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Real World Peaceful Parenting Profile

Real World Peaceful Parenting

English, Parenting, 1 season, 162 episodes, 2 days, 15 hours, 52 minutes
Are you tired of yelling at your kids? Do you sometimes feel like they don’t listen or respect you? Do you feel like the worst parent EVER? You’re not alone, there is hope! Join Lisa Smith -- Mom, Master Certified Parent Coach, Author and Speaker -- as she helps turn frustrated parents -- who regularly default to yelling, threatening and punishing -- into peaceful leaders within their households. As a former dominant parent, she has found the path to Peaceful Parenting and is dedicated to helping other parents find their way too! But be warned, this is not a “foo-foo” podcast that’s going to tell you to let your kids do whatever they want without any rules or limitations. Each week Lisa will share the exact methods and step-by-step strategies she used to transform from an angry, controlling mom who was constantly upset with her son and husband, into a calm, confident, and connected leader in her home. To connect with Lisa visit
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160. Modeling: The Most Powerful Parenting Tool

As much as we want to be able to influence our children through our words, the truth is kids don’t do what we say. They do what we do. Modeling is a powerful parenting tool that allows children to learn by example, and it's at the root of your children feeling seen, heard, and valued.   Join me this week to hear how to model the behaviors, attitudes, and values you want to instill in your children, and the questions to ask yourself that will help you take inventory of what you’re modeling.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/31/202416 minutes, 40 seconds
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159. How to Raise Kids Who Don’t Have to Recover from Their Childhood

If you’re an adult who has spent a lot of time and energy trying to recover from a stressful or dysfunctional childhood, you might find yourself wondering how best to nurture a secure childhood for your kids.   Join me this week to learn the foundation of a secure childhood, and how doing this work helps you raise kids who don’t have to recover as adults. I’m showing you what a secure childhood might look like, and how a secure childhood sets the stage for healthy relationships, emotional intelligence, and resilience.   Get full show notes and more information here:  
1/24/202411 minutes, 32 seconds
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158. The Secret to Self-Regulation and Connection with Your Kids

Have you ever wondered why you react the way you do when your kids make a mistake, or how to show up as a regulated parent who holds their child in high regard, even when they fail? This week, I’m diving into a fundamental trigger of parental dysregulation—our kids' mistakes—and exploring how to use self-regulation to address them in a healthy way.   Tune in to discover how embracing the concept of self-worth is the backbone of self-regulation, how integrating it into your family culture will lead you on the path to peaceful parenting, and my two-step process for minimizing the impact of your children's flaws on themselves and others.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/17/202426 minutes, 53 seconds
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157. Parenting Fear: How It Shapes the Parent-Child Relationship

Fear is a huge part of the parenting experience and it can show up in a variety of ways for us. Parenting fear affects our decision-making process, shapes our thoughts, and even how we get along with our kids. So, how can we use it for connection instead of control?   Listen in this week as I’m joined by Hive members Dina, Kris, and Viv to discuss how we can better manage our fears as we raise our kids. They’re sharing their experiences of parenting fear, how they’ve learned to self-reflect, self-regulate, and resist the urge to deflect their fears onto their children, and the power of using their fear to cultivate connection and co-regulation.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/10/202450 minutes, 52 seconds
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156. 2024: The Year of Self-Regulation

At the beginning of each year, I like to declare a theme that guides the parenting work we do. My ultimate goal for 2024 is for all of us to become emotionally mature, and the skill of emotional maturity begins with one important practice: self-regulation.   Listen in to discover why I’m committed to a year of self-regulation in 2024, and how to model it for your children. I’m offering three reasons why you too should be committed to improving your self-regulation skills, and showing you how self-regulation grants you access to your higher brain, fosters calmness, and enhances your overall well-being.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/3/202414 minutes, 24 seconds
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155. Stop Using Respect as a Weapon

Most parents, if we're honest with ourselves, have had thoughts like, “My child doesn’t respect me,” or, “My child is so disrespectful.” Respect needs to be earned, not demanded, and it takes time to unfold. So what do we really mean when we expect respect from our kids, and are we using that expectation as a weapon against them?    Listen in this week to discover how demanding respect could be damaging your parent-child relationship, how your unconscious rules of engagement are fostering a divide with your kids, and my tips for cultivating healthy, two-way respect within your family.   Get full show notes and more information here:  
12/27/202324 minutes, 34 seconds
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154. The Only Parenting Standard to Hold Yourself To

The holiday season is an intense, stressful time for many of us. That’s why I’ve got the perfect holiday gift for you this week.   Join me this week to hear the best gift you can give yourself and your children this holiday season. You’ll learn what happens when you hold yourself to impossible parenting standards, the power of offering yourself a new start every single day, and why you don’t ever need to be the most perfect, enlightened parent.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/20/20239 minutes, 55 seconds
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153. Create Connection with These Simple Words

Creating connection with our children can happen pretty naturally when we're spending quality time together. But how do you continue to build connection during the mundane, day-to-day time? I’ve got some effective connection-creating tools to share with you in today’s episode, and it all starts with how you talk to your children and nurture their self-esteem.   This week, I’m sharing how your communication might be unintentionally causing your kids stress and affecting their self-esteem, and how to choose words that empower your children for the rest of their lives.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/13/202314 minutes
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152. Seeing Your Blind Spots as a Parent: A Real-World Success Story with Felice

As your dedicated parent coach, a huge part of my work is helping you identify blind spots in your parenting. Blind spots often masquerade as limiting beliefs, and when you have them, you struggle to see reality for what it is or can become. But once you can identify and understand your blind spots, you can start showing up as the parent you really want to be.   Tune in this week for a conversation with Hive member and coach Felice about the destructive impact blind spots can have when we don't acknowledge them, how they dysregulate us and prevent real connection with our kids, and most importantly, how you can get rid of them.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/6/202339 minutes, 34 seconds
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151. Why Adversity is Required for Resiliency

Preventing undesired circumstances from happening to our children is impossible, but sometimes, as parents, we feel compelled to try. We might even end up doing what I call "snowplowing" – overmanaging and stifling our kids' development. This week, I’m making an argument for why you must stop doing this if you want your children to build a vital life skill: resiliency.   Listen in as I challenge you to recognize ways you may be "snowplowing" your children’s lives, and how to stop. You’ll hear how doing this robs them of the opportunity to grow and learn, why adversity is required for resiliency, and what’s required on your part as a parent to help them cultivate a sense of resiliency.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/29/202321 minutes, 44 seconds
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150. The Difference Between Love and Connection Part 2

If you’re on the pendulum between dominant and permissive parenting and finding it difficult to connect deeply with your children, today’s episode is for you. Recurring guest Hannah is here to demonstrate what prioritizing connection looks like in practice, and how coaching has helped her reach a space of healthy balance in parenting her four children.   Hannah and I discuss why you should never shame yourself if you’re struggling to connect with your children, three important steps to building the connection you want, and our best advice for creating an environment where your children run toward you for connection, instead of trying it find it elsewhere.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/22/202327 minutes, 57 seconds
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149. Parent Coaching Transformations: A Dad’s Perspective

If you’ve been considering parent coaching but are unsure about whether you really need it, my guest today has some insight for you. Neil is a stay-at-home dad of two boys who joined The Hive to learn how to become a better parent, but in the end, Neil says the coaching has helped him become a better person.   In this episode, Neil is sharing his lessons learned. He and I discuss the key coaching concepts that changed the way Neil relates to his children, as well as his journey of healing old wounds, breaking the people-pleasing cycle, and learning to trust himself.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/15/202338 minutes, 46 seconds
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148. The Difference Between Love and Connection

Sometimes as parents, it's easy to assume that because we love our children so much, our level of connection with them is equally strong. In reality, these are two very different things. Deep parental love is being willing to lay down your life for your kids. Connection, on the other hand, is where we feel seen, heard, and valued by another person, and requires a different level of openness.   Tune in this week to discover why kids need deep connection, what real connection actually looks like, how connecting with your kids in childhood creates a better relationship as they get older, and why working on your own mindset is key.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/8/202317 minutes, 10 seconds
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147. How Parent Coaching Works

Kyla is a mom to an adorable, strong-willed six-year-old boy. We met three years ago when Kyla came to me for one-on-one coaching, and the transformation she’s experienced through parent coaching has been truly incredible. She’s kindly agreed to come on the podcast to share her unique story and share how this work has impacted her, her son, and her extended family.   Discover the transformational power of parent coaching. Hear from a parent just like you about her progress since she decided to get coached, how she’s learned to create connection with her son even during challenging moments, and she’s sharing her tips for becoming the parent you truly want to be.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/1/202335 minutes
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146. How to Find Common Ground in Different Parenting Styles

This week, I’m diving into the complexities of co-parenting dynamics by following the journey of a couple struggling to find mutual understanding in their parenting styles. I’m dissecting the recent coaching call we had together from both points of view to uncover what’s really going on and how childhood wounds can sometimes shape our approaches.   Hear the co-parenting journey of a couple I’m calling Sophie and Dan. I’m sharing the challenges they’re facing in their co-parenting dynamic, the underlying beliefs that are causing them to collide, and what you can do to get to a place of peaceful co-parenting if you resonate with their story.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/25/202324 minutes, 33 seconds
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145. When Your Kid Gets Stuck, Do This!

