddie refuses until Chelsea arrives demanding that Eddie gets changed ready for a catwalk practice. Eddie gets into role and is convinced to put on a pair of heels, until Brad and Chelsea start laughing, and he realises he’s been had. Ed appears and asks for Brad’s help tomorrow. Brad reluctantly agrees and Chelsea wonders what’s happened to Brad being more assertive.
1/24/202413 minutes, 1 second
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There’s surprising news for Harry, and Chelsea turns detective.
1/23/202412 minutes, 55 seconds
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Clarrie worries to Susan about Ed’s sheep as despairing Ed’s now starting to think there’s no point in pursuing the tree surgery idea. Adam mentions that his family’s holding a cake baking contest to mark the anniversary of Jennifer’s death. When Susan and Clarrie ask for some advice about Ed’s sheep, Adam suggests sticking them on the outfield of the cricket pitch. Later Susan tells Clarrie that Emma likes the sound of the cricket pitch and is going to talk to Ed. Clarrie and Susan aren’t impressed when Helen explains her plan for cheese Easter eggs. When Helen then lets them know about her forthcoming holiday to Paris with Henry and Jack, Susan and Clarrie don’t fancy the idea of managing the dairy in her absence. However later Helen explains that she’s asked Adam to step in. Out of earshot, Clarrie and Susan aren’t keen on having Adam on board either.Brian, Alice and Adam compare their Victoria sponges which Lilian’s judging. Lilian mentions Harry and Alice wishes everyone would stop going on about him. Lilian thinks Jennifer would’ve approved of the cake competition as a way of bringing the family together. Though Jennifer would’ve been surprised at seeing Brian baking a cake! Lilian declares Brian the winner and disqualifies Adam; she saw him buying a cake from the Tearoom earlier. Later, Alice insists on keeping Brian company and asks him what he thinks about Harry. Brian tells her to trust her feelings and is emotional when he mentions that Jennifer would just want Alice to be happy. He tells her to go and live her life.
1/22/202413 minutes, 7 seconds
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Natasha apologises to Helen about the Grange Farm land misunderstanding, realising how insensitive she must’ve sounded. Helen tells her not to worry, although she’s finding it hard to move forward from Rob. Natasha’s surprised that Clarrie asked Helen to approach Miles about using the auctioned land for Ed’s sheep. The Echo photographer arrives and Natasha checks whether it’s ok for him to take photos in the Farm Shop as well as the Tearoom. Helen says that’s ok as long as she isn’t in shot. Echo journalist Rebecca appears to interview Natasha, who reminds her that the feature is to celebrate the Tearoom, not to scrutinise it. Rebecca agrees to promote all the right things, including Helen’s dairy window and cheese. When Rebecca asks if she can refer to Helen by name in her feature, Helen doesn’t mind at all. Later when Natasha mentions she was surprised Helen was alright about having her name in print, Helen says she surprised herself, but it felt like the right thing to do. Helen’s spent so many years looking over her shoulder, but now she feels liberated.The Longest Drinker competition at The Bull is taking its toll on Jolene and Kenton who’re witnessing Neville and Bert’s competitive sides over the title. They’re always there, at opposite ends of the bar glaring at each other. Kenton and Jolene try to find a system to decide who’s the longest drinker but can’t agree, until Jolene comes up with the idea of asking Brad to do the calculations.
1/21/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Writer: Naylah Ahmed Director: Pip SwallowBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Helen Archer …. Louiza Patikas Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Clarrie Grundy …. Heather Bell Ed Grundy …. Barry Farrimond Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy…. Emerald O‘Hanrahan Mia Grundy …. Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin …. Taylor Uttley Joy Horville …. Jackie Lye Alistair Lloyd ….. Michael Lumsden Azra Malik …. Yasmin Wilde Rebecca Price…. Rose Robinson Fallon Rogers …. Joanna Van Kampen Adil Shah …. Ronny Jhutti Lynda Snell …. Carole Boyd
1/19/202412 minutes, 58 seconds
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Brian arrives at Susan’s with Hilda in tow and tries to convince her that one of her ‘six things at sixty’ might be to have a pet. But Hilda runs off when she’s let out of her basket. Susan says she’ll help to find her but makes it clear to Brian that Hilda is his cat now and she doesn’t want her. Later Brian finds Hilda outside The Lodge and resigns himself to being her keeper.Fallon apologises to Natasha about what happened with Echo journalist Rebecca the other day and thanks Natasha for having their backs. Natasha admits that she and Tom can be like two bulls in a China shop. It’s because they’re so enthusiastic now that the Tearoom’s under the Bridge Farm brand. Fallon’s relieved when Natasha explains she’s paid back everything that she and Tom owe for coffees and cakes in the Tearoom. Talk turns to children and Fallon says she doesn’t want any; she’s happy enough looking after Harrison’s nieces. Natasha asks Fallon’s advice about the Tearoom music and agrees to revert back to the old music; all she wants is what’s best for business.Clarrie and Eddie check Grange Farm land to see if it’s dry enough for the sheep, but it’s completely waterlogged. They move to the auctioned land which is dryer and Eddie suggests asking Helen to contact Miles to ask if Ed’s sheep could temporarily graze there, as Miles’s solicitors have refused. Clarrie’s really not keen on the idea, but she agrees to do it, for Ed’s sake.
1/18/202413 minutes, 10 seconds
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Clarrie, Eddie and Emma are all worried about Ed, particularly when the grazing fields are still water-logged. There won’t be anywhere for the ewes and lambs to go. Emma explains that she’s asked Oliver for details of Miles’s solicitor to ask if they can temporarily use the land for grazing. Eddie says they should use it anyway, but Clarrie advises waiting to hear what the solicitor says. Emma discusses the Tearoom mentioning that Rebecca from The Echo will be coming back next week with her photographer to do a write up on the Tearoom. Emma feels bad about how critical she and Fallon were about the music.Adil greets Lynda in Grey Gables’ new foyer while Robert drops off their bags in the room. Adil thinks there’s no-one better to test Grey Gable’s first day than the Snells, whose stay is on the house. Lynda admires the new-look Grey Gables and Adil confirms that he’s leaving today. Lynda bumps into Azra in the Spa Rooms remarking how spacious and comfortable their room is. They chat about Adil and Azra mentions that she’s taking over Adil’s allotment while he’s away. Lynda offers to help there with Robert. Later Azra catches Adil as he’s packing his car. He tells her he’s going to his grandfather’s farm in Rawalpindi and he’ll stay with Azra’s husband Akram. When Azra points out that’s news to her, Adil explains he’s going to surprise Akram too. Azra and Adil say they love each other, and Adil shares he’ll be back when his next project comes in.
1/17/202413 minutes, 10 seconds
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Adil tells Azra that he’s making sure Grey Gables is all tip top before he leaves. When Azra asks where he’s going, Adil says he’ll explain tonight when they meet for dinner. Adil bumps into uniformed Brad and tells him that he thinks tomorrow’s soft opening will go well. Brad becomes uncomfortable when Adil assigns him to host Lily’s work experience visit at Grey Gables. Brad eventually admits that he thinks Lily fancies him; it’s no coincidence that she’s doing work experience there. Brad’s worried that Lily might try something, and Mia might find out. Adil advises Brad to be open and explain the situation to Mia.Emma and Fallon are being driven mad by the trial Tearoom music. Rebecca from the Borchester Echo arrives unannounced and asks what it’s like working there under the new people. Fallon and Emma are discreet, but Rebecca overhears them discussing how much they dislike the new music. Rebecca comments that it looks like mutiny at the all-new Tearoom and then reveals who she works for. Emma remembers how Rebecca twisted her parents words when she interviewed them about Philip Moss. Natasha overhears the conversation and takes Rebecca to one side. All Natasha cares about is that Rebecca does the job she’s being paid for – sponsored content on Natasha’s new look café. She suggests that Rebecca concentrates on writing the article she’s been commissioned for. Later when Fallon and Emma start to apologise, Natasha interrupts them saying it’s fine if they don’t like the music, they can trial some other choices.
1/16/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lilian turns up at Blossom Hill Cottage to see Brian with Hilda the cat in tow. Lilian can’t keep her – she’s been driving all of them up the wall, including Justin and Ruby. Brian tries to get out of having her, but Lilian’s determined to off-load Hilda. The only problem is the latch wasn’t properly closed on Hilda’s basket and she’s now run off. They look everywhere for her and eventually find her pining for Peggy at The Lodge’s back door. Brian’s forced to take her in but stresses that Hilda had better not get too comfortable, as she won’t be there for long!Clarrie’s helping Ed with lambing at Grange Farm, but Ed despairs when a ram lamb doesn’t survive. Alistair turns up to see how they’re getting on and ends up helping with a ewe’s problematic twin birth. Unfortunately one of the rams doesn’t make it which adds to Ed’s despondency. Alistair’s understanding when Ed’s upset about how badly it’s all going when he’s been doing everything right. Later Ed’s snappy with Clarrie and then explains his worries that the fields won’t be dry in time for when the ewes and lambs need to be out. He’s sick of living on a wing and a prayer and wonders whether he made a mistake taking on the Texels in the first place. Ed doesn’t know how he’ll be able to afford getting the tree surgery business off the ground. Clarrie puts it all down to the winter blues – once spring comes, Ed will be back on his feet.
1/15/202412 minutes, 57 seconds
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At the Tearoom Fallon and Emma dread their catch-up meeting with Natasha. Her music choices have been driving them mad! They draw up a list of talking points. Chat turns to Ed’s lambing and Emma mentions that he’s worried about all of the rain. It means the Grange Farm fields are too wet for grazing. Unfortunately the higher dry ground is the land that Oliver’s just sold. Later Emma and Fallon broach a few suggestions to Natasha on how to improve things at the Tearoom, but she brushes them aside. Fallon and Emma think the vintage music that’s always been played worked really well but Natasha wants to try out a few more types of music. They can survey the customers to see what they think.Lilian and Tony are at The Dower House sorting through boxes of Peggy things that won’t fit at The Laurels, including Peggy’s cottage teapot, which Lilian lays claim to. They’re interrupted by a phone call from Brian who has something else that won’t fit in there – Hilda the cat. There’s been some complaints at The Laurels including from the woman next door to Peggy who says Hilda sits in her doorway staring at her. When Brian asks where he should unload Hilda’s things, shocked Lilian clearly states that she won’t be looking after her. Especially after Hilda knocks over and breaks the prized cottage teapot. Lilian suggests Tony, but he’s equally forceful in his refusal to take Hilda on. Brian puts his foot down, refusing to leave until either Tony or Lilian agree to take her.
1/14/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Writer, Tim Stimpson Director, Rosemary Watts Editor, Jeremy HoweHelen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer ….. Blayke Darby Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin ….. Madeleine Leslay Alistair Lloyd ….. Michael Lumsden Paul Mack ….. Joshua Riley Denise Metcalfe ….. Clare Perkins Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling Lily Pargetter ….. Katie Redford Mr Reed ….. Dan Hagley Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane
1/12/202413 minutes, 7 seconds
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Momentum gathers for Tom, and there’s an awkward encounter for Alistair.
1/11/202413 minutes, 16 seconds
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Henry takes a big step, and Lily makes a deal with the enemy.
1/10/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Whilst dropping in at Lower Loxley, Lily learns from Elizabeth that another valued member of staff has handed in their notice to go to Grey Gables. Elizabeth is concerned but Lily reassures her that things will be OK. Later while getting her hair done, Lily probes Chelsea on whether she knows if anyone else is thinking of leaving. Lily flatters her by saying she seems to talk to everybody. Chelsea covers, saying she doesn’t know of anyone thinking of leaving. She adds that if there are any opportunities for better-pad work she would be interested as she loves working at Lower Loxley and asks if Lily could put in a word with Elizabeth. Lily counters she doesn’t get involved in business decisions. Before Chelsea leaves she reiterates she will let Lily know if anyone is unhappy. Lillian has brought Ruby to the vets with a sore leg. During the examination Denise comes in and things are obviously frosty between her and Alastair. Later when Lillian goes to pay, Alastair asks Denise to upsell some dog food. She flatly refuses so he reluctantly does it himself. As a result he makes a mess, with dog food packages falling all over the floor, and Lillian discovers the reason for the tension between them both. She suggests that they could combine Denise’s passion for caring for the animals with Alastair’s objective of selling owners more products by holding puppy parties, reasoning that pet owners would be far more likely to buy from people they trust.
1/9/202413 minutes, 10 seconds
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Tom’s working outside in the cold and Natasha brings a warming flask of soup. Tom says had he known the Titcheners were bidding for the ten acres, he wouldn’t have pulled out of the auction no matter the cost. Later, Helen asks Henry about his day. He sarcastically tells her it ‘was splendid mother’. When she tries to probe further he tells her he doesn’t care about the inheritance as Rob wasn’t his dad and storms off. She catches up with him in Tony’s workshop and suggests there’s help if he wants to talk. He becomes angry and reiterates he is fine and doesn’t need any help. Natasha and Helen catch up over a coffee. Helen says she is starting therapy and isn’t sure how she feels about it, which seems silly considering she’s had therapy in the past. Natasha then confides that she had therapy for six years after growing up with a bipolar father. Helen replies that after Rob’s death she finally feels that she can start to lay things to rest. During a staff meeting Alastair reveals to Paul and Denise that Lovell James wants its veterinary nurses to start upselling impulse purchases. Paul is enthusiastic. Denise, however, is angry and says if she had known this was what she was coming back to she might not have returned. Later, things are frosty between them, with Alastair revealing he is not happy with the situation either but feels they have no choice. Denise says, regardless of Alastair’s orders, she is not doing it – and he can’t make her.
1/8/202413 minutes, 7 seconds
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Tony is talking to Helen about the 10-acre land sale. She worries that Miles Titchener and his father plan to build a house close to her, Jack and Henry. When Tony reveals that Miles has bought the land at Rob’s request as part of Jack’s inheritance. Helen is shocked, wondering out loud why she hasn’t heard anything and what it means for Henry. She immediately calls Miles to clarify. Once the phone call is over she tells Tony that there is not a penny for Henry – Jack is the sole beneficiary with Miles as executor. She says bitterly that Rob is determined to drive a wedge between her two sons, despite his insistence that they were a family- even wanting to adopt Henry. Helen is adamant that there have been enough secrets and decides she will tell Henry that night. Brad is helping Chelsea with a tricky customer’s bill when they start talking about the fashion show. Chelsea is worried that it might be boring, as Mia can be quite worthy. Brad is offended and they start bickering. Chelsea tells him that she wants to make a good impression as she needs this job and even hopes to be promoted. She persuades him to work extra hours. Later when Brad visits Mia at Grange Farm, he complains to Oliver about having to work late. Oliver tells him how they are still looking for casual staff for the hotel and that he would be welcome to apply if he so wished.
1/7/202413 minutes, 15 seconds
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Writer: Sarah Hehir Director: Dave PayneBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Helen Archer …. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer …. Blayke Darby Jolene Archer …. Buffy Davis Kenton Archer …. Richard Attlee Tony Archer …. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Chris Carter …. Wilf Scolding Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison Jakob Hakansson …. Paul Venables Brad Horrobin …. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin …. Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin …. Susie Riddell Joy Horville …. Jackie Lye Kate Madikane …. Perdita Avery Oliver Sterling …. Michael Cochrane
1/5/202413 minutes, 15 seconds
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Chris and Alice are going to pick up Martha who is having a tantrum and asking for her mum. Chris tells her he wouldn’t normally give in but as they were going to be seeing her later it is OK. Alice reassures him, confessing she has been known to give Martha chocolate at 3am. Later at the stables they discuss how Martha is suddenly terrified of Champion, screaming ‘No horsey!’ Both Chris and Alice are confused as, the week before, she was hugging the pony and blowing him kisses. At lunch later, Emma tells them that Martha saw the actors getting into their panto horse costume which explained why she was so scared. They agree that if they saw a horse minus its head, with two men inside its skin, they would be frightened too.Whilst checking stock at The Bull, Emma and Tracy reminisce about time they spent in stock cupboards at school. Tracy tells Emma she used to hide in the art store and smoke, until she got caught by a teacher. They go on to talk about Mia taking part in organising the fashion show and Emma congratulates Tracy on what a good idea it is. Later, however, when they ask Kenton about it he flies off the handle, telling them Mia is a liability and a trouble maker. Tracy and Emma fight her corner but Kenton doesn’t back down. Tracy is unfazed and later goes to talk to Jolene. However, Kenton overhears and is still adamant that he wants Mia nowhere near the fashion show. Jolene tells them she’ll sleep on it and let them know.
