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Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield Cover
Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield Profile

Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

English, Marketing, 1 season, 700 episodes, 4 days, 3 hours, 42 minutes
How do I start an online business? Grow my email list to thousands of subscribers? Sell more and grow faster? These are just some of the big questions that leading online marketing strategist, Amy Porterfield, digs into on the top-ranked Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. In addition to mini marketing masterclasses and step-by-step guides, each episode is designed to help you take immediate action on the most important strategies for starting, scaling and automating your online business. Amy’s specialty is getting into the online trenches with you. Thinking about creating an online course? Want to promote with webinars? Need help with your Facebook ads? Discover why hundreds of thousands of online business owners turn to Amy Porterfield to generate more profits and to make sense of the online marketing space, implement the strategies that really get results, and turn that side hustle into a business that lasts.
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#650: $100 Million Dollar Leads: My 3 Takeaways From Alex Hormozi’s Latest Book

Grow your email list through strong leads, automation, and mastering the art of building clientele. Have you ever read a book and felt like you just had to share everything you learned with everyone you know?! Well, that's exactly how I felt while reading Alex Hormozi's new book that everyone in the business world is raving about $100 Million Leads. If you haven't heard of Alex before, let me tell you, he's the real deal - a hugely successful entrepreneur, investor, and author of 3 best-selling books!  So, why am I recommending this book to you? Because, my friend, I know you're working super hard on growing your email lists, and what better way to learn than from the best in the game? This book is all about how Alex has mastered the art of building clientele and gathering leads, ultimately turning his standard fitness business into the incredible life he has today.  Whether you're just starting out, working on your side hustle, or aiming to finally hit that million-dollar mark, these tips are guaranteed to help you out. That's why, in this episode, I'm sharing some of my favorite takeaways from Alex's book about automating and scaling your business through solid leads.  Today, you’ll hear about:  2:15: Every reason why if Alex can do it, you can too! 5:24: Alex's Core Four lead generation strategies 10:14: Tips for maximizing online content creation and nurturing leads  12:43: Examples, tricks, and processes to keep up your content creation momentum 18:07: Alex's golden give-to-ask ratio rule  Listen in and dream big, my sweet friend! Because Alex's insights can get you to your goals, no matter where you're starting from. And trust me – I’m only scratching the surface of this game-changing book, so be sure to get yourself a copy and dive in deeper! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/6/202423 minutes, 48 seconds
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#649: My Email Marketing Makeover: 3 New Strategies I’m Trying This Year

Three practical strategies I’m implementing into my email marketing strategy for 2024. I don't know about you, but I feel like now is the perfect time to freshen up my email marketing strategies. I've been doing this for a while now, and I know that what has always worked for me won't necessarily work forever. My friends, change and evolution are wonderful things!  Last year was my most successful year yet, and you know what made the difference? I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new things, even if they scared me a bit. That's why, in 2024, I'm fully adopting this mindset and trying out three brand new strategies to grow my email list. Usually, I like to have all the details sorted out before sharing them with you. But this time, I'm inviting you to join me in real-time for this exciting marketing experiment! In this episode, I'm lifting the curtain on how I'm implementing these tactics into my marketing strategy to take my engagement, email list numbers, and sales to the next level. Today, you’ll hear about:  5:04: Why I’m such a strong believer of consultants and coaches  8:14: The ways I’m optimizing my podcast and website to prioritize their growth  14:27: My plans to revamp my newsletter and create a more personalized experience  23:18: 5 strategies I’m using to boost my email list engagement  31:03: The importance of data-driven experiments and keeping your audience in mind when testing  Listen in and make this year your year of evolution and shaking things up! It's time to grow those email list numbers and reach your most profitable year yet.  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/1/202439 minutes, 12 seconds
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#648: Age Is Just a Number: Why You Can Still Find Success In Your 40s, 50s And Beyond

Here’s why it’s never too late to kickstart your side hustle and build your dream life. I hear way too many of my older Digital Course Academy students worry that they're too late to the game, are discouraged by their age, or think they're too far behind to ever catch up.  Well, here's the truth, my sweet friend – age is just a number, and you're never too old to start! In fact, some of the most successful entrepreneurs start a little later because, let's face it, life experience is a total game-changer.  Take it from me – on my 47th birthday, I woke up feeling so lucky and appreciative of my maturity, the wisdom I've gained, and my capacity to care for myself and my business. As I get older, I'm also getting smarter, stronger, and I feel the best I have in years.  So, if you're thinking of starting a new career, you're an empty nester, or looking for a new passion project in your retirement, I have some great news for you: you can make that leap today!   In this episode, I dive into:  4:30: Real life proof that age is just a number 9:38: How to avoid comparing yourself to younger generations  13:33: Why you need to prioritize feeling your very best  17:06: Reframing your negative thoughts as positive mantras and mottos  20:18: The true value of an older voice in high level rooms  Listen in and get ready to keep learning new things and facing new adventures, no matter how old you are!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/30/202426 minutes, 30 seconds
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#647: Actionable Steps To Manage Your Money Like A Boss with Tiffany Aliche, The Budgetnista

How to get ahead with your small business finances to maximize your business success. If I could give you one piece of advice based on my past regrets, it's to get financially educated early on in your business. Trust me, my friend, understanding how to play the game of business finances will make things so much easier for you further down the line!  But, I know how scary and overwhelming talking about money can be, so I've brought in an expert to make things a whole lot easier – Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche. Not only is she a fabulous financial educator, she's also a New York Times bestselling author, star of Netflix's "Get Smart with Money," and co-host of the incredible podcast “Brown Ambition”. She's here to share her step-by-step guide on building wealth unapologetically for you and your small business. Tiffany knows that your money is the backbone of your business, and if your financial flow is even a little bit off, you might be setting yourself up for trouble. That's why in this episode, we're talking about everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) from budgeting to saving to investing for your small business!  Today, we dig into:  4:30: The difference between financial fullness and financial freedom  5:55: Simple tips for beginners in business budgeting  10:01: Why you need to save money just like squirrels save acorns 14:00: The importance of your personal and business credit score  19:01: Advice for getting started in investments  28:17: Everything you need to know before making your side hustle a full time gig  32:31: How to separate your business and personal bank accounts  Listen in and start prioritizing your business finances TODAY. Your business deserves it!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/25/202451 minutes, 13 seconds
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#646: It’s Time To Quit: 4 Steps To Quit Your Job & Be Your Own Boss

A step-by-step guide for leaving your 9-5 and starting your thriving online business. Have you been dreaming of ditching the 9-5 grind and turning your side hustle into a full-time gig? Or maybe you're finally ready to go all-in with entrepreneurship? If that sounds like you, you're in the right place!  I totally get it, my friend – taking that first step can be super intimidating, but don't worry, I'm here to help. Today, I'm sharing my tips and strategies to give you the courage and the strength to make your transition.  These are the exact steps I took when I left my job to start my online business, and trust me, there's nothing more rewarding than being your own boss and living life on your terms.  This step-by-step guide is pulled straight from my book, Two Weeks Notice, and is all about putting in your notice, preparing the launch of your business, and 'unbossing' yourself. The best part? You don't need any experience or resources to get started!  Tune in for:  5:01: Why you need to schedule your exit/start date  8:27: A checklist of actions to take during the "runway" phase of starting your online business 11:52: Tips for putting yourself out there online through social media, a podcast, a blog, etc.  16:53: The best way to hold yourself accountable when getting started  20:10: How to give your notice without burning bridges  Listen in and start the first day of the rest of your life as a successful and thriving entrepreneur. You deserve it, my friend! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.
1/23/202426 minutes, 59 seconds
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#645: How To Message Your Digital Product Or Service To Instantly Sell

Simple strategies for writing irresistible copy that helps sell your product instantly.  My friend, I know your goal as an online business owner is to attract as many people as you can to your life-changing product. And believe me, you can't do that without some killer copywriting skills – or the text and words that sell your product and inspire action. Having an incredible offer is fantastic, but selling it can be tricky if your audience isn’t drawn to your sales page.  I've successfully launched Digital Course Academy so many times, but I continue to tweak my copy frameworks to get even better results than before! So, even if your product has been in the market for years, there's always room for adjustments to align with industry trends or the evolving needs of your audience.  Today, I'm sharing some super easy strategies I've tried and tested to boost your messaging game and talk to your audience on a human level – without any of that fancy language and jargon no one understands.  Whether you're writing emails, social media posts, or copy for your website and sales page, these tips will help you create content that people will love!  In this episode, I share:  4:29: How to clearly define the problem your offer solves  6:21: Simple tips for writing personalized, intimate, and effective sales copy 12:12: A real life example of how to use a statistic in your messaging  16:46: The two frameworks my team uses to write copy in the right place at the right time  26:58: Why you should be testing and updating sales copy in real-time during launches 29:57: Tips and strategies for writing for social media and email  Listen in and get ready to sell your product instantly with these impactful copywriting tips. Soon enough, you'll be a pro at writing content that your audience can't resist! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/18/202440 minutes, 51 seconds
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#644: You Are Your Niche: How To Stand Out In A Saturated Industry

Here’s why there’s always enough room for you in a saturated market. As an entrepreneur, I bet you've heard about market saturation a million times. Well, we’re talking about it some more today, BUT we’re focusing on reframing your emotions and feelings around it. Because trust me sweet friend, with the right mindset, you can succeed in any market, no matter how saturated it may seem! So, why am I talking about this? I see many hopeful students in Digital Course Academy who hit the brakes because they feel like the market is just too crowded for them. But, let me tell you, that's simply not true – and I have proof!  When I started as a social media manager nearly 15 years ago, it felt like every other person I talked to was doing the exact same thing as me. But, I didn't let the noise of oversaturation get to me, and I was able to grow the business I have today. And I know you can do it too! In this episode, I’m diving into:  3:44: Questions to ask yourself that challenge the idea that the market is too saturated  5:24: Math that proves making sales is all about honing your marketing skills  12:20: Tips for embracing what makes you unique and attracting your ideal audience  15:23: How I focus on my niche rather than worry about a saturated market  19:14: Reminders to help you break free from this false narrative Listen in and kick off your dream business. Remember, the market may be saturated, but your uniqueness and what you bring to the table are just waiting to shine through! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/16/202425 minutes, 38 seconds
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#643: Behind the Scenes: 5 Strategies My Community Team Uses for Empowering Students and Streamlining Operations

Grab the freebie for this episode by heading here! Tips, tools, and strategies for building the most engaged online community. When you're building your online business, you have such a special opportunity to connect with your community on a personal level. I truly can't tell you how much joy and pride I feel in building my own community. It's so gratifying and I hold it very close to my heart, so of course, I want you to have the same experience!  If you've been dreaming of transforming your audience into a thriving community, this episode is perfect for getting started! In my business, I have an entire team dedicated to my community. Sylvia, Brittani, and Megan are simply amazing, and they have so kindly shared their top 5 strategies for keeping up with and using community engagement to grow and improve your business. And don't worry if you're a team of one or just starting out in entrepreneurship! These behind-the-scenes strategies are super versatile and adaptable, so they'll work for you no matter where you are in your business journey. In this episode, I discuss:  4:45: The art of calendar creation and batching to foster a more engaged community 13:01: Strategies for optimizing your live interactions with students  18:08: The importance of developing deep relationships with students and how we keep track of their success stories  22:09: Advice for implementing an advisor program to provide diverse perspectives and support during launches 24:38: Tips and tools for collecting and analyzing student feedback  31:25: How to track data and metrics to make informed business decisions  Remember, my dear friend, your community is truly the heart and soul of your business. So listen in and start getting the most out of the fantastic people and community you've built with your incredible gifts! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/11/202440 minutes, 57 seconds
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#642: How We’re Increasing Profit Margins This Year and How You Can Too!

Optimize your future launches by getting intentional about your profit margins. Buckle up, my friend, because today we're diving into all things numbers and how to increase your profit margins! I know, I know, it's definitely a bit daunting when you’re first getting started, but it’s one of the most important things you can do!  With a bit of practice and dedication, you'll be on track to use your profit margins to better understand and scale your business. After all, it's your profit margin that allows you to pay yourself more, reward your team, and invest back into your business. In this episode, I share the four key things my team focuses on to maintain our profit margin (if we're happy with it) or increase it. I want you to steal these techniques and tools for yourself so you can make the most intentional decisions and plan for future launches!  Today, I cover:  2:48: What exactly your profit margin is and how to choose your benchmark  8:49: Tips for budgeting and planning for future launches to maintain a healthy profit margin  14:25: Advice for making intentional expense decisions that align with your business goals  16:05: Why you need to be reviewing your recurring expenses  20:14: The importance of being transparent with your team about numbers  Listen in and remember, if your profit margins aren't where you want them to be, it's absolutely okay! We're all constantly learning and growing, and you're already on the path to bettering yourself and your business.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/9/202429 minutes, 13 seconds
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#641: Podcasting Secrets & Strategies For Dominating The Charts with Hala Taha, Founder Of YAP Media

How LinkedIn can elevate your podcast and your business with Hala Taha. If you're listening to the Online Marketing Made Easy show, I'm guessing you're a fan of podcasts, right? If you've ever thought about starting a podcast or wanted to leverage LinkedIn to grow your podcast and business, this is the perfect episode to get started. And I'm telling you – this conversation is not just for all of you; I also found it incredibly valuable for me and my podcast!  Enter Hala Taha, the fabulous founder YAP Media, the host of the Young and Profiting podcast, and massive LinkedIn influencer. I've recently been working with Hala and her podcast network, and it's been such a blast!  Hala's a natural go-getter who left her corporate job to follow her entrepreneurial dreams. Now, she's constantly topping the Apple Podcast charts and working with the biggest and brightest in the online space.  We talk about the LinkedIn strategies she uses to grow her business and her podcast. She's absolutely mastered the LinkedIn algorithm and is sharing all of her publishing and engagement hacks with you!  In this episode, you’ll hear about:  4:09: When Hala knew it was time leave the corporate world and dive into entrepreneurship  7:40: Advice for starting a side-hustle podcast 11:08: Strategies for consistently ranking as a top podcast  13:44: Common mistakes for both newbies and seasoned podcasters  18:58: How and when to start monetizing your podcast  24:10: Creating a podcast network  26:06: The biggest challenges Hala faced when scaling her business  30:18: Tips for boosting your LinkedIn audience and engagement  33:52: Why it’s never too late to start your podcast!  Listen in, my friend, because the opportunities are endless. LinkedIn's organic reach is a goldmine just waiting to be tapped, and Hala is spilling all the secrets! Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/4/202444 minutes
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#640: How To Use Manifestation As A Tool For Achieving Success In Your Business with Gabby Bernstein

Everything you need to know about manifesting your big goals with Gabby Bernstein. Sweet friend, I'm so excited to have you here for the first episode of 2024! Today is so much fun, and I guarantee it'll help you start your new year off with a bang! We're diving head first into manifestation – a topic often overlooked on the podcast amid all the marketing, digital courses, and list-building talk. But trust me, it's super important and it all relates back to your business!  Honestly, I’m right there with you and fairly new to the manifestation game. But, lucky for us, we have the incredible Gabby Bernstein here to guide us through it all. Gabby is a bestselling author, spiritual leader, manifestation expert, and the host of the mega-popular podcast Dear Gabby. She even manifested meeting Oprah, so you know she's the real deal!  So, whether you dream of being your own boss, doubling your revenue, or shifting your mindset to abundance mode in 2024, this episode is the perfect launching pad for massive success in the new year.  In this episode, you’ll hear all about:  5:38: How manifestation relates to your business, funnels, list building, and taking action  9:51: A step-by-step framework for manifesting beginners  16:38: Tips for managing resistance or “faking” manifestation  18:27: The most common mistakes people make when getting started  23:45: Why you have to release all control to manifest successfully  30:41: The ways gratitude factors into the manifestation  Listen in, and get ready to manifest your biggest dreams. It's a new year, new opportunity, and we're ready to kick off right! Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/2/202444 minutes, 35 seconds
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#639: Unveiling Our New Wellness Tracker: A Data-Driven Approach To Work Wellbeing (Yours To Copy)

How to stay on top of your team’s well-being by measuring happiness levels. Believe me – the success of your business is SO dependent on how passionate your team is about their work. But it's not just about being productive; it's about staying motivated, prioritizing your well-being, and preventing burnout. And I want you to catch any signs of unhappiness in your company before it's too late!  We recently rolled out a wellness tracker for our entire team. It's been a bit of a challenge to figure out how to measure abstract things like happiness and stress, but I'm so excited to share how it's been playing out! My friends, this wellness tracker is like a dashboard for the heartbeat of your company. By comparing your team's stress/happiness metrics to your goals, you can physically see the trajectory of your company culture. (And it’s not as complicated as it sounds, I promise!)  It's amazing how much easier it is to tweak things when you can actually look at why stress levels are creeping up or how much happiness is starting to dip.  In this episode, I break down:  7:38: The importance of prioritizing intentional margin to offset potential errors or overwhelming moments  13:38: My core value of nurturing a loyal, happy, and positive work environment  17:25: Our first indicator that reflects the team stress and happiness averages  23:34: Why we track shout-outs and celebrations  27:11: The power of listening and implementing team ideas  30:09: Project management tools we use to organize and track our goals   32:57: How to keep your wellness tracker simple and tailored to your needs  Listen in and get ready to transform your work culture – no matter the size of your team. Because, my friend, your success starts with feeling great and passionate about what you do!  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/28/202344 minutes, 51 seconds
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#638: How To Strategically Approach Your 2024 Business Plans

Everything I learned in 2023 and how I’m applying those lessons to my plans for 2024. Can you believe there are only four days left in 2023?! My sweet friend, I'm so excited about what the new year will bring for your business! So today, I’m sharing my plans for my company going into 2024 so you can get inspired to dream up new strategies and implement game-changing tools into your business.  2023 was an incredible year for us, with more Digital Course Academy students than ever (I'm talking record-breaking), and some of my goals for 2024 might surprise you!   It's so important to reflect on the past so you can get super specific, clear, and realistic about your goals for the future. Because, I want you to be prepared for 2024 and surround yourself with the right people, tools, and opportunities no matter the challenges that may come up.  Plus, I share the most valuable lessons I learned in 2023 so you can take them and apply them to your business! From turning to mentors to hiring a CEO, I learned so much about myself and the structure of my business.  In this episode, I talk about:  3:25: Reflections on 2023 – the most successful in my 14 years of business  5:17: Why growth won't be our primary focus in 2024  9:17: Embracing my motto "less is more" without sacrificing excellence  10:07: The departmental changes we’re applying next year  13:01: The top lessons I learned this past year 21:20: How to prepare yourself for your dream business  As you gear up for 2024, listen in and take a cue from my playbook. Cheers to the exciting new adventures that await us on our entrepreneurial journey! Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/26/202327 minutes, 21 seconds
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#637: My Customers Have Bought All My Offers… What’s Next For Them?

Encouraging your loyal customers to continue purchasing from you after your digital course.  So you've hit your revenue goal by selling your digital courses, and you've got some amazing loyal customers, woohoo! But what's next? Once your customers complete your course, you need to find a way to keep them engaged and craving more. Don't worry, my friend, I've got your back! Today, I'm sharing some game-changing strategies to turn your customers into long-term digital best friends. I use these tactics in my business, so you know they've been tested and proven successful! Keeping your loyal customers happy is a massive component of your business success. I talk about how to make your affiliate marketing and membership programs top-notch so you can keep the momentum going and hit your goals every year of your business!  In this episode, I talk about:  8:26: An in-depth look at my affiliate program's recipe for success 13:53: Why I'd never launch an affiliate program without being an affiliate myself 21:03: Tips for adding an exclusive membership program for your digital course customers 24:34: Understanding that running a membership program takes effort, time, and consistency  26:25: How I keep my Momentum Membership students engaged with live trainings, Q&A sessions, and community building Listen in, because you've got some homework to do! I’m telling you – encouraging your loyal customers to engage and purchase from you is the key to creating those powerful, long-lasting relationships.  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/21/202338 minutes, 42 seconds
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#636: How To Embrace Your Fears Around Money & Make More With Financial Expert Farnoosh Torabi

Conquer your financial fears and step into your financial freedom with Farnoosh Torabi. My friend, I want you to feel smart about how you spend your money, how you make your money, and how you look at your money. I want you to feel super competent, which means you should gather as much knowledge about your finances as physically possible!  As entrepreneurs, I truly believe we should be more open about talking about money! We all go through good, bad, and ugly phases of finances, so why not share our experiences to help each other out?  Here to tell all and ease any of your money worries is the brilliant Farnoosh Torabi, a former CNBC host, a multi-bestselling financial author, and host of the So Money podcast.  Her mission is to help you conquer your financial fears. And we have a shared passion for guiding others towards their richest, happiest lives, so trust me, you're in the best hands!  You’ll hear about:  6:27: Farnoosh’s various income streams  8:42: Why Farnoosh’s parents shaped her view on personal finance  11:35: Advice on standing out in a saturated industry 14:10: How to define what financial freedom means to you 17:53: Habits to build a rock-solid financial foundation  25:53: Tips for facing your fears  43:03: Overcoming unhealthy narratives about money  46:54: What you can expect from Farnoosh’s new book, "A Healthy State of Panic”  This isn't just about personal finances. It's about feeling fantastic about your relationship with money. So, listen in and take control of your financial future! Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/20/202356 minutes, 22 seconds
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#635: My “Year Of Yes”: How Networking Changed My Life

Embrace your “Year of Yes” and watch your business, personal development, and connections thrive.  If you know me, you know that deep down, I'm a huge introvert. To be honest, the idea of promoting my book, Two Weeks Notice, and doing interviews, speaking on stages, and going to networking events was terrifying!  But, I decided that 2023 would be my year of saying YES! I had a strong desire to share my book with the world and get it into the hands of those who needed it. So, every tear, every uncomfortable moment – it was all worth it.  Today, I share my tips on stepping out of your comfort zone, embracing the unknown, and making 2024 your most successful year yet.  During my “Year of Yes, I took risks, faced rejection, and welcomed vulnerability. And guess what? My business skyrocketed, my personal growth was massive, and my book launch was epic! Now, my sweet friend – it's your turn.  Tune in for:  7:00: The key to getting super clear on your goals  10:23: How to appreciate your growth and the lessons learned no matter the outcome 15:22: A reminder that difficult moments are only in seasons – not forever  17:31: Tips for embracing discomfort and saying yes to every opportunity  18:23: Understanding the power of in-person connections (especially for an online business!)  So, listen in because I learned so much from my “Year of Yes”, and I want the exact same results for you!  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/19/202324 minutes, 54 seconds
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#634: The Million Dollar Course Creators Club: Four Student Success Stories

Here’s how four Digital Course Academy students made over one million dollars in sales. I used to feel super nervous about sharing my big wins or the details of my finances, but now I know that sharing our successes can inspire and encourage others to pursue their own dreams. And you know that's what I'm all about!  Today, I'm so excited for you to hear from four of my amazing students, who have each made over a million (that's right - A MILLION!) dollars selling their digital courses. They all started off just like you, with a passion and desire to share their talents, have more freedom, and be their own boss.  They share their ups and downs, their triumphs and hurdles, tips for success, and so so much more. If they can achieve these massive accomplishments, so can you!  You’ll hear how to turn your dreams into dollars by:   7:56: Nurturing valuable relationships with your students  17:16: Reshaping your biggest challenges into your biggest opportunities  29:58: Strategically pricing your digital course offerings  36:48: Sharing your story and desires to create a business that's uniquely you Listen in dear friend, because trust me, you don't want to miss out on some incredible stories! You’ll be the next member of the Million Dollar Course Creators Club in no time!  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/14/202352 minutes, 35 seconds
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#633: How To Adopt My “No Wrong Turns” Mindset

Debunking the myth that you can make a “wrong decision”.  When building your business, do ever worry if you're making the right decisions or if you're on the right path? Well, my dear friend, let me tell you something: every decision you make, every twist and turn or bump in the road, is taking you to exactly where you're meant to be. You just can't make a wrong turn!  Believe me, I know from experience. When I made my very first digital course, the number sold was a massive disappointment. But because I didn't give up and took action anyway, the universe steered me in the right direction, and just look where I am now!  So, here's some tough love for you – if you're not in the game at all, you're missing out on huge opportunities. As an entrepreneur, it's natural to fear making mistakes. But even those imperfect decisions move you forward.  In this episode, I share:  3:23: Why every choice gets you one step closer to where you're meant to be  5:32: Advice for embracing your mistakes  7:47: Why this concept is deeply personal to me  9:09: How to step off of the sidelines and into action 13:34: The beauty of serendipitous redirects So, when things don't always go as planned, embrace the detour, my friend. Listen in and get inspired to come out on the other side even stronger!  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/12/202319 minutes, 55 seconds
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#632: How To Craft The Perfect Digital Course Module From Scratch

Head here for the free resource >>> Your Ultimate Guide to Crafting the Perfect Modules for Student Success Keep your students’ motivated and engaged by crafting seamless modules for your digital course. While I typically talk about marketing on this podcast, today, I’m taking a beat to focus on the heart of your thriving online business – your exceptional product. In my case, of course, this is digital courses. But even more than that, it’s my seamless digital course modules.  Trust me, you can’t just throw content together and hope it sticks. Designing the best digital course is all about organizing it in a way that delivers a transformation so smoothly that your students soak it up like a sponge!  Oh, and I’m not just scratching the surface, my friends. I’m deep-diving into the art and science behind designing the perfect modules that are sure to leave a lasting impression on your students.  In this episode, I cover:  3:08: Why you need to design course modules in the first place 7:30: How to get your students into action throughout every step of your course  13:32: Top frameworks for upleveling the course value  18:53: Simple strategies for supercharging engagement  28:51: The easiest way to keep your students motivated and help them make progress through the course  31:24: Tips for incorporating content for every learning style Listen in and consider this episode your golden ticket to creating top-notch digital course modules. Your students and your business will thank you!  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/7/202338 minutes, 43 seconds
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#631: Collaboration Vs. Competition: Sharing Strategies Not Secrets

Using collaboration and competition to push yourself and your business to new heights.  I'm sure you've heard the phrase "collaboration over competition" a million times. But, my friend, I'm here to tell you that it's not always true. As business owners, it's so important to use collaboration AND competition to thrive – let me explain!  Competition keeps us motivated and driven, and I truly believe that the most useful competition is actually with ourselves. For me, it's all about setting and achieving my goals and constantly pushing myself to be the best entrepreneur I can be.  At the same time, collaboration is also key! Sharing ideas and strategies with like-minded people in my network is incredibly valuable. For example, I love connecting with other course creators to share insights and tips on creating and launching the best courses.  In this episode, you’ll hear about:  4:13: Why I stick to self-competition 7:55: How to be intentional with industry analysis  12:18: Questions to ask when reflecting on your motivations  13:54: Healthy vs. unhealthy collaboration  18:49: Examples of viewing competition through the lens of collaboration  You all know it’s my mission to help as many entrepreneurs as possible, so listen in to hear why leveraging collaboration AND competition is essential in fueling that goal! Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/5/202326 minutes, 56 seconds
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#630: Stay-At-Home-Mom Turned Business Icon: Entrepreneurship & Marketing with Alli Webb, Co-Founder of Drybar

How to turn your next big idea into a household brand with Alli Webb. Ever wished you had a personal stylist to give you a fabulous blowout before recording your next live video or digital course? Just imagine that confidence boost!  Now, you might be wondering what a blowout has to do with marketing. Well, let me tell you about Alli Webb, the queen of blowouts and the brilliant mind behind Drybar, the most iconic blowout business ever!  Alli's here to share her journey, from her days as a hairstylist to starting a family to selling Drybar and all the lessons learned in between. Her new book, The Messy Truth (don't you love that title?) is a must-read if you're looking for an authentic picture of what entrepreneurship actually looks like – the good, the bad, and the ugly!  With over 150 locations, a successful line of products, and a multi-million dollar household brand, Alli's story is a prime example of turning your dreams into reality. She reminds you that perfection is overrated and that you don't have to have everything figured out to build something incredible.  In this episode, Alli tells you all about:  4:06: The highs and lows of building Drybar’s successful brand  11:57: How Drybar grew in an already saturated industry  20:00: Tips for delegating and letting go of control with confidence  26:13: Drybar’s bright yellow brand and memorable marketing  30:30: The importance of learning as you go  33:22: Advice for being present in your personal life while building your business  37:24: Why The Messy Truth is for both new and seasoned entrepreneurs  Remember my friend – it's never too late to start, and there are no wrong turns in your entrepreneurial journey. So, listen to the episode, stay persistent, and make your dreams a reality, just like Alli did! Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/30/202349 minutes, 20 seconds
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#629: How To Balance Your Business During The Holiday Bustle

Tips to prepare your business for a restful holiday season and exciting new year. How was your Thanksgiving feast? I hope it was fantastic, and you're all set to dive into your end-of-year planning! I know the holiday season can be overwhelming with family gatherings, business goals, and a seemingly never-ending to-do list, but I'm here to help make things a whole lot easier for you. Picture this: You, waking up on January 1, 2024, feeling excited and ready for the new year all because you've set up your business for success this holiday season. It's such a great feeling to have everything in order and fully enjoy the holiday festivities without worrying about work (that's what entrepreneurship is all about, right?). I don't claim to have all the answers, but I do have some tips that are sure to give you some relief! So, let's make this holiday season stress-free and the most enjoyable yet.  In this episode, you’ll hear about:  6:02: Two initiatives I focus on for October-November to ready the biz for December 8:23: Questions to ask yourself to make clear year-end intentions 11:42: A checklist to prepare your company to take off the final week of 2023   16:15: A fun way to set the stage for an exciting new year with your team 17:41: Tips for fine-tuning your ideal week and reviewing your scheduling  Happy holidays, my sweet friends! Listen in and put on your planning hat because you deserve to take time for yourselves and your loved ones during this special time of the year. Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/28/202325 minutes, 51 seconds
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#628: The $100k Milestone: My Proven Strategies to Scale Up

How I doubled my business revenue in just one year.  It might seem impossible to double your revenue in just one year, but if I can do it, so can you! In this episode, I share seven key strategies to achieve your six-figure vision.  What if I told you that you can make a bigger impact and establish yourself as an expert by doing less? I’m here to help you do just that by getting clear on your core offer and mapping out your revenue goals.    I’m taking you through how I set up my calendar for the year and break it down into content creation, promotion, and vacation (trust me on that last one!). Plus, I can’t talk about my journey to my first $100,000 without mentioning the team that helped me get there. I share all about how to get started with a virtual assistant and what a game-changer that’s going to be for your business.  I cover: 3:31: How to create a map of your revenue goals  7:24: The three questions I want you to ask yourself about your core offer  11:54: Examples of supplemental offers that can elevate your launch  15:20: Why it’s so important to establish your content (and personal) calendar at the start of the year  18:42: Ideas for developing weekly original content for your audience  22:17: How to prepare for your your first hire  Curious to learn how I went from $50k to $100k in one year? I get into all the details in this episode!  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/22/202331 minutes, 56 seconds
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#627: 10 Entrepreneurs' Stories of Gratitude

Taking a moment to be thankful for every step of your entrepreneurship journey.  Friends – this is not just any episode. This is a beautiful celebration of the entrepreneurial journey, and honestly, I was left in tears. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I thought it was the perfect time to spread some gratitude and share real-life, heartwarming success stories from hard-working entrepreneurs just like you.  I am so so grateful for entrepreneurship and all it brings. From impacting my student's lives to building a wonderful team to living life on my own terms – I could go on and on! But today, I’m passing the mic off to my incredible students.  They share their unique entrepreneurial adventures and what aspects they're most thankful for. If you're going through a rough patch, know that they have each walked in your shoes, and their stories today might just be the spark you need to ignite your gratitude flame and light up your path.  My students are grateful to entrepreneurship for:  10:16: Their personal evolution, bigger community, an expanded perspective  13:16: Flexibility in their schedule for more precious family time  17:41: The journey with all of its challenges and rewards 22:04: Reduced stress and getting to enjoy life on their terms  24:19: Doing what they love in alignment with their values 26:39: The opportunity to tap into and master their inner gifts and talents  So tune in, listen up, and take a moment for yourself. Reflect on your journey, the support you have, and the leaps you've made for your life and your business!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/21/202329 minutes, 34 seconds
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#626: Hiring A Virtual Assistant: What To Delegate & How To Manage With Tricia Sciortino

Every reason why finding a virtual assistant is one of the best hires you’ll make. Want to know a secret? It's NEVER too early to hire a virtual assistant! In fact, you’ll be stunned by how much they can change and supercharge anything and everything for your business. Before hiring a VA, there were so many tasks that I needed help with, and now I only focus on building my brand, attracting my audience, and making more money. Here's why I'm telling you this – by hiring a VA, you, the brilliant entrepreneur, get to focus on what you do best while delegating the rest to a committed assistant. Can you feel the weight lifting off your shoulders?  And lucky for you, here to walk you through finding, hiring, and managing the perfect VA is Tricia Sciortino, the fabulous CEO at BELAY, one of the fastest-growing virtual staffing companies in the US.  Personally, I found my current VA four years ago on BELAY, and it was the perfect resource for getting started. I was so nervous about hiring someone full-time and didn't know if I was ready. Plus, I didn't want to spend hours searching and vetting candidates online. Thankfully, BELAY took care of all of that for me!  In the episode, Tricia tells you all about:  10:51: How a virtual assistant can take your business to the next level  15:03: The qualities to look for in a VA, and key questions to ask when hiring 20:50: The ways a VA can help you in areas like social media, podcasting, and launching digital courses  26:14: Why VA’s will ignite creativity and ideation in your marketing processes 29:40: Tips for effectively training your VA to execute tasks seamlessly  32:53: How a VA contributes to your scalability  Listen in and remember to ask these questions in the interview process for your new VA:  - Your client has not delegated anything to you this week – what are you going to do? - What steps would you take to make this relationship successful?  - What strategic questions would you ask to serve your client best?  - What excites you about being a virtual assistant?  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/16/202344 minutes
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#625: This Pep Talk Saved My Career

You have two choices: Get up or stay down.  Sometimes, all you need is an honest, tough love pep talk to get yourself back in the game. If you find yourself playing small or getting caught in a cycle of comparison, this episode is for you, my friend.  I’m sharing a version of the pep talk that my mentor Marie Forleo gave to me 14 years ago when she recognized I needed to get back into action. Her advice about celebrating every win made such a profound impact on me.  I’m challenging you to measure yourself against your previous self, not what anyone else is doing. There’s nothing wrong with peeking over the fence, but if it starts to bring you down, I want you to stop right there. Every step you take on the journey to your big, audacious goal is an accomplishment worth celebrating – never forget that.  I also share:  3:44: What happened when I l​​eaned into my feelings of insecurity and unworthiness after my second launch  5:23: What Marie said to me that transformed my definition of success  8:15: My pep talk for anyone who’s taking themselves out of the game  11:05: What Dan Sullivan’s The Gap and The Gain taught me about measuring progress  As an entrepreneur, it’s inevitable to go through a funk every now and then. When that happens, I want you to press play on this pep talk and get yourself back out there. Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/14/202317 minutes, 31 seconds
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#624: 8 Ways to Address Money Objections From Your Audience

A potential customer just told you your course isn’t in their budget…now what?  Price objections are by far the most common roadblocks in sales, regardless of the industry you're in or the product you're selling. Luckily, I’ve got eight tried-and-tested strategies to help your potential customers make confident decisions when it comes to investing in your digital course.  I believe that if somebody really wants to be in your course, over time, they'll find a way to make it happen. It’s your job to understand and speak directly to what’s keeping them on the fence.  Between hosting live Q&A sessions, working with a concierge team, and laying the foundation for what potential buyers can expect, it all comes down to one thing: Trust.  If you’re ready to mitigate price objections from the start, you’re in the right place, my friend!  You'll hear all about:  4:58: What to do in the four-to-six week period before opening enrollment 8:18: Why I think everyone should have a refund policy, especially for your first digital course launch  11:10: When (and when not) to offer a payment plan  13:54: Why I prefer to go live with my audience instead of relying on an FAQ page  16:33: My invaluable experience working with a concierge team  19:31: How to address money objections in your marketing efforts 22:09: A creative way to help your audience pay for your digital course So, when you hear potential students share their hesitation about paying for your course, despite how badly they want to join, turn on this episode and create an action plan.  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/9/202330 minutes, 23 seconds
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#623: I Procrastinate Too… This Is How I Avoid It

Supercharge your focus, say goodbye to procrastination, and crush your to-do list.  Let's face it - procrastination is an entrepreneur's arch-nemesis. Sometimes, staying on track feels impossible, especially when some tasks just don't light you up inside.  Sure, not every day will be exciting when running a business. But that's the beauty of entrepreneurship – you get to call the shots and build your dream career on your terms. Here's a little secret – I struggle with procrastination, too. But I've learned some tricks along the way that have helped me stay focused and productive. Today, I’m passing those tips on to you!  I invited my incredible social media manager Stacey Moran to join me on this episode and together, we’re sharing everything you need to know so you can crush your to-do list and feel fantastic about your work.  My friends, if you're ready to conquer procrastination, effectively manage your valuable time, and dive headfirst into your zone of genius, look no further.  You'll hear all about:  4:15: Auditing your day to figure out when you're the most productive  7:07: Why late-night creativity is a real thing and how to make it work for you 8:33: Recognizing the leading causes of procrastination so you can get ahead of them  11:24: What to do when a task feels way too daunting 14:06: Tackling difficult (but super important!) tasks that require hours of your full focus  18:04: How to channel your zone of genius, get support, delegate, and automate So, the next time you want to move that due date or feel stuck, I want you to hear my voice saying, "You've got this!" Tune in to say goodbye to procrastination and hello to productivity.  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/7/202323 minutes, 44 seconds
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#622: Jen Gottlieb’s Guide To Be Seen, Build Credibility, Influence & Authority

Mastering personal branding, networking, and media relationships to become the go-to person in your field with Jen Gottlieb. You've got a killer product, streamlined processes, and top-notch marketing, but there's one thing missing: that real-deal genuine connection with your clients. Without an authenticity factor, there's no way that your brand can reach its fullest potential. But don't worry, I’ve got you!  In this episode, you're getting all the expert advice you need to shine your brightest and become the go-to person in your field.  The fabulous Jen Gottlieb joins me today to share her invaluable wisdom on showing up authentically and making a lasting impression on your clients. You’re in the BEST hands with the queen of personal branding and a true powerhouse connector!   Showing up in your business isn't just about being on camera or using social media. That's why Jen dives into some tactical strategies from her new book, "Be Seen."  We're talking in-person AND online networking, building relationships with media contacts, overcoming rejection, and creating a thriving community. Get ready because you're going to be making a mark in your industry in no time!  We dig into:  7:46: Mindset shifts to increase your visibility  11:56: Tips for tapping into your creativity and the uniqueness of your business  17:29: Effective strategies for networking in physical and online environments  22:18: A super simple and tactical exercise for fostering relationships with media contacts 28:36: Taking action on the thing you’re most afraid to do  31:32: The first steps of creating and sustaining an engaged community  43:27: A real-life case study that proves anyone can make a difference  This conversation is an absolute goldmine of insider insights that will give your business that edge you’ve been craving. Tune in now to make sure your gifts never go unnoticed!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/2/202356 minutes, 16 seconds
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#621: Time Mastery: Automate & Elevate What You Do In A Day

Maximizing every minute of your day with these essential time management strategies. As a business owner, your time is literally as valuable as pure gold. When you use it wisely, it's like a revenue-generating machine. But if you're not, you could be missing out on some serious cash. Today, I'm here to share all of my favorite time-saving tips and habits so you can take control of your day and focus on the stuff that actually moves the needle in your business.  Believe me friend, you'll get to sit back and watch your entire life transform the minute you start to apply these simple yet effective streamlining hacks into your day. More free time to do the things you love, a happier team (if you have one), AND a thriving business… what more could you ask for?! I dive into work management programs you can implement TODAY, share actionable strategies for up-leveling your efficiency, and offer mindset shifts to supercharge your productivity. I’m talking: 1:37: The top ways to automate and delegate your busy day 5:10: How to review and trim your offerings  7:25: Streamlining your internal operations by creating SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)  9:50: The beauty of the zero inbox rule for email management  11:35: Why you need to empower your employees  13:24: Allotting yourself less time to complete your tasks 14:13: Advice for limiting negative content consumption  14:56: The mutually beneficial 4-day workweek 16:01: Tips for evaluating your performance on the daily  17:23: The One-Minute Rule Tune in and start smooth sailing through your workday – you deserve it!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts  "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/31/202322 minutes, 9 seconds
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#620: 3 Funnels That Have Made Millions In My Business

Master your marketing funnels to build lasting customer connections while making millions. If you've ever been unsure about funnels or think they're just another "bro-marketing" tactic, I'm here to change your mind! Funnels are actually a fantastic way to build meaningful customer relationships and revolutionize your business.  Funnels have generated millions for my business because I view them as more than just a tool to make a sale – they're an opportunity to connect with potential clients, prove your value, and showcase why your offer is the perfect fit for them. In fact, starting small and refining as you go is a wonderful strategy – my team and I do it all the time.  Today, you’re getting a behind-the-scenes look at the three primary types of funnels I swear by in my own business and step-by-step advice on how to use them. Get excited my friend, because you're about to reach your dream of consistent success and financial freedom that got you into entrepreneurship in the first place!  By the end of this episode, you'll know all about navigating the ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu (yes, those are the technical terms) and why split testing is crucial for optimizing your client flow and refining your landing pages. Click here to snag that free resource! I cover:  4:00: Validating your offer and understanding your client's needs 6:51: How to use split testing to optimize conversion rates and measure the success of your landing pages  10:42: The framework for an effective list-building funnel 20:12: A peek into the simple inner workings of my multimillion-dollar essential sales funnel  28:05: The newest funnel I use to build trust with potential customers Tune in for a complete guide to understanding and incorporating funnels into your marketing strategy!  Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/26/202342 minutes, 2 seconds
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#619: "The Reinvention Formula”: Actionable Steps For Leaving Your 9 to 5 with Craig Siegel

Leave behind your 9 to 5 and live the life you’ve always dreamed of with Craig Siegel. If you're ready to leave your current 9 to 5, but you've been dancing on the sidelines, thinking you're not good enough, or just waiting for the right moment, consider this episode your ultimate wake-up call! It's NEVER too late to hit that reset button, redefine your path, and create the life you've always dreamed of.  I know what you might be thinking – "Can I really do that? What will people say? Am I even ready for this?" Trust me my friend, every entrepreneur has asked those questions. But the truth is – with a positive mindset, supportive community, and real determination, you can reach true freedom and fulfillment.  When it comes to reinvention, Craig Siegel has seen it all. He left Wall Street just three years ago to pursue a completely different life path. Today, he has a successful podcast, a best-selling book, and an incredible career. Craig is walking proof that there is always time to pivot and reinvent yourself. Just imagine where you could be in three short years if you start today.  We cover:  8:28: Overcoming any hesitation in the pursuit of your purpose  11:32: Strategies for stepping out of your comfort zone  13:41: Why you don't need to have all (or any!) of the answers to get started 17:41: Cultivating a positive mindset and supportive community 27:21: The top non-negotiables for reinvention  25:30: Getting total clarity on your passions and strengths  29:25: Breaking free from limiting beliefs and choosing the “second thought” Craig said, “Staying comfortable is a death sentence.” This hit me hard! Your journey to greatness only starts when you step out of your cozy bubble and embrace the unknown. What if it goes right? What if you fly? So, hit play and get ready to rewrite your life story! Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/25/202342 minutes, 53 seconds
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#618: Pivoting with Purpose: The Art of Adjusting Your Business Goals

Move your goals without sacrificing your revenue or breaking promises. As a business owner, I always set goals for each year and quarter depending on the project or offering we have going on. But the truth is – goals don't always pan out as we hope. Life throws curveballs, and suddenly, that ambitious plan feels like a stretch. Not to fear! This is where the concept of "Move the Goal" comes in handy.  When it's clear you aren't going to meet a goal, you need to sit down, reevaluate, and decide how to pivot. And let me tell you, moving a goal does NOT feel good! As someone who values commitment, changing a plan can feel like a broken promise.  But, dear friend – please don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re in this position. It’s perfectly okay to do if you're smart about it. In this episode, I share all of my tips for effectively moving your goals so you can avoid losing significant revenue. It's not always an easy process, but with the right approach, you can do it in a way that won't let yourself or your team down. I cover what to expect when you move your goals, things you need to know before changing them, and how to adapt so it’s not a setback.  You'll hear about:  3:41: The reasons you might want to move a goal  6:12: Why I hate changing plans and would much rather reach the goals I set  8:30: Everything you need to know before changing your goal  12:18: Questions you should ask yourself to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons  14:12: Finding that balance between sticking with the plan and being flexible  Sometimes, you set safe goals to avoid feeling disappointed. But you know what they say – growth only happens when you step out of your comfort zone, and your goals should always motivate you to be the best version of yourself. Tune in because I promise this advice will save you lots of sleepless nights! Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/24/202321 minutes, 8 seconds
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#617: The Surprising Connection Between Muscle Health and Business Performance with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

Avoid burnout, boost your energy, and watch your business take off with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon.   You're growing your business and dialing in on list growth, digital courses, and marketing strategies, but what if I told you there's something even more important than any of that? Your health.    That's right, prioritizing your wellness is the game-changer that is going to revolutionize your business and life.    If you’re an entrepreneur, you're working long hours, crashing from time to time, and putting your health at the bottom of your priority list. But guess what? The most successful entrepreneurs know that their health is the key to a sustainable business.   Now you may be thinking, “Amy, where in the world do you find time to focus on your nutrition?”    Story of my life, my friend! I've always struggled with maintaining my weight while balancing a packed schedule.    But I’m telling you – my business and my body were thanking me the second I started incorporating more protein into my diet, sticking to a workout routine, and living a healthier lifestyle.   That’s why I'm so excited to introduce you to my guest, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, a mastermind in functional medicine. In this episode, she shares her simple approach to health that will integrate seamlessly into your busy entrepreneurial life.    We dive into:    11:10: Tips for avoiding burnout, ensuring vitality, and changing the trajectory of your life (& your business)  15:05: The power of building and maintaining muscle  21:05: How to design a no-nonsense diet for your busy schedule  28:23: Strategies you can implement TODAY to boost your energy  31:37: Advice for breaking free from shame and showing up fully for your business   Your business will only ever be as successful and sustainable as your health. Listen in because your business, wellness, and future are about to get a complete makeover.   Click here to listen! Visit our show notes page!   Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts   "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!   Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/19/202345 minutes, 58 seconds
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#617: The Surprising Connection Between Muscle Health and Business Performance with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

Avoid burnout, boost your energy, and watch your business take off with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. You're growing your business and dialing in on list growth, digital courses, and marketing strategies, but what if I told you there's something even more important than any of that? Your health.  That's right, prioritizing your wellness is the game-changer that is going to revolutionize your business and life.  If you’re an entrepreneur, you're working long hours, crashing from time to time, and putting your health at the bottom of your priority list. But guess what? The most successful entrepreneurs know that their health is the key to a sustainable business. Now you may be thinking, “Amy, where in the world do you find time to focus on your nutrition?”  Story of my life, my friend! I've always struggled with maintaining my weight while balancing a packed schedule.  But I’m telling you – my business and my body were thanking me the second I started incorporating more protein into my diet, sticking to a workout routine, and living a healthier lifestyle. That’s why I'm so excited to introduce you to my guest, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, a mastermind in functional medicine. In this episode, she shares her simple approach to health that will integrate seamlessly into your busy entrepreneurial life.  We dive into:  11:10: Tips for avoiding burnout, ensuring vitality, and changing the trajectory of your life (& your business)  15:05: The power of building and maintaining muscle  21:05: How to design a no-nonsense diet for your busy schedule  28:23: Strategies you can implement TODAY to boost your energy  31:37: Advice for breaking free from shame and showing up fully for your business Your business will only ever be as successful and sustainable as your health. Listen in because your business, wellness, and future are about to get a complete makeover. Click here to listen! Visit our show notes page! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/19/202348 minutes, 42 seconds
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#616: My Launch Diary: Highs & Lows Of The Digital Course Academy Launch

The inside scoop on every feeling and thought I had before AND after my most successful launch yet.   Buckle up, because I've got something super exciting to share with you today. I'm taking you behind the scenes of my biggest Digital Course Academy launch to date! That's right – you’re getting an inside look into my mind before AND after the launch, including the good, the nerve-wracking, and the oh-so-rewarding moments. There are no secrets here!    Now, why am I telling you this? Well, dear friend, I want you to know that it's perfectly normal to feel doubt, excitement, and nervousness when launching a new offering.    Even after 14 years in the game, I still experience that same wide range of emotions. The good news is, I now know how to manage them. The stress is real, no doubt about it. But once that cart closes, it's the most incredible feeling in the world.    I open up about all my thoughts and emotions during the lead-up to the launch, how I prepared myself for the anxieties, and offer some tips on coping with the post-launch blues.    Plus, I highlight strategies for leading your team to provide the best customer support possible and share every tool we used to make this launch a huge success!    You’ll hear all about:  4:10: How my customer service, operations, and marketing teams prepared for the launch 8:26: Tips for shifting your mindset and keeping your worries at bay  18:02: Why every challenge you’ll face during the launch is completely worth it 23:17: The power of real-time connections and customer feedback  28:18: Perfecting your email lists, messaging, and social media ads  34:55: How we conquered every tech issue and improved our systems   No matter how your launch turns out, whether you hit your goal or face challenges, it's always worth it knowing you’ve made a positive impact on a client’s life. So listen in and get ready to take off in your next launch!    Click here to listen! Visit our show notes page!   Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts   "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!   Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/17/202346 minutes, 34 seconds
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#616: My Launch Diary: Highs & Lows Of The Digital Course Academy Launch

The inside scoop on every feeling and thought I had before AND after my most successful launch yet. Buckle up, because I've got something super exciting to share with you today. I'm taking you behind the scenes of my biggest Digital Course Academy launch to date! That's right – you’re getting an inside look into my mind before AND after the launch, including the good, the nerve-wracking, and the oh-so-rewarding moments. There are no secrets here!  Now, why am I telling you this? Well, dear friend, I want you to know that it's perfectly normal to feel doubt, excitement, and nervousness when launching a new offering.  Even after 14 years in the game, I still experience that same wide range of emotions. The good news is, I now know how to manage them. The stress is real, no doubt about it. But once that cart closes, it's the most incredible feeling in the world.  I open up about all my thoughts and emotions during the lead-up to the launch, how I prepared myself for the anxieties, and offer some tips on coping with the post-launch blues.  Plus, I highlight strategies for leading your team to provide the best customer support possible and share every tool we used to make this launch a huge success!  You’ll hear all about:  4:10: How my customer service, operations, and marketing teams prepared for the launch 8:26: Tips for shifting your mindset and keeping your worries at bay  18:02: Why every challenge you’ll face during the launch is completely worth it 23:17: The power of real-time connections and customer feedback  28:18: Perfecting your email lists, messaging, and social media ads  34:55: How we conquered every tech issue and improved our systems No matter how your launch turns out, whether you hit your goal or face challenges, it's always worth it knowing you’ve made a positive impact on a client’s life. So listen in and get ready to take off in your next launch!  Click here to listen! Visit our show notes page! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/17/202348 minutes, 18 seconds
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#615: The Power of Focusing on Your Core Competencies: INBOUND 2023 Replay

EXCLUSIVE: My fireside chat with HubSpot’s Director of New Media, Kyle Denhoff HubSpot’s INBOUND Marketing & Sales Conference is an absolute treasure trove of knowledge that’s jam-packed with insights on marketing, sales, business, and all the latest trends that are shaping our world. And guess what? I had the incredible opportunity to take the stage at the 2023 event for a fireside chat with Kyle Denhoff, HubSpot's very own Director of New Media. We dove deep into the tried and true strategies of cultivating a thriving online community and forging a path to entrepreneurial success. In this episode, you’ll hear me spill the tea on everything that’s helped me create a highly profitable digital course business that I love, including:  Why creating an email list is crucial for online businesses (plus growth strategies that have worked for me) What I do to build authenticity and connection on social media Why focusing on your core competencies is the key to long standing success My biggest takeaways from growing an audience through podcasting The dos and don’ts of building a highly engaged and happy team  … Plus much, much more!  Tune in right now to hear an insightful conversation about all-things audience building, content creation, and strategic planning in the world of digital courses and online businesses. Enjoy!    Visit the show notes!   Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/12/202341 minutes, 26 seconds
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#615: The Power of Focusing on Your Core Competencies: INBOUND 2023 Replay

EXCLUSIVE: My fireside chat with HubSpot’s Director of New Media, Kyle Denhoff HubSpot’s INBOUND Marketing & Sales Conference is an absolute treasure trove of knowledge that’s jam-packed with insights on marketing, sales, business, and all the latest trends that are shaping our world. And guess what? I had the incredible opportunity to take the stage at the 2023 event for a fireside chat with Kyle Denhoff, HubSpot's very own Director of New Media. We dove deep into the tried and true strategies of cultivating a thriving online community and forging a path to entrepreneurial success. In this episode, you’ll hear me spill the tea on everything that’s helped me create a highly profitable digital course business that I love, including:  Why creating an email list is crucial for online businesses (plus growth strategies that have worked for me) What I do to build authenticity and connection on social media Why focusing on your core competencies is the key to long standing success My biggest takeaways from growing an audience through podcasting The dos and don’ts of building a highly engaged and happy team  … Plus much, much more!  Tune in right now to hear an insightful conversation about all-things audience building, content creation, and strategic planning in the world of digital courses and online businesses. Enjoy!    Visit the show notes! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/12/202342 minutes, 12 seconds
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#614: Why I Decided To Cancel My Coaching Program Days Before It Launched

Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/10/202332 minutes, 26 seconds
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#614: Why I Decided To Cancel My Coaching Program Days Before It Launched

A true story of decision-making, humility, and the pursuit of a business in full integrity Picture this: A situation where I made a big mistake and was faced with a decision that brought me face-to-face with some hard truths about my business and leadership approach. This particular situation is hard for me to talk about, and my intention in sharing it isn't to air my failures, but to offer you a cautionary tale -- one that might save you from making the same misstep. It’s a real-life story of decision-making, humility, and, ultimately, the pursuit of a business in full integrity. You’ll hear the story of how (and why) I decided to pull the plug on my coaching program and shelve the project indefinitely, after a very long time of working tirelessly on it.  It's a candid look into one of the biggest business mistakes I’ve ever made, where I peel back the layers of all the emotions, doubts and lessons that I've gleaned from the experience.  Afterall, even after 14 years in the business, mistakes happen -- and what truly matters is the growth we take away from these learning moments.  I don’t want to be the kind of business mentor who only shares the big wins, so pop in your earpods and listen to this candid and heartfelt journey through my recent misstep -- and the valuable insights it's provided. Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:32] I usually only share scars over scabs. Scars are experiences that you've already healed from. With a scab, you still have a wound. This is a scab. [07:14] We've been creating a 6-month coaching program working one-on-one with coaches trained by me. It’s been beta tested and we hired a team.  [08:30] One week out from the launch, we decided not to launch it.  [09:42] We hired Bryan Harris as a consultant to identify where we should be doubling down. He met with the entire team and did an analysis.  [11:19] One of the red flags was that some people on our marketing team have a low wellness score. They were trying to cram everything into a 4-day work week. [12:35] The new coaching program was going to require the marketing team to be all hands on deck at the same time as launching Digital Course Academy. [14:46] This year my team made an initiative to be unreasonable and canceling a coaching program one week before launch felt very unreasonable. [16:17] Bryan wasn't saying get rid of the coaching program forever. He was saying put a pin in it and come back to it later. [20:01] My ego and confidence took a hit. I also forgot what I teach. Creating a foundation based on just a few things creates a lot of peace. [23:23] Slow down and don't rush into something new. Do you already have what you need in your business? Do you just need to double down or learn more? [27:18] Take advantage of what's working in your business before you add on. Is there more you can do with what you've already created? Visit the show notes here! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/10/202334 minutes, 12 seconds
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#613: Teach Your Content Like A Pro: How To Create A Flagship Framework With Rory Vaden

Supercharge your teaching game with the magic of visual frameworks with Rory Vaden If you have a digital course and are an expert in what you teach (but struggle with actually teaching it), then one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give you is to take your content and put it into a framework.  What’s a framework, you ask? Think of a framework like a roadmap or a well-constructed skeleton for your thoughts. It allows you to break down intricate concepts into manageable, comprehensible pieces for your audience. If you’ve been listening for a while, you’ve probably even heard me say something like “I have a framework for that”! because I’ve found that using them has made me a much more effective teacher.  Most importantly, teaching in frameworks has helped my students understand and apply my content better. Like anything, there’s an art and science to creating frameworks. Enter: My guest for this episode, Rory Vaden. Rory is an expert when it comes to helping entrepreneurs find their uniqueness, create captivating content, and a world-class presentation craft -- and in this episode, he shares the A to Z playbook on creating content frameworks. You’ll learn: Why teaching in frameworks is so crucial to being an effective educator  An A to Z process on how to create effective content frameworks 7 questions you can ask yourself to help you generate ideas for frameworks  How to become “unstuck” on framework ideas and them quickly He’s even going to break down one of his own teaching frameworks that you can use as a reference.  Ready to dive in? Pull out your notepad and press play on this episode! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/5/202358 minutes, 32 seconds
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#613: Teach Your Content Like A Pro: How To Create A Flagship Framework With Rory Vaden

Supercharge your teaching game with the magic of visual frameworks with Rory Vaden If you have a digital course, and are an expert in what you teach (but struggle with actually teaching it), then one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give you is to take your content and put it into a framework.  What’s a framework, you ask? Think of a framework like a roadmap or a well-constructed skeleton for your thoughts. It allows you to break down intricate concepts into manageable, comprehensible pieces for your audience. If you’ve been listening for a while, you’ve probably even heard me say something like “I have a framework for that”! because I’ve found that using them has made me a much more effective teacher.  Most importantly, teaching in frameworks has helped my students understand and apply my content better. Like anything, there’s an art and science to creating frameworks. Enter: My guest for this episode, Rory Vaden. Rory is an expert when it comes to helping entrepreneurs find their uniqueness, create captivating content, and a world class presentation craft -- and in this episode, he shares the A to Z playbook on creating content frameworks. You’ll learn: Why teaching in frameworks is so crucial to being an effective educator  An A to Z process on how to create effective content frameworks 7 questions you can ask yourself to help you generate ideas for frameworks  How to become “unstuck” on framework ideas and them quickly He’s even going to break down one of his own teaching frameworks that you can use as a reference.  Ready to dive in? Pull out your notepad and press play on this episode! Here’s a glance at this episode... [11:02] Our minds think in pictures, not text. We have to speak in pictures to be memorable.  [15:20] Visuals lend credibility to your content the same way that names and numbers lend credibility to your bio. [17:01] Dave Ramsey built a multi-9 figure business with a 7-step baby checklist. Frameworks show the steps as pictures and make them doable. [21:11] You can add frameworks to your books, posts, social media or any of your work. The frameworks are what people remember.  [21:42] The key is to nail conceptual accuracy first. Become crystal clear on what you're trying to communicate. [23:41] 1. How can I illustrate this concept visually? [25:33] 2. Look at existing tools and shapes to help visualize your concept.  [25:33] 3. What frameworks are already existing in my space?  [26:52] 4. What are the sub-steps of my content? [28:33] 5. Where in the world or nature does a similar dynamic exist? [32:07] 6. How can I make this concept more practical? [32:50] 7. How can I interpret this for my audience to better help them apply it? [37:35] The 3 Ms include mindset, mistakes, and method.  [45:16] Great thinking precedes great work.  [50:28] Once you've walked the path, you can put something together to help someone else.   Visit the show notes! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/5/20231 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
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#612: How A Digital Course Business Gives You The Gift Of Being Family Focused

Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/3/202317 minutes, 20 seconds
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#612: How A Digital Course Business Gives You The Gift Of Being Family Focused

Time freedom: The unsung hero of digital course success I've always been upfront about my love for making money -- and it’s no secret that helping you make more money is a big goal of mine.  But what I dig into in this episode is something even more profound – the incredible time freedom that comes with having a digital course. Yes, the financial aspect is essential, but today, having a satisfying and rewarding career in today’s world is all about the kind of freedom that goes beyond money.  I’m talking about the freedom to explore your creativity, the freedom to work from anywhere, and, most precious of all, the freedom of time. In this episode, I take you on a journey through the power of time freedom. It's a concept that has changed my life and the lives of countless students.  Picture this – the ability to spend your time in the most meaningful ways possible, with your loved ones and family.  This episode is about how time freedom has been a game-changer for me, and how it's transformed my ability to be present during the most trying times.  I’m even going to share some stories of my own students who now have time freedom in their lives, thanks to their digital course businesses. What would having time freedom mean to you? Whether you’re an established business owner or just dreaming of entrepreneurship, it’s something to think about as you’re tuning into this episode.  Enjoy! Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:45] Digital courses can give you financial freedom, creative freedom, location freedom, and time freedom. [04:11] Having time freedom has allowed me and my students to spend time where it matters most.  [06:26] My courses sell themselves every single day, so I can step away and not worry about making money. [08:24] Your first launch can be stressful, but as the years go by it gets easier and it's not as chaotic because you have a blueprint. [09:24] Having a business where I can completely step away if needed is something that I really appreciate. [12:56] I live launch once a year, and the money from this launch sustains me for the rest of the year. [14:14] There's no other job in the world that I know of where you get these amazing rewards for your hard work. Visit the show notes here! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/3/202318 minutes, 20 seconds
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#611: Top Ways My Team Uses AI To Increase Efficiency, Creativity, & Intentional Margins

The most effective AI strategies (& ChatGPT prompts) my team is using Curious to know how my team and I are leveraging the incredible power of AI to supercharge our strategies?  In this episode, I’m giving you a ​behind-the-scenes peek into how AI has changed the game for my entire business, and enabled my team to work more efficiently. From community engagement to content creation, marketing, and operations, you better believe that we are leveraging this powerhouse technology to the max.  You’re going to hear:  The exact AI-powered tasks that are doing wonders in my company Specific ways different departments within my company are using AI  Effective prompts that you can plug into ChatGPT … And much, much more!  To make things easy, I've put together a resource that's packed with all the prompts I'll be revealing today. You can snag it here so you don’t have to worry about writing everything down while you listen to the episode.  And before you dive in, I’ll leave you with a powerful statement from my dear friend, online marketer, AI enthusiast, Emily Hirsh:  “Those who ignore AI are waving goodbye to incredible opportunities.”So, sweet friend, let's ensure you're not missing out on anything groundbreaking.Tune in now to unravel the exciting ways AI is transforming businesses – and yours might just be next. Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:11] My content team uses AI whenever they need to come up with inspiration or encounter roadblocks. AI can generate outlines and help refine content further. [11:27] The community team uses AI to name and describe our community meetups and discussion events. It's great for titles and social media. [14:40] The operations team uses AI to conduct research, organize data, draft emails, messages, and tasks. It helps save time and is more efficient. [16:59] My ops team uses AI to process, brainstorm, and summarize meeting notes. They can organize it into a table and prompt for next steps and ideas. [19:06] We use SOPs for everything in every department. We're still working out the right prompt to get AI to create and improve on SOPs.  [19:24] The marketing team uses AI to generate themes, story ideas, and captivating social media captions. It's like having a writing partner. [21:26] My senior marketing content manager uses AI across the board for podcast asset generation. It also helps to enhance SEO of these assets. [23:37] She's also used it for brainstorming marketing initiatives and re-engagement campaigns. This creates a huge jump start for our copywriter. [24:50] Our graphic designer uses AI features in Canva to enhance designs and create captivating visuals that elevate our brand presence. [26:14] My copywriter has been using AI to brainstorm a lot. It's like an idea thesaurus that can supply a better way to explain a concept. [27:20] AI is an essential part of the toolkit, but keep in mind that it complements human expertise. Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/28/202330 minutes, 30 seconds
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#610: Myth Busters Series: “Launching A Digital Course Costs Too Much Money” (Ft. Lisa Nunamaker)

Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/26/202317 minutes, 47 seconds
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#609: A Masterclass in Entrepreneurship: Powerhouse Women Panel Replay with Lindsey Schwartz, Ronne Brown, & Lori Harder

I had the incredible opportunity to speak at the renowned Powerhouse Women event, and let me tell you, it was an absolute game-changer. Picture this: A gathering of fierce and fabulous female entrepreneurs, all on a mission to skyrocket their success. This event is the brainchild of my wonderful friend and founder of Powerhouse Women, Lindsey Schwartz, and let me tell you, she knows how to put on a show!  Lindsey invited me, Ronne Brown of GirlCEO, and the ever-inspiring Lori Harder of H2GLO, to join her on stage for a live podcast panel.  We fielded burning questions straight from the audience about building businesses from the ground up, navigating the shifting landscapes of digital courses, memberships, and masterminds, and of course, the behind-the-scenes magic that fuels our own entrepreneurial journeys.  The beauty of it all? Each of us brings our unique flair, perspectives and ideas to the table -- and in this episode, you’re getting access to all of it.   You’ll hear:  The 3 most essential things you should do to create momentum in your new business How a personal brand can help you grow your business Ways to keep your offer fresh and exciting over a long period of time What’s next for the membership and digital course industry Plus much, much more! I've got a strong hunch that you're going to savor every single second of this podcast. So press play on this episode and get ready to have your entrepreneurial spirit ignited.   Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/21/202340 minutes, 39 seconds
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#608: Myth Busters Series: “I Don’t Have Enough Content to Create A Digital Course” (Ft. Alissa Jenkins & Katy Caldwell)

Spoiler alert: You don’t need a ton of content to launch a digital course If you’re like a lot of people, you might have thought “I’d love to create a digital course, but I don’t have enough content!” And if that’s you, friend, you’re not alone! This is a really common roadblock when it comes to digital course creation. But here’s the thing. Needing a lot of content to launch a digital course is a total myth, and I want to show you why this shouldn’t be a barrier to getting started. To do that, I’m going to share the inspiring story of two of my DCA students (and podcasters turned digital course creators), Alissa Jenkins & Katy Caldwell.  Alissa and Katy launched their evergreen digital course without having a lot of content created -- and went on to sell over a million dollars in just two years. Amazing! Their example is proof that it is possible to launch a highly successful digital course by using what you already have. Tune in to hear more about Alissa and Katy’s story, and the myth of “not having enough content” be totally debunked! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/19/202316 minutes, 2 seconds
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#607: A Step-by-Step For Creating Accountability Pods To Support Your Digital Course Students

A deep dive into Accountability Pods (& how they’ve helped my digital course students succeed) Agree or disagree: As a digital course creator, you want your students to thrive in your course and go on to accomplish whatever goals they set out to achieve using the information that you’ve taught them. I’d hedge a bet that you agree.  That’s why it’s so important as the captain of your digital course ship to foster an environment of accountability within your community. It’s been a crucial part of what’s made my courses so successful. In fact, what drives the remarkable transformations my students undergo during Digital Course Academy’s intensive nine-week journey is thanks to what I lovingly call “Accountability Pods.”  And after helping thousands of students launch digital courses over the years, I've fine tuned an effective system that will guide you in creating your own accountability program for your course. Not only will this system make your students’ course experience better, but it will also streamline the facilitation process for you.  Throughout this episode, I'll unveil the five core strategies I use to lay the foundation for an Accountability Pod program in my courses.  You’ll also hear real life stories of how my students have leveraged their Accountability Pods not only to craft profitable digital courses, but also to forge lasting friendships. So if your digital course needs a little boost in the accountability department, then tune in and pay close attention! And if you’ve yet to launch your course, this episode is sure to spark ideas for your future course development and offerings for your audience. So, grab your notepad, roll up your sleeves, and let's dive right in! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/14/202332 minutes, 46 seconds
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#606: Myth Busters Series: “I’m Not Credible Enough To Launch A Digital Course” (Ft. Radhika Lucas)

Concerned about credibility? Hear why “I’m not credible enough” to launch a course is a total myth Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’d love to create a digital course, but I don’t have the credibility to teach it?” Maybe you have a lot of knowledge in a certain area, but you don’t have a formal education in it… Or maybe you’re an expert in something, but you’ve never taught it before… Whatever it is for you, you’re feeling hesitant about starting a digital course because you don’t think you’re credible enough -- and my sweet friend, you’re not alone. In fact, “I’m not credible enough” is one of the most common objections people have around diving into creating and launching a digital course business. But here’s the thing. It’s a total myth, and I want to show you why this should not be a barrier to creating a successful digital course. And to do that, I’m going to share the inspiring story of my Digital Course Academy student, Radhika Lucas.  Even though Radhika didn’t have a formal education in her area of focus, she created a highly successful course and made back her DCA investment in just one launch. Radhika’s example is proof that with dedication, passion, and the right guidance from DCA, success is within reach for anyone, even if you don’t consider yourself to be an expert. Tune in to hear more about Radhika’s story, and the myth of “not having enough credibility” be totally debunked! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/12/202322 minutes
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#605: How My First Ten Strategy Generated $40,000 In Revenue For These Students

A foolproof way to validate your digital course idea BEFORE launching Did you know that I only made $267 in my first digital course launch? I spent so much time, money, and energy into it, for just a couple hundred dollars.  One of the biggest mistakes leading to this low revenue launch was that I didn’t check if my course was something my audience would actually purchase. It was a lesson learned the hard way, sweet friend, but a valuable one. And since then, I’ve come up with a framework to ensure that my course idea is something people will happily enroll in before I even create the first lesson. I don’t want you to make the same mistake that I did all those years ago, so that’s why I’m sharing my “First Ten” strategy with you in this episode.  It’s something I teach in Module Two of Digital Course Academy, and I’ve found that it really sets my students up for success.  As a bonus, you’ll also hear directly from some of my star students who used this strategy when they created and launched their digital courses. So if you have an incredible course idea but are unsure if it'll resonate with your Ideal Customer Avatar, then pop in your earpods and get ready to take some notes! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/7/202352 minutes, 54 seconds
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#604: Myth Busters Series: “I Don’t Have Enough Time To Create A Digital Course” (Ft. Mallory Rose)

How a busy toddler parent created a remarkable digital course with limited time Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’d love to create a digital course, but I don’t have enough time?” Maybe you have a 9 to 5 job…  Maybe you’re a full-time parent… Maybe you are so busy with your current business that you can’t fathom taking anything else on.  Whatever it is for you, you’re feeling hesitant about starting a digital course because you’re busy -- and my sweet friend, you’re not alone. In fact, “I don’t have enough time” is one of the most common objections people have around diving into creating and launching a digital course business. But here’s the thing. It’s a total myth, and I want to show you why time shouldn't be a barrier to creating a successful digital course. And to do that, I’m going to share the inspiring story of my Digital Course Academy student, Mallory Rose, who proved that even with a 14-month-old son, she could create and launch her digital course with incredible results. Mallory's example is proof that with focus, determination, and a bit of support, you can achieve your entrepreneurial dreams even if you don’t have a lot of time.  Are you ready for this myth to be busted? Tune in! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/5/202319 minutes, 19 seconds
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#603: Use Your Smart Phone To Boost Your Digital Course Sales With Nicole Burke Of Gardenary

Pull out your smartphone: Easy ways to boost digital course sales with video (with Nicole Burke) Ever wonder what the big deal is about using video in your business?  In this episode, I delve into the incredible success story of Nicole Burke, one of my standout Digital Course Academy students.  Nicole, the brilliant mind behind Gardenary, has taken her business to new heights by harnessing the power of video in her marketing strategy. I understand the hesitation that comes with video -- it used to intimidate me too! But let me assure you, it's a game-changer that can transform your business, just as it did for Nicole. And here's the kicker: You don't need a pro videographer or a hefty budget to create engaging, converting videos for your audience.  In this episode, Nicole spills all her video secrets, sharing the insights and strategies that have propelled her on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest. Even if you're a one-person operation armed only with a smartphone, Nicole's tips will empower you to step confidently into the world of video content. You’ll learn:  How Nicole generates captivating content ideas The ‘nuts and bolts of posting including the ideal frequency and video length  Advice on user-friendly and affordable video equipment and software  Tried and true strategies to go viral How to move past feeling uncomfortable on camera So if you're eager to unlock the potential of video and supercharge your digital course sales, pop in your earbuds and give this episode your full attention! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/31/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 35 seconds
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#602: Myth Busters Series: “My Email List Is Too Small To Launch My Digital Course” (Ft. Jan Ditchfield)

Small list, big Revenue: Jan Ditchfield's path to digital course success Ever found yourself thinking you don't have enough time, money, credibility, or a large enough audience to create a successful digital course? Well, you're not alone.  Over the years I’ve found that many of my Digital Course Academy students started off feeling this way -- but still go on to create wildly successful digital courses.  One of these students is Jan Ditchfield, a former award-winning fundraiser and revenue generation strategist. Burnt out from being told what to do at her 9 to 5, she took a leap of faith and ventured into the world of entrepreneurship and digital courses. What I love about her story is that Jen had a small email list and small social media following – yet she managed to rake in an impressive $18,425 from 29 enrollments -- completely ad-free – in her very first launch.  Since joining Digital Course Academy, Jan's journey has led her to over $145,000 in revenue, and she's well on her way to a multiple 6-figure business. How incredible is that? In this episode, you’re going to hear more about Jan’s story, and how she blew the idea that you need a massive email list to achieve substantial revenue completely out of the water.  Jan’s journey is sure to leave you inspired! As you listen, I hope you start dreaming big, and consider the immense potential your small email list holds. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/29/202316 minutes, 24 seconds
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#601: Course Creation Pitfalls: Avoid the 5 Most Common Errors

These are the 5 biggest mistakes I see course creators make (plus ways you can avoid making them) I’ve been in digital marketing for a while now, and over the years I’ve noticed that there are five errors that digital course creators commonly make when they’re first getting started.  Now, making mistakes is a part of the entrepreneurial game. I’ve made plenty, and I know that I’ll keep making more. And what’s great is that every time you make a mistake, you can learn from it.  But here’s the thing. The mistakes that I talk about in this episode are things that can seriously impact your ability to create a digital course that not only makes you a lot of money but also makes an impact on people’s lives.  Now here’s the really good news. I’m also going to give you strategies to sidestep these mistakes so you don’t have to deal with the headache and stress that all-too-many people have made, including myself. These are strategies that I cover in my signature course, Digital Course Academy, so you will be getting some of my paid content for absolutely free.  And just a word to the wise, this is a jam-packed episode, so if you haven’t already, be sure to bust out your notebook or a Google Doc so you can take some notes.  It’s my hope that by being aware of these pitfalls and taking the steps to avoid them, you’ll feel confident as you move forward in your own digital course creation journey.  Enjoy! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/24/202346 minutes, 33 seconds
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#600: Switching Your Niche: How To Know If It’s The Right Move For Your Business

Unsure about switching your business niche? Here’s what you need to know There’s a five-letter word that gets thrown around all the time in the entrepreneurial world, and for good reason. The word I’m referring to is N-I-C-H-E, and the reason that it’s talked about so much is that having a niche -- or a thing that you’re known for in business -- is incredibly important if you want to stand out from the pack and serve your audience at the highest level. But what if you feel like your digital course niche simply isn’t working for you? Maybe you’re not selling very much, or something just feels off about it. The question becomes whether you should keep on keepin’ on with your current niche, or move on to something different.  And that’s what today’s episode is all about. The decision to change your niche can be a tough one, sweet friend, so I’m going to walk you through some things that might make the process a little bit easier for you.  You’ll hear:  4 questions to ask yourself before you switch your niche  My experience with switching niches early on my business How to carry the momentum of your current niche into your new one What you can expect if you switch to a niche that’s entirely different I promise, this episode might just be the gut check that you need if you’re thinking about going in a different direction. So pop in your earbuds, and give it a listen!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/22/202331 minutes, 13 seconds
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#599: How To Use AI To Nail Your Online Course Topic

How to prompt ChatGPT to brainstorm topic ideas for your digital course In this episode, I’m diving deep into one of the most common questions I get from you all - how to pick that *perfect* topic for your digital course. Don't worry; it's totally normal to feel a bit overwhelmed but trust me, it's not as scary as it seems! So, get ready to unleash the power of the "Sweet Spot Test"! It's a proven process that'll help you nail down the best course ideas that your audience will love. But wait, there's more! We've got an exciting twist for you. Ever heard of ChatGPT? It's the AI everyone's buzzing about! And here's the kicker - you can use it to expand your course ideas even further! I know, super cool, right? 🤖💡 Now, here's the thing - ChatGPT is fantastic, but it can be a little intimidating if you've never used it before. No worries, though! In this episode, we'll hold your hand and show you how to get started, making it a breeze. So, what can you expect in this episode? Well, grab your favorite beverage and get comfy, because we've got a treat for you. We'll not only reveal the four magical questions to help you find your Sweet Spot, but we'll also show you how to make ChatGPT your new brainstorming buddy. Together, we'll brew up some fantastic ideas for your dream course topic! ☕💡 And if you've been struggling to figure out your niche, fret not! With the Sweet Spot Test and ChatGPT by your side, you'll be amazed at how we'll help you zero in on a course topic that's just *perfect* for you. So, join me in this exciting episode as we take a laid-back approach to demystify the world of digital course topics. Trust me, after this, you'll be brimming with confidence to tackle your course creation journey like a pro! Ready to dive in? Hit that play button now and let's get this AI-powered party started! 🎉🎧 Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/17/202328 minutes, 12 seconds
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#598: 4 Ways To Avoid Burnout

Say bye-bye to business burnout with these 4 strategies Burnout. It’s the dreaded B word that most entrepreneurs experience at one point in their business journey or another, and it’s not a fun place to be.  Not only do you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, but the passion you once had for your business -- and that drive to move forward -- seems to totally dissipate because you’re so overwhelmed. I don’t know about you, but the reason that I left the corporate world in the first place was because I wanted to love what I do, not to be totally exhausted by it. I want to wake up in the morning feeling energized and excited, not fearful and frustrated. Can you relate? If so, pay close attention to this episode -- because over the years, I’ve discovered the ‘secret sauce’ to having a successful business, sans the burnout.  I only wish I would have discovered what these four things are sooner! So if you’re on the brink of a business burnout, and want to banish it from your business for good, then grab a beverage of your choice, pop in your earpods, and get ready to take some notes. Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:57] Burnout is common in the entrepreneurial world. I've experienced it firsthand, and I've heard stories from my students. [06:49] I got burned out working one-on-one with clients about two years into my business. I decided to fire all of my paying clients and do something different. [08:07] My most recent burnout was after I launched Two Weeks Notice. But this time I had the tools and knew what I needed to do to protect myself. [09:37] Creating a digital course has been a game-changer for my mental health. It’s helped many of my students avoid burnout too. [11:11] Digital courses could be the best asset in your business to protect you. It provides consistency and lessens the amount of hustle you have to do.  [12:13] Total burnout comes from constantly having to start from scratch and create something new.  [14:16] A digital course can increase revenue. You can also put a course on Evergreen, meaning that it’s automated and for sale every day. [15:52] Time blocking can help avoid burnout. It helps you get really clear on the action items you'll be doing during the day. It also helps avoid context switching.   [19:14] A four-day workweek can also help you avoid burnout. I’ve invited my team to have a four-day workweek and it’s transformed our mental health.  [21:46] 1. Create a digital course. 2. Eventually, put a course on evergreen. 3. Time blocking. 4. Explore incorporating a four-day workweek.  [22:58] What are you doing to protect yourself from burnout? Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/15/202326 minutes, 47 seconds
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BONUS: Your Business Doesn't Fit The Digital Course Mold? These Surprising Success Stories Will Make You Think Twice

I get these questions alllll the time... Do courses work in my industry? Is a digital course right for my business? Or is my teaching better suited to a membership? Or coaching? Would my 1-1 service translate into a course? How the heck do I move from 1-1 to a course when I’m already working 70-hour weeks? If any of those Q’s feel familiar, this episode is a “How I Created This” style exposé on real businesses that went from not quite sure a course would fit… To regretting not creating one sooner. I’m dropping ALL the deets on their industry and how they created a digital course that works for their business model, from 1-1 service to non-profit work to a business that didn’t even exist yet.
8/14/202352 minutes, 10 seconds
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#597: Real Estate Investing Or Art Journaling: How A Digital Course Creates Profit, No Matter Your Industry [Interview with Jaren Sustar & Teresa Merriman]

What 2 of my students have done to create profitable, sustainable businesses by creating a digital course If you’re anything like me, you like to have all of your facts straight before making any big business decisions.  In fact, a big part of my decision-making process is learning about other business owners who’ve done something similar, and what their experience was like.  I always find that hearing stories from those who’ve gone before me helps ease my mind about doing something new. So if you’ve been considering creating a digital course, but aren’t 100% sure whether it’s the right decision-- or if your business will translate well into this type of model -- then pay close attention to what you hear in this episode.  I sit down with two of my DCA graduates who started their digital course journeys with very different backgrounds. My student Jaren was a real estate investor, while my student Teresa sold art journals at festivals. Apples and oranges, I tell ya!  We dive into the reasons they decided to create a digital course in the first place, the nuts and bolts of their course launches, the challenges they faced along the way -- and here’s the fun part -- how a digital course has changed their lives and businesses for the better.  I hope that if you’re struggling with the decision of whether to create a digital course, then these interviews will give you an honest look at what life could be like for you.  Happy listening!  Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:50] Jaren Sustar is a real estate investor and founder of Finance Cowboy. His digital course helps people find and manage rental properties or flips. [05:02] Teresa Merriman created a course about travel art journaling. She even filmed her course in Croatia.  [07:09] Jaren began his career as a truck driver. He transitioned into sales and also started buying real estate. Finance Cowboy was born in 2021.  [12:21] Jaren joined List Builders Society and grew his list from 700 to 14,000 people. [13:02] After taking DCA, Jaron added a course to his business. The course allowed him to go really deep and take his students to the next level. [16:14] Jaren’s course is called The Rental Academy. He charged $3,000 and built a waiting list of 1200 people for his first launch. He made over $200,000. [23:56] Having a course has allowed Jaren to hire four full-time employees and coaches.  [29:56] Teresa has been an exhibiting artist since 2005. She makes beautiful ornate leather-bound journals. [31:03] During the pandemic, Teresa began offering a limited series online. She had an audience. [33:45] Teresa heard about digital courses and decided to niche down by focusing on travel journaling.  [38:28] Teresa's course launch consisted of social media and emails. It was $497 and she sold 32 in her first launch.  [42:42] She's now prepared to better describe and talk about her course when she does her second launch. [47:10] Teresa created a membership and has an in-person art retreat coming up this fall. Today she has more freedom with her time and makes a greater impact. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/10/202353 minutes, 12 seconds
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#596: What’s Your Digital Course Profit Potential?

Predict your digital course profit potential in 4 easy steps Have you ever wondered how much money you could actually make from creating a digital course?  You already know that a digital course can help free up more of your time, allow you to work from anywhere, and scale your business -- but by how much? If you wonder, then pay close attention to this episode, sweet friend – because I’m going to show you exactly how to calculate your digital course profit potential in four easy steps.  Including how to calculate exactly how many students you’d need to enroll in your course to meet a series of three goals you’ll set – a good goal, a great goal, and a big, scary goal.  I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised to see how enrolling even just a small number of students can absolutely change your life! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/8/202323 minutes, 3 seconds
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#595: Is 1-on-1 Work Holding You Back? How to Help More People (& Make More Money!) with an Online Course

Scale your impact without maxing out your calendar Imagine this scenario. You’re a business owner who works one-on-one with clients. You love what you do, you have a lot of knowledge to share, and you’re making money. Most of all, you love the feeling you get from helping your clients achieve their goals.  But the thing is, you’re starting to get the feeling that one-on-one work is holding back your growth potential.  I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase ‘time is money’ -- and in a lot of business models, this old saying rings true because your ability to change more lives and make more money is totally dependent upon the number of hours in the day. But the thing is, it doesn’t have to be like this -- and creating a digital course is one way that you can significantly scale your impact and your income without maxing out your calendar. Take it from me. When I first started my business, I worked one-on-one with clients as a social media consultant. Not only was I stressed beyond belief, but there was a cap on my income potential and how many people I could help. Transitioning my business from client work to selling digital courses has allowed me to make more money, create more impact, and live a life that’s completely on my terms.  So if you’ve ever been curious whether this type of business model is limiting your growth potential, then pay close attention to this episode. In it, I share four telltale signs that one-on-one work is holding you back, along with true stories of how some of my DCA Students have scaled their businesses with a digital course.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/3/202335 minutes, 24 seconds
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#594: Is a Digital Course Right For You?

The 3 types of people that make the best digital course creators Have you ever wondered if a digital course is right for you?  Maybe you’re working a 9 to 5 job, and although you love what you do, you feel like a cog in the wheel -- and know you’re cut out for much more.  Or maybe you’ve already started your own business, but feel so overwhelmed by your day-to-day workload that you question whether going off on your own was even worth it in the first place. Or maybe you’ve thought about starting a digital course because you have knowledge to share, and you know that this type of business model allows you to maximize your impact and your income… But even if it sounds like a good move, you’re still not 100% sure whether creating a digital course is right for your situation.  And if that’s you, you’re in luck -- because in this episode, I share the three different types of people who pivot extremely well into digital course creation.  You’re also going to hear real-life examples of how digital courses have helped my DCA students create sustainable, profitable businesses that have allowed them to create a life on their own terms.  So grab a cold bevy, pop in your earbuds and press play on this enlightening episode! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/1/202321 minutes, 54 seconds
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#593: Strategies For Creating Massive Success As A Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur with Chalene Johnson

From flipping cars to fitness empire & beyond: How Chalene Johnson continues to build multi-million dollar businesses Today I have a guest on the show who truly knocks my socks off (in the best way possible). Chalene Johnson has been building businesses since she was a college student at Michigan State University, where she launched an auto swap meet in order to pay for her tuition.  Now I don’t know about you, but when I was in college, I definitely wasn’t thinking like an entrepreneur. Since her college days, Chalene has built and sold multiple multi-million dollar businesses that have stood the test of time.  Today, she’s a multiple 8-figure CEO, fitness leader, marketing expert, social media rockstar, and is the host of two podcasts, The Chalene Show and Build Your Tribe.  She even holds the Guinness Book of World Records title for the most fitness videos filmed by an individual. I mean, how cool is that?  And what I love most about Chalene is that she’s multi-passionate. She’s launched and scaled businesses in multiple industries, and has found success in each.  In this episode, Chalene and I chat about how she’s built a diverse and thriving entrepreneurial career that’s stood the test of time. You’ll hear:  The biggest lesson Chalene has learned when it comes to developing business ideas  A step-by-step process you can use to figure out what your ‘thing’ is (or what your ‘things’ are) How to know when it’s the right time to add a new income stream to your business Tips on how to build an audience that sticks with you for the long haul Chalene’s secret for how she built two highly successful podcasts How Chalene has reframed her ADHD as one of her superpowers There is never a dull moment with Chalene -- so get ready for a fun, action-packed and incredibly informative episode! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/27/202345 minutes, 51 seconds
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#592: What Does A 10% Edge REALLY Mean & Are You Overthinking It?

How to deal with imposter syndrome when you’re teaching other people Have you ever questioned whether you’re qualified enough to teach a digital course? Or worried that your students might already know all the good stuff. As an online educator, I’ve felt this way many times -- and it’s something that I still have to consciously work on, even 14 years into my business. The truth is, I know I don’t need to be years ahead of my audience to make an impact -- I just need what I call a 10% edge. In other words, I only need to know a little bit more than them, and be a little bit further along in my journey. And because not too long ago, I was exactly where many of my students are today, I remember what it was like. I’m able to empathize with their struggles even better and recall experiences in more detail.  In this episode, I’m diving into what having a 10% edge really means, and how I deal with imposter syndrome when I start to doubt myself. You’ll hear:  How to embrace your 10% edge and feel confident sharing it with the world Different ways you can reframe your imposter syndrome when it shows up Why it’s actually ok to struggle for answers (& how it helps in the long run) Real-life stories of how I’ve overcome feeling like I don’t know enough  This is a great listen for anyone that’s ever dealt with imposter syndrome -- so pop in those earpods and press play on this insightful episode.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/25/202320 minutes, 20 seconds
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#591: Update Your Course Content In 5 Simple Phases

>>> HEAD HERE TO GRAB THE FREEBIE FOR THIS EPISODE: Your Course Update Bundle! Need a content update? Here’s my simple 5-phase process for updating course content The thought of updating your course content can be daunting. I know that because I’ve felt this way many times before.  Sometimes the thought of giving your course content a refresh can feel so overwhelming that you start to question whether you should even update it in the first place.  But let me tell you sweet friend, making sure your course content is fresh, current, and packed full of value is incredibly important as a digital course creator -- and getting down in the trenches to make those updates is simply a part of the job.  I’ve done more than my fair share of course content updates, and I’ve learned a lot over the years. In fact, I think it’s safe to say that I have my process boiled down to a fine science. Now here’s the good news. In this episode, I’m sharing the exact 5-phase process I use to stay organized, execute efficiently, and ensure that no detail is missed when I make my course content updates.  And here’s the icing on the cake. I have some really great tools and resources to go along with this episode that you can download and use to stay on track. Stick around to the end to hear how to snag them.  So if you’re ready to update your course content without all the stress, then grab something to take notes with and pay close attention to this episode.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/20/202324 minutes, 25 seconds
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#590: Meet My New CEO! A Candid Conversation With Jawesy

The lessons my new CEO & I have learned as we’ve both transitioned into new roles I have exciting news to share -- and it’s that I have a brand new CEO! Her name is Jenn, but we call her Jawesy, and she’s my former content director.  If you’ve been listening for a while, you probably know that I have been serving as the acting CEO, taking on the day-to-day operations of running the business.  I’ll be honest -- it’s been a lot for me to work in this capacity and be the visionary of the company at the same time, so I’m excited to pass the reins over to Jawesy.  Not to mention, she’s incredibly smart, experienced, and knows my business inside and out, so it’s a win-win!  In this episode, Jawesy and I have a candid conversation about the lessons we’ve learned as we work through the transition of me stepping fully into Visionary, and her stepping into the role of CEO. You’ll hear:  Why we intentionally took an entire year to transition into our new roles The fears we both had about stepping into our new positions The challenges we’ve had and what we’ve learned from them How we prepped the larger team for the changes I hope you walk away with some new insight – whether you see yourself bringing on a CEO long term, or you’re hiring your first employee. Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:05] Jawes has been with me for 4 years, but she just became my CEO last month. I'm going to share with you why I decided to bring on a CEO after 14 years, and the transition. [09:43] During an annual planning meeting, Amy mentioned she wanted to bring on a CEO. Jawes made a joke about being the CEO.  [12:00] This was a year ago. Jawes has always had a pulse on the business. She was the director of content and Tony Robbins even bragged about her.  [13:37] She had a unique way of understanding the business and she cared about the finances. I knew she had a great pulse on the business when I asked her to be an integrator. [14:11] It took a full year to navigate everything. We created job descriptions for Jawes' role and Amy's role.  [15:54] Jawes began coaching and slowly started taking over some things. Last year she was heavily involved in the budgeting.  [16:29] Her coach reminded her to let the team know what's not changing. Don't forget to stabilize in times of change. [17:38] Amy coaches with Michael Hyatt and Jawes coaches with his daughter Meghan. Amy is a proponent of paying for someone who has gone there before you.  [19:21] We didn't have all of the answers. We told the team what we knew but we didn't go into all of the specifics. [20:29] We have a leadership team with directors. We have a director of ops, director of customer experience, director of community, director of content, and two marketing directors. [21:13] It was a lot for Amy to manage these six people along with her book launch. Jawes is managing these people, and running meetings and she's deep into finances and budgeting and projections.  [22:18] One of Amy's fears was losing her connection to the team and sense of community. Jawes was worried about stepping into Amy's shoes and doing justice to the brand Amy spent 14 years building.  [23:11] On a personal level Jawes is concerned about the balance between being the best CEO she can be for the company and being the best wife and parent for her family. [23:38] Jawes is the mom of a precious baby girl. She shares a cute story of her daughter's reaction to her new position.  [25:55] Amy is excited about being able to pitch and catch with somebody who already feels responsible. [27:26] Having the sounding board of a CEO and a founder working together makes a huge difference. It's exciting to see where we'll take the company.  [29:00] Hobie is really excited about the transition. A year from now, we'll come back on and share how it went.  [29:58] You don't have to always know exactly where you're going to get there. Dreaming big is amazing, but for some people it's about leading with your heart and adding value. Don't stop believing in yourself. [31:38] If you want to hear more behind-the-scenes episodes, send me a DM @AmyPorterfield and let me know what you want to hear. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/18/202330 minutes, 55 seconds
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#589: A Real-Life Look At Making The Switch From A Personal Brand To A Company Brand With Clint Salter

Curious about making the switch? Here’s what you need to know about transitioning from a personal brand to a company brand (with Clint Salter) Have you ever wondered what it would look like to make the switch from having a personal brand to a company brand? I’m right there with you. There are so many great things about being the face of my business, but I’ll be honest -- I don’t really see myself doing Tik Toks and Instagram reels when I’m 90 years old.  It would be so nice (at some point wayyyyy down the line) to transition from the personal brand I have today, to one where my name, face, and likeness is not associated with it.  But how do you do that gracefully? And what does that look like in real life? That’s the topic I’m exploring today with my guest Clint Salter.  Clint is an award-winning entrepreneur and best-selling author who’s on a mission to revolutionize the dance industry. Over the past 21 years, he’s created and sold five companies, from the dance studio he started at age 16 to the largest coaching membership for dance studio owners globally. He’s a brilliant business owner, and also has firsthand experience going from a personal brand to a company brand.  In this episode, Clint shares:  The 5 specific steps he took to switch from a personal to a company brand The biggest challenges he’s faced from the transition, plus lessons he learned How he seamlessly integrated coaching into his company brand The mindset he embraced that allowed him to build businesses bigger than him This was such an insightful conversation, so if you’ve ever considered what it would be like to make the switch in your business like I have, be sure to tune in! Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:10] Clint is the CEO and founder of the Dance Studio Owners Association. They help dance studio owners grow their businesses and get back their lives. [07:28] Clint created a company brand as opposed to using his own name. He was still doing everything, so it was a personal brand with a company name.  [08:09] A personal brand is a me brand, and a company brand is a we brand. Any company can shift into a company brand. Clint suggests making the shift after being 1 to 1.5 million dollars into the business. [09:36] The pros and cons of a personal brand versus a company brand. Personal brands evolve as you evolve. A company brand can continue to grow without you. [11:49] A personal brand is all about you, and there's nobody else to do the work. A company brand needs people to make things happen. [12:52] Five steps to transitioning from a personal brand to a company brand. The five A's. 1. Audit. Write down everything you do inside and outside of the business. [13:31] 2. Arrange. Put the tasks and responsibilities into categories such as marketing, client delivery, content creation, etc. This is an overview of all of the areas that you touch today. [13:50] 3. Assess. Rate each item on a scale from 1 to 5 of how important it is for you to continue doing this task. [15:08] 4. Assign. Assign dates on each item for how you are going to work through these and get out of things over the next two to three years.  [15:35] 5. Action. Start taking action on shifting your business from a me business to a we business.  [16:36] Challenges include personal resistance, team resistance, and customer resistance. Having systems and processes makes letting go easier. [19:02] With team resistance the most important thing is consistent, courageous, communication, or the three C's. [19:29] Customer resistance is about being open and honest with communication between your old customers and your new customers.  [20:34] Clint started introducing new faces into his business about five years ago. He brought in studio growth coaches, expert coaches, captains, and guest coaches. [26:50] Company businesses become bigger than us. We need to put people in the right seats and give them the flexibility to make decisions and mistakes.  [31:47] Business owners have to ask what they want when bringing on coaches. They also need to know that things will change over time.  [34:36] Clint has sold five companies. A business worth selling is a business worth keeping. It's easier to sell a company brand than a personal brand. [40:48] The 11-step enrollment process becomes the celebrity, not the person teaching it. Frameworks, models, and road maps become the celebrities, not the person teaching them. Write down what you want.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/13/202340 minutes, 43 seconds
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Bonus: What’s Up With Threads? Jasmine Star And I Give Our Honest Review

If you have two ears and a scrolling thumb… Odds are you’ve heard of Meta launching its Twitter-competitor “Threads.” 🤳 Well, my favorite social media maven, Jasmine Star, and I jumped in front of the mics for an impromptu conversation about what we’re making of the platform so far. Click here to listen to this week’s bonus episode! Spoiler alert: Jasmine and I are not claiming to be Threads experts. Maybe one day, but for now, we’re just chatting about it and sharing things like… 🧵 How we’ve seen it perform 🧵What people seem to be thinking about it 🧵 Whether or not we think Threads is a new “shiny object” 🧵How to get your hands on a free resource with 5 accounts I’m loving And more! If you’ve tried Threads or want a little more insight before you dive in, check out this short and sweet review with Jasmine and I!
7/11/202335 minutes, 51 seconds
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#588: From A Season Of Yes To A Season Of Rest: Why I’m Intentionally Slowing Down In My Business

How to slow down in your business (& feel totally ok with it) When I launched Two Weeks Notice, I took advantage of every opportunity that I could to promote the book, and get it into the hands of women who need it.  That meant doing over 100 podcast interviews, flying all over the country for media promotions, and sacrificing a lot of things in my personal life so I could do more in my business. I was very much in a season of yes. Everything I committed to, I showed up for in full force -- and I’ll tell ya, it was well worth it. Two Weeks Notice made the NYT bestseller list and even topped the list in the Wall Street Journal, too.  But I’ll be honest with you. Now that my book launch is over with, I’ve got to slow down. I need to move into the next season -- a season of rest -- and prioritize myself, my family and friends, and my health.  Because guess what? As important as my business is, everything outside of it is important, too.  This doesn’t come naturally, sweet friend, and it’s going to take an intentional effort for me to pull off. But I know it’s what I need to do, and I am 100% committed to doing it.  In this episode, I share what it’s like to go from a level 100 (where you’re doing all of the things, all of the time), to taking an intentional pause -- and why that’s important to do from time to time Enjoy!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/11/202315 minutes, 58 seconds
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#587: Overwhelmed By Marketing Metrics? Learn Which Ones I Track & Why

>>> HEAD HERE TO GRAB THE FREEBIE FOR THIS EPISODE: Your Marketing Metrics Checklist! The marketing metric breakdown: What’s important to track (& why) I’ll be honest -- I am a total data nerd, and I absolutely love tracking my business’ performance and evaluating the metrics with my team.  Not only is it great to have a pulse on what’s working and what’s not, but the insights I’ve gleaned from knowing my marketing metrics have helped me make some big decisions in my business.  The thing is, whether you’re just starting out or you’re an established entrepreneur, you should pay attention to your numbers -- and the sooner you get started, the more insights you’ll be able to glean over time.  Now, I get it. Looking at data isn’t everyone’s thing, and it’s hard to figure out what metrics you should really be looking at because there are so many!  That’s why I recorded this episode for you. In it, I share the specific marketing metrics I track, why I track them, and how I’m using them to inform my marketing strategy.  And here’s the really great news. Because there’s so much information packed into this episode, I’m sharing a really great marketing metric cheat sheet with you that you can keep as a reference, so tune in to the very end of the episode to hear how you can snag it.  Happy listening!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/6/202330 minutes, 46 seconds
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#586: Beyond Pay and Perks: How to Build a Team that Stays for the Long Haul

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/5/202316 minutes, 20 seconds
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#585: Truly Become An LGBTQ+ Ally & Run An Inclusive Business With Hank Paul

What being an LGBTQ+ ally really means & how it can help your business’ long-term growth One of the most important things you can do as an entrepreneur is to ensure you are running an inclusive business. Not only is it the right thing to do as a human, but it can also help your business’ long-term growth.  This has been a big initiative of mine over the past several years, and something that I’ve committed to daily.  But here’s the thing. Many of the conversations about LGBTQ+ inclusion didn’t start happening until pretty recently, so you still might have a lot of questions about the whole topic in general.  Heck, you might even feel intimidated about what it actually means to become an ally, and what an inclusive business looks like in real life – and guess what? That’s OK! The fact that you’re interested in learning how to create a world where everyone is valued and respected is a great place to start -- and here to answer all of your questions on how to run an inclusive business is my student, Hank Paul.  Hank is an award-winning wedding photographer, writer, Queer inclusion strategist, and creator of Authentic Allyship Academy, where they teach students how to inclusify their businesses and become confident and knowledgeable allies.  In this episode, they share:  Specific ways you can be more LGBTQ+ inclusive in your business How being LGBTQ+ inclusive help facilitate long-term business growth The biggest misconceptions that businesses have about LGBTQ+ allyship How to avoid being a performative ally, and become an authentic ally Plus much, much more! I promise, sweet friend, if you’ve wanted to become more inclusive in your business but have been unsure of where to start, then this episode is for you.  So pop in your earpods, grab a tasty beverage, and give this episode your full attention.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:35] Today is all about LGBTQ+ inclusion and keeping it top of mind. [05:49] People are often afraid of saying the wrong thing. Hank says not to worry, mistakes are normal.  [07:03] Hank is a non-binary human living in Sydney, Australia. Their first business was wedding photography. In 2017, Hank came out and came out as a queer-owned business. [11:14] Hank now helps and empowers people to connect with LGBTQ+ businesses in an authentic way. [12:15] Supporting their community was a journey. Hank began supporting the wedding industry and has branched out in helping different markets connect.  [15:33] Think about your ideal community. What role does gender or sexuality play in the assumptions that you make? Have you missed out on people, because you haven't gone out of your way to be inclusive? [17:01] What's more important than describing the ideal avatar is finding the problems that they're dealing with and what they’re afraid of. Focus Less on gender and assumptions, because that's not inclusive. [19:06] How can you broaden the scope of your avatar definition to go out of your way and communicate that you're inclusive? [20:13] Review the gendered language in your messaging and find alternative ways that are inclusive of all people. [22:20] Take the time to ask the question of whether is anyone being forgotten when you're speaking. [24:26] The opposite of authentic is performative. Pretending we're an ally is performative. Authentic allyship means actual impactful powerful allyship. [27:13] 20% of people 18 to 25 identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. You want your language and business model to include this 20% of the community. [29:53] Showing allyship is the right thing to do, and if you don't, you'll be left behind. It's important to keep your business healthy and growing for the next 10 years. [30:53] Misconceptions about allyship include: 1. Only queer people are qualified to talk about queer issues. 2. Having a queer friend or employee isn't enough. There's still a responsibility to do the work. 3. There's a misconception that allies always say the right thing. This just isn't the case. [35:44] Hank shares an example of misgendering and making assumptions. Use gender-neutral language like pronouns of they/them. [45:53] What can you do to make your business more LGBTQ+ inclusive? Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/29/202345 minutes, 11 seconds
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#584: Your Zone Of Genius Misses You: How To Find Your Way Back

You can’t do it all: How to work inside your zone of genius and let go of everything else Do you feel like you’re in a constant juggling act in your business? When you’re an entrepreneur, things are bound to be busy – and sure, feeling overwhelmed at times is something to be expected.  But if you feel like you always have a million plates spinning in the air, then it’s high time you start focusing on the things inside your zone of genius, and let go of all the other tasks that someone else can do for you. Passing the torch to an employee, a contractor or a VA can be really difficult, and I know this from personal experience. For ten full years, I insisted on editing my own videos. I thought that because I knew exactly what edits I wanted to make, I could do it quicker than anyone else could. Sure, I was ok at editing videos -- but it sure as heck was not the best use of my time.  And when I finally hired someone to do this for me, I found that with a little training and investment on the front end, they were able to do it much more efficiently than I could – leaving me time to work on the things in my business that not only turn the needle, but light me up. In this episode, I share what it means to work inside your zone of genius, why that’s important, and how to get back to it if you get lost.  This is a great listen for any business owner who feels like they are literally doing it all -- so pop in your earpods and tune in. Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:33] If you've ever felt overwhelmed in your business, I would suggest making a conscious effort to work more in your zone of genius. [05:11] Working in your zone of genius is doing the things that you are most proficient in. The work is fulfilling, because it makes you feel good. [06:02] An example of this for me is being on stage. I'm nervous at first, but at the end I feel energized and grounded.  [07:34] If there are things that make you feel low energy or have a really low vibe, these may be the things that you might need to find some help with. You should also hire someone if they can do the same thing in half the time. [08:29] An example of this is when I used to edit all of my own course videos. Editing videos isn't in my zone of genius. I was making excuses, because I was scared. [11:35] Prioritizing your zone of genius comes down to getting clear on what the important areas of your business are. For me, it's launching my digital courses, my membership, and my podcast. [13:50] When you plan for the next year, sit down and journal and really discover where your zone of genius is. Check in every season and ask where my zone of genius is now. [15:19] Superwoman syndrome is where you feel like you need to do everything and don't want to slow down and take the time to teach. [15:49] A good leader refuses to spend time on tasks that aren't in their zone of genius. They find the right people to support them and take the time to onboard and teach them. [16:23] Take out your journal and jot down some areas where you're operating in your zone of genius and where you're operating outside of your zone of genius. DM me @AmyPorterfield. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/27/202315 minutes, 45 seconds
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#583: How I Plan My Podcast Topics: A Step-by-Step Batching Process

>>> HEAD HERE TO GRAB THE FREEBIE FOR THIS EPISODE: The Ultimate Podcast Topic Meeting Template! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/22/202342 minutes, 47 seconds
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#582: The Listening Mindset: My Secret For Understanding My Audience Intimately

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/20/202315 minutes, 50 seconds
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#581: Create A Profitable Business That Keeps Growing Even When You’re Offline With Steph Taylor

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/15/202342 minutes, 16 seconds
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#580: How To Show Up Professionally When You’re Struggling Personally

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/13/202322 minutes, 53 seconds
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#579: Must-Know Online Marketing Industry Updates & Trends For 2023

Is Your Business Keeping Up? The Top 7 Digital Marketing Updates & Trends To Be Aware Of The State Of The Digital Course Industry & What You Can Expect In The Next Year Holy smokes, things in the digital marketing world are moving fast. From chatbots to ChatGPT, it seems like there’s some new technology popping up on the market every single day.  With so much changing, it’s hard to know what technology is going to benefit your business the most, and what you should invest both your time and money into. Not to mention, it can be really intimidating to try something new when you know nothing about it. I’ll be honest -- I’ve definitely been pushed out of my comfort zone as I’ve implemented some of these new marketing trends in my own business.  Doing something new is always a little bit scary, but I’ve found that when you’re open to it, and are willing to spend a little time learning, then it’s more than worth it in the long run.  And here’s the good news, sweet friend. I’ve done a roundup of the seven biggest marketing industry technologies that you can take advantage of right now, and I’ve tested out each and every one of them for you.  I’ve done all of the research, all of the homework, and have tons of insight on all of the trends and updates that I’m sure you’re curious about – and I’m sharing it all in this episode.  So if you are ready to level up your marketing plan and serve your audience at an even higher level, then grab something to take notes with and press play on this episode.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/8/202340 minutes, 5 seconds
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#578: What To Do When You’re Maxed Out & Ready To Quit With Rebecca Blackburn

A 3-step process for living more, working less, and lightening your mental load with Rebecca Blackburn We’ve all been there before….  Maybe you’ve got what feels like a hundred plates spinning in the air, and one of them is about to come crashing down. Or maybe your business is going really well, but it’s taking over your entire life -- and you’re struggling to find time for what’s most important.  Whatever the situation may be for you, feeling like you’re underwater isn’t a good place to be. If you let that feeling go unaddressed for too long, it could potentially lead to burnout and resentment towards your business -- and we definitely don’t want that! So when you’re completely maxed out, it’s crucially important that you take a pause, assess what’s happening, and get back into alignment. Here to help you in doing that is Rebecca Blackburn. She’s a highly sought-after life coach who helps overwhelmed female entrepreneurs restructure their lives so they can work less, live more, and still achieve success at the highest level.   Rebecca’s going to share a simple 3-step process that will help you regain ownership of your life, and take intentional action on how it’s going to look moving forward.  Tune in to hear:  How to identify what’s most important in your life, and prioritize it The bad habits you might not realize you’re doing that are only wasting your time  Tips on how to lighten the ‘mental load’ that many women bear How to get rid of the guilt you feel when you don’t get to everything on your to-do list Plus much, much more! I absolutely loved this conversation with Rebecca, and it’s my hope that you take away just as much from it as I did. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/7/202340 minutes, 16 seconds
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#577: Rejection In Business: How I Coped When Things Don’t Go My Way

The rejection that rocked my world, and what I learned about the way that I cope If you know me, you know that I’m a sensitive person. I take things that people say about me to heart, and when I feel the slightest bit rejected, it takes an emotional toll. So when I was turned down for a huge media opportunity during my book launch, you can imagine just how hurt I was.  If I could go back and do it all over I would, because the disappointment and sadness that I felt as a result of this rejection really brought me down during what should have been a really exciting time for me.  But here’s the good news. This experience has made me take a long, hard look at how my own expectations play a role in how I handle things when they don’t go my way -- and moving forward, I’ll have an entirely new perspective.  I’ve also recommitted to some simple mindset shifts that I know will help me in the future when things don’t go as I thought they would.  In this episode, you’ll hear about this entire experience -- how I handled it, what went wrong, and what I’m committed to doing moving forward.  This is a very honest and vulnerable conversation, and a topic that’s so important to talk about as entrepreneurs -- because allowing something that’s completely out of your control to get the very best of you is simply not worth it, sweet friend. So if you feel rejection as deeply as I do, I hope this episode helps you reframe your thoughts so you can keep moving forward as the very best version of yourself.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/6/202318 minutes, 1 second
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#576: How To Scale Your Business Using The StoryBrand Framework With Dr. J.J. Peterson & April Hawkins

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/1/202344 minutes, 10 seconds
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#575: Are You Willing To Start From Scratch? Why Your Capacity For Zero Is Crucial As An Entrepreneur

Your willingness to start from scratch as a business owner is crucial to finding long-term success -- here’s why If you’re considering starting a business, one of the things that you absolutely need to be prepared for is to start from the very bottom.  I don’t say that to be negative -- I say it because all-too often, people go into entrepreneurship with rose colored glasses, and then get discouraged when they realize that they don’t have any social media followers or an email list that tumbleweeds could blow through. When you’re first starting out in business, you’ve got to be OK with starting from scratch. And because you’re likely doing something that’s brand new to you, you’ve also got to be OK with not having the same clout that you might have had in your career.  Sure, you might have a ton of experience on your resume and an excellent track record -- but you’ve probably never owned and operated a business before. And it’s a whole different ball game!  So that’s why it’s so important that as an entrepreneur you have a strong capacity for zero. You’ve got to be willing to start with nothing, get in the trenches, and do the hard work. Now here’s the good news, sweet friend. You won’t be in this place forever! With time, effort, and the right strategies, your business is sure to grow. But when you start in the right frame of mind, and know in your heart that things don’t happen overnight, you’ll be much better equipped to handle all of the ups and downs that come along with the wildly exciting ride of entrepreneurship.  In this episode, I’m diving into what it means to have a strong capacity for zero, and how you can strengthen yours. So pop in your earbuds, grab a beverage of your choice and enjoy! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/30/202325 minutes, 13 seconds
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#574: Steal My Lead Magnet Launch Checklist

The step-by-step process I use to create and launch lead magnets – and yours to take! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again -- one of the very first things you need to have in your online business is a lead magnet.  A lead magnet is essential to growing your email list, and can be anything from a checklist, a video series, a quiz, or another valuable resource that you offer up to your Ideal Customer Avatar in exchange for their email address.  I can’t even tell you how crucial lead magnets have been for me in growing my business -- and needless to say, I’ve created my fair share of them over the past fourteen years of being an entrepreneur. And because lead magnets are such a big part of my growth strategy, you guessed it -- I’ve come up with a documented system on how to create and promote them.  In fact, I’ve boiled my process down to a checklist that you’re going to hear all about in this episode. I cover every single step you need to take in order to effectively create and launch your lead magnet -- from how to establish your pre-launch approvals, to creating content, optimizing your landing pages, tracking your conversions, and so much more!  So whether you’ve a lead magnet newbie or you have one that’s simply not performing, this is a great episode to listen to, and to bookmark for future reference.  Enjoy!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/25/202335 minutes, 6 seconds
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#573: What’s Your Weakness? (Hint: It’s Probably Not What You Think)

Your perceived weakness can actually be your superpower -- here’s why If you know me, you know that I can be a very sensitive person. I take what people say to heart, and when I feel any sort of negativity, or rejection, I internalize it. Being sensitive has always been something I’ve looked at as a weakness, especially as a business owner -- and it certainly doesn’t help that our culture places a lot of emphasis on entrepreneurs being ‘tough.’  But through the help of my dear friend and mentor, Michael Hyatt, I’ve come to realize that being sensitive as a business owner isn’t actually a bad thing at all. In fact, my sensitivity allows me to be a better leader for my students, especially those who are just starting out. So how did I unwind years of social conditioning and turn what I’ve perceived as a weakness my whole life into a strength? In this episode, you’ll find out. You’ll also hear:  How to be more aware of negative self-talk, and stop it in its tracks Why the language you use to describe yourself is so important Real life examples of how my team members turned their weaknesses into superpowers An exercise you can do NOW to rewire the negative thoughts you have about yourself After listening to this episode, you might have an entirely new perspective on how you think about yourself, and feel that much more confident as an entrepreneur.  So if that sounds good to you, pop in your earbuds and press play on this episode! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/23/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
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#572: ChatGPT, AI, & How To Use It In Your Marketing with Emily Hirsh

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/18/202337 minutes, 28 seconds
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#571: Learning To Love The F-Word… Failure

The 3 questions I ask myself every time failure comes knocking at my door It’s no secret that failure can be one of your greatest teachers in business. In fact, some of the world’s most brilliant entrepreneurs, people like Sara Blakely of Spanx, attribute their incredible success to failing over and over again.  But here’s the thing. Even though we all know that failing helps you become a better, stronger entrepreneur -- why are we still so afraid of it?  I’ll be honest, coming to terms with failure has been a big struggle for me as a business owner. I was brought up in an environment where failing at anything, whether it be school or sports, was just not acceptable. Because of the way I was conditioned to avoid failure as a kid, I’ve had to take a real close look at my relationship with failure as an adult -- both personally and professionally.  And for me, that means making a conscious effort to use failure to my advantage instead of letting it drag me down.  In fact, there are three questions that I ask myself every time I fail – and although I’m very much a work in progress, I’ve found them to be incredibly helpful. In this episode, I’m sharing those three questions with you, and it’s my hope that if you’ve also struggled with embracing failure, they’ll help you too. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/16/202320 minutes, 59 seconds
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#570: How to Earn Cash For Your Business Without Creating Any Products With Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn shares his top strategies on how to generate a significant income through affiliate marketing Have you ever been strapped for cash in your business? If you’re like most new business owners, the answer is probably HECK YES!  I know I’ve been in a pinch before, and one of the greatest ways you can earn some extra money -- without having to create a new product -- is through affiliate marketing.  I’ll be honest, affiliate marketing has been a big part of my business strategy. Not only has it helped me get through some of those months when cash was tight, but it’s also allowed me the ability to invest money back into my business.  And one of the people that I’ve looked to over the years when it comes to all things affiliate marketing is Pat Flynn. He’s a bestselling author, the creator of The Smart Passive Income Blog, and the host of the highly rated Smart Passive Income Podcast -- where he shares weekly interviews, strategies, and advice for building an online business through affiliate revenue. In a nutshell, he’s the best of the best when it comes to affiliate marketing, and in this episode, he’s going to share the affiliate marketing campaigns that have really turned the needle for him over the years.  These are strategies that go well beyond including links in a blog post, so if you’ve dabbled with affiliate marketing and are ready to take a deeper dive, then hit the play button on this episode and get ready to start earning some extra money. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/11/202339 minutes, 9 seconds
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#569: Embracing The Cringe: The Cultural Movement That’s All About Owning The Most Awkward Parts Of Yourself

Sharing something you used to find embarrassing is now the norm -- here’s how it can benefit you in business There’s an image that’s been circulating the internet that shows a picture of a cow with the caption “I am cringe but I am free.” Have you seen it? While at first glance this appears to be your silly run-of-the-mill internet meme, its message is actually much deeper than that -- and I’ll be honest, I’m here for it. This meme is all about embracing the things about yourself that make you want to cringe, all of the experiences you’ve been too embarrassed to share, and all of those little quirks and idiosyncrasies that have traditionally been looked at as ‘uncool.’ Yes, sweet friend. There’s been a huge cultural shift towards letting go of what other people think of you and learning to love those weird parts of yourself that you’ve been taught to shun by society.  I can tell you from experience that there’s a huge sense of relief and freedom that comes from letting go of caring about what others think, especially when you’re the face of your business like I am.  In this episode, I explore this idea of living alongside the cringe -- what it means, and the many ways that it can help you thrive in life, and in business.  So if you’ve ever been afraid to show up as yourself and do what makes you happy, then this episode is for you, sweet friend. Happy listening!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/9/202312 minutes, 24 seconds
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#568: Affiliate Marketing 101: What I’ve Done To Earn $300K Per Quarter In Affiliate Revenue

Grab the freebie for this episode here! >>> The Perfect Email Template To Land Your Next Affiliate Partnership Pitch A step-by-step breakdown on how to get started with affiliate marketing Would you believe me if I told you that I make over one million dollars in affiliate revenue each year?  It’s true – and believe me, I’m not telling you this to brag. I’m telling you this because you, too, can make substantial income through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when content creators earn a commission by promoting a product or service from another company using an affiliate link. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you’ll receive a payout.  So if you’ve ever heard the phrase “make money while you sleep,” this is it, my friend. It’s one of the best ways out there to make passive income – but like anything in business, you’ve got to go into it with a plan. Over the years, I’ve fine tuned my affiliate marketing strategy and I’m so excited to break it all down for you in this episode.  You’ll hear:  How to identify the best brands for you to partner with What to say in your pitch email to potential affiliate partners Why relationships are key when it comes to affiliate marketing The best places to promote your affiliate links A breakdown of all the spreadsheets I use to stay organized So grab your beverage of choice, something to take notes with, and press play on this incredibly informative episode. P.S. To help you absolutely nail your pitch emails to potential affiliate partners, I’m giving you a FREE pitch email template -- click here to snag it!  Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:17] Affiliate marketing is a way to earn commissions by promoting affiliate programs or offers. [05:15] Identify the brands and companies that you could potentially partner with. Make a list of all of the software and tools that you use in your business. [07:09] Put everything into a spreadsheet and lean into the products and services that you use and that might benefit your audience.  [09:15] Go to each website and look for an affiliate link. You can also look for a contact and send them a pitch email.  [10:26]  Attach a media kit or a one sheet that states what you do, who you serve, and compelling stats about your business. Get on a call. [12:00] Relationships are really important when it comes to affiliate marketing. Think about courses you've taken, and people who you've worked with.  [15:18] Look for opportunities where you can add great value for your students and readers, and where you can benefit in your business monetarily. [21:59] Ask: Is this something I actually use? Is it something that my audience might use? Does the price point fit my audience? Do I have the space to promote this? [27:56] Documents to stay organized: Tab 1 - Affiliate Master Spreadsheet; Tab 2 - List of companies you've established a partnership with; Tab 3 - Incoming requests. [30:01] The Affiliate Revenue Spreadsheet tracks money coming in from your partnerships. Set a goal for each quarter or year.  [34:43] Action steps: Brainstorm a list of tools and resources that you've used to grow your business or to enhance your personal life. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/4/202335 minutes, 37 seconds
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#567: How To Ditch Your Employee Mindset And Think Like An Entrepreneur

Let go of your employee mindset and start thinking like the entrepreneur that you are Congrats! You’re officially a business owner. You have the LLC, you’re making money, you’re setting your schedule, and the icing on the cake is that you can work from wherever in the world that you want. You’ve ditched the golden handcuffs and have set out to create a life of your own design -- and on paper, it’s everything you’ve always wanted.  The thing is, even though you’re technically your own boss, you still feel like you’re working for someone else because you feel obligated to answer those late-night text messages from your clients or ask for approval to take some time off.  I get it, sweet friend, because I’ve been in this awkward “in between” stage of entrepreneurship, too -- where you have your own business, but feel like you have to be available for your clients at any given time.  In fact, for a couple of years after I started my own business, I still felt like I was working for someone else because my clients had such a strong grip on me. Even though I was a business owner, I was operating with an employee mindset.  Eventually, I hit a breaking point -- and it was then that I discovered a new way of thinking that helped me fully step into entrepreneurship. In this episode, I share my experience of shifting from being self-employed with an employee mindset, to thinking like an entrepreneur -- and how it helped me grow my business while enjoying all the freedoms that entrepreneurship can bring.  You’ll learn: The difference between being self-employed and an entrepreneur How to determine if you’re still thinking like an employee  What you can do to start thinking like an entrepreneur The difference between a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset (& why it’s important) This is a great listen for anyone in business, whether you’re just getting started or have been in the game for a while (and have yet to experience what it means to be a true entrepreneur).  Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:25] So many entrepreneurs feel like they still work for someone else even when they are working for themselves.  [04:37] It takes work to shift from being self-employed with an employee mindset to becoming a true entrepreneur. [05:43] When I first started as a business owner, it was difficult because my clients had extremely high expectations and unmanageable deadlines. [08:30] I realized I was done with client work when I was on a tarmac being screamed at by a client.  [09:23] Operating with a scarcity mindset is the quickest way to play small as an entrepreneur. Yousee limitations as opposed to opportunities. [12:43] After the tarmac incident, I started to unboss myself and make the mental shift from an employee to being an entrepreneur. [15:33] To live in abundance, start operating with the belief that there's enough money and enough success to go around.  [17:23] When you shift your thinking, you'll start to run your business and your life exactly how you want, and fully step into your own as an entrepreneur. [17:38] Homework: Open up your notebook and write down all the ways you are operating with an employee mindset.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/2/202321 minutes, 40 seconds
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#566: How to Create a Tailored Customer Experience using AI with Stu McLaren

Stu McClaren shares how AI is changing the face of digital marketing (& what you can do to keep up) Whether you’re apprehensive about AI or you’re all about it, one thing is for sure – it’s taking the digital marketing world by storm. I won’t lie –  there have been a lot of changes in online marketing over the past fourteen years that I’ve been an entrepreneur, from the rise of SEO to social media. But this, sweet friend, is a really big one — and I want to talk about it! Here to discuss all-things futuristic is Stu McLaren, my work husband who also happens to be the ‘go-to-guy’ for all things memberships.  He’s worked with tens of thousands of authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, and business owners to transform what they know, love, and do into recurring revenue. And in this episode, he’s going to share insights on how the learning industry, specifically, is changing as AI continues to transform the marketing landscape, and how you can make sure your business doesn’t get left in the dust. You’ll also hear: A tried and true framework that you can use to future-proof your online business Different ways you can take advantage of AI as a content creator How you can prevent your students from getting the dreaded “content complex”  The ‘secret sauce’ Peloton has used to maintain a 92% membership retention rate This is a great listen for any business owner, whether you’re just getting started or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur. So press play right now and enjoy this fun and informative conversation with Stu McLaren. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/27/202344 minutes, 18 seconds
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#565: Stop Wasting Time: Why Being “Outcome-Oriented” Is The Key To Efficiency & Growth

What it means to be outcome-oriented (and how it can help you be more efficient with your time) – a strategy featured in Fast Company If you know me, then you know that I’m all about time management. In fact, being an effective manager of my time is what’s allowed me to only work four days a week, and grow my business like gangbusters. So when I came across an article in Fast Company called “How (and why) you should practice ‘anti-time management,’” it caught me way off-guard. Anti-time management? What does that even mean? And why on Earth would you not want to manage your time? Turns out, this article has way more than a catchy headline – because as I dug into it, I found that there’s a whole different approach to time management that I’d never heard of before.  It’s all about focusing on your final outcome, or what success looks like after you’ve achieved your goal – and by doing that, you end up saving a lot of time that you would have otherwise wasted spinning your wheels.  If that has your head spinning, don’t worry – because in this episode, I’m going to break it all down for you.  You’ll hear:  Why focusing on outcomes helps you achieve more (while doing less) Ways to become more outcome-oriented as a business owner   How I almost made a huge mistake in my business but got back on track by focusing on the outcome So if you’ve ever struggled with managing your time (or you’re a huge time management nerd like me), then tune into this episode to learn about this refreshing new approach. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/25/202321 minutes
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#564: How To Choose Higher Quality Thoughts With Spiritual Thought Leader Danielle LaPorte

How to let your heart guide you through the most difficult parts of entrepreneurship As a business owner, there’s so much focus on what your mind tells you to do.  Case and point: When you’re facing a challenge in your business, what do you do? You research. You look at the data. You strategize. You think from your head.  Even as a total data nerd myself, I’ve realized over the years that it’s just as important to tap into your heart as it is your mind. In fact, your heart is the most neglected form of intelligence that you have -- and according to my guest on this episode, Danielle LaPorte, you can actually use it to navigate your journey as an entrepreneur.  Danielle is one of the most acclaimed spiritual thought leaders of our time, who in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.”  I love this conversation with her, because I’ll be honest -- letting my heart play a role in some of the bigger decisions that I make in business hasn’t always been the easiest thing for me. Like everything, it’s been something I’ve had to practice. In this episode, you’ll hear: What a heart-centered business is, and how you can create one How to overcome the low-level feelings of not “being enough” A new way to face challenging moments by choosing higher quality thoughts … Plus so much more! I promise, you’ll get tons out of this episode – so go someplace comfy, pop in your Airpods and enjoy!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/20/202338 minutes, 55 seconds
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#563: How To Drop The Guilt When Saying “No”

Why do entrepreneurs like Brendon Burchard, Jenna Kutcher & Jamie Kern Lima say “No” more than “Yes” One of the most important skills for a business owner is their ability to say “No” to ideas, opportunities, and offers that are out of alignment with their mission. Now, I’ll be honest -- this is much harder than it sounds, and it’s something that I’ve really struggled with over the years.  As a notorious people-pleaser, I’ve said “yes” to doing things that I don’t want to do because I feel guilty saying no. Not to mention, when you’re a new entrepreneur (and you don’t have a ton of opportunities coming your way to begin with), it can be even harder to turn things down. There’s a quote I love by author Alain de Botton that says, "What kills us isn't one big thing, but thousands of tiny obligations we can't turn down for fear of disappointing others." This, sweet friend, could not be more true. And the good news is, I have a really simple exercise that you can do to determine which opportunities are a “Heck yes!” and those you can politely decline -- and it all comes down to asking yourself a single question.  It’s the same question that some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs out there – like Brendon Burchard, Jenna Kutcher, and Jamie Kern Lima – have used to evaluate what opportunities to embrace, and which ones to pass on.  In this episode, you’ll hear what that question is, along with:   How you can get crystal clear on your mission (and stay aligned with it) What to do when you feel guilty for saying “No” to things Why NOT returning a favor is 100% OK Whether you’re just getting started in business or are a seasoned entrepreneur, this is a great listen – so get comfy and press play on this episode! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/18/202317 minutes, 50 seconds
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#562: Tax Strategies That Sound Illegal (But Aren’t) With Candy Valentino

Simple strategies to build long-term wealth, save on taxes, and recession-proof your small business Did you know that 73% of Americans say that their finances are the number one stressor in their life?  It’s true, sweet friend. Money (and lack thereof) is top of mind for the large majority of people -- more than family, or even work. I don’t know about you, but I think that statistic is quite concerning!  And I’ll be honest, if you’re worried about your finances -- and you want to make a change -- it’s really hard to know where to even begin.  It seems like there’s so many ‘financial gurus’ out there touting a “think and grow rich” mentality that, quite honestly, is just a bunch of fluff. That’s what I love about my guest on today’s episode, business and finance expert Candy Valentino. She’ll be the first to admit that building long term wealth takes much more than positive thinking – it takes good old fashioned hard work.  She’s able to break down wealth creation with practical, actionable strategies that anyone can use. And the proof’s in the pudding, because it’s these exact strategies that she used to escape poverty, create a multi-million dollar empire, and become financially free by the age of 40. I’m super excited to share this episode with you. Not only will you take away Candy’s essential wealth building strategies, but you’ll also hear: The many tax benefits of having your own business (even if it’s a side hustle) Tax strategies that can help you give as little to the IRS as possible Whether or not starting a business during a recession is a good idea Ways to recession-proof your small business  Just a heads up – you’ll probably want to take notes on this! So get comfy, open up that Google Doc and get ready for an incredibly informative conversation. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/13/202336 minutes, 12 seconds
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#561: Should Your Passion Stay A Hobby Or Become A Business?

Why so many entrepreneurs get stuck trying to build a passion-based business Have you ever been told that in order to be successful, you need to build a business that’s based on your passion? I’ve heard it time and time again, and I’ll be honest – this “advice” couldn’t be further from the truth.  When I first started my business, I wasn’t passionate about what I was doing. And [spoiler alert!] even these days I don’t wake up and think, “I’m so excited to help someone create a digital course today.”  Don’t get me wrong – I absolutely love serving my audience. But instead of starting a business that was solely based on my passion, I started a business based on what I was good at. And by doing this, over the years I’ve built something that’s wildly successful, gives me freedom, and fulfills me. So if you’re on the fence about whether or not to start a business because you’re not passionate about one specific thing, don’t let it stop you from moving forward.  And if you do have a passion for something – and are unsure if it should stay a hobby or become a business – there are definitely some things to consider, which you’ll hear in this episode.  You’ll also learn: The questions you should ask yourself when you want to start a business Why entrepreneurs with passion-based businesses often get stuck How to define value you bring to the world with my Sweet Spot framework This is a topic that I am, in fact, very *passionate* about – so I hope you enjoy it! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/11/202313 minutes, 53 seconds
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#560: Steal My Mini-Promo Strategy For A Quick Revenue Boost

The small-but-mighty promo strategy that gave my business a quick revenue boost If you’re looking to get a quick revenue boost in your business -- but don’t have the time to run a full-on digital course promotion -- then you should consider doing what I like to call a Mini-Promo.  A Mini-Promo is – you guessed it – a simplified version of your regular promotion strategy. And while there’s only a few elements to it, it can still pack a pretty big punch if you do it right.  In this episode, I’m going to tell you all the juicy details about the success of my most recent Mini Promo – what it included, and the specific strategies my team and I used to keep it simple while still making it worth our ROI.  You’ll hear: How to get crystal clear on your Mini-Promo offer The two primary ways I market my Mini-Promos Ways to segment your email list for maximum return The social media ad hack that will get you more buyers How to get your communities to help you promote our offer … Plus much, much more! So if you’re ready for a strategy-filled episode that you’ll come back to time and time again, then press play right now! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/6/202330 minutes, 41 seconds
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#559: Business Travel 101: 3 Things I Do To Set Myself Up For Success

Work travel isn’t always glamorous – learn what I do to show up as the best version of myself If you’ve ever traveled for work before, you know that even though it might seem glamorous, it isn’t always. Sure, there are a lot of great things about business travel -- you often get to experience a new place, meet new people, and let’s not forget about those fancy airport lounges.  But what people don’t always see is how frustrated you are from the countless airport delays, how exhausted you are from being out of your routine, and how overwhelmed you feel because even though you’re “working,” you haven’t kept up with your day-to-day tasks.  I can definitely relate. Even before I started hitting the road to promote Two Weeks Notice, I used to travel a lot when I worked for Tony Robbins.  And because I’ve traveled so much professionally, I’ve not only racked up my fair share of frequent flier miles – but also my fair share of travel tips that keep me on top of my game.  In this episode, I’m sharing the three specific things I do to set myself up for success when I’m on the road -- and it’s my hope that the next time you have a work trip, they’ll help you show up as the very best version of yourself. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/4/202321 minutes, 35 seconds
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#558: What I Include In My Brand Voice Guide (& How It’s Served Me Really Well)

Grab the freebie for this episode here! >>> The Brand Voice Guide Outline You Wish You Had Sooner If you want to develop your brand voice, here’s where you should start  When people think of a brand, they often think of what they look like visually – from its logo to its color palette.  But one often overlooked (and equally important) aspect to a business’s brand is its voice. Your brand voice is your brand’s unique personality -- what you sound like to the rest of the world -- and it’s oh-so important when it comes to standing out from the crowd. One way to figure out if you have a well-established brand voice is by asking yourself, “If my logo or visual branding didn’t appear alongside my content, would people even know it's me or my company?” Be honest! If the answer is no, then you might need to spend some time developing your brand voice. Once you’ve really honed in on how you want to sound to your audience, you can create a brand voice guide – which will serve as your guiding star when it comes to all things content creation.  In fact, my brand voice guide has been a crucial part of how I’ve been able to have my team, and various contractors, write content that sounds like I could have written it myself. In this episode, I’m diving into what I include in my own brand voice guide, along with exercises you can do to hone in and perfect your own. You’ll learn:  Why your voice is such an important piece of your brand What I include in my brand voice guide, plus a few examples Exercises to help you develop your own brand voice Examples of companies that have a well-developed brand voice Plus much, much more! I promise this episode is a great listen for any business owner looking to polish their branding, whether you’re just getting started or have been in the game for a while.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [01:39] Your brand voice should be consistent throughout all of your communication.  [08:35] Get an NDA signed before sharing your brand voice guide with employees or contractors.  [09:46] The first section should be an introduction to your business and the value you offer. This is also known as a mission or brand statement.  [11:37] The next section is an overview of your audience, or ideal customer Avatar. Include 5 to 10 bullet points from demographics to desires and fears. [13:16] The next section is your brand values. Brand values help you frame your brand story in a way that resonates with your target audience. [15:53] The next section is your biography. It's important that you determine how you want people to talk about you. [18:09] The next section is your brand personality. This is how you want to sound to your audience.  [25:52] You can also include a section on your tone, or the overall attitude and mood that you create in your communication.  [30:07] You can use the “this but never that” formula to describe your tone. [33:14] The final section is essential content. Grab some A+ examples of your own content that can be used as a reference. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/30/202335 minutes, 34 seconds
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#557: 4 Popular Pieces Of Business Advice I’m Sick & Tired Of Hearing

How I’ve completely ignored these 4 pieces of popular business advice and still found success Have you ever been given a piece of business advice that makes you roll your eyes?  I know I have. In fact, there are four pieces of advice that I’ve heard on repeat over the years that I believe can be more detrimental than helpful -- especially if you’re first getting started in business.  The thing is, this is really popular business advice. You see it all over Facebook and Instagram, it’s published in business media outlets, and I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard a successful entrepreneur say it Live from stage, or while presenting a webinar.  Sure, I’ll bet it’s been helpful for some people. But for me, it’s been more discouraging than motivating.  And because this advice is so mainstream (cough cough, played out), it’s made me feel like following it is the only way to be successful in business – and I’m here to tell you that it’s not. So, sweet friend, in this episode, I’m flipping the script -- and it’s my hope that if this advice has left a salty taste in your mouth, like it has mine, you might be able to gain a new perspective.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:18] As entrepreneurs, we receive a lot of advice. I'm going to talk about advice that I'm sick and tired of hearing.  [06:45] #1: Follow your passion. This does more harm than good. For most of us, following your passion isn't reality.  [09:10] #2: If you want to be successful, you have to constantly be learning. Consuming a ton of content without taking dedicated action isn't going to get you anywhere.  [10:40] #3: In order to succeed you have to hustle. Sacrificing everything that’s important to you is a recipe for burnout.  [14:02] #4: You've got to be fearless. We should listen to rational fears that are wired into our brains to protect us. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/28/202317 minutes, 54 seconds
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#556: How To Take Your Small Business To Multi-million Dollar Success with Donald Miller

The 6-step framework that grew Donald Miller’s small business to a 15 million dollar operation Have you ever thought about growing your business, but then stopped dead in your tracks because you have absolutely no idea where to start? I get it, sweet friend – the thought of accelerating your business growth sure does sound nice, but it’s hard to take that first step, especially when you don’t have a proven framework to follow.  But here’s the good news. There are proven frameworks out there that can help you optimize your small business for revenue and profit. And that’s why I invited Donald Miller to the show. Don is a business educator and author (among many other things) who scaled his four person business to a 15 million dollar operation by following a simple six-step plan.  Talk about some serious growth!  He’s going to break down his six-step framework (that anyone can use, no matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey) -- along with the biggest lessons he learned along the way.  Don is no stranger to the show, and it’s because I have the utmost respect and admiration for him as a person, and a business owner.  I hope you enjoy this conversation and learn as much as I did! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/23/202337 minutes, 9 seconds
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#555: The Mindset I Adopt When I Don't Know The First Step & Have To Figure It Out

99% of entrepreneurship is having to ‘figure things out’ – here’s the process I use when I don’t know where to start I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this, but 99% of entrepreneurship is figuring things out when you have no idea what to do.  That’s not an exact statistic, but you get the point.  I can’t tell you how many times I've set a goal without having the slightest clue on the first step to take. And I’m talking about big goals – like writing a book, and adding an entire sales department to my team. For me, having to get a little scrappy in order to figure something out is one of the most exciting parts of being an entrepreneur. I like being resourceful, I like learning new things, and I also get a ton of satisfaction out of creating something from nothing. But the thing is, the fact that ‘figuring it out’ is exciting and not overwhelming to me is because I have a very specific mindset I adopt when I’m facing a new challenge.  And in this episode, I’m going to share what that mindset is. You’ll also hear: Why being resourceful is the key to figuring anything out How to create an identity around the fact that you’re a resourceful person The specific steps I take when I’m clueless on how to accomplish my goals The mantra I tell myself when I start to feel overwhelmed If you’ve ever not done something because you don’t know how to do it, then this episode is for you, sweet friend. So pop in those earpods and give this episode your full attention! Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:38] The first thing to do when you don't know what to do is to create an identity around being a resourceful person.  [08:18] Break your goal into small segments or phases. Take small steps and as you complete them move on to the next one.  [09:55] If you're not sure how to do something, reach out to someone who has already done it. Then put together a plan and get into action.  [13:18] Clarity comes with each step and action creates momentum.  [14:24] When you embrace mistakes, that’s when the magic happens.  [16:22] Homework: List five things that you've always wanted to do in your business but haven't because you don't know how.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/21/202318 minutes, 32 seconds
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#554: Proven Webinar Selling Strategies That Aren’t Sleazy Or Pushy with Colin Boyd

Learn to communicate in a way that converts with one of the top virtual selling experts I’ll be honest – I don’t think selling, or pitching, comes easily to anyone.  Even if you’re a super confident and likable person, communicating in a way that converts is a skill that most people really need to dedicate time to learning, especially when you’re selling virtually. Long ago, when I first started hosting webinars, I dreaded the time that I had to start pitching. The last thing I wanted to do was come off as pushy, so I would get a lot of anxiety around promoting my products.  It’s gotten easier with time, but man-oh-man do I wish this learning curve is something I could have fast-tracked!  That’s why I invited Colin Boyd to the show. He advises some of the biggest names in the world to confidently offer value and create webinars that convert, and in this episode, he’s spilling his strategies!    In this episode, Colin shares: Why selling is all about helping your audience make a decision Tangible ways to become more confident when you sell How to successfully pitch without sounding pushy or salesy  What a conversion story is and how you can identify yours … Plus so much more! So if the thought of pitching during your webinar has your stomach in knots, be sure to tune into this episode because it’s packed full of strategies that will help you sell like a pro. Here’s a glance at this episode... [09:42] Colin shares how he got his start.  [12:45] Colin discovered that marketing and speaking are fundamental to business. [15:02] A webinar that sells is about helping people make a decision as opposed to just gathering more information. [19:08] The offer opens the door for your potential customers to enter a transformational space. [22:01] There are three levels of certainty within an offer.. [24:20] Stories are a big part of a webinar. The audience sees their story in a conversion story. [27:30] Conversion story framework: 1. Are you like me? 2. Can you lead me? 3. Is there a path I can follow? [30:16] Use a conversion story instead of an origin story. Find a moment in your life when you had a transformational moment with what you're offering. [34:18] All you need is one irresistible presentation that you can refine and scale to create the business of your dreams. [37:41] Sell the experience of your course, not the process of it. Describe the results, not the steps.  [41:23] Too much information is one of the biggest mistakes in webinars. Infusion selling is speaking your content in a way that sells your offer.  [49:05] Q&As should be prepared.  [51:55] When creating a webinar, find 3 or 4 key ideas to share.  [55:40] Ask: 1. What beliefs do I need to shift in order for people to make a commitment? 2. What's something valuable I can share? 3. How can I show the vehicle in a really unique and simple way? Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/16/202358 minutes, 41 seconds
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#553: Is Calling Your Team Your “Family” Harming Your Company?

According to Harvard Business Review, there are toxic effects of branding your workplace a “family” Have you ever worked for a company and part of the internal culture was for team members to call each other ‘family?’ I know I have – and until very recently, I never really put a whole lot of thought into it. To be honest, I always looked at it as something positive, as if being part of the ‘family’ meant that I was valued more. In my own business, I’m super guilty of calling my team a ‘work family’, and of course, it’s been well-intentioned. But after reading this really insightful article in the Harvard Business Review, I’m starting to realize the negative effects this might have on someone.  Not only can it make it more difficult for your team to set healthy boundaries, but it also can make parting ways harder, which is something I’ve experienced firsthand.  The article brings up a lot of good points – all of which you’ll hear in this episode. Nowadays, I’m trying to figure out how I can make my company feel inclusive, foster a closeness, and set boundaries, without calling us a family. I’ll raise my hand and be the first one to say that this is something I’m still working on, but it’s a big goal of mine in the coming year.  Tune in to hear my thoughts, and what I’m doing to shift the focus from “We’re in this together” to “We’re working towards the same goal.” Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:26] I love the idea of my team being my work family. I love us feeling close, having each other's backs, and celebrating each other outside of work. [06:23] A family never disconnects from each other. With employees, that should never be the case.  [08:23] I used to send messages later than I would like. Now, I pause and schedule the message for the morning.  [10:57] Calling your team a family can make it more difficult to set boundaries. [13:53] Shift your mentality from a place of ‘we're all in this together’ to ‘we're all working on a similar purpose.’  [15:09] There has been a recalibration of work and many people have been quitting their jobs because they want more out of life. [17:24] I want a lot of love in my company, but I also want to set boundaries so people don’t feel like they have to eat, breathe, and live in this company. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/14/202319 minutes, 53 seconds
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#552: How To Find, Hire, & Onboard A Content Support Contractor

Grab the freebie for this episode by heading here!   There’s a lot that goes into hiring a content support contractor – here’s where to start If you’re at a point in your business where you could use a little extra help creating content, you should 100% consider hiring a contractor.  Not only will it allow you to spend more time in your zone of genius, but you can also bring them on for just a few hours or on an as-needed basis, which isn’t an option with a full-time employee.  Over the years, I’ve relied on skilled content contractors to create content for my audience. Under my (and my team’s) direction, they’ve done everything from writing email copy to producing high-traffic lead magnets, and more! But here’s the thing. It takes quite a bit of work and lots of communication to bring on a content support contractor and have it work successfully.  Luckily, I’ve got it boiled down to a fine science – so I know exactly what I’m looking for, where to find that person, and how to onboard them so the relationship is a win/win for everyone involved.  And that’s what I’m diving into in this episode. You’ll hear: Why hiring a contractor over a full-time employee can be more beneficial in the beginning The importance of providing lots of support and resources for your contractor The best places to find a content support contractor, and how to vet them How to onboard contractors and offer constructive feedback So if you’re thinking about hiring a contractor to help you create content, be sure to tune in – because these strategies will definitely set you in the right direction.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [08:28] Set realistic goals and timelines with contractors, because they will have other clients. Be clear on how many hours you will need them.  [11:13] Doing everything yourself will lead to grief and overwhelm. When it's time to scale, you have to believe other people can do it better than you. [15:33] Another person can offer a fresh perspective with your content.  [16:29] We've found some people on Fiverr, Create & Cultivate, Creative Mornings, and LinkedIn, but referrals are my favorite way to find contractors.   [19:23] Ask for samples or a paid project test run. Give them time to ask questions and set a deadline. Assign a task to familiarize them with your content.  [23:05] We have an Asana checklist to make sure we have everything we need from our contractors, and that they’re provided with access to what they need. [27:00] Agree on how often you'll meet and if it will be virtual or in person. Provide your voice and brand guides up front to avoid extra editing.  [30:34] Ask how they prefer to receive feedback and share your feedback style.  [39:45] We use Asana to set up projects and tasks for contractors. Include all of the necessary support documents and be as specific as possible.  [45:16] Make sure they create their work on your Google drive. You want access to all of your stuff created by them.  [48:27] Action steps: Get clear on the hours and budget. Begin your search and onboard with everything I've shared. Give them a project test run. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/9/202349 minutes, 32 seconds
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#551: The Anti-Niche: Jen Hatmaker's Approach To Creating A Highly Engaged Community

How going against conventional business wisdom has served Jen Hatmaker really well My guest on this episode, Jen Hatmaker, has created something that so many personal brands strive to create – and that’s a highly engaged community that’s in it for the long-haul. I’m not talking about a community that sticks with you for a couple years. I’m talking about a community that stays with you for decades. Jen has been an entrepreneur since the early 2000s, and one of the key pieces of her longstanding success as an author, podcaster, and speaker is the band of fiercely loyal women who’ve grown alongside her through the many seasons of life, and business.  And here’s the thing that’s really interesting. Jen has created her community by not tying herself to a specific niche or platform – which as you probably know, goes against most conventional business wisdom, including my own. As you’ll hear her say in this interview, “[My community] may not come to me for one specific thing, but they do come to me for all the things” – and that, my friend, is something to be admired.  This conversation was so much fun, and opened my eyes up to a lot of different perspectives. Tune in to hear:  How to create a business that’s truly community-focused Why perceiving yourself as a ‘part’ of the community, instead of the leader of it, helps build trust Why being relatable and transparent helps you build a loyal audience … Plus so much more! Jen is highly entertaining, and it’s my hope that you will learn so much from her, just as I have.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:28] Jen Hatmaker is a writer, speaker, and podcaster who loves to serve women.  [11:53] Jen’s offerings have evolved from books to a podcast, book club, and a course.  [16:00] Jen shares what it means to have a community based business.  [25:05] Navigating her divorce publicly was very challenging. Instead of pretending it wasn’t happening, she chose to be authentic.  [30:34] Life happens. Create a team that can take care of your business when you can't be there.  [39:07] If you're lonely, others are too. Be the initiator and make friends with people who may be lonely too.  [43:49] Jen took her first solo trip after getting her divorce, which was empowering. She went to Maine for a month and vowed to do a trip each year.  [52:07] It's been a joy for Jen to create a business based on real life. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/8/202358 minutes, 46 seconds
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#550: The Cost of Context Switching & How You Can Minimize It

Toggling between apps negatively impacts your focus – here’s how to minimize it (and still get stuff done) On any given day, I have a number of apps open on my computer and my phone to help me run my business -- from Asana, to Voxer, to Kajabi where I host my digital courses. Thank goodness for these platforms, because let’s be real – even just ten years ago, having an online business was much more difficult because this sort of technology just wasn’t available. And while these applications allow online businesses to run seamlessly, I recently read a study that reported that the average person spends five work weeks – or nine percent of their annual time at work – context switching, a.k.a reorienting themselves after toggling to something new. That’s a lot of wasted time, and beyond that, constantly having to readjust takes a toll on your ability to focus.  This article really got me thinking about some different ways that I could minimize context switching in my workday -- and since I’ve put some of them into practice, I’ve noticed that I’m much better able to stay in the zone. In this episode, I’m sharing the four ways I avoid context switching throughout the day, and how it’s helped me to be more productive. So close out of all those apps on your phone, pop in your earpods, and get ready to focus on this informative episode.   Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:22] Context switching is going from one application to another. Average users toggle between apps nearly 1,200 times a day. [04:41] Context switching increases the brain's production of cortisol. [06:31] I plan out my ideal work week and set themes for each work day. [07:22] I have guidelines in place for Slack. I don't want my team to have to stop and check the app every time there's a notification. [08:11] Look at all the tools you use and how you use them to decide if there's any way you could simplify the process. [08:47] The most important thing you can do is give yourself permission to stay focused and in the zone. Setting timers is a great way to do this. [10:47] Homework: What do you plan to do in order to reduce context switching? DM @AmyPorterfield with one thing you're going to do in the next 24 hours. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/7/202312 minutes, 18 seconds
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#549: Cut Through The Noise: How To Create A Unique Personal Brand With Rory Vaden

Simple strategies to build your personal brand, monetize your message, and increase your influence If you’re first getting started with your personal brand, you’re probably wondering how the heck you’re going to cut through all the noise and position yourself as the go-to leader in your space.  I get it – the digital world is crowded, and getting to that point can seem pretty overwhelming. But the good news is, it’s more possible to have an influential personal brand today than ever before. Now, I’ll come right out and say that there’s a lot more that goes into brand-building than having a Tik Tok video go viral.  Sure, that might get you a few more social media followers in the short-term, but in order to build a brand that will stand the test of time, you need to be much more strategic about it.  That’s why I invited Rory Vaden to the show – because when it comes to personal branding, he’s the guy you want to listen to. >> Be sure to grab your free brand call with his team here! Rory is a New York Times bestselling author, Inc. Magazine Top 100 Leadership Speaker, the Co-Founder of Brand Builders Group and the host of the highly rated Influential Personal Brand Podcast.  In this episode, he’ll share simple brand-building strategies you can implement today, including: The greatest secret to growing a highly engaged audience online Simple strategies to become a well-established leader in your space  The Brand DNA Helix and how you can use it to grow your business How to increase your influence and monetize your message I absolutely loved this conversation with Rory, and learned so much from him. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/2/202356 minutes, 22 seconds
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#548: 5 Lessons From The Road: My Podcast Tour For Two Weeks Notice

After doing 100 podcast interviews about my new book, here’s what I learned To call the podcast tour I did to promote my book, Two Weeks Notice, a whirlwind would be an understatement.  I did 100 podcast interviews (yes, you read that right!) over the course of a few months, traveling to multiple different cities throughout the United States. It was both rewarding and exhausting… and I won’t lie, I had to pinch myself a couple of times, because writing a book – and then going on the road to promote it – has literally been a dream come true for me. Now if you’ve been with me for a while, you probably know that I’ve learned so much throughout the entire experience of writing, pre-selling, and promoting a book. The podcast tour was no exception.  In true Amy Porterfield fashion, I prepared as must as I possibly could. I didn’t want to sound like a broken record, and it was also incredibly important to me to share its message in a way that was really meaningful for listeners.   I’m happy to report that all of my preparation paid off – but of course, there were some things I learned along the way (and in retrospect) that I wanted to share with you.  In this episode, you’ll hear the 5 biggest lessons I learned, which I can guarantee will be helpful if you write a book, or do a podcast tour, at some point in your journey. And what’s great is you can also apply the lessons I share to other areas of your business, too.   So pop in your earpods, cozy on up and tune in! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/28/202324 minutes, 15 seconds
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#547: My Readers Have Spoken: What Two Weeks Notice Meant To Them

My readers give an honest review of my book, Two Weeks Notice Writing a book has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my entire life.  Believe me, when I was working a 9 to 5, hustling hard for someone else’s bottom line (from the confines of a cubicle, mind you), I never would have imagined that one day I’d be a published author helping other women start their own businesses. So now that my book Two Weeks Notice is officially out there, I’m absolutely over the moon.  From the very beginning, it’s been my goal to help women all over the world find the courage to quit their jobs, make more money, and create a life of their own design through entrepreneurship.  And I’m absolutely overjoyed to know that it’s doing just that.  In this episode, you’ll hear from a handful of women who have read Two Weeks Notice. They share what’s stood out to them the most, what they’ve written on sticky notes, what chapters they’ve read over and over again, and the words that have moved them most.  Hearing the impact this book has had on them truly warms my heart, and it’s my hope that these stories inspire you to take the next (or first) step in your journey – whatever that looks like for you! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/23/202342 minutes, 39 seconds
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#546: Your Why Is Louder Than Your Worries: How To Overcome Self-Doubt

When your inner monologue starts to get nasty, remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH I’m going to let you in on something that I don’t really talk about a whole lot.  And it’s that I can be downright mean to myself during times when I should be proud of myself.  When people that I care about are happy for me or congratulating me for something I’ve achieved, I’m often thinking of things that I could have done better instead of giving myself a pat on the back.  Now, I know that this part of my personality is part of what fuels my ambition, pushes me to improve, and to better serve my audience.  But I’ll be honest -- it’s no way to live, and I can’t ever imagine telling someone else some of the things that the little voice inside my head has told me over the years.  So when my inner monologue starts to get really nasty, I have to nip it in the bud -- and I do that by remembering my Why.  Your Why, my sweet friend, can help you overcome all the obstacles that you face in your entrepreneurial journey – during the times that you’re down on yourself, when you’re worried, and when you want to just throw in the towel and quit.  In this episode, you’ll hear my Whys, and exactly how I use them to flip the script on my self-doubt and negativity. You’ll also hear two incredible stories from my own students, and how they’ve used their Whys to persevere through incredibly difficult experiences in their lives and businesses.  So get comfy, grab a Kleenex, and get ready for an incredibly heartfelt episode. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/21/202322 minutes, 18 seconds
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#545: Behind-the-Scenes: My 4-Phase Book Marketing Blueprint Revealed

The step-by-step marketing launch strategy behind my new book, Two Weeks Notice If you had told me years ago that one day I’d be a published author, I probably would have called your bluff.  Writing a book -- especially one that I know is going to help so many women ditch their 9 to 5 jobs and create a life of their own design through entrepreneurship – is honest-to-goodness a dream come true.  But I won’t lie, the entire experience -- from actually writing the book to building excitement about it and pre-selling it -- has been a true labor of love.  There are so many things that I’ve learned about the publishing industry and what it takes to have a successful launch that I could probably write a book about it.  And I just might do that -- but for now, tune in to this episode to get a behind-the-scenes look at the process. You’ll hear about the specific goals I started with, the marketing blueprint I used, and about all of the little publishing nuances that have kept me up at night. So if you’ve ever wanted to write a book, or are curious about what it takes to pull it off – then pop in your earbuds and give this episode a listen. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/16/202331 minutes, 1 second
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#544: The Pros & Cons Of A Personal Vs. A Company Brand

The decision to have a personal brand or a company brand is a strategic one – here’s what you should consider If you’re thinking about starting a business, have you thought about whether you want to have a personal brand or a company brand?  To clarify, a personal brand is one like mine. I’m the face of the company, my name is my website URL, and it’s me that you hear on my podcast. A company brand is one where the business is completely independent of your name – like Starbucks or Kajabi. When I first started my business many moons ago, it was clear to me that a personal brand was the way to go.  But as my business continues to evolve, I’m getting curious about what it would look like to transition to a company brand – and if that’s even possible – because let’s be real, I don’t see myself doing Instagram Reels at 90 years old. In fact, my dear friend Michael Hyatt recently transitioned his personal brand to Full Focus, and it’s been a really great move for his business, and his personal life. I won’t lie, seeing him do this has me thinking about my own future, and I’m breaking down exactly what’s on my mind in this episode. Tune in to hear:  The pros and cons of a personal brand and a company brand Why I decided to have a personal brand vs. a company brand when starting my business The roadblocks I’m encountering at this point in my entrepreneurial journey What new and established business owners should consider when it comes to their brand This is a great listen for anyone who is thinking about starting their own business or already has one.  Oh, and when it comes to my personal brand, don’t worry -- I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/14/202318 minutes, 6 seconds
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#543: An Identity Shift To Unlock Your Greatest Potential With Anthony Trucks

Learn the simple framework for achieving both success and fulfillment  As entrepreneurs, we often measure success by how much money we make, how many followers we have on Instagram, or material possessions – because let’s face it, we live in a culture that places a lot of value on those sorts of things.  But the truth is, people with all the money, success, and fame in the world are often unfulfilled. Think about it -- how many times have you heard of (or known) a person who seems to have everything, but isn’t happy?  The good news is, it’s possible to be a goal-crushing entrepreneur without sacrificing things that bring you joy in your life. Yes, sweet friend, you can achieve success and be fulfilled at the same time. And my guest Anthony Trucks has a really simple framework for it. Anthony is a former NFL Athlete, American Ninja Warrior, international speaker, host of the “Aww Shift” podcast, author of the “Identity Shift” book, and the founder of Identity Shift coaching.  He uses cutting-edge research in science and psychology to upgrade how you operate so you can elevate your life and business to reach your full potential. In this episode, Anthony shares:  How to use fulfillment as the true measurement of your success The two types of identities that determine success or failure  How to identify the identity you align with, and use it to your advantage  A solution-based process for finding success and creating work that inspires you I really mean it when I say that Anthony is an impressive guy, so you don’t want to miss this one. I hope you get as much out of this conversation as I did! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/9/202352 minutes, 44 seconds
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#542: Why I Show Up Online As 100% Myself

Authenticity and the digital world: How to get clear on what you’re all about If you know me, then you know that I have a wildly vocal inner monologue that often tells me things that aren’t true.  For instance, when I get a negative comment or criticism online, I’ve got to take a deep breath, center myself, and block some of those negative thoughts that start to creep in. It’s been something I’ve had to practice over the years, especially as I’m continuing to put myself more and more out there online.  And one of the things that has really helped me do this is remembering that I cannot be for everyone. Not everybody that crosses my path online is going to like me, and guess what? That’s A-OK.  This is something I learned from my dear friend, Jasmine Star, who's been one of my entrepreneurial besties for as long as I can remember. You only need a small fraction of people to resonate with you -- and heck -- buy from you, in order to build a successful online business.  That’s why I make it a point to show up as authentically as I can online – and being true to myself in this way makes me even prouder of the business I’m creating. It requires that you ask yourself some questions to really figure out who you are and what you stand for – and that’s what this episode is all about. Tune in to hear my thoughts on authenticity in the digital world and what you can do to stay true to yourself.  Happy listening! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/7/202315 minutes, 18 seconds
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#541: Science-Backed Data On How Thoughts Influence Your Success with Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt shares new research from his new book, Mind Your Mindset I’ll be the first one to admit that my thoughts – aka the little voice in my head -- have gotten in my way more times than I care to admit.  It’s told me terrible stories like, “You’re not good enough,” and “You can’t do this” – and guess what? Those narratives, even though they’re not true, are all rooted in past experiences I’ve had in my life. According to research spearheaded by my mentor Michael Hyatt and his daughter Megan, it’s not unusual for 50% of our memories to be false or distorted. And yet we create stories around what’s possible based on those faulty memories.  Now, here’s the good news. It’s scientifically proven that you can engineer your thoughts for success, and in this episode, you’ll hear how.  Michael joins me to talk about performance psychology, neuroscience, and the cognitive science around success, which is all uncovered in his new book Mind Your Mindset.  Tune in to hear: How and why your thoughts influence your success 3 simple steps you can take to rewire your negative thoughts What to do when that negative mindset continues to persist Examples of how everyday people have engineered their mindset for success … Plus, much, much more! So if you’re sick and tired of old stories getting in your way, pop in your earbuds and press play! Trust me, you don’t want to miss this one. Here’s a glance at this episode... Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/2/202345 minutes, 20 seconds
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#540: How to Empower Your Students to Build Self-Trust

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/31/202332 minutes, 12 seconds
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#539: 5 Strategic Launch Pivots That Boosted My Course Enrollments

Online marketing strategies you can use for a wildly successful course launch Warning: This episode is juicy.  And when I say juicy, I mean jam-packed with online marketing strategies that you can use to boost enrollments for your digital course in a really big way.  In fact, these are the exact strategies that I used for my most recent Digital Course Academy launch, and let me tell you, they are *fire.* If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that our previous DCA launch left us a little underwhelmed, so for this most recent one, we decided to shake things up a little bit.  We made tweaks to our marketing, community, and customer support strategies, and holy smokes, I’m so glad that we did. In this episode, you’re going to get all the strategic details on the pivots we made  – down to the why, the how, and the results.  You’ll also learn how you can apply the lessons we learned to your own business, whether you’ve had zero course launches, or a handful of them.  What you’re about to hear will help you to plan a wildly successful launch, or majorly enhance the one you already have planned – Scout’s honor! P.S. You’re definitely going to want to take notes on this one. So open up that Google Doc and get ready to type your heart out!  Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:00] I'm revealing a few strategies that we made in my September Digital Course Academy launch that made all the difference.  [05:41] We moved the pre-launch runway quiz to the top of the funnel. We also moved away from scheduled Facebook Live videos. [06:07] Some of our best ad costs are from quiz leads.Putting the quiz at the top of the funnel allowed us to fill up our list with great leads. [11:10] I offered three different surprise Lives hosted on Zoom. Each one had a different call to action at the end.  [19:32] Sometimes I try marketing strategies that make me feel a little anxious. I'm willing to get feedback and then evaluate how I feel about certain strategies. [23:03] We made three big changes to our Facebook community.  [31:16] We were able to completely pivot our customer experience on the fly. That’s why I always say leave room for magic. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/26/202335 minutes, 19 seconds
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#538: Business Networking Lessons From The World's Most Connected Influencer, Joe Polish

Joe Polish shares 10 actionable strategies on how to grow your business network My guest on this episode has been coined as one of the most influential connectors in the world.  Known for his ability to connect with almost anyone on the planet, he leverages his networking expertise to bring together top industry transformers and leaders. His name is Joe Polish – and beyond his impressive track record as an entrepreneur and podcast host, he is hands down one of the most genuine, compassionate people that I know – which has no doubt played a role in his success. Now, networking is a crucial part of growing your business, but I won’t lie, it doesn’t always come easy to everyone (including myself!).  That’s why I’m so excited for you to hear this interview -- because in it, Joe reveals the 9 skills that every entrepreneur should master in order to become a business networking pro. I learned so much from Joe in this short conversation. So if you want to hear how you can sharpen your business networking skills just as I have, then pop open a Google Doc and get ready to take some notes! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/25/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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#537: How To Have Difficult Conversations With Your Team

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/24/202318 minutes, 3 seconds
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#536: 2 Million Followers in 2 Years: The Power of Video to Explode your Brand with Shadè Zahrai

Tangible, actionable strategies to grow your business through video  If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that doing videos on social media has always been a bit of a challenge for me. I get a little bit self-conscious and let’s just say being a perfectionist doesn’t help either. But here’s the thing. I know that harnessing the power of video can literally make your business -- and your social media following -- explode (in the best way possible).   My guest in this episode, Shadè Zahrai, knows this all too well. As principal and director of Influenceo Global – a positive-leadership consultancy – Shadè consults, trains, and coaches leaders and teams from startups to Fortune-500s. When the pandemic hit, Shadè had to get scrappy. She started experimenting with videos on social media, and even though she didn’t love being on camera at first, she started seeing a lot of traction.  And when I say traction, I mean she gained 2 million followers. Yes, two million. She took her business global, started securing Fortune 500 clients, and the rest is history.  In this episode, Shadè shares the steps she took to get there, including: Tangible, actionable strategies to grow your business through video  How you can use the “5 C’s” to leverage social media and video Tips for making your videos pop and gain traction 3 mind pits you should be aware of and tangible ways to overcome them    This is an action-packed episode, so buckle up! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/19/202350 minutes, 50 seconds
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#535: Losing An Employee: How To Learn From The Experience, Let Go, & Move On

4 things you should always remember when a team member quits In my many years of entrepreneurship, one of the most challenging things I’ve experienced is having a team member quit.  If you’ve ever been through this before, I’m sure you can relate. Afterall, your business is your baby – so when someone decides to hit the ground running in another direction, it’s hard not to take it personally.  Recently, I had 3 people leave in a very short period of time. And even though I’ve lost employees before, this time was a little different because I wasn’t really expecting it.  I won’t lie, it’s been an emotionally difficult experience. But here’s the thing – it’s also brought some really important learning lessons to the forefront – lessons that I know I’ll take with me for years to come.  In this episode, I share what those lessons are, along with how I’ve managed to let go of the experience and move on.  It’s my hope that this will help you immensely as you continue to grow your business, expand your team, and experience everything (both good and bad) that comes along with it.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [01:43] Losing a team member is one of the hardest parts about entrepreneurship. [02:50] We recently lost three people on our marketing team. The whole experience brought some really important lessons to the forefront. [03:47] As an entrepreneur, you will lose people. Most of us don't love the HR part of being an entrepreneur. [05:24] You need employees to grow and scale your business. You can't do big amazing things all alone. [06:10] Losing employees is simply part of business. You can't take it personally if you want to keep moving forward. [08:34] The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) says that you cannot create a role for someone else. Find someone to fill a role that makes good business sense.  [12:18] We had one of the people who left fill out an exit interview. We were surprised by what she wrote. As managers, we need to ask the right questions.  [14:52] Make sure that you're very clear on the role that you're hiring for in the first place. [17:15] Slow down when it's time to hire someone. What are they going to do? Are they able to make decisions? Does the team understand their role? [18:06] Even though losing an employee is emotionally and financially difficult, there's always a lesson in the experience. [20:02] Always conduct an exit interview. Ask: What would have made your job better? What would make the company better? What could I have done better? Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/17/202326 minutes, 41 seconds
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#534: Your A-Z Guide For Creating A Highly Engaged Paid Online Community

Grab the freebie for this episode by heading here! My Paid Facebook Bootcamp had a 66% engagement rate – here’s what we did As my dear listener, I wanted to share something I’m incredibly proud of with you -- and it’s that one of my recent Paid Bootcamps, Course Confident, had a 66% engagement rate in our private Facebook Group.  Yes, you read that right – 66%. Now if you know me, you know that I’m not usually one to toot my own horn. But that engagement rate is outstanding, and I owe it all to some new strategies that we tried out at Team Porterfield for the very first time.  From having a very clear purpose from the get-go, to creating a very special shared language for members to use throughout the Paid Bootcamp, there was a lot of thought that went into our strategy.   And guess what? I’m walking you through every single thing that we did in order to get people talking to each other and excited about what’s ahead, along with how we stayed organized throughout the entire thing so it went off without a hitch. I’m even giving you access to all of the templates we used to create our Bootcamp calendar and post copy, click here to snag that valuable free resource!  But just a heads up -- this episode is an extension of #532: Free Vs. Paid Bootcamps: Lessons Learned That Might Help You Decide What’s Best For You. So if you haven’t listened to that yet, pop on over there before listening to this.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/12/202336 minutes, 36 seconds
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#533: How To Set (& Enforce) Boundaries As An Entrepreneur

Establishing healthy boundaries (and sticking to them) is the key to getting ahead in business As an entrepreneur, setting boundaries can be really difficult because you often feel like you need to do things (that you don’t necessarily want to do) in order to create the business you’ve always dreamt of. Sure, you could speak at that Live event and get in front of a new audience – but it would mean you’d miss your daughter’s dance recital. Or, you could go on that much-anticipated girls’ weekend with your BFFs, but it’s smack dab in the middle of your pre-launch runway so you know you’d be distracted the entire time. Figuring out where to draw the line with certain things in your business (and your personal life) is tricky because there’s not always a clear answer. Believe me, this is something I’ve struggled with over the years – but now that I’m 14 years into entrepreneurship, I’ve *finally* figured out a way to establish healthy boundaries, and most importantly, stick to them.  And here’s the thing. If I can do it, you can too – and that’s why I wanted to share my best boundary-setting tips with you in this episode.  Tune in to hear:  Why resentment is an indicator that you need to set more boundaries My process for setting healthy boundaries that I can actually enforce What it means to ‘choose your hard’ and why that’s important  …. Plus much, much more! This is important to hear no matter what stage of business you’re in. So buckle up and get ready to become a boss at setting healthy boundaries. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/10/202321 minutes, 22 seconds
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#532: Free Vs. Paid Bootcamps: Lessons Learned That Might Help You Decide What’s Best For You

After years of running free Facebook bootcamps, my team and I decided that we needed to make some changes.  Not only was engagement plummeting in our free groups, but we noticed that people were just joining so they could spam everyone.  If you know me, you know that my goal in all that I do is to serve my audience at a really high level.  No matter how they land in my world, I want them to walk away with valuable content that helps them achieve their business goals -- so the fact that so many people were joining and quickly losing interest (despite all that I was putting out there) simply wasn’t going to cut it.  I’d heard good things about paid bootcamps from some of my peers (and also some of my more advanced students!) so we decided to give them a whirl.  It was a totally new marketing strategy for us, so we went into it with an open mind and a willingness to learn.  I won’t lie to you – we had LOTS of learning lessons – which I’m about to share with you in this episode. You’ll hear exactly what we did – along with what we got right, what we got wrong, and how the experience will inform what we do moving forward. So if you’ve ever been curious about paid bootcamps, grab your pen and paper and get ready to take some notes! Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:57] We recently questioned whether our free bootcamps were working as well as they used to. This year we decided to host two paid bootcamps, and we learned six lessons. [05:33] I'm not letting go of webinars. I tested a paid bootcamp into a webinar, and I'm glad I did. It all comes down to adding the right kind of value.  [06:27] 1. We knew we needed to shake things up. Our engagement was dropping. It was time to freshen things up and learn something new.  [10:06] 2. Recruiting the best bootcamp members. We want people who will gain the most from the experience by being fully engaged and ready to do the work.  [12:09] When people pay, they pay attention. SUSCRIBED was $37.00 and Course Confident was $47.00. There was also a $97 VIP option.  [13:44] 3. It's all about the projections you make. We didn't hit our goals. If you set a goal for something you've never done, and you don't hit that goal, it's not a failure. [17:10] 4. We saw our engagement soar. People showed up and were far more invested than I've ever seen. Our overall average engagement was 65%.  [18:30] We gave people the exact action steps that they needed to do next. We offered accountability groups, and even had our DCA advisors share videos of how they put the lessons into action.  [20:41] 5. A great way to qualify people for the next step to get what they need. I extended the invitation to continue on with one of my programs for the people who were ready. Super low pressure.  [24:45] 6. Survey the bootcampers to find out what they really want. Ask people what they want their bonus training to be about (three options) and turn it into a masterclass.  [27:54] In 2021, free bootcamps converted around 5%. This year we converted at 25%. If you were in one of my bootcamps, thank you for putting your trust in me.  [29:43] Action items. Take inventory of what you're doing right now. 1. What's working? 2. What's not working? 3. Set a date to try something new. 4. Dive in and plan something brand new.   Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/5/202335 minutes, 1 second
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#531: The 4-Step Checklist I Use Before Adding Something New To Your Business

What I do to ‘check myself' when I have a shiny new idea If I had a dollar for every time I had a new idea for my business, I’d be a very rich woman. And I’ll be honest, one of the most fun (and rewarding) parts of being an entrepreneur is the opportunity to experiment and try new things.  But one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the years is that you shouldn’t always go full steam ahead on adding new offers to your business -- whether it be a course, a workshop, Live or Virtual event, or something else. It’s smart to err on the side of caution, and really evaluate whether it’s going to be something that adds value to your audience, and increases your bottom line. And here’s why: If you spin the wheels trying to make every idea that you have happen, you’re going to lose focus on something that might already be working really well. Now, there are certainly times when you should add something new to your business. I’ve done this many times. But every time I have a shiny new idea that I just can’t stop thinking about, I force myself to take a pause, and run through my simple, 4-step ‘checklist’ to make sure that it’s really something that is going to benefit my business. And guess what? I’m sharing that exact 4-step checklist with you in this episode, so you can use it whenever you find yourself in a similar situation. So grab your notebook and be sure to take notes, because what you’re about to hear could save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/3/202320 minutes, 49 seconds
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#530: Exclusive Sneak Peek: A Chapter From Two Weeks Notice (My Book!)