We all want to feel comfortable with a peaceful approach to parenting. However, sometimes our brain knows we’re on the right path, but it doesn’t feel like it’s working. We want to be the parents we wish we’d had, and that can open up some childhood wounds and trauma. One way this happens is through the realization that we didn’t feel heard as children, and now that we’re parents, it feels like our kids don't listen to us.   Discover how your parenting journey could be opening up old wounds from your own childhood. I’m discussing why parenting presents us with these dilemmas, and I’m showing you how to be there for your children when they’re stuck, so they don’t carry the same wounds into adulthood that you did.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/18/202326 minutes, 31 seconds
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144. 2 for 1 Parenting Lessons: Micro-Changes & Undivided Attention

In this week’s episode, I share not one, but TWO lessons that came out of a recent coaching call. The first of these tackles the concept of micro-changes and how they are impacting your little human. I also dive into the gift of giving your child your undivided attention. Learn how to take stock of your daily interactions with your kids and find out how you can dedicate even a small amount of time to make them feel seen, heard, and valued.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/11/202323 minutes, 42 seconds
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143. You Are NOT Your Parents

Many of us, myself included, were raised by at least one dominant parent. Now, you’re a parent and you’re desperately trying to avoid your own kids experiencing those emotions. But then, one day, you hear the very same words come out of your or your coparent’s mouth. Does that mean you’re doomed to repeat the dominant cycle that you grew up in?   Tune in this week for a sensitive discussion about dominant parenting and not repeating the mistakes of the past. I’m showing you why you are not your parents, your child is not your inner child, and I’m giving you practical tips and strategies for unpacking your thoughts about how you’re showing up as a parent.    Get full show notes and more information here:
10/4/202316 minutes, 44 seconds
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142. How to Use Rules to Create Connection with Your Kids

Do you feel like you’re on the struggle bus when it comes to setting and enforcing rules in your household? I know it seems impossible to get your children to help out, do their chores, stay off screens, and get good grades at school. The good news is that, while overwhelm and frustration are common among all parents trying to set rules, there’s a better approach that will support your child’s growth while maintaining your well-being.   Discover the value of rules as a tool to connect with your kids. Hear a whole new approach that is the secret to feeling productive, managing your energy, and enjoying parenting your kids. I'm also offering how to navigate getting pushback and how to allow space for flexibility while enforcing the consequences of bending rules.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/27/202333 minutes, 8 seconds
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141. Body Image Q&A for Parents

Last week, we had an amazing conversation with Corinne Crabtree all about parenting for a positive body image. This week, I’m joined by a wonderful mother and Hive community member, Hannah, who is currently in the middle of changing her own paradigms when it comes to body positivity and parenting her kids through the same experience.    Tune in as Hannah and I unpack the learned nature of body positivity and negativity. We’re discussing how to model a healthy body image even if you’re struggling with looking at your own body positively, how we value different body types, how to bring neutrality to the conversation, and our role as parents in having these conversations with our children.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/20/202337 minutes, 58 seconds
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140. Parenting for Positive Body Thoughts with Corinne Crabtree

Do you have negative thoughts about your body? As you'll hear this week, the way we think about and speak about our own body impacts the way our children think and speak about theirs. So, how can we set them up to have the best possible body image?   I have the perfect guest to talk this through with: Corinne Crabtree. Corinne is a Master Certified Weight and Life Coach. She has helped countless women around the world lose weight and feel amazing through her podcast, Losing 100 Pounds with Corinne, and her program, NO BS Weightloss. Corinne has experienced the generational curse of body shame, like so many of us, and is here to discuss putting an end to that cycle.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/13/202336 minutes, 17 seconds
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139. Go the Distance When Holding the Limits

Have you ever tried to break down your limits with your child during one of their storms? Yes? Well, let me stop you right there. Is during a storm really the best time to connect? Do you need to connect in that way? This week, I make space for all the different ways we can hold the limit and how that may look in different circumstances.   Discover methods for holding the limit and learn why doing so is so important. Learn to support your children in their growth, how to help them mature both physically and emotionally, and why bailing out your child during a storm will have a bigger fallout later.    Get full show notes and more information here:
9/6/202320 minutes, 39 seconds
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138. Elevate Your Parenting: Inside The Hive Membership

This week, Hannah, a longtime Hive Member, is *mic-drop* interviewing me! We are turning the tables to discuss all things Hive, my parent coaching community. The Hive started as an idea to bring like-minded parents on a similar journey together in community, to get parent coaching in an affordable way. It is a safe space for consistent parenting without shame or judgment.   This week, Hannah and I unpack how the online community of The Hive works, how it offers value to members, and how I cultivate a safe and supportive environment for everyone. Hear why it is so helpful for developing peaceful parenting skills, the transformations that occur inside the membership, how we embrace change and celebrate wins, and why The Hive is both pragmatic and encouraging for all of its members.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/30/202323 minutes, 17 seconds
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137. Want to Connect with Your Kids? Do Less: A Real World Coaching Conversation with Kate and Lyra

Parenting success doesn't come from getting everything done and fitting the children in between, it comes from being present. So this week, I'm joined by 2 members of The Hive, Lyra and Kate, to talk about parenting with high expectations and redefining “success” as a parent.   This week, discover some methods to release and redefine your success as a parent and how to use these to start being more present with your child. Learn why perfection is not helpful in parenting, what defines a peaceful leader, and the importance of creating rest in your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/23/202333 minutes, 10 seconds
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136. How to Parent Without Panic

A simple reality of parenting is that we cannot teach our kids every lesson for every experience, and trying to do so will prevent you from connecting. One of the strategies I teach parents is to pick their top 3 lessons, just 3, and focus on teaching those.   Learn how to ditch the panicked mindset and dedicate time to focusing on 3 values you would like to teach instead. Your children have a lifetime to learn; take a moment to celebrate all the successes and connect on what really matters.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/16/202322 minutes, 50 seconds
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135. When Anger Comes Up: Real Time Parenting with Dina

Dina is a champion of The Hive; she has been a member for 2 years and has developed countless new tools to parent in a manner that fosters deep connection. Today, Dina and I break down her recent struggle with anger.   Learn to identify your anger as a signal, ground yourself in the underlying emotions, and move forward as the peaceful leader of the household. We unpack methods for finding neutrality while identifying and moving through our anger.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/9/202345 minutes, 30 seconds
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134. Why Raising “Successful Kids” Is Not the Point with Kiva Schuler

Kiva Schuler is the founder and CEO of the Jai Institute for Parenting. She is the author of The Peaceful Parenting (R)evolution and a thought leader within the parent coaching community. This week, Kiva and I dig into connecting with your child rather than perfecting them.   Discover how to reframe your thoughts about success and what it means to encourage your children to be their best selves, prepared for whatever success they choose. Learn why parenting for the 'real world' takes a different mode of thinking beyond the conventional educational system.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/2/202330 minutes, 7 seconds
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133. 3 Ways to Suck at Parenting

There's no such thing as the perfect parent, right? Yet some of us are still running ourselves ragged trying to excel in every aspect of parenting.   I invite you to drop the unrealistic parenting expectations that are robbing the joy of parenting from you, and to stop modeling striving for perfection to your kids. To help you do this, I share three ways to SUCK as a parent, and show you why perfectionism keeps you from showing up as your best self.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/26/202317 minutes, 38 seconds
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132. Get Some Sleep with Brandon Reed

When Brandon Reed's first son was born, he and his wife were desperate to find a way to get him to sleep through the night. It was exhausting for everyone involved. In response, he created a podcast of long immersive sound experiences and his family finally found some rest.    This week, Brandon shares the story behind his podcast, 12-Hour Sound Machines, and how to use it. Discover why sleep schedules are essential for you and your babies and how different frequencies can help different people. We discuss various types of soothing noises, and methods to encourage sleep hygiene for the whole family.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/19/202334 minutes, 42 seconds
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131. How to Model Anger for Your Kids Part 2

I share part two of my two-part series: Anger Can Be Your Gift. We look at two types of anger, learn what lies beneath them, and discuss tools for identifying, sitting with, and moving forward with our feelings.   Join me as we unpack how to understand our anger, its accompanying feelings, and how to soothe rather than suppress them. Discover tools and communication techniques to process anger in a manner that models healthy behavior for our children.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/12/202327 minutes, 55 seconds
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130. Anger Can Be Your Gift Part 1

This may be a huge shock to you, but there is no need to shame yourself into infinity when you experience moments of frustration and anger. You can leverage those moments and use anger as a tool.   This week, I share two ways anger can help us to understand and communicate better and how to use it to feel your feelings. Discover when and how to communicate anger with grace and why this honest sharing can build trust in your relationships.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/5/202320 minutes, 31 seconds
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129. How to Enforce Limits with Calm, Confidence, and a Peaceful Authority!