1/4/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Whilst waiting for Lilian at the Bull, Alice bumps into Chris and they talk about Susan taking Martha to see Jack and Beanstalk in a princess costume she bought her. They discuss how she is looking forward to it, as there will be a celebrity in the show. Chris says there will also be a pantomime horse and Alice agrees Martha will love it. They arrange for Chris to drop Martha’s riding gear at the stables later on in time for her first lesson the next day. Later, while Alice is grooming Champion, Lilian notices the pony is overweight. This is confirmed by Jakob who has dropped in at the stables. Alice suggests she will take the pony hacking with her on a lead rope. Jakob will return and check on him again in a couple of weeks’ time. Lillian jokes about it being pony boot camp. Chris off Martha’s riding gear and Alice suggests it would be nice for him to be there when their daughter gets into the saddle for the first time. Later, Lillian drops in at the vets to thank Jakob for his advice about Champion. Whilst there she invites him and Kate for dinner on Friday. She thinks Kate could do with a pick-me-up. Jakob is unsure and says he’ll let her know. Brad, Tracy and Chelsea discuss Mia’s 18th birthday plans. Brad is excited about his ideal present but knows the Grundys are struggling for ideas. He thinks Mia would like to get involved in some type of project. Tracy suggests maybe the Renew Fashion Show would be a perfect fit.
1/3/202413 minutes, 8 seconds
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Having tried to get her things back from the tip a disconsolate Kate tries to persuade Jakob to console her with lunch. When he tells her he has a client to visit Kate tells him she knows she sounds spoilt but her lost Glastonbury wristband represented a memento of such an extraordinary birth and she just wanted him to see it. Later Jakob goes to visit Kate at Spiritual Home, telling her he had met up with Lillian to try and find her wristband at The Rookery. They weren’t successful but Kate is touched. When he produces a card from Tony, Lillian and Brian with vouchers, Kate is overwhelmed and says she knows she doesn’t have the wristband any more but she still has the memories of walking away from that field with a new-born baby in her arms Later whilst preparing Henry’s birthday cake, Helen and Tony discuss the presents Henry received and how he has been a bit quiet and complaining of a stomach ache. Helen doesn’t know what’s going on but whatever it is, he doesn’t want to tell her about it. Tony offers to take Henry for a walk later to see if he can work out what’s going on. Later, Henry tells Tony that he’s just feeling a bit nervous and Tony reassures him that if he needs anything Henry can message him and he’ll be there. As they leave for Henry’s birthday treat, they confide to each other that they are feeling nervous and agree that it is because they have spent so long looking over their shoulders. Helen tells Henry they need to get used to grabbing life with both hands.
1/2/202413 minutes, 14 seconds
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Brian is buying essentials at the shop when Tony arrives in a panic. He’s realised he has thrown away three bin bags full of Kate’s belongings at the tip. Brian tells him not to worry as Kate sporadically dumps her worldly possessions and starts again. Tony, however, isn’t sure and says he’ll come and apologise in person later on. Later, Kate is ranting to Brian about her missing clothes. He consoles her by saying she hasn’t lost everything and it was an accident… Tony thought he was being helpful.Joy arrives at Blossom Hill with bags of Rochelle’s clothes to replace what Kate has lost. They discuss being mothers, and Kate tells her how she gave birth at Glastonbury, and that’s when she realises her festival wristband was in one of the bags that has gone to the tip.Tony and Henry are talking about his birthday plans, and he says going for a pizza is nice but it’s a bit embarrassing having your mum with you in the restaurant. Tony offers to have a word with Helen, but Henry doesn’t want her to feel bad. Later, Helen tells Tony the birthday treat she’s planned for Henry is far more exciting than pizza at a restaurant, and she has organised for one of Henry’s friend’s older sister to supervise. Whilst playing a computer game with Henry, Helen tells him about his actual birthday plans and how he’ll be going on a tree-high adventure in the dark followed by hot dogs and hot chocolate at the café camp fire.
1/1/202413 minutes, 6 seconds
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Resolutions are made at The Bull, and Lilian has a favour to ask.
12/31/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Writer: Katie Hims Director: Dave PayneBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Jolene Archer …. Buffy Davis Kenton Archer …. Richard Attlee Ruth Archer …. Felicity Finch Lilian Bellamy ….Sunny Ormonde Alice Carter…. Hollie Chapman Chris Carter …. Wilf Scolding Harry Chilcott … Jack Ashton Justin Elliot …. Simon Williams Ed Grundy …. Barry Farrimond Emma Grundy…. Emerald O‘Hanrahan Jakob Hakansson …. Paul Venables Tracy Horrobin …. Susie Ridell Alistair Lloyd …. Michael Lumsden Paul Mack …. Joshua Riley Kate Madikane …. Perdita Avery Jazzer McCreary …. Ryan Kelly Denise Metcalfe …. Clare Perkins Lily Pargetter …. Katie Redford
12/29/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Emma joins Ed in cutting up the tree that fell on her car. They’d love it if she could work alongside him and make the tree surgery a real family business, but extra costs involved would make it an even riskier enterprise. However, Ed reckons they should look into taking out a business loan because he’s got a good feeling about this.At The Bull Brian tells Justin how pleasant his Christmas was, despite it being the first without Jennifer. By way of contrast Justin’s Christmas was horrendous. He’s tried everything he can to win Lilian back, but nothing is working. Justin confesses that Lilian is the love of his life. Tracy chips in that Justin needs to tell Lilian that, not Brian. He should open his heart and tell her how he feels. Up at the bar Lilian suggests having a fashion show to pull in the punters. And when Tracy mentions two men arguing over who’s been drinking in The Bull for longer Lilian suggests a competition to see which customer has been drinking there the longest of all. When Tracy tells Lilian that Justin said she was the love of his life, she finally goes to talk to him. Justin confesses he lied about having a good Christmas – it was miserable. He’s at his wit’s end, trying to think of ways to win Lilian back. She asks Justin to promise he’ll never betray her again. They both declare that the other one is the love of their life, before they kiss, back together at last.
12/28/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Alice finds herself on the spot, and Kate has reservations.
12/27/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Disaster strikes at Little Grange, and Tracy hatches a plan.
12/26/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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There’s a Christmas crisis at the vets, and it’s all systems go for Lily.
12/25/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Alistair has some news to impart, and Jazzer offers Christmas cheer.
12/24/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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WRITER: Nick Warburton DIRECTOR: Kim GreengrassDavid Archer…. Timothy Bentinck Jill Archer …. Patricia Greene Pip Archer …. Daisy Badger Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Chris Carter …. Wilf Scolding Susan Carter …. Charlotte Martin Harry Chilcott …. Jack Ashton Alan Franks …. John Telfer Usha Franks …. Souad Faress Emma Grundy…. Emerald O’Hanrahan George Grundy …. Angus Stobie Jakob Hakansson …. Paul Venables Freddie Pargetter …. Toby Laurence Stella Pryor…. Lucy Speed Lynda Snell MBE …. Carole Boyd Syksey …. Jasper Carrott
12/22/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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There’s a full house waiting in St Stephen's for The Gagricultural Show to begin, but Alan’s feeling anxious after Monday’s terrible run-through. Jakob has a last-minute crisis of confidence too, before Usha convinces him he’s the right man for the job. Jakob’s awkward delivery as compere actually works in his favour, and the audience are soon laughing. Meanwhile, outside, Pip and Sykesy compare how nervous they are. Sykesy’s heard about cake-gate between Jill and Stella, while Pip hopes it won’t ruin Christmas. Back inside, Jakob is going down a storm, as are the acts, including Lynda and Brookfield. Sykesy’s routine goes so well it almost feels like he could be a professional comic. When Jakob tries taking him off after three minutes Sykesy whips the crowd up to demand more. Stella and Pip are mightily relieved that their act is over, before Pip suggests spending Christmas together, on their own. However, Stella’s fully committed to Christmas at Brookfield. As they walk home Pip and Stella reflect on how good Sykesy was and how everyone at Brookfield tiptoes around Jill for fear of offending her. Stella is unrepentant about saying Jill’s cake was dry and that modern farming techniques are an improvement on the old ones. She’s not going to kowtow to Jill at all costs and doesn’t think Pip should either.Finally, Alan and Usha congratulate Jakob on the success of the show. He and Sykesy were a revelation and Usha feels positive the tide has turned. People will definitely start coming back to church now.
12/21/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Susan offers some encouragement, and Jill’s hackles are raised.
12/20/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Life gets awkward for Alice, and George makes the most of a situation.
12/19/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Alan faces a last-minute hitch, and Emma finds herself in a precarious position.
12/18/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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David tries out several unfunny jokes on Pip and Stella for The Gagricultural Show. Their unenthusiastic response leads David to suggest reviving Brookfield’s Sound of Music Eurovision entry instead. But with Josh potentially unavailable, David and Pip think Stella would be a great addition to the team. Stella isn’t keen but is soon persuaded, if they have a full dress rehearsal in church. They will need Jakob to change his mind about not rehearsing the show at all, though. There’s an embarrassing dad moment as the thought of Stella in lederhosen prompts David into some ill-advised remarks about her legs, before Stella outlines her demands: they go on first and have an endless supply of triple chocolate cookies in her dressing room! Whilst sorting Martha’s Christmas presents into different piles at Ambridge View, Alice broaches the subject of Harry with Chris. Chris covers that he’s fine about it and Alice is grateful he’s taken it so well. Later, Chris talks to Susan about making sure Martha’s presents are well hidden, so she doesn’t find them before Christmas Day. Chris and Emma did once, only for Neil and Susan to swap their presents out for other ones because they knew what they’d done. Susan then susses something isn’t quite right between Chris and Alice, before Chris confesses his true feelings about her seeing someone else. It’s been a shock and it hurts. Susan is sympathetic, but advises Chris not to dwell on it. He has to get on with his own life, his and Martha’s.
12/17/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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WRITER: Sarah McDonald Hughes DIRECTOR: Jeremy HoweBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Ben Archer…. Ben Norris David Archer…. Timothy Bentinck Pip Archer…. Daisy Badger Tony Archer …. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Leonard Berry …. Paul Copley Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Harry Chilcott …. Jack Ashton Ian Craig …. Stephen Kennedy Justin Elliott …. Simon Williams Jakob Hakansson…. Paul Venables Joy Horville …. Jackie Lye Paul Mack …. Joshua Riley Adam Macy …. Andrew Wincott Freddie Pargetter …. Toby Laurence Lily Pargetter …. Katie Redford Stella Pryor …. Lucy Speed Lynda Snell …. Carole Boyd
12/15/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ian and Adam are at Xander’s Nativity play, when Ian notices some people staring at them. Ian thinks it’s because they are the only same-sex couple in the room and goes to confront them. When Ian returns, he tells Adam that a group of people recognised him from his pizza van. Once the performance has finished, Adam and Ian talk about how proud they are of Xander, and marvel at his singing voice. Lynda catches Jakob at the Vets to ask him about his rehearsal schedule as director. When Jakob tells her there won’t be one and that he’ll let people get on with it themselves, Lynda is horrified. She waits for him all afternoon and collars him once his last client has left. Lynda tries to get Jakob to reconsider his plans, but he waves her concerns away. Justin tries to win back Lilian’s affection with presents and a dinner at a fancy restaurant, but she tells him this isn’t something he can fix with money. She goes on to say that he hurt her, and she needs him to accept that he’s caused real damage. Lilian accepts that she made a mistake by not being straight with Shula, but never in a million years did she think it would be Justin who would expose her. Lilian tells him if the situation was reversed she would not have sabotaged him like that. Lilian’s going to spend Christmas away with Leonie and James. Lilian needs some space to decide whether there is a future for her and Justin.
12/14/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Whilst shopping at Deck The Hall Stella notices her Dad’s watch has stopped working. Leonard offers to try and fix it for her. Later Leonard presents her with the watch newly fixed and polished. They go on to discuss Christmas Day at Brookfield. Leonard warns Stella about being on David’s team for Charades and how he takes it all very seriously. Leonard then tells her he’s been put in charge of cheese and worries about what he should buy. Stella suggests going to the Farm Shop, after all, buying from the family would probably be the best idea. Lily tells Freddie about her plans for a chilled-out Christmas with friends and he’s devastated, telling her that spending Christmas with just his mum will be sad. Whilst at the Vets getting Ena’s claws clipped, Joy and Paul discuss their Christmas plans. Joy assumes he’ll be spending it with his parents and goes on to tell him about the Christmas she’ll be having on her own, with a free-range chicken for dinner. Paul feels sorry for Joy and after work, dashes to the shop to invite her over for Christmas dinner. Later, Paul sheepishly admits to Lily that he invited both his parents and Joy for Christmas dinner. Lily is annoyed, but also admits that she has invited Freddie and Elizabeth as well. Lily goes on to tell him that Elizabeth is making her polenta-parsnips. Paul tells her that his dad is also making honey-roasted parsnips, he’ll be bringing his air-fryer and everything. Lily laughs telling him “you can never have too many parsnips, can you?"
12/13/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Paul’s surprise of a visit to a Rage Room for Lily’s birthday doesn’t quite hit the mark but she gets into it once Paul tells her they’re going for cocktails later. Whilst having cocktails the subject of Freddie and the discrepancy in what they’ll both inherit comes up, and Paul asks Lily if she’s angry. Lily explains to Paul that she could go around being angry all the time, but it wouldn’t get her anywhere. Paul’s understanding, but thinks Lily has every right to be mad. Later, whilst at the bar, Paul apologises for bringing up the subject of her inheritance, but Lily tells him its fine. In fact, it’s the best birthday she’s had. They both acknowledge that celebrations can be intense when families are involved. They go on to discuss Christmas and how nice it would be to have a low-key Christmas with just friends. Neither of them is sure if their families would agree but think it might be okay if they saw them on Boxing Day.Pip is interrupted when asking Stella a question by Ben, who is in a panic about taking Bess to the Vets as he’s been called to a meeting with his tutor. Stella offers to take Bess. Later on Ben thanks Stella and they talk about how lovely it is having a dog. Once Stella and Pip are alone, Stella reminds Pip that she had a question for her earlier. After some panicked babbling Pip finally asks Stella to have Christmas dinner with the family. Stella tells her that she would like that very much.
12/12/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Alice and Ian are talking about the joys of having children, and how Xander has landed himself the part of a disorganised Angel in the Christmas show. Ian hopes the teachers don’t think it’s based on him and Adam. Ian tells Alice that he’s decided to stay on at Grey Gables until they find a replacement for him. He then asks Alice about Harry, and she tells him it’s going well but to keep it to himself as Chris doesn’t know yet. Later Ian and Adam are talking about Xander, and how Adam wishes Jennifer could be there to see him. Adam tells Ian at bedtime that Xander mentioned all the Mummies and Daddies were coming but he didn’t have a Mummy, only two Daddies. Ian worries about being the only same-sex couple at school and always having to come out. Adam tries to reassure him and tells him that they don’t have to always come out. Xander just needs to know that his Dads love him and each other.Tony and Lilian chat about Justin and Tony reveals he thought Justin was smarmy rather than charming; Justin’s only well behaved when he wants something. Tony never understood what Lilian saw in him. Alice and Lilian are catching up in The Bull when conversation turns to Harry. Alice says that she wanted to tell Chris, but when it came down to it she just couldn’t. She realises she should tell Harry about her alcoholism, as she’d prefer to know if it will scare him off sooner rather than later.