Listen to Two Weeks Notice; Chapter 2: Unbossing: How To Give Your Notice Picture this:  It’s a Sunday night. You’ve just enjoyed dinner, and now it’s time to relax and unwind with a glass of red and a true crime documentary on the couch.  But just as you sit down, snuggle up with a blanket and reach for the tv remote, it hits you. You know what I’m talking about.  The Sunday Scaries.  AKA, that queasy feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that shows up like clockwork because you’re dreading the work week ahead. I won’t lie, when I was working a 9 to 5 job, I got this feeling almost every week – and it was not enjoyable. I dreamt of a life where I was excited by my work and one where I wasn’t beholden to someone else’s time.  More than anything in the world, I wanted freedom. If you can relate to this at all -- and know deep in your soul that you are meant to be your own boss (and live a life where the Sunday Scaries are not even a thing) -- then this episode is for you.  Because in it, I give you a sneak peek of Chapter 2 from my book, Two Weeks Notice: Find the Courage to Quit Your Job, Make More Money, Work Where You Want, and Change the World, which is called  “Unbossing: How To Give Your Notice” – and guess what? You’re going to hear the exact steps you can take to start moving toward the entrepreneurial life of your dreams.  It’s also full chock-full of lessons I’ve learned over the years and stories from myself and my students.  So pop in those earbuds, and get ready to be inspired. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/29/202234 minutes, 2 seconds
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#529: My Favorite End-of-Year Journal Prompts Revealed (& Yours To Take!)

Create more fun (and be more intentional) in the coming year by asking yourself these questions  Journaling is a practice that has elevated my life -- and my business -- in ways that words simply can’t do justice.  On the most basic level, it helps me organize my thoughts, be more creative, and calm my racing mind, which is invaluable as an entrepreneur. If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that I’ve made journaling a part of my daily practice. But it’s also something that I carve out a little extra time for towards the end of each year.  By reflecting back on the past and then looking forward with intention, I start the new year with a fresh perspective -- and most of all – excited for what’s ahead.  In this episode, I share some of my favorite journal prompts that will help you get laser focused on what you want to make happen in the new year, and most importantly, how you can create more fun in the process. So grab a warm and toasty beverage of your choice, pop open your journal, and get ready for some reflection and intention as you plan for the year ahead. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/27/202221 minutes, 7 seconds
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#528: From My Students To Your Ears: List Growth Questions Answered

A sneak peek into my List Builders Society Monthly Q&A The number one thing that stops people in their tracks when it comes to growing their business is that they don’t have an email list.  If I could shout this from the rooftops, I would – because it’s that important.  But the thing is, trying to figure out what your audience wants, and getting to know them intimately overnight just doesn’t automatically happen -- so when it comes to growing your email list, there are usually a lot of questions.   And that’s why I’m so excited for you to listen to this episode -- because you are getting full access to one of my List Builders Society Monthly Q&A’s, which you guessed it -- is all about list building.  Let me just tell you, these questions from my students are good -- and there are probably some asked in this Q&A that haven’t even crossed your mind. So if you want to ramp up your list-building game, then pull up a Google Doc and get ready to take some notes because this episode is chock-full of tangible strategies you can implement right now to start growing your email list, and your business.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:59] One of the most important assets you can create in your business is an email list.  [06:52] If you're struggling with growing your list, ask: Are you meeting them where they are? Are you getting your lead magnet in front of your ICA enough?   [10:44] Question: Where should I host my lead magnet videos?  [11:42] Question: How many #1 welcome emails do I need?  [13:04] Question: Should I hold back content to get people to subscribe?  [18:32] Question: Should I do more than sending a weekly email?  [20:08] Question: What’st the best free way to deliver lead magnet?  [24:49] Question: Should I have more than one lead magnet?  [34:53] Question: Should I start with a digital course or a membership?  [41:59] Question: Can I build my email list in only a month?  [45:56] Question: How specific should my ICA be?  [54:10] Question: How can I re-engage my podcast audience? [55:51] Question: How do I rebrand my Facebook group? [57:59] Question: What are your tips for getting a better conversion rate? Head here to grab the list-building masterclass & goodies! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/22/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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#527: Your Task List Can Wait: Prioritize Your Mental Health First

Don’t let your task list get the best of you -- give yourself some space, and some grace Have you ever been so in the weeds with your task list that you don’t even know where to start?  I know I have, and let’s be honest -- watching your Asana tasks grow in real-time certainly isn’t a good feeling.  In fact, I recently had an experience where I became so overwhelmed by what I had on my plate, and had to ask my team for additional time on things that were already overdue.  As the captain of the ship, I won’t lie – I felt kind of bad about it. Like I was almost letting my team down for not getting them the deliverables they needed, when they needed them.  I had to take a step back, look at the situation from a 30,000 foot view, and realize that my task list does not own me.  And here’s the thing. Checking off those Asana tasks, as great as that would have made me feel, is not nearly as important as prioritizing my own mental health. I needed a little breather, and you know what? That’s 100% ok. So if you’re feeling like your task list is getting the best of you, tune in to this episode to hear how I give myself space, and grace, in super-busy times. I can assure you, by taking that little extra time for yourself when you need it, your work (and how you show up as a leader) will be that much better. Enjoy! Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:52] I was exhausted from my launch and didn't want to do the three hours of podcasts that I had scheduled.  [06:05] The work I do is important, but it's not life or death. We can make pivots and reschedule.  [07:04] If my team sees me saying that I need more space and moving things around, then they know that they can do that too.  [08:40] Using a time management tool like Asana, we can see what is planned and move things around if needed.  [10:19] Strength sometimes means showing up and being vulnerable. I know if I take a little extra time, my work will be so much better. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/20/202212 minutes, 30 seconds
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#526: How To Get Back Into Alignment When Burnout Comes Knocking: A Conversation With Mary Hyatt

Take an approach to business that partners with your heart, body, and soul, instead of adding to your task list Did you know that 92% of small business owners have experienced mental health struggles over the past two years?  Between recovering from the pandemic and the constant pressure of hustle culture, entrepreneurs all over the world are prone -- more than ever -- to burnout and depression.  I’ll be honest, there have been plenty of times throughout my entrepreneurial journey that I’ve felt totally depleted. And although it’s so tempting just to get back on the horse and keep grinding through those tough times, it’s so very important to take a pause.  Give yourself the time and space that you need, and then move forward -- because if left unaddressed, burnout can lead to some pretty serious mental health issues. That’s why I wanted to have my dear friend Mary Hyatt on the show. Mary is a holistic mindset coach who helps entrepreneurs create a life and business that lights them up from the inside, and doesn’t burn them out. She’s coached some of the top female entrepreneurs, C-Suite executives, and business owners in the country, and also has built a 7-figure business -- one that she operates from a place of grace and ease.  In this episode, Mary will share:  How to get back into alignment with your most authentic self (and your business) when you’re burnt out Why tapping into the language of the body is so important when making stressful decisions How living in true soul alignment can make a drastic impact on your business What you can do to have a life, and business that feels good This is a really great listen – so if you’re interested in learning a holistic, action-oriented approach to overcoming your burnout, then pop in your earbuds and tune in! Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:27] Mary helps women get back in touch with their emotions, body, and own internal wisdom to design a life and business they love. [09:54] Being in alignment is having structural integrity with the most true parts of who you are.  [14:19] The first step is radical honesty or admitting that you're feeling deprived in some area of your life or business.  [18:40] A coach can help you say "what if" when leaving a situation that isn't working.  [20:23] Our physical bodies are a compass that helps us orient back to wholeness. Our bodies hold 80% of the wisdom available to us.  [27:29] We all have an amazing source of wisdom and have the answers inside of ourselves.  [29:52] Embodiment work recognizing that we have other bodies like physical, emotional, and a connection to something higher than ourselves.  [32:20] Four factors of aligned action include your energetic capacity, your emotional capacity, what you value most, and the season of life that you’re in.  [39:23] Having soul alignment can make your business sustainable for the long run. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/15/202250 minutes, 47 seconds
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#525: How To Become A Master Decision Maker (& Troubleshooter)

Decision fatigue is a real thing – here’s how to move past it I’m sure you’ve heard before that one of the key characteristics of great leaders is their ability to make informed decisions quickly.  And if you’re a business owner, then you fully understand just how many decisions you need to make on a day-to-day basis.  Whether it’s a small decision -- like how you want your email signature to look, or something larger, like whether or not to hire a team -- making decisions is not always easy.  And I’ll be honest, even though I’ve honed my decision-making skills over the years, there are times where I simply just don’t want to make them. Yes, sweet friend. Decision fatigue is a very real thing, and I’ve dealt with it a lot in my business over the years.  So what do you do when you’re faced with making a decision that you just don’t feel like making -- especially when you don’t have a CEO to help guide you? And to take it one step further, does the fact that you struggle with making decisions make you inept as a leader? In this episode, I explore this – along with the three specific things I do in my own business when I’ve got to make a call on something and all I want to do is pass the buck to someone else. You’ll walk away with the tools to become a master decision maker (and troubleshooter), and make your next decision swiftly and confidently.  Enjoy!  Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:08] One of the qualities of a great leader is the ability to make informed decisions quickly, but hat happens when you're sick of making decisions? [07:46] Remind yourself that with every decision you make, you can change direction if you need to.  [10:03] Surround yourself with a few people who you trust that can help you make decisions.  [11:58] Tell yourself: I am a master decision maker. I'm also a master troubleshooter. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/13/202214 minutes, 18 seconds
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#524: How To Monetize Your Instagram (Without Changing Your Content Strategy) With Natasha Willis

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/8/202246 minutes, 5 seconds
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#523: Is Your Fear Of Success Sabotaging Your Business?

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/6/202216 minutes, 42 seconds
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#522: The Gratitude Series: Glo Atanmo

How to create time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom in your life One of the most rewarding parts of being an entrepreneur is having the ability to create freedom in all aspects of your life – and my guest on this episode, creator and educator Glo Atanmo, is doing just that.  She’s has created a life of her own design – working just a couple months out of the year, traveling the world, and making an incredible living doing what she absolutely loves.  But how? Tune in to hear how Glo has set up her life in a way that works for her, and how she prioritizes what matters most while earning a significant income.  I promise, this will leave you feeling incredibly inspired. Plus, this episode is part of our Week of Gratitude & Giving – which means that I’m giving away a GRAND PRIZE! Stick around to the end to hear how you can win: A one-year subscription to the Full Focus Planner A 6-month membership to Social Curator  A copy of my book, Two Weeks Notice  All of my Two Weeks Notice pre-order bonuses A one-year membership to GrowthDay  The Barefoot Dreams blanket  Happy listening! P.S. Thank YOU, my dear listener, for tuning in and being part of my own entrepreneurial journey. I’m grateful for you! Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:57] Glo looks at freedom in three categories: time, financial, and location.  [03:16] She’s visited 93 countries and 6 continents, and gets paid to travel as a travel blogger. [04:38] Glo has categorized her priorities, built relationships, and played the long game.  [06:56] Glo's seasonable framework: Winter is for learning new skills; Spring is for making revenue; Summer is for celebrating success; Fall is for listening to feedback, trends, and the market.  [10:08] Enter to win the grand prize by going to @AmyPorterfield on Instagram, finding the post for today's episode, and leave a comment with what you are most grateful for. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/1/202210 minutes, 54 seconds
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#521: The Gratitude Series: Yours Truly!

The journey of entrepreneurship is a trip – full of ups, downs, and unimaginable joy If I told you that five years from now, you’d be getting a text from one of your all-time favorite entrepreneurs, to make sure their launch didn’t clash with yours – would you laugh? Right now, things like… …generating seven-figure revenue …having a 25-person team …being friends with the entrepreneurs you admire… May seem improbable… even impossible. But the truth is, you don’t know what’s ahead for you. Your wildest dreams probably don’t even equate to what’s actually going to unfold.  In this episode, I offer a reminder of everything you’ve been working so hard to build - as I reflect on the highs and lows of building a wildly successful business from nothing. I remember like yesterday how hard those early years were. And if you’d told me then that I’d have what I do now (the team, the revenue, the community, and a heart full of gratitude), I’d have laughed too. As for what I’m most grateful for in entrepreneurship… You’re probably experiencing it right now. And in this special episode, I hope you’ll realize that this experience is what will make you.  And don’t forget, this episode is part of our Week of Gratitude & Giving – and you know what that means – I’m giving away a GRAND PRIZE. It includes:  A one-year subscription to the Full Focus Planner A 6-month membership to Social Curator  A copy of my book, Two Weeks Notice  All of my Two Weeks Notice pre-order bonuses A one-year membership to GrowthDay  The Barefoot Dreams blanket  Listen to the very end to hear how to enter. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/30/202215 minutes, 39 seconds
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#520: The Gratitude Series: Jasmine Star

Jasmine Star opens up about the friendships she’s truly grateful for in this heartwarming episode There are so many things to be grateful for as an entrepreneur -- the opportunity to do what you love, work from anywhere, and call all of the shots, just to name a few. But one thing on the list that often gets overlooked are those incredible friendships with other entrepreneurs that you create along your journey. It’s those entrepreneurial friends who can help you through the tough times in ways that other supportive people in your life simply can’t – not because they don’t want to, but because they don’t know exactly what you’re going through.  For me, Jasmine Star has been one of those friends. She’s been with me for the ups, the downs, and everything in between. And I’m there for her, too. I won’t lie, what Jasmine shares in this episode brought me to tears. I was reminded of how grateful I am for her friendship, and also that I’m able to show up in a way that makes an impact on her, too. This very special episode is part of our Week of Gratitude & Giving – and you know what that means – I’m giving away a GRAND PRIZE. It includes:  A one year subscription to the Full Focus Planner A 6 month membership to Social Curator  A copy of my book, Two Weeks Notice  All of my Two Weeks Notice pre-order bonuses A  one year membership to GrowthDay  The Barefoot Dreams blanket  Listen to the very end to hear how to enter. Enjoy! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/29/20227 minutes, 48 seconds
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#519: The Gratitude Series: Anthony Trucks

How to set your scale, build a life that you want, and practice gratitude In this very special episode, you’ll hear from Anthony Trucks – a former NFL Athlete, American Ninja Warrior on NBC, speaker, podcast host and founder of Identity Shift coaching.  As a foster kid raised in poverty, life was incredibly difficult for Anthony growing up. But after experiencing setback after setback, he learned how to transform his obstacles into achievements and completely shifted his identity. Anthony shares his incredible story of growth, the impact entrepreneurship has had on him, and steps you can take to create a life that’s intentional. And guess what? This is the first day of our Week of Gratitude & Giving – and as part of it, I’m giving away a GRAND PRIZE! It includes:  A one-year subscription to the Full Focus Planner A 6-month membership to Social Curator  A copy of my book, Two Weeks Notice  All of my Two Weeks Notice pre-order bonuses A 6-month membership to GrowthDay  The Barefoot Dreams blanket  Stick around to the end of the episode to hear how to enter. And as always, thank YOU, my dear listener, for tuning in and being part of this entrepreneurial journey.  Enjoy!  Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:08] We are kicking off our Week of Gratitude & Giving. Each day this week, I'm releasing a very special clip from some of my entrepreneurial friends.  [04:48] I'm giving away a grand prize that includes a one-year subscription to the Full Focus Planner, a 6 month membership to Social Curator, a signed copy Two Weeks Notice and all of the bonuses, a membership to GrowthDay and a Barefoot Dreams Blanket.  [06:11] Each episode has a new way of entering which you’ll hear at the end of each episode. The more you participate the more entries you get.  [07:15] Anthony Trucks is a former NFL player and American Ninja Warrior. He now teaches people how to make identity shifts happen.  [09:20] Identity is a big piece of who we see ourselves to be, and you can always shift who we see ourselves to be.  [12:16] Entrepreneurship is what changed Anthony's life. He set it up in a way to provide value, which allowed him to upgrade his identity. [15:03] In his new identity, Anthony sets his own scale, schedules time to meet that scale’s level, and isn’t afraid to do the ‘dark work’ that allows him to shine. [17:08] Enter the giveaway today with a snapshot of this episode. Share it to your Instagram story and tag @AmyPorterfield with what you're grateful for. Use the hashtag #OMMEGratitude. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/28/202218 minutes, 34 seconds
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#518: Sweeten the Deal: How To Create a Bonus Package That Gets Your Audience to Buy

>> Head here to grab the bonus that goes hand-in-hand with this episode: 5 Real-Life Course Bonus Examples To Inspire You Everything you need to know about course offered bonuses When I was a kid, every once in a while my mom would let my sister and I buy a sugary cereal. You know the ones from back in the day -- Cap’n Crunch, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Fruit Loops… the list goes on! It was a really special treat to get these cereals, not only because they were oh-so-good (and totally unhealthy) but also because there was a really cool prize at the bottom of the box.  The whole way home from the grocery store, all my sister and I could talk about was what the prize was going to be, and all the important details about how it would go down the next morning when we opened the box. This little “bonus” in the bottom of the cereal box got us so excited to eat breakfast the next morning that we could hardly wait for it! And when I think back on this memory as an adult, I’ve realized that this is actually how I look at course offered bonuses -- and how they not only create urgency around buying your product, but provide a ton of value to your audience.  In fact, with every course bonus that I create, it’s my goal for my students to anticipate just how good it’s going to be, and cannot wait to get their hands on it.  And that, my friend, is what this episode is all about. In it, you’ll learn: How many bonuses you should include with your offer What content you can should use for your bonus package What to include in your bonus that will make it extremely enticing The different types of bonuses and how you can include them in your offer How to put a value on your bonus Plus, to help inspire you when you start creating your own bonuses, I’ve created a free resource that includes 5 amazing bonuses from my students.  This episode is jam-packed with valuable information, so be sure to have a pen and paper handy to take notes. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/23/202231 minutes, 39 seconds
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#517: When To Give Up Or See It Through When Something Fails In Your Business

What to do when you start to wonder “Am I really good enough?” Have you ever wondered “Am I good enough?” when something hasn’t gone exactly according to plan in your business?  I know I have.  Recently, I’ve been questioning if I have what it takes to be ok TikTok. I’ve invested a ton of time and energy into the platform and I’m just not picking up steam like I had hoped when I originally committed to it.  This isn’t the first time I’ve doubted myself when it comes to doing something in my business, and believe me, there are plenty of things I’ve attempted before that have gone completely sideways.  And what I’ve learned through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship is that sometimes things simply don’t work out. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad business owner, or you don’t have the chops to be successful, or that you should automatically give up. No, sweet friend. You’ve got to give yourself some grace, and remind yourself that you are good enough -- period. And if you decide that it’s the best decision to throw in the towel, that’s ok too. Not everything is going to be a ‘Win.’ And that’s why I wanted to record this episode for you -- so you can hear firsthand that you’re not alone, and also what I remind myself when those low level feelings start to creep in. Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:11] Being authentic matters, even if the platform isn't for you or the other way around. Some things don't work out, even when you pour time and energy into them. [08:49] If you're committed to something and say you're going to do it for a certain amount of time, remove the option to not show up. [10:21] You can quit if things are no longer serving you or bringing you joy, but don't quit if you're just fearful that it's just not going to work.  [12:26] I know I'm good enough, even if my audience on TikTok isn't there yet. I'm going to stick it out, and I'm growing because of it. Remember to remind yourself that you’re good enough!  [14:21] Not everything you do in your business will be a win nor does it even have to be. Being an entrepreneur means that you're not always going to hit home runs. [15:58] Everything I do is to help other people realize freedom. That might not look like a hundred thousand TikTok followers and that's okay. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/22/202219 minutes, 2 seconds
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#516: 72% Of Entrepreneurs Struggle With Mental Health: Proven Ways To Deal With This with Lori Gottlieb

A renowned psychotherapist shares how to navigate the most difficult parts of being a business owner I wholeheartedly believe that entrepreneurship can be one of the best gifts you can give yourself. It can bring you freedom to design your life the way that you want to, all while doing something that you love.  But as you probably already know, if not managed well, the stress of being a business owner can really take a toll on you. On the daily, entrepreneurs deal with things like decision fatigue, loneliness, and burnout. In fact, I recently read an alarming statistic that 72% of entrepreneurs struggle with mental health, and I’ll be honest -- that number feels far too high, and a little close to home!  It’s one of my goals to bring more awareness to this issue that affects so many people in business, and that’s why I invited Lori Gottlieb to be a guest on the show. Lori is a renowned psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, which now has a journal to go along with it. (Listen to find out how to get a chance to win one of these!)  In addition to her clinical practice, she is co-host of the popular Dear Therapists podcast, and writes The Atlantic’s weekly Dear Therapist advice column.  In this important conversation, Lori shares how to: Find balance between vulnerability and being viewed as an expert Lean on your own intuition more when making stressful decisions  Tap into more acceptance and enjoyment when things change, versus fear  Navigate loneliness as an entrepreneur Plus much, much more!  I’ll go ahead and call it right here -- this episode is going to be a fan-favorite. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/17/202236 minutes, 29 seconds
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#515: Behind-the-Scenes Of My Latest DCA Launch: The Highs, Lows, & Magical Moments

How we got scrappy, rallied together, and did something we’ve never done before in the history of my business If you’ve ever been through a digital course launch, you know that it’s usually an ‘all hands on deck’ sort of situation.  Things are happening fast. You’re making split-second decisions. And whether you’ve got a team of two or 20, everybody is in the trenches with you.  I’ve been through more course launches than I can count on two hands, and as much prep as my team and I do to make sure everything goes smoothly, there’s always a few things that don’t go according to plan.  But guess what? Those little hiccups -- where you’re forced to get creative (and a little scrappy) -- are what create the magic. Not only do you learn a ton in the process of troubleshooting, but there’s a really incredible energy and camaraderie that’s created amongst the team.  In this episode, my Director of Customer Experience, Josh, joins me for a behind-the-scenes recap of our September 2022 Digital Course Academy launch -- our largest launch of the year. You’ll get an honest look at our best moments, our toughest moments, the magical ones, and everything in between. Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:30] We got a flood of emails during our launch. Josh and his team answered over 7,000 emails in 9 days. [05:32] The customer experience department also fielded over 600 concierge phone calls.  [09:16] We got scrappy, and everybody jumped in to help. We created a support schedule and had ‘power hours.’  [12:39] You’ve got to make answering emails a priority, otherwise you’re leaving money on the table. [14:02] During a launch, it’s important to have people around you that will give you pep talks to help change your mindset when things get stressful. [18:57] When you need to close a gap, I recommend that you DSD, or do something different.  [22:07] It's okay to pivot during a launch when you see a need. Trying new things and experimenting is always a great thing. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/15/202223 minutes, 52 seconds
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#514: An Honest (& Vulnerable) Conversation About Divorce, Break-Ups, & Transitions As An Entrepreneur (with Meghan Linsey and Patrice Washington)

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/10/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 8 seconds
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#513: Are Unhealthy Attachments Stalling Your Business, Success, & Revenue?

Einstein said it best: You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The book The Gap & The Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy has been an absolute game changer for my business -- so much, in fact, that I’ve dedicated two episodes to exploring its concepts.  The first episode, which I highly recommend you listen to, is all about the importance of being grateful for how much you’ve accomplished (The Gain), as opposed to focusing on what you haven’t (The Gap). You can check it out here.  But in this episode, sweet friend, I dive into another major theme of the book: Unhealthy attachments.  You’ve likely heard about unhealthy attachments when it comes to romantic relationships, but you don’t hear much about them when it comes to growing your business.  It’s really important to be aware of as an entrepreneur, because holding on to something if it’s not working -- a goal, product, employee, etc. – can be counterproductive to scaling and growth. I know I’ve had unhealthy attachments to certain parts of my business in the past, and you’ll hear about how I unraveled some of them in this episode. You’ll also have an opportunity to analyze your own business -- what’s working, what’s not, and how to let go of what isn’t serving you. I hope you find these concepts as fascinating and enlightening as I do. Enjoy! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/8/202221 minutes, 7 seconds
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Your Exclusive Invite to My Book Launch Squad: Will You Help Me Spread the Word?

TO MY STUDENTS + PODCAST LISTENERS WHO WANT TO HELP MORE PEOPLE FIND FREEDOM & FULFILLMENT THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP  >> Join me here! Ready to Give Your Community the Keys to Freedom from their 9-5’s? There’s a Spot On the Two Weeks Notice Book Launch Team with YOUR Name On It Come Behind-the Scenes with Me and Help Share a Message with the Potential to Change Thousands of Lives:  “You Were Made for More” (+ Get Access to an Advance Copy of My New Book, an Invite-Only Mastermind, Special Workshop with Amy, and More — All for Free!)  When You Say “Yes!” to this Exclusive Invite and Join Me on the Two Weeks Notice Book Launch Team, You’ll Receive:  A FREE Advance Copy of Two Weeks Notice Access to ALL Pre-Order Bonuses  An Exclusive Mastermind + Q&A with Yours Truly The Launch Team Handbook A Workshop to Plan Your Promos Like a Pro Podcast Interview Opportunities Access to Our Incredible #LaunchSquad Community Want in? Join me here!
11/7/20229 minutes, 51 seconds
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#512: Master Your Inner Critic & Build A Thriving Business With Melissa Ambrosini

How to harness your inner mean girl and fall in love with the person looking at you in the mirror If re-learning to love yourself, knocking your business goals out of the park, and mastering work-life integration sounds good to you, then you’re going to want to hear this episode with my guest Melissa Ambrosini.  She’s a multiple bestselling author, keynote and TEDx speaker, #1 podcast host, and queen of mastering your Mean Girl. Oh, and she’s also been coined a “Self-help Guru” by Elle Magazine… no big deal.  I loved this conversation with Melissa because it’s filled with tangible, heart-felt honesty -- which, let’s be real, we can all use -- especially when we let social media get the best of us and start to compare our lives and businesses to others’. She opens up about her own journey of hitting rock bottom, taking radical responsibility for her health and happiness, and going on to start a business that truly lights her up. We also talk about something that is so important to do as female entrepreneurs -- which is taking control of that negative, fear-based voice inside your head saying you can’t do something -- whether it’s starting that digital course you’ve always wanted to, hiring your first employee, or going Live for the first time. I think you’ll find this to be an incredibly inspiring episode, so if you’re ready, grab a hot, spiced beverage of your choice and press play! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/3/202241 minutes, 21 seconds
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#511: Are You Living In The Gap? Or The Gain?

Instead of measuring what you’ve missed, measure how far you’ve come If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about the book The Gap & The Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy.  I won’t lie, this book has had a profound impact on my business, because it’s rewired the way I think about success and achievement.  In fact, for most of my career, I’ve held myself to a really rigid set of goals -- and if I didn’t meet them, I’d beat myself up over it.  Instead of focusing on all that I did accomplish, I’d zero in on how far off I was from reaching my goal. This, sweet friend, is called living in The Gap, and it’s fairly common with high achievers and entrepreneurs. It's a really terrible place to hang out, because no matter how much you accomplish, there will always be a moving target that’s out of reach. The Gain is a much better place to live. So, what is The Gain? Well, it’s all about feeling grateful for the progress you do make, which in turn drives motivation, confidence, and future success. *Gasp!* That’s right, I said future success! I’m so much happier now that I’m living in The Gain. Yes, I can acknowledge that I didn’t meet my goals, and yes, I can brainstorm ways to improve -- but I’ll tell ‘ya – having appreciation for how far I’ve come makes a big difference in my quality of life overall. In this episode, you’ll hear more about the concept of The Gap and The Gain, why living in The Gain can absolutely change your life for the better, and steps you can take to get there. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/1/202219 minutes, 31 seconds
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#510: Follow This Simple Payment Recovery Process To Boost Your Revenue

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/27/202232 minutes, 48 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: A Simple Way To Use A Quiz As An Effective Marketing Strategy

I love quizzes! Let's be honest - who doesn't? So why wouldn't you want to use it as a marketing strategy to nurture and engage with your audience?  In this short clip, I take you behind-the-scenes and share how we used a quiz as a lead magnet to grow our podcast. You can use this easy strategy for any marketing initiative! Tune in to learn how we used it, and start to plan out how you might use a quiz, as well! For the full episode, check out Episode #462: 8 Simple But Powerful Strategies I Used To Hit 1 Million Podcast Downloads.
10/26/20225 minutes, 26 seconds
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#509: How To Know When To Quit

Work will always be there, so make time for experiences that truly light you up Having passion for your business is a good thing. Afterall, your excitement and enthusiasm is quite literally the fuel that keeps the wheels in motion, and gets you through hard times. But whether you’re new to the entrepreneurial game or have already found success, there may come a time when you get so wrapped up in your business that everything else in your life falls to the wayside.  Maybe you stop hanging out with your friends, taking vacations, or spending time doing the things that you love or exploring new hobbies outside of work. Or, if you’re like me, maybe you come to the stark -- and somewhat embarrassing – realization that without your business, you’re not even sure who you are. You don’t have any hobbies to talk about, and can’t remember the last time you did something ‘just for fun.’ In fact, during my five-week sabbatical, I became acutely aware that the core of my being -- my entire identity -- is almost solely tied to the success of my business.  The whole experience gave me a reality check that left me feeling a bit sad and empty. Of course my business brings me joy -- but it’s important that I have other things, outside of work, that make me happy and give me purpose. In this episode, I uncover how I’m making room in my life for those moments and experiences that light me up, outside of Amy Porterfield, Inc. And I won’t lie -- taking the time to do fun things when I feel like I have a million plates spinning in the air can be tough… but I know deep down that it’s worth it.  So if you have ever been asked the question, “What do you do for fun?” and have had a hard time coming up with an answer, this episode is for you.  Happy listening! P.S.- If you want to hear more about the many realizations I had during my sabbatical, check out episode #478: 5 Weeks Unplugged: Lessons From My Sabbatical. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/25/202228 minutes, 37 seconds
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#508: 3 Unexpected Ways A Subscription Box Could Boost Your Online Business Revenue With Julie Ball

How adding a subscription box to your online business can be a game-changer for your bottom line Have you ever thought about adding a subscription box to your business?  If you haven’t, I definitely encourage you to consider it! Not only can a subscription box be a game-changer for your bottom line, but it can also be a great add-on benefit to support your audience even further. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “But Amy, I’ve got enough on my plate with my business already… and this just sounds complicated.”  But here’s the thing. Adding a subscription box to your existing business is actually really simple to execute -- and my guest on this episode, Julie Ball, is going to share exactly how to do it. Julie founded and recently sold Sparkle Hustle Grow, a monthly subscription and online community for female entrepreneurs. As a subscription box business coach, she teaches aspiring subscription box business owners how to turn their ideas into reality.  In this episode, she shares why you might want to consider adding a subscription box to your digital course or online business, plus:  How to decide what the focus of your subscription box should be What you need to know about the subscription box industry Her step-by-step process on how to get started with your subscription box Three ways you can incorporate a subscription box into your existing business This was a really enlightening conversation, and I’m excited for you to hear it! Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:51] Julie left her corporate career in 2011 and launched her subscription box business in 2016. She replaced her full-time income in nine months.  [11:54] She had the subscription box business for six years and then sold it. [12:37] Julie shares three simple ways to add a subscription box to an existing business. [18:32] There are five simple steps to get started with your subscription box business. [24:06] Buy your products in bulk or wholesale. The manufacturer price should be about 50% of retail price. [30:03] The first and last days of the sales cycle (the 1st and 30th) are important. Renewal day is in the middle of the sales cycle (the 15th). Shipping day is a couple days after closing out the sales cycle. [33:21] About 95% of subscribers renew, so each monthly "launch" doesn't feel as heavy. Having a community helped prevent churn.  [36:08] A welcome box is a one-time product. You send it at the onset of a program. It’s perfect for courses, affiliate programs, or summits.  [39:54] It’s important to get clear on what your version of success is.  [41:20] She had a dream life session with her family, and it became clear that it was time to sell the business. It sold in 94 days for multiple six figures.  [47:18] Julie's next season is all about focusing on her family and doubling down on subscription box coaching.  [49:35] The biggest successes for Julie were being able to leave her corporate job, replace her husband's income, and sell her business. [53:10] Amy's biggest takeaway: Research the marketplace and pitch Two Weeks Notice to be in subscription boxes. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/20/202254 minutes, 24 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: How Your Eulogy Can Help You Live A Purposeful Life

In this episode, Donald Miller shares the power of writing your eulogy and reading it every day. This is a transformational practice that can help to guide our daily actions and ensure we are living a purposeful life.  To listen to the full episode, check out Episode #415: Eulogies, Sales Funnels, & What They Won’t Tell You In Business School with Donald Miller.
10/19/20224 minutes, 59 seconds
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#507: 9 to 5 Burnout: Is It Time To Make A Change?

Hustle culture tells you that burnout is normal, but I’m here to tell you it’s no way to live It’s a Sunday night. The kids are in bed, and you’re about to relax and unwind with a glass of Pinot and a true crime documentary on Netflix.  But just as you sit down on the couch and turn on the tv, you get this uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach…. You know the one. Enter: The Sunday Scaries -- an unavoidable mix of nervousness and dread about your week ahead. All of the sudden, your mind becomes completely consumed by the thought of how much you don’t want to dive into work in the morning.  Whether you’re anxious about what you have on your plate, a big meeting with higher-ups, or how you’re going to have to sit through six straight hours of Zoom meetings and pretend to be invested, this unsettling feeling week after week is a big indicator that you’re burnt out from your job. Unfortunately, our culture has become so obsessed with ‘hustling’ and the constant grind, that the Sunday Scaries -- along with other work stress and anxiety -- start to feel normal after a while.  But I’m here to tell you that this is not normal -- and because we spend so much of our lives working, it’s really important that you don’t dread showing up at your job every day. In this episode, I uncover four telltale signs of burnout that you might not even realize you’re experiencing, plus incremental changes you can make to improve your work life.  So pop in your Airpods, grab a hot beverage and tune in -- especially if you’ve ever experienced the Sunday Scaries. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/18/202212 minutes, 36 seconds
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#506: Becoming An Expert: How To Position Yourself As An Authority in Your Field

Grab your freebie for this episode here! You don’t have to go back to school or have a million followers on Instagram to be the go-to resource in your industry Positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your industry can be a game-changer for your business. Not only does it help you gain exposure, but it also helps you create and build trust with your audience, which is extremely important. But in such a competitive digital marketplace, how on Earth do you go about doing that? Sure, you’re super knowledgeable about what you do, but you wouldn’t really consider yourself to be an expert. The good news is, you don’t need to go back to school and get an advanced degree, write a book, or have a million followers on Instagram in order to be viewed as a master in your area of business. All it takes is getting clear on the unique value you bring to the marketplace, articulating it really well, and knowing just a little bit more than your ideal audience in your specific niche. 10 percent more, to be exact! This isn’t something that happens overnight. In fact, it took me several years to nail down ‘what my thing is’ and how I provide value to my audience (much more on that in the episode).  That’s why it’s important to do the work upfront, early on in your business journey, so you can be viewed as an expert from the get-go. And don’t fret -- if you already have an established business, what you’re about to learn can help you pivot so that you’re seen as that #1 go-to resource even more. In this episode, you will:  Go through a self-reflection exercise that will help you define what your unique “thing” is Get super clear on the value that you offer to others, and learn how to clearly articulate it to your audience Hear how I define my “thing” today, versus when I was starting out Learn tangible ways to become an expert in your specific area of business Take away strategies on how to position yourself as a go-to authority in your field Just a heads up -- because you’ll be doing some writing exercises, you’ll want a pen and notebook handy. I also recommend you listen to this in a place that’s free of distractions if you want to get the most out of it. Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:05] You need to be an expert. You only need a 10% edge, or to have 10% more knowledge than your ideal customer. [05:29] Don't be discouraged if you aren't 100% sure what you want to be an expert in.  [06:48] It's taken time to identify what my value is, and how to communicate it to my audience. [10:08] Self-reflection exercise: Defining Your Thing [13:19] Become the go-to expert by tapping into learning resources that are available to you, like digital coursees, YouTube videos, podcasts, and books. [15:45] Make time in your schedule to learn, and don’t forget to put it in your calendar. [16:27] Some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs in the world contribute their success to reading. Study and stay in the know in your area of business. [20:42] Create valuable content around your expertise, like blog posts, videos, e-books, social media posts, and emails. [25:09] A great way to have a lot of content in your arsenal is to repurpose content into multiple formats.  [26:30] Pitch yourself as an expert to publications and other media, but be sure to do your research on them first. [29:21] Testimonials are a big piece of what establishes you as an expert, but you have to encourage success stories from your audience in order to get them. [31:54] Action items Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/13/202233 minutes, 24 seconds
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#505: The Beauty Of Finding Purpose Outside Of Work

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/11/202219 minutes, 55 seconds
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{SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT} My Book Is Available For Pre-Order!

Have you ever finally crossed the finish line on something so BIG you can barely believe it’s happening? Words alone can’t do justice to how grateful and excited I am to share this with you.  I WROTE A BOOK!!! It’s everything I *wish* I’d had when I left my corporate job to begin my entrepreneurial journey. Most importantly – this is for anyone with the courage to put one foot in front of the other in the direction of a big dream.  My aim with this book is to provide guidance, proven strategies, inspiring stories, and a full-blown step-by-step game plan to make building a successful business a whole lot more doable. I can’t thank you enough and I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on what’s between these pages.  Your support means the world to me, [NAME]. Thank you for being here on this journey with me.  Want to get your copy of Two Weeks Notice as soon as it hits the shelves (IRL and virtual)?! Pre-order right here and you’ll also get access to a collection of bonuses so good they’re worth paying for in addition to a copy of the book as soon as it’s available February 21, 2023.
10/10/20229 minutes, 5 seconds
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#504: Understanding and Using Stocks to Support Your Entrepreneurial Journey with Teri Ijeoma

Here’s a glance at this episode...   Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/6/202248 minutes, 33 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: An Entrepreneurs Checklist For Organizing An Affordable & Fun Photoshoot

Thinking about planning your next photoshoot? Or maybe even your first?  Let it be fun and easy with this simple checklist of important things you'll want to consider and communicate with your photographer! Trust me, I've done dozens of photoshoots, and getting clear on these things ahead of time, always makes the day of the shoot run seamlessly! You can check out the entire episode from this clip (and grab the free resource) here!
10/5/20226 minutes, 28 seconds
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#503: The Do’s & Don’ts Of Hiring

From making your first hire to expanding your team, here’s what you need to know Your business is your baby. You nurture it, love it, and put a ton of time and energy into its growth. It’s no wonder that the thought of hiring your first employee (or expanding your team even more) makes you a little bit nervous. Not only can it be hard to let go of certain pieces of your business, but making a financial investment in someone else -- without a guarantee that they are going to add value -- can be pretty scary.  Believe me, I’ve been there. It took me six years to make my first full-time hire because I was so afraid of giving up control – and let’s be real, I wasn’t exactly 100% sure of how I was going to pay the rent if she did not perform in the way that I needed her to. And yes, I’m talking about Chloe! ;)  Luckily, Chloe added major value to my business immediately, and since bringing her on seven years ago I’ve expanded my team to over 20 people. In the process I’ve learned a TON about hiring and assembling a crew of talented people that work together like a well-oiled machine. I’ve gotten a lot of things right, just as many of them wrong, and in this episode I’m going to share them all with you.  Tune in to hear: When the best time is to hire your first employee The one crucial role you should hire for first What I learned from my very first hiring blitz How to ensure that your new hire is a good fit  So if you have ever been curious about the hiring process, or think you might be ready to make your first full-time hire, go someplace you can focus and press play on this episode! Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:04] Waiting far too long for my first full-time hire. I struggled for a year and a half before hiring Chloe full-time. The lesson? Hire before you think you are ready. [06:31] Hire someone who is going to help you with traffic. As in, someone to help drive traffic to your business and will help you to convert.  [08:39] Virtual assistants give you space to think. They can help with social media, support, communication, proofreading, and more! [13:16] Hire one person at a time and give them 90 full days to learn what they need to learn. We have 30,60, and 90 day tasks and goals for new hires. [15:39] We do have an understanding that anytime during the first 90 days if the person isn't a great fit, we will let them know. It doesn't happen often, but it's an option. By hiring one person at a time that person also gets a lot more support.  [16:22] The best way to learn what works for you is to start hiring and see what works. Take action! [16:39] Don't wait too long to hire. Hire before you think you're ready. Hire early on and find someone who can help with traffic and conversions. Do hire one person at a time. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/4/202219 minutes, 27 seconds
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#502: Personality Types Of A Digital Course Student + 5 Ways To Get To The Finish Line

Knowing your personality type can help you confidently move through a digital course Have you ever purchased a digital course, and later felt guilty for one of these reasons? It took you longer than expected to complete the course You had great momentum in the beginning, but then gave up halfway through You never even started the course You bought it and then forgot that you had it If you answered “yes”, then read on, sweet friend, because I’m here to tell you that you should NOT feel guilty about any of those things – and here’s why: Number one: there is no right or wrong way to take a digital course. In fact, over the past 13 years in this industry, I’ve observed five personality types that move through digital courses in very different ways. Some of these personality types complete a course rather quickly, while others can take years. The point is, they all get through it and take action with their newfound knowledge. Number two: Just because you purchased a course and didn’t finish it (or heck, maybe you didn’t even start it), does not mean that you shouldn’t consider taking another one. Believe me, I know what it’s like to feel as if you’ve wasted money on something. But I also know what it’s like to have a digital course completely change your life, and everything about your business. That’s why I encourage you to stop feeling guilty about the past, and give digital courses another chance – because with the right action plan, you can get through it. If you do, chances are it’ll open up a whole new realm of possibilities in your business. In this episode, you’ll hear from some of my Digital Course Academy students who share what personality type they are, what it was like going through the course the way they did, and what they found along the way.  And for those of you who are caught in an endless shame spiral -- don’t fret, because you’ll take away five strategies to ensure that you successfully work through your next digital course in a way that works with your life.  So if you’re ready to let go of your guilt and rock your next digital course, then pop in your earbuds and tune in! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/29/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 17 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: An Effective Strategy For Creating Binge-Worthy Content

Ready to learn exactly what your audience wants to hear and learn? Make content creation with this simple strategy that connects you directly with your audience members and hear (from their mouths) what content topics would peak their interest the most.  This strategy is simple and great for entrepreneurs of all kinds! Enjoy!
9/28/20223 minutes, 33 seconds
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#501: How To Identify What’s Important & Let Go Of What’s Not

5 questions to help you get really clear on what you want Getting clear on what you want as a business owner sounds like it would be easy, but in reality, it can be pretty tough – especially if you’re a one-woman show in the early stages of business. I get it. When I first went off on my own, I felt the need to say ‘yes’ to everything because I didn’t want to leave any opportunities on the table. I had no idea where to spend my time or focus because everything felt equally important.  But let me tell you, sweet friend -- giving your time and energy to things that do not serve you is a one-way ticket to some serious overwhelm.  That’s why it’s so important to get really crystal clear on what you want now, so you don’t end up spinning your wheels on things that don’t bring value to your life or business. In this episode, I revisit a conversation I had with my dear friend and mentor, Marie Forleo, who’s done a lot of work in her own life to get laser-focused on what’s important, eliminate overwhelm, and manage her time like a boss. You’ll hear the two mantras that Marie lives by, as well as a series of questions that you can ask yourself to help identify what’s important and let go of what’s not. Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:01] When you know what's important, you can ignore what's not.  [06:07] Ask yourself: What do I want? Journal about what you want. Start writing whatever comes to you.  [06:54] Then ask: What do I want in the next 365 days? Journal this too.  [07:01] The final prompt is: What do I want in the next six months? Doing this exercise will create clarity. [08:26] Make an effort to say no to what is not going to serve you. This is one of the hardest lessons I've learned. [09:17] What are the top three to five projects that you need to focus on? No more than five. If you're a one-person show, no more than three. What do you need to let go of in this season to focus on what's most important. [13:20] “I don't do overwhelm.” Saying that you are overwhelmed does not serve you.  [16:42] When you're overwhelmed, confused, or stressed, put your head down and think what can I do to move forward in the direction that I want to move, and things will start to make more sense. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/27/202222 minutes, 9 seconds
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#500: Why Time Stress Is Crippling Your Success with Marie Forleo

How to go from being stressed about time to a time genius  Have you ever felt like no matter how many hours you put into your business, you’re just not doing enough?  You’re hustling from the beginning of your day until the very end, but despite the fact that you’re running on empty, you still feel like you’ve got to do more.  If this sounds familiar, you sweet friend, are not alone.  You’ve fallen into what my guest in this episode, Marie Forleo, calls the time stress trap, which is the belief that if you're not producing 24/7, you don't want your dreams bad enough. This, my friend, is extremely toxic -- and unfortunately as business owners, we are conditioned to believe that we’ve got to be going non-stop in order to achieve any sort of success.  I know I’ve been there before, and so has Marie -- who once became so paralyzed by her own time stress that her body started to shut down.  In this episode, Marie tells her story of overcoming time stress, and shares specific strategies that you can use to find freedom and spaciousness in your schedule. How to become a master prioritizer and better manage your time Ways to stay grounded and focused during your busiest times Different mantras to support you when things get really stressful … And so much more. So if you ever feel like you’ve been on the toxic time treadmill, pause -- take a deep breath -- and listen to this episode. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/22/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: The 10-Year Test That Will Change Everything

Will you regret not going after this idea or goal in 10 years?  That's a big question to ask yourself when you're making a decision, and we're going to dive into it today. This is called the 10-year test, and on today's Wisdom Wednesday, Marie Forleo is sharing the power of this test and how you can use it in your own life and business. 
9/21/20225 minutes, 14 seconds
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#499: TikTok Intimidates Me, So I’ve Decided To Do It My Way

After 2 years of being almost radio silent on TikTok, I’m giving it another go If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that being in front of the camera has always been a challenge for me. It feels like there’s so much pressure to be ‘on,’ and being the perfectionist that I am, I often struggle being 100% satisfied with the content I record. So imagine how I felt in 2020 when TikTok absolutely exploded in the United States.  Yes, I was excited to have a new platform that offered a HUGE opportunity to grow and nurture an audience. And yes, I was also loving the fun, fresh and exciting content. But… I’ve got to be honest. It just wasn’t a place that I wanted to show up -- literally and figuratively -- for a multitude of reasons. I can probably count on one hand the number of TikToks I’ve made over the past two years.  Fast forward to today, and I’ve recommitted myself to the social media platform that has taken the world by storm -- and the good news is, I’m in a much better place this time around. But here’s the thing. I’m going to do TikTok my way because a) it has to work with my life, and b) if you commit to showing up, you’ve got to show up authentically if you want an audience that sticks with you for the long haul. In other words, you won’t see me dancing -- but you WILL see a more casual, less ‘prepared’ version of me. ;)  I hope that by listening to this episode, you’ll be encouraged to do something that might scare you a little bit, but also excites you. Like I always say, getting outside of your comfort zone and doing something different is absolutely key if you want to grow your business. So if you’re in need of a little nudge, tune into this episode (and be sure to check me out on TikTok!) P.S. I’m giving away a FREE set of Airpods, so if you’re in the market for some fresh new ear gear, stay tuned until the very end to hear how to enter. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/20/202216 minutes, 49 seconds
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#498: How She Generated $41,000 From Her List of 937: A Launch Success Story with Rachel Gainsbrugh

A pharmacist turned entrepreneur shares her journey to ditching the golden handcuffs If you have a 9 to 5 and you’ve been thinking about leaving it to start your own business, chances are you have some fear around taking the leap -- especially if you are in a profession that compensates you well, financially or otherwise. I can totally relate to that, because just over 13 years ago I was in a similar place. I was working full-time for Tony Robbins, in a position that so many people would have loved to have. I had a great salary, benefits, and the opportunity to travel the world.  From the outside looking in, my job looked like a dream -- but I was tired of working long hours and time away from my loved ones, being stressed about someone else’s business, and I knew there was much more out there for me as a business owner.  Once I made the decision to do my own thing, I quit my job and never looked back -- but in all honesty, arriving at that point wasn’t easy.  Employers often make jobs really hard to leave, especially if you are highly paid, or work for a company that offers really great perks – like yoga classes throughout the day or heck, I’ve even heard of some offices that have a beer tap in the break room.  These are all really great things, but what these businesses don’t offer is freedom. They’ve got you locked in golden handcuffs, and they’ve got the key. In this interview, I talk to my student, Rachel Gainsbrugh, who built up the courage to ditch her cushy job as a pharmacist to pursue her dream of being an entrepreneur.  And guess what? She made over $40,000 in her very first launch, and went on to 3X her pharmacist salary. Yes, you read that right. She tripled her salary after she left her pharmacist career.  So if you’re afraid of giving up the golden handcuffs, tune in to this episode because Rachel’s story is a very inspiring one. In it, you’ll hear: Rachel’s advice on how to make the leap into entrepreneurship A breakdown of her first launch that generated $41,000  The unique launch strategies she used that I think are sheer genius The hard lessons she’s learned along the way Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:06] Rachel is a pharmacist who ventured into real estate. She now teaches busy medical professionals how to ditch the burnout by creating their very own luxury short-term rentals. [07:11] There's stress, long hours, being on your feet, and issues with the opioid epidemic that make being a pharmacist a tough job. Rachel stepped away to have more freedom and say how she spent her time. [08:42] Rachel was laid off during the pandemic. She really doubled down on her course and surpassed her annual salary. Her mantra was free in 23, but she ended up achieving this in 2022.  [12:51] Rachel was on the fence about joining DCA. Other pharmacists were asking her about real estate, and she realized it could be a course. She took the free masterclass and all of her objections for signing up were answered.  [14:33] The financial part was keeping her on the fence, but there was a 30-day guarantee. She ended up staying and being a part of DCA.  [18:40] Rachel shares her aha moment. She asked a Facebook Group if anyone wanted to sign up for her $797.00 program. The price was right based on feedback. Ten people signed up! [22:30] Her first launch was in October of 2021. She grossed $41,000. She also raised her price to $3,200. Her accountability pod and community really helped with input and encouragement through the process.  [26:08] Her best ROI came from Clubhouse. She provided a lot of free value. Then she learned about email lists and lead magnets. [30:16] Lessons learned was that Facebook Ads can help a lot. Have a list, because you can't depend on platforms that you don't own. She also got a virtual assistant.  [32:38] Her students wanted more, so she added higher ticket one-on-one coaching. She just passed the $300,000 mark with her coaching.  [36:57] Advice includes work on building that list whether it's through creating a Facebook community or Clubhouse. Find out what your community wants to learn from you and share that content. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/15/202244 minutes, 52 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know (& Do) This For Success

This little clip of advice is such an important part of being an entrepreneur. When I started almost 14 years ago, doing this changed how quickly I found success -- not to mention it helped me to avoid tons of headaches.  Tune in to find out this priceless tidbit of advice so that you can start using this as an entrepreneur, as well. 
9/14/20225 minutes, 3 seconds
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#497: Do Something Different: A Method For Getting Unstuck

What scares you AND lights you up is the key to rapid progress Is there something that scares you a little bit, but also lights you up when you think about doing it?  Maybe the thought of leaving your 9 to 5 J.O.B. to pursue your side hustle full time or doing your first Instagram Live gives you the butterflies, but every time the idea pops into your mind you think, “Man, this could change my whole world!”  I’m going to tell you something that I’ve learned over the past 13 years of being a business owner: Those butterflies in your stomach are a loud and clear message to shake things up a bit and do something different -- or DSD, as my friend says.  DSD isn’t always comfortable -- because let’s be real -- it usually requires you to step outside of your comfort zone. But let me tell you, sweet friend, the biggest moments of growth are the ones where I’ve decided to DSD. My business, and my life in general, would be nowhere near where they are today without these leaps of faith, whether they’ve been really big or very small. Yes, it can be a little scary, and it’s not always easy. But I promise you that it’s totally worth it.  In this episode, I share some of the life-changing, blind leap-of-faith, DSD moments that have made a major impact on my life and business, and some ways that you can shake things up, too. Enjoy!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/13/202221 minutes, 44 seconds
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#496: Expansive Business Models: From Digital Courses To Service-Based Business & Everything In Between

A digital course doesn’t have to be your one and only offer I’m sure you’ve probably heard the proverb ‘There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.’ I hate to get all cheesy on you, but it’s true -- especially when it comes to your business. There are endless ways you can go about creating the business of your dreams, and having a digital course as the core driver is just one of them.  I know, I know, you’re probably thinking ‘But Amy, you are always talking about how having a digital course as your primary offer is the simplest way to run a business’ -- and I wholeheartedly believe that. But hear me out. A digital course can be a big part or a small part of your business. For me, it’s a big part because I discovered early on that this approach offers me the flexibility that I want and need in my life…  … But it’s not the only way. In fact, having a digital course as one of your offers -- not your only offer -- can be incredibly lucrative.  In this episode, you’ll hear real-life audio clips from a few of my students who have made digital courses a small part of their business. They shed light on how they’ve made digital courses work within their business, and all the things they’ve learned along the way. Plus, I kick it off with the many benefits of offering a digital course, regardless of your approach.  So if you’ve ever thought that having a digital course won’t work with your business, I urge you to listen to this episode -- because I promise you, it’s possible -- and it’s a strategy that will only help you grow. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/8/202238 minutes, 21 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: This Simple Strategy Grows My Email List By Thousands Each Month

Welcome back to another Wisdom Wednesday episode! In this episode, you’ll learn a simple strategy you can use throughout your website to grow your email list significantly. This strategy brings in thousands of new subscribers for me each month. I love this easy strategy, and you can use it whether you're just starting out or you've had your business for years.  I'll give you all the details on this email growth strategy and how to do it the right way!
9/7/20223 minutes, 59 seconds
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#495: Lacking Self-Worth? Try These 4 Practices

When you feel like a total failure, these 4 strategies will get you back on track If you’re a living, breathing human being, then I’d hedge a bet that there have been times where you’ve doubted yourself and your capabilities as an entrepreneur. In fact, you’ve probably even wondered, ‘Am I even cut out for this?’ Believe me, sweet friend -- I’ve been there. One minute you're on top of the world and feeling as confident can be, and the next you’re questioning everything and feeling like a total failure. Maybe you sent an email to your list with an incorrect link, missing a huge sales opportunity (been there!). Or maybe you saw a competitor on social media absolutely crush their launch and you start to compare yourself to them, which is never a good thing (also been there).  As business owners, there are so many different triggers that can immediately launch us into feelings of inadequacy -- so what are we supposed to do when our self-worth feels like it’s just been trampled by a herd of elephants?  Over the years, I’ve come up with a handful of ways to get back on track when I start to doubt myself, and I’m sharing them in this episode. You’ll hear:  The strategy I use to make positive thinking a practice How to refresh your mindset and restore your belief in yourself The books I always come back to that remind me of my self-worth Ways you can lean into your community for support This is a great episode to listen to, regardless of where you are in your business journey.  Happy listening! Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:27] Give equal airtime to positive thinking. Don't beat yourself up, but if you do give just as much time to positive thoughts.  [05:03] Take a trip down memory lane. Take a pen and paper and write down things that you've accomplished in the last year or the last five years. This refreshes your memory and illustrates how you've stuck with something or accomplished something. [06:50] Read or listen to something that's inspiring. Getting inspired every single day will get you to the place you need to be in. Keep a go to inspiration folder.  [09:06] I want you to brag! It's so important to surround yourself with a community of like-minded people. Have a place where you can share your wins with people who will actually understand your level of accomplishment. [11:18]  You are worth it. You are important. It's important that you get your message out into the world. On the days that you're not feeling it, try some of these methods. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/6/202213 minutes, 39 seconds
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#494: {Student Success} From Deleting Her Email List To Doubling It During Her Launch with Isobel Anderson

When you make a BIG mistake, pull up your bootstraps, get scrappy, and use it as a learning experience Have you ever made a careless mistake in your business that could have potentially been catastrophic? I know I have. In fact, back in my Tony Robbins days I accidentally canceled a Masterclass the night before it was supposed to start. I was absolutely mortified, angry at myself, and had no idea how to recover from it. But here’s the thing that I couldn’t see at the time: Making big mistakes, like the one I made years ago, are bound to happen -- no matter how careful and cautious you think you’re being. You’ve just gotta pull yourself up by the bootstraps, get a little scrappy, and use the experience as a learning opportunity.  That’s what my guest on this episode (and DCA student!), Isobel Anderson, did when she deleted her entire email list three months before her launch.  Some business owners would absolutely crumble if this happened to them, but Isobel did the exact opposite.  Instead of getting down on herself and giving up, she flexed her entrepreneurial mindset muscles by asking, “How can this be good?” -- and guess what? She went on to rebuild her email list to twice its original size.  Yes, you read that right.  In this episode, Isobel shares her story of how she used the experience of deleting her email list to better herself as an entrepreneur, plus exactly what she did to double the size of her list. She also shares: Her experience with adding tiers to a launch -- the good, the bad and the ugly How adding Live coaching to her latest launch proved to be incredibly lucrative What she plans to do next in order to take her business to the next level This is a great listen for anyone, regardless of where you are in your business -- and I know you’ll find Isobel as inspiring as I do. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
9/1/202254 minutes, 26 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: The Power Of Improving 1% Each Day

"Your habits are the compound interest of self-improvement."  This quote comes from my guest in this Wisdom Wednesday episode, James Clear, and it's brilliant. To this day, this episode is one of my most popular episodes -- and this little clip from it provides an impactful punch. Get ready to hear how improving just 1% each day can significantly change your life.   
8/31/20225 minutes, 8 seconds
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#493: Don’t Jump Ship Before The Entrepreneurial Magic Happens

Shiny object syndrome has the potential to devastate your business Shiny object syndrome is a real thing, and you’d better believe that it can throw you off course in ways that are devastating to your business and everything you’ve been working towards. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but it's the cold, hard truth. If you are constantly going after the ‘next best thing’ then you are wasting time, energy and focus on something that might not be in alignment with your business goals. Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s super easy to get distracted by new ways of making money that are fun and exciting, especially if they’re something you could do with your eyes closed. I’ve been there, believe me.  But what I know from my own experience in creating a multi-million dollar digital business is that time, focus, and a willingness to play the long game are absolutely essential if you are serious about achieving your long-term goals (more on the importance of playing the long game in this episode).  In other words, don’t change lanes before the magic happens. Now, I’m not discouraging you from considering new opportunities. But what I do encourage is for you to be discerning about them.  In fact, there are a series of questions that I ask myself every time something shiny and new comes my way that help me determine if it’s going to be something that supports growth in my business, or hurts it -- and I share them in this episode. I also talk a bit about when you should consider changing lanes, and go in another direction.  Are you ready? If so, pop in your earbuds, and tune in! Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:11] Going for something you know you'll crush it and because it’s in your comfort zone is playing small. In your heart, you know you should keep your head down and keep creating what you are creating at the moment. [05:26] We can't only do things in our business that we are inherently good at. You don't stretch yourself if you are only doing things that come second nature to you. [06:29] Whenever you make a decision about something that doesn't align with where your goals are, stop yourself and do a gut check. [08:27] Your income will increase each time you launch your course, and you'll end up making more than you could have made from that distracting opportunity. [10:45] Being uncomfortable and continuing to move forward anyway is when the magic happens. [11:41] When you stay in your lane and you start to be known for something, you'll come to a point where all of a sudden it will feel like you're in the flow. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/30/202215 minutes, 42 seconds
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#492: 4 Steps To Create A Lucrative & Fun Side-Hustle While At Your 9-5

Growing your side-hustle while working full-time is easier than you might think Does the thought of building your own business while working your 9 to 5 job absolutely overwhelm you? If so, I can guarantee that you’re not alone.  I felt the same way when I realized that I wanted to start my own business. At the time I was working for Tony Robbins, and I remember thinking, ‘I want this more than anything -- but how on Earth am I going to do it?’ But here’s the good news -- it’s possible, and doing both doesn’t have to feel defeating. While growing your side-hustle while also working full-time is definitely a commitment, pulling it off is more possible than you think. It’s true, sweet friend -- and I have proof. In this episode, you’ll hear about a handful of my own students who have successfully juggled having a full-time job and growing their business at the same time, and exactly how they’ve made it happen. And here’s the really good news. I also share a 4-step framework that you can use to lay a solid foundation for your online business, and I promise – it’s simple, completely manageable, and doesn’t require a ton of your time. Sounds pretty great, right? So if you are in the throes of cubicle life and are on the fence about getting your side-hustle started, this one is for you. Grab your journal, go someplace free of distractions, and listen closely -- because this episode is sure to set you up for success. Here’s a glance at this episode... [08:11] Step 1: Schedule your tiger time! You need a system that makes time to drive your business forward. This is the part of the day that you fiercely protect like a tiger. [12:51] William is a full-time elementary teacher and a biblical parenting coach. He worked through DCA and launched his first course. His client list is growing, and he's also a speaker all while teaching full time. You can create your dream business while working and being present with your family. [14:18] Step 2: Create a lead magnet and set up your ESP or email service provider. This is a platform that houses your email list with tools and resources.  [17:40] Roberta created her side-hustle while being a full-time corporate launch manager. She struggled with time issues and worked on her launches in fifteen-minute time blocks. She's been massively successful and shows why it's so important to get clear on your tiger time. [20:14] Step 3: Put together an offer. You need the time to put together the offer, set up your ESP, and create your lead magnet. You can do this by setting aside tiger time.  [21:29] Offers that might work well include a guide or PDF workbook, a limited one-on-one or group coaching offer, or a lower ticket challenge. [27:11] Brooke does bookkeeping and owns and operates a local business called The Welcome Basket. After DCA, she created a course to teach others to start their own welcome basket business. She also offers coaching. She had so much going on, she had to take a step back and put courses on evergreen where they still earn for her. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/25/202232 minutes, 18 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: The Sweet Spot For Enticing Landing Page Copy

Just like you, your landing page is a big deal. And when it isn’t converting… it’s just the pits. Can I get an amen? Luckily, there are a few minor adjustments that you can make to your existing landing page that will have it converting like hotcakes before you know it! One very important aspect is how your landing page copy is written and presented. In this episode, I'm sharing how to find the sweet spot for enticing landing page copy.  Get these dialed in, and you, my friend, are in for a landing page conversion treat.
8/24/20223 minutes, 56 seconds
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#491: Feel Like You’re A Broken Record: Ideas For Reinvigorating Your Content

How to put a fresh new spin on your core content Do you ever feel like a broken record? Like you’re saying the same thing over, and over, and over again?  I know I sure do, and I have to constantly remind myself that even though it feels like I’m not adding anything new to the conversation, I actually am -- and that’s because only a small portion of my audience hears the content that I’m putting out there at a single time.  Just to put things into perspective, the average Instagram story view rate is between 2.5% and 5.4% -- which is exactly the reason why you need to repeat your message several times.  Not to mention, I’m a firm believer in something that my old boss, Tony Robbins, always says, and that’s “repetition is the mother of all skill” -- meaning you have to hear something or do something consistently in order to master it. So even if your audience is hearing your message multiple times, that’s actually great, because that’s when they’ll truly start to grasp it. Even though it’s extremely important to repeat your message, that doesn’t mean that you have to be telling the same stories, or teaching your content in the same way.  No, sweet friend. Change it up! Give your content a refresh from time to time to keep things interesting and exciting -- a mini-makeover, if you will. I know, you’re probably thinking, “Ok Amy, that all sounds great, but how the heck do I do that? Creating content is hard enough as it is.” And that’s exactly what you’re about to hear. In this episode, I share what I do to get myself thinking creatively and put a new spin on the same message that I’ve been preaching from the rooftops since 2009. I promise all it takes is using your brain in new ways to get the ball rolling. So if you feel like your content is getting stale and you’re ready to change it up while staying true to your message, tune into this episode and take some notes! Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:35] Lately I've been feeling like I've been saying the same things over and over again. I start to wonder if I'm adding anything new or worth listening to? [05:19] I believe it's always important to stay new and current in your business, but my friend Stu McLaren says that "if you're not repeating yourself and sharing the same things over and over again, you're not saying it enough." [05:56] When we say something we think our entire audience hears it. The truth is even if we're lucky maybe a quarter of our audience will hear it or see it. [08:01] We need to put our message out there several times. If we're tired of telling the same stories, we need to dig deeper and find some new stories that drill the same message home. [10:09] Whenever you have a content block, remember that all of the content that you've already done can be repurposed.  [11:39] Expand your mind and content ideas will flow. Read books and listen to new podcasts. Fuel your brain every day and learn something new.  [12:34] If you have a content block, go back to your old content or fuel your brain with new ideas. [13:52] How are you going to expand your mind? What sounds like fun? What sounds interesting and doable? Once you're clear on that add it to your goals for this quarter. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/23/202216 minutes, 35 seconds
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#490: The Business Model I Swear By: Live Launch, Go Evergreen, Repeat!

This formula has put the epic battle between live launching and evergreen to bed once and for all If you have a course or product that you’re ready to launch, you might be wondering which is better: Live launching or evergreen?  You’ve probably heard pros and cons about both of them -- Live launching is more lucrative but far more involved, while evergreen may be slightly less of a money-maker but allows you to put your product sales on autopilot and do whatever your little heart desires. (Please note that I’m very aware this isn’t always the case but for many of my students, it has been.)  It’s quite the conundrum, isn’t it? But here’s the good news. After 13 years in the launch game, I have developed a business model that has given me the best of both worlds and put the epic battle between Live launching and evergreen to bed once and for all.  It won’t run you into the ground, offers longevity, scales well, and gives you multiple streams of revenue. Most importantly, it offers you flexibility as an entrepreneur -- which is what we’re all after, isn’t it?  In this episode, I reveal what that business model is, plus: How to have an evergreen product that actually turns a profit Examples of what I’ve seen work, and what I’ve seen work really well Conversion rate stats from my own Live launches and evergreen products How to determine what products should be evergreen, and what should be offered on a Live launch So if you’re an entrepreneur who is still trying to get your business to a place where you can leave your full-time job, support your family, or offer you more flexibility, I encourage you to go someplace quiet and listen closely to this episode -- because it might just change the course of your business for the better. Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:33] The best way to build a successful evergreen product is by perfecting it through live launching first! [06:56] If you skip the live webinars and move right into evergreen, you're leaving money on the table. Hosting live webinars allows you to become a highly skilled marketer in your business.  [08:42] There will come a time when you are ready to graduate to evergreen.  [10:28] My students, Annie Chang and her sister discovered through a live launch what her students actually wanted in an evergreen product. They also launched a successful membership program. Her live launches convert at double of her evergreen. [13:45] My DCA live launch conversion rate is 9%. My List Builders Society is around 5% to 6%.  [14:30] What should be evergreen? When to go evergreen. Do at least two live launches and make sure you feel good about your conversion and profit before going with an evergreen offer. [15:45] Once you are happy with your results, ask if it would make sense to launch your product at evergreen.  [17:32] When your live launch alongside your audience, you get to see their insecurities, questions, and objections in real time. [19:38] What product should go evergreen? You could put your current product on evergreen and then focus your time on creating your new product. Is there an evergreen product that you could put at the beginning of your funnel? [26:47] Guidelines: 1. Focus on one product at a time. 2. Spend time working on conversion before moving to evergreen. 3. Live launching > Evergreen > What's my next live launch offer. Repeat live launching until it's time to move to evergreen. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/18/202233 minutes, 32 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: The BEST Way To Use Instagram For Email List Growth

This week, you're hearing from my favorite Instagram expert, dear friend, and fan favorite, Jasmine Star! In this quick episode, she shares a couple of POWERFUL Instagram email growth strategies that are so easy that you could implement them starting today! That's right! You're going to gain new email growth strategies in just a few minutes.  Dive on in and get started growing your email list using social media. To check out the full episode, head to Episode 316: How To Grow Your Email List Using Social Media.
8/17/20228 minutes, 8 seconds
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#489: How To Use Your Intuition To Make Quick And Confident Decisions

What research says about “trusting your gut” and how women’s brains are optimized for rapid intuitive decision-making As a business owner, you know just how many tough decisions you are faced with each and every day. It can be exhausting, confusing, and stressful -- especially when you’ve got some skin in the game.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again -- the ability to make quick and confident decisions is key in business. It’s certainly not easy, but it’s a very important skill to master if you want to live up to your potential as an entrepreneur.  Luckily, there are a million different techniques you can use to help you become a better decision-maker, from SWOT diagrams, to mind maps and other analysis tools. But here’s the thing -- it doesn’t have to be that complicated. In fact, there’s a very simple tool you can use to make tough decisions that’s an excellent alternative to painstaking fact gathering and analysis -- and that’s leaning on your intuition. I know, I know. That sounds a little woo-woo. But your intuition is a very real thing, and it’s scientifically proven.  Don’t believe me? Listen to the episode to find out what researchers say about “trusting your gut” and how women’s brains are actually optimized for rapid intuitive decision-making. You’ll also hear: How to be more aware of your intuition and what it’s telling you The difference between a ‘gut feeling’ and fear Why your gut is referred to as your ‘second brain’ by scientists The exact process I use when I am faced with a tough decision So if you’re on the fence about listening to this episode, trust your gut and give it a go -- I promise, if you struggle with decisions, you’ll thank me later. Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:12] How do you make the right decision when the answer isn't always easy? 1. Lean in to your intuition. Intuition is that sense of knowing with the right decision actually is before you even make it.  [05:23] Women's brains are optimized for rabid intuitive decision-making. We can combine our logical mind and intuition.  [06:22] Pay attention to your gut. There are neurotransmitters inside your stomach firing up. Scientists refer to our gut as our second brain.  [07:02] Turn inward. Do a mediation exercise and then journal about it. Make the decision, then pay attention to how you feel and the thoughts that come up. [09:13] If you make a decision, and things don't work out as planned, you get to choose a different path. Don't beat yourself up, just leave the option of choosing a different path open. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/16/202211 minutes, 30 seconds
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#488: My Response To The Anti-Live Launch Chat: A Wellness Checklist

I’m living proof that a Live launch can be done without running yourself into the ground I’m sure you’ve heard the recent Live Launches vs. Evergreen debate on social media recently. And if you haven’t heard, here’s the TLDR version: people claim Live launching is a thing of the past, and Evergreen is the way to go. Yes, Live launches can be exhausting, and yes, they do require a lot of preparation. But they are also incredibly powerful, and can bring you an out-of-this-world return on investment if you do them right. Believe me, I understand the argument. Over the past 13 years I’ve had more than my fair share of Live launches that have completely run me into the ground. It’s no fun, and I would not wish that upon anyone.  But here’s the thing -- it doesn’t have to be that way, and I assure you that there’s a beautiful way for Live launches and an evergreen offer to coexist in your business that brings you a ton of flexibility, freedom, and so much more.  I know, I know. You're probably wondering how on God’s great Earth it’s possible to emerge from a Live launch feeling like a million bucks, and I’ll give you a clue: It’s all about being intentional. Yes, sweet friend. There are specific things you can do to ensure that you are prioritizing your mental and emotional well-being, and also executing a flawless launch.  So in response to the anti-Live launch chatter on social media, I’ve come up with a Live Launch Wellness Checklist that you can use to keep yourself in check and make sure that you’re taking care of yourself before, during and after your Live launch. I promise, when you show up for yourself first, you’ll fall in love with your business structure AND fall in love with Live launching. Happy listening! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/11/202238 minutes, 3 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: 3 Clarifying Questions For A Profitable Lead Magnet

In this short Wisdom Wednesday episode, I'm sharing three valuable questions to get clarity around if you want to create and offer a profitable lead magnet.  I don't care if you're 5 days into being an entrepreneur, or 5 years, these questions are timeless and will help you create crowd-pleasing lead magnets over and over again.  To listen to the original audio that this clip comes from, check out Episode 271: How to Create a Profit-Driven Lead Magnet to Boost Sales.
8/10/20224 minutes, 12 seconds
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#487: How To Define Success On Your Terms

Newsflash: Success is not measurable, nor is it an end destination Let’s face it -- we live in a culture that is obsessed with success. Now, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because as business owners, the desire to be successful is what drives us to learn, to take risks, and grow, right? But when we define success solely by how much money we have in the bank, how many degrees we have hanging on the wall, or how many followers we have on social media, then “success” is impossible to achieve because we are culturally programmed to want more, and more, and more.  There’s a quote I love from John D. Rockefeller, America’s first billionaire, that says “If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.” And that couldn’t be more true. That’s why it is incredibly important to define what success means to you beyond what is visible for everyone to see -- and when you do, you’ll be so much more fulfilled as a business owner, and as a human being.  I get it -- it’s easy to get caught up in money and fame. But I’m here to tell you, sweet friend, that success is not measurable, nor is it an end destination. I can guarantee that when you define success according to your values, you will find more joy in life than you ever could have imagined -- I know I have! In this episode, I share my journey of defining success on my own terms, and how it has greatly impacted my life. I also share some different ways that you can go about defining success that you probably have never considered.I promise, after listening to this episode, you will feel -- and truly believe -- that you are incredibly successful. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/9/202213 minutes, 1 second
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#486: 1 Digital Course, 1 Evergreen Funnel, 6-Figures: How This Mom Of 2 Made It Happen with Jessica Berk

The simple strategy that earns this busy mom $100K per month, and counting If you ever thought creating a thriving digital course while having young children was impossible, my guest today -- Jessica Berk – will prove you wrong. She’s a mom to two beautiful young girls, and the owner of a wildly successful online business, Awesome Little Sleepers. What’s so impressive about Jessica is that she was able to take a pain point of hers -- having a toddler who was protesting sleep at night -- and turn it into a digital product that has helped thousands of parents all over the country get their children to sleep easily, and stay sleeping throughout the night.  Now, here’s the kicker. Jessica made $200,000 in her first year of business, and continues to make around $100,000 per month to this day. Yes, sweet friend, you read that right -- and I’m here to tell you that it’s possible for you, too.  In this episode, Jessica shares her story of how Awesome Little Sleepers came to be, and what she’s done to earn her incredible success, including:  How she knew it was time to go from one-on-one coaching to creating a digital course The strategy behind her first launch and what made it so successful What she’s done to grow her email list and the one thing that’s made the most impact How she’s managed to find her flow -- being a mom, running a household, and building a business -- at the same time Jessica is truly an inspiration, and I’m so excited for you to listen to this episode! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/4/202242 minutes, 41 seconds
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#485: Behind-The-Scenes With Crime Junkie Podcast Host, Ashley Flowers

What happens when you leave your 9 to 5, pursue your passion, and create one of the most downloaded podcasts in history If you’ve ever listened to the podcast Crime Junkie, you know just how addictive it is. The suspense, combined with the gripping yet straightforward storytelling makes it one of the most enthralling podcasts out there. I, for one, am a loyal listener, and a self-declared Crime Junkie. But perhaps what’s most impressive about Crime Junkie is its host, Ashley Flowers, who launched the podcast in 2017 while working a super 9 to 5 job. Since its debut, Crime Junkie has remained at the top of the charts and gets 9 million downloads a month. Yes, you read that right – 9 MILLION!  So how did Ashley do it? How did she make the decision to leave her cushy corporate job, invest in her side hustle, and take the leap into entrepreneurship? And how on God’s good Earth did she grow it so quickly? In this episode, you’ll find out. Yes, sweet friend, Ashley is revealing her own story on how she went from a corporate job to becoming a highly successful digital entrepreneur at the helm of an entire podcast network.  This was a really fun and informative conversation, and in it, Ashley shares: How she took the leap from working a full time job to pursuing her passion  A behind-the-scenes look at her work-week, and how she manages it all Her best tips on how to grip listeners with a good story The inspiration behind her first book, and her book-writing process So get comfy, pop in those earbuds and get ready to hear Ashley Flowers like you’ve never heard her before. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/3/202247 minutes, 47 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: How To Get 1,000 TikTok Followers

In this short and sweet Wisdom Wednesday, I pulled a clip from an interview I did with TikTok expert, Elise Dharma! I love this advice because she shares three easy and strategic ways to gain your first 1,000 TikTok followers. Or, if you already have some followers, these strategies are great for getting a quick boost. She also shares how to turn those TikTok followers into customers!  You can listen to the entire interview by heading here: Episode 315: 5 Ways To Use TikTok To Reach More Customers (No Dancing Required) with Elise Darma
8/3/20225 minutes, 28 seconds
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#484: Hindsight is 20/20: 3 Things I Wish I Did When I First Started Out

I only wish someone would have told me these things 13 years ago If you’re a human on planet Earth, then there have probably been a million times that you have said, “If only I knew then what I know now, I would have ____________.” Yes, sweet friend. Hindsight is 20/20, and it’s always so much easier to analyze and evaluate situations when you’re looking back on them in the past, than when you’re in the present moment.  It’s also easy to look back and blame yourself for any “mistakes” that you made, but the thing is, you were making the best decision you could based on the limited knowledge you had at the time.  I mean, let’s be real -- I think we all thought that overplucking our eyebrows in the early 2000s was a great idea, but here we are in 2022 spending a small fortune on trying to get those big, beautiful brows back that we once had.  All jokes aside, in this episode I’m sharing the three biggest things I wish I would have known early on -- things that would have given me a ton of momentum in my business and that would have made an impact on what it looks like today.  I’m also going to share a couple of things I did do that really moved the needle. Things that I hope you consider doing, too. As you know, it’s my goal to share my own experiences with you -- both good and bad -- so you can learn from them and create the digital business of your dreams.  So if you’re ready, pop in those earbuds and tune in! Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:40] Create regular and consistent content. I struggled and procrastinated with writing blog posts. I didn't hone in on my content system until I started my podcast in 2013. My profits tripled once I started producing regular content.  [09:01] I wish I would have made a quick cash injection while I was formulating and working on my long-term revenue goals. Digital courses were my long game. I should have had a simple offer on the table while building up to my course.  [11:53] I wish I wouldn't have said YES to everything. I needed to push myself, but I really needed to be more discerning from the get-go. Focus on what makes sense to you, your business, and your long-term goals. [16:32] Early on, I followed a step-by-step framework. For me, that was Marie Forleo's B-School. Digital Course Academy is also a step-by-step framework. [17:57] Surround yourself with a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. I surround myself with a great peer group through a mastermind. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
8/2/202221 minutes, 44 seconds
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#483: How To Be Curious As An Entrepreneur with Calan Breckon

Why curiosity helps mitigate the fears that come along with entrepreneurship Fear can be an excellent motivator in business, but it can also completely consume you -- if you let it. Unfortunately, all too many entrepreneurs fall victim to their own fears and as a result, become completely overwhelmed.  If you can relate to this, then read on, sweet friend, because my guest on today’s episode (and former student!), Calan Breckon, has a really beautiful approach to business – and that’s through curiosity, not fear. Calan is a Business Coach & Consultant, writer, educator and podcast co-host of Gay Men Going Deeper.  His business is thriving -- but it hasn’t always been that way. In fact, it took a lot of curiosity, exploration, and a failed launch for Calan to land on a direction for his business that truly lit him up. But by staying curious and asking himself some really difficult questions, he was able to create the digital business of his dreams.  Today, Calan teaches clients all over the world profitable action steps for creating a successful online business while also building a solid mental foundation -- something that is incredibly important.  In this episode, Calan opens up about his own journey, and how being curious can help alleviate some of the fears that come along with entrepreneurship. You will also hear:  Calan’s step-by-step exercise on how to identify your 3 core values  How to create a business that is in alignment with your core values Why personal development is so important as an entrepreneur What it looks like to evolve as an entrepreneur (and why it’s okay to do so) Plus, so much more. So if you’re ready to move from fear to curiosity, grab a pen and paper and get ready to identify your core values! Here’s a glance at this episode... [12:47] Your business grows at the rate that you are personally growing. You can never outperform your self-image and what you believe about yourself. [16:09] Calan defaulted to the things he loved in his business. He loves tech and brought all of those aspects to their new business. His colleagues prefer doing the forward-facing stuff. [18:31] Through his journey of curiosity Calan discovered what really lights him up and that's getting on calls and helping people.  [22:54] In every relationship communication is key. There needs to be an ability to have those difficult conversations and integrate your business with your core values. [28:39] Calan’s process for identifying your core values or the things that you feel are the most important in relation to how you live your life.  [31:23] Get a pen and paper and identify the following: a time in your life when you were happiest both personally and professionally, a time in your life when you were the most proud personally and professionally, times when you felt the most fulfilled and satisfied. [33:02] Make a list of your top 10 core values and compare them to one another. Once you discover your top core values use them as guideposts for making decisions in your life. [41:10] It's also important to take a step back and analyze what is working and what's not working and why it may not be working. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/28/202250 minutes, 4 seconds
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Wisdom Wednesday: A Content Tip For Course Creators

Welcome to my first Wisdom Wednesday Episode! Each week, I’ll be bringing you a short five to ten minute episode with some of my favorite bits of wisdom that have been shared on Online Marketing Made Easy in the past.  With over 500 episodes, it’s easy to forget or recall strategies or mindset shifts you’ve learned along the way.  Some clips will be from solo episodes… and others will be from interviews I’ve done. But they’ll both have something in common… they are invaluable tidbits of wisdom worth hearing over and over again.  This week, I'm sharing one of my favorite content tips for course creators! We're also talking about the power of repetition and free content versus paid content.  Wanna listen to the entire episode that this clip was pulled from? You can check it out here: Episode #297: Grow Your Business & Revenue: 6 MUST DO Action Items to Make Magic Between Launches Enjoy six minutes of a knowledge packed episode!
7/27/20226 minutes, 37 seconds
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#482: Entrepreneurship Rule #1: You Have To Get In The Game

Spoiler alert: You cannot win a game you do not play Do you ever think back to when you were a kid playing sports, and what you felt like as you stood on the sidelines of the soccer field, or the ice skating rink, or basketball court?  For me, it was cheerleading.  If you were anything like me, you were probably a little bit nervous (ok… let’s be real -- a lot nervous). Your palms were sweaty, you felt your heart beating through your chest, and even though you had been practicing for weeks, you were afraid to get out there. All of a sudden your coach looks at you and says, “Go.” She gives you a nudge, and just like that, game on – it’s go time.   And somehow, once you’re in motion all your fear disappears. All of that nervous energy turns into adrenaline and you think to yourself, “I’ve got this.”  You feel incredible because you’re doing it, and you didn’t think you could.  Now, you’re probably wondering why I’m sharing sports analogies with you, and I’ll tell you, sweet friend -- it’s because if you want to be successful as an entrepreneur, you have to be able to get in the game, get into motion without hesitation.  You have to be willing to take calculated risks, willing to fail, and willing to put yourself out there without feeling 100% ready. If I’ve learned one thing over the years, it’s that there’s power in being in the game, even if it’s imperfect.  In this episode, you’ll hear about a recent experience where my own ability to take a calculated risk was put to the test. Yes, it was uncomfortable… and yes, I was afraid I was going to embarrass myself. But I did it, and let me tell you, it was totally worth it. So if you’re ready to hear what it is, grab your favorite iced beverage, turn up the volume, and tune in. And I promise, no more sports analogies. ;) Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:25] You know that being an entrepreneur is so much more than owning a business or multiple businesses. Managing your mindset can be more difficult than any of the other tasks that we do. [03:10] Failure only gives you the opportunity to grow. It's hard to get in this frame of mind, when things aren't going well, but remind yourself that you're learning and growing.  [04:31] Hobie and I bought an NFT. When the auction happened, I realized that I didn't know what I needed until I got in the game and tried it.  [06:53] That night, I realized that I learned five things that I never would have learned by reading books or watching videos, or asking questions. I had to get off the sidelines and get into action! [10:42] You do not know what you need to know until you get in the game. Where are you standing on the sidelines? There's a point where you need to cut bait and get in the game. [14:21] If you're struggling in an area or chasing a goal or chasing a dream, and you're clear on what you want, then where do you need to get in the game now? [16:25] Remember, no time is going to be perfect. Getting in the game will be the best education that you could possibly imagine. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/26/202218 minutes, 22 seconds
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#481: How To Stop Juggling ALL The Things With Shunta Grant

Learn how to be intentional with how you organize and spend your time If I could make a wild guess, I’d say that ‘entrepreneur’ is just one of the many hats that you wear. In fact, you probably have a laundry list of roles that you fill on a day-to-day basis -- mother, father, wife, husband, fur-parent, housekeeper, chef, chauffeur, personal shopper, gardener, accountant -- the list goes on.  And with all that you’ve got going on in your life, I’m sure you’ve probably wondered, “How the heck do I keep up with everything and have a successful business?” Sweet friend, if I had a dollar every time I asked myself that question, I’d be quite rich. And when I do, I remind myself that I don’t have to hustle through it all. Life is so much more fulfilling when you have more white space, more quiet time with loved ones, and more time for yourself.  But like many things, that’s easier said than done. In order to achieve that sort of balance, you have to be intentional with how you organize and spend your time – and my guest on this episode is an expert when it comes to doing that.  Her name is Shunta Grant, and she’s on a mission to help women live lives of intention, leading with self-awareness and self-love. Sounds pretty great, right?  I loved this conversation with Shunta because I learned so much about how I can set habits and routines that compliment my life, and I won’t lie – her philosophy is a bit different from many others in this space. So if you’re ready to stop going through the motions and start living in the present, tune in to hear:  The difference between being productive and being efficient Strategies on how to balance being an entrepreneur and a parent without falling victim to the hustle mentality How to create a routine that connects you to who you are and what you want The philosophy behind her brand, Best Today Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:33] Shunta began her career as an attorney. She realized that she wanted to create resources that plan humanity first, as opposed to doing and doing. [07:25] She created Best Today to provide resources to help us center on our humanity. They help customers optimize their time focusing on mental, emotional, and physical well-being every day. [07:50] Everything they do is built on the four principles of proaction, intentionality, self-awareness, and self-love. We need all four to live an intentional life and grow an intentional business. [11:03] If you're clear on who you are and what you want, you will produce the things you want. Slow down and make sure the destination is the place where you want to be. [13:22] Who are you? What do you want? Sit down and write out the answers to these questions and give yourself the freedom to dream. [17:26] If you were worthy, what would you want? Dream every day for 10 minutes. Keep asking yourself what you want and reminding yourself that you are deserving of all of it. [19:06] It's okay to throw the idea of balance out the window. Ask yourself what you really want? Honor the season that you are in. It's a container, not a restriction. Caring for children is a season.  [24:06] 1. Honor the season you are in. 2. Stop comparing. 3. Take the time to prune those things that aren't feeding what's the most important. [30:00] We all have routines, they just may not all be healthy. We need to create healthy routines, so that when we feel triggers we know what positive action we'll take. [31:44] 1. Routines solve problems. 2. They help you to create harmony in your home. 3. They also help you create boundaries for what matters.  [35:03] A lot of people don't believe they are worthy to live an intentional life. You are worthy of the effort it takes to live an intentional life. You were born worthy. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/21/202249 minutes, 7 seconds
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#480: Time Blocking 101: How I Schedule My Time In 4 Easy Steps

How time blocking has transformed my life, my business and my stress levels Close your eyes and imagine this super dreamy scenario: You wake up in the morning excited for the workday, and are crystal clear on what you have to accomplish. You feel 100% prepared because you know exactly what’s expected of you. You have all of the information you need to be successful at your fingertips. You cruise through each task effortlessly, and even have time to take several breaks. You end the day feeling productive, successful, and not the least bit overwhelmed. This is not some sort of weird alternate universe. In fact, this exact workday is easily achievable, and I know that because I live and breathe it every. single. day.  Yes, sweet friend. I have developed a very specific formula for structuring my workdays, and time blocking is a big part of it. It helps me stay clear and focused on what my outcomes are, and knock out my task list without context switching.  Let me tell you, this little formula of mine has helped me immensely in my business, and I am so excited to share it with you. In this episode, you’ll hear: What time blocking is and why it’s been a game changer for my business The specific tools I use to block out my days, and how I go about it step-by-step How I’m able to take multiple breaks a day and still be productive How I use the Full Focus Planner alongside technology to stay on track So if you’re ready to transform your work days for the better, pop in those earbuds and give this episode a listen. I promise, you’ll thank me. Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:38] There's an art and a science to how I block my time. It took me a few years to nail it down, but now I have a very specific formula to help me stay on track. [03:30] Time blocking is crucial to my business, because it helps me get really clear about the action items I'm going to be doing that day. [04:14] It all starts with Google Calendar and my project management tool Asana. You can even use it if you have a one-man or one-woman show.  [10:52] I also use my Full Focus planner to get the most out of my time blocks. I use it to identify my top three priorities for the day. Come rain or shine, these three things get done! [13:27] Recap: Schedule time blocks along with non-negotiables. Time blocks are assigned to me in Asana with more specifics. I write down my three priorities for the next day. If something doesn't get done, we reschedule. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/19/202216 minutes, 11 seconds
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#479: Money In The Bank: 6 Fun Strategies For A Quick Cash Injection

Use these tried and true strategies if you want to make money quickly How many times have you wanted to invest in yourself or in your business but you didn’t have the extra cash on hand to make it happen?  Maybe you really wanted to learn how to create, launch and sell your digital course by taking Digital Course Academy, or finally hire that virtual assistant that you so desperately need.  There’s nothing worse than having a resource at your fingertips (that you know will help take you to the next level) but not being able to spend money on it -- because let’s be real, life is pretty darn expensive.  I get it, I’ve been there… many times. And that’s why I’m so excited to share five different strategies you can use for a quick cash injection into your business.  Sweet friend, I only wish I would have had these in my back pocket when I first got started and was super strapped for cash, because they’re just that good. And best of all, they’re really easy to implement. So if you’re ready to learn how you can easily make a quick buck (or thousands) and provide value to your audience, then grab a notepad and tune into this episode that will certainly be a game changer for you and your business.  Enjoy this step-by-step episode! Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:47] 1. Offer limited online or in-person one-on-one sessions. You have knowledge and know-how in a specific area, and other people would love to learn from you.  [11:33] 2. Offer limited group coaching spots. Follow the same steps as above but tweak some of your pricing. [13:06] 3. Audit your spending habits. Find hidden dollars and cut back a little on the pleasure spending. See how much you can save by temporarily eliminating some of your purchases.  [17:32] 4. Host a lower ticket challenge. Teach similar strategies or practices that you would teach in your group or one-on-one sessions.  [20:46] 5. Create a PDF guide or worksheet of something you already teach and you know your audience loves. Then sell this guide or worksheet for a low-cost.  [22:57] 6. Offer your insight through market research. Use legit online survey companies like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and User Interviews. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/14/202226 minutes, 11 seconds
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#478: 5 Weeks Unplugged: Lessons From My Sabbatical

The unexpected gift I received from taking 5 weeks off. I just got back from a five-week-long sabbatical, and holy smokes, sweet friend — it was so much different than I thought it would be. Now, if you have been with me for a while (or listened to Sabbatical 101: How I’m Prepping for 30 Days Away From My Business), you know that taking an extended time away from my business is something that I have been wanting to do for years. It took a lot of preparation, hard work, and countless lattes — but I made it happen!  Going into it I had some expectations about how things would go. I knew that I would have the time of my life at Chloe’s wedding in Mexico and that I’d create some really great memories with my family at our new lake house. I also knew that being away from my business might cause some anxiety, but heck, that’s what skinny margs are for, right?  But something happened over the course of my sabbatical that I didn’t expect. As I got further and further away from my business, I realized A LOT about myself that I wasn’t necessarily ready to confront. There was an emotional and eye-opening component to my time away that I was not prepared for — and if you know me, you know I like to be prepared. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am SO glad that I took this sabbatical, and in the end, I walked away with a life-changing gift… … But would I do it again? You’ll just have to tune in to find out. Here’s a glance at this episode… [03:01] I just finished my five-week sabbatical! [04:47] The good: I loved spending so much time with Hobie. I went at a slower pace and took the time to really take care of myself. [07:03] The bad: It was really difficult to disconnect. After Mexico, my head started to spiral around work. I had anxiety, which was alarming to me.  [09:26] The ugly: Was that I realized that my identity was in my work. I felt restless when not checking things off of a list. I started to get FOMO.  [11:23] The flip side of identifying with my work so strongly is that I really love my work and feel great about it. I love my team, my students, and all of you listeners! [12:33] The gift: I need to explore who I am beyond my work. I need to feel loved, supported, and accomplished even if I don’t have a thriving business.  [13:17] Would I take five weeks off again. No! Five weeks is too much. I’m thinking two weeks each quarter might be more fitting for me personally. [20:09] You might wonder how I was even able to take so much time off of my business. I’ve created a program called Systems That Scale which is all about how I run my business. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.” please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/12/202222 minutes, 19 seconds
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#477: Have A Digital Course In The Works? 5 Ways To Keep Your Audience Engaged Until Your Launch

The must-dos to make sure your audience is ready for your digital course Imagine this scenario:  You’ve got a solid email list. You’ve built up your social media following. You’ve got an engaged audience, they’re resonating with your content, and they want more. You know that the next step would be to serve up a digital course… But here’s the thing. You don’t have a course… yet! Not only do you not have a course, you don’t even have it mapped out. This is a great problem to have -- and the good news is, you are about to learn how to bridge that gap until you have your digital course up and running.  And let me tell you, this period of time -- when you have an audience who is genuinely excited and interested in your topic -- is very important, because the last thing you want to do is lose their attention.  In this episode, you’re going to learn what you absolutely must do to make sure that you’re creating content that will set your audience up perfectly for moving into your digital course when the time comes.  You’ll also take away five tangible ways that you can stay top of mind while you work diligently behind the scenes to bring your box office digital course to life. I hope you have your listening ears on because this episode is jam packed full of my best tips and tricks -- so tune in and enjoy! Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:11] Before you launch, do a 30-60 day pre launch runway to build momentum and attract a bigger audience.  [08:38] Be mindful about what you're putting out there. Find your ideal customer avatar, and create content for them that aligns with your future course.  [11:16] Ask yourself: Where is my audience now and where do they need to be? What do they need to learn? What mindset shifts do they need to make? [12:17] Strategy 1: Tell stories about how you or other people have gotten results through your process. [12:57] Strategy 2: Take them behind the scenes. People love it when you share little tidbits about your life and business. [14:55] Strategy 3: Hint to your audience that you have a program coming their way. Have conversations that help them move forward towards your course. [18:21] Strategy 4: Create a waitlist landing page and segment the emails that come in through that page. Ask your audience to sign up to get the latest news. [20:12] During your pre-launch runway, create weekly content that's aligned with your upcoming course. Email your subscribers and share a lead magnet weekly. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/7/202224 minutes, 8 seconds
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#476: I’m Writing A Book! A Look At The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

If you’ve ever considered writing a book, here’s what you need to know If you have been listening for the past few months, you’ve probably heard me mention that I’m writing a book. This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and with a lot of hard work and a little help from the universe, it’s happening.  I have been in full-swing book writing mode, and as a ‘first-timer,’ I’m learning a lot. It’s been quite the process, and there’s much more to it than I initially anticipated -- but let me tell you, it’s been incredibly rewarding to see this little dream of mine come to life.  Perhaps what I’m most excited about is the fact that I know this book is going to help so many women find the confidence to leave behind what’s no longer serving them, and move into what lights them up. To me, that makes all the latte-fueled early mornings worth it. And because writing a book can be a game-changer for your content marketing strategy, I figured that I would give you the full report on what my experience has been like so far. In this episode, you’ll hear:  My inspiration for writing this book, and what pushed me to make it happen What was most important to me in a publisher, and how I chose one What the book writing process has been like and the challenges I’ve had My experience working with a book editor If you’ve ever considered writing a book, you’re definitely going to want to check out this episode -- so grab your pen and paper, and tune in! Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:09] The inspiration for my book comes from an avatar that I serve — a woman who is still in her 9 to 5 job, but knows there’s more out there for her. [08:53] It's my goal to give women (and men) permission to make a pivot in their life and leave whatever doesn't serve them anymore.  [09:24] I also wanted to show people how to launch and grow a successful online business once they take the leap into entrepreneurship.  [11:58] I have two agents who helped me navigate meetings with publishers. I ended up landing a deal with Hay House, who gave me a great advance.  [15:16] Rehashing stories from the past and digging up past experiences was a much bigger challenge than I thought it would be. [20:37] Get on the waitlist for Two Weeks Notice to get fabulous bonuses, the latest details, and be part of the launch. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
7/5/202223 minutes, 20 seconds
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#475: Changing The Face Of Investing & Leaving A Legacy with Arlan Hamilton

From living in the SFO airport to running $20M in VC funds, Arlan shares her incredible journey My guest on this episode is an absolute inspiration -- and I don’t say that lightly. Her name is Arlan Hamilton, and she is the managing partner of Backstage Capital, a company that she founded while houseless. Backstage Capital is a new kind of Venture Capitalism (VC) -- one that invests in founders who are people of color, women, and/or LGBTQ+. Arlan identifies as all three.  And as if running 20 million dollars in VC funds isn’t enough to fill her plate, she’s also an author, speaker, and host of her own podcast, Your First Million. Her other company, Runner, connects inclusive companies with operations talent.  Arlan is doing really big things in a really big way. I admire her so much -- not only is she making the business landscape a heck of a lot better for underrepresented founders and entrepreneurs, but she is creating a legacy for generations to come.  I am SO excited for you to hear this important conversation, sweet friend, because it’s pretty powerful. In our interview, you’ll hear:  Arlan’s journey to becoming an activist entrepreneur Ways you can support people of color, women, and the LGBTQ+ entrepreneurial communities How to deal with rejection while still moving forward What you can do to be a good candidate for gaining an investor I hope this episode is just as insightful and inspiring for you as it was for me. So if you’re ready to meet Arlan, pop in your Airpods, get comfy, and enjoy! Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:07] A decade ago, Arlan Hamilton didn't know what a venture capitalist was. Now, she represents people who aren't traditionally represented in the venture capital space. [04:03] She had big goals and dreams, but she didn't think that venture capital would get her somewhere.  [10:39] Arlan was on the cover of Fast Company, along with other black women on the cover were Oprah, Beyoncé, and Serena Williams. Her venture capital firm has invested in over 200 companies so far. [25:53] Before you attempt to fundraise, get dialed in on what you truly need. When making a pitch, lean in to what is great about your company. Investors like it when you can show profit or have a large waiting list. [33:44] Runner is another company Arlan has that connects talent with great companies. It helps inclusive companies find assistants.  [41:39] Arlan shares the amazing story of how she ended up sitting in the front row of a Janet Jackson concert, and how later in life, she was able to do the same for other concert goers. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/30/202258 minutes, 58 seconds
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#474: Ways To Shake Things Up When You (& Your Team) Need A Reset

If your usual routine has you feeling uninspired, try doing something different Do you ever get that feeling that you need to shake things up a bit in your business?  Maybe things have started to feel a little bit stagnant, or you’re not as excited about your online business as you once were. Maybe you feel like you’re just going through the motions, and are getting bored. Or maybe you’re just in need of some good old fashioned fun and quality time spent with your team. Whatever it might be for you, I’m a true believer in shaking things up from time to time. I find that by doing something different -- just for the heck of it -- I come back feeling more creative, more energized, and more excited than ever about my business.  Recently, I started to get that itch to mix it up, so I did something that I’ve never done in Team Amy Porterfield history -- and let me tell you, it was so worth it.  In this episode, you’ll hear exactly what I did to connect, reset, and have some fun with my team -- plus some other ideas of things you can do when you start to feel a bit uninspired by your usual routine. And more than anything, I hope this helps you realize that it’s not always about the hustle and grind. Taking the time to laugh, have fun, and experience new things -- whether it’s with your team or on your own -- will only help you become a better entrepreneur.  Happy listening! Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:36] Every quarter I meet up with my leadership team for a meeting. We do a lot of brainstorming, deep diving, and troubleshooting. [07:18] Usually we get straight to work, but it's been an intense quarter, and I wanted to shake things up. I decided to take everyone to Disneyland. [10:53] After returning from Disneyland, we had a great meeting. I attribute the meeting’s success to the fact that we had fun and connected the day before.  [12:15] You don’t need to do anything expensive to shake things up. You can do a volunteer day, go on a picnic, hike, or just be in nature. [13:00] If you're a solopreneur, you can shake things up by going on a retreat, an inspiring trip, or attending an event. It’s all about doing something different. [14:15] You can also consider a total immersion weekend. Go somewhere you haven’t been and brainstorm on ways to improve your business. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/28/202217 minutes, 24 seconds
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#473: Let's Cut The Fluff: How Are You, Really? with Jenna Kutcher

How to ditch the golden handcuffs and create a life on your terms As a photographer, influencer, course creator, author, and host of the wildly popular Goal Digger podcast, Jenna Kutcher is one of the most talented content creators out there. I love and respect Jenna so much not only because she is a digital marketing extraordinaire, but she’s hands down one of the most grounded women that I know.  And despite all of her success, what’s most impressive about Jenna is that her driving force has never really been about the hustle. She’s embraced the simple notion that we -- women especially -- crave a life of fulfillment, and has managed to create a life on her own terms while building an incredibly lucrative business.  It’s possible, friend, and Jenna is living proof. Now normally when Jenna is on the show, we talk shop about all things online marketing (in fact, she recently joined me for an episode about how to launch a podcast – check it out here if you missed it.)  But in this conversation, we talk about the things that are important in becoming a successful entrepreneur but all-too-often get overlooked – like your sense of identity, whether or not your work is aligning with your values, and your purpose.  On paper, these things might not sound like a big deal, but trust me on this one -- they are -- and that’s why I am so excited to share this episode with you. In it, Jenna and I discuss: How to take inventory of your life and what to do with the information that surfaces The meaning of ‘golden handcuffs’ and how you can get out of them What to do if you feel like you’ve traded your 9 to 5 job for a 24/7 business How to overcome the fear of asking for help when you need it most The inspiration for her new book How Are You, Really?: Living Your Truth One Answer at a Time So whether you’re still in the throws of the 9 to 5 grind, have just started your business, or are an established online entrepreneur, this episode has something for everyone -- because in the end, I think it’s safe to say that we all desire the same thing -- to be fulfilled. Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:07] Reframing is extremely powerful, and can be helpful when you find yourself fearful of something. [07:42] If you want to find ways to do more meaningful work, look at your calendar ahead and take a life inventory. Are you passionate about it? Does it align with your values? Does it bring you joy?  [10:38] Learn how to rest in the present outside of work, so that when you are in work-mode, you’re laser-focused.  [15:06] Golden handcuffs are benefits like unlimited vacation that make people feel stuck in the workplace. Do these really add value to your life? [19:28] Entrepreneurship can get you to a life of freedom and choice, but you have to have a "why" that’s stronger than your work. [24:24] The more you ask for help, the easier it becomes to ask for and receive it. Accept help if you want to live out your vision. [28:39] You never know when the power of your story will inspire someone else to keep showing up in their life. You could literally change someone's trajectory. [33:02] How Are You, Really?: Living Your Truth One Answer at a Time is Jenna's new book for women who are looking to come home to themselves. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/23/202240 minutes, 10 seconds
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#472: Perfectionism Vs. Procrastination: What’s REALLY Happening

Being a perfectionist only holds you back from taking action If I were a gambling woman, I’d bet there’s been a couple of times where you’ve really struggled to make a decision, or procrastinated taking action on something because it wasn’t 100% perfect. Maybe it was a really big decision, like whether or not you should launch your business or a podcast. Or maybe it was something smaller, like deploying a new ad, or lead magnet.  As entrepreneurs, we are faced with decision after decision, day after day. Quite frankly, It can be exhausting. But I’m going to clue you in on something really important: It’s crucial that you’re able to make an informed decision quickly if you want to truly grow your business.  So many people procrastinate taking action because they are striving for perfection. But I’m here to tell you, sweet friend, that hemming and hawing over something only means one thing -- you’re delaying the inevitable.  While you’re wasting precious time, you could be gaining momentum and getting results. And even if you totally fail, you have an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and then knock it out of the park the next time.  As my old boss Tony Robbins says, it’s all about taking massive action -- and I can confidently say that my own ability to take action on things quickly has been a big contributor to my own success.  And that’s why I thought I’d share some of my own thoughts and experiences on this topic so that if you struggle with making decisions, or think your perfectionism is holding you back, you will have a much easier time the next time around. Alright, friend. Grab that iced latte and get ready to make your next decision quickly and confidently, like a real boss. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/21/202213 minutes, 50 seconds
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#471: 6 Tactical Strategies To Keep Your Evergreen Students Engaged From Start To Finish

When your students fall off the horse, use these strategies to get them back on If you have an evergreen course, then this episode is for you, sweet friend because I’m diving deep into an issue that most evergreen course creators face -- and that’s losing the attention and engagement of your students.  And even if you haven’t created your evergreen course yet, if you’ve ever taken one, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re cruising through the modules, taking notes, learning a ton, and then all of the sudden… life happens. Your focus shifts to something else that’s going on (your family, your job, or the final season of Ozark), and you fall off the proverbial evergreen course horse.  Without you being there live to cheer your students on to the finish line, some dropoff is bound to happen. After all, we’re all human. Let’s be real -- it even happens in my evergreen course, List Builders Society, and I’ve been in the game for 13 years now! Luckily, I have some tools in my arsenal to help combat the dreaded engagement drop-off that I’m going to share with you in this episode. Over the years, I’ve found that these strategies have significantly helped keep my audience interested and engaged, which is a win-win for everyone.  So if you want your students to show up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, excited, and ready to learn throughout the entire duration of your course, then open up that Google doc and get ready to take notes -- because this episode is packed with my very best tips. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/16/202235 minutes, 37 seconds
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#470: How I Overcame My Fear Of Getting Personal On Social Media

Opening up on social media can be hard, but it will pay off in the long run Have you ever truly thought about what life was like before social media?  I may be dating myself, but I remember writing notes to friends and family and dropping them in the mail, snapping pictures with Polaroid cameras, and calling a friend (whose phone number I knew by heart) when I needed some social interaction, instead of scrolling through Instagram.  It was a totally different time -- not any better, and not any worse than it is now -- but I will say that the connection you felt from sharing your life with a few close friends as opposed to hundreds or thousands on social media was something really special.  Life was a bit more mysterious because everything we did wasn’t available for everybody to see, let alone have an opinion about.  I won’t lie -- I have struggled with posting about my personal life on social media, and if you take a look at my Instagram feed you’ll see that while there are some personal posts sprinkled throughout, it’s mostly business content.  I’m pretty reserved when it comes to opening up about my marriage, my insecurities, and being a step-mom for a couple of reasons, which you’ll hear about in this episode.  That being said, over time, I realized that in order to have the business that I dreamt of having, I needed to let my audience in – and little by little, that’s just what I did.  So I thought it would be great to share how I’ve managed to overcome some of the anxiety I’ve had about sharing personal content on social platforms because let’s be real, it can be intimidating to do if you’re a private person -- but it’s also a necessary part of being an online entrepreneur in 2022. In this episode, you’ll hear:  The limiting beliefs that held me back from posting personal content for years How I’ve managed to overcome anxiety about letting people into my personal life online What it's like to have a partner who doesn’t love social media, and how we’ve found a way to make it enjoyable and comfortable for both of us Happy listening! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/14/202216 minutes, 7 seconds
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#469: How To Get Exactly What You Want with Julie Solomon

Your playbook on how to establish boundaries, stop people-pleasing and release control One of my best gal pals Julie Solomon is the textbook definition of a triple threat entrepreneur. She’s the host of The Influencer Podcast, has launched several successful online programs and masterminds, and is a first-time author of the much-anticipated book, Get What You Want.  I respect and admire Julie so much because she’s all about helping online entrepreneurs master the skillsets needed to go from having a side hustle to a profitable, sustainable business. And what I find most impressive about her is that she is all about helping women to turn their own messages into movements, and ​​empowering them to impact the world. She really is an entrepreneur after my own heart.  In this episode, Julie shares her best tools and advice for creating a life and business that lights you up -- and as you know, this is crucially important as an entrepreneur. You’ll learn: Ways to be productive without being in a ‘hustle state’ The 3 tools to freedom that will help you establish boundaries, stop people-pleasing, and release control How to step out of your comfort zone in order to land amazing PR opportunities Tips on how to communicate with clarity and confidence The inspiration behind her new book, Get What You Want Not only will you learn some hot tips on how to become the best entrepreneurial version of yourself possible, but I know that you’ll walk away loving Julie just as much as I do. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/9/202240 minutes, 10 seconds
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#468: 3 Pieces of Advice That Have Made Me A Better Entrepreneur

These words of wisdom have been essential to my growth as a business owner As an entrepreneur, I’m sure you’ve gotten advice about how to run your business from just about everybody -- your family, your friends, your next-door neighbor, even the random barista at Starbucks that you happened to strike up a conversation with.  Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. And sometimes, you get a piece of advice that’s so significant that it sticks with you for years and years. It pushes you to become a better version of yourself, gives you perspective, and calms your mind.  There are three pieces of advice I’ve gotten that have had that sort of impact on my life. Yes, just three -- and I’m going to share them with you in this episode.  And what’s great about this advice is that it doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care who you are, or what’s happened in your past -- it’s universal. And while it can apply to anyone in any situation, I’ve found it to be particularly helpful in navigating the unique challenges that come along with being an entrepreneur.  It’s my hope that these pieces of advice help you as much as they’ve helped me. Enjoy! Here’s a glance at this episode... Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/7/202218 minutes, 50 seconds
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#467: How To Host A Live Virtual Event That Will Wow Your Audience

My step-by-step process for pulling off an online event like a pro Lights… Camera…. Start video?  Live events sure look a whole lot different these days than they used to, wouldn’t you say?  When I first started my entrepreneurial journey 13 years ago, in-person events were really the only way to get your community together in one place at the same time. Today, we have countless options available to connect with our audiences Live, and most of them don’t even require us to leave the house. Don’t get me wrong, in-person events are great, and are still an excellent option depending on what your goals are -- but there are also many things to consider, which I’ll talk about in this episode.  What I really want to share with you is how you can pull off a live, virtual event like a pro -- because let me tell you, I have found immense value in connecting with my students in this way -- and not just monetarily.  But just like a Live in-person event, a Live virtual event takes a good amount of planning and preparation -- and there’s also a lot going on behind the scenes when the camera is rolling that you might not even be aware of. The good news is, I’ve got my virtual events running like a well-oiled machine, and in this episode, I’m sharing my top tips on how to host one that will blow your customer’s socks off. You’ll learn:  The pros and cons of live in-person events and Live virtual events How far in advance you should start planning your event What to consider when planning your content, and how to create a theme How to determine whether you should sell at your event, or simply nurture The technology I use to pull my Live virtual events off without a hitch Where you can host your virtual event if you don’t want to host at home Alright, friend. Tune in, take notes, and get ready to rock your virtual stage. Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:15] Let’s talk about Live virtual events versus in-person events. Virtual events have a huge ROI. They have a larger outreach and attendance rate. They are more accessible and lower cost for attendees. More people equals more sales. It's also more cost-effective and great for introverts. [11:56] Six key decisions include: When are you having it? What is your theme? How long will it be? Will you be selling? What platform will you use? Where will you host it? [12:19] When will you host your event? Get those dates on the calendar. It takes time to plan, organize, and fill up the event. [13:50] What will your theme be? Choosing the theme comes down to who's your audience, whether it's a bonus and the season of the event. [15:22] How long will your event be? The sweet spot is different for everyone. Set the length for what makes the most sense for your audience and your promise for the event. [17:00] Will you be selling or is this a bonus event to nurture your audience or a mix of both? Selling from stage can be seamless, but you have to plan for it. [18:48] What platform will you host on? We are using Vimeo for our virtual live events. You always need a backup plan when it comes to using technology.  [20:38] Where will you host your virtual event? If you have the space and availability to host it at home, it will save a lot of time and stress. You could also rent an Airbnb or event space. [24:26] Create a theme for each day of your event. This helps plan out the content. You want to create a feeling of connection and if you are selling, lead into the product. Make commitments on the last day. [28:55] It's very important to practice your presentation in advance. When you choose speakers make sure that they are in line with the event. Choose speakers that add massive value. You can do book buys or compensate the speaker. [35:36] I challenge you to host a virtual live event this year. It has immense value and strengthens your relationship with your audience. Start working through the six key decisions. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/2/202236 minutes, 38 seconds
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#466: A Tangible Approach For Tripling Your Time Management Capacity with Ed Mylett

Ed shares his best mindset tips for achieving happiness and success simultaneously My guest on this episode is a top business leader, peak performance expert, and global keynote speaker who just happens to be the go-to guy for building happiness and success simultaneously -- and let’s be real, who doesn’t want to do that?!  His name is Ed Mylett, and if you haven’t heard any of his content before, listen closely because he is someone whom I highly respect in both business and life.  And here’s the thing about Ed. He’s one of the fastest-growing business personalities in the history of social media, with an uncanny ability to cut through the noise with his straightforward messaging. But Ed isn’t just an influencer who “talks the talk.” He’s a self-made millionaire who has built one of the most prolific financial service businesses the world has ever seen, among many others. Now, a big part of what’s made Ed such a successful entrepreneur is his mindset. And if you’ve been listening for a while, you know that achieving success in anything takes more than just strategy and tactics -- it takes a bulletproof mindset, too.  Ed is truly a master of mindset, and in this episode, he shares the habits that have helped make him the entrepreneur that he is today. You’ll learn:  The key to managing overwhelm when setting out to achieve life goals What a single action thought, or association can do to transform how you feel The concept around “One More” and how it can reshape your mindset How changing your identity can influence each part of your life What anyone can do to triple their time management capacity How can asking yourself the right questions can advance the quality of your life How repetition can produce serious results  As you can see, this episode is jam-packed with ways to become the best entrepreneur (and human) that you can be. Here’s a glance at this episode... [11:07] When you think of the power of one more, flip the script. What if the opportunity was taken away from you.? [12:22] Self-confidence is the process of keeping the promises you make to yourself. Doing one more can make you superhuman. [15:10] Successful people aren't lucky. They just notice the things around them that they are thinking about.  [16:31] Overwhelm is trying to process results that are higher than your identity level. You create the emotion because you're starting to exceed your identity. [20:03] The trilogy of identity is faith, intention, and association. If you have faith, carry it with you, focus on your intention, and associate yourself with people who are achieving at a higher level.  [22:23] Let your mess be your message. [37:42] Live your life with intention and realize how precious it really is. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
6/1/202248 minutes, 19 seconds
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#465: How I’m Prepping for 30 Days Away From My Business

Here’s how to pull off a sabbatical and make sure you actually enjoy taking it Have you ever thought about taking a sabbatical?  When I say sabbatical, I mean taking an extended period of time away from your business or work to travel, pursue your interests, or heck, just relax. I don’t know about you, but for many years I thought that only people with careers in higher education were “allowed” to take a sabbatical because I’ve never heard about anyone in a typical 9 to 5 jetting off for a month (or more) to do whatever their heart pleases. That’s why I am beyond grateful to have my own business, which gives me so much – especially the opportunity to create the life I want to live. And guess what? Taking a sabbatical is a part of it.  Four years ago I made the commitment to take a sabbatical, and this summer I’m actually doing it. I’ll be taking 30 whole days away from my business to relax, spend quality time with friends and family, and completely disconnect.  Yes, I said it: Completely disconnect. There will be no check-ins, emails, Slack messages, or Asana tasks. I’m going off the grid from my business, and I’ve got my team set up to win. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “But Amy, you’re obsessed with your business. How on Earth can you be confident that everything will run smoothly AND be totally present while you’re away?”  And that’s what this episode is all about. In it, I’ll share:   How far in advance I started planning for my sabbatical What I’m doing to make sure I have enough content stockpiled The systems I have in place to ensure everything runs on autopilot What I’m most nervous about and excited for How to approach your boss about taking a sabbatical if you’re in a 9 to 5 job So if you’ve ever considered taking a little break from your business, tune in to hear exactly what I’m doing to set myself (and my team) up for success. Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:08] I'm taking a sabbatical -- 30 days to rest, recharge, and spend quality time with my friends and family.  [08:25] By completely disconnecting from your business for an extended period of time, you can come back with so much more energy, creativity, and innovation. [10:30] I am stockpiling videos, media, podcasts, and other content for when I’m out. My team had to get any recording requests to me in advance.  [11:22] My executive assistant and I have been mindful of my calendar leading up to the sabbatical. We've also thought about how I'll ease back in when I return. [12:58] Taking a sabbatical does take financial resources and planning. You want to have things squared away before you go.  [13:59] If you still have a 9 to 5 job, you'll most likely have to get approval from your boss. Explain to them how they will benefit from your time away. [15:49] I'm equally excited and nervous about my sabbatical. This will be a challenge for me to fully let go of what’s going on in my business. [17:11] I'm excited because I think I'll come back even better. I'll be recharged and ready to go.  [20:36] It was important to spend my sabbatical somewhere other than my home because I don't trust myself to not text my team or get involved in the business. [22:56] Take out your journal and write down where you want to go, and then DM me @AmyPorterfield on Instagram and let me know. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/31/202224 minutes
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#464: What Your Enneagram Results Really Mean About You As An Entrepreneur With Ian Morgan Cron

How you use your strengths and weaknesses to your advantage An Enneagram is much more than just a funny word.  It’s a system of personality typing that identifies nine types of people and how they relate to one another and the world. It’s not just a powerful tool for personal growth, but also a great resource for transforming relationships in your personal and professional lives. You’ve probably heard me talk about Enneagrams on this podcast before because I love this tool SO MUCH. Understanding my own personality -- including my strengths and weaknesses -- as well as how I relate to others has helped me enormously in my business, from hiring the right people to improving my leadership skills.  That’s why I’m so excited to have Ian Morgan Cron on the show. He’s the real deal when it comes to Enneagrams and a pioneer in the modern Enneagram movement. In this eye-opening episode, we discuss:  What the Enneagram is and how you can use it to transform your life  The nine different Enneagram personalities How to utilize your strengths as a leader based on your personality type What your Enneagram results tell you about how to set up and run your business If your Enneagram results indicate if you’ll be successful as an entrepreneur  I promise you that this conversation will leave you with a much better understanding of yourself as a leader, and ways that you can hone in on your specific strengths to build a stronger business. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/26/202245 minutes, 50 seconds
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#463: How To Create More White Space & Still Succeed

What’s the point of working your life away? Instead, let’s do less and make more.  If you’re a new business owner or are ramping up to launch your business soon, I would hedge a bet that you have some ideas about what it takes to become incredibly successful. In fact, you’re probably thinking that in order to make the kind of money that you want and stay ahead of the game, you’ll need to be working constantly. But what I’m about to tell you will most likely surprise you, because it goes against what we hear from many entrepreneurs who are in the public eye, and most conventional wisdom. Ready for it?  Lean in a little closer… You do not need to work your life away to be incredibly profitable in your online business. I wish I would’ve realized this much earlier because now that I’m 13 years into it, I know that the best entrepreneurs value their downtime away from their business.  Honestly, I have a little guilt about how much time I spent working when I was ramping up, and in retrospect, I know I could have done even better if I would have allowed for a little bit of rest in my life.  I know, I know… you’re probably thinking that there’s no way you’ll be able to achieve what you want unless you’re constantly grinding. And that may be true for the first couple of years when you’re just getting started, but once you’ve gotten into a good groove and are making money, you’ve got to ask yourself, what am I doing this for?  These days I am all about creating a life and business on my terms, and if you’ve been tuning in for a while, you know that last year I transitioned my team to a 4-day workweek. And guess what? We are still meeting our goals, and I’m still able to have a multi-million dollar business. In letting go of my ‘hustle hard’ mentality, I’ve gained so much more than I ever could have imagined -- and I know you will too.  So if you feel like you’re burning the candle at both ends, tune in to this episode for some peace of mind, and to hear firsthand how I’ve created a successful business without sacrificing what’s most important. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/24/202217 minutes, 56 seconds
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#462: 8 Simple But Powerful Strategies I Used To Hit 1 Million Podcast Downloads

The step-by-step playbook I used to nearly double my podcast downloads If you’ve listened to Online Marketing Made Easy for a while, you know that a) it’s been a true labor of love, and b) a) it’s come a loooooong way since I first started it nine years ago. It’s taken a lot of hard work and late nights burning the midnight oil to become what it is today -- and it's all paid off because we recently hit a MAJOR milestone -- 1 million downloads in a single month. That’s almost DOUBLE the downloads from the previous month! I’m beyond proud of my team, and so incredibly grateful for our listeners!  But like anything, achieving this goal took a willingness to try something that we’ve never done before, and as always, a little bit of trial and error. Luckily, our perfect storm of strategies worked like a charm, and I am so excited to share them with you in this episode.  Whether you have a podcast now or are looking to start one soon, this episode will give you a step-by-step playbook on how to increase your downloads in a really big way.  I share the exact steps of what I did -- not only covering the strategies themselves but everything from the software we used, to where we placed ads -- so grab a pen and paper because you’re definitely going to want to take notes. Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:57] In December of 2021, we went from being just shy of 600,000 downloads to over one million in January.  [08:42] Strategy #1: We created a quiz that made a curated playlist for listeners. We used Interact to make the quiz, created a landing page for the quiz, and directed listeners to podcasts that would best help them using a PDF.  [14:14] Strategy #2: We did two types of ads during our promo week.  [17:32] Strategy #3: We used Instagram Live for Coffee and Coaching. During the live coaching, I was plugging the quiz.  [20:53] Strategy #4: We were strategic about our promo email sequence – making sure to keep our subscribers engaged.  [22:49] Strategy #6: We drove visitors from our website to our promo using a pop-up box and a sky bar banner. [25:06] Strategy #7: We got scrappy and sent out an email to our students and asked them to help us reach that 1 million mark. If you are a student who helped, I greatly appreciate it! [28:37] Strategy #8: Be super intentional about what episode or episodes you release during your promo week. We wanted a big-name guest and that was my friend Brendon Burchard. [35:30] Action items: Pull out your calendar and select a few dates that would be good for a promo like this! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/19/202237 minutes, 23 seconds
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#461: If You Want Lasting Success, Step Up Your (Long) Game

This strategy has been used for centuries by the most brilliant minds in business In a world where most people play the short game, playing the long game offers a big advantage because it ensures your success as an entrepreneur for your entire career.  If you ask me, that sounds pretty great. So, why doesn’t everybody do it? The reason why so many entrepreneurs forgo playing the long game (or completely fail at it) is because it’s not exactly easy to do. It takes patience, hard work, and the right mindset in order to master it. Plus, it requires long-term consistency and dedication, which -- let’s face it -- doesn’t sound very exciting, and it’s certainly not sexy.  But I’m here to tell you that it works. This has been one of the keys to my own success in business, despite the fact that it doesn’t come naturally to me.  Yes, friend, I’m not ashamed to admit that sometimes I get distracted by shiny short-term outcomes, and let my emotions get the best of me when challenges arise or when I feel the overwhelming pressure to stay ahead of the curve. That’s why I constantly remind myself that there’s a reason why it’s said that success is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s because the long game is a time-tested strategy that has been used for centuries by the most brilliant minds in business. In this episode, I not only share how playing the long game can help you get ahead in business, but the mindset you need in order to play the game correctly. You’ll hear: What to tell yourself when you want to give up completely How to use your failures to help push you forward Why setting long-term goals is key, and can help you win the game Examples of how the long game has gotten me through challenges in my business Alright, friend. I hope that you enjoy this episode, and after listening to it, you’ll be in-it-to-win-it, for the long haul. Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:45] Playing the long game is all about your mindset, especially when things don't work out the way that you want them to.  [11:32] If you're playing the long game, then a failure should just be your opportunity to fix something or make it better.  [12:31] Don't be afraid to set audacious long-term goals. With a 3-year plan, you will show up differently versus a 6-month plan.  [14:21] Sometimes it takes a while to achieve the benchmarks and goals that you set for your business. It might be much longer than you thought it would take. [18:13]  You launch, you learn, you tweak, and then you repeat. This is a formula for success! [19:58] You are no longer allowed to have that conversation in your head that you're going to give up or jump ship! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/17/202221 minutes, 39 seconds
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#460: How To Set Up A Flexible Business With Annie Chang: From Live Launching To A Membership To Evergreen Success

The co-founder of Olea & Fig shares how she generated $200K in digital course revenue in less than 2 years There is, quite literally, nothing that brings me greater joy than to see my students become incredibly successful. It’s what drives me to keep creating, teaching, and pushing myself to be the best version of myself that I can be. And that’s why I’m so excited to share this student success story with you. In this episode I’m chatting with one of my students, Annie Chang of Olea and Fig -- an online business that helps women solopreneurs become the “go-to” in their markets by attracting the right customers online. Annie and her business partner and sister, Terrie, used what they learned in Digital Course Academy to create a thriving online business that works for them. Not only did they generate $200,000 in revenue from their digital course after only two years of being in business, but Annie was even able to take an eight-month maternity leave. Yes, friend -- you read that correctly. Eight months. If that’s not the definition of a flexible (and ideal) work environment, then I don’t know what is.  The thing is, they set up their business in a way that all comes back to listening to their audience. And if you’ve been tuning in to this podcast for a while, you know that tapping into your audience’s wants and needs is crucial to having a successful online business.  In this episode, Annie shares:  How they launched their core program with two completely different offers  When they knew it was time to add a membership program to their business  Their most successful strategy for selling during live launches  How to run an automated challenge and keep the engagement up  Ways to serve two audiences with the same program This was a super fun and informative conversation, and it’s my hope that Annie and Terrie’s story will give you a little peek at what’s possible. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/12/202239 minutes, 14 seconds
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#459: 4 Ways To Make Sure You’re Growing Along With Your Business

There’s a reason it’s said that investing in yourself is the best investment you can make Newsflash: As your business grows, you need to grow too.  You’re probably thinking, “Well, duh, Amy -- that’s obvious.” And I agree, it is. But the thing is, all-too-many entrepreneurs completely neglect their own growth and development as their business grows. It’s super easy to do, and believe me, I can relate. You’re so focused and invested in making your business the very best it can be, that you forget about the person behind the scenes, in the trenches, doing all the hard work: Yourself. You, my friend, are the force behind your business’ success. By giving it everything you’ve got (and more), it’s easy to be left feeling a bit drained and uninspired, which is not a great state to be in if you want to continue achieving. So that’s why it’s crucially important to invest in yourself, so you continue to grow right along with your thriving business. It doesn’t need to be anything major, friend -- and as you’ll see, what I do in order to continue growing is very simple. Think about it like a little tune-up. Every once in a while, you have to take a pause, check yourself, and take a little time to ensure that you’re running on all cylinders.  Believe me, after listening to this episode, you’ll understand why it’s said that the best investment you can make is in yourself. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/10/202215 minutes, 44 seconds
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#458: You Asked, I Answered: 6 List Building Questions I Hear Most Often

Newsflash: When your email list grows, so does your business I get asked about list building allllll. the. time. And when I say all the time, I mean in my DMs, in my Lives, on social media -- everywhere!  It’s not that list building is particularly sexy or the latest and greatest thing in digital marketing. It’s such a hot topic because when your email list grows, your business grows right along with it -- a plain and simple truth that I would probably get tattooed on my body, if I were a tattoo person. I’ve learned a ton about list building over the past 13 years of being an online entrepreneur, and it’s been a crucial part of my success in business. In this episode, I answer the six questions I get asked about the most when it comes to list building -- so I can help you get started on the right foot and avoid the lessons that I had to learn the hard way. So whether you’re just getting started with your online business or a seasoned vet, grab a pen and paper because you’re going to want to take notes on this one. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/5/202228 minutes, 39 seconds
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#457: Embracing Radical Confidence With Lisa Bilyeu

Learn actionable strategies for boosting your self-confidence We all know that person who can walk into a room and totally own it without even having to speak a word. I won’t lie -- every time I see that person, I’m a little bit envious of their natural confidence. You’re probably thinking, “But Amy, you’re out there in front of the world! You are a confident person!” And I’m here to tell you that even though it seems like I’ve been blessed by the confidence Gods, it’s taken a lot of hard work. I’ve had to make confidence a practice, just like everything else that I want to succeed in. But here’s the thing. Even if you’re not a confident person right now, you 100% can be, and my dear friend -- Lisa Bilyeu -- co-founder of Quest Nutrition and author of Radical Confidence, is here to talk about how to do just that.  In this episode, Lisa shares: How to deal with your weak spots and reframe your negative voice A step-by-step practice for identifying self-sabotage and how to break the pattern Tangible ways that you can boost your confidence How to change how you experience failure Because let’s be real here. When it comes to growing a business, confidence is essential. It fuels your ability to take action, stretch your limits, overcome fear, and most importantly -- know that you can win the game. Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:20] Radical Confidence is using tools to move forward even when you don't feel great about doing something. It's having the skills and tools to turn to when you feel insecure. [07:04] No bull-shit! What would it take? Instead of just sitting around wishing, ask what it would take for you to be the best pianist in the world. Break it down to steps and then decide if those steps are for you. You get to assess and decide whether to do it or not.  [09:46] Failure can be inevitable when you're going after something you want. Look at your weaknesses, and accept that failure isn't an option. When you try to do those things, you will find inevitable weaknesses that you'll have to take a hard look at. [12:15] How do I stop this negative voice that's absolutely paralyzing me? A negative voice can be your kryptonite, think about how you can make it your superpower? It's about perspective and reframing. Be nice to yourself and don't beat yourself up. [14:20] Flip the mean girl in your head and find out what she's really trying to say to you in a positive way. Let the voice run wild and write everything down with no emotion. The critic becomes the coach. [19:01] Identifying self-sabotage and breaking the pattern. If we are the ones in our own way, then we can change that. What are you doing that gets in your way? Is your goal in line with what you want to do with your life? Is that why you're self-sabotaging yourself? [21:23] You can make choices that allow you to stop self-sabotaging over the goal you want. Not giving yourself the opportunity to experiment and explore is another form of self-sabotage we don't even recognize. [22:31] Get clear and write out your goal. Who? What? When? Why? How? This will give you a north star to move forward. Make a commitment and write down whether you did it or not. Address, reframe, and access.  [26:24] Tangible ways for boosting your confidence. Have a hype song. There's a difference between knowing how to do something and wanting to do it. Have a strategy and game plan. Say yes! Find things that empower you. Cultivate a mental state that will empower you.  [33:44] Emotional sobriety. Don't get so upset that you say or do things you regret. Being emotion drunk does not serve you. There are going to be people who frustrate you. Losing it does not serve you. Take an emotional shot of sobriety. You could just leave the room.  [38:11] Write down what took place, but not your emotions. Once you have the words, you can look at your emotions and identify triggers. Use it as a guide and identify a game plan. [39:55] Radical Confidence is about living the life you want. This book will help you break down all of the things that are getting in the way like mindset and the way you show up every day. It's a guide and blueprint of how to navigate the life you want. [48:30] We need to work on confidence everyday. Choose one practice that resonated with you today and grab a pen and paper and embody that practice. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/4/202249 minutes, 27 seconds
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#456: A Lesson In Comparison: You Vs. Other Entrepreneurs

What I do to turn jealous thoughts into something productive Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a jealousy hangover. You know, the lingering envy you have after seeing another entrepreneur achieve something that you want in your own business.  I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve had a jealousy hangover or two and as you’d expect, they’re no fun. But instead of letting these unsettled feelings get the best of me (which I’m 100% guilty of doing in the past), I use them to my advantage.  Yes, friend -- I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I use every single time I start comparing myself to other entrepreneurs. They not only help me steer clear of the dreaded jealousy hangover, but they also get me closer to focusing and achieving what I want. In this episode, I share:  The exact questions I ask myself when I start comparing myself to others  How to pinpoint where your jealousy comes from Ways to use feelings of envy in a productive way  What I do to turn resentment of other entrepreneurs into excitement for them and motivation for myself By shifting the way you think about other entrepreneurs’ success, I promise you’ll find that it brings you closer to achieving everything you’ve ever wanted and more. Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:00] If you're feeling jealous or envious of another online business owner, ask yourself what they have that you want. What do they have that I want? You could use these envious feelings in a more productive way. [06:22] Get clear on your why, and you might uncover something that you hadn't even thought of. Then ask why I want that. This can give you clarity. [08:27] If you really work on your insecurities the next time you feel jealousy, it will be easier to cheer that person on and think I want that too. [10:15] The next time you feel bad, jealous, or envious toward another entrepreneur, just stop and notice it. It's okay to feel those feelings. Then you can turn that jealousy into something productive. Write down that thought in your phone or your journal. [11:03] What are you jealous about? What did they have that I wanted? Why do I want that? What will it bring me? How will it make me feel? What are some small steps I can take to get there? Take action on those steps! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/3/202214 minutes, 15 seconds
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#455: How to Plan Your Next Program Video Shoot Without Breaking The Bank

Learn my tried and true process for shooting like a pro each and every time You’ve laid out your course modules and lessons. You’ve written your scripts. You’ve listened to your pump-up song on full blast, and you’re ready to record your course videos. There’s only one minor problem -- you have absolutely no idea where to start, and what to do. Good news, my sweet friend. I’m going to tell you exactly what I do to create high-quality videos that look professional and don’t break the bank.  My process for recording my course videos runs like a well-oiled machine. I don’t say that to brag, friend – believe me, it’s taken a lot of trial and error over the years to nail it down. And thanks to the many learning lessons I’ve had along the way, I now have a tried and true process for hitting the record button like a pro. I am so excited to share this process with you because I know it is going to save you a ton of time, and also a ton of money. Tune in to hear my tricks of the trade, including:  The system I use to plan and organize my time and assets How to select your outfits and shoot location Where to find an inexpensive videographer and editor  The tools I swear by to record my course videos After you listen to this episode, you’ll be shooting your course videos like a pro -- and I for one, can’t wait to see them. Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:54] I recently recorded all of the training videos for my List Builders Society course and realized I would have paid for a high-quality video creation process when I was first getting started.  [05:55] You must first organize your schedule and assets. Give yourself plenty of time to plan everything out.  [07:14] You can write out your script and use a teleprompter or use bullet points to guide you. Create a filming schedule once you know your modules. [07:48] I have my outfits for each video planned along with the video, link to the script, and filming notes listed out in three columns in a Google doc.  [11:02] Call in support and tell your family and loved ones that you need quiet time without any distractions.  [12:15] Plan your outfits for direct-to-camera shots so you don’t scramble to find one at the last minute. Select one outfit per module to mix it up.  [14:50] Shoot at your house if it's an option. Recording at home makes things easier, allows you to be relaxed, and saves money.  [17:59] Early on, it's probably best to forgo a videographer, but it is helpful to hire someone knowledgeable to set up your studio. [23:05] Lighting is important for direct-to-camera videos, so plan for it in advance. You might be able to find a student to help you, or an inexpensive lighting kit.  [25:48] Account for editing time. You can record all scenes by yourself, but it saves valuable time and energy to hire someone to edit your videos. [29:44] I use bullet points for live videos, and a script and teleprompter for recorded videos. I like PromptSmart, BIGVU, and Ecamm. [34:18] Action item: Use this guide to plan your next video shoot. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/28/202236 minutes, 23 seconds
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#454: The 10 Minute Daily Challenge That Will Set You Up For Success

If you’re ready to grow personally and professionally, try this simple practice If you’ve been with me a while, you know that I am a huge fan of journaling. Without a doubt, this super simple practice has helped me calm my busy mind, foster my creativity, and stay organized. It has brought so much to my personal and professional life that I can’t even imagine what things would be like if I didn’t do it every day.  But here’s the thing -- journaling, just like anything, is a practice. You’ve got to commit to it, and you also need to understand that it can take a bit of time to get into a good groove. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down with every intention of getting all of my thoughts out, only to stare at a blank page for what feels like hours.  Thanks to the help of some of my mentors and coaches, I’ve got this whole journaling thing down. In this episode, I share exactly what I do to set myself up for success, tame any negative thoughts that come up while I’m writing, and make sure I get the most out of this powerful practice. Tune in to hear:  How I set up my daily journaling routine, and why I set it up this way Questions and prompts to ask yourself when you’re not sure what to write about How to normalize judgemental thoughts you might have when writing  Ways to neutralize your language when you’re letting it all out What to do if you find negative thoughts spiraling out of control while journaling By the time you’re done listening to this episode, you’ll have a whole new approach to journaling -- one that helps you be more productive, positive, and kinder to yourself. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/26/202215 minutes, 30 seconds
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#453: Why Memberships Are The Future Of Online Businesses With Stu McLaren

If you’re looking to scale your business, memberships may be right for you If you have a business that you’re looking to scale, are looking for a way to further support your students, or if you’ve ever thought about adding a membership, this episode is for you.  Stu McLaren joins me for a chat about all-things memberships -- how to determine if it’s the right model for your business, why they’re exploding in popularity, and how they've changed over the past couple of years. And believe me – there is, quite literally, no better person to advise you when it comes to this sort of thing. For the past 12 years, Stu has worked intimately with tens of thousands of authors, speakers, coaches, consultants and business owners to transform what they know and love into recurring revenue through membership sites. Tune in to learn:  How to determine what kind of membership is best for your business The recent changes memberships have faced and what that means for you Why memberships are more important now than ever before What types of businesses work best with the membership model Happy listening! Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:26] Stu created a membership in 2008, because he wanted to grow his business it allowed him to scale his business without demanding a ton of time or energy.  [09:08] There are four different types of memberships including product-based, service-based, knowledge-based, and community-based memberships.  [25:57] Creating a positive experience in the first 30 days can triple the lifetime membership time. Take a close look at your onboarding methods. [30:29] It's important to understand the lifeline of a membership and change marketing strategies as it grows.  [32:35] Teaching people your passion is a great use of a membership site. Don't overlook the gifts you have. You could create a business around your skill sets.  [35:48] If starting out, look at a knowledge-based membership. You can design your business however you want. [39:42] Stu is hosting a Live Workshop that will assess if your market is a good fit for a membership site and more! It's live and free. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/21/202246 minutes, 47 seconds
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#452: Earth To Amy: How To Stay Grounded When You’re Wearing A Million Hats

If you’re overwhelmed in your business – you’re not alone, these exercises can help. I absolutely love being an entrepreneur. I love the variety, the challenge of it, the people I get to learn from, and most importantly, the people I have the honor of teaching. I’m also incredibly grateful for the fact that I get to wake up every morning and do something that lights me up. Being an entrepreneur is a lot at times -- and I’m sure you can relate. I won’t lie -- I’m going through a time where I feel like the weight of the world (and my business) is on my shoulders. I have a hundred plates spinning in the air, and at any given moment, one could drop. Luckily, I have a few grounding tools and exercises in my arsenal to help redirect my overwhelm, and come back to planet Earth when I start to lose my footing. Over the years, I’ve found that these little tricks have helped me get through even the toughest of times -- and I’m sharing them in this episode. You’ll learn: What I tell myself to quiet my mind when things are stressful The strategy I use to pull myself out of busy business overwhelm The two things I’ve incorporated into my daily routine to keep me grounded Why being with yourself, and others, is the key to overcoming difficult times So if you’re feeling the stress of doing a million different things and wearing a million different hats, tune in and take notes! Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:34] When things get tough, I remind myself that I'm in a season and this too shall pass. It helps me rein in negative thoughts and have a much better mindset. [06:05] You’ve got to be grateful for both the good and the bad. There's ebbs, and there's flows with everything in life. [07:01] I have to strategically think about how to get through the tough times when things are overwhelming. One thing I do is call on friends and leaders in the industry and ask questions. [08:27] I meditate for 10 minutes a day using the Calm app. I've made it a goal to be consistent on Monday through Friday. I also do breathing exercises.  [12:07] When I have too many plates spinning in the air, I have to be honest with myself. I can't be afraid to ask for support from my team and delegate when I need to. It also helps having a VA. [14:00] There's no shame in putting off a few items on your calendar. Time moves quickly, and it will be here like that. Give yourself room to breathe. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/19/202216 minutes, 43 seconds
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#451: Money Mindset Must-Haves For Every Entrepreneur With Anthony O'Neal

Why your income potential has everything to do with your mindset Question for you, friend. When you first started your business, what made you most excited? Let me guess -- building something incredible, having the opportunity to help others and give back, and being your own boss topped the list. And while I’m sure making a ton of money was also on that list, I’d hedge a bet that creating budgets was not.  I can’t say I know too many online marketing entrepreneurs that get excited about the money management aspect of creating wealth -- because let’s be real, it can be intimidating and very tricky, especially when you have no idea where to start.  But here’s the thing. It’s incredibly important, and proper management of your money can make or break your business.  That’s why I’m so excited for you to listen to this episode, where I chat with Anthony O’Neal -- a number one national bestselling author, speaker, financial expert, and host of the popular YouTube series and The Table Podcast with Anthony O’Neal. What’s great about Anthony is that he’s able to explain things in a way that is super relatable and easy to understand for those of us (ahem, yours truly) that don’t particularly enjoy putting together budgets and spreadsheets.  In this episode, we answer those questions that most business owners have when they’re getting started, like:  How do you budget when your monthly income varies? How do you set revenue goals that are in alignment with your business goals?  When should you start paying yourself, and how much? What happens when you don’t meet your revenue goals?  Plus, Anthony shares how changing your mindset around money serves as the foundation for creating financial growth and freedom, plus simple tips on how to put it into practice. Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:30] Anthony knew nothing about finances and racked up tons of college debt. He decided that he needed to change his decisions in order to change his future. Dave Ramsey helped him change his mindset around money, and learn how to have a debt-free true ownership life. [11:00] If you’re first starting out in business, create vision of where you're going with your money that’s based on your last quarter. Your budget should be based off of the bare minimum that you'll be bringing in. [13:40] It’s important to have a budget for your personal life and a budget for your business life.  [14:32] You always want to pay yourself something from your business. Have a CPA assess the proper payment. Usually, the minimum is 20 to 30% of what you're collecting. [21:10] You should not feel guilty for having money. It's a blessing to be blessed.  [27:03] If you want to meet your revenue goals, shift your money mindset. Go deeper into your ‘why.’ What are you actually trying to do? Does your ‘why’ make you cry (in a good way)? [36:51] Everyone eventually needs a financial advisor. As your income grows, your need for wisdom grows. Grow with someone who can properly advise you.  [40:05] The number one money mistake people make is not having a vision. The number two mistake is living above their means, and the number three mistake is not investing that money. Create a monthly margin to add to your investments and savings. [42:41] The best piece of money advice that Anthony has received is that for every dollar brought in, give God ten cents. This is about being generous and a good steward of money. Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/14/202250 minutes, 7 seconds
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#450: How to Bounce Back After a Disappointing Launch

Failure to launch is not the end of the world, it’s an opportunity to do better Say this out loud:  Failed launches happen, and it's ok when they do. Say it again, and this time, actually believe it!  It’s true, friend -- failed launches are simply a part of being a digital marketer, and you’ve just got to accept it. It doesn’t matter if you are the most successful course creator on this planet or just getting started -- they happen to everyone, including me.  Over the years I’ve done dozens of launches, and one thing I’ve learned is that the bad launch fairy does not discriminate. She will literally take the launch that you spent the most time on -- the one that you were certain would be a smashing success -- and turn it into a complete flop with a poof of her wand, leaving you disheartened and totally confused.  Well, that’s what it can seem like anyways -- and if you’ve ever had a launch that didn’t go as well as you expected, I’m sure you can relate!  The question is, how do you move on from that failed launch and make sure that the next one blows it out of the park? #Spoileralert, it has everything to do with your mindset. And as hard as it can be to pull yourself up from your bootstraps and march onward, you’ve just got to do it. In this episode, you’ll hear: The mindset I embrace to move on from disappointing launches  What I discuss in my team debrief meetings after a launch doesn’t go as planned Ways you can learn from your failed launch and go on to create something 10x better Are you ready? Let’s get started. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/12/202218 minutes, 19 seconds
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[Bonus Episode] Consumer Habits That Will Affect Your Business & Why Brand Loyalty Is Changing

Since 2020, we’ve seen the world change and shift multiple times. And as an entrepreneur, there’s nothing we can do but hold on and try to adjust to the changing times the best we can. I think we can all agree that staying flexible and fluid isn’t always easy… especially when you’re trying to plan the future of your business. We may not always get the answers we want or the direction we’re hoping for, but we can lean into other entrepreneurs and experts to help direct us and support us in making the best decisions we can with the information we have. In this bonus episode, I brought on Phillip Stutts because he’s sharing an important message that affects us as entrepreneurs right now. I wanted to get this information into your hands as quickly as possible so you can pivot and adjust accordingly as we head into Q2 of 2022. My guest, Phillip, comes from the cutthroat world of political marketing. He has over 2 decades of experience working on campaigns with billions of dollars in political ad spend, and contributed to over 1,433 election victories, including 3 U.S. Presidential victories. Phillip is also the founder and CEO of Win BIG Media (a corporate marketing agency) and Founder/Executive Chairman of Go BIG Media (a political marketing ad firm). In this interview, you’ll hear Phillip and I discuss: What’s happening to brand loyalty The three types of consumer personality types and why we should be paying attention to these Why you may want to reconsider where you’re spending your ad spend – including if Facebook advertising is best for your business And so much more. I hope you’re fully present for this conversation and take what you learn and adjust your business, goals, and budgets as we continue into 2022.
4/8/202248 minutes, 48 seconds
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#449: Why NOW Is The Best Time To Launch A Podcast With Jenna Kutcher

Learn how to launch and grow your podcast from the best in the industry. If you’ve been listening to Online Marketing Made Easy for a while, you know that one of the questions I always ask my guests is, “What would you do if you had to start your business all over again? What would you focus on first?” And for me, answering that question is super easy. Without a shadow of a doubt, I would start a podcast from day one. Yes, friend, it’s true. Online Marketing Made Easy has brought so much more to my business than I ever thought possible, and it’s also been such a great creative outlet for me.  Not only does a podcast help you develop a presence for your brand and directly connect with your target audience, but you can also make great money in the process. My team and I just recently had our first 1 million downloads month, and I could not be more proud. It’s taken a lot of hard work, changing directions, and trying out new things -- but it’s been well worth the effort.  So in the spirit of all-things podcast, I thought I’d invite Jenna Kutcher, the host of the Goal Digger podcast, on to the show to share a few words of wisdom. Jenna is the crème de la crème of podcasters and content creators, so I know you’ll be just as excited as I was to hear what she has to say. In this interview, you’ll hear Jenna and I discuss: How to set realistic production and metrics goals Tips on how to monetize your podcast and when to start When is “too late” to create and launch a podcast The pros and cons of being part of a podcast network Do you have your listening ears on? Good -- because if you’ve ever considered starting a podcast, you definitely want to listen closely. Here’s a glance at this episode... [08:05] The key to a successful podcast is to find a way to produce content sustainably. Have systems in place that allow you to show up and keep running. [10:45] Don't let things that don't matter hold you up. Find out what you are doing and why. A podcast can be a top of funnel, establish you as an expert, or become an interview opportunity. Get clear on your goal.  [12:41] Set a goal for your podcast. Could it be a list builder, a way to establish credibility, or a means to pivot your business? Your results will depend on what that goal is. [16:52] Monetize from day one. People will continue to go back to early episodes. You could use it as a list builder or an affiliate play.  [20:53] It's not too late to start a podcast. No one will approach it like you will. Listeners listen to multiple shows. [26:14] Subscriptions or paid models are becoming popular. Jenna likes the idea of creating value for free and giving away content.  [34:54] Jenna loves that people are inviting her voice into their lives. Podcasts are a reference library to so many different topics. If the host isn't an expert, they can bring an expert in. [38:29] Jenna has a free masterclass on how to podcast. It shares all the beginning information, so there's no second-guessing. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/7/202246 minutes, 37 seconds
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#448: Steal These Mantras To Keep You Going Personally & Professionally

Remember these when your thoughts get in the way of your success There are four mantras that I keep coming back to time and time again. They are, quite literally, the words that guide my life, both at home and in my business. How many times have you felt uncertain or anxious about something and that feeling starts to consume you? As high achievers we put SO.MUCH.PRESSURE on ourselves to succeed, that if we don’t manage our own thoughts, they have the potential to get out of control.  Believe me, I am a serious offender when it comes to getting stuck in my own head, and that’s why whenever I find myself getting to that place, I take a deep breath and remember these four things. These mantras have gotten me through many “firsts” — including my first course launch, my first big move across the country, and also my first book, which you’ll hear more about in this episode.  Not only that, but they have helped me a ton when it comes to understanding -- and accepting -- that things don’t always happen on my timeline, no matter how much I want them to.  So grab your beverage of choice and a journal or notepad, because you’re going to want to write these down so you can treat yourself to them whenever your thoughts start to get in the way of your own success.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
4/5/202217 minutes, 35 seconds
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#447: This Sales Strategy Converted at 44% & Now I'm Teaching It To You

In a world of automation, personal connection is what our clients were really craving. I am beyond excited for you to listen to this episode because this sales strategy is going to blow your socks off. I recently used this strategy for the first time, and let me tell you, my entire team was floored at not only how many sales we got, but how much richer it made our launch. But here’s the thing -- it’s not fancy, it’s not complicated, and considering that we are all in the world of digital marketing, it might surprise you to hear that the success of this sales strategy had everything to do with human interaction.  Yes, my friend! Call me old school, but there is tremendous value in personal connection with other people that gets lost in this brave new world of automation. And considering we’re just now emerging from a pandemic that has drastically limited our ability to interact with others, that ‘human touch’ is needed much more now than ever. Now, I’m not making a dig on digital, because it’s what pays my bills and it’s what allows me to help so many online business owners around the world. But let’s be real -- one-on-one interaction with another person allows us as marketers to appeal to their most basic instincts as buyers. Such as… What are their pain points?  What are their fears?  What do they not only want, but what do they need? This is the first time in my 13 years of entrepreneurship that I’ve used this strategy, and it absolutely crushed the goals that my team and I set up front. And here’s the good news: It’s super easy to replicate, and I’m going to share how to do it step-by-step.  In this episode, you’ll learn:  What a live concierge team is, and how they can help you convert customers How to put together a concierge team, even if you don’t have any team members The tools and technology you need to set your concierge team up for success Goals and metrics you should measure  What I plan to do differently after implementing this strategy for the first time Are you ready? Let’s dive in. Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:14] We create a concierge team that helped potential students understand whether the course was right for them or not.  [06:58] Consider adding something like this to your own launch strategy. Especially if you have a program that's $500 or more. You can use this strategy even if you don't have a team. [11:20] Use the tools that work best for you. We used Calendly, Zoom, and created email tags for people interested in our calls.  [28:51] Set goals for your concierge team. You may want to consider tracking sales and offer a prize for milestones and high conversions.  [32:57] Here are a few important lessons we learned: 1. Have your team block their time. 2. Allow flexibility with a range of times. 3. Make a schedule for your team to provide coverage throughout the day. 4. Have concierge meetings before the cart opens. 5. Create a simple URL page to promote the team. [37:35] Action items: Write a list of people who love to connect and are willing to promote your program. Put together resources for them. Set goals. Have fun! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/31/202240 minutes, 4 seconds
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#446: The Art of Delegation & Why It's The Best Thing I've Ever Done

Once I learned to let go, my business grew exponentially If you’re anything like me, you like to have a hand in every single aspect of your business. After all, your business is where you spend the majority of your time, focus, and energy -- so why wouldn’t you want to feel like you’re 100% in control of it?  As you can probably tell, delegation is something that I’ve struggled with for a very long time. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time I said (or thought) “It’ll be easier if I do it myself,” or “It’ll be faster if I just do it,” I’d be a very rich woman. But I’ll let you in on a little secret now that I’m on the other side of it: This is no way to grow, run, or scale a successful business. Not only do you burn yourself out by spinning the wheels on things that are outside of your zone of genius, but your growth will be limited because there’s only one you, and #spoileralert, you can’t possibly do everything because you’re human. Trust me on this one. Once you are able to put your trust in somebody else who is equally or more capable of accomplishing the job or task at hand, things run a lot smoother, you’re less stressed out, and you are able to spend time doing the things that are going to actually help your business grow.  I know, I know. It’s difficult to let go of things that you’re used to being in control of. But that’s the thing with growth, right? It’s not always easy, but the growing pains are totally worth the end result. So if you’ve been struggling with passing the torch, tune into this episode to learn:  The mindset I’ve embraced in order to let go of some of the most important pieces of my business How to identify your ‘zone of genius' and make sure you stay working within it Ways to overcome the “I can do it faster and better” mentality The lessons I’ve learned from letting go and trusting others Sneak away for a little bit (maybe even delegate your next task, if you dare… ) and tune into this episode that I hope will help you find the confidence to let go. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/29/202222 minutes, 57 seconds
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#445: 'How to Do The Work' and Release Negative Thinking with Dr. Nicole LaPera

Why your thoughts have everything to your success in life and business I am so excited for you to listen to this episode because my guest is someone who helped get me out of a really difficult time in my life -- a time that I’ve shared about on this podcast.  Her name is Dr. Nicole LaPera. She’s a Cornell-trained holistic psychologist, and thanks to her book, How to Do The Work, I learned some really great tools on how to examine and correct the negative thought patterns I was having last year that led to a bit of a depression. If you’ve been tuning in to Online Marketing Made Easy for a while, you’ve heard a lot about this period of time in the beginning of 2021, right after our move to Nashville. It took a big toll on my personal and professional life, so that’s why I’m getting super vulnerable in this interview and diving into all-things mental health.  By the way, I am so glad that mental health is a topic that is losing its stigma, and becoming a bigger part of everyday conversation -- because let’s be honest, it has a direct effect on how we show up in the world every single day.  Trust me on this one. Dr. Nicole’s approach is much different than some of the other types of therapy and personal development work that are out there, and you can expect to walk away from this episode with her unique perspective on how to:  Recognize toxic patterns and how they manifest Heal from personal trauma so you can show up as the best version of yourself in life and in business Make permanent shifts in your thought patterns Take your mental health and healing into your own hands Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:54] When Nicole was young, she struggled with anxiety. Her curiosity around her struggles inspired her to pursue a career in psychology so she could help others understand themselves and create change in the world. [09:02] After having a successful private practice, she felt inspired to look at new ways to create change to help people online. She wanted to share her stories and her tools, so she started The Holistic Psychologist. [10:53] The work emphasizes the daily nature of change required. Many of us are stuck because we're not living consciously. We need to be conscious in real time, so we don't repeat the old habits. [16:14] Set random alarms on your phone to check in with yourself. Ask, “How present am I? Am I fully immersed in whatever I'm doing?” Use your senses to come back to being present. [30:59] We have the choice to shift from disempowerment to empowerment, so long as we are doing things consciously and checking in with ourselves. [37:42] Make sure you get the nutrients that your brain needs to function. Geting enough sleep at night, your breathing, and taking care of your body are great ways to start.   [41:36] Learn how to stay committed and connected to your truth and your vision in business. Be discerning about what you hear, and know what you stand for! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/24/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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#444: My Top 5 All-Time Favorite Online Marketing Made Easy Episodes

After 9 years of having my own podcast, I always come back to these This episode was super fun for me to create because I got to revisit my very favorite Online Marketing Made Easy episodes -- the ones that really struck a chord with me, and have stuck with me after all these years! Now, narrowing down the list from 500 episodes to just five was no small task because I honest-to-God love each and every one of them. But I hunkered down and recalled the ones I still think about often, and I am really excited to share them with you. If you’ve been with me for a while, and have already listened to these in the past, even better because as you know, learning something over and over again is how you truly master it. There are so many golden nuggets that will really help you dial in on everything from creating better habits, to talking about your product and becoming a better storyteller. But before we get to it, can I just say that I am still in awe over the fact that my team and I have created 500 episodes of Online Marketing Made Easy? What started as just a glimmer in my eye in 2013 has grown to become a living, breathing, and constantly evolving outlet that allows me to share the many things I’ve learned in my journey of online entrepreneurship.  I’m not telling you this to brag, sweet friend -- I am sharing this with you because I am living proof that it’s possible to create a highly successful podcast that not only grows your business, but one that helps other people -- even if you don’t think you can.  And with that, here are my all-time top five. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/22/202222 minutes, 50 seconds
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#443: The Mini Ad Training: 4 Key Principles For High-Converting, Low-Cost Ads

Grab the free resource for this episode by heading here! Increasing your conversion rate just got that much easier Creating a high-converting ad on a budget may seem super tricky, but it’s actually quite simple if you play your cards right.  Believe me, I’ve had my fair share of ads that have completely flopped, and am no stranger to that feeling in your stomach when you realize that you just spent a ton of money and have absolutely nothing to show for it.  What’s almost worse than that is having to try it all again without the certainty that you’re going to get a return on your investment. It’s not an easy place to be, my friend, and I’ve been there too. So here’s the good news. I’ve done allllll the trial and error for you over the past 13 years of being an online marketing entrepreneur, and have learned a thing or two about how to create ads that convert without spending (and wasting) a ton of money.  In this episode, I share the four principles that I LIVE BY when creating ads for my own business. To this day, I run through this list to make sure that my ads are hitting the mark in each of these areas, and it hasn’t done me wrong. My hope is that you take these principles, apply them to your own ads, and then watch your conversions continue to grow over time.  And for the cherry on top, you can snag a free resource with a roundup of my top-performing ads in the notes below -- because let’s be real, seeing some examples in person will be that much more helpful when you go to create your own ads. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/17/202229 minutes, 51 seconds
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#442: The Not-To-Do List: 3 Things to Avoid to Stay on Your Game

A successful business has everything to do with how you approach your day Imagine this scenario:  Your business is doing great. You’re meeting your goals, things are on track, and overall, you’re feeling extra proud of what you’ve accomplished this year.  But let’s keep it real -- you’re also feeling a little bit burnt out from pouring every ounce of your soul into your business, and some things are starting to slip because… you’re a living, breathing human.  Maybe you’re packing your days so tight that you have absolutely no room to breathe, or you’re losing focus on the tasks in front of you because your mind is constantly occupied with something else. Or maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed and disorganized, and have no idea where to even start. Can you relate?  I don’t know about you, but it’s this time of year -- the end of Q1 -- that I tend to get a little frazzled, and because of that, start to lose sight of the goals and intentions that I set for myself at the beginning of the year. And if you’ve been a listener for some time, you probably know that my goals set the tone for my entire business -- and I keep them front and center (so they pretty much stare at me blankly in the face every day.) So that’s why in this shorty episode, I’m sharing my list of three things that you can avoid doing to stay on top of your game, and move forward with a clear mind and ready to take on that new product launch, or podcast, or rebrand, or whatever goals you have set for yourself and your business. It’s time to tighten up, friend -- are you ready? Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/15/202218 minutes, 35 seconds
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#441: Normalizing Mental Health For Entrepreneurs With Gabby Bernstein

Ways to improve your mental health, reduce anxiety, and be happy Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to wake up each morning without any anxiety whatsoever?  Sounds pretty incredible, I must say. But for so many entrepreneurs, waking up without any stress or fear about what’s ahead is nothing short of a pipe dream. Owning a business is hard work, and at times can 100% make you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.  I’m sure you can relate to this feeling. I know I can, and have in the past.  But here’s the thing. The stress, fear, and anxiety that you experience is only getting in the way of your success in business. And let’s be real for a second here. Is it even worth trading your happiness for success? For me, it’s definitely not, and I tend to be an anxious person.  That’s why I absolutely adore my guest in this episode -- because time and time again, I’ve come back to her strategies to find balance emotionally and spiritually. Her name is Gabby Bernstein, and she’s been helping people find a sense of freedom and inner peace for the past 16 years.  She’s a New York Times best-selling author of eight books, and host of her own podcast, Dear Gabby, where she helps guests become the happiest versions of themselves in real-time. But what’s really special about Gabby is that she doesn’t just talk the talk, she’s walked the walk, too. Her own struggles with addiction and depression are what fueled her to align with her true purpose and become a much better version of herself.  In this episode, you’ll learn:  Self-regulation techniques for working through anxiety Mindset shifts that will help you transform your thoughts Ways to identify negative patterns and how to change them How Gabby has used her own struggles to become stronger I hope you love this interview as much as I did and take away some strategies on how you can make waking up without anxiety your reality. Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:32] With entrepreneurs, there's often a lot of doing and less being. Some of this is from being inspired, but some of it can be from feelings of inadequacy or worry.  [10:55] One self-regulation technique is to be aware of what's happening with yourself internally. Breathing can help with this. [12:56] Another technique you can practice is to create grounding with your right hand on your heart. Close your eyes and breathe, inhale and exhale slowly.  [17:25] The most important quality that we need to establish before doing the work is compassion for yourself. Put your hand on your heart and your belly and say, "I respect you. I honor you. I love you, and I know you're doing the best that you can. I have so much compassion for where you're at right now." [20:57] In order to identify patterns that make us unhappy, we must become a witness to the patterns. Take notice of what triggers you, and how you respond.  [24:50] Gabby's journey through her work and trauma recovery is the basis of Happy Days. Being a workaholic was really taking her down, but after continuously asking herself why, she started cracking into painful discomfort. [27:11] She remembered a disassociated memory that answered her question of why she was a workaholic and had other issues. After identifying the why, she began a deep emotional journey of healing. [30:28] Trauma has been given shame, so people minimize it. We all have trauma that still shows up in our lives now. It’s important to address it, and get out of the toxic cycle of trigger, fear, and acting out. [38:25] Biggest takeaway: We should all have compassion for ourselves and the people around us. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/10/202240 minutes, 24 seconds
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#440: White Knuckling, Letting Go, & Trusting The Process

When you attract instead of chase, the Universe won’t disappoint When I think of white-knuckling, I imagine myself driving through snow-covered switchbacks of a steep mountainside, someplace like Colorado.  My hands are gripping the steering wheel so tight that my knuckles turn white -- because if I take my eyes off the road for a split second, or hit one little patch of black ice, it could be an absolute disaster. If you’ve ever driven through the mountains you probably know what I’m talking about, and it can be terrifying.  But white-knuckling doesn’t just happen when driving through precarious terrain. It also happens in business, and entrepreneurs -- including yours truly -- are guilty of it all the time.  Instead of gripping the steering wheel for dear life, you’re holding on to some piece of your business that you are desperately trying to control -- maybe it’s your social media, your quarterly revenue goals, or the new lead magnet you created that just isn’t hitting the mark. You zero in on the details so closely that you start to obsess over them, and sooner or later, they start to consume every ounce of you. You feel like you’re constantly chasing something that you just can’t seem to reach.  Does any of this sound familiar?  I white-knuckled everything about this podcast for a long time, and it took a toll on both me and my team. But in learning to let it go and trusting more in the universe, I found that the podcast became more successful than ever.  And that’s why I recorded this little shorty episode for you -- because I wanted to share a bit more about how loosening the reins on something you care deeply about can bring you so much more than you ever imagined, and do it a whole lot faster.  Enjoy, my friend! Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:43] White knuckling is holding on to something really tight and trying to control every aspect of it. One thing that I've white-knuckled for a long time is this podcast. [07:38] I realized my podcast wasn't fun anymore, and I was obsessing about the metrics. I lost the joy I used to have in creating it, and it was difficult to be creative. I decided to let go of the expectations I had about my podcast. [08:49] The following two weeks after I let go, we saw a rise in the number of downloads and more opportunities became available.  [09:28] There has to be something in your business that you are white-knuckling. With so much control, the creativity doesn't flow anymore. [10:21] My new motto is “I don't chase, I attract.” I’ve decided just to let it be.  [12:12] Let go of expectations, and attraction will organically happen.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/8/202215 minutes, 36 seconds
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#439: 9 Things I'd Do If I Started My Business All Over Again