It is challenging to enforce limits when our kids insist on gaming for an extra hour, staying up late, or exceeding agreed-upon phone usage. Even I struggle with it, as it's tough to calmly uphold boundaries when our children push back. However, I know that when limits are peacefully enforced, they are effective.   I share strategies to enforce limits with calm, confidence, and authority. We explore the analogy of receiving a speeding ticket to think with clarity about our role as parents. I hope this helps you Peacefully Lead. Tune in and try it out today.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/28/202328 minutes, 14 seconds
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128. Is Fear of Conflict Getting in the Way of Peacefully Setting Limits with Your Kids?

Are you nervous about setting limits with your child? Or do you actively find yourself undermining the limits you set when faced with challenges? And here's the big one: do you actively avoid conflict? We break down four roadblocks that prevent my Hive Members from setting and enforcing limits with their children.   Our children will push back and challenge our limits. With tactics and awareness, we become better parents and create welcoming spaces for our children. Listen in today.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/21/202333 minutes, 2 seconds
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127. Why Multitasking and Peaceful Parenting Don’t Mix

Did you know that your child's brain isn't physically capable of multitasking? Yet as adults, we are constantly modelling how to multitask and not give our full attention to anything at one time.   I invite you to take inventory of your parenting and dig into the impact of multitasking. I share why I gave up multitasking and how that has impacted my ability to be present and connect with my son. Find out how you may be affecting your connection with your children with this habit, and how to stop.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/14/202317 minutes, 13 seconds
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126. What Co-Regulation with Your Kids Looks Like

Hannah is a mother of 4 small children and a member of our Hive. She shares her struggle as a mom of young kids and the overwhelm that brought her to Real World Peaceful Parenting. Hannah graciously shares her experience and the shifts she has found through the support of our program.   I break down what Real World Peaceful Parenting is in its essence. Together, Hannah and I discuss co-regulation, brain development, and learning tools to implement as a parent when our children storm. Find out how to meet your child’s needs with curiosity and calm.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/7/202334 minutes, 19 seconds
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125. Parenting Without Punishment: Guiding Your Child

Today’s podcast is part two of my Stop Punishing, Start Guiding Series. We want our children to be able to create decisions from a calm, regulated state. When you set limits, it helps your child feel supported and also encourages the development of an internal compass.    We look further at guiding your child to make better decisions and I break down offering choices, redirection, repair, and recovery. We look closely as a real-life example to explore methods for honoring your child’s perspective while creating safe boundaries, so tune in to start guiding your child today.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/31/202325 minutes, 43 seconds
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124. Parenting Without Punishment: Setting Limits

Peaceful Parenting revolves around connection, not punishment. Punishment creates a power struggle that breaks trust and erodes relationships. Instead of promoting support, it emphasizes obedience. When we establish supportive systems, both we and our children can learn more effectively.   Setting limits is all about creating a calm framework that keeps our kids safe while sharing social skills, and teaching family values. Our children are bound to make mistakes, but with limits in place, we can establish clear boundaries while prioritizing their needs. Tune in to learn how to use this essential skill today.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/24/202331 minutes, 29 seconds
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123. Stop Punishing, Start Connecting

Research has shown that the more you resort to punishment, the less likely your child will want to cooperate. The only way we can encourage change in our children is by building trust.   I share how I discovered that threatening, dominating, commanding, and enforcing punishments are not the best way to communicate or make a change in my child. Tune in to move away from dominating and toward collaboration with your child today.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/17/202323 minutes, 20 seconds
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122. How to Course Correct Your Parenting Mindset

Do you find yourself looking for an ulterior motive in your child’s actions? When we believe we are going to catch our children at their worst, that is what we train our brains to see.   I offer a solution to stop keeping score. It begins with your thoughts. Learn how to calm your mind, feel prepared, and use your child’s hyperfocus and strong will to talk honestly so that you both feel seen. Tune in to stop negative future forecasting today.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/10/202317 minutes, 35 seconds
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121. Why You’re the Best Authority on Your Family

Are you overwhelmed by all the information, advice, and parenting how-tos out there? While seeking out expert advice is good, I often see parents who lack confidence in their parenting struggle to perfectly implement all the ideas they’ve heard with their own family.   Learn how to become your own expert as a parent. I explain why it’s important to be confident in your parenting and how you can choose what you believe about your parenting.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/3/202321 minutes, 35 seconds
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120. What to Do When the Co-parenting Feels Uneven

Imagine you’re in a situation where you step out for whatever reason and your co-parent has to take over parenting during that time. You’re at the gym or with friends or helping your mom, and your co-parent texts you a question about the kids or unloads on you about the past few hours as soon as you get home. You struggle with feeling empathy for your partner while also feeling resentful and frustrated.   This week, I explain why it’s essential to communicate and set boundaries in this frustrating situation. I discuss why it’s important to recognize that your co-parent has a completely different skill set from you and why that means it’s okay for them to struggle sometimes.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/26/202320 minutes, 29 seconds
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119. Discover the Power of Peaceful Parenting: What's Possible for Your Family?

I’m joined by Deena, a Hive member who has undergone a massive transformation in her parenting. Since joining The Hive, Deena said her parenting has gone from one characterized by “screaming, chaos, and feeling alone” to “calm, peaceful, and empowered.”   Deena and I discuss her road to peaceful parenting. Deena shares the techniques that have helped her the most in her parenting and why The Hive has impacted her.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/19/202328 minutes, 2 seconds
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118. The Problem with Why!

As parents, we can often find ourselves asking our children “why?” Why are they acting this way? Why do they always forget things? Why are they not listening? We think that what our kid is doing is the problem. If they just acted differently, we wouldn’t get so frustrated and dysregulated. In reality, we have to step back in these moments and realize that it’s not our kids that are the problem, but really our thoughts that are triggering us.   This week, I talk about why asking your kid “why” is never a good idea. I discuss why choosing different thoughts and answering that “why” on your own can lead to a greater connection with your kid.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/12/202321 minutes, 11 seconds
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117. Triggered? Ask Yourself This Question

A lot of times when our kids do something that upsets us, we quickly jump to conclusions about what it might mean about them and how they feel about us. Often, this can result in us getting triggered and no longer parenting from a calm, empathetic place. One of the best things you can ask yourself in these moments is “what am I making this mean?”   I discuss the power of asking the question “what am I making this mean?” when you’re being triggered by your kids’ behavior. I talk about how just asking this question can be an opportunity to connect with your kid and heal your own inner child.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/5/202329 minutes, 5 seconds
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116. When Your Kid Won’t Take “No” for an Answer

One of the most frustrating situations in parenting is when your kid just won't take “no” for an answer. Most of the time, our instinct is to explain back to them why we set a particular boundary and try to make them understand our reasoning.  The problem with this response is that we're looking for our kids' approval and they are just not going to give it to us.  In this episode, I’ll discuss the dangers of being a people-pleasing parent when our kids won't take “no” for an answer. I’ll explain why being firm with our boundaries actually teaches our kids resilience, models healthy behavior, and ultimately makes them feel loved.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/29/202326 minutes, 42 seconds
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115. Triggered? Here's How to Stay Neutral

What’s something your child does that triggers you? Maybe it's sneaking sweets or doing something they knew was wrong because a friend encouraged them to. Usually, the behaviors that trigger us the most are the ones that make us fear for our child’s future and the kind of adult they’ll become.   I explain why the best thing we can do when we’re triggered is to get neutral. I’ll give you some tools to show up for your kids in a neutral way and get away from fear-based parenting.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/22/202317 minutes, 16 seconds
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114. The Power of the Pause

One of the most powerful tools you can implement as a parent is the pause. Although it might seem small, just pausing during your parenting allows you to do so much.   I discuss the power of the pause as a parent. I talk about the major benefits of learning to pause in a difficult moment with your child – how it can help you to better connect with them and teach them how to regulate their own emotions.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/15/202312 minutes, 19 seconds
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113. How We Project Our Childhood Wounds onto Our Kids