12/11/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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Brian and Justin are playing golf before lunch. Brian tells Justin how he is no good at weekends and how Jennifer would have been busy preparing for Christmas by now. Brian talks about missing Jenifer and how horrified she'd be knowing he hadn't put the decorations up yet. Later Justin tells Brian how he's come to the realisation that Lilian is the most important person in his life, and he might've lost her over his inability to apologise. Alice and Pip are talking while making Christmas wreaths. Alice asks Pip about Stella, and Pip tells her it’s going well and might even be getting serious. Alice then tells her about Harry and that nobody knows yet, but she is worried because if it gets serious she will have to tell Chris. Pip tells her to do it soon, as she made a mess of it with Toby. Alice receives a message from Harry asking if he should book tickets for the Country Park Illuminations. Pip encourages her to say yes, telling her that they took Rosie last week and it was brilliant.Lynda and Lilian have a heart to heart and Lilian tells her she always goes for the wrong man; she should've gone for someone like Robert; Lynda tells her she would find a man like that boring. She goes on to say that she likes her romance with a side order of stability and comfort, whereas Lilian prefers hers with surprises and thrills. Lilian gets upset and tells Lynda that she doesn’t know how they’ll come back from this.
12/10/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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WRITER: Keri Davies DIRECTOR: Pip SwallowBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Natasha Archer …. Mali Harries Tom Archer …. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Justin Elliott …. Simon Williams Clarrie Grundy …. Heather Bell Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy …. Emerald O’Hanrahan Will Grundy …. Philip Molloy Jakob Hakansson…. Paul Venables Kate Madikane …. Perdita Avery Oliver Sterling …. Michael Cochrane Graham …. Malcolm McKee
12/8/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Tony and Tom discuss how to cover Bridge Farm work without Johnny. They agree to ask George to cover Johnny’s work. Tony asks whether Tom and Natasha bidding for the Grange Farm land is a good idea, as they are both looking exhausted and barely able to cover the work they already have. Tony also mentions that he is going to help Peggy with an Estate Agent who is coming to value The Lodge, musing that he was hoping that his children would have got the benefits of that. Later Tom confides to Tony that he’s worried about the idea of building a house on the land but doesn’t know how to tell Natasha. Tony suggests just being honest. Later Natasha and Tom agree that now isn’t the right time for the land project.Clarrie and Eddie clear out the old barn. Clarrie finds her old pram and becomes emotional telling Eddie all of her memories are at Grange Farm. She wonders what they’ll do when Oliver eventually sells. Eddie tells her about the Almshouses he’s been researching and asks her to keep an open mind until she has read more. Later after reading the information Clarrie and Eddie feel much more hopeful about the future and Clarrie congratulates Eddie on finding something official rather than one of his half-baked schemes. Later on they both wonder who will buy the land and hope its Brian who at least is a farmer and with whom they already have a good relationship.
12/7/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Kate chats to Jakob about Peggy’s wish to live at The Laurels. She thinks that if The Lodge could be made more accessible, and they re-employed Emma as a cleaner, it would mean Peggy could stay there. When Jakob suggests that Peggy may want to be cared for by professionals, Kate thinks Peggy would regret moving to The Laurels. Later when Jakob questions Kate’s response to Peggy’s move, Kate explains that she’s not worried about where she’ll live - but since her mum Jennifer died, Peggy has become even more important to her. Jakob tells her Peggy’s happiness is paramount and that Kate needs to let go. Lilian explains to Justin that she thinks they shouldn’t buy the Grange Farm land at all. She says he had put the points so well and she is capable of weighing up all options. Justin is happy and tells her he can’t wait for Christmas and to relax. Later on Justin arrives home to see that Lilian has packed his bags. Lilian is angry that Justin told Shula about her plans for the stables. Justin feels he was only having a conversation with a business associate. Lilian counters, that business associate is now thinking about pulling out of the arrangement. She tells Justin she feels betrayed and tells him to leave. When Justin reminds her that he owns the Dower House, Lilian refuses to leave. Justin says that he will voluntarily absent himself for a short while and will come back when Lilian is ready to apologise.
12/6/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lilian faces the music, and Eddie waves the white flag.
12/5/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Justin goes too far, and Clarrie reaches the end of her tether.
12/4/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Kate is on a mission, and debate rages at Bridge Farm.
12/3/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Oliver and Ian turn up on the back lawn of Grey Gables at six-thirty as requested, still none the wiser. Following the sound of music, Oliver tells Ian they’re installing La Femme du Monde’s kitchen by the end of the month, but they’re still paying the catering staff in the meantime. To their amazement they see a lit-up polytunnel ahead, with guests milling about, before Adil welcomes them. They admit they like his surprise. Everyone else – business partners, staff, suppliers - looks happy too. Adil calls it a showcase of what Grey Gables is about: Local food, drink and hospitality. Ian and Oliver are seriously impressed. Adil suggests keeping the polytunnel going as a pop-up venue, using Ian’s pizza van, until they’re ready to open the restaurant. Ian and Oliver are quickly on board with The Polytunnel Pizzeria idea, and Ian’s happy to make a fresh start with Adil.Alice and Harry are on their rearranged date at an Indian restaurant. Harry had thought things were over when she cancelled on Wednesday, but Alice apologises, it was her nerves. They talk horses and Alice thinks she might try competing again. Rueful Harry tells her about his forced retirement after an eventing accident - the fallout from it broke his marriage. It feels easier telling Alice than it usually does, but she’s awkward when Harrison approaches. Once he’s gone Alice explains he’s her ex’s best friend and she’s worried what he’ll tell Chris, before catching herself. She’s not doing anything to be ashamed of. Enjoying spending time with Harry is all that matters.
12/1/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Fallon faces teething problems, and Helen seeks a new focus.
11/30/202312 minutes, 53 seconds
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Alice visits Ian, who’s having second thoughts about resigning from Grey Gables. He still doesn’t trust Adil, though. Alice tells Ian about her lovely first date with Harry, but she’s cancelled their second one tonight. She’s scared the relationship won’t work out and she’ll start drinking again. It happened to a woman at AA and she’s heard other stories too. She can’t take that risk. Ian persuades her to think more positively and Alice agrees she’ll call Harry back to set up another date.Tom gets Emma to take a photo of Fallon handing over the keys at the end of her last day in charge of the Tearoom. Then he shows them the design for the renamed ‘Terum’, which fits in with the new Scandinavian aesthetic. He insists on a stock-take and wants them to shift their furniture out straightaway, so a carpenter can start on the new fittings. Fallon’s fed up, but resigned to the changes. Later, Fallon tells Natasha they’ll have to store the furniture at Woodbine Cottage and hope they can sell it on quickly. Natasha offers to buy a couple of upcycled chairs for Seren and Nova, then asks Fallon to be honest if there’s something bothering her.Later, after Fallon’s gone, Natasha tells Tom to cancel the ‘Terum’ name change, before taking him to task over his high-handedness and insensitivity. She feels guilty at forcing through the takeover and insists they be compassionate and show more respect to Fallon, instead of keep trying to put her in her place.
11/29/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Tom seeks validation, and Lynda makes a surprising offer.
11/28/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Last-minute replacement Jakob turns up to play the organ at Ted Barrett’s funeral, a former resident of The Laurels. Alan tells him Ted’s family requested an upbeat service with a funny eulogy, before Alan gently relieves Jakob of his duties helping organise this year’s Christmas Show. Sykesy arrives for the service, sharing some fond and funny memories of Ted. Alan’s eulogy then goes down really well, with lots of laughter. After the service Sykesy is full of praise for Alan’s delivery. It’s also given Jakob an idea for the Christmas Show: an evening of stand-up comedy delivered by local farmers. Sykesy thinks it’s a brilliant idea, his enthusiasm overwhelming any objections from Alan. It looks like they’ve got a Christmas Show! Justin helps Natasha get her buggy out of the shop, then praises her and Tom on their plans to remodel the Tearoom, starting on Wednesday when they take over from Fallon. Justin feigns surprise when Natasha mentions their intention to bid for Oliver’s land, but quickly offers to run an eye over their proposal, if it would help. Natasha suspects there is more to Justin’s altruism than meets the eye, but goes along with it for now. Later in The Bull, once he’s had a look, Justin gravely informs Natasha that their figures simply don’t add up. In which case, Natasha responds, they could just aim to build a house on the land instead of trying to farm it. Canny Natasha thanks Justin for pushing her in the right direction and goes quickly, with her buggy, leaving Justin feeling frustrated.
11/27/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Justin hatches a plot, and Alice sees potential.
11/26/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Tom apologises to Helen for passing on the news about Rob dying, and how people kept talking to her about it at Brian’s party. Helen insists it doesn’t matter. They talk about the effect it’s had on Henry and Jack. Helen is more concerned about Jack, particularly with Lee having moved out so recently too. Helen feels guilty, as the boys loved Lee so much. Helen then offers to let delighted Henry order pizza and some other treats for dinner. She hopes Tom doesn’t think she’s a bad mother for bailing out of cooking, but he’s fine with it. Later, Henry tells Helen he overheard her conversation with Tom and thinks she did the right thing splitting up with Lee. Despite missing Lee Henry assures Helen both him and Jack will be okay. They share a warm moment, before Helen promises she will try and organise tickets for them to see a football match in Paris. Stella tells Ed they can’t let him graze his sheep at Home Farm. Ed understands the reasons why, but cannot hide his disappointment. Later, in The Bull with Adam, Ian and Stella, Ed gives vent to his true feelings about how unfair life is: the rich get richer and the poor, like the Grundys, end up struggling to survive. It’s not right. Ian’s still thinking about Adil’s attempt to persuade him to stay on at Grey Gables. Adam thinks he should, as he clearly wants to. Ian agrees, but only so long as he’s got Adam’s support.
11/24/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Oliver is confident that selling the land at Grange Farm will give them enough money to finish the bedrooms at Grey Gables. Adil thinks getting the kitchen right first is more important and reckons he has the perfect solution: buying the kitchen from ‘La Femme du Monde’ restaurant, which has closed down. But then Ian hands in his notice. Despairing Adil confides in Azra, who boosts his confidence and suggests he can still change Ian’s mind. Adil ropes Oliver in to help him talk to Ian, promising that he won’t run away again, despite Oliver overhearing him say to Azra that he felt like doing so. Tearful Adil then explains that the day he packed his bags was Sabha’s birthday, when he basically falls apart. Sympathetic Oliver cites his experience with Caroline, telling Adil he could have helped. Ian then spurns Azra’s attempt to mediate on her brother’s behalf. But when Adil tells Ian about the chance to buy this amazing kitchen, Ian is clearly tempted to stay, before Azra reveals she got the job as GP at the local surgery. Brian reveals to Oliver that Natalia knew Jennifer from the WI and was on the cookery course Brian did. He bumped into Natalia last week in Felpersham and invited her to the party to make it go with a zing. But that’s all. Brian then expresses his disappointment that Oliver hasn’t offered to sell him the land at Grange Farm before going to auction, but Oliver won’t budge. He needs the best price he can get.
11/23/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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In the shop Helen gets flustered about mislaying her bank card, then accidentally smashes a jar of mayonnaise. Helen cuts herself picking up the glass, so Jim invites her to sit down for tea and biscuits, sensing how discombobulated she is. Helen tells Jim how she feels worse since seeing Miles yesterday. She still can’t quite believe Rob is dead. Jim tells her about his experience going to the funeral of his abuser, Harold Jayston. Although he couldn’t bring himself to go inside the church it still helped, by providing an ending of sorts, knowing he could never come across the man again. Helen admits she’s ridiculously tired, thoughts constantly whirring, having disturbing dreams about Rob. Jim reassures, it will get easier over time. For him, in the end, the abuser hasn’t defined his life because he’s only a small part of it. Jim thinks it will be the same for her and that Helen will start to thrive from now on. Helen agrees, maybe she will. Stella teases Brian about the expensive watch his family have given him. Brian is very pleased with it and proud of his family. They talk about what they could do with the Grange Farm land, if their bid is successful. Ed then collars them to make the case for grazing his Texels at Home Farm. Stella’s initial response is to turn Ed down, but Brian persuades her that they could at least think about it.
11/22/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Miles turns up at Bridge Farm without warning and persuades Helen to go for a walk. He apologises for not being there when Helen visited Rob last week, grateful she stayed as long as she did, before admitting he now believes what she said in Court about her relationship with Rob. Nevertheless, Miles also talks about how protective Rob was towards him when they were children, and how difficult their upbringing was. Miles goes on to say he was with Rob when he died, remarking on how Rob looked more serene in death than he ever did in life. He tells Helen about Rob’s last wish, that she should have his wedding ring to keep. Helen is appalled by the idea, before taking the ring and throwing it as far away as she can. Denise teases Paul about his hangover, after Brian’s party last night. Brian was still going strong when Paul left at 2.00 am. Josh is equally hungover, but he’s managed to blag a day off work to recover. Josh brings up the subject of Ruairi with Paul, who admits he didn’t want to end up in a drunken snog last night, then reaffirms his commitment to his current boyfriend. Josh queries how much longer Denise is going to stay with them at the Stables and Paul promises to talk to her. When Denise comes back in though they talk instead about Paul’s rather dull relationship with reliable Etienne. Denise knows Paul fancies Ruairi and suggests he should follow his heart rather than settle for second best.
11/21/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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It’s Brian’s eightieth birthday and he’s been thrown out of Blossom Hill while Adam, Ian, Kate, Jakob and Alice prepare a party for him. Despite Adam’s reservations about pushing Brian into having a party Tom thinks Brian will love it. Tom then passes on the news about Rob’s death and Helen’s confused reaction. Jakob mentions a mystery guest Brian’s invited, Natalia. There’s much speculation, particularly from Kate, about her being Brian’s new girlfriend. But Brian confesses to Stella how much he misses Jennifer on a day like this, and does the same later with Adam. He could never have imagined losing her so soon, admitting that he misses her every day. Later, the party’s already in full swing, with meat evangelist Freddie as DJ, when Josh and Paul turn up. They have a present for Brian: a fancy, initialled pen-knife. Josh then joshes Paul about avoiding Ruairi, while dissing Paul’s current boyfriend, before they both add to the speculation about who exactly Natalia is. Adam’s surprised when Helen turns up. She tells him she needs the distraction from thinking about Rob, before Jakob consoles Helen in his own, inimitable blunt manner. Brian admits to Adam that he’s enjoying himself, while Natalia turns out to be a great dancer, leading Brian on the dance floor. Neither Adam nor Stella think Brian has any designs on Natalia, which Adam reiterates to Josh and Paul later. Then, when a cake with candles is produced, Brian makes a very moving speech about his beloved Jenny, before the dancing resumes.
11/20/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Whilst destressing on his allotment, Adil tells Azra the reason he came back to Ambridge is the terrible guilt he feels over messing things up so badly for Oliver, Lynda, Ian and everyone else. Azra probes into why he hasn’t been keeping in touch with Sabha’s parents. Adil admits how difficult he finds it talking to them about her. They keep their front room as a shrine to her memory. He also admits he isn’t always honest with people about Sabha being his fiancée when she died, rather than his wife. He thinks fiancée sounds lesser somehow. Then Azra tells him she’s applied for a permanent position as a GP at the surgery. Adil would have liked more warning of her working close by, and Azra admits that if she gets the job she will definitely want to move somewhere local, though not necessarily Ambridge itself. As she helps Tom with the veg boxes, Helen ignores several calls and texts from Miles. She tells Tom how awful it was on Thursday, with Rob. In the end she just couldn’t bear the idea of being there when he died. It wouldn’t have felt right sharing that intimate moment with someone she didn’t love. Tom tells her not to beat herself up – she did the right thing. Miles messages again and Helen doesn’t read it, dreading what she knows it will say. Tom reads it for her: Rob died last night at 9.09pm. Helen works out what she was doing then, before admitting how confused she is about how she feels.