Lessons I’ve learned that will save you time, money, and lots of stress If you have recently taken the deep dive into entrepreneurship, then this episode is for you. Yes, you, friend! The brave soul with the beautiful vision, the passionate achiever who believes in their business with every ounce of their soul, and the one who’s willing to put in the hard work while also saving that sweet, sweet space for what really matters in life. But let’s be real… entrepreneurship is really hard, especially when you’re just getting started. It’s totally normal to feel uncertain about yourself, or like you’re way in over your head, or that you keep spinning your wheels and just can’t get out of that cycle. I’m here to tell you that those feelings are 100% a part of being an entrepreneur. Believe me, I’ve been there, and after 13 years of figuring it all out (with many mistakes along the way), I’ve had some time to look back and reflect on what it is that I would do differently with my business if I had to start over from scratch.  In no way am I saying that I would take back the mistakes that I’ve made -- because I’ve learned so much from each and every one of them. But I am hoping that there will be something on this list that will save you time, money, and unnecessary stress from the get-go.  And what’s really exciting is that sooner than later, you’ll have your own list of things that you’ll be sharing with your own community on your very own podcast (more on why you should get your podcast started NOW in the episode.)  Grab a pen and paper (or your Full Focus Planner) and settle in to hear the top nine things that I would do differently in my business if I had to do it all over again. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/3/202235 minutes, 39 seconds
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#438: Shiny Objects Syndrome? Here’s Your Quick Fix

New projects may be fun and exciting, but do they align with your goals? Imagine this scenario: Things are going great in your online business -- you’ve created your ideal work week, you’re on track to meet your quarterly goals, and you have more time than you’ve ever had to focus on in your personal life. And then… you have an idea. Not just any idea, but the most brilliant idea that has ever popped into your head. It’s sexy, it’s fun, and quite honestly, it’s all you can think about.  But the thing is, this brilliant idea of yours isn’t exactly in alignment with the goals that you’ve set for yourself. In fact, it’s not even close. This, my friend, is called Shiny Object Syndrome, and it plagues millions of entrepreneurs all over the world -- including yours truly.  I’m sure you can relate. Instead of focusing on the tasks that will get you closer to achieving your goals, you get sidetracked by an idea or project that feels new and exciting -- because, let’s be real, launching a new product or course is way more thrilling than refining and improving the one you already have. But here’s the good news, sweet friend. As someone who is by nature drawn to all things shiny, I have come up with a few ways to hold myself accountable to my goals, stay focused, and still manage to work in a little bit of razzle-dazzle along the way.  In this episode, you’ll learn:  The one physical item I use that helps me stay on task How I ensure that my goals get (and keep) me excited What I do to keep my eye on the prize The personality type you need to have on your team to help hold you accountable Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
3/1/202212 minutes, 31 seconds
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#437: How To Troubleshoot A Lead Magnet That’s Not Converting

Tried and true steps to crafting an irresistible lead magnet Have you ever poured your blood, sweat, and tears into creating a lead magnet only to have it fail miserably?  If so, two things: 1) Welcome to the club, and 2) Don’t spend any more time worrying about it because you’re going to learn A LOT about how to create a highly successful lead magnet in this episode. The truth is, creating a lead magnet that converts is both an art and a science, which means there are a million and one reasons why yours might not be hitting the mark.  You might find that making small tweaks to your design or copy could help boost conversions, or on the flip side, you might need to rethink your entire strategy and create something brand new. More often than not, it takes time and good old-fashioned trial and error to get it right -- and there's absolutely no harm in that. Because each version of your lead magnet, especially the ones that fall flat, will show you what’s not working so you can make changes and improve. Plus, who said this whole lead magnet thing was going to be easy anyways? ;)  Here’s what you can expect to take away from this episode:  Easy things you can tweak to increase your conversions Ways to get valuable feedback from your Ideal Customer Avatar  Tips on getting your lead magnet in front of a larger audience When to know if it’s time to scrap your lead magnet and start over from scratch Here’s a glance at this episode... Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/24/202233 minutes, 26 seconds
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#436: You've Been Setting Goals Wrong: Here’s Why & What To Do About It

What to do when you’re afraid you won’t meet your next big goal If you’ve ever created goals for yourself and didn’t meet them, it might be because you set them wrong in the first place. And no, it’s not because what you set out to do was too ambitious (believe me, I’m a huge fan of thinking big), you most likely didn’t meet them because you didn’t have a big enough ‘Why’ behind them.  The ‘Why’ is the fire behind everything that you do -- the driving force that keeps you going when things get difficult or overwhelming, when you’re completely exhausted, and when you want to throw your hands up, shut down your laptop and tune in to the latest episode of Crime Junkie. I know you’ve been there, and I have too. That’s why in this episode, I am sharing a three-step process that you can use when you have something really big in front of you, and you start to doubt whether it’s worth your blood, sweat and tears to accomplish it.  So grab a pen and paper (or open a Google doc) and get ready to do this exercise live as you listen to the episode -- so that those big, audacious goals I know you set for yourself are that much closer to being met.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/22/202213 minutes, 52 seconds
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#435: Coffee with Marie Forleo: Chatting About Purpose, Time Stress, & Eliminating A Workaholic Mentality

The woman inspiring millions shares her best tips on creating a “figure-it-out” mindset The guest for this special episode needs no formal introduction, because she is honest-to-God, that big of a deal. She’s got wit, she’s got wisdom, and I am without a doubt her number one fangirl.  I am so excited to welcome back Marie Forleo to Online Marketing Made Easy.  Marie is, quite literally, the Queen of a socially conscious digital empire that touches millions of people every day. Plus, her energy and optimism is unmatched, and there’s nobody more deserving of such hype.  If you’ve tuned into any previous episodes with Marie as a guest, you surely understand why I keep having her back (I mean… if you know, you know.)  And if you don’t know Marie, here’s the formal introduction: She’s a highly successful entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist who helps people dream big, take meaningful action, and create lasting results.  She’s also a New York Times bestselling author for her book, Everything is Figureoutable, the host of the award-winning show, MarieTV, and a philanthropist, which we’ll dive into in this episode.  But what’s really special is that over the past 13 years, Marie has gone from being my mentor and business coach to one of my dearest friends (whom I still look up to just as much as I did when we first met at the Frank Kern conference years ago), and I couldn’t think of a better person to navigate the ever-changing world of online marketing with.  I’m super excited to share this episode with you, especially because it’s a little different than interviews we’ve done in the past. This time around, we kept it super casual (as friends do!) and just let the conversation go wherever we felt like taking it.  In this episode, we discuss: Why you should reflect on your start as an entrepreneur How to hustle without becoming a workaholic The importance of creating a company with purpose And leaning into those little nudges So grab your coffee (or spicy skinny margarita depending on what time of the day it is), and turn it up for my friend, Marie Forleo. Here’s a glance at this episode... [11:15] Marie wanted her business to help people beyond what she was teaching them. She didn't grow up with a lot of money, but she knew that having a scarcity mindset wasn't a good way to live. She committed to give 10% of what she earned to an organization that's doing good in the world.  [15:37] B-School helps people unpack what a purpose driven formula might look like for them. Part of Marie’s purpose-driven formula is offering scholarships.  [19:32] Time is the most precious non-renewable resource that we all have. Are you investing and lining up your time with what is most important to you?  [26:22] Time stress is an entire reality where you constantly feel overwhelmed and behind. You're always comparing yourself to others and never feel like you're enough. It's like being in a hamster wheel -- you’re always exhausted, and eventually you lose the passion for the thing you love. [27:44] If Marie does anything in her business that doesn't feel right, she learns from that and doesn't do it again. It's her mission and desire to live in joy and creativity. She uses social media as a tool, but she doesn't have to be there all the time. [33:49] People are recognizing some of the negative impacts of social media and spending less time on it. Cultivate your own list outside of social, which also allows you to turn around a profit more quickly. [38:47] If Marie was starting over, she would make sure that she chooses the right ideal customer — someone who is excited about her offerings and happy to pay for them. She would want to understand their fears and desires at such a deep level that they would feel like she was mirroring it back to them.  [41:41] One of the most important things Marie has done for herself is take a coach training which introduced her to the idea that she could work from anywhere. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/17/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 7 seconds
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#434: Thriving As An Introvert In An Extrovert Career

I’m living proof that introverts can be successful online entrepreneurs Here’s one thing that may surprise you about me… I’m an introvert to my core. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “But Amy, you host a podcast! You do Facebook Lives all the time! You do in-person events with tons of people watching you! There’s absolutely no way you’re an introvert.”  But it’s true. And I am certainly not the only introvert in an ”extrovert career.”  In fact, some of the best actors in the world, like Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks -- are introverts doing their thing in an industry that is dominated by extroverts. (And no, I’m not comparing myself in any way, shape or form to these magnificent humans, just proving a point!) Of course, there are things I do all the time that make me slightly uncomfortable (ahem, anything in front of the camera), but like anything in business, you make a plan, stick to it, and overcome your challenges. Plus, if it doesn’t make you uncomfortable, are you really pushing yourself to grow? #truthbomb I wear my introvert badge with pride -- and if you’re an introvert, you should too, my sweet friend. In no way does being an introvert make you any less talented, capable, or successful. And if I’m being completely honest, knowing how to take care of yourself, and allowing yourself that much-needed “me” time when you really need it, is something to be proud of. So in this episode, I’m going to share ways that I nurture my inner introvert while still growing a successful business that requires me to be out in front of the world. You’ll learn:  The ways I mentally prepare myself for stepping out of my comfort zone What I do to recover after “putting myself out there” and how I pump myself up for the next time How I avoid complete overwhelm in an industry that demands you constantly be “on” Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:40] Even as an introvert, it’s absolutely possible to be a highly successful entrepreneur. I'm going to share the ways I handle being an introvert in a business that requires me to be out in front of the world. [05:19] I sometimes dread doing big, live events like Entrepreneur Experience, because it forces me to get out of my comfort zone. That’s why I remind myself how I feel after -- which is fantastic. It’s definitely worth it to feel a little uncomfortable and awkward in order to get you to where you want to be. [07:50] After any live event or situation where I put myself out there, I need to book some alone time with my family. Now I plan for it and work it into my schedule.  [10:51] There are moments that I have to show up as an extrovert. While it can be uncomfortable, I do it because it’s important to create a community where people feel a connection to me.  [11:41] I am always in-tune and aware of what's going on in my body. When I start to resent an experience or an engagement, I know I'm being someone that I am not. While I’m willing to step into a place that is uncomfortable, I'm able to recognize when I’m staying there too long. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/15/202214 minutes
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#433: How To Create An Ideal Week for Optimal Focus, Productivity, & Well-Being

Accomplish your business (& personal) goals AND have more freedom Say these three words out loud: Ideal work week.  Say them again.  Ideal work week.  Be honest… have you ever heard three words that sound so beautiful?  If you would have asked me to envision my ideal work week back in my corporate days, I probably would have laughed -- because I was so far off from having one.  Even in the early days of being my own boss, let me tell you, my work weeks were far less than ideal. It’s taken A LOT of trial and error (11 years of it, in fact) to nail it down -- but the good news is, I’ve finally perfected it. That’s right, my friend -- I have set up my work week in a way that allows me to work towards my goals AND have the free time to spend with the ones that I love.  It’s helped me be more focused, productive, and… here’s the clincher… I don’t even work Fridays anymore (You can learn all about my 4-day work week in this episode.) Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode: What it means to “theme” your weekdays to maximize productivity How to set boundaries based on your weekly schedule Tips and tricks on  working with a Virtual Assistant to plan the week ahead Simple ways to stay organized and on-task My hope is that you’ll be able to implement some of the strategies I share so that you, too, can accomplish your goals AND live life on your terms. Sounds ideal, right? ;-) Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/10/202224 minutes, 2 seconds
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#432: Navigating True Friendships As An Entrepreneur

Why I keep my business close and my friends even closer I love my friends. I mean, L-O-V-E. I am so beyond grateful for them -- they understand me, I understand them, and they’re the type of people I know always have my back. But as you’ll hear in this episode, this hasn’t always been the case. It’s taken many years, lots of tears, and countless hard conversations to get to a place where I am 100% confident that the friends I have in my life are MY PEOPLE. Let me back up a bit and explain why. As an entrepreneur, friendships can be especially tough. Even friendships that you’ve had for years can take a big turn when you make the decision to ditch the 9 to 5 and commit to growing a business. Your priorities and conversations shift when you become an entrepreneur -- your business is your baby, after all. Instead of catching up on the latest episode of Billions over skinny spicy margaritas at happy hour, you’re now rapid-fire texting your friend about your upcoming product launch, or your new copywriter that just can’t seem to nail your brand’s voice.  Over time, this dynamic can wear on a relationship. At some point, you feel like your friend starts to resent you, judges your decisions, or simply isn’t interested in what you have to say anymore. Can you relate? And if your friends are ALSO entrepreneurs, that’s a whole different ballgame that’s equally as tricky to navigate.  Regardless of if your friend is a 9 to 5er or an entrepreneur like you, it’s not that you don’t love them or aren’t grateful for having them in your life. It’s that friendships have seasons, and if I’ve learned anything over the last 14 years of having my own business, it’s totally ok to move on – sometimes it’s the best thing we can do to grow. In this episode, I’ll get really deep about my own friendships, and share with you: What I’ve learned about navigating friendships as an entrepreneur The qualities I look for in a friend, and why How I know it’s time to move on from a friendship or lean into it  I even open up about something I’ve NEVER talked about on the podcast -- the challenges I’ve had being a boss to my best friend in the world (and former CMO), Chloe -- my Cho Cho. This shortie episode is SUPER personal and near and dear to my heart, so I hope you enjoy listening. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/8/202218 minutes, 21 seconds
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#431: Why Women Should Be Investing (& How To Do It Well) with Bola Sokunbi

Start investing today and put your money to work. When I first started investing and making my money work for me… I was super intimidated!  In fact, the immediate thought that comes to mind when I think “investor” is a middle-aged man, in a dark suit, briskly walking down a city street with a Starbucks coffee in hand. Maybe he’s wearing a fitted t-shirt instead of a button-down -- if he’s got a little swag.  I am, quite literally, describing Bobby Axelrod from Billions. I love Bobby’s character, but… I think you would agree, that’s definitely NOT ME. ;-)  Google doesn’t think it’s me, either. In fact, if you do a Google image search of “investor,” guess what turns up? Ninety-nine percent of the images that populate are of the guy I just described above (ahem, Bobby) -- and no women.  It’s no wonder I feel slightly uncomfortable thinking about investing -- because women, especially millennials and older, have been so conditioned to think that you have to be a man (and have a ton of money) to invest. But here’s the thing… That impression is totally wrong. The game has changed, and women are investing money like never before (and Google, if you’re reading this, please push some female investor images to your first page, okay?) Investing money doesn’t have to mean putting millions of dollars into a hedge fund -- it simply means making your money work for you over time. The key here is, though, that you have to actually GET STARTED investing in order to be successful in it, and that my friend, is often the biggest hurdle.  That’s why I’m so excited for you to hear the interview I had with Bola Sokunbi, who is the go-to expert for investing, whether you’re an experienced investor or just starting out -- and definitely if you’re a female investor.  She’s a Certified Financial Education Instructor, best-selling author, speaker, writer, podcaster, social media influencer, and a mama to twins -- which makes her THAT much more impressive. In our interview, we discuss:  How to get started investing, even if you NEVER thought you’d be able to  Some of the barriers to investing that women face, and how we’re overcoming them Tips on investing your money smarter so you can retire before the age of 65  The good, the bad, and the ugly about cryptocurrency, and if it's right for you Think of it like Investing 101, with a little extra kick. ;-)  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/3/202242 minutes, 55 seconds
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#430: 5 Goals I’m Committing To This Year

The strategies I’m using to feel great AND accomplish my goals in 2022 . That’s right, friend! I am getting fully transparent with you about what I am doing to set myself up for success in 2022.  I have always been big on goal setting, planning, and setting intentions for the year ahead (it’s a BIG part of why I’ve seen such success as an entrepreneur)… … but as you know, I struggled with some unexpected depression and anxiety in 2021. This year, I am determined to get ahead of it.  That’s why I’m trying out some FRESH approaches to goal setting that will not only help me to achieve some really cool things both personally and professionally, but ALSO get me in the right mindset before taking on each challenge that I set for myself. Because let’s be honest -- ”success” and “achievement” are not only about what you accomplish, they’re just as much about how you FEEL. In this episode, I’ll share: The goal-setting strategy I LOVE that puts emphasis on how you want to feel, not what you do The 5 goals that I’ve set for myself in 2022, why I chose to set those particular goals, and how I plan to achieve them How I set goals that are challenging yet attainable I’m hoping that by listening to this episode, you’ll hold me accountable, stay motivated to accomplish the goals you’ve already set for yourself in 2022, AND be inspired to get back on the horse if you’ve fallen victim to the infamous #QuittersDay (more on that in the episode.) Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:01] One new thing I’m trying in 2022 is identifying the core feelings that I want to experience this year. I want to feel trusting, courageous, energized, in the zone, and luminous while I'm working on my goals and after I achieve them.  [10:27] Take action: What are 3-5 feelings you want to experience over and over again this year? Think about how you want to feel and write it down. [11:08] Goal #1: Do the 29029 challenge. This is where you climb a mountain a certain amount of times (in a certain amount of time). All in all, it adds up to the equivalent of climbing Everest.  [14:20] Goal #2: Create a certification program for my business. I don't know what it looks like, but I’m going to put together ideas this year and launch it in 2023. [15:39] Goal #3: Take a sabbatical. I've been dreaming of taking a sabbatical for years, but in 2022 I’m actually doing it. I'm taking off the last half of May and the entire month of June to spend at my lake house. [17:50] Goal #4: Create a project plan for my new book. My book won’t launch until January of 2023, but I need to have an entire project promotion plan dialed in by 3/31. [21:40] Goal #5: Create a 3-year vision of my company.  I want to scale the business and incorporate different models that I’ve never tried before, which means I need to plan further out. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
2/1/202226 minutes, 31 seconds
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#429: 6 High Performance Habits To Transform Your Life & Business with Brendon Burchard

The world’s leading life coach reveals what gives high-achievers the edge If you’re ever scrolling through your social media feeds and you see a personal development quote that strikes a chord with you (in all the right ways), it’s most likely from today’s podcast guest. His name is Brendan Burchard, and I have a hunch that you’ve probably heard of him. ;-)  He is a 3-time New York Times bestselling author (if you haven’t read his book High-Performance Habits, then READ.IT.NOW.), a globally respected high-performance coach, and one of the world’s most-watched, followed, and quoted personal development trainers in the world.  You’ve heard me talk about Brendan on the podcast a ton, and it’s because he is the OG of digital content and online education. Seriously! He was an influencer before it even became cool. And beyond that, Brendan is one of the first people that inspired me to ditch the corporate world and embrace entrepreneurship (more on our first meeting, and what he said to get me to take action, in the episode.) We talk all-things ambition and achievement, PLUS: Brendan’s surprising journey to becoming one of the most sought after high-performance coaches in the world How to move on from the victim mentality after two really tough years of the pandemic 6 specific habits you should commit to if you want to be successful in the long term, and how to put them in your daily practice Two areas of marketing Brendan would focus on if he had to rebuild his business from scratch The BEST piece of advice Brendan has ever gotten, and his most proud piece of content that resulted from that advice After listening to this episode, you’ll 100% understand why I am such a Brendan Burchard #fangirl.  I’m so excited for you to tune in, especially since this is one of just a few interviews that he’ll do this year. Plus, just to make things extra fun, I’ve created a free quiz that you can take to get a curated Online Marketing Made Easy playlist that is specific to where you are on your entrepreneurial journey.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [10:41] What does ‘raise your ambition’ really mean? It means getting to a place of feeling fully alive mentally, physically, and spiritually, and being connected to meaningful purposes that give us a sense of impact.  [15:19] What holds people back from moving on from the victim mentality is the empathy they so often get from others. Being around peers or coaches that hear you -- but keep you on track with the solution mindset -- is key.  [29:20] High-Performance Habit #1: Seek Clarity. High performers, more often than underperformers, seek clarity. Doing so requires discipline in asking for help and finding out who you are.  [30:41] High-Performance Habit #2: Generate Energy. High performers do things specifically to stimulate mental, emotional, and physical energy, like practicing meditation, exercising frequently, and eating well.  [31:41] High-Performance Habit #3: Raise Necessity. Necessity means that you have the psychological need for success. There needs to be a clear reason for doing what you’re doing and the meaning behind it.  [35:54] High-Performance Habit #4: Become More Productive. High performers are determined to continuously increase their productivity and do things like blocking time, and taking a break every 50 minutes to recharge.  [41:03] High-Performance Habit #5: Develop Influence. We must have influence for people to believe in us, buy from us, cheer for us, or open doors for us.  [44:42] High-Performance Habit #6: Demonstrate Courage. Courage means that you take action even when there’s risk, doubt, or uncertainty. High performers are also not afraid to speak up for themselves and others.  [49:27] If Brendon had to start his business over from scratch he would first focus on content rhythm, campaign strategy, and collaboration. [01:09:40] Take action: What is your biggest takeaway? Take a screenshot, tag @amyporterfield on Instagram, and share your biggest takeaway from this episode. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/27/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 12 seconds
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#428: 430 Episodes, 9 Years, Over 34 Million Downloads & The Truth About My Podcast

The good, the bad, and the ugly about the platform that reaches millions Have you ever thought about starting a podcast, only to later question if you have what it takes (time, energy, experience, expertise) to do it? If this sounds anything like you, then read on my friend--because I’m about to share the honest-to-God TRUTH about how I feel about podcasting, and my personal experience creating hundreds of episodes of Online Marketing Made Easy. And even if you haven’t considered starting a podcast, here’s why you should tune in: The podcast industry has absolutely blown up in the past few years, and with that, so have listeners. Fifty-five percent of people in the United States listen to podcasts–that’s up 51% from 2019!  I’m no mathematician, but I do know that’s a BIG increase in listenership, and an even BIGGER opportunity to target (and reach) your audience. But… just because podcasts are getting a lot of traction, does that mean that it’s the right platform for you? My hope is that this episode helps you to figure that out.  In it, I’ll break down: What I absolutely love about podcasting and how it can help you to grow your online business, too My top 3 takeaways from creating hundreds of episodes of Online Marketing Made Easy The biggest struggles that I have had along the way, and what to consider before getting started What has made the countless Bulletproof coffee-fueled nights all worth it For those of you that have been with me for a while, you know that the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast has been a true labor of love--and for that reason, I am especially excited to share this episode with you. Plus, just to make things extra fun, I’ve created a free quiz that you can take to get a curated Online Marketing Made Easy playlist that is specific to where you are on your entrepreneurial journey. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/25/202216 minutes, 33 seconds
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#427: Land Your Dream Media Opportunity with Jen Gottlieb

Simple Strategies For Driving Major Traffic To Your Biz In this episode, PR master Jen Gottlieb, teaches you how to find dream PR opportunities for your business. Whether you’re looking to be featured in an article, get your podcast or blog featured, or land a spot as a guest on someone else’s show, pursuing PR opportunities in your business means MORE traffic to your business. Period. Traffic to your website… your podcast… your newsletter… and so much more.  Jen is the co-founder of the acclaimed PR company, Super Connector Media and has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, CBS, Good Morning America, Goop, and more.  And today, she’s giving you a step-by-step approach for landing PR opportunities that will make you jump up and down with excitement,  including: How to find the perfect opportunities that align with your goals How to make an irresistible pitch they can’t say “no” to How to craft a story that effortlessly grabs media attention What you can do TODAY to have the tools to land a PR opportunity by next week  This episode is for you even if you’re just starting out – even if your business is still teeny tiny.  Because your business deserves to be seen and you’re the perfect person to speak to your area of expertise.  Factor in Jen’s expert guidance, put it all together, and you get a media feature in the making. Here’s a glance at this episode... [08:29] PR is important because it gives you credibility and authority. This is a huge asset for entrepreneurs or anyone who has a story they want to share.  [12:07] Getting media hits boils down to your relationships, clear messaging, timely topics, and getting clear on where you want to be featured. [19:55] We don't always realize the things that already exist in our life. Take inventory on relationships and mindset.  [21:24] The Top 20 Tool.  Make four columns on a piece of paper. Put your goal on top.  Left column is People. List 20 people you've ever met who have some type of media connection.  Influence. Rank influential on a scale of 1-10.  Help. Rank how likely they would help you on a scale of 1-10.  Grand total. Sum of previous three columns.  Reach out and ask the top score people. Provide value to others.  [32:38] Make a top-five media hit list. These are things that are already working for people doing things similar to what you are doing. [37:18] When pitching, speak to the audience. They care about what's happening now, so tie your pitch with a timely topic. [38:55] Creating a winning pitch.  1. Have a timely news hook.  2. Pitch the value-packed topic first and yourself second.  3. Back up your claims with statistics by linking to studies.  4. Add talking points.  5. Stand for what you believe in. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/20/202253 minutes, 37 seconds
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#426: 62% Of Top Business Executives Do This & You Should Too!

Learn To Trust Your Gut In Business In this quick episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on one of the hardest lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur. It’s not having hard conversations. Not making revenue projections. Not keeping a tidy to-do list or a pretty project plan. In this episode, I’m talking about trusting your gut as an entrepreneur. Which is a tall order. We all want to trust our gut… but it’s not always that simple. Because every day, entrepreneurs… → Navigate fear → Bear responsibility for the success – or lack of success – in our biz → Feel the weight of the effects that our big and small decisions make on others  → And, if we’re being honest, try hard not to question our own ability Right? “Going with your gut” can get muddled and lost between ALL we’ve got going on. But it’s also a non-negotiable in entrepreneurship. So after 13 years of running my own online business, I’m sharing how I’ve learned to hone this instinct and stick to my guns… …including one big mistake I made by hushing my inner nudges and going ahead with a decision anyways.  So give this episode a listen and let my lessons learned be your lessons learned. Cheers to you, friend, as we learn how to slow down, listen, and trust ourselves. Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:35] Should you trust your gut? 62% of top business execs let their gut lead the way and always trust it. [05:25] There's a significant difference between being too picky and knowing in your gut that it's the wrong choice. [07:20] Notice what your initial gut feeling is and then notice what happens next. Are you being too picky? Are you really feeling something that you need to pay attention to? [10:32] After making a decision, start journaling. When doubt starts to creep back in, go back and read about why you made the decision in the first place. [11:13] If you feel it in your bones and it doesn't work out as planned, it was still meant to be. [13:25] Being in tune and having the ability to trust yourself puts you on a whole different level. Go with your gut! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/18/202215 minutes, 1 second
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#425: Project Planning Mastery: A Step-By-Step For How To Stay Organized

Follow The Plan. Master The Project. My team is incredible but I can be reasonable. We’re not at 100% in everything in our business.  But our project plans…? They’re pretty dang bulletproof. So in this episode, I’m walking you through the exact steps of how I create a project plan in my business from conceptualization to completion (and even what we do to make sure the next attempt of that project is 10x easier.) I’ve laid this episode out like a step-by-step guide to project planning mastery so you can reduce overwhelm in your business and maybe, just maybe, become known as the business owner that smashes deadlines every time with room to spare. I believe that for you, my friend! Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:52] A project plan is a process to bring an idea or concept to life through planning and organization. [09:43] 1. Identify the main focus of the project plan.  [10:42] 2. Outline the project. Make categories and then break it down into each task. What tasks need to happen to complete the category? [14:51] 3. Set dates. Identify the most important dates in your plan. Put all the dates in your calendar. Give each task a final due date. [20:00] 4. Identify key players. If you have a team of one or more, you need to assign each task to the correct person. [22:49] 5. Finalize the outline and add any details, resources, or SOPs to each task. Your project plan is almost complete. Add descriptions, additional details, and links to SOPs.  [27:13] 6. Final review and check-ins. Take a moment and review your plan from top to bottom. Look at tasks, dates, assignees, and triple check everything to make sure that it's correct. [29:04] 7. Make a copy.  You've done all this hard work, you might as well use it again. Create that copy before you start using it. Have a master template that you can duplicate any time you like. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/13/202232 minutes, 9 seconds
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#424: 4 Unsexy Skills That Have Made Me A Better Entrepreneur & Leader

What I Practice Every Day For Swoon-Worthy Results What?  You thought entrepreneurship was all glistening social media posts and champagne toasts? Juuuust kidding. If you’ve started a business – full time or on the side – you KNOW there are plenty of unglamorous moments. But in this episode, I’m sharing four very specific skills that you probably wouldn’t list on a Bumble profile…but that will definitely make you a more effective and successful entrepreneur and leader.  Promise. Things like the ability to leverage. Or being a proactive planner. Or how I’ve learned to be an effective communicator in my business (and what that’s looked like in different situations.)  Sneak away for a few minutes, dive into this shortie episode, and steal the four unsexy business-making traits that I’ve developed inside my business (so you can build them into yours!) Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:35] 1. Effective communication skills. In the past, I've shielded myself from negative conversations. I use the Radical Candor method to communicate when something goes wrong. [06:47] 2. Your ability to leverage. When you leverage you still have a pulse on the project, you're just not doing everything. This is choosing who you want to collaborate with and letting them own it, but they're still doing regular check-ins with you. [09:37] 3. Be willing to admit when you are wrong. If something's not working in your business, look inward and ask how I can change my communication style or whatever is causing the problem. [11:42] 4. You have to be a proactive planner. A proactive planner is looking ahead six months or a year. How can you scale or improve the business in the next three years? Check out EOS. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/11/202216 minutes, 5 seconds
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#423: How To Find Support In Other Female Entrepreneurs With Lori Harder

My guest on this podcast is making big – and I mean, BIG – waves in their industry. Lori Harder is a self-love specialist, fitness model, author, and podcast host.  And in her spare time – wink, wink – Lori has started multiple multi-million dollar businesses which include online courses, a membership, and an upcoming sparkling rosé launch.  A girl after my own heart! In this episode, Lori and I talk about our most embarrassing moments as entrepreneurs who have swung a thousand times…and missed 990. But more than that, Lori is sharing the mindset tools that have contributed the most to her success throughout years of starting and growing businesses. Including: How to stay upbeat (even when things get really, really hard) How to find inspiration to get creative (even when you really, really don’t feel like it) How to find support among other entrepreneurs  Her tips for building a massively successful business What it’s been like launching a physical product and the lessons she’s learned from her latest venture So if you’re in the mood for a little fun and a whole lot of noteworthy nuggets, join me for this special conversation with Lori Harder. Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:16] Lori was getting very burnt out. She wrote a list of what she wanted her life to look like. She wanted the next thing she did to connect and collaborate with people.  [15:38] Creating a community and talking about core values is the number one thing that Lori has learned. The vision is built on better collaboration and opportunity within our own community.  [18:38] Lite Pink has all-female investors.  [29:10] As Lori made fundraising calls, she was learning along the way. Educating around these opportunities as a way to get more of our dreams out there. We can become a part of and support the things that we are truly passionate about. [33:05] To get into creation mode for something new, you need to switch what you are listening to and reading.  [37:14] On challenging days, keep moving and don't think about it. Don't internalize the pressure. Free yourself up to do what you need to do.   Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/6/202256 minutes, 18 seconds
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#422: Lessons Learned From Social Media Bullies

  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
1/4/202213 minutes, 19 seconds
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#421: From Court Rooms To TikTok: The Korean Vegan’s Journey Of Reinvention

Talking Life And Career Transitions Over Curry  Like soooo many of us, Joanne Lee Molinaro hopped on to TikTok in July of 2020 as a way of coping with the isolation of quarantine. But as fate would have it, a post of her making Korean braised potatoes for dinner (while her husband taught a piano lesson in the background) went viral and The Korean Vegan was officially on the map. But it’s not just her red chili paste mushroom pasta or vegan kimchi cheese fries that gathers the masses and leaves them hankering for more. My guest on today’s episode is no stranger to enduring (and leveraging) major life transitions… and she’s using her platform to share stories that challenge and inspire. Joanne, a lawyer turned full-time creator and New York Times bestselling author, is a child to immigrant parents who at times found themselves in near-starvation situations in what is now known as North Korea.  She shares about this among many of her other heroic tales through her social media platforms. And with over 3.5 million fans, it’s clear that her storytelling and vulnerability are what people are craving… along with her tasty chocolate chip paht cookie recipe.  In this episode, we chat about: Transitioning and pivoting in life and careers The idea of reinvention and how it’s never too late in order to align with your design to create a life that lights you up The power and influence of storytelling and vulnerability And so much more! Whether you find yourself in a moment of transition, you’re dreaming of making a career jump (that may or may not make sense to those around you), or you simply love a story that moves you to your core, you’re going to love my conversation with Joanne. Here’s a glance at this episode... [Insert transcript brief] Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/30/202155 minutes, 4 seconds
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#420: Unlearning The Hustle Mentality (& How I Got It Wrong)

An Entrepreneur’s Permission To UnHustle  I  L - O - V - E  new entrepreneurs. There’s no drive or determination like the early days of starting a business…but with that comes a few habits that become hard to break. Like taking that drive and willingness to do what it takes and forgetting that you’re running a marathon…not a sprint. A “hustle, hustle, hustle” mentality can be the default setting for high achievers (like many entrepreneurs are.) But it’s also been the flag that successful entrepreneurs have loudly and proudly flown for the last decade. And I made the mistake of falling into the hustle culture trap myself in the early days of my business. So in this episode, I want to talk about the turning point when I realized hustling my days, nights, and weekends away wasn’t cutting it anymore Plus how I undid the thoughts of what I “should be” as an entrepreneur and even the “hustle-over-everything” beliefs I brought into my business. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a long-timer like me, I hope this short and sweet conversation is one more reminder that your *whole* life deserves your attention.  And that doing *all* the things isn’t always what’s best for your biz.  So take a deep breath and click to listen. Your permission to unhustle is inside! Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:29] The one thing that I would do differently in my business is that I wouldn't have hustled to get to where I am today.  [04:42] The first years are the most difficult. Once you start to see traction and double down on what's working, the hustle can stop or at least slow down. [06:50] What I believe now is that you can have an amazing personal life with white space and downtime as well as an amazing business. [09:03] The questions we ask allow us to work smarter. It took courage to allow me to switch to a four-day workweek. My team and I put in a system and a plan. Then we got to work! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/28/202114 minutes, 13 seconds
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#419: She Was Forced To Slow Down (And Then Her Business Grew!) With Kate Northrup Watts

Say Bye-Bye To Business Burnout  Working less and earning more is the battle cry of online entrepreneurs everywhere. It’s why we start our own gig in the first place, right? More cash coming in, less hours glued to a screen. My guest on today’s episode, Kate Northrup Watts, had her life changed when she was forced to slow down and as a result, her entrepreneurial hustle came to a halt.  But then, the unthinkable happened. Kate experienced more growth in her business than the year before. And she’s breaking it aaaaall down during our conversation in this episode.  In it, Kate’s putting the kibosh on hustling your way to the top. So, if you’ve been looking for permission to do less in your business without sacrificing revenue or growth… this is it. In this episode, Kate and I talk about: Exactly how Kate slowed down, worked less, and earned more How to identify how much pressure you feel (instead of convincing yourself that “it’s fine”...when it’s not) How us achiever-types can begin to reframe asking for help, instead of doing all the things out of pride (GUILTY) Why Kate only goes for hyper-focused offers in her biz (and why you should too) You don’t have to burn it all on the way to the top. In fact, you won’t get to the top if you’re running at 1,000 miles an hour. So hang up your hustle culture cleats, and listen to my less-is-more conversation with Kate Northrup Watts. Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:18] Kate was an online entrepreneur, who worked whenever she wanted until she got pregnant. She suddenly had no energy and needed to sleep 14 hours a day. She was forced to dial it back. [08:36] She ended up working less than she ever had and made more money than previously! [11:33] Not being able to sleep and not having good digestion are signs that something is off and you may be experiencing overwhelm. [14:49] Instead of trying to do everything, ask for help. Reframe in your mind how getting help makes you more available for the important stuff.  [21:42] You'll have so much more time and energy when you cut some offerings and go all in on a few things only. [33:53] Cyclical work is using the wisdom of nature to guide your creative processes. You may produce fewer things but what you do make will be more robust. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/23/202145 minutes, 23 seconds
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#418: A New (& Better) Way To Look At Imposter Syndrome

Why I Don’t Think You Have Imposter Syndrome  Stop saying you have imposter syndrome. To which you might say, “But Amy...I do have imposter syndrome. I can’t get past this notion of ‘Who am I to start a business’ or ‘Who am I to teach on my topic?’” Boy, do I hear you. I’ve been there a thousand times.  But I also want to challenge you on how that mindset is most likely working against you...and I’m doing just that on this episode. In this episode, I want to talk to you about rethinking what you’ve always labeled as imposter syndrome. I want to lean into what might actually be a strength underneath all that fretting. And I want to challenge you in an area that you’re probably selling yourself short.  My friend, borrow as much courage as you need from me -- and this episode -- to put imposter syndrome to bed for good in your life and step fully into what you’ve always been called to accomplish in this world. I believe in you with my whole heart! Here’s a glance at this episode... Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/21/202115 minutes, 44 seconds
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#417: 33 Million Downloads & 870K Social Followers: Proven Organic Reach Strategies I Love

Attraction Strategies That Keep Your Pennies In Your Pocket Today’s episode is dedicated to all my entrepreneurs who are balling on a budget. Whether you’re just starting out (and don’t have two nickels to rub together) or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur looking to double down on organic strategies that work, I’ve got something for you.  In this episode, I’m teaching you my favorite and most effective strategies for boosting your organic reach. When I say “reach”, I mean people laying eyes on your business and/or offers online.  And when I say “organic,” I mean getting in front of those people without spending a dime. Oooooh yeah. I’ve used these strategies to promote lead magnets, podcast episodes, and so much more during all of my 13 years in business. A.K.A -- these strategies will grow as you do. In this episode, I’ll take you through the “how” and the “why” behind each one, including:  How to get more traffic to your website or blog (even if your website is SUPER simple) How to win over Google so it puts your content in front of the right people for you How to get in front of other people’s audiences to grow your own (in a way that makes you both feel great about it!) Why simplifying your strategy actually helps you reach more people You and I won’t part ways until you feel 100% confident about which organic reach strategy is best for you and the right next steps to getting it DONE.  So click here to listen and rest easy knowing that your business can grow while your wallet takes the day off. Here’s a glance at this episode... Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/16/202124 minutes, 10 seconds
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#416: My Birthday Episode: Hard-Earned Lessons I’ve Learned This Year

How The Last 12 Months Have Changed My Mind… About A Lot There’s leftover cake in the Porterfield kitchen, which can only mean one thing.  We’ve had a birthday! Mine, to be specific.  And while I wish I could treat you to poolside mai tais to celebrate, I thought, at the very least, we could have a little heart to heart to mark the occasion. Because the last 12 months, as you know by now, have brought high highs and some low lows.  So, in this special birthday episode, I’m taking stock of the lessons, wins, and losses of the last year...and sharing the brand new mindset I’m taking into this next one. I can confidently say I’m another year wiser because the struggles of the last 365 days brought some profound lessons that I wouldn’t trade for the world. And, as always, I hope that my lessons learned can make the load of life, leadership, and business a little lighter (and less lonely) for you, my friend… so let’s chat. Listen and imagine us clinking chilled glasses on lounge chairs in the sun as you do! Here’s a glance at this episode... Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
12/14/202118 minutes, 34 seconds
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#415: Eulogies, Sales Funnels, & What They Won’t Tell You In Business School with Donald Miller

My guest on this episode is a master at putting together an enthralling plotline. However, his narrative of choice isn’t film. It’s not even just marketing. It’s life, and life by design.  Donald Miller is an author, speaker, and the founder and CEO of StoryBrand -- a globally recognized branding framework used by the industry leaders like Pantene, Intel, Berkshire Hathaway, and Zaxby’s.  In this episode, Donald joins me to discuss what’s really, really working in online marketing today.  We talk about the specific type of practical knowledge required to propel success… and why they’re not teaching it in top 20 business schools. But more than that, Donald and I also talk about how entrepreneurship gives us the ability to control much more than just conversion rates and content delivery. When we direct our work, we have more freedom to decide on our setting.  Our key players. Our next chapter. In this episode, Donald and I discuss: Why people don’t buy from you when they open your sales email (and the moment when they definitely DO buy) When to be in your customers’ inbox to land a sale and the foolproof way to never miss that window The missing pieces of information the best and brightest entrepreneurs know (and how you can leverage them for your own success) When to worry about credentials and when to forge your own path How to become more enthralled in your own story than you are in others And so much more! Click here to listen to my conversation with Donald Miller. You’ll not only walk away with clearly defined action to take in your email marketing, but you’ll be more inspired to take a hold of the plotline your life is following -- and decide exactly how your business plays into it. Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:07] A lot of the stuff we learn in business school isn't necessary to grow a business. The best kind of business education is working for a company and developing yourself to become more valuable on the open market. [06:38] Personal productivity strategies include separating primary projects that are important from secondary projects.  [10:37] Don's morning ritual includes reading his eulogy -- find out why! [14:55] Narrative traction is when you engage in a story, because you're hoping for a certain outcome. Too many people don't engage in the outcome of their own lives. [17:31] Don shares a messaging strategy that we can use right now. Create a story that points out the customer's problems (red), talk about your solutions (yellow), and describe the customer's life if they buy your product (green). Your story needs all three colors.  [22:36] Marketing and building a sales funnel. A one-liner is one sentence that gets your customer engaged with your product. Your landing page invites people into a story. The third part is a lead generator like a webinar or PDF. Nurture and sales campaigns are after getting an email address.  [31:05] Your main goal is to connect your customer's problem to your solution. Failing to close the deal means failing to connect their problem with your product.
12/9/202147 minutes, 25 seconds
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#414: How To DIY Your Own Mastermind (& Do It Right)

Masterminds. You hear a lot about them, but do you know what it really means to be a part of one? Let me break it down for you. A mastermind is a small group of entrepreneurs that keep you on track, troubleshoot with you, offer fresh insights into your business, and help you move forward. No matter if your roadblocks are technical or maaaybe you’re stuck in your head more than anything… these people get it. They’re playing all out. And they’re here to help you move forward.  I truly don’t think I’d be here today if it weren’t for two things... One, investing in myself. And two, surrounding myself with people who build me up, support me, and, honestly, call me out when I need to be called out.  So in this episode, I’m breaking down exactly how to DIY your own mastermind -- no matter what stage your business is in, with no cost required. Because an accountability group or mastermind is right for EVERYONE. Introverts and extroverts alike.  Long time business owners and those still rocking the side hustle.  Together in this episode, we’ll talk about: How often to meet The ideal number of people to have in your mastermind What you should *definitely* include in your mastermind meetings Plus the one role that holds it all together It’s a lonely business if you’re trying to do it alone… so don’t. Give yourself the support all entrepreneurs so desperately need. You’ll thank yourself over and over again.  So click to listen and prepare to make a few calls… your mastermind awaits! Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:51] I got here by investing in my business and myself. In the beginning, I started out with a paid mastermind and always surrounded myself with people doing something similar to me who have valuable insights. [08:52] There needs to be one or two people who will take the reins. Get clear on when you meet and think about how you want to structure it. I like hot seats where each person gets 10 minutes to talk, and then we give feedback.  [14:06] Make a list of three to five people that you might want to include in your accountability or mastermind group. Put some feelers out in Facebook groups and find your group! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
12/6/202117 minutes, 24 seconds
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#413: How To Make Every Word Count When You're Selling & Serving with Roger Love

Speak Strategically, Sell Confidently, Serve Authentically Voice coach and speech trainer to the stars, Roger Love, joins me on this episode… And that might have you wondering, “Amy, why on earth would you bring a voice coach on to teach entrepreneurs? This whole Nashville move is going straight to your head.” Don’t worry, friends. The day I pick up a guitar and a microphone will be the day hell freezes over. And while Roger has honed his expertise working with the likes of Reese Witherspoon, John Mayer, Bradley Cooper, and Selena Gomez… He’s not running through scales today. Your long-forgotten arpeggios can stay that way.  Roger joins me on the podcast to teach you, my beautiful entrepreneurs, how to communicate more effectively on behalf of your business and command any room with your presentation skills.  In this episode, Roger masterfully explains how entrepreneurs (AKA YOU!) can powerfully and simply shift how you speak to sell more confidently, build trust with your audience, and present yourself in a way that screams, “Hello world, you’re going to want to pay attention to this!” Imagine showing up to your next masterclass or podcast interview with the persuasion, charm, and influence of Bradley Cooper, himself. Irresistible. So go ahead and dive into my incredible masterclass-style interview with Roger Love. You’ll walk away from our conversation with: Strategies and tips from the expert himself to feeling more confident (and true to your heart) when you’re selling The reason why tone + emotion > words when it comes to getting your audience to trust you and pay attention to what you have to say (and how to use this to your strength) Techniques for avoiding pesky filler words like, “Um” and “Uh” during a masterclass, Live video, or podcast Here’s to the best and brightest version of yourself showing up in every Live you do, my friend! Here’s a glance at this episode... [10:13] Roger shares why it's important to be intentional with how you communicate. We need to be able to move people emotionally!  [14:14] We were born with an instrument that we either learned how to use or didn't. We can all tune up our instruments (our voice) and become great speakers. [16:34] Want to become more confident? Start speaking in melody. When we speak we create melodies or the patterns that go up and down -- learn how to do this the right way.  [23:50] When we get nervous our breathing gets shallow and fast. Slow down your breathing before going live. Breath in through your nose and close your lips. [30:24] It's wonderful to smile, but smiling makes the corners of your mouth go wide which makes your voice sound more nasal. Smile when you're not speaking. Smile with your eyes and your voice. [39:23] Make your commas and periods have longer silence. You don't have to slow down the words, you can just increase the silence. Silence is where you give your audience a chance to feel. [43:47] How to avoid all the pesky filler words like um or uh. These filler words are used to avoid silence, and we already know that silence is amazing. [56:05] Action Steps: Book a Facebook Live this week. Speak live on camera and practice one thing you learned today. Practice can make the techniques second-hand. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
12/2/202159 minutes, 6 seconds
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#412: My Live Video Secrets For Feeling Confident & Calm (Even When You're Not)

All the greats have a routine. Before every match, Rafael Nadal situates his socks so they’re exactly the same height, no more than 15 cm high, and the sponsor’s logo is parallel to the ground. John Legend eats half a rotisserie chicken before every show. (Hey, whatever works!)  Before going onstage, Game of Thrones actor Kit Harington kisses a crucifix three times, eats three Haribo gummy bears, and takes (yep) three sips of water. Superstition or not, athletes, artists, and leaders of all walks have found unique ways to get in the zone. Helping yourself into a place where you feel confident and ready to tackle the task in front of you? I’ll cosign that, every time! That’s why in this episode, I’m talking about the different routines that I’ve developed over the years that help me go live on video with confidence, regardless of how I feel. Because I’ll be honest, being on video has NEVER been in my comfort zone... it still isn’t. But after years of practice, I’ve found a few foolproof rituals to get me in the zone and help me deliver content on video that I feel really great about (even if I didn’t feel like pressing the GO LIVE button.) But here’s the kicker! Not all live video is created equally. So in this episode, I’m sharing what I do before Facebook Lives, live Q&As, and my masterclasses to prepare for the unique pressures of different styles of live video. You’ll walk away with specific examples and inspiration for your own pre-video routines so you can show up more readily for your audience, feel more confident, and hit your live-video stride much sooner. You can leverage live video in your business, even if the idea makes you break out in hives. You owe it to your audience to share what you have for them...and after you’ve gone live a time or two, I think you’ll realize this whole live video thing isn’t as scary as we make it out to be. Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:38] You need an easy setup. Keep your equipment and location simple. [05:58] It's a lot easier when you do your video consistently. Doing video on a regular basis can make it become just a part of how you do business.  [07:22] Create your own routine! I have three routines for three different types of videos.  [17:52] Here are 3 steps you can use to create confidence on video! 1. Set things up, like your location and equipment, so video is easy. 2. Identify the types of videos you are going to do and create a routine for each of them. 3. Do video more often so it's not a novelty -- I suggest at least once a week. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not follwing, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/30/202121 minutes, 23 seconds
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#411: A Day-by-Day Sneak Peek Into My Work Week

My Day-To-Day Life As An 8-Figure Online Business Owner Three years ago, I shared an episode chronicling a “week in the life” with me, both professionally and personally. And since then, just about everything has changed. The size of my team… what I’m focusing on… my big, risky goals… what I sell in my business… even my address looks wildly different.   Well, for me, learning how other entrepreneurs and mentors plan, prioritize, execute, and live day-to-day life has significantly influenced and inspired how I set up my own week.  And I thought, heck! You might be curious to know how I schedule and prioritize my days, and how exactly I navigate through sooo many action items in a continuously growing business. (So you can do the same!) So, I decided to do it again. To record an episode that’s fully transparent with you about what a week looks like three years further into my business.  In this episode, I’m doing a morning and evening check-in Sunday through Thursday night so you can ride shotgun with me through all the lessons learned, the hard stuff, and the victories, too.  I’m sharing what I'm working on and what I'm focused on right now, including a lot of behind the scenes, action items, insights, and the small moments that make up my week. It’s going to be personal… including the good, the bad, and the ugly. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/24/202157 minutes, 1 second
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#410: What Happens When A Launch Doesn’t Go As Planned

From elementary school days and color-coordinated folders … To my corporate days and making a name for myself as the girl with the checklists, the one you could depend on to know exactly what comes next… I’ve always been a girl with a plan. But I’ve learned, much to my dismay, that even when you have an airtight plan… things don’t always turn out the way you’d hoped. Especially in business. Especially when that business is your business.  So today, I want to talk about how to handle launches… promotions… or just moments in your business that don’t shake out according to plan. (From a girl who’s seen her fair share!)  I’ll be sharing a moment from my own business that I won’t call a failure… but I definitely wouldn’t call a success. It was a particular launch that I had sky-high hopes for (and a project plan that would make Clea and Joanna from Home Edit proud, proud, proud.) But it still. didn’t. work. Not like I’d expected it to, at least. I’m talking about the feelings, hindsight realizations, and, of course, the lessons learned from this (and many) failures (a.k.a unmet expectations) inside my business. Plus, you know I have a word of encouragement and a little tough love for you, dear online entrepreneur, for those days where things don’t go exactly to plan in YOUR business. Spoiler alert… your business isn’t defined by those moments. In fact, your business is *made* in those moments. Here’s a glance at this episode... [0:54] I have discovered that I have an all or nothing mentality, and friend, it doesn’t serve me! [6:01] I want to start looking at things where I’m going to do my best and enjoy the journey, not just focusing on accomplishing things. It’s my new mission to enjoy the process, not the outcome. [7:39] Imagine adopting a mindset where you’re going to do the best you can, and just showing up and going through the process is just as important as the goal that you set.  [11:02] Not hitting your number or your goal isn’t a failure. Remember that we make our own goals, and we are in it for the long haul. We are on this journey together. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already,  follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/22/202114 minutes, 23 seconds
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#409: From Social Posts To Weekly Content: Create Your 3-Month Content Calendar Step-By-Step

Content creation dread is about to become a thing of the past! Because in this workshop-style episode, I’m laying out exactly how to put together 3 months worth of content in just a few hours.  Yep! An entire business quarter worth of digital content  -- from free weekly content to social media posts to holiday and promotional pieces -- strategized, laid out, and ready to schedule in just a handful of hours. In this episode, we’ll be diving deep into content creation strategy together, covering topics like: How to identify big topics that will leave your audience clamoring for more How big promotions should factor into your content plans How to leverage holidays and themes to communicate well with your perfect audience How to incorporate a “set-it-and-forget-it” rhythm into your content creation routine And so much more Book half a day on your calendar and get ready to master creating content -- that’s all you’ll need! You’ll knock out an entire business quarter’s worth of content and I’ll walk you through exactly how in today’s episode.  Plus, I’ve put together a free three-month content calendar so you can simply plug in your dates and content and find yourself with a high-converting content calendar to replicate time after time.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:28] Content is the original content that you create every week with your message and your ideas. It can be in the form of a podcast, blog, video show, or live social content.  [04:38] Identify ideas that your ideal community wants to learn or know about. Brainstorm a list of ideas and write them down. What excites them? What makes you their solution? What crosses the invisible bridge? [10:25] You can use holidays and themes to guide your content and come up with topic ideas. You can even use hashtag holidays like national donut day. [11:25] Set a timer for 20 minutes and head back into your weekly content. What resonated with lots of comments and what was shared? Choose a topic or two that you can expand on or shed new light on. [13:21] Start to fill out your calendar. This should only take 30 to 45 minutes. Put in dates for the upcoming 3 months. Fill out your important dates such as promotions, themes, holidays, etc. and then continue to fill it out week-by-week. [21:08] When it comes to social posts, decide where you're going to share. Try to post daily or three to five times a week with specific content pillars.  [25:44] Action step: Grab the free 3-month content calendar and start filling it out! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
11/18/202128 minutes, 27 seconds
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#408: Burnout, Slowing Down, & How To Get Your Motivation Back

What To Do When You Just Don’t Want To Work It’s the calling card of entrepreneurship. Total flexibility. Time freedom. The ability to make your schedule and change your schedule. But in this episode, I want to talk about something a little less… organized. A little less concrete and more, well, reactive. If I’m being perfectly honest, there are times in my business that I just don’t want to work. There, I said it! And this is coming from a girl who completely adores my business, the work I get to do, and the people I work with.  But the best way I can explain this feeling is simply, “I just don’t want to do anything.”  I want to unplug from everything except The Real Housewives. I want to wipe my calendar clean. And I want to curl up with Scout and watch a few TikToks. 10 years ago, this thought would trigger instant guilt or shame. “There’s so much work to be done!”  “You’re the boss, Amy! Set an example, keep your word, don’t inconvenience others.” And so in the past, I’d ignore this feeling… pushing through and showing up to my day with a quarter of a tank. Dear friends, as entrepreneurs, when we’re living for the weekends (or dreading Mondays) we’re doing it wrong.  (And my 9-5ers, I know your situation is different. I have a word of advice in this episode for you, too!) It’s important for you to be able to stop and not do anything.  Because these feelings of not wanting to do anything are often screaming signs of burnout.  Sometimes, you need to make time to not do anything. Even if it’s the middle of the week. You hear me?  Flexibility is the beauty of being an entrepreneur and running your own business -- lean in. And if you’re wondering how, this one’s for you.  In this episode, I’m sharing what I do now with feelings of resistance instead of freaking out and falling into a shame spiral. Including: What I do to my schedule How I know what to push and what not to How I find time to really slow down How to not judge yourself when you finally do take that time off And the pep talk you probably need to hear right now When you’re the boss, you get to decide what it means to be the boss. And that means trusting yourself and your capability to prioritize and make space so that you can show back up as a better partner, leader, friend, and entrepreneur.  More patient. More present. More impact.  So go ahead, my dear entrepreneur. Click to listen and then do it… take the days off.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [08:04] When you are your own boss, and you are calling the shots. Take some time for yourself when you get to that point of burnout. You don't always have to be on. [09:38] The beauty of being an entrepreneur is that you can take time to wind down or do nothing. Being your own boss is a lot of responsibility and a lot of work. There are times when you just need to slow down and recharge. [10:05] Another thing that has helped me not reach burnout is my 4 day work week. We all love the extra time and feel more relaxed and focused during our work week. [11:53] You have permission to take more than a weekend off. You deserve it! After all, you are the boss! Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/16/202112 minutes, 56 seconds
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#407: Now & Then In Marriage And Business With Hobie Porterfield

Where Life, Love, and List Building Meet Choosing to start your own business can be one of the wildest, most beautiful, and sometimes scariest decisions you’ll ever make. But what about the people who share the kitchen that you now call an office? Those peeking in on you at 4am before you head into the office with a hot cup of tea and a kiss on the head? Those who listen intently, attempt to encourage and celebrate each tiny win wildly (even if they don’t totally understand what you’re talking about) Entrepreneurship doesn’t just affect the entrepreneur -- for better or for worse. It also influences the lives of those closest to you.  In my own marriage, I can attest to how becoming an entrepreneur has both challenged and strengthened my relationship with Hobie. We often talk about the now and then and how our relationship has changed, how I’ve grown, and how entrepreneurship has really affected our lives. And in this episode, I’d love to invite you into the conversation. I’m sitting down with my favorite guest ever, Hobie, to discuss what’s changed in our marriage thanks to my business, and how you can protect, support, and grow your relationships as you build the business that frees you up to enjoy them. We talk about... Where I struggled and the number one roadblock Hobie saw me come up against in the early days  What was the hardest part for Hobie as the spouse of someone starting an online business Finances in our early days versus now, how we began to lean on one salary more than the other, and the challenges that came with that Plus, a pep talk from Hobie to you I hope this episode gives you the tools and encouragement to tackle the tricky parts head-on with the people you love the very most. (Because none of it matters without them, right?) Here’s a glance at this episode... Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/11/202139 minutes, 31 seconds
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#406: The Great Facebook Outage Of 2021: What If Social Media Disappeared Tomorrow

What Should Come First: Your Email List Or Digital Course? Remember “The Great Social Media Crash of October 2021”?  You know...people totally freaked out and Twitter had its best day in years? Well, it didn’t disrupt my business one bit. In fact, that day I sent an email to a segmented group on my email list about a product that I thought would be really valuable to them. And within a day, I made $17,000 from that one email. I tell you all this because when you have an email list, you’re in control of your business and how you reach your audience.  I sent one email, made 17k on a day when many, many people lost money. I don't know about you, but I don't want to give anyone else power over my revenue like that. Not only does email marketing produce 174% more conversions than social media, according to Campaign Monitor... ...but an email list is the only business asset proven to yield an average of $44 for every $1 spent. A 440% ROI? I rest my case. And with all this hard data, I still see entrepreneurs struggling to prioritize and grow their email list.  And in this episode, I’m revealing why I find that is (and exactly how you can avoid finding yourself in a similar rut.) So listen and prepare to plant yourself squarely back in the driver's seat of your biz and email list.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [1:28] My number one obstacle when selling Digital Course Academy is people not having an email list, or people saying they don't have an audience.  [2:17] If you're not focusing on your list, all the strategies in the world won't help. You can't build your business on rented land or social media. [4:06] Your email list is the number one most important asset in your business. It will convert 4 times higher than any social media post. [5:03] Here’s what’s missing: Are you connecting and aligning your email list with your dreams and goals for your business?  [7:14] Everything you want in your business and everything you dream of would be easier and faster if you had an engaged email list. [10:21] Let your business be easy! It doesn't happen to be hard. Focus on a list that will make your business easy and align with your dreams and goals. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/9/202113 minutes, 45 seconds
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#405: Overcome Overwhelm & Secrets To Being Your Own PR Rep with Susie Moore

Stop Stressing And Start Living Have you ever seen a bright and up-and-coming entrepreneur featured in your dream publication...and felt that tight knot of envy form in your stomach? Well, bid that feeling farewell, my friend. Because in this episode, the brilliant Susie Moore is showing you how to pack the “Featured In” portion of your website with major names and publications (without paying expensive PR fees.) Susie has landed herself in over 300 media publications including Oprah, Marie Claire, Forbes, and The Today Show.  So, to say she knows a thing or two about getting exposure would be a massive understatement. Susie has secured herself these features on her own behalf and in this episode, she’s revealing the strategies and techniques that landed her on Oprah (OPRAH!) for you to replicate.  And while Susie is known for landing big PR opportunities, more than anything, she’s passionate about helping entrepreneurs find ease in the big and small things and move past discomfort when faced with big decisions, opportunities, or hold ups. Taking risks and playing big requires discomfort and in this episode, Susie is sharing the strategies necessary to engage your mind through it all and take the stress out of the imaginary.  So if gaining more exposure for your online business is one of your big, audacious goals for 2022 -- or you’re simply looking for a liiiitle more courage to make and tackle a few big audacious goals -- this episode is a MAJOR can’t-miss. Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:41] Susie is obsessed with helping people become more confident in an authentic, easy way.  [08:24] Overwhelm can often be a stress response to things going right. Give yourself permission to pause and understand what's happening. A slight shift in how we see things always helps.  [13:52] We need to employ our mind consciously -- so much of our stress is imaginary. Quit asking what ifs and let it be easy.  [22:49] A Get To Do list changes everything. Be thankful for what you have instead of being burdened by responsibilities that come with it.  [31:37] Confidence is a willingness to feel uncomfortable. There has to be some type of trust there -- be willing to say yes and be willing to be rejected.  [41:41] When presenting yourself to the media ask: Who's interested? What can I tell these people? Share why you can tell the information? Share why now? [44:28] Susie loved cracking the code for her new book, Let It Be Easy.  The book contains real practical ways that you can apply to areas where your life may feel hard. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/4/202151 minutes, 18 seconds
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#404: Why We Avoid Things In Our Business (& What To Do About It)

Kick Procrastination To The Curb And Make Peace With Your To-Do List  You know those tasks in your business that feel like a reward? For me, it’s meeting with my leadership team or creatively strategizing for opportunities and projects we have coming down the line. Mmm-mmm. Pack my calendar with those tasks any day! But then there are some tasks that I see in Asana...and I would rather file taxes than tackle those during my day. So what ends up happening? I push those tasks off and off...and they linger and linger.   You too?  Well in this episode, we’re examining the things we don’t want to do in our business and why we don’t want to do them.  While the beauty of being an entrepreneur is that you don’t have to do stuff you don’t want to do, it benefits you (and your business!) to examine WHY you avoid things or feel resistance around them.  So in this episode, I’ll be covering: How to examine whether your procrastination has to do with your insecurities.  *gulp* Things you can do to help get clear on whether that feeling of dread is something that’s truly serving you (which can be the case!) or if it’s getting in the way.  A simple challenge you can try out this week to assess resistance you’re feeling in your business and begin to grow the entrepreneurial muscles necessary to overcome them.  Plus, I’ll give you examples of dread that I experience in my own business and how I overcome them without white-knuckling and wearing myself out.  So grab your headphones, set your task list aside for the moment, and let’s tackle this together.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:08] Is the outcome of this task going to outweigh the feeling of uncertainty of doing it? [05:20] Are you dreading something because you feel insecure or is it genuinely not your thing?  [07:33] Check in with yourself after you've done the thing. Pay attention to how you feel afterwards. Pay attention to your audience. Did they love it? [11:14] Change the sentence from “I have to record a podcast” to “I get to record a podcast.” Pay attention to what's coming up for you and learn where the resistance is coming from. [12:37] Take the next step to notice where your dread or resistance is coming from and then ask why it's coming up for you. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/2/202114 minutes, 31 seconds
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#403: 5 Tips To Kiss Tech Overwhelm Goodbye

It’s important for you to know how the technology in your business works. And if you told me that 13 years ago, I might have just abandoned ship on the whole thing.  Lifestyle, financial, and time freedom...on the other side of learning and dealing with software? Not sure it’s worth it.  But after 13 years of tech trial, errors, and tragedy...I have some good news. You don’t have to be an expert at the tech in your business. And you don’t need to know everything. But choosing a few systems to use in your business and understanding how they work holistically will allow you to show up 10x more confident in your business. And in this episode, I’m helping you do exactly that. I’m spelling out five tips for overcoming tech overwhelm that I’ve learned over the last 13 years that save the day every time. If you are technologically faint of heart… ...or could just use a little confidence boost when it comes to choosing and using the software necessary to run an online business), I recorded this episode with you in mind.  I’m sharing some pretty entertaining tech flops, as well as a very tiny guest appearance from my CMO, Cho Cho! You’re in for a treat.  Also, be sure to head to my show notes to grab the freebie that goes along with this episode... and never worry about going live ever again! Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:22] Tech Tip #1: Spend a little time researching what platforms you want to use. Ask for recommendations, research and then make a decision.  [09:40] Tech Tip #2: Find the tech you are going to use and stick with it. No platform is perfect -- if you keep flip-flopping, you'll never master it. [19:33] Tech Tip #3: Don't be super fancy. Go for the basic option when you're first starting out. [23:01]Tech Tip #4: If you have a little extra money to spare, contract it out. If you hire someone to set up your tech, take some time to have them teach you how to use it. [31:25] Tech Tip #5: Shift your mindset. Watch what you're saying to yourself. Negative self-talk does not serve you -- even if it's challenging, say to yourself that you will figure it out. [34:09] Have a plan B. Make sure you know what to do if something goes wrong. Having a back-up plan takes a little bit of time and work, but if you have one you can avoid a lot of problems. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, Follow to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
10/28/202139 minutes, 32 seconds
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#402: The Innovative Strategy For Avoiding Burnout With Jonathan Fields

How Entrepreneurs Do The Work That Drives Them How’s your breathing today?  Deep and restorative? (Or did that question just prompt your first deep inhale of the day?) And your shoulders? High and tight OR relaxed, breezy, and unburdened by the weight of the world?  (I bet I can guess.)  The unfortunate reality is that “business as usual” can leave entrepreneurs anatomically all shook up. And I hate it.  The very reasons we leave the 9-5 grind… ...more flexibility, more control over our time, more room to be creative and do the work we love… ...becomes buried by the demands of being a 1-man or 1-woman show.  This means the entrepreneur’s archnemesis BURNOUT lurks right around the corner. But, not for you. Not today. Because in this episode, we’re adding tools to your tool belt to help you nip that entrepreneurial threat in the bud.  I’m so excited to share my fascinating conversation with the brilliant Jonathan Fields with you! Jonathan hosts the popular podcast called The Good Life Project and serves as the founder & CEO of Spark Endeavors -- a company that helps people and organizations discover the work that truly drives them.  But today, specifically, I’m excited to chat about a concept that Jonathan created called Sparketype.  This innovative strategy will help you discover your unique imprint for doing work that lights you up, understand how to use your energy in different areas of your life, and better avoid burnout. And the coolest part? This unique approach draws upon years of research and more than 25 million data points.  By the end of today’s episode, you’ll have a clearer picture of what a Sparketype is, how you can use this information in your life to avoid uninspired work and burnout, and start experiencing more meaningful work, excitement, and joy in your life.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:09] Burnout is caused by our work not being a true expression of how we feel.  [12:55] Burnout is different from anxiety, it's a feeling of profound depletion. [15:40] A sense of discontent and not feeling like you have meaning in life can be a sign of misalignment. Our work can be a huge part or a missed opportunity of getting meaning. [26:24] Through a lot of research, Jonathan was able to distill these impulses down to 10 archetypes or what he calls Sparketypes. [27:56] The Primary Sparketypes are the ones that really make you feel alive. Shadow Sparketypes are your next strongest impulses. The Anti-Sparketype is work that you have to do.  [51:48] Understanding your Sparketypes gives you really good insight into your decision-making process. You also start to feel seen -- it reflects back to you a deeper truth about who you are. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/25/202159 minutes, 17 seconds
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#401: Live Video: Acting Natural & Going Off The Cuff With E! News Celebrities Jason Kennedy & Giuliana Rancic

Go Live On Video With The Confidence Of A Pro Nothing like the words “live video” to make you break out in a sweat. I’m talking about the kind of nerves you haven’t experienced since your 8th grade “Under the Sea” dance. Let’s keep it real, live video is intimidating...especially when you’re just getting started.  Over the years, I’ve stumbled over words, lost my train of thought, and said the wrong thing at the wrong time more often than I can count. When it comes to live video? You’ve gotta roll with the punches and get on with the show, my friend. But what if a mess up happens in front of, oh I don’t know...Rihanna? Or Elton John...Kim Kardashian...or Adam Lavigne? My guests on this episode know a thing or two about high stakes on live video. They’ve become experts in their field at acting natural, going off the cuff, and navigating live video faux pas.  These EXTRA! special guests are hands down the best in the biz. Did you guess it?! I’m sitting down with Jason Kennedy and Giuliana Rancic who you may know from their years and years on E! News.  Pinch me! But what you may not know about Jason and Giuliana is that, aside from being experts in front of the camera, they’re also entrepreneurs who have a digital course!  In this interview, the three of us discuss: The best piece of advice they’ve ever received in their career How to keep things under control when you veer away from the plan How to go off the cuff without getting worked up How to be engaging and ways to show up more naturally on video And my personal favorite, stories about a time when they were most nervous in front of the camera.  If going live on video is something you currently do inside of your biz -- or you know you need to do more of -- this episode is a can’t miss! Click to listen and learn from the pros (I know I did!)  Here’s a glance at this episode... [01:14] Being on video is a big part of being a digital course creator and a big part of being an online entrepreneur. That doesn't mean it's easy or comfortable. It takes skill and practice, and I have experts Giuliana Rancic and Jason Kennedy here to talk about that. [14:08] When it comes to live video, the more prepared you are the more comfortable you will be. Rehearse and practice! [19:35] Secret tip: Tilt your face, don't just move your eyes when reading a teleprompter! Make subtle movements to the left and right while keeping your eyes forward.  [28:56] One of the most common video mistakes is not acting natural and being yourself. Find what makes you feel comfortable and go with that. [36:54] We learn why you need to be authentic, don't rehearse jokes, and be careful with the level of spray tan you get.  [46:51] Jason's best advice ever received is to not be so hard on himself. Embrace your flaws, traits, gifts, and talents.  [49:13] Giuliana says there are no shortcuts. She realized her dreams because she was a hard worker and was willing to do the work. [59:55] Action steps: Put one of the things you learned today into practice.   Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/21/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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#400: My Favorite Books & A 400th Episode Giveaway

The books that built my business -- library card not required. This episode is a celebration for bookworms and those who consider themselves “podcast people” alike.  I wouldn’t say I’m a bookworm by any stretch of the imagination. (More of an audiobook and podcast girl, myself.) But I DO know that books have played a major role in the growth of my business...not to mention my growth as an entrepreneur and, well, person.  And to celebrate this special 400th episode of Online Marketing Made Easy, I’m sharing the top 12 books that have fundamentally shaped how I’ve grown my business, taken care of my mental well-being, and given myself a break from the everyday hustle.  If you’ve ever wondered, “What books should I be reading as an entrepreneur?” I'm sharing why these books are at the top of my list.  Including topics, like: Business systems that free up your time to work in your genius zone (or log off early, lace up your sneakers, and hit the trails...whatever the day calls for) Why fear feels so lonely How one of America’s richest self-made women deals with setbacks (and A LOT of them) My most recent exploration: how to achieve more by doing less *praise hands* Saying no to opportunities because of the fear of being in front of people A little something special for my fellow Enneagram 2’s  ;)  How to know if you should keep pushing for something you believe in or keep working towards becoming your own boss or starting your own business The single book that got me to a place where I was finally hitting my goals...and struggling less along the way to achieving those goals If any of the above made you said, “Gimme that book rec, Amy!”, dive on in, my friend.  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/14/202129 minutes, 58 seconds
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#399: A Science-Backed Habit For Anxious Entrepreneurs with Mel Robbins

Is It Time To Trade In Our Daily Affirmations? While this episode might not exactly feel like snuggling into a Barefoot Dreams blanket with a hot cup of chai…, my friend, are still in for a feel-good episode….technically speaking. ;)  Today, I’m sitting down with the leading voice in the personal development and transformational space, Mel Robbins, to talk about anxiety and entrepreneurship. And we’re getting real. Like, super real.  If you’ve been around for a while, you know I’m very open about my longtime battle with anxiety and depression -- and I found a kindred spirit in Mel. YES, Mel’s considered a thought-leader in the personal development industry.  YES, she’s an international bestselling author, TedX talk celebrity, and creator of the wildly popular “five second rule.”  But what you might not know about this larger-than-life figure is that Mel lived with anxiety, panic attacks, and untreated childhood trauma for 35 years.  Mel’s unique vantage point of battling some major mental hurdles while working hard to build a successful business is something any entrepreneur who struggles with anxiety or depression can relate to.  (Myself included.) And it’s from that place that she’s sitting down with me today to share some of the most powerful, science backed techniques that you and I, dear listener, can use in our personal and professional life to find our grounding and nip self-doubt in the bud, including: One habit more powerful than all your other habits Why positive self talk is a bunch of bologna (and the science that agrees) Why mantras don’t work alone PLUS one piece of homework for you that will turn an anxious day around (and won’t take you more than 30 seconds.)  To the entrepreneur struggling with anxious thoughts, I hope this episode encourages you, equips you, and makes you feel WAY less alone. Be kind to’re doing hard and brave things. And know that I’m cheering you on every step of the way! Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:14] Mel’s on a mission to save everyone else the heartache and headaches that she caused herself for 40 plus years.  [07:43] Through our own actions and attitudes we can have a positive impact on any problem or obstacle we face. We have the ability to figure it out.  [11:37] When you feel overwhelmed and hit a wall, there's a moment when you feel like giving up. Raise your hand and high-five yourself. It's neurologically impossible to criticize yourself when you are high-fiving yourself -- it actually creates positive programming in your brain. [22:47] Empower, support, and embrace yourself throughout the day. Having habits that celebrate you will increase your success. Set an intention and seal it with a high-five as you begin each day. [39:06] Mel shares how her first three courses were a flop. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you have to put stuff out there. You won't know what is going to work until you get feedback.  [47:30] The High 5 Challenge is an attempt for Mel to get 5 million people to wake up 5 days in a row and start their day with a high five in the mirror.  [51:37] Action steps: Go to the mirror and give yourself a high-five and share it on Instagram and tag Amy and Mel. Sign up for the challenge and buy the book. Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/7/202152 minutes, 33 seconds
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#398: The Uphill Battle Of Being Your Own Boss & How To Keep Moving Forward

How To Be The Boss During Big Life Changes “Where you are in your journey, I hope you, too, will keep encountering challenges. It is a blessing to be able to survive them, to be able to keep putting one foot in front of the other -- to be in a position to make the climb up life’s mountain, knowing that the summit still lies ahead. And every experience… is a valuable teacher.” - Oprah Winfrey On January 1, 2021, I woke up in a new state. Literally...and mentally, to be honest. The first six months of 2021 were some of the most challenging months I’ve ever had...and hardly anyone knew.   I experienced three major life changes back to back, and even though some of those changes were really good...change is still change.  It knocked the wind out of me and struggled to find my footing. When it rained, it poured and I was caught with no umbrella...totally exposed.  Gene-Kelly wasn’t coming to save me. NOBODY was singing in this rain. And in this episode, I’m peeling back the curtain and letting you in on these three biiiig changes because I know I’m not unique in this feeling.  Sharing these raw stories with you isn’t always easy for me, but I think it’s important. Entrepreneurs, we’re human too. So here it is. Your permission to be totally...messily...freely human. To take up as much space with your process as you need to. To work through hard things as quickly as you’re able, but as slowly as you need. And now that I’m 6 months into the year and juuuust about on the other side of my storm, I want to share with you the habits and thought patterns that have made a world of a difference to me as I, an entrepreneur, took on...well, life.  My friend, if you’ve ever felt like a fraud as a leader or doubted your ability to make an impact because you’re struggling with life circumstances...I recorded every minute of this episode with you in mind. Click to listen and know that I’m cheering you on every step of the way. Here’s a glance at this episode... [10:22] Because of my depression, I reverted back to old behaviors and started to eat to calm myself. It affected my work and personal life. I love change, but this one was bigger than I had planned.  [13:22] Having anxiety and depression has helped me to better understand my students who struggle with mental illness. It has allowed me to have more compassion and understand how hard it can be to run a business and get through these things. It's not easy, but I believe it can be done. [21:21] Thoughts create feelings, feelings create actions, and actions create results. I know when I have a certain feeling, it comes from a thought. I'm now focused on moving forward and dealing with my thoughts and feelings in a more positive way. [23:03] If you're dealing with reverting to old habits or struggling with feeling confident in any which way, I know what that feels like. You need to be seen and heard and set an example for those in your audience who also may be struggling with the same insecurities. [26:37] I got a book deal. When I got the deal, things became weird. My head was full of doubt. Before this, I spent four months writing my proposal, and I felt like I was in the flow. After the deal, my progress stalled. I was on the hook and suddenly felt like nothing was good enough. [33:29] When we're more aware of self-sabotage or impostor syndrome, we have a better ability to stop it. Enjoy the good things that come into your life. You deserve them. [34:58] Think of what you've struggled with and then say, "this is normal." We all have our struggles. We can all be empowered and take away the judgment and accept that challenges happen. Keep moving forward and do the next right thing. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/30/202140 minutes
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#397: {Live Workshop} Stop Living Scared, & Start Living Fully With Bevin Farrand

How One Woman Turned Her Personal Tragedy Into A Digital Course With A Mission For Good My student, Bevin Farrand, is setting us ALL straight when it comes to the trips we’re not taking… ...the risks we’ve been avoiding... ...and the life we’re not living.  You see, after unexpectedly losing her husband and the love of her life, Bevin decided it was time to stop living on the sidelines of her life.  And she used her own life experience to create a framework that helps hundreds of others exit the sidelines, get in life’s game, and do the damn thing -- whatever that “damn thing” is to them. Which is how Bevin’s course, Take The Damn Trip, was born.  (How AMAZING is that course name, by the way?) In this episode, Bevin is hosting a LIVE workshop for you -- my OMME listener -- that will help you discover your “why”, your “yes”, and how to start living boldly.  She’ll also be sharing how she came up with her course idea and what she tweaked to make her same course convert at an even higher rate. This is one of those episodes where you’ll not only walk away with a notebook full of practical steps for taking your digital course to the next level… ...but with a fire in your belly for all that life has to offer you. Don’t wait one more minute to start living fully! The doors to Digital Course Academy are officially open. If you're ready to take the leap and join me on this course creation journey, click the here! Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:53] Bevin's husband surprised her with a whirlwind trip to France. He passed away five days later. Bevin's life was flipped upside down.  [09:41] She reflected on what she has done differently, and she came up with the DAMN framework. She is all about saying the thing and doing the thing.  [14:11] Bevin explains how she transitioned to focusing on her DAMN framework but was resistant to niching down. Fast forward, niching down has made her over $47,000.  [21:21] The DAMN framework consists of Decide & Declare. A is Attend Your Own Party. M is Moments Not Missed. N is Now is the Time.  [31:20] With the D, we need to get clear on our why and our yes! Knowing your why makes hard times easier. For your yes, ask what you can talk about all day. Why do you want it? [52:04] We never know what's going to happen, so do the thing you want to do. This isn’t a reason to live scared, but instead to live fully! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/23/20211 hour, 19 seconds
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#396: Behind-The-Scenes Launch Bloopers From My 13 Years As An Entrepreneur

Digital Course Fails From a So-Called Professional (*facepalm*) Aaaah, bloopers. I love a good blooper in any form -- from America’s Funniest Home Videos to a Kristin Wigg outtake to a “fails” reel on Instagram.  But today the tables turn and it’s yours truly who’s in the hot seat. *GULP* I’ve experienced more blunders than I can count in my 13 years of online business and I’m sharing the best (or maybe worst) of them in this episode. From blacking out…  to being blacklisted from Zoom…  to getting a liiiiittle tipsy on Live video…  to welcoming students who hadn’t signed up for my course…  to drenching my team with tequila while live on camera…  I’ve had enough bloopers to last me a lifetime. So I want to dedicate this episode to all of you who think that, if you’re going to create and launch a digital course, it all has to go as planned.  Because these bloopers span from my early digital course days all the way to this year -- yep, 2021 where I, the expert, should have my you-know-what sorted out. No matter how prepared, professional, or experienced you are -- life’s just a little messy.  I’ve learned instead that it’s our job as entrepreneurs to try new things and get out of our comfort zones. And yes, every now and then, that means things backfire. But in the grand scheme of things, we’re the luckiest. We get to try -- and in the meantime, we gather stories, memories, and a lot of lessons learned.  And at the end of the day, we’re still standing and our businesses are still okay…even if it isn’t always perfect.  Despite these bloopers (and some of them are seriously cringe-worthy), I’ve still been able to build a massively successful business. And you can do the same, my friend. Also, I want to invite you to my brand new, FREE Masterclass 5 Little-Known Mistakes  *Most * Course Creators Make and What to Do Instead. Let this be your first step (that isn’t as scary as doing a launch) towards creating a successful digital course.  You can do that by clicking here! Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:49] Everything doesn't have to be perfect to have a successful launch. Learn how I sprayed everybody with sparkling water and tequila and how laughing can still bring your team together. Even when things go wrong, you're going to be okay! [08:09] Here's a launch where Zoom went down right before the webinar. They had a tech glitch, and our 15 minute before the webinar email had gone out. Emails were flooding in from 1000 of subscribers, and I blacked out. But guess what, we were only five minutes late. Always have a backup plan! [13:56] The reminder email goes out, and it's 15 minutes before we go live. Attendees started receiving a buyer email that said here are your login details. Even with a tech savvy team, we still had a glitch. Life goes on! Tech glitches will not break you. [18:25] Try new things and get out of your comfort zone. You and your business will still be standing at the end of the day even when things don't go perfectly. [00:19:53] Action step: Sign up for the {BEST MASTERCLASS EVER CREATED} 5 Little-Known Mistakes *Most* Course Creators Make (+What to Do Instead). Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/16/202121 minutes, 19 seconds
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#395: REVEALED: Digital Course Academy Like You’ve Never Seen Before

An Exclusive Module-by-Module Sneak Peek Into My Signature Program In all my years of podcasting, I have never done this. I’ve NEVER revealed, detail by detail, what’s inside one of my paid products for my podcast listeners...until now. In this extra special, first-of-it’s-kind episode, I’m breaking my own rules and taking you inside my signature program, Digital Course Academy.  I walk you through my 8-figure-producing digital course -- module by module -- and explain exactly how Digital Course Academy helps my students create and launch their profitable digital course. I’ll be sharing the lessons, topics, modules, tech, and the mindset taught inside the program. Plus, I’m answering ALL your questions about DCA along the way. Including: What is DCA? Who’s right for DCA? What exactly does DCA teach? How long does it take to go through DCA (and when can I expect to have my course up and running?) Does DCA teach me the tech required to make it all happen? What kind of results do DCA students actually see after the program? To be totally honest, I poured out my heart and soul in this episode.   DCA is transformative. I’ve seen it time and time again with my students...I know the power of this program.  So I hope you enjoy this extra special insider’s view into Digital Course Academy because it’s an absolute joy to share my heart’s work with you! If you’d like a little insider’s look into what DCA is all about, for a limited time, you can get access to a sneak peek of Module 1 for FREE! Get access here! Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:49] Digital Course Academy or DCA is the most comprehensive program for validating, creating, launching, and selling your digital course. It's a complete package put into seven modules that spans over a course of 10 weeks. [04:52] DCA is best for someone who knows the ideal community they want to serve and has an online presence around it. They also have a skill or expertise or know how to solve a problem. [09:03] You learn how to get clear on your topic, the type of course you should offer, your course name and how much to charge. As well as, how to create content and how to schedule important launch dates! You'll be set up for serious launch success! [11:37] Email lists are a huge part of the course. We teach you how to set everything up and how to engage with your subscribers.  Bonus -- you also get lifetime access and all future updates.  [13:25] Modules include: the seven key decisions, pre-selling and validating, outlining your course, sales page blueprint, creating a profitable webinar, crafting email sequences, and recording your course. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/9/202126 minutes, 2 seconds
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#394: How To Overcome Feelings Of Unworthiness & Create Entrepreneurial Freedom

3 Entrepreneurs Kicked Imposter Syndrome To The Curb (And You Can Too) I LOVE working with aspiring entrepreneurs...the ones still kicking it in the cubicle. The ones with notepads full of to-do lists and moments of inspiration scribbled down between meetings then stuffed into desk drawers. The ones juuuust starting out and who have a million and one questions.  And because I’ve worked with so many for so long...I recognize the questions that throw the brakes on for many, many aspiring entrepreneurs. That’s right… …there are questions that each and every aspiring entrepreneur asks that has the potential to put those big dreams on ice and keep your passionate, creative, capable, world-changing toosh in an office chair, working for someone else for waaaay too long. Questions like… “Who am I to teach something to others?" "Who would pay for what I have to offer?" "Who would want to hear what I have to say?” (Questions like this are why I do everything that I do.) Because these questions creep up on every single person who has ever tried something new. Which means that if every inventor, teacher, business owner, creator, or artist in history believed the voices that told them... “You knew it -- that seat’s taken. Don’t embarrass yourself, there’s no room for you.” ...then this world would be totally robbed of the bright, vibrant, diverse, and awe-inspiring gifts shared throughout history.  Which means there’s a place for you and your gifts at the table.  The world needs what you have to offer, my friend. And so in this episode, I want to help you push through that self doubt to make big decisions, take big risks, and go to bat for the dreams that you know are possible.  In fact, I invited 3 successful online entrepreneurs to share exactly how they worked through self doubt and imposter syndrome as they created a business and life that they really, truly love. And, of course, I share a few behind-the-scenes stories from my own business...because there’s not a single entrepreneur in history who doesn’t battle with imposter syndrome and self doubt on the reg.  Oh yeah...12 years later? It’s still a struggle. But it does get better. Self doubt doesn’t have to hold you back from living the big dreams that you have for yourself.  In fact, sometimes it’s the voice in your head saying, “You can’t” that allows you to say, sometimes for the first time, “Actually, I think I can.” There’s unspeakable power in that small but mighty statement, my friends. With just those few words, you become unstoppable.  So settle in, get quiet, and let’s talk about how to flip the script on that -- very normal, very scary, but very much in your control -- voice in your head. Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:53] Amel Derragui generated $23,000 in revenue on her first launch.  [06:29] She overcame her feelings of unworthiness by leaning on and embracing support. She doesn't think imposter syndrome ever goes away for good, listen to hear how she handles it these days.  [08:48] Rob Green generated $12,000 during the launch of his flash photography digital course. He's now on track to generate over $100,000 in his first year. [09:43] He had self-doubt, but he learned that action is the antidote to fear. When fears crept up, he would focus on taking the next step. [16:07] Masha Goins always dreamt of being an entrepreneur. She struggled with feelings of unworthiness, but went from dreaming to making $38,000 from her digital course in a short time. [17:23] She knew she was destined to be an entrepreneur, but she worried that she was creating a business in an oversaturated market. When feelings of unworthiness show up, she would consume less and create more! [21:33] Action steps: Lean into a supportive community. Action is the antidote for fear. Consume less and create more. Join the free 30-day bootcamp! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/2/202123 minutes, 23 seconds
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#393: Course Topic Inspiration: 6 Students Share How They Found Theirs

Worried they won't buy? How to choose your best-selling, gotta-have-it digital course topic.  The first digital course I ever created was on how to launch a book using social media. And when I finally launched my first-ever course into the was a huuuuge flop.  I made a whopping $267 -- and I cried about it.  In retrospect, I can tell you my fatal flaw. I chose the entirely wrong digital course topic. Today, I’ve created and launched 8 successful digital courses that have generated over 35 million dollars in 12 years -- all because I finally chose the right digital course that my audience wanted and got them results. And I’m here to save you from the heartache I experienced during that first launch. Because choosing the right digital course topic is foundational to making sure that your audience will buy.  More specifically, the promise that you make in your digital course must get them the results that will make the most impact. But more on that in a sec... If you have zero digital course topic ideas...  ...or maybe you have a million topic ideas and couldn’t possibly choose one ...or maybe you’re totally stuck by thoughts like, “Honestly, what would I teach? I’m no expert.” ...this episode is for you. (Click for the episode and some serious course topic inspo!)  In it, you’ll hear from six of my students, and they’ll break down digital course topics that are working in the online space in real life, how they came up with their course topic, any hiccups they encountered along the way… and so much more.  Digital course topics like my student Braden’s.  Braden’s an attorney and tax pro who chose to teach online entrepreneurs how to legally set up their business so they could get back to the things they’re really, really good at.  The result? A flexible income that allows him to spend the kind of time with his loved ones. Or Hilary Kreuger who, after years as a stay-at-home mom, created her digital course teaching communication and personal development online.  5 figures in revenue later, she’s still a busy mom of 4...but now, she’s bringing home the bacon. You’ll hear about topics ranging from spirituality to marketing to travel and more. So no matter what industry you’re in, audience you serve, experience you bring to the table, or how “ready” you feel to teach a digital course, this episode is brimming with course topic inspo to get you well on your way to choosing yours. You’ve got this! Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:56] Adia Gooden has been a licensed clinical psychologist for ten years. She wanted to help more people and have more impact, so she created the You Are Unconditionally Worthy Course. Adia made over $26,000 on her first launch.  [09:58] Braden Drake is a small business attorney who created Legally Launched. His first launch generated $8,000. He has since made more courses and revenue while being able to spend time with those he loves most. [14:51] Hilary Krueger is a super mom who created a course called Talk Email to Me, and generated over $11,000 in revenue. She came up with the idea for the course when people kept telling her that they loved her emails.  [18:13] Sandra McLemore created the Travel Marketing Revolution digital course, showing travel advisors how to get new clients online. This has allowed her to build a 7-figure business.  [22:46] Scarlett Cochran helps professional women create streams of income to supplement their revenue and achieve financial freedom. She has generated multiple six figures with her courses. [26:08] Anne Marie Pizarrio was a nurse by trade but wanted to make a change. She launched her own holistic practice, and her course about Becoming an Akashic Records Guide and generated $10,000. Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/26/202131 minutes, 23 seconds
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#392: One-On-One Coaching Vs. Digital Courses: What’s Best For You?

The difference between a “one-to-one” and “one-to-many” business model I live for a good debate. Journey or Queen? Blog or podcast? Seinfeld or Friends? And while we’re at it...were they really on a break? But if we’re talking about building an online business or adding a digital asset to your existing business, there’s one debate that comes up over and over again... Digital course or one-on-one coaching? (Orrrr… can both work in one business?) AKA which offer is best for you, your clients, or your business?  And how the heck can you know for sure? (After all, you sure don’t have the time or money to go all-in on the wrong thing.) Well, with over 12 years of experience in the online world, I want to help you decide once and for all if a digital course or one-on-one coaching is best for you.  From my recording room straight to your morning walk (or daily commute...however you take your podcasts!) -- I’ll be guiding you through a self-assessment that’s sure to help you identify which offer is best suited to you, your clients, and your business (and life!) goals.  Here are the questions to consider:  Do you have information, know-how, or a skill set that could be turned into a digital course? Does what you teach have steps or a roadmap of some sort or could it be turned into that?  Could what you teach be taught to more than one person at a time?  Could your area of expertise be taught via video or audio? Do you like doing one-on-one coaching?  And while, based on my own business, you may think I’m “Team Digital Course” all the answer might just surprise you. PLUS in this episode, we’ll discuss: The unique way that a digital course serves you and your customers (that you probably haven’t considered yet) The main differences between the two offerings Specific examples of how digital courses and one-on-one coaching work within my students’ real-life business And if allll of that still leaves you scratching your head, I’ve gone one step farther to make your dream-business-game-plan extra simple. I created a simple assessment that will take your unique goals, personal experience, and audience, and create an in-depth personalized assessment to give you the answers to this BIG question. CLICK HERE to take the quiz! That means you can walk away with a decision today and wake up tomorrow with clarity and confidence that your business is moving in the right direction.  No more debating.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:40] You can be more selective with one-on-one coaching. A digital course opens up opportunities for people who don't have the time or resources for one-on-one coaching. [06:06] A digital course gives you a much larger reach and ability to make an impact.  [09:08] You can offer just a digital course or multiple digital courses. I do group coaching within my programs, but no paid one-on-one programs.  [13:39] If you currently have a one-on-one coaching business, you already have a roadmap that could lead to a digital course. You already have a system, model, and framework.  [15:46] You could also offer a digital course alongside one-on-one coaching. This is something I used to do! [22:41] Question #1: Do you have information, know-how, or a skill set that can be turned into a digital course? [23:36] Question #2: Does what you teach have steps or a roadmap of some sort? Could it be turned into that? [24:14] Question #3: Could what you teach be taught to more than one person at a time? [27:20] Question #4: Could your area of expertise be taught via video or audio? [28:45] Question #5: Do you enjoy one-on-one coaching?.  [31:05] Action steps: Take my free two-minute quiz to create a personalized path for creating your block-buster selling digital course. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/19/202133 minutes, 39 seconds
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#391: What Is A Digital Course? The How, What, & Why They're Magic

The Digital Course Industry Is BOOMING -- Here’s Why Not many of my friends understand what I do for work.  Do you ever feel this way? Even sweet Hobie -- who’s been around my business since the day it started -- can barely wrap his head around how I bring home a paycheck every month. (He’d probably say “It has something to do with online courses, entrepreneurs...and confetti, somehow.”) If you’re a digital course creator or you work in the online space, you know exactly what I’m talking about.  Which is why, in this episode, I’m spelling it out for the rest of the world -- what the heck is a digital course, exactly? I’m tackling the basics of digital courses, including: What constitutes a digital course?  Are digital courses ever called something else? How can a digital course work within a business? And my favorite -- what does a digital course make possible? (Hint: FREEDOM! Whatever way you take it...time, financial or lifestyle.) This episode is for those of you who are new to the idea of creating a business online and how a digital course business can allow your business to scale beyond the limitations of one-on-one coaching or consulting.  This episode is also for us -- digital course creators and business owners -- to share with the people that we love the most. (I’m looking at you, Hobie!) Because our industry is here to stay -- you literally won’t believe just how much the virtual learning (a.k.a. digital course) industry is worth according to Forbes.  (I share these figures in the episode… and the future projections will leave you jaw dropped!) Digital courses aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, so let’s help get the world acquainted -- starting right here with this episode! Here’s a glance at this episode... [05:41] Digital courses are online educational programs that you work through on an online platform. [07:09] Danira created a digital course on how to make caramel apples and made over $62,000 on her very first launch.  [09:53] Amanda Ferguson launched an etiquette course and converted 91 students for a grand total of over $101,000.  [11:05] Mark Tew launched his digital course and made $108,000 during his 10-day launch.  [13:20] You can use a digital course as a standalone revenue generator for your business. Or, you can offer a digital course as an upsell or down-sell to your one-on-one coaching. [17:30] Digital course platforms include Udemy, Skillshare, MasterClass, and Coursera. These sites take a cut of the profit and offer limited promotion.  [19:08] Use a platform that you have more control over, like Kajabi. You can put your course on Kajabi and offer bonuses and incentives. [22:20] Action: Take the quiz to know where to start. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/16/202124 minutes, 32 seconds
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#390: Can One Digital Course Really Generate Financial Freedom? With Joy Foster

How Online Business Owner Joy Foster Made $1 MILLION From ONE Digital Course (And Why One Course > Than Multiple ) What if you offered just ONE product in your business?  As an online entrepreneur, you most likely have one of two responses... You either sighed a big sigh of relief. (I don’t have to do 40 things at once!) Or, I just made you really nervous. (But I HAVE to do 40 things at once!) Whatever camp you find yourself in, hear me out. I believe with all my heart that launching one digital course multiple times is the most effective and efficient way to generate significant revenue in your business.  And that might make you think, “But Amy, if you earn that kind of revenue from one digital course, you must be able to make EVEN MORE from MANY digital courses!” Nooooot exactly.  In fact, I’ll prove it to you! In this episode, I sit down with one of my DCA students and online business owner, Joy Foster. Joy made one million dollars by selling ONE digital course. Bananas, right?. And here’s the best part... Joy’s story isn’t that unique.  Joy runs a social enterprise that helps women learn tech so they can start a business or make a career change. Her business model was like many of my listeners’ -- workshops that were strictly local and in-person. But after a while, that business model wasn’t financially viable anymore and she knew she needed to find a way to scale. So how did Joy go from struggling to make ends meet to million dollar status -- with ONE product offer? Joy’s breaking it ALL down in this episode, including: Her first failed course launch and what exactly didn’t work Why she downsized from multiple course offers to just one (and what that meant for her bottom line) The simple strategy Joy used to take her conversion rate from 1.48% to 15% How she resists “shiny object syndrome” and remains faithful to her one-course model What Joy believes she could have done to reach success sooner  And so much more! My dear entrepreneur, YES -- You can focus on less in your business and still  achieve more. So go for it...breathe that big ol’ sigh of relief! Listen now to kickstart your simplified business that allows the time and freedom for you to be creative in your business. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/12/202155 minutes, 13 seconds
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#389: Impact, Legacy, & Living A Passion-Led Life with Amy McLaren

How to Shed Self-Doubt, Find Inspiration, and Change Your Life (and the World) for the Better What kind of legacy do you dream of leaving?  What kind of impact will you make in this world?  If you don’t think it’s possible to feel crystal clear on how to take your passions and leverage them into massive purpose, adventure and impact after just one podcast episode’ve never met Amy McLaren. Amy is a busy mom of two who passionately splits her time between leading LadyStrength (an online community of driven, entrepreneurial women), growing an Airbnb business, and being the hands-on CEO of Village Impact, the charity she and her husband, Stu McLaren, founded more than a decade ago.  Amy is on a mission to help purpose driven entrepreneurs shed self-doubt, find inspiration, and change their life, their business ...and the world, while they’re at it.  Just like she has.  (And friends, I am here for it.)  But let me warn you --.Amy is a force to be reckoned with. Jumping out of planes, riding a motorcycle across Morocco and a rickshaw down the coast of India, driving 7 strangers down the California coast in an RV for 10-days ...that’s business as usual for Amy.  She doesn’t just talk the talk -- this girl walks the walk. And in this episode, Amy is breaking down how passion informs both the wildness and the intentional purpose in her life.  Together, we talk about: The myths of living a passion-filled life (which aren’t what you would expect) How to create more impact and leave a legacy you’re truly proud of Her charity, Village Impact, and how this corner of the world became her life’s work Knowing when you’re called to do something bigger (because timing is everything) and so much more! This girl and her friendship make my heart burst -- and I have a sense that you’ll walk away from this episode feeling the very same.  So grab your headphones and click to listen -- just wait 'til you see what’s possible! Here’s a glance at this episode... [10:31] Amy was a teacher, but she knew she wanted to do more. She was constantly thinking about travel adventures or living overseas. She was held back from changing by fear, but eventually took a leave and never went back.  [13:34] There's a myth that it costs too much money to live a passion-filled life. This isn’t the case and Amy is proof! [14:12] The other myth is that it's too time-consuming to live your passion-filled life. Here’s the truth, you can do something you're passionate about in five minutes a day. [14:42] Your passion doesn't have to be a side hustle. It really can become your full-time income! [15:40] Unlock your passion. Take a step back and draw a passion timeline. Look back at the things you loved and look for a common theme -- be intentional about incorporating passion into your life. [21:08] When following your passion, always come back to yourself and what you feel and believe in your heart. Don't let other people influence your passion or hold you back.  [22:27] If you really want to create more impact, be consistent and find ways to collaborate. Have a clear message and clear action steps. [29:10] Passion to Purpose: A Seven-Step Journey to Shed Self-Doubt, Find Inspiration, and Change Your Life (and the World) for the Better was written to let everyone know that they can use their passion to do small things for good in the world.  [31:09] Action Challenge. Grab a pen and paper and answer these questions:  #1 What are you passionate about?  #2 What impact do you want to make?  #3 What Legacy do you want to leave? Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/9/202132 minutes, 42 seconds
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#388: A Behind-The-Scenes Look Into The Habits Successful Entrepreneurs Live By

Online Entrepreneurs Tell All: Habits Edition I hate to admit it...but I’m a little bit nosey. I looooove getting a glimpse into the private moments and secret thoughts of people that I admire. I want to know what makes them tick, what makes it all work...and how I can get in on the good stuff! Well in today’s episode, I did a little bit of snooping...with permission, of course.  I reached out to a handful of my peers and asked them what their number one habit was for moving the needle forward as an entrepreneur.  I’m talking about some of the biggest movers and shakers in the online space -- Gabby Bernstein, Neil Patel, Zafira Rajan, Ryan Holtz, Tiffany Lee Bymaster, John Lee Dumas, and Luvvie Ajayi Jones. I wanted to know what habit actually mattered and made a difference when it came to building their online businesses.  Because let’s be honest...the point of role models is having something to emulate so you’re not having to reinvent the wheel. And you know we love keeping it simple around here.  So click to listen as these incredible leaders share the ONE habit that has made the greatest difference in their journey as an entrepreneur, so that you can take what speaks to your soul and run with it. Some are personal, some are professional…but all of them are juicy!  Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/5/202125 minutes, 4 seconds
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#387: 7 Email Copywriting Tips To Convert Subscribers

What to do when your email list isn’t buying... I’m not a chef. If you’ve followed me for a while, you know that PostMates is higher on my speed dial than my sister (and I love my sister!) But every now and then, on a special occasion, I’ll break out my old 1990’s apron from my single apartment days and cook something for Hobie. (Okay, maybe by “cooking” I mean preheating the oven and peeling off plastic wrap but it’s totally the thought that counts, right?) Well, let me tell you about a dark day in our marriage. I decided that I’d push myself out of my comfort zone, don my apron, pour a glass of white wine, and see if there was any pasta in the pantry that wasn’t past expiration.  By the time my hunky man was due to arrive home, dinner was ready and I was prepared to accept my well-deserved award. But time went on… and no Hobie. Wife confession: I was mad.  I’d done all this work, tried something new, put myself out of my comfort zone… for nothing.  Now, Hobie eventually came home and we worked it all out. (I can’t stay mad at that sweet man!) But today I want to talk to you about the entrepreneurial equivalent... ...I’m talking about shooting your shot, giving it your best...and it kind of just sitting there...getting cold and stale. Today we’re talking about making a sales pitch to your email list...and getting ZERO sales.  OOF.  Especially if your engagement is healthy, this sales offer ghost town can be massively frustrating.  In today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing exactly how to prepare your next sales offer so your email subscribers are racing to the “Buy” button. I’m going to take you step by step through your sales promo, including when to email, how many to send, and exactly how to write emails that make a connection first -- then an effortless sale.  That includes: the type of email campaign you’ll want to do when you’re selling seven copywriting tips you’ll want to include in every sales email you send how to send sales emails with confidence (and why you should never, ever worry about annoying your list)  In fact, I want to make sales emails so effortless for you that I’ve created a FREE checklist for you to download, so you can be sure that your sales emails are hitting the mark every time.  So grab your checklist, click here to listen to today’s episode, and get ready to celebrate earning meaningful revenue in your business with just a few emails.  PS. Looking for my List Building Masterclass? Well, I sure hope you like sharp upticks in your subscriber count. Click below to save your seat for my FREE List Building Masterclass! I'm in, Amy! Save my spot! Here’s a glance at this episode... [08:16] Listen to discover and understand what your audience needs, wants, pain points, and desires are.  [12:14] Use this sentence in your emails, "I know you're thinking…” and then fill in the blank. Take what you've learned and insert your ideal communities pain points into the sentence.  [15:01] Take a journey back to where you were before you found your solution. What would the old you need to hear, know, or understand to cross the bridge to become a buyer? [19:45] Highlight the exact words that you want to use in your email text. These words will come from your ideal audience members. [28:00] Make the email all about your subscriber and their wants and needs.  [30:16] Be specific and clear with your CTA - call to action. Leave no room for misunderstanding.  [35:21] Action items: Map out your promo. To help you, download the free resource and start working through it and do the journal prompts! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/29/202137 minutes, 13 seconds
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#386: Branding Vs. Marketing (& Why It's Important To You) with Ryan Holtz

Getting Lost Online? Start With Your Branding Branding can seem like the online marketing equivalent of a Birkin bag...’ve heard of it, you’re not totally sure what it is, but it seems like all of the big names are into it.  And I’m with you. Branding felt like a “nice to have” and I put it off for many years in my business.  But Ryan Holtz, my guest for this episode, and I are determined to convince you that branding is one of the greatest gifts you can give your business and your prospective buyers. I know, I know...bold statement. But we mean it. And here’s why... Your business’ brand answers the question, “What makes you different?” when you’re up against a sea of online competitors. It establishes what you stand for as a business. It helps your perfect customer find you and instantly know -- without a doubt -- that they belong in your world. And when they feel like they belong in your world, they stay in your world. Which is suuuuuper important because, according to stats from Outboard Engine, it’s 5 times more expensive to find a new customer than it is to keep an existing one. But if you’re anything like me in the early years of my business, you might be thinking… Is my business too new to be thinking about branding? Branding sounds nice someday… when I have spare time and a little extra cash. Well in this episode, Ryan Holtz, renowned speaker, expert marketer, host of a Top 100 Apple Podcast, and a wealth of entrepreneurial knowledge, joins me to debunk those mental-myths and get you started in the right direction. Ryan shows you step-by-step how to identify what your brand is, what your business stands for, and how these things can help attract like-minded customers that are totally onboard with you, your service, and your mission.  When you know your brand, you’ll never be unsure of how to show up online again.  When you’re confident in what your brand stands for, alignment comes naturally.  And I want that for you with my whole heart. So press play and let’s chat -- an online presence that you feel proud of (and in total alignment with) awaits! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/22/202141 minutes, 7 seconds
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#385: Is A Blog Valuable To Your Business? With Glo Atanmo

Glo Atanmo tells all about creating a passion led business and a blog that adds value to her business. Sometimes there’s a podcast guest that joins me on Online Marketing Made Easy and they leave me, well… speechless. Speechless because they live life on their own terms and their adventurous spirit can teach us a thing or two about this entrepreneurial life we might not have considered before.  Glo Atanmo is one of those people. Featured in Oprah Magazine, Conde Nast, Essence and more, Glo got her start at 16 when she purchased her first “big girl” domain and taught herself coding basics -- fast forward to today, a decade later, and she’s running a 7-figure business, traveling the world and blogging about it as she goes.  In this episode we talk about Glo’s tips for using a blog to build a business -- and yes, you definitely need to dust off your blog and get it back up and running -- she also tells the story of how she got her start with just $500 in her pocket, and what you need to know today about succeeding as a multi-passionate entrepreneur. And if you thought Glo was finished there, you haven’t met this inspirational icon. Because Glo shares her 5-point framework for building a sustainable business -- and what passion has to do with it. Hear that, my fiery entrepreneurs?  Glo is spelling out exactly how much to bank on your passion when starting a sustainable business...and the 4 factors that support your passion to make sure that you’re playing the long game.  If we’ve piqued your inner travel bug’s interest -- it’s time to hit play and join us!  This interview was so much fun and I can’t wait for you to hear how it inspires you in your next business adventure. Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:28] When Glo was 22, she took $500 and booked a one-way ticket to Europe. She shares the scariest thing about this experience and how she had to get scrappy.  [07:59] The biggest lesson she learned was that opportunity will find you if you are available and always find gratitude in each situation. Everything is an opportunity to thrive and grow.  [13:43] Glo has expanded her business into a digital course teaching other bloggers how to land brand deals, which allows her to connect with female bloggers who have a deeper mission.  [23:22] Is blogging still effective? As a writer, Glo shares how she feels blogs fit within a business model.  [27:18] Passion is needed for a sustainable business, but you also need purpose, a promise, to be proficient, and be able to speak to a pain point. [35:12] Action step: Work through Glo’s 5 P’s: passion, purpose, promise, be proficient, and pain point. Click here to listen! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/15/202136 minutes, 7 seconds
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#384: Should You Write A Book? With Gabby Bernstein

Get ready to access behind the scenes tips for book writing success. If you’re considering writing a book - whether it’s through traditional publishing or self-publishing - this episode is a must listen.  Grab a kombucha, iced coffee, or your favorite snack, and join me and Gabby as we talk about the steps you need to take when tackling the book writing process. In this episode we cover a lot of ground around what you need to know including: How to overcome the dreaded writer’s block Ways to think about turning your digital course into a book (it can be done!) How to access her FREE training “4 Secrets To Your Best Selling Book”  Let me tell you, this conversation was a journey! Whether book writing has been on your mind for a while, or you’re not sure if it’s the path you want to take -- this episode is the roadmap to help you take the leap and put pen to paper (even if it’s for a blog post only right now.)  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/8/202141 minutes, 59 seconds
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#383: Am I Giving Away Too Much Free Content?

And the Not-So-Mysterious Breakdown of Free vs. Paid Content  Imagine how it would feel to show up to your next content creation sesh with clarity and confidence, knowing exactly what YOUR boundaries are between free and paid content.  Sounds amazing, right? Well, I’m going to show you how to finally let go of the white-knuckle fear of sharing your stuff for free. Because look, I get it. As an entrepreneur, it’s the ultimate rock and hard place.  Why would my audience ever be willing to buy from me if I’m teaching them concepts for free? How would they ever trust that I know my stuff if I don’t share anything with them until they fork over the cash?  That’s why I’m taking a page out of the book of my beloved Crime Junkie podcast and getting to the bottom of this great entrepreneurial mystery in this episode -- once and for all.  In this episode, I’m giving you the down-to-the-decimal details on:  How much free content you should be sharing with your audience (and I’m talking specifics!) 3 questions to ask yourself to make sure that your free stuff isn’t overstepping and undervaluing your paid offers The one thing your free content needs so your audience can say an ENTHUSIASTIC YES to becoming a paying customer The actual free content that I released ahead of my Digital Course Academy launch that prepared my audience for DCA...rather than turn them off of it.  So grab a notepad and press play! We’ve got a mystery to solve. Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:31] Free content is the what and of what you're teaching while paid content is the how and step-by-step.  [05:40] A good rule of thumb is that 20% of your paid content can be revealed in your free content.  [13:49] Be generous with your content. Have an abundance mindset and know that there is more than enough to go around. [15:47] Ask yourself these questions when determining what to include in your free content: Do I teach the exact same thing in my course? Where's my audience right now in relation to this exact topic? [24:52] Action steps: Do a mini content audit, and develop an abundance mindset when it comes to free content. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/1/202126 minutes, 40 seconds
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#382: Step-by-Step Systems To Eliminate Overwhelm & Work Less

People often ask me, “Amy, what’s the secret to your success?” and I always say that I live and die by systems. In fact, without systems... I could not have a multimillion-dollar business and still have a life. I could not have a four-day workweek and actually make money if I didn’t have systems. Forbes recently stated that when you create systems in your business you can save up to two work hours per day... that’s 240 hours a year! And that’s why today’s episode is so important. Because I want you to imagine what it would feel like to no longer be chasing a never-ending to-do list... and instead feel focused and confident as you create the business of your dreams. We'll talk about... The virtual filing system I swear by that actually saves me time How I make my project management program work for me, and not the other way around The number one communication tool I adore and the magic of SOPs Three ways to scale your business brilliantly If you want to know my secrets for going from a constant state of busy business overwhelm to tons of organization, more free time, more money in the bank, and a four-day workweek… you’re in the right place. Here’s a glance at this episode... [08:35] Want to stay organized? Use a virtual filing system to organize assets in Dropbox and documents in Google Docs.  [17:46] Asana allows you to systemize and get really clear on who's doing what and when it's due.  [23:29] Find out how we use Slack to segment communication by channel and our guidelines, including keeping tasks in project management software.  [28:17] Learn how we have built a blueprint for success using standard operating procedures or SOPs. We have systemized tutorials for any procedure that we do over and over again. [35:18] Three ways to help you scale your business include becoming an affiliate marketer, adding a group coaching program to your product suite, and adding a digital course! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/24/202143 minutes, 23 seconds
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#381: Perfect Your Price Point & Create Consistent Revenue With Jereshia Hawk

Fear of charging too much? Yeah… we’re gonna talk about.  If you're ready to convert more clients and boost your sales processes, this podcast episode is your blueprint.  Join me as I connect with Jereshia Hawk, business coach, sales expert, and framework phenom when it comes to knowing when to sell, perfecting what to charge, and creating consistent revenue streams. Jereshia has helped over 350 entrepreneurs double their package prices, convert more sales calls, and increase their revenue growth within 12 months. Plus, she’s a huge advocate for women of color in leadership positions which is part of her entrepreneurial WHY.  During our chat, Jereshia talks about the 10 questions to know exactly how much more you should be charging. Questions we should all answer that are simple, straightforward, and get results.  I had sooooo many questions for Jereshia and I think you’re going to love the takeaways she gives as we go through them all. Get ready for note taking goodness and tips for *finally* knowing just what to charge for your offer. Plus, as promised, here’s the script that Jereshia and I mention in the conversation. Make sure you listen so you can take action on this tried and tested process right away. Go on your Instagram stories, show your face, and say: 'Hey all! I've helped [# OF PEOPLE] get [X RESULTS] in their [TYPE OF BUSINESS]. I'm currently looking to take on a few more clients and have [X SPOTS OPEN]. I would love to go on this journey with you. Are you a [INSERT WHO YOU HELP]? If so, I want to hear from you! Send me a DM and I'll send you more details about this opportunity. Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:42] Jereshia shares about overcoming the fear of charging too much, and how “charging what you’re worth” isn’t the right way to think.  [15:05] Here’s how to create consistent revenue. For starters, don't bring your employee mindset into your entrepreneurial playground.  [20:01] Guess what, if you’re listening to this, you are ready to sell. Jereshia is a big believer in selling before you build.  [32:19] She even shares tips for direct message selling. She says, “Conversion happens in conversation.”  [36:01] Action tip: Jereshia gives you an actual way to welcome new clients through Instagram stories -- she even gives you a script! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/17/202142 minutes, 42 seconds
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#380: 4 Strategies To Create A High Converting Sales Page

Are you ready to boost your sales and crack the code on customer conversions?  Ask any copywriter about sales pages and they’ll tell you: it takes a lot of tinkering to crack the sales conversion code. That said, after our last Digital Course Academy launch -- I think we might have actually done it and I’m spilling all the beans about it. In this podcast episode, you’ll learn exactly what widgets we used and strategies we implemented to keep eyes on the DCA sales page for over 5 minutes. That’s a lifetime when it comes to viewer stats. It also means that the sales page is working wonders when it comes to keeping leads engaged. As an online business owner, I want you to have knowledge about the little things that made a big difference in our latest launch conversions (so you can use them too!) -- things like: A customizable widget that helps potential students, customers, and clients get all of their burning questions answered face to face The one section every sales page needs to help customers feel confident about their purchase (one of my favs!) How video can keep your customers engaged right from the very top of the page and what to include so they can’t help but keep watching, reading, and clicking those buy buttons I also tell you the #1 simple to implement and most engaging part of the page that you don’t want to miss. Stick around until the end of the episode for that one! Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:09] We used VideoAsk which is a widget which allows you to have face-to-face video conversations with your customers and ended up with a 33% conversion rate. [08:34] Testimonials was another enticing section. We had three or four on the page and then offered the option of looking through an entire database of customer testimonials broken up by category. [11:39] There was also a sizzle reel at the top of the sales page. This is a short video mashup of audio, video and images that promote your offer, and something you can make on your own! [14:08] Our chat feature was hot on our sales page. This is the little chat bubble that pops up and offers a live chat, which will guarantee higher engagement.  20:28] Track your metrics. It's the only way to know if all of your sales page efforts are working. Google analytics allows me to see trends. We know if we are growing, improving, and how to pivot.  [22:13] Action steps: Decide which of the above mentioned methods you are going to use and start planning things out. Decide during this week and start scheduling each one. Create a plan for one or two of these strategies and start chipping away at it. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/10/202123 minutes, 27 seconds
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#379: Cure Writer’s Block: The Content Structure My Team Swears By

Get ready to tackle the creativity time crunch and discover the little known framework that I use in my business to produce content.  Let’s be honest: social media, podcasts, newsletters, sales pages and everything else you need to run your business can take a ton of time out of an already busy day.  Just when you think you’re caught up, your content calendar sends a reminder and you’re back at it again.  Sometimes it may feel like you’re always “behind” in your business. You’re in good company -- many entrepreneurs just like you are in the same boat. That’s why in this podcast episode, I tackle the content time crunch so you can start speeding up the production process and start standing out online. Not only will you get some behind-the-scenes sneak peeks on how we write podcast episodes, social media and more but you’ll also get the inside scoop on: How this framework can be used for anything you’re creating so it’s compelling and creates flow and clarity Ways you might be missing out on consistency and a simple fix to help across all channels Getting past the dreaded writer’s block so you produce assets more quickly (and so it doesn’t take all day) Get ready to move past that day long content creation process and get into a flow state instead -- this episode is waiting for you.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:07] Start with the what. This is an overview of the main point or outcome you want your students to achieve.  [06:17] Next, is the why. Explain why this content is important and why it matters to your audience. Build your case for the importance of what you're sharing.  [07:44] Move on to the how. This is a step-by-step on how your audience can apply what you're teaching to their own lives. You're providing them with a road map that leads with a clear intentional flow from start to finish. [10:46] After that, focus on the proof. Show how you apply the how in your own business. These are real time examples or success stories from your customers. [15:32] Action steps: Write out this framework and look at your content and see where you're using the steps. Then start with one piece of content and apply this framework! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/3/202116 minutes, 32 seconds
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#378: Could A 4-Day Work Week Fit Your Business?

If you’ve ever thought about how it might look to work less days in your business, check out the experiment my team and I are in the middle of testing. When I first pitched the shorter work week idea to my leadership team, well… I was met with crickets. The idea of the work week happening only Monday through Thursday felt a bit unattainable. And while I was really excited about the idea myself, I know the team’s concerns were valid and so we agreed to try it for 90 days as an experiment.  Right now we’re 60 days in, and have uncovered some really interesting stuff that I wanted to share with you.  Since I’m a big believer in going first and showing what’s possible for you, it’s my hope that this episode helps show you what you need to know about the 4-day work week process -- especially if you’ve been thinking about ways to add more time back into your week.  You’ll also learn more about: WHY a shorter week was something I wanted to implement and how our team why might spark some ideas for you Processes to set into place when it comes to your team, communication, and what the new work week looks like The different categories to create plans for as you look at your day-to-day systems and expectations The 3 MUST ASK questions you need to answer before making the leap and how they’ll help you determine if this is for you If reading those highlights pulls at your imagination strings and gets you thinking about your own work schedule -- grab your notebook and pen -- because this is definitely a note taking episode. Here’s a glance at this episode... [02:21] Learn some of the reasons why my team and I have decided to test out doing a 4-day work week.  [06:36] Read the book Shorter: Work Better, Smarter, and Less Here's How. [11:38] Get clear with your team, if you have one, how you want to organize and go about preparing for the 4day work week. What are concerns that come up and how can you troubleshoot them?   [15:05] Sit down and discuss any issues that may come up, and create a guideline document to help guide your team.  [19:44] Find out the tools we use to make our 4-day work week efficient and possible.  [22:33] Set a date and time to meet with your team to see how the experiment is working and how you can improve or pivot. [36:59] Action Steps: How will this professionally benefit you? How will this personally benefit you? What will it mean if you don't move to a four-day work week? Get clear on these answers, start with step one, and read the book Shorter. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
5/27/202141 minutes, 45 seconds
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#377: How To Re-engage Your Email List

It’s never too late to hit send and connect with your subscribers again. If your email list has been on your mind (maybe a little more time has passed than you’d like to admit since you’ve last landed in their inbox) and you know it’s time to hit ‘send’ but you’re afraid that you’ll be met with crickets and unsubscribes -- today’s episode is just what you need to gain back your confidence. Here’s the thing, when it comes to engaging with your email list after a long absence, there are a few simple things you can put into place to make a seamless re-entry. But first, I have to tell you: you’re not alone. Life happens and sometimes we have to hit pause on our regular systems and processes. I get soooo many questions about this topic -- so, it’s time we talk about it.  In today’s episode, I’m going to walk you through how to organize and put together a re-engagement campaign, including how many emails to send, how far apart, and what to include in each email. You’ll also learn everything you need to know to successfully hit send with confidence and: Know exactly what to say so your audience feels supported and seen Have a plan on how many emails you need to send and help them remember why they signed up in the first place Create a free gift that they need so badly they’ll be thanking you a million times over in their replies Craft a plan to write emails they look forward to opening week in and week out It’s time to make a plan because your subscribers are waiting for you. If you’re ready to get back on track and into the hearts and inboxes of your audience, click below to get started. Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:31] It's easier to reignite an old list than it is to start from scratch. In fact, getting a new customer can cost five times more than re-engaging with an old customer. [06:10] If you’ve taken some time away from your email list, it’s time to create a re-engagement campaign.  [07:40] Email #1: Reintroduce yourself, but then make it all about how you are serving your audience.  [12:07] Email #2: Continue to nurture your list and show them how you're going to help them achieve their goal and desire, and why you're the person to do so.  [14:37] Email #3: Ask what they need and ask them to reply directly to your email. This shows you care and are committed to serving them.  [16:01] Rules: Make sure your subject lines stand out. Commit to showing up consistently. Set time aside and batch your email content. [21:02] Give it at least 60 days before you begin to sell. This is all part of the know, like, and trust equation. [21:53] Action steps: Within the next week sit down and write out your re-engagement campaign. Then give yourself at least a week to write out the emails, and finally send them. Enjoy the process! Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!
5/20/202123 minutes, 9 seconds
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#376: Your Beginner Guide To Going Evergreen: Here’s Where To Start

The dream of setting your digital course on autopilot and letting it roll (with minimal effort) is a popular one for most entrepreneurs. This is why I’m sharing the success roadmap for scaling I use so you can plan your strategy successfully. And while I do believe going evergreen at the right time can be a beneficial way to grow your business, I'm also a firm believer that becoming an expert at live launching first is a must. On this week’s podcast episode, I’m not only talking about the benefits of evergreen, I’m walking you through ways that live launches can prepare you for creating an evergreen product. You’ll also see how I (and some of my students) have done it in the past.  Having a clear direction in the process of going evergreen is the fastest way to help you on your journey and when you listen to this episode, you’ll learn: The core values you must know before even thinking about getting started Platforms you’ll want as your best friends so the funnel runs without a hitch What must-have content should be created as you think about launching   How timing and LIVE launching plays into creating your evergreen experience Plus, when you listen, you’ll have access to a FREE resource you can use as you get started and take action on the path to evergreen products. Join me as I walk you through the step-by-step plan to help get you ready to generate income that feels effortless.  Here’s a preview of the episode:  [04:44] Do at least two or three live launches before you go evergreen. Live launching makes you more nimble and a better marketer. [09:34] Platforms you'll need to go evergreen. ConvertKit - for emails and creating landing pages. Demio - for webinars. Deadline Funnel allows you to create smart links with individual automated campaigns.  [13:01] Marketing content you need includes: a webinar-registration page, sales page, email campaign to guide and nurture, and a re-play email. [18:01] Create urgency by using Deadline Funnels and irresistible bonuses.  [20:01] Nicole Calloway Rankins went evergreen after two live launches and heard crickets. She went back and did a few more live launches and then launched an evergreen course that generates revenue every single month. [21:41] Christina Galbato has two evergreen courses that have made over one million dollars in the past year. She says to make sure your live launch, webinar opt-in rate, show-up rate, sales conversions, and post-webinar email-open rate are all solid before moving on to evergreen. [23:33] Action steps: Live launch until you see consistent results. Update your live launching marketing material. Start setting up your platforms. Pay close attention to your show up and conversion rates. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
5/13/202125 minutes, 17 seconds
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#375: How To Get Noticed Online (& What Jumping Out Of A Plane Has To Do With Entrepreneurship)

Content creation, visibility in your business, and how life will steer you in the right direction (whether you’re ready for it or not!) New York Times Best-selling author, award-winning blogger, and “professional troublemaker,” Luvvie Ajayi Jones is here and she’s ready to help you take action on your big dreams, move through the fear that’s holding you back, and use your voice to support your audience. I loved my interview with Luvvie, and I know you will too. We chat about... How her skydiving experience helped her become comfortable with being uncomfortable Why content creation and getting noticed online looks different than you think  The reason getting a “D” in college was the sign she needed to say goodbye to her dream of becoming a doctor and start a blog instead There are so many "a-ha", "WOW", and jaw-dropping moments in this episode, I wish I could name them all... you’ll just have to join us over on the podcast to find out what they are. Sometimes a conversation just takes on a life of its own and reveals a lot of wisdom. I know when Luvvie says, “When you serve people, you will be seen by the people you need to serve,” you’ll want to stop multi-tasking and make sure you’re listening to the conversation that follows. You’re in for a real treat, friend! Listen in to get inspired, excited, and driven to take action with Luvvie’s step-by-step guidance. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
5/6/202131 minutes, 7 seconds
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#374: Take Your Hands Off The Wheel: Automation For The Smart Business Owner

Creating automation in your business can help you streamline your tasks and save time every single day. Whether you’re a business owner just starting out or a seasoned entrepreneur, building automation systems in your business is key to helping you delegate and create processes that will help you succeed.  The bonus? When you create automation in your business you’ll also have the flexibility in your schedule you’ve always dreamed of.  I know, I know, you might be thinking, “But Amy -- this sounds too good to be true!” And while it may seem like a miracle for your business, I can assure you that with just a little patience and follow through with the step-by-step process I give you, automation will be yours!  In this episode you’re about to learn my favorite tips and tools to create: Auto-responders in your emails for all the FAQs that land in your inbox Seamless scheduling systems (no more headaches!)  Social media content creation so you can batch and post with ease Standard operating procedures -- every job now has a “how to do this” list A process for hiring a Virtual Assistant to provide ongoing help   Plus, just to make things interesting, I have a fun accountability challenge at the end and I want to make sure I’m cheering you on as you implement your automation so you can spend more time on all the things you love! Here’s a preview of the episode:  [04:18] Automation saves you time, money, and precious energy. It eliminates human error and allows you, and your team to focus on the big picture.  [05:41] Email automation. Only check your email once a day and set up an autoresponder for the other times.  [07:31] Create guided responses for common email questions that you get. You can still add a personal touch. You can use Boomerang to mark your email to go away and come back on another day. [09:33] Scheduling automation. Schedulicity is an online calendar that you can integrate with your calendar and create a personalized link with your availability. [10:59] Automating social media and weekly content. A social media automating tool will allow you to plan out your social media all at once.  [13:20] Managing emails from your community. ConvertKit is a good solution if you're just getting started.  [15:24] Standard operating procedures or SOPs. These documents will save you a lot of headaches down the road when you hire and scale your team.  [17:27] Compile tasks that can be passed off to a professional VA, even if it's just for a few hours a week. This will allow you to stay in your zone of genius. [18:35] Action steps: Decide on one automation step that you can set up within the next 7 days. Send me a DM and tell me about it!  
4/29/202119 minutes, 17 seconds
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#373: Quiz Creation 101: Everything You Need to Know About Using the Most Effective Lead Magnet

Are you ready to scale your business lightyears ahead with an online quiz? You’ll be so glad when you do.  This week, I have quiz building expert, Chanti Zak, on the show.  Chanti’s the perfect person to show you what to do next when it comes to creating your online quiz -- she’s SO good she’s even written quizzes for me! If you’re excited about this, get ready to dive in, my friend, because I believe a million percent that this episode is just what you need to get started. During our time together, Chanti walks us through everything you need to know about: How to select the PERFECT topic so your audience can’t wait to see their results How to layout your results so they are fun and informative  And how to get your quiz up and converting so you can start building your email list right away Chanti pulls out all the stops in this episode to help you fast track to hitting publish and turning your fans into email subscribers.  Psst… if you’re not sure what’s next once your audience gets their results, well, we talk about that, too. It’s my very last question for Chanti and I know you’ll love it.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/22/202141 minutes, 9 seconds
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#372: How Much Does It Actually Cost To Start & Successfully Grow A Biz with Jamie Trull

In this episode, she and I help you get clear on finances and the secrets to saving money, so you can run a successful (and lucrative) business.  If you’re anything like me you may have fallen for shiny object syndrome a time or two while running your business.  Raise your hand if you’ve found yourself buying courses or subscriptions that weren’t what you really needed to get your business off the ground... Yep. I’ve been there, too. Here’s the thing, knowing what financial investments to make when you’re running an online business can be confusing. And it can be easy to invest in a product, service, or tool you think you need but isn’t actually what you need at all. If you’re just starting out as a business owner or you’ve been at this for a while, figuring out your finances is an essential part of your journey.  This is why I have my peer, student, and financial expert, Jamie Trull on the show today.  During the episode, we dive into what it looks like to actually start a business from a financial standpoint.  Jamie’s a genius when it comes to helping business owners, like you, feel confident about their financials. I love having her on the show because she shows that you can absolutely handle the numbers side of your business and have some fun, too. In this episode you’ll get information to help you really understand: What financials should look like when you’re starting a business Where to invest in your business so the financial decisions you make align with your big goals Ways to save so you can grow quickly and strategically as you build your business  Plus we walk you through the tips you need to start paying yourself, prepare for taxes, and invest back into your business. Yes - you can absolutely do this --  and we are here to help.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/15/202136 minutes, 10 seconds
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#371: The 30,000 Foot View: Crafting Your 4-Part Customer Journey

An online buyer’s experience that’s effectively mapped out from start to finish can help you create the entrepreneurial family of your dreams -- one where everyone feels seen, heard, and understood. Being intentional about crafting a clear journey for your business is key to cultivating a community and showing your audience that they matter and aren’t just another number or subscriber. In today’s podcast episode, I’ll teach you the four phases you need to consider when thinking about the journey of each of your loyal fans. Phases that include: Phase 1: Attraction Phase 2: Nurture Phase 3: Promotion Phase 4: Onboarding (don’t miss the one element in phase four you can’t skip but many entrepreneurs do!)  I’ll also show you how to put together your business pathway (or revitalize the pathway you already have) in order to keep your loyal fans on track through the entire time they’re with you on your business journey. Get ready to knock the socks off your customers and create a journey they can remember with today’s episode! 
4/8/202121 minutes, 7 seconds
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#370: Behind-The-Scenes: How I Collect Money-Making Testimonials

Customer testimonials can help you grow your business online and expand your reach.  Your digital course and online business success will skyrocket when you have glowing testimonials to share with the world.  Are you interested in significantly increasing your sales, boosting your lead magnet sign-ups and email subscribers, or growing your audience exponentially? I have a feeling you’re saying, “Come on, Amy! Of course, I am!” Well my friend, listen up because I’m going to tell you one simple strategy that will help you do all of those things I mentioned.  Two words… glowing testimonials.  They are simply the bread and butter of your business, and today, I’m giving you my behind-the-scenes, step-by-step process for finding and gathering testimonials that will be so top-notch that they do the selling for you.  And yes, there is a process -- trust me! In this episode, you’ll learn… why testimonials are worth spending time collecting how to find them how to request them how to conduct an interview the proper way to format them to make sure they convert where to use them And because I love when I can gift you a step-by-step action-taking tool -- I’ve put together a free plug-&-play resource of the emails that we use to gather testimonials, along with the questions we ask in our testimonial interviews. Get it here. Here’s a preview of the episode:  [05:05] A well-written testimonial is the ultimate social proof for you and your business. It's important to build that know, like, and trust factor.  [10:33] Look for testimonials everywhere! In your posts, comments, and actively seek them in your Facebook group.  [15:33] You can collect testimonials from your one-on-one work about your strategies or your teaching style. And of course, from your digital course or project.  [22:20] Create one place in Dropbox for all of your testimonials. Have a testimonial shell, so that you can find them easily. [23:30] Use a specific formula for crafting your testimonial. Use what they gave you and do your best to finesse it. A three part testimonial should include the problem, the solution, and the results! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/1/202131 minutes, 47 seconds
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#369: Common Strategies For Uncommon Success With John Lee Dumas

John Lee Dumas teaches his most successful online business strategies Get ready to take action and accomplish your entrepreneurial goals Success secrets? Out-of-the-box thinking? Business plans that work wonders?  Ok, friend, you know what that means. Today’s podcast guest is FIRE. I’m so excited to welcome John Lee Dumas back for his 4th appearance on the podcast. This episode is a must-listen, especially if your entrepreneurial and digital course goals include time and location freedom, financial independence, personal fulfillment… and more.  As an entrepreneur that has helped set the foundation for business success in the online marketplace and who has interviewed thousands of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs on his podcast, Entrepreneurs on Fire, John Lee Dumas is giving us his best secrets when it comes to: Building a content plan Diversifying your revenue streams Increasing traffic (um, YES PLEASE!)  Plus… John reveals his business success tips and his out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to creating a business plan that stands out from the crowd.  Are you ready? It’s time to take notes and take action.  Here is the episode highlight reel: [07:06] JLD shares his content production plan, which includes what he calls the “Zone of Fire.” [11:36] You don't have to do everything yourself. JLD shares how his team works to produce consistent and accurate content.  [15:28] JLD shares how he diversifies his revenue streams and how this has helped him scale his business.  [20:07] “Boring will put you out of business.” People want to be entertained, and JLD shares how to stand out and keep things exciting. [28:59] Be willing to do things that other people aren't willing to do. When you set your barrier super high your competition will end up being low. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
3/29/202137 minutes
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#368: Kick These Excuses To The Curb: 5 Digital Course Myths Debunked

Here’s a glance at this episode... [03:58] Myth#1: Creating a digital course takes too much time. If you want to create a course, you're going to have to set aside some devoted time and effort. [07:18] Myth #2: You need a huge email list to sell a digital course. You can launch with a small list and still achieve success. It's about quality over quantity.  [09:09] Myth #3: You have to be a video or webinar expert. You don't have to be an expert to begin, my friend. You'll get more comfortable over time -- trust me! [11:38] Myth #4: You have to have everything figured out before you get started. Where will you be one year from now if you keep waiting? The longer you wait, the less likely you'll ever start. Just start somewhere! [14:00] Myth #5: It's really expensive to create and launch a digital course. You don't need to spend very much to do your first few launches. In fact, you can even sell your course before you create anything -- something I teach in Digital Course Academy! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
3/25/202119 minutes, 19 seconds
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#367: How This Mompreneur Stopped Trading Time For Dollars (& You Can Too) with Maria Dior Duegaard Amdahl

Organic business growth can happen even when you’re juggling home-life responsibilities. Holy Cow, friend! Wait until you listen to this conversation with my student and 7-figure business owner, Maria Dior Duegaard Amdahl. I wanted to invite Maria to the show because I knew her entrepreneurial journey is one that will light a fire under your you-know-what and give you the exact steps you need to take action.   When Maria started her business she was juggling a lot -- her business plan, her family (she’s got three kiddos, a hubby, and a dog at home!), and building her online community. As a successful health coach working 1:1 with entrepreneurs, it didn’t take Maria long to realize that she was trading time for dollars and needed to pivot to a different path. (And quickly!)  In this episode, Maria takes us along on her journey from trading time for dollars to running a $3 million dollar business.  And as you listen to our conversation, I know you’ll see that she’s no different from you. Her success can be your success, sweet friend.  Plus you’ll get the insiders scoop into: Maria’s best strategies for accomplishing ALL of your business goals… (even when you have minimal time) The tangible action items Maria uses for growing an online community organically How to pick yourself back up after failing and keep moving forward  Here’s what I love about this interview the most... Maria gives you action items you can start implementing today and she doesn’t hold back!  If you’re ready to build, grow, and scale your online business and still have enough time to make dinner at the end of the day, this episode is for you. Here is your highlight guide to this episode: [03:21] Maria shares her story of running a fitness studio for pregnant women and how transitioning to an online business allowed her to scale and reach $3 million in revenue. [10:38] Maria created a system to be very mindful of how she spends her time -- she shares more about this in the freebie for this episode! [15:53] She shares about her webinar show up rate of 58 percent with a 48 percent conversion rate and how she made this happen.  [22:11] Maria's secret is being herself and allowing herself the time to take the steps she needs to take while still being human flaws and all.  [27:12] Don't fall into the habit of thinking you have to learn everything before you take action, Maria shares how to do this. Grab your free resource from today’s episode! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
3/18/202134 minutes, 34 seconds
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SPECIAL: Facebook iOS Update For Ad Campaigns: All You Need To Know

In this very special bonus podcast episode, my friend Salome Schillack, and I are talking about how Facebook (and Instagram) are making changes to their ability to target some iOS users. (If you’ve got an Apple product, that’s you!) The result? This presents a little hiccup for entrepreneurs wanting to use their ad platform to track customers and conversions. And while this does make things a little more challenging, all is not lost. There are ways to navigate the changes and minimize how it disrupts your ad campaigns.  If you’re using Facebook ads to launch bigger, scale faster, and grow your audience online, this episode is one you want to listen to immediately. Join me and Salome, as we talk about these changes, how to work with them to create successful ads, and what next steps you need to take to continue seeing results from the ads you’re running.
3/15/202134 minutes, 12 seconds
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#366: How To Turn Your Expertise Into A Successful Course with Azhelle Wade

Are you ready for your brand to be widely known?  Learn how to turn your expertise into a digital course with Azhelle Wade.  I love bragging about my students. Honestly! The stuff they do always amazes me.  And what’s even more fun is that I know you like to hear their stories and strategies too.  So it’s a win-win when they’re a podcast guest!  I’m so excited to introduce you to my Digital Course Academy student, Azhelle Wade.  Azhelle is an amazing student of mine. She's an entrepreneur, President of The Toy Coach, and host of the podcast, Making It in The Toy Industry and knows a thing or two about the power of taking your expertise and turning it into a successful course. And if you’re wondering if you too can take your know-how and turn it into a passionate online business, you’re in luck! In this interview, Azhelle didn’t hold back from sharing her process and strategy that she used to get her expertise out into the world and kickstart her journey as an entrepreneur. In this episode we talked about: Making your expertise a successful business Creating a “known for” brand Azhelle’s  story about breaking through the glass ceiling of diversity in her industry The best advice she has on how to make the leap from corporate into entrepreneurship Her unique approach to a successful launch If you’re ready to learn how to make your expertise into a successful course - this episode is ready to help! Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:34] Fun fact: Savings will set you free. You may not need as much as you think you do. Look at places where you may be able to cut. [09:27] As a cancer survivor, health was one of Azhelle's fears. She ended up getting a new lease on life and a mindset shift. [13:52] Azhelle had a clear vision of who her ideal customer community was. She started asking what they needed to thrive. [18:57] Learn Azhelle’s launch tips and how she ended up making $11,000 over the next 48 hours.  [34:52] Know what your mission is for your brand and who you're going to help and why and how you're going to help them. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
3/11/202143 minutes, 12 seconds
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#365: Leave Your 9-5 & Kickstart Being Your Own Boss: Here’s How!

Are you ready to be your own boss and create a new online business?  Make the leap from your 9 to 5 and kick start your entrepreneurial journey!  Before I started my business, I would sit in my corporate cubicle and dream about creating a digital course and online business.  The problem was, I had no idea how to create a digital course. I also didn't have an email list, a social media following, or a roadmap to show me how to leave my cubicle behind and build an online business. Raise your hand if you can relate! If this sounds anything like you and you’re ready to make the leap from 9 to 5 cubicle to digital course entrepreneurship, I’m excited for you to hear all about it in this podcast episode. In it, I tell you all about what I’ve learned over the last 11 plus years of building a thriving digital course business -- stories and practices you can put into place today to save you the time and headaches that I experienced along the way. (Boy how I wish someone would have done the same for me early on.)  If you love a few behind-the-scenes stories of my early day hiccups, well then my friend, you’re in for a treat because I’m spilling the beans…. Just wait until you hear how getting yelled at on the tarmac at the airport changed my entrepreneurial journey.  Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:32] I left my corporate job and my first stop was working one-on-one doing social media for small businesses. I fell into the common trap of taking on too many clients. [08:35] For two years, I had a business I hated! [11:55] If you're in a similar situation, let go of a few clients but keep a few as well. Free up the time to create the business of your dreams.  [13:11] Prioritize tiger time. Commit to at least one full hour a week to work on the business you want to work on and nothing else.  [15:15] Start creating consistent content and share it with the world.  [17:53] Devote time to get comfortable on video. Video brings a whole new level of connection with your audience. [19:55] Fuel that big beautiful brain of yours. Becoming the go-to expert in your industry means that you never stop learning. [22:00] Find a mentor or two. Having a coach or mentor that you can meet with on a regular basis is a great way to remain accountable. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
3/4/202125 minutes, 32 seconds
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#364: How I Do It: Boost Your Sales with These 5 Course Enhancements

Here’s a glance at this episode... [04:07] #1: Adding a visual element like a PDF framework or guide! [09:01] #2: Invite guests to contribute. A guest can provide a different perspective and enhance your audience's experience.  [13:47] #3: Use templates. Create a resource that creates a quick win. I offer an upsell of slide deck templates.  [16:48] #4: Offer swipe files. Materials that you've used but have edited so your students can make it their own.  [20:55] #5: Give them more of you. (My personal favorite!) Your students want more of you! Schedule where you can show up for your students in advance. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
2/25/202128 minutes, 20 seconds
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#363: How To Silence Your Inner Critic & Commit To Success With Jamie Kern Lima

Here’s a glance at this episode... [16:05] Jamie shares her secret to getting through years of rejection.  [26:16] Write down things that are inspiring and true about you and keep them in your magic toolbox. (I love this idea!)  [28:46] You're not here to compete with anybody else other than who you're born to become. (Let’s put that on repeat! [41:36] When you're an entrepreneur getting a “no” can definitely feel personal. Figure out how to keep it from being personal and trust the journey.  [48:30] “The failure is never being willing to actually hear who you're called to be and the truth of who you are.” - Jamie Kern Lima
2/22/202155 minutes, 56 seconds
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#362: How To Write Emails That Actually Get Opened with Zafira Rajan

Want to write weekly emails that *actually* get opened? Read on…  That’s right, my friend! Writing your weekly emails doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, it can be a joy, and my guest in this episode will give you the tools you need to make that a reality.  Her name is Zafira Rajan, and she’s a strategic launch copywriter and soulful strategist committed to helping conscious entrepreneurs build, grow, and scale their businesses using storytelling.  In this episode, she’s sharing a step-by-step for identifying what she calls “Personality Pillars,” which will give you a bank of ideas to have on hand when you’re ready to sit down and write. As well as her top three strategies for creating a weekly non-negotiable ritual for writing consistent email copy. How To Become A Pro Copywriter [09:26] Personality pillars are at the core of how Zafira shows up for brands. It's about showing the dimensions of you. [14:36] Your first pillar is your core values. We all have values and things we stand for whether they are business or personal.  [15:56] Your second pillar is your stamp of weirdness. What do people find weird, funny, natural, or even interesting about you?  [18:15] The third pillar is your intentional impact. Whether you're launching or not, it's important to remind people consistently that you have something that they can buy. [20:54] The fourth pillar is your unapologetic opinion. What point of view do I have that I'm afraid to share? The people who you want to bring into your life and attract will appreciate your point of view. [24:45]  Your fifth element is your “Z” or zest factor. This is what you sprinkle on top of everything to make it uniquely yours. This is the sweet spot between what you do and why people care about it. [32:33] Create an environment that sets a tone for writing or creating content. Design a custom writing ritual. Light a candle and get in the zone. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
2/18/202141 minutes, 7 seconds
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Bonus: How To Get A Quick Cash Boost For Your Business

What if I told you I have a few fun strategies for making a quick cash boost for your business...  Would you be interested in hearing more? I thought you might be.  In this episode, I share six strategies for getting a nice little cash injection for your business.  I recently went live in my Thrive Facebook group to share these strategies, and it was a hit. So naturally, I wanted to share it with you.  If you’re tuning into this episode in realtime, we are a few weeks away from the doors opening to my signature program, Digital Course Academy. And so, to support those who want to enroll, I put together these savvy strategies.  But then I got to thinking, whether you’re going to join me in DCA or not, I think any entrepreneur would love a quick cash injection whether they use it to invest back into their business or if they use it to pay their mortgage.  So, here we are. Enjoy these six strategies but promise me this… if you’re going to use any of them, be sure you go all in -- play full out. Deal?  How to get a quick cash boost Here’s a glance at this episode... [07:56] Strategy #1: Offer limited one-on-one consulting or coaching. Sometimes it helps to get in the trenches with your own clients, customers, and students. [10:24] Strategy #2: Offer a limited-time group coaching program. You can help more people and make it more affordable. [11:42] Strategy #3: Audit your spending habits. If you're looking for a quick cash injection, it might already be at your fingertips. [14:58] Strategy #4: Host and charge for a very low ticket challenge. Take your audience through an experience every single day. [17:25] Strategy #5: Offer your insights through market research. There are examples and opportunities in the free guide. [19:09] Strategy #6: Transcribe audio interviews. I transcribed hundreds of hours of Tony Robbins speaking. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
2/15/202124 minutes, 55 seconds
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#361: Your Clubhouse Invite: Is This Social Platform Right For You With Coach Glitter

Wanna know everything about Clubhouse? You’re in the right place!  Clubhouse is the newest and hottest platform in 2021… so we've heard. But what exactly is it all about? And with the vast number of places for an entrepreneur to hang out online, is it worth adding to your to-do list?  In this episode, all of your questions will be answered! I’ve brought on my dear friend, Tiffany Lee Bymaster (a.k.a. Coach Glitter) on to share her experience on Clubhouse.  Tiffany is a blogger, consultant, affiliate marketer, brand expert, and creator of the Lights, Camera, Branding online program. She’s recently been spending a lot of time on this new platform to figure out the best way to use it.  In this episode, you’ll learn the how, what, and why of Clubhouse, as well as, if it’s a good place to spend your time as an entrepreneur.  Ready to make connections and get Clubhouse savvy?  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ here! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
2/11/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 19 seconds
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#360: How To Use Content & Storytelling To Grow Your Business With Aprille Franks

One of the most powerful ways to connect to your audience… stories! Holy cow! This episode was *fire*! (Do I have your attention? Good, read on!) I invited Aprille Franks on, master community builder and launch strategist, to give you a step-by-step process for identifying powerful stories to use in your business (think: copywriting, social media, content, and live video) to more deeply connect with your audience.  After all, nothing brings us together more than sharing stories of struggles, accomplishments, and perseverance. Especially in a pandemic and a world where we are more connected to the internet than one another -- stories bring us back to the truth of our existence.  Grab a pen and paper and get ready for actionable steps that you can apply to get a quick win today.  Here’s a snapshot of a few things we talked about… [06:04] It's important to use stories in our content because that's how people resonate and connect. People are looking for a community to connect with.  [08:14] There are five components for building bankable stories. The first is understanding why the story impacts your brand relevance.  [09:15] The second thing is how to go from 0 to 60. Aprille walks you through how to do this. [14:59] The third is to avoid getting stuck wondering how this is relevant for your business. Don't discount the things that make you who you are.  [17:32] The fourth, identify what your audience needs to know next. [19:10] Lastly, connect your content with your stories. Be intentional with planning the story and content to create connectivity.  [27:18] Hot tip: Write down your instances and go through the process and then share one story on video.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
2/4/202132 minutes, 36 seconds
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#359: Customer Support 101: Proven Strategies To Create Life-Long Customers

My secret for creating a sustained, successful business? Customer support excellence!  11 years in business, thousands of customers served, and I think it’s safe to say I’ve learned a thing or two about how to make a customer's experience top-notch and unforgettable. Would you like my secrets? Well, entrepreneurial friend… you’re in luck! In this episode, I’m giving you all my best tips and strategies for empowering your customers, making them feel genuinely important, and providing them with a customer journey like they’ve never experienced before.  Your business is not a transactional organization, it’s a transformative organization.  When you remember this in all you do and the decisions you make, you’ll set your business and community up for success, support, and a life-long relationship.  Learn my top tips for enhancing your customer experience wow-factor! [05:32] You need to decide what the “wow-factor” means to you. For us, it's doing all the right behaviors with all the right intentions for all of the right results.  [06:29] Number 1: Listen diligently to your customers and meet them where they are -- understand their pain points and where you can serve them better. Be transformative not transactional. [10:19] Number 2: Be transparent. Identify who your course is not for and who it’s a good fit for. [11:52] Number 3: Slow down and celebrate your students. When you celebrate your customers, you'll be amazed at how you create life-long loyal customers. [19:21] Hot tip: Don't be afraid to use your virtual assistant to help support your current and future customers. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
1/28/202122 minutes, 45 seconds
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#358: Your Backstage Pass To The Entrepreneur Experience: The Best Advice You’ll Receive This Year

Your VIP behind-the-scenes peek into my virtual event, Entrepreneur’s Experience: The Course Creators edition just arrived! That’s right, sweet friend! I’m sharing powerful snippets from the speakers at my December virtual event. Here’s a little rundown of who you’re about to hear from… Michael Hyatt, my personal mentor, and brilliant entrepreneur, dishes on organization strategies for increasing your productivity Zafira Rajan, an expert copywriter, and soulful brand strategist is sharing strategies for making your sales page headlines and bio stand out  Jasmine Star, Queen of Instagram and branding, will be spilling the beans on something she calls “photo topics” and easy ways to make a “photo bank” Stu McLaren, membership master and our favorite funny guy, is digging into creating an engaged community that actually wants to participate. Here’s your high dose course creator and entrepreneurial inspiration…  [03:20] Today is your lucky day because I’m sharing clips from the Entrepreneur Virtual Experience. These are tips that every entrepreneur should know when building the business of their dreams.  [04:38] Michael Hyatt shares how to redesign your day and tackle tasks effectively to increase productivity.  [07:54] Zafira Rajan talks about how to make headlines and bios do the selling for you.  [16:20] Jasmine Star shares how to keep it simple with an Instagram productivity plan by creating photo topics and a photo bank. All you need is a camera/phone and caption templates. (Jasmine even shares an action item.) [22:32] Stu McLaren talks about creating a strong community with strong engagement. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
1/21/202129 minutes, 24 seconds
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#357: 5 Common Facebook Ad Mistakes: How To Avoid Them & Save Money with Emily Hirsh

5 common Facebook ad mistakes -- and how to avoid them!   Listen, Facebook ads don’t need to be complicated or messy. Oh no, my friend! Quite the opposite. They should be a powerful and effective tool for growing your online business and attracting your ideal community.  My guest and Facebook ads expert, Emily Hirsh, is on a mission to help you become BFFs with advertising on Facebook. In this episode, she shares the 5 most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when using this growth strategy and how to avoid them.  She gives you tangible action items so you can get started with her advice today. Whether you’ve been using Facebook ads for years, or you’ve been a little intimidated to dive into them, this episode is going to ease those fears and make sure you’re not leaving money on the table.  Here’s a snapshot of a few things we talked about… [06:02] Mistake #1: Not defining what success means for your marketing.  [10:05] Mistake #2: Not doing enough testing -- most of the time messaging is the problem.  [12:43] Mistake #3: Only running one campaign.  [15:45] When you boost a post the objective of your ad is engagement. Put ads in every spot of your customer journey where you would like people to take action.  [19:32] Mistake #4: Not letting the testing work long enough.  [23:38] Mistake #5: Not paying attention to the numbers. Test, refine, and repeat. The numbers will always tell you what to do. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
1/18/202135 minutes, 35 seconds
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#356: Sales Page Struggles? Boost Your Conversions With These 3 Tips

Sales page struggling to convert? Here’s what to do! Just like you, your sales page is a big deal.  And when it isn’t converting, it’s easy to feel defeated. (Trust me, I’ve been there, my friend!) Luckily, there are a few minor tweaks that you can make to your sales page that will have it converting like crazy and leave your potential students saying, “I need this, NOW,” and then hitting that buy button.  In this episode, you’ll gain the guidance you need to simplify your sales page with a powerful layout that has worked extremely well in my own business.  When it comes to a compelling sales page, there are a few features you want to pay attention to: your call-to-action, your “Magic Mirror,” and your “Highlight Reel.” And don’t you worry, I’ll explain what all of those mean.  Once you get these dialed in, it’s smooth sailing to attract your ideal community to your offer.  Ready to get your sales page converting like crazy?  Here’s a snapshot of a few things we talked about… [02:10] If done right, your sales page can be gold. It can be one of the most essential parts of your sales funnel, customer journey, and conversion success.  [04:27] Your sales page is a tool to deliver the four W's of your offer. These are what your offer is, who it's for, why you created it, and what transformation your course offers.  [06:30] Sprinkle your CTA confetti throughout your sales page. Have four different CTAs with one near the top for action takers, one after your offer and bonus content, one after your money back promise, and one at the bottom of your sales page. [09:30] Clearly state who your product and offer is for and place this near the top of your sales page. This is the magic mirror where they see themselves in the copy and keep reading.  [14:03] Future pacing is like a highlight reel that paints a picture of what is possible for your student and how your offer will get them there. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
1/14/202120 minutes, 2 seconds
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#355: Money Made Simple: An Entrepreneurs Guide to Taking Control of Your Finances with Rachel Cruze

Do you know why you handle your money the way you do? My guest, Rachel Cruze, is going to help you figure out the answer to that question. (And so much more!) You may have heard of her because she’s a two-time #1 national best-selling author, financial expert, and host of The Rachel Cruze Show.  Since 2010, Rachel has served at Ramsey Solutions where she teaches people to avoid debt, save money, budget, and how to win with money at any stage in life. In this episode, Rachel and I are chatting about… Money principles every entrepreneur should abide by How to invest in your business the right way and talk to your partner about that investment How to identify which money classroom you're in and what that means for you And so much more. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
1/7/202136 minutes, 3 seconds
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Your Newest Podcast Obsession: Talking Body (Exclusive Announcement)

This is what happens when Rachel Hollis and I get together… I’m mostly known as an entrepreneur, wife, and stepmom, and someone who likes to challenge myself daily.  And this year, I’m taking on a challenge that’s pretty different from the business content I’m known for -- and it’s all has to do with talking about our bodies. I said “yes” to joining forces with Rachel Hollis to create a 12-week podcast series called “Talking Body,” where we delve into real, raw, and honest conversations around body acceptance and love.  Throughout each episode, you’ll hear me having deep and honest conversations with body experts, thought leaders, and women from all walks of life to explore our experiences with loving, hating, and growing into our own bodies. Talking Body will answer questions like…   Can I love my body and still want to change things about it? How does my experience as a white woman differ from those experienced by women of color? Does being healthy equal being desirable, or are we just told that it does? Do I own my self-image, or is it just another product I post online? This episode is an exclusive sneak peek about this limited series, and I hope you’ll join me for the entirety of this transformation journey which kicks off on Thursday, January 14th!. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
1/5/202115 minutes, 14 seconds
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#354: Counting Down The Hottest Strategies From OMME In 2020

Well, my friend, it looks like we’re finally here… at the end of 2020. And while at times it felt like it would never arrive, we’ve finally made it.  As we inch our way closer to counting down until the ball drops, I wanted to do my own little countdown of some of the hottest and most listened to clips from our Online Marketing Made Easy episodes in 2020.  Strategies & Tips For Entrepreneurial Growth In 2021 Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn in this episode… Jam Gamble on finding your story and content topics How to price your offer the right way Tips for improving your landing page for higher conversions Andrea Olsen on setting boundaries and working smarter How to niche down Jasmine Star on repurposing content with ease My favorite strategy for making money in between launches Gayneté Jones shares a strategy for increasing your webinar signups A hot tip for getting people off the fence during a webinar Jasmine shares an Instagram strategy for converting followers to email subscribers Grab your bubbly beverage (I’ve got a little kombucha), and let’s countdown the top moments of Online Marketing Made Easy together! Counting down the best of Online Marketing Made Easy... Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
12/30/202044 minutes, 8 seconds
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#353: Your Confidence Success Path for Showing Up Online with Ivirlei Brookes

Be your most confident self online in 2021 I recall the days of doing a Facebook Live when you couldn’t see how many people were tuning in. Talk about having an E.T. moment… “Is anyone out there?” Nowadays, when you show up Live online, you can see who is tuning in. Thank the Tech Gods! And while we can see a real-time number of who is joining in to soak up your guidance and expertise, that doesn’t make feeling an overwhelming sense of confidence a shoe-in. If you’re anything like me, I have to work at showing up confidently online.  My guest in this episode, Ivirlei Brookes, is a pro when it comes to showing up intentionally and radiating confidence. Ivirlei is a business and mindset coach with 10 years of experience in helping entrepreneurs just like you build their confidence.  She’s sharing her 5 step process, as well as some tangible action items that you can implement right away for increasing your confidence and showing up big and bold this year.  Time to show up with confidence, my friend! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
12/23/202035 minutes, 29 seconds
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#352: 3 Free Organic Traffic Strategies To Grow Your Audience Quickly

How can I get traffic to my business for free? Enter… organic traffic strategies. (And I’ve got a few up my sleeve for you!) Definition of organic traffic: the visitors who land on your social platforms as a result of unpaid (“organic”) search results. And while I wish I could give you a magic bullet for growing your business with this marketing approach, that’s just not possible.  Instead, what I’ll say is that with consistency and patience, you’ll reap the benefits of your efforts. In today’s episode, I’ll share three powerful strategies that will promote organic growth and traffic to your online business.  These 3 strategies include:  Pitching yourself (don’t worry, I have a template for you to use) Indirect and direct social posts Going out and finding your ideal community members This episode is brought to you by LinkedIn Marketing. If your goal is to target your customers where they’re engaging every day and when they’re ready to make a buying decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you’re attracting potential customers and fostering relationships that often translate into high-quality leads, website traffic, and higher brand awareness. Go to LinkedIn Marketing to redeem a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
12/17/202027 minutes, 3 seconds
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#351: Pivot Your Messaging: The Ultimate Checklist for Troubleshooting When Conversions Are Down

  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
12/10/202026 minutes, 15 seconds
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#350: Perfecting Your Pitch: 5-Steps To Sell With Ease with David Meltzer

Ready to perfect your pitch and *finally* sell with ease? What if I told you that you could statistically increase your chances of selling your product or service, even if you’re just starting out or have struggled with selling in the past?  Well, I have 5 proven steps to help you do just that. This episode is a step-by-step to get you on the fast-track to selling your product like a pro all by perfecting your pitch! Now, I couldn’t talk about pitching without inviting the pitching expert of all experts, David Meltzer, onto the show. David is the expert when it comes to selling with ease. In this episode, he shares his 5 to Thrive for creating the absolute perfect pitch. These are 5 tangible strategies you need to implement into your pitch to make it sell and to make an impact. Be sure to stick around until the end because I take what David shares and give you the exact strategy to apply during your launch webinar pitches and beyond! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
12/7/202037 minutes, 42 seconds
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#349: The VA Solution: Your Step-By-Step Guide To Hiring & Successfully Working With A VA with Shannon Miles

How to hire and work with a Virtual Assistant This is a question I get asked all the time. “Amy, how do I know when I’m ready for a VA? And, how do I hire and work with one?” It’s a valid question, and if you’re serious about growing your business it’s one you should be asking.  I hired my first VA in 2011, and I consider it one of the best entrepreneurial decisions of my journey so far.  My first VA helped me take my business to the next level because her support allowed me to truly focus on the areas of my business that I excelled in. But I get it, it’s hard to know when you’re really ready for a VA, how to go about hiring one, what tasks to have them do, and when to uplevel your working relationship with them.  To help you get more clarity on those things, I’ve invited my dear friend and VA expert, Shannon Miles to join me on the show. Shannon is the owner and creator of Belay Solutions, a company that connects entrepreneurs with virtual specialists to help support their growth and in this episode, she’s sharing the progression of hiring and working with a VA.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
12/3/202043 minutes, 34 seconds
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#348: How To Create *True* Wealth In Your Business (& Life) with Patrice Washington

Ready to create more abundance in your business?  Have you ever been to an event where the speaker left you crying, laughing, and so inspired that you felt you could climb Mount Kilimanjaro all at the same time?  Well, today’s guest is that kind of speaker and coach! Her name is Patrice Washington, and I am one lucky girl to call her a friend and have her on to share her expertise with you.  Patrice is an award-winning author, transformational speaker, coach, and media personality. She was named one of “12 Inspiring Black Voices in Personal Development” by Success Magazine, featured on as one of “15 Inspiring Podcasts for Professionals of Every Stripe,” and highlighted by -- to name a few impressive successes.  She’s committed to empowering women to look at life through the lens of abundance and opportunity versus lack and scarcity, and redefine the term “wealth.” In this episode, we chat about her 6 Pillars of Wealth and how these pillars will help you uplevel your life and business. You might be surprised to find out that only one of these pillars is directly tied to money.  Learn more about Patrice Washington's 6 Pillars of Wealth [12:57] Patrice created the six pillars to help people shift their beliefs and mindset about wealth, which will shift your actions and the results will come.  [17:26] Pillar #1: FIT is about becoming your best self and being physically and mentally fit.  [21:35] Pillar #2: PEOPLE is about creating relationships that matter.  [27:22] Pillar #3: FAITH (whatever that means to you personally) will prevent you from giving up right before you're about to succeed.  [30:49] Pillar #4: SPACE is important because your environment is everything.  [36:38] Pillar #5: WORK is about living your life's purpose.  [40:57] Pillar #6: MONEY is the last pillar. When your mind is cluttered, it's hard to accept the foundational truths about managing money. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/25/202048 minutes, 53 seconds
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#347: The ONE Thing All Successful Entrepreneurs Do For Time, Location, & Financial Freedom (And Why You Should Too!)

What you need to know about habits and successful entrepreneurs I know I speak for many entrepreneurs when I say that committing to a routine in the morning and before closing your eyes at night can play a big role in succeeding as an entrepreneur, as well as personally. Now, before you think that this is just another habits episode, I want you to hold your horses because this is not just another habits episode.  This episode is a real-life, no fluff, habits-in-a-time-of-a-pandemic podcast episode you need if you’re serious about becoming the very best version of yourself amidst building a six or seven-figure business and finding not just work-life balance but finding consistent and long-term full-life balance. I’m laying out the 3 P’s of creating habits that stick, which is a step-by-step process for finally creating lifelong habits. Here’s a peek at the 3 P’s: Pitch Practice Perfect How to create habits for mental, emotional, physical, and entrepreneurial well-being  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/19/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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#346: How This 7-Figure Business Owner Uses Her Podcast To Drive Traffic with Jenna Kutcher

Because it’s been a minute since we’ve talked about podcasting as an entrepreneur… I decided to invite my dear friend, Jenna Kutcher, back on to have a little chit chat around podcasts, entrepreneurship, and how they work in unison to boost organic traffic.  Jenna is a fellow lover of online marketing, runs a 7-figure business, and hosts a top-rated podcast. In this episode, we talk about how a podcast can support your business in more ways than just generating revenue. We’re also going to give you some behind-the-scenes lessons we’ve learned as podcasters. Whether you have a podcast or are thinking about starting one (or maybe you haven’t even thought about it but I’ve piqued your interest), you’re going to get so much out of this episode.  A glance at how to use a podcast to drive traffic to your business [06:34] Jenna says that podcasting extends your brand in a way that isn't possible with social media alone. People are literally inviting you into their lives wherever they are.  [10:18] Jenna and I spill the beans on why we chose podcasts as our weekly platform.  [14:32] Any industry can benefit from starting a podcast -- yes, that means your industry too! [17:12] When first starting out, Jenna used her podcast along with content upgrades to convert listeners into subscribers by creating a new freebie for each episode.  [23:33] Jenna strategically plans out her episodes to tackle listener objections, shift mindsets, and educate potential buyers before she launches.  [27:08] When Jenna first started out, she asked a company she used called HoneyBook to partner with her to cover production costs. Learn her best tips for generating revenue when you are just starting out. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/12/202042 minutes, 14 seconds
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#345: The One Where We Make Business Legal Jargon Sexy with Ashley Kirkwood

Legally protecting your content and intellectual property is important stuff  Attention all entrepreneurs: There’s a new law in town that’s a game-changer for your business… and you need to know about.  Trust me when I say that this law is going to make your life a whole lot easier. And because I’m always on a mission to help you simplify your business, I invited an expert on to talk about this law (and so much more)! Ashley Kirkwood is a lawyer by trade with an impressive history of working for many prestigious law firms. She’s also an author, has been featured in many national media outlets, and runs a nonprofit with her husband. (She’s kind of a big deal.) In today’s episode, Ashley is going to share all that you need to know, step-by-step (a girl after my own heart), about this game-changing law.  She’ll also talk about… What every creator should do before launching What to do if you realize you’re infringing on someone else’s work Keeping your Facebook group legal And so much more! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
11/5/202035 minutes, 43 seconds
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#344: 5-Steps For Creating & Repurposing Your Content Calendar Like A Boss

Do you ever feel like you’re in a content creation drought? I hear you, friend! And lucky for you, I’ve got a 5-step process for helping you identify your core content so you can say goodbye to that feeling for good.  Sound too good to be true? Stick with me.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years of being an entrepreneur, it’s that being very clear on my core content is not only helpful in creating content across my brand, but it also helps me to be more present with my audience, and it helps to set me up as an expert in my industry.  This is why, in this episode, I’m walking you through a 5-step process for identifying your core content, getting comfortable sharing the message of that content, and then how to adjust it as needed. Plus, I even share a hot tip to help you with your messaging and content even in times of uncertainty… hello, 2020! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/29/202033 minutes, 55 seconds
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#343: From Bankruptcy To The Today Show: Become The Creative Visionary Of Your Business & Life With Tracy Matthews

You know how they say diamonds are a girl’s best friend? Well, if we're being honest, I think you and I can both agree that creativity is an entrepreneur’s best friend… or at least it should be! But I get it! When there are other things that need to get done within your business -- especially when you’re starting out -- creativity can fall by the wayside.  Which is why I wanted to introduce you to a woman who is fierce, successful, and stays at the top of her creative game as the Creative Visionary of her business, Flourish & Thrive Academy. Her name is Tracy Matthews! But before she found the success, entrepreneurial satisfaction, and creativity that she has today, she experienced tough times that eventually led her to bankruptcy.  In this episode, we talk about creative energy, how to protect it, her journey from bankruptcy to a successful businesswoman, what to do about the nay-sayers in your life, and my personal favorite, the creative archetypes she’s identified, and how knowing this can serve you and your business.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/26/202051 minutes, 31 seconds
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#342: Behind-The-Scenes With My Mentor, Michael Hyatt: Why Entrepreneurs Will Save The World

Entrepreneurship has been declining in recent years. Uh oh! I, for one, do not like the sound of that. However, after chatting with my dear friend and business mentor, Michael Hyatt, I’m starting to see how we can reverse this trend and why it’s most important that we do. Michael’s newest book, Entrepreneurs Will Save The World, is an invitation for anyone and everyone to step into their role as an entrepreneur. In this interview, we chat about his new book, a few traits every entrepreneur must possess, why entrepreneurship is one of the most essential things we need whether our economy is thriving or not, and my favorite, a step-by-step method for embracing entrepreneurship and finding a solid solution. Entrepreneurs Will Save The World Here’s a glance at this episode... [06:50] Entrepreneurs contribute to a better society. Period, end of story! Why? Because they are problem solvers, and problem-solvers are essential to our society. [09:03] Three areas that entrepreneurs contribute to society include, providing jobs and growth, providing tax benefits, and making people's lives better through the goods and services they offer. [21:26] One of the stages of the entrepreneurial method is to observe the problem particularly in regards to the customers or clients that you are trying to serve. [26:51] As an entrepreneur, you have to have a true desire to solve the problem. Ask yourself, “What am I uniquely qualified to solve?” [29:17] Pay attention to your motivation, this is important in order to succeed as an entrepreneur. [32:30] Hot Tip: Shift your mindset and start seeing problems as opportunities. ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/22/202034 minutes, 26 seconds
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#341: The Power Of Your Voice: How To Cut Through The Online Noise, Attract Your Ideal Customers, & Make $$$

I believe that as an online entrepreneur, your voice will connect you on a deeper level with your audience so that you can make more of an impact.  My guest today couldn’t agree more. Her name is Jam Gamble, and she’s the creator of Slay The Mic and the Slay The Mic Program. Her vision is to help people understand the value of their voice. In this episode, Jam shares some of her best tips and secrets for finding your voice, her 5-step process for using your voice to build your successful online business and presence, and what might be holding you back from really sharing your voice with the world.  You’re going to love her step-by-step approach.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/15/202054 minutes, 24 seconds
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#340: Landing Page Not Converting? Here’s What To Do!