Our kids can be great teachers in showing us the things we feel shameful about or have tried to hide from the world – our shadow side. Often what we project onto our kids are wounds we developed as children ourselves.   I’ll show you how to start identifying your shadow side and how you may unknowingly project it onto your child. I’ll also explain how healing your inner child can help you overcome a major roadblock in connecting with your child.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/8/202322 minutes, 46 seconds
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112. Creating Your Parental Job Description

As a parent, the role you play at home has a completely different job description from the role you play at your corporate job. Different tools are required for different jobs, and it is so important that as parents, we take the time to consider this, and think about what needs to go into our parental job description.   Learn what new tools you can put in your toolbox to get closer to the parent you want to be and how this concept can completely change your life. Whatever transition you are struggling with right now, what I’m teaching you this week is sure to help.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/1/202336 minutes, 28 seconds
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111. Why Sometimes Our Own Parents Need Boundaries

One of the major roadblocks many of us have on the road to peaceful parenting is our relationship with our own parents. They can be well-meaning and involved, but they are dominant.   I offer you a chance to become the cycle breaker you want to be by learning how to take small steps in setting boundaries with your parents, even when it feels wildly uncomfortable to do so. Discover why setting boundaries is always for yourself and never about the other person, and how to finally start taking control of your thoughts and actions when certain situations arise.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/22/202326 minutes, 49 seconds
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110. The 3 Step Process to Move from Reactive Parenting to Responsive Parenting

There is a right time and a wrong time to parent your kids, and when you are stuck in dysregulation and anger, this is the wrong time.   I share a 3-step process to help you move from reactive parenting to responsive parenting. Hear one of the best ways I know to work on your triggers and reactiveness to them, and how to manage your thoughts and change your behavior to become the responsive peaceful parent you know you can be.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/15/202327 minutes, 54 seconds
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109. Breaking the Cycle of Dominant Parenting and Why It’s Important

Do you feel like you are at the end of your rope with no option to deal with your kids other than to yell? Do you ever feel trapped in the cycle of resorting to physical and verbal punishment when your kids’ behavior pushes you to your limit?   Learn how to break the generational parenting cycle and create connection with your kids instead of fear and compliance. Discover the importance of modeling behavior for your children, how the way you are currently teaching your kids could be leading to further dysregulation, and how to model the behaviors you want to see from your children.   Get full show notes and more information here:  
2/8/202326 minutes
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108. Why You Shouldn’t Try to Fix Your Children’s Problems

Witnessing your child in pain is one of the hardest things you can experience as a parent. You might think it’s your job as a parent to fix all their problems, fight all their battles, or soothe all their heartaches, and it’s natural to want to rescue your kids from their suffering. But this week, I share a different perspective and show you why doing so is a problem.   Find out why you are actually doing your kids a disservice when you try to fix their emotions and how to listen to your kids without the intention of fixing the situation.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/1/202318 minutes, 48 seconds
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107. The Peaceful Parenting Revolution with Kiva Schuler from the Jai Institute for Parenting

I am so excited to welcome an incredible guest to the show this week. Kiva Schuler is the Founder and CEO of the Jai Institute for Parenting, the world’s leading parent coach training institute. Kiva is a very special person in my life. She is a friend, a mentor, a sister, and a colleague in this revolution of changing the world one family at a time, and she joins me this week to share more about the mission we’re on together to help you uplevel your parenting, and more about the peaceful parenting revolution.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/25/202329 minutes, 5 seconds
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106. How to Stop People-Pleasing: Leveling Up as a Parent

Do you often feel pressured to do things right in the eyes of others? Do you parent in a way that tries to avoid the judgment of other parents? In this episode, I’m sharing why so many of us have a fear of doing things “wrong” and why your worth and value are not determined by your actions or your ability as a parent. Learn how to know if you are a people-pleaser, why this is showing up in your life, and how to stop depending on external validation to become the best parent you can be.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/18/202322 minutes, 29 seconds
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105. When Your Co-Parent Loses Their Shiz While Parenting…

In this episode, I’m showing you what to do when your co-parent responds differently to you in their parenting and sharing a different approach that will work beautifully to help the situation while creating deeper connection for all involved. Learn how to get on the same page as your co-parent while still maintaining a peaceful parenting approach and a powerful tool you can use to help ensure all parties feel seen, heard, and valued.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/11/202320 minutes, 22 seconds
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104. Ready to Make 2023 Your Year of Peaceful Parenting? Here are 10 Things to Help…

I’m declaring 2023 the year of unconditional love and connection, so to welcome in the new year this week, I’m bringing you a replay of an episode that is more important than ever to hear. Tune in this week to hear 10 things I know for sure about real world peaceful parenting. These 10 things are absolute game-changers when it comes to your parenting, so learn how to apply them in your life to transform your parenting and create true connection with your kids.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/4/202322 minutes, 36 seconds
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103. When Your Kids Aren’t Grateful for Their Gifts

How's it going at your house this holiday season? Are your kids expressing the level of gratitude that you expected for their gifts? Instead of just giving you information on the topic of gratitude, coaching gives you the opportunity to create transformation in your own life, so don’t miss this coaching call with Gail to hear my thoughts on gratitude when it comes to gift-giving. I encourage you to ask yourself what comes up as you listen to this conversation and uncover what you can take away and apply in your own life to stay in the moment and truly enjoy this holiday period.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/28/202212 minutes, 36 seconds
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102. Give Your Kids the Gift of Compassion This Holiday Season

Your kids are going to storm around the holidays; you might as well add it to your calendar with the rest of the festive activities. But the important question is, despite all this, will you give them the most beautiful gift available this holiday season? This week, I’m showing you how to hold space for your children during this time without making their behavior mean they are difficult or ungrateful and showing you how to increase compassion and empathy for your kids this holiday season.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/21/202212 minutes, 8 seconds
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101. How to Use Elf on the Shelf to Create Connection with Your Kids

In this episode, I’m giving you a fresh perspective on Elf on the Shelf and showing you how to use it for connection and cooperation, not threats and punishments. I’m encouraging you to move away from bribery, rewards, and fear-based parenting around the holidays and showing you why you need to keep in mind that they can bring extra stress, excitement, intensity, and anxiety for your kids, without them knowing Elf on the Shelf is watching their every move.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/14/202213 minutes, 25 seconds
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100. How These 5 Parents Transformed Their Parenting

To celebrate the 100th episode, I wanted to bring you something extra special, and boy, are you in for a treat today! I am joined by a group of amazing, progress-not-perfection parents who are all members of The Hive, and they are here to share their experiences of being in The Hive and how their parenting has changed as a result. Hear the dramatic changes they’ve experienced since joining The Hive, the struggles they faced before they joined, and what they’re most proud of in their new way of parenting.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/7/202248 minutes, 12 seconds
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99. Expectations, Resentment, and Parenting

What are your expectations of your kids? If you get real honest, do you expect your kids to know what you want when you want it? I get it, no judgment. In this episode, I’m diving into expectations, resentment, and parenting and showing you how to get clear on your own expectations of your kids. I’m sharing what expectations really are, two things that are working against us in our parenting, why you need to communicate the expectations you have for other people, and how not doing so can lead to storming.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/30/202232 minutes, 5 seconds
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98. Don’t Take it Personally! How to Deal with Your Kids’ Storms

Did you know that holding space for your kids and staying regulated while they are storming is one of the absolute most important things you can do to build connection with your kids? We are so quick to take storms personally, and it can be difficult to hold space for our kids in the moment. But doing so is crucial in building connection. This is something we all need reminding of, so this week I’m giving you a refresher on the topic of holding space for others, but especially your kids.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/23/202220 minutes, 57 seconds
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97. How Healing Your Inner Childhood Wounds Makes You a Better Parent

Hear more about Kimberly’s experience of healing her own inner childhood wounds and how these were showing up in the way she was parenting her children. I’m sharing some questions to ask yourself when you are having a giant reaction to your child’s behavior, how to recognize where your own inner wounds could be showing up in your parenting, and some tips to help you parent from a neutral place.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/16/202224 minutes, 24 seconds
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96. How Anger Can Improve Your Parenting

In this episode, I’m encouraging you to dig into your anger and showing you how to start using it as a beacon in your parenting. I’m sharing my own experiences with anger as a parent, how I learned to change my approach to dealing with anger, and some tips to help you use anger to create more cooperation with your children.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/9/202217 minutes, 19 seconds
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95. Stop Catastrophizing, Start Connecting!