11/19/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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WRITER: Naylah Ahmed DIRECTOR: Kim Greengrass Ben Archer …. Ben Norris Helen Archer …. Louiza Patikas Pat Archer …. Pat Gallimore Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Harry Chilcott …. Jack Ashton Alan Franks …. John Telfer Usha Franks …. Souad Farass Shiv Gupta …. Pushpinder Chani Jakob Hakansson …. Paul Venables Joy Horville …. Jackie Lye Kate Madikane …. Perdita Avery Miles Titchener …. Adam Astill Rob Titchener …. Timothy Watson Annie …. Jessica Tomchak
11/17/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Alice confesses her anxiety about inviting Harry for a tour of The Stables. Lilian says there’s nothing to worry about. But for Alice the elephant in the room is how she handles not drinking alcohol in front of Harry. Lilian suggests she’s over-thinking it, Alice doesn’t have to tell the truth if she doesn’t want to. Lilian thinks Harry is a good thing for Alice, but Alice worries she has too much baggage. Lilian disagrees, Alice shouldn’t let herself be defined by labels like alcoholic or single mum. At Rob’s flat, Helen just wants to drop off the handmade card Jack forgot yesterday, but the nurse encourages her to give it to Rob herself. Rob’s pleased to see her. When the nurse says she’s leaving, Helen panics. The nurse reassures her, Miles will arrive soon. Helen leaves a message for Miles, urging him to hurry up. When Rob wakes he is surprised anew by Helen’s presence. She shows Rob some photos of Jack. Rob then recalls a time they flew a kite with Henry. Helen leaves the room to call Miles again, but he still doesn’t answer. Pat rings and says Helen sounds strange, before Helen ends the call. Back in Rob’s room, Helen tells Rob about Jack. Rob says Helen’s with him now because they have a bond. When Helen mentions Miles, Rob says he won’t come. Rob tells Helen he’s in torture and asks her to hold a pillow over his face and end his suffering. Helen is horrified, but Rob is convinced it’s what she’s here for.
11/16/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Lilian suggests to Alice that the Grange Farm land could be a good acquisition for The Stables. Perhaps Harry might have an opinion? Alice admits he gave her his card, but she dismisses Lilian’s urge to matchmake. By coincidence, Harry appears with treats for Sadie. Lilian launches into her idea of creating an equine wellness centre, while Alice is cagey, keen to end the conversation. Later, Lilian tells Alice off for being rude to Harry. Alice apologises and Lilian points out that spending a bit of time with him wouldn’t be the end of the world. Alice rings Harry to apologise for her behaviour earlier. Harry tells her not to worry. Before hanging up Alice says perhaps she could still take him on that tour of The Stables sometime. On their way to Ruairi’s birthday party, Kate justifies saying no to Alan’s idea of church yoga sessions. Jakob tells her Alan’s vetoed this year’s Christmas tree to save money. Kate then rules herself out of volunteering to help produce a Christmas show. On arrival at the party, Jakob spots no-one else is in costume - Kate forgot to tell the others. Jakob feels like a prize idiot, dressed as a centurion. Both Ben and Alice try to make Jakob feel better, while later on Kate admits she was wrong about Jakob - he’s a team player when it counts. Jakob then reveals he’s helping Usha with the Christmas show and thinks Kate should help too, if she wants, whatever Peggy’s position. Kate agrees to do it, just for Jakob.
11/15/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lilian isn’t looking forward to Harry Chilcott’s return, but Alice says not to worry. She’s looked him up online and knows his type. Later, Alice is grooming Sadie when Harry arrives. He compliments Alice’s way with the horse, commenting that it’s management who sometimes let the team down. Alice then introduces herself as manager of The Stables. She listens to Harry’s concerns and talks through the decision-making on the day Sadie was injured. Harry thaws, acknowledging that he was a little hot-headed with his accusations. Lilian encourages Alice to take Harry on a tour, but Alice puts him off. He gives Alice his card, suggesting he buy her lunch to apologise for his earlier behaviour. Alice turns him down repeatedly, then gets flustered when Harry says it’s clear that she really doesn’t want to meet up. Joy waits outside with Jack while Helen goes in to see how Rob is, before taking Jack in. With Rob, Helen makes clear her conditions for Jack’s visit. She’s surprised when Rob simply agrees to her demands. As she leaves to get Jack, vulnerable Rob asks how he looks. Fine, she says. But when it comes to the moment Jack bursts into tears and refuses to go inside. Helen won’t force Jack into doing something he doesn’t want to, so she asks Joy to wait with Jack while she goes back to see Rob. Joy’s worried for Helen going in alone, but Helen says she’ll be alright. Then, when Helen delivers the news about Jack to Rob, he cries and asks her to leave.
11/14/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Joy comes to the rescue, and Lilian faces the wrath of a dissatisfied customer.
11/13/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Kate announces that Ruairi’s birthday party is fancy dress. She wants her and Jakob to make an entrance with their costumes. She’s put out when Jakob tries to get out of going, accusing him of not being a team player and then says she doesn’t want to spend the night with him. Later, Kate rings Jakob. Neither of them can sleep and Kate apologises for what she said earlier. Jakob agrees to go in fancy dress. He’s keen to make the point that he’s not “not a team player”, but Kate is too excited about dressing up to listen to anything else Jakob has to say. Usha watches Alan get dressed up after he arrives belatedly at her brother Shiv’s house for Diwali celebrations. Alan’s had a busy Remembrance Sunday, even though Peggy and others are still boycotting St Stephen’s. Shiv welcomes Alan warmly, he’s heard from Usha that Alan’s in need of some TLC. Later, Shiv talks proudly about the fundraising and other activities they do for the community space at the Mandir, where the evening’s fireworks are being held. Alan’s impressed with how much goes on there. Usha joins them, before sitting with Alan. Alan realises he needed this time out. Inspired by what Shiv’s told him, he thinks they should open St Stephen’s up more and look at a Christmas fundraiser. As the evening progresses, Alan starts having ideas about what sort of groups and events the church could host. He can’t wait to begin fighting the challenges St Stephens faces with everything they’ve got.
11/12/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Helen and Kirsty discuss upcoming rewilding work, how helpful Joy is being and Hannah staying in Ambridge, but Jazzer not wanting her job anyway. Helen then confides her worries about Jack, who’s told her he wants to meet Rob. Kirsty can’t understand why Helen would even contemplate letting Jack meet him, but Helen can’t risk Jack resenting her forever by not allowing it. Kirsty tries convincing Helen that all will be fine if she sits tight. Helen though is adamant, she has to do right by Jack. Helen reads out a letter Jack’s written to Rob. Kirsty doesn’t get its significance, but Helen believes it shows nothing she does will change Jack’s mind. Every bone in her body is screaming at her to keep Jack away from Rob - but for Jack’s sake she has to allow him to go. Kirsty thinks Jack could end up traumatised. Helen just has to hope she’s strong enough to protect him. At Grange Farm Eddie finds George watering the ground around the barn that’s up for sale. George hopes it’ll put Martyn Gibson off by making it look like marshland. Eddie thinks it’s a silly plan, but is touched by George’s good intentions. After Martyn’s visit, Eddie shares some cider with George, who’s embarrassed at how rubbish his waterlogging idea was. Eddie reckons that you only really learn things through failing first. George worries about what the sale will lead to, but Eddie won’t be disheartened. He may have had a miserable week, but George has cheered him no end.
11/10/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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It’s all change at Berrow, and George hatches a plan.
11/9/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Emma notes Oliver’s frosty attitude towards Ed and Eddie. Ed details how the land sale will impact him before Emma tells him to stop whingeing and make a plan. With the security of Little Grange at risk, she thinks both Eddie and Ed should apologise to Oliver. She then decides to see Oliver herself, finding him at the shoot, entertaining the hotel’s partners. Oliver appreciates her visit, but he’d have preferred Ed to come himself. Distracted Oliver then apologises for not giving Emma his full attention, but assures her Little Grange is safe. On her return Emma’s annoyed that Ed and Eddie still haven’t talked about patching things up with Oliver. Eddie believes Oliver’s set on erasing a piece of Grundy history. Emma says to look to the future, but Eddie can only see developers on the horizon and no space for the Grundys. Eddie rounds on Emma, her family is sorted when it comes to inheritance. But with Oliver, the Grundys have no rights whatsoever. Helen updates Joy on Jack wanting to see Rob. She doesn’t think Jack even knows what he’d say if he met Rob. But Jack keeps coming back to: Henry saw Rob, so why can’t he? As Helen talks about the pros and cons of a meeting, Henry appears. He’s cross that Helen’s even considering it and calls her a liar. She promised she’d never let Jack see Rob. She explains that simply refusing Jack’s request isn’t working. But if they don’t refuse she thinks eventually Jack will lose interest anyway.
11/8/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Joy attempts to offer advice, and Usha has a brainwave.
11/7/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tracy chivvies Jazzer as he takes time over breakfast. Jazzer’s feeling unsure about taking on Hannah’s job, but Tracy says he’s got nothing to worry about - she believes in him and reminds him to believe in himself. At Berrow, Hannah shows how data is recorded and used to an overawed Jazzer. His heart sinks when Hannah says there is more to show him in the office. He struggles to get to grips with the spreadsheets Hannah shows him and his head swims with all the information she is sharing. When Tracy calls, Jazzer lies, saying it’s all going well and she tells him she’s proud of him. Ed collars Eddie about doing nothing since Oliver announced he’s looking at selling part of Grange Farm. Eddie tells Ed to stop worrying and accept it’s all out of their control. Oliver joins them and Eddie and Ed are stunned to learn that he plans to sell 10 acres. Ed panics about what this will mean for grazing his Texel flock. Oliver delivers another blow by explaining that to raise the money he needs he has to sell prime land that has planning permission and road access. Eddie realises this means the plot includes a barn that goes back through Grundy history. Eddie and Ed continue to challenge Oliver about his decision. When Oliver appeals for them to be rational, Eddie counters that Oliver’s decision to rebuild Grey Gables isn’t rational. They reach a stand-off and Oliver decides to walk away before anyone says something they’ll regret.
11/6/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Bull’s Bonfire Night goes with a bang, and Alan is feeling the pressure.
11/5/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Writer, Nick Warburton Director, Dave Payne Editor, Jeremy Howe Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Josh Archer ..... Angus Imrie Pip Archer ….. Daisy Badger Tony Archer ..... David Troughton Brian Aldridge ..... Charles Collingwood Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright Alan Franks ..... John Telfer Alistair Lloyd ..... Michael Lumsden Paul Mack ..... Joshua Riley Denise Metcalf ..... Clare Perkins Jazzer McCreary ..... Ryan Kelly Lily Pargetter ..... Katie Redford Stella Pryor ..... Lucy Speed Hannah Riley ..... Helen Longworth Bruce Titchener ..... Michael Byrne Miles Titchener ..... Adam Astill Rob Titchener ..... Timothy Watson
11/3/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Stella checks with Pip and Ruth about their dinner plans for tomorrow, then asks Ruth about Hannah becoming a lodger at the Bungalow. Pip is thrown, pointing out Stella’s only known Hannah since the quiz on Monday. Ruth and Stella joke that moving home is best done quickly. When Pip stalks off, Stella asks Ruth if she thinks Pip’s OK. She wants Ruth to know, she takes her relationship with Pip seriously. Stella is nervous however, about making dinner and they laugh at Stella’s culinary ineptitude. Later, when Ruth asks Pip what’s the matter, she admits she’s fed up with her parents getting too involved in her life. It felt like she was being laughed at earlier and she accuses Ruth of having a problem with her and Stella being together. Harrison takes a work call when he’s with Alan. Miles has reported that Rob is sitting on a traffic island outside Borchester and will only talk to Harrison. When Harrison gets there Miles explains that Rob got out of the car while they were on their way into Borchester. Harrison goes over to Rob, who says he’s waiting for Jesus to heal him. But he co-operates when Harrison points out he’s disrupting the traffic, which would prevent Jesus from reaching him. After Rob’s been brought to safety, Harrison tells Miles that Rob can’t be left alone. Miles suggests he could take Rob back with him to Hampshire, and wonders whether Rob’s account of being the innocent victim of Helen is really how things were.
11/2/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Tensions boil over for one family, and Lily has a brainwave.
11/1/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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After a chat with Alistair, Jazzer’s decided to go for Hannah’s job. Hannah’s pleased and walks him through all the office-based work she does. Denise bumps into Hannah in the shop. Hannah explains she’ll have to move because she can’t find anywhere to live near Ambridge. Stella mentioned she had a spare room, but it’s not hers to rent out. Denise encourages Hannah to get Stella to ask Brookfield. Later, Hannah calls on Stella and, after some stalling, asks about the spare room. Stella can’t believe Hannah was nervous about asking. She will give it serious consideration and run it past David and Ruth. Alistair bangs on the door at The Stables, complaining about the noisy party inside. To his surprise Denise answers. She shouts to Paul for the music to be turned down. Alistair has been meaning to stop by to say hello. Denise teases him gently. Alistair suggests they try out the Grundys’ Halloween Trail. They have a great time. Alistair recounts how he received a ring token with the barmbrack Eddie gave him the other week. He thinks it’s all rubbish, but Denise is less dismissive. Denise passes Alistair another helping of barmbrack, but declines to have one herself. When he gets another ring token Denise thinks Alistair’s fate is sealed. Alistair changes the subject to Denise’s work placement. It’s coming to an end, but Denise says she’ll find something else to save usurping Paul, who’s benefitted from working at the vets. Hiding his dismay, Alistair says he’ll do what he can.
10/31/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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While doing a routine health check at Berrow pig unit, Paul tells Hannah that his mum is staying, so he’s sleeping on the sofa. He invites Hannah to join his quiz team tonight, but she doesn’t fancy it. Meanwhile, on another part of the unit, Jazzer recommends the Grundys’ Halloween Trail to Alistair because he looks like he could do with a laugh. Jazzer reports that Hannah still hasn’t found anywhere to live locally. If she ends up moving away he’ll be gutted. After the vet visit, Hannah says she needs to be realistic about her housing prospects. She was thinking Jazzer should take on her role if she leaves. Jazzer says he does pigs, not paperwork. At the pub, Stella’s despondent that it’s only her and Paul on their quiz team. When Hannah turns up, she says she’ll join the team, but doesn’t plan on joining in. Hannah and Stella meet one another properly and Hannah ends up providing plenty of quiz question answers. After the quiz, Paul, Stella and Hannah celebrate winning the first prize of bar credit. While Paul gets the drinks in, Hannah explains her homeless situation. Stella mentions the Bungalow has a spare room, but then pulls back saying it would actually be a decision for Brookfield. Hannah understands and presumes it’s a no-go. Meanwhile, outside the pub, Alistair tells Jazzer he knows Denise is staying at The Stables, but hasn’t yet gone over to say hello. Jazzer says Hannah would recommend him for her Berrow job, but Jazzer doesn’t feel it would be right. However, Alistair convinces him to give it a go.
10/30/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Paul’s had enough of Josh and Lily bickering. Lily wants to host a Halloween party, but Josh doesn’t want the hassle. They apologise to Paul. He doesn’t think their banter creates a good atmosphere and they promise to tone it down. They’ve agreed on a party plan too. Denise arrives at The Stables with a favour to ask. She explains to Paul that Uncle Rufus is coming to stay. She asks Paul if she can stay with him because she can’t face being in the same house as Uncle Rufus. She’s told her husband she’s away on a course in Bradford. Paul thinks it would be wiser to be honest, but Denise doesn’t want Paul putting the record straight. Paul is sure Josh and Lily will love having Denise around for a while. Besides, they owe him anyway. Tony tells Brian that Lee has left following his break-up with Helen. Brian wonders if Rob’s got anything to do with it, but Tony doesn’t think so, at least not on the surface. Their attention turns to some robotic farm tech that Stella’s keen on, until Brian’s phone rings. Brian bids goodbye to Tony and answers the call, which is from Rob. Later, Brian lets Tony know that Rob rang to ask if he would be his sponsor for Rob’s baptism. Brian tells Tony not to worry, he told Rob to get lost. Tony wonders at the significance of Rob approaching Brian. Brian thinks there’s nothing to it, and it’s best to stay well clear. But Tony’s set on doing something. He just needs to decide what that will be.
10/29/202312 minutes, 54 seconds
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Writer: Daniel Thurman Director: Marina Caldarone Editor ..... Jeremy Howe Helen Archer…. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer …. Blayke Darby Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Alice Carter ….. Hollie Chapman Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Mia Grundy ….. Molly Pipe Will Grundy ….. Philip Molloy Jakob Hakansson ….. Paul Venables Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott Azra Malik ….. Yasmin Wilde Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane
10/27/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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Lynda offers some tough love, and Lilian spots an opportunity.