Just like you, your landing page is a big deal.  And when it isn’t converting… it’s just the pits. Can I get an amen? Luckily, there are a few minor adjustments that you can make to your existing landing page that will have it converting like hotcakes before you know it!  With some of my landing pages converting at over 40 percent, I know exactly what works and what doesn’t, and today, I’m sharing my secrets with you! There are three features you want to pay attention to: your call-to-action, branding, and copy. Get these dialed in and you, my friend, are in for a landing page conversion treat.  This episode is brought to you by The Draw Shop, a service to perfect your elevator pitch. Do you ever tell people what you do and they look at you a little…funny? Like they don’t totally get it? It happens to me, too. With The Draw Shop, you meet with an expert copywriter to create an exceptional elevator pitch and one-page visual story to compel prospects to respond right now. For a limited time, The Draw Shop is offering Online Marketing Made Easy listeners their service for nearly ONE-THIRD the regular price. Get your word-perfect pitch today at The Draw Shop. Where there’s clarity, there’s revenue. This episode is also brought to you by Gravy, the company I trust to contact my customers within hours of a failed payment, capturing the updated billing information, and saving the customer my team and I worked so hard to acquire. If your revenue is currently at $250,000 or more a year and you know you’re losing money due to failed payments each month, I encourage you to check out Gravy. Click here to see how they can be an extension of your customer service and save you money. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/8/202027 minutes, 55 seconds
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#339: Facebook Ad Strategies To Grow Your Audience Now (No Matter Where You Are In Your Business) with Salome Schillack

PSA: Facebook Ads are as complicated as trying to sneeze with your eyes open-- especially if you don’t want to pay an arm and a leg per lead.  Orrr… are they?  My guest today says, “false,” and by the end of this episode, you will be too! Her name is Salome Schillack, and as CEO, Founder, and Head Facebook and Instagram Strategist of Shine & Succeed, a multi-woman Facebook Ads agency, she’s figured out how to make your Facebook Ads work for you -- and not the other way around.  She breaks down everything you need to know about using Facebook Ads to grow your audience and how to get extremely low-cost leads, whether you’re a beginner entrepreneur or a seasoned one. Not only do I love her because she’s my student, but also because she has a 6-step strategy (a girl after my own heart) for getting low-cost leads and dominating social media ads.   Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/5/202038 minutes, 27 seconds
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#338: Content Made Easy: How To Organize Your Launch Content, Make $$$, and Never Run Out

Pre-launch content, webinar content, and course content.  “How the heck do you differentiate these three areas of launch content? How do I come up with enough content for each part of my launch without giving it all away, Amy?!”  This is a question I get a lot! In this episode, I’m breaking it all down for you. We’ll talk about: Determining the bulk of your pre-launch content (and how listening can help direct you) How to leave your audience saying, “I’m excited! Now, how do I do it?” on your webinar The secrets to creating valuable course content And so much more! You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of how the content in each area will differ, build on one another, and what content goes in each phase.  Let's break down the episode! [00:02:55] Your pre-launch content is all of the content you create and share with your audience before you open registration for your webinar. If you’re still running your first few launches, I’d suggest running your pre-launch for 30 days.  [00:05:37] Your pre-launch content should help support your audience in overcoming any objections they might have when it comes to signing up for your course. You should take them on a journey over the invisible bridge.  [00:08:01] Hot tip: During your webinar Q&A ask, "if you're still on the fence, what's keeping you from signing up?"  [00:10:51] Your webinar should show your attendees what's possible and lead them to a new mindset. When creating the content, ask yourself the golden question, "What's the one thing my audience needs to know before buying my course?"  [00:13:35] The three sections of a webinar are possibility, path, and promotion. [00:18:01] Your course content is the step-by-step road map that transforms your students from where they are to where they want to be. [00:21:49] Think about what you're promising and lay out the transformation from there. How will you get them from point A to where they need to be? This episode is brought to you by Boosted, an app for iOS or Android that allows you to make beautiful, professional-looking videos for your brand's social media in three easy steps! You can use stock videos, your own videos, or even create stunning videos with your photos. With top-notch templates, easy resizing, and user-friendly video editing options, Boosted can take your social to the next level. Head here to get the discounted rate of $15 for 3 months of Boosted Premium, which offers bonus features to make your videos stand out! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
10/1/202024 minutes, 21 seconds
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#337: Instagram Reels: The What, How, & Why For Entrepreneurs with Jasmine Star

ICYMI: Instagram dropped another new feature in early August. You may have seen it? It’s the Instagram Reels that keep popping up around every IG corner.  And, as the curious entrepreneur that I know you are, you’re probably wondering if this is a feature you should be paying attention to and using to grow your audience.  To help you answer that, I went to my dear friend, Jasmine Star, aka Queen of Instagram! THE WHAT, HOW, & WHY OF INSTAGRAM REELS Jasmine will answer some of the questions I’ve seen my audience ask in Facebook groups, a sneak peek into what her content calendar looks like for Instagram, how to come up with five content topic ideas so you can get started with Instagram Reels, and so much more.  You’re going to walk away with your next action steps for using Instagram Reels to start growing your audience using this new feature! This episode is brought to you by The Draw Shop, a service to perfect your elevator pitch. Do you ever tell people what you do and they look at you a little…funny? Like they don’t totally get it? It happens to me, too. With The Draw Shop, you meet with an expert copywriter to create an exceptional elevator pitch and one-page visual story to compel prospects to respond right now. For a limited time, The Draw Shop is offering Online Marketing Made Easy listeners their service for nearly ONE-THIRD the regular price. Get your word-perfect pitch today at The Draw Shop. Where there’s clarity, there’s revenue. This episode is also brought to you by LinkedIn Marketing. If your goal is to target your customers where they’re engaging every day and when they’re ready to make a buying decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you’re attracting potential customers and fostering relationships that often translate into high-quality leads, website traffic, and higher brand awareness. Go to LinkedIn Marketing to redeem a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/24/202058 minutes, 50 seconds
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#336: How To Create A Million-Dollar Business (What's Worked For Me)

I’ve got a little quiz for you! Are you… A. A nine-to-fiver, dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur so that you can have the freedom and flexibility to create a life on your terms, a life that fulfills you? B. part-time entrepreneur, but a full-time employee, waiting for the perfect moment to transition -- full time -- into your passion-filled business?  C. full-time entrepreneur who's working endless hours, hustling to grow your business? No matter who you are, I want you to know that right now is your chance to say yes to big, bold opportunities and to bet on you because you are the one consistent variable in your story.  In this episode, I take you behind-the-scenes and share stories of how I’ve bet on myself and how those moments -- albeit scary -- have helped me build a multi-million dollar business. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, this is a must-listen to take your life and business to the next level.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/17/202023 minutes, 6 seconds
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#335: Life Coaching, Wine Tasting, & Sex Ed: How These Courses Provided Time, Financial, & Location Freedom

Have you ever thought of a brilliant digital course topic idea, only to have a follow-up thought that it would never work online? Maybe like wine tasting, spiritual life coaching, or sex education? If you think these topics wouldn’t convert to a digital course -- think again, my friend! Because I have four epic examples of how my students have made something unexpected work magnificently online from the courses mentioned above. All it took was a little self-belief, a digital course, and the right know-how to get in front of the right people.  You’ll hear how… Andrea de la Mora transitioned her in-person spiritual life coaching online to generate $42,000.  Caroline Brown generated $20,000 on her very first launch, where she taught sex ed to grown women.  Natalie McLean took the physical experience of wine tasting online to generate over $30,000. Rhea Baliwala’s online course for Spanish-speaking lawyers made $13,000 out of the gate -- despite her audience's uncertainty around learning online.  My students prove that pretty much anything works as a digital course. Grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and settle in for these awesome stories. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/10/202025 minutes
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BONUS: 5-figures in 6 months & 6-figures in 1 year: This Could Be You With Jamie Trull

My guest on today’s episode was a corporate girl turned overwhelmed entrepreneur turned entrepreneur with a thriving online business, a lucrative digital course, and the time and freedom to prioritize her family and make an impact far beyond what she ever imagined. Her name is Jamie Trull, her business is called “Balance CFO,” and you may remember her from episode #280 where I taught you how to do a “Course Validation Call” with her as my Ideal Customer Avatar. When we first met Jamie, she had left her corporate job to become an entrepreneur so she could have the time and flexibility to be with her little ones. But working one on one with clients only left her feeling overwhelmed, attached to her phone, and frustrated that she didn’t have the time and energy for her family that she had hoped to gain. After using the practices she learned in Digital Course Academy, Jamie launched her 5-week course, Financial Fitness Formula, which helps solopreneurs take control of their business finances, and ended up making five-figures. Maybe you’re thinking, “Amy, this sounds like me! Except for the 5-figure launch part. Teach me how to grow my online business with a successful launch!” Well, friend, I’d be happy to! To get you started, I want you to go check out my free 3-part videos series which is all about starting and growing your email list. You can sign up for it right here! ***Also, are you signed up for my free masterclass, How To Create and Launch a Profitable Digital Course From Scratch? Click the link for more details and to save your spot!*** ***Also, also, Did you hear the exciting news? The doors to Digital Course Academy are now open for enrollment! If you’re ready to create a life and business with time, location, and financial freedom, this is your chance! Go here to learn more and start creating your successful digital course!*** Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/7/202042 minutes, 55 seconds
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#334: 4 Incredible ‘First Launch’ Success Stories

There’s often a misconception that you have to launch many times before you really start to generate significant revenue. While that may have been the story at one point and time, I’ve seen my students debunk that myth over and over again using the Digital Course Academy framework.  Today, I’m going to share four inspiring first launch stories from my students. You’re going to hear about: Eva Beronius’ $22,000 first launch Braden Drake’s first launch which generated $4,000  Chant’l Martin’s $5,000 first launch Melissa Groves Azzaro’s first launch that brought in $26,000 My hope is that you walk away from this episode knowing that if you have the desire in your heart to create a course and if you’re willing to do the work, you can generate significant revenue in under a year. This episode is brought to you by Acuity Scheduling, a scheduling platform that will help you to book more clients, get paid on time, and automate and organize your business’ day-to-day tasks. For a limited time only, you can get 45 days of Acuity Scheduling absolutely free -- no credit card required. Click here to automate your schedule! This episode is also brought to you by The Draw Shop, a service to perfect your elevator pitch. Do you ever tell people what you do and they look at you a little…funny? Like they don’t totally get it? It happens to me, too. With The Draw Shop, you meet with an expert copywriter to create an exceptional elevator pitch and one-page visual story to compel prospects to respond right now. For a limited time, The Draw Shop is offering Online Marketing Made Easy listeners their service for nearly ONE-THIRD the regular price. Get your word-perfect pitch today at The Draw Shop. Where there’s clarity, there’s revenue. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
9/3/202033 minutes, 7 seconds
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Official Trailer: Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

How do I start an online business? Grow my email list to thousands of subscribers? Sell more and grow faster? These are just some of the big questions that leading online marketing strategist, Amy Porterfield, digs into on the top-ranked Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. In addition to mini marketing masterclasses and step-by-step guides, each episode is designed to help you take immediate action on the most important strategies for starting, scaling, and automating your online business. Amy’s specialty is getting into the online trenches with you. Thinking about creating an online course? Want to promote with webinars? Need help with your Facebook ads? Discover why hundreds of thousands of online business owners turn to Amy Porterfield to generate more profits and to make sense of the online marketing space, implement the strategies that really get results, and turn that side hustle into a business that lasts. *** For more episodes, show notes, and transcripts, please visit For more about Amy Porterfield, please go to Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.” please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/28/20203 minutes, 11 seconds
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#333: $70k In 7 Days: How She Did It With Gayneté Jones

$70,000 in just 7 days with one webinar. Can it be done??? Yes, my friend, it can be.  My guest in this episode, Gayneté Jones, made it possible! Gayneté guides millennial women to turn their passion into profit and create a life of fulfillment and freedom. She’s been featured in many well-known publications and, in this episode, she takes us behind the scenes of her successful six-figure launch.  She shares: What worked during her launch and webinar (AND...what didn’t) Step-by-step strategies that she used to fill up her webinar Tangible launch mindset hacks  And so much more. You’re going to love Gayneté’s launch strategies and hacks! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/27/202055 minutes, 19 seconds
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#332: What Kind Of Course Is Best For Your Business

Not all digital courses are created equal. There’s a Signature Course, a Spotlight Coursen, and a Starter Course. All are different and unique in their own way and all can work well for different entrepreneurs and online businesses. In this episode, I share a student story about each course type. I talk about… Why the specific course type worked best for their business The successes that they had with this course  How it fits into their business like a puzzle piece Plus, I even share a little advice and guidance for other entrepreneurs thinking about creating a course.  If you’re not sure what type of digital course would work best for your business, this episode is for you! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!  
8/20/202023 minutes, 59 seconds
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#331: 6 Figures & 5 Babies: How She Did it with Only 3 Hours a Day

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Meet Andrea Olson, one of my amazing students and a fierce “Mom-preneur” with a mission and a successful online business. She made over $600,000 in her business last year by committing to no more than four-hour workdays -- with the exception of her launch days. She teaches moms how to utilize a system called the “Elimination Communication” approach for potty training with her Go Diaper Free Program. In this episode, we chat about how she sets up her business in a way that only requires part-time hours to run smoothly, her secret sauce, and the one thing she feels has made her so successful. We talk about her first hire, some of the strategies she uses for growing her email list by 100 to 150 subscribers per day, and so much more. This episode is brought to you by Acuity Scheduling, a scheduling platform that will help you to book more clients, get paid on time, and automate and organize your business’ day-to-day tasks. For a limited time only, you can get 45 days of Acuity Scheduling absolutely free -- no credit card required. Click here to automate your schedule! This episode is also brought to you by LinkedIn Marketing. If your goal is to target your customers where they’re engaging every day and when they’re ready to make a buying decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you’re attracting potential customers and fostering relationships that often translate into high-quality leads, website traffic, and higher brand awareness. Go to LinkedIn Marketing to redeem a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/13/202051 minutes, 7 seconds
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#330: How To Stop Playing Small with Brit Barron

In today’s episode, I chat with my good friend, Brit Barron, who just released her very first book. And let me tell ya, it’s so freakin’ good!  It’s called WORTH IT: Overcome Your Fears And Embrace The Life You Were Made For. This book shares stories from Brit’s life -- such as going from being a megachurch pastor to coming out and leaving the church, her experience of being a Black woman in America, and other experiences that illustrate how she was living fearfully inside of a framework that someone else had created.  She so bravely shows her story of growth and also challenges her readers to break out of their own box and step into who they are meant to be. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!  
8/10/202035 minutes, 27 seconds
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#329: How 3 Entrepreneurs Found Success Serving A Small Niche Audience

In today's episode, I chat with three of my students about how they built successful businesses in industries with underrepresented communities. These conversations are sooooooo important because many people believe that niching down can be a dangerous thing -- but these three successes are here to show you that this just isn’t the case. In fact, niching down can be the opposite! And while it may be scary at first to venture into these unknown territories, you’ll often find that when you start to attract the right people, they’ll be saying, “This is what I’ve been waiting for!” So today, you’re going to hear from Sandra McLemore, Gwen Lane, and LeeAnn Sims. They all have a unique community and will share how they identified that something was missing. They’ll also share the self-limiting beliefs they faced and how they attracted and built their audience. And of course, they’ll share about their successes, too. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
8/6/20201 hour, 17 minutes, 17 seconds
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#328: 10 Unexpected Digital Course Topics That Will Inspire You Into Action

In my 10+ years of being a digital course creator, I’ve seen a course for everything under the sun! From sourdough bread making to retirement planning, and everything in between -- I’ve seen it all! And this just reaffirms my belief that everyone has a digital course in them. In this episode, I’ll share 10 fascinating examples of digital courses to get your creative juices flowing. Plus, I even give you some rapid-fire questions to help you get clear on topics that you could use for a digital course.  If you’re dreaming of becoming an online entrepreneur but aren’t sure what to focus on, this episode will help you get hyper-clear on a digital course topic so you can start bringing your dream to life! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/30/202027 minutes, 10 seconds
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#327: Stop Leaving $$ On The Table -- Add A Digital Course To Your Biz (Here’s How!)

Want to know what I love most about a digital course? I love that they can literally be added to almost any business and that once you create your first digital course you set the foundation for something you can sell over and over again with just a few tweaks and updates! And that’s exactly what I’m laying out for you in this episode -- how to add a digital course to your existing business so that you can boost your revenue, free up your time, and build a business that works for you and not the other way around. If you’re a coach, consultant, service provider, online entrepreneur, or have a membership site, I have specific examples of just how to take what you offer, put it into a course, and sell it to reach more people and make more of an impact. I also give you my three profitable course types along with real-life examples of what type works best for each business structure. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/23/202040 minutes, 29 seconds
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#326: My Top 10 Digital Course Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  It’s hard to believe it, but I’ve been creating digital courses for 10 years now! And along the way, I’ve succeeded, I’ve failed, and I’ve definitely tripped a time or two. In this episode, I share 10 mistakes that I’ve made in my 10 years of digital course creation in hopes that you can learn from me, avoid these same mistakes, and build a thriving business quickly! Everything from not finding my sweet spot to getting stuck in perfectionism to holding onto tasks far longer than I needed to -- these all made the list. And I hope you find my lessons learned helpful as you navigate the world of online business and digital courses. This episode is brought to you by Acuity Scheduling, a scheduling platform that will help you to book more clients, get paid on time, and automate and organize your business’ day-to-day tasks. For a limited time only, you can get 45 days of Acuity Scheduling absolutely free -- no credit card required. Click here to automate your schedule! This episode is also brought to you by the Full Focus Planner. The only planner that helps me stay organized, focused, and on track to succeed. With their “Daily Big 3” and annual goal-setting prompts, I keep my goals top of mind, and my actions aligned with what’s most important. Join me in making 2020 the best year yet! Head here to grab your planner. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/16/202052 minutes, 5 seconds
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#325: How To Avoid These Two Common Launching Pitfalls with Tasha Booth

What if I told you that there are two common pitfalls that you -- as a course creator -- should be very careful to avoid? Would you be interested in finding out what they are? Well, my friend, you’re in luck because my guest is going to share the deets and how to avoid getting tripped up by them. Her name is Tasha Booth and she is the Founder and CEO of The Launch Guild, an Online Business Management & Digital Marketing Implementation Agency. In this episode, we chat about those common pitfalls, personal touchpoints that you can use to boost your revenue (very doable!), and how to use a beta launch to validate your course idea and content.  Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/9/202040 minutes, 6 seconds
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#324: Email List Growth Strategies That Will Transform Your Business

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Email list growth is just something you’ll never stop doing! Attracting new ideal audience members to your email list to nurture them and eventually turn them into devoted customers should be a priority as a new or veteran entrepreneur. To help you out, I’m sharing three foolproof list growth strategies. Whether you’re still working on hitting your first 250 subscribers or you have a few thousand on your list, you’ll find these strategies extremely doable and effective. The first one ties into Search Engine Optimization and how to use it on your website, the second is a social media strategy, and the third is an approach you can use to get your website visitors onto your email list. I’ve even included a little bonus strategy at the end of the episode. Check out how this episode plays out... [04:42] Strategy #1: I share a super simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy to boost your website traffic and gain new leads. No SEO experience required to make this subscriber growth strategy work! [11:56] Strategy #2: Find your ICA on Facebook and make an effort to get to know them. Facebook groups are a great way to find and attract new customers -- so long as you approach it in a genuine way. I walk you through step-by-step how to use this strategy! [19:57] Strategy #3: Use website pop-ups to get new subscribers on your list. Done right, this works like a charm! Use them in a way that resonates with your ideal customer. [26:22] Bonus Strategy: Add an opt-in link for your lead magnet to your email signature. Think about all of the emails that you and your team send. This is a great way to turn warm leads into email subscribers. Get your free resource here! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
7/2/202032 minutes, 41 seconds
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#323: How Healthy Is Your Email List? 4 Metrics To Track

Entrepreneur PSA: Tracking your email metrics is an important task that you need to be making time for! Okay, I know that may not seem like the most exciting public service announcement you’ve ever heard but hear me out. If you’ve been looking to grow and improve the health of your email list, the answers and guidance you’re looking for could be hiding in the metrics housed on your email service provider. Now, I know that you might be unsure as to what your metrics mean and which ones to pay attention to, which is why, in this episode, I break down exactly how to track your email metrics and set goals according to your industry averages. I know you’re going to find this episode invaluable. It’s going to give you the confidence and knowledge to keep growing that priceless email list of yours. Here’s a sneak peek of this episode... [03:30] First things first, let’s chat about your email open rate. This is the percentage of people who open your email. Different Industries have different open rates, so when you’re identifying where your open rate should be, make sure you compare to your industry average. Check out this article to pinpoint what that is. [05:33] If you want to improve your email open rate -- get creative with your subject headlines. Here are a few ways to do that! [07:36] The next metric of importance is your click-through rate -- the percentage of people who opened your email and took action by clicking a link. I share some tips to improve this metric. [12:02] Next, let’s discuss the conversion rate. This is the percentage of people who click through and take action on your offer or request. This is yet again, another important metric. [21:33] In order to get people to go from email subscribers to customers, you have to nurture them with every email you send. Here are some tangible ways to improve your email conversion rate. [23:33] Last, but certainly not least, you’ll want to pay attention to your unsubscribe rate. This is the percentage of people who unsubscribe after receiving an email from you. Listen, you’ll always have unsubscribers, and to be honest, they probably weren’t a good fit for your business. However, once you get hyper clear on who you’re serving and stay in your lane -- you’ll start to see this number drop. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/29/202029 minutes, 5 seconds
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#322: How To Build Your Email List from the Ground Up

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  There are two things that go hand in hand: being an entrepreneur and having an email list. Eleven years into my business, this is something I know for sure. And despite the necessity of an email list, I still hear objections like… “I don’t know where to start.” “I want to wait until I have more followers.” “There’s too much tech set up.” Whenever I hear these objections, I shrug it off, knowing that each one can be debunked -- which is exactly what I do in this episode. Not only do I debunk these objections, but I also tell you the 3-piece recipe you need to start your email list and your first step to create a thriving list. My hope is that, from this episode, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence you need to get your email list up and running within one week of listening to this episode (or less)! Let’s check it out... Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/25/202057 minutes, 17 seconds
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#321: Untapped Strategies To Grow Your Email List & Your Business with Neil Patel

Are you ready to make list building mistakes a thing of the past so you can become an email list master? Well, my friend, I have just the guy to help you do so. Neil Patel, top online marketer, entrepreneur, and best selling author is going to share three of the most email marketing mistakes made by entrepreneurs. And, of course, he doesn’t stop there. He also goes on to share how to avoid these mistakes and, instead, how to improve your email marketing game and successfully grow your list. Here’s a snapshot of a few things we talked about… The biggest mistake that people are making right now with their email list is focusing on the size of their list. The truth is if your list isn't engaging, the size of it doesn't matter. Scrub your list and remove people who don't open or engage. Growing your list is always a challenge. Respond to comments on blogs, groups, and social sites by helping people. When you point people to your helpful resources, you can grow your list while engaging and helping new subscribers.  Learn to sell every once in a while. You need to put offers out there, so your audience doesn't think it's always free all of the time. You can sell even if your list is small. It will add up.  Free tools convert really well for list signups. If you don't have your own tool, you can find something to use at CodeCanyon. Tools convert best. Then journeys, ebooks, and general newsletter optins. Blocking off a portion of your content for subscribers only is also a tactic that converts.  You can share a journey by allowing your subscribers to follow you as you create something like a new course and then share your results. Share your goal, get subscribers, and let them follow your journey through your posts and content.  An email capture system refers to your process to capture emails. You can do so through multiple ways like a tool, newsletter, quiz, and more. You want to create a system with different paths for different personality types to subscribe. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/22/202030 minutes, 26 seconds
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#320: 5-Steps To Make Your Marketing More Inclusive With Sonia Thompson

In this episode, I chat with expert marketing strategies, marketing consultant, podcast host, CEO of a media group, and all-around amazing human being, Sonia Thompson. Sonia shares her 5-step approach for creating a more inclusive business and company culture. Plus, she gives actionable strategies that you can start implementing right away. Here’s a peek at her 5-steps: Diversify your circle of influence Re-evaluate your ICA Commit to representation Make cultural intelligence a priority Audit your customer experience Click here to listen! This episode is brought to you by Boosted, an app for iOS or Android that allows you to make beautiful, professional-looking videos for your brand’s social media in three easy steps! You can use stock videos, your own videos, or even create stunning videos with your photos. With top-notch templates, easy resizing, and user-friendly video editing options, Boosted can take your social to the next level. Head here to get the discounted rate of $15 for 3 months of Boosted Premium, which offers bonus features to make your videos stand out! This episode is also brought to you by LinkedIn Marketing. If your goal is to target your customers where they’re engaging every day and when they’re ready to make a buying decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you’re attracting potential customers and fostering relationships that often translate into high-quality leads, website traffic, and higher brand awareness. Go to LinkedIn Marketing to redeem a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.” please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now! Links mentioned in this episode: Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook Community Sonia Thompson
6/18/202057 minutes, 46 seconds
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#319: Facebook Group Engagement: Strategies You Need To Know

Facebook groups, you gotta love them. And as an entrepreneur, you gotta have one! Especially during the COVID-19 crisis, people are spending more time online looking for the answers and guidance they need, and one place they are looking is on Facebook. This means, if you don’t have a Facebook group, you could be missing out on potential customers and loyal audience members. Or, maybe you’ve started a group, but you’re struggling to engage your members. Either way, you’re going to love this episode and walk away with tons of ideas to get your group rockin’ and rollin’. I have over 38 thousand members between my free and paid Facebook groups, so I know a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t. In this episode, I spill it all! We’re going to talk about my favorite tips and tricks for setting a Facebook group up, engaging your members, and ensuring you don’t hear crickets when you post. Here’s what I talk about… [06:17] It’s important to define your group focus and who your group is for. You gotta do this because it helps you to find clarity in the direction of your group and content. [09:24] Always, always, always make your group private! Why? Because it makes your group more intimate and allows you to have more control. [11:11] Have fun and use the “ask questions” feature to make sure applicants know your rules and to find out more about your members. I personally like to ask the “magic wand” question, which helps me to learn what topic my audience wants to hear. You can also use this section to gather emails! [13:08] Mention your Facebook group everywhere to get new members. [15:55] Get used to showing up consistently in your group -- this is the difference between winning or losing. Map out a content calendar for your Facebook group. Decide how often you are going to post and how often you are going to go in and comment and make sure you schedule these tasks into your weekly planner. [21:59] Do a weekly or monthly Facebook Live. Not sure what to talk about? You can do Q & As, storytime, hot seats, or a cocktail hour! Pay attention to how your group resonates and keep doing what's working. Also, I wanted to make sure that you have everything you need to get started with a Facebook group. Click here to grab my free step-by-step guide to setting up your group. This free resource is also for those who already have a group as it has some tips that will improve your group’s searchability, boundaries, and organization. This episode is brought to you by The Draw Shop, a service to perfect your elevator pitch. Do you ever tell people what you do and they look at you a little...funny? Like they don’t totally get it? It happens to me, too. With The Draw Shop, you meet with an expert copywriter to create an exceptional elevator pitch and one-page visual story to compel prospects to respond right now. For a limited time, The Draw Shop is offering Online Marketing Made Easy listeners their service for nearly ONE-THIRD the regular price. Get your word-perfect pitch today at The Draw Shop. Where there’s clarity, there’s revenue. This episode is also brought to you by Leadpages. Whether you’re growing your email list or your business, Leadpages will make your life easier. Leadpages lets you can create hassle-free opt-in pages, thank you pages, webinar replay pages, websites and more. Plus, their built-in marketing advice and conversion tools minimize tech confusion so you can focus on the important stuff in your business -- like engaging your audience. Turn your content into clicks and customers with Leadpages. Start a free 14-day trial and save 20% on your first purchase at Leadpages. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/15/202028 minutes, 28 seconds
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#318: Becoming an Imperfect Ally with Erica Courdae

I’m so excited for my guest today, Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Consultant, Erica Courdae. Erica has dedicated her life to expanding how others interact with the world through powerful conversations. Her work as an entrepreneur and coach has taken her across the country, onto stages, and into communities as a key speaker and educator.  Erica brought some serious honesty and truth to this interview and shared so much eye-opening insight around… How to show up as an imperfect ally The power of listening and apologizing over defending and deflecting Tone-policing and why it’s harmful to the BLM movement How to diversify your business and adjust your values to support equality and inclusion And so much more. This episode is a very public, “behind-the-scenes” look into my beginnings of allyship and I invite all my listeners to keep me accountable as I continue this journey. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/11/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 52 seconds
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#317b: How To Do A Step-by-Step Mid-Year Goal Audit

I think we can all agree that the first six months of 2020 have been crazy, uncertain, and have pushed us in ways that we never expected -- especially as entrepreneurs. Nonetheless, six months have passed and we’re now halfway through the year. So from one friend to another, how are your 2020 goals coming along? Maybe you’re kicking butt -- go you! Or, perhaps you’re falling behind a bit. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, just know that you’re not alone, so give yourself some grace. COVID or no COVID, I always find doing a mid-year goal audit helpful. It’s important to recalibrate where you are with our goals to ensure they’re on track and realistic. In this episode, I have a 4-step process to help you reach your goals in the final six months of 2020 -- no matter where you are right now. Here’s what it looks like: Identify your goals -- get hyper clear on what they are and refresh your memory. Examine your progress and list out the actions you’ve been taking towards your goals. Identify what’s working and what isn’t. Create a plan for moving forward and knocking your goals out of the ballpark. You’re going to walk away with a renewed sense of motivation and a step-by-step process to help ensure you accomplish those big, bold goals. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here , scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
6/1/202031 minutes, 32 seconds
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#317: 6-Steps To Craft A Money Magnet Offer

You have something to offer your audience -- that special sauce that people are looking for and need. So, friend, how are you going to get it into their hands? The answer? By crafting an irresistible offer that your audience cannot resist. What is an offer? An offer is a product or service that you sell through your business. This could be a digital course, a PDF guide, one-on-one or group coaching... the list goes on. After 11 years of growing a successful online business, I can promise you that having only one offer is what will set you up for success. This episode will walk you through my 6-step process for taking what you have to offer, and packaging it into something that your audience will love and buy! Here’s the 6-step process for crafting an offer that your audience won’t be able to resist: Define your offer promise. Identify the length of time it takes to see a transformation. Map the path or step-by-step journey it requires to get this transformation. Select your offer format. Price your offer. Craft your money-back guarantee. And trust me, this approach to creating your offer or package makes it really simple to put it together so you can get it in the hands of your audience quickly. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
5/28/202036 minutes, 42 seconds
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#316: How To Grow Your Email List Using Social Media

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  After 11 years of building a successful online business, there is one area I see entrepreneurs go wrong time and time again. Want to know what it is? They put all their effort into growing their social media following without properly using it to grow their email list. In my experience, that’s a big no, no. So, why would that be a big mistake? Well, here are a couple of stats I want to share with you. Your return on investment with an email list is 4x higher than any other marketing platform. In fact, the average ROI is 122%. For every one dollar spent on email marketing, you could make between forty-five to fifty-one dollars. You do not, and I repeat, do not own your social media followers. You do, however, own your email list. This means that a social media platform can take your followers away at any point, or dictate who does and does not see your content. Do I have your attention yet? I’m not saying you should ditch social media. Instead, I’m giving you simple, effective strategies for utilizing your social media accounts to grow your email list, share your knowledge with the world, and support your audience in the best way possible. To help me do this, I reached out to a couple of experts you may know, Jasmine Star (Instagram expert) and Brittany Krystle (LinkedIn expert), for a little guidance. In this episode, Jasmine shares her favorite ways to invite Instagram followers over to your email list. Brittany gives little known tips and tricks for converting your LinkedIn followers to email subscribers. And yours truly -- that’s me -- is going to share some of the most effective ways to use Facebook to grow your email list. You’re going to love these tangible, step-by-step strategies for growing your email list quickly. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
5/21/202041 minutes, 26 seconds
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#315: 5 Ways To Use TikTok To Reach More Customers (No Dancing Required) with Elise Darma

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  We can no longer ignore the newest social media platform, TikTok. And, I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t been intrigued by it. After all, if it’s good enough for Reese Witherspoon and Will Smith, it’s good enough for me. But I wanted to know more. So, I turned to Instagram educator and TikTok early adopter, Elise Darma, to educate me. In today’s episode, Elise and I talk about: What TikTok is. Why you, as an entrepreneur, should be using and paying attention to TikTok. How to get your first one thousand followers on TikTok, and, how to get them onto your email list. Plus, 5 TikTok video ideas that you can start using right away. Elise has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Elite Daily, and The Everygirl. She knows her stuff when it comes to social media. I can’t wait for you to learn her step-by-step approach to getting started with and using TikTok to attract new customers. You’ll walk away from today’s episode with a new tool in your marketing pocket, and ready to dominate a hot new platform. And because Elise is going to share exact examples of what she’s done to see traction on TikTok, we’ve put together a free resource so you can visually see what we’re talking about. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here , scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
5/14/202051 minutes, 37 seconds
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#314b: From Rejection to a 1.2 Billion Dollar Entrepreneur with Jamie Kern Lima

A lot of people look at a billion-dollar company with starstruck eyes and forget that, in most cases, it took someone a lot of persistence, resilience, and tenacity to get there. And, yes, I have a specific company in mind. I’m referring to IT Cosmetics, a billion-dollar makeup company. In this episode, I sit down and talk to the founder, Jamie Kern Lima. I am so honored to have my friend join me and bring inspiration and tangible guidance on how to build a successful company from the ground up. Jamie has a motivating story and she is an example of hard work, determination, and persistence. On top of that, she has a heart of gold. Jamie shares her journey of being a successful entrepreneur and how she handled hearing “no” over and over again. She talked about following your intuition, showing up authentically, and some of her top needle movers when she was building a billion-dollar business. Here's a peek at the episode... [05:15] Jamie shares about her struggles with her skin, which a television anchor, made her feel self-conscious. After struggling to find a makeup that actually stuck, she was inspired to create her own. [07:53] And that’s exactly what she did! On the flight back from her honeymoon, she and husband wrote up a business plan for a skincare line that catered to women who didn’t have perfect skin. [11:41] “When you're doing something really new and really novel, all of the experts may not get it.” When no one would pick up her product, she went back to the drawing board and decided to sell it online. [13:42] Although they were struggling to get traction, Jamie persisted because she knew in her gut that she was supposed to do this. [17:07] In true Jamie fashion, she kept hustling -- even after a heartwrenching “no” from Sephora. [20:59] Jamie shares how she was turned down by QVC seven years ago, and today they are the largest selling brand on QVC. [27:01] “Don't dilute your own authenticity. Nobody can be you, and it doesn't serve you to be anybody else.” [39:11] When she finally landed a spot on QVC, she sold out! Tune in to hear her story. [42:55] Jamie shares one of her biggest mistakes of growing a billion-dollar company. [50:08] She also shares some of her best needle movers while building such a successful brand. I know you’re going to fall in love with Jamie and find so much value in her expert advice and guidance. Side note: If you reach out to Jamie on Instagram, be sure to tag her handle in the first few words of your post’s comments. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here , scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
5/11/202056 minutes, 45 seconds
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#314: Become The Most Decisive Person You Know

Can I let you in on a little secret? If you become a decisive entrepreneur early on in your journey, it’s going to serve you in the long run. How do I know? Because I’ve been in the game for twelve years now, and I’d say that’s long enough to feel like I’ve made enough decisions to last me a lifetime. I have a question for you, do you consider yourself to be a decisive person? If you answered “no,” that’s totally fine. To be honest, I’ve always been a pretty decisive person (just like my mom!). But being an entrepreneur has helped me to take a step back and to examine my process for making educated decisions with confidence. My hope for you is that whether you’re decisive or not, you take my simple and effective 4-step decision-making process, and you use it to make big, bold decisions that will best serve you, your business, and your audience. Step one in my 4-step process is to commit already! Give yourself to commit to making a decision… even if it’s the wrong one, which sometimes, it will be. My second step is to find out what it is that you need to learn and what information you need to make an educated decision. But I say this with caution because I know first-hand that it’s too easy to fall down the research rabbit hole. To avoid that, set a timer (I know it sounds silly, but I’m serious!). Don’t let research draw out making a decision! My third step is to talk it out with someone, but be mindful of who you ask. After all, I firmly believe that you are the best person to make the final decision in your business. And last, but certainly not least, the last step is to go inward. Now, of course, I couldn’t say this without giving you a step-by-step of how to do just that. So, I’ve laid out how I personally like to go inward so that I can gain clarity around my decision. Here's what I talk about in this episode... [04:21] What if you didn’t think about decisions as either good or bad? Here’s what to do instead. When a decision leads you to your desired results, keep going. When it doesn't, change your path and make a new decision! [08:40] Commit to making as many decisions as needed to get the results you're after. Tune in to find out how I enter into an experimental phase and welcome input and feedback from those I trust and respect. After all, I firmly believe it's better to decide then to keep waiting for the right decision. [16:16] Only do the necessary research to make your decision and nothing more. Ask what information you need to gather to make a competent decision and then find the right resources. Oh, and be sure to set a deadline or timeframe! [17:25] Selectively and cautiously seek input from people who you trust and understand what's going on in your business. Ask yourself: Who will give you candid input? Who will be skewed because they love you? [20:24] Get quiet and turn inward for the ultimate decision. You are the best person to make the final call in your business. [24:39] I find it’s helpful to journal on these questions: What's best for the company? What's best for me? What feels right? What aligns with my intent, mission, and vision? What would I do if I were brave? Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here , scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
5/7/202031 minutes, 9 seconds
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#313b: Shift Your Selling Mindset with Lisa Sasevich

Wouldn’t it be fun to share your gifts with the world and make a ton of money while doing it? You’re probably thinking, “Well, Amy, uh yeah…obviously!” So why do I hear -- all the time -- that to be an entrepreneur, it's so much harder than just getting paid to share your gifts? My guest today, Lisa Sasevich, is going to set the record straight. She's going to share just how to use your gifts to boost your sales so that you can make the revenue you desire. Lisa -- a.k.a. “Queen of Conversions” -- is an award-winning entrepreneur and business coach, and she just released her new book, “Meant For More.” Why is this book important to read as an entrepreneur? Because Lisa has put all of her top tips and tools into one place so that you can hone in on your unique gifts and use them to build a thriving business. In this episode, Lisa and I chat about her easy-to-use, proven formula for understanding how to use your gifts to make more money, have more impact, and get more out of life. What I love most about her step-by-step formula (besides that it’s step-by-step), is that it teaches you how to do all of this without being pushy or salesy. Instead, it shows you how to speak from the heart with intention, honesty, and truth. Here's a look at what we chatted about... [04:46] As a pioneer in the online marketing world, Lisa wanted to integrate her passion and her work. She's now known as the “Queen of Conversion” and has taught over 15,000 clients to create an irresistible offer without being pushy or salesy. [09:41] Lisa shares a powerful story about losing her mom and how that inspired her to avoid living a “woulda, coulda, shoulda” life, and instead figure out what she was put here to do. [12:07] We talk about finding your “unique value,” what it is, and how to use it as an entrepreneur. [16:37] In her Meant For More book, there is a proven formula to turn your knowledge into profits. And because you know I love a good formula, Lisa and I chat about how to utilize it as an entrepreneur to make more money doing what you love. [23:18] Lisa shares an unexpected way to identify something you’re good at. Hint… it has to do with meddling! [24:34] She also talks about identifying a topic that people want to pick your brain about, and how this is a clue towards your million dollar value. [25:52] Her five-step Meant For More Sales process is to make peace with sales, claim your million-dollar value, get specific about taking action, turn it into an irresistible offer, and lay out the plan to live a life you love. You’re going to love this episode. Plus, Lisa has a free mini-course on how to discover your unique value. Head here to grab her freebie and discover your unique value today! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
5/4/202037 minutes, 44 seconds
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#313: How To Find The Right Business Mentor

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” - Bob Proctor Amen, Mr. Proctor! I am a firm believer in studying and learning from mentors who have gone before you and have succeeded and created a life and business similar to the one you dream of creating. When I was first starting out, I relied on and invested in mentors to support me with the step-by-step guidance they’ve used to achieve results. And the truth is, I still do to this day! It’s important to find a mentor who aligns with your vision and the goals that you have set for your business. In this episode, I talk about… why mentors are important during every season of your business the golden number of mentors you should study and learn from the difference between working with a mentor one-on-one, in a mastermind, or online through a course they offer how to know which one is best for you and your business Here’s what this episode is all about... [04:11] I get it! When starting out, it's so easy to follow 100 or more people you admire and consider each and every one a mentor. But here’s my tip to you (coming from years of experience), you want to keep it simple and keep your mentors to a minimum to build a successful business. [06:52] Having only two or three mentors allows you to build trust and cultivate relationships with these people. Taking advice from too many mentors will stunt your business growth. [08:59] Having trouble narrowing it down? Don’t worry, I have a little guidance for you. Write a list of all the people who you believe are your mentors and all the people you admire. Decide who on the list has succeeded at creating a life and a business that you would like to create. Start eliminating names, so you are left with only a few people who truly align with your business desires and goals. [10:52] Once you have your list of potential mentors, study from them and learn from them. Let their guidance, their content, their tools, and courses guide you. [15:40] You’re probably wondering about working with a mentor. And, to be honest, that’s one of the best things I could possibly do as an entrepreneur. I’ve found that there are benefits to group masterminds and working one-on-one with a coach. When working one-on-one, you'll have an opportunity to identify tasks specific to your vision. However, it can be expensive. I suggest you do a digital course first and then decide if you want to take it one step further with one-on-one coaching. [19:50] I’ve found that masterminds are especially beneficial later on in your business. Paying for it when you have skin in the game is a whole new experience -- trust me. What I love most about masterminds is that you get feedback and ideas from other like-minded individuals. A mastermind can truly offer you so much clarity as an entrepreneur. Finding the right mentor in such a busy world is essential and empowering, but it can also be frustrating if you aren’t sure what to look for! To take the overwhelm out of finding a mentor who is going to guide you and show you a seamless step-by-step approach to succeeding in your industry, I’ve put together a freebie with five questions to help you get hyper clear on who is a good fit. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.” please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/30/202028 minutes, 41 seconds
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#312b: The Things You SHOULD Be Saying Yes To

I almost said “no” to one of the biggest opportunities I’ve ever had, and it would have cost me playing a bigger game as I had committed to. If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that in 2019 I committed to playing a bigger game, and yet here I was, in 2019, contemplating shooting down an opportunity that allowed me to do just that. Woah! What the heck was I thinking? Tune in to find out if I actually played a bigger game. Spoiler alert… I did! In this episode, I’m talking about the opportunities, the kind that we all get, that are scary, exciting, and provide us with the breakthroughs we need to accomplish our goals and jumpstart a life and business that we dream of. I want you to look out for those opportunities, and even though they may seem terrifying… I want you to have the courage to say “yes” to them. And while it isn’t as easy as one, two, three, I do have three steps for you to take when you encounter those opportunities to help you find the courage, confidence, and grit to say “yes,” play a bigger game, and step into the big deal that you are. Step 1: Ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen if I take this opportunity?” Step 2: Share it with someone who truly knows your goals and aspirations. Step 3: Test your reason against fear! Here’s a glimpse of the episode... [05:39] My friend and boss babe, Rachel Hollis, challenged me to speak at her RISE event. And get this, she wanted me to talk about my weight loss journey instead of online marketing! Here’s where it gets interesting, my friend, I wanted to pretend this opportunity was never presented to me. My team, however, had a very different idea [12:50] Well, I ended up saying “yes.” And once I did, I felt all of the emotions, including a teeny bit of courage. Here’s what I did next, I felt into my courage so much so that it snuffed out all of my other emotions. The experience ended up being incredible and exactly what I needed to play a bigger game. [15:39] Believe it or not, this was an opportunity that gave me direction and courage to step into my full potential. It was truly the evidence that I needed to confirm that I was capable of going big. [16:27] Has there been an opportunity that you've been shying away from because it seems intimidating? Or because you don't feel you're ready? Here’s what I want you to do, I want you to open that door and explore that opportunity. [19:46] Can you think of an opportunity right now that is just waiting for you to say “yes?” If you can't think of anything, be open-minded and watch for one. I have a sneaky feeling it will find you sooner than you think. [20:29] When you land on the opportunity, try sitting with it. Ask yourself, “What's the worst that could happen. What's the best thing that could happen?” Allow yourself to dream big so that you can start playing a bigger game. I hope you take the lessons from this episode and apply them to your life and business right away, so this can be the year that you step into your greatest potential! Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/27/202026 minutes, 36 seconds
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#312: Launch With A Tiny Audience with Stu McLaren

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  What if I told you that there is a fast-track strategy that you can use to launch a digital course or a membership site. Would you be interested? And here’s the cherry on top… you don’t have to have a big audience or list to make this approach successful.  I know. Crazy town, right? While it seems too good to be true, my guest today is going to prove that it can be done, and he has the exact steps to do it.  My guest is Stu McLaren, and it’s not his first time on the show. You might remember him from episode #260, where we spoke all about membership sites. In this episode, Stu shares a mind-blowing strategy called the “Founding Members Strategy,” which allows you to successfully launch your product or service with a tiny audience.  He is going to tell you… Exactly how to use this strategy. How it will benefit you and your audience.  Five elements to make this strategy successful. Real-life stories of how this has successfully played out in the lives of some of his students -- students whose audiences range from tiny to large. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve got your business down pat, you’re going to love his step-by-step strategy that you can start using right away.  We also chat about Stu’s phenomenal 3-part video workshop all about turning what you know, love, and do into a profitable membership.  You’re in luck because today Stu releases the first video where he talks about the “old” way of doing business versus the “new” way of doing business, which means recurring revenue and customers.  Click here to grab this eye-opening video and to get signed up for the 3-part video workshop! This episode is brought to you by LinkedIn Marketing. If your goal is to target your customers where they’re engaging every day and when they’re ready to make a buying decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you’re attracting potential customers and fostering relationships that often translate into high-quality leads, website traffic, and higher brand awareness. Go to LinkedIn Marketing to redeem a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts “I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.” please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/23/202045 minutes, 55 seconds
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#311: 4 Steps To Identify Your Million Dollar Niche

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Raise your hand if you get tripped up defining your niche with full confidence. Well, my friend, you’re not alone. I hear it all the time from entrepreneurs … “I feel stuck because I’m just not certain what my niche is!” I’m here to tell you that this is about to become a thing of the past, and after you’re done with this episode, you’ll be feeling hyper clear about the niche you are serving. In this episode, I walk you through a highly-effective four-step process for identifying your niche. (I even made you a freebie to make it easy to follow!) Before I take you through this actionable, tangible step-by-step process, I have to address the elephant in the room. Fear of actually picking a niche! Whoa, talk about diving right in… am I right?! I know that this fear is alive and well because I hear about it and see it all the time in my Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook community. The bummer is that for many entrepreneurs -- especially those just starting out -- that fear of picking one niche is enough to stay stuck in decision paralysis. “Choosing the wrong niche is better than choosing no niche at all.” - James Wedmore What’s most important for you to know is that you might pick the wrong niche right away, and that’s okay because it will at least get you moving forward -- and forward action means progress and clarity. This four-step process is going to take a little elbow grease, so get ready to put pen to paper. But I promise you the work is going to be worth it, and the clarity you’ll gain will catapult you to the next level in your business. In step 1, you’ll identify your main market. In step 2, you’ll niche down and get really specific. (And trust me, the more specific, the better!) In step 3, you’ll do some market research. In step 4, you’ll create your Value Articulator Statement. Say goodbye to niche confusion or feeling stuck. I want you to declare right here, right now, that you are going to pick a niche, even if it feels scary. And because I know there is a lot of action steps in this episode, I’ve put together a little freebie that will take you through each step in detail. Grab your freebie here! This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley, my family's go-to source for healthy, high-protein snacks. Paleovalley’s grass-fed and finished beef sticks are my family's favorite snacks to keep us healthy and full on the go. Head here to check out all of their high-quality, organic products and be sure to use the code Amy15 to get 15% off of your first order. This episode is also brought to you by the Lead to Win podcast, a podcast by two of my favorite leadership experts, Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller. Lead to Win helps you to minimize overwhelm and navigate the complexities of being a leader so you can win at work and succeed in your life. If you’re ready to cut through distractions and focus on your greatest priorities, check out Lead to Win today! Head here to subscribe and listen. Rate & Review Online Marketing Made Easy: If you're on Apple Podcasts, help me help more people by rating and reviewing my show. Reviews let others - just like you - find the actionable, step-by-step strategies to start the "online" journey...of making a business and life they love. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review.” My team and I - we read them all. Thank you!
4/16/202024 minutes, 47 seconds
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BONUS: From Working At Home To Launching During A Crisis: Your Questions Answered (COVID-19 Series)

Holy cow, there is A LOT of uncertainty right now. And we all have a lot of questions. First, you are not alone. Second, to continue to support you and your business during the coronavirus crisis, I’ve connected with the members of my free Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook group and I’ve asked them: “what questions do you have about navigating your business?” My students gave me dozens of wonderful questions that I know will also help you. As you pivot to find the right way to move your online and small business forward during COVID-19, consider the questions I answer in this episode. They are: I have yet to launch a course. Do you feel this is a good time to do so, or should I stay focused on list building and relationship building with weekly content? I’ve been crafting and getting ready to share my business with the world, and then COVID-19 hit. Should I postpone launching my business and sharing it with others until we start to see some normalcy again?  I was going to live launch last week, with a second round starting this week. It’s highly possible that I have contracted COVID-19, so I’m not physically feeling up to going live on video, but I still want to launch. In this situation, is moving to evergreen okay? I have a photography business and can not currently operate my business. I have postponed all sessions for the coming weeks and was nowhere near my goal of filling my easter sessions before COVID 19. What should I do now?  These days, it feels weird seeing an email or social media post that’s NOT mentioning the pandemic. How have you adapted your marketing and communication? What are the best small business resources to lean on during this crisis? Since I had to stop my one-on-one work, I’ve been doing free daily videos on Facebook to keep my audience engaged. It’s the first time I’ve offered online services, and I’ve been getting great feedback. How do I transition from offering free content to charging for my online services? How in the world am I supposed to be able to focus on my business with my kids home, trying to support them in their school work, not to mention being the lunch lady, and having my husband home too? HELP! I’m not sure how to help my target audience during this time. I teach interior design to brick and mortar shop owners, and many of my clients’ businesses are shut down right now. How do I adjust my message and my content to serve them when many of them are closed and worry about paying rent? If you’re working from home and need a little extra guidance, I’ve got you covered. For more in-depth tips on work-from-home success, grab the free PDF resource that I’ve put together for you. Rate, Review, & Subscribe in Apple Podcast ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people (just like you) move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/13/202042 minutes, 51 seconds
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#310: Take Your Brick & Mortar Business Online with Stacy Tuschl (COVID-19 Series)

Are you a brick and mortar business owner finding yourself having to make quick decisions and shift your business online? Or, maybe you’re an online business already but wondering how you could create an online presence. One thing is clear: you need to make a pivot. I want you to know that I’m here to support you every step of the way. In doing so, I’ve brought on someone who is an expert at growing small businesses. Meet Stacy Tuschl -- not only is she a small business pro, she knows how to grow both brick and mortar and online businesses successfully. Stacy has built a multi-million dollar company called, The Academy of Performing Arts, which offers dance and music classes. She also has an online business and program called, The Foot Traffic Formula, which helps small businesses around the world get more customers in the door, more profit in their pocket, and more happiness in their homes. Stacy has so much valuable insight around navigating your business in turbulent times, and even more so, she has a unique angle from being a brick and mortar business owner, as well. In this episode, we talk about: What’s going on in the world of entrepreneurship. How to focus on and prioritize what decisions need to be made in realtime. A step-by-step approach for transitioning your business online quickly. How to get creative and pivot your offers to serve your clients. The future of brick and mortar businesses, the silver lining in this crisis, and a mindset shift towards abundance. You’re going to find this episode eye-opening and inspiring. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/9/202045 minutes, 48 seconds
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BONUS: Should I Sell Right Now? (COVID-19 Series)

I’ve been hearing a lot of questions from online entrepreneurs lately due to our current crisis. Questions like... Should I sell? Should I deeply discount my products and offers? Or, should I give my stuff away for free? And I get it! We’re in a time of uncertainty… especially for entrepreneurs. However, I full-heartedly believe it when I say, “yes,” you should absolutely be selling. And “no,” you should not discount or give your products away for free. The world and the economy need you and your business more than ever. That’s why in this episode, I’m not only going to tell you why you should be selling right now but also 5 powerful ways to find the courage to do so. I’ll even go as far as to say that you have a civic duty to sell and to show up online during this pandemic, as long as you show up with something of value that can serve others (which my guess is that you do!). Here’s a peek at the 5 ways you can find the courage to sell right now: Create something of value for free! Yes, I know I just said don’t give you stuff away for free, but there are some ways you can offer value for free and still sell with integrity. Embrace the pivot, and holy heck has there been a lot of pivoting lately. Be willing to make mistakes -- both professionally and personally. Hold your launch revenue goals loosely, but your 2020 overall revenue goals tightly.
 Fiercely commit to coming out of this crisis stronger. There are two things I want to leave you with… I’ve rallied up a ton of free resources to support you as an online and small business owner during this time, be sure to utilize them. (Links at the bottom of this page!) I want you to answer this question: What would you do in your online business if you were brave? The answer, my friend, is moving forward… and that’s my wish for you. Click here to listen! I know you’re going to find so much value and inspiration in this episode. Also, if you’re working from home and need a little extra guidance, I’ve got you covered. For more in-depth tips on work-from-home success, grab the free PDF resource that I’ve put together for you. Rate, Review, & Subscribe in Apple Podcast ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people (just like you) move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/8/202039 minutes, 31 seconds
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#309a: 5 Ways To Pivot Your Online Business In A Crisis (Covid-19 Series)

I’m not going to beat around the bush, we are living in a crazy time, and things are moving fast. As an entrepreneur, especially an online entrepreneur, you need to be moving quickly as well. I’ve been in awe of my students as I watch them step up, shift, and serve their audience in valuable ways during this time of crisis. In this episode, I share five ways that my students have pivoted their business in light of the economy and uncertainty. I feel that now, more than ever, showing up with something of high-value that will serve your audience is the very best thing that you can do. In this episode, I’ll use these stories to debunk three beliefs that have been floating around… Nobody is buying anything right now. It’s inconsiderate to launch or sell something right now -- people will think I’m capitalizing on the crisis. If you don’t have an online business or if you haven’t quite launched your business yet -- now is not the time. These couldn’t be farther from the truth, and you’ll see that in the stories I share. In this episode, you’ll hear about Hilary Krueger, who created an online offer, launched it in less than 48 hours, and had 200 people sign up in under five days. You’ll learn how Jamie Sears generated around $3,000 in just a couple of days with her on-the-fly training. After that, I’ll share a story with you about how Catherine Ryan Gregory adjusted her launch to accommodate the shifts in our economy. You’ll learn how Carrie Lupoli created a website and a free training in just four hours, which has already served thousands of people and counting. Lastly, I’ll share what Jamie Trull did to support her ideal customer avatar during this time of crisis and the fantastic response she received. I’ll even talk about how to show up and pivot your message if you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur. If you’re working from home and need a little extra guidance, I’ve got you covered. For more in-depth tips on work-from-home success, grab the free PDF resource that I’ve put together for you.   Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ ! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/3/202033 minutes, 24 seconds
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#309: Becoming A Vision-Driven Leader with Michael Hyatt

Are you leading with a vision? Or are you wandering around with a half-baked idea of what you want your life and business to look like? Whether you’re the former or the latter, today’s episode is going to give you even more clarity around your vision. My guest, mentor, and friend, Michael Hyatt, is not only a best-selling author but also one of the most successful entrepreneurs I know. His business was featured in Inc. 5000 as one of the fastest-growing private companies after experiencing 300 percent growth in just three years! Mind-blowing, right? Michael has just released yet another phenomenal book called, “The Vision-Driven Leader,” and that’s what we’re talking about today. In this episode, Michael offers practices and guidance for identifying your vision, why your vision is the essential ingredient for leadership and impact, how your vision varies from your mission statement, and so much more. Here’s a look at what we talk about... [05:27] Want to know the difference between businesses that survive and businesses that fail? Those that survive have a crystal clear vision. [07:43] You might be wondering what exactly a vision is. Well, a vision is going to be a clear, inspiring, practical, attractive picture of your organization’s future, three to five years in the future. [12:42] If you’re feeling like you’re struggling with clarity, the good news is that clarity grows over time. A great way to gain more business clarity is to write down what your vision is and where you want to go. Just start with something, and it will get more clear over time. [15:28] Here are some wonderful journal prompts: What is your vision for the future of your team, and what kind of product you want to create? What kind of marketing are you going to have? What’s the future of your impact? [17:07] When you read through what you write down for the future, do you get excited? It has to be inspirational. Michael has four different ideas for inspiration that might help identify where you are. [20:39] A vision is a necessary but not sufficient condition of success — you also need to execute. Having an inspiring vision will help you create and adapt your strategy and say “yes” to the right things. [25:15] Once you start to understand your vision, you want to create a link between your vision and your day to day tasks. Start with your vision script (which you can learn more about in the episode), which should inform your annual goals, quarterly goals, weekly objectives, and daily tasks. [30:18] Don’t think you’ll set your vision once and call it good. Oh no! You’ll want to reconsider and tweak your vision at least once a year. [38:54] Lastly, when it comes to your vision for your business, you will encounter resistance — it’s just part of being an entrepreneur. You must have tenacity, integrity, and courage to stay the course. By the end of this episode, you’re going to be fired up about clarifying your vision -- a vision that inspires and grows your business. You’re going to understand how to overcome obstacles when you encounter them. And, most importantly, you’re going to feel empowered and ready to share your vision with the world.   Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
4/2/202046 minutes, 20 seconds
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#308c: The Stimulus Package: How to Take Advantage of $350B Earmarked for Small Businesses (COVID-19 Series) with Casey Graham

Small businesses around the world are facing uncertainty, unemployment, and decisions they never thought possible. On top of that, they are having to learn and learn quickly about government relief solutions. From one small business owner to another, I understand what it’s like to feel lost in the confusion. Today’s show will break down, in layman's terms, the Stimulus Package for small businesses and how you can take advantage of it. My guest, Casey Graham, CEO of Gravy, is going to help me do that. You’ve probably heard me talk about Gravy before -- they do our customer retention and failed payment recovery, which is so important, especially during times like these. Casey has been in the online business world through two crises now and has a unique perspective and understanding of how to survive a crisis as a small business owner. Here’s a little sneak peek of what we talked about in this episode: Why online business and online learning is emerging as a giant leader right now, and why understanding the Stimulus Package is extremely important. What The CARES Act is and what it means for small and online businesses. Why the government is leaning on small business owners to help save America during this time. Understanding if this bill is right for you, if you’re eligible, and how you can take advantage of it. Everything you need to know about this bill top to bottom -- from loan amount to loan forgiveness to accessing this bill and everything in between. Casey even has a value-packed website full of resources to support you and all small and online businesses right now. Head here to check it out! I know you’re going to find this episode insightful and extremely helpful. Click here to listen! A note: this episode is about the United States $2 trillion Stimulus bill passed in response to the coronavirus pandemic. This stimulus package is specific to our U.S. audience. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
3/31/202044 minutes, 23 seconds
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#308B: Grow Your Email List With Quizzes with Ryan Levesque

Rate & Review Online Marketing Made Easy: If you're on Apple Podcasts, help me help more people by rating and reviewing my show. Reviews let others - just like you - find the actionable, step-by-step strategies to start the "online" journey...of making a business and life they love. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review.” My team and I - we read them all. Thank you! Raise your hand if you love a good online quiz. I sure do! From finding out what celebrity you’re most like, to which jean fit is the most flattering for your body type, to identifying if you’re right for an online course or not, quizzes help you, as the consumer, make easier decisions without the overwhelm. But… what do quizzes do for you as an entrepreneur? A whole lot! Quizzes are a great way to grow and segment your email list, better understand your audience, and boost your sales by offering direct guidance for your customers. My guest, Ryan Levesque, is a pro when it comes to using quizzes, and we got to sit down and chat all about how you can use them, no matter where you are in your business. Ryan is the Inc. 500 CEO of The ASK Method® Company, an entrepreneur, and the #1 national best-selling author of the books Choose and Ask... which was named by Inc. as the #1 Marketing Book of the Year. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, Entrepreneur, on NBC News, and Fox and over 250,000 entrepreneurs subscribe to his email newsletter offering business advice. He is also a co-founder and investor in®, a leading quiz funnel software for entrepreneurs used by over 20M people each year. Now, you might be thinking that quizzes are a little too advanced for you, but before you disregard this episode, I want to challenge you to stick with me. Why? Because Ryan and I break down how quizzes can benefit you, even if you’re just starting out. In fact, we talk about how quizzes can be especially beneficial to grow your email list and better understand your audience in the early stages of your business. No matter where you are as an entrepreneur, you’re going to walk away from today’s episode with a clear understanding of what it looks like to create a quiz and how quizzes can help you to grow your business.
3/30/202058 minutes, 11 seconds
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#308a: Everything You Need to Know About Working From Home (But Were Too Afraid To Ask!) with Rachel Hollis (COVID-19 Series)

Like many these days, you might be finding yourself working virtually -- and whether this is new to you or not, there are some simple strategies you can implement to stay focused, on track, and moving forward as an entrepreneur. My dear friend, Rachel Hollis, originally interviewed me for her podcast RISE, and because we both want this episode to reach as many entrepreneurs and individuals affected by the recent crisis as possible, we are releasing it on the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast as well. I hope with all my heart that you find this episode helpful, insightful, and inspiring. Now, why did Rachel come to me looking for guidance on how to run a virtual team and work from home without losing focus? Probably because I’ve been building a virtual team for almost 11 years, which means I’ve got a couple tricks up my sleeve for being successful in the online workspace. Here’s a preview of what we talked about... How to set expectations and what tools are best for staying on track. The importance of sticking to a task and how to make sure your team does the same. How to show up for your team and lead in turbulent times. How to minimize context switching -- trust me when I say that this one is a lifesaver! Tips for staying focused. Strategies for maintaining healthy work habits and setting up your workspace. The importance of over-communication to your team and collaborators. This episode is courtesy of our guest, Rachel Hollis, and the RISE podcast (where it first appeared). To receive more tangible and tactical tools from New York Times Best-Selling author, Rachel Hollis, check out RISE. Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
3/28/202053 minutes, 39 seconds
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#308: Courage: Your Gateway Drug To Confidence with Jennifer Allwood

Rate & Review Online Marketing Made Easy: If you're on Apple Podcasts, help me help more people by rating and reviewing my show. Reviews let others - just like you - find the actionable, step-by-step strategies to start the "online" journey...of making a business and life they love. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review.” My team and I - we read them all. Thank you! What if I told you that confidence shouldn’t be your goal? Crazy, right? I thought confidence was always the goal! According to my guest today, Jennifer Allwood, there’s something else you should be focusing on… courage! I’m so excited to have Jennifer back on the show to talk about her new book, which will be released April 7th, 2020, “Fear Is Not The Boss Of You,” which is a must-read as an entrepreneur. We also chat about why courage should be your goal over confidence. How to shift your mindset around imposter syndrome, because that’s essential as an entrepreneur. We even go talk about the real way to discover your confidence (hint: it has to do with taking action -- imagine that!). Jennifer has helped thousands of creative entrepreneurs grow their business by leveraging social media and the online space, and she’s someone I love learning from. She teaches people how to find freedom in their business by utilizing multiple revenue streams, as she shared in episode 215. You’re going to love Jennifer’s approach and strategies for becoming more courageous in your life and business.
3/26/202043 minutes, 25 seconds
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#307B: The Lies Holding You Back

You’re talented. You deserve the best. You can build a wildly successful business. You’re organized, intelligent, and capable of creating the life of your dreams -- the life you deserve. How do you feel when I say those things? Do you feel inspired and fired up? Or, are you shaking your head thinking, “Amy, you’re so full of it!” My dear friend, I certainly hope you’re shaking your head, “YES!” and you feel inspired. However, I know what it can be like to believe deflating lies… especially as an entrepreneur. My guest today, Dave Hollis, knows what it’s like to believe those lies, as well. Dave is the COO of the media company and inspirational powerhouse, Hollis Company, which he runs with his wife and my close friend, Rachel Hollis. He’s also just released his first book, “Get Out Of Your Own Way,” which is simply phenomenal. Today, Dave and I talk about the thoughts that tend to hold you back from your true potential and how to overcome old thought patterns that aren’t in your best interest. We also talk about the “shoulds” that are hindering your growth, your solution for getting unstuck, and so much more. Here’s a preview of our interview... [02:58] My good friend, Dave Hollis -- the COO of Hollis Company and husband to Rachel Hollis -- has just released his new book, Get Out of Your Own Way: A Skeptic’s Guide to Growth and Fulfillment. Help celebrate him with me! [06:52] If you're struggling, you must find a community to connect with about what’s going on. That’s exactly what this book did for Dave. It allowed him to be fully transparent -- about the good and the bad. [10:17] Dave was inspired by his wife's growth, and while he was a skeptic at first, he eventually decided that personal development was for him. In his book, he talks about how he got out of his own way so that others can use his strategies to do the same. And let me tell you, he knocked it out of the ballpark! [18:04] If you are on a path of personal development and doing big things, and your significant other isn't on board with it, don't push them. Instead, let them see the light of your journey and the results that it produces. Let their curiosity allow them to transform their lives. [20:07] Dave talks about the identity frame that we pick up from those around us as we are growing up. For example, "women entrepreneurs can’t have ambitions and be a good mom" is a common one. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You must make the decision about whose opinion you will believe and carry with you. [26:27] For 14 years, Dave was the primary breadwinner but when Rachel’s book sold 3 million copies and the financial contribution started to shift in their relationship, Dave was worried. He opens up about an unconscious fear around if Rachel would still want him if he was no longer the main source of financial support. [35:57] Here’s the good news, it's never too late to make a pivot, transform yourself, or change direction. You must focus on what’s best for you and not what others are thinking of you -- because the truth is that they just aren't! #sorrytobreakittoyou [41:13] Being stuck is being in a place where you aren't growing or don't have the opportunity to fail. Here’s what Dave proposes: expose yourself to opportunities to fail and push outside of your comfort zone on a regular basis. [45:56] Have unbelievable clarity about who you want to be. Once you know what you stand for, then you know the role you have to play in your life. Connect to a why that is bigger than the unpredictability of life. What do you believe in? Who are you? What's your leverage?
3/24/202056 minutes, 43 seconds
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#307A: 5 Ways to Navigate Your Business Through Crisis (COVID-19 Series)

With COVID-19, things are changing by the second. That's why I want to support you -- my community -- and show you what it looks like to move forward even when you’re feeling uncertain. This episode is real and's messy, clunky at times, and I share what I’ve experienced so that you may learn some of the things about navigating a business with the world changing so rapidly. So, I've put together five things that you can do to navigate your business through the Coronavirus crisis. You’ll find two mindset tools and three strategies to implement right away. And listen, I know you’re probably feeling some confusion right now. Whether you have an online business, a digital course, plans to launch, or you’re just starting out...Don't. Worry. I’m going to give you the guidance you need to keep moving forward. Here’s the deal, you can’t ignore what’s going on in the world. In fact, I firmly believe that you have to talk about this no matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey. To further help you, I’ve put together a freebie called “How To Be Productive Working From Home During Uncertainty.” Be sure you grab that, too. Here’s a snapshot of the five ways to navigate your business through a crisis that I talk about in this episode: #1: Get into action. Feel the feelings but also get into action to keep your mindset abundant and focused. You’re an entrepreneur, which means you’re resilient. #2: Commit to a morning routine and end of the day shut down. It’s easy to get distracted with the news, your family at home, and just plain old emotions, but creating rituals will keep you focused on the needle movers in your business. (More guidance on this in the freebie!) #3: Clarify your crisis messaging. Get clear on what you’re going to say to your audience during this time and how you’re going to position yourself and your business -- even if you have a small audience. #4: Show up and offer something valuable and free that will resonate, support, and inspire. Tune in to hear how we did this. #5: You’re probably wondering, “Amy, I don’t feel I should be selling right now!” My answer to you is… if you stop selling, our economy will be crushed. You are not opportunistic if you’re selling in our current climate -- as long as you offer a solution to help serve your audience. Take the time to reevaluate your offers to make sure they align with what people need in this time of uncertainty and be willing to pivot if needed. People have more needs today than they did a week ago. Remember that you are a master problem solver. Now is the time to experiment. Try new things and never give up. Your audience is not wanting or looking for perfection. Your audience is looking for support, direction, and leadership. Show up for them. Show up for your community, your audience, and your paying customers. I hope you find this episode is just what you need to hear as we are navigating through this time of chaos, uncertainty, and change. I hope you find the light and gratitude in any way possible. And above all, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. For further support, be sure to grab my freebie “How To Be Productive Working From Home During Uncertainty.”   Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts ‘I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.’ rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode! Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!
3/21/202059 minutes, 47 seconds
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#307: 4 Best Entrepreneurial Tools For Starting A Business (Part 2)

Welcome back to Part 2 of this episode, where you’re going to learn about my favorite tools for communication, customer service, and a couple of bonus tools that I adore. If you missed Part 1, where I went over my top tools for email marketing, list building, social media, and project management, be sure to head back and check out that episode right after this one. The tools I mention in today’s episode have helped me not only scale my business but also give me back the time and energy to build the business of my dreams… a business that was considered a small business not that long ago. Since I mentioned a lot of tools between Part 1 and Part 2 of this episode, I’m going to recommend that you focus on the parts of your business that you’re looking to invest in right now. Only focus on one or two tools and add on little by little as you grow. To make this really easy for you, I’ve put together a free PDF with all the tools that I’ve mentioned in Part 1 and Part 2 of this episode. Be sure to snag that freebie right here! Here’s a preview of today’s episode... [04:01] Do you have a team or work with contractors? If so, you have to check out Slack! It’s my favorite real-time communication tool -- way better than email. [09:52] When it comes to customer support, Help Scout has transformed our approach and organization! It has simplified taking care of our customers and making sure they have what they need. [12:42] Kajabi is the Mac Daddy of all tools. Seriously! Say goodbye to having to be tech-savvy because Kajabi has everything in one place. From your digital course platform to your sales page, opt-in page, and email service provider… Kajabi has you covered! [19:39] I kind of wish I would have thought of this bonus tool! Searchie allows you to search for content inside of videos or audio. I know, so good, right? You can search for keywords in any video or audio content you have. It’s just that simple! Searchie is definitely for those more advanced entrepreneurs. [24:02] And although it isn’t an online tool, my absolute favorite tool is the Full Focus Planner. This is a physical planner, which I talk about all the time, helps to keep me organized, motivated, and clear on the most important daily and quarterly goals I have for myself and my business. Get excited for next week's episode where I'm talking about a few more tools I couldn't live without. See you there!
3/19/202035 minutes, 34 seconds
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#306: 4 Best Entrepreneurial Tools For Starting A Business (Part 1)

“Technology is nothing. What's important is that you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.” I love this quote from Steve Jobs. Why? Because I know that tools allow me to scale my business and create growth and impact. But here’s the thing… not all tools are made the same. When I was starting out, I had no idea which tools would be worth my financial and time investment and which ones would not. Let’s just say, I’ve learned a lot about what tools will be valuable in creating a successful business throughout the years. And now, I’m offering you my insight into what tools you should consider using to help your business grow, scale, and succeed! I decided to break this episode into two parts because there was so much value in it. So, in this episode -- Part 1 -- you’ll learn about my favorite tools for… email marketing and list building social media project management In Part 2 of this episode, you’ll learn about the tools we use in my business for communication and customer service. Along with some bonus tools that I love and can’t help but share. Here’s a sneak peek of how today’s episode goes... [07:11] ConvertKit is my go-to when it comes to a basic, simple email service provider -- especially for new entrepreneurs. What I love about it is that it allows you to collect emails and names in a legitimate way, and they have top-notch customer service! [09:14] You’ve heard me talk about freebies and lead magnets a million times before, LeadPages allows you to create simple opt-in pages so you can start getting email addresses and traction from those assets. Plus, it integrates with ConvertKit and gives you beautifully designed opt-in pages, so you can email your list on a regular basis. Can you say win-win? [14:28] Want to know my favorite tool for social media? Look no further! Social Curator is my answer. They provide you with stunning images and caption prompts so you can focus less on social media and more on the important things in your business. [19:19] When it comes to project management and organization, Asana is the absolute best! In fact, I wish I would have used a project management tool like Asana from the very beginning. Whether it’s just you, you and a contractor or two, or an entire team, setting your business up in Asana will keep you organized and moving forward! Get excited for next week's episode where I'm talking about a few more tools I couldn't live without. See you there!
3/12/202028 minutes, 39 seconds
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#305b: One of the Best Ways To Boost Sales

You guys know I’m a big fan of creating urgency for your courses using deadlines. In fact, I’m kind of a stickler about. Well, guess what? I’ve found someone equally as excited about creating urgency and setting deadlines. So, naturally, I had to invite him onto the podcast. His name is Jack Born and he’s a pro when it comes to this topic. He’s going to tell you why you should be using deadlines for your customers… and how you can go about it the right way. Jack is the founder of Deadline Funnel, not to mention several other software platforms, which help entrepreneurs, just like you, boost sales and automate their businesses. There are a lot of misconceptions around deadlines within a business… Will they help you sell more? Will they hinder your audience from buying? These are things you have to know as an entrepreneur with an online product, especially if you do a live launch like I do with my Digital Course Academy program. Listen to this episode with an open mind because you’re going to be blown away by some of the tidbits and strategies Jack gives you that you can use within your business to boost those sales. And honestly, if you’re just starting out or trying to gain some insight into how to launch your business, this episode is going to help you build the confidence around creating that urgency without feeling pushy. Here’s a look at what we talked about... [06:08] My guest today, Jack has been a student of the power of persuasion and knows urgency is a strong motivator. [13:07] It’s essential that what you say in your marketing is genuine and true to promote credibility. [16:51] Deadlines boost sales. Period! They also help those people who are on the fence make a decision and take action because, let's be honest, we all need a little push when it comes to big decisions. [19:52] Find out Jack’s tools for creating a next-level offer that isn’t pushy. [32:22] Want to know the hard truth? By not using deadlines, you are leaving money on the table and helping less potential customers. Crazy when you look at it that way, right? [37:14] Oh, and my favorite part of this interview was at the very end when Jack gives tangible action items for setting up an automated launch with urgency the right way.
3/9/202044 minutes, 5 seconds
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#305: Why Overnight Success Is A Myth

Riddle me this… What do Steven Spielberg, JK Rowling, Lady Gaga, Marie Forleo, Oprah, and Rachel Hollis all have in common? If you guessed “success that took time, grit, and persistence,” then you’d be spot on! (I’m sure that’s what you said ;) So why do we, as entrepreneurs, look at Instagram and think that we’re the only ones who haven’t figured out the secret to overnight success yet? The truth is that we don’t know the whole story. In fact, it’s rare that we know the truth until some time later. You know… the not-so-sexy story of massive amounts of hustle, hard work, and years of grinding the pavement. Yes, I said years. And because of this, it’s easy to get stuck in the mindset that we want what we see others experiencing with their business or their success -- that explosion with “minimal” hard work and grit. The reality is that there are very few successful entrepreneurs who have experienced overnight success. Behind every successful story… there is commitment, determination, and resilience. So, I’m just going to be bold and say that I think overnight success is a myth. And… if I may take it one step further… I’d even go as far as to say that there is so much benefit to not experiencing overnight success. In this episode, we talk about some of my favorite examples of people who might look like overnight successes from the outside, but in all actuality are not. Plus, I’ll share the benefits of slow, consistent growth, because I’ve experienced first hand how beneficial this can be. And, in true Online Marketing Made Easy fashion, I’ve got a little three-step process for eliminating that unconscious desire for overnight success. Oh, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get a little worked up and passionate about this topic. You’ll know what I mean when you listen! Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll hear… [08:16] Ever heard of a Dyson vacuum? Yeah, the owner, James Dyson had 5,127 failed vacuum prototypes over a 15-year span before he became a success. Many times, we don’t know the whole story of failure, struggle, and success. [12:09] Here’s a fun fact, Steven Spielberg was rejected from the University of Southern California three times before he attended another school that he dropped out of to direct some of our favorite movies? [12:45] Can you guess how many times JK Rowling’s book, Harry Potter was rejected before being picked up? Twelve times — and she didn’t give up! [13:55] Did you know that Lady Gaga started honing her voice at the age of 4? Tune in to hear her inspirational story! [14:50] Queen O, Oprah, was fired from a job as a TV reporter because she was told she wasn't fit for television. Crazy, right? She didn’t let that stop her. Instead, she picked herself up and kept moving forward. [17:43] My mentor and friend, Marie Forleo held multiple jobs and was a bartender while building her business. Just like Marie, those early parts of building your business are important for building character. [20:33] Being in it for the long haul helps you identify who you are and what you stand for. Find out what millionaire entrepreneur, Laura Belgray has to say about taking years to hit the success she experiences today. [23:54] Growing your business steadily and slowly allows you to be more intentional, and intentionality gives you the time and space to clarify your business along the way. [26:05] Let’s take a play from Jaime Kern Lima from IT Cosmetics playbook and make it a priority to keep our faith bigger than our fear. Are you onboard? [30:16] Tune in to find out my 3-step process for eliminating that unconscious desire for overnight success. [34:10] Once you've reached the success that you're after, I challenge you to reassess and then create a new definition of success. I guarantee that your definition of success will evolve over time. Do you ever have those days where you just need an extra boost of courage? Maybe a hug, maybe a little self-love, grace, and patience? Be sure to grab the freebie I created to remind you that you're on the right path and if you keep at it and you commit to your dream, you too can have the same success. It's a fill-in-the-blank letter to yourself to read on those days when you need it most. You can get it right here.
3/5/202044 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

#304: Marie Forleo's Best Business Tips For Success

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Let me take you back in time when I was just starting out. This was before YouTube and definitely before podcasts were a thing. It was a time where if you wanted to become an entrepreneur… you pretty much had to figure it out on your own. (Thank goodness we’re out of those dark ages!) I remember wishing I could have a mentor or some insight into starting a business. You know, what works and what doesn’t. I eventually connected with a woman who would become my mentor. A woman who we all know and love today as Marie Forleo. Marie was named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation. She’s the star of the award-winning show MarieTV, with over 52 million views, and host of The Marie Forleo Podcast, with more than eleven million downloads. She gave me so many tips and tools for starting, building, and growing my business. I’m forever grateful! If you’ve been an Online Marketing Made Easy podcast fan for some time now, you know that Marie has been a guest on my show many times. Every time I interview her, she brings so much insight and value. I thought it was high time I pulled some of her best tips and tools for starting a business and rolled them into one episode. Here’s why… I want you to have all the knowledge, support, and tools you need to take your dream of creating a business and make it a reality. I know how intimidating it can be… trust me! I’ve been there. And so my goal is to give you what you need to make starting a business simple and seamless. So, here are some of my favorite tips from my mentor, and multi-million dollar entrepreneur, Marie Forleo She’s taught entrepreneurs, artists, and multi-passionate go-getters from all walks of life how to dream big and back it up with daily action to create results, and now, she’s sharing her secrets with you! Check out what we talked about... [02:44] Today, you get to learn from my mentor — Marie Forleo! I believe that having a mentor, at every stage of your business, is essential. Get ready to learn some of her top business and entrepreneurial tips! [09:04] Marie talks about two fears that tend to keep people from designing a life that aligns with their dreams. Find out what those two fears are. Oh, and by the way, these fears are 100% figureoutable! [14:18] As an entrepreneur, you must give yourself permission to play, experiment and test. Find out why! [19:59] Find out some of Marie’s favorite strategies for writing stellar content. Trust me, you’re going to want to hear these! [27:38] Marie shares her number one reason for working so hard when she was first starting out. Here’s a hint… it should be your reason too. She talks about the importance of investing in yourself and your education. [29:37] Leave it to Marie to call BS on “big breakthroughs.” She says, “There is no single opportunity that anyone else can give you that is more important for your success than the small daily actions that you have to take every day in the service of your own creativity.” [32:36] Get ready for some tough-love… “If you're not growing you're dying.” If you’re serious about succeeding as an entrepreneur, you must commit to making ongoing education a habit. Today is your last chance to change your future and the success of your business in 2020 with B-School! This is the program that not only changed my business but changed my life! If you're serious about creating a business and life you love, B-School is your answer. Today is also the last day you can receive all of my B-School freebies! Plus, I just added a special bonus! When you enroll in B-School using my affiliate link, not only will you get my B-School Bonus Experience, but you will ALSO get access to my B-School CliffsNotes Audio Collection! This B-School CliffsNotes Audio Collection is truly a personal experience where I take you through each module, week by week and help you identify where to focus your attention and time. In a nutshell, it's practical advice, delivered via short audio segments, from someone who went through B-School herself (yours truly!), and knows how to help you get the most from it. You’ll get the inside scoop on what topics you need to pay *special attention* to, and I’ll also raise the red flag on potential landmines and rabbit holes that might throw other students off. This is always my most talked about bonus, so you are in for a treat! Click here to change your life with B-School!
2/27/202037 minutes, 25 seconds
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#303: The One Episode I Didn't Want to Record

The title says it all. This is an episode, I definitely didn’t want to record… at first! But then I got to thinking, and I knew that sharing this experience with you, and being vulnerable was only going to help and benefit you and your business in the long run. Here’s what happened. I got an email from a student who was disappointed in my newest product and made sure I knew that she was not impressed. And you know what, it hurt. It really hurt. But after I took a step back, I realized that there are five things that I need to commit to in order to move my business forward, stand up for what I believe in, and block out those who don’t agree with me. Here’s a snapshot of those five things… Those who have achieved more than me will never judge me for wanting more. Sometimes things are going to get tough -- that’s just the nature of being an entrepreneur. So, I must commit to having thicker skin. I create my own thoughts and no one can hurt me. I’m in charge of what I think and feel… period. I’ll never let an individual’s opinion dictate how I feel or how I do business. I am here to stay. This episode was tough for me, so I want to thank you for allowing me to share my heart. Here’s a breakdown of the episode… [02:50] As entrepreneurs, we’ll always have people on the internet who disagree with our life or business goals — we have to ignore them. However, it’s a little different when you hear negative feedback from a student, and that’s exactly what happened to me. [03:37] During my recent membership site launch, a past student wrote in to share her opinion of what I was doing and, let’s just say, it wasn’t very positive. [05:39] Receiving something like this from a student of mine stung. In the moment, I recorded a response to her to let her know why I created my newest product and why I believe in it so deeply. [11:59] It’s important to remember that someone who has achieved more than you will never judge you for wanting more. [14:20] Sometimes things are going to get rocky and feel really uncomfortable. You've got to have thicker skin! [15:19] Because you create your own thoughts and feelings, no one can hurt you. Always keep in mind that you are in charge of what I think and what you feel. [17:25] At the end of the day, no matter who disagrees with what I’m doing, I am here to stay! Tell yourself that during hard times when building your online business.
2/20/202024 minutes, 44 seconds
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#302B: Your VIP Backstage Pass To The Best Entrepreneurial Advice

What if I gave you a backstage pass to my annual event, The Entrepreneur Experience? Well, in this episode, that’s exactly what we’re going to do! In October 2019, Rachel Hollis, Stu McLaren, Jasmine Star, and Gina Gomez joined me in San Diego, along with over 600 entrepreneurs from every walk of life, for this amazing event. These all-star speakers brought their a-game and shared some pretty amazing entrepreneurial advice. Advice that was so good, I couldn’t just keep it to myself! In this episode, I’m giving you a little sneak peek of what The Entrepreneur Experience 2019 was all about and the phenomenal business advice that the attendees gained while they were there. First, you’ll hear from Rachel Hollis. She gets real (imagine that) and gives you some tough love. She talks about competition and an excuse that might be holding you back. After that, you’ll hear from Stu McLaren. He talks all about building trust to attract your ideal customer and taking a stand for what you believe in. My girl, Jasmine Star, is up next and she gives some practical social media advice. After all, she is the queen of social media. She also gives her take on third party posting apps -- I know this is a question every entrepreneur has! And then I have Gina Gomez coming in with a secret to creating happy customers and interactions. [03:53] Rachel Hollis says, "Don't compare your life to someone's curated social media life. We don't have time to waste. Every second we are looking outside ourselves to find the answer, we are wasting time." [08:04] Stu admits that he struggled with the guilt of making too much money but the truth is that money allows you to stand for what you believe in and make an impact! [12:52] Jasmine Star gives her tried and tested experience with third-party posting apps and why you should reconsider using them to organically reach your audience. [14:30] Gina says, "Treat everyone you work with as if they are your dream clients. Imagine how implementing this in your business would impact your experience, business, and industry."
2/17/202018 minutes, 28 seconds
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#302: From Lacking Confidence To Multi-Millions with Lisa Bilyeu

One of the biggest excuses I hear from people wanting to start a business is that they feel they have the confidence they need to take their dreams and ideas and make them successful. My guest in this episode, Lisa Bilyeu, is living proof that it doesn’t matter what skill set or level of experience you have. What does matter is that you’re persistent and committed to creating a life that fulfills you and making your dreams your reality. Lisa is the co-founder of Quest Nutrition, and without any prior entrepreneurial experience, she helped grow the company by 57 thousand percent -- that’s 82.6 million dollars in revenue -- in just three years. Lisa and her husband, Tom Bilyeu, have gone on to sell Quest Nutrition, a protein bar company, and have built a successful media company called, Impact Theory and Women of Impact. What I love about this interview is that Lisa and I dive into it all. We talk about figuring things out as you go (which I think we can all relate to), mindset shifts, challenges, actionable items to grow your business (yes, please!), shifting your perspective as a female entrepreneur, and even relationships. If you’re feeling like you don’t have enough experience to create a successful business or to become an entrepreneur, this episode is a must-listen! Here’s a sneak peek of our conversation… [01:43] Could you imagine growing your company by 57,000% in just three years or $82.6 million in revenue? Lisa Bilyeu the co-founder of Quest Nutrition and Impact Theory did just that. [11:26] Lisa gives a fabulous entrepreneurial tip... model your life as successful people model theirs. Find out how her and her husband did this until they started Quest Nutrition. [24:18] Lisa has the best mindset. She reminds herself that even if she starts a project from zero, as long as she could figure it out she would be okay. [28:21] "Saying I don't know is an excuse." She gives the hard truth that there is someone out there doing what you want to do. [36:18] Lisa and her husband shifted into a new business to make an impact on the lives of others. This episode is brought to you by Gravy, the company I trust to contact my customers within hours of a failed payment, capturing the updated billing information, and saving the customer my team and I worked so hard to acquire. If your revenue is currently at $250,000 or more a year and you know you’re losing money due to failed payments each month, I encourage you to check out Gravy. Click here to see how they can be an extension of your customer service and save you money.
2/13/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
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#301: Start Before You're Ready With Marie Forleo

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Did you know that the number one regret people have during their last days is that they didn’t have the courage to follow their dreams and live a life that aligned with their deepest desires? In her book, The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying, Bronnie Ware says… “This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honored even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.” Did you just get chills? I did. So my question for you is this… how are you going to make sure that you don’t experience the same regret? How are you going to conjure up the courage to follow your dreams and live a life that you love? A life on purpose. A life that fulfills you. My guest and dear friend, Marie Forleo has a simple practice to help you minimize regret and step into the confidence of taking action towards your dreams -- towards your heart’s truest desires. Marie’s been a guest on the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast many times before. And if you don’t know who she is, she’s been named the thought-leader of the next generation by Oprah herself. She’s a New York Times bestselling author, creator of one of the most popular training programs on the planet, B-School, and the creative force behind her award-winning show, MarieTV. In this episode, we’re talking about a powerful practice that she calls the “Ten-Year Test,” why you should always start before you’re ready, and how to create momentum towards your dreams. We’ll also talk about Marie’s free online business building workshop that she just released in which she’ll teach you The 6 Pillars of Building an Online Business. Marie has a tremendous gift for breaking things down to simple and understandable steps, so you do not want to miss this! I look forward to it all year. You’re going to love it! DON’T MISS THIS… The first video in Marie’s workshop series goes live today. Marie will share a simple 6 step roadmap to help you launch and grow your business online.  You can find it at or click on the image below. Don’t wait, because the series will only be available for a limited time. This episode is brought to you by LinkedIn, one of my favorite platforms to market on to reach my ideal customers. LinkedIn is excellent for businesses of all sizes and especially helpful for small businesses who are just getting started and are looking to drive traffic and engagement. At the end of the day, LinkedIn ads are helping smaller businesses get bigger results… and that’s why I love it. Right now, LinkedIn is offering my listeners a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit to launch your very first campaign. Click here to grab your ad credit! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
2/6/202053 minutes, 50 seconds
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#300: Our Top 8 Business and Online Marketing Strategies to Celebrate Our 300th Episode

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Cue the confetti! We are celebrating our 300th episode, and I can hardly believe it. What a wild, fun, and amazing ride! Thank you for being part of this journey with me.  It’s because of you that we are here at episode 300.  We wanted to do something extra special for this episode -- something a little different. So, we picked some of our favorite segments from our top episodes and wrapped them up all into one like a little gift. (A gift from me to you!) Speaking of gifts… we have a giveaway  That means that this episode is plump full of some of our very best business and online marketing tidbits handpicked from our impressive (if I may say so myself) 300 episode line-up.  Some of these clips are interviews, some are from solo episodes from yours truly, and all of them are extremely insightful. I cannot wait for you to hear them! From Marie Forleo to Jennifer Allwood to guidance from my personal experience, you’re in for a treat (and going to want to take notes!) Here’s a glimpse of what’s in this power-packed episode… Tip #1: Showing Your Scars. I talk about how being vulnerable and real can help you get noticed whether you’re starting out or a veteran in your industry. Tip #2: Use a Facebook group to build relationships. Caitlin Bacher shares her knowledge and experience warming up cold leads with a value-packed Facebook group. Tip #3: Utilize a live series instead of a webinar. What?! I know, right? Not what you’d expect from me. Listen to find out when and why a live series might be a perfect fit for you and your business. Tip #4: Get crystal clear on your Ideal Customer Avatar. I’m at it with my girl, Gina Onativia. She breaks down the importance of having a clear understanding of your ICA and gives you specific examples of how your ICA will help you with two very important areas when creating your digital course. Tip #5: Get creative with your free, valuable content. Have you been stuck on what to create for your freebie? Look no further! This clip gives you some of my favorite examples of what to do for your freebie or lead magnet, and a few questions to ask yourself to get hyper clear on what you’re going to create.  Tip #6: Utilize various streams of income. I loved this episode! Jennifer Allwood drops a few knowledge bombs about when and how to create multiple streams of income to boost your revenue and create passive income.  Tip #7: Attract leads with a free video or audio training. In this solo clip, I dive into why having a video or audio training for your lead magnet is one of the best ways to connect with your audience on a personal level.  Tip #8: Build your email list like your life depends on it! I’m back at it with Queen Marie Forleo. We get into why you should tread cautiously when building your business via social media and what you should do instead to ensure you keep your audience close to you and to strengthen your communication skills.  Okay, I know that was a lot. Here’s how today’s episode goes...  [03:18] Be more human with what you share with your audience, and don't be afraid to tell stories related to the messy middle over and over again. It's scary but, trust me, it's so worth it. Talk about the tough stuff when you're in it, but also tell stories of how you overcame the hard stuff so that your audience can learn from your mistakes. [07:17] A Facebook group is your ticket to showing up in your ICA's news feed! If you've got a page, you better have a group too. Use it to build your email list and your relationship with your audience. [10:04] Not quite ready to host a webinar? Try doing a Facebook live series instead. This is a great way to promote a launch and offer your audience valuable content! [13:10] Take your ICA a step further by identifying how they will feel before and after your course or offer. Remember that people are driven by emotion -- lead with that! [19:04] Attract your ICA with valuable, free content... but make sure it's directed towards them. Struggle to come up with a freebie? Listen up for some prompts! [23:37] Set your business up for revenue success with multiple streams of revenue! There are many ways to do this whether you're a beginner or an advanced entrepreneur. [26:15] Have you ever thought about using free videos or audio for your lead magnet? In fact, these are my favorite lead magnets. Your audience will love these -- trust me! [39:55] Build your email list like your business depends on it... because it actually does. Get this, email marketing has an ROI of 3800%. Plus, 72% prefer promotional content through email over social. So when I say you should use grow your email list... I mean it! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Episode 203 How To Get Noticed Online When You’re Just Starting Out Episode 202 How to Engage Your Small Facebook Group When You’re Just Starting Out with Caitlin Bacher Episode 201 Five Ways to Make Money (Without Using Webinars) Episode 206 The Post-It Content Creation Mini Training with Gina Onativia Episode 195 The 6 Pillars of My Content Creation Process Episode 215 Creating Multiple Streams of Revenue in Your Business with Jennifer Allwood Episode 214 The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Lead Magnet for Your Audience Marie Forleo How to Get Anything You Want Episode 197 How to 10X Your Results in 2018 (and Beyond) with 3 Dead Simple Strategies with Marie Forleo Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook Community
1/30/202039 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

#299: Say Goodbye to Imposter Syndrome and Skyrocket Your Business Success

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  What if I told you that I’m actually not a fan of this topic. Or, at least I thought I wasn’t… until I recorded this episode. (Yes, it’s that good!) In fact, I might even stretch it to say that this is one of the best episodes I’ve ever done. (You’re going to love it!) I know that you’re either struggling with imposter syndrome or you have in the past. How do I know this? Because I’ve dealt with it, and I feel it starting to creep in from time to time. Oh, and most of my successful entrepreneurial friends have experienced it too.  The good news is that I have powerful tools (that I’ve personally used many times) to help you overcome imposter syndrome so this can be your most successful year yet -- personally and professionally.  Want to know what they are? Well, first of all, let’s talk about what imposter syndrome is.  Dr. Amy Cuddy, who is a social psychologist, New York Times bestselling author, and a Harvard lecturer who focuses on the psychology of leadership and influence, says that imposter syndrome can be defined as “a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success.” Now, let’s take a peek at five proven actions for giving imposter syndrome the boot… Get out of your head and into your heart. Find out how one of my students, Natalie MacLean, let her heart lead her to a $30,000 launch. Take action! I give you three specific ways to transform the energy of imposter syndrome into action so you can attract new clients and, in turn, boost your revenue. Stay in your lane! You can do this two ways: stop chasing shiny objects and stop comparing yourself to others.  Embrace competition and acknowledge that there is enough room for everyone. (Because there is, and amazing things can happen when you do this!) Acknowledge your credibility and success. Find out how to do this in the episode. Here’s a breakdown of how this episode unfolds... [07:48] Imposter syndrome is defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist in spite of evident success. Imposters suffer from chronic self-doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence. The bummer is that almost all entrepreneurs experience these feelings of inadequacy at some point in their careers. (The good news is that this podcast will help you overcome those feelings!) [08:50] Imposter syndrome is sneaky and it shows up differently for everyone. For one person, it might show up as paralysis and an inability to move forward. For another, it might look like blocked creativity or throwing in the towel. [09:32] Stop overthinking your business. When you do, your head gets in the way. Lead with your heart and show up as your true self so you can share your authenticity with the world. Here's a little trick for when imposter syndrome shows up. [17:01] Taking action will guarantee that you move from your head to your heart. That's when you'll be able to share your gifts with your audience. [24:52] I've said it once and I'll say it again... stop chasing shiny objects. Continuing to change your business offer or product and jumping ship never works -- trust me on this one. I promise you that every decision you make gets you closer to where you want to be. So buckle up, stay in your lane, and keep moving forward. [32:02] Say it with me, "Competition is my friend." Here's why competition is essential for your business to thrive. Plus, a little challenge for you! [36:14] It's time you finally acknowledge your credibility and success. Here's what to do to build confidence in your skills and knowledge! Because this is a topic almost every entrepreneur can relate to, I want you to head to our private Facebook community and share what actions you’re taking to overcome imposter syndrome.  And, while you’re at it, let me know what you thought of this episode.    Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Amy Cuddy RISE Business Natalie MacLean Episode 271 How to Create a Profit-Driven Lead Magnet to Boost Sales Christina Galbato
1/23/202041 minutes, 21 seconds
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Q & A: Business Tips & Tools With Amy

Did you hear the news?  I’ve started taking business questions directly from my audience! People just like you. I’ve taken some of the best questions from my Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook community and answered them right here on this bonus episode.  Now, you’re probably wondering how the heck you can be part of this amazing opportunity. Head over to our private Facebook community to join, drop a question in the discussion and tag #askamy, and we’ll add it to our list of questions.  I’m going to be recording these Q & A bonus episodes from time to time, and while I hope to get to as many questions as possible, I can’t promise I will get to every one. I’ll certainly do my best! Head over to our Facebook community to get your questions on the list.  Let’s dive into the Q & A. I have a feeling you might have some of the same questions! April MacLean asks about knowing what to say and when to her audience.  Maggie Gelin is wondering why her students would want to work with her when they can get the same information for free on the world wide web. Kylie Chapman wants to know how to create a visually cohesive brand on a budget. Jill Davidian is looking for guidance around a first hire, and if she should consider a VA, a team, or an Online Business Manager. Carole Stroud wants a behind-the-scenes peek at my podcast and wants to know if I use bullet points or a prompter. Gee Sus Emanuel Reyes is looking for a bit of advice around the best email platform to invest in (if any) as his email list grows.  Here are some of the goodies from this episode... [02:19] Believe it or not, when it comes to content, you must shift your mindset! Make sure you're leaving room for experimenting and trying new things. Enjoy the journey, chunk everything down, and take one thing at a time. [08:33] You're going to have different types of Ideal Customer Avatars... and that's okay! Make sure you're creating different messaging for each ICA. [13:43] Don't overthink this. It's important to have a cohesive brand, but the content is definitely the most important part. Having a brand that you feel good about does help boost your confidence. Here are my three favorite resources to use for clarifying your brand. [20:18] What I've found is that clarity comes from getting into motion. Commit to creating a weekly podcast, video show, or Facebook Live. This will help you find your audience and understand how your business and your ICA will come together. [24:46] The answer is both! I use a teleprompter for certain things and go off-the-cuff for other things. Listen to find out! [27:52] Ready for your life to change? Okay, flip the script! Change "I'm overwhelmed" to "I'm learning." Convert Kit is the platform I suggest in order to avoid frustration and to ease the learning process. Now, be sure to head to our Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook community to ask your #askamy questions! I can’t wait to hear them.  Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook Community Kajabi TRIBE Social Curator What’s Your Visual Brand Style Kristie Keever Convert Kit Episode 235 How To Identify Your Ideal Customer Avatar
1/20/202034 minutes, 38 seconds
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#298: Releasing Control, Celebrating Your Successes, & Tossing Your To-Do List With Megan Hyatt Miller

What if I told you that the best way to accomplish your goals or dreams is to let go and be flexible with your strategy. I know that at first glance this seems crazy, but stick with me. My brilliant guest, Megan Hyatt Miller, the Chief Operating Officer at Michael Hyatt & Company and the creator of the Bold line of the Full Focus Planner, has a sound approach to achieving your dreams without the pressure of controlling every single step.  Now, you know me, and you know that this approach makes me squirm a bit (Hi, my name is Amy, and I’m type A!) but once Megan gave me a little more context around this idea, I started to understand how this approach can actually be extremely effective -- especially for entrepreneurs.  Here’s a sneak peek of what Megan and I talked about… A strategy for getting crystal clear on your goals (clearer than you’ve ever been -- trust me!).  How to find a balance between trusting the process and being flexible with your strategy, versus being too lax and never accomplishing anything. (Nobody wants that!) How to get rid of your mile-long to-do list and identify your daily “Big 3” which will set you up to move you closer to your goal every single day. (Say goodbye to feeling defeated by your laundry list of tasks at the end of the day.) Why it’s necessary to slow down and celebrate your accomplishments… big or small.  Check out some of the highlights from this episode... [04:24] I adore this woman! Megan is a mom of five kiddos and the COO at Michael Hyatt & Company. And get this, she only works 35 hours per week. This allows her to accomplish her goal of winning at work and succeeding in life. [10:42] You set a goal, create a strategy, and then life happens! You've probably been there. The issue is that most people get stuck in their strategy and can't move forward when things don't align with their plan. Ebb and flow with your goal and give yourself the freedom to do whatever is necessary to get back on track.  [13:13] There's a difference between aspirations and actionable goals. Did you know that? Actionable goals have a deadline. Do you have aspirations or actionable goals?  [15:54] If your goal doesn't feel a little risky, then let's be honest, it's probably set a little too low. Step out of your comfort zone at first so that you can create a new comfort zone. [19:27] Listen, it's normal for things to not always work out. So, please, don't end up doubting yourself and giving up if this happens. Instead, give yourself time to tweak and refine your strategy and don't lose sight of your goal. [23:55] The Full Focus Planner prompts you to select your "Daily Big 3" -- which my whole team loves! These are three things you accomplish every day -- things that drive results. Ask yourself, "What are the three most important actions that will drive your goal or business forward?" [32:06] Here's my challenge for you, actually take the time to celebrate when you accomplish something. Especially if you have a team! Always acknowledge your accomplishments and have gratitude.  [36:49] Winning looks different for everyone. Take the time to identify why winning looks like for you. Get creative and don't be afraid to ask for help.  I know you’re going to absolutely love this interview as much as I did.  Here’s what to do next, check out the episode, subscribe to the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast, and then head to our private Facebook community to your Daily Big 3 for today! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. And, your review might even make it onto an episode (how fun!) so be sure to leave a review and listen for it in my upcoming listener spotlights. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Megan Hyatt Miller Full Focus Planner - Bold by Megan Hyatt Miller Megan Hyatt Miller on Facebook Megan Hyatt Miller on Twitter Megan Hyatt Miller on Instagram Episode 258 Achieve More While Doing Less with Michael Hyatt Episode 101 How to Intentionally Design the Life You Want with Michael Hyatt Episode 177 How to Design Your Ideal Week with Michael Hyatt Episode 251 How I'd Grow My Business If I Were Starting From Scratch How to Nail Your Goals with This Simple Secret Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook Community
1/16/202044 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

#297: Grow Your Business & Revenue: 6 MUST DO Action Items to Make Magic Between Launches

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Raise your hand if you’re not totally sure what to do between your launches. I totally get it. I was the same way for the first few years of my business. The good news is that you can let out a big sigh of relief because I’ve put together the six most important things you should be doing between your launches.  Here’s a recap of what I talk about in this episode, with specific examples. Number 1, recharge, recharge, and recharge some more! Please don’t skip this one! It is so important for not only your health... but the health of your business (and your relationships) that you take time to recharge and reconnect with yourself and your loved ones.  Number 2, build that list and batch that content! You know this is important… and the best part is that all of your list building efforts will pay off when you launch your course.  Try it out and I promise you’ll be thanking me!  Number 3, spend some time and money learning. Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself and your education because it is a vital part of growing your business and your income. Remember that you should not only create digital courses but consume them as well.  Number 4, get to know your audience and get to know them well! Take your downtime to really understand who your ICA is and what she or he needs.  Number 5, make some extra income. Yes, please! This one is a fun action item.  Whether you promote a workshop course or become an affiliate -- this is a great way to make a little extra income while you’re gearing up for your pre-launch runway.  Lastly, number 6… chip away where you can at your upcoming launch.  Let’s take a look at a few highlights of this episode... [07:01] You must take the time to refill your cup after a launch. Whether it's a staycation or a vacation, make sure you take time to do something different. And even more importantly, make sure you have this planned in advance. That's a requirement!  [12:47] This is your core relationship building season -- your time to shine! Be sure to use it that way. Show up and offer your audience value. Because guess who is paying attention during these times? Your audience! Show up on whatever platform works best for you and your business.  [31:03] Want to know how I boost my creativity? I consume content that is not at all related to my business... and I suggest you do the same! Listen to podcasts and read books that have nothing to do with the work that you do. Try fueling your mind by stepping outside of your area of expertise, and see what happens! [36:27] Take this time to learn! Learn all that you can about your industry, your area of expertise, and growing your business. My personal favorite way is to consume digital courses -- go figure! Find out what my top recommended digital course is. Hint: it starts with "B" and ends in "School!" [42:28] Become your audience's BFF! I'm serious. If you're struggling with this one, don't be afraid to use quizzes or polls to get to know them better so that you can serve them better! [45:06] Use your precious downtime to make a little extra money by hosting or promoting a workshop or a two-hour paid training that you sell to your audience. Not sure what you'd talk about? Try this! Address an obstacle that your audience is struggling with.  [51:33] Do what you can to prep for your launch during your off-season so that everything isn't last minute. I promise you'll enjoy yourself and the whole process much more. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Episode 235: How To Identify Your Ideal Customer Avatar RISE Business Conference Dean Graziosi Dave Hollis List Builders Society Whitney McNeill Last 90 Days Game Changers Inside Bill’s Brain Episode 182: How to Mega-Batch Your Content Marie Forleo’s B-School Episode 55: How to Create a Survey to Find Your Target Market Ask: The Counterintuitive Online Method to Discover Exactly What Your Customers Want to Buy...Create a Mass of Raving Fans...and Take Any Business to the Next Level The Beauty in Birth Tavia Martin Digital Course Academy Kajabi Jenna Kutcher TRIBE Asana
1/9/202059 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

BONUS: The Detox You Need To EXPAND Your Dreams & Create A Life You Love with Teneshia Jackson Warner

When I say detox, I’m guessing your mind goes to green juice, kale, and hot yoga.  But the kind of detoxing my guest and I talk about in this episode is very different. In fact, it’s one of the most important types of detoxing -- dream detoxing! So what does that mean? My guest and author of The Big Stretch: 90 Days to Expand Your Dreams, Crush Your Goals, and Create Your Own Success, is going to help you understand exactly what a dream detox is and how to use it in your own life.  Teneshia left her cushy, well-paying job to pursue her dream, and learned some mighty lessons along the way. She’s interviewed some of the top business moguls, such as Shark Tank’s Daymond John, Magic Johnson, Rent the Runway founder Jennifer Fliess and Me Too movement founder, Tarana Burke, all about what it takes to push the limits and stretch to follow your dream, fail, and create a life you love.  Now she’s sharing what she’s discovered.  Here’s a preview of what Teneshia and I talk about… The five types of dreamers (so you can identify which one you are). What dream detoxing is and why it’s essential.  How “feeding your spirit,” “fortifying your mind,” and “building your body” fits into success. Dream bullies… who they are and how they might be holding you back. (Hint: you have some closer to you than you think! Find out who Teneshia’s biggest dream bully was.) An exercise to help you identify where you are wasting your time and how you can create more time to commit to your dream.  Here’s a breakdown of our conversation... [05:13] Teneshia left her cushy, full-time job at IBM Mobile Services to follow her dream, passion, and purpose. She knew she was meant for more! Sound familiar? [07:05] She defines "the stretch" as the expansion necessary to meet the best version of YOU. It's the distance between your comfort zone and your dreams. What would you consider your "stretch"? [08:00] She has interviewed hundreds of iconic dreamers who said "yes" to stepping out of their comfort zones in order to follow their passion. It's these interviews that inspired her to create her business.  [13:04] Curious to find out the types of dreams? There are five and they include careerpreneurs, make-it-happen dreamers, hobby dreamers, CEO dreamers, and activist dreamers. Which one are you?  [20:50] A dream detox preps your mind, body, and spirit for cultivating your dreams. Teneshia challenges you to examine your beliefs, feed yourself only information that pushes you forward, and set your life up to support your passion and purpose! [30:16] We even go over an exercise from Teneshia's book called, the "Time Audit" exercise. Essentially, you take a look at your week and find areas where you can be more efficient in order to achieve your goals and dreams! Listen to find out how to do this exercise in your life. I’d love to hear what you learned from this interview. Head to my Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook community to share what dreamer you are. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
1/6/202041 minutes, 15 seconds
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#296: How To Set Boundaries And Create Massive Personal And Professional Success This Year

“Machines are built to work 24/7, but not human beings. It's crucial that we put boundaries in place for ourselves, to have offline time, exercise and sleep, time with loved ones and friends and family that's not tethered to a screen.  That's how we can start to get into the dance between being effective and productive with our time, and also being healthy, sane human beings.” This brilliant quote is from my dear friend, Marie Forleo.  She’s absolutely right! We not only need to be aware of how we set boundaries around our screen time, but we also need to set intentional boundaries around our business and personal life.  In this episode, we dive deep into what boundaries are, how to set them, commit to them, and how to respect the boundaries of others in your life.  Can I be honest with you? I haven’t always been great at setting and sticking to my boundaries. In fact, I had to learn about the importance of setting boundaries the hard way.  However, over the years I’ve come to understand what areas of my life require boundaries, and, most importantly, how to stick to them.   And before we dive into boundaries, one thing must be certain… your why for setting them. Take a moment to answer these questions. Why are you committing to these boundaries?  Why are you sticking to them day in and day out? Why are they important to you?  Being crystal clear on your why is essential if you’re going to make your boundaries a priority and actually work for you. So here’s a glimpse of what you’re going to learn in this episode… What areas you may want to consider setting boundaries in and what non-negotiables are. (And where I set boundaries in my life.) Why you need to have strong boundaries as an entrepreneur and some specific examples of the ones I set. (Feel free to copy any of mine.) An exercise for getting clear on what your boundaries look like.  How to commit to your boundaries without feeling guilty or worrying about hurting the feelings of others. How to lead by example and respect the boundaries of those around you.  Here’s a breakdown of the episode… [04:45] What’s your why? Is it strong enough and have you been guilty of putting work before things that are actually important to you? I have! Make having a clear unshakeable why a priority. [11:11] It’s time to get crystal clear on your time boundaries. Lay out what your ideal week looks like, your non-negotiables, and daily habits. Put these on your calendar before anything else and be honest about the cost of not sticking to these. [19:37] You knew it was coming… you have to set strong boundaries around screentime and social media. My girl, Marie Forleo says it best, “Create before you consume.” Did you know that social media can deplete your juice? Yikes! [24:12] Do you have set boundaries around your business? If not, you should! Here’s why. [30:00] Often times when you’ve disrespected your own boundaries, you feel anxious or resentful. To avoid this, try performing a priority check where you identify and realign with your top three priorities. [33:50] Ready for some tough love? If you don't set boundaries, the world tells you who you are and what you should be doing. Talk about scary! [38:07] Solid boundaries serve as guardrails to our productivity. Look at what other people you admire are doing. Get very clear on your boundaries and write it down. Be specific. [43:19] Successful people say "no" to almost everything. It’s true! Don't be afraid to say no to things that don't align with your boundaries. [44:10] Respect other people's boundaries. The more we honor other people's boundaries the more they honor ours. I want you to walk away from this episode with clear, intentional boundaries.  Let me leave you with some wisdom from Miss Oprah... “You have to be able to set boundaries, otherwise the rest of the world is telling you who you are and what you should be doing. You can still be a nice person and set boundaries.” Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast Facebook Community RISE Rachel Hollis Marie Forleo Focus Planner Everything Is Figureoutable Rick Mulready Alisha Grogan Michael Hyatt Warren Buffett
1/2/202048 minutes, 36 seconds
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#295: How To Create Atomic Habits with James Clear

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  You guys know me, and you know how much I LOVE systems and really simple step-by-step strategies, and that is exactly how James Clear, my guest, and Author of Atomic Habits approaches creating good habits that yield remarkable results. “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” Let me repeat that last one again, “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” Oh yes, you know how much the systems girl in me just loves that! In this episode, James shares his 1% approach to changing your habits, how your identity will either help you to succeed at achieving your goals or not, we talked about how to stay the course, even when you’re not seeing immediate results. And this one is near and dear to my heart as I’m still walking through my weight loss journey.  Here’s the best part of today’s episode, we talk about how you can start to create your own Atomic Habits so you can play a bigger game with your business and life in the New Year! Here’s a snapshot of a few things we talked about… [05:13] James suffered a very serious injury when he was hit in the face with a baseball bat, which put him in a medically-induced coma. His recovery pushed him to focus on small habits to achieve big results. He found that following small habits gave him a sense of control in his life. [07:38] After graduate school, James became an entrepreneur and found that he was drawn to studying consumer psychology so that he could better understand why people buy things. He discovered that he was fascinated with behavioral psychology and habit formation. [08:44] James aims to be the bridge between scientific research and what it says about how habits work and practical application in daily use. The habits and practices he shares in his book are all about how to create small, powerful, and scientifically-proven habits into your own life. [09:57] Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement! Believe it or not, getting 1% better each day offers significant results. James believes that it might be the only way change happens in the real world. He says that accumulating 1% improvements over time will actually get you the results you're looking for. [15:37] An implementation intention means that stating your intention makes it more likely to happen.  [17:04] The plateau of latent potential shows that the hallmark of any habit or thing you're trying to change is that the greatest returns are delayed. In fact, the hard work you're putting isn't being wasted, it's just being stored. [21:46] Focusing on your trajectory instead of the position will help you to stay on course. Remember that every action you take is a vote for or against the person you want to become. True behavior change is identity change.  [27:49] The four laws of behavioral change include: make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. The cues get your attention when you need a little reminder. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
12/26/201950 minutes, 39 seconds
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#294: 5 Ways A Digital Course Will Boost Your One On One Business Revenue

Have you been wondering how a digital course can fit into your one on one business? If so, this episode is for you! Now, if you’re thinking, “I don’t have one on one clients, so this doesn’t apply to my business,” stick with me, because I have some nuggets in here that might actually help your online business grow and generate even more revenue! In today’s episode, we talk all about how a digital course can fit into your one on one business. And we even chat about how you can add one on one offerings to your online business to boost your revenue.  I know that you guys have been wanting this topic because I get asked about it all the time! Today I’ll give you 5 valuable ways a digital course can transform your one on one business! That’s right, I talk about how a digital course can transform your business revenue, give you more freedom (yes, please!), and how it will allow you to reach more people and transform more lives. After all, isn’t that why we’re all doing what we’re doing? To make an impact? You’re going to walk away from this call with some great ideas for integrating your one on one business with a digital course. Here’s a breakdown of some important points from today’s episode… [05:01] A digital course will expand your reach! From a time and energy standpoint, you can only take so many clients. A course will give new clients the opportunity to work with you. [05:53] One approach is to use your digital course as an extension of your one-on-one business. You can use your course to prepare your students and put them in a place to work with you one-on-one directly.  [07:19] You could offer a digital course that complements the work you do with your clients but doesn't exactly mirror the work you do in your one-on-ones. [11:37] Your one-on-one coaching could be used as an upsell to your digital course.  [16:00] A digital course will increase your overall revenue. Setting your business up for passive income is really important, and it's something you can't do with a one-on-one service business. At DCA, we teach students how to move their course to evergreen.  [21:14] Another way a digital course can seriously benefit your business is that it will allow you to set bigger income goals -- it opens the door for you to make more money. However, I highly recommend doing a few live launches before transitioning into an evergreen webinar. [28:17] A digital course will allow you to be more selective about who you take on as a client. You can take fewer clients and serve them at a higher level because you're not stretched too thin and trying to balance a ton of clients. [34:55] Offering both one-on-one coaching and a digital course gives you the option to offer tiered pricing. This can create opportunities for people with different financial means to work with you and makes high price point offerings a hot commodity. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
12/19/201944 minutes, 33 seconds
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#293: 5 Unexpected Ways To Rethink Your Content To Build A Loyal Audience

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  I am so happy that you’re tuning into this episode because we are shaking things up and doing something different! A few months back, I spoke at Stu McLaren’s TRIBE! event which aims to educate, teach, and bring together entrepreneurs around membership sites. And by the way, if you know me at all, you know that I adore Stu and his event was absolutely amazing. At his event, TRIBE!, I spoke about my top content creation secrets that I like to use to keep my audience engaged, feeling that they are always receiving value, and coming back for more.  I thought this information was so valuable that I wanted to share it with you.  So today, because I just love you so much, you get VIP access to the recording of the presentation I gave! Now, these 5 tools for content creation will help you to rethink how you do content and make creating valuable, high-quality content easy.  My goal is for you to walk away feeling inspired and excited to put these tools to work within your business! I know you’re going to love this presentation and get so much value out of it.  Now, I just have to remind you that I ONLY teach what is working in my business, and today’s strategy is definitely working in my business! But, you’re also going to hear how I didn’t use one of these strategies and the lesson I learned from that experience. Here is a preview of the 5 lessons I teach in this episode:  Lesson #1: Let your paid content drive your free content! Whoa! What a concept, right? Now, I can hear you thinking, “But Amy, if I give away my paid content for free, why would anyone pay for it?!”  Stay with me on this one. I promise there is a way to do this where you give just enough of your content to make them want more, which will lead to them signing up for your paid content! I’ll show you exactly what I mean in this episode! Lesson #2: The importance of repetition! You’ve heard me say this before (see how I practice what I preach?!) so it should come to no surprise to you that repetition is a powerful marketing strategy.  In this episode, I’m going to show you why repetition is the mother of skill! I’m going to show you exactly what I mean by repeating your content and share with you WHY you want your audience hearing about your key concepts from you even before they buy! Lesson #3: Share more scars than scabs! I know, I know, this analogy is kind of gross, but it gets the point across, right? Here’s the thing, when you show your scars -- and stay tuned to find out what I mean by scars versus scabs -- you will truly elevate your audience's experience! Lesson #4: Share your life but remember your why! Again, this all ties back to elevating your audience's experience and inspiring them to grow! Now, I’m not overly excited to tell you this, but I failed to do this -- which is why it’s one of my lessons! And, since I’m committed to sharing my scars so you can avoid making the same mistake, I’m going to share exactly how I didn’t elevate my audience's experience and how, in hindsight, I could have! Lesson #5: Superthinking is the secret to content that truly sticks! Alright, time to get sticky! Multitaskers, come back to me now because if you take anything away from this episode, I want it to be SuperThinking!  If you’ve never heard of SuperThinking, get ready to be mind-blown! This is my superweapon for becoming a creative genius in my business and content! Now, the reason I’ve really been rethinking my content creation strategy is that, as I mentioned, we are launching Momentum, our membership site for students who have gone through my DCA program!  And as you can imagine, creating enough content to make a membership site valuable can be daunting -- trust me, this is why I’ve pushed it off for as long as I have. And now that we’re launching it, I’m using this approach to make creating content for Momentum so easy! Here’s a sneak peek of some of the highlights from my presentation… [06:34] Your launch success is driven by how you show up when you are not launching. It's about the content you are creating and the value you're providing in between your launches. [13:03] Let your paid content drive your free content ideas. I let my paid content drive everything I put out on social, and I'm never at a loss for ideas. Once my course framework is figured out, I have a wealth of knowledge to share as my free content. I also talk about where people might get stuck, their pain points, and the mindset blocks that are holding them back. [18:06] Repetition is the mother of skill! I want people to have heard the content before so that they know what to expect and are confidently ready to move forward by the time they purchase my course. Don't be afraid to use your content across all of your platforms. [22:25] Share more scars than scabs. Make sure your stories and experiences always elevate your audience's experience and add value. [28:21] Share your life but remember why you're sharing it. It's important to share behind the scenes but don't forget the reason you're sharing it with them. How is it adding to their life or business? [34:19] Super thinking is the secret to content that really sticks. When you create content that truly sticks, it comes from deep inside you. Spend an hour a week asking super thinking about your business! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
12/12/201946 minutes, 4 seconds
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#292: Student Spotlight: How This “Post Webinar Nurture Sequence” Led To Over $11,000 EXTRA In Revenue with Karida Griffith Walker

Let’s be honest, your launch runway and your webinars are the most exciting part of your launch!  And if we’re being really honest, the time between your last webinar and your cart closing day, you’re most likely exhausted, and all you want to do is curl up to a good Netflix binge session -- at least I do! And while it’s tempting to do just that, I find that this time (between your last webinar and your cart close date) is where getting scrappy and making a little post-webinar push can transform the outcome and revenue of your launch.  One of my Digital Course Academy students, Karida Griffith Walker, decided to roll up her sleeves and get scrappy with her post-webinar nurture sequence -- despite having a cold and a household of stuffy noses! Her commitment to showing up for her audience members who were on the fence resulted in over $11,000 extra in revenue and 20 new students in her digital course. That’s 58% of her revenue for this specific launch! She even talks about having a coughing attack during one of her live Facebook videos, but that didn’t stop her from showing up.  In this episode, Karida shares her post-webinar strategies and some seriously impressive numbers. Take a listen, get inspired, and start planning to use some of these post-webinar strategies for your next launch.  Here’s a breakdown of what Karida and I chatted about… [06:15]Karida was a professional dancer and Radio City Rockette for almost 5 years. She then left to pursue her passion for tap dancing, which led her to teaching tap to others. [09:21] Karida got married and moved to Portland where she is raising her three kids. She wanted to combine her love of dancing and teaching and stumbled across Webinars That Convert. She knew that there was a need for tap dance teacher training, so she created her signature course The Tap Teacher Lounge. [14:04] In her course, Karida uses slides, audio, and direct to camera videos of her actually showing dance moves to teach her students. She then allows them to send in videos for her feedback! [18:21] In Karida's most recent launch, she had 204 people registered for her four webinars. She also did something really cool, she offered an "interested but can't attend" option for those who wanted to register. She had 105 people select this option. She had 15 people sign up during her webinars and 20 people sign up during her post-webinar efforts. Her 35 signups brought her $21,000 in revenue. [23:56] If you pay attention to how your audience behaves—how they respond, what they need, what they want—you can get so many profitable ideas on how to cater to them and truly show up in a way that makes them want to buy.  [24:35] After the webinar, Karida kept running Facebook lives where she tackled her customer's biggest objections and explained her tap curriculum and what her students would learn. She retargeted 240 people and spent $170 in ads -- that's it! This resulted in eight new purchases.  [40:28] Karida had a totally different mindset with this launch. She got scrappy, because she wants to have a six-figure business. She was committed to her process and kept pushing all the way through the launch with her six-figure mindset! [45:43] Karida touched on the importance of sending a sequence of post-webinar emails and why some people appreciate receiving them. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
12/5/20191 hour, 4 seconds
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#291: Master Live Video: How to Shift Your Mindset And Build Your Confidence

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Your mindset is key. Whether you’re looking to build a business or create a life you love -- it all comes back to your mindset. When it comes to building a successful online business, there’s no doubt that you’re going to have to get in front of the camera from time to time. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to love it!  In fact, most people feel extremely uncomfortable in front of the camera, whether it’s for a Facebook Live or a webinar, which is why I’m sharing some of my favorite strategies for boosting your confidence in front of the camera.  And you guys know that I haven’t always loved doing live videos. In fact, I can’t say I am jumping at the bit to do them now.  However, I’ve definitely used these exact strategies to boost my confidence and feel much more comfortable jumping on to do a live video. I want to challenge you to take these strategies and make them your own. Use them over and over to shift your mindset and boost your confidence so that whether you’re doing a Facebook Live, an Instagram Live, or a webinar, you feel like a pro and show up for your audience and boost your know, like, and trust factor.   Go ahead and take these strategies to start creating real impact for your audience and for your business! You’ll learn… The importance of creating a pre-live ritual.  How to shift your focus to what you’re offering your clients.  How you can use your audience's engagement to build your confidence and your content. Tips for prompting your audience with a cue. (Including the cues I use!) What steps to walk through to make sure you’re ready to do a live video or webinar. [10:38] Create your own pre-live ritual. Create a ritual that you commit to performing each time before you go live -- this will allow you to automate your live video process and help you to become more relaxed and confident going live! [14:29] You're going to have some messiness when you're first starting out and building confidence on live video. Committing to a ritual will help you feel more natural in front of the camera and rock your lives. [15:54] Set an alarm 10 minutes prior to going live and get in the zone. Make sure everything is ready and then just allow yourself to settle in. Quiet your mind, look over your notes and allow yourself to find a sense of calmness. [18:19] Your mindset will affect your energy for live videos. If you're distracted and don't take the time to get excited about your live video, your audience will know. Here's a tip for you: smile when you talk! [20:32] Focus on what you're bringing to your audience. When you're worried about how you look on camera you're making the video about you and not your audience. Remember that you are doing live videos to support and serve your audience. [29:26] Allow your audience’s engagement to build your confidence and your content. Treat every person like they are special, show up like a boss, and engage with them. However, don't worry about having a huge audience when you're live. Keep in mind that your video will live on and get views and shares. [30:50] Ask your audience questions that relate to their pain point. Also, prompt them to share one takeaway or action item they are going to implement.
11/27/201945 minutes, 17 seconds
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BONUS: Quadruple Your Marketing Budget Using Facebook & Instagram Ads with Rick Mulready

We all know that Facebook and Instagram ads can help get the word out about our products, help build our lists, and even sell products. Yet, many of you have unanswered questions. That's why today we are answering your 10 burning questions about Facebook and Instagram ads. Those who know me, know that I'm not an expert on this, but my Regis to my Kathy Lee, Rick Mulready is here today to answer all of those questions and more. Today, we did our first live training in Momentum. The training ran over, and I had no buffer between that training and this call with Rick. We chatted a bit before recording, and Rick helped put me at ease. Rick has a huge heart. When he comes to my events, he ends up with a big long line of people wanting to ask him questions about ads and marketing. Even when he’s not a speaker. He opens up his computer, takes his time, and really gets into it with them. He holds court with them, and that’s what we are doing today. This podcast is specifically for online experts or people who sell a course, product, or coaching. It’s for people who want to build their list and increase their sales, but haven't quite started using ads yet. It’s also for those who have started using ads, but maybe they aren’t working out as well as you thought they would.  [05:09] What objective do I choose to get people to register for my webinar? You have to choose between lead generation and conversion. Conversion is having people click on your ad and go to your webinar registration page. The thank you page is used as custom conversion tracking. In Facebook ads use the conversion objective not the lead generation objective.  [07:14] What's the most effective ad type? You have to test things out. Any ad can be effective. It's about testing to see what works for you. Using a Facebook Live as an ad is a great video option. Try an image, video, and carousel ad and see what works best.  [09:50] Should I target other Facebook pages or cold audiences? Warm audiences are people on our list or website visitors. Prioritize warm audiences first, and then create lookalike audiences to cold target.  [13:27] People often don't understand their target customer. You need a holistic understanding of your target customer to do well with ads. Once you know your target customer create sub segments. Don’t have one conversation for everyone.  [19:54] Why are ad costs rising? They are more advertisers than ever. More competition equals higher ad cost. It's also the holiday season. There's an election coming up.  [23:08] What's CBO or campaign budget optimization? This will be the default way to set budgets. Set the budget at the campaign level. The algorithm divides the budget by ad performance. You can still set minimums at ad set level.  [28:33] How do I know my ads are working? What's the cost per lead? You want at least 20% converting. Tools like Leadpages will tell you the conversion rate. Leads divided by landing page conversion. Focus on increasing rates and the consistency between the page and ad.  [35:25] What's the deal with video? Create ads with mobile in mind first. Create video for areas where people consume video. People who watch a certain percentage are engagement audiences.  [37:44] Why are my ads getting disapproved? This happens to everyone. Review ad policies and keep up with changes. Don't make promises or insinuate people are struggling with certain things. Speak to positivity and transformation.  [40:39] Do I need to run ads when I'm not launching? It's a better strategy to consistently run ads and build engagement and your list. Facebook rewards consistently running ads and that reduces the cost of your launch.  [43:23] Bonus tip: Mindset around testing. Keep testing until you figure it out and you will win.  Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Entrepreneur Experience Rick Mulready The Art of Online Business with Rick Mulready Facebook and Instagram Ads 101 - Free Masterclass
11/22/201950 minutes, 26 seconds
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#290: 5 Powerful Ways To Set Your Affiliates Up For Success

In this week’s episode, I talk all about how to boost your affiliate marketing game (and revenue) by loving up on your affiliates! So when I'm talking about "loving up" on your affiliates, this means how you can help them to best deliver and succeed as your affiliate -- promoting your program or service. Affiliates broaden your audience reach and because they’ve already established the know, like, and trust factor with their audience, your conversion rate will be higher than if you were to just target these audiences in cold ads. This is why, in my most recent Digital Course Academy launch, I went above and beyond to give my affiliates a whole lot of love and attention, and let me tell you, it definitely paid off. Today I want to share the specific ways I made my affiliates, like Jenna Kutcher, Stu McLaren, Kajabi, and Jill and Josh Stanton, feel extra special and important so that you can do the same for your upcoming launch.  In this episode, I’m going to share 5 simple and powerful strategies to love up on your affiliates so they, in turn, go above and beyond to sell your course or service.  You’re going to walk away from this episode with so many exciting ideas for your next launch! Tune in to learn these 5 strategies (plus a bonus strategy!)... The top documents to create to keep your affiliates organized and in the know.  The power of using a Facebook group to inspire and connect with your affiliates.  Assigning one person on your team (or a VA) to give your affiliates extra care and attention.  Surveying your affiliates to improve your affiliate marketing strategy for your next launch.  The importance of starting out small.  [08:38] We love to organize all of the information and details that our affiliates need to know into an easy to access Google Doc. This helps us make sure everything is in order before we even welcome affiliates. Having a doc like this also minimizes confusion and eliminates redundant questions. [10:12] A sneak peek of all the things that we include in our Affiliate FAQ document -- from commissions to payment options and everything in between. [17:17] Create a private Facebook group just for your affiliates to communicate with them before you actually open the cart, and continue communication and relationship building while the cart is open. This helps build hype and keeps affiliates in the loop. [21:55] Consider assigning one person on your team to be your affiliate concierge. Assigning someone specific to the needs of your affiliates ensures that they are prioritized, heard, and treated with extra special care. [25:10] Survey your affiliate partners post-launch to help you improve for your next launch, but also to make sure that you are creating solid relationships with your affiliates to ensure that they actually want to come back the next time. Getting post-launch affiliate feedback is crucial, so don't skip this step! [27:57] Start out small. Take baby steps and be realistic about the number of affiliates you can manage. Having a couple of affiliates that are well taken care of is more important than having a bunch who don't sell because they don't feel special. [36:53] Show gratitude and appreciation to your affiliates for their hard work -- this is essential! Don't be afraid to send them a gift or give them a call to show that you're truly grateful. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
11/21/201943 minutes, 49 seconds
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#289: The Entrepreneurs Morning Routine (Including Tips to Create Your Own)

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  There are three kinds of people in this world. Those who have morning routines, those who don’t, and those who want to tell everyone else what their morning routine should be. I definitely have one, and I love it. It’s a good mix of Scout, Peloton, and of course Hobie (when he’s home!). Here’s the thing… I am not here to tell you how you should do your morning. In fact, on today’s podcast I am giving you the inside scoop on the morning routines of some of my favorite people. When you listen, you’ll notice that no two are the same. Did I mention all of these people are very successful entrepreneurs with a lot on their plates? As entrepreneurs, we get to design our own lives. We get to call the shots with how we spend our days and what we work on. Having a morning routine is a great way to gain focus and clarity and make sure the work for the day is the right work.  I hope this episode inspires you to create a morning routine that works for you and your life and most importantly supports the big goals you want to achieve. You’ll hear from… [08:00] Jasmine Star needs slow mornings to facilitate creativity and productivity. She quietly does the things that her soul needs to optimize her creativity levels. She gives herself 45 minutes of utter decadence. She also gets two hours of unobstructed work time. [13:18] Jennifer Allwood has four kids. Need I say more? Her mornings consist of getting kids out the door for the first two hours. And she still manages to get quiet time for the first 35 to 45 minutes of the day. She goes out to her deck with coffee. She thinks about her intentions for the day and what will actually move the needle.  [17:50] James Wedmore makes sure his routine gets him excited to get up. He meditates for mental well being. For physical well being he uses an infrared sauna, the Peloton Tread, a Bellicon rebounder, and a BioCharger. Some days he just goes for a walk or swims in the ocean.  [22:20] Julie Solomon began morning routines a few years ago, but made them too rigid. Now she sees her routine in a new way and it serves her far greater than before. Her routine is intentionally set up for self-care in whatever way it looks like for each day.  [29:48] Stu McLaren starts with his five year old in his face asking if it’s time to get up yet. He doesn’t have a regimented routine in this season of life. His priorities are family time. His day starts and ends with his family. He takes his kids to school and gets his wife a cup of tea. He also takes his dog for a walk in the woods.  [32:56] Kate Northrup has a different routine everyday, because of her two young children. She feels like her morning is not entirely within her control. She wakes up with the baby or when she is done sleeping. She takes a moment of gratitude. She has a cup of warm lemon water. Then coffee. She fits in a quick workout with her husband in the garage.  
11/14/201938 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

#288: How to Create a Pre-Launch Facebook Live Content Strategy

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  There’s one important factor that can either make or break your launch and it has nothing to do with how much money you spend on ads, how huge your list is, or whether or not your sales page copy is on point.  One of the biggest predictors of launch success is how you show up for your audience in the 30 – 60 days before your launch. I don’t just mean writing a blog post or sending out an email every now and then. I mean putting on your planning hat and mapping out a series of Facebook Lives that both teach your audience something while also overcoming the common objections that come up when you go into launch mode.  This pre-launch Facebook Live strategy has been a game-changer for me and I know it’ll be just as effective for you whether you’re just getting started or you’re a more advanced marketer.  In this week’s podcast episode, I’m sharing all the behind-the-scenes details for my pre-launch Facebook Live strategy, including how to choose the topics you’ll go Live with, how often to go Live, and how to make sure that your Facebook Live viewers are primed and ready to register for your webinar and ultimately purchase your course. And by the way, I give you full permission to steal the strategy and make it your own.  Here’s the breakdown: [10:01] Once you know the topic of your course that you’ll be selling, you want to think about what you can present in your webinar that would be in alignment with and a perfect lead-in to that course. I break this down and share examples so the strategy will be super clear.   [11:24] One of the best ways I’ve found to nail down a topic that would pique my ICA’s interest is to create a list of their objections, challenges, limiting beliefs and mindset blocks and then I create my Facebook Live content to counter those by presenting a solution that will help them achieve their desires and goals. [13:42] To make it super actionable, I show you exactly how I take that list and turn each one into a Facebook Live topic. When you do this, you meet your customer right where they are and give them both momentum and traction — always a good thing!  [25:13] These pre-launch Facebook lives are great for list building when you’re strategic with your CTAs (call-to-action). I talk about the lead magnets that did really well in my most recent pre-launch period. [27:43] The key to any good strategy is to be open to tweaking and changing things up as you learn. I talk about the major tweak I’ll make with my next pre-launch content. Hint: I’ll be focusing much more on mindset.  [30:35] Students often tell me they’re afraid they sound like a broken record when they repeat certain things when presenting their content. I talk about how repetition is actually a good thing because there are certain things your potential customer may need to hear more than once to make a buying decision.   
11/7/201936 minutes, 45 seconds
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#287: How This Rocker Chick Combined a Membership and a Physical Product to Create the Perfect Experience

If you’ve been tuning in over the last few months I’ve been talking plenty about the power of membership sites, but today I’m sharing a whole new opportunity available to those of us who run a membership site to serve our audiences — adding a physical product to the mix!   Erin Mullins Sanderson, better known online as Fit Rocker Chick, had no idea what she was building when she first started her membership site. All she knew was that she had a message to share and an audience that wanted more of that confident rocker vibe she embodies. Erin’s story is super unique and something I think we can all learn from. She successfully launched a membership without even knowing what she’d offer, has grown that community to over 500 members, and has created a skincare line that her community went wild for.  She’s clearly a woman of many talents, but what I adore most about her isn’t that perfect skin or her rockstar vibes — it’s her ability to take imperfect action and to really LISTEN to what her audience wants. Today I want you to see how listening to your audience, thinking outside of the box, and doing something you’ve *always* wanted can amplify your audience experience AND help you boost your bottom line. Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn from my interview with Erin: [06:47] How Erin felt a void with her group and wanted to bring them together. She ran the idea of a membership site by her list and found 100 beta testers to help flesh out her plan or lack of plan.  [12:59] How Erin decided on what topics to cover each week in her membership.  [14:30] Erin shares how often she goes live in the community, the type of heavyweight guest expert she features and the other fun aspects of being a member of her group (You’ll love her playlist and setlist ideas!)   [17:03] How Erin’s members have become more courageous, started dreaming bigger, started new dream projects, became philanthropic, and left toxic relationships. These stories will inspire you!  [24:18] How often Erin opens up her membership experience and the tools she uses to run her membership site. [26:04] How the dream to create a skincare line came about.   [34:32] How Erin made her community a part of the skincare product line decision-making process from the beginning. She talks about how she then launched her new product directly to her community, and it sold out right away. Her second batch also sold out in 48 hours.   
10/31/201943 minutes, 56 seconds
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#286: How to Create a 7-Day Pop-Up Group to Boost Course Sales

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  I was recently in Toronto at Stu McLaren’s Tribe event and had an opportunity to record an interview with Jill Stanton of Screw the Nine to Five. Jill and Josh Stanton are two of my favorite people. Josh is hilarious, and I love talking with Jill. You know, I have so many good things to say about Facebook groups, but today is about using short pop-up groups to promote your offers.  Jill and Josh used this method to promote one of their products and to promote my Digital Course Academy. They also threw in a fun twist by making five day challenges where they give a short challenge each day along with challenge marching orders. They also offer a prize to people who make it all the way through.  These groups are a great way to warm up your audience or introduce them to a person or product that you would like to promote. Jill shares all of the tactics that she used along with some smart ideas to give the audience what they want and need without being pushy or overselling. This method can be used to create custom content and engagement for the right audience at the right time. [07:31] You can create a timeline of four weeks, but for Jill and Josh, engagement started to drop off after a couple of weeks. They tested a two week group and the results were great. This is keeping people's attention for a shorter time and making a quick win.  [10:14] Look at your offer and choose a congruent topic. Don't overwhelm people with the how-tos. Your offer is the how. You need to help them see the what and the why. Empower them to take action.  [15:21] The what and why for Jill and Josh's Digital Course Academy pop-up promotion was Think Like an Expert - From Impostor Syndrome to Expert Status. They identified five core beliefs that were holding their audience back.  [19:09] They ran a challenge on their last pop-up. They ran ads and spent about $42,000 and generated $293,000. They spent $10,000 to get 1200 super targeted people in the group. The one prior to that, they spent $4500 and made $43,000.  [22:48] The challenges are short five minute videos that give a challenge and marching orders. The entire challenge has a prize incentive. Every day at 1:00 they would do a Facebook Live about the challenge of the day. No CTA but they are seeding the topic.  [29:54] Pay attention to the objections you get when you make offers. You want to help the audience overcome their limiting beliefs.  [31:04] Create content around the topic of your pop-up group and have your readers or listeners opt in. You're building your list and creating anticipation around an offer. People can opt in through messenger or email. [35:29] Moving people from the challenge to the offer includes seeding throughout the content. You can move into a webinar, a free video series, a Facebook Live, and the cart opens on day five. When the offer closes, the group is archived. People who did join the program still get your support.  Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Tribe Screw The Nine To Five The Screw The Nine To Five Podcast Screw the Nine to Five on Facebook Screw the Nine to Five on Instagram Screw the Nine to Five on YouTube
10/24/201950 minutes, 56 seconds
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#285: 5 Crucial Lessons Learned From Creating My First Membership Experience

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  Some of you may remember me talking about my upcoming membership site, and how I was going to put it on hold for awhile. Well, I’ve found clarity, and Momentum will be launching in November. Tribe members and people who have listened to my episode with Stu McLaren know how valuable it is to be part of a membership site.  Today’s episode is special, because I’m going to be talking about my own membership site, and I want to share with you some of the lessons that I’ve learned. Up until a few months ago, I had reached a point where I was really stuck in the process of creating Momentum. Since then, I have learned so much. I have had so much insight and clarity, that I wanted to share what I’ve learned and the big lessons with you.  I think you'll get a lot of value from hearing about how we processed the information, how we went about putting things together, and if you do decide to create a membership site, you can walk away with these lessons already locked in. So, you my friend do not need to make the same mistakes that I made. Here are the five crucial lessons that I’ve learned so far.  [06:48] The idea that I want to add so much new content. We want a community that is actively creating and launching courses. It's an extension of DCA to help implement the journey. We dive deeper into existing content to help implementation. We go from learning to doing.  [12:17] Put a stake in the ground of who the membership site is for. By putting a stake in the ground, I had full clarity, because I knew exactly who I was doing this for. DCA alumni can grow with Momentum at a deep implementation level.  [18:27] I've got to spend time with the content roadmap and revisit it. Each week something new happens. I follow the Tribe model. We have been talking about this for seven weeks. This is the first time I feel like I'm ahead of something. I have months to plan, so it feels good to revisit.  [23:48] If it's not a hell yes, it's a hell no. I got to a point where it wasn't coming together, and it felt heavy. I wasn't excited about it, so I had to put it on hold. I couldn't get the content right, because I didn't know Momentum was just for my DCA alumni. Once I got clear on my ICA and got excited, I loved working on it. [26:53] I come from a place of always being a student. I purchased Tribe and went through it. Our master doc is created from everything we learned from the Tribe experience. We followed everything that Tribe teaches.  [31:36] When Momentum launches, I can't wait to share the new things we learn and the tweaks we make. We can make it better every month. DCA students will get an invite when their 12 weeks are over.  This episode is sponsored by gravy. If you have a subscription model business or offer payment plans like I do for my online courses, you've got to listen up. One of my biggest frustrations was lost money due to failed payment plans. In fact, it used to keep me up at night. I would worry about all the people that were on a payment plan, because if they didn't finish that payment plan I was screwed.  That's when I decided I needed to do something about it, because I hated the worry. I started to work with gravy, and I promise you I never worry about payment plans anymore.  Gravy sets up a system inside of your business where they contact your customers within hours of their failed payments, and they capture updated billing information and save the customer.  Our failed payment recovery rate increased from 33% to over 80%.That's a whole lot of saved payments. If your revenue is currently at $250,000 or more, and you know you're losing money due to failed payment plans each month, I want to encourage you to check out Gravy. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: All About Membership Sites: Your Top 10 Burning Questions with Stu McLaren Gravy Tribe
10/17/201935 minutes, 9 seconds
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#284: The Better Buzz Strategy to Boost Engagement in Your Facebook Group with Dana Malstaff

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  If YOU have a community (free or paid) then you know ENGAGEMENT is the #1 metric for your success. Nobody wants to show up in a room full of crickets. My friend Dana Malstaff, founder of Boss Mom and community creator extraordinaire is the queen of creating next level group engagement. That’s why I just had to have her on the podcast this week. Dana’s Better Buzz Strategy has helped her create one of the most engaged communities I’ve ever heard of (70% monthly engagement with 40k members, say what?!). Here are the six types of posts you want to be sure to utilize: [29:49] The first type of buzz worthy post is a decision post. That answers a simple question to help you make a decision. Give three options, but don’t use a poll. It’s easy for people to engage, and the post stays alive. Then hop on a chat with your super engagers. You should be doing one of these a week. [34:47] Opinion posts where you ask people what their opinion is. What are your top podcasts or number one blog? The best ones give you information on who to collaborate with and help you gain knowledge and insight.  [37:37] Permission posts are where people tell a story or the hero’s journey. It creates a sense of belonging. Tell people they aren’t alone and create an appreciation loop. [41:24] Can’t help themselves post. Telling people you just landed a client and asking them to celebrate or drop a GIF. Post something interesting where people can’t help but celebrate with you.  [46:43] Ask is consistently telling people what you do. Let people know what you sell and what you want to be known for.  [49:04] Authority posts. The easiest way to get authority is to get featured on podcasts. Also link to the post and mention it on Facebook live.  Dana covers so much more in the episode. The first 20 minutes alone are pure gold, so tune in now and hop to it with applying these strategies in your communities!  
10/10/201959 minutes, 18 seconds
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#283: A Week in the Life (7 Days Behind-the-Scenes with Amy)

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  I know it might sound cliché, but I made a promise this year to be more vulnerable. To show you more of the “real” me.  So for this week’s podcast episode, I’m doing something a little different and sharing a twice daily check-in for a full 7 days. I hope that this lets you in on a few things. For one, I want you to know what a 7-figure course creator does in a week. You’ll hear it all; what I focus on, what I struggle with, and how I handle all of it. I can’t promise it’ll be quite as engrossing as The Bachelor but if you’re anything like me, seeing into other people’s worlds is always a treat. If you’ve ever wondered how I set up my week and spend my days, you’ll love this #nofilter episode where I share it all, including:  Honest conversations Hobie and I have had recently that have been a little tough  The new piece of exercise equipment I’m obsessed with  The challenge the whole team is doing to be more intentional about what we do in a day, how we use our time, create morning rituals, and make extra time for what matters most Why I started having a weekly date with my mom What it’s like going from a team of 3 to 10 full-time employees (and the essential books every single new hire gets)  How the team operates for maximum efficiency (and how I really feel about meetings) The inside scoop on my weight loss journey  Here’s where you’ll find some of the highlights:  [02:07] Sunday evening… weekly preview using the Full Focus Planner. This is about what the upcoming week will look like and what did and didn’t work from the previous week. Be intentional about how you structure your day.  [07:32] Monday morning check-in. Morning walk with Scout and fiction audiobook. I also prepared for my FB Live session tomorrow. Phone call with team member. Recorded podcast ads. Hobie’s love language is quality time, so I have coffee with him from 8:30 to 9:00. [13:33] Now I’m going to work on the quiz and then a team kick-off call. This is a one hour call with the entire team about what it looks like to launch digital course academy. Theme: We are master troubleshooters.  [30:36] I do video on Tuesdays. Instagram story about launch. Facebook Live as part of DCA prelaunch. I also have a DCA affiliate Facebook Live. I don’t workout on video day. I do get a blow out.  [41:38] Wednesday is podcast batching day. I’m doing 3 podcasts today, and some interviews as I grow my team. I also share my hiring process and the book bundle that I send to new hires. [01:10:41] Thursday evening. I’m back from acupuncture. When I make mistakes that create stress, I know it’s time to fix the system.  [01:15:44] Friday… Call at 7:00 am with weight-loss coach. Today, I’m recording the outcome videos for the DCA quiz. Then I fly to Portland, Oregon. [01:25:50] On Saturday I met with my friend Mike Pacchione to work on presentation content.  I hope you enjoyed the week with me.   
10/3/20191 hour, 40 minutes, 34 seconds
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#282: 10 Ways to Repurpose ONE Single Piece of Content

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  You are going to love this episode. I give a step-by-step strategy on how to take one single piece of content and repurpose it 10 different ways. We all know how time-consuming content creation can be.  After all that work, we hit publish and put it out in the world, but then it just sits there in that one location. Why not leverage all of that hard work by packaging the content up in different shapes and sizes and publishing it on different platforms?  This makes your efforts more efficient and allows your ideal audience to consume your content in a variety of different ways.  This is so smart. Repurposing your content should be part of your content creation process. Promise me that you won't let another week go by where you create content and only put it out one time and in one location.  [07:49] Sit down and record your podcast audio. Make a video recording for extra mileage. Works best for interviews. Publish your audio wherever you normally publish your podcast.  [11:10] Transcribe the podcast audio. Link to the transcript from your website show notes on it's own page that opens in a new window. This is great for SEO!  [12:45] Show notes are the second way to repurpose your content.  [14:26] Take snippets from the outline, transcripts, or show notes and craft an email that will notify subscribers about your new podcast episode. This is a great way to share weekly content and send weekly emails.  [16:57] Pull out really good quotes or stats that can be turned into graphics.  [17:41] Now that you have the show notes, email copy, and great quotes and stats, pull from those to create great social media posts. If you share the post on multiple platforms, tweak it so the language matches the platform.  [18:48] Select a really juicy audio clip and use Wavve to turn it into a video highlight to promote your episode on social media.  [19:46] Take the content you created and format it into an article on Anyone can post, and if you elect to have it reviewed by Medium curators, they will share it if they think it will benefit their audience. Or guest post on other blogs or online publication.  [20:51] Create a freebie. Take the content and make a checklist, worksheet, or guide. You can use it to build your list or to promote your content or both.  [22:30] Use parts of your content as an answer to frequently asked questions. When the same questions come up time and time again, and you have already covered it use that existing content to add to your website or course FAQ area.  [24:34] It's all about video. This can be really valuable when you make the effort. Take your transcript and highlight sections that you could do a quick video about.  [27:58] Bonus twist. Pay attention to what resonates with your audience. That can become a new piece of content.  This episode is sponsored by my Free Masterclass all about list building. If you've struggled with list building or you are not actively growing your email list, this class is for you. You know, everything in your business is easier when you have an email list. If you want to know what it takes to create a list building foundation from scratch, this step-by-step masterclass is for you.  Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Model Meals Free List Building Masterclass Canva Wavve Amy Porterfield on Instagram Amy Porterfield on Facebook Medium Episode 281 How to Plan Your First (or Next) Photoshoot
9/26/201935 minutes
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#281: How to Plan Your First (or Next) Photoshoot

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  I've never loved having my picture taken. But eventually, I learned to at least get comfortable with it. It's so important that people see the real you. That your audience can connect with you and see you. Plus, you can use professional photos in soooo many places beyond just social media. Today, I'm taking the guesswork out of planning your next photo shoot and sharing my top tips on how to show up feeling good, even if you feel nervous about having your photo taken. I also created an extensive photoshoot guide that you can use to plan your first or next photoshoot like a total pro. Click here to download it now! You’ll need these images for social media, guest posts, ads, sales pages, webinars, and more. When you know how to plan and organize a photoshoot, you'll not only end up with a bunch of amazing images to use, but you'll also save time and money by not having to hunt all over the place for your next image.  [10:06] I want you to show up for yourself, even when it's way out of your comfort zone -- and I'll explain how to do that.  [12:27] I talk about why it's important to start an inspiration collection of photos you love that would be a good fit for your personality and brand. Put together a fun playlist to make the photoshoot process more relaxing and fun.  [14:33] How to find a photographer whose work you like, and you feel good about working with. Ask for recommendations.  [18:13] I tell you how to put together a photoshoot inquiry communication that you can email to potential photographers and get a price quote. Everything to include is also in the Photoshoot Planning Guide. [27:14] I'll help you to decide where to do your photoshoot. Hint: Your house with natural light is the best option.  [31:42] I talk about how to find and nail a good pose that fits your personality. This can be very awkward but I've got tips for you to help the process be as painless as possible.  [34:12] I get into all the day-of photoshoot details. We'll talk hair and makeup and how to let those first 15 minutes of awkwardness be what they are and pass by so you can create some beautiful photos.  [40:01] I'll talk about what to do when you get your photos back from your photographer. If they're good and you like who took your photos, I want you to book them to come back and do another photoshoot in the months to come. 
9/19/201946 minutes, 49 seconds
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#280: How to Do a "Course Call" to Validate Your Digital Course Idea with Jamie Trull

Enjoy a free gift from me! I’ve created a free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template so that mapping out your upcoming content can be breezy - and dare I say - fun?! You’ll love this template because it allows you to seamlessly plan out your weekly AND social media content. Click here to snag your free 3-month plug-and-play content calendar template.  One of the best ways to know if anyone wants to spend time and money on your digital course is to ask them. One of the best ways to ask them is to have a course validation call with your potential customer avatar. These calls are so valuable, because they not only tell you if your course will be in demand, but they tell you exactly what needs to be in the course, the best ways to set it up, and how to market it. These calls can be intimidating and people are often reluctant to have them, but the  information gleaned is so valuable. Course validation calls are a game changer. In my The Digital Course Academy, I teach you the exact questions to ask in these calls and how to find your ideal customer avatar ICA to have the calls with. This is important, because you want to make sure you have the call with someone who really is your ICA.  Today’s show has a fun twist, instead of me telling you how to make a course call, I actually make one and let you listen in. It’s true that I already have a course, so this is somewhat of a mock call. But the rest is real. I have a real conversation with Jaime Trull about whether she would be a good candidate for the Digital Course Academy.  It’s also true that I have never met Jaime before. I do know that she has an online business where she serves female CEOs and entrepreneurs in accounting, bookkeeping, and financials. She is a certified CPA, and she is thinking about creating a digital course.  You have two goals during the call. Goal #1 is to uncover insights, fears, concerns, challenges, wants, and needs of your ICA. Goal #2 is to determine if your idea is on the right track. During the call, I actually learned some things that I wasn’t expecting. I also ended up giving Jaime a challenge, so this won’t be the last time you hear from her.  [13:52] It's good to know about the background of the person that you are interviewing. Amy asks Jaime to tell her a little bit about her business? Jaime started Balance CFO to have more balance in life. She first helped friends with accounting, now she is focusing on virtual CFO work and financial literacy. Her problem is that one-on-one business is trading dollars for time.  [17:35] Amy zeros in on the problem and asks about how many clients she needs to make the money she wants to make. They talk about scaling, frustrations, time, and revenue goals. Amy asks about Jaime's dream revenue model.  [20:37] Jamie shares that her ideal day would be having more quality time with her kids.  [21:52] Amy asks Jamie about frameworks. She does have a five step process. They also explore how Jamie could help her clients the most.  [24:45] Digital courses have been on Jamie's radar. Obstacles are time and overwhelm with available resources. They also explore course ideas and niches to target. [29:50] Amy asks about elements of courses that Jaime has taken and liked. She also asks about accountability. Jaime likes things broken down into doable steps. She also likes a community for motivation.  [32:30] Amy digs into why Jamie hasn't already bought a course about creating courses. It's a commitment issue for Jamie.  [33:23] Jaime has about 400 people on her list and a Facebook community of 1200. She built her community by going live every week and talking about things people wanted to know.  [36:23] Are there any roadblocks in a course that have or would slow Jaime down? Technology is Jaime's biggest issue, and a clear roadmap with specific options would be best.  [40:05] Where does Jamie spend the most social media time online and what is her focus? Her answer is Facebook, and she loves Rachel Hollis and the Rise groups and entrepreneurial groups.  This episode is brought to you by:  The Digital Course Academy sign up now or get on the waiting list. To find out if a digital course is right for you be sure and get The Three Behind the Scenes Secrets to Digital Course Success. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: The Digital Course Academy The Three Behind the Scenes Secrets to Digital Course Success Skype Zoom Balance CFO Financial Literacy for Women Business Owners Facebook Group Balance CFO Jamie Trull Rachel Hollis Weight Loss for Busy Physicians
9/12/201954 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Making Wreaths As a Hobby Turned into a Profitable Digital Course with Lauren Kilgore

I’m so excited to share this digital course success story with you today.  Lauren Kilgore, a wreath maker extraordinaire and accidental Etsy marketing superstar, turned her part-time hobby into $35k in revenue. Unbelievable, right?! Here’s the reason I’m sharing this with you today. We are all good at something that we could teach others how to do.  For Lauren, it was selling her crafts on Etsy.  If there is something you’re good at, something that people consistently come to you asking for help with, guess what? You might just be able to create a course around it.  You don’t need to have it all figured out. Lauren is proof of that. Tune in to this special bonus episode and find out exactly how a part-time wreath making mama went from making a bit of extra cash with a fun hobby to getting 93 students into her digital course and over five figures in revenue. Ready to create your own Digital Course success story? Learn how to build, launch and grow a thriving Digital Course business without hiring a big team, the constant overwhelm or the momentum crushing question, "What the heck do I do next?" Click here to save your seat in my free masterclass, The 3 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets to Digital Course Success!  
9/9/201932 minutes, 57 seconds
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#279: Should I Create a Digital Course?