Do you identify as a run-of-the-mill worrier, an expert one, or the ultimate catastrophizer? In this episode, I’m showing you how to recognize catastrophizing showing up for you and some tips to help you manage it. I’m sharing how this has shown up for me in my own life and the effects it had, why you have full, complete control over your worrying even though it doesn’t feel like it, and how to stop using control as your primary parenting tool.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/2/202226 minutes, 1 second
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94. How to Start Feeling More Rested and Recharged as a Busy Parent

In this episode, I’m sharing the concept of The Productivity Quadrant and showing you how to use it to start feeling more recharged, refreshed, and rejuvenated in your life. Find out how you may be doing things that you think are productive but are actually robbing you of your energy and restoration, and some examples of how you can apply this work in your own life to start feeling more energized.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/26/202218 minutes, 48 seconds
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93. Connection is NOT a Reward. Here’s Why…

Connection is something that we should give through the good, the bag, the storming, and the regulated. In this episode, find out why building connection with your children is one of the most important tools you can understand and implement as a parent. Hear why it’s not always about how you choose to connect, but about your child feeling seen, heard, and valued, and how to use connection as a commitment to peaceful parenting.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/19/202219 minutes, 50 seconds
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92. 8 Tools to Help You When Your Teenager Wants More Freedom

I’m sharing more about why teenagers suddenly need more freedom and autonomy and some ways you can satisfy this need for your own teen. I’m sharing an amazing exercise you can do together to teach your teen about autonomy, and 8 tools you can implement when your teen is begging for more freedom.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/12/202223 minutes, 32 seconds
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91. Busting the Myth: You DON’T Need to Parent from a United Front

This week, I’m busting the myth of parenting from a united front and bringing you a tremendous amount of relief around your parenting beliefs. Find out why a united front does not mean that you and your co-parent have to agree on every single situation, and why believing that you have to agree on everything is not an approach that is serving you, your co-parent, your child or your family.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/5/202213 minutes, 57 seconds
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90. Hope Does Not Build Connection. THIS Does…

Many of the episodes so far have focused on your kids; how to help them, how to support them and how to work with them. But today’s episode is for you, and about you. This week, we’re talking about one of the most important tools you can have in your peaceful parenting toolbox: holding space. I’m sharing the benefits of holding space for your kids and some tips to help you if you are struggling with this.    Get full show notes and more information here:
9/28/202215 minutes, 55 seconds
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89. Help, My Kid is Angry!

In this episode, I’m giving you some examples of what reactive anger looks like in children and naming some of the emotions that lie beneath it. You'll learn how to help your kids dig beneath the reactive anger and get to the bottom of what they’re really feeling, and some tools you can use to help your children tolerate life’s everyday disappointments.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/21/202222 minutes, 4 seconds
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88. How to Stop the Power Struggle with Your Teenager

Today’s episode goes out to all you parents, guardians, grandparents, and caregivers of teenagers out there. I’m sharing some important things you need to know about the teenage stage, and showing you how to stop the power struggle with your teen once and for all. Learn how to understand brain development, and how to be patient and loving with your teen while still setting limits.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/14/202218 minutes, 27 seconds
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87. Helping Your Kids to Be Coachable with 4D Athletes

This week, I’m joined by returning guests Jim Huber and Jason Holzer. They are amazing men, mentors, coaches, and dads, and founders of 4D Athletes, a complete online training system for athletes that helps parents and coaches develop self-confidence, and empowers athletes to do their best. They’re sharing how to use sports to teach your kids to become coachable and good teammates, one of the best pieces of advice for sports parents, and what you can do at home to support your kids in sports.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/7/202227 minutes, 40 seconds
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86. Feeling Triggered as a Parent? Do This…

Listen in this week as I show you how to pay attention to and observe the patterns, situations, and conditions that lead to you becoming triggered while parenting. I’m sharing some steps to help you stay regulated in your parenting, the benefits of being regulated for yourself and your family, and the importance of modeling regulation to your children.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/31/202220 minutes, 5 seconds
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85. What to Do When Someone Doesn’t Agree with Your Parenting

In this episode, I’m showing you how to handle it when somebody close to you tells you that you’re parenting the wrong way. Discover the reasons other people may become triggered by your parenting, how to move away from people who want to argue their point with you, and some thoughts you can try to help you stay regulated when these conversations arise.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/24/202217 minutes, 19 seconds
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84. Parenting Challenges 101: How to Stop Worrying

If you feel consumed by constant worrying in your parenting, you aren’t alone. This week, Hive member Hannah and I are discussing what it feels like to be consumed by worry, some of the problems that come with worrying, why it is such a drain on your mental focus and energy, and what we can do about it.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/17/202223 minutes, 21 seconds
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83. What to Do When Needs Conflict in Your Family

In this episode, I’m sharing a real-life scenario from a member of The Hive involving a conflict of needs and how she dealt with it. Hear some practical advice to help you navigate these circumstances, why your kids need to get into the habit of managing their big emotions and how you can help them do so, and what you can do right in the moment of a power struggle with your child when there is a conflict of needs.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/10/202226 minutes, 21 seconds
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82. An Invitation to Move Your Family from Chaos to Cooperation

What is the biggest parenting challenge in your household right now? What is the biggest obstacle you are facing that you need help with? We all have parenting struggles, and whatever that looks like for you, you are not alone. But if you are looking to make a change in your parenting and move further down the peaceful parenting path, listen in.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/3/202211 minutes, 41 seconds
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81. What To Do When Your Kid’s Big Storm Hits

Listen in this week to discover what to do when your child is storming. I’m offering what to avoid doing when you’re in the eye of the storm, the keys to building connection and cooperation with your kids at any age, and a laundry list of actionable tools you can use whenever a storm comes rolling in.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/27/202218 minutes
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80. Breaking the Cycle and Becoming a Peaceful Parent: A Real-World Success Story with Samantha

Listen in this week for a real, open, and authentic conversation with The Hive member Samantha about what moving down the Real World Peaceful Parenting path could look like for you. Hear how Samantha is healing and reparenting herself alongside her son and how doing so is helping her break the cycle of dominant parenting and be fully present with her son.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/20/202236 minutes, 18 seconds
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79. How to Stay Calm When Your Child is Storming

Listen in this week as I’m sharing some common thoughts we have when our children storm, and some of the reasons you have those thoughts. I’m giving you a tool you can use the next time your child storms so you don’t end up storming alongside them, and showing you how to use it to train your brain to remain calm when your child is storming.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/13/202215 minutes, 50 seconds
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78. Why Do My Kids Ignore Me? Here’s What’s REALLY Happening…

How many times have you told your kids to do something, they’ve ignored you, and you become frustrated and yell at them as a result? This week, Hive member Hannah and I are helping you wrap your brain around the reason your kids seem to not listen to you, sharing examples of how this has shown up in our own lives, and giving you a different way to look at and think about yelling at your kids as a result.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/6/202229 minutes, 36 seconds
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77. Less Fixing, More Understanding

When our kids are storming, stressed, or having big emotions, we often go into automatic fix-it mode. In this episode, discover the reasons your child is storming and how you are actually causing more harm than good when you try to stop and fix them. I’m inspiring you to stop being a storm fixer and sharing four things you can do the next time your child is storming.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/29/202221 minutes, 46 seconds
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76. Progress, Not Perfection: A Real-World Success Story with Francene and Kiran

Tune in this week and hear how Francene and her son Kiran worked together to create more connection and cooperation in their relationship and what success looks like for them. Kiran shares the biggest disconnect he used to experience with his parents, how this has changed since his mom joined The Hive, and why real-world success is about progress, not perfection.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/22/202232 minutes, 59 seconds
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75. Turning the Tables: My Journey into Peaceful Parenting

Tune in this week as I share all of the things that I personally found useful in becoming a truly peaceful parent. I’m giving you an insight into my past life as a dominant parent, the setbacks we all experience on this journey, and I’m giving you the tools and the mindset that helped me keep going in pursuit of an authentic relationship with my family.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/15/202235 minutes, 15 seconds
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74. It’s a Process Problem, Not a Character Problem

In this episode, I’m diving deeper into process problems and giving you some action items to help you approach your parenting as a process problem instead of a character problem. We are all people with process problems who are trying to work it out, so I’m showing you how to stop viewing yourself as having a character problem, and how modeling this will have endless benefits for your kids.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/8/202217 minutes, 41 seconds
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73. Empathize, Not Internalize

I’m showing you how to practice showing up for your kids and staying present in each moment, without invalidating their experiences. Discover what active listening is, how it can benefit your connection with your children, and how to empathize, not internalize.     Get full show notes and more information here:
6/1/202213 minutes, 5 seconds
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72. Calm the Chaos, Create Connection: A Real-World Success Story with Hannah