10/26/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Mia’s placed herself outside the village shop to gather signatures for a petition against Bonfire Night on the Green. Alice says she’ll join her through the day when she can, though she’s conscious of not causing too much disruption. Mia has a whole strategy in place to persuade people to support the cause. Alice is impressed with Mia’s powers of persuasion until Will, annoyed that Mia is skipping college, refuses to sign the petition. Mia throws a handful of snaps that give him a fright. Alice isn’t sure that’s safe, but Mia wants to shock those who don’t immediately support the cause. Later, Will returns to Mia’s petition stall to find her packing up. He can tell something’s up. She explains that Hilary Noakes had a funny turn after Mia threw some snaps. She helped her calm down but Hilary threatened to involve the police. Mia berates herself for not listening to Alice, she feels like she’s ruined everything. Ian can’t contain his shock when Helen tells him she has ended her and Lee’s relationship. Helen also apologises for Sunday. She explains she’s not in love with Lee anymore even though she cares about him deeply. Later, Helen and Ian have lunch after Helen has broken the news to her parents. She felt terrible but at the same time relieved. Like Helen’s parents, Ian assumed Rob’s return is a factor but Helen insists her decision is not because of Rob. An even more daunting prospect than telling her parents is telling her sons. Helen and Lee have agreed to speak to Henry and Jack together.
10/25/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ian struggles to let go of the past, and there’s concern for the Grundys.
10/24/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Mia calls in at The Stables to check on the injured horse, Sadie. Jakob remarks that considering the severity of the injury, she is doing well. Alice doesn’t want the village bonfire and fireworks to go ahead, and Mia joins forces with her. When Lilian hears they’re planning to petition for the Bonfire Night event to be cancelled, she’s dubious. It’s only just been reinstated, and she knows The Bull won’t want to lose all the custom. Lilian suggests a compromise of stabling the horses and playing them calming music. Mia still thinks they should tell Jolene and Kenton that fireworks aren’t fair on animals. Lilian catches Alice and Mia outside the pub. Unsurprisingly, Kenton and Jolene said no to cancelling Bonfire Night, though they were sympathetic about the injured horse. Determined Mia wants to do more. Lilian suggests educational flyers, but Mia thinks they can do better than that. Adam and Ian mull over what happened last night with Helen and Lee. Adam can only think it’s Rob that’s stressing Helen out and causing the tension between her and Lee. They move on to Pip and Stella who Adam spotted holding hands. They’re both really pleased for them. It leads them to discussing why they don’t show affection for one another in public. They hold hands on their way to The Bull, but then, to Adam’s dismay, Ian quickly lets go when he sees Jakob. Later, Ian tries to explain while Adam hides his hurt with a joke and tells Ian not to worry.
10/23/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jakob tips off Lilian and Alice about an early fireworks display on Manorfield Close. Lilian wonders if she should have a word but Alice doesn’t think she’d convince them to cancel. They plan to stick to the usual routine with the horses and stick around to see how they fare. Later, Lilian reports to Jakob that the horses are very agitated with the noise of the fireworks. Alice suddenly appears to say one of the horses is badly injured after trying to jump some fencing. Jakob heads over straight away. He assesses the horse in the field. Lilian and Alice are shocked when he says she needs surgery immediately. With Helen out with the boys, Lee and Ian catch up. Lee enthuses about their family hike yesterday. Ian wonders about Lee and Helen being able to have time to themselves. He invites them to join him and Adam bowling and Lee accepts. At the bowling lanes, Helen is reserved. She wasn’t expecting to go out again today and is feeling weary. Lee’s excitement grates on Helen and she dismisses his attempts to help her bowl. The evening is punctured by Helen turning on Lee and walking out. Lee’s bereft, and Adam advises him to let Ian go after her. Outside, Helen says she should have listened to her instincts and not come. Ian’s sorry he pushed for both Helen and Lee to join them. Helen realises this evening confirms that she and Lee can’t go on like this.
10/22/202313 minutes
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Writer: Sarah Hehir Director: Pip Swallow Editor ..... Jeremy Howe Cast: Helen Archer …. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer …. Blayke Darby Pip Archer …. Daisy Badger Lee Bryce …. Ryan Early Ian Craig …. Stephen Kennedy Alan Franks …. John Telfer Clarrie Grundy …. Heather Bell Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison George Grundy …. Angus Stobie Brad Horrobin …. Taylor Uttley Alistair Lloyd …. Michael Lumsden Kirsty Miller ..... Annabelle Dowler Stella Pryor …. Lucy Speed Lynda Snell …. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling …. Michael Cochrane
10/20/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Helen is insistent that Henry show Alan how sorry he is for the graffiti. Lee is a little more lenient on Henry and Helen tells him she doesn’t want Henry getting mixed messages. At the church Alan explains his thinking when Rob first approached him. He understands how Henry’s feeling but dealing with those feelings shouldn’t be through vandalism. Alan sets Henry to work on tidying the churchyard. Later, Alan talks to Henry about forgiveness. Henry admits he doesn’t believe in God. Alan points out that the Bible can still be helpful. Henry asks if he’s evil if he doesn’t want to forgive Rob. No, says Alan and he advises that Henry concentrates on loving his family. Back home, Lee asks Helen if something’s wrong as she seems short with him. Their conversation escalates – she can’t believe how much attention he needs. Lee refutes that saying he’s sacrificed so much to be with her and the boys. Lee accepts he may be messy or annoying but he won’t accept being accused of being selfish and needy. George is fed up with his lot. His work at Bridge Farm brings in a bit of money but his farm promotional work is having setbacks. Brad offers to spend the evening with him instead of Mia if it’ll help cheer George up. George beats Brad in a game and then after getting a text asks him to leave. Tilly Button is coming over and he’s eager to get the mood right. He scoffs when Brad tries to give love life advice and asks again for him to go. Brad can’t believe he gave up an evening with Mia for this.
10/19/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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One resident makes a shocking discovery, and Oliver comes to a controversial decision.
10/18/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ian collars Oliver after a staff meeting at Grey Gables. Adil hasn’t returned and Oliver has had to firefight with various heads of department. Ian can’t believe Adil’s cheek but Oliver warns him about finger pointing as that won’t help anyone. Ian apologises and details to Oliver the changes that need to be made to the kitchen – it won’t be a quick fix. He also outlines the problems he’s heard in other parts of the hotel. Oliver searched Adil’s office but couldn’t understand anything in there. Ian decompresses with Helen. The benefits he’s getting aren’t outweighing the level of stress he’s taken on. However, he’s not going to abandon Oliver and the team he’s building. Helen wants to know if any Grey Gables business for Bridge Farm is going to fall through. Helen has to open a door to reduce the smell of Lee’s drying trainers which sets her on a train of complaints about Lee around the house. She feels like she complains about everything he does at the minute. Ian puts it down to what they’ve been through recently but Helen doesn’t think that’s it. When Oliver enquires with Lynda about Adil, she says she’s not seen him. They go up to his room to see if he’s there. They find the room empty not only of Adil but also all of his belongings. A letter in a drawer addressed to Lynda from Adil says he’s had a family emergency. Both Lynda and Oliver feel for Adil’s circumstances. Meanwhile, what is to be done about Grey Gables?
10/17/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Oliver faces a crisis, and Pip takes a big step.
10/16/202313 minutes
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In the shop, Clarrie and Eddie speculate about the graffiti on the church door. Eddie reckons it might not stop there. Clarrie observes it may not be a coincidence as it happened after Rob issued invitations to his baptism. Their chatter’s interrupted by Lee, who’s come in with Jack and Henry. Lee points out how awful this is for everyone; their gossip isn’t helping. Chastened, they apologise. Henry’s curious and Lee explains. He tells Henry not to worry, the police will take care of it. Later Helen’s hard on Lee for weighing in. She doesn’t want incidents like this to be all about them. That’s exactly what Rob wants. She wishes Lee had stayed out of it. Lee reacts, and Henry entreats him to stop shouting at Helen. Lee’s mortified, and Helen explains to Henry that it’s ok for people to argue. Later Lee thanks her for her support, and offers tea and some television together. Helen accepts the tea, but says she’ll read in the kitchen. Clarrie reports Poppy’s making a scrapbook of guinea pigs. There are now five at No.1 The Green. Clarrie remarks she’s not sure Will would have agreed to a pet if he’d known he’d end up with so many. Eddie checks on the turkeys and Clarrie comments that it feels like Christmas is just around the corner. Eddie wants Halloween done first. He offers to show Clarrie their Halloween Trail. Later Eddie loves Clarrie’s idea of a piece of barmbrack with a charm in it for everyone. Now they just need a witch – but who? Clarrie reckons she’d be perfect, and Eddie agrees.
10/15/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Writer..... Keri Davies Director ..... Jess Bunch Editor ..... Jeremy Howe Kenton Archer ….. Richard Attlee Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Helen Archer …… Louiza Patikas Neil Carter ….. Brian Hewlett Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Alan Franks ….. John Telfer Usha Franks ….. Souad Faress Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Will Grundy ….. Philip Molloy Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O’Hanrahan George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling …. Michael Cochrane Adil Shah …. Ronny Jhutti
10/13/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Adil makes a surprising decision, and pride is swallowed at Bridge Farm.
10/12/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Eddie’s stunned by the news that Rob’s planning to be baptised. Oliver reveals that he received an invitation to the event. Oliver turns his attention to work at Grey Gables. He’s hopeful they’ve turned a corner after a challenging period. George interrupts, keen to move his basketball hoop to No.1 The Green with Eddie’s help. Eddie refuses to lift a finger until George has helped with all the farm jobs that need doing. Eddie’s disappointed to hear George complain about living at No.1 The Green. Poppy’s guinea pig distracts him while he’s gaming. Eddie suggests giving the pet a bit of attention and then says he’ll tap up a mate who’s big in small mammals. Later, Eddie catches George gushing over Lola the guinea pig. He’s brought a companion for Lola. It’s a neutered male and Eddie suggests they call it Rico. The reference is lost on George. For a moment they’re distracted by Susan and Neil outside on the tandem bike. Oliver’s surprised to hear from Ian that the kitchen isn’t fit for purpose. Adil promises to take a look shortly. Ian explains that while the kitchen may look nice it doesn’t work as a professional cooking space. Adil doesn’t want Ian saying anything to the contractors, but he goes ahead anyway. As a result, the contractors walk off the site. When Oliver asks what’s going on, Adil blames Ian. It’s another thing Adil has to sort out. It’s little short of disaster, says Oliver.
10/11/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Pat is on the warpath, and it’s a big day for Susan.
10/10/202313 minutes
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Lynda and Kenton approach Adil to discuss the impact of Bonfire Night being held in the Country Park rather than on The Green. Stressed Adil doesn’t receive their beer tent suggestion well. He accuses Lynda of exceeding her remit and having a poor understanding of Grey Gables. Adil gives Kenton a full apology for earlier. He’s dealing with a lot of problems but that doesn’t excuse how he spoke, he says. He agrees to a beer tent as long as it’s stylish. Kenton thanks Adil but doesn’t let him go without pointing out that Lynda did not deserve his take-down. Adil seeks out Lynda at Ambridge Hall to apologise. She admits what he said was hurtful. Adil almost opens up but then instead promises to face his challenges with the motto – Be More Snell. Eddie’s heard about Susan’s Six Things To Do Before She’s Sixty. He suggests she can overcome her fear of ghosts by testing out his Halloween Trail in Leader’s Wood. After being turned down by Tracy, Susan asks Emma to come along on the Trail too. After a bit of persuading, Emma agrees. Meanwhile, Susan’s hoping Neil’s arranged a helicopter ride for her birthday – he keeps dropping transport-related hints. On the Halloween Trail, Emma and Susan are unnerved by eerie sounds nearby. Then, when someone quickly approaches, Emma throws a punch only to learn that it’s Will. Eddie insists he couldn’t spoil the surprise. Emma’s proud to have proven she isn’t afraid of ghosts. Nursing a sore nose, Will quits being the witch for Eddie’s Halloween Trail.
10/9/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Tension mounts at the vicarage, and Lynda has a brainwave.
10/8/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Writer ..... Tim Stimpson Director ..... Peter Leslie Wild Editor ..... Jeremy Howe Alan Franks ….. John Telfer Usha Franks ….. Souad Faress Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O’Hanrahan Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Azra Malik ….. Yasmin Wilde Jazzer McCreary ….. Ryan Kelly Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti Miles Titchener ….. Adam Astill Rob Titchener ….. Timothy Watson Student ….. Ntombizodwa Ndlovu
10/6/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Emma attempts to solve a mystery, and Brad has a confession to make.
10/5/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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It’s a big day for Brad, and Alan finds himself under pressure.
10/4/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Alan asks Usha if she’s heard anything about Rob lately. As far as Usha knows, the family’s heard nothing from him since his access application was denied. Oliver asks Emma how things are at the Tearoom. Emma reports she’s just keeping her head down and doing her job. Oliver mentions he’s still looking for housekeeping staff, but Emma declines. They chat about Emma’s English Literature course, and Eddie’s witch story of Leader’s Wood. Emma thinks it might have some basis in truth. Eddie swears blind he’s not making it up. Later Emma quizzes Alan on heaven, hell and spirits. She’s not sure witches deserved to be punished. Alan accepts she may have a point. Lynda overhears and offers to lend Emma a book on old Borsetshire tales. Lynda’s keen to get information about the black tie ball, but Adil’s prickly with her. She hopes he’s not regretting ask her to organise things. She’s cancelling a holiday so she can focus on it. Later she asks Oliver whether Adil’s ok. He seems exhausted. Oliver’s thought the same. He asks Lynda to leave it with him. He suggests Adil takes some away. Adil initially resists, but concedes Oliver’s right. He’ll take Friday off. Alan speculates as to what might happen if Rob turned up again now. Usha retorts he’d be a fool to do that. There’s no reason for him to be around. Alan ventures that people like Rob can change. Usha’s pragmatic. All the law can do is look at past behaviour and weigh up current risk. Redemption is Alan’s arena.
10/3/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jazzer’s heads down in Lark Rise to Candleford, which to Tracy’s surprise he’s enjoying. Tracy wonders why Brad isn’t planning in university open days yet, like Mia. Brad’s circumspect, before admitting he thought they would be too expensive; he’s happy to research them online. Privately Jazzer and Tracy agree it would be better for Brad to go to the open days and experience the atmosphere. It’s going to be a massive step for him. Jazzer suggests they drive him to one on Wednesday. Later Jazzer and Brad are looking up the course Brad’s considering. Tracy’s a little daunted by it but puts on a game face – she’s sure they’ll have a great day. Alan visits Rob’s flat. He stresses the need for complete honesty as Rob explains some of his symptoms. Rob emphasises the importance of Helen’s support, giving his own version of events. He asks Alan how he helps people not to be scared when facing death. Alan talks about faith, and asks whether Rob’s only reaching out now because he has nothing to lose. Baptism means him declaring his faith in public. Rob affirms he’ll do whatever’s required of him. Alan asserts he’s not trying to interrogate Rob, he's just wondering why he’s wants it here. Rob declares he needs Jack to remember him when he’s gone. Wincing in pain, he leaves the room. Later Alan says he can’t baptise Rob. He’s not even fully convinced he’s ill. Rob can’t believe Alan isn’t prepared to see the best in him. Alan declares his decision’s made; there’s nothing left to say.
10/2/202313 minutes
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Alan and Usha chat as the last of the harvest service congregation leaves. Alan’s about to close up the church when Rob arrives. He’d like to be baptised, and discloses to Alan the details of his health condition. It’s forced him to look back on all his mistakes and seek forgiveness. He’d like Alan to conduct the baptism. Alan explains he can’t – Rob doesn’t live in one of his parishes. Rob reveals he’s moved to Penny Hassett. Alan insists it’s difficult; he has the community to consider and some people could be very upset. Usha calls out to Alan, who tells Rob he must leave. Alan’s torn when Rob hands him his address in the hope of a visit. As he goes, Rob reminds Alan that he once told him that no-one’s beyond redemption. Oliver praises Emma’s reading at last night’s harvest supper. Emma’s pleased. She was nervous, but observes people enjoy an evening of tale-telling. This gives Eddie an idea: ghost tales for Halloween. He tries some out on Emma, who’s not buying them. He’s going to have to come up with better ones than that. Eddie recounts his experience of the hound of Leader’s Wood. This one hits home and Emma thinks he might be on to something. Flustered Adil calls on Oliver. He’s lost some paperwork for Grey Gables – has Oliver got copies? Oliver finds the relevant email and tries to pacify stressed Adil, who feels time’s getting tight for the relaunch. Oliver offers to take some of the strain, but distracted Adil heads off.