Today I want to help you answer a very important question.  And that question is… should you create a digital course? More than likely, my answer to you will be yes.   Now I know what you’re thinking. What in the world would I create a course on? The market is saturated. There are so many people selling courses online. But I promise that no one is teaching what YOU would teach the way that YOU would teach it.  So here’s what I want you to do: Step 1: Listen to this episode and learn about the five main types of profitable digital courses. Step 2: Take my free quiz and find out which of those types is best for you (or if you should hold off on creating your course for now!). My team and I put a lot of work (and love) into creating this quiz and I hope it helps you get the clarity you need to take the next step forward.  Already took the quiz and want to learn more about each course type? Here are the highlights: [08:59] The Workshop Course. This is a two hourish training that promises instant clarity and results.  [15:43] A Starter Course. A jumping-off point to get your students started in your area of expertise.  [19:41] The Spotlight Course. Dives deep into one main area, you’ll help your students produce very specific results in just one area.  [22:36] A Signature Course. A complete comprehensive system, the Mack Daddy of all courses. It’s specific and detailed and includes your entire framework from start to finish. [29:03] The Certification Course. This is as in-depth as it gets. You are teaching others your methodology and process in such a detailed way that they’ll be able to teach it to others.  Take the Quiz Now!
9/5/201933 minutes, 46 seconds
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#278: Case Study: How an Accidental Course Creator Generated Over $200K with Just One Launch

Would you believe me if I told you that one of my star students generated well over 6 figures on her very first launch? Would you believe me if I also told you that student was an elementary school teacher? How about a mother of five?  Well, friend, I’m here to tell you that Jamie Sears did just that. It all started when Jamie’s hubby listened to a podcast episode about courses and nudged his wife to have a go at creating one.  Jamie resisted at first. At that point, she didn’t even have a solid course idea. What really lights me up about this story is that Jamie didn’t let uncertainty or lack of clarity stop her from taking action. She saw the possibilities a course would offer and she moved forward one step at a time.  Tune and and learn all about… [05:16] The grassroots origins of how Jamie created online resources for her students, and other teachers started asking her for help [07:02] There were so many questions that Jamie felt like she should make a course about writing. Her husband recommended that she join the Digital Course Academy.  [09:38] Jamie went where her students hung out, listened to their questions, and did Facebook Lives when her audience was still small. She kept showing up.  [13:30] Jamie not only got huge results in Digital Course Academy, but she followed the framework and made it her own as she progressed. [15:20] Jamie’s wall of post-its and what her kids helped her see about her course [17:58] How Jamie grew her list by 7000 new subscribers during her launch (without spending a ton on ads) [24:39] Jamie’s mind-blowing pricing and results [27:15] How Jamie got testimonials before her launch was even through [51:01] Don't try to do what everyone else does just go to where your people are already at. 
8/29/201956 minutes, 39 seconds
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Everything is Figureoutable with Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo has been an inspiration, a friend, and a mentor to me ever since I left corporate and started into the world of online business. When it comes to business she's seen it all, from humble beginnings offering life coaching for free to being on stage with Oprah (yes, that Oprah). Needless to say, she has accomplished a lot. Marie feels strongly (and I agree!) that we need more brilliant, creative humans to believe in themselves so that they can go out and make a difference in the world. That was the inspiration that pushed her to write her brand new book, Everything Is Figureoutable. I recently sat down with Marie to talk about the book and I picked out topics that I thought would be especially helpful for you to hear. Marie held nothing back and shared some gems that I know you're going to love. This episode will have you feeling like everything really is figureoutable. Here’s a sneak peek of what we covered: How Marie finally decided to write her book (and why she waited, even after being courted by publishers) Listening to that little voice in your head (Marie tells how her mom was the first to teach her about this inner guidance system!) Marie's quick test to determine whether you're acting out of fear or intuition How your beliefs are shaping you (a great model that I've been following for the last year, but Marie takes it even deeper) Calling out your excuses (she explains how a slight change in semantics can be a game-changer in your life and business) What to do when fear creeps in (and you know it will!)  Getting clarity on what you actually want (believe it or not, most people are not crystal clear on what they want to create, but there IS a way to get clear) Avoiding the pitfalls of perfectionism (learn about the severity of the destructiveness of perfectionism)   You’ve gotta get your hands on Marie’s book, Everything is Figureoutable. Pre-order it now and get the 5-day coaching experience that Marie's offering to all pre-orderers.  
8/27/201958 minutes, 6 seconds
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#277: 3 BIG Decisions I Wish I Had Made Sooner (and Why You Should Make Them Now)

Mistakes are a part of life, but in my book the fewer things you have to learn the hard way, the better. When it comes to sharing my blunders while building an online business, I’m an open book. This is the stuff that I WISH someone would’ve shared with me when I was just getting started.  There are a lot of mistakes that I’ve made that I’m grateful for. Mistakes that helped me learn pivotal lessons that I wouldn’t trade for the world. But lately, I’ve been reflecting on some of the big decisions that I’m making now that I wish I would have made sooner.  Wanna know the 3 decisions I wish I’d made sooner in my business? I’m digging into the details on this week’s podcast episode… here are the highlights: [02:15] The first decision that I waited to make until I was making good money was to hire someone to help me manage it. Plus, I’ll tell you how Hobie and I picked an advisor to help us. [07:00] I waited way too long to grow my team to match the big vision I have.  [13:45] Think about accountability and organizing how your team moves towards your goals. [15:32] I share how I had a false belief that I needed to make tons of money before I set clear boundaries or rituals in my life that would allow me to take off. Boundaries protect yourself, your sanity, and your mindset. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
8/22/201924 minutes, 47 seconds
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#276: How to Overcome the Most Common Objections When Selling Online

I’ll never forget my first webinar. But not for the reasons you might be thinking. There I was, confident and ready to rock it, when suddenly the objections started pouring in. I felt defeated and disappointed. I want to save you the pain I experienced on that webinar with today’s episode. Believe it or not, it’s absolutely not necessary to let objections get the better of you. They’re not scary when you know how to handle them.When you know what’s holding people back from saying heck yes to your offer, you can address their hesitation head on. You don’t have to tiptoe around it — instead, you can have a conversation. Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn from this episode:  [05:11] The best place to address objections (hint: it’s not necessarily on your webinar or sales page) [07:32] What to do on the front end of your offer so that common objections never even make an appearance. [11:20] The truth about money objections  [17:11] The key differences between features and benefits [19:09] How to find “tiger” time. [26:35] Marie Forleo’s “I have to talk to my spouse or business partner” script. [29:35] How to get to the root mindset of "I'm not good at xyz."  Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Course Creation Starter Kit Digital Course Academy Waiting List Brian Tracy #235: How To Identify Your Ideal Customer Avatar
8/15/201941 minutes, 27 seconds
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#275: 10 Ways to Get Your Students to the Finish Line

Research shows that only 1 in 5 people who purchase online courses complete them. As a course creator, that stat keeps me up at night and more importantly, compels me to take action. Over the years, I’ve become obsessed with finding ways to beat those odds. And I’m sure if you’re reading this, you want every single person who buys your course to cross that finish line as well. If you want amazing case studies and testimonials (the best marketing fuel there is), you’ve gotta do everything in your power to not just create the best course you can — but to ensure you’re helping your students get the results they signed up for.  Now if you’re freaking out reading that, don’t panic. I’ve done a lot of the legwork for you and I’m sharing everything I’ve got today to help you get your students from point A to point B. Haven’t created your course yet? Even better! Thinking about these strategies before you develop your course puts you ahead of the curve. So grab your notebook and sharpen your pencil. Even if you implement just 2 or 3 of these ideas it will make such a difference for your students’ success. [10:30] Emails aren’t just for marketing… a solid onboarding email sequence sets the pace and gives clear steps about what to do next. Email weekly with each module and think about where they are in the process. These emails can meet your students right where they are and get them all the way through to that finish line. [16:28] Set clear expectations. Let people know how long it takes to actually implement the concepts. Ask what your students need to know. [20:58] Accountability. You can pair people in your group together to be accountability partners.  [23:49] Create a weekly challenge. Pick an existing area to highlight, don't add more content (aka work). [25:52] Gamification or give awards for completing the challenges. Encourage good behavior and let people know you recognize them.  [28:48] Allow and encourage your students to put their work in Facebook for feedback. Choose a day, once a week, so people can post and ask for feedback.  [31:40] Course structure. Structure your course in a way that isn't overwhelming. Use short videos and frameworks that illustrate what you're teaching.  [35:07] Real time check-ins. Jump on Facebook live or use other resources and give clarity about those places where people are getting stuck.  [37:46] Have weekly Q and A's. As a course creator, you get to decide the length and frequency of your Q and A's.  [39:46] Manage the mindset of your students. Great content isn't enough. Your student's mindset, roadblocks, fears, and negativity need to be addressed.  [43:29] Bonus Strategy - create a bonus that helps students recoup the cost of the course or gets them organized or helps them find the right mindset.  Here are the basics of our accountability cheat sheet: Meet once a week, same time, same place, online using something like Zoom. Outline three action items you can commit to doing over the next week. Check in on whether or not you did what you said you would do the previous week.  If not, what were the challenges? What’s your game plan to overcome these challenges next week? What do you commit to accomplishing for the next week? This episode is brought to you by Gravy. If you have a subscription-model business or offer payment plans, like I do for my online courses, Gravy can really cut down on frustration and lost income. After I started working with Gravy I stopped worrying about payment plans. They contact your customers within hours of their failed payments, and they capture updated billing information and save the customer. Our failed-payment recovery rate increased from 33 percent, when we were trying to do it internally, to over 80 percent, collecting on failed payments. That's a whole lot of saved payments. So if your revenue is currently at $250,000 or more, and you know you're losing money due to failed payment plans each month, I want to encourage you to check out Gravy. The cool thing is Gravy is waiving the setup fee for all of my listeners.  Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: #182: How to Mega-Batch Your Content Stu McLaren Melinda Cohan Rachel Cruze Gravy Course Creation Starter Kit
8/8/201947 minutes, 22 seconds
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#274: 3 The Pre-Launch Facebook Ad Strategy, with Rick Mulready 

On this week’s podcast episode we’re digging into 3 powerful (and surprisingly simple) FB ad strategies designed to fuel your pre-launch fire.   The pre-launch phase is that crucial 60-90 day period leading UP to your launch that can make a world of difference when it comes to increasing your reach and revenue. If you play your cards right, you’ll find out that launching doesn’t have to be hard, stressful, or time-consuming. I’m joined by the Regis to my Kathy Lee —  my dear friend and our resident FB and IG ads expert, the one and only Rick Mulready.  Rick’s been on the podcast before, but today he’s sharing his favorite paid traffic pre-launch tips, including:  How to use FB ads even when you’re on a tight budget and why you SHOULDN’T hire out your ads right away. The power of crafting content around objections and how to do it. The strategy that ensures by the time you open the doors to your webinar, your people are READY to learn from you and hear your offer. And so much more. Make sure you have your notebook ready! [08:32] What exactly IS the pre-launch period and why it’s so important [12:22] Using video to create value and overcome objections and how best to optimize your ads  [21:30] You can also use video to test target audiences. Right now the more fun and sometimes the sillier or less polished the videos are the better they do. Just make sure to have good sound and lighting.  [25:16] Create a lead magnet that aligns with the launch, provides a quick win, and adds value. This builds trust and rapport.  [28:13] Try for a 90-day or at least 60-day pre-launch where you are building a list of your target audience. Run ads and get people to sign up for your lead magnet before your webinar registration. You can also create a look-alike list of your target audience to run your ad to.  [30:33] Why and when to use pop-up Facebook groups to create engagement and attract an audience for your launch.   [38:02] How running ads consistently throughout the year will save on your launch costs  [40:11] Bonus strategy: Running a quiz with ads. This gives people a quick win and it's great for segmenting people to attract your ideal audience. Have a well written quiz with a really good ad strategy to go with it.  This episode is officially sponsored by Rick's program Foundations, which is about getting started with Facebook ads and Instagram ads. It's a really great program. He teaches how to create ad campaigns in both Facebook and Instagram that will build traction and get your launch or list or group off the ground.   Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Rick Mulready The Art of Paid Traffic Podcast #168: How to Use Quizzes + Facebook Ads to Get Quality Leads With Chanti Zakariasen Rick Mulready on Facebook Rick Mulready on Instagram @rickmulready on Twitter Foundations Free Master Class
8/1/201948 minutes, 16 seconds
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#273: How to Build a Self-Managed Team with Theresa Loe

I never imagined myself having the team I do now. I also can’t imagine subscribing to the old idea of what it means to be a “boss”.  I've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't when it comes to working with a team, especially with all of the hiring we've been doing over the past few months. That's why I was so excited to sit down with Team Building and Leadership Coach, Theresa Loe to talk about building a self-managed team. I truly believe that building a team that’s aligned with your values is one of the secrets to not just building more revenue or success, but to enjoying the process. If you’re thinking “Amy, I’m so not even close to ready to build a team” — hey, that’s okay!  But when you are ready (and trust me, one day you will be and it might come sooner than you think) this is the kind of insight I want you to have so you can save yourself from making painful hiring mistakes (trust me, I’ve been there).  Theresa has cracked the code on how to find, grow, and lead a self-managed team, and she is sharing her best insights today: [11:17] Having a self-managed team means putting yourself in the CEO position and having people under you who are all responsible for their own projects. When you have a great idea the team can execute and make it happen. [13:58] Mindset is the number one strategy for building a self-managed team. Think about what you want your day to look like, and then slowly reverse engineer how to take everything else off of your plate. [18:01] Hire based on attributes. Make sure they are aligned with you, your vision, and your core values. People can be trained on tools but not on character. Write down the attributes that you want then put up a gauntlet to see if applicants have these attributes. [26:43] Hand off responsibilities, not tasks. Make everything a project. Instead of a one-off blog post, make them responsible for content management including scheduling, analytics, and reporting. [29:39] Communication is key. Have a clear description of what "done" means. Be very clear about expectations but nurture your team to make decisions for themselves. [33:18] You can create a feedback loop by recording any changes that you had to make to a project. Empower your team with resources. [35:20] You can start small and hire someone for a few hours a week. You need to look at those freed up hours as gold and use them for money-making activities to free up cash to add more free hours. This episode is sponsored by my Free Masterclass all about kick-starting your list building efforts. You need to grow your email list every day to have a healthy business. All of the social media posts in the world can't do for you what a viable email list can. 
7/25/201943 minutes, 17 seconds
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#272: My Biggest Regret After 10 Years of Building My Business

This is one of those super uncomfortable moments when I have to admit…I don’t have it ALL figured out. Recently, I was at the EntreLeadership live event and Dave Ramsey’s words cut right to my soul. He said, “Organizations are never limited by their opportunity or their team, they are limited by their leader.” And the honest truth is, I regret not putting more focus on being a better leader for my team much sooner than I did. No one is born with amazing leadership skills. They take years to develop and the earlier you start, the better off you’ll be.  Because here’s the truth: you can’t build an empire by yourself.  Eventually, you’ll need to bring people on who stand behind your vision and are just as motivated as you are to achieve it.  As my business grows and scales, my job is to be a visionary and show up for my team as a leader in a stronger way. I’ve always thought of my students and my business, but now it’s time to focus on creating a bigger stronger team of people who are empowered to make decisions, come up with ideas, and grow with my business. EntreLeadership was one of the best events I’ve attended. It blew my mind. After it lit a fire under my chair to become a better leader, I knew I had to share my biggest takeaways with you. I hope you learn from these and implement them into your business right away. Do not pass go, just do it. I promise you won’t regret it. Here are the main takeaways: [15:00] There’s always room for improvement, no matter how ‘big’ your organization is. [16:12] Takeaway #1: Dave Ramsey shared how organizations are never limited by their team. They are limited by their leader. (This one really hit me in the gut!) [19:38] Takeaway #2: Henry Cloud asked, “Does your team know how you are going to win?” It’s important to define what winning looks like for yourself and then share it with your team.  [23:39] Takeaway #3: Patrick Lencioni dropped a major value bomb when he said that fear of conflict will stifle productivity and keep you playing small. He explained that you’re cutting yourself short if you’re not encouraging your team to show their opinions even when they are challenging.  [32:43] Takeaway #4: Patrick Lencioni also talked about hiring people that are humble, hungry, and smart. He explained that these type of people lack excessive ego, are self-motivated, and use good judgment with people.  [39:32] Takeaway #5: Jesse Itzler shared his motto of “remember tomorrow.” He encourages you to ask yourself how you will feel tomorrow about any decisions that you make today. Listen to learn how I’ve implemented the Full Focus Planner with my team. [43:41] Takeaway #6: Sara Blakely, the creator of Spanx, told the story of her early days in the business where she went above and beyond to educate customers on her product — she would go to the department store and talk to customers. She’s such a good example of never being too proud to get in there and do the work and get your hands dirty.  [48:13] Extra Credit: Write down three things that you would love your team, or your team of the future, to say about your leadership style. I’m doing this exercise too and I wish I would have asked myself this question years ago. Don’t wait.  Links mentioned in this episode: Free List Building Masterclass EntreLeadership Summit Sara Blakely Patrick Lencioni Jesse Itzler Henry Cloud Brooke Castillo Kolbe Assessment Read This >> The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive: A Leadership Fable Read This >> Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity Read This >> Ideal Team Player Full Focus Planner  
7/18/201950 minutes, 51 seconds
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#271: How to Create a Profit-Driven Lead Magnet to Boost Sales

If you’ve been around for a bit, then you know my motto is always be list building. Now, while there are all kinds of list-building strategies, there’s one that's by far the easiest way to grow your email list, and that's by offering a lead magnet. Through all of my endless list building experiments, I’ve learned how to create incredibly valuable pieces of content, like cheat sheets, guides, and mini-trainings. But do you know what kind of lead magnet is the best, hands down? A profit-driven lead magnet. Now, I know what you're thinking... "Amy, a lead magnet is something I give away for free. What the heck are you talking about when you say 'profit-driven'?" Here's the deal. Most of the time, when somebody signs up for your email list, they are just not quite ready to buy from you yet. When you create a profit-driven lead magnet, you are creating a tool that leads your new subscriber to a buying decision while also providing incredible value. With this very intentional strategy, you will be generating revenue faster than you ever thought possible! In today's episode, I talked about the three main questions you must ask yourself before you create your profit-driven lead magnet, and they are: What do you currently sell or plan to sell in the future? What does your ideal customer avatar need to understand, be aware of, or believe in order to want or need your product, program, or service? What type of lead magnet could I create that will compliment or align with the product, program, or service I currently sell or plan to sell? I love a good example that illustrates what I'm talking about and I've included the two examples of profit-driven lead magnets that I talked about on the show below.  I hope those will get your creative juices flowing! Example #1: My Own Lead Magnet, "20 Smart Strategies to Rapidly Grow Your Email List" Why Example #1 Works: It inspires. It's actionable. The cheat-sheet gives the what, and my course gives the how. My ideal customer avatar and I are now in a conversation about how I can help them. Now, each week, I can continue the conversation with my ongoing weekly content. Example #2: Corinne Crabtree's Free Course, "THREE Things You Must Know to Lose Weight" Why Example #2 Works: She makes it doable. It gets people results (for free). It attracts the right audience. Corinne meets people right where they're at in their journey. Her course name is simple, clear, and to the point. Right away on the thank you page, she shares her journey in a video (and still directs her audience to check their email for more). Episode highlights: [06:49] 99% of the people who give you their email address aren't ready to buy. It’s up to you to walk them down that path. Create your lead magnet with your end goal in mind, and your end goal is to attract paying customers. [14:04] Example #1 my lead magnet for List Builder's Society (see image example below). [21:13] Make sure your lead magnet meets the customer/buyer where they are at. Profit-driven lead magnets are very intentional, specific, and sometimes only used for launches. There is a difference between a really good lead magnet and a profit-driven lead magnet. [26:44] Example #2 from Corinne Crabtree (see image example below).  
7/11/201940 minutes, 9 seconds
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#270: Behind the Scenes with My Better Half, Hobie Porterfield

Ring the fire alarm because my better half, Mr. Hobie Porterfield, is lighting this place up! I’m super excited to have him back on the show, because I love sharing this side of my life. It may not always be unicorns and rainbows, but it’s pretty special. Hobie puts fires out for a living, but he also helps me put fires out in my business. If it weren’t for his emotional support, I can’t say I’d be where I am today. He’s my biggest cheerleader, my biggest supporter, and he picks me up when I’m down. We have learned and grown so much together. I just love having him on the show to share how we juggle laundry, launches, and everything in between as a team. This is an inside look at how we communicate about our needs, managing time and money, and our big goals. You sent in some amazing questions. We’ll try to answer them, and hopefully, some of the things that we’ve learned and shared will help you not only in your business, but in your relationships as well. [03:15] Hobie does more of the housework, and he likes to rub it in 😉remind me of that. [06:26] Hobie doesn’t mind listening to me talk about my work, because it gives him a connection into my world. [09:25] We sit down multiple times throughout the year and schedule everything.  [13:39] When it comes to money and investing – getting a financial planner is one of the smartest things you can do. [18:53] Why Hobie doesn’t go to conferences with me [23:52] What would happen if we swapped roles for a day. [25:49] Hobie talks about how he feels about me making more money than him [29:28] How my weight loss has changed how we spend our time [37:47] Hobie shares his amazing proposal plan that didn’t quite work out as planned. We also get a little personal with what annoys each other and how much fun we have.     Links mentioned in this episode: Village Impact Episode 260 All About Membership Sites: Your Top 10 Burning Questions with Stu McLaren One & Only Blackberry Farm Michael Hyatt Profit First  
7/4/201946 minutes, 19 seconds
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#269: Small List Superhero: How To Have A Profitable Launch Without A Big List with Tarzan Kay

“Amy, can I still launch my course if I only have 500 people on my email list?”  Ambitious course creators ask me variations of that question at least once a week. It’s easy for the size of your list to become one more excuse not to launch. My guest today is someone who had a successful launch with a list of 750 subscribers. Tarzan Kay has had not just one but three successful launches with a small list. In this episode, she shares her tips and strategies and walks us through her inspiring launch success. Tarzan is a launch strategist and email copywriting expert for online entrepreneurs and digital-course creators. Her specialty is fun-to-read, more-addictive-than-Game-of-Thrones copy for digital-course launches.  In her own business, she uses my special webinar framework —shout out to my Digital Course Academy members! In fact, she's used it over and over to sell her own courses, fill her private mastermind, and even had the occasional $100,000 month while working 30 hours per week and being the sole provider for her family of four.  I know you’re going to love this episode. Tarzan’s tips are useful for anyone who wants to deepen their relationship with their list, big or small.  [14:33] Start thinking about how you can build relationships with individuals on your list, so they know that you're real and that you are going to deliver for them. [15:45] Launching takes courage. Those who are successful launch through the fear and keep doing it again and again. [16:23] More than revenue comes out of a launch. You get opportunities to speak, be on podcasts, build relationships, partner, and more. [20:12] Tarzan uses a tool called BombBomb to send personalized videos to people who were active on her webinars. She also puts their names on her whiteboard. Email your list weekly and start a conversation. You can even hop on calls with people from your list.  [26:50] Tarzan knows how to speak to the different personality types on her email list… and she breaks it down for us in Game of Thrones characters to make it easy to understand. [32:17] All of your emails won't appeal to everybody, but there is definitely a way to make them appeal to more than one group at once. [35:44] The number of people replying to your email is a great metric to judge whether they liked it or not. [37:01] A nurture sequence comes after a new subscriber has opted in to get your freebie. Put a lot of energy into showing them your personality. Click here to listen now!
6/27/201945 minutes, 39 seconds
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#268: LinkedIn Tips and Tricks to Attract a Bigger Audience with Viveka von Rosen

I get so many questions about LinkedIn. You’ve been asking how to use it for your audience, for list building, and what’s working right now. I decided to bring in the big guns and invite world-renowned LinkedIn expert Viveka von Rosen on the show. Viveka is the author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day and LinkedIn: 101 Ways To Rock Your Personal Brand: Grow your network and build your business!. She is also a personal branding expert, LinkedIn Learning author, international keynote speaker, and has been recognized as a top LinkedIn and social media expert. She contributes to many major publications and has even been featured on two movies about social media. She is co-founder of Vengreso which provides digital sales solutions. I’m so glad to have her here today to talk about what is currently working on LinkedIn, strategies for B2C clients, what is coming up with video and LinkedIn Live, and so much more. She even gives us actionable steps to transform our profile to sell in a non-salesy way and use content to nurture and grow relationships. [06:08] Diving deeper is the strategy that worked for Viveka. She was also able to learn the platform inside and out, build relationships, and stay top of mind with her audience. [14:25] You can repurpose blog posts on LinkedIn by clicking on "write an article" and pasting that article in LinkedIn Publisher. Other great ways to repurpose content is to add images to your article, create a PowerPoint presentation, and publish it as a document. Videos can be uploaded as native video or in the soon to be released LinkedIn Live. [16:07] Position yourself as a thought leader. Make your background image about your product and have your summary read like a sales page (but not salesy). Who are you helping? What are their pain points? What is your solution? [21:47] Selling is about being human and relationships. Know your audience and speak to your audience and don't worry about people self-selecting away from you. [27:51] The secret recipe is to share something every day and create a long-form post once a week. For the long-form post use 1200 to 1400 characters and emojis to share something of value. Shoot and upload a relevant video or PDF, PowerPoint, or infographic for 10X the number of views. Use LinkedIn messaging to create a sharing fan club. [33:22] A great way to get access to a B2B prospect is to interview the influencer in that company. This is how Viveca and Vengreso have been able to start the conversation for six- and seven-figure deals. This episode is brought to you LinkedIn Marketing. If your goal is to target your customers where they're engaging every day and when they're ready to make a buying decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. When you advertise on LinkedIn, you're attracting potential customers and fostering relationships that often translate into high-quality leads, website traffic, and higher brand awareness. Go to LinkedIn Marketing to redeem a free $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!   Links mentioned in this episode: Viveka von Rosen on LinkedIn @LinkedInExpert on Twitter Vengreso Viveka von Rosen Facebook Page LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day LinkedIn: 101 Ways To Rock Your Personal Brand: Grow your network and build your business! LinkedIn Security. Who's Watching You?: The Guide to Staying Safe from Personal and Professional Harm While Using LinkedIn. LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Special Offer Human to Human Bryan Kramer Sue Zimmerman Goldie Chan LinkedIn Live Brian Fanzo LinkedIn Live Cathy Hackl LinkedIn Live
6/20/201943 minutes, 50 seconds
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#267: Are You Known for Something Specific in Your Biz? If Not, Here’s What to Do

If you asked your customers or fans what you were known for what would they say? We’ve all got that special something that we want to be known for. That thing that attracts your customers to you effortlessly and grows your audience with ease. That “it” factor, what your known for, is the foundation for your positioning. It’s also the path to increase your profit and purpose. Over the years I have seen so many people stop themselves from confidently staking their claim on what they want to be known for out of fear of getting put in a box. The truth is, you can’t create a recognizable brand if you’re not known for something specific. And you can always pivot (just ask me or my girl Marie Forleo). This episode is dedicated to helping you figure out a game plan for what you want to be known for and how you’ll share that secret sauce with the world. Listen in to get these five specific ways to get clear on what you’re known for (and more!). [16:09] Clear messaging. Where do people start with you? Where are they at the beginning of the journey? This is a great place to start the conversation and create a lead magnet. Starting in the right place can lead subscribers down a path. [18:44] Talk about what you are known for a lot. Weave in these topics into everything that you do and always come back to it. Only talk about your area of expertise and to an audience that is a good fit. [22:05] Stick with it. You will never be known for something specific if you are constantly dabbling in a bunch of things. You can be passionate about a lot of things but narrow your business down. [23:42] Don’t be afraid to ask people to share with you what they think you are all about. Ask a couple customers or fans what you are best known for. [24:32] Consider putting together a framework, method, or blueprint that you can go back to as a foundation. This is probably something that will evolve over time. When you see people gravitating towards it, you know it’s your thing. Alright, my friend, I hope you’ll take this info and run with it to position yourself for lasting success. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Weight Loss for Busy Physicians with Katrina Ubell, MD Phit-N-Phat with Corinne Crabtree The Life Coach School
6/13/201928 minutes, 58 seconds
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#266: The Little Known (Easier Than You Think) Copywriting Method That Boosts Conversions

Let’s be honest here. Writing copy can be hard, but it’s an important almost mandatory skill for new business people just starting out. In fact, I wrote all of my own copy my first few years of business, and I suggest that you do the same. Become a student of copywriting. The more you do it, the easier it will become. Today, I’m talking about a technique that will help you build up that oh-so-important relationship with your ideal avatar. This technique is by Ry Schwartz an expert copywriter who writes a lot of my copy. He also teaches copywriting and my audience loves him. This method is called Coaching the Conversion. It's all about writing copy in a way that will resonate with your ideal customer avatar at a really high level and will meet them right where they're at. It will help them feel as though they know that you see them and you hear them. I actually think it's important that you write your own copy for the first two years of your business. You need to truly understand your ideal customer. Writing copy for your ideal customer is an intimate experience. It really should begin with you. It will make you a better entrepreneur and a better communicator overall if you take the time to perfect your expertise. After this episode, you will walk away with golden nuggets that will help you transform your next promotion. I even share one of my best converting ads and break it all down for you step-by-step. Coaching the Conversion Method in 4 Steps [10:34] Shift your mindset about how you feel about being a copywriter. Look at copywriting as a means to coach your ideal customer through a transformation by using words that make them feel seen and heard. [13:47] Know your ideal customer avatar like you know your best friend. Sometimes you have to read between the lines and know-your-customer intimately. Clearly understand their pain points, desires, and what makes them tick. [17:42] Use their words. It's important that you reflect back to them what they are feeling and what they are saying. Keep a running list of words and phrases that they use. These are pure gold for copywriters. [19:24] Remember that coaching the conversion walks your potential customer along the path from where they are now to where they could be or where they want to be. The first part of the path is your weekly content then you move on to coaching opportunities inside a webinar. Then send post follow-up emails. A Concrete Example from One of My Highest Converting Facebook Ads: How long have you been waiting to finally have the confidence to go all in on building and selling your digital course? Six months a year more. It took me a while to get started to. I was scared I'd fail, and guess what? I pretty much did. My first course only made me $267, but I stuck with it and 7 courses, 42,000 students, and 8.7 million dollars in revenue later. I've learned a thing or two, and I want to share all that with you. Register for free here (and then I give the link).     Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Free List Building Masterclass Ry Schwartz Episode #235: How To Identify Your Ideal Customer Avatar
6/6/201930 minutes, 1 second
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#265: What to Do When Your Life (and Biz) Are Out of Balance with Sheri Salata

Any Oprah fans out there? If you are a diehard Oprah fan like me, then you probably watched Season 25 of Oprah Behind the Scenes, and you probably remember Executive Producer Sheri Salata. She was also co-president of Harpo studios and OWN. I remember watching a scene from that special that showed Sheri waking up in the morning with her bulldogs getting ready to go to the Oprah show, and I thought how does she do it all? It turns out Sheri has a fascinating story. She had reached the heights of her business career when she decided to reinvent herself and find more balance in her life. She woke up and realized that a career of her dreams wasn’t enough. She set out to reinvent herself with a job and life that are one and live her life to the fullest. If you have ever felt stuck or in a rut, you will love Sheri’s story of reinvention and using happy as a compass. Sheri is the author of The Beautiful No, the owner of The Pillar Life, and co-host of The Sheri + Nancy Show. This is a powerful episode as Sheri shares her wit and wisdom in a way that only a true storyteller like Sheri can. [08:16] Sheri shares what her life was like as executive producer for Oprah before day one of life after Oprah. [11:13] Sheri had a great story for her book. She started in an entry level position for Oprah at the age of 35. This was the 3rd or 4th time she started over, and she reinvented herself again at age 56. [13:58] You don't know your in a rut until you're out of it. Forcing yourself to jump the track and breathe new air makes life more interesting. [16:28] Sheri had a dream come true career but not a dream come true life. She had to do a serious reckoning with the tenderness of hearts to get to the core of the kind of life she dreamed of. [19:44] At a Shamanic ceremony in the desert, Sheri learned that to start with a fresh page you have to let go and clear the slate. [24:05] Sheri and Nancy built a business around living and doing things for a better life and then reporting back about it. [28:01] Sheri switched her story about working out. She is a storyteller, so she told herself a new story that inspired her using words like power, flexibility, renewal, and recovery. [30:55] Awareness is everything. How not to make misery your compass. When happiness is your compass, you are keenly aware of what feels good. These are clues that your destination is lovely and wonderful. [36:58] The amazing story of how Sheri landed her job at Oprah. You don't want to miss this story! It's also the basis for the title of her book The Beautiful No. This episode is brought to you by LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the perfect platform to market your business. Marketing your business is all about reaching the right audience at the right time and connecting with them when your message resonates the most. So, if you want to target your customers where they're engaging everyday and when they're ready to make a decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. In fact, four out of five customers who are on LinkedIn are decision makers at their companies. You can see some incredible traction with your LinkedIn ads. If you want to redeem a free $100 dollar LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign on LinkedIn go to Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Season 25: Oprah Behind The Scenes The Beautiful No: And Other Tales of Trial, Transcendence, and Transformation The Sheri + Nancy Show $100 LinkedIn Ad Credit Jennifer Rudolph Walsh on LinkedIn Karen Rinaldi EP 85 We’re Going Keto-Green™ The Pillar Life
5/30/201942 minutes, 42 seconds
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#264: Is this ONE EXCUSE Sneaking into Your Business and Slowing You Down? (It Might Even Be Hiding!)

Is there something holding you back in your business? Today, I’m talking about that ONE EXCUSE that may be holding you back from taking that next step that will really propel your business forward. This excuse holds many people back, and they don’t even know it. It’s kind of like a snake in the grass, where you don’t even know it’s there until it slithers up and STOPS you in your tracks. I’m also going to show you how to identify this excuse in all its many forms and how to breakaway from this cycle with a simple technique that anyone can do. It might not be easy. It might not be comfortable, but being able to take action even when it’s not easy or comfortable is key to progress. Moving forward even when you don’t have all of the answers can get you unstuck and start the positive momentum you need to move the needle forward in your business. [05:09] Not moving forward because you are stuck is an excuse that can take many forms and hold you back. [09:42] The way to get past this is taking imperfect action even when it is messy and uncomfortable. [10:57] How I took imperfect action with my team bonus structure. I approached it like I knew what I was doing and put together a plan to the best of my ability. I NEVER have to start from scratch again. That's what imperfect action does! [16:21] You have to have something to show when you ask for feedback. [18:10] You have to make a decision and produce something. The hardest place to be is starting from scratch. Get beyond this point, even when you don't have all of the answers. That's how to get stuff done! Links mentioned in this episode: Online Marketing Made Easy Facebook Group Episode #255: What's Keeping You Safe Is What's Keeping You Stuck Free List Building Masterclass Amy Porterfield on Instagram
5/23/201926 minutes, 6 seconds
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#263: How to Tease Your Digital Course Before You’re Ready to Launch

You want people ready to buy when you launch your course, but how do you do that? This episode will explain exactly how to be intentional before your launch, so that your customers will be ready to buy when you are ready to sell. You need to start the relationship building early, because people buy from those that they know, like, and trust. I am going to share a powerful marketing strategy that you can use to seed the idea of your course before it is ever launched. You will be priming the pump in a transparent and authentic way that makes people hungry for what you have to offer. I’m going to give you three powerful tips that you can intentionally use to get your buyers ready and excited to buy from you when you launch. This mini lesson will give you actionable ways to talk about your course in a natural way that doesn’t sound salesy and gets people excited about what you are offering. [06:49] The best way to hit your goals during your launch is to be incredibly intentional before your launch. You want to position yourself as your audience's guide, so they recognize you as their go-to source. This priming period is all about how you show up for your audience. [10:33] Use stories about your journey or your students journey to seed your course. This will make the struggles more real and tangible. Think about your students and where were they, what did they struggle with, what held them back, and what helped them move forward. Understand the difference between a story and a testimonial and use both of them. [15:59] Talk about specific lessons, formulas, frameworks, or strategies that are in your course. I created a framework and then showed how it came to life with a step-by-step of a webinar that made me over three million dollars in one launch. Give names to your lessons and formulas. [20:03] Create exclusivity. You want your non-students to want to be part of your special insider community. Shout outs are a great way to share that you have something special. When people see you talking about it, they want to be part of it. Do it in a loving mindful way. [22:47] Don't be afraid to talk about your course multiple times in multiple ways. Weaving your product into the conversation naturally never sounds salesy. In order to make the seeding strategy work, you have to launch when you say you are going to launch.   This episode is brought to you by my Free Masterclass all about list building. One of the ways that you can be incredibly intentional when you aren’t launching is to build your email list every single day. The energy of your business is directly tied to the strength of your email list, and so that’s why you hear me talk about list building so much on my podcast, in my Facebook lives, and in my private Facebook groups and in all my courses. List building is essential to the growth of your online business. Get my Free List Building Masterclass. Links mentioned in this episode: Free List Building Masterclass
5/16/201933 minutes, 30 seconds
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#262: Feeling Frazzled and Overworked? How to Prioritize What Matters Most with Kate Northrup

I've been noticing a theme lately and it's the idea of less is more. I have been really busy this first quarter and am looking forward to a season where I can slow down. But to be honest, this scares my entrepreneurial brain. I associate slowing down with achieving less and making less money. In spite of this, I firmly believe in my core that I can do less and still make a huge impact and hit my big goals. My friend Kate Northrup is someone who did just that. She slowed down and discovered that her earning didn’t decrease. She even discovered that by listening to her body and noticing her seasons, she could get more done by doing less. She even wrote the book Doing Less. The book goes into detail on how to do less, create a bigger impact, make more money, and create space to do those things that matter. This episode is incredibly actionable, incredibly valuable, and you will learn a lot about yourself that you didn't know. [13:27] The 40 hour work week isn't evidence-based and it's not results-based. A 55 hour work week leads to a 33% increased risk in stroke and a 13% increase in risk of coronary disease. A 49 hour week is associated with poor mental health. There is a diminishing rate of return on hours put in. [15:59] Men have a cyclical experience of energy based on their hormones every 24 hours. Women have a cyclical experience of energy based on their hormones every 28 days. Productivity and time management systems assume our lives are based on a 24-hour cycle. We both have the ability to get just as much done, but in slightly different ways. The four phases line up with the energy of the seasons. [21:33] Very few people can be in a state of high concentration for more than 4 or 5 hours a day. Multiple things at the same time makes us miss things and make mistakes. Get clear on your goals. Set a timer for every hour and write down what you were doing. Then ask if they are connected to your result. [34:03] How to map out which tasks should be done and when. Ask yourself how much energy you have as you plan your week and then have 5% to 10% of your activities based on your energy and then get done what you need to get done. Listen to your body and things will work in alignment. Our bodies are our source of energy and creativity. [39:43] Simplify. Ask if things are in flow or in friction. Simplify wherever there is friction. Learn how to get results with the least amount of steps. Find what works for you. [45:37] To do lists can be overwhelming. Make a weekly list instead of a daily list. This gives you grace and space to make things happen. Ask if it NEEDS to be done. Does it need to be done by ME? Does it need to be done NOW? This episode is brought to you by LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the perfect platform to market your business. Marketing your business is all about reaching the right audience at the right time and connecting with them when your message resonates the most. So, if you want to target your customers where they're engaging everyday and when they're ready to make a decision, I want you to consider LinkedIn. In fact, four out of five customers who are on LinkedIn are decision makers at their companies. You can see some incredible traction with your LinkedIn ads. If you want to redeem a free $100 dollar LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign on LinkedIn go to Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
5/9/201953 minutes, 19 seconds
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#261: Membership Site Inspiration: How They Did It

Have you ever thought about adding a membership site to your business model? How does the idea of recurring revenue in your business sound? Revenue coming in every single month, rain or shine, launch or no launch… Sounds good to me!   Many of my students are course creators and the idea of adding a membership site on the backend of their course as a way for their customers to continue working with them really does seem to be the next right step in their business. My students aren’t the only ones getting on the membership site train...In fact, I’m in the process of adding a membership site to my own business and what I’ve learned over the past year about the power of combining memberships and courses is nothing short of revolutionary. If you tuned in last week, I spoke with the membership site guru himself, Stu McLaren, and we went through the 10 most burning questions about membership sites and boy have we heard from a lot of you of how helpful that episode was and how it has inspired many of you to take that next step. Well, you know I love a good story, so I wanted to hear from some course creators who added a membership site to their business mix. I wanted to hear the good, the bad and the ugly, straight from their mouths, so I jumped on Facebook Live this week and interviewed three people who’ve added a membership site on the backend of their course as a way for their customers to continue working with them and to be able to receive the post-course support that is so important to their continued success. You’re going to love hearing from these three rockstar entrepreneurs and believe me, they have the results to prove that memberships and courses go together like peanut butter and jelly. So let me tell you a little bit about each of my guests. They’re in completely different industries but they all have one thing in common…they have successfully combined their courses with memberships.   Listen to your students when they tell you they want more of you... Jamie Swanson is a busy mama of six who teaches other photographers how to work with entrepreneurs and influencers who need a steady stream of images to grow their personal brand. Her course teaches photographers how to pivot their business from whatever type of photography they’ve been doing before, maybe family portraits, weddings, etc.) to this new hot market for personal brand photography. After finishing Jamie’s course, her students were constantly asking how they could continue working with her. She knew a membership site would serve them best. Listen in as Jamie shares her biggest fears about opening up a membership site (hello, content treadmill!), how she’s embraced a simple model that her students love and her whopping conversion rate when she opened up her membership site to her existing students.     Think your course is too niched for a membership site? Think again! Jesse Mencia teaches hand-lettering to Spanish speaking women, as well as how they can turn their hobby of hand-lettering into a business by selling their beautiful products. Jesse started with a six-week course, but quickly saw the need for continued support after her students finished up her course. Once again, her students wanted more and they were willing to pay. Listen in as Jesse shares her inspiring story.       From rock solid copywriting foundation to confident business building... Belinda is a copywriter who teaches aspiring copywriters how to gain confidence in working with clients, hone their craft and build thriving copywriting businesses. Now, listen carefully because we’ve got a theme going on here...Belinda’s students, like both Jamie and Jesse, told her they wanted more from her. When they gained confidence in their copywriting from her course, the next right step was to learn how to build and scale their businesses, and that’s where her membership site came in. Listen in as Belinda shares how she runs her membership site and how she’s adding some new promotional strategies to the mix. Each of these ladies has had great success and they all golden insights to share, such as… How to batch 10 weeks of content in one four hour block How to share your membership with your course students How a membership site helps your best students to get greater results If you’re curious about how you can combine a membership with your course, you won’t want to miss this episode!And if you want more of the secrets that have helped these ladies succeed, you’ll want to sign up for my dear friend Stu McLaren’s FREE workshop, Recurring Revolution. Sign up here!
5/2/201953 minutes, 14 seconds
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#260: All About Membership Sites: Your Top 10 Burning Questions with Stu McLaren Email

So many of you have asked me questions about setting up a membership site so you could serve your audience in a bigger and deeper way. Well, I thought I better bring in someone who knows membership sites in and out, and directly ask him your burning questions, all about membership sites. I like to call Stu McLaren the Membership Man. He is, hands down, the go-to source for all things membership.      In 2008, Stu knew something had to give. He was burning the candle at both ends providing one-on-one services to clients. While his business would be seen as successful by most because the money was there, he was trading time for dollars and this was not the answer to where he saw his future. Especially one with kids in it, like he and his wife were hoping for.    Long story short, Stu decided he needed a new business model to take what he was already doing and share it in a more leveraged way -- a model that included recurring revenue. Upon the suggestion from a friend and business mentor, he started a membership site. Not only did he create a membership site for himself, but he saw a need for a tool for implementing a membership site, so he set out and created one. Throughout his time working with the 70,000 clients who flocked to use WishList Member, the membership software platform Stu created, he learned a lot about what worked and what didn’t when it came to creating a membership site and he joined me on my podcast today to share all of that wisdom. Here’s a snapshot of what we covered in our chat where I asked him the 10 most burning questions that you, my listener, asked: We covered… The difference between a membership site and a course What kind of content you need to have inside your course How to manage the content creation process Pricing your membership site Launch strategies and options for membership sites Having your course as a prerequisite for you membership site Launching with webinars Incentivizing members to join Bottom line, almost any business can benefit from having some type of membership site. And it doesn’t have to be a lot of work to invite members in, or to create content every month. The beauty of a membership site is that you get to leverage your knowledge with the content you provide and the recurring revenue that a membership will bring to your business.   Here are some of the highlights from this episode: [8:23] Question #1…  the main difference between a membership site and a course [22:04] The Four Primary Pieces of Content you need for your membership site every month [26:40] You Don’t Have to Do It Alone - What Inspired John Gallagher, founder of HerbMentor to facilitate a tribe of experts. The content does not have to fall on your shoulders. [28:39] How to decide what content to release and when to your new members (and how to simplify) [31:49] Pricing your membership site and the important distinctions between offering membership first or your course first [37:09] What you MUST know about pricing your membership site [40:22] Open or closed launching, and how Jennifer Allwood scaled her membership site from 700 members in three years to 1,200 new members in 5 DAYS [47:12] The secret to the ONE and only ad that made Stu buy (and how you can apply it to your membership site) [51:37] How Nicholas Wilton recruited 180 members from a single webinar before he had even created his membership site [57:48] Paint Store Owners, Fitness Experts, Dog Trainers, and other surprising examples of membership site founders [1:00] The misconceptions you don’t need to buy into Stu brought so many great insights ton how to make a membership site work for you. This was truly one of my favorite episodes of the podcast. And there’s so much more where that came from! If you’re wondering whether a membership site can work for you, or wanting to know how to grow your existing site, I highly encourage you to join Stu’s free workshop by visiting Join us both and listen to the episode now! This episode is brought to you by Tribe. Join the free TRIBE Workshop today and learn how to Turn What You Already Know, Love, And Do Into A Successful Membership Business. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
4/25/20191 hour, 15 minutes, 4 seconds
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#259: 7 Secrets to Talking About Your Product Like a Pro

One of the best ways to sell your product is to get out there and tell people about it. This isn’t always easy! After this episode, you’re going to be armed with strategies to confidently talk about your product like a pro. After an exhausting launch, I found myself mindlessly flipping through channels and stumbled upon an infomercial for Bye Bye Foundation with IT Cosmetics founder Jamie Lima. This is a woman who knows how to SELL her product to the tune of millions and millions of dollars. I noticed that Jamie talks about her product in a very specific way. The words she was using… the way she repeats herself… it was like magic! She was seamlessly talking about her product the way I’d like to talk about my own programs while on webinars and Facebook Lives. I began studying her work and really paying attention. I discovered that she has very specific strategies for talking about her product, so I broke those down for you in this episode. I also give you some tips and tricks to apply Jamie’s expert strategies when talkinb about your own products. Grab your free cheat sheet here! The Seven Secrets for Talking About Your Product Like a Pro: [06:51] Solidify your verbal tagline. A verbal tagline is something that you say over and over again. Create an inspirational or motivational tagline that talks about your product. [10:34] Tell what it is. You’ve got to be clear on exactly what it is you’re selling. It may seem obvious to you, but it may not be to your potential customer. You want to highlight what is most important about your product, program or service through the use of very concise phrases or words. [13:58] Tell what it's not. You just need one or two sentences of what your product is not. Find one or two things that you know your audience doesn't want because that allows you to then move into what it IS in an inspirational way. This contrast can be very powerful. [16:08] Tell why it's unique. There are likely multiple ways your product, program or service is unique, but it’s important to highlight ONE specific way it’s very unique to set you apart from your competition. [20:37] Identify a few core themes. Come up with verbal themes. Jamie uses the words “different” and “deserve” a lot as her theme words. A theme word I use when I talk about my programs is “doable”. It’s important to have some themes that are constant when talking about your product, program or service. [26:09] Future pace with an intentional one-liner. Future pacing by beginning a sentence with “Imagine…” will help your potential customer look at what’s possible, or what’s ahead for them. You want them to get excited and future pacing will help them to envision a better future for themselves if they purchase your product, program or service. [28:23] Choose testimonials that speak to all of the above. When getting testimonials from your customers, make sure to ask the right questions to get authentic answers that talk about your product in a way that mirrors how you talk about your product. I've created a cheat sheet that will walk you through these seven secrets in detail but will also prompt you to create each of these snippets on your own so that you have them when you go into your next promotion. Grab the cheat sheet here! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: Jamie Lima IT Cosmetics Blue Ocean Strategy
4/18/201937 minutes, 23 seconds
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#258: Achieve More While Doing Less with Michael Hyatt

As entrepreneurs, we’re driven by our passion and ideas. There is never a lack of projects and things that need to get done. Even worse, we often jump from one task to the next as we try to get caught up with our endless list. Does it seem like you never have enough time in the day to get the important stuff done? Are you frantically trying to whittle down that endless list? We all get caught up in this cycle. That’s why I’m so excited to have Michael Hyatt back on the show. Michael says: “It's almost impossible to accomplish anything significant when you're racing through an endless litany of tasks and emergencies. And yet, this is how many of us spend our days, our weeks, months, years, sometimes our entire lives.” Michael operated like this for years when he was an overworked and stressed executive at Thomas Nelson Publishers. Michael, now on the other side of this unsustainable and unhealthy work pattern, has cracked the code on a system of productivity and focus that is designed to help you avoid burnout in your business.   Michael was tired of working harder and accomplishing less. It’s FOCUS that drives our businesses and our personal lives. In this episode, Michael shares the principles from his new book Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less, so we can accomplish what matters.   The Free to Focus System: [07:34] Productivity is really about freedom. Freedom is a BIG reason people get into business. The book covers four freedoms: The freedom to focus. We need sustained focus and concentration. The freedom to be present. This is the freedom to be 100% present with whoever you are with. The freedom to be spontaneous, and the freedom to do nothing. [12:12] There are also three phases to Freedom to Focus. They are Stop, Cut, and Act. The first three chapters focus on Stop. First, you need to formulate a vision of a more productive future. Then evaluate the work you are doing using the freedom compass. And always rejuvenate and take time for self-care. Formulate, evaluate, and rejuvenate. [14:22] Using the Freedom Compass: True North is where passion and proficiency come together. South is the drudgery zone. Things your not passionate about or proficient in. East is the disinterest zone. Things you are good at but not passionate about. West is the distraction zone. Things you enjoy doing but aren’t good at. [18:11] Things on your freedom compass that you love and are good at are in your desire zone. This is where you should focus the bulk of your energy. Eliminate, automate, or delegate everything that's not in the desire zone. [30:41] Michael plays mythbuster to the objections that entrepreneurs have about delegation. Hiring a VA enables you to repurpose time for more valuable activities. [35:46] Act also has three steps. They are consolidate, designate, and activate. To consolidate avoid context switching and batch activities. [38:53] Designate is designing your year by identifying three goals for your quarter, week, and each day. Imagine how powerful your days would be if you accomplish three important things on a daily basis. [43:00] Activate is about managing the interruptions. Check in before going into a deep work session, so you won't be interrupted. Turn off notifications. Let technology serve you. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Links mentioned in this episode: MIchael Hyatt Lead to Win Thomas Nelson #101: How to Intentionally Design the Life You Want with Michael Hyatt Achieve Conference Warren Buffett The Power of a Positive No BELAY Priority VA Your Best Year Ever Full Focus Planner Jason Fried Digital Minimalism Freedom App Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less Girl, Stop Apologizing
4/11/201954 minutes, 23 seconds
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#257: How to Sell More by Offering Less

Are you making it as easy as possible for your followers to buy from you? Is it possible to put out too much content? Many of us, myself included, struggle with thinking more is more when it comes to the products, services, and programs that we offer our potential customers. It may seem counterintuitive, but offering MORE can actually make people click away! Giving people too many options can cause decision fatigue and your potential customer will click away from your blog or video without signing up or purchasing from you. We’re living in an age with options everywhere. If it takes too much brain power for someone to decide on something, they're out. It's your job to make it as easy as possible for your followers to make a decision. Your audience will be much more apt to buy if you present them with less offers that are better quality, In this episode, I help you determine the fine line of less is more when it comes to content. Did you know that a person is less likely to buy if given too many choices? I’ve got a study to prove it to you. I’ll also help you understand why it’s important to have flow, and a clear beginning, middle, and end. Want to become a go-to guide in your field? I’ve got that covered, too. These three foolproof steps will help you narrow down the options that you present to your audience: Listen to your customers. Be intentional about hearing what your customers are asking for. If you listen closely, your audience will tell you exactly what they want. Carefully watch your audience's behavior. Where do conversions take place? Where can you narrow down your options? You cannot fear pivoting when necessary. Notice patterns and trends with your audience and do more of what’s working and cut out what’s not working. Your next clear step: Have a 15-minute brainstorming session and write down what you offer. Ask these questions. Does it feel like too much? Is it clear? Click here to listen now! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
4/4/201943 minutes, 6 seconds
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#256: The Forgotten Funnel: Increase Customer Value Without Selling More

“New customers are good, but existing customers are better.” - Casey Graham Did you know it takes five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep an existing one? Five times! Most businesses put a huge focus on getting NEW customers (which is important), but where they’re missing the mark is by not equally nurturing the EXISTING customers that they do have. On today’s podcast episode I talk to Casey Graham, founder of Gravy, the company that helps entrepreneurs and business owners (including myself) solve the problem of failed payments and credit card declines in their business. Why did I bring him on? Because he’s an incredibly smart and strategic business owner who knows how to create profitable businesses - he’s built several from the ground up and is a master at growing thriving teams that wow their customers on a daily basis. Casey says that f you were to increase keeping your existing customers who are paying you by 5%, you could increase your profits by 25-95%, depending on your type of business. That’s a game-changer, my friend!   As a business owner, you’ve got to develop a customer-centric business and this episode is going to give you a roadmap to do just that as Casey drills down on the 5 non-negotiables of setting up a stellar system of customer care (aka the forgotten funnel) in your business. Person - define who you are (the owner/leader of your organization) and who you are serving (your customers) People - how is your team (or you) set up to serve your customers? Process - how are you intentionally valuing your customers before you ask for more value? Product - what’s your product value ladder to continue to serve customers? Profit - what are you doing to reduce churn and close the back door?  You’re going to be able to walk away today with some simple strategies that you can incorporate into your business immediately that will literally change how your customers see you and most importantly how they feel about you on a daily basis. This episode is brought to you by Gravy, the company I trust to contact my customers within hours of a failed payment, capturing the updated billing information, and saving the customer my team and I worked so hard to acquire. If your revenue is currently at $250K or more a year and you know you’re losing money due to failed payments each month, I encourage you to check out Gravy. Click here to see how they can be an extension of your customer service and save you money.   SUBSCRIBE & REVIEW IN ITUNES Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!  
3/28/201950 minutes, 32 seconds
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#255: What's Keeping You Safe Is What's Keeping You Stuck

What’s keeping you stuck? Are you in an unfulfilling 9-5 job that you’re dying to get out of? Maybe your side hustle is not progressing along fast enough. Is the business model you created just not feeling right? Or maybe you’ve been at it for a while and your revenue numbers just aren’t where you want them to be. No matter what it is, if you’re feeling stuck in any area of your business, that needs to stop and today’s episode is going to help.   We will explore the four areas that are likely keeping you stuck and my goal is for you to recognize what these areas are so you can formulate a plan to start moving forward in the direction you want to go. Following are the four areas I’ll discuss in this episode to keep you moving forward: Understanding what your safety blanket is and how it’s likely holding you back. Safe can be a good thing, but that’s not always the case in your business and I’ll explain why.   Which of your own expectations are holding you back? Setting expectations for yourself are good, but you’ve got to ground those expectations in goals and processes to get you to that goal. How to get clear on the systems that are necessary to get the results you want. I’ll share an excerpt from a book I’m reading now that has totally rocked my world when it comes to goal setting. I’ll walk you through the new mindset shift I’ve created that is going to help me to reach my impossible goal.   Why it’s important to fuel your brain by doing something different. Inspiration can come in many different packages, and expanding your horizons in what you read, listen to, and watch can get you right out of the creative rut you may be in. Are you ready to move past the feelings of being stuck or unfulfilled? Let’s do this!  Press play to listen in.   This episode is brought to you by my free masterclass, “The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan. My Proven 3-Stack System For Leveraging The Most Powerful, “What’s Working Now” List Building Strategies (without the stress, tech confusion, or crazy overwhelm).   If you are struggling to get started with building your list OR if you are not attracting new subscribers to your list every single day, this is the free master class for you.
3/21/201934 minutes, 36 seconds
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#254: From Crippling Excuses to Empowered Action with Rachel Holllis

Rachel Hollis is in the house!! Literally, she came to my house and we sat in my studio for this interview! I normally do my interviews via Skype or Zoom, so the in-person interview was both nerve-wracking and super fun! I think you’ll love listening to this episode. Rachel, who in case you aren’t familiar with, is a #1 New York Times best-selling author of Girl, Wash Your Face, she’s got a new book that’s now out, Girl, Stop Apologizing. She’s a motivational speaker, a top-rated podcast host -- and, oh yeah, she’s got four kids! This woman is a powerhouse and she brought her A-game today. During the interview, we talk about Rachel’s new book, Girl, Stop Apologizing. The book’s subtitle is A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals -- let me tell you, this book is super tactical when it comes to setting and achieving your goals, but the way Rachel delivers her message through her gift of story-telling, her wonderful sense of humor, and her no-nonsense belief that if you have a dream, you CAN make it happen. I just know this is going to be one of your favorite reads! Alright, I want you to pop those earbuds in and  listen right away, but if you want a sneak peek of what we talk about during the interview, here you go: I asked Rachel what she thinks about the minute she opens her eyes in the morning. I just loved her honesty: tired and anxious. She talks about the season she’s in right now and talks about how she gets herself moving and in a better state. We talk about being people pleasers and worrying about what people think about us. Rachel is very much in the public eye, so she’s got really great insight on this struggle that so many of us deal with. Rachel addresses two common excuses so many of us use (I hand-picked these two from the several she talks about in her book specifically for you, because I hear these same excuses from my audience all the time): “I don’t have enough time.” and “I’m not enough to succeed.”   We talk about the simple 5 to Thrive model that Rachel says has literally changed her personal and professional life. It’s so simple, yet so powerful! Rachel talks about why you MUST choose ONE dream to pursue in order to achieve the traction that is necessary to achieve your goals. She has the best analogy to explain why you shouldn’t be focusing your efforts on too many things at once.     Some people wonder how Rachel did it. They call her an “overnight success”. She debunks that myth right off the bat and drops some truth bombs in the process.   Rachel talks about how she built her following (she has over 1 million on Instagram alone!) by getting to know her Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA). She tells how this quote she heard over 10 years ago, “Follow the signs of life,” helped guide her in really getting to know her ICA and use that to monetize her business. You guys, there is so much value, inspiration and tactical advise to living the life that you dream of AND you deserve. Don’t wait another minute, click here to listen in to my interview with the one and only, Rachel Hollis! This episode is sponsored by my free masterclass, “The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan”. My Proven 3-Stack System For Leveraging The Most Powerful, “What’s Working Now” List Building Strategies (without the stress, tech confusion, or crazy overwhelm). If you are struggling to get started with building your list OR if you are not attracting new subscribers to your list every single day, this is the free master class for you. LINKS: Girl, Wash Your Face, by Rachel Hollis (Physical Book) Girl, Wash Your Face, by Rachel Hollis (Audible version) Girl, Stop Apologizing, by Rachel Hollis (Physical Book) Girl, Stop Apologizing, By Rachel Hollis (Audible version) Blackberry Farm in Tennessee (where we took our girl’s trip) Entreleadership podcasr interview with Clate Mask Keith J. Cunningham website Made For More: Rachel’s movie on Amazon Prime Follow Rachel on Instagram SUBSCRIBE & REVIEW IN ITUNES Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!  
3/14/201957 minutes, 39 seconds
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#253: How to Grow Your Local Business with Online Marketing Strategies

I’m often asked if the strategies used for online marketing can be translated to the local business. Maybe you have a hair salon, a dance studio, a wine shop, a real estate agency, a pet grooming business… The question is, how can we take the information I talk about list building, lead magnets, funnels, social media strategy and all the other topics that come up and use them effectively to get more customers through your physical storefront?   Since I’m not an expert in this area, I brought in someone who is. My guest on the podcast today is Stacy Tuschl, the creator of She’s Building Her Empire Podcast & Community where she helps female entrepreneurs automate their businesses so they can do more with less. She’s also a best-selling author AND has two dance studios in Milwaukee, WI grossing over one million dollars per year!   You’ll love Stacy’s teaching style: she’s very specific and gives lots of examples and actionable steps for you to take right away. This interview is great for those of you with a brick and mortar business, but even if you are in the online space only, you will learn a ton. Here’s a breakdown of what we discussed:   The most common struggle that brick and mortar businesses face and how to overcome that struggle and bring more customers in the door The three funnels that convert very well (we’ve got a great freebie to walk you through these funnels, too. Just click here to grab it!)   Get them in your building Funnel Education Funnel Upsell Funnel   What you need to consider as far as what to include on your opt-in and thank you pages, funnel content and number of emails included in each. This can be very different from the typical online marketing funnels. Tips and strategies for getting lots of honest online reviews from your customers. Stacy got 60 reviews in one week! The 3 Ts of Success (These are simple strategies, but so very valuable. And these will hold true whether you’re an online marketer or brick-and-mortar.) What you need to know (and not know) about your competition. Wondering if you should use Google ad words, Yelp, Facebook ads? Stacy’s got some great insight for you on this.   The importance of claiming your Google listing. How to leverage social media as a brick and mortar business (P.S. A small social media following is ok!) And as a bonus, Stacy shares some great online tips for hiring new employees for your local business. You guys, my chat with Stacy was 100% filled with useful strategies and tips! I can’t wait for you to listen. You’re going to walk away with specific things you can implement immediately to help grow your business.  Click here to listen in now! This episode is brought to you by my free masterclass, “The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan. My Proven 3-Stack System For Leveraging The Most Powerful, “What’s Working Now” List Building Strategies (without the stress, tech confusion, or crazy overwhelm). If you’re struggling to get started with building your list OR if you are not attracting new subscribers to your list every single day, this is the free master class for you. Click here to sign up! SUBSCRIBE & REVIEW IN ITUNES Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!  
3/7/201950 minutes
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#252: The 3 Little Known "Personal Touchpoints" I Added to My Recent Launch

My team and I just finished up with the launch of my new course, Digital Course Academy, and I want to share some new strategies I used that really resonated with my audience and resulted in a big boost in sales conversions. The three strategies all focus on personalization and are something that you will easily be able to replicate in your own launch.   Live launch personalization is more important than ever, especially when people are used to canned responses and bots. Having direct communication from a human is next-level when it comes to customer service these days. When you incorporate personal touches to your launch, you are helping your prospective customers to be able to decide whether they want to purchase your program, product or service. Here are the three personal touches that I go over in today’s episode will be game-changers for your next live launch: Personalization #1: Recording Audio Messages Via Snagit Learn how I used Snagit, the quick and easy screen capture and/or recorder application, to provide personalized customer service messages that really wowed my audience. I also mention how I’ve recently been introduced and have begun using Loom to handle the same task. Personalization #2: Live Sales Page Chat With OlarkLearn how I used Olark, to provide stellar live sales page chat during my launch. This tool will allow you to answer real-time questions, in-the-moment from your potential customers when they’re making the buying decision. When handled right, these conversations will significantly increase your conversions. These prompt, “real-time” conversations are priceless. Whether it’s you in there or someone on your team that’s very familiar with your content, make sure to set up a system for live chat support during your next live launch. Personalization #3: Recording an Off the Cuff, From the Heart, Final VideoThis is a video to record in real-time and send out on the final day when you’re closing the doors for people to be able to purchase your program, product, or service. I’ll tell you what to include in the email to deliver the video (the subject line and body copy) and what you should say in the video. The timing of recording this video is critical because you want to be feeling all the emotions that you will have on that last day. You will be coming in raw, honest, and extremely helpful with this last bit of communication to your prospective customer. There you have it! I’ve shared my secrets and I hope you take what worked well for me and incorporate these strategies in your next live launch. Believe me, you will never be sorry for adding these personal touches. Click here to listen now!   This episode is brought to you by: SUBSCRIBE & REVIEW IN ITUNES Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!    
2/28/201933 minutes, 33 seconds
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#251: How I'd Grow My Business If I Were Starting From Scratch

I was thinking about you, my listener, the other day and thought, “What can I give to them that would help them most in their businesses right where they are today.” This is my tenth year of business in the online marketing space, and I have learned a lot. Ups and downs, successes and failures...and through it all, I learned invaluable lessons along the way. I’m going to take that ten years of learning and share it with you in today’s podcast episode.   Specifically, I’m going to share what I would have done differently were I starting from scratch today. Now, this is not only for those newbies out there. There are many foundational principles that even the most seasoned entrepreneur can learn from to ensure you are a building a business that is sustainable. I know I’m still learning as I go along, so I hope today’s episode will help you wherever you are in your business journey. Here are the areas   Where I Would Spend My Money I’ll be talking about the must-have tools I use in my business, as well as how to choose the right personal development investment that will serve you best. What I Would Focus On The Most (especially in the first two years) Don’t do what I did in my first two years of business. You MUST create original content consistently AND know who you’re talking to. Too many overcomplicate this process and I’ll share how to keep it simple to move your business forward in a powerful way. I’ll also discuss the importance of knowing and declaring exactly HOW you want to make money in your business.     What I Would Say Yes To More Often What I talk about here would have looked very different five and ten years ago. This will be the same for you because the business you have today will look dramatically look different just a few years from now. You will make choices today that you won’t make years from now because your business will be different. What I Would Say No To More Often You may be surprised by some of what I discuss here, but please, please heed my advice here. Your time is valuable and there are some things that may look good but are not good for growing your business.    The Mindset Shift I Would Make Early On With so much noise in the online world, there is one key mindset shift that will be invaluable for you personally and in your business. It’s all about asking yourself higher value questions. I’ve got a worksheet for you with some great examples to get you going. The Habits I Would Adopt Early On - Habits That Would Shape My Identity Establishing good habits in your life will be a game-changer! Your level of success is directly tied to how you show up on a daily basis, and creating habits is the key. I think this episode is going to be really helpful to you in your journey, so take a listen and use the lessons I’ve learned over the past 10 years as a shortcut to your success.    
2/21/201945 minutes, 48 seconds
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#250: How to Create a 3-Month Content Calendar (The Step-by-Step Process)

You’ve heard it before, right? Content is KING. That is certainly true and I’ll be the first to tell you that the quality and consistency of your content directly correlate to the growth of your email list AND your bank account. The operative word in that last sentence was consistency. Without consistency when it comes to your content creation, content is not king. You probably know that I just recently launched my new course, Digital Course Academy, and I can guarantee that if you ask any of my students what the ONE thing that I’m a stickler about...they will tell you that I want them creating consistent content on a weekly basis. The reason why I’m such a stickler about this is that In order for you to have a thriving online business, you’ve got to create consistent content in order to attract your tribe. Once you’ve attracted your tribe and they’re paying attention, that’s when you build the “know, like, and trust” factor. And once they know, like, and trust you, they will likely buy from you. Creating consistent content on a weekly basis is NOT always easy and it takes time, however, it’s a clear step that, should you commit to, will pay dividends in the success of your business. The question is: how do you make sure this weekly content gets done? You create a content plan. And I can help you with that! In fact, in this episode, I go over these three things: A foolproof plan to create consistent content, that will leave you feeling confident, excited and inspired My top 5 favorite ways to choose topics that your Ideal Customer Avatar will want to eat up immediately (You’re going to find these VERY useful!) I’ll tell you all about the 3-Month Content Calendar Template I created for you to keep all your content organized. I’ve got it all laid out in a spreadsheet that you can take and make your own. All you have to do is follow the prompts and fill in the blanks and you’ll be good to go! You can download the calendar here. Click here to listen to the episode now.  
2/14/201934 minutes, 10 seconds
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#249: The Seven Biggest Fears That Stop People From Building An Online Business with Marie Forleo

Having fear is a natural part of running a business. The key is to not let those fears stop you from doing the work that you were created to do. But what do you do when those fears threaten to throw you off your game or derail you completely? You take action and keep moving forward, but sometimes you need a little inspiration to keep you going.   In this episode, my friend Marie Forleo (entrepreneur extraordinaire) and I are going to share the seven biggest fears that we have personally struggled with and overcome. Our intention is to pull back the curtain to show that some of the very things you may be experiencing now may be obstacles, but they are not insurmountable. This is my 10th year of running an online business and Marie is in her 20th year! We’ve seen it all and experienced ALL the fears (and still do!), so come along and let’s see if we can provide some helpful insight for you and your business!      To give you an extra dose of inspiration, I asked Marie to also share stories of her B-School students and how they, too, faced similar fears and what they did to work through them to build thriving, profitable and successful online businesses. You’re going to learn so many valuable tips and tricks that will help you navigate through similar fears when they come up in your own business.    Here’s a rundown of the 7 fears we discuss in the episode: I don’t have an email list. How in the world can I start a business without one? I don’t have enough skills to make an online business work. It’s all been done before. My market is saturated with people doing what I want to do. I’m too old to be starting a business online. I want to do something different than I’ve been doing for the last 5, 10 or 20 years, but I’m not sure how to start over. I can’t figure out all the tech that’s needed to get my business up and running. I am’s just too much. We’ll also talk about Marie’s free online business building workshop that she just released in which she’ll teach you The 6 Pillars of Building an Online Business. Marie has a tremendous gift for breaking things down to simple and understandable next steps, so you do not want to miss being in this free workshop.   The first video in the workshop series goes live today and you are going to get so much value. You can find it at Don’t wait, because the series will only be available for a limited time. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
2/7/201951 minutes, 4 seconds
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#248: How I Built My Business

You asked some tough questions, and today I’ve got answers! I recently put out a post on Instagram to all of you, asking: What would you like to know about how I built my business? The response was amazing! You all sent in SO many questions and today, I’m going to answer 10 of them. I tried picking topics that I haven’t covered all that much on previous episodes, and that would resonate with as many as you as possible. Here are those 10 questions: #1: If you burned it all down & started over, what are the first 3 things you’d focus on & do now? (This one was a super timely one!) #2: What did you do when your email list was TINY? I mean less than 100, like mine 😅. How did you interact with your small community? (It all started with me underpromising, and overdelivering…) #3: When you have multiple awesome projects you’re working on, how do you prioritize? (Shout out to my project management tool, Asana!) #4: In hindsight, what is one thing you wish you would have done sooner? (If you’re a loyal listener, you know the painful answer to this one!) #5: How do you set boundaries for quality family time and one on one time? (I need to be open and honest: I work on this every single day.) #6: Have you veered off course and how did you know when to get back on course or go ahead in that different direction? (So I’ve never been big on chasing shiny objects, but I also get too comfortable sometimes…) #7: How did you originally grow your podcast audience? What specifically did you leverage? Or was it purely organic? (I would say it was about two years before the podcast was doing amazing things.) #8: Apart from weekly consistent content what moved the success needle for you? (This one was REALLY hard for me at first…) #9: What do you do in the moments when you doubt yourself? (For me, I just keep doing…) #10: Which mentor do you credit for making the biggest impact in creating the biz you ❤️ today? (A little tribute to my mom and dad, and how I got the best of both worlds.) I really hope this episode proves valuable to you. I’m sharing a little bit of what’s in my secret sauce, and I and my wish is that it inspires you to kick butt in your business. Don’t forget to check out the links at the bottom of this page. I couldn’t get to all of the questions, so I’ve listed some resource podcasts down below as an additional tool for you! Now, let’s dive in! Let’s get your burning questions answered! This episode is sponsored by my free masterclass, “The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan: My Proven 3-Stack System For Leveraging The Most Powerful, “What’s Working Now” List Building Strategies (without the stress, tech confusion, or crazy overwhelm). If you are struggling to get started with building your list OR if you are not attracting new subscribers to your list every single day, this is the free master class for you. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
1/31/201947 minutes, 37 seconds
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#247: Why I've Agreed to Fail 100 Times in 12 Months

I’m setting very specific goals this year, and one of them, is to epically fail. Again and again. I know that sounds crazy—but hear me out. You all have shared with me how you’ve struggled with the fears and confusion of building an online business. I started this podcast by sharing marketing strategies and step-by-step details to get things done—build a list, create a digital course, launch webinars, you get it. BUT because you guys have asked me for more and have asked me about the mentality I use to run my business, I’m going to share with you how I’m setting goals for the New Year. These are some behind-the-scenes details of where I’m going with my business. I’m also going to invite you into my personal world a bit. I’ve set about 10 goals for the year, and in today’s episode, I’m going to share four of them with you. My:     Impossible Goal     Business Goal     Health-Related Goal, and     Personal Growth Goal I’m also sharing the three things I’m going to do to ensure my goals stick. I’m sure you’re wondering where the epic fails fit in, right? As I start working toward my Impossible Goal, I’m going to write out 25 Epic Fails for each quarter—that’s 100 for the year. These are the crazy things, that will probably lead to a fail, that will get me closer to my goal. You’ve got to be willing to do whatever it takes, even if that means fail, in order to get what you really want, right? My hope for you is that by the end of this episode, you’re ready to lock in your goals for the year and be inspired to fail with me. Are you ready to be a goal-getter in 2019? Hit play now. This episode is brought to you by Gravy—my very own 24/7 engagement team who contacts my customers within hours of their failed payment, captures updated billing information and saves the customers I worked so hard to acquire. If you have a subscription model business or offer payment plans, you’ve got to check out Gravy! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
1/24/201938 minutes, 10 seconds
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#246: Choosing Your ONE Thing with Jay Papasan

It’s so easy to get caught up on all the little details of launching a course, running a business—or, hey, living life. All these little things compete for your attention and energy. The thing is: Living like this isn’t going to help you realize your full potential and true success. The key to extraordinary results? Finding your ONE THING—your number one priority at any given point in time. And I’ve got THE expert on this topic on the show today, my new friend Jay Papasan, author of the amazing book The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results. His book—one of my favorites—has sold more than 1.3 million copies worldwide, and has appeared on national bestseller lists more than 400 times. And I truly believe that the principles in this book are the difference between realizing your potential and true success and honestly, just settling. In addition to dishing about your one thing, or “true priority,” Jay and I talk about the real secret to sticking to your goals, and it’s about one word: Habits. After this episode, you’re going to walk away with a new sense of purpose. You’re going to move past the distractions and overwhelm and get to a place where you’re hitting your goals and living stress free. Are you ready to for this type of clarity and focus? Head on over now! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
1/17/20191 hour, 35 seconds
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#245: How to Use a Virtual Assistant to Make Your Webinars More Profitable (+ Easier!)

It’s very I’m going to introduce you to a secret weapon that’s going to help you kick butt in webinars. When I ran my first webinar waaaay back in the day, I enlisted my best friend to come over to my condo help me out. She sat next to me—really, I was almost sitting on her lap, I was so nervous—and made sure everyone could hear me and see my slides. She made sure everything went right, that way all I had to do was focus on giving my best to all my attendees. I didn’t know it then, but I had essentially hired my best friend to be my virtual assistant during that first webinar. We made it through and that webinar was a success, but let me tell you, if I could do it over again, I would do it exactly how I’m going to outline for you in today’s podcast. Virtual assistants are your secret weapon to rocking a webinar! They’re the key to making your webinars not only more profitable, but EASIER for you. And you know how I feel: webinars are the absolute best way to promote and market your digital course online. But I want pause here for a second, because I’m sure some of you will tune out during this episode—or may even be tempted to skip it—because you don’t think you’re ready for a digital course. And if you’re not ready for a digital course, obviously you won’t be ready for a webinar. I’ve solved this conundrum for you. I created a brand-new quiz called Should I Create a Digital Course for My Business. I spent months and months on this, and I promise you, it’ll point you in the right direction. So take the quiz, figure out where you’re at, or if a digital course is even right for you, then come back to this episode. Because even if you’re not ready for a webinar right now, it’s good to have an idea of what it’ll look like once you do have your digital course created. You’ll know exactly how to make your webinar easier on yourself, and you won’t have all the fears of something going wrong. Remember my last episode? One of the biggest fears of launching has to do with a running a live webinar. But we’re not going to let those fears hold us back in our business! I’m sharing how to enlist virtual assistants so you can fear less, do your best, and make money, money, money! So press play and listen to me gush about why virtual assistants are your secret weapon for webinars. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
1/10/201923 minutes, 19 seconds
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#244: How to Get Past the Fear of Launching

I’m here to get honest about the fears that come up around launching. Because they are too real. And I have faced MANY of them. If you’ve been listening for a while, then you know I had a HUGE fear of launching courses using webinars. I royally screwed up the first webinar I ever touched, back in my Tony Robbins days. Another time I had THE Marie Forleo live on my webinar, and it went completely silent right as I introduced her. #epicfail But as bad as those experiences were, I didn’t let them define me as a business owner. Because if I let that fear take over, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Maybe you’ve had similar horrifying experiences. Maybe you had a webinar and no one showed up. Or you put a lot of effort into a launch for crickets. Well I’m here to tell you: That’s part of being in business. And you have to bust through that fear and march forward if you want to be successful. And here’s the great news: I’ve generated well over $9 million through webinar launches by NOT letting the fear hold me back—and you can have that kind of success too…but you HAVE to get over your fear of launching! For today’s episode, I’m going to drill down into the most common fears when it comes to launching, and how to squash them. I’m going to break down some important insights you need to know and shake up some of your mindset blocks that are holding you back from giving it 100% when you launch something new. It’s time to launch face first, hands out wide, ready to accept anything that comes your way. Are you ready for that? Press play and let’s dive in. By the way, if your head is spinning just at the idea of a launch, I get it. The truth is you likely have not been taught many of the crazy nuances around launching strategies. Which is exactly what I wanted to break down the big picture of what it takes to launch a digital course, in my new masterclass. I’ll give you three behind-the-scenes secrets to digital course success in 2019 and beyond. I’ll share how to build, launch a grow a digital course business without the overwhelm and confusion. Go to to sign up—make sure you reserve your spot, because I will be doing this class LIVE only!   Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
1/3/201941 minutes, 11 seconds
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#243: The #1 Secret to Playing a Bigger Game In Your Business

Have you ever felt like your dreams were bigger than you are? So big that they felt out of reach? Maybe you want to write a best-selling book or start a talk show, buy your dream house, or travel to islands you can’t even pronounce! Or, maybe you’re being interviewed on The Today Show by Savannah and Hoda (that’s my dream, just in case you’re wondering). Those are good solid dreams that feel light years away. You think about them and then you put them on the shelf. Instead of going after them you fiddle around and worry about things that you know won’t matter in the long run—like staring at your Insta feed or worrying that your website opt-in isn’t quite right. The reality is that you have likely been afraid to do big things and I get it. You’ve been playing small. It’s sad but it’s true—and I’ve been in the same boat. It’s time for a change, my friend. You’re here right now. You’re listening to a podcast that promises to help you make a bigger impact in the world. That proves to me you’re in this and you’re not taking your business or your life lightly. In this episode, I’m going to walk you through an exercise that will help you make some crucial decisions about moving forward in a bigger way. Listen through to the end of the episode, download this special PDF, and make sure you finish the exercise. But promise me that in the next 24 hours you will commit to doing this worksheet… Here’s why this exercise is so important: right now, today, you can reclaim the fact that you are a big deal. Because you are meant to be a big deal in this world. You are ready. Your time is now. It’s never too late, so hit play now, let’s start making those big dreams come true. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
12/27/201819 minutes, 6 seconds
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#242: Choosing the Perfect Topic for Your First Digital Course (Perfect...AND Profitable!)

Looking for a little inspiration when it comes to the topic of your course? If you’re like most course creators just starting out (who I hear from all of the time!), you’ve had an idea for your course for some time, but you aren’t sure how to move forward, or if your core market will even pay for it. So in this ep, I will walk through three approaches to help you choose your next course topic. To up the fun factor, I am going to teach this episode with real-life examples from some of my students. You’ll hear how they built their courses based on their successes, including one superstar who made $255,000 with one webinar and a couple of emails as a follow-up. I will also show you how to take what you teach with your customers or clients one-on-one and turn that framework into a digital course so that you can move away from that client work you enjoy in the beginning, but then get burnt out with over time. This episode will definitely spark some creative juices for you—and better yet, show you what’s possible in the digital course world! And if you want to keep the momentum going, make sure to download my brand new freebie called The Ultimate Course Creation Starter Kit. In this Starter Kit I’ll show you how to choose the right “course type” for your business, the perfect course name to attract your perfect audience, and how to kickstart your course idea validation on social media to ensure your audience will be willing to invest. Grab a copy of that special free guide here. I truly believe you have something you can teach others that can become a digital course. Allow yourself to dream a little bit. And don’t let the fear of “what will others think” stop you. Creating a digital course has transformed my life, and the lives of so many of my students. I want you to experience what’s possible. Listen up now. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
12/20/201837 minutes, 27 seconds
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#241: How a Mom of 4 Turned Her Chiseled Abs Into $330K Using Webinars In Just 9 Months with Kim Constable

How does a vegan, homeschooling, bodybuilding mom of four get into the online world? And then see massive success with webinars? It may seem like a crazy story, but I can guarantee you that you will be completely enthralled and inspired with Kim Constable and her personal journey. Kim started her online adventure back in 2009 after she had had enough of the stress of running a business AND raising four kids. There was literally a day she just sank to her knees and started crying. She knew there had to be a better way to live (and make money!). On today’s ep Kim and I talk about how she finally found success online by tapping into a personal passion—vegan sculpting—then building a signature course and running webinars. Kim followed my coaching to a tee (in Kim’s words: “I’m a very good soldier”) even when it got frustrating or took longer than she had hoped. And that commitment paid off: In her first round of webinars for her Sculpted Vegan program she made $52,000. She also just had her first six-figure month—and there’s still so much more ahead for her! This type of success doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it come without a little time, energy, and investment. Kim has found the secret sauce, and she’s sharing it with us today. (And in case you don’t think you can manifest your dreams—Kim said years ago that she would be on this very podcast!) Click here to hear her story. This episode is brought to you by the Digital Course Academy—if you are looking to move beyond your service-based business (or, like Kim, you are burnt out on your current situation) and want to embrace a course-based model, you’ll want to enroll in the Academy, launching in January 2019. Sign up to be the first to know when the program goes live (and also grab a tasty course creation freebie!).
12/13/201853 minutes, 51 seconds
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#240: 3 Types of Profitable Digital Courses You Can Create (And How to Choose the Best One For Your Business)

When it comes to picking the format of your next digital course, the options may seem... daunting. Because thanks to the growing demand for online trainings, there are A LOT of choices out there today. So how do you know which one is right for you? Today, I’m taking all of the confusion out of what can be a tough choice, and giving you three solid choices to pick from. These three are based on my experience as a course creator, and what I think works best for my students overall. I’ll walk through each of the three, giving you the pros and cons, as well as an example from one of my students. Then make sure you stay on until the end, where I give you the exact questions to ask to help determine which of the three are right for you. Let’s get started and figure out your next course format, together. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
12/6/201842 minutes, 36 seconds
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7 Things You Must Do When Planning for 2019 (My Best Revenue Boosting Ideas)

It’s planning time. My favorite time of year. Time to pull out the giant calendar, the sharpies, and any other office supply I can get my hands on. And start to plan for BIG things in 2019. In this special bonus episode, I walk through my 7-step process for getting what you really want in your business in 2019. Download my 2019 Planning Roadmap and follow along, because I know great things are waiting for you next year... Are you ready? Oh, and three things before you get started… #1: Just focus on the first 6 months. Don’t think beyond that so you can stay focused. #2: Take ONE entire day to plan. Break out that white board, the post-its, anything that gets your juices flowing, and eliminate any distractions. Think about getting out of your environment, even booking a hotel room for a day so you can really dive in. #3: Plan with someone who knows your business. Whether it’s your virtual assistant or a trusted colleague, the more someone knows you and where you want to go, the better. Again, make sure to download the step-by-step worksheet that goes along with this episode—your 2019 Planning Roadmap—to follow along and do this exercise. Let’s get started… First you’re going to start with your opportunities and big dreams for the next 6 months. Will you create your own digital course? Hire a VA for extra support? FINALLY write that book that’s been swirling around in your brain? Then you are going to decide on your non-negotiables—what did you hate doing this year? What are you not willing to do or experience to get to your wildly successful year? There is always stuff that you just get tired of doing. For me, I’m no longer to make excuses for not posting on Social Media. You might say: I’m no longer going to take clients out of fear that you will lose out on the money. Then you get to the fun part—to declare your number. Is it $555K or $55K? How much do you want want to earn next year? Next you’ll take a step back to move forward. I’m not about living in the past, however one thing I always do on my planning day is to look at the metrics of 2018. Because so much of what you’ve done (the good, the bad and the ugly) influences how you are going to move forward.   Then you’ll do your calendar planning in two phases. This is the big step. In phase one you’ll figure out how you’ll make the number you declared. Then in phase two you will calendar it out. Then you’ll identify how you need to show up to make 2019 the biggest year yet. In the final step, you’re taking action. There is where you pull it all together and identify your steps to get it done. Now promise me one thing: At the end of this process, you need to celebrate and do something special to commemorate the moment! (My integrator, Chloe, and I did something fun and silly!) So get going and build your vision for 2019. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
12/4/201848 minutes, 56 seconds
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#239: My Weightloss Journey (Part 2)

I’m getting a little personal in this episode, because it’s time to revisit something I brought up back in October 2017 on this podcast: My weight. Now, that October ep was the first time I had ever brought up my struggles with weight. I shared how I hated video because I was incredibly embarrassed about my weight. That was just over a year ago, and today, I can confidently say everything is completely different. Coming clean to you guys put a fire under my butt and helped me make a shift in my life. I was no longer hiding this big, dirty secret from the world and that opened up space in my mind for what was possible. It took a couple of months, but on March 25, 2018, I officially started my weight-loss journey and so much has changed about my life. I hired a weight-loss coach, Corinne Crabtree (who just so happens to be one of my students, but more on that later…), and have learned to put myself and my health first—even before work. Since then, I’ve lost roughly 60 pounds and I’m a little more than halfway to my goal. I know that before I started this journey, any time I saw someone make such a transformation, I always wanted to know, how did you do it!? So today I’m sharing with you guys how I’ve gotten here—not just in my weight loss, but also in the mindset change that has happened. Look, if we’re going to be real, it’s not just about the weight. I had to change the way I handled my feelings and thoughts; most importantly, my thoughts about myself. I have a feeling that many of you might need to make that kind of mental change too. My wish is that when you hear my progress, you also decide that enough is enough and you join me on this journey of letting anything hold you back from living the life you want to live and building the business you want to build. I want this episode to be more like a conversation—so grab a cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and press play. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
11/29/201844 minutes, 6 seconds
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#238: Success Secrets to Serving the Smallest Viable Market with Seth Godin

Find people who want to be found. Talk to them in ways they want to be talked to. Take them on a journey to where they want to go. —Seth Godin Those are just a few of the nuggets of marketing mastery from THE Seth Godin, my longtime DREAM guest for the podcast. I’m SO excited to have Seth on today to chat about his new book, This Is Marketing: You Can't Be Seen Until You Learn to See, and diving deep into what sets the best marketers apart from the rest. According to Seth, as an online marketer, you know you’re not going to be able to successfully serve every single person in the world, but for some reason, you still (probably) freak out in narrowing down the people you can help or reach. Change—and thereby, growth—can only happen when you find your smallest viable market and serve the heck out of them. You have to find and build your community in order to be an effective online marketer. In his book, Seth writes: “Find a corner of the market that can’t wait for your attention. Go to their extremes. Find a position on the map where you and you alone are the perfect answer. Overwhelm this group’s wants and dreams and desires with your care, your attention, and your focus. Make change happen. Change that’s so profound people can’t help but talk about it.” That’s your goal as a marketer—to find people who want to go where you are going and who want to experience what you are offering. Then you can teach them what they need to know to get there. If it’s your content that’s going to help them, awesome. But, as you’ll hear Seth share, that’s not the only thing they need; you should be providing them safe places that build tension, invoke change and push them forward in their journey. His book—and this interview—have already dramatically changed the way I view content and community. And I can already tell you, it’s literally going to impact how I teach my brand-new course, Digital Course Academy. So, are you ready to have your mind blown like I did? Press play to hear Seth’s nuggets of wisdom! This episode is brought to you by the women of Cultivate What Matters and their Power Sheets. How would it feel to get anything you wanted? What if you could create goals with clarity and purpose? If you want to create goals that matter (“goals with soul”) then you’ve got to check out Power Sheets.
11/22/201837 minutes, 11 seconds
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LLC or S-Corp? Choosing the Right Business Structure with Bobby Klinck

If you’re reading this, I know that you are an entrepreneur that puts a lot of time, energy and resources to building your business. The last thing you need in your entrepreneurial journey is to run into any sort of legal trouble, but if you do, you’ll want to be protected. Better to be safe than sorry, right?   The sort of legal protection I’m talking about is setting up a corporate entity to protect you and your business. The good news is that it’s a relatively cheap investment. The double dose of good news is that I’ve got attorney extraordinaire, Bobby Klinck, on the show today to walk us through all the ins and outs of setting up an LLC or S Corp without all the confusing legal jargon. You may remember Bobby from our GDPR episode, but what you may not know is that Bobby has become our resident attorney here at Team Porterfield. We love him because he breaks down all the legal stuff for us an understandable, doable fashion, and actually kind of makes it all fun!     What we cover in today’s episode: The most common company forms (listed below), what they entail, how they’re different, and which is the right kind (and wrong kind) of entity for an entrepreneur to set up: Sole Proprietorship Partnership LLC (including the S Corp election) C-Corp The process for setting up your LLC or S Corp election (most common options with entrepreneurs) and what you need to do after you’re all set up. Let me tell you, this episode is packed with good information. Even after being in business for 10 years and all set up legally, I learned a ton and am glad to be more clear on the whole process. Bobby gave so many good examples throughout this episode and we both hope that you walk away with some real clarity on understanding what you need to do in order to protect yourself and your business. Let’s get to play and let’s dive in! This episode is sponsored by my free master class, “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days” If you’ve been thinking about creating an online course, or if you’ve had a course idea for a while but you are just not sure how to get started, this free master class is for you. Click here for more details. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
11/20/201841 minutes, 27 seconds
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#237: 5 Ways to Create Binge-Worthy Content with Melissa Cassera

Ok, I have a confession to make...I totally LOVE to binge-watch certain shows like Housewives, Game of Thrones, and my latest binge has been The Handmaid’s Tale. So good! Anyway, I’ve heard from enough of you to know that you, too, love a good binge session. So what do you think it is about these types of shows that keep us coming back? I’m pretty sure the writers have a secret writing potion they use when they’re creating the storylines and scripts. ; ) But seriously, wouldn’t you love to know their secret so you could create content that your ideal customer avatar (I’m looking at you episode #236) wants to binge consume and can’t stop raving about? Well, you’re in luck, because on today’s show I’ve brought in a Hollywood insider to tell us exactly how it’s all done. My guest Melissa Cassera, is a publicity strategist and a professional screenwriter who loves nothing more than creating binge-worthy content, so she’s our girl! Melissa became obsessed with how movies and TV shows could create obsessed fan bases, so she decided to figure it out and share the secrets with business owners, like yourself, so that you, too, can create an obsessed fan base through the power of storytelling. In this episode Melissa breaks down these five storytelling techniques that you can use when you’re creating content: The  inciting incident (your hook) Introducing conflict into your story The rule of three The conclusion The power of “what’s next” (Don’t forget to download the worksheet that Melissa created to help you walk through these techniques the next time you create content.) You will love Melissa’s approach to storytelling and you’re not going to believe how fun it is to create content using these strategies. And best of all, you’re going to have your ideal customer avatar LOVING what you’re giving them and coming back for more!   Press play and let’s dive in! This episode is sponsored by my free master class, “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days” If you’ve been thinking about creating an online course, or if you’ve had a course idea for a while but you are just not sure how to get started, this free master class is for you. Click here for more info. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
11/15/201852 minutes, 42 seconds
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#236: How to Clarify Your Message with Donald Miller of StoryBrand

Have you ever struggled to communicate a clear message to your followers? One that grabs AND keeps their attention? Is this scene familiar? You sit down at your computer, fingers on the keyboard, ready to create the perfect content to captivate your audience. You know this email you're about to send or the social media post you’re creating is going to resonate with your audience!    You hit SEND or POST…. And…. No comments on your post (except your aunt and a high school friend who is definitely NOT your ICA). The open rate on your email isn’t at all what you expected and the click-through rate is even worse. I think we can all remember scenes like these from our entrepreneurial journeys. But there’s hope, my friends! And that hope comes in the form of a 7-part communication framework. One that’s easy to understand and fun to implement. With just a couple tweaks to the way you position yourself and your customer, and how you talk to them, they’ll be eager to read that next email or social post. Excited to jump on your weekly FB lives or show up for your next webinar. And better yet, they’ll want to buy what you’re selling because you’ll know how to present what you’ve created for them in a clear way that speaks directly to their pain points and desires and offers a solution that they won’t be able to refuse. “When you stop talking about your customer’s problem, they stop doing business with you.”  Don Miller And that’s where Don Miller comes in. Don, the author of Building a StoryBrand, is the creator of this 7-part framework that shows you how to clarify your message through the principles and framework of storytelling. This interview was one of my all-time favorites and I think it might be one of yours too. I had a couple of huge aha moments for sure! Are you ready to listen? Click here to get started. P.S. Remember how we became intimately aware of our avatar last week in episode 235, How To Identify Your Ideal Customer Avatar and uncovered their specific pain points and desires? It’s this type of knowledge that we MUST have to create the messaging Don talks about that captivates and converts. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, make sure you add to your playlist.    This episode is sponsored by my free masterclass, “The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan: My Proven 3-Stack System For Leveraging The Most Powerful, “What’s Working Now” List Building Strategies (without the stress, tech confusion, or crazy overwhelm). If you are struggling to get started with building your list OR if you are not attracting new subscribers to your list every single day, this is the free master class for you. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
11/8/201843 minutes, 32 seconds
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#235: How To Identify Your Ideal Customer Avatar

Have you ever sat down to write a blog post, create an outline for your podcast or video show, and you just froze? Not because of fear or imposter syndrome, because those are 100% real, too. Instead you froze because you just didn’t know what it was that your ideal customer wanted or needed from you. It can feel like you’re just pulling any old idea out of a dark hole. Now of course we will all suffer from writer’s block at some point, but what is worse is not understanding who it is you’re serving and why. In today’s show I’m talking about how to identify your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA). Why is this so important? Because your ICA is someone who is absolutely crucial to the success of your business and if you don’t know who they are, your business won’t have legs to stand on. Your ICA is your PERFECT customer. This ONE single person is the potential customer who wants and needs YOUR content, YOUR product, or YOUR services. This is also a person that you LOVE to work with. Win-win! There are specific ways to really hone in on who this person is: what they like, what they don’t like, what their aspirations are, and most importantly, what their fears are. And surprise, surprise...when you know all this, you won’t be sitting there frozen at your computer not knowing what to create or to say in your next social media post. You’ll be happily creating solutions to their wants or needs and something they will actually pay for. You’re not just building your business as a hobby, right? I know you’re not, and that’s way I want you to get laser focused and know how to serve your customers best! In today’s show, I’m going to share the exact steps in how I figured out how to understand my perfect customer. I’ve even created a super helpful worksheet for you to print out and use as you define your very own ICA. Press play and let’s dive in! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
11/1/201827 minutes, 40 seconds
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#234: Do You Know What Makes You Unique? A Brand-Building Chat with Laura Belgray

As an online entrepreneur you are constantly putting yourself out there. You’re writing social media posts, copy for emails, creating webinar slides, creating content for your podcast or video show, and writing blog posts. And when you do, you’re showing up in one of two ways: with your true personality shining, or trying to impersonate someone else. The problem is, especially if you’re just starting out, the impersonation route seems to be the popular choice. I want you to hear these words from my guest today, Laura Belgray: “There is no person, brand or artist that is for everyone.” Read that again, my friends: There is no person, brand or artist that is for everyone. You cannot and should not even try to be all things to everyone. When you do, you water down all that is wonderful and unique about YOU. Here’s the good news! Laura is in the business of helping people infuse their personality in all they do and she’s sharing some great tips and strategies with us on the show today. Laura is a copywriter and television promo writer. She even works with BRAVO and tells us about a Real Housewives promo line she wrote not too long ago...sooo clever! In this episode, we talk mindset blocks and how to overcome them so your copy shows the real you, specific exercises and assessments that will help you to discover what your unique personality is, and Laura shares the five very actionable Ps of showing your personality in your copy. Really good stuff today, my friends!     Are you ready to step into your own special uniqueness? Press play and let’s dive in! P.S. Don’t forget to grab the free worksheet that will help you to discover the uniqueness of your personality so you can share it with the world!   Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
10/25/201856 minutes, 5 seconds
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#233: Podcasting 101: From Creation to Promotion

This episode is a long time coming. I get asked A LOT about how to podcast. From the equipment and software I use, to knowing what topics to cover and which guests to feature, to the recording, editing and publishing phase, to how in the world I keep it all organized! I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing all of it with you today! Whether you’re currently a podcaster and would find it helpful to hear about my podcasting process and organization, or you’re thinking about starting a podcast soon and want to hear all the ins-and-outs of set up and how to decide on topics and guests, this is going to be an episode you don’t want to miss. Here are the 10 podcasting areas I get into on the show today. Hit play and let’s get started! Show Format Set Up Deciding on Topics and Guests Podcast Outlines Recording Editing Graphics Creation Publishing Promoting Tracking Your Analytics I’ve linked you up to all the podcasting equipment and software I use here, but I thought you might like to have a little behind-the-scenes tour of my podcasting studio, too. I did this video a while ago, but I still use the same equipment. Remember, I chose to invest in better quality equipment from the beginning, but you can still get great audio quality with a less expensive mic and by sitting in a closet to record. Feel free to start simple and get fancy later. I hope you find this episode packed with value and resources that will help you in your podcasting process. Wishing you all the best in your podcasting journey. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
10/18/201850 minutes, 41 seconds
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#232: How to Track Your Financials Using ‘Profit First’ with Amber Dugger

Today we’re going to talk about making money and actually being profitable in your business. Believe it or not, most entrepreneurs never really show a consistent profit in their business. The reason for this is because any extra money they have coming in ends up going back into the business. Reinvesting back in your business or using extra money on hand to buy the latest and greatest software or tool of the trade sounds like a reasonable and healthy plan, right?   Not so much. Especially when you’re not being intentional about it. My guest today, Amber Dugger, is a financial expert who tells us that maintaining clarity and control of where your money is going will be a game-changer but you must first have a good cash flow system. Amber is a mastery level Profit First Professional and teaches the cash flow system from the Profit First book, but her teaching is tailored specifically to online entrepreneurs. In case you were wondering, this has nothing to do with bookkeeping or accounting, but everything to do with with what you do with the money coming in right now and in the future.   I use the Profit First system in my business, and it has been a game-changer, but what Amber shared today is going to help me to make the system even easier. I can’t wait for you to learn this system, too, and become a profitable business the minute you do! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Listener shout out of the week! Thank you Anna! So glad you enjoyed it and happy to know you’ve hired an Integrator, too! Listen to the epsiode Anna refers to here.
10/11/201843 minutes, 27 seconds
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#231: “I’m Terrible At Writing My Own Copy” And Other Copywriting Lies That Are Killing Your Sales With Marie Forleo

Let me ask you a question: Can you relate to any of these issues when it comes to writing your own copy? It takes forever to write a headline, a blog post, or the script for your podcast or video show because you’re constantly second guessing yourself? You write something, put it out there and...CRICKETS? (The silence is devastating.) You’ve got a tight deadline and you sit down to write but you’re completely blocked? You can’t seem to eek out anything on that page and the clock is ticking? If there’s one thing that most of us as online entrepreneurs have experienced it’s getting tripped up on writing copy. Well, don’t worry, there’s hope for us yet... Two things my guest, Marie Forleo (yes, the Marie from the award winning MarieTV!) shared on the podcast today that really resonated with me, and I think will with you too, are: You CAN learn to be a stellar copywriter in your business. (No more telling yourself otherwise!) Writing effective copy has been the single most important skill that Marie has developed over the last 18 years in her business. (By the way, this one says A LOT, coming from a person that has achieved the monumental level of success that Marie has.) Marie, who has been a student of copy since day one, joined me on the show today to share the top copywriting tips and strategies that she’s used along the way to connect and resonate with the millions of people her message has touched. You know I love when you listen to my podcast and take action, so today I want you to listen in, take what Marie shares, and begin implementing it in your business immediately. You’ll see... you’ll get better and better with writing copy, and you’ll have tangible results to show for it: more conversions and a bigger impact. If you haven’t jumped over and started listening already, let me give you one more reason why listening in today is going to be a game-changer in your business: You know how much competition is out there, right? Now, you know I’m all about running your own race, but competition is real, and when you can find an advantage over your competition, you’re smart to take it. Copy is an area that most people are not paying attention to, so this IS your competitive advantage. Writing better copy will be how you set yourself apart. Are you ready? Press play and let’s dive in! Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you! Listener shout out of the week!   Thank you 
10/4/201843 minutes, 9 seconds
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#230: Dealing With Depression as an Entrepreneur: Amy and Jasmine Star Open Up

In honor of the upcoming World Mental Health Day (October 10, 2018), I wanted to have a candid, real, and raw conversation about being an entrepreneur while dealing with depression. I have dealt with depression starting at a young age and it moved its way into the years that I was starting this business as well. There are three goals I wanted to accomplish in this episode: Goal #1: If you are struggling with depression or anxiety, or anything around mental health issues, I want you to know you are not alone. We may not talk about it, but we are out there. You are not alone. Goal #2: To get the conversation started. Mental health issues can be uncomfortable to talk about, but that needs to change. We need to have hard conversations and I’m hoping you will learn some tools in this episode to be more vocal about what you’re going through as well. Goal #3: You can still be successful in spite of, or in addition to, your depression or other mental health challenge you are going through right now. I didn’t want to do this episode alone and I also wanted you to be part of a conversation, so I brought on my dear friend Jasmine Star who also has a history of depression that she shares today, too. I hope that as you listen you will not feel alone, be encouraged, and walk away with some tools and resources to help you move forward as you deal with depression and as you grow your business. Here is the quote Jasmine shared by Elie Wiesel: “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever humans endured suffering. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” These were the questions that Amy and Jasmine asked (inspired by Dr. Amen and suggested by Jasmine): When you are having a negative or overwhelming thought: Write it down. The act of writing it down is like an exorcism. It forces you to see it. Ask yourself about that one thing you’re struggling with. And then ask yourself: Is this true? See what your answer is to that question and ask yourself if you’re 100% certain the your response is true. (Remember, you are not a fortune teller….you can not know with certainty what is destined to be true for you, right??) Then ask yourself, “How does this make you feel?” Then look at that response and ask yourself, “Do you think that those feelings will keep you from the purpose you have in this world?” What would feeling the opposite of this look like? The choice is yours in how you choose to think and believe in your answers to these questions. “We are not our thoughts. The things that we think are not us.” -- James Wedmore Remember: Don’t be ashamed of your story--it’s needs to be heard. Find a support system that will give you what you need in those dark moments. If you don’t have that support system, or even if you do, find a good therapist. Consider exploring medication that may help you. If you are in crisis and need help immediately, please call the National Suicide Prevention LifeLine: 1-800-273-TALK or text “Talk” to 741741.
9/27/201848 minutes, 22 seconds
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#229: The Power of the P.S. Strategy

“There is no such thing as a benign email that doesn’t have a goal.” This is something my copywriter, Ry Schwartz, said to me a while back and it’s truer than ever today, with so many things vying for the attention of our audiences. It is critical that we be intentional with our communication and that’s where the P.S. Strategy comes in. In today’s episode I dive into the strategies behind simple, yet very powerful micro-conversions -- the P.S. Strategy being one of them. Once you understand how to use these micro-conversions in your communication with your community, you will not only be coaching their conversion from point A (your first interaction with them) to point B (which is them being your paying customer), but you will also be coaching them to take action when you ask them to. Both will be game-changers in your business!    If you’re not using micro-conversions in your marketing strategy, let’s change that right away! Join me on the podcast today! This episode is sponsored by my free master class, “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days” If you’ve been thinking about creating an online course, or if you’ve had a course idea for awhile but you are just not sure how to get started, this free master class is for you. Click here to sign up.
9/20/201825 minutes, 19 seconds
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#228: 6 Secrets to Finishing What You Start with Jon Acuff

Even the most vigilant goal-setters have been know to stumble when approaching the finish line, but my guest today, Jon Acuff - entrepreneur, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, and popular speaker, has cracked the code on how to SIGNIFICANTLY increase your chances of FINISHING what you start, and you’re going to be pleasantly surprised to hear how to make it happen. In writing his most recent book Finish: Give Yourself The Gift of Done, Jon commissioned a study where nearly 900 people were studied for six months to figure out what really works and what doesn’t when it comes to being able to finish what you start. Jon breaks his findings down in six areas with an overriding theme of embracing imperfection (ugh! This is gonna be hard for some of us...)   "Developing tolerance for imperfection is the key factor in turning chronic starters into consistent finishers." - Jon Acuff Here are the six secrets to finishing what you start that Jon divulges on the podcast today: SECRET 1: Cut your goal in half SECRET 2: Choose what to bomb SECRET 3: Make it fun! SECRET 4: Leave your hiding places and ignore noble obstacles... SECRET 5: Get rid of your secret rules SECRET 6: Use data to celebrate your imperfect progress So, f you’re about to start something or you’ve got a list of half-done projects that you’d like to finish - don’t wait another minute - listen to my conversation with Jon right away. This episode is sponsored by my free master class, “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days” If you’ve been thinking about creating an online course, or if you’ve had a course idea for awhile but you are just not sure how to get started, this free master class is for you. Click here to sign up.
9/13/20181 hour, 11 minutes, 58 seconds
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#227: Getting Started with Chat Bots with Andrew Warner

My guest today, Andrew Warner, tells us that chatbots are the FUTURE of online engagement. Sounds like something we should pay attention to, right? If you’re not familiar with chatbots yet, you will be by the time you listen to this episode. I currently use chatbots to a limited degree in my business, but after this interview I can assure you, I will be using them in a MUCH bigger way. Andrew shared some amazing strategies that are easy to implement and don’t cost much, if anything. Andrew is the founder of Mixergy, a podcast where he interviews entrepreneurs on how they built their businesses. He also started, where he trains people to create bots (not something he recommends for the majority of my audience, by the way). In this episode, Andrew breaks down exactly: What a chatbot is (Andrew created this sample chatbot for my audience) How we should use them in our businesses (he blew my mind with some amazing statistics from using chatbots to increase webinar attendance show up rates) How we should NOT be using them (you’ll want to know how to avoid these 5 mistakes) How to begin using them (It’s easy and most are free) Fun bonus: Andrew gives us a look into the future of bots...some fun ways they will be used. Think: being able to order, pay for, and have a beverage delivered for yourself or someone else while you’re attending a pro baseball game! Andrew gives immense value in this episode...he shares great examples and even created a couple videos for us to see a chatbot in action (I’ve got those videos linked up below). Behind-the-scenes funny story: I do most of my podcast interviews in audio-only format and when Andrew asked if we could turn on video because it would be easier for him to engage during our conversation, he was wearing a sports coat! I love that!! Talk about showing up...look how dapper he looks! I on the other hand was in my workout clothes. This episode is sponsored by my free master class, “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days” If you’ve been thinking about creating an online course, or if you’ve had a course idea for awhile but you are just not sure how to get started, this free master class is for you. Click here to sign up.
9/6/201836 minutes, 42 seconds
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#226: What to Focus On When You Are Just Starting Out

When just starting out in business (your first year or two) there are a variety of different paths to take, tasks to complete, and shiny objects lurking around every corner. When you’re not sure where to start or what to do next, this lack of focus leads to overwhelm and frustration. That’s why I recorded today’s episode (and created the awesome New Business Focus Worksheet to go with it!). I’m breaking down the FIVE key areas to focus on when you’re just getting started, and these are absolutely crucial for a successful online business. Are you a seasoned entrepreneur? Don’t click away, because this episode is for you, too. I not only focused on these same areas when I first started my business, but I still do today. I use these five areas almost as a check-up checklist for my business every quarter and during my annual planning. Here’s a snapshot of what I’m covering in today’s episode: FOCUS AREA #1: The importance of understanding WHY you’re building your business. I talk about Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle and the #1 foundational question you need to ask yourself as you develop and grow your business. . I also dive into the importance of understanding WHO you are serving - your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA). While this exercise will take time and some real work on your part, you don’t want to skip over this if you’re not really clear. If you’re listening to the episode and are already clear on your ICA, you can just pick back up around the 21 minute mark to move on to Focus Area #2. FOCUS AREA #2: Why you need a website with a clear message and how to make that happen. These are some of the examples I discuss in the episode: Example from Michael Hyatt’s ABOUT Page. FOCUS AREA #3: The importance of choosing ONE platform to focus on in the beginning and creating original, consistent content there on a weekly basis. FOCUS AREA #4: Authentic engagement - a HUGE factor in whether your business will succeed or not. FOCUS AREA #5: Creating a way to make money in your business while you are figuring things out and building the business of your dreams. I also created a great freebie to help you work through these FIVE focus areas. You can grab that right here. Subscribe & Review in iTunes Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Now if you’re feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in an read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
8/30/201845 minutes, 59 seconds
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#225: How to Create an Evergreen Lead Machine on YouTube

On today’s show, we’re diving into strategies around two things I LOVE to talk about: list-building and evergreen lead automation! However, there’s a twist! I’ve brought on someone to walk us through some really great strategies on these topics on a platform I haven’t covered much here: YouTube! You and I both know video is where it’s at so even if you haven’t thought about the platform much or are not a huge fan of video, this episode is loaded with very doable strategies that I want you to consider using to grow your email list. My guest today is an absolute YouTube boss and she’s going to guide us through her proven three phase method to creating a YouTube evergreen lead machine without using paid advertising. Sunny Lenarduzzi has a YouTube following of over 170,000 subscribers and and has helped her clients to go from zero to 100,000 subscribers and build their email lists from zero to 28,000 in less than 10 months (resulting in multiple 6-figure businesses).   HOW BECOMING A YOUTUBE BOSS WAS A HAPPY ACCIDENT Do you ever wonder if the work you are doing today will ever lead to something that can REALLY help you scale your business? Sunny shares her journey from being a social media consultant to coming to a place where she didn’t have the bandwidth to accept any more clients. In order to save some time and provide a common solution to several of her clients, she created a video that that changed the trajectory of her business forever. She published that video on her non-branded YouTube channel, emailed the link to her clients, went to bed and the next morning had 2,000 views! THE POWER OF REVERSE ENGINEERING Sunny was completely surprised with the amount of views and comments and decided to figure out what the heck had happened, so she reverse engineered the situation. Through this process Sunny realized the key to the success of that ONE single video and applied it to every video moving forward. In that first year she grew her YouTube subscription to 50,000 in and 3 million views! WHAT CONTENT IS BEST FOR YOUTUBE? As Sunny will tell you, YouTube is a platform that people are searching every single day for how to solve their problems and get their questions answered. That was why that first video she published went gangbusters. She was providing a solution to a problem that many people were searching for. Well guess what? You as an entrepreneur can be the one to provide your ideal customer the solutions and answers that they’re searching for on just need to show up and let you videos be found. If it worked for Sunny, it can work for you too!   GETTING STARTED GENERATED LEADS ON YOUTUBE You’ll want to tune into today’s episode to get all the details on Sunny’s 3-phase system to creating an evergreen lead machine, but here are the phases broken down: PHASE 1 This phase is all about creating profitable content that increases your reach and revenue without having to rely on paid advertising. The key here is to research before recording and here’s how: Use frequently asked questions for content ideas Look for ideas from your competition and community hubs (Sunny’s not suggesting you steal from your competition, but there’s nothing wrong with getting a little inspiration and putting your spin on an idea that’s resonating with your ideal customer.) Look to provide content on trends within your industry. This is not for the evergreen leads so much, but more more gaining visibility and reach. Research and find the right keywords and key phrases to use when titling your videos. PHASE 2 This phase is all about converting your viewers into customers through Sunny’s H.O.T. (Hook, Outcome, Testimonial) formula. She explains how  you can use this formula to tweak your video scripts to keep your viewer engaged, which will turn them into a loyal viewer, and ultimately a paying customer. It’s through Sunny’s H.O.T. formula where list-building comes in too! Sunny explains how to work in the ever-so-important conversion calls to action where you provide an opportunity for your viewer to download a guide, checklist, or worksheet.    PHASE 3 This is the evergreen traffic machine phase! Now that you’ve got your phase 1 and 2 bases covered, it’s time to publish your video. But you’re not just going to publish and wait...Sunny explains why the first 24-48 hours after posting your video is crucial to actively distribute a link to your warm audience in order to get some engagement going which tells YouTube that your video is one that should be ranking on the first page. Once you’re on that first page, your cold audience is introduced to your video and this begins that evergreen lead machine! You might be thinking, “This is great, but I don’t have any authority on YouTube, so how am I supposed to rank when my competition is so tough?”  Sunny explains in detail in today’s episode but the key is to work on getting search rankings in smaller competition pools. So there you have it! I’d love to hear how you’re going to use YouTube as a list-building technique in your business. Head over to Instagram and DM me and let me know. I’d love to hear from you! This episode is brought to you by my free master class, “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days”. If you’ve been thinking about creating an online course, or if you’ve had a course idea for awhile but you are just not sure how to get started, this free master class is for you.
8/23/201855 minutes
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#224: A Behind the Scenes Chat with My Integrator, Chloe

On today’s show I brought on the Integrator on my team, Chloe Euse. The goal of this episode is to help you step into the Visionary role as the founding entrepreneur of your business so that you can do more of the things that you were created to do and that are in your zone of genius. The deal is, in order to be able to fully step into that role, you will need to hire an Integrator (also known as a Project Manager) to work alongside you. I’m taking you behind-the-scenes so you can see how a Visionary and Integrator work together. To give you a hint, you as the Visionary are responsible for deciding on the WHAT of the business, while your Integrator figures out the HOW to make your vision come true. I really want you to take the time to tune in and listen today and hear directly from us, but here are the key areas we cover: The skills that are vitally important for an Integrator to have How specific Myers Briggs types may work better (or worse) together The nitty-gritty of how a Visionary and Integrator work together (you two are going to work VERY closely together so you better like each other!) Whether you should hire a local or virtual Integrator How the Integrator executes on the Visionary’s vision (this is where the other members of your team and contractors come in!) How tension between the Visionary and Integrator is actually a good thing Why an Integrator is NOT an implementer. There is a very important distinction here! What a day in the life of an Integrator looks like Chloe’s TOP 3 tools that she couldn’t live without as an Integrator Chloe gives you (the Visionary) some final words of wisdom for when you decide to take the leap and hire your Integrator (her insight here as an Integrator is GOLDEN!) And to wrap this episode up with a big bow, we’ve got a couple fantastic freebies for you. Both are Google Doc templates that you can take and make your own. The exact Integrator job description I used when I hired Chloe. The pre-hire test-run assignment I used for my top Integrator candidates. This episode is sponsored by my free master class, “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days” If you’ve been thinking about creating an online course, or if you’ve had a course idea for awhile but you are just not sure how to get started, this free master class is for you. Click here to sign up.  
8/16/201840 minutes, 19 seconds
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#223: How To Start Earning Affiliate Money With Pat Flynn

Raise your hand if you could use a little extra cash in your business right now! In the first few years of building my business I certainly could have used some extra money, and had I known what I know today, I would have done something entirely different that would have brought in a nice flow of revenue during those tight times: affiliate marketing.   If you don’t have affiliate marketing as a revenue generator in your business, I want that to change for you today. My guest today, Pat Flynn, is going to share his proven system for earning money through affiliate marketing. Why did I choose Pat to be our guide today? Because he has earned three million dollars through affiliate marketing commissions since he started this business! He knows his stuff!     AFFILIATE MARKETING IS A GAME-CHANGER! If you’re new to the idea of affiliate marketing, Pat simply defines it as the process of earning a commission by promoting another person or another company’s product. The great thing about affiliate marketing is that if you love a product or service and have a platform that you’re able to share why you love it with your audience, you can earn a commission from that recommendation at no cost to your audience. Pat shared how he promoted one of his favorite products through a banner ad on his website and was being paid $1,000 per month, but he contacted them and asked about trying out an affiliate relationship instead. They did and he went from earning $1,000/month to $8,000 the next month! PAT’S TOP TWO TIPS ON HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN AFFILIATE MARKETING: Be authentic. Don’t be an affiliate for a product you don’t believe in. Think about the things you would recommend to a friend, this is how you should think when you’re deciding what products to be an affiliate for.   Treat the product you are promoting as if it were your own. Tell your audience why you love it, how it has helped you, and how it can help them. It’s extra helpful if you can take them behind-the-scenes and show how you use it. TWO TYPES OF AFFILIATE MARKETING TO CONSIDER: PASSIVE & ACTIVE An example of a PASSIVE way of affiliate marketing is when you include links to products on your website, like my Tools of the Trade page here. This is considered PASSIVE because once you set it up, it’s there and as people come to your website or are linked to it in an email, they can click on the links to make a purchase. Another example is by including a link just like this link right here in the show notes in which I’m sharing my affiliate link to Pat’s 123 Affiliate Marketing program. An example of an ACTIVE format of affiliate marketing would be it Pat and I decided to do a special webinar with a launch sequence where we were actively promoting and selling the product to our audiences and we even offer a special deal that’s only available during a specified time period. A prime example of this is when I promote B-School each year in February. I go all out in promoting Marie’s program because I 1000% stand behind her program, and because of this I promote the program as if it were my own. Being an affiliate for this program has been a game-changer for my business and I definitely use the strategies that Pat teaches in his program. Either way, always be upfront with your audience that you are an affiliate. This is being transparent with your audience, but also protects you legally. JUST GETTING STARTED IN AFFILIATE MARKETING? Pat is clear that you do need to have an audience to be successful in affiliate marketing, otherwise who would use your links or join your webinars? However, I love that he talks about planting seeds now for people that may come across your content down the road. You may not make much money when your audience is small, but everything will be in place for you to earn affiliate commissions as you grow. This is also a great way to begin monetizing because that trust you gain by recommending other people’s products can then lead to you selling your own products down the road.   HOW TO AUDIT YOUR EXISTING AFFILIATE MARKETING STRATEGY Maybe you’re already an affiliate, but you want to do an audit to see what’s working and what’s not, Pat suggests looking at your Google Analytics and see what’s doing well and optimize for those. Here are a few of the optimizing ideas he shared: Include more links in your blog archive Interview the founder on your show or on your blog Create a demo video for the product you are recommending After you’ve generated lots of leads for an affiliate you are then in a good position to contact the company to discuss other ways to promote your affiliate link beyond the traditional methods (Pat gives some good personal examples in the episode) Create offers or bonuses as an incentive to go through your affiliate link Add links to your resource page Do a review of the product PAT’S #1 NINJA AFFILIATE MARKETING TRICK! Create a demo video! Pat says creating a demo video is one of the most underused but HIGHLY effective techniques to take your affiliate marketing to a whole new level. Pat includes the in-depth how-to create a killer demo video that converts as a bonus to my audience if you purchase his 123 Affiliate Marketing program through my affiliate link, but he also shares a few tips right here! You don’t need to share every little feature or process for the product you’re recommending. Your demo video should show just enough to excite someone, but not bore them. It’s not a tutorial, it should be a overview that shows the viewer what the product is and how it can help them. Pick three features to share in your demo video, but make sure to understand how to share why these features exist and why this product is unique. Show your viewer how easy it is to use the product. If you do, they will want to get started using the product right away!   TOP MISTAKES TO AVOID IN AFFILIATE MARKETING Promoting the wrong product. Make sure your are promoting relevant products that you have experience with and that WILL help your audience. Not pushing hard enough. Of course you don’t want to be annoying or too pushy, but when you know you’ve got a product that will solve that person’s problem or help them to achieve a certain goal they have, then you can and should push harder. Alright, you’ve got ninja tricks, some mistakes to avoid, and hopefully a plan to either begin earning money through affiliate marketing, or a plan to give your existing affiliate strategy a boost Take a listen to this short one-minute video where Pat tells you a little bit more about how you can earn money through affiliate marketing.  
8/9/201859 minutes, 2 seconds
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#222: How to Create Your "Total Immersion Weekend Retreat" to Clean Up Your Messy Business

I just got back from a total immersion weekend retreat in Palm Springs with my Integrator Chloe and in today’s episode I share all the details of what went down! Unlike a typical team retreat we weren’t brainstorming ideas, we were actually cleaning up the messy stuff in our business. Yep, I’ve got messes to clean up just like anyone else. I must say, I do believe my team and I are a gold standard when it comes to setting up systems and processes, but I think no matter how well the backend of your online business looks every single one of us has room to do a little cleaning, don’t you think? Let me share a little bit about the weekend... WHAT IS A TOTAL IMMERSION RETREAT WEEKEND? First things first, this is NOT a team retreat and it is NOT a big brain-storming weekend where you come up with new ideas for the future. This is dedicated time to spend looking at the messy parts in your business and cleaning them up. The types of things you’ll be looking at cleaning up, fixing, or eliminating are areas that will ultimately impact the financial bottom line in your business. WHO SHOULD GO ON A TOTAL IMMERSION RETREAT? This is time best spent either on your own, or in the company of the right-hand person in your business. I took Chloe, my Integrator, because she is such an integral part of my business. . (Side note: Don’t miss upcoming episode #224 where I bring Chloe on the show and we talk about her role as an Integrator (aka Project Manager). We get into what she does, how she does it, who she manages, how we work together, her fave tools and lots more!) FIVE QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ASK YOURSELF BEFORE YOUR TOTAL IMMERSION WEEKEND RETREAT Answering the following five key questions will help you to set a focus and make sure you’re on the same page (if you will be with someone from your team): What’s your #1 pain point in your business right now? What feels messy, broken, or painfully slow? What needs to be fixed before you can grow? Where are you losing money? Do you have any current leaks in your funnels, or in any system that you’re using to make money right now? What have you been putting off for way too long? What are the important things you’ve been wanting to get to but you know there are just not enough hours in the day? I want you to answer these questions when you take your total immersion retreat weekend, too. Yes, I want you to take time away to clean up the messes in your own business. You will not regret it, I promise you! TIP for answering the five questions: When answering these questions for yourself, think about team, systems, processes, and funnels (for my beginners, don’t let the word funnel throw you off...this just means the different systems and strategies that you have in place to get people to buy or join your email list). I go into much more detail in today’s episode, but I’ve included a snapshot here for you to see how our weekend progressed. Now remember, this is going to look different for everyone, but I thought the examples from my business might be helpful to get you thinking about areas in your own business that might need some cleaning up. FRIDAY AFTERNOON/EVENING Agenda We worked on our agenda during the 2-hour drive to Palm Springs. It’s important to have a clear game-plan before you arrive at your destination, so you can get right to work. While we laid our agenda out in detail, we allowed ourselves the flexibility to change and pivot as necessary throughout the weekend. Calendars We cleaned up my calendar bigtime! I’m a big fan of the “no train” but for some reason I lost my way over the last few months and had said “yes” to too much. Because of this, I was missing important deadlines in my business because my calendar was too full. This also meant that I was working nights and weekends and that is something I am trying not to do. SATURDAY MORNING Fresh and ready for a new day, we cleaned up our elaborate evergreen funnel system inside InfusionSoft. Because we’ve been at this for awhile, parts of our funnels were broken. Let me just tell you that this part was NOT fun!! But, you know what, I’m glad we knocked it out early in the weekend. : ) SATURDAY AFTERNOON - THIS WAS THE FUN PART FOR ME!! We talked about the projects we were going to work on moving forward and who was going to work on what. We also talked about what projects we needed to put on the back burner or eliminate completely. In this episode I talk about a big decision we made in switching up something that one of my team members was working on. SUNDAY MORNING Wrapped up any loose ends and headed back home. (I didn’t do it this time, but next time I’m definitely scheduling massages for me and Chloe to enjoy before we leave.) MY TOP TOTAL IMMERSION WEEKEND TIPS I believe a total immersion weekend retreat like this is critical to the success of your business. Step away from your everyday distractions and you won’t regret it! Here are some tips for you to consider when you go on your retreat: Choose a destination you enjoy and that inspires you. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, but if you’re at a place in your business where you can splurge a little, go for it! Just know that your days are going to be long. We worked hard, but it was so worth it! Change up your environment so you don’t go stir crazy. We found fun little places around the hotel property to work throughout the weekend: the beautiful lobby, our hotel room, and we even knocked out a couple of hours of work from the bar while sipping on a refreshing margarita! Take time to eat, drink lots of water, get some fresh air, take walks, and get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Let your family know that this time away will be focused on work and that you will not be available much throughout the weekend. It’s very important to limit distractions in order to make the most of your time away, and by stating this up front you will make sure no one at home is feeling neglected! Keep a Google Doc noting the big decisions that you’ve made over the weekend and any team communication you want to relay when you return. Get all those action items moved into your project management tool. Chloe always says, “If it’s not in Asana, it’s not happening!” Don’t forget to have a little fun, too! You’re going to be working really hard, so I suggest you treat yourself to a massage or some sort of simple pleasure at the end of your weekend. Upon your return, have a meeting with your team or individual team members to fill them in on some of the decisions you made or changes that may be coming down the pipeline. Repeat your total immersion retreat weekend on a quarterly basis! So what do you think? Are you ready to book a total immersion weekend retreat to clean up the messy parts in your business? I hope you said “yes!” because this is an investment that you won’t regret! If you’ve decided to go for it, pick where you’ll go and book it in the next 48 hours, and when you do, head over to Instagram and DM me to let me know when and where you’re going! This episode is brought to you by Audible where you too can listen to the book I mentioned that I’m loving right now: High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard, for FREE! Members of my audience get a FREE audiobook download and 30-day free trial at
8/2/201833 minutes, 10 seconds
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Million Dollar Club Student Spotlight with Anna Digilio

HOW WEBINARS, CREATING A COURSE, AND A MEMBERSHIP SITE CHANGED THIS TEACHER’S LIFE IN A HUGE WAY! I'm always in awe when one of my students shares with me how they’ve built their million dollar businesses. Anna’s story is one of my favorites and I wanted her to share it with you as well! Anna spent 23 years as a second grade teacher but decided she wanted to make an impact on the education community in a bigger way. This decision to shift her focus led her to my programs and she dove right in, taking action after action until things clicked! She made $10k on her very FIRST webinar and she's NEVER TURNED BACK. You won’t want to miss Anna’s incredible story as she shares her journey to success. She shares the specific steps (and consistent action) she took from making that first $10k selling 2nd grade course curriculum, to creating a membership site for teachers that brings in almost $60k per month, to her latest venture, a course that teaches teachers how to teach guided-math, which at the time of this recording had only been live three weeks and she’d already made $35,000! That’s an entire year’s earnings for some teachers! TWO MISTAKES TO AVOID WHEN GROWING YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS And to wrap it up, Anna shares the two things she would do differently had she known back then what she knows now. I 100% agree with both, so do yourself a favor and take what she says and don’t let those mistakes slow you down from the impact you are destined to make! Alright, if you’ve gotten this far and haven’t listened in to the podcast yet, what are you waiting for? : ) I promise you, you’ll be inspired by Anna’s story and fall in love with her just like I did! If you’d prefer to watch the interview, enjoy that right here... This episode is sponsored by my free master class, “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days” If you’ve been thinking about creating an online course, or if you’ve had a course idea for awhile but you are just not sure how to get started, this free master class is for you.
7/31/201826 minutes, 19 seconds
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#221: How to Create a 3-Month SEO Plan with Neil Patel

Neil Patel, master marketer and SEO genius, joined me on my show today to dive into the the nuts-and-bolts of some simple SEO strategies that will bring you more traffic, conversions, and revenue! He walks us through a 3-month plan that I’ve broken down for you in a free guide that you can grab right here. I have to admit, I haven’t spent as much time or attention as I should on SEO strategies, but that’s all changed this team and I are being intentional about learning more about SEO and we’re going to implement the plan that Neil shared with us today, too! IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE One thing that Neil dispelled immediately is the fear that so many of us have around the idea of SEO strategy, and that is, that SEO is too complicated and we’ll never understand what exactly to do! Here’s what he had to say about that: “SEO is not rocket’s not hard, and as long as you follow this plan, which is broken down into three main steps, you should get results.” And let me tell you the plan is not’s very doable and this guide is going to help! WHAT IS SEO AND WHY SHOULD I HAVE AN SEO STRATEGY? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and Neil explained that it’s really all about making your site compatible for search engines. Now of course we create our content for our audience to enjoy and find useful, but we need to understand the importance of making our content compatible for BOTH users AND search engines. HOW SEO WILL INCREASE TRAFFIC, CONVERSIONS AND REVENUE As an entrepreneur, you likely have a strong “why” behind what you’re doing online, but the bottom-line is that you want more people to see or listen to your content, you want to turn followers into customers, and you want to earn a living doing what you love to do. One way to accomplish this is to develop an SEO plan that has the ability to give you these tangible results. And that’s exactly what Neil shared in today’s show! He broke down exactly what you need to do in order to get a really good, simple SEO strategy running on your website. THE 3-MONTH SEO PLAN I’ve outlined some of the key points Neil made in the interview here, but for the step-by-step plan download your free 3-Month SEO Guide here. MONTH 1 - Research & Competitor Analysis With SEO you may not see results for several months so you want to make sure you are going after the right keywords. Neil explained that if you’re not figuring out what keywords you should be using in your content, you might be getting traffic, but it’s NOT traffic that will turn into customers. I’ve linked up to the keyword research tools that Neil recommends (below), but you’re going to want to listen in to today’s show for the JUICY hack he shared about using SEMrush to look up your competitor’s keywords as a guide in your’s like he handed us a little piece of gold!! MONTH 2 - Optimize Your On Page Code and Building Content So, you’re probably wondering what “on page” means! I was too. : ) In simple terms, Google reads source codes (not the language you and I speak or read!) so it’s our job to make sure Google can read our websites so that we can rank in its searches. The good news is that if you have a Wordpress website with the free Yoast SEO plugin installed it will handle most of the on-page SEO stuff for you. It basically walks you through the steps (in a very user friendly way) to make sure Google can read your pages. Neil also discussed the importance of building quality content on a consistent basis on your blog. You’ve gotta have a place to use that keyword research from month-one research, right? Here are a few pointers Neil suggests you implement when you write your blog posts/articles: Write in a conversational tone Create thorough content (NOT short) Use sub-headings Keep paragraphs short Use images Wrap up your blog posts with a summary conclusion End your conclusion with a question MONTH 3 - Building Links and Getting Social Shares Links from other people’s sites to yours (backlinks) can be a big SEO boost. Google loves seeing links, but not just any links! Google is so smart that it knows the authority and relevance of where those links are coming from. I know! It’s scary how smart Google is! Anyway, obviously if you are linked to from a very well-known authority in your field, versus someone who themselves doesn’t have much authority or who doesn’t have much to do with your field, then who is Google going to give more credibility to? The well-known authority who is sharing relevant content with their audience via a link to your content, of course! Part of Neil’s three-month plan also includes a great strategy for gaining social shares to your content. While social sharing will not directly affect your SEO, it sure will indirectly. Social sharing builds social proof, which ultimately builds awareness and your authority. Make sure to grab your free 3-Month SEO Guide right here, to learn all about Neil’s technique for getting social shares through Buzzsumo. I hope you listened to the episode because Neil broke all of this down in such an easy to understand and doable fashion. But let’s not leave it at that...I want you to put this plan in action. Here what I’d love for you to do right now: Print out the 3-Month SEO Guide Schedule time in your calendar to implement the steps in the plan. Remember to be non-negotiable with the time you block out. Join my OMME Podcast Facebook group so that we can share our SEO successes in a few months. See you there! This episode is brought to you by: Gravy—my very own 24/7 engagement team who contacts my customers within hours of their failed payment, captures updated billing information and saves the customers I worked so hard to acquire. If you have a subscription model business or offer payment plans, you’ve got to check out Gravy!
7/26/201854 minutes, 48 seconds
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#220: Your Summer Listening Playlist (Strategy, Inspiration and Biz Insights!)

One thing I love about summer is having a little bit more downtime. This allows me to do some things that I might not always have time for at other times of the year like binge listening to my favorite podcasts. That usually only happens while on vacation. As a matter of fact, I’m just back from a family vacation in Hawaii and I totally binge listened to a couple of my fave podcasts, The Life Coach School with Brooke Castillo and Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations. They are both soooo good!   So if you too find the opportunity for a little binge listening, I thought it would be fun to compile a Summer Listening Playlist for you as it relates to my favorite past Online Marketing Made Easy episodes. What made this episode extra special for me was to have some of my listeners submit their favorite episodes as well. (I’ve included audio messages from them directly in today’s show!) Let’s dive in! YOUR ONLINE MARKETING MADE EASY SUMMER LISTENING PLAYLIST TOP FIVE LISTENER FAVORITES Both Michelle from Canada and Sarah from Denmark are fellow megabatching lovers and they recommend episode #182: How To Mega-Batch Your Content. My productivity has skyrocketed since I began mega-batching in my business.   Lyndsey from Asheville, NC (hello Blue Ridge Mountains!) recommends you listen to an episode that helped her to grow her email subscriber list to 50,000 in just one year: Episode #99: How to Build a List-Building Blitz Campaign. Make sure to listen to her audio message in today’s show, she has some great insight on the one thing in episode #99 that made all the difference in her list growth!   Molly from Oregon actually has three favorites to share: Episode #149: Your 90-Day Pre-Launch Blueprint (she really loved the freebie in this episode and if you like a detailed blueprint, so will you!) Episode #150: [Case Study] How to Turn a Pre-Launch Strategy Into a Wildly Profitable Online Launch (This episode is a follow up to episode 149 and will show you what the pre-launch strategy looks like in the real world.) Episode #209: The Surprising Journey of Launching a Physical Product with Lara Casey - I love hearing that Molly learned about a resource in this episode that saved her TONS of money in the production of her own physical product! Gregory from Nashville, TN (you’ve got to tune in to hear his awesome southern accent!) is a fan of the DIY approach and recommends you listen to episode #171: DIYing Your Business: 5 Areas to Focus On When You’re Just Starting Out - I was so happy to hear that Gregory said that this episode really gave him clarity to begin to build his brand and his online business. I’m definitely specific in this episode about what you should and should not be delegating in your business when you’re first starting out. For the 5th spot of my listener favorites list, I had to include a double-whammy because both of the recommendations are so good! Also, I just love how so many parts of the world are represented in the show today! All the way from Perth in Western Australia, Neda shares her favorite episode #201: 5 Ways to Make Money (Without Using Webinars). - I love how Neda said this helped her combine her previous experience with what she’s doing now to make more money in her business. And finally, from May in Oslo, Norway! May loves how episode #206: Post-it Note Content Creation Mini-Training contains a content creation process that’s easy to take action on! May, you are not alone...I had so much great feedback (and pictures of people’s Post-it Note creations) from this episode!   I absolutely LOVED hearing from so many of my listeners and how their favorite episodes of Online Marketing Made Easy have helped move their businesses forward!   Moving on to my own personal recommendations for your Summer Listening Playlist... AMY’S TOP FIVE FAVORITES I absolutely loved episode #147 with Marie Forleo: How to Ask Better Questions and Get Better Business Results. Limiting beliefs and negative self-talk are a HUGE problem in the entrepreneurial field, and may be holding you back from achieving the success you want and deserve. This episode will help you to move forward with confidence!    Next up is episode #203: How to Get Noticed When You’re Just Starting Out. Are you seeing a theme here? My next recommendation is another on mindset! The online world can be a noisy place, but it’s the way you think that will really set you apart. I’m all about helping you reset your mindset around business and being an entrepreneur, and this episode will do just that! My next pick is a super strategic one: Episode #164: Free Content vs. Paid Content (What’s the Difference?) In this episode I talk about the #1 question I get ALL the time. I actually created this episode so I could have a place to direct people when I get asked this question and it’s one of my most downloaded episodes to date! Did you think I wouldn’t mention the first time my sweet husband Hobie joined me on the mic? In #161: Love & Business: How to Make it Work. Being an entrepreneur can be tough, but how about being married to one? This is an excellent listen for all those couples out there. P.S. Since then I recorded another episode with Hobie (#207: 20 Questions (Rapid Fire Style!) with Special Guest Interviewer, Hobie Porterfield which was super fun, too! The last episode that I’m going to recommend for you is one that is actually airing a couple weeks after this episode, so you’ll have to wait for it if you’re reading this before August 2, 2018. In episode #222: How to Create A "Total Immersion Weekend Retreat" to Clean Up Your Messy Business I talk about a weekend retreat I took recently with my Integrator, Chloe, in which we focused on cleaning up the messy stuff in our business. I want you to listen to this episode so you can get a behind-the-scenes peek at something that can be a complete game-changer for your business.    So there you have it - you’ve got a nice summer playlist to tune into! I’m guessing there may have been one or two recommendations that really resonated with you and I want you to commit to listening to those in the next 24 hours. If your favorite episode wasn’t mentioned here today, I’d love to hear from you! Head over to Instagram and DM me what your favorite is and why.   This episode is brought to you by my free masterclass, “The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan” -- My Proven 3-Stack System For Leveraging The Most Powerful, “What’s Working Now” List Building Strategies (without the stress, tech confusion, or crazy overwhelm). If you are struggling to get started with building your list OR if you are not attracting new subscribers to your list every single day, this is the free master class for you.
7/19/201829 minutes, 10 seconds
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#219: How to Use Instagram Stories to Grow Your Email List with Tyler McCall

Today you’re going to learn how to use one of the fastest growing social platforms, Instagram Stories, to build your email list, without using the Swipe Up feature.   I don't know about you, but Instagram is by far my favorite social media platform. Mostly because I love Instagram Stories but also because I think the connections on Instagram feel more real than any other social platform. If you are on Instagram then you've probably either recorded an Instagram story yourself, viewed one--or several (they are completely addictive), or you've heard someone else talk about Instagram Stories and you weren't really sure what the heck they were talking about. Wherever you fall in this equation, there's one thing that is as a business owner, should be using Instagram Stories to create more solid, real connections that will, if you do it right, go far beyond just chatting on social media. I had the pleasure of interviewing Tyler J. McCall, an Instagram Marketing Strategist, who has found great success in growing his email list through Instagram Stories. He shared tons of valuable insight, tips and strategies that you will be able to implement starting today!  And, don’t worry, as I mentioned earlier this strategy has nothing to do with the Swipe Up feature, which requires you have 10,000 followers to use. So whether you’re familiar with Instagram Stories or not, we’ve got you covered here! Let’s first dive into the basics around Instagram Stories and then we’ll go ALL in on strategies to grow your email list via this platform!   WHAT IS AN INSTAGRAM STORY? An Instagram Story is content that is shared in Instagram itself, typically photos and videos, but you can also share text-based images. Your photos or graphics last six seconds while your videos can be up to 15 seconds long. You create the Story content using Instagram (the creation and editing tools are built right in), or you can create them externally and upload them to your Instagram account.   How Stories are different than a post in your regular Instagram feed is that the content goes away after 24 hours unless you add it as an Instagram Story highlight in your profile, which is a whole different episode! WHY YOU SHOULD BE USING INSTAGRAM STORIES IN YOUR BUSINESS: Instagram now has over 800 million users. Of those, 500 million are on the app every day. And of those 500 million, 300 million are on Instagram Stories every day. Need I say more?!? Tyler tells us that Instagram Stories are taking over as the content of choice, and Instagram likes this, because it gives them another place to run ads.  And as business owners, Instagram ads are a very powerful tool, as well. And let me tell you, Instagram Story ads are converting really well for my business right now! “There are now millions of people every single day waiting for the right content to show up for them on Instagram Stories” - Tyler J. McCall How to Create High Quality Instagram Stories In order to grow your email list through Instagram Stories (we’ll get to that strategy in a minute), you first need to know how to create high quality Instagram Stories that people want to watch. Here’s a quick rundown, but make sure to tune in to the episode for all the details! Create your Stories with purpose and intention Use a good mix of personal and business (Tyler shares information about his business in his Stories, but he also shares his shopping trips to Target! Yes, he loves to walk the aisles and point out some of his favorite products!) Utilize a beginning, middle, and an end to your Story. Just like your elementary school teacher taught you! Download this great 2-page worksheet “The Story Arc Method” to work through an exercise Tyler put together for you to up your Instagram Story game! “Never let the dashes turn into dots!” I love how Tyler put this, regarding being careful to not create painfully long Stories.   I asked Tyler how he always has AMAZING light for his Stories and he shared two tips that money can’t buy!! Use captioning in your Stories for people who want to consume your content but don’t use audio. Tyler said that this technique will help keep retention high, too. Drive interaction with Instagram features like polls and DM conversations. Engage with your followers! How to Grow Your Email List Using Instagram Stories Without Using the Swipe Up Feature Ok, now that you have a plan to create high quality Instagram Stories, Tyler shared some really great insight as to how to grow your email list through a Direct Messaging strategy. Since Tyler has over 10,000 followers he is able to utilize the Swipe Up feature available in Stories, but he admits he doesn’t use it much because he thinks it’s a bit lazy and too passive! Growing your email list through Instagram is all about Instagram Story Direct Messaging! It’s through this DMing that he’s able to directly communicate with his followers, build relationships, hear pain points directly from his potential customers mouth, and engage in an authentic way. Here are a few of the important habits Tyler suggests you build around Instagram Story DM engagement in order to be in a position where you can actually grow your email list: Show up consistently Make sure your content is high quality Use calls to action in your Stories (from asking your followers to answer simple questions, respond to polls, and finally to respond to your invitation for them to learn more about what you’re doing or to gain access to an opt-in offering.) Once you’ve engaged them, keep the conversation going,...see how you can help them Post in the regular feed less often, so you can spend more time in Stories (you saw the stats, this is where the people are!) Do these things and the opt-in opportunities that you offer your followers (the ones that keep coming back to watch your Stories) will put you in a prime position to grow your email list. Tyler’s DM conversions are huge!   Listen in as Tyler shares a system which he calls -- An Instagram Story Opt-In Sandwich -- in which you guide your Story viewers through a journey that ultimately leads them to your lead magnet, content upgrade, or webinar via DM conversations. I, too, have recently using my DMs to engage with my followers, and it is powerful! The only problem is that it can be time-consuming --- time well spent, but time-consuming, nonetheless. Since Tyler gets A LOT of DMs, I asked him how he manages it all and one of the top tips he shared is to get in there a few times throughout the day so you are responding pretty quickly, and also so the DMs don’t pile up and become too overwhelming for you to respond to. I’ve found that it’s helpful for me to actually create a task in Asana (my project management tool), to check my DMs daily, and that’s working well at this point. So here’s what I want you to do, download and work through this 2-page worksheet that Tyler created for you and don’t spend another minute on Instagram without intention and purpose. A great big thank you to Tyler for providing such great step-by-step teaching in this interview! Tyler and I would both love to hear from you in our DMs! I’m @amyporterfield and he’s @tylerjmccall. All my best, Amy This episode is brought to you by: LBL Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in these show notes and on the podcast episode: Tyler’s Membership Community: Follower to Fan Society Connect with Tyler on Instagram @tylerjmccall Connect with me @amyporterfield  
7/12/201857 minutes, 21 seconds
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#218: 7 Steps to Pre-Selling Your Course

As an entrepreneur, your business is constantly changing—that’s the beauty of being an entrepreneur.   And here’s the thing: YOU change too. You change your mind about things you used to be adamant about. I’ve experienced this myself. For example, when it came to creating courses, five years ago I would have said: Concentrate on building your course, don’t worry about the selling. But since then I have had a change of heart. I’ve watched my students inside of my training program Courses That Convert, and I’ve seen a need that I did not see years ago. That need is around launching their course before they have 100% completed it. Now I talk about the benefits of pre-selling your course, or selling it in advance of the course being done, then delivering your content each week via a LIVE workshop to a group of founding members who have already paid. So this episode is going to walk you through the exact steps that go into pre-selling a course. I am going to walk you through the pieces you’ll need to make your offer, get your first students through the door, and deliver your content. There are a few reasons I like this strategy:   #1: Pre-selling is a big validator of your course idea.   #2: Pre-selling helps you build confidence about your training. Nothing builds confidence more than getting a few PAYING students through the door. #3: Pre-selling helps with cash flow! I know that building a course and getting your online course up and running can sometimes be a bit of a pinch on your finances. That’s why pre-selling is great—to bring in a bit of money to help you pay for some of those expenses. #4: Pre-selling helps you build momentum and accountability. By selling before your content has been created, you have no choice but to deliver! This helps you avoid the “it’s been a year and my course is still languishing” syndrome! #5: Lastly, you get immediate feedback from actual students when you pre-sell. Since it’s more of a live interaction, you can tweak your content based on the feedback before you launch again. By the way, this episode was brought to you by Courses that Convert…I teach a much more robust version of this process in that course, with step-by-step plans and templates. Learn more by attending my free masterclass “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days.” So if you’re as excited as I am about pre-selling your course, here are seven steps to get you started. The 7 Steps to Pre-Selling Your Course Step 1: Determine Your Course Offer First, you will determine your pricing and what kind of “course package” you’ll be offering. Step 2: Set Up Your Early Interest Page Once you figure out your offer, it’s time to set a page where you can capture interest about your course. You’ll need to create an opt-in to collect first names and email addresses, and include a teaser about what they can expect. You’ll also want to create a follow-up email for everyone who opted in. Step 3: Create Your 30-Day Content Blitz Come up with content ideas for your blog, podcast, Facebook Lives, etc., and then schedule your content so you’re releasing something new every week for 30 days. Remember to include a call to action at the end of your content, asking your audience to sign up for the course if they want to learn more. (All traffic from this content will go to your Early Interest Page.) Step 4: Set Up Your Checkout Page This page should include information about your course such as the benefits and the features. Step 5: Set Up Your Live Workshop Components In this step you will want to create the shell of your member’s site so when you start delivering your content you have a place to load it. You’ll also need to determine the details of your training and decide on the platform you’ll be delivering it. Set up all the components you’ll need to ultimately deliver your live content—links, welcome emails, a VA, etc.—so that you’re ready to go. As you deliver your live content, you will load up your recordings into your course platform for your paying members to access. Step 6: Promote a 48-Hour Flash Sale Offer Your 48-hour flash sale offer will include two emails: The first is sent to your Early Interest list and informs them of your limited time offer, what’s included in the program, the number of spots available, and a link to your checkout page. Your second email gives them one more chance to sign up. In this step, you also have the option to include a webinar training as part of your pre-sell strategy. Step 7: Deliver Your Content You’re now done with the selling portion of your pre-sell offer. All that’s left is delivering your content! Remember to create your slide decks, prepare any cheat sheets or other bonuses, remind your students before each new training, and then upload your content to your member’s site once you’re done delivering it. Links mentioned in this episode: SamCart 90-Day Trial LeadPages Pro Trial Kajabi Free Trial Course Creation Resources: Episode #49: How to Know if Your Idea is ProfitableEpisode #107: How Do I Price My Online Course?Episode #133: How to Get Unstuck in Your Course Creation ProcessEpisode #206: The Post-It Content Creation Mini Training Webinar Resources: Episode #130: How to Sell on a Webinar (Without Being Overly Salesy)Episode #145: 13 Questions to Nail Down Your Winning Webinar Topic and TitleEpisode #211: 5 Things I Said Yes to In The Early Years (But Say No to Now)
7/5/201832 minutes, 20 seconds
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#217: Why You Aren’t Taking Action with Brooke Castillo

Today we’re going to discover something that has the power to majorly change the trajectory of your business! We’re going to uncover the three main roadblocks that sideline many entrepreneurs (and people in general) and cause them to get stuck in inaction. You will learn specific ways to take massive action, get more done, and get those big results you desire. “Taking action...” seems easy enough, right?  “Just do something!” As you and I both know, it’s not as easy as it sounds! If right now what you’re doing in your business is not leading you to the results you desire, then this episode is for you! To shed some light on WHY we’re not taking action and to help us understand how to turn that around and become massive action takers, I had the pleasure of interviewing Brooke Castillo. Brooke is a Life Coach—I actually call her a Life Coach Extraordinaire— who has worked with thousands of people (including yours truly) who have been stuck, are not reaching the goals they’ve envisioned for themselves, or ultimately just need a coach to shine some light on a path that can lead them to the promised land of getting a lot done and achieving big results. Quick note before we move on: I mention that I’ve worked with Brooke personally; I get more into it on the podcast, but in case you were wondering, I’m part of her Self-Coaching Scholars program. You know I’m on a mission to up-level my life, including my health and my weight, but I’m also on a mission to up-level my mind, and Brooke really gets into this in her program. I know that focusing on how I think about things will change both my personal and business life, and I believe it could do the same for you. Because I stand behind what Brooke does, I have become an affiliate for the program, so if you are interested in joining her program, too, click here, and let Brooke know I sent you! MANAGING YOUR MIND Brooke began with the idea that so much of starting and building a business is about managing your mind.  She said, “There's no way around it, because you can understand how to do everything, you can study all the material, but until you understand that what you think about is going to create the emotion that either drives the action or the inaction, you're never gonna take the action.” Did you get that? This is important: What you think about creates the emotion that drives the action or inaction.  If stress, fear and panic are fueling the action, you’re not going to be able to produce results at the level you want to produce. Brooke shared three entrepreneurial roadblocks—things that are keeping you from taking massive action.    Reason #1: YOU’RE STUCK IN THE BUSY HUSTLE I can remember times, back when I was first starting out, when I was hustling my butt off. I was all over the place, connecting with different people, working with all kinds of clients, seemingly very successful—but the problem was, I wasn’t taking action on the things that could actually take me to a place where I could grow and scale my business. I was hustling. I was tired. But, to some degree, I was really just chasing my tail. This is what Brooke refers to as “The Busy Hustle”—a tiring hustle that’s produced by negative emotion: stress, fear, panic…[Insert your own word here!].   You want to avoid getting into a state of busy hustle, where you may be working hard yet aren’t producing anything. Instead your goal should be to get to a place of a productive hustle, where results are consistently produced. Brooke suggested if you want to produce something, don’t just sit down to “work on something.” Sit down to produce something! It’s important to change our language around this. Let’s stop saying, “I’m working on so and so,” and instead say, “I’m producing xyz,” or “I’m recording a podcast.” See the difference?!   Reason #2: YOU’RE GIVING YOURSELF TOO MUCH TIME TO GET SOMETHING DONE Brooke believes that many people, especially those who are newer to business, give themselves too much time to produce a result. In the beginning you have more time than customers or clients, so you just expand the time you are “working” in your business. Yet while you may  have the time, what you actually produce doesn’t line up with the many hours you’re working. Brooke suggests we take a look at the projects we need to get done, and assign a time frame in which we will get it done. For example: instead of my saying, “I’ll get the podcast recorded and uploaded to Dropbox by Wednesday”, Brooke would say, “I will have the podcast recorded and uploaded to Dropbox in one hour. I’ll sit down and get it done in that hour.”   Of course you need to be realistic about time frames….some things are going to naturally take longer than others.     And what sort of results will be produced if we go this route? Brooke says, “When you decide how long something will take and you stick to that, that’s when your production gets huge momentum.”   Now for my fellow perfectionists out there: this can be tough, because you’re going to have to embrace the fact that you might produce some B-minus work. I know that’s hard to stomach! Brooke had to give me a little life-coaching during the episode, because I am not someone who got Bs in school! Brooke’s argument for producing B-minus work is this: “B-minus work can change people’s lives. Work that you don’t produce at all, does nothing in the world.”   Brooke told a great story about producing B-minus work on a book she wrote, about how she got some negative feedback which caused her some real shame and embarrassment; but a letter she received from someone whose life was changed because of that B-minus book made her realize that had she declined to put out that work in favor of striving for an A-plus, that woman’s life would never have been affected. That was when Brooke decided that she was ok with B-minus work—because she knew it would still produce results. You’ll have to decide for yourself as to what level work you are ok with; but for Brooke, making this decision made a HUGE difference in her business, and because of that decision, she has reached epic levels of success. Reason #3: YOU’RE AVOIDING FAILURE AND DISCOMFORT Of course, no one loves failure and discomfort; but the truth is, if we’re going to learn and grow, there are going to be moments of failure and times where we will need to step outside of our comfort zone. Brooke explained that our brains are literally wired to avoid any kind of failure, and the only way to produce a successful business is to fail repeatedly. So what do we do?! We have to show our brains that we are not going to die because of discomfort and failure. We need to learn the process to move into discomfort, and then get comfortable with that discomfort. “Discomfort is the currency to your dreams.” - Brooke Castillo But discomfort is only part of the road to success for business owners. I love that Brooke shared that she schedules “Comfort-Time” in her week! This time is non-negotiable, and she schedules it in her calendar before anything else. Her comfort-time is comprised of walking her dogs, enjoying coffee and reading in the morning, and spending time with family.   What would be the activities or non-activities that you’d have in your comfort-time? Schedule it in!  And remember: this time is non-negotiable. Agreed? Work hard, play hard! : ) If you’re reading this and have not listened to the episode yet, I highly recommend you do. Brooke gives some great examples, insights, and encouragement that you’ll only hear by tuning in. Plus, Brooke is so fun! I guarantee you’ll not only learn a ton, but will enjoy a few laughs while listening to this episode, too! Thanks for spending time with me today! All my best, Amy Links to things I think you might be interested in that were mentioned in these show notes and on the podcast episode: Brooke Castillo Podcast Learn more about the Self-Coaching Scholars (As I mentioned earlier, I’m a member of Brooke’s program and a huge believer in the work Brooke is doing! Check it out—and if you decide to join, tell her Amy sent you!)  
6/28/201841 minutes, 38 seconds
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#216: Why Courses Flop, And How To Turn “Failure” Into Opportunity

  I’m the first person to admit when I’ve made a mistake. But I can promise you this, when it happens: I learn something new every time. Inside my private Facebook group for all of my students, my students often ask me to troubleshoot their challenges with launching their courses. Our FB Live chats and their questions inspired me to create this specific podcast episode for all of you. Based on my experiences with thousands of students, I’ve uncovered five core reasons why most online courses fail. My goal is to help make sure you don’t make these mistakes, and if you do, I want you to be able to learn from them and turn them into opportunities. In this episode I also talk about the importance of a validation blitz, and knowing all about your potential student’s hopes and fears, and what may be holding them back. I go into step-by-step detail about how to conduct a validation blitz in my Courses That Convert Program. You can learn more about that program and how to get started with an online course with my free Masterclass—“How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days.” It’s a fun and comprehensive training that will help you get well on your way to creating your first training! Also: if you've experienced any of these mistakes or if you've made a big mistake that I haven't mentioned here, I want you to come over to Instagram and DM me. Check out these highlights: Why your ideal customer avatar needs to be top of mind at all times. [3:48] I changed my mind on pre-selling, and you need to also. [8:25] The four things to do to make sure you get to the finish line with your course. [12:43] What to consider instead of signature courses. [14:42] How I had to enlist a colleague to keep me in check and keep out the fluff. [17:34] The best online courses are taught by the best teachers. What you need to do to become an engaging teacher. [20:40] Links mentioned in this episode: Episode #206: “The Post-It Content Creation Mini Training”    
6/21/201827 minutes, 57 seconds
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#215: Creating Multiple Streams of Revenue in Your Business with Jennifer Allwood

As entrepreneurs, creating multiple streams of revenue should be our goal. After being laid off from a software development company in the year 2000, today’s guest, Jennifer Allwood,  discovered firsthand how using her creativity and passion could create not one, but six different revenue streams in her business. One of the things I love most about being an entrepreneur is how we are able to use our passions and creativity to build a business that has many layers to it—and Jennifer has done just that! So whether you are just starting out building your online business or are already doing amazing things but looking to up-level, you’re going to find lots of inspiration and actionable tips in this interview! Never Say Never Jennifer’s first foray into an online business revenue stream was through creating and selling a handful of short videos teaching people how to do fun DIY painting techniques on cabinets and furniture. After just a year, she had earned six figures...from simple painting videos!   Jennifer was at first confounded to discover she could sell stuff that could be easily found online for free via YouTube videos; yet she also came to understand that people will pay for shortcuts, and they prefer to pay for something from someone they know, like and trust, rather than go searching for something on their own. That was the beginning of her online business journey. In the years since, she has launched a couple membership sites, teaches others how to run their online businesses, is writing a book, and is enjoying engaging with her nearly half-million online social media followers. Jennifer admits that even just five years ago she would never have dreamed she would be where she is today! Let this be a lesson to all of us!    It’s Not About Working Harder: It’s Working Smarter That Makes The Difference Jennifer works mostly with creatives: painters, artists, makers, DIYers, and repurposers. She says these type of entrepreneurs have a hard time getting past the idea that they don’t always have to trade time for dollars; yet Jennifer teaches them they can share their gifts in a new way by adding revenue streams to their business. The opportunities she identified (which can work for anyone with an online business) are: Info products – ebooks, ecourses, webinars, etc. Affiliate income Sponsored content Membership site Ad revenue Brand ambassadorship Consulting Speaking Where to Start? If you are just beginning your online journey, Jennifer suggests you begin with something on the simpler side. Test the waters first, to see what you enjoy doing and what works. She highlighted some great examples from the list above that I hope will inspire you with some new ideas! What I loved about talking to Jennifer was seeing how strategic she was—even from the beginning, when she didn’t even realize she was being strategic! If you tuned in and listened to today’s episode, I hope you were as inspired by Jennifer’s story as I was. She was following her passion. She was hustling. She was doing what she needed to do to make things work, and look how it came together for her! I hope the same for you! This episode is brought to you by: Gravy—my very own 24/7 engagement team who contacts my customers within hours of their failed payment, captures updated billing information and saves the customers I worked so hard to acquire. If you have a subscription model business or offer payment plans, you’ve got to check out Gravy!
6/14/201841 minutes, 34 seconds
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#214: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Lead Magnet for Your Audience

Most of you already know I’m all about list building. In fact, one of my favorite mottos is “always be list building.” But not everyone knows that an indispensable element of any successful list-building effort is an effective lead magnet—a freebie—that’ll stand front and center and draw crowds to opt-in. But then the question becomes: How do I know which type of lead magnet to create? That’s why you can’t miss today’s episode! I’m sharing the ultimate guide to choosing the right lead magnet for your audience, covering the seven types of lead magnets I think are working best right now. And what I’m sharing is not only from my experience. I’ve prepared a bunch of examples of lead magnets from some of my good friends and peers—all of them list building pros—and I’m also covering the pros and cons of each, to help you decide which lead magnets are right for you and your audience. To make it even easier for you, I’ve prepared a freebie with every one of the examples of lead magnets I’m going to discuss in the episode, so you can hear about them, but also see what I’m talking about as clearly as possible. This episode is brought to you by: My free Masterclass, The Ultimate List-Building Catch-Up Plan. If you are struggling to get started with list building or if you're not attracting new subscribers to your email list every single day, this is the free masterclass for you! Check out these highlights: Why it’s only worth it to look at your conversion rate numbers and not anyone else’s. [3:48] The one lead magnet that’s sure to help your audience get to the finish line easily. [6:08] The type of freebie that’ll get your audience saying, “I can’t believe this is free—I would’ve paid for this.” [10:55] Is there a place for video or audio freebies? [13:33] How about challenges? (You know you want to know how to make these lead magnets work—they’re fun!) [16:49] The quick, easy (for audiences to process) and increasingly popular quiz. [20:17] What kind of free courses you can do and how to get them to work as lead magnets. [24:41]
6/7/201831 minutes, 31 seconds
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#213: 10 Things I'm Embarrassed to Tell You

My podcast space has always, with a couple exceptions, been a place where I share online marketing tips and strategies...100% my comfort zone! And don’t worry, that’s still my plan for the future episodes, but this year, I’ve made an intentional decision to step out of my comfort zone (or actually maybe a lot with today’s topic!) and let you in on some more behind-the-curtain type personal things. If you listened to episode 210, my 5 Lessons I Learned From Shonda Rhimes, just a few weeks ago, you’ll see where some of the inspiration for this week’s episode came from. For example, speaking my truth was something that I was really inspired to do based on what I learned from Shonda Rhimes, one of my favorite mentors. Several years ago a well-known podcaster that I love, Jess Lively, shared an episode with her audience with this type of format (I think she called it Things I’m Afraid To Tell You) and the honest and raw truth from that post really hit a chord with her listeners, and I believe that even back then, it created a bit of an “online honesty” movement. She still does these episodes and they’re priceless. In my opinion, there are far too many people in the online world that have created these “everything is awesome” online personas and it really casts a false light on what’s actually going on behind-the-scenes. I, for one, don’t want to be looked at by those that follow me as this person that has it all figured out, doesn’t have bad days, doesn’t struggle in both my personal and business life (that’s so far from the truth, it’s laughable.) So, I titled this, “10 Things I’m Embarrassed To Tell You” - and I know I shouldn’t be embarrassed by this stuff, it’s just life stuff -- the real stuff, but when I look at social media, I feel embarrassed because it’s not my highlight reel. Although, as an entrepreneur, I believe that what’s personal is business, and what’s business is personal, and I see my business as my baby. This means the personal and business are bound to blend together, especially with a personal brand, and I wouldn’t be being honest and transparent if I were to just show the highlight reel. I bet you’d be surprised at how much we have in common when it comes to the types of things that make us feel embarrassed, ashamed, or stupid, but we wouldn’t know it unless we talk about it, right? Here we go: 1. Sometimes I wonder if Hobie and I made the right decision to not have kids together. I got married when I was 31 and we thought we would have babies. At that time I had just started building my business and I was incredibly focused. We had a 4-year-old already - Cade (my step-son) was in our life daily - so it felt like I already had a little one. Time flew by, and we just never took the leap and about 3 years ago Hobie got a vasectomy. On the way home from the doctor, I cried -- a lot! But I was just crying because it felt final - I knew I didn’t want to have biological it was just an emotional closing to that piece of our life. I THINK we made the right decision, but sometimes (once in a while) I wish we just took the leap 7 or 8 years ago and went for it. But then at the same moment, I think we made the right decision and that feels fine to me. 2. I work well under pressure so sometimes I let myself wait to the very last minute to finish something, because I know I’ll get it done, however, this causes tremendous stress for my team AND I am not so nice to Hobie in those moments and I hate myself for it. So, for example, when I’m late getting my slides done for a webinar, and a huge launch is looming over my head, I am super snappy with Hobie. It’s like he can’t even look at me without me saying something that I would regret. It’s the tiny things that set me off because I am stressed and tired. Hobie is a complete champ about it, too, but it’s not fair to him. The reason I’m so embarrassed about this is because I teach people to get stuff done in advance! I’d say 80% of the time I walk the talk, but that other 20% can be NOT fun. Lately, I’ve really been working on not letting anything go until the last minute. 3. I worry about aging because of my online presence. I hate talking about this one. I am 41 years old...and I see photos of myself when I first started my online business, and I look like a baby compared to now. It’s hard to get older on video...especially when all the old photos never go away online! I wish I subscribed to the “age gracefully” model of thinking, but I don’t. Maybe over time I will, but for now, I am going to fight the battle! So, I pay close attention to my skin: I’m obsessed with LED light and Multi-Wave technology to help stimulate collagen in your skin. Yeah, I do that! Don’t laugh, but it works! I never do this, but I’m going to post links to some of my favorite skincare products below. The ones that I use daily, that I swear by, and that I know are working for anti-aging. I take this stuff seriously! : ) 4. I sometimes don't like to tell you that I use a copywriter. If I do, I’m afraid you’ll feel that you’re not hearing from me directly and then you’ll not feel connected to me. The truth is that I work closely with my copywriters - I have two, Ry and Tarzan, and they’re both really good friends. We text each other a lot, we laugh a lot together, they just get me. They know how I talk, they know how I think, they know my little quirks, and that all comes out in the writing. They actually write like I would write to you if I was really talented in my writing skills. So, yes, I use a copywriter, but it’s still me -- they’re basically an extension of me. 5. I don't always love being the one in the relationship that makes the most money. It’s too much pressure and creates a weird shift in the relationship. Hobie and I talked about this in episode 161 - Love and Business: How to Make it Work, and he said that he doesn’t like it either. I grew up in a household where the dad went to work and controlled the finances, while the mom stayed home and did the homemaking type stuff...I thought that was how marriage worked. Since my marriage is very different than that model, some of those old beliefs creep in at times and mess with my head. Also, I sometimes wish Hobie made more money so that if I wanted to take a break, I would have the option to. It’s silly, I know...I really want to make the money and doubt I’d ever actually want to take a big break, but I don’t want to HAVE TO make the money. 6. I’m a fierce competitor and want to be at the top of the charts with my podcast and the #1 affiliate in launches that I do. I want to win and I really push myself and my team to be on top. The downside of this is that I find myself comparing myself to others that are also in the so-called race and that’s not a good thing to do -- it slows me down and messes up my mental game. Lately, I’ve been asking myself “why?” - why do I want to be at the top? And if I’m honest, it’s my ego more than anything - and that ain't good. So, I’m really examining this area of my mindset and am remembering what I learned from Oprah in the “Making Oprah” podcast: Put blinders on and RUN YOUR OWN RACE! 7. Ok, this next one is super personal …. Growing up I was always afraid of my dad. He was strict and stern and expected more out of me than I thought was fair. I love him dearly, but he was hard on me. My childhood experiences put some distance between us as I got older. I still have hard feeling about some of my childhood experiences with my dad and I’ve even gone through an EMDR intensive to move past it. (If you don’t know what EMDR therapy is, I’ve linked to it below - it’s incredible and I loved the doctor I did it with, Dr. Mcayla, who I also link to below.) But beyond my dad and me - here’s the current day truth: Sometimes I see myself being too hard on Cade and I have to pull back because I never want distance between us and I don’t want to make him feel the way I did with my dad. 8. I am embarrassed about my weight and I don’t like to do video because of it. I talked all about this a few months ago in a 9-minute podcast episode, #179. If you’ve not heard that one, and you like this type of episode, I think you should listen to that one next. I’m bringing up the weight issue here because ever since I did that podcast episode, the feedback from listeners has been amazing. It spoke to so many of you, both men and women, and I’m glad I put aside my embarrassment of talking about it and was honest with you. As for my weight loss journey, things are going well -- slow and steady. I’m making great progress and feeling good and when I have some solid success, I will share the details with you. 9. When I have a big success (like a million dollar launch) I have this weird tinge of guilt thinking I don't totally deserve it - or I struggle with thoughts that it will all go away. I know it’s about not feeling like I am enough, and let me tell you, it used to be a whole lot worse, but I’m really working on this one because I hate feeling that way. Recently we had an amazingly successful B-School launch and that weird guilt feeling came up for me, but I was able to kill the flame quickly by reminding myself I did deserve it and I am worthy of success. Progress, not perfection, right?! 10. I struggle with letting go, even though I have an awesome team. I still review every single email before it goes out and I know I need to, and can trust my team, to let go. As I talked about in episode 208, I have an awesome team, and I want them to feel empowered -- they deserve to move things forward without my eye on everything. And if mistakes are made, I need to give grace, because I know that’s how we learn and grow. But man, it’s hard to let go! Especially when everything is in your voice - I am the brand - so I think I hold on a little tighter due to that! But I am working on this one -- baby steps! So there you have it...a bit of me baring my soul. The point of this week’s episode was, as I said, for me to be honest about parts of my personal and business life that you might not know about me yet - I really want you to know me. So when you see me out and about in real life, or better yet, come to one of my events in San Diego, you don’t just know the shiny, social media approved side of me. I want you to know all of me - and know that I am just like you in so many ways. That’s when true connections happen… I also really hope that maybe something I said will help you to not feel so alone in what you’re going through, or maybe even encourage you to be more honest and real with your own online community. And can I just say, Thank you! Thank you for allowing me to feel safe enough to share these types of things here today. I truly love my community -- you all are such a source of encouragement to me! Have a great day!
5/31/201832 minutes, 31 seconds
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#212: How to Hit $1M with a List Under 20K with Rick Mulready

  Today I’m bringing back one of my favorites, Facebook ads guru, Rick Mulready. The difference is today I’ve got him nervous—because he’s here to share with you what he’s NEVER shared before…he’s taking you behind the scenes and letting you in on his process of how he got to a million dollars in just one year (!). He’s also talking about how he reached that number with a decent (but not monster-sized) list of 17,000 (which once upon a time was 30,000). You know I love to talk tips, tricks, and strategies, but I also think it’s important to look at how you are thinking, how you are feeling, what motivates you to make certain decisions and how they actually work for you… which is what Rick is sharing today. Tips and tricks will only get you so far unless you learn to get your head on straight around everything you’re working on in your business. And Rick is ready to get raw and honest and show you the shifts he made during 2017 and the results these changes had on his life and business. Let’s get all of the scoop. Check out these highlights: Random moment of the episode: my new sauna (I didn’t bring this up myself, but it’s a fun tidbit to hear). [4:40] The offers Rick made in 2017 to get to a million bucks. [8:20] The issue of quantity vs. quality for your business model. [10:46] How Rick changed the way he was thinking about his own email list size. [13:38] Shifting your mindset from a lack to abundance as it relates to your team. [27:55] Let’s get honest: Are you not growing your team because you’re scared to spend money? [32:29] At some point, you might not make it without a team… [37:55] Rick’s awesome email list re-engagement campaign. [42:07] Random moment of the episode: my new sauna (I didn’t bring this up myself, but it’s a fun tidbit to hear). [4:40] The offers Rick made in 2017 to get to a million bucks. [8:20] The issue of quantity vs. quality for your business model. [10:46] How Rick changed the way he was thinking about his own email list size. [13:38] Shifting your mindset from a lack to abundance as it relates to your team. [27:55] Let’s get honest: Are you not growing your team because you’re scared to spend money? [32:29] At some point, you might not make it without a team… [37:55] Rick’s awesome email list re-engagement campaign. [42:07]
5/24/201858 minutes, 6 seconds
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#211: 5 Things I Said "Yes" To In The Early Years (But Say "No" to Now)