This week, learn the difference between a process problem and a character problem and why all process problems are fixable. Hear where Hannah started in terms of her parenting and the changes she has made to get to where she is today, and why YOU could be a success story, just like Hannah.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/25/202238 minutes, 41 seconds
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71. Small Changes, Big Impact: A Real-World Success Story with Tricia

Tune in for Tricia’s incredible parenting transformation, how far she’s come and how she’s doing things differently on the path to peaceful parenting. Hear how Tricia has changed the way she approaches things when her son is storming, and how she stopped storming alongside him and taking his behavior personally.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/18/202213 minutes, 37 seconds
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70. A New Way to Look at Respect and Parenting

Hear how compliant children become compliant adults, the problem with this, and the lesson your child is learning when you teach them to be compliant. I’m challenging you to consider how you could be a peaceful parent without making your children compliant and how to stop sacrificing connection, trust, and honesty in favor of compliance.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/11/202224 minutes
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69. How to Stop Rescuing Your Kids from Their Big Emotions

Find out why we want to rescue our children from their uncomfortable emotions and why doing so is unintentionally invalidating their feelings and creating disconnection. I’m sharing four steps you can use when you feel yourself going into rescue, fix, or solve mode, and showing you how to create more trust and connection with your kids.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/4/202222 minutes, 1 second
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68. A Different Way to Look at Unconditional Love

Have you ever snapped at your kid, yelled, or gotten really mad at them, without understanding why? In this episode, I’m discussing the concept of the ‘shadow side’ and explaining why we all have one and how to deal with your child’s. Discover the importance of showing your kids unconditional love, even when they show you their shadow sides.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/27/202230 minutes, 9 seconds
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67. Bridging the Gap Between Parenting Styles: Real World Coaching with Tricia

In this episode, hear how Tricia is struggling to find a middle ground with her husband when it comes to the messaging they’re giving to their children. I coach Tricia through some tools to help her and her co-parent bridge the gap between their differing parenting styles, and we walk through some examples of how to peacefully set limits with your children.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/20/202239 minutes, 18 seconds
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66. An Invitation to Calm the Chaos in Your Co-parenting

Are you on a completely different page than your co-parent and feel like you are doing all the work and getting very little support from them? You are not alone, and I've got you covered. Learn about my completely FREE 3-day Keep Calm and Co-Parent On Challenge so you can move forward as a peaceful co-parent.   Get full show notes and sign up for the challenge here:
4/13/202215 minutes, 58 seconds
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65. Are You an “And” or an “Or” Parent?

Learn how to transition from being an and/or parent and feel the benefits of synchronicity. I’m sharing what synchronistic thinking is, some examples of synchronistic thoughts, and showing you how to use them to create connection in your parenting.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/6/202215 minutes, 9 seconds
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64. Getting Back on Track: Real World Coaching with Kate

This week, I coach Kate on why what she thinks is permissive parenting isn’t necessarily the case and some important components to understand your child’s storming. Hear how Kate and I work through getting her son, “Mr 4”, back on track and how to parent in a way that causes your child to storm less often.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/30/202226 minutes, 3 seconds
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63. Help! My Partner is Lazy

What would you say if I told you that you can dislike something your partner is doing, while still having empathy for them at the same time? I’m showing you why the thought “my partner is lazy” and the subsequent feelings that come up aren’t serving you, and how to be at peace in your relationship when the other person isn’t doing what you want them to do.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/23/202222 minutes, 19 seconds
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62. Am I Spoiling My Kid?

In this episode, I’m sharing the definition of being spoiled and showing you why you cannot spoil your child by devoting too much love, time, and attention to their needs. Hear the many benefits of kids who grow up with connection, and how to ignore other people’s advice.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/16/202215 minutes, 54 seconds
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61. Healing Your Childhood Wounds

Learn how your childhood wounds get in the way of showing up and being fully present in your current parenting and why it’s never too late to heal, learn, grow, and be the parent you’ve always wanted to be. This work isn’t easy, but it’s work worth doing, so if you are tired of slipping into old patterns, this episode is for you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/9/202218 minutes, 26 seconds
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60. The Importance of Family Values

In this episode, I’m sharing the benefits of understanding your family values and how they can have a positive impact on you, your parenting, and your kids. I’m sharing my own family values and 3 reasons I believe every family would benefit from taking the time to map out theirs.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/2/202221 minutes, 22 seconds
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59. How to Deal with The Parenting Police

I’m showing you how to stop allowing your fear of what the parenting police will think about your behavior to influence the way you parent your kids. I’m teaching you to ignore people who judge you and your parenting and learn to realize that when your children act up, they are having a hard time, not giving you one.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/23/202212 minutes, 36 seconds
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58. Become a Better Parent in 2022: Real-World Success Stories

Join me this week as I share some real-world peaceful parenting success stories and show you how to apply these tools in your life with your kids at any stage and any age. Hear some real examples of parents who learned how to keep calm and regulated instead of storming,  and what’s possible for you and your family.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/16/202216 minutes, 16 seconds
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57. When a Storming Parent Meets a Storming Child

I’m sharing what to do when you find yourself judging your child’s behavior and some steps to help you stop yourself from getting triggered and taking it personally. I’m teaching you to get curious, not furious, and how doing so will help you move past the triggers and create more connection with your child.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/9/202211 minutes, 9 seconds
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Personal Invite to Calm the Chaos with My Free 3-Day Keep Calm and Parent On Challenge

Is one of your wishes or goals for 2022 to have more peace and cooperation in your home? If so have JUST the thing for you… I want to personally invite YOU to join my FREE 3-Day Keep Calm & Parent On Challenge! Each day we are going to take on a different topic and I’ll go live each day of the challenge in the Keep Calm & Parent On Facebook Group. Join me and other parents here:
2/3/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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56. What to Do When You Are Not on the Same Page as Your Co-Parent

This week, I’m showing you what you can do if you are not on the same page as your co-parent. Hear why it is not your co-parent that is causing you to suffer, what is actually causing you to suffer, and three ideas you can try to help you and your co-parent work towards getting on the same page.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/2/202220 minutes, 16 seconds
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55. Connection Can Come from Setting Limits: Real World Coaching with Angela

I love bringing you live coaching calls because they give you a real opportunity to see the work I do and how it unfolds, as well as the opportunity to hear the tools I teach in action. So this week, I’m bringing Angela onto the show and coaching her on setting limits with her child that peacefully stick.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/26/202257 minutes, 3 seconds
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54. What Finding Nemo Can Teach Us About Parenting

This week, I’m providing encouragement and support to help you keep going even when the waters get choppy or stormy. There are a lot of similarities between the themes in Finding Nemo and being a parent, so find out why scuba diving down to your child's feelings and needs helps you build connection with them, and what Finding Nemo can teach us about parenting.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/19/202214 minutes, 31 seconds
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53. New Year, New Words

This week, I’m sharing why a different choice of words can be a gamechanger in your parenting. Hear some words you might be using and what you can replace them with instead, and discover how changing your words can lead to more connection and cooperation with your kids.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/12/202215 minutes, 42 seconds
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52. New Beginnings and a Look at What is Possible

I’m helping you form a new habit that will allow you to get to the root cause of your child’s behavior, and I'm sharing a story of a real-life parent who used this tool to improve her connection with her son. Developing this habit is a total parenting gamechanger and will transform how your kids feel about themselves, so learn how to get curious, not furious, and understand why your kids are behaving in this way.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/5/202221 minutes, 44 seconds
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51. 10 Things I Know for Sure About Real World Peaceful Parenting

The holiday season is here, so wherever you are in the world, if you are getting ready to celebrate something, I’m here to help. This week, I’m sharing with you 10 things I know for sure about parenting that will help you stay cool, calm, collected over the holidays.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/29/202121 minutes, 33 seconds
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50. The Most Beautiful Gift You Can Give Your Kids This Holiday Season

As many of you know, I have a monthly membership called The Hive and we have a live call every week where parents can ask questions, receive coaching and support, and work through things. At the beginning of every call, I offer some inspiration, food for thought, or a weekly lesson. And to celebrate the 50th episode of the podcast, I’m sharing this week’s lesson to help you understand why your kids storm more around the holidays and how to deal with it.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/22/20219 minutes, 32 seconds
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49. Become a Better Parent This Holiday Season

I’m sharing the joy of the advent calendar and showing you how to use it as a basis to improve your parenting. I’m encouraging you to give yourself a new door to open every day as a parent, and showing you why this time of year is the perfect opportunity to embrace peaceful parenting.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/15/20219 minutes, 40 seconds
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48. Are You Using Fear-Based Parenting During the Holidays?