10/1/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Writer, Naylah Ahmed Director, Pip Swallow Editor, Jeremy Howe Josh Archer ...... Angus Imrie Pip Archer ..... Daisy Badger Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Neil Carter…. Brian Hewlett Susan Carter….. Charlotte Martin Toby Fairbrother ….. Rhys Bevan Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Clarrie Grundy ….. Heather Bell Will Grundy ….. Philip Molloy Mia Grundy ….. Molly Pipe George Grundy ..... Angus Stobie Chelsea Horrobin ….. Madeleine Leslay Jim Lloyd ….. John Rowe Jazzer McCreary ….. Ryan Kelly Lily Pargetter ….. Katie Redford Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed
9/29/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Neil and Jazzer talk about Chelsea’s upcoming visit to Berrow Farm off the back of her interest in Lark Rise to Candleford. When she arrives she’s keen to get stuck in, but Jazzer’s protective of the pigs and teaches Chelsea some livestock etiquette. Chelsea’s sad to think of the pigs all going off to the abattoir in a few months. Jazzer cheers her up with a promise of a trip to the Bull. Jazzer’s not looking forward to the book reading tomorrow but concedes to Chelsea that if it’s for the Prof, he supposes it’s ok. He’s horrified to find out that Neil’s been reading bits of the book too – even if it is only the pig-related sections. Neil declares it interesting; Jazzer should have a look. Jazzer retorts that’s not going to happen. Pip and Stella watch the seed drill in action. It may have caused her some heartache to get it, but Stella’s having fun showing it off to Pip. They enjoy a picnic and some flirtation before Stella ventures that she wants to tell Rosie about their relationship. To her surprise Pip agrees; they’ll do it when they get home. Later in the pub Chelsea notices Pip has a glow about her. As they all chat about tomorrow’s book reading, Pip gets a message about an emergency family meeting – Josh’s band has pulled out of the harvest supper event on Saturday. They have no idea what they’re going to do.
9/28/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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It’s an emotional day for Will, and the end of an era for Emma.
9/27/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Chelsea is on a mission, and George shows a different side.
9/26/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Eddie’s fears escalate, and Stella struggles to find the right words.
9/25/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jazzer and Neil swap grumbles on their respective partners having their noses buried in Lark Rise To Candleford. Emma tells them not to knock it until they’ve tried it. She announces proudly she’s started her English literature course, and Neil comments it’s nice to see her smiling. Emma’s keen to talk about her mum’s upcoming sixtieth. She reckons they can’t let it pass without a big bash. Jazzer remarks that Alistair’s fed up with being the Prof’s personal taxi service. Neil suggests they lend Jim back the Riley, but Jazzer says Jim won’t hear of it. Pip’s not looking forward to telling Toby about Stella – her parents knowing is bad enough. Stella agrees it’ll be weird for a while, but they’ll all get their heads round it. She offers to help Pip tell Toby, but Pip wants to do it herself. When she does so, Toby bombards her with questions and Pip fields them awkwardly. When the penny drops with nonplussed Toby that Stella’s actually there in the cottage, he makes a hasty exit. Stella’s overheard Toby mentioning the night he spent with Pip. Stella thinks it’s a bit weird. She explains she’s been in a similar situation before, and it didn’t work out well. Stella worries Toby will always be the safe space Pip runs to. Later Toby assures Pip he’s pleased for her, and happy her relationship with Stella won’t tread on his role as Rosie’s father. He reckons Pip’s a go getter, and she needs to get Stella. Pip insists the ball’s in Stella’s court.
9/24/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Writer, Sarah McDonald Hughes Director, Gwenda Hughes Editor, Jeremy Howe David Archer ...... Timothy Bentinck Ruth Archer ..... Felicity Finch Josh Archer ...... Angus Imrie Pip Archer ..... Daisy Badger Jolene Archer ...... Buffy Davis Natasha Archer ..... Mali Harries Tom Archer ...... William Troughton Harrison Burns ..... James Cartwright Vince Casey ..... Tony Turner Emma Grundy ..... Emerald O'Hanrahan George Grundy ..... Angus Stobie Elizabeth Pargetter ..... Alison Dowling Freddie Pargetter ..... Toby Laurence Stella Pryor ..... Lucy Speed Fallon Rogers ..... Joanna Van Kampen
9/22/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Fallon makes a decision, and there’s first day nerves for Freddie.
9/21/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Josh tells Pip excitedly that his mate’s band, The Straw Crows, are booked to play at the Harvest Supper. He’s been in touch with the violinist. Josh is aware of something going on between Pip and their parents. Pip admits they’ve had words and explains that she and Stella are dating, and she thinks David and Ruth are being weird about it. Fallon’s full of ideas about growing her upcycling and catering businesses. Harrison is confident in her but admits he’s worried about money. Later, Harrison returns to apologise for his attitude earlier. Fallon points out that she supported him when he went part time and she’d like that to be reciprocal. He wants them to think it through before committing. He doesn’t think the catering and upcycling incomes will be enough, at least in the short term. Ruth accepts that she handled talking to Pip about Stella badly. She and David discuss why they don’t feel completely happy about this new relationship. They’re joined by Pip, and Ruth apologises for the way she reacted on Monday. She hopes they can start again. Over a tea break, Ruth, David and Pip clear the air. They invite Stella and Pip for dinner but Pip’s not ready for a formal, family dinner, especially if Jill’s there. Josh joins them and confirms that Harvest Supper arrangements are all in hand. Ruth suggests dinner with Stella at The Bull instead. They settle on just a drink, on the condition that David and Ruth won’t be embarrassing.
9/20/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Vince makes a surprising offer, and Emma attempts to maintain her position.
9/19/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Fallon’s feeling positive. She’s created a survey for customers. She wants to be on the front foot for when the charging station café opens next summer. Emma tries to get Pip to fill in the survey but she’s distracted by a text message. By the time Tom and Natasha arrive to have a word with Fallon, they’ve gathered some useful feedback from other customers. Fallon’s incredulity grows as Natasha and Tom go through their plans for the Tea Room. They assure her it’s not personal and they hope she’ll consider the manager’s position. Emma is as stunned as Fallon. Emma encourages Fallon to go her own way and not work for the Archers. Fallon is galvanised – she won’t be gratefully accepting Tom and Natasha’s manager job. Emma’s been accepted on to her English Literature course. Fallon reports that Jolene has enjoyed Lark Rise to Candleford on Emma’s recommendation. Emma can imagine it being based on Ambridge hundreds of years ago. Pip tells Ruth that Stella rang her last night. They agree it’s time to talk. Pip explains she hasn’t been ready to tell Ruth and that their new relationship took both Pip and Stella by surprise. Pip challenges Ruth’s response. She thought her mum would be happy for her once she was over the shock but Ruth says it’s not as simple as that. Pip and Ruth talk openly leading to Ruth saying she doesn’t think Stella is right for Pip. Pip puts on a brave face and tells her mum she doesn’t need her approval.
9/18/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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There’s trouble at the Flower and Produce Show, and Freddie has a confession to make.
9/17/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Writer, Katie Hims Director, Jess Bunch Editor, Jeremy Howe David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck Josh Archer ….. Angus Imrie Pip Archer ….. Daisy Badger Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Usha Franks ….. Souad Faress Jim Lloyd ….. John Rowe Paul Mack ….. Joshua Riley Azra Malik ….. Yasmin Wilde Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed Lottie ….. Bonnie Badoo
9/15/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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When Lottie suggests setting up Pip with someone she knows, Pip comes clean about her new relationship status. Pip’s relieved to share her news with a friend and explains that her mum knows she’s with a woman but doesn’t yet know it’s Stella. Ruth calls and invites Madison and Lottie over to Brookfield for dinner that evening. Ruth, Pip and Lottie chat over the meal. Pip recommends that Lottie bring Madison along to the Flower and Produce Show even though she and Rosie will be away. Ruth praises Usha’s work on the event. Lottie wants to attend her ex-boyfriend’s engagement party and wonders what to wear. Pip tells her she’ll look great in anything and that she’s beautiful. She seeks agreement from her mum. While Ruth’s out of the room, Lottie flags to Pip that Ruth thinks Lottie is Pip’s girlfriend – she could see sudden realisation on Ruth’s face. Pip says she will explain but not right away. Lottie can see the funny side. Things are tense between Helen and Lee while there’s still no news from the solicitor on Rob’s appeal. Lee’s trying to be nice but Helen doesn’t want to be treated like she’ll break. Lee tells Helen he rang a helpline for eating disorders to get some advice. He wants to do the right thing but doesn’t know what that is. They reconnect as they reflect on the last few months and share a hug. They’ve missed one another. Helen finally gets a call from Dominic – Rob’s application has been denied. It’s over!
9/14/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Pat gets teary while discussing Flower and Produce preparations with Usha. The event reminds her of Jennifer. With the reappearance of Helen’s eating disorder, Pat really feels the absence of her sister-in-law. Usha comforts her. Helen momentarily joins them and afterwards Pat worries that Helen overheard them talking. Usha assures her that Helen wouldn’t have heard. Helen’s pleasantly surprised to hear from Ian that Grey Gables wants to make a regular cheese order. Ian suggests going to the pub to celebrate. Over their drinks, Helen apologises for rigging the cheese competition. Ian tells her to forget about it – she’s been through a lot and deserves a break. Helen’s still waiting to hear from her solicitor about Rob’s appeal. She’s on edge every time the phone rings. Paul’s unimpressed with Josh’s birthday plan – a drink at The Bull with a few relatives. After Paul presses him to do something bigger, Josh agrees that Paul can invite those who are coming to the pub to see a mate’s band in Felpersham. Once at the venue, Josh is glad Paul forced him to go. He really likes the music as well as the girl playing the violin. Paul encourages him to approach her but Josh doesn’t want to make a fool of himself. When they get home Paul suggests Josh books the band for the Harvest Supper – then he could ask out the violin player. Josh is initially unsure but then goes ahead and messages his friend in the band.
9/13/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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As they score their sheep, Ruth asks David if he thinks Pip’s OK. She’s noticed she’s a bit on edge. David puts Pip’s behaviour down to just being busy. Ruth wonders if Pip has had a row with the woman she’s involved with. Later, after thinking back to Friday at the pub, Ruth wonders if Pip’s new girlfriend is Stella. David isn’t convinced and suggests that Stella is simply supporting Pip. They wonder instead if it could be a mum Pip has met at the school gates. Natasha outlines her and Tom’s proposal for the Tearoom. In order to cash in on Grey Gables making Ambridge more of a destination she thinks it needs to be more aspirational. When Helen’s hesitant about chasing confirmation of Grey Gables using Bridge Farm cheese, Natasha tells her she shouldn’t feel like she’s hassling – it’s just business. Natasha suggests that Fallon and Emma both become Bridge Farm employees rather being independent. Natasha’s confident she can break this news to Fallon. Helen and Pat mull over Natasha’s proposal. Pat understands that change has to happen to not get stuck in the past. Helen doesn’t think Fallon will be happy about it but first they need to know if the proposal is realistic. Pat asks about Helen’s GP appointment. Helen says she plans to cancel it as her usual GP is away and she thinks Pat and Lee are enough support for her. Pat pleads for Helen to get professional help and Helen agrees to go the appointment on Friday.
9/12/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Helen collects Lee from the airport. He’s full of enthusiasm for California. His spirits quickly sink as Helen fills him in on what happened in his absence. Lee is angry that Helen didn’t tell him over the phone at the time. She explains she wanted to protect him. While stuck in traffic, Helen apologises to Lee, admitting withholding information from him was a mistake. Lee offers Helen an American sweet but she refuses and admits she’s lost her appetite recently. When she realises Pat hasn’t spoken to Lee, Helen says there is something else she needs to tell him. Jim recommends Lark Rise to Candleford to David, but David’s too busy to fit in time to read. He’s feeling overwhelmed by the extra things they’ve taken on. When Jim hears they’re in need of entertainment for the Harvest Supper, he recommends his piano teacher who has an excellent repertoire. On his way out of the shop, David almost knocks over a woman who’s coming in. She confidently warns him to not rush about otherwise he could cause an injury. Jim’s impressed by the woman who just says she’s a bossy type. Jim lends her cutlery and a plate so she can eat the lunch things she’s bought. Later, as he’s closing up, Jim overhears her leaving a cross voicemail. She reveals it’s for her brother to whom she is like a second mother. She returns the plate and cutlery and also advises that Jim goes to the GP to have a mole on his hand checked.
9/11/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Pip doesn’t know which way to turn, and Josh faces a crisis.
9/10/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Writer, Katie Hims Director, Rosemary Watts Editor, Jeremy Howe Ben Archer ..... Ben Norris Pip Archer ..... Daisy Badger Ruth Archer ..... Felicity Finch Helen Archer ..... Louiza Patikas Henry Archer ..... Blayke Darby Natasha Archer ..... Mali Harries Pat Archer ..... Patricia Gallimore Susan Carter ..... Charlotte Martin George Grundy ..... Angus Stobie Mia Grundy ..... Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin ..... Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin ..... Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin ..... Susie Riddell Stella Pryor ..... Lucy Speed Sykesy ..... Jasper Carrott
9/8/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pat faces an uphill struggle, and there’s sad news at Brookfield.
9/7/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mia and Brad meet on a corridor in college. They share a brief kiss and pledge to coordinate some free time together. George calls Brad and accuses him of avoiding George. He asks him to the pub on Friday. Brad agrees, but later Mia asks to see him on Friday too. It’s the only night they’re both free. Brad says he’ll cancel George. He broaches this with George, who accuses him of ditching their arrangement for Mia. Everyone’s giving him a hard time, and he needs a mate at the moment. Since the video he made of Helen, he’s trying to be more respectful. He knows he went too far. So is Brad still going to say no to one night at the pub with him? Chelsea reckons she’d be happy down the pub with family and a few mates for her birthday. She wonders if she’s got boring. Tracy assures her she hasn’t. Chelsea declares she’d like to start driving again. Susan calls round and spots a book of hers propping up the kitchen table. It must have got into the car boot stuff by mistake. It’s Lark Rise to Candleford and she’d like it back. Tracy says she can’t have it until Jazzer’s fixed the table leg, but Susan insists it’s precious to her. They get into a sisterly row. Later with the table fixed, Chelsea’s engrossed in the book. Tracy suggests she might read something easier, but Chelsea wants a challenge. Tracy suggests they both read it – then they’d meet the challenge together.
9/6/202313 minutes
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Pat’s looking after Henry, who’s less than forthcoming about his school day. As they chat Henry receives a text. He assures Pat it’s just a mate – he’s blocked Rob and will never be in touch with him again. Pat assures Henry she trusts him. But his mum doesn’t, counters Henry. He feels bad about the trouble he’s caused, and goes over some of the things Helen said to him in her anger. Pat explains Helen spoke out of turn because she was under pressure. She adores Henry. Henry acknowledges this. Helen returns and is pleased to see Henry happier. She admits she hasn’t told Lee about the incident with Henry and Rob. She’ll tell him when he’s back from America. Pat’s doubtful, but Helen asserts there’s no need to involve Lee until he’s back. Pat concedes that Helen needs to do what she thinks is best. Pat reports her conversation with Henry, and Helen chats with him. She apologises for her harsh words. Henry says he’d never seen her so angry. Helen explains she just wants to keep him, and Jack, safe. Henry gets it, and they hug, bonding over a video game. Unhappy Sykesy tells Ben that Jill’s been to see him and bawled him out for being ungrateful and upsetting Ben. Ben can’t understand how she knew about the situation, but it occurs to Sykesy that he might have told her himself. Contrite, he offers Ben a cheque. Ben thanks him but explains he can’t accept it. Sykesy doesn’t like rules, and tries to give Ben the cheque. But to Ben’s horror he falls and hurts himself.