Today I’m taking a trip down memory lane to my early days— the first few years when nothing seemed to go as planned and everything that came my way felt like a BIG deal…I’m getting personal and raw and sharing with you what my business looked like when I first started out, the decisions I made to get where I am, and the most significant challenges along the way. (You asked, and I answered!) More specifically, I’m sharing those things I said “yes” to in the early days—the yeses that got me where I am today, in a multimillion-dollar business with an incredible and engaged audience. Wherever you are in your own business, you need to know: The business you have today will look dramatically different a few years from now… but it is the choices you make today—the things you say yes or no to—that will lead you towards where you’ll be tomorrow. And then tomorrow you’ll be able to make different choices, but because you and your business will be in a different place. So here’s a little help to get you to (hopefully) make better decisions... This episode is brought to you by: My free Masterclass—“How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days.” If you’re thinking about creating your online course or have been for a while and don’t know how to get started, this free masterclass is for you! Check out these highlights: The most important question I ask myself every time my business hits a milestone or pivots in some way or another. [2:53] Speaking opportunities—yay or nay? [4:55] The time for sacrifices. [7:06] Trading knowledge and experience. [8:49] What to say to coffee chat invites. [11:58] And how they’re completely different than “Can I Pick Your Brain” invites. [13:13] The right way to collaborate with other people. [17:33] And the right way to have other people collaborate with you! [20:14]
5/16/201826 minutes, 46 seconds
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#210: 5 Lessons I Learned From Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes, the creative powerhouse behind Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder, wrote a book a few years ago called Year of Yes that really resonated with me. I’m sharing five takeaway lessons that have impacted my personal and business life in a pretty major way. First, let me set the scene for you as to why Shonda even wrote this book. Shonda and her sister were in the kitchen getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner way back in 2013, and Shonda was telling her sister about some parties, talk shows, and conferences that she'd been recently invited to, you know, the Hollywood type stuff. She was talking about how she was too busy to do any of it, and without blinking an eye, her sister said something to her that day that became the wake-up call that Shonda needed to transform her “busy life”, and those words were: Her sister knew that Shonda was hiding behind being too busy to avoid doing things that scared her and would take her out of her comfort zone. Her sister also knew that Shonda had ZERO balance in her life and she was actually miserable. Now, would the outside world have known that she was miserable? No. However, Shonda knew that her sister was telling the truth. She’d been called out and it was the truth. This brought on an epiphany that something major had to change in her life. She wrote in her book: "This could not possibly be what having it all was supposed to feel like, could it? Because if it was, if this is what I spent all this time and energy working so hard for, if this is what the promised land looked like, what was success ... was what success felt like, was what I sacrificed for ... " And then she trailed off, telling the reader she didn't even wanna go there. This was her aha moment! And the reason I bring it up here is because I think many of us are working our tails off, hustling to the core, and if we're not careful, we're gonna work ourselves into the ground, and then one day we're gonna pop up and say, "Wait. Was this what I was working so hard for, to feel burned out and overworked and tired?” We’ve got to be really mindful of this. I know we're creating businesses we absolutely love, but just don’t work yourself into the ground, okay? Before we get into the lessons, I want to ask you two questions: 1. Are you at a place in your life where you’re wondering if all the hard work you’re putting into growing your business is even worth it? Now, hard work is one thing, but being miserable is another. Who wants to bust their butt only to be miserable?? 2. Are you ready to make some changes in your life so that you can embrace things that scare you or take you outside your comfort zone? You know, those things that deep down you know would probably make you a happier or more successful person. With your answer to those questions in mind, let’s dig into the five lessons I learned from Shonda’s book, Year of Yes. Lesson 1: In Shonda’s book, she told a story about when she gave a commencement speech a few years ago at her alma mater, Dartmouth. (I’ve included the video for you here, but save that for later when you’re in your pjs and can settle in for 25 minutes.) In her speech she was encouraging the graduating class to be DOers, NOT dreamers. She would say things to them like, “You want to be a writer? Guess what? A writer writes everyday. Start writing.” “You want to travel? Sell your crappy car and buy a ticket and go to Bangkok.” I love this! It’s not that she’s bashing on having dreams, it’s good to dream and have big goals, but if you keep your head up in the clouds, you're going to get nowhere. Shonda talked about dreaming of being author and Pulitzer Prize winner, Toni Morrison. She said she did a whole lot of dreaming...from her parents’ couch! She then realized, “Wait a minute! Toni Morrison already had that job and she wasn’t interested in giving it up!” Can you relate? Have you ever dreamed of being so and so, or having so and so's business? You look at someone else's business online and you think, "I want to be them. I wanna have what they have." It reminds me of that quote, "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." Words to live by, right? You've gotta do you! Now, I've always pretty much been a person that digs in and gets stuff done. I'm definitely a doer. But this lesson about doing instead of just dreaming does keep me motivated and on track in my business. Every single day I take action toward my goals. And if at any time I feel like my head is in the clouds, I've gotta pull it back down and say, "Okay, where's the plan?" And to get really specific, I’d ask myself: Where are the action items for my plan inside Asana?”, the project management tool I use. If I don’t put it in Asana, then I'm just dreaming it. Where are your action items written down? Your notebook? Your project management tool? Just make sure to get it written down. Speaking of being actionable and writing stuff down, I’ve got an awesome freebie for you today. There’s an exercise in there that's going to help you take some of these ideas in your head, get them on paper and make them more actionable so that you do more and dream a little bit less. Lesson 2: For the record, I'm not going to tell you to find more balance in your life...I feel like that's a cliché. Way easier said than done! But Shonda explains this in a very practical way. In her book, she talks a lot about finding a good personal and professional balance. And when she's talking about it, she not only had a super important big job, but she also had three little ones, and I mean little, at home. I've only got one teenage son, a dog, and a husband, and sometimes I don't even know how I get through it all! Achieving a perfect balance between work, social, and family is impossible. We all know that right? So perfect should never be your goal. In her book, Shonda dropped a nice little truth bomb when she said, "Whenever you see me somewhere succeeding in one area of my life, that almost certainly means that I am failing in another area of my life." The reason I love this woman so much is because she tells the truth! What Does Real Life Balance Look Like? If you’re a Grey's Anatomy fan, then you will never forget Sandra Oh's last scene. It was epic! (Sandra Oh is Christina in Grey's Anatomy.) Anyway, watching that last scene LIVE was of huge importance to Shonda because, for 10 years, she had put her heart and soul into that character, to develop her and to make her the person that she was. So, it was the last hurrah -- this would be Christina’s last scene before going off the show. SPOILER ALERT: Shonda wasn't there to witness the last scene! Why? Because guess what else was important at the time? Her kid's school musical that was going on at the same time. She chose her daughter's school musical that day over something incredibly important at work. Now, this is what real life balance looks like. There's not going to be a perfectly easy solution every single time. She also admitted that if she was working late on a script for one of her shows like Scandal, she'd probably end up missing bath and story time at home, which if you’re a parent, you know that is an important time. So you see, Shonda doesn't always give up the work stuff for the family stuff, she flip-flops back and forth. She found her own sense of balance, and obviously, the choices were not always easy. As entrepreneurs, we are no doubt living full lives. And to achieve some sort of balance, there's gotta be some give and take. Yes, there will be hard decisions to make, but it's up to us to make daily choices through a balance type of lens that each of us is going to have to individually define. Your balance only needs to make sense in your world. Even if that looks or feels something like you hopping from one foot to the other to maintain that sense of balance, that's okay. People always ask me how I keep everything in balance and I got a lot of those types of questions when I recently recorded the 20 questions episode with my husband, Hobie. Well, the truth is, I don't do it very well. My goal is to have that balance, but then I also know it's never going to be perfect, and I need to be okay with that. I have to remind myself that I am the only one that defines my balance. I talk about a couple of examples of this with my son and my husband in today’s episode. Let’s agree that even though we may be a work in progress, we are making progress in this area. I’ve got a good exercise for you in the freebie I mentioned earlier in regards to defining your own balance. I think you’ll find it an empowering exercise! Lesson 3: I could've lumped this lesson into the whole lesson about balance, but I'm not going to, because without clearly defining boundaries for yourself, or sometimes for others in your life, you're going to have a hard time creating any sort of balance that truly benefits you. Think of it this way: boundaries are the framework for your very own definition of balance. Boundaries are just the rules or guidelines to what you will or won't do, and what you will or won't allow. In Shonda’s book, she talks about some of the most important boundaries she put in place during her “year of yes” and I think these may be some of the very boundaries that you, my dear reader, might need to put into place too. I know I’ve had to! No checking or sending emails after 7:00 p.m. Period. Notice she doesn't say 5:00? She's reasonable. She's an entrepreneur. No working on Saturday or Sunday unless there was some sort of emergency or filming where she really needed to be there. Home by 6:00 p.m. for dinner, so she could eat with her kids. She decided that “no” would be a complete sentence. She wasn't going to feel like she had to give excuses for saying no to stuff. ****Oh, my goodness, I am notorious for this one! If I say no, then I feel guilty because I'm a people pleaser. This is definitely a boundary I’m working on getting better at. No hot glue gun or no home-baked cookies. There's a great part in the book about Shonda attending some school meeting, and a room-mom was telling everyone to bring cookies to some event, and that they had to be homemade. Well, Shonda about lost her mind when that came up. She actually blurted out a profanity in voicing her disbelief. Can you imagine? I would kind of die! No one was going to tell her that she couldn't bring Costco cookies. Let's be honest...we all know that Costco cookies are kind of amazing! Notice that she wasn't saying that she wouldn't bring cookies to the school event. She just wasn't going to stay up late into the night baking. That didn't work for her. And the other scenario of going to buy the cookies, showing up and being there for her kid, that worked. Believe it or not, when I read some of the boundaries that Shonda had put into place, I actually felt a sense of permission to do the same in my life. Besides working on “no” being a complete sentence, I’ve also decided to try and take Fridays off and not work on the weekends. Some weeks are better than others, but I would say I get it right about 60% of the time. It helps that my team knows this is my intention, too, so they don’t schedule anything for me on Fridays. My task management tool, Asana, that I mentioned earlier, and my Google calendar are real lifesavers in the areas of boundaries, too, because I schedule work and personal and if it’s not in there, I’m not doing it. I hope that reading some of Shonda’s and my boundaries will help you to feel a sense of permission, or give you some good ideas, too. Again, my freebie today has a good exercise for you to complete on setting healthy boundaries, as well as taking down those boundaries you may have in place, but that are not serving you well. Lesson 4: I know! This totally sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it!? Hold on now, just listen to this nugget of wisdom that Shonda shares about having difficult conversations: “No matter how hard a conversation is, I know that on the other side of that difficult conversation lies peace. Knowledge. An answer delivered. Character is revealed. Truces are formed. Misunderstandings are resolved. Freedom lies across the field of the difficult conversation. And the more difficult the conversation, the greater the freedom.” Ahhhh….Peace, knowledge, answers, freedom. Can I get an AMEN on having a little more of these in our lives!! You may be thinking, “Sounds good, Amy, but I hate having difficult conversations and I’d just rather avoid them at all costs!” Believe me, I don’t love having them either! AND, I actually think that as women we struggle with them more than men. Ladies, can we just resolve to fix that?! The main reason I don’t like to have difficult conversations is that I NEVER, EVER want to hurt someone’s feelings. Yep, I’m a people-pleaser, but I know that’s not healthy, so I’m a bit of a work-in-progress over here! : ) One thing I’ve found is that if I can sort of have a loose “canned plan” in place in the event I end up getting into a difficult conversation. In her book, Shonda gives some really great examples of these type of statements that we can equip ourselves with. These are ones that you’d use these when it looks like you need to just draw the line and shut the conversation down, instead of rambling or giving in. So, you might say: “That doesn’t work for me.” “I’m done.” “This isn’t worth it.” “You aren’t worth it.” (Now, this one may just be something you say in your head to give yourself permission to end the conversation.) “No.” (Remember, Shonda says we can use this as a complete sentence!) It might take some practice, but you’d be surprised at how empowering it can be to break out one of these statements at just the right time! And, guess what? There’s a silver lining here! The more we engage in difficult conversations, the easier they get. Lesson 5: I really struggle with this one! I tell a story in today’s podcast about that struggle. What I love about Shonda is she decided to start taking the compliments that she was getting, like a boss. In her book, she wrote: "I'm going to say yes to accepting any and all acknowledgments of personal fabulous awesomeness with a clear, calm, 'Thank you,' and a confident smile, and nothing more." Fabulous awesomeness. I love how she says that. But for myself, I can't even imagine if someone were to give me a compliment and just saying, "Thank you," with a smile. That feels very awkward to me, but in an effort to take a compliment like a boss, I’m going to try and do it going forward, too. How about you? You on board with me? Lessons Recapped: Lesson 1: Don't just dream it, Do it! Lesson 2: Find your own balance. Lesson 3: Create boundaries that help you thrive. Lesson 4: It's good to have difficult conversations. Lesson 5: Learn to take a compliment like a boss. So, there you have it! I hope these five lessons I learned from my mentor, Shonda Rhimes, have given you a new perspective on how to live a more fulfilling life and to run your business from a place of empowerment and truth. Don’t forget to download the freebie I created for you. It’s a worksheet that is going to walk you step-by-step through some exercises that go along with the lessons I talked about today. It's a bit of a journaling type of exercise, but believe me, it will make everything you learned more actionable. This episode is brought to you by: Master Class: How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days  
5/9/201844 minutes, 8 seconds
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#209: The Surprising Journey of Launching a Physical Product with Lara Casey

Have you ever thought about creating a physical product to sell online, maybe even adding one to your digital line up? And if you have, have you found yourself overwhelmed with not really knowing where to start in order to bring that product from merely an idea to something your customers can physically hold in your hands? As most of you know, my business consists of all digital products and I would say 90% of my audience is the same, but I still get questions, pretty frequently, asking me about creating physical products to include in their existing online business. Maybe you’re at a point where you’d like to add a physical product. Questions like: How do I know if I’m ready to add a physical product to my digital mix? Where would I even go to get started? What kind of physical product could I add to the mix? Since I get a lot of questions around this topic, but I’m not the expert, I thought, “Let’s bring on someone who is.” My guest today, Lara Casey - founder of, has authored two books, Cultivate, and Make it Happen, and has had huge success in launching and selling physical products online. If you’ve ever heard of the famous PowerSheets, she’s the creator! Lara is going to talk to us about how she knew it was time to launch a physical product; how she figured out and managed all the details around designing, producing, and fulfilling a physical product. And to keep it real, she shares the ups and downs as she created her product along the way. When I asked Lara to tell my podcast listeners a little bit about herself, this is what she said: “We’re all about planting seeds and helping women to Cultivate What Matters and giving them the tools they need to plant seeds of growing intentional relationships or cultivating their faith...whatever it may be, specific to them.” Planting seeds...cultivating...intentional… I love this! Lara continued, “I’m a mom to three, a grateful wife, and I’m really passionate about helping an instant-results culture embrace the power of little by little progress, instead of perfection.” Now, let’s dig into the interview! QUICK SIDE NOTE to those who are coming here from my podcast for the show notes, I'd love to know if you like this longer, more detailed version of show notes? While not everything from the podcast is included here, it's a pretty thorough representation. Please let me know yay or nay and why in the comments below.  Amy: What are PowerSheets? Lara: The PowerSheets are our goal planner, and they help you to uncover what matters the most to you, make an action plan and then TEND to that, little by little and take action. Amy: It’s beautiful! It looks like a planner. Would you call it a planner? Lara: We get asked that all the time and this is really your day planner’s best friend. We call it a planner because it fits into the marketing realm of being that same type of vein, but it’s more of an action book. We want people to not just plan but start planting things in their lives and to make a mess in this (the PowerSheets). Amy: What your very first product and why did you decide to create it? IN THE BEGINNING Lara: About 12 years ago, my husband Ari was deployed to Iraq, with the Marines. And as you can imagine, at the height of any time of war or turmoil, it can leave you feeling very anxious. And so, this first product, which was Southern Weddings magazine came out of that pain that I was experiencing at the time. As my husband was deployed to Iraq, I sat on my laptop computer alone one night and just thought, "I just really have a deep desire to create beauty in this world that feels so broken," and that sounded like a really grand thing at the time, but it was my real desire. And so, I got on my computer, and I started mocking up a wedding magazine cover, and I didn't have any formal training or background in this. I had an interest in weddings and started to get my feet wet into wedding planning at the time. I think I bought an ebook that was something like Wedding Planning 101. It was $0.99 at the time. What it was really about was that I was fascinated with stories of transformation and how even in the gift of a wedding celebration, you could transport people from feeling despair and hopelessness to a place of hope, to a place of thinking about the future. So, I mocked up this little wedding magazine cover, and I had no idea where it would go from there... I just knew I had to create it. I had this restlessness that I'm sure a lot of your listeners may feel at times. I put it out there to the world, and I thought, "You know what? This is something new and different." I started a blog at the time. If you would have said the word blog to someone, they probably would have thought about the movie The Blob and had no idea what you were talking about. Amy: Like the wild, wild West online, when blogs weren't even popular! Lara: I started a blog to talk about creating meaningful beginnings to married life and started sharing the idea about this wedding magazine. Long story short, it really took off. People were excited about something new and different in the South, not just talking about roasted chicken and tulle at a wedding, but a story and how that story could transform guests' lives. This is how the first physical product came to be. I used my whole life savings and created a physical print version of Southern Weddings magazine. I, again, had no experience in this. I have a degree in music theater, no background in journalism. I just had this desire to do it, and I figured I'm just going to figure it out. I created the first edition on Microsoft Publisher. WHY A PHYSICAL PRODUCT? Lara: There is something to the tangible. I still feel the exact same way today, that I felt 12 years ago -- there's something to holding a product in your hand that has the ability to change someone's life, potentially more than a digital product that maybe they see once and forget about. This physical product is something people could pass on. They could pass it to their sisters, their moms, their best really started a revolution in the wedding industry. This is back when the only publications that were out there were really big corporate publishing houses. And then, there was me and my cat in the apartment. : ) Amy: What year was this? Lara: This was 2008. If you fast-forward five years from then, I had a major life change happen. Our marriage was really rocky within that time period, five years later, our marriage started to come back together, and that led to our fifth-anniversary issue of Southern Weddings, being about love never fails. And so, the first shop product that we sold in more of an e-commerce platform ... it was Big Cartel at the time ... was a print that said, "Love never fails." In each of these things we've created have really been born out of a pain point, out of some challenge that I experienced in my life. But the print was more about how could we get meaningful messaging into people's hands. It was more about the profit of people, not about dollar signs. It eventually became dollar signs, but it started with the heart of, "If we could just get this messaging literally into people's fingertips, we believe that it would have a domino effect and a ripple effect." CREATING A SOLUTION TO A PAIN POINT Lara: It was right around that time that our business started to boom. as the heartbeat of Southern Weddings started to really beat with the message of, "Love never fails," people really started to grasp onto it, and I became really overwhelmed with so much work, and I just had my first baby. Our marriage was coming back together, so I was trying to balance and prioritize that. I know you've had so much of that in your story too, Amy. It was like, "How do you do it all?" And what I realized, the obvious is I can't do it all and do it well, but I can choose to cultivate what matters. And so, right around that time, I sat down at my desk one day, and I thought, "Man, I have all these things," like my facebook page, my Twitter account at the time (I don't even think that Instagram was a thing), "How am I going to tend to all these things and make them grow?" I would come to the end of a year and just get so frustrated looking back and thinking, "I could have made progress on these things if I would have tended to them little by little." So I got really frustrated, and said, "I need to fix this," and I made myself what I called a tending list. It was just a list of all the priorities, these seeds that I wanted to grow in my life and in my business. Things that I just knew, if I just touched on them a little bit at a time, it would add up. So I created a set of worksheets to help me make progress on the things that mattered, tending to them little by little. It's just like you teach, Amy, about it being focused on action by action. MAKING PROGRESS Lara: And that's when my life started to change. I started to make progress on the things that mattered. People started to see me making progress, amidst a lot of mistakes, and I got an email from a publisher who had read a series that I posted on my blog at the time about goal setting and about how I was doing this differently. The publisher emailed me, and that's how I got my first book contract for Make It Happen, and then my most recent one is Cultivate. At the same time, others began to ask me to create this set of worksheets for them too, and it really took off. Amy: I love these stories, where you create something for yourself and then others want it, and it grows into a business. I mean, how organic can you get, right? Lara: Yes! We have an unofficial, yet, official office motto that is: If you're not excited about it, nobody's going to be excited about it. So, for us, we have to create the things that we use in our everyday lives, the things that we need, and we just have to trust if we've done our research, and  looked at what the market needs, and listened enough, then other people are probably going to be affected by it too, if we are. Amy: If you created these worksheets for yourself, did you just put them out there and that's how you knew others wanted them? Did you sell them and then hope that others wanted them? How did that happen? Lara: It was a lot of both. It was a lot like throwing things to the wind. There weren't any shops around at the time, my friend Lindsay Letters had a shop with a couple prints in it, but there was no one that was really modeling this at the time. So, we were just testing the waters. At the time, I was doing coaching for branding clients, and I tested the PowerSheets out with them in little spurts. We would test it. The content, I tested with the Making Things Happen Conference, which we were doing twice a year (and still do twice a year now). It was being tested, but it wasn't like a full-fledged test in an e-commerce platform. We just really at the time had to take the risk and put it out there. Amy: You were creating a solution to your pain point, to begin with, and then your first customers were people in your local community and people who knew you through Southern Weddings and the Make Things Happen Conference who had that same need, and your product was their answer. Perfect! Tell us what happened from there, as far as you knowing that this was actually going to be a business and not just a one-off order for some friends. For example, did you have a certain amount of workbooks? These worksheets really became a workbook, right? Lara: Yes, you got it. Amy: So did you have a certain amount of workbooks that you wanted to pre-sell before you'd produce the product? Or did you place an order that you could afford at the time and then sold online at stores or events? Give us all the details. MAKING THINGS HAPPEN! Lara: I designed the first round, which was a loose-leaf set of worksheets. We printed them at a local printer, which is something that I think is very important for anybody that's starting out because you get the joy and the asset of having a relationship with someone who's going to hopefully walk you through that process. We did not speak the printer paper product language at first, and I still feel like we're learning that. We didn't know anything about paperweights or bleed on paper or even what was possible. I think it's really important to try a local printer first, even if you think you're going to get a better cost somewhere else, just so you can get that education. We did a very small batch at first, and I think it was like 500 sets of PowerSheets, and that felt like a huge amount for us, at first. I feel very strongly about the power of one, so I thought, "If we could get even these 500 sets of PowerSheets into people's hands,” -- I started to imagine the ripple effect. I hope that's encouragement for anybody that's starting out. Don't compare your numbers to somebody else. Do what you think is best for you right now and just think about the ripple effect. Amy: What were some of your biggest fears at this point, when you started to put it out there? Lara: So many things. The thought of just somebody buying something from us was scary. The thought of, do we know even how to do transactions, or what if someone is unhappy with the product? What if this product doesn't create results for other people like it has for us and the people we've tested it with? What do you do about customer service? How do you print labels? I think the biggest thing is that there was so much unknown. The only way that we were going to figure out how to do it well was to do it and to get as much good advice as we could. But at the time, there weren't any resources for shop owners like there are now. Amy: I love that you put this out there because a lot of my students want the whole roadmap in front of them, and they know I'm a step-by-step girl. So they'll say, "Amy, just give us exactly what we need to do." But if you look back at people that have had major success, they just put it out there, and when an issue comes up, they figure it out, and then there's their process moving forward. Lara: I think you're right. I think that if I would have had a "plan" to start out with, we would have changed so much about it. Especially with e-commerce or selling a physical product in a retail shop, whatever it is, there's so much testing that happens, and asking yourself, "Is this right for us? Can we make this better? How can we put our unique stamp on this?" So I feel like it's actually an advantage to not know the entire roadmap ahead because you get the freedom to change for the better. Amy: That's so powerful. Now, in these early days, when you did your first print run, and you've got your loose-leaf pages out there, you didn't do a pre-order, you actually put the money down, and you ordered 500. Did you sell those online or in person or both? Lara: We sold them online, for the mere fact that we work out of my house. It's a small operation, and that also brought a lot of challenges with it, too. One of the biggest bumps in the road that we've had with production was having a lot of manual labor to do ourselves to package the products. This is not something that our printer at the time could do. We were collating the products by hand, packaging them by hand, stickering them, figuring out how to use the label printer, which we actually did at first. We are grassroots. I remember going to the post office with hundreds of boxes and the post people looking at us like, "Are you kidding me?" Amy: This is how it's done! I love how you built this, because it is completely grassroots, just starting from something really small and doing all the labor yourself. You really had to just get in there and figure stuff out. Thank goodness the product you created was one to help you keep organized because it sounds like there were a lot of moving pieces! So many people get to a place of overwhelm in the process of creating their product, whether it be physical or digital, and they just get stuck and make zero progress. It sounds like this wasn't the case for you. You just kept moving step by step even when you didn't have all the answers. Such a big learning moment. So, you've got your first product out there and it was validated through continued customer demand and sales. How long did you stick with that business model? And when was the next major turning point in your business? TAKING RISKS AND MAKING PIVOTS Lara: I love this question because it takes me right back to the point of taking big risks. One was, at first, our shop was called the Lara Casey shop, and that was just because it was my name at the time that was the heart of the teaching. I was the one creating all the content and all the messaging. But, over the course of several years, we realized that we/I did not want to just tell my story. It was not about me. This product was about other people's stories, and those stories had so much power to them. So one of the biggest pivotal moments for us was stepping back and making the scary decision to completely change the name of our shop. The crazy part was that things were going really well. Sales were good. Things kept trucking along. We'd had a growth rate of almost 150% every year. At the same time, this is where you really start to get to, and I don't want to call it magic, but like, the real heartbeat of where I think success comes from is doing things from your core, from your why, and always being willing to take risks for that. So for us, we had this conversation I'll never forget it. We stopped one day, and we said, "You know what? This name is not working. This is not about me anymore. How can we have a name that allows us to give other people the reins and to make it about them?" And so, we went around and around with a lot of different ideas and just kept coming back to why we do what we do, which is to help women cultivate what matters. We changed the name of our shop from the Lara Casey shop to Cultivate What Matters, and that turning point was like a huge flood for us, because it wasn't about selling a product; it was about teaching people a different way of living and about changing the way that they think, and that's when things started to really click. It's easy to be complacent. It's easy just to look at numbers. But again, when you're looking at the profit of people, -- like how can we actually affect people's lives in a more profound way -- you're working with a whole different set of rules, and it makes the risks worth it. Amy: At this point, demand increased even more, right? Lara: Yes. Amy: What did that look like? Did you add more products? Did you move from local? Give us all the details. Lara: One Thanksgiving I was sitting with my family on shipping boxes for Thanksgiving dinner, because my living room was full of boxes, and that was the breaking point. That's when I said, "You know what? I think we have grown to the point where something needs to change." One change we made was taking the fulfillment away from our hands and putting it into a local warehouse, and that was a scary move because, through Southern Weddings, we have always held to the fact that there's magic in a handwritten note. I would write handwritten notes with all of the first PowerSheets orders. I mean, it would take me days, writing hundreds of notes because of that "power of one". But, in order to grow with your business, to affect more people's lives, sometimes, you have to let go of some things and choose more meaningful things that you can do on a larger scale. One thing that was really important to us was to have a local warehouse, where we could still have a touchpoint. We could still deliver handwritten notes and I could get my dining room back! : ) As far as production goes, we outgrew our local printer, and the strain of the manual labor really became unsustainable for us. And having so many amazing, sweet friends come to my house to collate PowerSheets on my back porch all the time, it just started to NOT add up. So, we started to look at different options. To give you a little bit of background, we are a debt-free company, which I’m very grateful for and it's something we worked very hard for. So we didn’t take out any loans for this growth. We have embraced this principle not just in our business, but in our lives and what we teach, that it's okay to grow slow. We have many times had to deal with sellouts, which sounds like a wonderful problem to have -- it's a blessing for sure when a product sells out, but for us, it was by necessity. We only ordered as much as we could. And in being a debt-free company, and in believing that growing slow was really important to us, it took a long time to figure out a better option for production. We wanted to be really intentional about that. So, fast-forward, during that bump, we started working with a company called Codra. Codra is essentially like a middleman between us — the designer and the shop — and international and US production. We found them through my book publisher, Thomas Nelson, who produce a lot of Bibles and book content like that. I'm telling you this because more than looking for the right price point, and more than looking for the best deal, it's about looking for the right relationship. Because if you're really in this for the long haul, and if you really want it to be a product that is sustainable for the long term, then that relationship behind it has to be, too. All that to say that the team at Codra are our best advocates, and they have found us international partners and even domestic partners - production manufacturers - that have really strong integrity. This was so, so important to us that the integrity of our product started even at production and went all the way through our customer delight, all the way down to the way we package things, that there was no stone left unturned. So, that was the biggest bump for us, was making that leap of faith to go with an outside production house. Amy: So now they're being printed in China, but you have a middleman, so you don't have to go over to China and watch them and make sure everything's working properly and all that stuff? Lara: That's correct. We love them so much because they take such care to make sure that our manufacturing partners are also really taken care of. They are the ones that travel there all the time, and they are there working with multiple clients at a time. It's neat to know that they have such integrity with those relationships, and they're passing that onto us. Amy: Did you have to get a business loan to move on to this next big step in terms of moving from local to international printing? MARKETING MATTERS Lara: No, and I'm really grateful for that. We just grew at the pace that we knew we could sustain, but this is where we had to get really smart. When you reach a certain point, I mean, really at any point in your marketing, as you know more than anybody else, Amy, you've got to get smart about your marketing. You have to have the right data, and that's when it was about four years into our process (we've had PowerSheets for almost seven years now) when we started to really look at the data, and we started to look at our analytics and started to grow our email list and work on these things that we felt like were great benchmarks to knowing. If we could get to those key performance indicators, like having a certain number of newsletter subscribers or whatever those metrics are, that we would feel more confident in making a larger purchase for more inventory for the next one. We couldn't take risks with that anymore or just shoot the wind with a number that sounded good. We had to start looking at the data and making great strides towards that. Amy: And it can be scary to look at the data. Some of my students say they don't want to look, because they're not really sure what they're looking for, and they might not even want to know the truth if they're being really honest with themselves. So this was something that you did that most people don't do -- you got really knowledgeable about what the numbers told you. Lara: Yes, and we started with no email list. I remember when our former marketing director came to us, and she's like, "So tell me about your email list." It was like I felt list shame. I was like,, "What kind of list are you talking about here?" Amy: It happens to us all. Lara: It does, but I think more so than any numbers, it was about providing helpful content for people...we're not product producers. Like I said earlier, we're seed planters. First and foremost, we're about helping women change their lives and giving them the tools to do that. If we weren't doing that in our day-to-day content, there's no way that product is going to be a long-term thing in their lives anyway. Amy: To give us a little perspective here, can you share a quick timeline from the printing of your first workbook to where you are at this point in our chat now, producing your product in China? Lara:  We first started in 2011 - I printed that workbook for myself to use at first. In 2013, we produced the first small batch of 500 workbooks at the local printer for our first customers. In 2014, we bumped up production to about 3,000 (switched from selling them on Big Cartel to Shopify, where we still are today). Printed at the same printing house in the US. In 2015, we sought out a really great international partner through Codra. We do most of our printing here in the US for our accessory products. We use a couple printers: We love Curry Printing, in Dallas, Texas, and then Smart Press is another partner that we use here stateside. But in 2016, that's when things started to change big time. That's the year that we changed the name of our company. And, up until this point, this was a mostly black and white product. And if anybody knows me, I have a very colorful product. This is really one of the hallmarks of our company, is about living your life in full color. And so, we took a really big risk. I remember being so scared to put color in our product thinking nobody's going to like this. It's not neutral enough. We're not going to reach everyone. But when we try to be everyone or everything for everybody, that's when you really miss the magic. Then we put stickers in there, and we started to make goal setting fun, and that became our hallmark. And that's also when we embraced that mantra of, "If you're not excited about it, nobody's going to be excited about it." We changed it from being loose-leaf worksheets to a bound workbook. One of the other big things we did is we started to cut products from our shop. We had grown our shop under the impression that more is better. FINDING YOUR CENTRAL FOCUS TO PROPEL YOU FORWARD Lara: Once you really find your niche, and you find what matters, having one central focus is really what propelled us forward. So we decided to make the PowerSheets the main product, with everything else as a support to that main focus and system. Amy: I can't get over how many great lessons you are sharing! It’s all the stuff that I teach, but you're saying it differently and putting it into a different light, and I'm loving it! So, you shaved down some of your products to get really focused on the one that was really doing well for you, and you knew it was the right fit for your audience. Lara: Yes, but it was scary because cutting things out makes you feel like you're not going to please everybody. But it had to become more about the impact and realizing that we could make a bigger impact if we could help people make a better buying decision by giving them less to choose from. Amy: So, now we know the product, but you said accessories -- I'm very curious about what that means. I'd also love to know about your team size, your production site, your warehouse, all that good stuff. Lara: I love that you encouraged our listeners, too, that this doesn't happen overnight. It's a joy and an honor to be able to share the start of the story instead of just where we are now, because I would feel so intimidated if I just heard the end instead of knowing that it took hard work, and most of these things that were successes were because I made a lot of mistakes on the way. But, out of all of those mistakes and trial and error, we have come up with a product lineup that, like I said, centralizes on or focuses on the PowerSheets and uncovering what matters to you, making an action plan and then doing something about it. We know there's not a one-size-fits-all program for everybody's life, so we have to be able to customize that for different people. We haven't shared any of this yet, but I'm excited to share here that for the release of our 2019 PowerSheets, we’re going to have four covers for the one-year sets. This is exciting for us because people have always wanted to choose the color that matches their life. And there's a lot of intentionalities that went behind those covers, too. So, we’ll have four one-year sets of PowerSheets, with one six-month undated set. The six-month undated set was a very intentional decision too. People sometimes find out about us in the middle of the year, and we believe there's nothing magical about January 1st. You should be able to set goals at any time you want. We also have another cornerstone product, which is our Write The Word Journal, and it's a Bible journal that allows you to just literally write Bible verses, and those have been super popular for people that want to cultivate their faith. So we have seven Write The Word Journals. We also have a new product we just released, which is Write the Word for Kids. And this is where it gets fun as far as dreaming about if you have a core product, how could an accessory fuel that product? We came up with five different goal guides: a goal guide for parents; a goal guide for friendship and relationships; one for wellness; and one for finances. So if those things are important to you, that's where that supports the main product. Amy: I like how these extras all support the main product. Lara: Yes, because if they detract or, here's where it gets technical, if we have a product that felt like it merited its own separate launch and didn't support the other products, we would have a hard time getting people to purchase the main system that we're teaching about in our day-to-day content. It can actually be a distraction in a way. We also have our Goal Setting Sticker Book, because goal setting should be fun! : ) Amy: Months ago, I wanted to buy the PowerSheets when all my friends were all about them and they were sold out and I was bummed out. Well, the other day, I was lucky to get this nice beautiful box in the mail from you - I was so excited! Thank you for that! I'm embarrassed to say how excited I was about the stickers, but I was. So that was extra fun! Lara: We often talk about how the stickers are fun, but this is where a researched-backed, data-oriented mindset can help you create a product that's really fun. For us, knowing that there is power in the handwritten word, as opposed to typing something digitally, there's power in marking something that's meaningful for you. And with the stickers, for instance, stickers that say things like “top priority” and “this matters”, there's actually something that happens in your brain when you're putting a sticker on a goal that really matters to you. Your mind starts to make decisions and you start to go through a series of trying to figure out how you're going to do that. THERE’S NO “I’ IN TEAM! Amy: Tell me about your team size and the positions you have on your team. Lara: We have a team of nine women who I'm very grateful to work alongside. Half of them work here in my home office in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and the other half work remotely. CEO and Visionary: That’s me (Lara Casey). We use our PowerSheets for business, but we also use the Traction model, and that has been really helpful for us, for anybody that is starting to grow a team, Traction and the EOS principles have been awesome to get us organized as far as our team structure, who reports to who, and how all that works really well. Creative Director: This is where we show our small business card. The Creative Director is also our Chief of Staff, so we like to do that when we're small. Director of Operations: Mostly handles the production side of working with our production partners on the products and making sure our fulfillment team is helping our customers to be delighted. Graphic Designer: Helps with both product design and marketing design. Customer Delight Manager: This is a huge position for us. One of the central focuses for us is making sure our customers feel delighted, which is why we don't call it customer service. Content Marketing Manager PR manager Conference Director for the Making Things Happen Conference And we're hunting for a Marketing Director right now. So, if anybody out there is interested, click here. Amy: I hope that someone reading this is the perfect fit or knows someone who is. Lara: We want to stay a small team, and even in our 10-year vision, we have plans to hopefully just remain like 12 to 13 people, because we have that agility, the ability to be nimble, the ability to make quick decisions and act on them. The Traction Model was really helpful for us to be able to do that. Amy: Tell us about your current production method and your new warehouse. Lara: We just switched to a new warehouse, in Kentucky, through a company called EasyPost. EasyPost is a tech company, so they're very much focused on advancements in technology. They created a software that is also labeled the same thing, EasyPost, but they also do fulfillment now. Fulfillment means that we get our product to their warehouse, and they take care of everything on the shipping side. Our system links in with them through Shopify, and they take care of sending all the orders out. For production, we still use the same people that we've been using for the last three years, which is Codra, Curry Printing and Smart Press. The reason we chose the new warehouse in Kentucky is there, through the advancement in technology, is a decrease in human error. We have a lot of influxes of launch dates, where we sold far more than we expected to. We had these big bumps, and our current warehouse just wasn't able to handle that without a lot of errors. It has been really helpful to work with the team that does Kickstarter. They do high production for lots of different shops that might have 25,000 products go out on the day, but they can also do our normal day-to-day quantities, too. Amy: Fantastic! Things made choices to change things up to make it better, and that’s how your business has grown over the years. So many different changes, but based on needs, wants, mistakes and everything in between. Looking back. If you knew back then what you know now, what would you have done differently? IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW Lara: I would have owned our mantra earlier of, "If you're excited about it, chances are other people will be too." That really is the best form of marketing that we've experienced: If it’s a product or a piece of content that we need and will change our everyday lives, it's worth taking a risk to put out there in hopes that other people will too. That's where we really get to the power of one. So, I would say, "Take risks for what matters." And then I would also say, "Keep making it better." I am amazed that every year when we start talking about the next year's version of the PowerSheets, or really any of our products, that there are hundreds of changes that get made. We don't just rest on our laurels. We are making it better through listening to our customer, asking them questions like, "Is this working for you?" Hearing their stories and giving them lots of opportunities to give us feedback. Keep making it better. Never stop growing. Amy: If you could give my listeners and readers one or two pieces of advice if they're thinking about launching a physical product, what would that be? Lara: I would say make something that you need. Make something that you know that you will authentically be able to tell people, "This filled a need for me," or, "This filled a need for my mom," or someone that's close to you. It has to have a personal story behind it. People grasp on to the power of story, and they will listen to you if you’re being authentic with them and telling them about your product. The other thing I would say is, just what we have experienced throughout this whole six-year period of having PowerSheets and 12 years of Southern Weddings, that it's okay to grow slow. You don't have to have the whole plan to get started. Good things take root over time, and little by little, good things grow and they bloom. Amy: There are so many great little nuggets you’ve shared with us! This has been a real eye-opener for me as well because I've never done a physical product, would not even know where to start, but these lessons you learned along the way are just priceless for anybody thinking of doing a physical product or even just adding a physical product to their online business. I think your story shows us that there are no shortcuts, but it can really pay off when you come from a place like you did of wanting to serve your customer well and providing them with products that can bring about change. _______ Ok, my reader, was this interview not just packed with great insight and inspiration?! Head over to to see Lara’s amazing products (and check out that job listing, if they haven’t filled it by the time you’re reading this). When you use that special link, Lara is giving you a special discount because you’re part of my awesome community. Yay for us! And, thank you, Lara! Also, don't forget to let me know, in the comments below, if you like this longer, more detailed version of show notes. I appreciate your input! This episode is sponsored by my free masterclass, How to Create Your Ultimate List-Building Catch-Up Plan. You can get it at If you are not building your email list every single day there is no better time than right now!
5/3/201849 minutes, 38 seconds
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#208: How I've Built My "Small, But Mighty" Team (The Wins, Fails & Fears)

It’s time to talk team! In the last 6 months, it’s been a staffing bonanza: I’ve hired four of the five full-time positions on my team. And boy, has it been a whirlwind, filled with mistakes, wins, fears and A LOT of excitement. But through the process, I’ve identified 7 big distinctions to help you build your own team. Now, I’m not saying go out and hire right now! At this point, all you might need is an amazing VA, or a part-time contractor to help you out. I’m tackling this subject as well, so stay tuned. Building your team—the right kind of team—is essential to the growth of your business, to eliminate some of the stress and overwhelm, to make a bigger impact, and yeah, to make more money! So if you’re a business owner growing your business, this will be a must-listen for you. (44:34) With the right team on your side, the sky’s the limit! So, join me as I share with you how I built my “Small, But Mighty” team, and how I figured out what I needed and what I didn’t need. I’ve also got an awesome freebie for those of you starting to build your team virtually—you can get my “7 Make or Break Questions When You’re Interviewing for a Virtual Position” here. Let’s get started! This episode is brought to you by: Gravy—my very own 24/7 engagement team who contacts my customers within hours of their failed payment, captures updated billing information and saves the customers I worked so hard to acquire. If you have a subscription model business or offer payment plans, you’ve got to check out Gravy! Check out these highlights: Who is on my team—what each team member does—and when I started building my team. [5:29] Why I wanted local team members (and how I ultimately changed my mind!). [15:26] About those trial periods (yes, they’re a bit corporate, but they work!) [20:39] So, what if they’ve got the skill set but not much of the right personality? [23:34] When it’s OK to hire even if they don’t have all the experience (and what to do). [31:37] My fave hiring tools. [35:17] Hiring a referral vs. hiring from an ad. [37:36] Getting over the fear of hiring [45:07]
5/2/201849 minutes, 7 seconds
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#207: 20 Questions (Rapid Fire Style!) with Special Guest Interviewer, Hobie Porterfield

My husband Hobie and I had a great time recording this episode! It was extra special because a couple weeks before recording the episode, I asked my audience to send in questions for me to answer: business, personal, silly, or whatever. The hook was that I couldn't look at any of the questions in advance. Hobie was the only one that got to look at them. He went through all the questions and chose his favorite 20. He said there were a bunch of great questions and that they were pretty hard to narrow down. Perhaps we’ll have a Part 2 at some point! Thank you to all of my awesome fans for sending in such great questions. You truly are the best! Well, as you can imagine, I was a bit nervous because I had no clue what was coming at me. I told this to Hobie and he assured me that I was, and I quote, “definitely going to be uncomfortable on a few of them.” Great! Just great! Alright, I’m going to list out the questions here and give you a bit of a teaser on each one, but I invite you to tune in to my podcast to hear our full conversation (just press the play button at the top of this page). : ) 20 QUESTIONS: YOU ASKED AND I’M TELLING HOW DO YOU FIND A FAMILY AND BUSINESS BALANCE WITHOUT LOSING YOUR SANITY AND FEELING GUILTY? —NATHALIA MELO WILSON My answer has to do with having an understanding husband who speaks up when he needs to. WILL YOU GIVE IN AND MOVE OR RETIRE TO TENNESSEE? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW. —SHANTELL BRIGHTMAN Hobie and I dream of a lake house in Tennessee one day! WHAT WAS THE BEST VACATION YOU EVER HAD? ~ TRACY GREEN CAINES Let me just tell you, the mini-pool on the balcony overlooked the ocean! Ahhhh…. CAN YOU SHARE WITH US A CHALLENGING PERIOD IN YOUR LIFE AND HOW YOU GOT OUT OF IT? ~ MYKAO THAO A time when I wanted to wrap Hobie up in bubble wrap every morning. I know the suspense is killing you, isn’t it?! IF A WORK-LIFE BALANCE IS IMPORTANT TO YOU, HOW CAN YOU TELL YOU’RE GETTING IT RIGHT? ~ MICHELLE ONYANGO I actually get into this topic in an episode that airs shortly after this one (it will be episode on the lookout). My answer in this episode has a lot to do with the happiness of my family. HOW DID YOU PICK YOUR DOG’S NAMES: GUS AND SCOUT? ~ SPURGEON PERKINS You'll have to tune in to the show to hear how we came up with their names. WHAT DOES A TYPICAL DAY LOOK LIKE FOR AMY PORTERFIELD? ~ RACHAEL WATSON Doing videos, writing, meetings, family time, exercise. If you’re interested I did an entire “Week in the Life” type episode that you can listen to here. WHAT’S THE BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR BUSINESS, OR THE SINGLE BEST THING YOU’VE DONE? ~ AMY WARE Without a doubt, taking the leap to do what I do now! HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO NOT RESPOND TO NEGATIVE COMMENTS? ~ NIKOLINA ANDRIC I’m pretty good here, but Hobie’s another story. ; ) DOES AMY SHARE THE COVERS, HOBIE? OR IS SHE A COVERS HOG? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW. ~ NICOLE WALTERS Hobie shares why he nicknamed me “The Alligator” when it comes to hogging the covers. WHAT WOULD BE THE MOST CHALLENGING PART OF SWAPPING JOBS WITH HOBIE FOR 24 HOURS? ~ ERIC UPTON Do you know what my husband does for a living? He’s basically a hero in my eyes, but the job would be tough! Hobie also shares how he’s a bit technologically challenged, which gave me a real laugh! HOW HAS BEING A WOMAN PLAYED TO YOUR ADVANTAGE OR DISADVANTAGE IN GROWING YOUR BUSINESS? ~ AMBER BRUESKE There’s a mix of masculine and feminine energy that I need to show up with and that can be good and bad in various situations. WHAT FAMILY ROUTINES OR RITUALS KEEP YOUR FAMILY OR MARRIAGE HAPPY? ~ TARA ZIRKER It’s all about coffee in the morning and going to bed together at night! IF YOU COULD ONLY DO ONE THING DIFFERENTLY WHEN YOU STARTED YOUR BUSINESS, WHAT WOULD IT BE? ~ AIMEE STONEHILL You know I wouldn’t be truthful if I didn’t tell you that I wish I’d started building my list sooner!  Have you heard about my course called List Builder’s Lab? ; ) 20 SECONDS OF COURAGE. CAN YOU SHARE A MOMENT IN YOUR BIZ WHEN YOU HAD TO CALL IN TRUE COURAGE, AND IT BECAME A PIVOTAL MOMENT FOR YOU? ~ JANET BECKERS  Changing the names of one of my programs and a recent experience on stage. IF YOU LOOK AT YOUR BUSINESS FIVE, TEN, AND FIFTEEN YEARS FROM NOW, WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? ARE YOUR LONG-TERM GOALS CAREFULLY MAPPED OUT AND PLANNED? OR ARE THERE MASSIVE LEAPS THAT CAN'T EVEN ENTER YOUR SHORT-TERM THINKING? ~ ANDY WANG I talk about being a planner, but a shorter-term thinker as far as years down the road. WHAT MAKES YOUR MARRIAGE WITH HOBIE SUPER SPECIAL? ~ EMILY MYRICK Yes, I thought Hobie was just setting me up with this one, but he didn’t. Let me just say that I feel like the luckiest woman around, with my man! HOW DID YOU AND HOBIE MEET? AND WHY DO YOU THINK YOU CONNECTED SO WELL? AND THEN, THE PLOT TWIST IS, HOBIE HAS TO TELL THE STORY FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE. THEN YOU HAVE TO TELL THE STORY FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE. ~ LAUREN TICKNER You're going to want to listen to all the juicy details on this one. ; ) HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU TO FEEL LIKE YOU'VE MADE IT IN YOUR BUSINESS? OR AT LEAST LIKE YOU HAD IT TOGETHER AND WERE THERE EVER ANY TIMES BEFORE THAT POINT WHERE YOU FELT LIKE COMPLETELY THROWING IN THE TOWEL? ~ SHELLY LEVINE Many, many times. The first 2 years I felt like I was going to have to go back to my corporate job, but that sounded miserable. I COULD REALLY USE SOME ADVICE ON HANDLING LAUNDRY WHILE YOU'RE WORKING FROM HOME. DOES SOMEBODY ELSE DO THAT FOR YOU OR DO YOU JUST WORK AROUND IT? ~ INA COVENEY Did I mention I feel like the luckiest woman around, with my husband? HOW DO YOU BALANCE GIVING PERSONAL ATTENTION TO YOUR CLIENTS WHILE STILL TRYING TO AUTOMATE YOUR BUSINESS AND NOT BE TOO INVOLVED? ~ JENNIFER LAKE Believe it or not, my answer has to do with Facebook lives. IF YOU WERE JUST GETTING STARTED IN SOCIAL MEDIA, WHAT ARE THE THREE TOP PLATFORMS YOU WOULD FOCUS ON BUILDING AN AUDIENCE? ~ TAMMI HARRIS YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Well, I have to admit, I may have been a little nervous at first, but that was super fun. If there are any Pittsburgh Steeler fans out there, you may want to tune in to the last part of the episode for a good Steelers story. ********** And that's a wrap! Maybe Hobie does have a future in podcasting after all! 😍 Amy P.S. If you'd like to hear more from Hobie, listen in to this episode where we talked about how to make love and business work. 
5/2/201839 minutes, 41 seconds
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GDPR For Entrepreneurs: What You Need to Know with Bobby Klinck

If you have an online business or an email list that you communicate with, you’ve probably heard the rumblings around the internet about the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (let’s just call it GDPR, shall we?). This new regulation goes into effect May 25, 2018 and in an effort to understand what it is, what it means to online marketers, and what we need to take action on, I’ve invited Bobby Klinck, an intellectual property attorney, to help us navigate all things GDPR. Bobby is not only an attorney, but he is an entrepreneur himself, so he really has his finger on the pulse of what online entrepreneurs need to do to protect themselves. Let’s dive in and figure this all out! What is GDPR? GDPR stands for “The General Data Protection Regulation” a privacy law from the European Union that goes into effect May 25, 2018. Even though it’s a European Union law, all online entrepreneurs need to be paying attention because the GDPR will mean major changes for the way we operate. What activities are covered by the GDPR? The GDPR applies to the processing of personal data. Processing is a fancy word for, “doing anything with data”. You should assume it covers everything you do with all of the data you collect from individuals from collection to deletion (and at every point in between). Only applies to personal data which is anything that is associated with, or related to, someone who is identified or who you can identify. Identified includes: names, email addresses, physical addresses, and most people agree it includes IP addresses and other info collected automatically (usually collected by Google Analytics). Also includes any type of processing and information that you’re adding to your contact database. This could be information that you collect automatically, through an opt-in or any other collection method. (ex: surveys, quizzes, etc.), or through tagging or segmenting in your CRM database. These activities are included because you are effectively “monitoring” what people are doing. Who does the GDPR apply to? The GDPR will apply to any relationship or transaction (commercial or free) where one of more of the parties is in the EU. It is not based on citizenship, it’s based on where they are when you are interacting with them. If you are an online entrepreneur or marketer based in the European Union, you must comply with the GDPR across your entire business. The means that if you are collecting data from someone in the US, you still have to comply. If you are an online entrepreneur or marketer based outside of the EU, you must comply with the GDPR when we are interacting with or collecting data from people in the EU. This is where things get complicated! There are some instances where it doesn’t apply if you’re outside the EU . How Does GDPR Apply to Non-EU Entrepreneurs? A non-EU entrepreneur has to comply when processing of people in the EU. But ONLY if the processing is related to: Offering products or services to people in the EU (paid AND free) - that means a lead magnet counts! Monitoring the behavior of people in the EU (as mentioned earlier) Here’s where the GREY ZONE enters in: People are not sure how the territorial limits will apply. Questions you may be asking: What about people who don’t knowingly collect information? Ex: Facebook Ads: Bobby focuses on people only in the US. He’s not actively trying to attract people in the EU. But when he looks at his list, about 5% are in the EU. He’s not going to refuse doing business with this 5%, so he will have to comply with GDPR when he’s interacting and handling data with this 5% from the EU. What about adding a disclaimer that says you only sell to people in the US? Unfortunately, there are not crystal clear answers to these questions, but let’s dig into the language and details and see how this pertains to you. 6 principles of the GDPR #1: Data shall be processed “lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner.” You have to be upfront about what you are collecting the data for. #2: Data shall be “collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes.” You can’t collect data without explaining how you are using it, and those purposes have to be legit. #3: Data processing shall be “limited to what is necessary” for the purpose. You can’t collect all kinds of data on a person if all you need is an email address (like for a lead magnet). You may only collect the minimum amount of data for the purpose you are collecting it for. Once you have collected the necessary data, you can only use it for its intended purpose. (We’ll get into how this affects list-building later in the post). #4: Data shall be accurate, kept up to date, and corrected. Doesn’t really apply to us. This is more for the Google and Facebooks of the world. #5: Data shall be kept so it identifies a person “no longer than is necessary.” You should not keep data about people forever if there is no reason to keep it. #6: Data shall be “processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security.” You have to take reasonable steps to protect the data. We should all already be using SSL certificates and other ways to actually make sure that we’re protecting the data, (Data should be stored behind a secure wall (password collected). How You Will Need to Change the Way You Collect Email Addresses From Potential Leads In Your Marketing Efforts: The only lawful basis for adding someone to your marketing email list under the GDPR would be consent, and the GDPR requires that consent be freely given, specific, and unambiguous. This new standard means we can't automatically add everyone who grabs one of our lead magnets to our general marketing email list. We must get a separate consent to add them to our marketing list. You can't require them to give this consent as a condition for getting your freebie. You have to sell prospects on the benefits of your list to get them to voluntarily sign up (not just as a requirement to get your lead magnet, freebie, or webinar registration). The new consent standard applies to your EXISTING list. If you can’t show that you have the right kind of consent from people who are already on your list and to whom the GDPR applies, then you cannot email them any longer beginning May 25, 2018 IMPORTANT: Because consent must be specific and unambiguous, someone downloading a lead magnet from you does not equate to consent to be added to your general email list. The GDPR also prohibits you to ask for consent to add them to the email list. Getting consent for multiple things or in the course of some other transaction is going to be hard. You likely need stand alone consent. According to the GDPR, you also can’t add a checkbox and prohibit the delivery of the lead magnet if they don’t click the box. You may not require someone to consent to be added to your email list to get access to your lead magnet. (Someone giving you their email address and you promising them a freebie is a contract under the law and adding them to your email list is not “necessary” as stated in the 6 principles above.) Ultimately, to be added to your email list, a prospect must specifically and affirmatively agree to be added to your list. And you may not require that they join your list to receive a freebie, attend a webinar, etc. Instead, we have to sell prospects on the value of being added to our list. The new consent standard applies to your EXISTING list. Come May 25, you cannot email your existing contacts who signed up through a lead magnet. Can I send a nurture sequence after someone opts in for my lead magnet under GDPR? It’s not crystal clear, but there’s a good argument for allowing you to send a nurture sequence after someone downloads your lead magnet. This would be called expanded processing and that is when you take an action after the initial action. Factors to consider when deciding whether it’s ok, or not, to do expanded processing: The link between the purposes of collection and the purposes for the expanded processing Context in which the data was collected Nature of the personal data (we’re not really collecting sensitive information for a lead magnet) Consequences of expanded processing (the consequence might be getting a few emails from you) Existence of appropriate safeguards (these should be in place no matter what) How Do I Preserve My Existing List and Get Compliant? It’s two-pronged: Between now and May 25, you need to build goodwill with your list and run campaigns to get GDPR-compliant consents. For non-EU entrepreneurs: Start by segmenting your list into two parts: 1) Non-EU subscribers 2) Subscribers from EU and any unknowns (treat them as if they are in the EU) Many of the email service providers have this functionality or are currently rolling it out. Why should I segment?: You are going to re-engage with the subscribers from your EU (and those who are unknown) segmented portion of your list before May 25. The results of your re-engagement campaign won’t be great. You want to figure out how you can keep people on your list without getting a new consent. For the non-EU list, you can continue communicating with them just like you have been. If you have people that opted in cleanly to your newsletter, you can probably put them in the “ok” category. These people have given you consent to receive your marketing emails. How do I run a re-engagement campaign?: BEFORE you send the consent emails, first deliver extra value consistently. Send an extra email a week. THEN send emails asking for consent. Only to those who you have to send to! Make sure that you have a system set up so that when someone does consent, you are taking them off this special “EU-non consent” list and moving them on to a “EU confirmed consent” list. You want to send multiple “consent” emails and make them enticing. Pay close attention to the subject lines! Catchy or blatant subject lines might work well. The challenge is to get people to open the emails. The only goal of the re-engagement campaign is to convince people to give you GDPR-compliant consent. That might be by clicking a link in an email or signing up via an opt-in page. It depends on what your email service provider allows. Anyone who doesn't give the necessary consent by May 24, should be deleted from your list. Remember, even storing or deleting their info is "processing," so this work needs to be done before May 25, 2018. Summary of Bobby’s Suggestions to Preserve Your Existing List and Get GDPR Compliant Step #1: Build goodwill by delivering amazing value to your list between now and then. I'm talking about going above and beyond the normal value that I'm sure you deliver. Make your content SO good, no one will want to miss the awesomeness. Step #2: Create your list of targets from whom you need new consents. For entrepreneurs in the EU, this will be your whole list. For entrepreneurs outside the EU, this will be everyone in the EU and anyone whose location is unknown. Step #3: Run a re-engagement campaign to the list of people who need to provide fresh consent. Sell them on the benefits and do this in your own style. Good copywriting is still key here! You know your audience. You'll want to plan for a series of emails with increasingly dire (and interesting) subject lines to make sure people don't miss them. Finally, anyone who doesn't give the necessary consent by May 24, should be axed from your list. Remember even storing or deleting their info is "processing," so this work needs to be done before May 25. For online entrepreneurs, the main impact of GDPR will be in how we build our email list, so let’s take a list on what list-building will look like going forward. IMPORTANT: Gone are the days of offering a lead magnet and adding everyone who claims the lead magnet to our marketing email lists. What do I need to do moving forward in my list building efforts to be compliant with GDPR? Because you have to get stand alone consent to add someone to our list, you either have to go back to the old “join my newsletter” model or use lead magnets and get consent somewhere along the funnel. There’s no question that this consent would be sufficient, assuming you disclose what you will include. But this method never really worked from a marketing standpoint... and there’s no reason to think that it will work now. The “join my newsletter” approach is especially bad for non -EU entrepreneurs who can use segmenting as part of their strategy. What would a workaround look like? You can use lead magnets to get their name and email and then try to sell them on joining your list at some point in your funnel that you are allowed to have without getting further consent. There are four touchpoints to consider: 1) Opt-in Page (checkbox or drop-down menu) 2) Sandwich Page (like a one-click upsell page) 3) Delivery Email Itself 4) In the Lead Magnet Let’s break down all 4 options: Opt-in Page: You can add a voluntary checkbox/dropdown menu on your opt-in page. This would clearly be consent if you do it right. It must be voluntary and it cannot be the default. You can’t force them to agree and you can’t have the agreement as the default. If you are going to do this, try to use a drop-down menu vs a checkbox. That way they have to choose “Yes or No” - so they have to make a choice and you are not forcing the “Yes.” With a checkbox for “Yes”, they can easily miss it and skip it all together (since it can’t be forced!). Sandwich Page: Include a one-click upsell page between opt-in and thank you page that asks them to subscribe. “Hey! One more thing before we finish.” - It’s essentially a sales page for your newsletter. This gives you the chance to sell the benefits of being on your list. They are presented with this option all on its own, so it’s compliant. Delivery Email: You deliver the email as usual that gives them the lead magnet as promised. Include language in the email to sell them on joining your list and include a call to action (example below). Depending on how your system works, either send them to a separate opt-in or use click to segment the list. In the Lead Magnet: Add a paragraph at the end of your lead magnets selling them on your list with a clickable link. This is sufficient consent and it gives them a reminder if they look back at your lead magnet later. Guidance for non-EU Marketers: Don’t seek consent until after the point that you can segment between EU and non-EU prospective leads. This likely means using only the delivery email and in the lead magnet itself. **If your email service provider is able to show different pages based on somebody’s IP address/country, then do this at the front end (and outlined above). So you would show an alternative page for all outside of the US and don’t bother those in the US. What is the Role of the Privacy Policy Related to GDPR? Under the GDPR, you are required to inform people of certain information and you have to give them information to get informed consent. And you have to provide this information to the individuals at the time that you are collecting their information. Your privacy policy is the tool you use to meet this requirement. You need a Privacy Policy regardless of whether the GDPR applies. Privacy Policies were always important and they are a MUST in the GDPR world. CA law requires you to disclose certain information. There are hefty fines under GDPR and CA law, so get a policy in place. What Do I Need to Include in the Privacy Policy? The relevant contact information. What information you collect and the basis for collecting it. What you do with the data (including who else gets access). The visitors rights under the GDPR. Where Do You Put the Policy? Create a standalone page on your website that includes the policy. Put links to that page in your footer navigation on your website (and on opt-in pages, sales pages, LeadPages, webinar registration pages, etc.) Put a link anywhere that you ask for consent or collect data. What’s Next? Check out Bobby’s Free GDPR Training: I’m breaking my rules a bit here because you all know I’ve had a policy for the last year or so of not sending podcast traffic to someone else’s sign up page - I’ve talked about that strategy on my show before. HOWEVER, this information is important and I want you to protect yourself. So I’m making an exception. I want to encourage you to check out Bobby’s FREE mini-training all about the GDPR. The goal of his mini training is not only to make sure that you, as an online entrepreneur, understand the legal requirements but also to give you the tools and practical advice you need to thrive in a GDPR world. THANK YOU, Bobby, for your time and generosity in helping us understand GDPR. I truly feel I now have what it takes to move forward and implement to get compliant before the deadline! -- Amy
4/30/201857 minutes, 21 seconds
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#206: The Post-It Content Creation Mini Training

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: When you’re looking into creating a course—and this is especially true when you’re just starting out—you’ve got a TON of information to choose from. Maybe you’ve been working on this material for 5 or 10 years, or you’ve been consulting a while and you have a ton of stories, examples and exercises. Getting all of that out of your head can be difficult, to say the least. Whenever I sit down to create a new course (like I’m doing right now) it can be both exciting, and excruciating. Which is why I wanted to bring on Gina Onativia, a content and course expert who is in the trenches every day with her clients, building their courses. Gina has a super practical post-it exercise she’s created to help her clients figure out some pre-details before diving into course creation. I think of her process as kind of like a “prelude” to my own...and I think you’ll find it extremely helpful in your own course creation process. By the way, if you’re NOT in the midst of creating a course, you can also use this exercise for any type of content creation. AND I want to make sure you download the freebie—which has the exact steps we are going to talk about in this episode. In the freebie, you’ll see a real post-it exercise from one of Gina’s clients that you can use as an example to guide your own process (and I LOVE great examples!). (9:01) With your freebie at the ready, get ready to dive into your course creation here. This episode is brought to you by: In my free masterclass: How to Confidently Create Your First Online Course in 60 Days, I will walk you through all of the pieces it takes to create a stellar online course. Save your spot here! Check out these highlights: The first area course creators get tripped up when starting out. [8:42] How to start your post-it exercise. (If you’re an office supply junkie like me, get excited!) [9:31] Why it’s so important to know what your avatar is feeling. [13:59] How to brainstorm your overarching steps. [14:50] What to do if you’re stuck. [16:27] The final step: Your roadmap. [19:15] How do I sell just a piece of my course as a standalone? [24:04]
4/12/201829 minutes, 26 seconds
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#205: The 3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts for Entrepreneurs In-the-Making

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: The fear of not being good enough is a tough feeling to shake. If you struggle with this fear, I know it can show up way too often. Now, I can’t promise that it will ever completely go away—but I am proof that you can silence that voice A LOT. If this fear comes up for you, then this is the show for you. Today I’m going to introduce you to a powerhouse named Rachel Hollis—an amazing entrepreneur who manages a lifestyle website with almost two million readers each year and over 800,000 actively engaged followers on social media. Together, we’re talking about the pressures that you face as mothers and fathers and husbands and wives and employees, and of course, entrepreneurs. We’re talking do’s and don’ts for entrepreneurs-in-the-making, and specifically, how to break through some of those major fears that we are constantly up against as you put yourself out there on social media, and in videos, and everything else you do to build your online business. (2:25) Now, if you read the title of this episode and said something along the lines of, “Well, I’m not really sure I can call myself an entrepreneur…,” this is what I have to say to you: If you’re showing up, if you’re building your business, if you’re working hard toward your goals—you are legit! You are an entrepreneur, so it’s time to own it! So, if the fear of not being good enough, or that you’re not doing enough, or that you’re not doing it right, if those fears come up for you, then this is the show for you. Listen in. This episode is brought to you by: My incredible and free masterclass, “The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan,” where you’ll learn my proven 3-stack system for leveraging the most powerful, “what’s working now” list-building strategies. You can sign up here. Check out these highlights: Why comparison is the death of joy. [5:39] What to do if you’re feeling guilty about taking time for your business.[7:34] Here’s the truth: Nobody cares about your dreams (it’s not as sad as it sounds, and it’s actually a good thing!). [10:33] Rachel’s story of being a fighter and pushing forward no matter what… [12:01] How to find your tribe (a.k.a. those who’ll build you up!). [13:58] Installing daily habits to emphasize your goals. [16:45] The real magic behind writing down goals. [21:35] About finding yourself in (or out) of balance… [24:30] Links mentioned in this episode: Rachel’s book, Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be  
4/5/201828 minutes, 19 seconds
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#204: How She Quit Her Day Job and Turned Her Side Hustle Into a Full-Time Thing with Melissa Norris

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: One question I get asked a bunch: How do I transition from my 9-to-5 to an online business full-time? What are the exact steps? There are a lot of different ways to get there, but I wanted to bring in one of my students who did it in a less-scary and less-painful way that you can learn from and model. Melissa Norris will share with us ONE roadmap for how she got to where she could quit her day job and live out her dream business. Melissa’s story is filled with amazing insights and a-ha moments that many of you will be able to use for your own journeys—especially if you are interested in investing your time and money into webinars! (25:30) Now here’s the kicker for today’s ep: Melissa’s business is all about the pioneering lifestyle! I’m talking full functioning homestead with pigs and cattle, grinding your own flour, canning vegetables… things you’ll probably NEVER see me doing (and for good reason!). The fascinating thing is she was able to use the same marketing principles and strategies (that you can use, too) to find her tribe, build her business and quit her day job. So if you’ve been wondering how you can ditch your J-O-B, this episode is the right one for you! Listen here to get Melissa’s step-by-step plan. This episode is brought to you by: Free Masterclass: How to Create and Deliver Your First Wildly Profitable Webinar (Even If You Don’t Have a List) Check out these highlights: Melissa’s incredible story about a full functioning homestead [4:24] The importance of (sustainable) baby steps—and how to find the time to take those first steps. [13:28] The inevitability of having to hustle, at least for some time. [17:08] What scaling looked like after quitting her day job. [23:06] Melissa’s hit “seasonal webinars” and what she learned from them. [25:30] How Melissa runs her membership site. [29:44] A few amazing sales sequence a-ha moments! [37:47]
3/29/201845 minutes, 18 seconds
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#203: How To Get Noticed Online When You’re Just Starting Out

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: I’ve been an online marketing entrepreneur for a long time now. I’ve worked with thousands of students and have gotten pretty darn good at finding patterns. Specifically, patterns in limiting beliefs and mindset blocks that often stop promising entrepreneurs in their tracks. One common struggle I’ve uncovered A LOT is the fight to stand out when the online world has become so saturated. And here’s the thing—it is tough to stand out. I’m not going to sugar coat it. It can be incredibly frustrating. But I’m here to tell you—sometimes it’s not just about the strategies. Sometimes the key to getting noticed is all about...mindset. And this all starts with one simple truth about every successful entrepreneur... (2:15) So, in today’s episode I wanted to make sure you take the time to stop and learn how to shift the way you approach a noisy online world, and in turn, get noticed. Because it’s really the way you think that will ultimately set you apart. Tune in now. This episode is brought to you by: My incredible, and free masterclass, “The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan,” where you’ll learn my proven 3-stack system for leveraging the most powerful, “what’s working now” list-building strategies. You can sign up here. Check out these highlights: Act like you’ve already nailed it. [5:01] How to cultivate a relentless soul. [8:45] Just how crowded is the playing field? A few stats. [10:16] Why you should dive deep into your DMs. [12:22] Are you a flip flopper? It’s time to get honest. [13:06] The importance of “closing loops,” especially with your team. [15:23] Are you a master at consistency? [16:28] Why you should tell true, gritty, messy stories about YOU. [20:36]
3/22/201827 minutes, 25 seconds
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#202: How to Engage Your Small Facebook Group When You’re Just Starting Out with Caitlin Bacher

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: In the past few years, as Facebook has evolved, I’ve begun to think about Facebook groups in a whole different way. I believe groups—and not pages—are the key to building the kind of communities that allow you to truly connect with and grow your audience. And it’s not just me! Many of my peers are having the same experience in discovering the incredible potential of Facebook groups. One superstar, in particular, is my friend Caitlin Bacher—who has grown her private FB group to more than 30,000 members in 3 years! Caitlin is with me today to answer the question I get asked all of the time with my students: How do I boost engagement in my Facebook groups when I’m starting from zero? Tune in to learn how to make Facebook groups one of your most effective social platforms! And Caitlin shares ALL, including the #1 mistake she sees entrepreneurs make with groups... [6:06] Yes, I know it sounds like things just got trickier with the Facebook algorithm and the announcement that Facebook is going to focus more on “meaningful social interactions.” But don’t panic! This is actually great news for those of you who are using (or want to use) Facebook groups for your business. There are so many options. From Facebook groups that are tied to your paid content, to free communities that are tied to your bigger messaging and brand. It all begins here. This episode is brought to you by: Master Class: How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days Check out these highlights: Why Facebook groups and why someone would decide to do only Facebook groups? [4:14] The importance of getting really good at selling one thing first. [8:55] Everything you need to know about closed free groups. [17:57] Some of the best type of content you can create for your own communities. [28:00] What about Facebook groups created for paid courses? [34:01] Using an email series to boost engagement within your Facebook group. [37:08] How to use the group to help you solve for buyer’s remorse (for your paid content). [39:48]
3/15/201852 minutes
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#201: Five Ways to Make Money (Without Using Webinars)

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Yes, today’s topic may seem a bit off-brand for me, since to know me is to know that I love love love webinars. However, today I’m mixing things up to present a few different strategies to make money online. I STILL think webinars are the most powerful way you can drive your online business…but I wanted to share 5 ways to make money online that do not include a webinar training and that can set you up for bigger strategies to bring in bigger bucks. Not only am I dishing out several ways you can make money, but I’m also talking about the actual offers you can craft to then promote the strategies I’m sharing. I am a big believer in baby steps, and you may not be ready for webinars in your business—YET. So I’m going to talk about some simpler strategies you can use in your business until you’re ready to take the “webinar leap.” Let’s start making some money... Check out these highlights: How I started out with Facebook page reviews (and why). [6:12] The right time for creating customized plans for clients. [10:38] How to create customers for life. [13:50] Hear about my friend Tyler J. McCall’s success with online workshops. [15:40] The goldmine of done-for-you plug and play products. [26:10] How two friends from Tag Team Party Peeps put together a very successful email campaign. [33:46] Challenges that actually lead to sales. [39:55] How to successfully market your high-priced offers. [44:53] A can’t miss strategy using Facebook Live. [47:33]
3/8/201855 minutes, 11 seconds
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#200: 10 Online Marketers Share Their Zig Stories

It’s the 200th episode! Cue the confetti and champagne! If you have been listening to me since I first aired in 2013, THANK YOU! It’s been 5 AMAZING years and I couldn’t have done it without you! To celebrate, I have asked some of my closest friends and peers to share quick pieces about something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately… How do you zig when others are zagging? How do you “go against the grain”? When do you take a risk and change things up? And I couldn’t think of anyone better to tackle this topic than my small group of much-cherished and loved peers. I hope you enjoy listening to these as much as I have. Get ready to make some zigs happen for your own business! If you’re wondering if it’s a right time to “zig” for your business, listen up to my four scenarios to help you decide. Want a personalized message from me on instagram? And if you want that new “outtake” of me sharing my personal story of zigging, make sure to 1) take a screenshot of this episode 2) post it on Instagram (feed or stories) and use #200withamy and tag me when you post it. Then I’ll slide into your DM with a link to this clip! That’s right, I will personally DM you... Here’s a sneak peek of each of my amazing group of peers: Jasmine Star gives us the inside scoop into how she invested a year of heart, soul and money into a launch that got her … an underwhelming amount of students. But then she decided to “knock on some digital doors” ... [12:50] Ray Edwards shares the personal touch he provided for each person who bought one of his high-end programs. [18:25] Pat Flynn starts off with a life-changing story from his childhood, then talks about how giving away a study guide for free became the launching-off point for Smart Passive Income. [20:03] Diane Sanfilippo on why you need to be focused on creating paid content and programs. [26:30] Julie Solomon offers up her own version of “Pitch Perfect” and how she took the initiative to start monetizing her blog. [32:01] Tarzan Kay shares how she broke ALL the rules of launches, and executed a simple (no stress!) promotion that netted her five figures. [39:59] James Wedmore gives us multiple examples of zigging, and asks a series of questions to help you come up with your own different “out of the box” ideas. [45:36] Russell Brunson talks about how one T-shirt helped to reduce his ClickFunnels churn by 23 percent (!)—and build a powerful community in the process. [51:03] Rick Mulready walks his own talk and tries his hand at Facebook Messenger for feedback about this podcast. The results may surprise you—because they surprised him! [56:51] Jenna Kutcher gets real (as always) and tells you why she decided to go completely transparent with her messaging. [1:01:18] Links to learn more about my special group of friends: Jasmine Star: Ray Edwards: Pat Flynn: https: Diane Sanfilippo: Julie Solomon: Tarzan Kay: James Wedmore: Russell Bruson: Rick Mulready: Jenna Kutcher:
3/1/20181 hour, 9 minutes, 38 seconds
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#199: From Two Failed Course Launches to Pre-Sell Success with Michelle Evans

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: My dream was to knock it out of the park for my first launch. But to know me and my story is to know that it took me a few tries to get it right. Which is the case for MOST people. And that’s why I wanted to bring Michelle Evans on the show. Michelle is one of my very first students, and she’s here to share how she turned TWO complete launch failures into an astonishing success. I’ve got a feeling that for some of you, Michelle’s experiences of saving what seemed like a huge mess (including an ice-cold, 6% open-rate email list into a hit), is just what you need to hear. Michelle and I start at the very beginning (including how she transitioned from her 16-year corporate job at Microsoft to creating online courses). Michelle dives into all of the excruciating details of her two failed launches, and also what she did to turn it all around. I think you’ll get a lot out of the strategies, lessons and insights she’s sharing, including how she used my program Courses that Convert to make her own course dreams come true. Check out these highlights: Michelle and I reminisce about the moments we walked away from our corporate gigs. [4:58] The biggest hurdles Michelle faced in her path to online course-creation success. [11:02] How Michelle made time to create her course. [19:13] Mini-offers and how to use them to do your validation calls. [21:45] How sharing her struggles surprisingly interested her audience more than only sharing her successes. [26:58] Using quizzes to warm people up for your ultimate offer. [32:29] Tiger Time and protecting your time from you own business. [37:38]
2/22/201853 minutes, 29 seconds
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#198: Five Important Facebook Ad Changes with Rick Mulready

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Keeping up with Facebook updates can (at times) feel like a full-time job. And if you’re not staying on top of everything that’s changing, you can feel like you’re stuck back in 2012. I’ve got you covered because today, my Facebook Ads sidekick and dancing machine (more about that in the episode!) Rick Mulready, is joining me to fill us in on some of the most recent, and relevant, updates on Facebook Ads. We’re talking everything from the Power Editor going away, to budget optimization, all the way to Messenger Ads. You can’t miss this goldmine of an episode—especially because Rick is introducing us to an amazing new feature to optimizing our budget and get more bang for our buck. If you’ve decided that this year is THE year to master Facebook ads, you cannot miss out on all the juicy details Rick has for us in today’s ep. Some of you know Rick from previous podcasts, and I love having him back because he’s always making sure you’re on top of your game with Facebook AND Instagram Ads. So let’s get started on the five must-areas Rick says you need to be aware of today. Check out these highlights: Where did Power Editor go? [4:51] How Facebook is updating the potential audience reach. [7:39] Should you keep your audiences separate? [10:40] Budget optimization at the Campaign Level: you want to be ready to optimize this update. [11:45] How to choose between manual and automatic bidding. [15:26] Customizing ads for different placements in both Facebook and Instagram (this one’s brand new). [19:01] Messenger Ads—why Rick thinks they will be BIG in 2018. [25:47] Cyber Monday’s billion-dollar payoff and why keeping the mobile user in mind is super important. [31:22]
2/15/201840 minutes, 42 seconds
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#197: How to 10X Your Results in 2018 (and Beyond) with 3 Dead Simple Strategies With Marie Forleo

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Marie Forleo is back to tell it like it is. Today she’s bringing three so-simple strategies that ANYONE can use to amp up their results this year. So no more “I’m never going to make enough money to quit my day job.” No more “My list is stuck at 900.” No more “I can’t connect with my audience.” So if you feel overwhelmed or overstretched or maybe, just maybe, like you’re drowning, this conversation is for you. Marie has this uncanny ability to help you uncover what’s truly holding you back from getting results and on this episode, you’ll be amazed to discover that all of the strategies we’re diving into today require more of you and less of all the tools and gizmos you think you need to succeed online. And if you let them, these strategies will free you up and open the door to a business you’ve been dreaming of. WARNING: This one is definitely an “ear-buds episode” (to wear around the kids); Marie’s breaking out the adult language. Check out these highlights: Why running faster and faster and faster and working harder and harder and harder (like a hamster) will not get you the results you want. [10:00] What it means to show the raw, real you. [12:02] How Marie shook up her longtime video show with a little sumthin’ called Marie Unplugged. [17:23] Do NOT spend a lot of money on that production! [20:46] A real unscripted moment Marie had on the streets of New York. [22:23] Our 24-hour challenge for you. [23:25] Forget Social and focus on THIS instead. [25:05] One of the most underrated and overlooked traits for creatives and entrepreneurs. [35:43] How Marie took her B-School refund rate from 19% to less than 2%. [40:31] Make sure to check out Marie’s FREE Video Training Series This is some of the best marketing training out there today (in my opinion!). In Video One Marie covers two burning questions: Where should I focus in my business? How do I know if I’m working on the right things for my business? Grab video one here now. Links I mentioned in this episode: Exploring B-School: 30 Days of Diving Into the Details For the third year in a row, I’m bringing back my free, 30-Day B-School Pop-up Facebook Group, where I will get laser-focused on my experience with Marie’s B-School program. I’ll share personal business-building stories of how I got where I am today, exclusive live video trainings, and a lot of insights of how I got the most out of B-School. You can request access here.
2/8/20181 hour, 11 seconds
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#196: 3 Surprising Strategies to Increase Sales on Your Next Webinar

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: If I know one thing after running hundreds of webinars, it’s this: Connection on a webinar presentation is THE path to higher conversions. With that in mind, I wanted to show you three key strategies that may just surprise you—not because they are advanced, or radically different. They may be surprising to you because they are not the typical strategies you talk about when it comes to boosting webinar conversions. Which is EXACTLY why I wanted to share these three elements with you, so that you can focus on creating true, real touch points with your audience on your webinar, create those deeper connections, and ultimately see better conversions. As some of you might already know, I relaunched my List Builder’s Lab program with a series of live webinars. And every time I do a series of live webinars I always learn new strategies or walk away with aha moments about how to do things differently or have a bigger impact. And you know me: I’m holding nothing back. Including sharing an embarrassing story of how I blew off advice from Marie Forleo. So let’s dive in. Check out these highlights: The true path to higher conversions begins here. [2:12] How to get your webinar audience thinking “That’s totally me!” [4:58] The (strong) case for keeping the chat live and open. [8:35] What my team does during live chats to keep attendees engaged. [12:08] How to get the most out of your Q&A time. [14:50] Increasing the trust factor during every presentation. [17:45] Are you asking: At what point in my live webinar do I focus on selling? I’ve got answers. [19:10] The importance of reading between the lines and identifying what your audience SHOULD be asking. [20:18] This episode is brought to you by: Free Masterclass: How to Create Your Ultimate List Building Catch-up Plan
2/1/201826 minutes, 22 seconds
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#195: The 6 Pillars of My Content Creation Process

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: You KNOW you have to create “quality content” for your different outcomes—but how do you make sure that it is relevant and compelling, and the entire process doesn’t feel completely overwhelming Today I’m taking the overwhelm out of getting out weekly material plus creating content inside of your programs and promotions plus everything else you’ve got to think about by breaking down every single part of the content-creating process for you. Introducing: My six pillars of content creation process and how they help me stay focused with every content piece I produce. When you start categorizing your content and just hone in on one or two things (versus the 30 things on your project plan!), you can do them much more effectively. With these pillars, I want you to know exactly what you’re focusing on for where you are in your business. No more second-guessing on what kind of content you need to engage your tribe, or build up to a promotion. I’ve put it all out there so you can take immediate action. Oh and by the way, it may surprise you to know that I will often spend more time and energy working on my free content than on my paid content. And there’s a solid why behind that. (19:33) Check out these highlights: How I create so much content in my business [00:38] The type of content that brings in my ideal customer avatars like bees to honey. [6:48] To freebie or not to freebie? (Or: How to know if my content will work best with a freebie?) [9:07] Content for the masses vs. content for your Tribe. [13:34] Who is social media content really for? [16:50] When to focus most of your content creation time into your free promo content. [19:33] The key lesson for creating paid course content. [25:10] The right time for paid bonus content. [27:45] Why I’m including paid relationship content in my six pillars (and what that even means!). [31:40] Here's the '6 Pillars SlideShare' I promised in this episode:
1/24/201837 minutes, 35 seconds
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#194: How I Handle Criticism as an Online Marketer

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Criticism—it’s inevitable as an online marketer and business owner. As an entrepreneur I’ve come across my fair share. You’ll run into your own criticism at some point (if you haven’t already!) and yes, it may get uncomfortable. So I want you to be prepared for it. Today I’m sharing with you my three-point approach to dealing with criticism in a graceful way (and saving your sanity and overall well-being). In the end, it’s all about how you face it. With the right strategies you can actually turn criticism into something powerful (15:19) for you and your business. It can even change HOW you do business. When you are building your online business, you’re opening yourself up to a completely different world for feedback (in contrast to say, the corporate realm). And the fact is that total strangers may be giving you “input.” It can be daunting in the beginning, however if you can learn to face this feedback without taking it personal, then you will become that much stronger of an entrepreneur. Let’s check out those tips now. Check out these highlights: Trolls are the worst, and you have to learn to deal with them. But what about when it’s from your audience, your clients, your students? [5:17] That one time I tried to make up for a “mistake” with a disgruntled fan and how it went very, very wrong. [6:13] How two of my students handled a flood of negative comments… [12:16] Sometimes criticism can actually be really helpful- depending on the delivery. [15:50] What I actually learned after that horrible experience dealing with criticism (and what I do now). [16:44] What about when you want to give feedback? [17:56] This episode is brought to you by: Free Masterclass: The Ultimate List Building Catch-up Plan
1/18/201821 minutes, 9 seconds
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#193: Should I Join a Mastermind?

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: I don’t know it all. That’s an incredibly humbling thing to say, but it’s the truth. I don’t know everything about business, and in fact, I’ve got my share of blind spots. That’s exactly why I surround myself with incredible peers, so I can have a go-to resource to solve for business challenges and help make big decisions. And I think a great way to find that sounding board is through a mastermind. I know there are no real silver bullets in online business, but a good mastermind comes pretty darn close. I think it can make the difference between success and total failure for you as a business owner. So today I’m digging into masterminds— Why you should think about joining a mastermind How you know if you’re ready How to pick a great one Plus I’ll talk about a big decision I just made to join a mastermind for 2018, why I’m signing up, and who’s coming with me. By the way—if you know me, you know I’m always looking for inspiration. And a big thing about working with a mastermind is that the group members inspire you to take action, partly because you’re seeing them take action, and partly because you’re in this together, and want everyone to succeed. I’ll even share a specific example of how I inspired one member to get some serious things done for her business. (13:19) Check Out These Highlights: The many reasons to join a mastermind. [7:54] A really good mastermind has members that do this on a consistent basis. [9:00] How do you know when you are ready to join a mastermind? The criteria to consider. [14:17] Three steps to help you find the right mastermind for you. [19:51] The elements that are crucial for me in joining a peer group. [25:17] Your must nots are just as (if not more) important than your musts. Here’s why. [28:44] End cap: Let’s talk about money and masterminds. [34:26] This episode is brought to you by: Free Masterclass: The Ultimate List Building Catch-up Plan Mastermind/Group Coaching Resources: Jeff Walker’s Masterminds Jeff has two—a Launch Club and a Platinum group. Currently all spaces are full; for more information, email Brendon Burchard’s Masterminds (2 levels) Rick Mulready’s Accelerator Group Coaching Program The Course for Completion Mastermind (for course creators) *Note: At this time both of James Wedmore’s masterminds are full and therefore I am not linking to them in the show notes.
1/11/201840 minutes, 10 seconds
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#192: Are You Embracing the “Visionary Role” In Your Business?

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Today, I’m going to make some confessions about my weaknesses in leadership. I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a stellar leader, and ultimately, a VISIONARY. You’re going to hear me talk about the idea of being a visionary in this episode, and I’m also sharing my own mantra for 2018. Not only what it is, but also specifically how I came up with it, the questions I asked myself and how I plan on using this mantra to drive my year forward. Then I’m giving you an easy, three-step strategy (that I call my Three V’s) to embody your theme every year and move forward in the direction you want to go. (5:01) As you listen to me figure out what I really want to be as a leader I want you thinking about this for yourself, and how you can implement these three steps and transform your business in the next year. Being intentional about setting my vision for each year has shifted the way I think about my business, and I want the same for you! Let’s start to work those visionary muscles... Check out these highlights: See how one of my favorite TV characters inspired my theme. [1:54] How this all started with a simple quiz on an airplane ride. [6:58] One person I definitely look up to as the iconic visionary leader. [10:46] How to find your own visionary role model. [13:00] Being real and vulnerable doesn’t necessarily clash with being professional. [13:52] When your image online takes over your real-life identity. And how to prevent it. [17:38] How to actually manifest your vision. [21:22]
1/4/201825 minutes, 50 seconds
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#191: A Week in the Life (A Behind the Scenes Look Into My Business)

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: If you’re anything like me, you love to see behind the curtain, to what’s really going on with successful entrepreneurs. Many of you have been asking me (for a while) to map out my day—what I plan to do, what I actually get done, how I use my time. Well I’m taking it one step further and talking through an entire WEEK. You’ll hear about my struggles. How I get into the flow. And when I couldn’t get it together. Oh, and the one podcast I’m obsessed with right now. The truth is, my processes and habits are a big part of what makes my business successful. I’ve got BIG chunks of time carved out where I can stay hyper-focused and get what might take another person weeks to do. And I know that many of my students want to do that too. So I’m hoping you’ll learn a little something about how to optimize your routine with this episode... Here’s How the Episode Breaks Down: I’ll start the week with my Sunday session. From there, each day I’ll check in during the Morning and talk about what the day is going to look like. Then I’ll check back in during the Evening to chat about what actually happened. Check Out These Highlights: My personal and professional goals for the week (including my battle with one food that makes me feel sick). [7:08] How I approach a new content project. [18:45] My workday shutdown ritual. [24:47] All about my co-working space and how it helps my business. [30:50] My quality time with the hubby, Hobie. [34:51] The 3 roles I play in my business. [38:06] My new favorite podcast featuring one of my business idols. [41:23] Jasmine Star and my first InstaLive. [43:00] Where I ended up at the end of of the week. [1:03:01]
12/28/20171 hour, 8 minutes, 27 seconds
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#190: How Getting ‘Niche Specific’ Evolved Into $12K/Month Automated Webinars

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Today this dog lover (me!) is talking cat grooming—but it’s not what you think :). I’m highlighting cat grooming as the starting point of what has become a lucrative business empire for my student and new friend, Danelle German. Danelle started with one simple question (5:07) —and grew that focus to a business that now generates $12,000 a month on evergreen webinars ALONE. That’s not counting her speaking, curriculum deals, physical products and certification program. Danelle is here to teach us: If you really want to make money in this online marketing world, you need to drill down and serve a specific audience. You never know who you’re going to meet at live events, right? And I am so pleased that I got the opportunity to meet Danelle at a recent event, because she is the perfect example of starting small and scaling slowly and intelligently. (During today’s episode, you’re going to hear me say “genius” A LOT.) I encourage you to “listen beyond the cat grooming” and absorb how Danelle uncovered new opportunities to consistently build her business. Check Out These Highlights: The question that Danelle’s audience REALLY wanted answered. [5:29] How difficult it was to focus on a small niche like cat grooming (when starting out)... [7:37] Why you don’t need massive amounts of customers. [12:12] How Danelle was able to avoid any tough competition. [14:45] The secret element that made Danelle’s business so effective in the early days. [18:19] Why it’s crucial to shed light on the problems your audience faces. [19:24] How Danelle added a non-cat grooming audience to her repertoire. [22:33] And where she found them (so you can add your own sub-audience!). Danelle’s experience on how she used Webinars That Convert to lock in her success.[29:05] Why she switched to evergreen webinars. [32:30] The unbelievable show-up rate Danelle sees on her webinars. [34:43] How to find and nail your niche. [41:38] Danelle on the Value of Staying in Your Zone of Expertise: “If I am 100% confident in what I am talking about and what I am teaching and, ultimately, what I am selling to people, I am going to do a much better job. The further I get out of the scope of my area of expertise and skill set, that confidence begins to diminish. I keep it real tight around that skill set and that knowledge base and then grow from there.” —Danelle German, Online Marketing Entrepreneur, National Cat Groomers Institute
12/21/201749 minutes, 7 seconds
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#189: 3 Wins (and a Few Misses) From My Live Events

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: This year I made a big decision to open up what is typically a B-School bonus event, and do two one-day live events for ALL of my students. There is something incredible about holding live events—the connections with your audience, the relationships you build, the amazing team building. Which is exactly WHY I wanted to go behind the scenes and share the big learnings, and a few misses. I know some of you are thinking about holding your own events, so I wanted to give you some steps to making sure you hold your own ultra-successful event. And for me, it all starts with the connecting opportunities. (18:02) So if you have been thinking about using events as a great upsell, or a VIP experience, or maybe a new revenue stream, you will want to listen in to all the takeaways from this episode. For each point I walk through, I made sure to provide a “take action” piece for you so you can immediately apply it to your own event planning. Let’s get started making events work for your business. By the Way… I mention Marie Forleo’s B-School and my over the top bonus package (with a free live event!) for those who signed up via my affiliate link. I rarely do live events so if you don’t want to miss it in 2018, click HERE to sign up for the wait list and get all the details once it launches. Check out these highlights: WHY I decided to open my events to all of my students. [2:18] The art of layering elements for a fabulous experience (in other words: gifts!). [7:39] The feeding frenzy I created—and how to get people to stay in the room and connect. [10:42] Thinking about inviting guest speakers? Check out these criteria to help you choose. [16:30] Why you should consider including a VIP experience.[20:00] There’s always room for improvement… [21:22] How to make Q&A time meaningful for everyone (and not have it drag on!). [23:35]
12/14/201730 minutes, 24 seconds
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#188: What I Learned From a Year of Automating My Business

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: At the end of 2016 it hit me: I was working for my business instead of my business working for me. Can I get an “AMEN”? So I had to make a BIG decision and explore an entire year of evergreen for my business this past year (2017) and limit my number of live launches. In the spirit of pure transparency, I’m looking back on how the year went, and putting it all out there for you: the good, the bad, the (at times) ugly so you know how I made this decision, how I executed, and what I learned from the entire process. And how proud I am of my “bold move.” Spoiler-alert for this episode: I thought my year of automation would be much easier than it was. I took a leap of faith, and now regret NONE of it. In fact, I’m a better leader and business owner because of it. Today I’ll break down the positive results, and some of the learnings along the way. To make it truly actionable, I have broken this episode into four parts: Part One: How I approached the year of automation [4:38] Part Two: What happened and the results [10:58] Part Three: What I learned [14:46] Part Four: How I plan to move forward [24:55] Check Out These Highlights: The original vision for going evergreen. [7:54] How long it REALLY took to get the funnels where I wanted them. [11:53] The factors that slowed us down in building the funnels. [14:45] How much the funnels ultimately generated for my business. [16:17] Why it’s not always about the money. [18:07] The things I didn’t love about my year of automation. [18:32] All about my recent launch of List Builder’s Lab. [20:20] Let’s talk about product fatigue for a minute. [21:15] My big “aha” about my Webinars That Convert program audience. [22:08]
12/7/201728 minutes, 48 seconds
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#187: How to Use Pinterest to Generate Traffic and Profits With Jenna Kutcher

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: What IF instead of looking at Pinterest as just another Social Media platform, you saw it as a powerful search engine that can drive traffic for your business? That’s exactly why I invited my guest today—photographer, podcaster and savvy business woman Jenna Kutcher. Because she has experienced the kind of amazing impact Pinterest can have on your business—in fact, Pinterest is the platform that drives the MOST traffic to her site: More than 5,000 unique visitors every single month. (Yeah, I couldn’t believe it at first either!) Pinterest also (at times) gets a bad rap because it may not be the first site you think of to reach your core clients, which also couldn’t be more wrong. I think first and foremost, a mindset shift around Pinterest is in order, starting here. Yes, Pinterest can be THAT effective. And what I love about Jenna is that she holds nothing back. She’s the kind of gal that says what she’s thinking, or feeling, at any moment. I feel like this episode is in that same spirit—open, and raw. I think you’ll maybe change your mind about Pinterest, and find a new friend in Jenna. Check out these highlights: Why it’s so important to be vulnerable with your brand. [8:13] Should you care about your number of followers on Pinterest? [19:06] The first step you want to take with your Pinterest strategy. [21:35] How to look like you are active on Pinterest (and make the algorithm work for you!). [25:12] Proven ways to get the most mileage out of your content. [27:54] Jenna’s favorite Pinterest tool (for scheduling AND checking your links). [31:16] This one tip will guarantee you engagement on Pinterest. [35:11]
11/30/201745 minutes, 56 seconds
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#186: How to Makeover Your Blog to Get More Traction with Julie Solomon

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: It’s time to talk about your blog (or even your show notes for your podcast)—are you seeing the traction you really want? If not, today’s special guest has answers. I asked expert blogger Julie Solomon to come on the podcast and talk about what’s working, the mistakes bloggers make, and how to make sure you have a truly healthy blog. Spoiler alert: Julie doesn’t actually blog every week, which I found VERY intriguing... And you can find out exactly how often she DOES blog. Jump right into that part of our chat right here. [33:00] In the world of online marketing, all of the people I follow and look up to—and who I know are financially successful in their business—they all have a central hub where they create content on a weekly basis. And for most of them… it’s a blog. So look no further for the connection between blogging and having a thriving business. Now I want to make sure you are using the strategies that really get results (v. blogging to crickets)—and that’s where Julie is the master. Let’s start your makeover. Check Out These Highlights: Find out why Julie calls her blog “the headquarters”.  [12:17] Why it’s so important to know your avatar’s favorite Margarita flavor. [14:06] The five core values a great blog post stems from.  [19:22] Julie’s steps to stay consistent (it may not be what you think!) [23:13] The biggest mistakes bloggers make. [27:10] Julie’s favorite tools to promote her blog posts. [35:22] How to know if you have a “healthy” blog. [38:02] How your mom can help you optimize your blog. [41:53] Trigger words: what are they and how you can use them. [45:00]
11/23/201751 minutes, 18 seconds
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#185: All About Instagram Ads with Rick Mulready

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Rick Mulready is back to give the scoop on Social Media ads—but with a TWIST! We’re taking a break from Facebook ads (but don’t worry—much more to come as always on those!) and shining the light on his Social Media sister, Instagram. Now just because these two are related, don’t think one size fits all when it comes to working with these platforms. Rick and I walk through the nuances of the difference between the two (especially when it comes to imagery, videos and placement). Just in case you don’t think Instagram ads are worth for your business—keep in mind that there are 800 million Instagram users right now that are up for grabs. AND if that’s not enough, if you have a product or service, Instagram can be an incredibly powerful platform for you. Just take a listen to these stats that Rick throws out. [7:39] I gotta tell you, I love Instagram and feel that it’s a great time to grab your audience’s attention. So I’m shifting gears with Rick today so we can help you capitalize on the Insta Opportunity. I want you to dive in...and help me figure out the big question: Emoji or emoticons? A special Easter Egg for today’s episode: It turns out you DO need 10,000 followers in order to have the swipe up feature. (And on that same note, follow Rick on Instagram @rickmulready so he can get the followers he needs!) If you want to know what I’m talking about, check out our sidebar conversation on this.[21:00] And a few great Instagram examples (including that story ad I ran): Check out these highlights: Let’s start this off with WHO exactly is on Instagram (so you know if you should be there!). [3:20] What are the best days and times to post on Instagram? [5:00] Where and how to set up your ads (on Facebook and Instagram). [10:39] Which ad type would be best for your business and customers—and the parameters for each. [12:03] The big differences between Facebook and Instagram (Here’s a hint: you CAN’T just repurpose one for the other). [13:17] With Insta, do you have the same targeting possibilities as Facebook? [19:22] How to take advantage of story ads (and what happened after I ran my first one for my List Builders Lab promo). [22:10] Why you need to add text and emojis to your InstaStories. [28:16] How to choose the right objectives when creating your Instagram ad campaigns. [28:59]
11/16/201739 minutes, 27 seconds
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#184: How She Did It: From a Webinar False Start to a $30,000 Success Story

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: I’ve talked extensively about my epic fails with webinars—and I’ve also shared how I picked myself back up, practiced a ton—experimented—and just went for it. It wasn’t any different for my friend, video rockstar Luria Petrucci, who has an incredible webinar success story that you need to hear. I want this episode to inspire you to take action on your own webinars. Because if Luria can do it (and spend only $600 on Facebook ads in the process!), you can too. If you are a student of my Webinars That Convert program, this is the episode for YOU as Luria (a fellow student) highlights exactly which tips and insights worked well for her. And if you don’t have anything to sell yet, you can use the exact strategy Luria used to put an offer out there.  You may remember Luria from Episode 168 (The Easy Start Guide to Live Video), and I know I don’t usually bring guests back so quickly. But after hearing Luria’s story I knew you had to hear it too! So get ready. I really want you to take everything Luria learned to heart and think about how YOU can stretch yourself with webinars to get to the crazy results she proved weren’t so crazy after all. Also: Make sure you stay until the very end to learn how Luria kept her webinar attendees super engaged! And one thing I want you to take advantage of... If you are looking to up your webinar game, I have a must-see training where I take you behind the scenes of my actual webinar creation process: How to Create Your First Wildly Profitable Webinar (Even if You Don’t Have a List). That’s right, I literally open the gates wide open and show you all of my webinar creation secrets, including example after example of my own webinar strategies. I absolutely know this will be incredibly valuable for your own webinar creation process, so make sure to book a time to watch. Check out these highlights: Why Luria was skittish about doing webinars at first. [2:30] How “stealing” made Luria thousands of dollars on her webinar. [9:05] How to align your content with your offer. [11:14] Get a detailed walk-through of Luria’s amazing results after her webinar strategy overhaul (and a little mix-up with conversion rate numbers!). [17:30] Our big-game changer webinar strategy. [24:58] The best way to get your audience to connect with you on a deeper level and want to take the next step. [29:47] Struggling with your own webinars? Luria has a few final thoughts. [36:50]
11/9/201742 minutes, 44 seconds
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#183: How to Create Your Promotional Calendar

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Time to hit the ground running for your 2018 planning. And I mean starting TODAY. This episode is meant to be your goal-setting workshop in a box—I’ve got everything you need to plan for 2018: How to do it, the questions to ask, and plenty of examples to inspire you to take action. If you have felt like in the last year you are flying by the seat of your pants, or you have been frustrated with your promotions, or you have no idea how you’re going to make money NEXT YEAR, then it’s time to listen up and take action. [1:15] By the way, the focus is on the first six months only, because you may want to repeat some of the success you saw in the first half of the year. I’m all about the rinse and repeat! Also: Opportunities will come your way, and I want you to have some flexibility in your planning for those. Rules of Engagement Upfront: I want you to take an entire day to do this process. I know, I know. No bellyaching. I don’t want you to feel rushed or pressured to get it done. Pick a “special spot” to do this. If you want extra credit, book out a hotel room or a co-working space. If you’re going to do this at home, promise me you’ll send everyone away so you have the space to create, focus and think. Don’t do this alone. Engage your virtual assistant or anyone on your team (either via Skype or fly them out!). I understand that you may be a “one-person show”—I encourage you to then find a friend or a peer that can be your sounding board. Grab a whiteboard or a big sticky board. You’ll need a space to put your notes. The freebie for this episode is EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAN: You’ll hear me map out this entire process on the episode. Then, when you are ready to do your own plan, grab the step-by-step cheat sheet so you can work through this process for your own business. With this worksheet, you’ll know exactly how to plan for your 2018. Check Out These Highlights: Why your “non-negotiables” are crucial to your business success. [9:48] The power of “declaring your number” and why it can drive your entire success for the New Year. [11:54] How to get clarity on the past so you can plan for the future. [13:32] The metrics you should come to the table with. [14:15] What to ask yourself when you calendar your big promotions—a.k.a “the fun stuff.” [18:43] Ways to make money in the next six months (to help get those creative juices flowing!). [19:52] Don’t make this one mistake when planning out your promotions! [27:38] Why you need white space between promotions. [30:45] How to not let FOMO take you down in your planning process. [34:58]
11/2/201743 minutes, 24 seconds
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#182: How to Mega-Batch Your Content

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Do you ever have that feeling like creating your content is taking over your life? That no matter what you do, you are dealing with your podcast, or your blog, or your video series EVERY SINGLE DAY? It shouldn’t be this way—and today I have your solution: It’s called Mega-Batching (an idea sparked by Michael Hyatt) and it has transformed the way I deliver this podcast. I’m going to walk you through, layer by layer, how I create at least six episodes at a time with my team so you can take advantage of this time- and sanity-saving process. It will also help you fall back in love with creating content (especially if you have had a falling out!) Not to mention that once you focus on this strategy, you will have the time to spend on Your Business Wish List and experience that white space to be truly creative. Now if you’re thinking—this seems like too much work, I don’t know if I can handle this. Trust me, I get it. However, as a business owner, I don’t want you to get bogged down on details that don’t serve you. I want you to have the freedom and flexibility to focus on things that will really move the needle in your business. And I promise that mega-batching will help you get there. Check Out These Highlights: The 5 sessions I use for each batch. [9:35] How I break up the recording of my podcast. [13:38] Some of my favorite aspects of mega-batching. [16:41] Tweaks I want to make for the future with this system. [18:58] What I have planned for the podcast in 2018. [19:43] Two final thoughts to help you start your own mega-batching efforts. [21:17]
10/26/201723 minutes, 5 seconds
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#181: Eliminating Money Blocks with James Wedmore

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: There’s more to running a business than just steps and strategies. You’ve got to master your inner game: your core beliefs and thoughts. There’s a big (and all-too prevalent) myth when it comes to your time and money: That the secret to success is to work hard and hustle. [6:47] No one is exempt from dealing with money issues. So it’s time to face them. “We gotta talk about money.” That’s what my dear friend and mindset maven James Wedmore said when I told him I wanted him back on the show to talk entrepreneurial mindset. James and I both think that money is a huge block when it comes to your business. So today I want to chat about some of the beliefs or blind spots that just might be holding you back from finding real success for your business. Do me a favor and just see if they feel true for you… Check out these highlights: The real 80/20 percent split when it comes to being an entrepreneur. [7:52] We all have a relationship with money just like we all have a relationship with our mom, dad, spouse, friends, etc. [10:08] One of my biggest money (limiting) beliefs, which stems from my childhood. [12:46] Contrary to popular belief, money does not come from effort. [14:22] Why  believing in abundance is an absolute for entrepreneurs like us. [15:48] The easiest way to create new beliefs. [20:02] How to get “passionately curious” and “play the scientist role.” [21:58] This is WHY you really want things in life. [26:17] A few ways to practice the power of gratitude. [30:27] Final money mindset shifts from James. [32:57]
10/19/201741 minutes, 54 seconds
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#180: 7 Ways I’ve Collaborated with Friends & Influencers to Increase Profits

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: On today’s episode I’m going to walk you through seven collaborations that I’ve done over the years that range from my very first time collaborating, and even feeling a little shy (but learning so much!) all the way to collaborations with some of the biggest names in online marketing. I’m giving you the inside scoop into how those actually came to be, and some of the lessons I learned from each of these amazing experiences. And here’s a BIG note to remember: The key to successful collaborations is found within your relationship with the person – not on what that person can do for you or what you can do for him or her. [13:24] I know this from experience: Building your business for the long term is much easier when you can find peers and collaborators that you can build amazing relationships with. When you’re first starting out and you may not have much of a list or presence, you want to find collaborations that can help you find an audience for your business. So I hope you enjoy as I walk through my own experiences, and how I cultivated some of the best business relationships I have to this day. The freebie for this episode is SO GOOD: I’ve got the Top 10 questions you should ask YOURSELF if you’re considering any collaboration. It’s a checklist of sorts, where I talk about the criteria I personally use when I think about partnering with someone. If you get honest with these questions, you will save yourself a lot of stress and potential “business heartache” - it’s a thing, trust me. Download it here and run through them the next time you’re thinking about a collaboration. Check out these highlights: Collaboration #1: My very “first time”: how I went in, what I learned from it and what I wish I’d done differently [4:14] Collaboration #2: When and how I learned the real special ingredient for collaborations (here’s a hint: it’s all about trust) [9:50] Collaboration #3: How I landed a key influencer [15:37] Collaboration #4: The most successful affiliate marketing relationship I’ve ever had. (Spoiler alert: It’s all about B-School with Marie Forleo!) [20:50] Collaboration #5: How I moved things into the real world (think small live event) with a weekend workshop collaboration [24:42] Collaboration #6: I get asked all of the time about adding guest experts inside of your paid course…here’s a full explanation of what I typically do, with Jasmine Star as my shining example [32:24] Collaboration #7: And I just couldn’t leave this one out… If you’ve ever wondered how Rick Mulready and I started working together, maybe you’d like to hear about the coffee date I didn’t really want to go to. [39:10]
10/12/201746 minutes, 44 seconds
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#179: The Real Truth Why I Hate Video (Hint: It's My Weight)

I am a firm believer in changing things up, breaking a pattern, switching gears… Today I’m doing all three. Because I know it’s time. The truth is, I’ve been holding back for a while. I have finally decided that I’ve had enough of the BS, and the fear. To know me is to know I don’t love being on video. And I have given a lot of excuses around that. Time to come clean: I hate video because I’m embarrassed about my weight. Wow. It felt freeing just typing that. So this podcast is my very open letter to you, dear listener. Because I owe you this openness—so I can (perhaps) also inspire you to come out and call out what’s been holding you back. And even give it a name. This episode was a tough one to record. But worth it. 100% worth it. Here I go. Amy
10/5/201710 minutes
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#178: List Building + Social Media (What's Working Now)

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Right at this moment you should be thinking about your list building efforts. I want you borderline obsessed with list-building! This episode is key to your obsession, as today you’re getting every single one of my tested and tried tips and tricks for list building. List building starts with a great idea for a lead magnet, and a great idea for a lead magnet always starts with your ideal customer avatar. And there is ONE big question I ask when I'm thinking about my ideal customer avatar. [6:14] There’s a new player in the list building game that’s getting off-the-charts results. It’s VIDEO and when done right, it will boost your list growth—it’s all how you use it—and that’s part of today’s episode. I know I’ve talked about list-building many times before, but here’s the thing: list building—when done right—can dramatically change your business (I should know, since it completely changed mine). So I want you to listen, then take immediate action of one or two of the strategies I mention. Stay tuned for a NEW, FREE and LIVE webinar with yours truly ;-) This is a training I’m doing by myself, and LIVE: “The Ultimate List-Building Catch-Up Plan.” If you’ve ever felt behind in your list building, I’m going to show you how to get caught up quickly in terms of what to do inside your business to create a list-building foundation that can run on autopilot. Check out these highlights: How to come up with a great idea for a lead magnet. [5:08] How to embrace video when it comes to list building. [10:06] Confirmation emails—there’s so much more you can do with them! [17:25] The right strategy for your nurture sequence. [21:33] How calls-to-actions can make all of the difference with your campaigns. [24:45] The tools I use (and how I use them) for my own list building. [27:05] How and why I link my original free content to my list-building efforts. [40:11] The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan: My Proven 3-Stack System For Leveraging The Most Powerful, “What’s Working Now” List Building Strategies (without the stress, tech confusion, or crazy overwhelm)
9/28/201748 minutes, 26 seconds
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#177: How to Design Your Ideal Week with Michael Hyatt

Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Being productive is really not about “getting things done” and MORE about doing what’s inside your desire zone. You’ve got your big “time savers” like productivity software, your smartphone, your hacks—but how is that all working out for you? These “resources” are actually cutting into your time! You can transform your entire routine by defining your Ideal Week [26:39] (I know because I did it!). There are four rituals you need to set yourself up for success. My guess is you are doing maybe one or two of these (at best) right now. So let’s UP your game. What if you stopped telling yourself you needed to be more productive, and instead, focused on being free—to focus, be present, spontaneous, to do nothing. I know, kind of crazy, right? But that’s EXACTLY what my very special guest, Michael Hyatt, and I tackle today. A quick bonus for listening: I wanted you to see how the Ideal Week exercise (listen here to understand the concept of an Ideal Week) is working for me, including my morning and workday rituals. Click play below to watch how I am now planning out my week. You’ll want to check out Michael’s new training: So many times you are doing things in the name of “productivity” that are actually making you feel more overwhelmed and discouraged. I want you to start making real progress and feel in control. Michael will talk all about that and more in his free training, “The 7 Deadly Sins of Productivity: The Hidden Habits Undermining Your Performance (And How to Change Them).” Sign up here for free before it’s too late! Check out these podcast highlights: You want to live your life in ONE out of four zones. [5:42] How to provide a “positive no.” [12:22] Tips to automate tasks (beyond just using technology).  [15:44] How to really structure your morning routine. [16:22] The first step to optimizing delegation that so many miss. [22:22] Your different “stage times” and how to allocate time for each. [26:51] The power of “batching your meetings” to create more white space. [27:22]
9/21/201740 minutes, 1 second
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#176: Steal My Podcast Project Plan!

Why you’ve got to listen to today’s episode: A podcast can dramatically change your business by connecting you with your audience in a new and intimate way, each and every week. Having a comprehensive system (and proven project plan!) can help you streamline your delivery of consistent weekly content. You can truly scale your content efforts—and save a TON of time—if you use a little system called “batching” when planning. There’s one list-building tactic that’s on my MUST list: freebies, or content upgrades. There’s definitely an art and science to implementing these the right way. [26:28] Today I’m bringing together two of my passions—podcasting and systems—in the ultimate behind-the-scenes of my podcast episodes. And I’ve spared no detail. It’s all here—from how I come up with my topics, to how we publish the finished recording, I walk through it all. And you’ve got to get today’s freebie: It’s too good for words: a complete project plan of our process, ready for you to use at any time. I walk you through each of the six stages of podcast production, and even sprinkle in some insider notes. If you want to streamline your content creation, this one is a must for you. And another quick bonus for today: I made you a quickie video to walk through my podcasting equipment essentials. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how simple my set-up is! Click play to watch now. Check out these highlights: My star podcast team members, and the roles you need for your own production [4:44] One of the best and most prepared podcast guests I have ever hosted [9:36] The new strategy I am using to get more content done in concentrated amounts of time [13:37] Why your titles are so crucial in your production timeline [20:43] How and why I am changing up my show notes [23:54] The podcast and social media promotion: How I am experimenting [29:50] The lowdown on all of the imagery I use for the podcast [33:55] The advanced strategy I employ for Instagram [42:37]
9/14/201746 minutes, 21 seconds
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#175: How I Went from Corporate to Consulting to Courses

You asked, and I’m bringing it: My story. And I mean ALL the details, of how I went from corporate to consulting to where I am today: courses. My intention here is not to relive the old days—I’m doing this because you likely can relate to one of the three scenarios: You currently are working in a corporate job, with thoughts of starting your own thing. Your dream business is currently your #sidehustle and you’re looking to make it your full-time gig. You no longer are tied to your J.O.B however your business model is not exactly what you’d like it to be. You want to move into online courses sooner than later. Anyway you approach it, there are opportunities in front of you right now that you may not see as relevant to where you want to go. But that’s not true. Every step counts. If I hadn’t taken a job at Harley Davidson, I wouldn’t have seen what building a community, or movement, looks like and thought, “That’s what I want.” If I hadn’t worked for a matchmaking service, I wouldn’t have figured out that I hate sales. And if I hadn’t said, ‘yes,’ to working on Tony Robbins’ creative team, I’m not sure any of what followed would have happened. Speaking of working for Tony, I wanted to share the five core lessons I learned while working for Tony, from creating content, to making big decisions as a business owner, to shaping your mindset. I’ve put the lessons all down in my brand new freebie. So, I’m breaking down my journey for you in five phases. In each one, I’ll tell you what I learned and the turning point that helped me move to the next phase. This is how each one breaks down: Phase One: Corporate (or being “on the clock”) Phase Two: Consulting (or really doing the Corporate thing for multiple bosses instead of just the one) Phase Three: Courses (without a niche—so this was more of an experimental time) Phase Four: Courses (with a niche nailed down) Phase Five: Product Suite (or courses that can scale and ultimately put my business in the fast lane) The biggest thing I want you to take away from my story is you don’t need to have it all figured out. You just need to move forward in any way you can, and from where you are now. So let’s get into it … I was born on a rainy night in December … Ha! No, we’re not going that far back. Let's start from my (career) beginning... P.S Find out more about my live event, The Entrepreneur Experience at The dates are October 21st or December 2nd, so don’t delay!
9/7/201753 minutes, 30 seconds
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#174: 3 Hacks to Help You Get More Done in Less Time

When it comes to working smarter and not harder, you know the conventional wisdom: Manage your time, take breaks, get enough sleep, tackle the big projects when you feel the most focused, and the list goes on. You know all this stuff, but why is it so hard to act on it? And even if you are applying some of those strategies (which are all good), you still find yourself with more work than you can possibly get done in a single day. Enter Carey Bentley. She’s a productivity and accountability expert. Along with her husband, Demir, they founded Lifehack Bootcamp, a program designed to get you working more efficiently so you can create the lifestyle you want. Now, Carey and Demir weren’t always experts at this—in fact, they once were raging workaholics, but they had to figure out another way because the way they were working was literally affecting their health. Their secret is practice—hard, intentional, sweaty practice. You know, the way pro athletes practice. So think of productivity less like a class where you’re studying to pass an exam and more like a craft that you’re working to get better at all the time. Here’s what you’ll learn: The four phases of productivity and why you’re ultimately shooting to be like LeBron James. (Check those out at 11:54) The four layers of accountability—with a coach, with a team, with a buddy, with your community—where you are closing off all escape routes by making yourself feel the pressure from all sides. (Carey starts to break down those levels at 16:19) How to create a “Champagne Moment” that literally has you popping open a bottle every week (metaphorically, but you can take that literally too!). Download this week’s freebie for a step-by-step walkthrough of this process. (You can think about your own moment at 15:18). You’ll also hear Carey and I talk about the five limiting mindsets (OK that’s just really a nice way to say “excuses”) people adopt to NOT get things done. Have you ever complained about not having enough time or having too much on your plate? Yeah, me too. It’s time to shut that down. Carey and I talk about the first two on the show. You can get all five (and the “Champagne Moment” exercise) by downloading this week’s freebie. No more procrastinating—time to move forward. And as if this isn’t enough, Carey grabbed her hubby, Demir, and filmed an extra special video for your eyes only on steps to beat decision fatigue.
8/31/201743 minutes, 7 seconds
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#173: Getting Started with Facebook Ads: The List Building Series (Part 2)

The deep dive into all things Facebook Ads continues with part two of my mini training with Rick Mulready. In part one we discussed the importance of mapping out a strategy before you jump into scheduling your ads, as well as knowing how to target your ideal customer and build custom audiences using the Audience Insights tool. (Missed Part 1? It was SO GOOD and you can listen here.) We’re going a little deeper in today’s second part by telling you how to set up your ads using the Power Editor and how to assess your performance by focusing on a few key metrics. PART TWO Getting to know the Power Editor. A Facebook ad consists of three elements— campaign, ad set and ad. The campaign is where you set the objective of the ad, such as page post engagement or website clicks. The ad set is where you select the targeting, budget and schedule for the ad. And the ad is where you have the image and text for your ad. How to Create a Campaign: Using metrics to evaluate ad performance. First, don’t look at anything related to how your ads are doing for 72 hours. Then, take a look at these numbers by going to the ads manager, clicking the performance dropdown menu and selecting customized columns to choose the stats you want to review. These are the metrics to pay attention to: Cost per lead (or conversion): In general, shoot for $9 and under on a lead. Sound high? You’ve got to be real about what’s happening with Facebook. It’s super competitive and that means it’s getting more expensive—yet it’s still the most cost-effective ad platform. Landing page conversion rate: Your goal is at least 20% conversion. If you’re not there, look at the consistency between your ad and the landing page. Are you using the same text, color scheme and other graphical elements? Is the messaging consistent? Click-through rate: If it’s less than 1%, that’s a sign that your ad is not resonating with your audience. Relevance score: The closer you are to 10, the better. If it’s low, that means your ad isn’t relevant. The problem could be with your ad or with the audience you’re targeting. Frequency score: If you’re at a 4 or higher, that means people are seeing your ad too many times and won’t look at it anymore. Try changing up the type of ad you’re showing. If you’re happy with the metrics, start to scale. If not, use the data to figure out your next step. For example, if you’ve got a 2% click-through rate and a decent relevance score, but your cost per lead is high, that might mean something about your landing page isn’t consistent with your ad. Use the data to troubleshoot your campaign. Remember: Become a student of Facebook ads! Research the strategy that works for you, and don’t be afraid to dive in and take some risks for your list-building efforts. Now is the time.
8/24/201745 minutes, 57 seconds
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#172: Getting Started with Facebook Ads: The List Building Series (Part 1)

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve dabbled with running a Facebook ads campaign, I want you locked into this jam-packed two-part episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast. My good friend Rick Mulready, who knows Facebook ads better than anyone I know, helps me cover everything you need to know to get your Facebook ads off the ground. PART ONE Have a strategy. One of the biggest reasons entrepreneurs lose faith is because they put a bunch of money into ads without a plan, and then get disappointed when there are no returns. Rick has a lot of great advice here, including why working backward from your end goal is the ultimate way to set yourself up for success. We also explore questions like: How do I convert Facebook fans into email subscribers? What’s the key to attracting paying customers? Can I build my list using Facebook ads, even if I don’t have anything to sell? Target, target, target. You’ve got to get specific on your audience. This is one of the biggest advantages of using Facebook ads, and I want you to spend some time here. For example, if you’re a personal trainer, go beyond simply targeting people who exercise and target audiences that fit specifically within your areas of expertise or certain specific interests. You can do so much more to refine your audience by looking at where they shop, what brands they like, how they exercise and more. One of my favorite tools within Facebook Ads is Audience Insights because it allows you to educate yourself on the characteristics of your audience, based on people who already like your page. By doing this, you can better cater to the needs of existing customers and scale your business by targeting new potential customers with similar characteristics. (Check out my video below on how I use it in my business!) Also, don’t miss Rick’s breakdown on how Facebook wants you to target. One thing we all know for sure is the more you do things Facebook’s way, the more the social media giant will like and reward you. In part two, we get into the ins and outs of the Power Editor and what metrics you should be paying attention to. Don’t forget to check out the links below to other podcasts Rick and I have done on Facebook ads. Let’s get back to basics.  
8/17/201742 minutes, 28 seconds
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#171: DIYing Your Business: 5 Areas to Focus On When You're Just Starting Out

I love HGTV. It’s easy to get hooked watching JoJo and Chip Gaines on “Fixer Upper” transform an old ranch home into something SPECTACULAR (with shiplap of course!), and I’m always picking up little tips that I can DIY along the way. Because sometimes DIY is best. A professional web designer or developer isn't always the answer. And neither is a seasoned copywriter or Facebook ad consultant. Here’s the truth: You’re an entrepreneur. Which means, by nature, you’re a DIYer. In fact, you probably started your business because you knew you could do something better yourself. You’re likely great at wearing many hats—owner, marketer, writer, developer, etc. AND, you may have to do things yourself for awhile because you don’t have a big team or a big budget (yet!). I’m here to say, “You’re on the right track!” I think there are some things you just have to DIY, especially when you’re a rookie entrepreneur. In the long run, your business and your tribe will be better off for it. BUT, there aren’t enough hours in the day, week or month for you to do every single thing yourself. So these are the five things I believe are crucial for you to take on in the beginning: Website (Listen in at 4:40) Copywriting (Listen in at 11:05) Marketing (Listen in at 16:25) Facebook Ad Campaigns (Listen in at 21:16) Money (Listen in at 26:55) None of these might seem like small potatoes—and they’re not—but I’ve got some resources below to help ease the learning curve. Also, hang out with me until the end and I will answer the question that crosses every entrepreneur’s mind on this topic: How long do I need to keep doing these things myself? Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.
8/10/201741 minutes, 15 seconds
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#170: How to Get the Big Stuff Done When Life Gets in the Way

It’s so incredibly easy to get caught up in busywork or to let your phone or email start controlling your schedule. Before you know it, a whole day (or several) has gone by and you don’t have anything real to show for it. Let that happen too much and you lose serious momentum—not to mention not getting tasks done that will actually grow your business. I don’t want that happening to you. So I’m sharing the five strategies I use to stay or get back in the zone whenever I start drifting off. Here’s a brief summary: #1: Set your priorities daily. Sometimes it seems like every action item is crucial, but that’s not true. Responding to emails and recording new videos for your course do not rank the same. I’ll share some advice from my good friend Michael Hyatt, who puts a limit on the number of big tasks he works on every day. #2: Be clear about WHAT and WHY. You’ll hear me talk about how a lack of clarity kept me from getting one project done. #3: Power up. I’ll talk about how I get my creative batteries to reach a “full charge.” #4: Schedule your day for success. Devoting an hour here and there to a big project means you may not be finishing it anytime soon. I’ll share the strategy I use to make sure I have focused time. #5: Say it out loud. Making a bold, public statement, like I did about  reworking List Builders Lab, forces you to deliver. I’ll go over the best way to make this kind of public commitment. And then, of course, I’ve got a bonus strategy that I share at the very end of the show. It’s a way to pick yourself up when things get a little tough.   It’s time to shove those distractions to the side and get focused.
7/27/201731 minutes, 52 seconds
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#169: How to Pitch Yourself to Land Bigger Opportunities Online

Isn’t running a business like giving one pitch after another? Think about it. You’re an entrepreneur. That means you’re constantly pitching potential and existing customers, students and fans. So as intimidating as pitching an editor at Forbes or the Huffington Post may sound, you’re already doing it to some extent in other parts of your business. Landing more media opportunities will do a lot of great things for your business, like help you grow your email list, establish more street cred, and create more demand for your products and services. That’s why it’s more than worth your time to figure out how to pitch yourself successfully to media organizations and outlets. The question is: what’s the difference between a knockout pitch and the thousand other pitches that find their way into the trash? I’ll tell you exactly how. And to help me, I’ve got my friend Jennifer Berson joining me on this podcast episode. Jennifer was a lawyer working at a prestigious firm before she decided to follow her inner creative voice and start Jeneration PR, an ultra successful public relations and social media marketing firm. Jennifer shares all the amazing tips, tricks and tidbits that will get you closer to landing the podcast, blog or social media show you’ve always dreamed about being featured on. And, don’t forget to download this week’s freebie. It’s a pitch template, based on the formula Jen delivers during the show. All you have to do is fill in the blanks and you’re that much closer to landing your next big media hit. Today Jennifer is helping me answer questions like: Why is it so important that you know the RIGHT way to pitch?  Where do you start? How do you position yourself as an expert without a large following or customer base? How should you structure your pitch? What are the biggest pitch mistakes? Let’s start pitching.
7/20/201747 minutes, 46 seconds
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#168: The Easy Start Guide to Live Video with Luria Petrucci

Video is where it’s at, folks. That’s why this latest episode is coming from my brand new studio—which, by the way, has taken me FAR outside of my comfort zone. But I wanted to take my video content to a higher level this year and that’s exactly what I’m doing, with help from my good friend Luria Petrucci of Live Streaming Pros. After Luria (and her partner David Foster) set up my studio, I wanted to hear all about her approach to video, including her recommendations on everything from equipment to tips for preparation and overall content flow. First, Luria and I break down the four different levels of live streaming, talking about what they entail, along with the pros and cons. (These levels are so insightful, I can’t wait for you to hear about them and decide which level you are operating at currently.) By the way—don’t forget to download my video gear guide freebie. You’ll find out what I’ve got going on in my new studio, as well as different alternatives if you are just getting started. You will also learn some tips for being your most natural self on camera along with Luria’s formula for rocking out a mobile live stream. Luria and I cap it all off with the 3-part strategy for how to create video content that really engages with your audience. Go listen to this episode about all things video now.
7/13/201748 minutes, 44 seconds
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#167: Your 4x4 Gut Check: Are You Moving Your Biz Forward?

The one thing nearly every entrepreneur I know, including myself, NEVER does is STOP. You’re in the fast lane practically all of the time because there’s so much to do! The problem is that because you’re going a million miles an hour, you often sacrifice important parts of the creative process of any endeavor or business: creating the space needed to slow down and imagine what could be for your business. So this week, I’m going to put aside all the talk about Facebook ads and webinar funnels to pause for a moment and answer a question that’s equally as important. How are you feeling about your business right now? Now, I know. You’re saying, “Jeez, Amy. I don’t have time to think about that. I’m too busy actually running my business.” I totally understand. I don’t check in with myself and answer that question nearly enough either. Today I’m giving myself permission to not only do that on this podcast episode but to also share my answers with you. As I go through and reveal where I am in my business right now, I want you to be thinking about or writing down where you are at the moment too. I’ve given you a freebie—a quick cheat sheet—to help you do just that. First, I’m going to do a gut-check on the four major categories that are (hopefully) driving your business forward. Then, you’re going to do something really fun—IMAGINE WHAT’S POSSIBLE. I’ll tell you about the big jump I’m making right now (and it’s definitely putting me outside of my comfort zone), as well as some of the smaller things I’m doing to keep things fresh. Lastly, I’ve got a SUPER important question I ask myself every single quarter (that I want YOU to start asking every three months). Don’t forget about the freebie; you’ll want it to take stock of how you are doing with six months to go in 2017. Gut check time. See you there.
7/6/201737 minutes, 44 seconds
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#166: How to Rework Your Struggling Online Course

I had to eat a big slice of humble pie recently when it came to reworking one of my courses. It was ALL worth it, because today I get to share with you the exact steps I used to rework my List Builder’s Lab (LBL) program. I love LBL, however I knew it was time for a change when I realized my students weren’t crossing the finish line like I wanted them to. So I had to swallow my pride and get to work. And I’m sharing the entire process with you today. This episode is all about figuring out when it’s time for a rework, how extensive it should be, and managing the process so you get it done and roll it out as efficiently as possible. By the end of it you’ll be able to answer: When is it time to re-work my course? Do I need to re-work or update my course? And what’s the difference? How do I start the process? (You’ll learn my 5-step process here.) What’s the timeline? How quickly can I get this done? What about my existing students? Do they get the latest version for free? As a preview, my first step is to survey my students. Listening to them is the most critical part of this whole process. To make it easier, I’m giving you the survey I used for reworking List Builder’s Lab. In addition to the questions I asked, I’ve added some extra commentary on why I asked those specific questions. Let’s go check out those 5 steps.  
6/29/201755 minutes, 40 seconds
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#165: How to Troubleshoot Your Biggest Webinar Challenges

There are a ton of moving parts in pulling off a successful webinar. The good news is, with so many variables, there’s a lot you can do to turn your webinar into a hit. You’ve just got to get really good at investigating what may have gone wrong. I’ve got you covered on how to do that in this week’s podcast. Even better is the freebie that goes along with it. If you’ve ever wished for a webinar checklist to keep you on track, consider it granted with Your Webinar Problem-Solving Toolkit, a series of checklists, organized by category, to help you zero in on trouble areas. Along with the deep dive I’m about to do on your toughest webinar challenges, I’m also talking about a strategy I’m using right now in my business. This is the first time I’ve shared it. You don’t want to miss this part because it basically shows you how to identify anything and everything that could go wrong in a webinar campaign or any other kind of marketing effort you’re doing. But before I get to that, I’m covering: Challenge #1: My Facebook ads aren’t getting traction! Get ready to hear a lot about targeting and retargeting. Challenge #2: My webinar registration page isn’t converting! You may need to refresh the look and feel with something simpler. Here’s an example of one of my reg pages that I talk about in the episode here. Challenge #3: My webinar isn’t converting! You don’t want to miss this part because this is where I share the thing I’ve never talked about before and it’s been a game-changer for my business. Here’s a bit of advice as you listen.  Do NOT try and implement all of the things I tell you to right away. Just focus on ONE. Whether it’s tweaking an image in a Facebook ad or redesigning your registration page, you’re taking baby steps. Don’t forget to download the freebie, either after you’ve listened or before. OK, let’s go troubleshoot.  
6/22/201751 minutes, 41 seconds
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#164: Free Content vs. Paid Content (What’s the Difference?)

Nothing will grow your business faster than sharing your expertise through blogs, podcast episodes, Facebook Live broadcasts, freebies, and more. All of that is content gold that you give away for free. The key question here is how do you know where to draw the line between free and paid content? AND, is it possible to give away too much for free? I answer those questions and more in this episode of the podcast. By the end of the show, you’ll know: My three core differences between free and paid content The key principles I use for free vs. paid content Examples of how I do this in my business with my courses, using my podcast, and other kinds of content And if you are feeling like your creative pipeline is beginning to dry up, you’re really going to enjoy this week’s freebie. It’s my new and improved “10 Free Content Triggers” guide for developing cheat sheets, blueprints, checklists and more. I’ve reworked this into something that’s pretty hot and trust me, you don’t want to miss it. Ready to learn how to differentiate your free and paid content? Get all of the goods here.
6/15/201727 minutes, 48 seconds
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#163: Demystifying the Facebook Pixel

Do you know who’s visited your website in the last 24 hours? What about who visited your most recent blog post but while visiting your site did not sign up to get your latest freebie? Do you know who’s watching just for the first few minutes of your latest Facebook video but then moving on to something else? Welcome to Facebook Pixel Optimization. Don’t be nervous! We’re going to ease into all you need to know with my Facebook ad guru Rick Mulready, who can break down the Power Editor like Stephen Hawking does the universe. These are the questions Rick and I tackle in this episode: What is the Facebook pixel? What does it do?  (Yes, a few fundamentals just in case you are new to this environment!) How do I set it up? When do I use it? What are event codes? How does it measure efficiency? Where can I see the data? What’s the difference between a Facebook account pixel and a conversion pixel? Why do I have to put the pixel on specific web pages when it’s already on my website? How is the pixel related to retargeting? Why do my Facebook conversion stats differ a lot from my LeadPages notifications for the same campaign? What are the essentials for running an effective retargeting ad campaign? How can I use retargeting for people who watch my Facebook Live videos? After someone views a blog post with the pixel, how long do I have to retarget them? Phew. That’s a lot, right? And that’s not all! Download Rick’s article, “The Complete Guide to the Facebook Ads Pixel,” and you will become a pixel master in no time.
6/8/20171 hour, 1 minute, 31 seconds
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#162: The New Rules of Facebook Marketing

As quickly as Facebook changes, there are some things that are as true today as they were a few years ago: Facebook cares more about its users vs. the marketers. Likes, comments, shares, views, and clicks are gold—the more, the better. The more personal you are and the more you do to generate real and valuable interaction, the more your fans will engage (by liking, sharing, etc.). Now, HOW you accomplish those three points has changed A LOT. Why? Well, there are few reasons. You’ve heard me talk about the infamous Facebook algorithm, and while I’m not going to nerd out on all of its particulars (there are hundreds), it does have everything to do with how many of your fans are actually seeing your posts. If you start to understand just a little bit about how it works, you can get smarter about the kind of content you’re creating. Feel me? I’m going to tell you how to do that by sharing my: Three truths about what’s working on Facebook TODAY (including why your post has to perform well from the minute it goes live) Five new rules of Facebook marketing (and the one thing you should STOP doing right now) Three words to live by as you experiment with and test these new ways of driving engagement (and they actually apply to all parts of your business!) Along the way, you’ll hear me talk about how I’m implementing some of these new rules in real time, like video. Creating more video is a HUGE priority for me this year (so much so that I’m even building a studio in my house—pics to come on Facebook and Instagram soon!). Starting this week I’m doing weekly Facebook Live videos (go to to find out when) where we’ll talk about some of the content on the podcast and more. And I’m going to be incorporating more video into my posts. You already know that video is huge with Facebook. What kind of video to create is also critical—and an important part of this episode—because the more you make viewers stop, watch and unmute your video, the more Facebook will reward you by pushing your videos out to larger segments of your community. For examples of what types of videos to model, make sure to download my 2017 Ultimate Guide to What’s Working Now on Facebook. It’s loaded with examples of video you can use to start reimagining your Facebook engagement strategy right NOW.  
6/1/201751 minutes, 32 seconds
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#161: Love & Business: How to Make it Work

If you think being an entrepreneur is tough, try being married to one. Just ask Hobie Porterfield (as I do in this episode). You’ve heard me talk about my hunky husband from time to time, and just how important he is to the success of my business. But I’ve never really talked about what that means exactly. In isolation, running a business and keeping a marriage together are tough. Together? It’s an entirely different beast. The fact is, entrepreneurship brings a very different dimension to a marriage. People with 9-to-5 jobs usually work in organizations that provide support, training and resources. Entrepreneurship can be isolating, which is one reason we often turn to our spouses or significant others for support. So today, Hobie and I are talking about what the road has been like for us. In this episode we reveal: Why Hobie thinks the significant other is 40% of your business success My recent ‘aha’ moment about what it means to REALLY spend time together How we give each other what we need, EVEN during the most stressful times The five most important things we do to make our marriage work We’re in a pretty awesome place now, but it wasn’t always that way, and we figure out something new every day, including us coming up with a trigger word (it’s a celebrity name - can you guess which one?) to bring me back to him when my iPhone has got me sucked in! This is every bit as important (probably more) as planning your next big launch or creating a new marketing funnel. You’ve got to nurture your personal relationships with the same care, intensity and passion as you do your business. Go listen here now, your main squeeze will thank you for it, I promise ;-)
5/25/201749 minutes, 53 seconds
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#160: Behind the Scenes of My Website Redesign

Here’s the thing: businesses evolve and grow. Mine has (and so will yours). And what worked a few years ago for my website is no longer reflective of where I am today. If you know it’s time for a website revamp, let this serve as your roadmap of sorts. While you may make different decisions than I did, the overall message you should take away is the same: You need to be intentional and strategic about every part of your site. For example, deciding what to feature on the homepage will influence so many other things like navigation, the sitemap, overall user experience, and ultimately, conversions. (If you simply don’t have the bandwidth to take on this kind of project right now, listen to this episode as a resource you can use when you’re ready (make sure to download the freebie and save it to your computer!). Here’s how the episode breaks down: Part 1—Planning: Learn some of the questions you MUST have answers to before you even think about development. Part 2—The Map: Why you have to plot out every page (and I walk you through why my homepage is laid out the way it is). Part 3—The Miscues: My five biggest flops, like not including my team in the process. Yeah. Smooth move, Amy. Part 4—Your Decision: Find out the elements my designer, Jessica, says you must have for success. PLUS, don’t forget to download the 10 Essential Elements for Your Website freebie. It’ll save you some headaches, I promise! One last thing—if you can, go to my website’s homepage ( as you listen so you can see some of the elements I talk about during the episode.  
5/18/201752 minutes, 54 seconds
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#159: How I Found, Hired and Work With My Project Manager

When you’re just starting out, you can manage everything on your own. And you probably have to—until you’re generating revenue. As soon as that happens, things change. Priorities shift. To-do lists grow. New ideas, projects and opportunities pop up every day, all of which are left for you to juggle with. What if you had the right support to help keep you and your business not only in check, but growing? Imagine that new email campaign copy you’ve avoided writing for days has been broken down, researched and organized in such a way that it almost feels like you’re just filling in the blanks. Imagine you’re no longer prioritizing and checking off each box of your to-do list, rather it’s a document that lives with someone else, somewhere else—far, far away from you. Imagine you’re no longer the gatekeeper of every new project, launch, contractor or task. Your project manager (or PM) is handling it all for you. On this podcast episode I start the conversation about why this role is (or will be) essential for your business. By the end of the episode you’ll know: What a PM could do for your business (immediately and long term) Where to find a PM When you’re ready for a PM (and how much one costs) Why “TEA time” with your PM is crucial for success Plus, I’m lifting the curtain to show you how I found, hired, trained and integrated my crazy awesome PM, Chloe, into my business. Do me one quick favor before you start listening: Download this week’s freebie, and get your Project Manager Hiring Toolkit. Job description? Check. New hire survey? Check. Even if you are not ready to hire just yet, GET IT NOW to have when you need it!  
5/11/201753 minutes, 47 seconds
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#158: Saving Sales & Rescuing Refunds

You know how intense launches are from start to finish, right? You’ve heard me say here repeatedly that you’ve got to think through every part of it. And in so many ways, once that cart opens, you’ve got to double your efforts to save sales. Then once those carts close, you have to get scrappy to keep those new customers happy, and rescue any potential refunds. There are going to be so many people who just can’t make a decision about you. Even after you’ve given everything by building a superior course or program, with every bell and whistle an online student could wish for. However, the doubt surfaces because most folks are just looking for a way out (revisit Episode #156 with my good friend Russell Brunson later for more). Your job is to not let them find a way out, and the best, most effective way to do that is to meaningfully connect with your customers as much as possible. This episode is loaded with strategies on how to save potential sales during your next promo and ensure you don’t get a bunch of refunds, including: How to hone your refund policy. (Ever wondered why mine is so strict? I talk about it in this episode.) Why your webinar Q&As are critical to your promotion success. How you can empower and engage new students with your onboarding emails. Because I’m covering A LOT of ground with this episode, I want you to download the freebie so you have a handy list of the 5 Strategies to Save Your Sales and 7 Ways to Rescue Potential Refunds. I’m also giving you the exact phone script I used when I offered a 1-800 number during a launch. That’s TWO great reasons to download, so make sure you secure that freebie and put it in a safe place for your next launch. Also: Stay on until the end because I’m going through the pros and cons of whether you should drip the content in your program and how that decision can impact your refund rate.  
5/4/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 36 seconds
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#157: The Bonus Brainstorm: How to Create a Bonus Package for Your Next Course Offer (Rebroadcast)

I don’t know about you, but I’m the type of person who loves to pick up a book I’ve read a bunch of times already, read it again, and find new takeaways. I love doing that, because I know every time I’m reading that book I’m in a different place in my life, making me see the insights in a new light. In that same spirit: There was such an overwhelming response to the original episode I recorded on creating compelling bonuses, that I wanted to rebroadcast this episode, with a new take. So not only am I teaching you the bonus strategies that have worked for me and my business, but I’ve got an all-new insight that I wanted to share that’s made a BIG difference in my launch results. Here’s a little of what I’ll cover in this mini-workshop all about creating bonuses: Strategies that have worked to drive sales for me over and over again How to incentivize buyers to buy on cart open day (instead of waiting!) The best bonuses to offer for an affiliate launch Then I want you to implement what you’ve learned in this workshop and download my worksheet—I give the five steps for creating extraordinary bonuses for your product EVERY TIME. This is a must have exercise to help you create bonuses that convert. I also give you a new full-pay bonus strategy that worked for me recently. As promised in the episode, here is how I positioned the three group coaching calls: And since I do not explain the live small group coaching calls on the webinar, I made sure to include some details about the bonus on the sales page: So whether you are offering a full-pay, fast-action or 48-hour bonus, if you want to position your program or product to demand higher prices, get more customers into your program, and have a compelling way to get potential buyers off the fence, make sure to walk through this mini-training.  
4/27/201748 minutes, 25 seconds
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#156: Expert Secrets & Online Strategies with Russell Brunson

In online marketing, no one knows how to build a movement better than super entrepreneur Russell Brunson. You’ve probably heard me talk about his very popular software company ClickFunnels, but he’s also got a coaching company, a supplements company and he’s a best-selling author with a new book out called Expert Secrets (get your free copy at In this episode of the podcast, Russell shares some of the book’s juiciest concepts, including: Why 1,000 true fans are all you need to build a movement through your business. How to create a sweet spot in the market you serve and how to find new opportunities in it (because that’s where all the gold is). The rules you must live by to play like a boss. You’ll find an amazing amount of practical strategies; from identifying your ideal market niche and leading them to create new opportunities, all the way to understanding the REAL reasons why people buy your stuff and why charging what you’re worth actually shows you care more than anything else. Through it all, Russell is soooo good at breaking down the consumer psyche and giving you the confidence needed to build the business of your wildest dreams. I loved this book so much and I know you will too—that’s why I’m giving it to you for free. All you have to pay for is the shipping and handling. So make sure you go to to get your copy now. This offer won’t last long so make sure you do it NOW.  
4/20/201747 minutes, 21 seconds
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#155: The New 'FB Messenger Ads' with Rick Mulready

Facebook ad expert, Rick Mulready, is back to talk about a tremendous new Ad tool that he’s already leveraging to drive major results in his business. If you’re starting to hear more about Facebook Messenger Ads, it’s for good reason. You’re probably one of the billion people who use the Messenger app to chat with family and friends instantaneously every day. But what if an ad popped up from your favorite clothing store and just by clicking it you could ask about one of their new products? Better yet, what if a rep from that store gets back to you immediately. BAM. That’s the beauty of Facebook Messenger ads for your customers. (It’s the first ad type that gets your ideal customer avatar talking with you instantly.) Now for you, this means being able to answer questions or address objections to your programs and courses in real time, like during a launch when you’re trying to close more sales. Today Rick and I go inside why this new format is climbing the charts and how you can take advantage of it right now. In the episode, Rick talks about his experience using Messenger Ads for the first time. Make sure to listen to get all the details about how this ad below performed for him! I’ve also included some screenshots of what the interface looks like when you’re creating the ad inside of The Power Editor. It’s super easy. You can check it out step by step below. Step 1: Go to ads creation in Ads Manager or Power Editor. Step 2: Choose the Traffic objective and complete your Campaign name, adset name, and ad name. Step 3: Under the adset level, select website or messenger. Continue by Choosing your audience, budget and placement. Step 4: At the ad level, Choose the Page you want to connect Step 5: At the ad level, select your image/video and copy. Choose a welcome message. When people click on your ad, they will automatically be directed to Messenger and receive a copy of your ad and the welcome message. *You can select any call-to-action button, in addition to ‘Send Message’. A Messenger icon will appear next to this call-to-action button in the ad. *NOTE: Your ad to open conversations in Messenger won’t appear to people on mobile who don’t have the Messenger app. So ready to tackle a new world of Facebook Messenger ads? Get all the starter details here—and don’t forget to sign up for Rick’s brand new webinar, “How to Create an Automated Facebook Ads System That Gets Leads & Sales Every Day.” I think we all need a bit of that magic!
4/13/201737 minutes, 54 seconds
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#154: 7 Content Creation Ideas to Use When You’re Feeling Uninspired

Don’t you wish for a button you could push to get your creative brain synapses firing when it seems like they’ve gone on vacation? While we’re waiting on that magic, I’ve got something to bring you back into the light because we’re all human, right? You may be the most creative person EVER, but for whatever reason, there are times when content inspiration is elusive and it is a battle to come up with something new. This is especially true when you’ve been in the game for a while and feel like you’ve covered every angle of your industry. The good news is there are always more directions you can explore. Here’s a quick tease of the strategies I talk about on today’s show to help you create new content when you feel less than gung-ho: I’ll tell you about how I just dusted off some old content and gave it a new fresh spin (and how you can do the same thing with your own pieces!). The sure-fire way I ALWAYS am inspired to create new content (it involves me first and foremost stepping away from my laptop…). You’re not alone in creating your content. In fact, you have a HUGE resource for new content that you may not have thought of... Make sure you stay on until the end when I reveal the process I use to ensure I am always delivering top-notch content. If an idea doesn’t make it past one of these phases, I don’t do it. Period. And check out my ‘10 Days of Inspiration’ one-pager freebie because, unfortunately, you can’t always wait for inspiration to hit you. You have deadlines. Sometimes, you have to hunt that inspiration thing down yourself. This will help get the ideas flowing, I promise!  
4/6/201736 minutes, 41 seconds
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#153: 3 Ways to Get More Mileage Out of Your Course (Especially If You Have a Small List)

You know that feeling after you’ve just poured blood, sweat and so many tears into building something, like, say, an online course? There is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment that comes with building a course! So of course you want to make sure you are marketing it effectively. Enter Victoria Gibson, online business coach and mentor extraordinaire. She’s all about helping entrepreneurs get BIG results with their online courses and coaching programs. One of her clients built a 7-figure business in two years following the principles she is going to talk to us about on this episode. Here’s a quick preview: Is your program loaded with videos, downloadable audio and PDF worksheets? What about actual one-on-one time with you? That’s right. Your course may need more of YOU. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean endless hours spent Facetiming. If you’re just starting out, you may be thinking, “Well, how could I possibly charge more than $97 for my course?” When the REAL question may be how could you not charge MORE? Feeling repetitive? You’re doing it right. Your customers need to hear your core message a lot. Plus, being consistent and clear is what will later allow you to expand once you’ve nailed your message and built a mighty (no matter what size) community that loves what you’re giving them. Get ready to hear all of the crucial course-selling knowledge Victoria is dropping. *Correction: Stay tuned for my next amazing interview with Rick Mulready in Episode 155
3/30/201747 minutes, 53 seconds
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#152: How to Avoid FOMO in Your Biz & Make Better Decisions

When a new opportunity comes along, do you immediately jump for joy to be a part of something new and exciting, or are you cautiously weighing your options? The thing is: Are you choosing things that are really driving your business forward or do you have a case of FOMO (fear of missing out)? And trust me, I’m your girl when it comes to all the various ways FOMO can creep into how you’re operating and end up costing you in the long run. After a few expensive missteps (one to the tune of $20,000; more about that here), I’ve gotten really good at saying, “No,” to the things that don’t fit the stage of growth I’m in with my business right now. Did you read that last part? I said, “RIGHT NOW.” And that’s important because we’re not talking about how to say, “No,” on this week’s show. We are talking about how to intelligently evaluate those shiny, fun, killer sounding opportunities that come your way and make everything inside of you shout, “Hell, yeah!” But is it really “Hell, yeah!”, or is it more of a “maybe later”? To help you figure it out, we’re talking about the 3 critical questions I ask myself every time a new or unexpected opportunity comes my way. Listen to the show and then download my new One Page Evaluator freebie. It helps you figure out how to answer those questions, and includes a few extras that will really help you drill down the next time you have a big decision to make.
3/23/201731 minutes, 11 seconds
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#151: 38,000+ Members in 2 Years: Tips to Building a Highly Engaged Facebook Group with Jill & Josh Stanton

Let’s rewind for a sec. Back in episode #146, I dished on Facebook groups. This is one of the bold moves I want you to consider making in 2017, because if you take the time to do it thoughtfully, it could be a tremendous game-changer for your business. No one knows that more than Jill and Josh Stanton. In just two years the Facebook group they built for their ‘Screw the Nine to Five’ business has skyrocketed from less than 7,000 members to nearly 40,000. You’re going to hear us talking about a lot of wicked smart strategies they are using to maximize the impact of the group on their business—list-building, selling, cross-promoting, sexy funnels and more. BUT, pay attention to me here because I don’t want you getting overwhelmed. Keep your eyes on the prize as you listen to the podcast (and lose your mind over all the cool things that Jill shares). The point of a Facebook group is engagement. The more you do that, by asking questions, listening and showing up in general, the more you’re going to know about what your audience wants and needs. That’s the magic fairy dust your group will sprinkle so you really can see, hear and feel your audience, as well as show them mad love by delivering content that will make a difference in their lives. Some of the topics explored include: Cracking the code on how to find out what your group members truly WANT. (Hint: Polls are everything.) Using the group to build your email list and cross-promote your other programs. (For example, the Stantons market their membership site inside the group, which serves as an entry point for their sales funnels.) Striking a harmonious balance between free content shared in the group with paid content in a membership site or whatever you’re selling. Keeping content organized inside of the group. Managing the group, especially the bigger it gets. The kind of support needed, as well as how often you need to get involved. The role Facebook Live can play in the group. (You’ll love the unique way Jill and Josh are using it OUTSIDE of their group too!) This episode is LOADED. Listen up. Oh, and one more very exciting thing. I did my first ever ‘after show’ with Jill and Josh. There was just so much to cover. Download it here and listen to more of our chat on their Facebook group do’s and don’ts, why the group should be about YOU and the value of connecting your members. EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Get the After Show with Jill and Josh Stanton FREE DOWNLOAD  
3/16/201749 minutes, 48 seconds
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#150: [Case Study] How to Turn a Pre-Launch Strategy Into a Wildly Profitable Online Launch with Terri Cole and David Vox

You know how I feel about having a pre-launch strategy—it’s crucial for success. Last week’s episode was all about the nuts and bolts of creating a successful pre-launch strategy. Today’s episode makes that plan truly actionable, as I deliver a case study of what that blueprint looks like in the real world. I talk to my good friends Terri Cole and David Vox who implemented a pre-launch strategy well in advance of their launch . . . and guess what followed? A wildly successful 6-figure launch they can now implement over and over again, and expect amazing results. Just a little background: Terri is a New York-based psychotherapist and founder of the Real Love Revolution, which has helped thousands of women transform their lives. David, Terri’s business partner, is a marketing and branding expert who’s produced over 150 transformational coaching programs. Get your notebook (or laptop) ready because not only are we talking about the seven specific steps they followed, we geek out on numbers—email open rates, webinar sign-ups, sales conversions, total revenue, social media and email list growth, Facebook ad spend (which will blow your freakin’ mind), and more. Take notes. AND stay on until the end because that’s when we talk about some of the things they won’t ever do again and what they’re planning to do next time around. Also: If you haven’t downloaded my 90-Day Pre-Launch Blueprint freebie, you might just want to grab that while you listen along to this week’s episode. These are the key steps they followed: Step 1: Launch a pilot program. Step 2: Survey your list. Step 3: Built a main platform (Terri and David chose YouTube). Step 4: Create a launch freebie. Step 5: Create a free, closed community inside of Facebook. Step 6: Create a 21-day challenge for that private Facebook community. Step 7: Cart opens—launch with a multi-webinar strategy. *NOTE: Steps 1 through 6 are all PRE-LAUNCH SPECIFICS. Let’s dive in! Once you’ve listened to this episode, go back and listen to last week’s and make sure you download my 90-Day Pre-Launch Blueprint freebie. These are some next-level goods. Get moving! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's 90-Day Pre-Launch Blueprint FREE DOWNLOAD  
3/9/20171 hour, 17 minutes, 22 seconds
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#149: Your 90-Day Pre-Launch Blueprint

Here’s the truth: Planning your pre-launch is JUST as important as preparing your actual launch strategy. And the right pre-launch ramp-up will help you set the stage for a successful launch. While there are many ways to execute a pre-launch strategy, sometimes it’s nice when you can cut through all of the noise and follow a single, no-nonsense, proven blueprint that’ll get you where you want to go. That’s what I have for you today: A 90-day pre-launch roadmap that you can follow to create the momentum you need for an effective launch. Today’s plan is broken up into three months of specific strategies that build on each other. There are three key concepts: CREATE and post original content weekly CONNECT with your audience with a Facebook community COMMIT with a 21-day Challenge I also have a comprehensive guide to the 3 Cs to help you execute your plan. You can get that here. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's 90-Day Pre-Launch Blueprint FREE DOWNLOAD Over the next 90 days of this plan you will learn: How to get into the habit of creating consistent content every week (and how to get the most leads out of that content!) The best place to set up your opt-in How to segment your audience How to run a Facebook group that truly engages and conditions your audience to hear from you Check out that step-by-step blueprint now!
3/2/201757 minutes, 31 seconds
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#148: 3 Tips to Fix Your Facebook Ad Targeting

Facebook ad targeting is the trickiest thing! I hear this in my private groups everyday. There are so many targeting combinations available for you on Facebook, it’s hard to know where to start to get out of the weeds. I’m walking you through it all with the help of my go-to Facebook ads expert, Rick Mulready. By the end you will be able to answer: Am I sure the problem is my targeting? What’s new that I’m not yet doing? Are my targeting groups set up correctly? Facebook ads are changing constantly, and by changing they are evolving — think about how much Facebook Live has grown in the last year and then consider all the ways that retargeting might be possible in those avenues… If you’re feeling confused, you’re in the right place. Rick and I are breaking it all down for you. We are going to walk you through 3 ways to fix your Facebook ad targeting—and the first way will surprise you. We are going in deep on ad copy, relevance scores, new audiences to retarget, and of course the basics. Rick and I break down how you can leverage many different custom audiences and groups. You will be confident about where you should be putting your time and energy after you listen. We even walk you through how to set yourself up to tackle your changes one step at a time so you can understand what’s working and what’s not working. By the end you’ll know exactly how to apply these 3 tips to work for you. Start listening here! Once you’ve heard this episode, click back to this page. The images below will be helpful to get a snapshot of the new-ish Facebook Page engagement targeting. It’s a cool feature you will likely want to check out once you get the details here.
2/16/201738 minutes, 14 seconds
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#147: How to Ask Better Questions and Get Better Business Results with Marie Forleo

Today I’m talking about the ONE THING that could be holding you back in your business. This is a real obstacle that can STALL your business growth. I know this because it stunted my own growth. Today I’m talking about the low-value bullsh*t questions you ask yourself that make you feel stuck. These are the questions that suck the soul out of you and can make you feel that you are not cut out for this entrepreneurial life. The scary thing is that you likely don’t even know you’re doing it! But if you feel discouraged by your progress and “not enough” in your business, you are for sure doing it. It’s time to find some new, alternative questions, don’t you think? To help me tackle this very important topic, I’ve asked my own mentor and former business coach (and one of my favorite guests!), Marie Forleo, to help me make this into something extremely tangible and actionable for you. I put five “low-value” questions—the kind that make your heart sink—in front of Marie and I asked her to turn them into questions that will lead you down the road to bigger results and successes. And boy, did she deliver. We also have some fun in the process, so take a listen here. Before we dive into those 5 crucial low-value questions and their empowered high-value counterparts, one last note: Marie has released a free video training series—and it’s exceptional. It answers the question I hear ALL THE TIME: “How do I know I’m working on the right strategies and focusing on the right things to make my business work?” So this has become a must-watch for me, and my students. Here are the five questions Marie is making over in today’s podcast: LOW VALUE QUESTION #1: What if no one buys what I'm selling? LOW VALUE QUESTION #2: What if they think I'm a fraud? LOW VALUE QUESTION #3: I don’t have enough __________ (experience/time/money/know-how/exposure) so how can I possibly compete against X? LOW VALUE QUESTION #4: I’m too far behind! Why didn't I get into this online marketing game earlier? LOW VALUE QUESTION #5: This is taking too long. Why am I not finding success more quickly? Check out the NEW high-value questions here—and then starting USING them to shift your mindset to get bigger results in all you do. Let’s get rid of the limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that may be holding you back—time to get inspired and raise your business game, for good.
2/9/201752 minutes, 48 seconds
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#146: 3 Types of Facebook Groups: How to Use Them to Strengthen Your Impact, Leadership and Profits (Part 1)

You might of heard me say that one of the bold moves you can make in 2017 is to build your very own, private Facebook Group to include with your course package. But, there’s one thing I haven’t told you yet... How to do it! Today, I’m breaking down how to not only set up your group, but how to make it grow for the long-term. This week’s mini training is all about what it takes to create a successful private Facebook Group to support the students inside of your paid programs. I’ve been doing these groups for a long time and today I’m sharing the behind the scenes details about what works—and what doesn’t. Also, make sure to grab my step-by-step how to guide for setting up for your first private Facebook group. It includes REAL LIFE EXAMPLES of others doing great things in their own groups and I’ve also included directions for how to set up your own private group. Download here. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Facebook Course Group Primer FREE DOWNLOAD Get ready to strengthen your impact, leadership and profits with specialty Facebook Groups - I’ll give you the entire scoop here.
2/2/201751 minutes, 28 seconds
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#145: 13 Questions to Nail Down Your Winning Webinar Topic and Title

Launching your first webinar is a pretty exciting feeling. You’re running on adrenaline and diving into slide decks, email copy, webinar platforms, and so much more. And because I know you’re likely juggling a million things right now (that’s normal, right?!), I’m here to help you take the first BIG step in webinar planning: Identifying a perfect webinar TOPIC and then crafting it into an irresistible TITLE. Now once you nail that title (as I know you will!), I also give 13 questions that will help you REALLY KNOW if you’ve nailed it. But what happens if you listen to my latest mini-training, come up with your topic and title and then realize you totally missed the mark and it’s just not working for you? In my freebie of the week, I’ve not only included those 13 CRUCIAL QUESTIONS, but also some solid troubleshooting tips to get you through any challenges you might come up against. Just grab it below. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's 13 Questions That Will Reveal If You Have a Winning Webinar Topic and Title FREE DOWNLOAD Your webinar topic and title needs to be irresistible and actionable. It needs to instantly grab your audience’s attention, while focusing on just one thing. Let me walk you through how to get it done, so you can get to the finish line a heck of a lot quicker.
1/26/201744 minutes, 41 seconds
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#144: How to Prepare, Plan & Execute a Profitable 5-Day Challenge

Have you been seeing the ultra-successful challenges that many smart marketers have been implementing in their business? Are you curious about how it all works? Then this powerhouse mini-training is for you. Online challenges are a fantastic tool for building your email list. However, there’s actually an incredible benefit that most marketers hosting challenges don’t take advantage of. My guest today is revealing his action-packed plan that shows you how you can actually make money from your first challenge — in addition to growing your email list. Zach Spuckler is no ordinary business guy. He’s 22 years old and already an online business expert with a long list of tried and true success stories to show for it, including a $22K+ 5-Day Challenge strategy he is sharing on my podcast today. Click to learn Zach’s flawless plan that you can leverage to execute your own 5-day Challenge. Like anything, when it comes to Challenges, you need a system. A plan that will get you started. That is what I’m giving you today. A detailed, exact plan for conquering your first challenge. You can use this plan again and again. Zach is also giving you a free resource guide where you will find all the specifics of his well-executed challenge so that you can take action immediately. Listen now. Add depth to your 2017 online business plan by not only hosting a challenge, but conquering it! Get started here.
1/19/201758 minutes, 37 seconds
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#143: How Do I Know If I’m Delivering Enough Value in My Course (for the Price I Want to Charge)?

You are a rock star, a risk-taker, and your course content is awesome. You know this because you’ve put your blood, sweat and tears into making it great. Yet . . . . You’re finding yourself wondering, does my course content justify my price? You’re not alone. Course creation is one of my favorite topics, but it can be incredibly tricky to lay it all out there — especially for your first course. I’ve not only created multiple courses, but I’ve helped so many entrepreneurs who are struggling with their online courses turn them around and enable them to sell confidently. This week I’m sharing with you how to know if you’re offering enough value for the price point you’ve set. I’m also sharing 7 WAYS TO SAVE YOUR ONLINE COURSE. If you created your course outline and feel that something’s missing OR maybe you’ve completed your entire course and something just feels off, I’ve got the FIX for you. In this episode, I give you 7 detailed strategies that you can use to actively save your course and see success with selling it at the price point you’ve set. Get my free detailed checklist that outlines exactly what you can do to save your course and make it even better. Download it now. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's 7 Ways to Save Your Online Course FREE DOWNLOAD The question I am answering in this week’s episode, is: Do you have enough value to justify your price point? Maybe you’ve seen courses similar to yours offered at a lower cost or you’re having second thoughts about your higher price. This is gut check time and this week’s episode will bolster your confidence around your price. Does the value you’re offering in your course justify the price? Click here to find out. There are several strategies for knowing if you’re offering enough value for the price point you’re charging. I’m giving you my sure-fire tip for the best way to outline your course in a way that continuously keeps it fresh — and why this is so important to the overall success of your course. Then, I give you a list of 12 questions to ask yourself that will help you confidently determine the quality in your course content. These questions will help you be the risk-taker you are, examine your offer as a whole, and lay it all out there for your students. You will want to use these strategies not only to identify what pieces of content you may want to change (or add), but to ensure that you feel confident in your product and have added all the value you can (without overwhelming your students!). Boost your confidence, find out how your course value rates. Click here!
1/12/201743 minutes, 24 seconds
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#142: 7 Bold Moves to Shake Up Your Business NOW

Forget your resolutions. Instead, let’s focus on making ONE BOLD MOVE in your business in 2017. I have seven ways for you to put a stake in the ground and inject new life into your business starting NOW. Most of these seven I have done myself, so I know they can boost your business, give you a shot of confidence and be a massive game changer. For a little extra push and motivation, I want you to also check out my freebie: my must read list to build momentum in 2017. I can’t think of anything better than a great book to help bring me new perspectives and ideas. Also, when I need inspiration, I turn to books. So for me, diving into some good books is CRUCIAL if you want to propel your business forward. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Must Read List to Build Momentum in 2017 FREE DOWNLOAD As for the 7 bold moves, I carefully picked each of them because I know they will help drive growth for your business, and can be implemented with little cost on your part. In fact, I’ve include how you can take action for each move. Amongst those seven, I have ways to revolutionize your content, launch a new community, find a group of mentors, help you drill down on your business, and more. I think there is a little something for everyone—check it out and pick your bold move for the New Year now.
1/5/201754 minutes, 27 seconds
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#141: Where Should I Spend My Money As I Build My Online Business?