In this episode, I’m sharing why using Elf on the Shelf as a tool to keep your kids behaving during the holidays is actually fear-based parenting. Learn how to stop using Elf on the Shelf as a tool for punishment and instead start using it to connect with your kids, and some tips to help you move away from fear-based parenting during the holidays.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/8/202114 minutes
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47. How to Use Technology to Connect with Your Kids: A Conversation with Troomi

Tune in this week for a positive conversation about technology and some tips to feel good about helping your kids dive into the phone world. It’s so easy to talk about all the dangers of technology, but there is so much good available through the internet, so discover what’s so amazing about Troomi, and how to feel empowered about giving your kids their first phone.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/1/202143 minutes, 7 seconds
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46. You Are Not Alone: Keep Calm and Parent On During The Holidays

Today’s message is short and sweet yet full of impact. You deserve to have the family you want and always dreamed about, and things truly can be different. Join me this week and hear how you can take the first step towards making a permanent change in your parenting and create a life filled with peace, connection, and cooperation.     Get full show notes and more information here:
11/24/202111 minutes, 27 seconds
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45. What is Parent Coaching? A Conversation with Kiva Schuler from the Jai Institute for Parenting

This week, I have the amazing Kiva Schuler, Founder and CEO of the Jai Institute for Parenting, on to tell us all about parent coaching. Hear what the Jai Institute for Parenting is about, what they do, and how they help parents everywhere. We discuss who should hire a parent coach and why coaching is required for any type of real human change. You don't want to miss this one!     Get full show notes and more information here:
11/17/202137 minutes, 52 seconds
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44. How to Keep Calm and Parent On During The Holidays

This week, learn how to become the parent you’ve always wanted to be and how to implement the change you want to see in your parenting. I’m inviting you to take the first step to transform your parenting and showing you how my upcoming 3-day challenge can help you influence the outcome you want for yourself and your family.     Get full show notes and more information here:
11/10/202117 minutes, 29 seconds
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43. Respect and Parenting: Busting the Illusion

This week, I’m busting the illusion of respect and parenting and showing you how to stop using respect as a weapon. I’m challenging you to ask yourself if you are modeling respect to your kids at all times and how to cultivate more respect in your family.     Get full show notes and more information here:
11/3/202124 minutes, 22 seconds
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42. Big Feelings: 3 Steps to Hold Space for Yourself and Your Child

I’m sharing some reasons our kids experience big feelings and what is and is not helpful for you to do when they experience them. I’m teaching you how to not take your child’s big feelings personally, and three steps you can use to hold space for your kids while they’re having big feelings.     Get full show notes and more information here:
10/27/202122 minutes, 51 seconds
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41. Is the Lego War Over? Real World Coaching Follow Up with Lyra

Tune in this week for a follow-up conversation with Lyra. We’re discussing what worked in creating more connection with her sons, and what she wants to work on in the future. And of course, the tools we’re discussing are applicable across all age groups, so I’m encouraging you to think about how you can implement these tools in your own home.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/20/202119 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep #40: I Want My Child to Be…

Discover how can we introduce new energies to our children, not through our words, but through our modeling. We all think we have a good idea of what not to do, but I’m asking you this week to dig a little deeper and see if you’re walking your talk and setting the kind of example you want your kids to follow.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/13/202114 minutes, 19 seconds
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39. The Lego War: Real World Coaching with Lyra

Tune in this week for some real-world coaching with Lyra as I share my tips and tools to help her deal with her strong-willed child. Hear how to make mundane tasks more appealing to your kids, and how to resist the urge to go into punitive mode when your child is behaving in a way that triggers you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/6/202149 minutes, 48 seconds
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38. The After-School Meltdown Is Real

This week I’m sharing what is really happening when your kid has an after-school meltdown and showing you how to manage these meltdowns with calm and empathy. Discover why the after-school meltdown is actually a compliment to you as a parent (yep - you read that right!) and hear 5 steps you can use to help your child work through the after-school meltdown.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/29/202125 minutes, 58 seconds
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37. A Look at What’s Possible: Peaceful Parenting Success

Tune in this week to hear five success stories from parents who have faced challenges with their children and used what they’ve learned on the podcast to turn things around and create peace and cooperation in their families. You can use these tools at any stage, any age, no matter how many kids you have, and these stories are evidence of this. Get ready to be inspired and motivated by what is possible for you, your kids, and your family.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/22/202118 minutes, 25 seconds
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36. Grandparenting Strong-Willed Kids: An Interview with Gail Sundell

This week, Gail shares her learnings, insights, and discoveries from the grandparent perspective on the journey to peaceful parenting. She is such a wonderful role model and shows us how she supports her daughter in parenting strong-willed kids and her advice for other grandparents in the same position.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/15/202126 minutes, 55 seconds
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35. Whaaatteeeverrrrrr!

This week I show you why you have the power to change the way you respond to your child’s actions without your child changing their behavior. Triggers hold a lot of power over us, but only if we let them, so I’m sharing a tool that immediately changed my parenting for the better, and that can do the same for you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/8/202117 minutes, 40 seconds
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34. Teaching Your Kids to Use Technology with Troomi

Hear how Troomi solves the problem of technology for kids, and the top 3 things Bill Brady, CEO of Troomi, wants every parent to know about kids and technology. Technology is here to stay, so we’re showing you how to create an environment to help your kids navigate it, and ensure your kids stay safe while using technology.   Get full show notes and more information here:  
9/1/202136 minutes, 41 seconds
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33. Procrastinating Kids: Real World Coaching with Dani

Coaching gives you the opportunity to create transformation in your family, so I want you to listen closely to this week's episode to learn what to do when you feel triggered by your kids’ procrastination. The tools I'm sharing are universal across all age ranges, so listen in and learn how to bring these tools to your own home to overcome procrastination and create cooperation.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/25/202131 minutes, 26 seconds
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32. Setting Limits: Stop Punishing and Start Guiding Part 2

If you’re ready to stop threatening and punishing your kid every time they misbehave, you need this episode. I tell you exactly how to set empathetic limits and how to enforce them with love and guidance. I give you specific examples that show you what this looks like, and share some tools to use while setting limits.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/18/202125 minutes, 47 seconds
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31. Setting Limits: Stop Punishing and Start Guiding Part 1

I explain the problem with punishing your child and how to create a safe environment where they can learn from their mistakes. I’m sharing a useful peaceful parenting tool to help guide your children without punishing them and showing you the importance of setting limits and connecting with your child.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/11/202128 minutes, 38 seconds
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30. Walk Back into the Classroom with Confidence with Aimee Buckley

We're sharing three strategies to help you prepare for the return to the classroom and some tips and advice about how to best support your kids with the transition. Hear all about the incredible work Aimee does and how her work impacts the lives of so many children, and what you can do to ease the anxiety you may be facing as your child returns to the classroom.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/4/202130 minutes, 38 seconds
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29. 3 Ways to Become a Great Sports Parent with 4D Athletes

We're discussing the endless benefits of kids being involved with sports and how to ensure they have the best experience throughout their lives. So many life lessons can be learned through sports and this episode will show you how you can use sports to teach your kids about failure, teamwork, resilience, and the importance of hard work.   Get full show notes and more information here:  
7/28/202156 minutes, 52 seconds
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28. The 3 Steps to Keep Your Cool While Parenting

I’m sharing the magic with you and giving you my go-to repeatable process to help you stop reacting negatively to your kids’ behavior or storming. Nobody gets it right all the time, but these 3 steps I’m sharing will help you keep your cool while parenting and make your parenting experience a whole lot easier.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/21/202116 minutes, 14 seconds
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27. My Biggest Parenting Epiphany

I share my biggest parenting epiphany and how I learned to heal my own childhood wounds to be more present with my son. Discover how your unresolved childhood wounds might be showing up in your parenting and how to ensure you are giving your kids what they need and not what you needed at their age. Get ready to change your parenting journey forever!   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/14/202122 minutes, 42 seconds
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26. What am I Teaching My Kids?