9/5/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Susan greets smiling Mia in the shop, who’s come in to buy breakfast for Brad. Spotting Mia also has a flask of coffee with her, she delves for information on their relationship. Stella overhears and scolds Susan good naturedly for her interrogation. When Mia’s gone Stella remarks on how happy she looked. Susan agrees wistfully. There’s nothing like being in love. Later Stella and Pip chat about when they first met, and how far they’ve come. Stella admits to being jealous of Mia’s ‘in love’ feeling. She’d like to take back her recent harsh words to Pip and admits she was wrong to make Pip feel so bad. Stella wonders if they could hang out more and see what happens. Pip would love to see what happens and thanks Stella for giving her a chance. Stella’s just grateful Pip hasn’t told her to get lost. Ben admits to his mum that the residents at The Laurels don’t yet know he’s leaving. Ruth reckons he needs to get on with it, today. Sykesy takes the news badly. He’s cross that Ben didn’t tell him earlier, and accuses him of picking things up and dropping them when he gets bored. Later Ben reports Sykesy’s angry reaction to Ruth. Ruth reassures him but Ben feels bad; no-one comes to see Sykesy and he needed Ben. Ruth worries to Pip that Ben’s still quite vulnerable. Ruth also wonders to Pip whether she’s offended Stella, who she’s finding quite distant. Could Pip do some digging? Sure, no problem, replies Pip.
9/4/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Pat’s brought a beef bourguignon over to Helen’s, and finds Natasha there keeping an eye on Jack while Helen’s out running. Natasha asks Pat how she thinks Helen’s doing. Pat’s not sure – she’s had an awful few months and the amount of running she’s doing is worrying. Helen confides to Pat later that she feels she’s handled everything badly, and scared Henry. Pat reassures her, and offers to take Jack and Henry for a couple of hours. Helen’s grateful. She suggests Pat takes the bourguignon back with her for the boys. She’s not hungry. Pat insists she keep it. Natasha returns later to retrieve a forgotten toy, and Helen offers her the bourguignon. It would be doing her a favour. Natasha accepts. Brad and Mia have the house to themselves, and Brad’s lined up a selection of films. Mia wants a day off from heavy stuff and wants to watch something cheesy and ‘wish fulfilment’. They make their choice and enjoy the film, sharing some banter and flirtatious compliments. Mia doesn’t want the summer to end. She suggests they go to Brad’s room. Later Brad’s keen to establish that Mia has no regrets. On the contrary, says Mia, she should talk to her dad, and Will, about staying over one night. Brad agrees he’ll talk to his mum, admitting she might worry about contraception. Neither of them are keen to broach this with their parents yet, so they agree to leave those conversations for a bit. There’s no rush.
9/3/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Oliver asks Lynda to manage a grand ball as part of the relaunch of Grey Gables. Lynda lists the extensive requirements of such a project, which only serves to strengthen Oliver’s case that she’s the woman for the job. Lynda accepts, subject to a non-negotiable fee. She presses Adil for more details of the redesigned site. Adil tries to slow her down as she races ahead with grand plans for the event. He assures her all is in hand when she observes Grey Gables is looking a little bare and shoddy. When Lynda’s gone Oliver shares that a contractor has mentioned delays. Adil’s dismissive – big projects often proceed this way. When Adil queries Lynda’s fee, Oliver asks if there’s a problem with finances. He has a lot invested in the project being a success. Pip and Stella agree last night was fun; they’d like to do it again. Ruth arrives unexpectedly and Pip begs Stella to hide outside. Ruth wonders if she’s interrupted something – the door isn’t usually locked. Pip denies this and changes the subject. Ruth wants her opinion about a cow with mastitis. Pip says she’ll be over once she’s dressed and tidied up and hurries her mum away. Later Pip calls at home farm to try and smooth things with Stella, who’s short with her. She believes hiding her from Ruth was wrong on many levels. Pip denies hiding her; she just thought the situation might be awkward for everyone. Which is why’s it’s best to stop things here, retorts Stella. It’s not going to end well otherwise.
9/1/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mia and Brad are pulling ragwort at the rewilding site. Brad relates the events of the wedding. He caught the bouquet. Mia declares she doesn’t believe in marriage. Brad hastily agrees with her. Later Rex reports he’s struggling to convince one of a group of boy scouts to say goodbye to the worms – he’s inspecting them and won’t leave. Brad observes being in a group can be hard sometimes. Mia suggests he has a go at encouraging the boy. Brad succeeds, and grateful Rex doesn’t know what they’d have done without him. Mia thinks Brad was brilliant. She suggests they do something together and they settle on watching a film. Mia wonders if things will be different once term starts – it's been a great summer. She tells Brad he’s special. Pip reports to Rex that Rosie’s having a good time in Cornwall with Toby. Rex beats about the bush before telling Pip she needs to tread carefully with Toby. He’s all over the place at the moment and Rex doesn’t want to see his brother messed around. Pip makes it clear everything that needs to be said to Toby, has been. Pip apologises to Stella for her recent behaviour and hopes they can be more than friends. Stella’s flattered, but asserts Pip needs to find someone else to explore things with. She’s been in this situation before and can’t do it again. Pip persists, and asks Stella on a date. Stella’s evasive, but surprises Pip later at Rickyard. Pip suggests she joins her for something to eat, and Stella accepts.
8/31/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lynda finds Emma reading a book, and Emma shares her news that she’s going back to college to get her GCSE English Literature. Lynda’s delighted for her. They discuss the book Emma’s reading and it soon becomes apparent they’re at cross purposes. Emma recognises none of the aspects Lynda mentions, and panics that if she can’t spot what’s going on, she won’t do well on her course. Lynda confesses she hasn’t actually read the book but only seen the film adaptation. Relieved Emma promises not to tell anyone her secret. Jazzer and Tracy can’t believe the registrar for their wedding has been called away to a family emergency. Tracy thinks it’s because she and Jazzer saw each other in the morning. They should have stayed apart. Superstitions aside, the fact remains they currently don’t have a wedding. Susan’s appalled, and directs Chelsea and Brad to sort it out. They take up the challenge. Meanwhile Susan attends to Jazzer’s outfit and Tracy’s make-up. Brad and Chelsea return with the news they’ve been successful. After a sit-in staged by Chelsea and some judicious time and distance calculations by Brad, they’ve secured a registrar from Felpersham. It will be late in the day but Susan pledges to stick around until they’re married, and orders everyone else to do the same. Nobody leaves until this wedding’s happened. Everyone’s buoyant after the event, though Tracy tries unsuccessfully to ban photographs in case their secret’s discovered. The day ends in a happy flurry of confetti.
8/30/202312 minutes, 51 seconds
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Adil and Oliver sift the applications for the Head of Housekeeping job at Grey Gables. Adil declares Emma doesn’t have what they’re looking for. Oliver argues she has potential, but Adil thinks it’s too risky. Emma would be suitable as a Domestic Services Assistant. Oliver breaks the news to Emma that she’s not shortlisted. He suggests the lesser qualified role, but Emma’s not interested in being a cleaner. Oliver apologises for his insensitivity, but Emma reckons he’s helped her. She’s decided to go back to college and improve her qualifications. Oliver thinks this is an excellent idea. Brad finds himself stuck in the middle as he relays messages between feuding Jazzer and Tracy at breakfast. They move on to arguing directly with each other, and Brad implores them to give it a rest before leaving the table. Later Brad finds downcast Tracy engaged in displacement activity when she’s meant to be sorting stuff for tomorrow’s wedding. She apologises for fighting with Jazzer in front of him. Brad thinks it’s all nonsense – they love one another and Jazzer would never do anything to hurt Tracy. She’s just looking for holes where there are none. Tracy gets that, but is upset she doesn’t seem to know about everything in Jazzer’s past. Brad reassures her; Jazzer’s not like his dad. As if to reinforce this Jazzer returns from work with a fish supper for everyone. Tracy admits to behaving like a teenager, and Jazzer declares he’s made sure Hannah’s got other places to stay. They make up. Here’s to wedding number two.
8/29/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Emma’s sorry she can’t make a cake for Tracy and Jazzer’s second wedding, but Tracy’s insists they’ve already had their wedding cake and can’t justify another one. They talk about the scene in the Tearoom between George and Helen; Emma maintains she’s given George what for over the video he made, but she’s not sure he’s hearing her. Tracy reckons she should stick with it. Emma thanks her. It’s been stressful minding the Tearoom while Fallon was away. Tracy suggests Emma applies for Head of Housekeeping at Grey Gables; it comes with a nice salary. Emma questions her own credentials, but Tracy convinces her she’s more than qualified. Emma approaches Adil, who directs her to the website where she can submit an application. Hannah’s running out of options for accommodation. She might have to leave Berrow and move back home. Jazzer offers their sofa for as long as she needs it. Neil feels responsible; if he hadn’t sacked George, Hannah might not be being evicted. Hannah insists it’s not on Neil – she just needs to focus on finding somewhere to live. Later she thanks wrongfooted Tracy for being a life saver, offering their sofa, and shares the joke Jazzer made about giving Hannah his bed. Shocked Tracy confronts Jazzer. He clearly didn’t give any thought to his family when he offered Hannah free run of their house. In trying to smooth things over Jazzer ends up talking about his crush on Hannah years ago. This is the last straw for irate Tracy – it’s a good job they’re not married yet!
8/28/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Tracy’s helping Susan at a car boot sale. Susan asks if she’s ready for Wednesday, her ‘real’ marriage day. Tracy confirms she’s checked the Register Office booking so there’s not much else to do. Susan reckons there’ll still be a lot of organising. Who’s looking after the rings? And they’ll definitely need another cake. Tracy suggests a Tearoom leftover, and declares they can just wear the same clothes as last time. Susan thinks it's a shame Tracy doesn’t think she deserves nice things. Susan starts to pack up her stall – she wants to help Tracy sort things out. Ruth and David are grateful for Pip’s help clearing up the barn after a wedding event. Ruth goes back to the house, and David notices Pip’s not herself. She snaps at him and he asks if everything’s ok. He wonders if Toby’s upset her, but she insists she’s fine. David persists, and Pip confesses she feels bad about leading Toby on. She has feelings for someone else and used him, and now she might have messed things up with both of them. She tells her dad the other person’s a woman. David can’t hide his surprise but is glad she’s told him. He suggests Pip lets the woman know that she’s got feelings for her. Later David updates Ruth on the situation with Toby, and Ruth squeezes out the rest of the detail from him. She’s glad Pip confided in him, and relieved that they know now what’s troubling her. It must be someone pretty great if Pip’s this mixed up about them.
8/27/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Susan relays to Helen that George is genuinely sorry about what he did. But Helen can’t change how she feels. Susan explains that what George did has been a bit of a wake-up call for her family and it’s their job to set George right. Susan wonders what made Rob the way he is. Helen doesn’t know but thinks he has a dark void that can only be filled by degrading women. When Susan hopes George isn’t like that, Helen’s reassuring, although she was shocked by some of the things George said. But Helen recognises that it took a lot for George to apologise and asks Susan to tell him he can have his job back. When Pip’s surprised that the whole family have come for dinner at Brookfield, Ruth explains she thought it would be a nice way to round off Toby’s week in Ambridge. Pip’s offhand and awkward around Toby. When she tries to apologise for sleeping with him, Toby says that although it was unplanned, he thinks there’s still something between them. When David tells Toby that they lost their drinks supplier for the events barn, Toby offers to supply them with some great value wine and only charge trade price. When David tells Pip, she sarcastically comments that Toby never misses an opportunity. Later Toby wonders whether he and Pip should give their relationship another shot. Pip’s sorry if she gave Toby the wrong impression, but last night was a mistake and she didn’t feel anything for him. She’s sorry if Toby thought she did.
8/25/202313 minutes
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Tom’s shattered and Natasha thinks he should think about asking George back to help on the farm. She’s spoken to Emma who thinks George is genuinely sorry about the video. And Emma and Will have both had words with him. Tom thinks it’s up to Helen. They talk about Helen’s solicitor who’s clarified that Rob didn’t break his non-molestation order at the Leisure Centre, because he was in a public space when Helen saw him. Talk turns to the Tearoom and Natasha says it’s been an eye-opener helping there. She doesn’t think Fallon’s making the most of its potential. Natasha outlines things she would do to improve it, including using more of Bridge Farm’s products. Natasha doesn’t want to barge in and start telling Fallon how to run her business, but the Tearoom is an integral part of the wider Bridge Farm offer. It’s food for thought. Toby tells Pip he’s enjoyed the last few days in Ambridge. They bump into Stella and without checking with Pip, Toby invites Stella to a barbecue with them and Rex. Toby reminisces about his early days in Ambridge working with Rex and how he and Pip first got together. The wine is flowing and Toby and Pip banter about their relationship. Before heading off, Stella hugs Pip and says she guesses they’ve put the last couple of weeks behind them. Toby stays behind to put Rosie to bed. Later Pip and Toby relax on the sofa and things become flirtatious. They end up in a passionate embrace.
8/24/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Toby enjoys helping Ruth collect honey from Jill’s hives and Ruth invites him for dinner with the family later in the week. Will tells George that both he and Emma are very concerned that George thought it was ok to post the video of Helen’s outburst. George knows what Rob did to Helen, so he must understand why she freaked out about George helping Henry to meet Rob. Will’s looked up some of the influencers George has been watching. He can see the appeal of all the money, flash cars and girlfriends, but it’s not the real world. George counters he doesn’t agree with everything that the influencers say, but he likes the stuff about it not being a crime to be a man. Will says if he’d put his anger and bruised ego above everything else when Emma chose Ed over him, he’d not only have still lost Emma, but probably George and his family too. Unrepentant George says he’s not going to grovel to Helen. Later Emma explains to George that a lot of what he’s said recently shows how he feels about women in general. And the other person who thinks like that is Rob Titchener. When George admits he saw how Rob was with Henry, Emma wonders why George would want to be a misogynist like him. Emma and George reconcile, but Emma points out that she’s not the only person he’s hurt. Later George goes round to apologise to Helen, but Helen can’t forget about what George did and asks him to leave.
8/23/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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When Tom remarks that Natasha’s brave going to the Tea Room, Natasha explains that although what George did was bad, having a cold war with the Grundys isn’t going to help. The only true villain is Rob Titchener. When Helen appears, Tom congratulates her for showing her face on the farm. He wonders about having George back to work on the farm, as they’re so short-staffed. Otherwise, it feels like it’s just another way that Rob is making things difficult. Helen agrees to think about it. Emma’s tearful at the Tea Room, and tells Natasha that on top of everything going wrong, the water heater’s now packed up. Emma was shocked when Helen stormed in and tore into George and admits they’ve also been having difficulties with George recently. Natasha counsels that they all need to pull together and then offers to lend a hand at the Tea Room. When Natasha has a few ideas for making the Tea Room more productive, Emma says it would be Fallon’s call. Natasha wonders what employment’s Emma’s had in the past and tells Emma to believe in herself more. Later, Tom and Natasha are stopped in their tracks when they spot a meme of Helen’s outburst that George has posted online. Emma also sees it and tells George that Hannah was right about his attitude to women. He must get it from the influencer he watches online. They’re interrupted by furious Tom hammering at the door. He wonders to Emma whether George enjoys doing Rob’s work for him. He doesn’t want George on the farm ever again.
8/22/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Toby and Rex take Rosie for a walk in the rewilding meadow, where Toby tells Rex he’s done with the playboy thing. He’s now looking for long-term commitment. But Pip went a bit weird when Toby showed her his dating site and asked her which woman she’d choose. Pat explains to Susan that Helen’s not up to working at the dairy. Susan broaches Helen’s outburst in the Tearoom, saying that George only did what Henry asked him to do. Tearful Pat concedes that Helen may’ve over-reacted but what if Henry had been persuaded to bring Jack with him? Rob might’ve tried to kidnap Jack again. Later Emma tells Susan it says it all that Helen’s not shown her face at work, after the scene she made. And George has gone off sick from Bridge Farm, so he doesn’t risk getting another mouthful. She hopes Susan asked for an apology from Pat. Later while sorting through things for the car boot, Emma comes across Susan’s copy of Lark Rise to Candleford. Emma’s always wished she had more time to lose herself in a good book. Talk turns back to Helen and George, and Susan counsels that Helen deserves a little understanding after what Rob did to her and how he tried to kidnap Jack. Imagine if it was the other way round with Emma’s children and someone had put them in danger. How would Emma feel? Susan understands why Emma wants to defend George, but sometimes Emma needs to stop turning a blind eye to him.