Of the hundreds of online tools and resources out there— and there are hundreds—it’s tough to know where to spend money and where to save. My team and I have used many and have found the ‘tried and true’ tools that will assist you for the long run and give you the resources you need to navigate your online business through the three stages of launching. Today it’s all about growing a profitable business with the right resources, while also keeping it lean. To get you started, click here for this value-packed tools guide (it’s FREE!), which details the specific tools and resources I mention (and more) and how you can leverage them right away. Get my detailed list here! This detailed, tested, proven list of online resources will keep you organized, increase your profits and make you look like the pro that you are. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's 2017 Online Business Tool Must-Haves FREE DOWNLOAD Also, in this episode, I break down three crucial stages to building a strong online business and specifically share with you:      How to gauge what stage you’re in      The signs that you’re ready to graduate to the next level      The specific tools that will get your business built for long-term profits What stage are you in? Click here to find out!
12/29/201650 minutes, 44 seconds
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#140: How to Create a 5-Day Social Media Video Series for Rapid List Growth

Today we’re talking about doing LIVE with purpose—specifically Facebook Live, Periscope, Snapchat and Instagram Stories. In fact, my guest, Nicole Walters, a sought-after online influencer, left her corporate job (she even gave her resignation live on Periscope!) to help entrepreneurs learn how their small wins can lead to big results. She is here diving into her 5-step process for creating a multi-day video series that will help you rapidly grow your email list. Regardless of your platform, this step-by-step process for creating your own video series will work for you. Get the step-by-step details here. Despite the amazing results you can get from video, some entrepreneurs (new and experienced alike) let their fears and anxieties psyche them out of using it. If you’re ready to focus on building your list, this is where you want to be focusing. These 5 steps will break down how to create your list building video series. What should your video series be about? We’ll cover that. How long should each video be? Yep, that one too. How do you grow your email list with each video? Check! and so much more After listening, you will understand how to do social video the right way while building up your email list. In addition to the 5 steps, this episode gives you best practices for using live video. I’m talking crucial dos and don’ts that are truly valuable for newbies and experts alike. In fact there’s one mistake that so many of us make. After hearing what it is and how to avoid it, you won’t make the same mistake! This episode might be the most fun I’ve had all year! Send your fears and nerves packing and create videos with confidence and conviction now! Get started here!
12/15/201639 minutes, 54 seconds
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#139: The 10 Most Powerful Episodes to Help Move Your Business Forward

So here we are: The Best of 2016 List. I have to admit, compiling this special list for you was the highlight of my week! Not only because I got to look back and remember all of the cool episodes we tackled together, but also because I had the chance to think about the impact the lessons hopefully had on your business too. My team and I chose this Top 10 List based on a few factors, including the download stats, the feedback and stories from our listeners and my own personal favorites. So although this list is not solely based on analytics, each episode that made the list was chosen with the intention to offer powerful insights and strategies to your marketing plan as you move into the new year. So if you missed one of these episodes, make sure to listen to it before we ring in the new year! Also make sure to download the freebie for this episode on my top business lessons for the year—I compiled these for you to make sure you can learn from my mistakes AND my wins. Get all of those a-has at One last note: Of course NONE of this would be possible without you and your support. So I want to THANK YOU for a fantastic year! So (drumroll please…..) here they are: My 10 Most Powerful Podcasts for 2016 #10: “Media, Meditation and a Little Motivation” with Gabby Bernstein (Episode 129) The gist: Gabby Bernstein, best-selling author and next-generation thought leader, shows you how you can burst through the resistance and actually create those new opportunities for your business. Her techniques of choice have included meditation and manifestation – two things I’ve never personally explored in my own business until now. Why it made the list: I know the question some of you may be asking: Am I still meditating? The answer is YES! I have made it a 10-minute morning habit to meditate. Gabby’s urging to do so was definitely a jumping off point for me. And I feel that it has given me so much more clarity of the projects that I want to work on and where I want to spend my time. And another really cool factor: It’s allowed me to worry less. I’m a worrier by nature and that 10 minutes in the morning has lessened me from unnecessary worrying and replaced it with more clarity . . . which has lead to more confidence in my daily decisions. #9: “Preparing for Future Traffic Declines: What Content Creators Need to Know” with Mike Stelzner (Episode 134) The gist: I give you the latest trends in social media marketing with the man who knows best: my early mentor, friend, and founder of Social Media Examiner, Michael Stelzner. Why it made the list: I have to admit that I was a bit scared to share this episode because it has an undertone of doom and gloom when it comes to social media and the online landscape. However, the insights and the suggested strategies that Mike shares in this episode are so incredibly valuable that this was a discussion that needed to be had. I also felt that there’s nobody better than Mike (as founder of Social Media Examiner) to share some of the findings. And I think that you will find it very actionable for your business! #8: “How to Grow a Profitable Facebook Group” with Josh and Jill Stanton (Episode 97) The gist: My guests on the podcast, the irrepressible Josh and Jill Stanton from Screw the Nine to Five, share their secret strategies for using private Facebook Groups to build a community of affinity and trust around your brand. Why it made the list: Facebook’s landscape has changed considerably over the last year. And where I used to say that you want to put all of your efforts into your Facebook Page and build engagement, I am now convinced that you will get a bigger bang for your buck if you create your own private Facebook Groups around a specific topic and build your community that way. Ultimately I think this strategy is more niche focused and intimate, and the conversations are richer and more valuable. I also like that in this episode, Jill and Josh go beyond list building and talk about how to sell your online courses through these private Groups. Plus, Jill and Josh are hilarious—so it’s an entertaining one! #7: “How Do I Price My Online Course?” (Episode 107) The gist: I want you to price your course with confidence. So I’ve got your seven-step pricing strategy to help you determine what you should really charge for your course—and feel “whole” about the entire process. Why it made the list: I love this episode because it takes all of the guesswork out of pricing. When people are creating online courses, they often get stuck in the pricing war in their head. They want to charge one price but they’re not sure if their product is valuable enough to charge that price. And they’re not really sure what determines the price of a product. In this episode, I literally broke down all of the factors that go into making a pricing decision. Once you go through the different reasons as to why you’re coming up with the price, you as the creator of that course can be incredibly confident that the price you are charging is definitely worth it (because of the value you are delivering). #6: “Are You Repelling or Attracting Your Potential Customers?” with Jasmine Star (Episode 106) The gist: My special guest, marketing and branding strategist Jasmine Star, paints a vivid and thought-provoking picture of her avatar, Elle, and gives you tons of other great social media advice. Why it made the list: First of all, this episode was the beginning of a beautiful friendship! I now talk to Jasmine every single week. So this chat started something that I am so fortunate to have today. Secondly, this year I was onstage three times to talk about social media (at the Business Boutique event via the Dave Ramsey team) and each time I told the story of Jasmine’s “Elle” and it was always a huge hit. People would tell me, “After hearing about Jasmine’s Elle, I totally get it now—I’m going to find my own Elle!” I got so excited about that because when you take what you learned in this episode and you create your own Elle, every time you post on social media, you are going to do so with confidence, knowing you are attracting the perfect person for your programs, products and services. This episode will raise your game to a new level. #5: “Where Do I Start?” (Episode 105) The gist: I tackle the two phases you need to know to build your business. I describe a path for how to build a business that will thrive in the long term, and really fulfill the lifestyle you are looking for. Why it made the list: This episode is perfect for you if you are still in a 9-to-5 job and working on a side hustle, or in the first year of business. I live and die by the idea that the way your business looks today, will be dramatically different a year from now. This is because you’re learning, you’re experimenting, you’re figuring things out. So you don’t have set anything in stone! And going through the two phases of your business allows you a little bit of breathing room for experimentation and testing out new content, ideas and platforms. So again, a must for all newbies. #4: “How to Create Content Rituals to Get More Done” (Episode 102) The gist: I share my own personal Tiger Time rituals and show you how I give myself the time and space to create my BEST content. The rules are strict, but the rewards are HUGE. I’ll also clue you in on a few musts for planning out my week—including what helps me prepare for the week ahead, and an old, yet trusty planning tool that I’ve dusted off from the past. Why it made the list: My favorite thing to hear is when someone comes up to me and says, “Amy, I just adopted Tiger Time in my business and I love it.” One of my listeners gushed about it when I was with my husband, Hobie.  The look on his face when he heard “Tiger Time” was priceless. ;-) But I was beaming because I know, firsthand, that creating rituals in your business is literally the secret sauce to making things actually work like no matter what. With Tiger Time, the whole premise is to be fierce about your time and how you’re spending it, and making sure there’s always time to create. And because I believe that content creation is the foundation of a business, I think having this Tiger Time really has proven to be incredibly valuable in my own business—and hopefully the same for you. #3: “Five New Launch Lessons From My Most Successful Launch to Date” (Episode 116) The gist: I not only debrief a recent course launch (the good and the bad), but I also have five new lessons that will help you launch your next course profitably. Why it made the list: Whenever I do launches in review, I always get such great feedback, because listeners tell me that they feel like I’m taking them behind the scenes with me and giving them secrets that they normally wouldn’t get from other marketers they’re learning from. I’m often told “I love your honesty about where you got stuck along the way and what you did to fix it.” The launch in review is a really good look at some concrete strategies that we applied, and an honest gut check about what worked, and what didn’t. #2: “How Much Money Should I Spend on Facebook Ads to Be Successful on My Webinar?” with Rick Mulready (Episode 123) The gist: My friend and Facebook Ad Expert, Rick Mulready, answers the number one question we both get asked all of the time: How much should I spend on Facebook ads to ensure a successful webinar? Why it made the list: The great news is it’s a complete numbers game. If you know the formula, you can get an exact answer to that question. I also really like this episode because of the freebies that go along with it: Facebook ads online calculator that you can use to determine your exact Facebook ads budget for your next webinar. Cheat sheet detailing the the info you need to plug into the Facebook ad spend calculator. The great thing is you’ll never again wonder how much to spend on Facebook ads to fill up your webinars! So this is a must to check out… #1: “When is the Right Time to Add Another Product to Your Business?” (Episode 100) The gist: This hot topic is focused on the big question: When do I know if it’s time to add another product to my business? To help answer, I talk about the two paths for your business; Horizontal and Vertical. Why it made the list: First of all, this is a question I get asked ALL OF THE TIME. When it comes to this idea of introducing a new product, I’m very passionate about the fact that you do not need a lot of courses in your business to be profitable. Quality over quantity is always my motto. I think sometimes people create something and move away from it too quickly in their business, causing more stress, overwhelm, and more work than they need to. If you would just stick with one product a little bit longer, promote it in different ways, learn how to launch at different levels, then you would see that the program could even more profitable. The challenge is you might give it one or two little launches and think, “I’m moving on to the next thing” because maybe it wasn’t as profitable as you had hoped or, because you got distracted by another big idea. Here’s what I think: What you’ve created initially could always become bigger and better and more valuable, but it needs time to mature. I also think that online courses definitely mature as you, as an entrepreneur, grow and get better at content creation and launching. So why not give yourself the time for that growth? I hope you’ve enjoyed the rundown of my 10 most powerful episodes for growing your business.  Are you ready to dive even deeper with me?  I’ve compiled my biggest business lessons and insights from 2016 —some of them were doozies, and others were more like subtle “a-has” that made a big impact in how I have shaped my business. These are 10 business lessons that have truly impacted me for the better—and I hope they have the same effect for you! Click here now to get them for free! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Top 10 Business Building Lessons From 2016 FREE DOWNLOAD  
12/8/20167 minutes, 15 seconds
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#138: How to Plan Your Promotional Calendar Like a Boss

If I ever did a list of Amy’s Favorite Things (in honor of the one and only Oprah), today’s topic would be number one. We are talking about PLANNING. Specifically, planning for the new year. The best part is that thanks to my guest today, you can be a pro at calendaring no matter who you are. Anne Samoilov is a launch expert and when I say she knows how to plan...I mean it! Get ready to hear her amazing, no-fail-formula for planning an entire new year of promotions, partnerships, and personal business goals. I’m giving you a solid plan for completing your 2017 promotional calendar from start to finish, and here’s what’s great: it won’t take much time at all. Even better, you don’t need to take any notes, because I have everything detailed in this incredible freebie! It is a quick guide to everything I share with you in this episode, including a list of questions you must ask yourself before you add anything to your calendar for the year ahead. Start planning your 2017 promotional calendar like a boss here! In order to plan you will need to reflect on the prior year and drill down on what worked and didn’t work for you. Then, adjust for the year ahead. Anne and I give you the questions you will want to ask yourself before you calendar anything. This mini-training session will give you a solid approach that you can use for years to come! And, another great thing about today’s episode is the way Anne approaches time off. While it isn’t exactly what you think it might be, you absolutely must include it on your calendar. There are five categories total that you will want to “calendar” first and foremost — time off being the first one. So stop whatever it is you are working on for your year ahead and listen to these steps first. Let’s map out your year. If your calendar for next year is swirling in your head or only partially laid out in a Google doc, this episode is for you. This approach makes planning your 2017 promotional calendar easy — even when you aren’t sure of all of your specifics yet. Accept this episode and freebie as my gift to you this holiday season ;-) EPISODE FREEBIE Get Your Promotional Calendar Quick Guide FREE DOWNLOAD  
12/1/201643 minutes, 29 seconds
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#136: How to Use 'Content Gold' to Fuel Your Next Launch

When it comes to your next course promotion, breaking down your content is as simple as 1-2-3: What’s the best content to start a conversation with your audience? What content will help you drive customers to your core marketing message? Which pieces should you use to expand and deepen your audience’s knowledge of your subject? Today I’m breaking down the 3 stages of launching content. These 3 stages will be your Bible, regardless of your business or your future programs. You can apply these stages to your specific online program or course and use them for all of your future launches as well. (I passionately use this method for all of my launches!) This is the content that will not only keep your potential clients engaged, but will attract the right people before, during and after your launch. And, not only am I walking you through the stages, but I’m SHOWING you precisely how you can apply them in my freebie: 3-stage content marketing launch plan here. I’ve created a sample 3-stage content marketing launch plan using one of my students as an example. You will easily be able to use this freebie as a model for your own online program— over and over again. Get ready to see a specific example for every stage here. Download now! You’ll learn precisely what content to market before your cart opens (and you’ll definitely want to start this 30 days before!), what to do while your cart is open, and what to communicate to your audience once your cart is closed. EPISODE FREEBIE Get The 3 Stages for Planning Your Content Marketing Plan for Your Launch FREE DOWNLOAD  
11/17/201632 minutes, 7 seconds
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#135: 5 Common Facebook Ad Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

Facebook’s super stealth ad targeting can zero-in on entrepreneurs over 30, who shop online at West Elm, don’t have children, love sushi, visited your website in the last 60 days and vacationed in Napa’s wine country last year — BUT it can’t seem to help you fix your Facebook ad missteps . . . That’s where I can step in and help with an extra special episode in which I’m sharing 5 common Facebook ad mistakes, and how you can fix them. My go-to-Facebook-ads expert Rick Mulready is here with suggestions, insight and feedback to help you bounce back from — and steer clear of — Facebook ad missteps. Side step these 5 common mistakes most of us make with Facebook ads. Click here! For example, how often and when specifically should you test your Facebook ads? Or, what is the best way to edit an ad — without messing up your metrics? Rick and I are breaking that all down for you. What’s more important: selling or getting conversions? And, how important are video views? The answers might surprise you. We systematically review each of the 5 Facebook ad missteps and provide ways to self correct. You know your target audience better than anybody, you know their pain points and challenges. You are more prepared than you might think to experiment with a few of these fixes and get better results from your Facebook ads. Now is your chance to learn what to look out for and avoid these missteps in the future. Click here to get the 5 common Facebook ad mistakes!
11/10/201631 minutes, 53 seconds
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#134: Preparing for Future Traffic Declines: What Content Creators Need to Know

How are you responding to the shifts happening NOW in social media marketing? I have you covered because today I’m talking about the latest trends in social media marketing with the man who knows best: my mentor, friend, and founder of Social Media Examiner, Michael Stelzner. Click here to learn what updates to make to your social media marketing plan today. You may be noticing that organic social reach is declining. It’s scary, but don’t be afraid because while it sounds all doom and gloom, it’s not. There’s actually a lot of quality opportunities out there and the best ones are explained in this episode. Are you noticing that even the Facebook social media marketing rules are shifting? Michael tells you what you should no longer be doing on Facebook — and he also touches on you where your focus should be on Facebook. Learn what you can do to pivot your approach. The strategies that Michael gives you are ones that I am using too. You will hear MUST-DO tips for email marketing (including how to ensure your emails are delivered and opened), conversion rate optimization, how you can best use podcasts to drive traffic, as well as tracking and analytics. Listen in now. AND, Michael has an early-sign-up announcement about Social Media Marketing World 2017. I’m going to be speaking and I hope to see you there! Get registered now at the link at the bottom. Details here.
11/3/201644 minutes, 56 seconds
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#133: How to Get Unstuck in Your Course Creation Process

Are you having a love/hate relationship with your course creation? Creating your first online course can be a challenge. How do you decide which content to keep and which to leave out. I have been there. It’s awful, you have such passion for your topic, but for a plethora of reasons it’s not coming through when you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). I’ve built FIVE blockbuster courses over the last six years AND I’ve been in the very same struggle you may be feeling right now. Nearly 40,000-enrolled-students later, I’m going to walk you through how to break through the obstacles that can stall your product creation process. I am dedicating this entire special episode to demystifying the product creation process. I’m giving you the you exact steps to take when you feel stuck. (And, what the most common reasons are for getting stuck, so you know what to look for next time around.) There are three questions you should ask yourself before you create any course. These questions will help you find FOCUS. Once you have that, your creative energy will flow. I will also help you decide what content makes the most sense for your business and your audience right now. For example, do you know if you want to create an Introductory Course or a Signature Course? I’m breaking down both of these for you. Listen in to hear how you can get unstuck and create the course you’ve desperately wanted to complete. (The finish line is closer than you think.)
10/24/201640 minutes, 21 seconds
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#132: How to Cultivate an “Opportunity Knocks Every Time” Mindset with Patrick Bet-David

Your first webinar didn't convert. You wanted to launch your course two weeks ago, but you just can’t get your content outline together. Your Facebook ads are seeing clicks, but not getting quality leads. What do you do when setbacks show up in your business? Bury your head in the sand? Or, pick yourself up and move forward, more determined than ever? Having an online business can be challenging at times, and part of being an entrepreneur is knowing how to bounce back from the tough times. It’s about having the right perspective. That’s why I wanted to chat with Patrick Bet-David. For Patrick, a setback is an opportunity waiting to happen. And his rags to riches story is inspiring for ANY business owner. Make sure you stay tuned to the end, because in addition to Patrick’s fascinating story, I wanted to give you a little bonus: A mini-training on how you can stand out from the competition and get results. First, you’ll learn what you need to instill in every potential buyer. Second, you’ll discover the most important thing to deliver on. Lastly, you will learn what you need to develop and stick to as much as you can. It’s so, so important. The last one is incredibly powerful and can make all the difference in your new business. Also, learn the one mistake that Patrick says ALL entrepreneurs make, so you can avoid it. Get started on this mini-training now!
10/20/201641 minutes, 46 seconds
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#131: How to Get Overwhelm to Eat Your Dust

You’ve got this! Today, I have three incredibly DOABLE solutions to rid yourself of the feeling that may be overtaking your life – OVERWHELM. Ugh. I don’t even like saying the word, because I know how awful it can feel when it’s overtaking your life. And, I’m here to help. For me, overwhelm shows itself when I feel like I’ve gotten behind or everything feels disorganized, and I know things could go in a really bad direction. It’s in those moments that I use one of my personal stress strategies that I’ve been fine tuning ever since I started my own business. In this episode I share a very personal struggle that I’ve been facing in my business. Some of my overwhelm has been coming from my issue with doing VIDEO. Ugh! Click here to hear my story - you might be able to relate. I’m certain that you will find that one of the three solutions I share with you in my recent episode will come naturally for you. The other two you may have to work at more, but I promise you, if you put the work in, it will be SO WORTH IT. The first one tells you the exact process you can do to wrap your head around what is really causing overwhelm for you. The second solution tells you the steps you can take to lessen the stress in your life. And, the third and final fix helps you get clear on the fear that might be getting in your way. Like I said, you’ve totally got this! Use my Triple S to squash your overwhelm. Click here!
10/10/201628 minutes, 49 seconds
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#130: How to Sell on a Webinar (Without Being Overly Salesy)

Let’s face it, selling during your webinar can be awkward at first — but it doesn’t have to be. Today I’m giving you my BEST strategies for eliminating the awkwardness and creating a smooth transition into the sales portion of your webinar. Before I dive into it though, I want to tell you about my FREE Master Class, “How to Create Your First Wildly Profitable Webinar.” If you sell info products or programs, digital courses, or coaching and consulting services online, then I bet you’ve considered adding webinars to your marketing strategy. But as you know, there’s a lot of moving pieces with webinars, including the tech, filling seats, putting together your content, making that transition to selling . . . not to mention getting the courage to actually hit “broadcast.” (It can be scary!) Webinars can be intimidating, but they don’t have to be. Join me as I walk you through what it takes to create a profitable webinar strategy. Let’s jump back into today’s topic. You’re the expert, the go-to source on YOUR webinar. And your webinars give you the opportunity to build amazing trust between you and your audience. I’m showing you how you can build trust and make the purchase of your product, course, or service the next logical step for your audience. Your transition from teaching into selling can become seamless with these strategies. You will never feel like you’re selling again. Also listen closely for the number one mistake I often see in webinars. And, learn how to avoid this misstep here. This episode is one of my favorites because I love webinars. AND, because building trust with your audience is so important. If you’re not careful you can break down the trust you’ve built quickly. Stick with me, and listen in, so that doesn’t happen to you. I’ll tell you the perfect ratio of content to selling. You’ll also get tips for deciding what to put in your webinar versus what to create and sell inside your course. I also dive into the mindset and mechanics of creating incredible webinars that will boost your sales. Learn how to sell on a webinar without being salesy here!
9/29/201641 minutes
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#129: Media, Meditation and a little Motivation with Gabby Bernstein

Today, I’m on the edge of my seat wanting to give you a new strategy that will help you grow your business and make the most of your funnels, email marketing, Facebook ads and so much more. Everything you want for your business starts with an intention, right? Then, you add enthusiasm and dedication toward your idea. But, then what? Unfortunately, for many what happens next is resistance—whether it’s in the form of self-doubt, a financial obstacle, or perhaps just a seemingly unrealistic goal. By accepting these as obstacles, you are giving into the resistance and giving up on what what could be. So how do you get what you really want? Gabby Bernstein, best selling author and next-generation thought leader, is here to show you how you can burst through the resistance and actually create those new opportunities for your business. Her techniques of choice have included meditation and manifestation - two things I’ve never personally explored in my own business until now. Gabby used these techniques to achieve her number one goal—being interviewed by Oprah. (I mean, come on! Oprah?! That’s huge!) She’s sharing her techniques here. Listen in on the juicy details to learn how to make powerful achievements in your business now! As you will hear us chat about on my latest podcast episode, Gabby recently released her new book, “The Universe has Your Back.” She has a special bonus for those who buy her book. She’s giving you six-and-a-half hours of free training based on principles in her book. Buy Gabby’s book and get started on her bonus training now!
9/15/201641 minutes, 17 seconds
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#127: How to Organize & Analyze Your Facebook Ads

Are your Facebook ad questions piling up? Do you feel like the deeper you go with Facebook ads, the more questions you have? Well, I’m here to help! And, with me today is an audience favorite, Facebook ad expert, Rick Mulready. He joins me on my podcast frequently and has given my audience some amazing success with Facebook ads. So, listen in because we are answering questions that we have heard from MANY of you. This week we tackle big questions about organizing Ad Sets, specifics on targeting and also how to analyze your latest ad campaign (aka: what do all those numbers really mean?!). Here’s a look at what we are answering today: How many ad sets are best for each ad campaign? Should I combine smaller ad sets? Are there benefits to how many you have? (Rick’s answer to this one is VERY detailed and actionable!) When targeting people who like a certain Facebook page, should you also narrow the audience if you want to target specific types of people? Or, should you let the ad copy do that for you? (Such a good question!) What do all the numbers mean when reading how your ads are doing in the power editor? How do you know your ads are doing well? What am I looking for? (We get this Q a lot and I love how deep we go with it!) When selling high-priced programs or products, what should my strategy be and what type of sales funnel will get the best results? (We include TONS of examples with his response!) Also, Rick hosted a free webinar where he discussed all about how to create an automated system that will bring in sales and leads everyday for your online business using Facebook ads. Sign up for his free webinar replay to get all of Rick’s awesome tips and tricks for Facebook ad funnels!
9/9/201642 minutes, 14 seconds
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#126: Operation Clear Out Your Inbox

I’m here as a witness: It IS possible to tame your email inbox and seemingly never-ending list of tasks. In fact, thanks to today’s guests, April and Eric Perry, I’m at “Inbox Zero” right now. (Something I 100% thought was NOT possible!) They taught me something invaluable: The reason most of us fail at getting to Inbox Zero every day is because to get there, you can’t just focus on your emails. Huh?!  Here’s what I mean . . . It’s not just about getting to zero, it’s about changing your approach—so that you have the right tools and procedures in place to be able to get to ZERO every day. Which means—establishing a COMMAND CENTRAL for your business, AND your life. April and Eric have the freedom to do more with their lives, including spend a lot more time with their family, because of their own idea command central. You can create one too. This episode is to help get you out of the weeds and give you the FREEDOM to work on what you do best! Imagine what you could do if you had the head space to not worry about getting through your emails, but instead working on the projects that really matter for your business. Most people live with piles everywhere—digital or physical. (I use to be a Post-It junkie!) A command central will help you churn through your “to do” list so you’re able to focus your mind on what you do best. Set up your command central and get to Inbox Zero with me now!!
8/25/201647 minutes, 22 seconds
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#125: How to Create a WOW Experience When Selling Online Programs

You bring something incredibly unique to your online course—your special delivery, your ideas, your personal experiences. However, you still want to go that extra mile to WOW your students and make sure they feel like buying your course was more than just a worthy investment. Recently I heard some important (and crazy) statistics on customer satisfaction and wanted to share them with you. Once I saw these mind-blowing stats, I knew right away that I needed to share with you my special ways to attract and keep a customer for life. Here are those stats— 53% of customers switch to a competitor because they feel unappreciated 40% of customers begin purchasing from a competitor because of their AMAZING reputation 42% switch to a competitor because they are put-off by rude staff 29% switch because they are annoyed by a lack of staff knowledge (a very important one for those of you with online courses!) Today, we are turning the tables on these stats and making sure you are on the positive end of these experiences! I’m giving you five ways you can WOW your students starting the minute they enroll in your course. If you’ve ever worried that your course idea has already been done before, use these 5 Wow Factors to beat your competition every single time. I have all 5 outlined here. I love the experience of being WOW-ed! It not only makes me a bit giddy, but it makes me feel great about my decision to buy. It also makes me want to be an enthusiastic, REPEAT customer when I feel like I’m treated extra special. Listen now to get ALL the details of the online course WOW factor. The next step is to plan—plan, plan, plan. I’m giving you these five tips so you can easily plan them into your next course launch. The results and love you will receive from your students if they feel WOW-ed will be SO WORTH IT!
8/18/201639 minutes, 1 second
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#124: 4 Key Roles to Help You Grow Your Business

Who makes up your support team? What are their unique qualities that help you run an all-in business? Today I’m talking with Christy Wright, expert business coach and speaker, who is telling us the four specific roles you must have filled—with the right people—to ensure that your business is exceeding all of your wildest expectations. We describe in detail how to be deliberate in selecting who to let into the inner circle of your business. Then, we tell you where and how to find them. You want people who will lift you up, push you to your potential, and give you the tough love you need in order to make the right choices for your business. Tune in to hear the four specific roles that you need filled and where to find the ideal people to fill those roles. Business Boutique is an amazing two-day event in Nashville for women interested in starting, running or growing a business. Whether you’re not sure what business to start or you need help tackling challenges, you will hear from incredible speakers who will help you take your business to the next level. If you are interested in learning more click here.
8/10/201625 minutes, 28 seconds
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#123: How Much Money Should I Spend on Facebook Ads to Be Successful on My Webinar?

My friend and Facebook ad EXPERT, Rick Mulready, is back and together we are answering the number one question we both get asked all of the time— How much should I spend on Facebook ads to ensure a successful webinar? Today we have THE formula that will help you calculate your exact cost per webinar registrant that you can expect for your Facebook Ads. I also have two freebies for you. They are incredible and I’m over the moon excited to share them with you. When you sign up for our freebies, you’re going to receive a special link to a Facebook ads online calculator that you can use to determine your exact Facebook ads budget for your next webinar. You will also get a cheat sheet detailing the the exact info you need to plug into the Facebook ad spend calculator. It’s all neatly packaged up for you when you sign up for the freebies! Click here to get both now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy & Rick's Facebook Ads Spend Calculator FREE DOWNLOAD Rick and I know that Facebook ads can be confusing and often times it feels like the whole ad spend thing is a big guessing game. Well...not anymore. We can say that without a doubt Facebook ads give you the best return for your money in terms of the quality of webinar registrants. This is our best episode yet! I’m bursting at the seams for you to get this info, so jump in now!
8/3/201621 minutes, 44 seconds
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#122: Get Your Content House In Order

In this episode, I’m bringing you a little tough love. Tough love when it comes to creating original content on a weekly basis. This means every week you need to put out a podcast, blog post or video—whatever you love to do and do well—every week, no matter what. I KNOW IT’S NOT EASY. But it’s 100% worth the effort. Bottom line: Consistent content helps you build trust with your audience and earn their respect. AND - if you have content going out on a regular basis, you won’t have to work as hard when you are ready to promote. Meaning, it’s easier to make money when you are creating weekly, free content. (Listen here to find out why.) So no more excuses. Let’s hit it. Trust me, this could be the biggest game-changer for your business. And to help you decide which platform may be right for you, I’ve got a fantastic new freebie called the “Content Platform Play-by-Play” that breaks down the pros/cons and what it will take to get started with each. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Content Platform Play-by-Play FREE DOWNLOAD Remember: If it was easy, ANYONE would do it. You are with me right now because you want something more for your business. And, building a consistent content foundation is a must to grow your business. It won’t happen overnight, but if you start to make it a ritual TODAY, I promise you that great things can happen.
8/3/201623 minutes, 10 seconds
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#121: 3 Money Habits for Growing Your Online Business

Today we are flipping the script on money habits. I’m so excited to have with me Rachel Cruze, author of, “Love Your Life, Not Theirs.” She is sharing her three money habits that, quite honestly, are right on the money! If you adopt these three amazing rules, your rituals around money management will empower you to see what is possible personally and help you grow your online business. Now, I like to think I’m a smart girl. I run my own business. I’m a planner. I understand my finances. However— I was blown away at how much one tip in particular changed my entire outlook and the way I managed money. And, then seeing how that affected positive change in my business—the results were fantastic. That’s why I want to share this with you so badly. You may have heard me say it already— but I believe that when growing your own business, it often feels that what’s personal is business and what’s business is personal. This could not be more true than for this very sensitive topic, money. Money is one of the most important common denominators in the management of your business and your personal life. These habits, once you adopt them, can truly help your online business grow. So, do these questions sound like you? Do you compare your vacations, your home, your car, your clothes to others? Does social media make it worse for you? Rachel’s first money habit will tell you some surprising realities about what you’re seeing in your newsfeed and WHY we compare what we see to our own story. Then, she tells you what you should be thinking and how to flip the script to actually make it incredibly positive—personally and professionally. Rachel shares how to turn this bad habit into a good one. Go here to listen. The second habit: You must have a plan for your money. Yes, I’m talking a budget. Don’t cringe! Not knowing where you’re money is going can cause stress and anxiety. These pain points affect your personal life and your business evenly. What’s personal is business and what’s business is personal. So, let’s flip the script! Rachel’s second habit is based on the categories that everyone needs to include in their budget. It’s these SPECIFIC categories that make this habit so achievable. These categories are relevant for not only you personally, but for your business too. Does your budget give you permission to spend your money exactly how you want? Rachel’s does. I hear you—that sounds counterintuitive. I promise you it’s not. And, even better you won’t feel guilty. I LOVE IT! This MUST-DO habit will address both your work and your home budget and help your business grow! Rachel’s third habit might be the most important one here. This is the one that will give you the permission you need as a business owner to take risks. WHY? Because this is the one thing you can do so that you are never forced to fail. If you have this, you will feel confident to go the extra mile, to go for launching your first course, to take that risk. You work hard for your money. If you adopt this habit, are wildly patient, and make it a priority, it will pay off. As a business owner, there will come a day when you will be able to reap those rewards from your hard work. Or, you will have the ability to save your business or your home because you did this one thing—and you did it consistently. Listen in to get the three habits you need for growing your online business.
7/29/201627 minutes, 38 seconds
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#120: The Bonus Brainstorm: How to Create a Bonus Package for Your Next Course Offer

Are you looking to create amazing bonuses that will make your offer irresistible? Today, I’m showing you how to do just that with my new Bonus Blueprint mini-workshop. I LOVE getting bonuses when I sign up for courses. Just love it! Because bonuses are so vital and important for you to offer with your course, I’ve created this mini-workshop to give you the lowdown on developing bonuses that will get you results. Why are bonuses so important?  They enhance your offer by increasing the perceived value of your product. They allow you to teach outside of your content outline. They encourage audience members to navigate your course more efficiently. They drive sales. AND bonuses are one of my favorite pieces to plan out because there’s always something MORE I want to include for my students. It’s a fantastic way to give your students that EXTRA special piece of value. Now I’m going to tell you right off the bat, that you want 2-3 bonuses per course. I’ll workshop you through creating incredible bonuses for every audience and every course. I’m taking the guesswork out of it so you have more freedom to work on your course. Speaking of taking the guesswork out, have I got a freebie for you! It is an awesome download that gives you five steps for creating extraordinary bonuses for your product EVERY TIME. You will be able to walk yourself through the questions you need to ask to create bonuses that are fully aligned with your product and will increase the overall value of your offer. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Must-Have Steps for Creating Extraordinary Bonuses FREE DOWNLOAD As you’re creating your next course, this mini-workshop is for you! I tackle: How to decide what to focus your bonus on. How to overdeliver for your students and bring them deeper into your course. How to best position your bonus for each course. I also give you the sure-fire strategies that have worked to drive sales for me over and over again. With this week’s episode, you will find that your next bonus offering opportunity will be smoother, and return the results that you have been hoping for. It will breathe new life into your campaign and help you to set up expectations for your audience, so they know what’s coming. You will also gain clarity on how to best handle a bonus associated with an affiliate launch and how to best align it with your products. This is something everyone who might work with affiliates in the future must hear. So get ready to workshop an enticing bonus so you can stand out from the competition and really serve your students!
7/28/201644 minutes, 51 seconds
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#119: The Who, What, When, Where and How of Testimonials

Today I’m pulling the curtain back on a piece that can mean the difference between steady sales and your shopping cart catching dust. I’m giving you the who, what, when, where and how of testimonials. These are especially helpful for those just starting out. And, I’m also excited to give you a freebie that will make these strategies come alive for your business. It’s called, “The Anatomy of a High-Converting Testimonial.” I’m going to show you how to turn a bad testimonial into a good testimonial, and a good testimonial into an outstanding one. Your testimonials will shine with the help of this awesome tool. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Anatomy of a High-Converting Testimonial FREE DOWNLOAD Now, why do you need a good testimonial? Your credibility is everything when wanting your audience to trust you. Social proof is invaluable when it comes to this. Testimonials are the best way for you to address objections or hesitations that you may be seeing. Testimonials allow for your community members to speak up for you and persuade others to buy your product or sign up for your course. If you can have a quote from a community member on an opt-in or sales page, it can be the selling point for on-the-fence potential buyers. Listen in and get started now! The most important objectives when building your audience are that you want them to know you, like you and trust you. Then you have the ability to capture outstanding testimonials that let potential new audience members know how amazing you are. As I mentioned, in this episode we are getting into the who, what, when, where and how of outstanding testimonials. Here are the first few spoilers I have in store for you in this week’s episode: You don’t need to only have testimonials from customers. You don’t need to use a testimonial verbatim, as it is sent to you. You don’t need to wait until your students have completed your first course to start collecting testimonials. You don’t need to just have a dedicated testimonials page. You don’t need to wait for kudos to come to you. There are many people—outside of customers—that you might not have thought of who can provide you with testimonials. I tell you who those people might be for you and explain how to successfully solicit a testimonial from them. When someone sends you a testimonial, you don’t need to use the exact verbiage they send you. Most people aren’t writers and don’t know what components go into an exceptional testimonial. In this episode I tell you how to work with your students to create an outstanding testimonial that will make you shine and convince potential students to buy your course. Also, the components of a good testimonial are so, so important. I give you the framework for a perfect testimonial to ensure that every reference is a home run for your business. Next, you can always be looking to capture testimonials. However, beyond that you don’t need to wait for your first course to complete before you start capturing kudos about your work. I have some strategies for you to get started collecting testimonials now. There are some very strategic locations that your testimonials must live. I go into depth on where those are and what types of testimonials should live on those pages. And, you may be thinking, this is all great, but how do I bring it all together to get an outstanding testimonial? Well, I’m pulling back the curtain and telling you exactly how I’ve done this and how you can too. I’m excited for you to start tackling these components now and start building your testimonial database! (Don’t worry, I share how to create a good database too.)
7/21/201630 minutes, 5 seconds
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#118: A Behind the Scenes Look at What’s Working in Social Media with Dr. Axe

Social media changes RAPIDLY and today we are exploring what’s working NOW. My guest today is Dr. Axe, a certified doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic, and clinical nutritionist. However, he’s not here to discuss health. He’s here because his website attracts more than six million views per month and his Facebook page has more than one million followers. This doctor knows what’s working in social media today more than some of the best social media experts out there today -and that’s saying a lot! Dr. Axe has leveraged what’s trending and his incredibly strategic take on building the backend of his business to grow his company using social media. Everything about this is a home run. Being engaged with your audience is the key to success. Knowing what’s trending in social media, knowing what your audience loves, knowing the latest information in your field are all components to growing your business online. Dr. Axe, however, is actually a minimalist when it comes to his online presence. He doesn’t overwhelm his audience or sweat being everywhere online every day. I find this so refreshing and you will too! When you’re just starting out, it’s all about quality over quantity and I’m giving you the keys to how to grow an engaged audience while focusing on quality. You will learn how Dr. Axe has attracted more than one million Facebook followers, his philosophy on using social media platforms, strategies for niche-interest list-building, how to nurture your current email list, and what to teach in a webinar versus what to sell in your webinar. During our time together, Dr. Axe answers the following questions: What’s the right length for a Facebook Live piece that will really speak to your audience and draw viewers in? Do you know the best tips for how to make partnerships work for you? Can you spot trends and know where to look to find them? Also: Do you know the ratio of how much content you should give to how much you should sell? (This is FASCINATING! There’s an important reason why, too.) There’s also this little thing called the purple cow. Do you have one? I give you all of this and more in this action-packed quick conversation with the king of online business building. I promise you this will not stretch you thin. In fact, these strategies will make you more efficient online. Thereby, freeing up more time for you to focus on your content. AMEN to that!
7/14/201635 minutes, 57 seconds
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#117: The Lowdown on Facebook Ad Retargeting

Do you want to know what Facebook ad retargeting is all about? By the time you finish this episode you will not only have a deeper understanding of what Facebook ad retargeting is, but you will be ready to take the first steps to create your own campaign. Rick Mulready, my good friend and an expert in Facebook advertising strategies, is back and together we are talking all things retargeting. We jump right in, answering your questions about Facebook ad retargeting and how to start leveraging this strategy to get more sales. Your questions also inspired a spirited discussion about the tech side of retargeting, the steps for setting up a campaign, and the ideal cadence for your retargeted ads based on your audience. As our conversation progresses, we go deeper into the different strategies that you can use in your own Facebook ad retargeting campaign. We start with the basics—explaining what in the world this Facebook retargeting IS and when you can (and should) use it. Then, we go into how you can leverage a retargeting campaign and the benefits (more sales) that come from using it. Next, we spend some time talking about how to determine the right audiences for retargeting and the different kinds of audience groups you can create. (The biggest asset of retargeting is that you are able to reach out to a more specific, warmer, unique audience.) I’ll also share my own retargeting experience and tell you a little bit about how I first used retargeting and how I was able to create a smaller scale campaign, build my audience groups, and then leverage those leads to successfully sell something even bigger. Facebook retargeting is an incredible tool. Take advantage of this episode so you can understand and apply these strategies to start your own Facebook ad retargeting campaign now.
7/7/201642 minutes, 31 seconds
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#116: Five New Launch Lessons From My Most Successful Launch to Date

Are you gearing up to launch a new course? Or want to hear the secrets to a great launch to bank for the future? Well, today is the big day I have been waiting for. I not only get to debrief my recent course launch with you (the good and the bad), but I also have five new lessons that will help you launch your next course profitably. I am brutally honest when it comes to sharing these types of learnings because I want you to be incredibly prepared for what you’re about to embark on. So here it goes. (Listen in here.) I have a no-holds-barred freebie from my recent launch for you. I’m sharing the final three emails that I sent to my audience as I was preparing to close enrollment. We generated almost $500,000 on just the final day and these emails played a part in the final-push strategy. Get these emails to use as a guideline for your own launch here. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Final 3 Launch Emails Sent Out During Courses That Convert FREE DOWNLOAD I’m a show and tell kind of girl and I want you to understand how these five lessons came about. So, be prepared to hear the nitty-gritty launch details, including my true ad budget, my email strategy, how I messed up on a special bonus opportunity (and what I did to fix it!) and why I had to quickly change-up my launch plan along the way. I also go into detail on the roles of some of my oh-so-important support staff during a launch. I talk about how many full-time employees I have when I’m not launching and then break down my total full-time and part-time team members that I have ready for launch time. Use these five strategies to avoid getting overwhelmed, prepare yourself for any launch big or small, learn how to bounce back from any misstep and most important have a successful and profitable launch.
6/30/20161 hour, 10 minutes, 22 seconds
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#115: Affiliate Marketing Done Right with Rachel Luna

When you’re starting out in business, I am a big advocate for any and all confidence boosters. I’m talking ways you can get your feet wet so you can say with certainty: I CAN DO THIS. Because you and I both know: You CAN do this. But sometimes you first need that little pat on the butt and boost of self-confidence. Well, today I’ve got your keys to testing out your own launch before you really launch. It’s called Affiliate Marketing. And I’ve got the perfect person to share the tricks and secrets to doing it right. Rachel Luna is an elite business coach who helps her clients gain clarity and confidence. In this action-packed episode I share: The 8 Steps to Successful Affiliate Marketing The 7 Reasons Why Being an Affiliate is a Great Dry Run for Your Own Launch Common Mistakes People Make with Affiliate Marketing Whew! This is a TON of value. I couldn’t wait to record this for you because I know a lot of you feel hesitation around kicking off your own launch. But, I know that affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to get the hands-on experience you need to feel good about your launch. I know this because this is the path I took—affiliate launch first, then my own launches. Check it all out here. So we will start off with those steps to mastering affiliate marketing: Pick Your Products Set Your GBB Goal (good, better, best) Make Key Decisions Set Up Your Backend Run Your Communication Plan (Paid traffic and emails) Create Results through Engagement Communicate and Convert Deliver on Your Word Then, you will want to stay tuned for the real meat of this episode. I show you how affiliate marketing connects to your own launch—and how you can best leverage this approach to get results in your launch. Rachel also shares her new program “Profit without Products.” I love when products are born out of experience and knowing your stuff inside and out. Being an affiliate marketer changed her life. Rachel gives you the roadmap and tools for knowing what steps to take and when you should take them. She even gives you step-by-step instructions for the tech you need to reach your goals, so it won’t be overwhelming and you won’t be on your own. You can get all the details here. EPISODE 115 Learn More about Rachel's "Profit Without Products" LEARN MORE Rachel and I wrap up with the common mistakes some people (not you with the help of this episode!) make with affiliate marketing, including not priming the pump, drive-by posts (a pet peeve of mine!) and the ultimate baddie: poor affiliate etiquette. I also give you a sure-fire tip to being the best partner that your affiliate has ever seen. This advice will make them want to work with you over and over again. It’s all here in your must-have guide to affiliate marketing.
6/18/201647 minutes, 27 seconds
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#114 Part Two: The SCIENCE of a Brilliant Sales Page

When it comes to creating sales pages, does it ever make you feel like you are back in school muddling through your worst subject (for me, math!)? Today we are back in class, but lucky for me, I’ve got the teacher of the year (and also my dear friend) Melanie Duncan leading the way. Today, you will learn the five elements that MUST be included in all sales pages. These will guide you through creating the right copy, attracting the right audience and most important, converting these leads into sales. Before we get too far, I want to tell you about the incredible freebie I have for you on this. I’m sharing actual screengrabs from my most successful sales pages—a show and tell kind of guide you can use to create your own sales pages. Get that cheat sheet here. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Free Personal Tips: Dissecting the Science of What Makes a Brilliant Sales Page FREE DOWNLOAD Your sales page should showcase the value in your product and take your buyers on a journey. You want every single word and every single image to resonate with your perfect ideal customer. With the five elements Melanie and I lay out for you here, you can create a template that will guide you through the process. Here are some of the questions we are going to dive into: What is the most crucial part of any sales page? Do I know what imagery will compel my audience to buy? What types of testimonials do I need to curate? What are my product’s benefits and features? How long should my sales page be? Remember, you’re not going to create a new sales page in one sitting, but I promise if you take the time to create your template using this formula, you will get outstanding results and never again will feel stuck creating your sales pages. Let’s do this!
6/7/201647 minutes, 6 seconds
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#113 Part One: The ART of a Brilliant Sales Page

The ultimate outcome of a sales page is to sell. We all know this. But, what you’re really doing is coaching your reader to become your client. How? The process for formulating a high-converting sales page is what I’m talking about today. Your job as a coach/ teacher/ mentor is to not only have your customers’ best interest at heart, but to make your reader feel like they can shape a better version of themselves. This special sales page formula starts with four questions that you MUST ask yourself before you start writing your sales page copy. After you ask yourself the four questions, there are then four core points that every sales page must include. In this episode, I crack the code and examine the art of the creating a brilliant sales page by divulging my 4x4 formula for creating results-driven copy every time. I go right into the strategy behind your sales page and what it is about your potential customers that you should always leverage. The best way to dive deeper into your readers’ minds is with the “aha” questions. Now, I refer to these particular questions as “aha” because they are the ones that get right to where your readers’ hearts are. If you know where their hearts are, you can better empower them to take this journey with you. Remember people buy with their hearts not their minds. So, I provide you a roadmap for understanding your potential customers because a sales page is a different kind of conversation—one that is written from the perspective of the heart. The good news is you don’t need to take notes today because I’ve taken the roadmap (the four questions and the four core points) and I’ve put them into a one-page cheat sheet for you. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Free 4x4 Formula for Creating Brilliant Sales Pages FREE DOWNLOAD Start learning about the 4x4 formula that will turn your sales page into the foundation of your potential customers’ lifelong success here.
6/7/201631 minutes, 52 seconds
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#112: 5 Ways to Legally Protect Your Online Business

Do you know the most common legal mistake most entrepreneurs make when starting their first online business? Well, I didn’t either, until now! I recently got to chat with Gena Shingle Jaffe, a ultra-successful lawyer turned entrepreneur who is on a mission to educate and empower entrepreneurs to learn about the incredibly important legal side of online business. Gena spells out in this eye opening discussion the five essential legal documents that every entrepreneur with an online business needs and where these documents should be on your website. Familiarize and empower yourself with these essential insights here. Gena’s inside secrets really create a clear path toward feeling really good about the law and your business. The five essential documents will help you: Understand what you must have signed by every client Know the difference between what contract you need for a client versus what you need from your online course members Protect yourself against someone using your content incorrectly Learn how to protect the content on your website Create a clear plan for your privacy policy—and discover who needs to see it Gena also breaks down the ever-elusive copyright and trademark definitions and what you need to take action on right away to make sure your business is protected. We also share the website address for where you can check to see if you’re infringing on anyone else’s trademark—or (better yet) if the business name is up for grabs! You may never have thought you’d feel knowledgeable on the topic of your business and the law, but believe me after learning these concepts from Gena, you will know how to avoid being caught off-guard. Remember at the end of the day you can’t control everything that happens online. However, if you do nothing else for your business, protect yourself and your business by listening to what’s in this episode. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: Understanding Legal Contracts (and More!) for Entrepreneurs FREE DOWNLOAD  
5/25/201635 minutes, 15 seconds
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#111: How to Get Started with Facebook Live

Are you ready to absolutely kill it with Facebook Live? Or…do you find it a little scary to get started? My guest this week is social media expert, Kim Garst. She and I jump right into how you can absolutely increase your profits using Facebook Live. You just have to get over that initial fear that is holding you back from going LIVE on camera. Ahem…I do realize this is harder than it sounds for many. HOWEVER, getting in front of your audience is your golden ticket to connecting with them personally and deepening your relationship with them. And, let me tell you, this correlates to larger profit margins - much, much larger. For Kim, leveraging LIVE video streaming increased her profits by hundreds of thousands of dollars. I want this to be you telling me that this happened for you too! The thing with Facebook Live is that, well, it’s live. And, anything can happen. So remember to relax, be prepared, and bring your personality and everything will be fine. Once you see the metrics from your first Facebook Live broadcast, that will be all the encouragement you need to do another and another and another… Kim shares a huge secret about the free reach of Facebook Live and why Facebook is able to successfully increase your newsfeed presence by 10 times that of a regular post. We also discuss strategies and tips for creating incredibly successful Facebook Live broadcasts, leveraging the extensive reach. We take a deep dive into: What types of content are most useful for Facebook Live Which additional social platforms complement your Facebook Live broadcast Where your focus should be while you’re live How professional or casual you should be The ideal cadence and timing for Facebook Live sessions Where you’ll find the metrics from your broadcast and how to leverage the results How to edit titles, images and posts for your broadcast The best strategies for communicating your upcoming Facebook Live to your lists and groups With these tips, your skill set and confidence will increase. The more Facebook Live broadcasts you do, the better you will become. I have the utmost faith in your ability to kill it! I love that I took the leap into Facebook Live. The organic reach of these videos blows my mind and it is positively affecting my bottom line. Right away after the broadcast you can see the metrics. Get in here and start learning! It truly will have a tremendous effect on your businesses.
5/23/201655 minutes, 32 seconds
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#110: Beating Facebook’s Algorithm - and More Facebook Ad Tips with Rick Mulready

Are you getting the most out of your Facebook ad efforts? As promised in episode 104, my good friend Rick Mulready is back and we are continuing the conversation about Facebook ads. This week we tackle how to make your Facebook ads work for you, how you can leverage Facebook algorithms, and a couple of online advertising fundamentals that cannot be overlooked. Your Questions This Week: If my ad is getting results, can I use the same ad for different launches? Are conversions for Facebook ads lower on weekends? Should I ramp up my ad Facebook ad budget in the days before my webinar? Are Lookalike Audiences on Facebook be effective? I’m not converting leads. What am I doing wrong? Do you have any tips for writing irresistible and compelling ad copy? The insights provided in this episode will immediately help you focus your Facebook ads and scale your audience. To get started, click here. These questions are from entrepreneurs just like you who are in the trenches, building your audience, and are navigating the ins and outs of Facebook advertising. By the way—if you aren’t familiar with Facebook algorithms and how they work—KEEP READING (or better yet: Start listening!). Rick’s knowledge on this topic could dramatically change how you approach your campaigns. For example, can you use the same ad for different launches? Sure. However, there are some guidelines to follow if you do this. Rick gives such an awesome answer that includes being careful about how much time has passed since you last ran the ad. His response is a prime example of how Facebook algorithms can work for or against you. Listen in as Rick shares how to be sure to make these algorithms work for you. I’m not converting leads. What am I doing wrong? There’s no magic answer, which is a little stressful, I know. However, Rick provides a strategy for finding the answer that’s right for your outcome. So, you’ll find hope as he walks you through how to diagnose where your leads are going off-track. Those are just two teaser Q&As, but listen here to hear them all. As we near the end of our episode, Rick and I tackle how to write compelling copy for Facebook ads. Here’s what you will gain from listening in: What you might be focusing on vs. what you should focus on. How to write ad copy to attract your ideal audience. Strategies for learning what your ideal audience member wants to hear from you. I love the takeaways in this episode and I know you will find them extremely advantageous for your business, so let’s get listening!
5/19/201633 minutes, 6 seconds
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#109: Battle-Tested Tools to Rock Your Business

Three questions for you before we start today: Do you want to grow your business? (Check!) Do you want to leverage more of your day to day? (Check!) Do you want to make your life--personally and professionally--easier? (Check!) Then you need the ultimate tools for your trade. And today I am in my cave of resources to share exactly what I use to scale my business, get maximum output from my team, and streamline so many different areas o of my life. So, what tools do I use? I’m glad you asked! Along with these resources I also provide the pros and cons of using them and the insider hacks that I’ve come to realize along the way. Because these tools will serve your business so well, I’ve created a free cheat sheet of all my FAVORITE tools, links to where you grab them, how they work and those awesome hacks I use to make them work even better. These hacks will save you time, money, and headaches. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Battle-Tested Tools That Will Rock Your Business FREE DOWNLOAD No tool is going to be the end all be all for any project, but you need to find ones that work for you and stick with them. Commit to these and your team will follow suit. I was once that person who kept switching out tools because I would “find something better.” My team finally called me on it and I came up with these battle-tested tools that we use on a daily basis. I can’t wait for you to check them out for yourself!
5/12/201639 minutes, 2 seconds
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#108: How Can I Be The Expert If I'm Just Starting Out?

How can I be an expert if I am brand new at all of this and no one is paying attention—yet? This is a valid, legitimate, understandable concern. My best advice: Get over that doubt as quickly as possible and get moving. Here’s why: We all started somewhere. All the experts you follow and admire today started at the bottom. When I started my business 6 years ago, I was so afraid of so many different things. A big lesson I learned along the way is that you are the expert of your content, your voice and your audience. Don’t think less than that at any moment. In this episode I walk you through the Five Reminders that You Can Be The Expert Inside your Online Course. These reminders are drawn from what I have learned over the last six years. I share my secrets to success because I want you to break through those fears immediately. Before I get into it, I want to tell you about this week’s freebie. Whether you’re a coach, consultant, speaker, freelancer or service provider of ANY kind, owning your own course is a game changer that can have a dramatic effect on your income and impact. Recently I’ve reverse-engineered the biggest lessons I’ve learned from five of my own successful online courses (that have served over 35,000 entrepreneurs while generating $6.4 million in revenue) and I’ve put all those key learnings in a brand new free master class. My LIVE master class is called "How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days" and before it’s too late, I want you to grab your virtual seat! Now, back to it— The five reminders will let you know that you’re capable of embarking on this journey and more so that you are ready to take action NOW. Listen in to learn the two areas where you might be holding yourself back when moving forward with building your online business. Also, I give you the tips and strategies you need to assure yourself that you are the expert. You will also learn the qualities that make a great online teacher and the surprise qualities that you think you might need, but don’t. If you are thinking about building a course in the near future—or if you’ve ever felt like a fraud while growing your business— I think you will find these reminders incredibly valuable. This episode is for you if you: Wonder if your “newness” will impact the quality of your class Want to learn more about cultivating your teaching skills Are curious about just how much commitment you need to start a class (the answer may surprise you!) Are nervous about the competition and how to push it away or embrace it These reminders are a great trigger for me every time I start a new course. I hope you find them as valuable as I do. Don’t forget to grab your virtual in my LIVE, Free Master Class, "How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days.”  
4/26/201626 minutes, 38 seconds
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#107: How Do I Price My Online Course?

I want you to price your next (or first!) online course with confidence. In your heart of hearts, are you getting paid what you’re worth? Are you hitting the “sweet spot” of pricing perfection? This week I tackle these questions and give you a seven-step pricing strategy so you can determine what you should really charge for your course—and feel whole about the entire process. I am INCREDIBLY passionate about this topic. Creating my own profitable and content-driven online courses has been the key to my success and I want to make it the key to your success too. But first, I have something really exciting to share with you. I have a new master class ready to be unveiled: “How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days.” In this master class, I share the secrets I’ve learned from helping 38,000 entrepreneurs, while making more than $6 million in revenue. Grab your spot (it’s free!) Now, back to today’s topic: In your gut, are you charging what you’re worth? I would bet that this is the hardest part to starting your first online course—or even maybe your second or third. Ask yourself these three questions: Are you afraid to ask for what you’re worth? Are you willing to deliver 10x the value of what you’re charging? Does your price point attract the clientele you want? Let’s dig into the seven steps here. One of the first steps I share is surprisingly missed by many entrepreneurs. It is such a crucial part in determining your price and I don’t want you to skip it. Then, we tackle how your product fits into your business. This is key for determining the most attractive price point for what you are offering. I ask you a couple of questions to help you through this step. It can be a tricky road to navigate. Listen here. Next, we talk about the length of time it can take to launch and re-launch your product. Ultimately, I want to help you get solid on how you feel about the price you’ve set. Once you decide on the price point, you’ve got to own it. These seven steps will help you do just that. Own your price. Be confident. And go sell it.  
4/7/201642 minutes
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#106: Are You Repelling or Attracting Your Potential Customers with Jasmine Star

Do you know the detailed story of your perfect ideal customer? I am not just talking demographics or a just few pain points and struggles— I mean the nitty gritty, day in the life kind of stuff. Because my special guest, marketing and branding strategist Jasmine Star, paints such a vivid picture of her avatar, Elle, that I feel like I know her as well as my best friend. I think once you hear about Elle and how Jasmine created her—and how you can create your own story—you will be riveted. That is just ONE of the many brilliant pieces of insight Jasmine drops when she stops by for my latest episode. Other amazing takeaways from my new favorite branding and marketing strategist: Learn the best approach to understanding how your product can help your audience—and ultimately how that will shift your approach to social media. Check out strategies for empowering your potential customers to choose you over your competitors. Your competition isn’t going anywhere, but if you can build trust with your clients and make their life easier, they will stick with you. Discover the keys to writing better copy, creating better emails, and nailing your social media—all with just a few KEY tips. I had the MOST fun creating the episode this week—because I found Jasmine so brutally honest, funny and refreshing. Listen in (and get ready to laugh) as Jasmine explains the 5 key tips for growing your brand. Stay tuned for later in the episode when Jasmine goes into my favorite tip! It’s obvious you want people to love you and your social media, however, you actually WANT to repel some people. It’s so important and in the best interest of your business. She breaks down how to do this with finesse and self-assurance in order to grow your tribe.
4/4/201641 minutes, 48 seconds
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#105: Where Do I Start?

I get asked all of the time: Amy, where do I start? And the answer is to start with building your business in Phase One, and progress to Phase Two. This is how to build a business that will endure in the long term, and really fulfill the lifestyle you are looking for. I know this because I can look back and see what worked for my own business, and what I would have changed if I had to do it all again. With Phase One, you focus on how to make money in the here and now. In this phase, you are asking these kinds of questions: What skills and knowledge do you have right now to ensure you can make money quickly? Who’s your avatar? Do you have a solid plan in place to grow your list? What’s your strategy for your blog or posting to social media? In this phase you are sharpening your skills and getting into the trenches with your ideal customer avatar so that you can understand their needs, wants and genuine pain points. This intel is incredibly valuable as you begin to hone in on your own messaging for your business. I’ll walk you through several business models that are perfect for this level. Then with Phase Two, we move into creating a business and life you love. For this, you will ask yourself: What’s my ultimate business model? There needs to be an alignment between what you want to do and what your avatar wants from you: That’s the sweet spot. In many situations, including my own, a business model that offers A LOT of flexibility, consistent revenue and an abundance of opportunity to impact your audience is one that is built on you creating online training programs. Listen in to see how to put all of this into action. I also want to remind you to download my special freebie for today’s episode, called, “Where Should My Support Dollars Go?” One aspect that ANY level should be thinking about is: How do I make the most of my time by hiring support? I want to give you a little cheat sheet to help you hire the right level of support for where you are at in your business. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Guide: Where Should My Support Dollars Go? FREE DOWNLOAD  
3/28/201637 minutes, 49 seconds
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#104: Your Facebook Ad Questions Answered with Rick Mulready

Do you have questions about Facebook advertising? That’s a silly question, right? We’ve all got questions! (Why does Facebook have to make it so complicated sometimes?!) This week I have my go-to-resource for all things Facebook ads with us, Rick Mulready. You might remember Rick from previous episodes. He left the corporate world to help entrepreneurs like you optimize your online advertising. I could not be more excited that he’s back with the latest “need to know now!” details to help us optimize our Facebook ads. In addition to answering the questions below in exquisite detail, he is also hosting a FREE workshop on how to create a lead system using Facebook ads. (Scroll to the bottom to learn how to grab your seat.) Here’s a list of the questions we answered on this recent episode: Could you share a case study about Facebook ad spend, list growth and conversions? What do I do if my ads aren’t converting well? How are people getting around the character limit on Facebook ads? Should I use an image or a video? Is there any way to get more insight as to why Facebook rejected my ad? Is what I spend per ad too much? How do I know if my pixels are set up properly and reporting accurately? The pages I want to target are not coming up for me. Am I targeting correctly? The answers from Rick are killer and I don’t want you to miss them. If you want to jump right in, click here. During our chat, Rick shares the case study of a holistic health practitioner who saw an avenue for growth by teaching her way of business to her peers. She created a video campaign and ran with it. Only, she inadvertently made a “mistake” and drove traffic to a site that I would otherwise say is unwise—but it WORKED for her. In making this “mistake” her conversion rate grew to 40%-50%. She spent $3,000 and earned a return of $30,000. You have to listen to Rick’s explanation of why this worked. Rick insists that if you aren’t converting your leads, you must keep it simple and take a look at the top one or two statistics that are most relevant to your outcome. Do you have the right target audience? What is your conversion rate? What is your click through rate? Rick tells you the general cost per conversion that you should strive to spend. He also likes to see a 20% and above conversion rate on a landing page. He explains strategies and actions that you can take to make sure you’re on the right track to achieve this. For those of you dying to know how your competitors are adding more text to their Facebook ad than is allowed, Rick tells you precisely how. We also discuss when it’s best to post a video or an image with your ad. One of my favorite insights was that Facebook’s chat helpline is up and running. You heard me right . . . LIVE FACEBOOK AD CHAT! He explains where to find the live chat session, and he raves about the good results he’s gotten from reaching out. Lastly, Rick talked about targeting and what to do when you can’t find the Facebook Pages you want to target. He shares three sure-fire tips for successful targeting. It may take some detective work at times, but it will pay off. Don’t forget to register for one of Rick’s three, FREE, live webinars (on April 12 and 13) to discover how you can create an automated system that gets leads and sales everyday for your business. EPISODE 104 Register for Rick's Free Webinar Training on Facebook Ads LEARN MORE I’m thrilled to tell you that Rick has agreed to come on more regularly to answer your pressing questions. We know that you need these answers to keep moving forward. Look back for another “Amy and Rick FB Ad Q&A Session” in about six weeks!
3/26/201634 minutes, 17 seconds
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#103: Scaling Your e-Commerce Business with Steve Chou

Google-ads, targeting, and Facebook-scaling, oh my! We are LUCKY to have e-commerce expert and trainer Steve Chou in my latest episode to keep you in the know of what’s working now in e-commerce. The great thing about this interview is that although we are talking about e-commerce, the insights are applicable across several areas—business coaching, information marketing, growing your email list, webinars, and so much more! Quick story about Steve: He owns the site, And she did. They live in the gorgeous (and pricey) Silicon Valley. She wanted to quit her job to have more time with their kiddos, but they had to figure out a way to supplement her $100,000 salary. They started the site and in the first year it became a success. HOW did Steve do that? Steve goes into detail on how he and his wife grew their business by driving traffic to their e-commerce site in this week’s episode. First and foremost determining the best sites for your e-commerce marketing depends on what your value proposition is. What are you looking to market online with e-commerce? If it lends itself to searches; for example, Google shopping converts very well. But you see, if you’re selling something general like T-shirts, Google might not be your best bet. And, you might want to go with the targeted marketing on Facebook for better conversion rates. Other businesses like Steve’s e-commerce wedding site where he sells custom wedding handkerchiefs, use both Facebook and Google ads. He dives into that kind of detail in our chat. Steve and I touched on When Google shopping will work in your favor When using Facebook is ideal What the minimum price point is of something you would want to advertise on Facebook Equally important for you, Steve sees content as the next wave of how to market products and services and I could not agree more. We got into an important discussion on why video will be the next major trend and why you need to know where you should use it. It all comes down to REALLY knowing your audience and who will buy your product. Want to know how to scale your Facebook ads? This is one of the topics Steve and I discuss and I’ve created a free training video for you to dive a little deeper. Whether you’re looking to improve your e-commerce site, build your list, or grow your consulting business, these spot-on Facebook ad scaling tips are for you! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Free Training Video: Scaling Your Facebook Ads FREE DOWNLOAD Listen to Steve give you more strategies on content, training programs and growing your business via Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Pinterest here.
3/21/201646 minutes, 40 seconds
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#102: How to Create Content Rituals to Get More Done

My quarter one has felt chaotic. I felt scattered. Everything except time to create content was dictating my life. It was time for a new approach to my schedule. I know you feel me here. I needed a die-hard plan to make time for what drives my business forward. I needed a content creation RITUAL. That’s why this episode is so important to share with you, because you will be able to apply my learnings to formulate a content creation ritual that works for you. Last week, we talked about priorities in your business—and life. This week, we are taking it one step further and breaking down how to manage your work time and space, so that you are earth-shatteringly-productive and focused on what matters in your business. First and foremost know this—I am insanely committed to my ritual for content creation, but by no means is it easy. I still struggle with it daily because my mind still thinks I should be doing a million other things. It’s TOUGH. In fact I’m so committed that I have developed my own Tiger Time. That’s right, Tiger Time. This is the part of my day that I fiercely protect (like a tiger and her cub!) in order to give myself the time and space to create my BEST content. The rules are strict, but the rewards are HUGE. It’s been so successful for me that I’ve created a freebie that will walk you through the steps to create your own content creation ritual. So, to take action on what you’ve just learned here, to grab it. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Free Content Creation Ritual Worksheet FREE DOWNLOAD I’ll also clue you in on a few musts for planning out my week—including what helps me prepare for the week ahead, and an old, yet trusty planning tool that I’ve dusted off from the past. It’s all in the latest episode—I hope you enjoy and see this ritual make a real impact on your business!
3/14/201635 minutes, 56 seconds
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#101: How to Intentionally Design the Life You Want with Michael Hyatt

When my dear friend Michael Hyatt said he was going to come by to join us for our latest episode, I knew it was going to be good, and profound. And in my latest episode, he doesn’t disappoint, ladies and gentlemen... Because he’s talking about the ONE thing we should be focused on in our lives: Our life plan. It’s all tied to his latest book, Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want, which Michael co-authored with Daniel Harkavy. Why, you might ask, is a life plan more important than many areas of your business? Because, as Michael says: “A failure in one area can reverberate and cascade into other areas of our life.” So when you’re overall life plan is off track, then your business is naturally off. According to Michael, when you’re what he calls “drifting,” you’re distracted, overwhelmed and unaware of where you should put your focus. This can create an environment for failure. Michael helps you understand that by getting your priorities in line, so you can be prepared to make the little decisions you need to get the big results you want out of your business, and in life. Because, it’s not the big moves that determine the quality of our output, it’s actually the little actions. In last week’s episode, I explained how I grew my business via incremental steps and not one large move. Michael takes this one step further to help us decide what we should be focusing on in our lives, so that we are prepared and patient enough to conquer those little steps. To get started, he prompts you to ask yourself: How do you want to be remembered? What is most important to you? How do I get from here (wherever that is) to where I want to be? Michael then shares the surprising reality about putting yourself first. (It’s a tough lesson.) The book is packed with great insights, and Michael has a special deal if you buy the book tomorrow (March 11). If you purchase Living Forward by tomorrow, Michael will give you for FREE: A detailed action plan guide The Living Forward quick-start audio training A custom Living Forward adult coloring book To claim your bonus: Visit the following link and follow the prompts After talking with Michael, I am more empowered than ever to determine a clear destination and make the tough choices I need to make to get me there. So my friends, get ready to be present, be engaged and be fully focused. Get ready for a life of less drifting, and more fulfillment. Go here now to check out this special interview with Michael.
3/8/201634 minutes, 39 seconds
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#100: When is the Right Time to Add Another Product to Your Business?

Today's episode is #100 (let's celebrate!)-- and I've got another hot topic I wanted to talk to you all about. This hot topic is focused on a big mistake I see a lot (especially in the first two years of business!) but I rarely talk about. Until now. It begins with deciding on which path you should take for your business: Horizontal OR Vertical?  Which is best for your business right now? How do you know if you are on the right path? And which path did I choose from own my business (to see crazy good results)?  You can see the answers to these questions and more in my latest podcast episode here. 100th Podcast Episode Giveaway Not only are we talking about such an important topic on today's episode, but I've also got something incredibly exciting to share with you! I often get asked if I do one-on-one coaching and while I don't have the bandwidth to add coaching to my business currently, in honor of my 100th episode I wanted to create something extra special. That's why I'm giving one person the opportunity to get laser coaching from me in person, right here in San Diego, California. If you are the winner, you get to come out to San Diego for the day where I will put you up at the Omni La Costa Resort and Spa right near my home. (You're going to love it--it's gorgeous.) Bright and early in the morning, we will meet in person and spend the day taking a deep dive into your entire business. We'll look at everything: your avatar, your messaging, your positioning, your products, programs, offers, list-building funnel, all of it. I will give you my insights, my feedback, and advice to help you take your business to the next level whether it be horizontal or vertical. After we're done and our brains are good and fried, we'll go out to a fun dinner together and celebrate our accomplishments. Sound good? How to Enter The 100th Episode Contest Make a short video (under 3 minutes) in which you tell me... What you do Why you would be a good candidate for a deep dive with me What you hope to get out of spending a day with me here in San Diego. Post your video on YouTube and enter the following in the description: Amy Porterfield’s Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast Contest Post the link to your video in the comments on the blog below. If you want to take it one step further, share your video on social media with the link to our contest page ( and the hashtag #AmysCoachingGiveaway  (Sharing your video on social media isn't 100% necessary. I know some of you might feel like you don't want to put yourself out there that much just yet. But I would really appreciate it if you did!) Okay, those are the ground rules. If you want some real insight into how to make your entry as compelling and convincing as possible, keep reading... Who Should Enter This Contest My offer of coaching is good for someone with an established business that wants to up-level, but it’s also good for someone that’s just starting out. As long as you’ve been in business for at least a year, you know what you want to offer, you’ve started to build out your foundation such as creating consistent content or you’ve got a blog or podcast, then you too are a good candidate for this contest. You don’t need to be well established in your business for me to choose you for this special opportunity. Now here are some pointers for creating your entry:  In the video you make, I want you to not just tell me about yourself, but really show me what you're about. Get as creative and expressive as you feel comfortable. This isn't a "technology" contest--I'm not going to pick somebody just because they used a lot of fancy video effects--but if video production is your jam, then go for it! Do whatever helps you express yourself the most. My team and I will select one winner based on your initiative, your willingness to put yourself out there, your enthusiasm, and your ability to communicate clearly what you do and what you want to get out of this time together. You have until Sunday March 6, to post your video. All video entries must be posted in the comments of these show notes by Sunday, March 6, at 11:59 p.m. PST. We will announce the winner on Monday, March 13, by putting it into the show notes here and, of course, contacting the winner. Aaaand I will probably be talking about it all around social media, because I'll be way too excited to keep it inside! Don't Be Shy! I know it’s a big step to put yourself out there with this whole video entry thing. But I really want to encourage you to do so! This opportunity to meet with me and put a laser focus on you and your business could be business-changing and life-changing! I promise I will make it worth your time. I'd also like to take a minute to thank you immensely for following me on my journey of creating this podcast. It truly is one of the most favorite things I do inside my business. It has probably made the biggest impact in my ability to reach bigger audience and connect with you and grow my business overall. Thank you so very much for letting me do what I love. I cannot wait to continue this podcast with more and more episodes about building your business and list building and webinars and all the cool stuff I get to talk about. Here's to the next 100 episodes! And I cannot wait to see what you create in your own business...starting with your videos! CONTEST WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT: Whoa! We were blown away by all the AMAZING entries. After spending all week reviewing each submission, we are so excited to announce that the winner of the all expense paid trip to San Diego for a one day Deep Dive with me is: Christina Tondevold Christina, I cannot wait to connect with you in person to map out a plan to knock your business out of the park and get you home more with your sweet children. Please email to work out final details for your trip, which will happen later on this year. But, there’s more… With hundreds of submissions, I knew it would be hard to narrow this down. I’d love to spend a day with each of you! While we were able to come away with a clear winner, I did have a list of entrants that I wanted to offer something special to. So… if these folks would reach out to, we have a super fun idea that we’d like to run by you. Michelle Evans Craig Sylvester Annette Stephanian Sara King Heather Ryan Daniel Fava I want you ALL to hear this . . . I KNOW it was not easy to make a video and put yourself out there like that. I was so touched by the effort and vulnerability that went into each and every video. Many made me cry, many made my laugh and ALL of them touched my heart. Thank you for taking the time to share a little piece of yourself with me. Although I could only choose one winner, your video truly mattered to me! - Amy
3/3/201633 minutes, 33 seconds
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#99: How to Create a List Building Blitz Campaign

Over the last few years, I've noticed that one of the big reasons my students struggle with list building is that they lack consistent original content in their marketing strategy. It's an easy trap to fall into. After all, creating content takes time, effort and creativity. You might even be thinking "Amy, all my focus is going into creating my product for sale. How am I supposed to come up with fresh original content every week?" Well, good news--this episode is all about helping you create just one piece of amazing content each month. You heard right. Each. Month. When you have that one piece of amazing epic content, you can spin it out into every marketing channel in your toolbox with the overall goal of building your list. Content Comes in Three Stages I think there’s a lot of confusion out there around content. It seems simple, but when I sat down and started mapping what successful content looks like in different contexts, I'll admit that even I got confused! So I checked in with a good friend from my corporate job days. She’s the best at dissecting content and explaining where it shines the brightest. And what she showed me is that there are three main stages of content: Paid Free lead magnet Just plain free (not even for an opt-in) Notice I said "stages." All three of these types of content are related to each other--which means every time you create one kind of content, the other two are super easy to create out of it. Click here to find out how you can use the main themes within your paid product to create epic content that builds your list! Easy Strategies for Getting More Mileage Out of Your Epic Content Now, like I said earlier, the "meat" of the strategy we’re diving into in this episode is getting deliberate about your content creation so you can extend it across all your marketing channels. When you really get intentional with your content (and create it with your email list in mind), you're all to get huge mileage out of one piece. After all, we take our content creation seriously. So why not put a bigger focus on getting it in front of more people while we’re creating it? In this episode, I'm going to walk you through three roadmaps for extending one piece of epic content into every major marketing platform you use. To make it extremely easy for you, I've put together some free worksheets that show how to break up your content into different platforms within each roadmap. Click here to get them now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Your Free Cheat Sheet: "The List Builders Blitz Campaign" FREE DOWNLOAD To get the most out of today's topic, you'll really want to listen to the whole episode. But I'll outline the roadmaps for you here: Strategy 1: Start by writing an epic blog post that includes an epic upgrade (something your readers can take more action on to get more value). From there, you'll move to emailing your list, creating videos, doing a Periscope, and more. Click here to get all the steps now! Strategy 2: Start by creating an epic podcast episode with an upgrade. From the podcast, you'll create a blog post. Not just show notes, but something that brings immense value even to people that may not have heard your podcast. Next you'll email your list, create a video, and more. Click here to get all the steps. Strategy 3: Start by creating an epic video. The first thing you'll need to know is how to provide the content upgrade in your here to find out! Next, you'll take the audio from your video to create a podcast, use the audio to create a blog post...the list goes on. Find out the details on each of these strategies, including what constitutes an "epic" piece of content and what to put in the initial content versus what to put in the freebie, by listening to the whole episode. Click here to listen now! The End Goal = Your Email List Now, this whole strategy takes a little thought and effort to execute properly. That's why you won’t be using this strategy with every single piece of new content you create. Like I said, I’m suggesting you be selective with this concept and put it to work about once a month. That gives you lots of room to pace each appearance of the content within your various marketing channels (and to repost it at least once) without making it seem like overload. Bottom line, the mindset around your campaign should always be about building your email list by getting people to your freebie. When you're creating core quality content with your email list in mind, it uplevels everywhere that content appears.
2/25/201634 minutes, 12 seconds
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#98: Four Big Lies We Tell Our Entrepreneurial Selves

You know how much I love battle-tested, ultra-successful online marketing strategies. The only thing I love better is sharing strategies like these with you! It makes me so happy when we get in the trenches together and master the techniques that bring us the results we crave. But this week, we're doing something a little different. I'm in the midst of setting up my List-Builders Lab program right now, and I have to say that I'm really feeling the effect of all the strategies I've learned (and shared with you) over the past year. Let me tell you that the confidence I feel makes a world of difference in the midst of pre-launch craziness. And that got me thinking about how insanely important it is in your business to have your mind right! We don't think about this too much--we're too busy looking for the right tools, the right strategies, the right technology, etc. But if your confidence is struggling even just a bit, no strategy is going to work inside your business the way it should. That's why today's podcast episode is all about lies, lies, lies... And, of course, the truth that we need to replace them. As you likely already know, to win the game of becoming a successful entrepreneur, you’ve got to focus occasionally on what’s going on between your two ears. Today's post is all about the lies that I've personally dealt with! And sometimes, in low moments, I still hear them creeping up on me. But with the help and advice of other friends in the online business world, I know what to tell myself when those lies show up...and that's what I want to pass on to you today. Lie #1: You have to be the best in your market. Sometimes, when we're just starting out, we feel like we need to be number one, the best, and out on top in our market. That's not always the case. Click here for my take on the all too common lie we tell ourselves, and what the truth really looked like for me, even when it came to getting real with my signature course offering. Lie #2: You have to find the balance between your work and your family and all that comes in between that. You might be surprised to hear that I don't believe in balance. While working with Tony Robbins, I learned a very important lesson that I continue to reflect on during different seasons of my business growth. I encourage you to listen to the full episode to hear exactly what balance looks like in my business. I share some powerful takeaways that I've learned recently that you don't want to miss! Lie #3: Your failures that are adding up are proof that you’re never going to make this work. Sometimes, when things aren’t working as we’re trying to build our businesses online, we go to a really dark place, where our whole business idea looks like a disaster and we start wondering if we are going to have to go back to the 9-to-5 job. Oh, boy have I been in place where I hated where my business was headed. Listen here, and I'll tell you what I did to make things shift. Lie #4: Every opportunity that comes your way is big, and you can’t miss out on it or you’ll be left behind. If you know my story, you know that for the first couple of years, I really struggled, and thought I constantly had to seize every opportunity that came my way, or I might miss my big break. Whether you're a full blown entrepreneur, or still working a corporate job while you transition, there are huge lessons I learned from this mindset. I'll share a few of them here, as well as some sage advice on what might work for you if you struggle in this area. Stopping the Lies = Knowing the Truth I know it’s not enough to just tell you what these lies are. You need to know how to flip them around with truth! Once you have the truth, those lies can't hold you back anymore, and you can really start building momentum in your business. Since we're all about truth-telling today, I'll be honest and say that today's episode felt a little bit uncomfortable for me at times. It's not always easy for me to talk about topics that might not feel super good. And I don’t get to say, “Click this, go here, do that,” because we’re not talking about those specific strategies. But I think it’s important to get really honest with ourselves, in order to be sure that those strategies will work. I hope that’s what this episode did for you, and that it redirects and recharges you, so that you start finding out how to create the business you absolutely love.
2/16/201645 minutes, 53 seconds
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#97: How to Grow a Profitable Facebook Group

Today we're diving into a new aspect of Facebook marketing that may very well surprise you! If you've hosted a webinar or an online course, you have probably also created a private Facebook group as a bonus for your clients. In addition to offering extra support and relationship, private Facebook groups are an amazing way to galvanize your clients into a true community. (Always a great thing when it comes to brand loyalty!) But did you know that the community-creating power of private Facebook groups can be a hugely effective sales tool?  My guests on the podcast today are Josh and Jill Stanton from Screw the 9 to 5, and they're going to share their secret strategy for using private Facebook groups to warm up your audience for sales. Using Facebook groups in this way is really unique to Josh and Jill--as far as I know, nobody else out there is using this strategy to grow revenue. That's because we usually think of Facebook groups as being an "after the fact" thing. You create the product, people buy it and then they're part of the group. But what Josh and Jill have realized that there's a ton of sales power in making your audience "part of the group" before they ever spend a dime with you! Re-think Your Page Right off the bat, Jill makes a statement that could ruffle the feathers of a lot of online marketers: "Facebook Pages are dead to me." Once you recover from that bombshell, don't rush to the "Delete" button on your page! There's definitely a place for Facebook Pages...even Jill and Josh still use theirs. But what Jill is saying is that the Page setup is really more of a one-way street when it comes to interacting with your audience. For example, when fans comment on your page, their words show up in a sidebar...not exactly a real conversation, is it? Turning Your Brand into a Facebook Family By contrast, a Facebook group lets the "family atmosphere" of your brand really flourish. When you gather the people who have genuine interest in your business into a private setting--one in which they can interact with you as another member (an extra-knowledgeable and authoritative member, of course)--you're able to build a community of affinity and trust around your brand. A community in which you are the go-to source for what your audience wants to know/solve/accomplish. A community that is brought together by the experience of your program, product or service. If you're ready to find out the nuts and bolts of this ingenious Facebook marketing strategy, click here to listen to the whole episode now! ...Oh, and be sure to pay attention for a special bonus topic in my conversation with Josh and Jill: what to do when you realize that you don't really like your business model. (Yes, it's possible to change!)
2/10/201647 minutes, 24 seconds
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#96: How to Find Clarity & Get Focused with Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo has been in the online entrepreneurship game for seventeen years. She's appeared on Oprah, been interviewed by Tony Robbins, hung out with Richard Branson. ...and she still doesn’t feel like she’s ever had a “big break.” Yes, really. The whole "big break" thing is a myth, Marie says. And that's not because she doesn't know how it feels to wish for one! She remembers sitting in her studio apartment, staring at the computer screen, fantasizing about the "fairy business godmother" who would sweep in and discover her potential. But the career she's built today--the best-selling books, the hugely popular MarieTV series, the constant stream of success stories from her B School training program who approach her on the street to thank her for changing their lives--didn't come from a single amazing opportunity being dropped into her lap. "What I’ve been able to see now, in hindsight, is there is no single opportunity that anyone else can give you that is more important for your success than the small daily actions you must take every day." Great quote, right? There's more to come. Every question I asked Marie in our interview brought some amazing sound bites--I was scrambling to write them all down! To get a taste of her wisdom in these quotes...listen to the whole episode for Marie's insights on how to overcome perfectionism and self-doubt, the main way to unite your audience into a tribe, and what daily actions you must take to achieve the success you desire! If you want to sign up for Marie's FREE Video Series (You need to watch Video 2 - trust us!), click here to sign up!  
2/4/201645 minutes, 36 seconds
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#95: How to Test Your Next Business Idea with Pat Flynn

Picture this: you wake up one morning with an amazing idea. You do a little research on it and, by the end of the day, feel a growing sense that this idea of yours has real selling potential. Maybe you even ask your audience directly if they'd be interested in this idea, and they give it a resounding "Yes, please!" And then, after all this, you put your great idea into action...and it doesn't sell. Nothing comes of it. When you spend time, effort, and money putting together something for your audience, only to hear crickets when you put it out into the world, it can really crush your confidence, not to mention put a dent in your bottom line. But what if you could take your idea through a proven process that makes sure it's a good fit for you, your business, and for your audience? Now that's a pretty good idea, right? My good friend Pat Flynn has tested many, many great ideas over the course of his online career. And believe it or not, even Pat has had a few ideas that he thought were great end up dead in the water. That's what led to his new book Will It Fly?, which shows entrepreneurs how to test their great ideas for real value. On today's podcast episode, Pat and I are going to walk you through some ideas, insights, and tips to help you learn how to test whether your idea will work for you and your audience. It's a great episode and you're going to want to hear the whole thing--trust me! Pat is one of the hardest working guys out there. But even more impressive than his work ethic is his transparency. If you've visited his site, you've seen that he publishes his monthly revenue reports so that viewers can see real-life proof of how well his ideas work. Success Isn't Overnight As entrepreneurs, we're always talking about launching. Launching is a big part of what we do, but how often do we talk about what happens after you launch? Is your idea actually going to take off? Is it going to fly? Is it going to keep going or is it going to crash? Whether you need permission to really get moving on your latest idea, or if you require some "tough love" in order to let this one go and keep searching for inspiration, Pat's book is going to give you some fundamental tools for entrepreneurial success. EPISODE 95 Click Here to Check Out Pat's New Book "Will It Fly?" LEARN MORE The Three Validation Tests One of the best things Pat's book offers is the three validation tests that show how an idea fits into your life, your strengths, and the overall goal of your business. The Airport Test Imagine that it's five years from now. You're at the airpot and you run into someone you haven't seen in the past five years. They ask you "How's life?" Now imagine you answer "Life is great. It couldn't be better!" What would be happening, five years from now, to make you say that? Now ask yourself: is the idea you're working on right now contributing to that five-years-from-now goal? The History Test This test makes you analyze three or four of the different jobs you've had in the past. You call to mind the position, the environment, the people you worked with, specific memories that are either pleasant or painful. When you do a review like this, it helps you see what those jobs might have had in common...and why that pattern might be attracting you over and over. Does it point out a skill or a preference that you have? Whether they were good jobs or bad jobs, they have something valuable to tell you about who you are...and that will give you a better understanding of how your idea fits into your skill set. The Shark Bait Test Imagine you are a contestant on the show Shark Tank, standing in front of the celebrity investors and pitching your idea. Doing this honestly, from your gut, takes away the salesmanship from the exercise, and makes you really speak to why you and your idea are special and why people would be crazy not to get on board with it. If you know Pat and his content at all, you know that his superpower is taking complex ideas and making them simple and easy to digest. And he brings that gift in full force to today's episode. His tips on how to tackle market research are worth their weight in gold! Want to check out Pat's book, where he dives deep into the content he shared with us? Click here to find out more about his new book, Will It Fly. EPISODE 95 Check Out Pat's New Book "Will It Fly?" LEARN MORE  
1/28/201650 minutes, 44 seconds
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#94: Using Periscope to Grow Your Business

By now you've probably heard about Periscope, the live streaming social media platform that lets you talk to your fans in real time. It's the fastest growing social media platform of all time! Since Periscope launched in March 2015, it already has 15 million users. And get this: those users upload three years' worth of video content every day. I dabbled with Periscope for a while in 2015, and to be honest, I couldn't figure out if I loved it or hated it. Mostly, I just didn't really understand how to use it to its fullest potential. That's why I was so glad to talk with today's podcast guest. Zack Spuckler is a genuine Periscope ninja, and he has used the platform to do amazing things with his email list. Whether you're an early adopter who is already using Periscope on a daily basis, or a skeptic who wonders if this medium is really going to last long enough to be worth the time it takes to learn it, this episode is one you just can't miss. I'll be the first to admit that my biggest obstacle in using Periscope is the whole "live stream" nature of it. Frankly, it makes me nervous--I like to have a plan, a script, and a lot of chances to correct my mistakes. At the same time, I recognize the real power of livestreaming to break the barriers between you and your audience. They get to come inside your world, and you get to be more personal and engaging with them. It lets your audience see a side of you that really no other social media platform offers. Having said that, there are some do's and don'ts that go a long way toward making Periscope truly effective as a marketing tool. That's where Zach's expertise comes in! In addition to offering tons of pro tips and insider tricks on how to use Periscope to best advantage (and a good estimate on how long it takes to really hit your stride) Zach has created a freebie just for you. It's a worksheet with five simple steps to guide you through your first Periscope broadcast. Click here to get it now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Simple Broadcast System Worksheet FREE DOWNLOAD The Numbers In Zach's first 30 days on Periscope, he did $10k in sales. (Listen to the podcast if you want to hear my reaction to this unbelievable number.) It's even more amazing when you find out that previous to this, Zach's all-time revenue high had been $1700 in a month. So he started plugging all his channels into Periscope, to see what kind of results he got. Would people convert on a webinar from Periscope? They would. Would they convert from a funnel on Periscope? Sure enough. Would they sign up for a lead magnet? Yup. Would they like him on Facebook? Even that. Would they buy $1500 product packages in the midst of a live stream? Yes, indeed, they would. After a few weeks of this, people were noticing! They were asking Zach how he got these amazing, naturally, he created a Periscope training course and sold it via Periscope. I'll let Zach tell you what happened: "I sold about $1,200 of the course at a $97 intro price. Then I did it again the next day. We ended up doing about $2,200 in sales with about an hour and a half of Periscopes. We hadn’t sent emails. We didn’t even have a sales page. "Then I launched my Periscope course and really drove people there from Periscope. This will really tell you the power of it: I didn’t have a freebie ready for Periscope. I threw together a lead page that said, “I’m going to make a really cool Periscope freebie. I have no idea what it’s going to be, I just know that you should sign up for it.” We had over 200 people opt in for that and when all was said and done, in the course of the first 30 days and a little beyond that because we had launch, we had sold 60 copies of the course." The Real Power Behind Periscope Zach has tons of tips and tools that will help you create results like these on Periscope. But the real key to Zach's success isn't just the platform--it's the ability it gave him to really hear what his audience wanted. Prior to using Periscope, Zach was facing that constant frustration of creating products that he thought his audience wanted from him, only to have nobody click the "Buy" button when he finally released it. But by engaging with his audience on live video, he could literally count the number of times people asked about something, and know exactly what it was they wanted. "It’s just crazy, the engagement and conversion that you can get with live video. You don’t have to think anymore, you just have to listen. That's what I like about it." If you're ready to really dive into Periscope and find out how to use it, click here to listen to the podcast now. And make sure to download the worksheet created especially for you by Zach himself.  
1/21/201645 minutes, 45 seconds
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#93: Affiliate Marketing Success with Rachel Luna

You know how important your list is to your business' growth. If you're measuring your list's health in terms of numbers, it can really get you down sometimes. It's easy to feel like the fate of your business is at a standstill until your list numbers in the thousands (or at least the high hundreds). My guest on the podcast today is going to blow that myth out of the water! Rachel Luna is living proof that you don’t need a gigantic list to gain success. What really matters about your list isn’t the number of names and addresses on it, but the quality of those people in terms of their engagement with you. Rachel’s success story is really a one-two punch. Not only does she show the power of what you can do with a highly engaged list, but she’s also a stellar example of how to do affiliate marketing right. If you’ve thought about doing affiliate marketing but haven’t tried it…or if you’ve gone through it before with mediocre results…Rachel’s story is going to truly inspire you. And you’re also going to love the freebie Rachel created for us this week: it’s called the Confident Affiliate Marketing Starter Guide. You can get it by clicking here! Secrets of an Affiliate Marketing Superstar Last spring, Rachel worked with my business coach Todd Herman and chose to be an affiliate promoter of his 90-Day Year program. As a business/life coach to other entrepreneurs, Rachel is ultra-focused on taking action and setting goals, which made her a perfect fit for this promotion. Her message is all about breaking through negative thoughts and limiting beliefs to achieve the success you want. This promotion really gave her a chance to practice what she preached. Rachel came into Todd's affiliate program with a list just over 5000. That may sound like a lot, but bear in mind she was working among affiliates who had lists upward of 100k! She was a small fish in a very big pond. Actually, I also happened to be working with Todd as an affiliate for this program, as well. And as the promotion got going, I started seeing this name I'd never heard before popping up on the leader board. Her numbers were going up at an astonishing rate. Other affiliates were starting to talk about her. "Who is this Rachel Luna, and what is her secret?" Finally, I decided to get in touch with her to find out just that. And today she is sharing the secrets of her affiliate marketing success with all of us! Click here to start listening now. The Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success Rachel had done a few affiliate promotions in the past--by the time she got involved with Todd's 90-Day Year program, she had some solid standards for success in place: She had rules to determine which affiliate programs she participates with. Rule #1 is not to promote anything she has not personally used. Rachel knows that to keep her list's trust, she has to limit her promotions to things that she knows will work and that she can offer knowledgeable support around. She had a plan. It’s easy to think that because you’re working for someone else, you don’t have to put as much work into your launch. But Rachel really makes her affiliate partner’s business her own. She even created a Facebook group where she shared the details of her own success in using Todd’s program. She had a revenue goal. This was Rachel’s fourth ever affiliate promotion, and she’d built up her capability over the previous three times. So this time, her goal was $14,000. She set expectations. Right from the beginning, she let her audience know how long she’d be offering this free content from Todd. Doing this created urgency, and it also let anyone who wasn’t interested know that she wasn’t giving up her own brand forever. She kept her audience engaged and accountable. Throughout the promotion, Rachel took a proactive approach to her audience. Every time content or a video was released, she would check in with her audience, tell them her takeaways and ask for theirs, keep tabs on whether they were doing their workbook exercise--whatever it took to keep them engaged. In essence, she treated the pre-launch content as if it were the program itself. "If you can help them get results right from jump street, they trust you, and it helps them fall in love with the program." Find out more about how Rachel achieved such amazing affiliate success! Click here to listen now. Overcoming Your Setbacks You can see why Rachel was blowing us all away with her climbing numbers! This made it all the more devastating when, just one week before the official program kickoff, Rachel’s website got hacked. Everything she had planned for her promotion—blogs, sales pages, bonus materials that she’d created for her audience—was gone. Rachel considered not even doing the promotion. She’d spent hours putting all this together, only to have it wiped out overnight. But after talking with Todd, she decided to keep moving forward and see what happened. "I sent off that first email which I had taken the time to write really well. I was very thoughtful about it. I was very intentional because I wanted to make sure it was something that would resonate with my audience." And oh, did it ever resonate. By Day 1 of the promotion, Rachel had made $10k…almost 75% of her revenue goal. By Day 2, she’d surpassed her goal by $2000. By the time the launch ended, Rachel had made a $53,000 profit, almost four times her goal amount. By the way, this little fish, ended up finishing fourth overall out of all the affiliates promoting the program. Amazing! You Don't Need a Big List to Get Big Results Rachel shares a lot more details of what made her affiliate launch such a staggering success--how much she spent on Facebook ads, how she structured bonuses for her audience, etc.--in the full podcast episode. And of course you'll want to download her amazing freebie, the Confident Affiliate Marketing Starter Guide.  EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Confident Affiliate Marketing Starter Guide FREE DOWNLOAD But the biggest takeaway, in my view, was that Rachel didn't let the size of her email list stop her. She could have put off Todd's program until next time it came around, telling herself she was going to wait until her list was bigger. But instead, she took action with what she had, focused on maximizing her strengths, and didn't let setbacks slow her down. "Sometimes, in my experience as a life coach, people aren’t so focused on taking action, they are focused on feeling better. They were happy with mediocre results. I want to have the best, most exciting. I want big."
1/13/201651 minutes, 34 seconds
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#92: Facebook Ad Targeting 101

Let's kick off the New Year with an absolute game changer for your business: Facebook ad targeting. Some of you by now have become really good at this. But if you're still struggling to nail your Facebook ad strategy, or if you're just getting started in this world, this episode is most definitely for you. I work with a lot of business students who are just getting started with Facebook ads or have been dabbling in ads for a while without seeing much success. The number one mistake I see them making is targeting the wrong people. This usually happens for two reasons. Some of my students truly don’t understand who their avatar is. Others...the majority, in fact...know who their avatar is, but they just haven’t dug deep enough to understand them in a way that Facebook ad targeting could make a huge difference for them in their business.Specifically, they haven’t done the research or documented their successes and losses, so they aren’t really sure what’s working. Here's what I always remind them: when you get really good at Facebook ad targeting, there is no doubt you are going to see some major shifts in the impact you have with your audience and a major increase in your revenue streams. That's why I've created a roadmap that will let you know exactly where to focus, along with what needs to be on your radar from the get-go. It's really simple--just the way I like it--and it's set up so that you can keep adding to it as you learn exactly who your audience is and how to get in front of them. Basically, it's the key to unlocking the most valuable resource in your business. I've put a lot into this episode for you, so make sure to listen to the whole podcast to get everything you need to start the new year off successfully! I've also created a great freebie to help you with this plan--the Facebook Ad Targeting Starter Guide. It's a list of ten questions that you MUST be able to answer about your audience in order to fully optimize your Facebook ad targeting. Grab the special guide by clicking below! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Facebook Ads Targeting Starter Guide FREE DOWNLOAD Like I said, you've really got to listen to the whole episode to get all this great information I've put together for you. But to outline it for you, Facebook ad targeting breaks down into four specific opportunities: Targeting Opportunity #1: Target Your Own Audiences Say you already have an email list of at least 1,000 people. You can upload that email list to Facebook, Facebook will match your email list with their database and voila! You’ve got a targeting opportunity with your best, fastest-converting leads. Targeting Opportunity #2: Targeting Your Own Facebook Fans This list is not as warm as your own email list, but it is still a group of engaged people who are going to pay attention to you. Here’s the huge plus: you will almost always pay less with your Facebook ads when you target your own fan base versus a cold audience. If you ever needed a good reason to focus on building your Facebook fan base, I think this is the #1 best reason to do so. Targeting Opportunity #3: Target Other Facebook Pages This is where I want you to put the most time and energy when it comes to research and experimentation. Targeting other Facebook pages is the strategy that allows you the most opportunities. I've also got a "super tip" to help you find out which pages you should be targeting. Click here to listen to the podcast now! Targeting Opportunity #4: Creating Lookalike Audiences A lookalike audience is basically you taking a custom audience that you have and then asking Facebook to find an audience that is really similar to your own audience you have already created If you want to get a little bit more strategic with that (and I know you do!) you can try a technique called layering. I learned this from my friend James Wedmore, and I've been trying it out in my business lately, too. Click here to learn all about how you can do it! Be Patient with Yourself Finally, I have to remind you to be patient with yourself. This isn’t all going to fall into place tomorrow. My goal is to give you a roadmap and a bunch of examples, so you see where you want to go with your Facebook ad targeting and have the skills to get there day by day. In addition to laying out the steps in each targeting opportunity, this podcast episode walks you through using two super-easy research tools that should become second nature to you when you start to dive into Facebook advertising. Click here to listen to the whole thing now. And make sure to download this week's freebie so you can get super-prepared for making the most of your Facebook targeting. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Facebook Ads Targeting Starter Guide FREE DOWNLOAD  
1/5/201640 minutes, 42 seconds
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#91: 100 Days of Goal Setting with John Lee Dumas

Happy 2016, everyone! I am thrilled to ring in the New Year with you. As I’ve mentioned before, I love new beginnings. The clean slate, the opportunity to brainstorm amazing new projects and create strategies and systems around getting them done…it gets my creative juices flowing like nothing else. And the podcasts I have planned for 2016 are no exception! There are some really exciting episodes in store for you. We’ll be focusing on list building and building campaigns in your business so that you can sell more online. We’ll talk a lot about content creation and making sure that you’re getting in front of the right people to make the biggest impact. And we’ll make sure you are creating a business that you love as well as creating online training programs and products that your audience can’t get enough of. But to get us set up for success in all these areas, I’m going to kick off the new year with some advice from my good friend John Lee Dumas. John is a favorite guest to have on this podcast because his brand Entrepreneur on Fire is a stellar example of the kind of success we’re all shooting for. And after hosting over 1200 interviews with successful entrepreneurs, John is definitely an authority on what it takes to achieve online business success. SMART Goals = Surefire Success John said that over the past few years, a pattern emerged in the emails he received from his audience. A lot of people were struggling with online business because they didn’t know how to set and accomplish goals in an effective way. Contrast that with what John saw in the success stories of his Entrepreneur on Fire interviewees: “I’m a big believer there is no silver bullet. It’s all hard work and getting your nose down to the grindstone, for sure. But I step back and ask what is one thing the Amy Porterfield’s and Pat Flynn’s and Michael Stelzner’s of the world all do well. … These people all know how to set and accomplish goals.” So John decided to dedicate 2015 to creating a structure for his audience to take action with setting goals. And now, in 2016, he has an amazing and beautiful product to help them do just that! It’s called the Freedom Journal: Accomplish Your Goals in 100 Days. It’s a hardbound, 300-page physical book that walks you step by step through the process of not only setting a goal but accomplishing it within 100 days. (True story: I have this journal right in front of me, and let me just tell you that simply holding it in your hands is a powerful thing. Something about this beautifully created physical product is inspiring and empowering in a whole new way. Looking at it makes you want to take action. Pretty amazing stuff!) EPISODE 91 Click Here to Check Out The Freedom Journal LEARN MORE Step by Step Guidance for Your 2016 Goals The Freedom Journal starts with John guiding you through setting a SMART goal. You probably already know this acronym: it stands for Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The rest of the journal offers step-by-step guidance and accountability in carrying out your goal one day at a time. In the remainder of this podcast, John and I talk through the process of two different real-life SMART goals. The first one is about John launching Entrepreneur On Fire; the second one is about how I launched Webinars That Convert. After hearing us explain how SMART goals guided our most successful ventures, you’ll have some super actionable example of how you can use the Freedom Journal to accomplish your own goals…did I mention in just 100 days?! Click here to listen to the full episode now!
12/31/201541 minutes, 54 seconds
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#90: 7 Ways to Work Smarter in 2016

Can you believe 2015 is over already? I know, it's a cliche thing to say, but it's true--I feel like the year has just flown by! Maybe you can relate. I know when a year is packed with as many projects, launches, milestones reached and lessons learned as 2015 has been for me, it makes time race by. It's impossible to anticipate the new year without thinking about resolutions. Ugh. I've never been one of those people who respond well to those. Instead of thinking about resolutions, I found myself drifting back to a book that I've read about a hundred times. I'm sure you've heard me talk about it before: ReWork, written by the guys who founded Basecamp. This book was like a manual for success, back when I was first getting started...but it seems to be turning into a tradition that at the end of one year, I review it for fresh inspiration on how to smartly approach the coming year. Call it a New Year's Rejuvenation, if you will. This year, I was going through it looking for how its principles could help build online business. And as usual, ReWork did not disappoint. I was taking so many notes that I had to turn it into a podcast for you. The strategies I'm going over today are all about different ways to approach your work so that... a) you get more done b) everything you do leads you to big results c) you end the day feeling more satisfied with your bottom line In particular, if you want to build a business around creating online training programs and courses, these strategies are going to be really applicable. They'll help you get more done with less time, less money, less resources…you know, the precious things we always seem to be short on. Each of these 7 tips will have to do with one of these three words: Strategy, Saving, and Selling. And I have to tell you, this is a very dense, deep episode--give me a break, it's the final episode of 2015!--so you really should listen to the whole thing. I suggest curling up with the last Christmas cookie, stir a little eggnog into your coffee, and enjoy a final moment of holiday hibernation to brainstorm your 2016 business year. Strategy #1: Embrace your constraints Limited resources force you to do make do with what you’ve got, and that in turn forces you to be creative. Strategy #2:  Become a curator It’s the stuff you leave out that matters--in terms of product value and saving yourself valuable time. Find out how--click here to listen now. Strategy #3: Build a more focused product What’s the one most important thing that your product is bringing to the table? Strategy #4: Make decisions often You’ll be amazed how strong your decision-making skills can get when you make it a habit. Strategy #5: Create an offer your audience cannot refuse. One of the best ways to do this is to offer more of you. Strategy #6: Sell your by-product as an upsell or downsell If you offer an upsell or downsell, you can work less! Find out how--click here to listen now. Strategy #7: Make sure your work really matters Nothing really matters if your work doesn’t matter to others…or to you. In the end, your business' value is really all about your business' balance. Adding too little will leave your audience confused and you unsatisfied; adding too much value is just overkill for your audience and way too much stress for you. Get the low-down on each of these tips...find out how they tie in with Strategy, Savings and Selling...and get your business systems aligned for an amazing new year!
12/31/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 59 seconds
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#89: How to Fascinate Your Audience

I've got a question for you. Ready? What do Apple, Lululemon and Morton's Salt all share in common? Take a minute to ponder each brand. What imagery does it conjure up? More importantly, what feelings do those images create inside you? When I think of Apple products, I think of elegant, simple design and the feeling of effortlessly getting stuff done. Lululemon brings back that sensation of looking amazing when I'm working out (even if my workout itself feels less than amazing). And Morton Salt? I think of my mom's kitchen cupboard, which feels warm and nostalgic and makes me want to go bake cookies. Here's the answer to the quiz: all three of those brands share the power of fascination. Fascination, as my podcast guest Sally Hogshead defines it, means an intense focus. "When you’re fascinated by a person or a brand, you’re completely consumed in that moment. It’s that feeling you have when you’re working on a project and you’re totally in the flow. You feel creative, you feel confident, you feel focused and energized by what you’re doing. Or when you’re out at drinks with a friend—the time flies by, and you seem to be building epiphanies together in your conversation." Click here to listen to the full episode with Sally. For years, Sally's day job was helping big name brands like Nike and BMW find the perfect words to describe themselves. The first half of that search was understanding what they offered to their customer base that nobody else did; the second half was knowing how to capitalize on that uniqueness and capture it in language. At a certain point, Sally realized that nobody had really brought that idea over from products to people. Business owners were all about finding the right words to get customers fascinated with their products, but they weren't finding the right words to help people understand who they are and how they add value. These days, she parlays her understanding of what works in advertising world into a training to help entrepreneurs understand how people perceive them through their communication. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Your Free Fascination Advantage Assessment (Use Promo Code: AMY) FREE DOWNLOAD So here's a followup question: What makes YOU fascinating? And before you mumble "I'm not that fascinating, Amy" I'm going to stop you right there with what Sally told me: "You don’t learn how to be fascinating; you unlearn boring. You’ve already been fascinating your entire life. It’s just a question of being able to identify what makes you fascinating." Lucky for you (and me), we don't have to guess what makes us fascinating to your audience. Sally has created a totally unique assessment to help you "unlearn boring." Where most personality quizzes will tell you how you view the world, this one will tell you how other people view you. And once you know have that information, you can use it to position yourself in a way that makes your audience fall head over heels in love with you. "When you can identify how other people see you at your best, it becomes really easy for them to see why they should hire you, champion you, promote you. In business, the key—especially if you’re trying to grow a business online—is for you to have a very clear idea of the areas in which you can confidently deliver. And don’t try to be exceptional at the rest." If you act quickly, you can get Sally's assessment for free! She's made a limited number of these super-valuable freebies available to the Online Marketing Made Easy community, so opt in now to get yours. And make sure to listen to the full podcast episode to get all of Sally's amazing insights on how to find what makes you fascinating. Important Note: When you get your custom report, be sure to read the words that Sally uses to describe you. She’s one of the world’s most award winning copywriters, and your report is almost like a pre-written piece of marketing about YOU. This is a free gift to our community, so share away! Post the code on Facebook and Twitter to get a fascinating conversation going. Describe your results and then ask them to share theirs too. Or you can get a group of friends and do your profiles together, and talk about how you apply your advantages in social media. This can be a fantastic date night with your significant other. You can take the free assessment in about 3 minutes, and then then show each other your Fascination profiles. It’s measuring how other people see you at your BEST. So your results explain a lot about how you fascinate each other! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Your Free Fascination Advantage Assessment (Use Promo Code: AMY) FREE DOWNLOAD  
12/17/201542 minutes, 16 seconds
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#88: How To Boost Your Webinar Sales

I know that I've talked a lot with you about webinars this year. The fact is that I've been learning a ton about them myself, and every time I learn a new technique or crack the code on a revenue-boosting system, I can't help but pass it on to you! This week, though, I'm doing something a little different. Rather than walk you through a step-by-step system, I'm going to focus with you on one very specific strategy that I learned from Tim Paige, the host of the podcast Conversion Cast and the leader of all LeadPages webinars. Today is all about an engagement strategy that I've just begun applying it to my webinars. I’ll be sure to let you know how it's going, once I really get it off the ground. But I'll be completely honest with you: it's a little awkward, in the beginning. I've done a lot of webinars, and I still am finding my sweet spot. The thing is that Tim, in addition to being a pal, is a true webinar ninja. This man has done 410 webinars to date! (Who knows--he may be up to more, by the time this episode airs.) No joke--his application is pending for the Guinness Book of World Records for most webinars done in a 12-month period. This is a guy who really knows the ins and outs of webinar success. So when he tells me this strategy is worth working through, I believe it! Listen to the full episode to get all the details on this amazing strategy from Tim Paige. You can also check out Tim putting this revolutionary engagement strategy into action--just click here to join his latest webinar. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy and Tim's Engagement Focused Webinar FREE DOWNLOAD We all know how important engagement is for our webinars. There's nothing worse than crafting and delivering a dynamic, informative presentation only to hear crickets during the Q&A. Scratch that--there is one thing worse: delivering your presentation and seeing only a faint dribble of sales by the time you log off for the day. What you're looking for is that special spark that sets fire to your content and gets your audience fired up in response to it. Early on, I wanted to test the idea of taking every opportunity I could throughout the process of presenting a webinar to look over in the questions box and start answering questions live as we went, as long as they were relevant and weren’t off topic. I found in answering questions, not only did I see a 98% stick rate (98% of the people that joined the webinar in the beginning stuck around all the way until the end) but in one split test I also saw a tripled revenue from one webinar to the next." Um...did you get all that? A 98% stick rate and a 300% revenue increase? I'd say this strategy is well worth trying, wouldn't you?So how does this work? If you're like me, you may be already thinking about how taking questions in the middle of your presentation will interrupt your flow. What if the questions make me get ahead of myself? Am I allowed to not answer questions if they aren't on topic? How is this supposed to work with replays and automated webinars? ...And just what is it about this strategy that makes it so incredibly powerful? Listen to the full episode for all the answers--it's a short but intense masterclass on a single technique that is a true webinar game changer. Do you want to see Tim’s webinar engagement strategy in action? Click here to check out his special LeadPages webinar and pay close attention to when and how he asks questions and engages with his audience. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy and Tim's Engagement Focused Webinar FREE DOWNLOAD  
11/30/201523 minutes, 50 seconds
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#87: How to Build a Dream Team with Melanie Duncan

As you are building up your business and starting to see some solid success, sooner or later you're going to arrive at a certain point. A point where you, as the founder, brand visionary and chief hustler, cannot do everything alone. This is the moment where you need to hire some people. Not just anyone will do, of course. You need to build out a dream team inside of your business so that you can spend more time in your areas of genius, the areas that you really excel, the areas that you love to spend time in where your skill set is the strongest, so that you can make a bigger impact for your audience and on your bottom line. There is nobody I know who is better at this dream team creation thing than my friend Melanie Duncan. The first thing you should know about Melanie is that she runs a multiple-seven figure empire. In other words, she's an authority on this whole online entrepreneurship thing. The second thing you should know is that the ways she's developed her business are, in large part, the result of her amazing hiring system. She has a process for hiring that is extremely unique--it takes quite a lot of effort and focus, but it's allowed her to find amazing people that are the perfect fit to support her business. And let's be honest, when you love the people you work with, everything seems flow a whole lot better on all fronts. But what's even more to the point is how her hiring system has also changed her perspective on hiring. I’ve seen her go through the transition of hating to hire to absolutely loving the hiring process. And as we all know, loving an IMPORTANT process you used to hate is a cornerstone of achieving the success you want. If you're ready to dive into Melanie's amazing system, click here to listen to the full episode now. Below, I've got the bullet-point version to get you primed for what you're about to learn. Make a Dream Team List The first place to start is identifying what you need/want help with. Melanie says not to start with your limitations--instead, imagine what positions you'd create and fill if money, time and managing were no objection. "One of the harsh realities of being a business owner is you end up doing a lot of the work that you really don’t want to do. And just because you can be doing everything in your business doesn’t mean you should be doing everything." Create a Revenue Goal This anchors your hiring to a concrete need for your business. Your revenue goal lets you know what you need from the new position, how soon you need it, and how much you can invest into it up front. "A lot of times the growth of your business is correlated to adding more people to your team. A lot of times your business will grow as you grow your team because it starts opening up more bandwidth for you to be focusing on the things that only you can do and really excelling at them." Hire with a Sales Page When you're looking for top-level talent, you need to create a top-level advertisement to attract them to the position. Melanie's "help wanted" ads are as beautiful, polished and persuasive as any sales page she creates for her products and services. This is what draws the right people to apply for her dream team. Hire to Fit It sounds elementary, but you really need to find the right person with the right skills and the right attitude for your position. In other words, you can't simply hire an amazing person and adapt them to the role. An exceptional person in the wrong position will only end up frustrated...and so will you. By contrast, when you take the extra time and make the hard decisions, it pays off like you wouldn't believe. "When you get the right people in the right positions incredible things are possible." Wondering how long the process should take? Cringing at the thought of sifting through resumes? Want to know how to spot a truly stand-out candidate from the crowd? Get all of Melanie's detailed insight on how to hire people for your dream team. Click here to listen to the full episode now!
11/23/201545 minutes, 24 seconds
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#86: Creating An Honest Business From The Ground Up with Dale Partridge

Over the last few weeks on this podcast, we’ve been doing some intensive tactical trainings. We’ve talked about adding upsells to your sales promotions, adding bonuses, when to add them. We’ve talked about the mindset of list building, and then we’ve gotten really specific about what you need to do to build your list. Today I want to step back a little bit and look at the big picture and look at our team and how we’re running our business and setting things up. I thought there was no one better to do that than my new friend, Dale Partridge. You probably already know Dale, either from Sevenly (the company he founded that became one of the fastest growing social-good startups in history), or from his many keynote speeches and feature interviews on the topic of doing business with integrity, or maybe from his recent book People Over Profits. Dale is a creative leader whose mission is to influence an industry to rethink the models of how we do business today. And I invited him on the show today to help you (and me) learn about how to set a solid foundation for our long-term success. One thing Dale's book really dials into is the importance of recognizing the pivotal moments in our businesses when small decisions could have major impact. Dale went into business for himself at 18 years old...which means that even though he's still a young man, he's old in entrepreneur years. Within that time, he says, his whole mindset around business shifted from making major profits to making a major difference in people's lives. "In the search for purpose and meaning I wanted to create a company that was more than just putting money at the bottom line. It wasn’t until I really shifted my thinking from how to make a million dollars to how to help a million people that really pushed me into business." This is the core of Dale's "people over profits" message . . . and what I really want to stress in today's episode is that it's never too early in your business to think about how you're prioritizing people against your profits. When you're in the early years of building our business, you're all too aware that every interaction in every business relationship matters. You're hyper-focused on bringing real, personal value to your customers with your unique talent and expertise, because you know that it's the key to your success. But Dale points out that greed, dishonesty and customer contempt are not relegated to big corporations . . . that's just when they get caught in a big way. It's super important, he says, to set the foundation of your business integrity in these early years, while you're small, and learn how to self-correct in those moments when it's easy to make small compromises. "I don’t want to be the most successful person that nobody respects or that nobody trusts. And I don’t want to create the biggest company that has great products but people don’t really connect with it." Dale has done some impressive research on the most successful companies (and the ones who fell the hardest) of the past century. According to his research, the companies (and leaders) who really stood the test of time have seven core beliefs in common: People matter. Truth wins. Transparency frees. Authenticity attracts. Quality speaks. Generosity returns. Courage sustains. Listen to the full episode to hear Dale explain more about how these principles show up in online business practice, and how we can train ourselves to build businesses that uphold them. "Whatever your dream is, make sure you crush on it because it’s not about you, it’s about them." In the end, Dale says, our businesses' potential for growth is dependent on the integrity we build into our relationships with clients, vendors and colleagues. It can take real courage to honor a long-term relationship over short-term convenience. But that kind of courage is what creates a brand that really stands the test of time.
11/14/201537 minutes, 43 seconds
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#85: 5 Marketing Lessons That Have Shaped My Online Business

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! First of all, can I just be a little corny and express my gratitude for all of you? It's hard to believe we're up to 85 episodes of the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast . . . and with those episodes have come lots of free weekly giveaways, 17 interviews with the biggest names in online business expertise, 1.6 million audio downloads. Oh, and one very exciting mention on MSNBC as a Top 5 Online Business Podcast! I am truly thankful for each one of you in this little community of go-getter entrepreneurs. Every time you opt in, leave a Facebook comment, write a review of the show or share this podcast with your friends, my heart is genuinely touched. Nothing makes me happier than to know that what I'm sharing is valuable and helpful to you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Whew! Okay, on to business. Today’s episode is all about . . . Before I list them, a disclaimer: these are not little one-off tasks that you can incorporate in a few days. Sometimes I share "quick-win" strategies with you, but this week I wanted to go a little deeper with you. These are big-picture lessons that grew organically from my own journey as an online entrepreneur. Because these are big lessons, I definitely don't want you to try tackling all of them at once. (I'm talking to all you overachievers...I know you're out there and I want you to give yourselves a break this time, okay?) Instead, I want you to mull these over and see which, if any, really resonates with where you are in your business right now. If you feel like one of these could make a huge difference in your business, then by all means take that deeper dive. There are lots of resources on this blog that can help you devise a strategy to grow in each of these five areas. (In this week's episode, I mention specific past episodes where you can find more information--click here to listen.) 1)  Masterminding and finding a business coach. I know I’ve already talked about this inside a different episode and I’ll link to that as well. But I’m going to share some more insights that I’ve never shared before about masterminding and finding a mentor. A big thing I learned from my mastermind group was the power of webinars. You've heard me talk about this before, but maybe you've never really taken the plunge to learn about how you can use webinars to hit that five-figure mark in your business. For this week's freebie, I'm once again offering my webinar training, where I share exactly how I do webinars and how you can do them in your business. EPISODE 85 Sign Up for Amy's Free Masterclass: How to Create a Wildly Profitable Webinar (Even If You Don't Have a List) SIGN UP 2) Finding your marketing vehicle sweet spot. This one is about platform. I’m going to show you what it looks like in my business and how it made such a huge impact. Then I will give you some actions to start investigating this in your business. 3) My partnership. You may or may not know that I actually have a business partner. I’ve never really talked about him much, and I want to share with you how that happened, when it came about, why it came about, and what it looks like in my business (if you’ve ever thought about maybe adding a partner to the mix). This one will be really transparent. I’m going to share things I’ve never shared before, but I think it's time for me to talk about it. Click here to listen now. 4) Affiliate partnerships and my philosophy around affiliates. Again, I’ve talked about this in past episodes but I’m going to put a little more personal slant on it in this week's episode, end give you some tips to build you own affiliate partnership strategy. 5) Consistency. If there is any marketing lesson I need to be even better at and really focus on more and really take seriously, it’s consistency. We’re going to talk about that, what it looks like, and how we can add more of that to our business. As I look back on my past 6 years in business, I feel incredibly thankful for these lessons, as they have shaped my professional and personal life tremendously. EPISODE 85 Sign Up for Amy's Free Masterclass: How to Create a Wildly Profitable Webinar (Even If You Don't Have a List) SIGN UP Don't forget, if you want to learn how to create a five-figure webinar (even if you don't have an email list) you can sign up free for my webinar training. Click here to sign up now. If one of these lessons really resonated with you, I'd love to hear about it! Talk to me on Facebook or Twitter and tell me which one you’re going to focus on. Have a wonderful holiday, everyone. Thank you for being part of our tribe. Mastermind Opportunities: Each of these mentors have offered mastermind opportunities in the past but their masterminds might not be currently accepting new members at the moment. Do some research to learn more about each. James Wedmore's Inner CircleJamie Tardy Jeff Walker Fabienne Fredrickson Victoria Gibson's Breakout Success Mastermind The Shine Academy Natalie MacNeil's Conquer Club Leonie Dawson's Glow Academy
11/11/20151 hour, 16 seconds
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#84: Growing a Lucrative Email List

Welcome to the second half of our intensive "refocus on your list" training! I hope you completed the short questionnaire from last week, because this week we're really building off those questions to get where we need to go. If you haven't done it yet, click here to download it and take just 10 minutes to complete it. (It's only 3 questions--super easy.) I promise, it will free you up and cultivate the right mindset to accomplish the goal for today's episode, which is ... For those of you who might be new to the show, lead magnets are any free, valuable giveaway that you offer your audience in exchange for their email address. To create a good lead magnet, of course, you need to know what your tribe wants and needs from you. Having it be a decent trade-off for the email address is just not going to cut it. You want your audience gasping "Wow! I can't believe he/she is giving this away for free!" Let me say this loud and clear: Do not be scared of giving away your best stuff for free. I give away my best information all the time! (I'm doing it right now, as you might have noticed...and I give away even more on the full episode of today's podcast.) It doesn't hurt my bottom line at all, because in my paid products and programs, I dive much deeper and train much more specifically on those topics. If you want to go deeper into today's topic, click here to listen to the full episode. I'm going to teach a three-part strategy to help you build your list. And our goal is not conservative, folks! This strategy is designed to get you 75 new leads per week. I've also created a great free download for you: it's a cheat-sheet with 17 stellar examples of different kinds of lead magnets. Not only does it give some great inspiration for how to model your own giveaways, but it shows you where to place the opt-in boxes on your website for optimal conversion. Get it here. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Free Cheat Sheet: 17 Pro Lead Magnet Examples FREE DOWNLOAD  
11/7/201547 minutes, 42 seconds
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#83: Cultivating a List Building Mindset

For the last several podcast episodes, we've been covering all manner of marketing tactics. Creating webinars, building urgency, writing copy. And we've taken a deep soul-searching dive into the personal "why's" and "how's" of online entrepreneurship. This week, we're bringing it all back home. It's time to refocus on the foundation of every successful online business: Your email list. This week and next week, I'm devoting the podcast to some list-building straight talk. And if you're thinking "Come on, Amy--I want the black-belt stuff that will take my business to the next level!" ... then this episode might be especially for you. Here's how you know if you need this episode: If you’ve been working on your business for over a year now and you have less than 4,000 people on your email list If you’re not growing your email list by at least 75 new leads a week If you already have a solid list but it’s not converting into sales or sign-ups If you are struggling with confidence in your business and are feeling "less than" or comparing yourself to everybody If you ever launched anything in your business and your results were lackluster (i.e., you sold only one or two of your products when you thought you were going to sell 100) If you truly love the business you're creating and are passionate about seeing it succeed--in other words, if you're in this for the long haul If you answered yes to any of those things, here's the first thing I want you to do after listening to today's episode. Download the short one-page inquiry that I created just for you. It's going to help you sort through the obstacles that are holding you back from building a healthy, growing list. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Cheat Sheet: "Uncover Your List Building Obstacles" FREE DOWNLOAD Let me say at the outset that, for all my talk about the crucial importance of list-building, I truly understand the difficulty involved. When you're in the beginning days and months of your business, it feels like every opportunity is more important than the simple, daily effort of building your email list. But I learned from the sad experience of my very first product launch just how essential the list really is. Listen to the podcast episode for the full story--it's eye-opening. For now, let's just say that with all the bells and whistles of my program design and the sparkle of my marketing strategy, the promotion totally tanked. The reason? I had a weak email list. I couldn't understand it. I'd been networking with all the right people, even getting invited to speaking engagements and guest blog spots, and I'd spared no effort to create an amazing product. But because I was not actively focused on list building, I wasn't able to build the business that I really wanted. (By the way, when I say “actively” focusing on it, I mean that I would think about my list every day...but it was that horrible “I should be doing this, I’m far behind, I know I need a list" kind of thinking.) Everything else about my business just seemed more important, in those stressful early days. That's why I've created this download for you--to help you think through what is pulling your attention away from the cornerstone of building your business. Once you understand why it's so easy to focus on other things, you'll be able to turn the trend around and start seeing the results you want. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Cheat Sheet: "Uncover Your List Building Obstacles" FREE DOWNLOAD Listen to today's episode first--it will really help you with the mindset around list-building, and allow you to process the questions honestly. And when you're done, drop me a comment to let me know what you're thinking! What is your mindset when it comes to building your list? How are your efforts coming along?
11/5/201534 minutes, 53 seconds
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#82: How to Protect Your Facebook Ads Account

Hey there! I have a fun topic to cover in today's episode: The Online Entrepreneur's Worst Nightmare. (Cue spooky music.) Sorry...I couldn't resist. Blame the post-Halloween sugar overload. The actual topic is how to keep your Facebook account from getting shut down. Now, this is a topic that I know truly does scare some of you...maybe you've received warnings from Facebook about your content, or maybe you know somebody whose account has been shut down. I know how upsetting this can be, not just to the people it occurs to, but to every other online entrepreneur in their community. It's just like that feeling when someone you know gets their house or car broken into. Suddenly it feels like the whole world is out to get you. I don't want you going through your business day freaking out about this. That's why I'm devoting this episode to defusing the scare out of this "nightmare." Seriously...breathe. It's going to be OK. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's 10 Commandments of Protecting Your Facebook Ads Account FREE DOWNLOAD There's nobody who knows more about protecting your Facebook account than my friend Rick Mulready. Much of the credit for today's episode goes to him. When I was talking to Rick about this issue, the first thing that came up was how often Facebook's ad guidelines change. If you've ever felt like the old FB is a little trigger-happy on the guideline updates, you're not crazy. Not only do the guidelines change very often, but they're always couched in vague verbiage. It's just not a simple "Don't do this, this and this" with Facebook. Rick told me that it's important to understand the foundational principle of Facebook's guidelines. For them, it all comes down to creating a great user experience. In other words, Facebook wants to protect all Facebook users from feeling lied to, "sold to," bullied, get the picture. If you're thinking, "Amy, I would never lie to my audience!" ... believe me, I know. And I'm on your side. But Facebook is going the extra mile to protect users from people who do lie. So they're not letting people make bold, specific promises to our audience about concrete things (like saving money, making money, losing weight, etc.). And they're not letting us use highly specific imagery that suggests these things (like images of idealized body types, huge stacks of cash, etc.). Why? Because some people hear/see those things on the internet and feel bad about themselves. And feeling bad is not a good user experience. So what is an online entrepreneur to do? Answer: get creative! (Click Here to Listen to the Full Episode!) As you're reading through the list of ten tips about protecting your Facebook ads account, try to adopt an innovator's perspective. Rather than feeling defeated, think about how you can beat Facebook to the punch by creating content that makes all users feel amazing, hopeful, inspired, uplifted. That's a win for everybody--Facebook, your audience, and you. Tip #1: Add a privacy policy to your registration page. If you’re running an ad to a page where you're collecting name/email (or any information) from people, you need to have a clear explanation of what you will/won't be doing with the information you're collecting. We explain a lot more about how to do this in the full episode. Click here to listen now. Tip #2: Disable all pop-ups on the page where you are sending your ad traffic. A lot of people will send Facebook ad traffic to a blog post. Facebook loves this (because users don't have to opt-in to get the content), but what they don't love is if a pop-up ad shows up 20 seconds after the user clicks. Pop-up ads have a bad rap, what can I say? Tip #3: Pay attention to your reputation on Web Of Trust. This is a third-party reputation site that Facebook looks at frequently to decide if an account should be shut down. It's an extra step, but checking yourself out on Web of Trust can let you know if you're building up a negative reputation somehow...and can save you a lot of heartache in the long run. Tip #4: Use the Lead Pages plug in on your WordPress site. Facebook currently counts a LeadPages URL as suspicious content. (We can thank shady LeadPages users for that.) As a company, LeadPages is totally above board, and they are working with Facebook to create a solution. In the meantime, though, they've created a plug-in that you can use to change your LeadPage URL to something Facebook-friendly. Again, an extra step, but it will help a lot in the long run. It's a lot simpler to set up than you realize--listen to the podcast episode to hear me walk you through it. Tip #5: Your landing page must accurately reflect what is being promoted in your ad. This one probably sounds like a given to most of us ... but you'd be surprised how many people get confused when they make the transition from your ad to your landing page. Save everyone the confusion and use the same language/visuals/design in your FB ad as you have on the landing page, and everyone will be happy. Tip #6: Be mindful of your ad copy. You already spend hours laboring over your ad copy, I take a deep breath here. The key thing to remember here is that 80% of the time, a robot is the first one judging whether your ad copy gets approved or not. Which means sometimes an ad that was just FB-approved gets disapproved the very next day...and if you leave it up, that spells trouble for your account. Key things to remember here are that you must not over sensationalize, create a false sense of urgency, or use metrics that don't apply to everyone. (Listen to the full podcast episode to understand how different spins on ad copy can affect your Facebook account.) Tip #7: Create a feel-good story. #6 focused on what not to do...this one tells you what you should do. Instead of going down to negative town with your ad, you want to portray happiness, excitement, enthusiasm. You want to give your audience an overall good feeling about whatever it is you're addressing in your ad. Tip #8: Stick to your account’s regular activity. If you have a lot of different people logging into your FB account (for example, out-of-country VA’s or contractors) that could be a red flag with Facebook. It makes it look like there is some weird activity going on in your account. So either stick to one dedicated user (ideally yourself), or make sure you are using Facebook business manager instead of just a regular ads account. Tip #9: Pay attention to your overall activity because it all adds up. It's important not to push your limits too much with this stuff. I know it might be easy to think "Well, if they don't like my ad, they'll just disapprove it and I'll create a new one." But the thing is, if Facebook disapproves too many ads in a row, they may disable your ad account. Tip #10: Focus on the relationship. You'll rarely (if ever) see me sell directly from a Facebook ad. For me, the power of Facebook is creating and cultivating the kind of relationship I want with my audience: genuine, passionate, and truly friendly. Striking a friendly tone is what will build your email list, and keep Facebook happy. Like I said at the beginning, this isn't something to freak out about. I just want you to be informed. Yes, it might take a little time to revamp your approach to ads, but in the long run, it's going to make for much stronger, more effective Facebook advertising for your business.
11/2/201538 minutes, 46 seconds
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#81: Eight Principles of Greatness with Lewis Howes

I first met Lewis Howes back in my days of working with Social Media Examiner. I liked his technique with video interviews, and wrangled up a lot of interviewees for him; he liked my Facebook trainings, and asked me to put together a book. That was not only the beginning of my career in online training courses; it was, as they say in the movies, the beginning of a beautiful friendship. This week, Lewis and I got the chance to reconnect over the topic of "greatness." Sound a little abstract? Let Lewis persuade you otherwise. Lewis is a true expert in lifestyle entrepreneurship--a business coach with a top-rated podcast, a huge online educational program, earnings in seven figures, and a recognition from President Obama as one of the Top 100 Entrepreneurs in the country under age 30. Truly a great example to all of us working on our online businesses! And you'd better believe Lewis didn't get to this level by aiming for "good enough." His recent book School of Greatness is all about the importance of striving for greatness--in our personal lives, our health, our relationships and, of course, in our businesses. What Does "Greatness" Really Mean? As entrepreneurs, we're a little obsessed with the idea of "success." The symbols are always changing--this year it might be making a decent profit, next year maybe it's hitting six figures, and the year after that, it could be landing a book deal or paying off your house or...who knows? This is the danger of becoming too obsessed with success--the target is always moving. Which means we run the risk of never being satisfied, no matter how much we accomplish. But by focusing our sights on greatness, Lewis says, we're able to experience satisfaction with where we are in our business, and so much more besides. "Greatness is discovering what your greatest gifts are, your talents, what you were born to do, maximizing those gifts, and impacting the maximum amount of people in the world with those gifts." 8 Principles of Greatness Lewis' book breaks greatness into eight simple steps: 1. Clarifying Your Vision Before you set out on your personal quest, you have to clearly see the action steps to make it happen. 2. Embracing Adversity Challenge and struggle are a natural part of growth. 3. Cultivating a Champion's Mindset You can't guarantee that you'll win every time, but you can always set yourself up for the opportunity to win. 4. Committing to Hustle A willingness to do whatever it takes will take you where mere talent can't. 5. Mastering Your Health Your health (emotional, mental and physical) can either hold you back or drive you forward--which way do you choose? 6. Practicing Positive Habits Without intentional habits, life turns into a nothing but a series of reactions. 7. Realizing You Can't Achieve Greatness Alone A powerful, reliable team is the key to building something that’s bigger than yourself. 8. Being of Service to Others The crowning moment of greatness is giving your gift to the world. This is just a summary of Lewis' eight principles--you need to hear these in detail! So click here now to listen to the full podcast episode. Going Deeper My chat with Lewis did more than just outline what it means to be great. It illuminated some of the finer points that past experience had "muddied up" for me. For example... The word "hustle" gives me a little bit of shudder, because I remember my corporate job days where I was really diving in, giving it my all, but felt like I lost myself. Fortunately, Lewis' definition of hustle doesn't mean prioritizing one aspect of your life at the expense of everything else important. Even someone as multi-talented as Lewis feels exhausted and overwhelmed sometimes. Greatness requires a careful check-in system with yourself, to monitor your progress and where you're out of balance. Certain aspects of achieving greatness will come easily to you, while other parts of it are going to be harder. Lewis explains how to fine-tune the process by uncovering the deeper roots of where you struggle. You'll never accomplish the final point of greatness--being of service to the world--if you don't take care of one important thing first. There's so much in this interview, I hope you'll take the time to listen to it today. But for now, I want to leave you with one final quote from Lewis that I thought was particularly...well, great: "The biggest impact we can make is when we become a symbol of inspiration because we follow and chase our dreams. It is our greatest gift to follow our dreams...we are robbing ourselves and others around us when we cop out and don’t chase it out of fear."
10/22/201545 minutes, 39 seconds
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#80: Ask Amy

It's time for another edition of Ask Amy! Every now and then, no matter how good your business system is, you reach a moment where everything kind of splinters. I'm having one of those moments this week, trying to reassemble my podcasting setup after moving it into a bigger home studio. While I'm glad to have this bigger space devoted to my podcast, I don't have the acoustics worked out yet--which means I'm a little bit stalled in terms of production. Little issues like this can really bother me, if I let them! I'm sure you've experienced this, too. Think with me about an area in your business where you feel stuck because something else has to happen before you move forward. Maybe something’s not working properly and you have to figure it out first. Or maybe you’re just not comfortable moving forward and you’re not sure why. All of today's questions deal with different things, but they all center around this core issue of obstacles holding back the progress of our business. Let's take a look! Question #1: How early do you contact affiliates if you want them to work with you to promote your course? While I'm no expert in affiliate partnerships, I have worked with a small, carefully selected affiliate base over the last few years. And one of the ways I select them is whether they're prepared enough with their annual business strategy to join me in planning at least three months ahead. As my free download for this week, I'm doing a mini-training video of my new WordPress affiliate membership site. It's a great solution if you're pulling together all the materials for your affiliates. Not only does it help you get organized, but you can just show it to a programmer and tell them you want “this." EPISODE FREEBIE Get a Behind the Scenes Tour of Amy's Affiliate Area FREE DOWNLOAD Question #2: Remembering back to the first product you created, what would you tell us now that you wish you would have done differently back then? I definitely wish I would have spent a little bit more time on developing a concept around my product suite. When you have a really solid product suite, you're able to help people in your niche that are at different phases in it. Without this, you end up pushing away potential clients to other people. They ask you "What should I do in this phase?" and because you don't have a product around it, you point them elsewhere. That's fine if it happens just occasionally, but when you get asked this a LOT (like I do with, say, creating online courses), your opportunity bells will start ringing like crazy and it starts to make you think "Why don't I offer a product for that?" Question #3: What do you do when you see another site steal your content and sell it? Um...throw something at the monitor? Just kidding. This has happened to me a lot, though. In fact, it happens with every new program I release. One of the first things I do is remind myself that the "client" who would find my program on a shady site that is clearly not mine and go ahead and buy it is NOT a client I would want to work with. At the end of the day, it’s not about the money, it’s about the quality of people we’re attracting to our businesses. There is, of course, a lot more I could say about this...and do! Click here to listen to the full podcast to hear all my thoughts on this issue. Question #4: As an entrepreneur, how do you stay focused on what is at hand and not get distracted with wanting to start new projects, create new things, try a new form of social media? How do you stay focused? First and foremost, I use Scrum. If you haven't heard of it, it's a system of project management that I explain in detail in Episode #75. Of course, the success of this system depends on the things you can't get away from. Consistency. Deadlines. Accountability. All things I have varying degrees of success with! But the biggest lesson I've learned with this is that I don't need to reinvent the wheel. I should model systems or approaches that I see working well for others. I don’t need to try every new tool that comes out. Bottom line, I just need to continue to do what works right for my business. Like, for instance, my Wordpress membership affiliate site! Click the link below to get the training video now. EPISODE FREEBIE Get a Behind the Scenes Tour of Amy's Affiliate Area FREE DOWNLOAD Final Thoughts A lot of times, those feelings of being held back or stuck are rooted in bigger fears or a lack of confidence we have in our business or message. The truth is that a lot of the time, if I go ahead and move forward anyway, I'll mess it up once, figure out what went wrong, and now know what to do. I'll also have overcome the fear of failure because guess what? I failed and it didn't ruin my life! I would rather be making those little mistakes along the way but still be moving forward. When you get the confidence to not really care about those little mistakes, you will usually fix them, keep moving forward and BOOM--you are way ahead of yourself, way more than you thought you would be!
10/14/201546 minutes, 58 seconds
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#79: How to Add Urgency to Your Next Promotion

It's a fact.  Sometimes people are reluctant to buy from you. Even when they want your product, even when they’re smitten with your brand, there will be some prospective buyers that seem to have a built-in pause command that holds a their finger poised above the “purchase” button on your website. It's just par for the course when we are doing business online. There’s nothing wrong with this, until it stands in the way of you making a sale to someone who truly needs what you’re offering. There is one thing that can overcome this buyers’ reluctance. The most successful marketers know what it is, and I’m going to share it with you today. It’s all about adding urgency. This is something I had to learn for myself, through plenty of trial and error, so I’m thrilled to be able to pass it on to you. It’s going to put you way ahead of your competition. It starts with recognizing that it’s simply human nature to take our time and stay on the fence as long as we can, until we are pushed one way or the other. That push comes from learning that we must act. That’s what urgency is: making sure that your audience knows they need to act now. You want to build urgency into every promotion you create. There are lots of ways to do this, but the best way I’ve found to build it in is with a one-two punch: a combination of bonuses and deadlines. I'm going to share several of my favorite strategies in this blog post, but this week's free PDF has even more urgency tactics from some of the biggest names in online marketing. Click here to download it now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Bonus "How It's Done: Genius Bonus Ideas from 11 of My Favorite Online Marketers FREE DOWNLOAD Bonuses Believe it or not, I’ve actually had people buy my programs just for the bonuses! While you definitely want to spend the bulk of your time crafting a great core offer, bonuses can sometimes make or break the offer by pushing people just a little bit further to finally say, “Yes, I want this.” Now, it’s important to note that not all bonus offers have urgency attached. Sometimes you’ll create a bonus add-on to your core offer just to sweeten the deal. Urgency bonuses are the ones that show up later in the promotion. They come in different “flavors. You do not need to do them all. You can mix and match them, based on what feels best for your offer. 1. Timely bonus During your promotion, you pick a time where for a certain period—say 48 hours—you offer a specific add-on to your program. You email your promo list explaining quickly and thoroughly what the bonus is, why it’s valuable, and what’s in it for them. You paint the picture and tell them on what date and what time the bonus will go away. When I do a timely bonus, I always email my list at least one more time, usually 24 hours before the bonus is going to end, to let them know that time is running out. Let me tell you, it works really, really well. When you’ve got a really good, juicy bonus, especially one that addresses a pain point. The main thing here, is to be very clear when it expires. 2. Fast action bonus  This is a bonus that you give away during a live situation. For me, it’s when I’m live on a webinar that I’m using as part of my promotion. If you attend the webinar and respond to the offer at the end, right then and there, you get the special bonus I’m offering. I’ve been doing these fast-action bonuses for a long time. But that didn’t stop me from making a big, fat flub during my recent “Webinars That Convert” promo! Click here to listen to the episode where I explain all about it…and how you can make sure to avoid it! 3. The sweeten-the-pot bonus This kind of bonus doesn’t have a timeline. Everybody who buys your product gets it. But this style of bonus allows you to add something during your promotion…which means you get another reason to email. Finding really good reasons to email is an essential part of the puzzle in a successful promotion. The more opportunities you have to communicate to your audience, the better shot you have at winning them over…but you have to have a good reason to email! And what better reason is there than offering them something amazing for free? I usually introduce this bonus four or five days into my promotion. I send out an email saying that I’ve created this special new bonus, explain why it’s great, give them the link and tell them to sign up. Yes, they could still wait until the very end of your promotion, but having something new on the table immediately creates a sense of urgency. It also creates some very valuable buzz for your offer, especially if you sprinkle a lot of hints about this new bonus of yours all over social media. There are a lot more kinds of bonuses that you can create to add urgency to your promotion. Click here to listen to the full episode to learn about more ways to add urgent action opportunities to your offer. Other Ways to Create Urgency Early-bird pricing is a favorite of mine. Again, it creates lots of opportunities to email my audience, as I warn them of the approaching change in price. The main thing with this is to make sure the price increase is compelling enough to create urgency. My programs go up by $100 when my early-bird window closes. I know that sounds like a lot, but that’s the point! If people are on the fence, a $100 price increase is definitely going to push them over. Cart closing is a natural urgency creator. This is when the time frame ends for all buying opportunities, the last day when people can buy your product/sign up for your program/etc. The key with this is to be true to your word. It’s really bad form, not to mention bad for your business long-term, to announce cart closing but then make all kinds of exceptions, or keep the cart open longer than you said you would. As I mentioned earlier, one of the main places to showcase urgency is in your emails. Once I attract people to a webinar, I follow up that webinar with some really strategic email marketing. I work really hard on those emails to craft not just a compelling sales message, but to help my new audience to understand why this program is so valuable and why they need it. But sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why I love using the countdown timer. As you are reading my email, the timer at the very top of the email is actively ticking away. When it comes to human instincts, the only thing strong enough to beat the buyer's resistance is being able to see time running out, second by second! Finally, there is the “limited spots available” tactic. If you have a more exclusive version of your product (a special edition, a higher tier, etc.), it creates the perfect opportunity to email your list about the short supply of opportunities. Even if they weren't planning to buy in at this level, hearing the words "limited availability" again creates the urgency that you're looking for. These are my favorite tools to create urgency. You'll learn about so many more when you download my free PDF for this week! Click here to get it now. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Bonus "How It's Done: Genius Bonus Ideas from 11 of My Favorite Online Marketers FREE DOWNLOAD  
10/13/201543 minutes, 46 seconds
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#78: How I Generated $170K from One Upsell Strategy

In the process of building my business, I’ve made more than my share of mistakes. The silver lining is that I get to pass the wisdom I’ve learned on to you. It’s always easier to do something right when you’ve got someone guiding you past the ways it can go wrong. However, today’s post is all about something that recently worked really well in my business. It’s something you can apply quickly to your next promotion. Ready? Let’s talk about upsells! What Is an Upsell? First, let’s get our definitions straight. Say someone buys a program or product from you online. They fill in all the credit card details and finish the transaction completely. They are officially now a member of your program. Before you take them to the purchase thank-you page that’s when you can offer an upsell. You are giving your new purchaser one more opportunity to buy from you within the same interaction. Pretty cool, right? Putting Together Your Upsell Offer Three vital things to consider when doing upsells: What is the best upsell you can offer as it relates to the program you just sold? How do you price your upsell? The flow of the upsell process. I’m no expert in upsells. I’ve been in business a while, and just recently started using them. But the success I’ve experienced has shown me that there’s a certain flow that’s really important to the overall strategy of your upsell. An Example from My Promotion In my most recent promotion, Webinars That Convert, I welcomed over 1,000 new members into the program in just under two weeks! That alone was awesome…but even more awesome was the fact that 58% of those new members purchased the upsell I offered! That generated an extra $170k in revenue! Here’s how I designed that upsell—both the product and the process. I put together a product that perfectly complemented the program I was selling. In this case, it was a pack of 5 slide deck templates. You need a slide deck for your webinar, and these templates gave purchasers five unique, polished looks for their presentation. They also made the setup process a lot simpler. I had the template pack price fixed, BUT I offered buyers three different options. They could purchase the pack in one fell swoop, they could split up the purchase into two payments, or they could purchase a “lite” pack of just two templates. I structured the upsell offer with a great deal of strategy. Here’s how it worked: if someone saw the offer and bought the five decks at full price, they would never see the two-pay offer or the lite version. You wouldn’t see the lite version unless you declined the first two offers. See how it works based on the potential buyer’s behavior? It also allowed me to learn more about the segments of my audience. I go through a lot more the details of how to create your upsell (with ideas you’re welcome to steal!) and structure your offer in the podcast.  Also, there is ONE THING you do NOT want to do when creating an upsell.  I share the "don't do this" details in my podcast as well.  Click here to listen to it now! For this week’s free download, I’ve included the actual upsell page I used in this promotion, so you can see exactly what I did and make it your own. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's Upsell Offer for Webinars That Convert FREE DOWNLOAD  
10/6/201532 minutes, 35 seconds
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#77: 5 Video Marketing Mistakes Most Businesses Make with James Wedmore

I know it’s only October, but I’m already thinking about how to boost my business in 2016. And one of my biggest goals is to do more video. Video is a complex issue for a lot of entrepreneurs. You know that it could help you make an amazing connection with your audience. But all the tinkering that goes into it--the lighting, the camera setup, the script--is a surefire way to fry your brain. Now, you actually may be killing it with video right now. Maybe you have a natural eye for what looks good on camera, you’re a master of improvising quick, witty nuggets of wisdom on the fly, and talking into a lens brings out all the warmth and sparkle of your personality (instead of turning you into a cardboard cutout like…um…some people I know). If that’s you, my hat is off to you. But if not, maybe you're more like me —you’ve made some videos, it went okay, you know you can do better…but it's easier to just save it for another day. (Or year.) My good friend James Wedmore dropped by the other day, and we started chatting about video, and before long I had to ask him if we could turn the conversation into a podcast interview. He has so much great stuff to share about why video is important, and how to make it really practical for your business. James says that learning to connect with his audience on video changed his business and his life. Our interview was OUTSTANDING video tips and tricks. I want you to listen to the whole thing so you don't miss any of it. I also want you to make sure to access the three-part FREE series he put together just for you on how to make great videos for your business. EPISODE FREEBIE Get James' Free Video Series About the Videos You Must Include in Your Business LEARN MORE Here’s just a tease of what we covered: Five Video Marketing Mistakes Shoddy camera work  You don’t have to be Martin Scorsese or anything, but you do have to avoid those black bars on either side of your video—they’re a huge turnoff to your audience. (Easy fix: record video with your camera or phone held lengthwise, not up-and-down.) Other no-no’s include shaky camera action, bad framing, and fuzzy focus. (If these no-no’s are already breaking you out in hives, relax. All of these are easy, one-step fixes that James spells out.) Lighting Newer cameras and phones can correct for this, but it’s worth it for everyone to learn how to set up quality lighting. The bedroom lamp is just not going to cut it. Nothing makes your video (and your brand) look instantly amateurish like bad DIY lighting. James gives the name of his favorite lighting kit that's cheap and reliable. Click to listen. Audio James says stop using your in-camera microphone. Doesn’t matter if you have the fanciest phone or DSLR out there…the onboard microphones will not pick up quality audio and your beautifully shot video will either sound like it’s coming from the bottom of a well OR sound like your grandmother shouting over a long-distance call. Again, just a little bit of cash outlay will get you a great-quality lapel microphone that connects into your camera or phone. Your audio will get instantly synched, and you’ll be able to talk in your normal tone of voice without worrying that the mic isn’t picking you up. Don’t Be Boring A lot of people protest that they can’t do video because they aren’t funny, they aren’t loud, they can’t talk fast, they aren’t an extrovert. Well, guess what? You don’t have to be any of those things to have an engaging video. As James puts it, "The opposite of boring doesn’t mean funny." What you do have to be, James says, is passionate. And…well, just listen to what else he says. You’ll have no reason to doubt your “interestingness” ever again. Not Doing Video It’s not a rule that “he or she who has the most video wins.” (In fact, it’s definitely possible to do too much video, especially if you have no strategy.) That said, there are five types of video everyone should be doing in their business. Learn more about what each of these videos accomplishes, and how you can pull them off seamlessly by signing up to get the free three-part video series James created on how to do videos. EPISODE FREEBIE Get James' Free Video Series About the Videos You Must Include in Your Business LEARN MORE  
9/28/201549 minutes, 57 seconds
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#76: How to Be Happier (and More Profitable) with Gretchen Rubin

My guest today is a New York Times bestselling author, as well as a speaker, blogger, and recognized expert on the topic of happiness. A happiness expert? Oh yes, there is such a thing. Gretchen Rubin takes the topic very, very seriously. She put her Yale education to work with the goal of finding out systematic ways that people can cultivate, achieve and maintain happiness in any facet of their lives. The book that came out of her study, The Happiness Project, took the world by storm. Book clubs adopted it, college professors assigned it, psychiatrists recommended it to their clients. This topic really resonated with everyone who read it. It’s an amazing title and I strongly recommend you give it a read. Not surprisingly, my talk with Gretchen turned out to be one of my favorite interviews ever. It went in some surprising directions, offered tremendous food for thought, and really hit home for me in terms of how to define success. Honestly, this interview is so rich that I don’t want to summarize it too much here. You really should listen to the whole thing. In the meantime, you can download our free giveaway for this week, which Gretchen herself designed. It’s a PDF guide called “Working Better Than Before,” and it’s meant to help you understand your work habits and gain insight into how you can maximize your creativity and productivity. (You can also use it to help your clients!) EPISODE FREEBIE Get Gretchen's PDF "Working Better Than Before" FREE DOWNLOAD If you just can’t wait to find out what Gretchen and I talked about in the interview, I’ll give you a few teaser points of what we covered: We live in a world of one-size-fits-all solutions…especially as entrepreneurs. “Do it for 30 days,” “Start small,” “Give yourself a cheat day,” and on and on. If you’ve tried the solution of someone you admire, only to be frustrated by not having it work for you…guess what? Not all strategies work for all people! Gretchen says her research led her to discover that the really important first step in changing our habits is to begin by figuring out what is true for us. “If we want to figure out how to change our habits, we have to figure out what’s going on with ourselves and the change has to come from a true understanding of who we are.” If there is something you are struggling with, ask yourself if there was a time in the past where you did a better job with this. Was there a time when it came easily to you? What was different? Why was it easy then and it’s not easy now? "A lot of times people, due to pressure, feel like they are failing because what all of the experts say should work doesn’t work for them." Gretchen points out one of the puzzling things about habits: it’s easy to understand why we find it hard to make a habit of something we don’t want to do, but it’s often just as hard to make a habit of something we love! (And yes, she gives an answer to why this is the case.) "The secret is to question all the ways you could think about setting it up so that it would work for you. You can find a way that will allow you to succeed and be the most productive and most creative, the healthiest." According to Gretchen’s research, all people fall into one of four types when it comes to how you respond to expectation (your own or someone else’s). Those types are upholders, questioners, obligers, and rebels. Knowing which one you are makes it a lot easier to know what it takes for you to come through on a commitment. (You can take this quiz at Gretchen’s website to find out which type you are.) “The secret of adulthood is accepting yourself and expecting more from yourself.” The “just accept yourself” message gets frustrating to people who are very progress-oriented. But the people in “grow, grow, grow” mode eventually feel dissatisfied that they can’t ever just be okay with themselves as they are. Gretchen talks about the mindset that allows all of us to strike a happy medium between these two. "Research suggests that about 40% of everyday life is shaped by our habits. If we have habits that work for us we are far more likely to happier, healthier, and more productive." So how does understanding ourselves and how we form habits contribute to the growth of our business? Gretchen goes over this, too. (Hint: you know how great it is to generate sales on autopilot? It starts with getting your work habits on autopilot.) "One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy. One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself." As soon as you can, click here to listen to the full episode. Gretchen’s insights will help you set a foundation that makes every aspect of your business stronger…and makes you a lot happier in it! And don’t forget to download the freebie for this week, “Working Better Than Before". It helped me a ton (which I talk more about in the podcast) and I know it will do the same for you. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Gretchen's PDF "Working Better Than Before" FREE DOWNLOAD  
9/24/201557 minutes, 30 seconds
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#75: How to Launch -- The #1 Project Management Method I Can't Do Business Without

If you’ve been listening for a while, you've heard me mention the word Scrum. When you hear this word, you do one of two things: Feel your heart surge with pride and joy because, as a fellow Scrummer, you know how amazing this approach is for running a small business. Scratch your head / do a Google word search / roll your eyes because you have no idea what I’m talking about. Listeners in both these camps are going to love today’s episode, because I’m going to talk about this amazing project management method and how it has revolutionized the way I get my business done. To start off, Scrum is not my own made-up word—I got it from a book called Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. (Sounds pretty good, right?) And basically, the concept of Scrum is just that: managing a team of employees and contractors in the smartest way possible. I used Scrum throughout the process of creating my newest product, “Webinars That Convert.” Basically, I set up a checklist of every single thing that needed to get done on this product—from creation to promotion to sales to management—and my team and I “Scrummed” our way through it! Not coincidentally, it’s the same checklist I used for promoting the Profit Lab last spring. That’s why I’m offering the same giveaway this week—the step-by-step project plan checklist that puts all the chaos of a new product launch into sanity-saving order. EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Get The Project Plan Checklist FREE DOWNLOAD This checklist goes hand-in-hand with today’s topic—download it and you’ll be well on your way to Scrumming your first project. Why Scrum?  There are the four main ways that Scrum really helps my business reach its productive sweet spot: It increases your team’s speed to completion. My team is able to get through projects so much faster now that we use Scrum. It highlights performance.  The Scrum approach really pays attention to the work people are getting done and gives them the ownership on that performance. It creates cross-functional teams.  People are empowered to make decisions. It fosters consistent communication.  This is probably my favorite part of Scrum—it allows us to make sure everything is working smoothly. When it’s not we fix it instantly. Scrum for Small Businesses The book about Scrum was written with big corporations in mind, so I had to do a little tweaking to make it work for my small business. For instance, the Scrum team is made up of the product owner, the team, and the Scrum master. The product owner (that’s me) takes the vision of the project and translates it into a backlog (that’s the project plan checklist I put together). In a giant company, the product owner would handle the backlog all by herself. But I’m lucky enough to have a small team of awesome employees that can help me develop the backlog. They’re going to see things that I miss and have valuable input. And because it’s a small team, it’s a manageable number of voices contributing to the project vision. Next, the team develops the product or completes the project envisioned by the product owner. For me, that means delegating tasks to a couple of part-time employees and a slew of awesome contractors. Finally, there’s the scrum master. That is the project manager. It can be a designated employee on your team, it can be a contractor, or it can even be one of your team who serves as scrum master temporarily for a particular project. Note: I do not think the project owner should be the scrum master. This is a surefire way to end up burned out. I definitely fell victim to burn-out in the past, whenever I tried to fill both of those roles. Hiring the role out is going to be better for you and for your team. Yes, you won’t necessarily know what’s going on at every minute of the day with your project, but take it from me: that is a beautiful thing. Do yourself and everyone on your team a favor, and delegate the scrum master role to someone else. (If the idea of delegating this role to someone else sounds too hard, too expensive, too time-consuming, I get it. Listen to the full episode—I’ll give you some ideas to creatively enlist a scrum master, no matter how big or small your business is.) How Scrum Works #1: The Project Backlog The project owner creates a list of all the tasks you can think of that will go into the project you are putting together. #2: The Sprint You decide what you are going to focus on inside the backlog during a small sprint—a week or so of focused work. These small increments save people from getting lost in the weeds. They also keep the product owner on the pulse of what’s happening. You work as a team on the sprint, with daily scrums—15-minute check-in calls with the team. #3: The Sprint Review Once the week is over, you do a sprint review. What worked? What didn’t work? What needs to be tweaked? And then you are off to your next sprint. These small increments of focused work are the real beauty of scrum. Just look at that project plan checklist I gave you—it would have totally overwhelmed my team if we had looked at the backlog and said everyone should just dive in and get it done! The Daily Scrum This daily check-in is the most powerful part of the Scrum method. It’s me, my VA and my project manager (or scrum master). We never go over 15 minutes (unless we get a little too chatty!). We focus on three words during a daily scrum: done, plan, and problems. Basically it’s me asking “What have you gotten done, what are you planning to get done, and where are you having problems?” As the scrum master reports on this and my VA chimes in with her feedback, we all end up with a total understanding of where the sprint is at. The same thing happens when we’re doing a sprint review, just in the past tense. And we take notes on every part of the process—what worked and what didn’t work—so that when the next project comes up, we can adjust the backlog as necessary. What Scrum Reveals  Along with helping you manage the potential chaos of a big project, Scrum is really helpful for bringing to light the patterns in your work that need…well, that need work. One of the biggest things the Scrum approach has shown me is that I need to give myself more time in every project I do. More time to plan, more time to create content, more time to brief my team on their tasks…you get the idea. To be honest, I kind of knew this already in my gut. (I mean, that’s why we feel stressed, right? Because we don’t have enough time to get everything done!) If I feel pressed for time, it’s going to trickle down to my team and they’re not going to have the time they need to do the work I’m assigning them. It’s that simple. But I didn’t realize it until I started implementing Scrum. The bottom line is, if you don’t take the time to communicate well with your team, it will cost you money because they will do it wrong. And Scrum is an amazing way to keep that communication alive. Best of all, the Scrum method gets easier and more efficient every time you use it! It’s kind of intense, it’s all-consuming, but when it’s over, it’s completely done and you’ve got a completed project. Grab the free PDF project backlog (if you haven’t already) and start warming up to Scrum in your business. And let me know how it works for you! EPISODE FREEBIE Get The Project Plan Checklist FREE DOWNLOAD  
9/16/201546 minutes, 46 seconds
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#74: Write Better Copy: Quick Tips for More Confident Communication

I know I have talked about copy many times. But can you blame me? It’s a hot topic! Many of you that are growing your business online or have been growing your business for a while now still struggle with copy. Believe me, I get it. I have definitely struggled for years with writing good copy for my business. And when I finally felt like I got that "copy mojo," things started to become easier in every aspect of my business. That's why I'm so excited to bring you my guest today -- Nikki Elledge Brown. Along with being a proud military spouse, a mom, and a former park ranger, she's an amazing communicator and businesswoman. Nikki went from teaching communications at college-level to running a business that broke multiple six figures in under 18 months. (Wow, right?) And the heart of her business is teaching entrepreneurs (like you and me) how to write their own copy, better than ever! Nikki's approach to copy is putting it into "recipes." Sales pages, blog posts, video scripts, About pages...she breaks them all down into specific, doable steps that make copywriting easier than a "just add water" cake mix! Today's show is packed with ridiculously simple recipes for every piece of copy you'll ever have to write, along with a few to help with your mindset around copywriting. Stuff like... How to write with purpose The value of YOUR voice (+ how to use it in your copy) Sales page tips (how to make it easy for people to buy from you) Sample blog post recipe Sample blog VIDEO recipe How to write a great headline in under 10 minutes What to do when you're not sure what to write about How to avoid sharing TMI (too much information) How to master your mindset around copywriting Nikki also put together our freebie today, which is--you guessed it--a "recipe book" of copywriting formulas. Click here to get it now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get Nikki's "A Course About Copy Class Notes" FREE DOWNLOAD As I mentioned, Nikki has built a hugely successful business in an amazingly short amount of time on her way with words. She had over 90 new clients sign up with her in her first two months of business! And in her words, the key to this kind of growth is not just being good at helping others communicate, but being able to communicate her own brand clearly to potential clients. "You are losing money if you aren’t communicating effectively." Find out Nikki's recipes for maximizing your revenue potential with easier-than-ever techniques for communicating with your audience. Her free PDF is about to become your copywriting "Joy of Cooking"--an indispensable guide to everything you'll ever need to write for your business. Click here to get it now!
8/30/201556 minutes, 46 seconds
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#73: 3 Webinar Tweaks That Made a $62K Difference

What a difference a tweak makes! If you've spent any time on this blog (or podcast) in recent weeks, you know how firmly I stake my belief in webinars. Webinars offer a platform that lets you connect with people on an entirely new, personal level you just don’t get with most marketing strategies. And what other marketing strategy can offer the opportunity for consistent on-the-spot revenue? If you’ve done successful webinars in the past and are looking to make even bigger revenue, OR if you’ve never done webinars before or maybe have just dabbled with them in the past, today is going to be quite a pleasant surprise. Starting with this number: $62,000 As the title says, just three little webinar-related tweaks made a $62,000 difference in my bottom line. I knew they'd have an impact, but the size of that number surprised even me. See, I knew there were aspects of my webinar strategy that could use a shot in the arm. I wanted more sales generated from my webinars I wanted more people to show up live during my webinars I wanted to attract a new audience and grow my email list with the webinars. Whenever you want to reach a new goal, you know some parts of your strategy are going to have to change. So I set to work making adjustments, starting with: Tweak #1: The Sales Page This might surprise you, but I always do a sales page for any promotion I put together. Where some people might drive webinar attendees right to their product order form, my style is to give people extra information, especially if they are on the fence. In the past we used to send people directly from the webinar to the sales page to read all about the product and then buy. But over time, we realized I wasn’t getting as many sales on the webinar as I had thought I should. And that's how this simple tweak came about. I still use the sales page, but I'm using it smarter. That single change resulted in instant sales from the very next webinar, as well as a bigger boost of those instant sales. (Click here to listen to the full episode and find out the simple tweak that boosted instant webinar sales!) Tweak #2: More Webinars During Promotion I want to give a shout-out to a member of the mastermind I used to be in. He's the one who suggested this tweak to me. He said if webinars work really well for me, I should be capitalizing on that. This idea--do more of what's already working for you--was so simple, it was revolutionary. In the past, I'd do one webinar for each promotion. But at his suggestion, I stepped up my game. It took a while for this tweak to hit its stride. But once it did, I saw amazing results. Tweak #3: Facebook Ads This is one I learned from my amazing coach, Todd Herman. I found that when I'm running Facebook ads for a webinar promo to a cold audience that probably doesn’t know much about me, that ad needs to look a whole lot different than an ad to a warm audience (my fan base, my own email list, or a retargeting list). Here are some examples: The warm-audience ad The warm-audience ad is more "talky" and personable. It has a lot more of my branding in it, in terms of colors and design. These people already know me and like me, so it plays on that familiarity we have. Compare that to... The cold-audience ad The cold-audience doesn't have a lot of branding to it. The text is short, punchy and blatant: "This is what we have going on, sign up here." Because this audience doesn't know me, I keep it much more generic. Find out more about how to tailor your Facebook ads to different audiences. Click here to listen to the whole episode. One More Thing One other huge change I made last year that has been a game-changer in terms of webinar attendance is an email series I call the Pre-Webinar Onboarding Sequence. This series of emails starts the minute you register for a webinar, and it's become an integral part of my brand. You'll get a lot more info about this email sequence (and how to make it your own) if you sign up for my upcoming free Master Class! You'll also get stories, case studies, and a lot more knowledge about how to make webinars work for your business. Click here to register now! EPISODE 73 Sign Up for Amy's Free Masterclass: How To Create A Wildly Profitable Webinar (Even If You Don't Have A List) LEARN MORE  
8/30/201532 minutes, 11 seconds
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#72: The FIRST Action You Should Take Before Starting a New Project

I love these opportunities to answer your questions directly. And lately, the questions have swirled around a specific theme. (It seems we're all on a very similar wavelength right now!) What's the theme, you ask? How to grow your business to the next level.  Whether you're just getting started or have been in business for years, the steps that take you from where you are to where you want to go remain pretty consistent. In other words, we have a lot in common, you and I. Question #1: What is the first thing you do before you start a brand new project? The answer here may surprise you...unless, of course, you've participated in one of my programs in the past couple years. (I kind of can't shut up about it.) It's incredibly simple and incredibly effective cornerstone of every project that makes my process absolutely fly by. I can't live without it. ...and neither should you! Sign up for my free training to own this strategy for yourself! EPISODE FREEBIE Get My Free Training Video: How I Organize My Dropbox Folders for Ultimate Success FREE DOWNLOAD Question #2: What is the biggest struggle in your business right now? Glad you asked. This is something I've been thinking a lot about. It feels like I'm missing something important in my team--some vital role isn't being filled. As a result, it feels like there's a "chokehold" in my business.  After much deliberation, I think I've figured out what it is. Question #3: What’s one challenge you have overcome this year? I am really proud of this answer. (And guess what? It involves you.) And in overcoming this challenge, I've learned that it's not always a matter of changing something in order to make the challenge go away. Sometimes it's a matter of changing the way you look at the challenge. Question #4: I've noticed you haven’t been traveling much lately. Why the change? Aren't you observant? It's true--I've scaled way back on the travel commitments. And no, I didn't develop a fear of flying or lose my interest in participating in big events. Instead, it was a shift in my focus, and a commitment to doing even better at the things I do best. Question #5: When you were first starting out did you feel a bit alone in your business? Not at first--I was so relieved to be out of the busy corporate environment, a little isolation was fine. But over time, yes, I felt the need for more company in my solo-preneurship. Feeling alone squashes your don't go there! (Click here to listen to the full episode, where I break down my strategy for keeping good company.) EPISODE FREEBIE Get My Free Training Video: How I Organize My Dropbox Folders for Ultimate Success FREE DOWNLOAD  
8/15/201533 minutes, 27 seconds
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#71: Masterminding Your Way to Success

Next time you're networking with a group of entrepreneurs, keep your ears peeled for a certain word floating above the conversation. The word is "mastermind," and it's a concept that is trickling down from the multimillion-dollar start-up set to homegrown entrepreneurs like you and me. If you're not familiar with the term, the term "mastermind" can have a very "Great and Powerful Oz" sound about it. Simply put, a mastermind is a small, very focused group of business owners who meet regularly to sharpen and strengthen their business strategies. One of the biggest advocates around for mastermind groups is Jaime Tardy, founder of Jaime is the kind of person anyone would want in their mastermind group--she has razor-sharp focus, unwavering commitment to her goals, an insatiable appetite to learn...and she's also a lot of fun to talk with! Jaime joined me this week to talk all things mastermind, and the takeaway is hugely informative. If you've been thinking about creating or joining a mastermind, or even if this is the first time you've the term, this episode is going to spell out exactly what the benefits are, what kind of mastermind you should be looking for, and how to conduct operations once you get started. Jaime also put together a worksheet for forming your own mastermind, complete with email scripts for contacting potential members. Click here to download it so you can get started right away! EPISODE FREEBIE Get the 6 Easy Steps for Forming a Mastermind FREE DOWNLOAD Should I Pay to Join a Mastermind? There are lots of opportunities out there to join an existing mastermind for a subscription fee. I did this early in my business, and it was helpful...but Jaime says that the most valuable masterminds don't involve money changing hands. "Peer masterminds," as they're sometimes called, have these advantages over paid groups: You have equal say to everyone else in the group--no single person is controlling it. They tend to last longer than paid subscription-based groups. It's easier to form true friendships with others in the mastermind. Should My Mastermind Only Have People from My Niche? Definitely not! Jaime is in a mastermind with a financial advisor, an internet marketer, and a professional sword swallower! What they do have in common is a high regard for systems and processes, and a level of success that they're trying to reach. "You have heard the quote, 'You are the average of the five people that surround you.' We want the level of just about everyone else in the group to be about the same, or at least have different niches of what they can talk about. You want to make sure that each person has an expertise that other people could use." It's also a good idea to reach out to at least one or two people who are way more experienced or profitable than you currently are. These people will raise the bar on the meetings and bring insight that could take you months (or years!) to achieve. These people should be at the top of your list to invite to your mastermind...even if it's a little scary to reach out to them. "If it scares you, that’s a good thing. You are going to be creating something that you can have for three to five years. This group could help your business make so much money. Yes, you might be super scared to email them once. But what’s the worst that will happen?" What Happens in a Mastermind Meeting? You can organize a mastermind meeting in any way that makes sense, but here is the rough outline that Jaime's mastermind uses: First 15 minutes: The group goes around on the call and shares their wins from the previous week. Whether it's making a million dollars or cleaning off their desk, no victory is too small to share. "We are always looking forward, and never realize the amazing stuff that we are already accomplishing. So being able to share that lets us all rejoice in each other’s wins. And it is really inspiring." 30-40 minutes: Each week, one member takes the hot seat with a specific issue they're facing in their business. They bring any collateral or examples that can help inform the members about the issue--they might even email everyone ahead of time. The rest of the group will weigh in on the issue and offer their unique expertise to solve the problem. "You can bring whatever you want to the hot seat. You talk about it and at the end you usually have some sort of clarity or direction to go in whether it be a resource, something to try, being introduced to a person. That makes a huge difference." Final 10-20 minutes: The group selects the next member to take the hot seat for the following week. With the others' help, the upcoming member reviews his/her goals for the quarter, so that the group can help them solve a problem that gets them closer to that goal. "As entrepreneurs, we can get really distracted. We are trying to make sure that our actions actually align with what we want. That is when you see massive progress." How Do I Know if My Mastermind Is Working? The same way you know if any relationship is working--if you feel mostly positive effects from being involved with it. There are definitely masterminds that are not a good fit for you, that just don't offer what you're looking to get out of it. Or perhaps it's going great for you, but someone else in the mastermind is routinely late to meetings, participates minimally, or contributes negative energy.In either case, a few meetings is usually all it takes to know that something's not working right. "The level of commitment matters. If it doesn’t, people are not going to feel like they are getting value from it, and they will start backing off or will quit. And then it starts to feel icky." Get Jaime's insights for keeping your mastermind on track! Click here to listen to the full interview now.   Commit to Your Own Success It can take one or two tries to find the right group of people for your mastermind. But from my own experience, I can tell you that my entire business changed when I finally locked into the right group. I want you to have the same experience, so if this is something you have been thinking about for a while, commit to yourself: "In 30 days I will have created my own small mastermind of five people." Best of all, forming your mastermind is so incredibly easy if you follow Jaime's step-by-step worksheet. Click here to download it now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get the 6 Easy Steps for Forming a Mastermind FREE DOWNLOAD  
8/15/201549 minutes, 33 seconds
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#70: 4 Webinar Myths and How to Avoid Them

If you’ve sought out training to help you build your business, or tracked the success of other entrepreneurs, you have firsthand experience of the power webinars have to not only engage and excite an audience, but to convert them to into paying clients. Maybe you’ve even been one of those people who signed up for a webinar to get a little free education, and ended up making a purchasing decision that you were genuinely excited about! So why does the idea of putting on your own webinar have you quaking in your boots? Let me guess... You don’t mind a little grunt work, but you doubt your ability to string together all that technology. You love the idea of delivering content in a highly personal way to your audience, but you hate the idea of a sales pitch at the end. You’ve got a foolproof concept in mind . . .  however, you’re not sure how you’ll pull together an audience since your email list and sales funnel are still a work in progress. Busy entrepreneurs (like you and me) don’t have a SECOND to waste on activities that aren’t directly linked to profit. If you’ve ever tried creating a webinar before, you know that sinking feeling of waiting, as the seconds tick by, for your sales to pick up speed. (Ugh! It’s the worst, isn’t it?) In my experience, I’ve found that four major myths are to blame for a poor conversion rate. I’m going to debunk those myths for you, and show you how to replace them with truly effective practices that will not only reward all your hard work, but have you out of your chair with excitement. Myth #1: Webinars are just a marketing strategy (and not a whole system). What most entrepreneurs think of as “webinars” is really just a small fraction of what they really entail. Most view webinars as just the presentation component. In fact, the presentation constitutes no more than 15% of an entire, well-integrated webinar STRATEGY. A truly effective webinar strategy involves 5 Key Stages (planning, pre, live, post, automated), all of which MUST be executed in perfect harmony in order for cash to change hands at the end of your presentation. In short, a webinar isn’t a single tactic, but an entire system with many moving parts, specific timelines, and delicate levers to pull. My webinar system is so much more than just a set of slides pulled together in a presentation deck. Specifically, my webinar system includes strategic content designed to be precisely aligned with my paid program.  It also includes a list building component, an email marketing plan, a technology strategy, a focus on scarcity and engagement, special Q&A sessions to eliminate objections and so much more. And when everything lines up perfectly, your business grabs hold of an effective, efficient sales machine that acts as the backbone of your business and gives you the opportunity to grow, scale and automate at will. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Cheat Sheet: "5 Rookie Webinar Mistakes" (And How To Avoid Them) FREE DOWNLOAD Myth # 2: Webinars are a TON of effort and involve too much expensive technology. True. Webinars AREN’T simple. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be relatively easy when met with the right A-Z blueprint that leaves nothing to chance. From pairing together the most affordable/reliable technology to knowing exactly how many email follow-ups to send to maximize conversions, a step-by-step blueprint can take an otherwise COMPLEX strategy and make it attainable for even the most time-starved solopreneur. And for the business owner that possesses such a blueprint, the “complexity” of running a profitable webinar actually becomes a huge competitive advantage, giving them the unique chance to be the FIRST in their space to use webinars effectively. Just to name a few, some of the best webinar platforms (for both live and automated webinars) include GoToWebinar, Google Hangouts, Easy Webinar, Webinar Jam, Stealth Seminar and Evergreen Business Systems. I want to engourage you to check a few out to see what might be a great fit for your webinar plans. And on a final note, YES, executing a webinar strategy requires effort…but you’ve already proven that you’re willing to put in effort--you just need the reassurance of knowing that every bit of energy you put into your business will come back to you tenfold. What you CAN’T afford to do is waste time and energy in perpetual “figure it out” mode. Myth #3 - I’m fine; I learned about webinars a few years ago. While it’s awesome that you got a head start on webinar marketing a few years back, the very same early mover advantage can EASILY become a major detriment to you and your biz if you fail to embrace the MANY factors of success that have changed over the years. Audiences have changed… Attention spans have changed… (Thanks, Netflix.) Technology has changed… Customer buying habits have changed… Presentation practices have changed… (There were a few things you were taught to say on a call a few years ago that are now surefire ways to make your viewers hit self-eject.) And how we go about GETTING people to show up on the call (and buy after the fact) has changed as well. Hint: It’s not enough to just invite your audience to the webinar and hope they show up. There are very specific things you MUST do to not only make sure they show up, but show up in a highly focused and engaged state. (Click here to download my freebie and discover exactly what I do to ensure I always get a strong webinar turnout when I go live on my webinars.) So when you add it all up, there’s very little you can bank on from the tactics of years past if you want to succeed in the shifting paradigm of webinar strategy. Which quickly helps us dispel our next myth… Myth #4 - It’s too late. I already missed the boat on webinars. Sure, you missed the boat on webinars as a tactic… …but there’s always another boat coming! And that next boat is...wait for it... Webinars as a COMPLETE sales funnel. And if you’re reading this post RIGHT NOW, then you’re in a unique position to catch wind of this new strategic approach before anyone else in your niche does, and in doing so, claim your stake in the rich blue ocean ripe with sizeable and scalable profits. So chances are that even if your competitors are already using webinars (the old way), you can gain a competitive advantage by being the FIRST to build a complete webinar funnel based on the proven frameworks, techniques, and strategies that I’m about to share with you. Keep reading . . . now that you know the 4 webinar myths, I've created a DETAILED, free cheat sheet to help you with your first (or next!) webinar . . . My wish for you is to sidestep the countless traps that make most webinars epic disasters, and instead learn how to create a masterpiece. I’ve been doing webinars for over 5 years now and I’ve made MANY mistakes along the way. You don’t need to do the same! I’ve compiled a list of 5 of my biggest webinar mistakes over the years and how to avoid them before your first (or next!) webinar. Click here now to get that list! EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Cheat Sheet: "5 Rookie Webinar Mistakes" (And How To Avoid Them) FREE DOWNLOAD
8/11/201542 minutes, 20 seconds
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#69: Blogging Essentials for Busy Entrepreneurs

When I say the word “blogging,” what’s the first emotion you feel? If you’re like many entrepreneurs, it’s probably stress, mixed with a little bit of guilt. Even if you truly love writing, keeping up a blog for your business can be one of the hardest things to get done…if you even get it done at all. Your business might be running full steam ahead, but your blog is lagging months behind! Today’s episode is all about getting your blog back in gear, minus the stress. I’m talking to one of my favorite people in the online marketing world, Darren Rowse, the founder of and one of the first people to recognize the potential of blogging for entrepreneurs. He’s going to walk us through the bare necessities of blogging, and show you how to streamline your process so that you gain traffic, convert leads and build community with every post you write. Despite having written an encyclopedia's worth of information about blogging over the past few years, Darren is no stranger to the stress around blogging: “It’s pretty easy to get to a stage where your blog is running you instead of you running your blog.” So why keep blogging at all? Simple—your blog is the cornerstone of your branding foundation. It's the best way to get your name out there, and to help people get to know you. Just ask Darren: “I have discovered over the years that when I go to a conference people come up to me and hug me and say, 'I love you!' I always wonder why because I have no idea who they are. But it’s the regular contact, the personal aspect of blogging, that really helps people to like you. Then over time they come to trust you.” Darren says the key to writing an effective blog post is to focus on one of these three aspects--knowing, liking, and trusting--in each post that you write. And he points out a few simple ways to get it done: Helping people know you Highly shareable content that gets your name out there where people haven’t heard of you yet. This could be humorous imagery, inspiring quotations or informative infographics. Helping people like you Personal stories, motivational content, anything that inspires empathy, emotion and a sense of belonging. This is also a great category to embed photos, audio or videos that helps you connect on a face-to-face level. Helping people trust you How-to guides, case studies, even sharing mistakes you made in the past and what you learned from them. This is where you show readers that you know what you’re talking about. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Download: "How To Boost Your Blog's Business Potential: ProBlogger's Top Ten Tips To Growing Your Email List and Selling More Online" FREE DOWNLOAD Reinvent the SWOT Test Would you believe that when Darren started ProBlogger, he’d only been an actual pro blogger for less than a year? With so little experience under his belt, he was fearful of being called out for not being a seasoned expert. (I’m sure we can all relate to that!) But rather than let his inexperience hold him back, Darren used this “weakness” to his advantage. He was transparent in his posts about aspects of blogging that he didn’t understand yet or was just learning about. As it turned out, the transparency was a big hit with his audience, and earned him even more followers. “To position myself as someone who was on the journey, maybe a few steps ahead of you but I still haven’t gotten it all together, really resonated well with my audience.” Once you’ve run a SWOT test (strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats) on your blog, go back and reconsider the weaknesses and threats you found. They can actually be the ideal ways to differentiate yourself in your field. So many people out there position themselves as bulletproof experts, that your audience may find your “inexperience” very refreshing. Become a Title Master Darren leaves no uncertainty about the importance of titles: "The title of your post changes the destiny of your post. …can be the difference between somebody reading it and sharing it and it just sitting in the archives and never being read again." The simple fact is that people make decisions whether to read your blog post (or not) based on its title! Lucky for us, Darren offered a few tips on creating irresistible titles, with examples pulled straight from some of his own top posts: Communicate a benefit. “How to Take Sharp Images” Ask or answer a question. “What the Numbers on Your Lens Mean” Creating curiosity or intrigue. “Three Lenses Every Photographer Should Own” Spark controversy or debate. “Nikon Versus Canon” Get personal. “Are You Making These Blogging Mistakes?” Use one powerful word. "Six Stunning Secrets to Help You Break Through Bloggers Block" Make a big claim or promise. “21 Techniques All Camera Owners Should Know” How to Find Readers (Without Google’s Help) The constant changes in how Google ranking works mean that SEO tags and hyperlinks don’t work as well anymore for getting your blog to show up in a keyword search. According to Darren, that doesn’t matter as much as knowing who you’re trying to reach with your blog, and showing up where those readers hang out online. "I am a big believer in adding readers one by one. I don’t think you need to be attracting thousands of readers everyday to your blog. For me it’s really about building a presence in the places that my potential readers are and being useful in those places." Try watching on Twitter for people who use your keywords and respond to them. Be helpful in forums. Join Facebook groups that are on your particular topic and add value to the conversation. What you’re looking for is the opportunity to bring a new reader on who will love your blog and bring their whole network along with them.   EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Download: "How To Boost Your Blog's Business Potential: ProBlogger's Top Ten Tips To Growing Your Email List and Selling More Online" FREE DOWNLOAD
7/26/201542 minutes, 39 seconds
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#68: Planning a Foolproof Live Event with Rich Brooks

A lot of you have asked me if it's a good idea for you to start planning live events. You see the entrepreneurs you admire staging weekend retreats where they get up and set their audience on fire with excitement, education and motivation. Maybe you've even been to one and thought "Hey, I could do that!" The short answer is Yes! I started planning and participating in live events very early in my business, and while my inexperience made it a little terrifying at first, I couldn't deny the powerful boost it gave me--not just in terms of leads, but also in terms of confidence. That's why I invited Rich Brooks to join me on the show today. Rich is a small business owner who just happens to be an event-planning powerhouse. I asked Rich to let me pick his brain for the fundamentals of planning a successful live event. The Who and the Why If you've ever attended Rich's amazing Agents of Change conference in Portland, Maine, it may surprise you to learn that his live event track record began with a simple lunch meeting. The purpose of a live event isn't to wow everyone with your multimedia presentations and dynamic speeches. Those are great bells and whistles to add as you gain experience, but the real heart of a live event is to do four things: Get your name out there and establish your credibility Differentiate yourself from competitors Generate leads for business Turn a profit The more you work on your online marketing, the more you start to notice how crowded it is out there. It's getting harder and harder to get noticed in people's social media feed, no matter how valuable your content is. So why not get the edge on your competitors and take your message directly to your audience, face to face? Yes, it takes more time and effort to plan an event than to post something on Facebook. But, Rich says, "A live event could be that thing that really separates you and raises you above all of the other people out there in your industry. If you are looking to kind of change up the way you engage with people, a live event may be the perfect thing for you." EPISODE FREEBIE Get the "7 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning a Live Event" FREE DOWNLOAD 3 Phases of a Live Event: Speakers, Sponsors and Seats Rich says that all live event planning boils down to these three phases. Speakers - Getting people to offer valuable content for your audience Sponsors - Getting people to contribute to your audience's experience Seats - Getting people to show up in your audience First Things First - Who Is This For? Before you start worrying about getting people to show up (we'll talk about that later), spend some time thinking about who you want to show up. The key thing here is quality over quantity. Here's what Rich has to say about it: "The #1 is that you are putting on an event for people. Who is this audience? What do they look like? Who is your avatar? What kind of information do they want to consume? What are they looking to accomplish? What are they looking to do?" As in all other forms of marketing, you need to narrow in on your ideal audience member, and design the perfect event for them. I know it's counterintuitive, but being super specific will actually help you attract more people. Once you know who you're planning this event for, you'll have a firm foundation to build on with the three phases. Phase 1: Speakers There are three main ways of attracting speakers to help lead your event: Get them to do it for free as a way to gain visibility. Pay them. Have them pay you. If that last item made you do a double-take, considering that many potential sponsors are eager to be seen as thought leaders, and would love the chance to get up and present to your audience. (Too many of these type of speakers can kill an event, though, so limit it to one or two sponsors whose product or service would truly benefit your ideal audience.) Obviously, if there's an ideal speaker that you can afford to pay, then do it! But it's actually much easier than you might think to attract quality presenters to your event for free. Call on people you have an existing relationship with. Ask colleagues to recommend good candidates...then get them to introduce you! Look around for people who have just published a book, started a podcast, have something they're trying to promote. Yes, it can be intimidating to reach out to people--even a natural networker like Rich isn't always entirely comfortable with this part of the planning process. But it never hurts to ask...or even nag a little! You'll often be surprised at who says yes. Hear more of Rich's stories about scoring great speakers for live events. Click here to listen to the full episode. Phase 2: Sponsors The idea with sponsors is, of course, bringing in some money from your event. Enough, at least, so that you don't lose money. They can underwrite some of the costs of putting on the event, provide technology services, even supply coffee, snacks and meals for attendees. (This turns out to be one of the most expensive aspects of planning an event, Rich says). The key to looping sponsors into your event is taking a "barter" approach. Think of it as them trading sponsorship for something your event can offer them. For example, Rich approached the local news station where he often appears as the "Tech Guy" and told them he was having a panel of people from Maine appear during his conference. This was a perfect tie-in with the station's brand, and they agreed to sponsor the event. Bottom line: give some thought to how your sponsors will benefit from association with your event, and you'll make it a whole lot easier for them to say "yes." Click here to download this week's free giveaway. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the "7 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning a Live Event" FREE DOWNLOAD Phase 3: Seats This one is the biggie--"How am I going to sell tickets?" It's also the number one fear that keeps people from planning a live event--"What if nobody shows up?" This is where your list comes in handy! Rich says that with every event, his team tries new tactics for reaching people, and every year finds that his opt-in lists have the best yield. "I discovered over the years that nothing sells tickets like email. It really does make a difference." Two more things to keep in mind: People really like attending live events. They want something to get excited about with other people--by planning a live event, you're offering something they truly want. There is nothing wrong with an event that has 12 people as long as it is the right 12 people and they are paying enough money to cover the expenses of your event. Find out more ways to fill the seats at your live event! Listen to the full episode here. ...And Just One Two More Things What do I charge? You may struggle with charging money for your event, especially if it's your first one. When the purpose of the event is to generate leads for your business, it can feel a little wrong to ask for money on top of that. But Rich says charging for your event is an important part of everyone getting value out of it, including the attendees. "I found that if you have a free event people will be excited about it and then they don’t show. They don’t have any skin in the game. ... You have to charge something so people understand that there is a value to what they are getting." How much should I promote? In the excitement around planning your first event, it's easy to just bombard social media with reminders that it's happening and people should come. But it's important to carefully craft a sales message around your event, so that people don't get sick of hearing about it! For example, Rich will post a "10 Fun Things to Do in Portland, Maine" article on his blog, and end it with a simple pitch for his event. Try to time your more obvious promotions around FOMO-inducing moments in the sales process. Announcing Early Bird discounts, One Day Only specials, "Seats Are Rapidly Selling Out!" messages, etc. are perfect opportunities to jog people's memories that they want to attend.
7/25/201555 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

#67: Should You Narrow Your Niche?