Find out why modeling is such a powerful tool in parenting and my four steps to help you learn how to model for your kids. Discover why modeling with intention is so important on the path to peaceful parenting and how to use this tool to teach them to be whatever you want them to be. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/7/202118 minutes, 19 seconds
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25. How to Speak Growth Mindset and Why You'd Want To

This week, I share my first-hand experiences of developing a growth mindset and how being committed to this has helped my entire family feel more empowered. This concept is so important when it comes to praising your kids, so I’m showing you why you would want to speak growth mindset and how to use this concept to boost your child’s positive self-image. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/30/202114 minutes, 35 seconds
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24. Not Gonna Give In

I’m sharing an experience of when my son had one of his biggest storms, and exactly what I did to get through it. It is possible to connect with your kids while they are storming, and I’m showing you how to use what I learned that day to do this and survive the storm. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/23/202113 minutes, 25 seconds
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23. 3 Reasons to Normalize Apologizing

Have you ever lost your shiz with your kids? Maybe you behaved in a way you wish you hadn’t. That’s what I’m diving into today. Find out how to apologize when you’ve made a mistake and how my four-step apology will help you model the behavior you want your kids to learn. You and your kids deserve to feel deeply connected, and this episode will help you foster that connection. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/16/202119 minutes, 29 seconds
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22. How to Set Rules You Actually Stick To

Hear why having rules is so important and how I learned the importance of them in my own family. If you are struggling to be consistent with the rules you’re setting, this episode will help you create cooperation and connection in your family, so don't miss it! Get full show notes and more information here:
6/9/202112 minutes, 40 seconds
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21. 5 Tips For Helping Your Kids Feel Their Feelings

I'm sharing 5 tips for helping your children to feel their feelings and why acknowledging your child’s feelings is vital to a cooperative relationship. When children develop a feelings vocabulary, they develop a higher emotional intelligence and the ability to function as an adult, so I’m showing you how to model this work yourself to help your child understand and express their feelings from the outset. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/2/202119 minutes, 6 seconds
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20. Peace & Quiet: How to Parent Your Strong-Willed Kids

I’m sharing three things I want you to know about strong-willed kids and why they require a different parenting approach than other kids. Once you discover the right tools and tactics, you’ll be amazed at how quickly the tantrums and meltdowns disappear, and I’m showing you how to end the never-ending power struggles and create peace in your home without becoming a permissive parent. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/26/202123 minutes, 15 seconds
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19. Riding the Storm: How to Hold Space for Your Child to Process their Emotions

I’m sharing the problem with trying to connect with your child in the middle of a storm and teaching you how to hold space and let the storm run its course. During a storm, there is nothing you can offer your kids to soothe, calm, or regulate them, so I’m showing you how to teach your kids to allow their feelings to move through their bodies and honor their vulnerability. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/19/202125 minutes, 16 seconds
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18. Turning the Tables: An Interview with Me, The Peaceful Parent

Discover why I do the work I do and why I want to change the world, one family at a time. Hear what peaceful parenting means to me and some ways that I believe you can create a transformation with your kids. My goal every day is to be a better mom than I was yesterday, and this episode is filled with wisdom to help you do the same. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/12/202144 minutes, 38 seconds
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17. How Do I Get My Kids to Stop Disrespecting Me?

Join me this week as I share why your kids aren’t disrespecting you and what’s actually going on instead. For the sake of your parenting happiness, you have to drop the thoughts that your kids don’t respect you, and this week, I’m showing you how to shift your perspective and dispel the myth that your kids are even capable of doing so, while strengthening your relationship with them. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/5/202119 minutes, 59 seconds
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16. No, Stop, and Don’t: How to Change Your Approach and Get Your Kids to Listen

In this episode, I’m sharing three reasons to move away from no, stop, and don’t, and showing you what to say instead to get your kids to listen. This small change will result in you seeing your kids in a much more positive light, and by focusing on the positives, you can be your kids’ coach instead of their critic. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/28/202117 minutes, 11 seconds
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15. What to Do When Your Child Says “I Hate You”

Join me this week as I share what is really happening with your child when they claim to hate you. Sometimes kids that need the most love ask for it in the worst ways, and “I hate you” is a perfect example of this. I’m sharing a 5 step process you can take the next time you experience this, that will work for you every single time. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/21/202117 minutes, 6 seconds
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14. Understanding a Strong-Willed Kid: A First-Hand Account with Malcolm Smith

Join us this week for a front-row seat into the mind, actions, and attitude of a strong-willed kid. My son, Malcolm, shares the best and worst thing about being a strong-willed kid and some tips, tools, ideas, and advice for parents to create connection rather than demand cooperation with their kids. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/14/202134 minutes, 46 seconds
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13. How to Hit Rewind on Your Parenting

Tune in this week to discover how to hit rewind on your parenting with one of my favorite tools: The Do-Over. I’m sharing why the way we tend to want to deal with disrespectful behavior is counterproductive, and what you can do instead to gain perspective and easily deescalate any situation. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/7/202117 minutes, 9 seconds
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12. The Fantasy of Parenting

Join me this week as I discuss why things don’t always go to plan, and how your child can show you a new way in the world. I’m showing you how to change your perspective of what parenting should look like, and why letting go of the fantasy of how this was supposed to go and allowing your kids to be who they are sets you up for patience and understanding in your relationships. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/31/202117 minutes, 57 seconds
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11. How to Get Your Kids to Listen the First Time – Without Yelling!

Join me this week as I share the reasons our kids don’t always listen and a proven four-step process you can use to get your kids to listen the first time – without yelling. I’m sharing how I’ve implemented this tool in my own life, and why this is a total gamechanger that leads to more connection with your kids. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/24/202121 minutes, 57 seconds
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10. Why Failures Are a Gift with Learning Resource Expert Kristin Venberg

Tune in this week and discover why failure is a great opportunity for your children to grow and how to use mistakes to teach your children how to fix situations. We share some tips you can use to help your children take responsibility for their actions and solve their problems, and why, as parents, we need to teach our children that it is OK to fail. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/17/202137 minutes, 56 seconds
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9. Are You Building Bridges with Your Strong-Willed Child or Burning Them? with Susan Hyatt

Join us this week to learn why the need for acceptance is so prominent in children, and how to get curious about what your child needs to thrive. Susan and I discuss why you should celebrate who your child is, not who you want them to be, and share some advice for parents who want to accept their kids exactly as they are. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/10/202136 minutes, 7 seconds
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8. Why Don’t My Kids Listen?

In this episode, I’m explaining why your kids aren’t listening and what you can do to better manage your reactions and emotions around it. I’m showing you how to change your perspective when you feel triggered by your child’s actions, and how you can better support your kids while they are building a skill or competency. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/3/202116 minutes, 39 seconds
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7. Why Do My Kids Storm, Meltdown, Cry, and Fight? (And What to Do About It)

In this episode, I’m sharing the reason your kids are behaving the way they are. I share the six core basic needs that every child has, and why getting curious, not furious, will help you handle meltdowns more effectively. Get ready to discover a complete gamechanger in your parenting! Get full show notes and more information here:
2/24/202131 minutes, 41 seconds
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6. Do THIS to Say Goodbye to Parent Guilt!

In this episode, I’m sharing a four-step process to help you repair and recover after you lose it with your child. I’m showing you why making mistakes isn’t a bad thing – we’re all human after all – and how to eliminate the parent guilt and handle things differently moving forwards. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/17/202123 minutes, 19 seconds
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5. Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

In this episode, I’m explaining what is really going on when your child is storming, and helping you understand where their big feelings are coming from. I share why getting curious, not furious, will help you connect with your kids more deeply and why getting comfortable with discomfort will make your child feel seen, heard, and valued. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/10/202121 minutes, 5 seconds
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4. A Parent’s Greatest Tool

Join me this week as I show you how to use this incredible tool to figure out what’s going on with your kids and build a meaningful relationship with them throughout their life. Discover how to help your kids feel seen, heard, and valued, and use it on your journey to becoming a peaceful parent. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/3/202117 minutes, 45 seconds
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3. The Pledge: The Most Important Work You Can Do

Join me as I show you why there’s no better time to commit to the practice of peaceful parenting and how to do so without guilt, shame, or judgment. I’m sharing my four-step process to help bring peaceful parenting into your family, and how to integrate it into the fabric of who you are. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/27/202116 minutes, 8 seconds
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2. How to Listen to Your Kids So It Makes a Difference

In this episode, I’m sharing a simple tool that can change the dynamic in your family overnight. I’m showing you how easy it is to commit to the practice of peaceful parenting and how to use this incredible tool to promote healing and transformation in your family. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/27/202115 minutes, 6 seconds
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1. How to Become a Peaceful Parent

Join me this week to learn more about my peaceful approach to parenting and why you can create a deep connection and cooperation with your kids. I’m sharing my non-judgmental approach to helping others parent more consciously and showing you how to create a more respectful and calm environment for all the family. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/27/202117 minutes, 26 seconds
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Stop the Struggle, Calm the Chaos, and Create the Connection

Join Lisa Smith -- Mom, Master Certified Parent Coach, Author, and Speaker -- as she helps turn frustrated parents -- who regularly default to yelling, threatening, and punishing -- into peaceful leaders within their households. Each week Lisa will share the exact methods and step-by-step strategies she used to transform from an angry, controlling mom who was constantly upset with her son and husband, into a calm, confident, and connected leader in her home. To connect with Lisa visit
1/13/20211 minute, 36 seconds