8/21/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pip apologises to Stella for being tetchy at the roller skating the other day – she’s just feeling a bit confused. Stella says their kiss was a stupid, drunken moment and didn’t mean anything. They agree not to let it ruin their friendship and head to the Tearoom. Helen worries about how she tore into Henry on Friday. She just wanted Henry to understand that Rob only cares about himself. Pat points out that Henry never wants to see Rob again and that whatever game Rob was playing has backfired. But Helen thinks it’s part of his plan; Rob wants Helen to know that if he can get to Henry, he can get to Jack too. Helen’s surprised when Pat reveals that Henry opened up to her about why he contacted Rob. He wanted to Rob to leave them alone, but then Rob got his hooks into him, saying Helen was unhinged when she was pregnant with Jack. Henry’s cross with himself for being taken in. Pat adds that Henry didn’t arrange the meeting by himself; George helped Henry contact Rob. Helen’s furious and storms over to the Tearoom where she confronts George. He retaliates with a stream of vitriol, and then starts filming Helen as she loses control and calls him crazy. When Helen says she hopes Emma’s proud of George, Emma demands she leaves and as she does so, Helen tells George to stay away from Henry. Afterwards, sobbing Helen tells Pat what happened in front of the whole Tearoom. Now everyone will know about Rob. Why can’t she ever escape?
8/20/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ruth tells Tracy that although she’s given a lot of thought to a long-term let for Hannah, she thinks Brookfield B and B has run its course. It would be less stressful for Ben, and Pip has a lot on and seems really out of sorts at the moment. Henry’s achieved his 1000 metre swimming badge at Borchester Leisure Centre, and Kirsty and Helen are delighted. When Kirsty heads off to pick up Henry’s badge, Helen’s shocked to bump into Rob in the car park. She threatens to call the police, but he points out that Helen’s already visited him twice of her own volition. Helen thinks Rob’s bluffing when he says he met up with Henry at the County Show yesterday. But when Henry appears demanding to know what Rob’s doing there, Rob says Helen has a right to know about their meet-up. He taunts Henry, and Helen threatens again to call the police. Rob goes and Kirsty rings Natasha to make sure Jack’s safe. Helen’s incredulous that Henry contacted Rob, reminding him that Rob’s dangerous. Henry explains that Rob told him his dream was to see Henry and Jack before he died. Upset Helen tells Henry that Rob doesn’t care about him, all he wants is Jack. Rob’s a liar and now Henry is too. He could’ve put Jack in danger. When Henry storms off Kirsty tries to calm Helen down pointing out Henry’s as much as a victim as Helen. Now Henry’s been rejected all over again. Distraught Helen wonders what she’s done to Henry.
8/18/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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It the day of the County Show, where Emma thinks it’s great that George is looking out for Henry. When George complains that Helen’s over-protective of him, Emma explains Helen’s back-history with Rob. Helen attacked Rob because she was provoked, and Rob was trying to take Henry away. Henry witnessed the whole thing. George is unnerved and when Henry reveals later that he’s waiting for Rob, tries unsuccessfully to head him off. Eddie smells a rat when he makes a bet on a friend’s sheep herding. He asks Emma to watch the crowd to see if she can spot anything. Emma notices a woman with a silent whistle and manages to stop her distracting the sheep dog. It works and Eddie’s in the money. The event’s given Eddie an idea for another type of herding – turkeys! Rob engages Henry in chat about his life and Henry presents him with a gift of a boat key ring, because Rob saved people in the Ambridge flood. When George tries to steer Henry away, menacing Rob says he’s sure Helen wouldn’t want to know that George had a hand in arranging today’s meeting. She might even sack him. Rob abruptly ends the call to Henry. He asks about Henry and Jack’s social lives and Henry mentions his upcoming swimming challenge at Borchester pool. Rob suggests a meet up with Henry and Jack, but Henry’s hesitant, saying it would just have to be with him, not Jack. When Henry tries to go, Rob tells him he’s dying. Rob’s tone changes as he sees Henry’s not acquiescent. But Henry’s adamant about not bringing Jack, and walks away.
8/17/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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When Pip’s surprised to find that Ruth’s invited Stella roller-skating, Ruth explains it’s because she’d discovered that Stella’s a roller-skating diva. When they’re alone, Stella asks Pip if it’s a problem that she’s coming, but Pip’s says it’s fine. At the rink Pip’s on edge and moans to Ruth about why she invited Stella; she’d thought it was a family outing. Ruth explains it was to take Stella’s mind off losing Weaver. When Stella thinks Pip looks miserable, Pip snaps that it’s her choice to be like that. Stella skates off and Ruth wonders what on earth’s wrong with Pip - she was downright rude. David walks in on Ben trying to fix David’s toy farm. Ben comes clean about losing his balance and falling on it. David’s calm until he discovers that some of the figures are broken too. Ben apologises, but David says the important thing is that he’s still got Phil’s gift tag. Seeing Ben’s crestfallen expression, David jokingly reassures him. It’s only stuff – demolishing his toy farm isn’t actually the end of the world. Ben just needs to focus on getting ready for uni. When Ben worries about the placements on his nursing course, David points out Ben’s support systems. Ben will be fine as long as toy animals aren’t involved! Later when Ben outlines his concerns about the B and B, Pip agrees to take over from him. Later Ruth tells David about Pip’s meltdown and rudeness to Stella earlier. She’s got no idea what’s going on with Pip.
8/16/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Pip, Lottie and Ben are on a night out, where talk turns to Pip’s love life. Lottie can’t believe there’s been no-one since Toby, but when she probes her further, Pip shuts Lottie down. Later back at Rickyard Ben and Pip unwind. Ben’s surprised to see David’s precious toy farm on the floor and Pip explains that David’s lent it to Rosie. When Ben unloads about how much work is involved in running the B and B, Pip suggests Hannah staying there might make things easier. But Ben’s not convinced; it would still be work, especially when he’s back at uni. Pip suggests mentioning his concerns to Ruth. Disaster strikes when Ben unwittingly treads on David’s toy farm base and it cracks. Trying to regain his balance, he then causes more damage. When Pip comments that Ben’s like Godzilla, Ben wonders how he’s going to tell David. George and Henry unload the Bridge Farm van and George talks about his forthcoming family day out to the County Show. Ed’s showing his Texels and he’s convinced that they’ll get a ton of rosettes. When Henry asks Helen if he can go along with them, she agrees, saying Henry will have a fantastic time. Later Henry tells George that his stepdad’s been texting him. When George wonders if he means Lee, Henry says no, the real one. Rob’s going to meet Henry at the show, so Henry will probably do his own thing there without George. George says that’s fine he can hang out with his mates.
8/15/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Lynda joins one of Oliver’s Lower Loxley tours and it becomes clear it’s to show him her expertise in dealing with ‘challenging’ situations. Cottoning on Oliver wrongly assumes that Tracy has spilled the beans about his conversation with Adil yesterday. He tries to apologise for calling her challenging, and it dawns on Lynda that Adil and Oliver were talking about her and not the role. Later Adil’s surprised when Ian drops off his signed contract for the Interim Head of Food position, but concedes it’s fine as long as that’s the only surprise appointment that Oliver’s made. They’re interrupted by Lynda who confronts them about calling her ‘unmanageable’ and ‘challenging’. They only make things worse when they attempt to back-track. Finally, when Adil offers Lynda the job of organising their opening event, Lynda tells them she’s too busy and leaves. Ian tells Helen he’s accepted the Head of Food role. Helen wonders if he’ll get to choose the cheese suppliers. She can drop some supplies round. But Ian stops her saying she’d be one of several potential suppliers. Helen retreats and gives Ian the brush off when he suggests meeting up. Later Ian asks Kirsty for advice, wondering if the Rob situation is getting Helen down more than she’s admitting. But when Kirsty checks in with Helen, she’s ok; work has been a little bit stressful but she’ll been able to focus more while Lee’s visiting his daughters in San Francisco. And she’s heard nothing more from Miles or Rob. Helen’s delighted when Kirsty offers to stay while Lee’s away.
8/14/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Tracy and Ruth discuss Brookfield B and B. Tracy wonders if they were to do longer lets, might it be somewhere that Hannah could stay? Ruth says she’ll check with Ben. Toby’s taking Rosie to Cornwall soon and Pip wishes she’d done more with Rosie over the holidays. Ruth proposes that they take Rosie to the new roller-skating rink this week. And as Pip looks like she could do with a night out, Ruth also offers to babysit so that she can go out with Lottie. Oliver tells Tracy that Grey Gables recruitment advertising starts this week for its opening in the Autumn. He’d happily recommend Tracy for one of the Welcome roles there. Tracy declines; she’s really happy at The Bull and it has none of the stresses of a big hotel. They’re interrupted by Adil ringing to tell Oliver that their launch plans have got the green light. When Adil’s keen to find an event planner, Oliver mentions tempting their previous staff back. Adil hopes he doesn’t mean Lynda – she’s completely unmanageable. Oliver agrees she can be challenging, but in a good way. They agree to discuss it further tomorrow. Overhearing them, Tracy asks Oliver who is unmanageable. Oliver bluffs that they were talking about the ‘challenging’ role and that things can get ‘unmanageable’. Later Tracy mentions the role to Lynda who would relish the challenge, but wonders why Adil didn’t mention it to her. She may be forced to blow her own rather considerable trumpet and convince Oliver and Adil that there’s life in the old dog.
8/13/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tom gives Fallon the news that they won’t be giving her a long lease on the Tearoom. He reassures her it’s nothing she’s done wrong. Perceptive Lynda sees Fallon’s upset when she confuses an order. Fallon explains her conversation with Tom. Lynda assures her she’s doing brilliantly, the Tearoom is a success. Yes, but for how long, declares Fallon. She understands the Bridge Farm Archers might want to keep their options open, but with the possibility of competition in the form of a coffee chain just down the road, she doesn’t want to lose vital footfall. It couldn’t come at a worse time, with Harrison about to reduce his hours. Lynda reckons Fallon needs some work-life balance too. Fallon counters she loves her job, it doesn’t feel like work, but concedes a holiday would be nice. Lynda offers her a loan. Fallon’s touched by her kindness, but says she doesn’t need one at the moment. Lynda declares she’ll make it her mission to ensure the community supports the Tearoom. Pip returns Stella’s bag, feeling awkward about last night. She scuttles off, leaving Stella exasperated. She catches up with Pip, saying she doesn’t want things to be weird between them. Pip wants to forget it ever happened, but Stella says there’s no need to be embarrassed. It was just a kiss and not a big deal. Pip thaws, and they drink tea together. She thanks Stella for making it normal. Stella reassures Pip; last night was down to both of them. They agree they’re really glad they’re mates.
8/11/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ian reports to Tom Helen’s slightly odd behaviour at the food fayre, where she tried to downgrade the cheese competition. Ian continues to share the details, in confidence, when Helen interrupts them and susses they were talking about her. Mortified Ian protests he was just worried about her, but Helen isn’t having it. She misunderstands, and storms off in anger at her friend’s betrayal. Later Tom tries to talk to Helen, but she insists she’s fine. She’s keen to move on and focus on the business. She thinks they should let Fallon know that tying themselves into a longer lease for her on the Tearoom right now wouldn’t make sense for them. She asks taken aback Tom to give Fallon the news. Rosie’s too scared to sleep in the tent Pip’s set up, and has retreated to her grandparents for the night. Pip suggests going to the pub instead of camping, but sensing Stella’s disappointment agrees they should go ahead with it anyway – especially when Stella reveals she’s brought some giant marshmallows! Jubilant Pip gets a fire going and the two share their respective journeys into farming. They agree it can be lonely. Pip admits that sometimes she wants to branch out, but she’s stuck because she’s scared. Stella reckons Pip’s brave, and impressive. As the conversation progresses, Stella gets emotional. Pip apologises for chattering on when Stella’s just buried her dog. Stella says it’s been a welcome distraction. They hug, which turns into a kiss. Panicked Pip jumps up, exclaiming she has to go.
8/10/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Stubborn Stella’s having trouble accepting relief help from Ed and George, but she finally gives in and offers George a day’s trial at Home Farm, at the going rate. Joy reports Harrison isn’t able to help with finding Marvin. Clarrie thought as much. Eddie’s too depressed even for George to do his appeal video. Joy offers to speak to Eddie, coaxing him not to wallow and to take positive action. They can continue the search without Harrison’s help. Undeterred by his doom-mongering, Joy manages to get Eddie to do the video. She’ll get George to edit and tidy it, and see if the Echo will post it on their socials. Eddie and Clarrie are grateful. Clarrie wants to go with Ed and Emma to the Bull to celebrate George’s successful day at Home Farm, but Eddie’s not keen. However Clarrie insists, and sends him upstairs to change his clothes. Jubilant Eddie finds Marvin curled up the pocket of his trousers. It’s a double celebration at the Bull! George has made a good fist of his tractor driving trial, and Stella offers him some casual shifts. George promises he won’t let her down, but not before divulging that Weaver’s the second dog Ed’s killed. Later Ed offers to buy Stella a drink. She’s looking forward to overnight camping with Pip and Rosie now she’s got some help with the farm. She’s also had time to arrange a proper burial for Weaver. Ed tries to explain what happened with Baz, Will’s dog, but Stella’s fine with it. She’s appreciated Ed’s kindness.
8/9/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Oliver admires George’s bale stacking effort. It’s a fantastic achievement and George has raised a phenomenal amount of money. George says he starts his farm management course in the autumn – before Oliver knows it he’ll be a fully-fledged farm promotions company. Neil arrives to talk to George. Oliver thinks George should hear his granddad out. Neil praises George’s fete effort and invites him to tea. Neil hates all the bad feeling between them. George shocks him by declaring Oliver’s been more of a granddad to him than Neil. Neil tells Oliver he’s not sure George will ever come round, guiltily admitting he’s not an easy kid to like. Oliver thinks he’s being hard on himself, but Neil wonders why he’s the only grandparent who can’t connect with George. Clarrie says Eddie’s holed up in the cider shed, stressing over lost Marvin. Emma reports her birthday meal last night was miserable, with Ed and George hardly speaking. The women resolve to keep looking for Marvin. George has offered to put an appeal online, meanwhile Eddie’s savagely dismantling the ferret wheel. George has news later that Eddie’s taking some positive action and starting a ring round to see if anyone’s heard anything. Emma tells George that Ed’s under pressure, trying to arrange some time off for Stella, so George needs to go easy on him. George agrees he will. Later he offers to drive a tractor for Home Farm, free of charge, to help out. Emma sees this as a kind of apology from George; he’s not a bad lad deep down.
8/8/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Bonus Episode: When Helen met Rob – the story so far

In April 2016 Helen Archer was arrested for stabbing her husband Rob Titchener during a row. One of the most closely followed trials in British radio drama history saw calls to domestic abuse helplines increase by 17%. This bonus catch-up edition charts the romance and the emerging coercive control, including Rob’s physical abuse of Helen, through to Helen taking her life in her own hands and stabbing Rob, and the insidious impact of Rob’s return on the family at Bridge Farm. If you are suffering domestic abuse or violence, a list of organisations that can provide help and support in the UK is available at Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Rob Titchener ….. Timothy Watson Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ..... William Troughton Johnny Phillips ….. Tom Gibbons Anna Tregorran ….. Isobel Middleton Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Jury foreman ….. Nigel Havers Narrator: Annabelle Dowler Written and produced by Mel Ward The Archers Editor is Jeremy Howe A BBC Audio Drama Birmingham production
6/16/202320 minutes, 43 seconds
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Making Mince Pies with Jill Archer

Join Jill in the kitchen at Brookfield as she makes a batch of her much loved mince pies
12/9/201912 minutes, 50 seconds