Do you ever find yourself in the middle of a challenge with your business and wondering, “How did I get here…again?!” Nothing feels worse than the suspicion that you’ve been spinning your wheels for the past month. (Or quarter. Or year.) The last thing we want is to get caught in a downward spiral, where we never get to overcome our struggles and rise past a certain level. But what if that spiral was actually going up, not down? I spoke with Nathalie Lussier, world-class digital strategist and email building expert, about this problem that confronts all of us: how to understand the recurring patterns in our business. Not only does she give some sage advice on how to deal with these patterns, but she shows how embracing them can actually help you build your business by narrowing your niche. We usually think of business strategy as being a line between Point A and Point B…and measure our success by how straight that line is. But in real life, Nathalie says, the path is more like a spiral staircase. As we make our way up to the next level, we revisit the same issues, challenges and themes over and over again.  When you come up against circumstances that make you think “How did I get here again?”, flip the way you’re looking at them. Even if it’s the same issue, you’re in a different place with it than you were six months (or even six weeks) ago. What’s more, each time you revisit that same situation, you learn something a new and deeper lesson about it, which you can then pass on to your target audience. They’re all climbing spiral staircases of their own, and they need your story to help them keep going. EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Get Nathalie's "Spiral Staircase Exercise" FREE DOWNLOAD Three Things that Define Your Niche Whether you say “nitch,” or pronounce it “neesh” like Nathalie (who is French),  you already know that digging deep into your niche is a cornerstone of your business’ success. According to Nathalie, your niche is the sum of three things: Your topic Your story Your audience Each time you make another look on the spiral staircase, you go deeper into each aspect of your niche. Here’s how: Your topic - Each “spiral” builds new expertise that narrows the focus of your business. It takes you from a broad category (“I help people achieve better health”) into a very specific component of that category (“I offer natural healing methods that cure migraines in ten seconds or less”). Your story - Each “spiral” is a new chapter in your story, which creates new opportunities for connection with your audience. Your audience - Each “spiral” lets you understand more about your own challenges and develops new strengths to overcome those challenges. As a result, you have renewed insight into who needs you the most. Narrowing Your Niche Helps You Build Your Audience It’s easy to assume that it’s better to go bigger in the beginning stages of your business, to collect as many people in your audience as possible, and then narrow your niche once you’ve got a solid email list going. In fact, Nathalie recommends just the opposite: Go narrow in the beginning. Establish yourself as an authority in one very specific area, build a small but mighty email list, then unfold into new products and new ideas when you’ve built the relationship with those clients. “[When] people already know you as an expert in one thing, it’s easier to add expertise in other topics." Narrowing Your Niche Helps You Say “No” Narrowing your niche also helps you save a lot of time (and headache) by giving you opportunities to say “no.” When all you want is to build, network and grow, it can be terrifying to turn down opportunities. The problem is that every time you say “yes” to one opportunity, you have a little less energy to invest in all the other opportunities you’ve agreed to. You have to decide ahead of time what the smart "yes-es" are, and then stick to your guns. Nathalie carries around an index card with her five goals for the quarter listed on it. When an opportunity comes up, she compares it against these five goals. If the opportunity actively promotes one of those goals, she gives it a yes. If it doesn’t promote those goals, no matter how great it sounds, she says no for right now. It may be hard at first, especially if you’re someone who has a hard time turning people down. But saying “no” in one place is what will give you time and energy to say “Yes!” down the road to unexpected windfalls. As Nathalie puts it, “Saying no leaves margin for magic.” Narrowing Your Niche Helps You Ask for What You Want Think about some of your mini-goals for this quarter. Maybe you want to get published in a prominent magazine or website. Maybe you want to speak at someone’s live event, or host an event of your own. Maybe you want to join forces with another business. These kinds of opportunities don’t usually come knocking—you have to ask for them. Chances are, you’re one of several people asking. But when you have a clearly defined, highly specific niche, you’re bringing something to the table that will stand out.  Your niche gives you leverage to show why what you have to say matters, who is going to listen, and how success in that opportunity can be measured. Those are win-wins for you and the person you’re asking. EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Get Nathalie's "Spiral Staircase Exercise" FREE DOWNLOAD Narrowing Your Niche Reconnects You with the Deeper Meaning of Your Business Take a minute to really search your soul. What are you really passionate about changing in the world? Whom do you feel the most empathy for? Whose troubles do you burn to solve? Your compassion is a powerful indicator of where your niche really lies. Identify the people whose struggles motivate you the most, and let them become co-creators of your business by defining your work around their needs. “A lot of times, we get caught up in the logistics and the analytics, what’s the conversation rate, what’s the opt-in rate… Just remember that there’s a human being on the other side of that screen who has their own heartbeat, hopes, dreams and goals. When I’m sending an email, I’m not sending an email to my list—I’m sending an email to all these incredible human beings.” Next time you find yourself in an all-too-familiar position in your business, don’t lose heart. Look for the opportunities it offers—opportunities that you’d never have seen last time you were in this place. There’s nothing wrong with a spiral if it’s leading you upward.
7/15/201541 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

#66: How to Get Your Business Back on Track

I started out this year with a fully fleshed-out calendar. I knew exactly what I was going to do, when we were going to promote, when we were not going to promote, when I was going to take vacations, etc. Everything was planned. Well, as you probably know, things change as the year gets going. As entrepreneurs, the challenge is to be flexible enough to seize good opportunities, but not so flexible that we lose all our momentum. Now that it's July--where did the time go?--I decided to hit "pause" in the calendar flow and regroup. I'm going to walk you through a simple, powerful exercise to evaluate where you are right now in your business, what’s working, what’s not working, and what needs to change. I've also created a downloadable template that helps you chart your progress in this exercise. You can get it by clicking here. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the "Back On Track" Action Assessment FREE DOWNLOAD Ready? Let's get started. Step #1 - Review Your Week Write down every single thing you can remember you’ve done in the last seven days. I mean everything--creating content, training, phone calls, reading emails, writing emails. It's crucial to know how you've been spending your time. Step #2 - Perform a Brain Dump Think ahead to the next six months, and write down all of the things you need to get done. People to contact, products to create, events to attend, blog posts to write . . . I mean everything. (Warning--don't use this as an opportunity to come up with new ideas! This is just for what you've got in the works right now.) Step #3 - Identify the Revenue Now that you've got your list of six months into the future, take a highlighter pen and highlight every item on that list that will produce revenue for you, either directly or indirectly. Learn more about how you can successfully "regroup." Click here to listen to the full episode. Step #4 - Identify Misspent Time Now take another highlighter pen in a different color, go back to the list you made in Step #1, and highlight the tasks that were either a big waste of your time or that you could have delegated but didn't. Now go back to the Six Month list, take a third highlighter pen, and highlight all of the things that you could either do farther into the future, or that can be leveraged or delegated. Lots of highlighter action, I know. But this is all about identifying where you should and shouldn't be spending your time. Step #5 - Color Code Your Calendar I use Google calendar, which makes it very easy to highlight each entry in a certain color. The point is that to have different colors for different categories--planning a project, upcoming deadlines, content creation, podcasting, being interviewed with someone else, even time off or personal errands (like getting my hair cut). Once you do this, you can step back and see the big picture of your schedule. Where are your biggest blocks of time being spent? Is that enough, given what you know about your work flow? Are you spending enough of your week doing the things you really love? After all, isn't that a big part of why we start our own business? Don't forget to download Amy's template that walks you through this whole exercise, step by step. Click here to get it. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the "Back On Track" Action Assessment FREE DOWNLOAD At this point, it's time to pat yourself on the back, take a walk, breathe deeply. That's the whole point of this exercise--giving yourself more room to breathe. You now have a bird's-eye view of what your schedule really looks like. You know where you need to focus your time. You know what things you can quit doing or delegate. Without these moments to regroup, the day-to-day hustle can start to consume you. These regular check-ins with your schedule will put you back in charge of your business.
6/29/201550 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

#65: Selling Yourself--The Art of a Winning 'About Page' with Melissa Cassera

For busy entrepreneurs, the About page of a website is one of the easiest to put off. You might throw a few vital details up there, like your name (always a good place to start) and your credentials, and promise yourself to fill it out later. Maybe you even go back and try adding some details that paint a fuller picture of you as a person. But for many, no matter how hard they work on it, their About page just falls flat. It feels fake, like you’re pretending to be someone you’re not. And that makes sense—we’re all taught never to brag about ourselves…so it feels pretty strange to suddenly write a whole page about why your customers should think you’re so great! That’s why I’m so happy to introduce you to Melissa Cassera. She’s a publicity expert (as well as a screenwriter and an actress), and if you read her own About page, you can see that she is an expert on how to write about yourself in a way that comes out warm, genuine and authentically irresistible. Why Is An About Page Important? Melissa compares the About page to the gown a Hollywood actress wears on the “red carpet.” It’s the way to show off both your importance and your individuality at once, impressing people and engaging them at the same time. The About page is where you give people just enough information about you to want to know more. In other words, you don’t want to give away the whole story on your About page—it’s their intro to all the excitement that awaits if they choose to work with you. For the reader, it should feel like they’ve met you in person, looked you in the eye and shaken your hand. So how do you convey that feeling in words? Think About How You Serve the World Rather than begin by talking about what you do, begin your About page with a line or two about why you do it. This should be the element that guides you through the writing process for your About page. If you get stuck or are wondering if you are including the right kinds of details, ask yourself if what you’ve written paints a picture of the world/society/lifestyle/change that you are trying to build with what you do. Hear more of Melissa's tips on how to make your About page shine. Listen to the full interview here.   Make Your Credentials Fun It’s important to list the things that give your business credibility—an advanced degree, an impressive title or certification, a number of years in your field or successful working relationships with noteworthy people. But rather than just list them, Melissa advises having fun with them! Try translating your credentials into an analogy that helps your audience understand what that kind of cred means in your industry. (“I attended the Harvard of health coaching schools” is a good example.) By listing your credentials this way, you can use your bragging rights to gain your readers’ trust and build engagement. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Melissa's Guide: "Craft A Crazy-Impressive About Page" FREE DOWNLOAD  Show Your Non-Professional Side Would it surprise you to learn that the part of your About page that really sells you is the part where you talk about something besides work? This, Melissa says, is what really seals the emotional connection with people and allows them to get to know you on a more personal level. Not only that, but this section is what sets you apart from your competition. Nobody else has the same story, the same style, the same lovable quirks and personal motivations that you have. As Melissa says in her "Better Bio Challenge" blog post, "Personal details aren’t 'frivolous' — they anchor you in the reader’s mind and showcase the 'person' behind the 'business.' Try to include at least ONE little detail about your passions, guilty pleasures + personal life, in your bio — and you’ll sparkle off the page, every time." Counterbalance Your Accomplishments If your About page starts feeling a little self-indulgent, Melissa says an easy way to lighten it up is to “show your brushstrokes.” After mentioning the glowing review of your program on the Today Show, drop in a reference to that one time you tried to teach a college class and sat on a whoopee cushion. Details like this help keep you human to your readers, and show them that you’re the same as them—just a little farther along in the journey toward success. Get Melissa's Mad Libs-style template for creating an irresistible About page. Click here to download it instantly! Offer Fun Facts Like the “non-professional life” part of your About page, this part is meant to connect with your ideal audience in a way that nothing else can. Tell a few “secrets” about yourself—that you cover your eyes during the scary parts of movies, that puppy videos make you cry, that your favorite place to work is in your kids’ treehouse. Be forewarned—this will turn off some people. But they are the right people for you to turn off. At the end of the day, Melissa says, your About page is not meant to engage every single person out there. “Your bio or About Page is only intended to turn on your ideal customers and it should be repelling the people that you want to turn off.” Create an “Action Step” By now, your audience has fallen head over heels in love with you…so what’s the next step? Where does the relationship go from here? Melissa says this is the moment to offer them a concrete action step. Offer a free opt-in gift, list links to your five most popular blog posts, tell them to contact you to set up a consultation. Whatever your specific action step is, make it simple and immediate for them to make the next move. Get more of Melissa's suggestions for making your About page actionable. Click here to hear the full interview. The Bottom Line: What Is Fame For?  Melissa has a stellar blog post called “Four Questions to Help You Identify What's Not Working in Your Biz...And Make It Better.” In it, she offers this really thought-provoking quotation: “Getting famous is not all it’s cracked up to be and getting featured in the media doesn’t always lead to sales, either.” It’s not enough to have people think you’re “fabulous.” Better sales come from a real relationship with your clients, and the About page is all about relationship building. So while a clear action step is a great way to end your About page, leave the sales messages to your sales page and emails. Focus your About page on building trust and rapport with your target audience, and they will search for ways to work with you.
6/29/201556 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

#64: A Backstage Pass to My Most Successful Launch Yet

Two weeks ago, in Episode #62, I reviewed the project plan I use for all of my promotions. And if you downloaded the free Project Plan Checklist that I offered, you might have had some questions about the bigger action items on that list. I'm going to break down some of those bigger items in upcoming episodes. Today, though, I'm going to walk you through some of the details that led to the overwhelming success of this promotion. This blog post is going to be just a tease for the podcast, for the simple reason we cover a lot of ground in the audio version! If you haven’t listened to this week’s episode yet, I really encourage you to download and enjoy the whole thing. But for now, here are the basics: Launch in Review My recent launch of the Profit Lab was very different from past launches. I took some risks by changing things up and I’ll be honest—I was a little worried. But those risks paid off in a big way. It turned out to be the most successful launch I've ever done, with sales just under a million dollars, and some amazing new insights that will make future launches just as profitable. Here's what really paid off this time: Consistent Content This launch came during the most consistent year I’ve had, in terms of offering free valuable content. Between my podcast, my blog, and the downloadable giveaways I offer each week, I was able to build a huge amount of affinity and trust with my audience. That really paid off when I started promoting my program for sale. Surveying My Audience A few months before the promotion began, I put a survey out to learn more about my audience. (I talk about that survey in Episode #55, if you haven’t checked it out yet.) That survey gave me immense insight into how my audience feels, what they need and, best of all, how they talk about those feelings and needs! When it came time to promote my program, I was able to speak their language better than ever. A Targeted Giveaway The Product Maximizer, which I gave away a few weeks before the launch, was more than just a free download. It was targeted at the exact people that I knew would benefit from my program. I had over 7,300 people opt-in for that free giveaway. When it came time to promote the program, I got to speak to those 7,000 people in a different way than anybody else on my list, because I knew they would be keenly interested in exactly what I was going to offer. Educating My Target Market Another pre-promotion I did was a live webinar series, where I taught on a topic related to the Profit Lab. The reason I did this was to help my target market understand what they truly needed for making more money online (i.e., a sales funnel). That gave me a perfect segue into selling my program, which is all about creating that sales funnel! Rebranding This year’s Profit Lab had a brand-new look and a brand-new name. The name change was a risk, but I went for it and it paid off. And I think the facelift had a lot to do with that! Everything from the ads to the imagery to the course materials was done by one great designer. As a result, the whole thing had a very distinctive look that appealed to people who had never heard of my program, and renewed interest from people who had heard of it. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Amy's "Profit Lab Ad Creative Setup" FREE DOWNLOAD Retargeted Ads This was the first time I’d ever done this. Retargeting means running ads specifically to people who showed interest in a product but then didn’t “pull the trigger.” In this case, it meant people who had visited a sign-up page for the free webinar I was offering, but then didn’t register for it. I created retargeted Facebook ads to reach those people and encourage them to go back and sign up. For those who did sign up, I retargeted them with an ad that sent them directly to the Profit Lab sales page. There are so many more details of this launch that I want to share with you, including what worked and what didn’t work so well, especially when it came to running Facebook and Google ads. These details will be immensely helpful alongside this week’s free download.
6/25/20151 hour, 8 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

#63: How Podcasting Can Complement and Grow Your Business with John Lee Dumas

Last year, one of my most popular podcasts was an interview with John Lee Dumas. But I invited him back this week because I wanted to talk about podcasting again, in a whole new way. Today, I want to focus on about podcasting for somebody who already has a platform. Maybe you have a business with a blog. Maybe you have an online training program or course that you’re constantly perfecting and promoting from one year to the next. Maybe you are a coach or consultant. Bottom line, you have something important to say. And maybe you’ve been thinking the podcast thing seems to be growing even bigger, and might be a good way to help your business get bigger, too. Well, you’re right. It is. No question, podcasting requires a fair amount of work, especially to get it all set up. But it can also be a huge boost to your business’ visibility, to establishing your brand as a leader, and  ultimately to your sales. John is a podcasting superhero. His show Entrepreneur on Fire is consistently ranked among iTunes’ top business podcasts—he even got a Best of iTunes recognition within his first year! More impressively, though, he puts out a new episode every day! (As in seven days a week—no weekends off for this guy.) This makes him the perfect person to explain why podcasting is worth it, how he gets it done, and how he manages to stay fired up about it every single week. Why Should You Podcast? As entrepreneurs, we are always looking for other avenues to grow our audience. That’s why we use Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, that’s why we blog and send emails to our list. The podcasting sphere is just another way to reach more people—a lot more people. iTunes has 525 million active subscribers, and SoundCloud, Stitcher and Spotify are catching up fast. Podcasters are an obsessive crowd—they are constantly looking for new content to listen to during their commute, while walking their dog, while they’re waiting at the airport…you name it! That’s the great thing about podcasting—it doesn’t require you to say “no” to something else, the way a lot of content does. In our multi-tasking culture, it’s the perfect way to get your message heard and deliver free, valuable and consistent content to your audience. What Kind of Work Is Involved? The great news is that you really don’t have to create that much more work to keep a podcast going. You just repurpose content that you’re already creating for one outlet into another outlet. To get started, simply go back to your best blog posts (or videos, or images, or even social media posts), the ones that got the best engagement, and turn them into a bullet point flow. Then switch on the microphone and talk your way through them. Beef it up by talking about what led you to create that piece of content. Talk some of the comments you received. Talk about what you liked best about it. Talk about how you feel toward that content now. By doing this, you’re getting the attention of people who may never find you on Facebook, or who always mean to read your blog and just don’t make the time to do it. You’re getting them in the midst of their busy day, and becoming a familiar voice in their  lives. EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Sign Up for John's Free Podcast Workshop SIGN UP How Do You Get It Done? First let me assure you that you don’t have to create a seven-day-a-week podcast for it to be a valuable tool in growing your business. But even recording once a week can feel daunting, especially when you’re just getting into the groove, or you get sidelined by a busy week and suddenly realize that you’re scheduled to post a new episode tomorrow. The key to getting it done is batch processing. This approach is one that will save your sanity, if you stick to it. And it all depends on one big thing… Scheduling The key here, John says, is owning your schedule. He doesn’t ask guests what time works for them—he sends them his calendar and has them pick from the slots he has open. And then, each Tuesday from 9am-4pm, John has eight one-hour conversations with podcast guests. At the end of the day, he’s done with interviews for the week! (Plus an extra, just in case.) It works the same even if you’re not doing interviews on your podcast. Schedule the time, block it out, and power through several recordings in a row. You’ll find yourself getting in a flow that makes each one better than the last. Template Having a pre-determined format is crucial when you’re just getting started podcasting. What you don’t want is a lot of awkward silences, information getting repeated, or rabbit trails because you just don’t know what to say. You don’t need to write a full script—what you do need is some sort of structure to give your episodes consistency and help you find your voice. It will also help people understand who you are and what your podcast is about. (If it’s too free-flowy at first, people may stop listening because they don’t have a framework for understanding you.) Over time, this structure will become second-nature to you, and your listeners will have a grasp on who you are and what you’re about. More and more, you’ll be able to just talk into the microphone. Voice It’s normal not to like the way your voice sounds on a recording. But John says “Get over it.” The thing is, consuming audio content makes people feel a personal connection in a way that other media just can’t reach. For one thing, listening is a very intimate act—even more than watching a video. For another thing, people bring podcasts with them into, let’s just say, very intimate parts of their lives. John says people have told him they listen to his show while they’re in the shower! It sounds crazy, but having someone’s voice with you all through the day, even when you don’t know what they look like, makes you feel a real connection to them. So don’t be afraid of how you sound. Keep your focus on your content and the people out there that you’re trying to reach. But Wait...There's More! John has some incredible free content for you. If you want to learn about how to find your ideal podcast topic, your ideal podcast listener, how to get your show noticed in the ever-growing podcast arena, and so much more, click here to get into his free podcasting workshop.
6/19/201541 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

#62: How to Create a Project Plan for Your Next Promotion

You know me--I teach what I know best. And what I know by now, more than anything, is that the key to making a sales plan work is having a proven, foolproof system.  So today, I'm going to walk you through my project management system, line by line. This is one I've spent hours mapping out with my team. Some of it will be familiar to you, but it's in the little details that you'll find the most value--the tiny things that make your promotion polished, professional and, most importantly, effective. Another great thing about putting together a promotion with this system is that it sets up your content to be "evergreen"--meaning you can use it over and over again to sell your product and build your business. There's a lot of content in this post and in the podcast. But don't worry. I've put together a special checklist for you, so that you can put all this information into action right off the bat. No matter what kind of promotion you're planning, this checklist has all the basic steps you need to make sure it launches successfully. Click here to download it instantly. EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Get "The Project Plan Checklist" FREE DOWNLOAD I divide all my promotional planning into three categories: The Pre category is everything you do before the cart opens (i.e., your product becomes available for sale). The Live category is everything you do when the cart is open. The Post category is everything you do after the cart closes. I've launched promotions in the past that I've had just a few weeks to pull together. As my business has grown, I've had more time to plan and prepare. But here's the thing: it's never enough time! Let me encourage you to always get started on this system earlier than you think. There will always be last-minute tasks that have you scrambling. That scramble will be a lot less stressful, the sooner you get started. (Right now, I'm already starting on this system for a promo set to launch in October!) Category #1: Pre-Promotion As you might guess, 80% of the work happens in the Pre phase. I’ve broken them down into smaller categories, starting with… Admin The cornerstone of Admin is making all your decisions in advance, getting organized and scheduled, so that when you “hit the red button” for your launch, you can enjoy (mostly) smooth sailing through your promotion. Organization The first thing we do might surprise you: we organize our Dropbox. We have a folder for everything…no file floats alone. But  I’ll admit to being a little crazy about this, but let me tell you—it saves you from going a lot crazier in the long run, wondering where those files are that you need to send to your designer so you can launch in two hours! Confirm and Document All Promo Dates Before getting started, I put each stage of the promotion down on the calendar. For example, in my recent Profit Lab promotion, I had to nail down when I’d start running various Facebook ads, when I’d release each promotional webinar, when the early bird pricing began and ended…all of those little pieces are determined before anything gets started. Schedule Promotion Phases I have different phases in each of my promos. Phase 1 includes offering free content that warms up my target audience by offering value before I promote anything for sale. Remember the Product Maximizer from a few weeks back? That was a pre-promo content piece, scheduled for Phase 1. Phase 2 included free webinars that ended with a product pitch. Phase 3 was when the cart opened, so it includes lots of timely bonuses and heavy ad running to people who have shown interest. And the final phases are all about “Take Action Now! Cart Closing Soon!” These are my phases—you’ll have your own. But the point is scheduling them in advance, to save playing catch-up with yourself later. Determine Price Points/Membership Levels, Hire Designer/Programmer/Copywriter This is where you're setting your ground rules for sales and assembling your team to make those sales happen! Set Up All Campaigns in InfusionSoft Decide in advance which emails you’re going to want to send, and queue them up for sending. You won’t have them all written yet, of course, because you don’t have all the links, downloads, maybe even some product language. But setting up the campaigns in advance will let know where there are holes you need to fill. Content Creation This is where I spend the most time...and the most worry...and the most creativity. I love this phase, even in its stressful moments, because it's when I get to spend quality time with my product, making it perfect for my audience. I always start this phase by creating a content grid--a spreadsheet that helps me keep track of each component of the content I'm creating. Here's a snapshot of what mine looks like: Program/Product Content Creation This includes everything from creating the product name, brainstorming a logo, getting into all the nuts and bolts of the product. (For me, that means deciding on modules, creating outlines, determining what should be core content vs. bonuses.) As part of this, I always include a “Stick Strategy”—a juicy bonus I send to people after they purchase, to keep them excited and engaged, and let them know they’re being taken care of. Promo Content Creation Same as above, except just for the promotion part. I use my free content—my blog, my podcast, social media posts, webinars and related giveaways—to offer valuable giveaways Members’ Area This is where people log in after they buy, and get all your product content. For the Profit Lab, I create a very specific outline for members to see how the course is going to run—I list all the modules, links for downloads, and bonuses they’ll get along the way. I also include a welcome video to let them know what I’m going to let them know. Setting this up in advance is especially important so that you can test it before releasing it! There will always be bugs—the important thing is to catch them before your audience does. Sales Page + Order Form Creation As a team, we lay out the way we want these pages to look, write the sales copy (including testimonials), set up your countdown timer, and collect the images we need for it, and send it on over to the designer and the coder. Again, you need to test it out! This includes double-checking the sales disclaimer, the privacy policy, the refund policy, all the little details that get overlooked in the stress of actual launch. Also, have someone do a test sale, to make sure that everything happens the way it’s supposed to when real customers show up. Create Email Grid This outlines every email we’re planning to send in InfusionSoft, and when we’re going to send it. Note the subject line, when they’re going to be sent, and who is going to receive it. Wondering what kinds of emails you should send? Listen to the full podcast episode to get Amy's detailed list of what to send and when.  Customer Support Determine the language around your refund and discount policies, automatic responses, and answers to FAQs that your customer support team can be ready with. This could also include a pre-recorded voicemail if you have a customer support phone line. Determine Graphics In the past, we’d be frantically creating images at the last minute. But in my last Profit Lab launch, I had a complete list of every graphic I'd need for anything related to the promotion--imagery for emails, social media, website, the works. As a result, I was able get it all designed in advance by one designer, so it was ready early and it all looked consistent. I've included that list in the free downloadable checklist for this week--get it here! EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Get "The Project Plan Checklist" FREE DOWNLOAD Ad Grid Facebook ads, Google ads…we have them all mapped out in advance, with imagery, copy and dates for when to run them in each phase. Social Media Creating a posting schedule has really saved me a few headache! We determine ahead of time what we want to post on social media about the promotion, set it up in Edgar (my favorite queuing tool), and have one less thing to worry about when the launch goes live. (Just make sure to glance at your social media from time to time throughout the launch, to make sure that your links and images are showing up correctly.) “Mastery” Level I don’t always do this for promotions, but sometimes I include a special “VIP” membership tier that includes extra bells and whistles—a Facebook group, live Q&A calls, all that good stuff. If you’re doing different levels, make sure you list in advance all the extras you’ll be doing, including times/dates, setup you’ll need to do, and whatever material that you’ll be offering. Waitlist Page It’s important for your integrity to close the cart right when you said you were going to. Right after the cart closes, I redirect all the purchase links to the waitlist page. This is super important to set up in advance—believe me, you don’t want to be setting up your waitlist page in the minutes right after your cart closes! Tracking Document Daily sales, units sold, whatever you want to track, get this tracking document set up in advance and designate the person who will be tracking it. One thing you don't during your launch is to be constantly adding up your numbers to see how you're doing! Get more of Amy's insights on this step-by-step promotion plan. Listen to the full podcast episode here. Whew! The PRE phase is done…which means most of your work is done. The next two phases are really short and sweet. Category #2: Live Promotion Maintain the New Customers Area As you start to sell, make sure everything’s working for your new customers, and that they’re having a smooth experience. Price Change If you did an Early Bird pricing, like I often do, you’re going to be increasing your price at some point while the cart is open. So you’re going to be switching out order forms and change your sales page in the midst of your launch. Social Media Upkeep Having this in your project plan is huge—you (or your team member) will know exactly when to change out any social media imagery from Pre phase to Live phase. Category #3: Post Promotion Shut Down Ads Redirect Promo Pages to Your Waitlist Remove Promotional Imagery from Website/Social Media Celebrate!  I’m always ready for a virtual champagne toast by the end of the process. I also send out thank-you notes to everyone who has helped: team members, affiliates, experts, etc.
6/18/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

#61: How to Use Visual Content to Drive Traffic, Shares and Sales with Donna Moritz

As humans, we are hardwired to connect emotionally with visual content. Pictures in particular--we process them very quickly--faster than text, video, or audio. Pictures allow us to make a really quick decision about whether we are going to engage with something. It's no secret that some of the most successful brands in the world owe their popularity to their visual content strategy. Notice I said strategy--in other words, not just any visual content will do. Fortunately, one of the world's biggest experts in visual social media and content strategy is also a good friend of mine. You probably know Donna Moritz already as the power behind Socially Sorted, the award-winning blog about using visual content on social media. I know her as my #1 student from the very first Profit Lab course I ever launched. She's also shown up on this site more than once. But today, Donna is here to school me--and you--in how to set up a visual content strategy that supports your sales and sends your message. She's also put together an amazing freebie for us--a three-part video series that walks you through the process of creating polished imagery. This is where you'll learn how to use all the tools mentioned in this episode. Trust me--it's a must-have. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Donna Moritz's Free Guide To Creating Visual Content FREE DOWNLOAD Before she became the renowned expert she is today, Donna learned all the ins and outs of visual content strategy through simple practice. After working in several different businesses--sometimes for others, sometimes for herself--she saw how visual content really created that initial resonance with a target audience that makes them want to learn more. The main thing with your visual content is to "stop the scroll"--in other words, arrest your audience's attention so that their finger pauses above their mouse or smartphone screen, and they take the time to engage with your message. The more Donna learned, the more excited she got about the potential of various kinds of visual content. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer variety of visual content styles out there, don't worry--Donna is here to break it into three basic levels. These are the really easy-to-create, easy-to-share individual images that would be on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. Think funny photos, behind-the-scenes shots, images that incorporate quotes, tips or other short bits of text. They are really a good jumping-off point to lead into a longer message. Here is a sample batch of quote images, observational humor, business tips, questions and motivational images ready to go (and all created on Canva and WordSwag). These types of images are designed to increase reach and engagement. Shareable images get their strength from their simplicity. But that doesn't mean you can only use them for short, simple concepts. By attaching an image with a call to action or link, you can increase shares (such as retweets on Twitter) and generate more visits to your blog or other "landing content." Also, remember that tweets with images get retweeted twice as post images! Remember, on all platforms, it is important to keep a balance of your own helpful and entertaining content, and curated content from other pages or businesses. This earns you the right to post some promotional images with calls to action. You can also work with your designer if you want to save time (and money) or can't design the images yourself. Ask your designer to create a template which you can then add text to.  This way, you can create a series of quotes or tips using a great design, but reduce the cost and time involved in hiring a designer. One image becomes many! Using this template, she can create multiple images using a tool like Canva or Picmonkey 2. Step-by-Steps Checklists, how-to images and tutorials are all great examples of "Step-by-Step" images. This format is deal for sharing procedures, systems or "secret sauces" with your community. These images work particularly well on Pinterest and get shared a lot. This kind of visual content doesn't need to be fancy or even overly designed--they just need to be helpful and easy to use. Remember, people love with these images, they're probably going to look right past the bells and whistles of a great visual design to get to the content you're offering! Social media expert Andrea Vahl did a great series of simple checklists to help her readers on her blog. 3. Showpieces Showpieces are the pieces of content that require more investment of time and resources but are most likely to bring better return in terms of sharing and traffic. This includes infographics, slide decks and short video.   Donna recently posted a blog of her own about these three levels of visual content, with even more info about each one. It's called "9 Ways to Take Your Visual Content Up a Level," and it's definitely worth checking out. Don't miss all of Donna Moritz's tips on where and how these three levels of images work. Click here to listen to Episode #61 in full. Get Creative If you're reading this and thinking it doesn't apply to you because you're not a "creative type," think again! The amazing tools that are available out there right now--tools like PicMonkey, WordSwag and (my personal favorite) Canva--are set up so that anyone can create simple but stunning visual content. Don't worry if you don't have a "designer's eye"--these tools have templates so that all you have to do is plug in your favorite background, choose a font you like, and voilà! Beautiful, polished, eye-catching imagery. One important thing to note, however, is that size matters. Different platforms will have different optimum size requirements for your image. Donna has a blog post all about that, as well--just click here to find her 5 Social Media Size Hacks for Quick Visual Content. There's so much more to learn about visual content strategy in my interview with Donna, so make sure to listen to the whole episode. Also, click here to get the amazing freebie she designed for us--it's a three-part video series where she walks you through the specifics of how to create images. It's a must-have for anyone who's ready to put their visual content strategy into action. EPISODE FREEBIE Get Donna Moritz's Free Guide To Creating Visual Content FREE DOWNLOAD
6/3/201544 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

#60: Copywriting Tips to Persuade, Promote and Profit with Ray Edwards

When it comes to communicating the value of a product or service, Ray Edwards is a true legend in the industry. I met him way back in my corporate job days when my boss hired him to work his magic on a new sales letter for a product we were launching. That was when I saw the true power that words can have in generating sales and building a business. Since then, I decided to become a devoted student of copywriting, and a student of Ray’s, in particular. Fortunately, Ray loves teaching, and he’s very generous with his expertise. You may remember him from way back in Episode 33, but I wanted to have him back to help you dive even deeper into the techniques of writing sales copy that gets results and comes from the heart. What Counts as Copy? Ray often encounters confusion about what constitutes “copy”…how is it different from simply writing? "The first level is sales copywriting, which is the copy that is on the sales page—where we ask people to press a button and buy something from us. "On the other level, though, I believe that all writing is meant to persuade people either that they can do something, or that they should do something." Basically, if you’re writing something to either empower people so that they feel they can do something, or to persuade them that they ought to do something, you’re writing copy. …I’d say that applies to just about everything I write for my business, wouldn’t you? As our freebie for this week, Ray is graciously offering more than 100 email and headline templates that he uses for writing amazing copy every day. Click here to get them now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get 100+ Email and Headline Templates from Ray Edwards FREE DOWNLOAD Why Is Persuasion So Important? In a perfect world, we could just say “Here’s what I have, it’s good, buy it if you want to,” and all the right people who need our product would click Purchase. But the thing is, we’ve all become really smart, and really skeptical. Ray points out that even Apple isn’t immune to the need for writing sales copy—they’re just so good at how they present it that we don’t realize we’re consuming their copywriting! Very few of us like thinking about “sales writing.” It makes us think of smarmy used car salesmen, trying to con hardworking people out of their money. Ray is familiar with this aversion to copywriting, and here’s how he explains the way to avoid sounding “sales-y”: "I think people get confused about persuasion versus manipulation. I like to define the difference this way: persuasion results in you making a buying decision that you will celebrate later; manipulation leads to you making a buying decision that you will regret later. "The key to guiding your clients toward a decision they will celebrate is—no surprise—knowing your clients really well! You think of the problem that you’re solving, and you write about it from the perspective of the person who has the problem, and you describe their pain. Someone once said that the more accurately you can describe the pain of the person you’re selling to, the more they feel as though you automatically have the solution to the problem. "There’s plenty of brain science that tells us that almost all, if not all, of our decisions are made emotionally. All the rationale that we come up with is to support the emotional decision that we’ve already made. If you can just support the emotions that they’re feeling, and you can do it with integrity—you really do have the solution—then you don’t really ever have to sell hard, or even push to sell. You just give the persuasive story of why what you have is going to help them, and they’ll make a buying decision." Whew. Great stuff, huh? Get even more of Ray's insights on how genuine, emotionally persuasive copy can make selling a breeze. Click here to listen to the whole episode.   Okay, now let’s get into the nuts and bolts of writing great copy. Ray has a couple of frameworks that he teaches anyone who is trying to improve their copywriting skills. The first one is called... The "Pastor" Framework This one gets its name from the original meaning of the word “pastor”—having to do with being a shepherd. (Kind of an old meaning of the word…look it up.) Not only does this word help you remember the purpose of your business—to help and take care of people with what you sell—but it also just happens to be a handy acronym for setting up the points of your sales page. P — Problem Recognize the pain that your client is experience. Describe it to them. Empathize. A — Amplify Specifically, amplify the consequences of not solving that problem. This is probably one of the biggest secrets of making a sale—that it’s less about telling people how cool your product is, and more about letting them understand the long-term cost of not getting a solution for it. S — Story Every solution has a story about how it was discovered. You’ve heard me tell how I discovered the solution to online marketing that became the sales funnel I teach in the Profit Lab. How did you go from being a person with a problem to being an expert with a solution? This is the “meat” of your sales page. T — Testimonial You follow up the story of your solution with the stories of people who have used your solution. The more variety your testimonials have, the better—it shows that your solution can work for anybody. O — Offer This is where you say, in plain English, what you’re offering to your clients. You want to focus mainly on the benefits, here—less about the deliverable and more about the results of owning that deliverable. R — Response Ask people to take action. EPISODE FREEBIE Get 100+ Email and Headline Templates from Ray Edwards FREE DOWNLOAD This last piece of the Pastor framework brings up an important point that should be present in your copy: Any Decision Is Better Than No Decision Ray says that he would always rather have a potential client say “No, that product is not for me” than have them not take action but constantly wondering if maybe they should. Bad sales copy leaves people with a feeling of burden or pressure, that they should make a decision, but they’re not sure, but they’ve got to decide soon because the window is closing, maybe they should shop around more, etc. Good sales copy, on the other hand, can be extremely passionate in expressing “I really think this is the right decision for you!” while still showing that you’re only interested in your client making a decision that serves them. And it doesn’t serve them to constantly be on the fence! The "Buyer’s Journey" Framework You’ve heard of the “hero’s journey,” the kind seen in epic movies or classic novels—this is basically the same, but seen through the lens of copywriting. As a copywriter, you’re leading your reader through this mental journey, step by step. Step #1: The Existing Situation You identify the pain that the buyer is in. Step #2: The Dream Solution You contrast how the client’s world is right now, and here’s how they wish it could be. Step #3: Discovering the Trusted Guide You bring in the reasons why they should trust you to lead them on their quest for this dream solution. Step #4: Presenting the Unique Solution You announce that there is a dream solution, and you’ve found it. Step #5: Describe the Features This is the more “physical” description—what’s actually contained in this solution. Step #6: Describe the Benefits Explain what each of the features does for the person who uses this solution. Step #7: The Transformative Offer Tell them what they have to do to access the solution. (Click a button, make a phone call, etc.) Step #8: Present Proof Bring in the stories of others that have used this solution. Step #9: Justify the Value Acknowledge the cost to your buyer of making this decision, and explain why it's valuable. You can draw comparisons to other similar products out there, to show how yours is more valuable for the cost. Step #10: Eliminate Fear and Risk A buyer’s biggest fear is not that you don't have the solution, but that you’ll rip them off. So frame your offer in a way that takes the risk on yourself, and relieves all the buyer’s fear. Step #11: Offer Bonuses These should offer value that relates directly to your product, and that enhances or magnifies the benefit of the product. Step #12: Invite a Decision Emphasize that you are genuinely interested in your client making a decision that serves them. Make sure to listen to my full podcast interview with Ray Edwards--we covered so much more than I could fit into this blog post! And don't forget to sign up to receive more than 100 templates for writing your own persuasive headlines and emails. This is the stuff that Ray normally offers only to students of his copywriting course, so you're not going to want to miss it!
5/28/201553 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

#59: How to Create a Killer Sales Page Headline

One of the business guides I return to again and again is the book Great Leads. This book tells you everything you need to understand about communicating with your audience in a way that cultivates the relationship and results in increasing sales. No matter how many times I've read this book, I'm always blown away by the statistic they open with: “80% of emotional impact will be determined by the first 20% of the copy.” Did you know that? Because I sure didn’t! The first few hundred words of your copy are known as “the lead.” And if those first hundred words are the entryway to a sale, your headline is the front door that every client has to walk through, in order to get to your product. Of course, what you really want is for them to be stampeding through! To get this, you need a killer headline for your sales page. Four Essentials of a Killer Headline #1:  The Rule of One Readers don’t want to hear everything you know about a topic. Instead, they are looking for just a single, useful suggestion. Something they can take action on and see results. In advertising firms, they refer to this as the Rule of One--focusing on one powerful emotion within your reader. Too many ideas sends the reader’s mind in too many directions. You can use any number of different stories, predictions, statements or promises, but they all have to support that one Big Idea that your reader will grasp immediately. Here are a few classic examples of headlines that use the Rule of One: “Is the Life of a Child Worth $1 to You?” “When Doctors Feel Rotten, This is What They Do” “How I Improved My Memory in One Evening” When you stick with this Rule of One, it makes the copy stronger AND it makes writing the rest of the sales letter easier. Learn how to use the Rule of One in our free guide--click here to download it now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: "Quick Guide To Writing A Killer Sales Page Headline" FREE DOWNLOAD #2: You need to provoke emotion. Strange but true fact: people respond to emotion before they respond to reason. So you need to grab your readers' attention by appealing to their current emotions. Once you have their emotional attention, they'll give you their intellectual attention so that you can convince him with all the great reasons to become your client. Here are some examples: “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” This one appeals to the emotion of fear--nobody wants to be helpless in this situation! “Do you make these mistakes in English?” This headline appeals to the emotion of insecurity--that you might be making a mistake and everyone knows it but you. #3: Determine Which Lead to Use Any advertising or marketing offer can be categorized as one of these six major types. The trick is to determine which type of lead is the best setting for your Big Idea. The Offer Lead “I Guarantee That You Will Shoot Your Lowest Score Ever on Your Next Round of Golf!” "Don't Pay One Penny Until This Course Turns Your Mind Into A Mental Magnet”  The Promise Lead “A Hollywood Smile in 3 Days” “Build Your Memory in 4 Short Weeks” “Grow $500 into $4.8 Million” The Problem-Solution Lead “Do You Have a Secret Fear of Losing Your Job?” “Don’t Put a Cold in Your Pocket” “Feel Stronger Fast” The Big Secret Lead “The Strategy That Turns Every $1 Into $50” “The Only Investment Legally Obligated to Pay You 181% Gains” “An easier, more foolproof way to garden — anywhere” The Proclamation Lead “Warning: Your PDR is Obsolete” (I don’t even know what a PDR is, do you? But I definitely don’t want mine to be obsolete!) “Why Most 20th Century Medicine Will Soon Become Extinct” The Story Lead “They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano...But When I Started to Play!” “15 Rivers to Cross ... and only 7 bridges Here’s how we were able to bring you … THE GRANADA" “I’m writing to you from our shelter tonight…” All these leads are super fun to play with. If you like getting creative, you’re going to love experimenting with all these. Get more info on these lead types, including what type of audience responds best to each one--listen to the full episode on iTunes.   #4 Determine Your Reader's Awareness Level Finally, to determine the most effective lead for your sales page, you need to know what your target market already knows about:. Who you are Your product The research behind your product  Their own problem The possible solutions The awareness of your target market can be divided up into 5 different levels of awareness, from completely unaware to well-informed and already raving about your brand. Now here's where it gets fun: each awareness level fits best with a certain kind of lead. Once again, knowing your audience really well is the key to communicating your offer in a way they can't resist! Want to learn how to practically put this all together? Click here to download our free guide. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: "Quick Guide To Writing A Killer Sales Page Headline" FREE DOWNLOAD Creating a Gateway for Your Ideal Customer As you might remember from earlier episodes, there are a few different ways to determine your target market's awareness level. Go back and listen to Episodes 55 and 56 if you need a refresher. Or, if you're ready to take a deep dive into the strategies for finding your ideal audience, you can sign up now for the Profit Lab--but hurry! Registration is closing soon, and today is the last day to get a massive "early bird" discount on this course. Finally, click here to download this week's free guide--it will walk you through each of these four essentials to create a killer sales page headline of your very own.
5/21/201541 minutes
Episode Artwork

#58: Facebook Q & A with Amy

Last week, I put out an invitation on my Facebook page. I invited you to throw all your questions about online marketing at me! What do you want to know? Where are you stuck? What are you confused about? Well, the overwhelming majority of the questions people posted on my Facebook page were about--surprise!--Facebook. And the questions showed me that it's time for a major reframing of how we think about Facebook. Most people are just not looking at Facebook in a way that's going to serve them. And since my mission is to help you get results with your online marketing, including your Facebook marketing, we’ve got to address that...stat! The Facebook System that Changes Everything! Larissa asks: "How do I increase my FB followers? It seems I have hit a plateau. Also, I don’t want to spend copious amounts of money with FB ads…I feel they keep changing the algorithm to line their pockets by making you pay for advertising through them, and no one will see your post." If you feel this way about Facebook ads, then I’m guessing they haven’t been working for you. And believe me, I don't want you using Facebook ads if you're not generating revenue. This is where we need a reframe. I want to help you see FB as a place where putting in a little bit of money will result in bringing back a lot of money. The first thing to realize is that Facebook ads cannot work on their own. You have to incorporate them into a social media sales funnel--a system that turns your fans and followers into subscribers to your email list, and turn those names into paying clients.  I know lots of people who make money every week from Facebook ads, but they aren't just using that ad to send people to their sales page. They're using those ads as part of their sales funnel system. That’s the key to getting the Facebook marketing results you’re looking for. Showing Your Value to Your Fans Toni asks: "We have a children’s clothing website. We have 4000 likes. But only 700 people have signed up for our newsletter. What is the best way to get Facebook “likes” to sign up" A lot of people are focused on how many “Likes” they have, and are scratching their heads at low organic reach. This is happening to everyone. Free organic reach is way, way down. No matter how many Likes you have on your page, it’s entirely possible that very few of your fans are seeing your posts! This causes a lot of people frustration—why should I have to pay to get my fans to see my posts? I won't sugarcoat it--these changes to Facebook's algorithm do kind of suck for people who have worked hard to build their Facebook following. You could get frustrated and abandon ship...or you could start to look at Facebook differently. Paying will get your posts seen by more you want to make sure that they're seeing something that makes them want more. To get your fans to engage—sign up, respond, make a purchase, take any kind of action—you have to make sure you're offering them something they see as valuable.  In Toni’s case, it might be a discount, free shipping, an add-on product. If you sell information or education, you want to give away some of your valuable information for free. I did one recently called the Product Maximizer—it was a report that I gave away offering four strategies to make more sales online. I knew my audience needed more sales, so I knew it would valuable to them. And it just happens to be a little piece of exactly what I offer for sale! Remember, the number one area where Facebook is most valuable is in turning fans into email subscribers. The email list is where you can really cultivate the relationship with your customers. Take a minute right now to brainstorm a valuable, irresistible giveaway that you could offer and try a Facebook ad built around this freebie—say you spend $10 a day for three or four days—and see how many people sign up for your newsletter (or email list) when there’s a free giveaway at the end of it! Get even more of Amy's answers to your Facebook questions! Click here to listen to the whole episode on iTunes. Boosting vs. Paid Ads Kate asks: "I’m gradually realizing that organic reach has been pitiful in my recent posts. I 'boosted' a post for the first time yesterday. I got more likes and engagement, and it was seen by 2500 people. Is this the way forward? Is there any point in not boosting a post anymore, and relying on people seeing it organically?" I’m so glad you asked this question! "Boosting" a post means you’re spending a little money to get more of your fans to see that post. I don’t think that’s the best use of your money. If you’re going to spend money, it’s much better to spend it on an ad that gets people to sign up for your lead magnet. Remember, people “liking” your post does not translate to a real customer relationship! Email marketing does that.  How to Make Your Business Bloom Tara asks: "I would love to see a visual of how your business blossomed. I mean, there are so many things we’d like to do in our business, but how did you prioritize the tasks over the years, and most of all, what makes sense to do what when?" Back in 2010, I’d just quit my corporate job. I didn’t have a product ready to sell yet, so I took some social media consulting clients. By the end of 2011, I looked at my business and thought “Freedom is a joke!” I was a yes machine to 8 bosses, practically chained to my desk but never working on what I really wanted to do. I’d tried to sell a couple of my programs, but they never went anywhere…much like what some of you are feeling! We all talk a lot about freedom when building our businesses, but there’s not really freedom when you’re not generating revenue! 2012 is when I hit upon the importance of this sales funnel system. With a product to sell and a lead magnet to capture interest, I fell in love with Facebook ads, because I realized how to make them work! The secret to my business blossoming is all in using this system. I don’t want you going to bed each night worrying about where the next dollar is going to come from! All that does is squash your creativity and confidence. Instead, I want you to wake up excited to build your business each day, enjoying the freedom to work on all the projects that help your business grow, and taking time for the rest of your life. What Would $5000 Mean for You? Before closing, I want to ask you this question: If you had a social media sales funnel running on autopilot in your business, making you $5000/month for you, what does that mean for you? What does that free you up to create, to dive into, step out of?  *The masterclass registration has passed but to be sure to stay on the list for future webinars! Subscribe to my list or checkout one of my free cheat sheets here.
5/14/201534 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

#57: 3 Core Beliefs of Truly Successful Entrepreneurs

In case you haven’t noticed by now, I want you to succeed. It is genuinely important to me to help you reach that place in your business where you can say, “Yes, I made it; I love my work and I love my life!” But there is something else that is equally as compelling that I want for you: I want you to enjoy the journey—the process of making it all happen. If you’ve been with me for a while you know that I often talk about the kinds of strategies that have worked for me, that I know can work for you too. Things like building your email list early in the game, effective ways of using Facebook to engage with your audience, and the importance of having a marketing plan—knowing what you’re going to do before you set out to do it. I stand behind all of these things 100%, but there is something else you need to know. Something so critical it can actually make or break your online business dreams. I'm talking about what you believe regarding your ability to achieve success in your business. Now before I dive into these 3 things that you have to believe in order to see the results you are yearning for, we need to dip a toe into psychology first. The thing about belief is that it’s one of the few things that you can’t be taught to do. You and I both know that you don’t just flip a switch to believe something. That’s because belief is not an outward action that you take; instead, it’s a state of your inner being. I can teach you how to do a lot of things, but I can’t teach you to believe. Because belief is such an individual experience, it’s important from the outset to identify how you most often come to believe something for yourself. Do you believe… Based on your own experience Based on the experience of others Just by acting “as if” Because it seems to make sense—logically or intuitively By trusting a mentor Having an “aha moment” The opposite hasn’t worked for you It's okay if you need to think about this and can’t answer right away. Maybe there are even several answers to how you believe, not just one on the list. It’s just something to keep in mind as we continue talking about the three critical beliefs you need to have for success in your business. The 3 Beliefs You Must Have to Achieve Success in Your Business Belief #1 - I believe that one of the biggest strengths in my business is knowing my target market intimately. Knowing how they think, what they need, and what words and emotions they use to express themselves is crucial to my success. Belief #2 - I believe that I am not alone, shipwrecked on a desert island needing to have all the answers myself. I thrive and my business thrives with a few core mentors that I trust and can turn to again and again. Belief #3 - I believe I have a great idea (product/service) that will impact people’s lives, and that my idea needs a clear and easy-to-navigate system to generate sales. Whew…how did that feel? Chances are that at least one of these beliefs…and maybe all three…felt like a big effort for you to even read, let alone internalize. Maybe it felt too audacious, too daring, to really own those beliefs for yourself. “I’d like to believe those things, but I don’t know if I’m really the kind of entrepreneur she’s talking about here.” Maybe you felt skeptical. “Yeah, down the road maybe I’ll believe those things, if things work out well…” Maybe you’ve just lost so much confidence in the past few months that reading those beliefs made you even more hopeless. “I wish I believed those things—I used to believe them. It would be nice to think that something that simple could turn things around.” Listen to Episode 57  for Amy's insights on how to restore your confidence and increase your sales.   Understanding the Three Beliefs Let’s examine each belief more closely and see what’s important about it. #1 Knowing Your Audience Would it benefit you if you could step into the minds of your readers and listeners and customers-to-be? You bet it would! This essential ingredient is so powerful because it allows you to create core messages that you know will instantly attract your perfect audience. Knowing your target market takes time and strategy, but it will boost your confidence more than anything else. When you can speak to your audience like you’ve known them for years, and they feel that you “get them,” everything else you do to build your business is a cakewalk. There’s another big advantage to understanding your audience intimately: you become congruent with your business. What this means is that your vision for your business and what is actually happening in it come into alignment. You get up close and personal with your mission—the reason you started your business in the first place. #2 Finding Your Mentor It is tempting to think that running an online business is a solo venture. After all, we sit for hours oftentimes by ourselves, building and communicating through a computer screen. It feels isolating, but at the same time, a lot of people think that it’s the only way…that being “self-employed” means spending most of your time by yourself. I promise you, nothing could be further from the truth! “Self-employed” simply means being your own boss…and guess what? The best corporate bosses in the world actually seek out contact with others—their peers, colleagues and employees. That’s how they learn what’s working and what's not in the way they run their company. The same goes for entrepreneurs like you and me. I know a lot of very successful entrepreneurs out there, and I don’t think I can name a single one that doesn’t have some assembly of mentors, advisors, and team members helping them sort through all the information and advice that’s out there, to find the best way to run their business. I did the same thing, early on in my business—I chose a few people I could connect with and relate to, and made them my virtual mentors. I signed up for their courses, followed their blogs, listened to their podcasts, and basically became a mini-stalker online. I was their student and I trusted the road they set out for me when it came to building my business. I can’t tell you what an amazing confidence boost it is when you know who to turn to, when things get rough. You immediately stop feeling overwhelmed and inadequate; over time, you actually start thinking like the expert you’ve been following. This is the turning point, where you know YOUR BUSINESS WILL WORK and you will succeed. #3 Having a System In order for you to stand out amid all the noise of the internet, to be noticed and taken seriously, you need a system to keep you from getting off course. You can think of this as a roadmap that makes it absolutely clear and easy to navigate your message into the minds and hands of your customers. Maybe you feel like your business is too small to really get a sales system in gear—your product is still new, your website isn’t very fancy, you want to “clean house” (so to speak) before you put together a powerful marketing system. Think again! EVERY BUSINESS, no matter what stage you are in, needs a sales system. Here’s the thing: powerful doesn’t mean complicated. A sales system can be incredibly simple, run on its own steam, and produce revenue daily. You set it up and boom—your business is moving forward. From there, you can add the bells and whistles of advanced sales strategies to gain momentum in your already thriving revenue stream. In fact, simplicity is the key when it comes to your roadmap for taking effective action. Once you have the system and understand how it works, you can take your business as fast and as far as you want! Get more of Amy's secrets for how to keep your sales strategy simple and stress-free.  Listen to the full episode. The Consequences of Not Having the 3 Beliefs Okay, now you understand what these beliefs are for. Let's talk about what happens when you don't have them. If you don’t believe it’s that important to identify your ideal customer on a deeper level, your attempts to engage leads will miss the mark. It may be subtle at first, but you will be wondering why that spark just isn’t there. You don’t want to go down that road because this lack of deeper connection will keep you desperately striving while keeping your pockets empty. If you believe that you must figure everything out yourself, or that your business is better off without the input of mentors, you will lack the connection you need for your business to thrive. You’ll keep trying every new thing that comes along in hopes that it will bring you success, and never gain momentum. This one hits close to home for me, because I’m remembering what my own business was like, before I had a sales system in place. Let me tell you from experience that this foundation is not only critical to your success—it is mandatory. If you don’t believe that a sales system is important for you, or if you believe that it’s too early for you to implement, there’s a good chance that your wonderful idea, product, or service has a good chance of never seeing the light of day. I want you to have a System in place for your business, because I know you need one. Which is exactly why I created this FREE Master Class to walk you through the steps you need to take to get a simple system up and running in your business, quickly. Just click below to join! Why You Need These 3 Beliefs I said at the beginning that belief is a tricky concept, because it’s not something I can teach you. I can only tell you, and back it up with my story and many others. But at the end of the day, the best proof of a belief is to look at your own situation. If you don’t have these beliefs, how are things going for you? Is your business on track with your vision? Are your sales what you want them to be? And if they’re not, isn’t it time to change your beliefs? I know it isn’t easy at first. It’s scary to change, to risk spending money or time on learning to do things in a new way. Don’t let fear hold you back. The purpose of belief is to shape the actions we take. And as soon as you begin taking action on these beliefs, you already have them. You will feel the difference inside you—you’ll feel your confidence growing, and your sense of purpose will feel more grounded than ever. Before long, you’ll also be seeing the difference on the outside—more email subscribers, greater audience engagement, and an increase in sales. I want all of that for you, from the bottom of my heart. I would love to hear your experiences in the comments below. Have you tried a system that has worked well for you? How are you getting to know your audience? Do you have the kind of mentorship you need to succeed? Keep moving forward and know you are not alone! Don't forget to join me on my FREE, Master Class where I'm revealing the EXACT marketing system I use (and where Facebook fits into it to!) generate multiple sales every single day. *The master class registration has passed, but be sure to stay on the list for future webinars! Subscribe to my list, or check out one of my free cheat sheets here.
4/24/201533 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

#56: How to Create Content to Attract Your Target Market

There are two kinds of content in this world: content that attracts and content that sells. It's easy to spend all your time and effort focusing on the second part. Eyes on the prize, right? And believe me, I want you focused on that end result. But it's crucial to remember that the end result needs a strong beginning. In other words, you'll never get to that sale if you haven't attracted the people who want to buy your product! Today is all about the first half of the sales equation. The more you craft content geared toward your ideal customer, the more sales you'll make. And these won't just be one-time sales. You'll be talking to people who want to buy from you over and over, because they feel connected to you and your product. When you create content that makes them feel understood, that communicates an empathy for their situation and an excitement about helping them with your product, they are going to be watching their inboxes for your emails and jumping up and down each time you launch something new. These are the people you want to find, right? So let's talk about how you can reach them. First, the Good News... When you know your target market really well, creating content for them becomes incredibly easy. We talked last week about creating a survey that helps you get inside the heads of your target market. Once you're there, you'll be able to instantly rattle off ten things they need... Which then become the topics of each piece of content you create. Let me jump ahead really quick to tell you that our free giveaway for this week is a list of inspiration boosters for creating magnetic, empathetic content that your audience can't resist. Click here to get it now. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: "15 Content Inspirations To Help You Attract Your Target Market" FREE DOWNLOAD What Counts as Content? Ready for some more good news? Everything you do online is content. A Facebook post counts as a content piece, whether it's video or words or simply an image. So does a tweet. An email (whether to your whole list or just a segment of it), the text and imagery on your landing page, a free giveaway, a podcast, a thirty-minute webinar... You get the idea. We all have our favorite places to post content. Maybe you're Twitter-happy and can post 140-character quips all day long. Or maybe you love doing quick video updates from wherever you happen to find yourself. So don't worry if you're not the world's most prolific blogger. If you're making your voice heard online, you're creating and posting content, and you are ahead of the game. Consistency Is Key This is one thing I have learned from all of my mentors: the people that are most consistent in terms of posting content beat out the competition in reaching any given market. This is because consistency is one of the primary ways you earn the trust and respect of your target market. They come to rely on hearing from you every two days, or every other Thursday, or whenever it is that your regular updates take place. It's less important how often it is, and more important that it happens on a regular basis. I'll say it again: Consistency is Key. Believe me, I know how hard this can be. It seems like every time I get on a roll with posting content regularly, a product launch derails my schedule and all of a sudden I'm scrambling to come up with new content. For me, the key to being consistent is batching. For instance, with this podcast, I come up with lots of topics in advance, and get started right away with creating and scheduling episodes, coming up with images, queuing the social media updates...the whole nine yards. This way, I don't find myself scrambling (as often!) on Wednesday afternoon for something to post the next morning. Simplify by Diversifying Okay, so say you have a lot of fun within creating short Facebook videos, but your brain dries up the second you sit down to write a blog. Does that mean you should abandon writing and just rely on Facebook videos to communicate with your audience? Definitely not. First of all, you're going to miss a huge segment of your potential customers by relying on only one form of content. Second, there are just things that a blog can communicate that videos can't...and vice versa! You don't have to do all kinds of content in equal measure, but if you want to reach as many people as possible, you're going to want to use as many different kinds of content to catch their attention in all the places they might be hanging out. Fortunately, every idea you come up with for one kind of content can be easily translated into a totally different piece of content. Your videos can be turned into a blog post. Your blog post can be turned into a slide deck. Your slide deck can be turned into a series of Twitter images. In other words, creating different content pieces just got a lot simpler. Open the Conversation Obviously, even with all these ways to repurpose your existing content, you're going to have to create new original pieces know, so that you can repurpose them later! This is where you really tap into the insights about your ideal customer that you learn through sending the kind of survey we talked about last week. These insights help you spark a conversation that surprises your customer with how well you understand them, how "heard" they feel. Here are some prompts to initiate the conversation with your audience: Identify the #1 question you get asked all the time…and answer it. What should your ideal customer be asking you that they are not asking yet? What are your top three posts on Facebook in the last six months? Which experts does your ideal customer find valuable, or who do they really value the opinion of? What could your ideal customer talk about all day long? What is your ideal customer most afraid of? What does your ideal customer need to know about you? What is your ideal customer posting on Pinterest/watching on YouTube? What is your ideal customer’s “want” and what’s the Trojan horse you use to deliver it to them? What could help your ideal customer right now? Get more of Amy's insights on creating content, including an interview with social media maven Donna Mortiz. Listen to Episode 56 in full.  Our free giveaway this week has even more of these inspiration boosters for helping you create content. It also has a list of 20 specific ways you can repurpose your existing content in fresh new pieces. Click here to get it right now. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: "15 Content Inspirations To Help You Attract Your Target Market" FREE DOWNLOAD
4/18/201548 minutes
Episode Artwork

#55: How to Create a Survey to Find Your Target Market

In the last several weeks, I’ve been getting a product ready for launch. It’s called the Profit Lab…or, if you want the full title, The Profit Lab:  How to Create Marketing Systems In Your Business So That You Can Find Your Target Market, Grow Your Email List and Sell More Products I launch this product twice a year, and every year, I recreate it so that it stays fresh and valuable, even for people who have gone through it before. I make new videos, I rewrite the worksheets, all that good stuff. This year, as I’ve been getting this product ready for launch, I wanted to make sure I was truly connecting with my target audience. After you’ve had some success with a product, it’s easy to start coasting on that success, which means you stay the same while your audience continues to grow and change and develop new needs. Not my style.  ;-) To find out more about my target market, I needed to find out: Where they are at, in terms of their business goals and growth. What they needed from me Where they were struggling, not just in their business as a whole but with the versions of the Profit Lab I’d released before. Knowing all this was going to help me tailor this new version of the Profit Lab into exactly what my target audience desperately needs right now. So I put together a survey. And the responses knocked my socks off! The thing is, I knew who my target audience was, but I didn’t really know them the way I thought I did. The survey gave me a chance to understand how they think, what kind of language they use, what keeps them up at night, and why they come to me as opposed to anybody else in the online marketing world. I learned so much from this experience of surveying my audience that I wanted to share some of those insights with you…how to create a survey that gets you into the minds and hearts of your target audience, so you design, redesign or market your products in direct response to their needs. The result of this will be that you sell more of your products to them. And don’t worry if you’re just starting out and your list isn’t that big yet. You can still design a survey that gets you these answers and helps you build your list...and I’ll tell you how. I've also got a great freebie for you to download this week, which will give you lots more insight on creating a survey, as well as how to use the information it yields. Click here to download it now! EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: "The Product Maximizer: 4 Smart Ways To Sell Products Online" FREE DOWNLOAD First Step: Design Your Questions Remember, your survey isn’t a Gallup poll. You’re probably not trying to find out whether your audience is in their 20s or their 50s, if they are male or female, or other information like that. So before you start drafting questions, take a minute to think about what your survey is really trying to find out about your target market. We all know that endless surveys with loads of questions get really, really boring. And you want to steer clear of that with your survey. So make sure that your questions are all focused on the goal of learning something specific about your target market that relates to the product you’re offering them. You want to include bigger picture questions that give you a clearer picture of who they are and how they define success, as well as more focused questions, such as what products/services in your niche they're already using, and what specific needs do they have that aren't being fulfilled? To get more in-depth guidance on how to design your survey questions, click here for the full episode. Second Step: Get People Engaged Obviously, the first step in the survey process is putting together something that they will agree to participate in. While it never hurts to offer an incentive to entice people to take your survey, it’s a lot more effective to create a survey that is as painless as possible. Contrary to popular opinion, a survey doesn’t have to be dull or dry. You can create a survey that is quick, enjoyable, and creates excitement around your upcoming product. Simply take the same approach you would with designing a product, answering a complaint, or anything else that involves interacting with your client: offer them a great experience. Here’s how: Give the survey your personal touch. Write it the way you’d write your blog, your emails, or anything else. This actually increases your rate of answers. Make the experience as user-friendly and smooth as possible. Use a platform that you’ve vetted for bugs.  (My favorites includes Survey Monkey and Pop Survey.)  Make sure it’s very mobile friendly, so that people can complete your survey while they’re waiting at the doctor’s office or sitting on the subway. Skip the long intro whenever possible. The people who receive your survey already follow you on social media or are on your email they already know who you are and what you’re about. No need to announce your survey with anything more than a subject line that conveys the survey’s purpose. (“Help Me Improve My Product with Your Feedback” or “Tell Me About Your Fitness Goals.”) Keep in mind that answers are for action. When creating questions on your survey, ask yourself this: “What kind of action will I take with the answer to this?” If the answer is “Nothing,” or you simply don’t know, don’t ask that question. There’s no purpose. You should limit your time (and the survey taker’s time) to questions that have a tangible purpose. Want more specifics on how to make your survey fun and informative? Click here for the full episode. Third Step: Getting Your Survey Out There Email to your list. Studies have found the highest survey open and click-through rates occurred on Monday, Friday and Sunday respectively. Promote online. Several survey programs (like Survey Monkey and Poll Daddy) have an option that helps you with this. Embed in a post on your own blog and as a guest blogger Link to your survey on social media. Again, some survey programs have a code that lets you embed the survey easily into Facebook.  (Make sure to click the “Like” button after you post because this will allow it to go viral faster.) Post your survey on LinkedIn Post a short video on YouTube explaining why you created the survey and encouraging your audience to take a few minutes to complete it. Give your viewers the URL and also post a link under your video on YouTube. What if My List Isn’t Big Enough? You don’t need hundreds of responses for a survey to be valuable. If you’re still working to build up your list, create your survey and reach out to ten friends or colleagues that you think would be your ideal customer. Ask them to fill out the survey, and also to pass it on to just one other person they know like themselves. You can learn about who your audience is from just a few people filling out these questions. In addition, you can use Facebook Ads to promote your survey. Or you can put links to your survey in your blog post and guest blog posts. When you’re getting ready to make your blog post live, make your opt-in the survey. Offer readers an incentive in exchange for taking your survey--a chance to win something, a link to premium content, a limited-time membership to your service, something like that. There are tons more suggestions on how to design your survey in this week's free download. Click here to get it! EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Guide: "The Product Maximizer: 4 Smart Ways To Sell Products Online" FREE DOWNLOAD The Bottom Line Sending out a survey is kind of like going on a first date. If you spend the whole evening trying to make sure the other person understands you, you’re probably not going to get to see them again. But if you spend the whole time asking them questions about themselves, you’ll come away with a really good understanding of who they are, and whether you have what they need. When you’re creating this survey, don’t think so hard about what you’re trying to accomplish in your business. Think about getting to know your target market, and the goals of your business will fall into line.
4/11/201558 minutes, 24 seconds
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#54: The Secret Mindset Shifts For Success With Ramit Sethi

I hope you’re buckled in, because my guest this week is an online business expert who is renowned for “telling it like it is.” Ramit Sethi is a master communicator who pulls no punches. When it comes to sheer mental confidence, there's no one quite like him in the online marketing world. As a result, he’s had massive success in developing products that get huge results for his clients. His secret to developing these products is just one of the things we discussed in our interview. Our conversation was a great mix of lessons on mindset and tactical product creation strategies. You should really listen to the whole interview, because there's way too much to fit into a blog post. But here are some of the highlights: Redefining a Rich Life Ramit’s landmark book is called I Will Teach You To Be Rich. But the strategies he teaches in this book and elsewhere aren’t aimed exclusively at people who want to blow $5,000 on a weekend in Vegas (but if that's your jam, Ramit thinks it's great!). Ramit says that the rich life is different for each person. For many of us, a rich life simply means being able to work from home, take our kids to work with us, building a business where money is automated and we can focus more time on the things we love. In other words, money is an important part of having a rich life, but money is not the whole picture. No matter how you define a rich life, Ramit says it all comes down to just a few big “wins.” If you get just five or ten of these wins, you don’t have to sweat the small stuff, and you can focus more on the things you really love. How Fear Will Hold You Back Ramit talks candidly about the toxic influence of fear, which gets in the way of achieving these big wins. You’d never know it to hear him talk now, but Ramit himself struggled a lot with fear in the early days of starting his online brand. "I had been writing my blog for about two or three years and I had never made a cent. I didn’t want people to think I started my blog just as a way to make money because that was never the intention. I was absolutely petrified that people would not buy it or, even worse, that they would call me a sell out. You can see it in the sales copy that I wrote. The way I wrote that sales copy was so cowardly. I literally said, 'Why should you pay for this? I know you can find a lot of stuff for free.' My self confidence was so low that anyone would buy it that … I literally tried to defend it before they even bought." But people did buy it. And they thanked Ramit for putting his information out there. What’s more, those buyers ended up opening his emails, joined other courses he offered, and took action on the things he taught them. "The real people, the people I actually wanted to focus on, were buying and they were delighted to pay." In other words, Ramit had found his target market. (Want to listen to the entire interview?  Click here now!) Learn to Fail Well If you read Ramit’s blog, you’ll find a tag in it labeled “Failures.” This is where Ramit keeps an ongoing log of the things he has tried that haven’t worked out. Believe it or not, even go-getters like Ramit crash and burn sometimes. He even told me about one occasion, not that long ago, where one of his courses had a flaw in it so bad that within an hour of releasing it online, he was getting refund requests from people who had just purchased it! Ramit says he has trained himself to look at failures not as catastrophes, but as tests. Every failure reveals data, he says, and every bit of data you get is pointing you in the right direction. In the situation above, if he’d simply decided his course didn’t work and then moved on to the next one, that would really have been a waste of time, effort and resources. Instead, he took it as a test of the course’s weak points, found the problem, fixed it, added some new material, remarketed it to a different group, and ended up building massive success. "My belief is if I’m not adding multiple failures to that every month then I am probably not trying ambitiously enough. If you go talk to a successful person and ask them to tell you about their failures they ask you if you have all day, because they have 50 things they have had problems with." The Making of “Zero to Launch” Ramit’s latest course is one that he calls his most ambitious ever…which is saying something! In our interview, he gave me a behind-the-scenes tour of how this product was put together. A luxury experience. Ramit’s products are carefully tailored to the client who buys them, for their expertise level and for their needs right at that moment. He compares the experience to visiting a great tailor or hairdresser, where you don’t even have to tell them what you want—you just sit down and let them work their magic. Similarly, Ramit’s clients can trust the material to guide them through every aspect of what they’re learning. 1 answer instead of 20. As with all his products, Ramit did thousands of hours of research while creating “Zero to Launch.” Clients, he says, don’t want to sift through the “Ten Best” or “Twenty Best” options—they trust him to curate the best one for their specific need. So Ramit vets all the best resources that are out there so he can choose the best one. Simple, easy, and a big relief for his clients. Don’t always listen to conventional wisdom. Ramit’s sales emails are sometimes ten pages long…something nine out of ten marketers willl tell you is a big no-no. But Ramit has found that his market loves his long emails. They open them, they read them, and they follow them. That doesn’t mean you push yourself to write ten-page emails; instead, figure out what’s right for your market. To find this out, Ramit strongly encourages the use of surveys. Surveys are the surest way to find out what your audience wants from you, and how you can serve a niche that your competitors are overlooking. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Marketing Resources from Ramit Sethi's "Zero To Launch" System FREE DOWNLOAD Do I Need to Be Rich to Get Started? A lot of people may wonder, after reading Ramit’s content, whether they have to be rich already to implement his strategies. Ramit says no…it’s all about starting from where you are now. After all, if you put all your money into a fancy email provider or a slick website design, you have nowhere to build to…and you might go broke before you have a chance to build your audience! A lot of the strategies Ramit teaches are doable with less than a few hundred dollars. Setting up a website, creating surveys, and a lot of payment providers and technology out there are almost free. What really matters, he says, is your commitment to finding your clients and listening to them. "Most people don’t need more money. They need to focus on following the right action steps, to listen to their customers, and create something their customers will pay for." One More Thought This was a quote from the interview that was so good, I had to share it: "So many people right now believe they have something the world needs. But you created something the market doesn’t really want. So this is a huge problem. If you’ve created something they don’t want or if you are putting it in terms they don’t want, it doesn’t matter how fancy your design is or how cool your conversion technology is. If you are getting tepid reactions you are not getting a real pain point. But when we have created something that they desperately want they will do anything to get it. They say, “Tell me now, take my money, here you go.” That’s when you know you have a winner. To listen to my entire conversation with Ramit, click here now.
3/30/201550 minutes, 13 seconds
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#53: How to Discover Your Calling with Jeff Goins

Today’s topic is very near and dear to my heart. We are talking about how to find your calling--what you were put on this earth to do. Even those of us with jobs we love can sometimes feel unclear on whether we're really making the best use of our talents and utilizing our passions to the fullest. Even I find myself in this place sometimes, wondering if I'm on the right track or if certain decisions or circumstances are causing me to veer off course. I know there are a lot of you out there who feel this way. You have talent to burn, and dreams of putting your best out into the world. Some of you are hustling hard every day to make those dreams a reality. Others of you haven't found the right opportunity yet, and are maybe working hard at a job that...well, let's just say a job that you don't really love, that doesn't quite fit the size of your aspirations. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a 9-to-5'er, happy in your work or desperate to get out, my interviewee on the podcast today has a tremendously empowering message about finding your calling no matter where you are, and taking steps toward doing the work that you are built to do. His name is Jeff Goins, and he just released a fantastic new book called The Art of Work. Take a minute to look through it by clicking here. If you order it now, you can also get $250 worth of free bonus material, including exclusive access to Jeff himself, a workbook, extra video features, all kinds of good stuff. There are lots of books out there about how to find fulfilling work. You've probably read a few of them. Jeff's book really stands alone, though, because he's not delivering his message from a pedestal of wealth or prestige. Instead, he offers beautiful stories of real-life people that have found their calling in a multitude of different ways. He gets into the day-to-day stuff that, if you pay attention, helps you discover what your calling is. This was such a great interview, you should really just listen to it on the podcast. But I'll give you a few highlights from my talk with Jeff: What Is a "Calling," Exactly? Contrary to popular belief, your calling is not the same thing as your passion. Passions change as we mature, learn what really matters to us, and refine our understanding of what kind of impact we want to have on the world. Calling has more to do with purpose. Jeff says it's not a single moment of sudden understanding; it's more a lifestyle, a constant evolution of understanding what you're here for. It's Never Too Late ...Or, as some of you may be dreading to ask, when is it too late for a person to find their calling? If you've been in the same line of work for a while, it's easy to think that you're stuck in the track you've created, and that your current job is simply your "default" calling. Maybe you feel like you wasted your past, that the opportunity to really take hold of your purpose has passed you by. Jeff says that couldn't be farther from the truth. In fact, he tells me the story of how he found his calling as a writer after being quite well established in a marketing career. I wanted to change my life. I was one of those people who had one job, and it was a good job. I kind of felt guilty for not loving it. But I wanted something else. Jeff says that one of the biggest things he learned from the interviews in The Art of Work is that your past prepares you for what is to come. You can use everything as an apprenticeship for what is coming next. He calls this listening to your life. Everything about where you've been up to now--the passions you've had, the failures you've experienced, the opportunities you did or didn't take--can help you figure out the larger purpose is in your life. Pay attention to what came before, and use it to fuel your next move. The Biggest Factor in Achieving Your Calling The idea of a self-made man or woman, Jeff says, is simply not true. I think every story of success is really a story of community. As he wrote The Art of Work, he found again and again that people who felt a strong sense of purpose in their lives had discovered that purpose through the help of others who believed in them...and even one or two who didn't support them, but gave them an opportunity to say "Yes, I can!" and prove the doubters wrong. This, by the way, is particularly true for people in the online business world. Jeff pointed out that all online marketing is based off of relationship--building trust with your clients and audience, and partnering with your peers in the business world. The more I understand the principles of success and what it takes to achieve a dream and what it takes to make it, it always takes community. Start Where You Stand There's no single road map to finding your calling and achieving your purpose. This can be daunting for a lot of us, who feel overwhelmed and just want someone to tell us what to do. And there are plenty of people out there, Jeff says, who "sanitize" their story after they've achieved success. They only tell us the cleaned-up version that comes with hindsight, and leave out all the dead ends, the wrong turns, and the times they went in circles. Finding your calling takes practice. It involves a lot of learning as you go, because nobody else has the exact same calling as you, so there's no one who can tell you exactly what to do. To start with, Jeff advises to examine wherever you are. Don't assume that because your current situation or circumstance is less than ideal that the time you've spent there was wasted. Even if it's not where you want to stay, there is something in that situation that you have been practicing. Use that practice and knowledge to your advantage. This is the first part of listening to your life. The second part, Jeff says, is taking a few steps forward. Clarity on your calling comes with action. Most of us are waiting to just know what we are supposed to do, but you won’t just know. Jeff says he was surprised to find that most of the people he interviewed who are doing meaningful, remarkable work never saw it coming. I would ask if they knew they wanted to do “this” when they were a kid. They all answered, “No, I didn’t. I had no idea.” But now that they are here, they can look back and understand all of it makes sense, as it was all preparing them for what they are doing. Start thinking about what you love doing, and what you're really good at. Connect with others to get their take on what you're good at. Find people doing the kind of work you admire, take them out to coffee, and ask them how they got there. And learn to be both purposeful and flexible with the things life throws at you. You have to be really intentional, Jeff says, to make the most of whatever is happening right now. This is how life gives you clues as to what you should take action on. What You Can Do Right Now A study I read not too long ago said 87% of the world’s workers are disengaged with their jobs. They either absolutely hate their job or they are indifferent about it and are punching the clock and work is a means to make a living but is certainly not a way to make a life. This, Jeff points out, is a big problem. If work is our means of making an impact on the world, we can't simply disengage from it until something better comes along. Because, Jeff says, what happens when something better does come along? If we haven't cultivated the habit of adding value to the world no matter where we are, we aren't going to be in shape to make the most of those opportunities. What needs to happen, Jeff says, is a pivot--a turn of direction. Yes, it might mean a pivot in your external circumstances--changing the job you hate for one you love, take your career in an entirely different direction. Sometimes, though, that kind of pivot takes years. In the meantime, your other option is to do an internal pivot: learning to orient yourself in your work toward a greater good of serving other people.  If you are really going to move the direction of your life’s purpose, it may not happen overnight. The internal pivot is the first way to change your job from drudge work to a higher purpose. This is how you first become attuned to what your calling is. You do have control. You have some control over your situation right now. So as you get an idea of what you might want to do try, use your current situation to practice for what’s to come. I don’t think you will regret it. Visit The Art of Work to learn more about Jeff's book. And remember, if you order it now, you will get a bunch of bonuses including a freebie from Jeff himself that deals with these mindset shifts we talked about here.
3/27/201530 minutes, 43 seconds
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#52: How to Use Short Video Clips on Facebook

If you've been following this blog (or podcast) for a while, you know we've come a long way since the days when everything about online marketing started and ended with Facebook. Still, we all know that social media and Facebook in particular remain a BIG part of how we drive traffic to our websites, build community, grow our email lists and turn leads into happy paying customers. The journey you create for your prospects that takes them from casual social media fans to loyal customers usually starts on social media. Which means you have to constantly be aware of what's changing in the social media world, and tweak your strategy to take advantage of these changes. Don't worry--that's why I'm here! To help you master these tweaks and make social media your own. That's why today we are diving into Facebook and video, to learn how the two together can make a big impact in your online marketing success. In Episodes 50 and 51, we talked about the importance of videos for your business. And of course you already know that Facebook is important for your business. But do you know how crucial Facebook WITH Video is for your business right now? Here are some stats that prove it: It’s been reported that there are over 1 billion videos viewed on Facebook each day. The average Facebook user worldwide watched 75% more video this year compared to last year. In the US, that increase in views was actually 94%! Brands posted 20,000 more videos on Facebook than they did on YouTube in December 2014. I can vouch for these stats from my own personal experience--I've been very impressed with the organic reach with any given video I post on Facebook. I've been seeing instant traction when I post a video on my page, much more than a post with a static image. The greatest thing about video is how it takes on a life of its own through sharing. And no, I'm not talking about highly polished, professionally edited videos. I'm not a video editor and I don't have a big production budget for these. No, the traction I'm getting is with simple, quick videos made mainly on my smartphone and edited with simple software. Simplicity and ease are the key to making these videos a practical part of your marketing strategy--if they're not easy, you won't do them...and if they're not simple, people won't pay attention to them! Studies have shown that short video across all social media platforms get the most views and engagement. Short and simple is good. Today, I'm going to highlight some people and companies that take full advantage of this trend in online marketing through short, simple video posts. I've also made a free cheat sheet for you, with tips for how to post great video to your own Facebook Page. It's called “The 7 Tried and Tested Tips to Increase Your Facebook Engagement with Simple Videos." Download it by clicking here. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Cheat Sheet "7 Tried and Tested Tips To Increase Your Facebook Engagement With Simple Videos" FREE DOWNLOAD Great Video Example #1: “3 Tips to Prep Your Yard for Spring” (Lowe's) Yes, this video was professionally produced--after all, a big brand like Lowe's can afford to put money into their video. But that's not what makes it great. Along with being short (just 54 seconds in length) and simple (it’s all imagery--no humans were used in this video, the great virtue of this video is that it’s timely. At the time of this recording, the first day of spring was just a few days ago, and this video steps right alongside the Lowe's target audience to offer exactly what they need (and nothing extra) to get ready for this moment in the year. The tone is easy, friendly, conversational--like a friend next door is giving you advice. This is the perfect feeling to ignite action in the Lowe's audience...and where does that action take them? More than likely, to a Lowe's store. Great Video Example #2: "How to Make Chocolate Cake Infused Vodka" (The Tipsy Bartender) This page rotates their posts between videos and images, all accompanied by a different cocktail recipe. And they've nailed the formula for success. In fact, one of their quick instructional videos--a how-to for turning a leftover slice of cake into chocolate vodka--had more than nearly 55,000 shares after just one week! It also accrued more than 66,000 likes and nearly 13,000 comments. Not bad for a video that's only 54 seconds long and uses super simple imagery. What really makes this one work, besides the brief length and the simple setup, is the snappy cuts between shots and the text layover of all the ingredients being used. This keeps it interesting while getting the point across. Great Video Example #3: "Check Out My Latest Podcast" (Chalene Johnson) If you visit Chalene's Facebook page, you’ll see that she uses simple videos to promote her blogs and podcast episodes.  The teasers range from 30 seconds to slightly longer than a minute, like this one. Each includes a direct link to that blog post, making it easy for fans to visit her site and get the rest of the info.  In addition to entertaining live-action videos, Chalene uses a really cool technique. (I didn't mention this technique in the podcast audio, so this is an extra feature for all you devoted blog readers!) She takes an audio clip from her podcast show and puts it into video as a voiceover, with simple images that illustrate the point. I love this innovative way of mixing up video material. For those of us who don't love being in front of a lens, it also cuts down on the number of times you have to get your confidence (and your hair) in camera-worthy shape! Great Video Example #4: "The Bus Pole" (Lysol) At the start of flu season, the company launched a “Lysol That” campaign with some great humor. Each video in the series highlights ways to avoid one of life's...well, grosser aspects. Touching the bus pole, the bathroom stall, elevator buttons, handshakes during flu season...all these distasteful everyday situations create an instant connection with an audience, because they're instantly relatable. Lysol follows this connection with a one-two punch--humor and education--and seals the deal with a gentle pitch: how about a little Lysol anti-bacterial hand gel? Great Video Example #5: "Love Your Curls" (Dove) Dove has been leading the way with marketing videos for quite some time now. Remember their Real Beauty campaign a few years ago? These videos and the ones that have followed keep people watching with relentless pulls at audience's heartstrings, encouraging their impulse to do good in the world. These videos also tend to be on the long side. But Dove makes up for the length with quick shots and lots of variety--interviews, action, text--that hold the viewers' attention. Watch the video above one more time...did you actually see Dove's product? Did they even mention it? The answer is no. Through this emotionally appealing video, Dove has successfully created a call to action that encompasses both buying their product and doing good in the world. Oh, and also grabbed over 5 million views, nearly 80,000 likes, almost 7,000 comments and 47,000 shares. Videos with this kind of emotional appeal get massive shares. They're also a little bit harder to create, since they require more thought and craft. But if this is a style that you feel will work for your brand and you are up for the challenge, don't to pass them up. Make Your Own Ready to start making your own videos? Instantly download our free cheat sheet “7 Tried and Tested Tips to Increase Your Facebook Engagement Using Simple Videos" to speed your process along...and also learn about some really cool video apps that will give your video a lot of viewer-friendly polish. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Cheat Sheet "7 Tried and Tested Tips To Increase Your Facebook Engagement With Simple Videos" FREE DOWNLOAD If you have a great Facebook video that you've seen success with, or would like to get feedback about, share it with the community here! Post a link to your video in the comments below, or share the video on my Facebook page.
3/25/201539 minutes, 43 seconds
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#51: Putting More “You” in Your Business—A Guide to Building Brand Personality

I have a question for you. What do Seth Godin, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, and Richard Branson all have in common? If the first thing that comes to mind is that they have millions of followers on social media, you are right about that. That’s definitely true. But the answer I am looking for is the reason behind their millions of followers on social media. There’s a single strategy they all share, a strategy that drives enormous numbers of people to follow them. The answer: their brands are big on personality.  It would actually be truer to say that their personalities are their brands. From their signature look to their unique ways of expressing themselves, these people package their content in a way that sets them apart from anybody else in their niche. When you have great content, really smart offers, and a foolproof marketing strategy and you are still not getting the traction your brand deserves, what you may be missing is personality. People respect someone who works really hard. But they love someone whom they feel is real, someone they can connect with. And in a marketplace that’s bursting with hard-working, hustling entrepreneurs, people are more likely to follow their heart than anything else. What you want is for their heart to lead them to you. Today’s episode is all about making that authentic connection with your audience by infusing your brand with personality--your personality. Before I dive in, today’s free download is called “The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Infusing Your Personality In All You Do.” It shows some of the best examples of strategies I am going to highlight for you today. Download it by clicking here. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Entrepreneur's Guide to Infusing Personality in All You Do FREE DOWNLOAD Believe it or not, there is even an industry term for this way of infusing your brand with personality. Marketing analysts call it the “personality differentiator.” Here’s what it can do for your business: It demonstrates why you are different from others who provide very similar products or services. It engages your audience capturing their interest and drawing them into your message. It establishes an ongoing rapport between you and your audience, creating a bond that will help you convert leads into clients when the time is right. It proves there is more to you and your brand than just facts, figures, and fancy technology. It shows you actually have heart. It transforms your message from boring to fascinating, increasing both the impact of your message as well as the quality of the opportunities your messaging generates. Big corporations recognize the importance of personality in their brand—that’s why so many of them get celebrities to endorse their product, or invent engaging fictional characters for the job. (Think Flo from Progressive Insurance.) But entrepreneurs like you and me usually can’t afford to hire an outside face for our company…and guess what? We don’t need to. Instead, we get to use our own personality and everything that makes it special, magnetic, intriguing, funny, maybe even a little bit controversial, to help our own brands instantly stand out in the crowd. Being Authentic and Professional Some of you may be hesitating, “Are you suggesting that I use Kim Kardashian tactics to increase my brand’s visibility? No, thanks!” Don’t worry—that’s not what I’m recommending here. There’s definitely a fine line between between showcasing your personality and going to unprofessional lengths for attention. If you look at someone like Oprah, she definitely has the whole look-into-my- real-life thing going for her while still keeping the respect of her audience. Throughout her career she has given plenty of hints as to her real life so that we feel like we really know her. We’ve seen her gain and lose weight. We’ve heard her start and abandon projects. We’ve heard her talk about friendships and politics and everything else in between. Through it all she’s been admirably consistent with her brand. The key to being real but maintaining respect is found in being relatable. Relatable = Staying In Your Niche While Reaching Out to Others To be relatable to people on a wider scale, you have to do two things: The first thing is to give of yourself. Don’t just tell them what they need to hear; tell them what you need to say. Speaking from your heart shows that you know your stuff and you’re passionate about what you do. The second thing is to be honest. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. You’ve got to be real about what your life is all about. Now let’s jump into the various ways that you can start infusing your winning personality into your brand through various kinds of messaging. Written Content This applies to blogging, of course, but also to social media updates, email marketing, and anything else your audience might read from you. It’s a pretty general rule that it’s best to write the way you talk. For some people that comes naturally. For others, it sometimes feels like rocket science. It can also feel a little bit vulnerable if you want to be taken seriously as a professional. But believe me, it’s always better to sound like you—quirks and all—than to sound like a generic “professional” with nothing unique or charming to make your voice memorable. If it’s hard for you to write the way you talk, then run your next piece of content by your best friend or spouse, and ask them to tell you honestly if it sounds like you. Your “About” Page About Pages can represent over 60% of your website’s total traffic. Sound crazy? It just goes to show that people really want to know who you are. When they click on your About Page, it means they like what they have been reading so far and they want to get to know more about the kind of person you are. Which means you’re more than halfway to getting a new customer! The most foolproof way to create a compelling About Page is to tell a story. Don’t just state the credits of your resume or the praise you’ve received. Craft a narrative of how you ended up where you are, what you love about it, and what you hope to accomplish in the long run. The silly stuff, the entertaining stuff, the things you think really don’t matter, are what round out your personality and create trust between you and the reader…because they seeing you as a fellow human being. One person whose About Page helps her stand miles apart from her crowd is publicity expert Melissa Cassera.  Her About Page is so good that I’m including the entire thing in the free PDF that I’ve created for you. Click here to get the download now. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Entrepreneur's Guide to Infusing Personality in All You Do FREE DOWNLOAD Photos and Imagery You may already realize the power of Instagram as a messaging tool. But are you using photo sharing to its full potential? If you narrow your focus just a little bit with the images you post on all social media, this could have a huge effect in terms of defining your brand personality. Start limiting your brand accounts  to a specific image, or even a category of images, that reflect something true and unique about how you see the world. A great example of this is Foster Huntington, a graphic designer who created an iconic brand for himself with his photos of camper vans accompanied by the hashtag #vanlife. You can see this and more examples in my free download. Wondering what to post? The key is not to think about it too hard. Just pare away the number of cute photos of your dog or your lunch, and focus more on images that you really like, the ones that really resonate with you. The pattern will evolve over time, and come to define your brand in an organic way. Listen to Episode 51 in full to get even more here to download the audio from iTunes. Video If you listened to our last episode, you learned some basics about how to get a lot of compelling lead action into a short amount of video footage. So why not use that same technique to infuse personality into your brand? Videos let your visuals and your words come together with that certain something that makes your personality unique. A lot of people get really scripted in their videos, because they want to be taken seriously as an authority in their field. There’s nothing wrong with a script, except when it leaks all the real-person charm out of your delivery. Looking like you know your stuff but having a dry, soulless delivery is actually worse for your brand than, say, flubbing one of your lines or having your dog bark in the middle of your recording. The answer to this is simple: write your script, read it over a few times, and then throw it away before you hit “Record.” Just talk to your audience through the camera about what you want them to understand. (It may take some practice…we’re not all natural players to the camera.) And no, you don’t have to specialize in videography for your short videos to be a valuable addition to your content. Approach your videos this way: What can you say to your audience that will help or inspire them in 15 seconds? Network with Your Community (Virtual or Local) Create a place on your site where you turn the spotlight back on your community. For example, the office supply company Poppin has a web page where they feature photos people have taken of themselves with their brand new Poppin products, tagged with #workhappy. Another example is Zipcar, the rental car company. When you search for cars to rent,  you'll find little blurbs about iconic local destinations in whatever city you're searching. This gives the Zipcar brand a well-traveled impression...a very good thing for a transportation business. The Behind-The-Curtain Approach Not everything you post has to be about you. If there’s something you’re passionate about, zero in on it and feature it. Even if it’s something that has nothing to do with your business, maybe a charity project, a certain travel destination, a hobby, a favorite TV show, offering little updates on this throughout your content gives people a sense of who you are. What you value enough to talk about tells people about you and it will resonate with them in ways you probably can’t even imagine. Be Yourself Maybe this goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway… The key to infusing personality into your brand is to be yourself.  I know that feels scary at times. You don’t want to lose potential customers because you say something one way and not another way. When you take risks and really put your personality out there, sometimes it can be a little polarizing. But that’s okay. All you really need to worry about is that You are being yourself, and You’re creating content that will resonate with your ideal audience. Don’t forget to download the free PDF I’m offering with this episode. It will show you examples of infusing your personality in your brand. I’ve also included some practical steps on how to use storytelling to infuse your personality into your messaging. Click here to get it now. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Entrepreneur's Guide to Infusing Personality in All You Do FREE DOWNLOAD
3/17/201538 minutes, 27 seconds
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#50: How to Automate Leads and Sales with Smart Paid Ads

Today’s show is #50…that’s right, my 50th episode of the “Online Marketing Made Easy” podcast. In honor of Episode #50, I’m giving away a prize: a membership into my signature program, The Profit Lab. This program shows how to build business funnels so that you can grow your email list and profit from your leads. Entering to win this free membership is easy—just click here to leave an iTunes review for the “Online Marketing Made Easy” podcast. For Episode #50, I’m talking all about paid advertising. And nobody knows this subject better than my good friend Rick Mulready. He actually has a podcast of his own called “The Art of Paid Traffic.” One of the biggest things Rick does on this podcast is dispel the notion that paid advertisements are a negative thing. People often think you need a big budget to run a paid ad campaign, or lots of time for planning out a strategy. Or they might think they simply shouldn’t have to pay for advertising. In fact, anyone can engage audiences through paid advertising…and they should! In order to get started right away with two of the most popular types of paid advertising—Facebook ads and YouTube ads—with a simple cheat sheet that I created with Rick. It’s called “The Anatomy of High-Converting Paid Ads.” Get it by clicking here now. EPISODE FREEBIE Get "The Anatomy of High-Converting Paid Ads" FREE DOWNLOAD There are three main types of ads that you can and should be using now: Native ads A native ad is an advertisement that sends people to a piece of content (as opposed to a direct opt-in form or sales page). It could be a blog post, a video, even show notes from a podcast. The great thing about native ads is that they contribute to your brand’s total value. They put helpful content out into the world that adds value right off the bat, in addition to pointing to other things (your program or service) that can be of even more value. When people end up on your content page, that’s where you can introduce an opt-in form, a lightbox or some other kind of offer for your program or service. Just make sure it’s relevant to the content that you’ve sent them to. They also allow you to retarget people who visit the content that your ad is pointing toward, and put them on a separate list from your regular email list. This separate list that comes from native ads is what we call a “warm list”—it lets you know a very specific interest group within your list. So if you’re running a native ad for a particular program or service and people click on it, you know that next time you promote that same program (or a similar one), those are definitely people that you should retarget. Retargeting is also something you need to know about for our next kind of paid advertising: Facebook ads Around here, we talk a lot about Facebook ads. The fact is that Facebook changes its setup all the time, and what worked six months ago or even six weeks ago may have changed dramatically. That’s why it’s crucial to be consistently checking out Facebook’s terms and conditions for ads. Check the help pages to stay current with the rules, so that you know your advertising isn’t going to get pulled out from under you! These days, Facebook’s foundation for advertising is a lot like the native ads we just talked have to add value to Facebook users. In other words, the less salesy you can be with your ad, the better. To be honest, this change benefits you as the business owner—running an ad that leads to a blog post is a lot cheaper in what you pay per click, versus running an opt-in page ad. It also builds trust with your users. They click on your ad, get to a page of real, valuable content, and they feel good! That’s something that people will keep coming back for. Retargeting comes into play when you set up your Facebook page to target who you want to be tracking and what pages you want to track. That way, you can build a specific list from anybody coming to any page on your website. Don't worry--Rick and I made a special video just for you that shows how to set up the retargeting audience within Facebook (also known as "Website Custom Audience"): Get all of Amy's secrets for easily creating effective paid ads! Listen to Episode #50 in full. YouTube ads YouTube is the #2 search engine in the world, second only to Google. Just like Facebook, you can search it by topic, not just by keywords. But the biggest advantage YouTube has as an advertising platform is that videos are, by nature, extraordinarily appealing. This is the drawback for some people considering YouTube ads…they don’t like the idea of being in front of a camera. In fact, you don’t have to spend any time in front of the camera, if you don’t want to. You also don’t have to hire a huge production crew. Some of the most effective ads are made with just a person holding up an iPhone and talking into it. If you're new to YouTube ads, a great place to start is with “in-stream” ads…the ones that come up when someone starts to watch a video, that they can skip after a few seconds if they choose to. What's more, the ad creator (that means you) start actually paying for the ad after it reaches the 30-second mark. With these ads, it's crucial to make your mark on an audience within those first 30 seconds. This is where our handy free cheat sheet comes in. You can download it and get the secret of how to create an effective ad that includes a memorable message and a call to action within those precious 30 seconds before someone hits “Skip to Video.” Take Your Time It’s important to note that if all these strategies are new to you, don’t feel like you have to implement them all at once. It’s much better to explore one of them at a time. Test things out, educate yourself, take notes on what you see around the Internet that appeals to you. Don't forget to download our free cheat sheet for a fast, simple understanding of how to create these ads yourself! EPISODE FREEBIE Get "The Anatomy of High-Converting Paid Ads" FREE DOWNLOAD
3/11/201542 minutes, 23 seconds
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#49: How to Know If Your Idea is Profitable

Today’s post reminds me why I love doing this podcast so much. Not only is the material great, but it comes from two of my favorite people—a power couple in the online marketing world. Their names are Joshua and Jill Stanton and together, they run a business called Screw The Nine To Five where they teach people who are dissatisfied with their day-to-day jobs how to take their skills and transform them into a self-run online business. Whether you’re well on your way in creating your online business, just getting started, or even simply circling the waters trying to decide whether to get your feet wet, this post is tailor-made for you. It’s all about mining the raw material from which online businesses are built, and crafting it into the cornerstone of your success. Entrepreneurs are an idea-happy bunch. You probably have tons of ideas swimming in your head right now. Maybe you’ve even grown used to hearing people say “That’s crazy” or “Wow—that’s going to take you a long time.” It’s never a good idea to pay much attention to the naysayers. The fact is that nearly every idea is a good one, if you can figure out how to make it profitable. That’s where Jill and Josh come in. They are showcasing some of their concrete strategies for determining any idea’s profitability. Actually, we’ve condensed their strategies into a series of four step-by-step tests that you can run any idea through. Spoiler alert—those tests are today’s free download. Click here to get it now. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Step-by-Step Guide: "The 4 Profit Validation Tests" FREE DOWNLOAD Josh and Jill have been making money online for quite a while, but their spunkily named website came about after they were asked repeatedly how they did it. They decided to start a program specifically for training others to do the same thing they did--a place where they could just send everyone asking their advice. Ever since, they've been helping people see how they can translate their day job skills into an online job that generates way more income in way less time. In other words, you don't have to learn a brand new skill set in order to start an online business. You simply take what you know and strategically build a business around it. The "strategic" part is where we can all use Josh and Jill's expertise. Because of course you need to see whether your idea for how to translate your skills to your own business has wings...or not. Odds are it does, but it's not going to be a get-rich-quick situation. However, if you put the passion and hustle and hard work into it, you'll be amazed what you can do online. I can speak to this personally. Back when I was working my own 9-to-5, I was dreaming of starting my own online business but resigned to the fact that none of my knowledge would translate into the outside world. All it took was a good friend who reminded me that I worked in marketing...something every online business needs to know how to do well. I was sitting on a gold mine. You might be, too. Here are the four tests that will help you find out. Test #1: This is best suited to people who might want to sell digital products or programs. Udemy is an online learning marketplace. They have five million customers and they have digital products and programs ranging from everything from crocheting to IT. In other words, there's a lot of opportunity here. I have to say, it's pretty great that there is a resource like Udemy, where you can simply go and see if somebody else is currently making money with your course idea. It’s that simple. Test #2: This, again, is best suited to digital products and programs. But you can also use it if you want to start a service-based business. It’s not limited to information products. As you may know, people can skew their Amazon ratings by canvassing their audience to buy books or post reviews at certain key periods of time. But ratings and reviews aren't what you're after. The sales results are what you really want to know about, and those are updated hourly by Amazon. The way to make sure you are getting an honest reading of sales results is to look for a few different books in that category that are in that lower ranking. You can open up a whole bunch of different listings and see how well that topic, in general, is performing. Get all of Josh and Jill's insights on these four profit validation tests. Click here to listen to Podcast Episode #49 in full. Test #3: Google Keyword Tool It's really important to discover if there is an audience for you to market your great idea. One tool for this is Google’s free keyword planner tool. (You can find it by simply Googling “keyword planner.") It allows you to run a search for any keyword or phrase and find out how many people per month are searching for that phrase. It’s a really great way of gauging how big an audience is searching just Google alone. For example, enter the keyword phrase “how to become a real estate agent” and you'll see that that search gets 14,800 searches per month. In other words, almost 15,000 people every single month on Google are trying to find information on how to become a real estate agent. So if you already are a real estate agent, there's an opportunity for you to offer a course that guides people down the path to becoming certified. Test #4: Facebook Ads This final test is where you go when a Google search doesn't turn up any results. What that usually means is that the people in that market aren’t seeking their answers on Google. Instead, they're probably on Facebook. To find out what kind of audience is waiting for you on Facebook, you want to find blogs within your industry...blogs that nearly always have Facebook Pages associated with them. is a service that lists every single blog, all of the top blogs, in any category. Search on Alltop, and you're likely to find the industry that you work in right now under one of those categories. When you select that category, it will bring up a list of all the top blogs in that industry. You can go through those sites and see if they have a link that goes through to a Facebook Page. Once you discover their Facebook Page, you will then use Audience Insights to see what size of audience they have and what demographic it lies in...what age range, what interest group, what gender, etc. (Audience Insights is a tool that is located inside your Facebook Ads Manager.) Essentially what you are doing is targeting your already existing competitors to see what kind of audience they've already built up. Later on, you can use that information to run ads to those same people to sell your own products and services. What Next? If you put your idea through these four tests and find its profitability is validated on all four...well, then, it might just be time start creating a program or product. Even if your idea is validated on just one or two of the tests, I agree with Josh and Jill that it is definitely worth pursuing. You just have to make sure you are actually willing to commit the time and energy to really giving this a good go. As I said earlier, creating an online business not an overnight thing, by any means. It’s going to take some time. But these tests will also give you insight on where you want to be spending that time, as well as where you want to price your product. If you want to see these ideas in action, you can join Josh and Jill in an upcoming webinar called the Money Test Webinar. In this free online class, Josh and Jill will walk you through each of the four validation tests, step by step. You can get the sign-up link by downloading our free guide...which will be very helpful to use in the webinar, I might add. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Free Step-by-Step Guide: "The 4 Profit Validation Tests" FREE DOWNLOAD
3/3/201539 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

#48: The 2015 Guide to Facebook Engagement

Here we are, two months into it the future yet? On one hand, still no flying cars. On the other, we talk to people directly through screens we hold in our hands! Every now and then, in the middle of a Skype session, I start to feel like I'm on the Jetsons. This post is all about how to deal with the future happening right now...specifically with regard to Facebook. We all know that Facebook changes rapidly. It’s changing all the time. Just a few years ago, Facebook engagement looked very different. And maybe you've started to feel frustrated by the changes, or have just given up keeping track of them. I get where you're coming from, with that. It can be daunting to keep up with Facebook's constant changing of its own rules. But Facebook is still a valuable place for you to gain traction for your business. That's why my mission for you in this post is to help you understand what’s working right now on Facebook, and how to make it work to your advantage. First, I want to tell you about the free download I have for this week. I've collected 20 different posts from all over Facebook that I've seen capture maximum engagement--not just views, but likes, comments, and shares. On this free cheat sheet, I explain in a few words just what is so engaging about each post. Download this cheat sheet for free and use these posts as rough guides for creating your own super-engaging Facebook content. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Top 20 "High-Engagement" Facebook Posts FREE DOWNLOAD To begin with, let's talk about why Facebook engagement matters, starting with... The Facebook Definition of Engagement Facebook (or FB, as the kids call it) defines engagement in one way and one way only: fingers clicking specific buttons. If a fan doesn’t engage with your post in at least one of four ways—like it, leave a comment, share it with others, or click on a link—it’s not considered engagement by Facebook standards. Period. So what does non-engagement look like? Here are things that your Facebook fans may be doing that do not count as FB engagement: Read your update. Kind of makes you rethink how much time you spend crafting the perfect status, doesn't it? View your image. Photos, infographics, inspirational quotes, etc. are great ways to grab attention, but simply having them seen does not constitute engagement. Click on a photo. If your photo is not linked (via OpenGraph or some other plug-in) to a specific site, all that will happen is that the photo will open in a bigger window. That's an opportunity to giving your reader yet another chance to engage...but in itself, FB doesn't count it as fan engagement. Like your page. You heard right. People liking your page doesn't affect engagement; it only counts when they like specific posts. Engagement from a Purely Relational Perspective That’s how Facebook sees engagement; let’s explore what engagement might mean to you. When someone interacts with the content you have posted, they are expressing interest in you. That means your WHY, your meaning, your purpose. What do you do, and how do you do it? Don’t sell yourself short. Your why and how are powerful stuff to people out there. Knowing about you is reward in itself. If you are message driven, sharing what you care about in a true attempt to educate, entertain, or inspire people, and those people communicate back to you or push it out to the world… that is a reflection that you are doing something right! So Why Does Engagement Matter? This is where mindset enters the picture. Mindset is what will connect the dots for you between fan engagement (likes, comments, shares, and clicks) and exposure to your business (such as getting your posts into your tribe’s News Feed). The equation is simple: Boost your engagement (likes, comments, shares, & clicks) and get rewarded. See, the more often your fans engage with you in the ways listed above, the more often your posts will be pushed out into their News Feed. This is how Facebook helps your business--by noticing that people are interested in what you have to say, and giving them more. Therefore, in each and every status update you post, you’ll want to influence your audience to engage in at least one of the four ways that count: liking, commenting, sharing, or clicking a link. This is where your mindset is critical. When you're creating a Facebook post, it's not enough to be clever, or even thoughtful. When you create a Facebook post, you need to come at it this way: "How can I thoughtfully construct this post to ignite the action needed for my fans to engage?" Remember, if there is no engagement, Facebook simply thinks your audience is not interested. And they're not going to promote something that they think people aren't interested in. On the other hand, the more people take action on one of your posts, the more your posts will show up in their feed. Not just that one post they liked, but all your posts. Say you've been getting lots of "likes" on a particular photo you posted, or had people commenting throughout the week on a status update...and then, later in the week or month, you post something about a specific promotion you're doing. All those likes and comments are what will take your promotional post straight to your fans' News Feed. Simply put, an increase in fan engagement also = an increase in the exposure of your promotional posts. Are you beginning to understand the roadmap? As you consistently offer high quality, valuable content that captivates your audience and motivates them to engage, through an indirect process you will increase your sales. Is Your Story on the Minds of Your Fans? Mark Zuckerberg recently shared his vision for Facebook. He wants to create the “perfect personalized newspaper for every person in the world.” What this means is that FB is focused on the fan experience. The fan's. Not yours. That's why sharing what is relevant and significantly useful to your fans will give you a BIG advantage to being seen in News Feed. Failing to share what is highly useful will alienate you from your fans. You really do need to get to know your audience. This is the FIRST step to engagement. Every FB fan sees a constant stream of stories and now more than ever only the best of the best will get through on a consistent basis. You can use this to your advantage by taking action. Consider it an opportunity to up your game by taking your communications to the next level. According to Zuckerberg, “There’s more competition for what they (users) see, so only the highest-quality content is actually going to get through and get shown to those people." Does your content match that description? If you're not sure, now's the time to start taking inventory! If you have taken the time to learn about the people sitting in front of you, your fans will have you on “notifications” because they won’t want to miss a single one of your FB posts! Caution for Overly Promotional Posts As of January 2015, Facebook has taken on a new philosophy regarding overly promotional posts that will affect how your promotional posts are seen in your fans’ News Feed. In an ongoing survey, Facebook asked hundreds of thousands of people how they felt about the content in their News Feed. The feedback revealed that people wanted to see less promotional posts and more stories from their friends and Pages they loved. When FB says promotional posts, they're not talking about paid ads. They mean the free status update posts that are advertising something. Examples would be: Posts that solely push people to buy a product or install an app Posts that push people to enter promotions and sweepstakes with no real context Posts that reuse the exact same content from ads If you’re wondering why fans are not as bothered by actual paid ads in their News Feed, it’s because FB has executed more control and limited the amount of ads fans see. The same control has not been allocated toward free promotional posts. Until now. So what's a business owner on Facebook to do? Earn Your Right to Promote  You may be wondering why I'm talking so much about promotion when this post is supposed to be about engagement. In fact, in order to do engagement right, you have to understand the relationship between engagement and promotion. Your mindset around promotion directly effects engagement and therefore exposure, even when you are not actively promoting with a given post. It works the other way around as well. Holding a mindset that drives you to heavily promote while not offering your fans compelling content they want to consume will decrease fan engagement and decrease your organic reach. On the other hand, cultivating a mindset that propels you to create posts with the intention of informing and meeting the needs of your fans (without an intent to sell) will both increase engagement and News Feed reach. Two Types of Posts: Native & Non-Native (And How to Integrate Them) Native posts blend in. They are non-promotional. Instead, they create a conversation or add to an ongoing conversation among the tribe. Their high-quality content is an authentic offering from you, often delivered in a voice that is familiar to your audience and is easily recognized as an extension of your brand. Non-native posts are specifically created to promote your course, product, or service. While your fans’ needs are still at the heart of the content, non-native posts show a clear intention to sell, or at least move your fans closer to the end buy. There is another type of post that is less black and white. We can call this a semi-native post. Its purpose is to accomplish the tasks of both native and non-native posts. Examples are posts that offer free webinars, free irresistible giveaways, or a free video series etc. While giving away useful and valuable content, you are also moving your fans through a sales funnel. The Mindset of Integration There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to separating native and non-native posts. They can be mixed and matched to your liking and intuitive sense of your audience. What is important is that your native posts go out consistently and much more often than your promotional posts. Here are three suggestions for integration: Keep native posts running regularly and consistently during promotional and non-promotional periods. They should never stop. Intentionally post non-native status updates (go ahead and promote) for a specific time period during which native posts are also running. Intersperse your semi-native posts casually alongside your native postings. It is normal for promotional posts to get far less engagement than native posts so don’t be alarmed. The mindset here is to know that you will be relying on native posts to really boost that engagement so that when you do promote, you’ll get the organic reach you are looking for. As your fans like, comment, share, and click on your native posts, Facebook will deem your page valuable. As a result, the number of your promotional posts served in News Feed will increase. Earn your right to promote by offering purely valuable and sometimes entertaining content. Go ahead and give away the good stuff. Make it about your fans… not you. Go the extra mile. Over-deliver! Connect and make it personal. How to Make a BIG Splash to Elevate Facebook Engagement You may have heard that organic reach (the number of fans that see your free posts in News Feed) has declined. Perhaps you’re already experiencing it. Here’s the deal: What you decide to do with that information can either set you apart from those who fail or land you in the same boat. Once again, it comes down to mindset. It is your choice what you focus on. You can see this as an opportunity to fly high or a disaster waiting to happen. It has been said that during times of economic downfall, there are folks who seek to discover what works. They read between the lines and take the extra steps that others don’t take. They find a way to use the situation to their advantage, creating tremendous success against all odds. Failure has no place in their vocabulary. Don’t let it be a part of yours. Don't forget to download my free cheat sheet, "Top 20 'High-Engagement' Facebook Posts." 12 Suggestions to Improve the Quality of Your Posts & Boost Engagement 1. Get personal.  A post with no commentary feels like sending a greeting card without writing anything in it. If you're posting photos, status updates, longer columns, etc. and getting no feedback, it's probably because it doesn't feel personal to your fans. And yes, it's even important to make your business Page feel personal.  Your posts need some commentary from you--a note about your feelings, your friendships, your goals, showing a vulnerable or even humorous side. This is what allows people to connect..and connection leads to action. They want YOU, not your brand. Don’t be afraid to show your silly side." Anytime you invite your audience in and have a little fun with them, they are sure to pay attention. They want YOU, not your brand. Don’t be afraid to show your silly side. 2. Focus on the fans that are actually paying attention to you right now. So many times I head people say, “I have 2000 fans, but only ten of them will actually comment on a picture." Rather than stress out about the vast majority who isn't engaging, you're better off getting really, really personal with those ten. Respond back to the people who are responding to you. Click "Like" on their comment, and generate more conversations underneath their comments. Remember, it doesn't count as much on Facebook if you to have a lot of fans. What counts is that you have a few engaged fans. Want to see more examples? Download my free cheat sheet to see how these tips translate into real Facebook posts. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Top 20 "High-Engagement" Facebook Posts FREE DOWNLOAD 3. Make sure you ask questions that are going to ignite a true conversation. About once a week, I ask questions to my audience about their concerns with growing an online business, the struggles they are facing, and some of the worries they have actually had while building an online business. Recently, I asked my audience what was one of the biggest fears about their business right now. And wow--I was so pleasantly surprised to see how much honesty came through in the comments! Mind you, it wasn't just any vulnerable-making question. I picked one that rang true with my own brand, that followed from things I talk about regularly. That's the key to making these kinds of big questions work for you, instead of against you. Pick something that seems like a random bombshell, and people might feel alienated. Pick something that aligns with who you are and what you offer, and people will begin to open up like you wouldn't believe. Your openness will give them the much-needed outlet to express some of their concern about whatever it is that they are working on. 4. Try to stick around a little bit, especially after you post a question, even if it’s for ten minutes. Following the response to that big question--"What's your biggest fear?"--my instinct was to stick around, rather than leave my desk and let the comments flow in. I just didn't want to leave those people hanging. So for the next 20 to 30 minutes after I posted that question, I stuck around and replied to each of the people that posted and used their first name as well. I wanted to let them know that they were heard. This means the world to people, in the impersonal realm of the Internet. The fact that you'd not just ask your audience to get vulnerable with you, but stay to hear their answers, is a huge gesture. When people see that you are answering them in real time, they will be more likely to start the conversation again next time with you. 5. Create posts that are relevant to your brand and tell a story. Storytelling is always tough for me to express when I’m trying to explain it to a new customer because when you think of a story, you think of something on the longish side, right? Something that takes a while to get through. But when I’m talking about storytelling on Facebook, I mean just little short snapshots of what you want to convey. Sometimes a great little story is a perfect lead into a link that goes to a blog post. In fact, I often use the first paragraph of my blog post as my Facebook post. The purpose here is to ignite a feeling in your audience. Each time you post, question what you want your audience to feel. Do you want them to be happy? Do you want them to feel inspired? Do you want them to feel empathetic or informed or supported or connected to you? Feelings, after all, are what get us to take action. 6. People will share posts that put them in a good light. Studies have shown that people will share your post if it puts them in a good light. That’s why inspirational quotes get shared the most on Facebook. If it’s an inspirational quote and I share it with my friends, it makes me look like a person who inspires people. If you want more shares, then you want to make sure you are putting out content that people will be proud to share and will make them look good. 7. Create each post as though you are talking to a friend. After this episode, I want you to go back to your Facebook Page and read your last ten Facebook posts. Do they sound like you are talking to your best friend? Or are they a little stiff? When posting on our business Page, we can take a very unnatural tone...not at all the way we'd post on our personal Facebook wall. But if your personal Wall has way more "friends" than your Page has "likes," that just proves the point! People connect with you much more easily when you talk to them conversationally. It might take some practice to get out of the habit of being in "Business Talk" mode, but trust me, it will go a long way toward engaging your audience. 8. It is all about the image. You already know that images on Facebook go a long way. For the majority of your posts you should be including a really eye-catching image. But this tip is not to create images. This tip is about finding a simple way to get a bunch of images done at once so that when you are posting on Facebook, you actually have what you need to make that post look fantastic. Images are going to get you more likes, clicks, comments, and shares--I can promise you that. I love using a tool like Canva for this. They have tons of backgrounds and images and text to use. But if you're the type who will go down a rabbit hole while creating an image yourself, don't go there. Instead, you're better off outsourcing your image needs on a platform like 99Designs. You can find a designer who will work at a price you can me, it's a lot cheaper than you might think...and get some great, eye-catching images in a lot less time than it takes to make one yourself. 9. Make sure when people share your content from your blog that it looks really good on Facebook. You know when you go to a blog post and grab the URL, you copy it and paste it into the post on Facebook and the image and title of whatever is on the web page should get pulled through. You know what I’m talking about? Have you ever had the experience that nothing gets pulled through or just a thumbnail of the image gets pulled through? That is not what you want to do. In Episode #44 I offered a cheat sheet to walk you through how to use a specific WordPress plug in that will make sure all of your posts, when shared on Facebook, actually get pulled through correctly and look really good. Go download this cheat sheet now--it will show you step-by-step how to actually install a WordPress plug in called OpenGraph that will help you make sure your blog posts get pulled through correctly on Facebook. The image will show up correctly, the title will be there, the description. This is important stuff. Each time you create a new blog post, pay close attention to the image that gets pulled into the post when fans share it on FB. Create images that instantly say what your post is about. 10. Mix up your content on Facebook. This is an easy one; consider this another reminder to actually do it. If you want posts to be shared and to get the likes and comments and clicks you have to keep things interesting. That means using video and different images with your posts and maybe trying a few posts without images just to experiment. Sometimes people get more engagement with the non-image posts. (Rare, but it happens!) Some people want image quotes and they want to share them. Other people love to see posts about your blog post so they can be reminded what you’ve got out there. Mix up your content as often as you mix up the type of posts. Sometimes include links to blog posts. Other times just use quotes, quick tips, facts, or whatever it might be. If you want to know what’s really interesting to your audience go into your Facebook insights. Inside of insights you can actually see which posts are getting the most engagement. You will see on that very first page, if you scroll down into Facebook insights (every single Page has Facebook insights, it’s like analytics) you will see what people are sharing the most. That's what's working; do more of it. 11. Upload video directly to a Facebook post. I want to actually take one idea that I just mentioned in Tip #10: video. The reason video deserved its own tip is because I’m seeing amazing things with my content and those of my customers in terms of sharing video on Facebook. I’m talking about uploading the video directly to a Facebook post. I’ve been doing this a little bit pretty consistently. Each time I post a short video I already have thousands of people I have reached, versus maybe a few hundred with an image post. If you upload a short video, let it go for 30 minutes and then come back. I promise you your reach is almost guaranteed to be higher than anything else you have posted over the last week. What do you put in your video? You can make a quick video of yourself talking directly to the camera. You can have a few slides that you go through on the video telling people about your latest podcast episode or blog post. You could also do a quick video where you invite people to a webinar or tell them about your cheat sheet. If you are in an niche that you can give quick, helpful tips in the form of a video, DO IT. You don’t even need to be on the video. In this example I used Screenflow to record a short tip. 12. You’ve got to check out one of my favorite scheduling tools. Confession: I am in love with Edgar. You can go to for all of the details. Edgar is not a free service, but it’s worth paying for. I’ve always struggled to find a tool that I’m comfortable with that’s really easy to use that will help me schedule my Facebook posts. It’s a lot of work to constantly be looking for content to schedule in advance and post on your Facebook Page: a mix of your own content, other people’s blog posts and videos, re-posts of your old content, quotations, etc. With Edgar you can add a Bookmarklet to make it easy when you find an article that you want to add to your content library. I love how easy they make it! Edgar allows you to become a superstar with Tip #10 (mixing up your content). You choose what you want to share, where you want it to share, you make sure it looks good, and then you just click enter and it goes into a queue. It will then be posted at random times (you can choose the times if you want) on your Facebook Page and Twitter. Edgar has skyrocketed my engagement. This is why I love him so. Engagement Truly Matters When you make an honest effort to understand your audience and you give BIG and share freely, your fans’ trust in you will snowball. Their loyalty to your brand will be obvious by their level of engagement. From there you are golden because you will have built a foundation of extraordinarily useful content and a tribe ready to consume it. Now I would love to hear from you! What’s working for your business when it comes to Facebook engagement? Please post in the comments below. Also, don't forget to download the free cheat sheet that I'm offering with this episode. It will make these tips come to life for you. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Top 20 "High-Engagement" Facebook Posts FREE DOWNLOAD
2/25/201545 minutes, 31 seconds
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#47: How to Gain Confidence, Increase Productivity, and Move Toward Mastery Each Day

If you’re anything like me...or if you're just have faced your share of challenges and fears in the process of growing your own business. That might not be so bad, if we could all solve those challenges by simply trading stories. But no two people's challenges and fears are alike! The reason our challenges are so unique is because our minds are. Unique, that is. Struggles and fears originate in your brain, and how it processes whatever you're dealing with, from one day to the next. That's why one day you can be flying high, confident and on top of your game, and the next day you're sunk into despair, wondering how you got into this mess and whether it's too late to get out. As I've said before, the real key to every aspect of growing your business is CONFIDENCE. And we all need a little help with confidence sometimes. That's what today's post is all about--getting your head "unstuck," learning how to move forward with purpose even when you're struggling, and using each day to take the action you want. That's why I invited my personal business coach Todd Herman to join me in today's podcast episode. He's a bit of a legend when it comes to performance mentality; big-deal people come to him for help with achieving mastery and improving performance. I'm talking Olympic athletes, corporate billionaires, members of international thousands of online entrepreneurs just like me. Todd is all about action, productivity and results…which is exactly what I need for my business right now. To put it simply, he helps people perform so that their vision and what they do matches up. I have to tell you, this Q&A with Todd is a landmark episode for me. Lots of listeners sent in their questions about improving performance for Todd to answer right here on the show. His answers will blow you away; in fact, even my editor told me that this is the most insightful podcast episode I'd ever done. Honestly, there's just too much great stuff to list in a single blog post, so why don't you click the play button at the top of the post to listen right now? Trust me--this is stuff you're going to want to hear. Also, I'm offering as today's "freebie" a special task-tracker that Todd gave me to use as part of improving my professional performance and guide my daily actions. It's called an Entrepreneurial Scorecard, and it's a simple, one-sheet tool that has been rocking my world ever since I started using it. You can get the Entrepreneurial Scorecard for free by clicking here. EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Get the Entrepreneurial Scorecard FREE DOWNLOAD What follows below is just a tease from my interview with Todd. Make sure to listen to the podcast to get all the insights Todd provided to listener questions. Question 1: "I am constantly working on a million things at once and nothing seems to ever get my full attention. How can I manage my day more efficiently, so things actually get done?" To answer this, Todd takes us through a process known as "context switching." Question 2: "How can I overcome the fear of failure that constantly prevents me from making decisions?" Todd offers a tip from the world of professional athletics that strengthens your mind against fear of failure and self-sabotage. Question 3: "How do I know what are the right things to do at the right time, and stay focused while doing them?" One of Todd's signature phrases is "mental toughness." Get his secret for developing this important trait. Note: This is where the Entrepreneurial Scorecard really comes in handy, folks. Using the scorecard will give you a crystal-clear picture of what activities are worth your time, and what you should be leveraging or delegating so that the time you are spending on projects is quality other words, time that makes a difference in your business. Download the Entrepreneurial Scorecard by clicking here. Question 4: "I need guidance in picking the right kind of marketing for my small business, in order to stay relevant but not become too scattered." Todd says the key to knowing what kind of "reinvention" your business needs is all about the big picture--context is sometimes even more important than content. Question 5: "I have insecurity over getting that first paying client." In order to get past insecurity, Todd tells us about embracing your alter ego. Don't miss out on Todd's great advice - click here to listen to Episode #47. No matter where your business lies within the growth process, Todd's specific, detailed insights are going to help you achieve mastery and gain confidence...every single day you sit down to work. As I mentioned, the Entrepreneurial Scorecard is all about helping your goals gain traction each day. Download this valuable freebie by clicking here. The Entrepreneurial Scorecard is going to help you identify where you are spending time wisely and not so wisely, along with the areas you should be leveraging for maximum return on your effort. EPISODE FREEBIE Click Here to Get the Entrepreneurial Scorecard FREE DOWNLOAD
2/17/20151 hour, 28 seconds
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#46: 5 Hidden Money Opportunities in Your Business

As a kid, I loved the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle book series. It featured a magical and resourceful lady who lived with all her children in an upside down house. When money was tight for Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, she would send all of her kids through the house to find hidden treasures. That story stuck with me from the moment I read it. As a kid, I felt ready for any moment when money came up short—I’d just go on a treasure hunt! Does it surprise you to learn that my perspective hasn’t changed, even now that I’m an adult? What's more, I no longer wait for the “running out of money” moment before I set out on a treasure hunt. Not when I have a five-step treasure map that leads me right to the gold. As an entrepreneur, there are going to be times when cash is tight. It’s natural for you to feel the squeeze when you’re just starting out. Even after your business has liftoff, you might feel strapped from time to time. Or maybe you are looking at investing in some kind of new business tool or business opportunity and you need a little cash before you do so. Running your business means living through cycles of financial growth and…dormancy, shall we say? If that’s where you find yourself now, these hidden money opportunities will definitely speak to you. I’m going to reveal five very specific hidden money opportunities that I’ve used in my own business to bring quicker cash flow. The key to a good treasure hunt is knowing you have gold hiding somewhere. And you do! Let’s go on a treasure hunt together, and find the places where your gold is hiding. Opportunity #1: Finish Your Online Training Program You might have an online training program, nearly finished, waiting in your digital library. Maybe you've tinkering with it, fine-tuning the details. Or maybe you just have a growing list of ideas for programs that you know have huge potential…once you finish them. So what are you waiting for? This not-quite-finished training program has money hiding under it. Seth Godin has a great term for this occasion: “Ship it!” It's the online marketing equivalent of Nike’s motivational slogan “Just do it.” Get your program out there. Don’t keep procrastinating under the "it's not finished yet" excuse. Instead, release it as a beta test, and get some feedback from people. As it happens, I’m doing that very thing right now, with a Facebook Ads program I created. Believe me, I understand the temptation to keep tinkering until your program feels ready to join the really “pro” trainings already out there. But that’s not where you need to start, especially if this is your first online training program. Start with something simple; call it your “introductory product.” Include a few videos, transcripts, maybe a PDF of your slide decks, some supporting documents, and that’s it. The point is to get it out there and get some feedback to develop your product, while at the same time creating a little buzz for yourself. If you’re ready to get aggressive about claiming this hidden money, set a completion date to get that online training program. Get it user-ready in 30 days. Take another 30 days after that to promote it. Then release. It doesn’t have to be a perfect or a huge launch. My Experience My business dramatically changed when I finally just got a product out there. It was a program to help authors launch their book online—it had nothing to do with what I ended up becoming known for. I just had some expertise in helping authors in this way, and knew that I had something to offer. I so wish I had released this training sooner! Once I put it out there, I got great feedback, learned a ton about my target audience…and found out that I didn’t love that topic enough to grow in that direction. Releasing that program was a huge help in moving forward with the business I really wanted. You’ll never move forward if you don’t get something out there. And you definitely won’t make any money from a program that’s never offered to the public. Need Help? It’s Free! Maybe you've never attempted to create an online training program. In that case, the “hidden money” doesn’t exist for you…yet. But if you're ready to start developing in this direction, I’ve created a free PDF giveaway that is just what you need. It’s called A Course Creation Starter’s Guide, and it's going to get you moving in the right direction for your program. This freebie is great even for those who are already working on online training programs. If you’re looking for some ways to be a little more efficient in how you deliver this program or how you create it, skip to the section called "The Seven Power Tools." This is something I use with every single online training program I create, and you can easily incorporate it into your existing workflow. EPISODE FREEBIE Get "A Course Creation Starter's Guide" FREE DOWNLOAD Listen to Episode 46 to get all the details on how to make the most of hidden treasure in your business. Opportunity #2: Do a Mini-Promotion and Make an Offer There are three ways you can access this hidden treasure: 1. Create A Webinar If you’re a regular follower of my content, you know about my love affair with webinars. Take it from me—they are a great way to build your business. And contrary to popular belief, creating them is neither overwhelming nor stressful. First, you choose an existing program, product or service and decide what you want to say about it. Spend some time outlining the content, bearing in mind how long you want this webinar to be. (My webinars typically last for about 90 minutes, and the first 45-60 minutes is me presenting my content.) Your goal is to teach participants something they can apply as soon as they walk away…and then offer your program, product or service for sale to anyone who wants a jump start on what you just taught them. Once you’ve determined what your content will be, focus on the way it flows inside your webinar. Get specific and strategic about how you move from content to a sales promotion. You don’t want to just put a bunch of text on a slide. Believe it or not, the kind of images and number of slides you use makes a huge difference in the number of conversions you get from your webinar. For example, 20 to 25 slides for a 60-minute webinar is not nearly enough. People get overloaded easily when there’s too much text on each slide. Overloaded people hit “pause” or start multi-tasking, and wander off. When you lose attention, you lose a lead. For a 60-minute webinar, you want at least 80 slides, each with minimal words on it, plus imagery. Your goal is to use your slides to simply punctuate your point; you don’t want your entire script on the slide. Keep your audience’s attention by constantly switching slides, and using great imagery and lots of it. (Note: avoid cheesy stock photos. There are some great sites out there where you can find really beautiful imagery. BigStockPhoto is my personal go-to.) Another part of creating good flow is aligning your content with your sales offer at the end. You’ll spend 45-60 minutes of your webinar on content; the final 15-20 minutes is when you transition into talking about your program, product, or service and what’s in it for them. A great way to make this transition is open up a Q&A session. For example, I’ll say “For the next 15 minutes I’m going to take some live Q&A,” and I have a few questions (and answers) ready, in case people aren’t jumping forward to ask questions. I also make it worth their while to take action now. I don’t want them to get off the webinar and think about it later. That’s why, in between questions, I’ll say “For the next 15 minutes, if you buy while we are on this webinar, you get this fast-action bonus.” This could be a cheat sheet, a checklist, anything related to what I just taught them. Finally, it is extremely important to follow your webinar with an email series. I typically send out a replay as my first email, linking to the webinar so they can watch it again, and ending with a pitch about the program I’m offering at the end of my webinar. After this, I send a series of three more emails, talking about the benefits of the program, giving case studies, showing them they can’t live without my program or product. See how that works? Believe it or not, this is something you can do within a week, especially if you already have a program or product you want to promote. You can do it all live, or you can do an automated version called “evergreen.” For this, you record the webinar in advance and then let people sign up for different dates and times. My favorite tools for live webinars are GoToWebinar or Google Hangouts. If you want to do an automated webinar, I use Evergreen Business Systems. I’ve also heard good things about Stealth Seminar. Right now, I'm running an ad for a free webinar called "7 Strategies to Get Your Business Up and Running on Facebook" and in it, in addition to offering 45 minutes of highly valuable content, I promote my Facebook 101 program, Jumpstart Your Facebook Marketing." If you want to see my webinar sequence in action, you can sign up for the webinar here. By using Facebook ads to promote it, this webinar is generating an average of $1,500 a day as well as helping me grow a very quality email list. Bottom line: webinars work really well. 2. Create a Live Mini-Training This is something you can truly do next week if you already have a program, product, or service ready. When I say “live” I don’t mean in person; it’s a live event. You “sell tickets,” record yourself doing a live event, then release the recording to buyers. You can do this alone, or with a partner. About a year ago, David Siteman Garland and I collaborated on a two-hour live training. Anyone who bought tickets could attend the event or simply receive the recording, along with a PDF of our slide deck and some support documents (cheat sheets, checklists, etc.). We spent a week creating the event. We both emailed our lists and promoted the training for another week. All told, the event made us about $70,000…all for just a couple weeks of work! 3. Set Up a 30-Day Challenge, Followed By an Offer The best kind of mini promo I know of is the “30-day challenge” variety, where you get people enrolled in a kind of movement with you. They opt in to go on this journey with you for 30 days, and then at the end you promote whatever it is you want to offer. Here are some highly successful examples I know about: Simple Green Smoothies:They do a 30-day challenge for creating a green smoothie every day for 30 days. They run Facebook ads to the challenge. They build up their list like rock stars. At the end, they promote an eBook or some kind of guide for smoothies. Money Love Challenge: My good friend Kate Northrup recently did this…not to sell something, but to start building her list with quality people that truly care about what she is putting out there. She had amazing success, with tons of engagement and a big opportunity to promote at the end. 30-day list-building challenge: My good friend, Natalie Lussier does this regularly. She uses imagery, hashtags, all of the stuff that gets people engaged and active in a way that’s fun for everyone. Opportunity #3: Creating a Four-Part Email Sequence That Leads to an Offer  You don't need a big list for this one to work. In fact, it’s better to try this one when your list is still small, because you’re going to get better and better at it as your list grows. These sequences consist of four emails that get sent over a short period of time. Your goal with them is to paint the picture of a challenge you know your audience is facing…the solution to which is, of course, your program. What makes this opportunity so powerful is that people on your list might have already received an opportunity to buy your program, but chose not to. After all, we all buy at different times, for different reasons. So don’t be afraid to put this out in front of people who have already seen your program promotion. This may be the moment when they make the decision. In the first email, you are easing people into the idea that there is a challenge and you have the solution. Get their attention by letting them learn something, and assure them that you are there to offer value. The emails that follow will be a little more aggressive in terms of selling the program—not in a spammy way, but demonstrating the features and benefits of your program. It’s going to help them do X. It’s going to solve problem Y. It’s going to take away stress and overwhelm around Z. Make the email about your audience, and tell the story of what will happen to them when they buy your program. Use case studies and examples, images, and screen shots from inside your program. Don’t be afraid to serve it up—these are not short emails with a link to your sales page. These are meaty emails that paint the picture. The final email is going to be the one that introduces scarcity. You can say that you are running a special promotion with a discount or free bonus when they purchase by a certain date. Make it very time-sensitive: “By Friday, this offer is going away. You are not going to get another opportunity to get this bonus when you purchase.” Click here to download this week's valuable freebie, "A Course Creation Starter's Guide." Opportunity #4: Offering Your Services to Your Audience Caveat: I’m not a huge fan of the service model of business if your goal is to create a more automated system. I am passionate about teaching you how to build a business that does not rely on trading your time for dollars. This is a temporary, special opportunity, offered to a small group on your email list. Choose a special skill or a knowledge base that you have, and create an opportunity to offer your time and services to this select audience for a premium. Again, this is temporary. This is not something that should take over your business and derail all your other projects in the meantime. This is a little bit on the back burner for some quick extra cash. Maybe you are a nutritionist and you can help people make a 30-day meal plan. Maybe you’re great at hacking website-building platforms and can offer your expertise to others. In my first two years of business, I set up an opportunity where I would review others’ Facebook marketing strategy. I would review people’s Facebook pages and profiles, interview them about how they were using Facebook, and about how their program or product came into play. Then I would create a report—I’d made a template for it, so it wouldn’t take me hours and hours. I would create the report to offer you insight in ways you could make your Facebook marketing better, how to brand your Facebook Page in a different way to get a bigger impact, all that good stuff. I knew Facebook so well that this didn’t take tons of time and energy. But it was really valuable to my audience. Taking on just a few of these projects per week provided instant revenue, in the midst of building my online training programs. Just think of your niche and decide what you can offer that help boost revenue for a short time as you get things going. Opportunity #5: Becoming an Affiliate to Somebody Else’s Program or Product I saved this one until the end because you can use it in tandem with Opportunities #1-4. Webinars, 30-day challenges, mini live promos, four-part email sequences…all those can all be used as an affiliate. You’ve heard of this before, I’m sure. But have you actually done it? Have you done it right? I have been an affiliate for many years for different programs and products. For instance, you’ve probably heard me talk about my B-School Bonus.  I am a proud member of B-School and I promote it any chance I get because I know it changes lives and businesses. This is a huge part of my affiliate revenue. I am also an affiliate of Lead Pages. They do amazing things and they have changed businesses quickly based on how easy their tool is. But I don’t let it take over my business and I definitely never want it to make more money than my own programs. The idea is to let it complement all of the stuff I am doing on my own. Three tips for smart affiliate marketing: 1. Believe in it. You have to have used the program or product you’re helping to market. You must know that it works, have your own results that you can talk about, and be so excited to sing its praises. You know you’ve made a good affiliate marketing partnership or connection when you tell everybody about it even if you’re not going to get money for it. 2. Build a funnel with your affiliate. Webinars, four-part email sequences, and mini trainings all work for this. For example, if you click here, you’ll find an affiliate promotion that I did a training for. I literally walk you through how to use Lead Pages. For B School, I have an entire B School bonus experience: five bonuses you can’t get anywhere else, including the live two-day event, including a special Facebook ads program, including my new webinar program that’s not even out yet. You only get this stuff in B School when you use my affiliate link. 3. Read this article My good friend, Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, wrote a post on his blog “Smart Passive Income” called Five Ways to Unbox the Mystery and Increase your Affiliate Income. It’s a really smart strategy for affiliate marketing, especially for those just starting out. Definitely check that out, along with his other great article, How to Stop Hoping and Start Earning. One Final Tip These are all ways for you to find hidden money that can add to your cash flow. But an equally helpful action is to find the hidden places where you are losing cash. I can almost guarantee that you are paying for something right now that is not necessary to your success. We all have been guilty of this. To find the leak and make it stop, spend 20 minutes right now going through your latest credit card statement and checking account statement. Make a quick list of everything you are paying for monthly for your business: apps, tools, subscriptions, etc. Are you using everything you are paying for? If not, stop paying for it. You’ll instantly start saving cash. Voila! Instant money that you can start spending where it will actually work for you. EPISODE FREEBIE Get "A Course Creation Starter's Guide" FREE DOWNLOAD Make sure to listen to the entire episode for more tips and personal insights from my experience in hunting out hidden money opportunities. And don't forget to download this week's valuable freebie, "A Course Creation Starter's Guide" for creating your own online training programs. Click here to download it now.
2/12/201544 minutes, 31 seconds
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#45: The 3 Crucial Stages of an Online Business

It’s no secret that the longer we work on our business, the more confident we become. It makes sense—confidence comes from little wins building up to big ones. But what if you could have that confidence now, and skip over those early years of making costly mistakes and feeling that constant overwhelm? This post was created to help you do just that. Today I’m launching a new series that’s going to help you create a blueprint for achieving the dreams that motivated you to start your own online business. Build Your Business Blueprint Let me tell you, I wish I’d had this kind of blueprint when I was getting my business started. I look back now and think about how I would have spent time and money differently, in those early days, and how much more quickly I would have seen results. The series I’m going to bring you is built on the three stages of business development. Today, I’m going to walk through those stages so you can identify which one you’re currently in, and prepare for taking giant leaps forward. I’ve invited along my favorite mentor on the business building journey—Marie Forleo. You might have heard of her through INC’s 500 fastest growing companies list in 2014, or through Oprah, who named her as a thought leader for the next generation. Maybe you know her from her award-winning show, Marie TV, or her extremely popular training program “B-School,” which shaped the success of my business when I went through it at the time I was starting my own online business. In addition to all these credits, Marie is a personal friend and an invaluable mentor whose guidance helped me realize my business’ potential at a time when I was constantly second-guessing myself. Just like you and me, Marie started deep in the trenches: building her list, figuring out programs and products, determining a voice for her blog, nailing down the techniques of creating video content. Over the years, she has built a multi-million-dollar business, and she is here today to offer her hard-won insight on what the three stages look like and how to navigate them gracefully. Listen to Episode 45 to get all of Marie's expert insights on identifying what stage your business is in. In addition to our talk, Marie is offering an immensely exciting freebie to all of you: a free video mini-training series WITH A FREE DOWNLOADABLE PDF all about the ins and outs of building a business you love. Get instant access to it here. Stage 1: Start Up Start-up stage is all about testing the waters. You need stamina, grit, a whole lot of hustle, and flexibility. Embrace trial and error—you’re going to mess up a lot in this stage, and that’s okay. Marie recalls that her start-up stage was messy. In addition to working on her business, she was holding down other jobs on the side. She frequently felt scared and skeptical of herself, wondering who was going to hire her. “I was running completely on passion and drive, not on experience and certainly not on education.” But the upside of all this was that she was constantly moving, observing from the inside how various businesses were run, overcoming her personal challenges of time and ability. She also realized that, despite the crazy, working on her own business felt more right than any of the big, prestigious jobs she’d had in the past. During her start-up stage, Marie focused on two important things: 1. Mindset Your mindset is crucial in every stage, but it plays a particularly big part in Stage One. Your self-doubt will tell you that you're too inexperienced, too young (or too old), that you don't have the skills or knowledge you need, that you're not worth what you're charging short, that you don't have what it takes and no one will listen to you. The followup to these messages, of course, is that you'd better jump ship and go back to your old job, if you can. The only way to combat this voice and right your mindset is with the other voice--the one that motivated you to start your business in the first place. For Marie, constantly referring to that other voice--the one that said "You must do this"--was crucial to getting her mindset right throughout Stage 1: "I knew I wasn’t meant to work for anyone else. That was really the thing that drove me past all of those emotional and psychological hurdles that we all face. I knew I had to make this work because I tried the other route and that just isn’t me. This was just not going to cut it." 2. Free stuff In the start-up stage, you do a lot of work for free just to gain experience and build up social proof and testimonials. Marie remembers offering her services not just to her friends, but to any friends or relatives they might have. “Just get me people I can work with so I could feel confident, not just from textbook learning but from real world experience. I wanted to figure out how to work with people who I could create real results in their lives.” Main Focus of Stage 1: Discipline and Habit Development In Stage 1, you are the primary source of cash and energy—in other words, you are doing it all. You are creating content, you are building your email list. You are networking. This stage is all about adding value, giving more than you are asking for in return. All the while, you are growing in your understanding of your target audience. In the midst of all hustling to make ends meet, Marie forged some solid habits on behalf of her fledgling business: she consistently created content, she attended trainings, and she committed to building her email newsletter. Habits like these are crucial in Stage 1, no matter how busy you are. You have to train yourself to do is be disciplined enough to do the things that matter the most for your business. For online business, that means publishing content and getting it out there to your audience. Danger Zone of Stage 1: Creative Cul-De-Sacs This is Marie’s term for those loops that we get stuck in, where we can waste hours and days and months without making a decision, moving ahead or doing things that truly matter. This can include things like naming your business, or coming up with a logo—little tasks that somehow can siphon hours out of your day. You can also easily get stuck comparing yourself to others who seem to have reached the kind of success you would like to experience, which seems so far out of reach in Stage 1. Rather than get down on yourself thinking they have done it already, and there is no room for you, use their success as inspiration. Rather than waste time and energy and emotion and passion being down on yourself, stay in your own lane and realize if someone else is successful that means success is possible. Stage 2: Monetization This is the stage where you are at last making a consistent profit. You streamline your product offerings, learning what works and doing more of it. This gives you more freedom in terms of creativity and support and cash to optimize what you’ve created. Marie remembers the great feeling that came with reaching this stage. “It was so awesome to realize I had so much to share and that people wanted to pay attention. I recognized if I did certain things I could turn it into a physical product… I started recognizing the power of leverage.” At the same time, however, she was still doing side jobs. Marie cautions people against moving too quickly in Stage 2—it’s wise to take it slow, methodically and strategically building your business over time. A lot of growth happens in the monetization stage, bringing with it a lot of figuring out where your sweet spot is, what you are great at, how you can serve people the best. Main Focus of Stage 2: Learn to Delegate Once your business starts to expand, it’s vital to break the habit of having everything in your own head. This is where you start learning how to delegate, to organize yourself, and to set visions and goals for yourself and your company. These things—delegation, organization and vision—are related. Here’s why: Most of us start off as a one-woman or one- man show, running the whole ship from our minds. You have to articulate your vision very clearly so that you can delegate effectively. You need people on your team to see the vision of where the company is going, so that they can help you get there. As Marie’s profits continued to build and she started to get more sophisticated, she realized her need for support. During this stage, she began to hire her first assistants to handle customer service, content creation, tech support…all things that she couldn’t keep going on her own. This left her free to test different content ideas and experiment with optimizing her programs in different ways. That's how B-School came to be. Marie's events were started gain momentum. When numbers reached into the hundreds, she had to figure out a new way to reach all the people who wanted to attend her event, without compromising the integrity, value and personal feel she was known for. Rather than livestream the event or rent a vast auditorium, she came up with the idea for video programs that deliver the high brand experience while reaching millions of people. Killing off her other offerings meant sacrificing a couple of million dollars a year in revenue, at first. But by focusing on excellence, she was able to reach her authentic vision for her company, both from a financial standpoint and, more importantly, from an impact and lifestyle standpoint. This is what it takes to transition from a one-person show into a thriving company. When you articulate those visions for the coming months, you can begin forecasting out, and planning for bigger and better things. Danger Zone of Stage 2: Forgetting to Stop and Analyze Entrepreneurs are a fast-moving bunch. We are going from the moment we get up in the morning until late at night…and the next day we get up and do it all over again. But it’s really important in the monetization stage to regularly stop moving so fast and analyze your numbers. Ask yourself if what you’re doing at such a furious rate is really the wisest way to reach your long-term vision and goals. What do you want? Where do you want to go in the next year? Are your actions lining you up to get there? Don't be afraid to confront yourself and take the opportunity to make big changes, if necessary. It’s easier to make those changes now than it will be down the road. Download Episode 45 for more details on how you can prepare now for taking your business to the next level. Stage 3: Expansion Although you are never done growing or expanding in your business, in this third stage you have more financial freedom and creative freedom than you have ever had. Your mind is more open to think of other opportunities you’ve wanted to explore. You’re going full force and everything that you’ve created has gotten even better. Stage 3 is where you get to reap the rewards of everything you’ve created. For example, during the last holiday season, Marie declared two weeks of total shutdown for her company. Everyone unplugged and enjoyed the opportunity to not be “on." It was, Marie says, the best thing they’d ever done—and it was all made possible by the freedom afforded by their hard work in the first two stages. Of course, during Stage One and Stage Two you wish you could find that down time. It doesn’t come as easily and it’s probably not going to be shutting down the business for two weeks. But there are pockets of time that you can take those breaks. Main Focus of Stage 3: Follow Your Vision Stage 3 can feel like a mountaintop, but it's not the end of the journey. When your business is enjoying the creative freedoms and financial stability of Stage 3, it’s important to remain true to your vision and expand it in the right ways, especially as more opportunities arise. Danger Zone Stage 3: Ignoring Your Intuition Bigger isn’t always better. More isn’t always what you truly want. In Stage 3, as new possibilities and greater freedoms arise, you’ve got to listen closer than ever to your own intuition to build the business that you want. Enjoy the Journey The great thing about this business journey is that it never really stops. Even while Marie is in Stage 3 of her business as a whole, she’s in Stage 1 with certain aspects. No matter where you might be right now, you can always find yourself circling through these stages, embarking on new territory. All the things we’ve talked about today can be found in greater detail in the content Marie shares in this free mini training series. Click here to access Marie's guidance through the three stages we talked about today, delivered with her signature flair. EPISODE 45 Click Here to Check Out Marie's Free Training Videos LEARN MORE And don't forget to listen to Episode 45 in full--there's a lot more that Marie and I discussed in this interview that you won't want to miss!
2/5/201552 minutes, 19 seconds
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#44: The Secrets to Building a More Strategic, Valuable Blog

To a large extent, blogs are living, breathing things. They're a place for you to record the day-in-the-life of your brand, to explore new possibilities and take the occasional look back to see how far you've come. This is precisely what makes your blog the primary place where brand loyalty is fostered. Your posts allow your audience to come along with you and experience the development of your brand as it happens. Ideally, your blog is your audience's closest connection to you. That's why it's a good idea to step back now and then to reexamine your blog. Even if you've had a blog for a long time and your subscriber numbers are strong, it's always a good idea to find ways to breathe new life into it. Don't worry--I'm not talking about a whole new site redesign. There are lots of simple, no-cost ways to tweak, amplify and expand your blog's potential, making it more valuable for subscribers to read...and more streamlined and effective for you to use. To help us really understand what launches a blog from good to great, I've invited master blogger, Mike Stelzner, to share his insights and tips. If you don’t know Mike Stelzner yet, he’s the founder of Social Media Examiner, the world’s largest social media magazine, and the host of the top-rated podcast “Social Media Marketing.” Mike and I go way back—he offered me my first paid gig when leaving my corporate job. That feels like a lifetime ago, but in reality, it was just a few shorts years ago! You’ll also learn about a really cool way to make sure that all of your blog posts look fantastic when they are shared on Facebook. This is SO CRUCIAL to attracting new visitors to your blog! To learn how to make this happen, click here to access the special quick guide. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Quick Guide: "How to Easily Set Up Open Graph and Make All Your Posts On Facebook Look Outstanding" FREE DOWNLOAD Mike is a goldmine of insight on creating a successful blog. Here are just a few of the things we talked about in my recent podcast episode: Choosing Content Social Media Examiner churns out huge amounts of quality content in the form of long, newsy blog posts…every single week! How do they choose what to blog about? ⇒ Run smart surveys As of my conversation with Mike, Social Media Examiner was producing their 2015 survey to find out how marketers are using social media to grow their businesses. It’s coming out soon! You'll learn about trends in mobile optimization and social integration, which content categories and social platforms to prioritize, and what to expect from the future of social media marketing. (If you can’t wait until the 2015 one comes out to see what one of these surveys looks like, click here to see the 2014 version.) The data collected in these surveys is used to decide what their audience wants more of as they design their editorial calendar for the year. This narrows down the field considerably to topics that will instantly catch on with their readers. There’s still a lot of brainstorming to be done, but it’s focused within certain categories that are important to the Social Media Examiner audience. ⇒ Reach out to great writers Make it worth their while. A lot of talented writers contribute to Social Media Examiner in exchange for their huge number of page clicks. Find out what exposure on your site can offer your writers, and start sending out feelers. If you find a couple of truly standout writers, snap them up—put them on retainer or hire them for specific blogging projects. When you can marry great content to an engaging, authentic voice, you’ve got blogging gold. ⇒ Pay attention to what your audience likes Facebook shares and “likes,” retweets and comments are important, but they aren’t always the most important. In their first couple years, Social Media Examiner would take their cues on content from the number of tweets and page views any given post received. If an article got a lot of Twitter play, for example, they would write more articles on that topic. But then they realized that page views weren’t their goal; their method of monetizing had to do with growing their email newsletter list. After tracking conversions, they started to see patterns in what brought in paying leads. Those became their new guidelines for what kind of content to produce and where to channel it. Don’t miss out on more of Mike’s priceless advice for optimizing your blog—click here to listen to Episode 44 for the full interview. Don't Be Afraid of Sending Too Many Emails Social Media Examiner is famous—some might say “notorious”—for emailing their list every single day. Here’s what Mike had to say about all those emails: ⇒ Consider the end game Statistically, most people come to your blog once and never come back. By getting them on your email newsletter, you have a chance to lure them back over and over. The daily email from Social Media Examiner teases subscribers with their great content—little 70-word blurbs that include the day’s articles and lures them back to the website. ⇒ Use FOMO to your advantage Daily emails are an implied brag, i.e. if Social Media Examiner has something to email about every day, they must have a lot going on! It creates FOMO (fear of missing out) in the subscriber—they want to stay up to date—which gets those emails opened. ⇒ Give your followers something to share Everybody wants something cool to share with their friends and followers. If you produce a lot of content, your audience will always have something to share online—“Check out this cool article I read on Social Media Examiner.” Even if they never buy a product that you have to sell they become evangelists for your brand, offering the most powerful kind of advertising: word of mouth. Recently, all those great blogs have parlayed into the Social Media Examiner Show, a podcast that comes out four times weekly and repurposes longer articles into abridged versions delivered through audio. An entirely different editorial staff handles these audio episodes, as opposed to the written ones. Obviously, it takes really rich content to be repurposed in so many ways. If you don’t have the budget or the time to manage a big editorial staff, here are Mike’s top two priorities for soliciting help in creating content that can be mined for multiple uses: ⇒ Copy editor The most important step is making sure your content is pitch perfect—you can’t have misspellings, punctuation errors or awkward, clunky, repetitive phrases. No matter how great an authority you are on your topic, misuse of the English language will undermine your readers’ respect for what you have to say. When I asked Mike which was the single most important blogging-related hire to add to your team, he answered without hesitation "A copy editor." ⇒ Graphic designer First impressions are a big deal, when it comes to content getting shared. You want something that looks beautiful wherever someone shares it—a Twitter Card, for example, is a lot more visible than a simple tweet, even one with an attached image. An Open Graph-optimized image for Facebook and Twitter will get your content optimum play on social media. Open Graph data is how Facebook decides what image to post in your feed; you can determine it yourself, instead of letting Facebook (or whoever is posting the link to your content) decide for you. One image with eye-catching typography and white space left in the right areas will draw an audience’s roving eye and get your content opened. Download our free quick guide that walks you through the process of setting up Open Graph. This free download is extremely valuable to attract even more traffic to your blog! Tracking Your Traffic You probably already know that Google Analytics will tell you what percentage of your traffic is coming from Facebook and Twitter and so on. But by using UTM tracking codes—a little extended code that goes on the end of your URL and compressing that with—you can assign campaign-level triggers to any particular thing you do. It works like a homing device to see where your posts end up and which ones are getting the most traffic. This allows us to segment what percentage of our social traffic is coming from our own sharing versus other people out there sharing on their own. Get More You can listen to the entire podcast and get all of Mike's valuable insights on how to make your blog better than ever. Just click here to go to iTunes and choose Episode 44. And don't forget to download the quick guide that we created to help you set up Open Graph--an easy way to make sure your Facebook posts look outstanding and consistent. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the Quick Guide: "How to Easily Set Up Open Graph and Make All Your Posts On Facebook Look Outstanding" FREE DOWNLOAD Don’t miss Mike speaking at Social Media Marketing World, an annual event held right here in San Diego, California. It’s the place to be if you want to rub shoulders with people just like you who are trying to figure out social media marketing. If you can’t attend this March event, make sure to download the recordings from the more than 100 sessions being offered.
1/26/201533 minutes, 34 seconds
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#43: How Your Subject Line Could Be Killing Your Emails

How many times has this happened to you? You’ve spent hours composing the perfect email to showcase your content, you’ve carefully segmented your list to a specific audience, you’ve queued it up to send at the optimal time…and a week later, your analytics reveal a dismal click-to-open rate. Ouch! It’s frustrating and discouraging, the kind of thing that can make you second-guess everything you know about online marketing. But it could be that the only thing holding back your campaign’s potential is the email subject line. Get the full story--listen to Podcast Episode 43. Don’t underestimate the power of this one simple sentence. As I’ve mentioned in the past, email marketing is the most effective means of online marketing. The gateway to that email—the first thing your customers see—is your subject line. It has to contain hints of everything your email has to offer—the specificity of your product, the authenticity of your brand, the urgency of your offer. It has to convey not only your knowledge and authority, but also your personal empathy for your audience’s needs. Tall order, right? Fortunately, crafting an enticing subject line is not rocket science. The best subject lines can be broken down into five basic strategies, each built along a simple formula. Strategy #1:  Focus on the Benefit With this strategy, you focus on the end result your reader wants most. Meet your readers where they currently live by speaking to their wants, desires, interests and concerns. Answer their question:  "What's in it for me?" Here's an example of a benefit-driven subject line: ⇒ Example: "See How Easily You Can Learn to Paint" ⇒ Formula: See How Easily You Can Learn to [insert topic you are going to teach] Click here to download a free cheat sheet with even more benefit-driven subject line formulas! Strategy #2:  Be Specific Set the hook for your readers by hinting at something super valuable contained within your email. Identify your target audience very clearly: age group, professional demographic, special interest Give a couple of specific details to ground your hint—let them know that you know what you’re talking about. Here’s an example of a highly specific subject line: ⇒ Example: “What Every Accountant Ought to Know About New Tax Laws” ⇒ Formula: What Every [identify your target audience] Ought to Know About [something specific you will teach them] Strategy #3: Get Relevant Relevance = useful + timely. Your reader should know this and act on it…right away! Localization (mentioning a neighborhood/city/state of your target audience is proven to increase opens…even for people who don’t live there but are curious) Make reference to an upcoming event, current trends, news items Here’s an example of a subject line with powerful relevance: ⇒ Example: “Feeling out of control? Your Guide to Family, Food and the Holidays.” ⇒ Formula: [Bring up something--a feeling, situation or new development your customer is interested in] This [your content] can help you with [upcoming event, season or timeframe]. Get even more tips and examples--click here to listen to Podcast Episode 43. Strategy #4: Make It Personal This works best when you already have a strong, loyal following. Use your subject line to show readers that you’re on their side, that they are not alone, that you are here to help them. Hinting at a related story of your own will increase their trust in you, and their curiosity to see how you addressed the issue. Here’s an example of using highly personal connection: ⇒ Example: “How I finally stopped skipping my workouts.” ⇒ Formula: How I [action] [something your audience wants too] Strategy #5: Call Out a Problem We all want to make less mistakes, feel confident to overcome challenges, and take risks with more confidence. This is another strategy that serves to help your readers identify with you, and teases them to open the email and find out how you tackled a problem. The key to this strategy is integrity. Steer away from scare tactics—you’re here to offer constructive awareness. Here’s an example of calling out a problem with positivity and integrity: ⇒ Example: “Here's How Goal-Setting Can Hurt Your Business” ⇒ Formula:  Here's How [fill in the blank] Can Hurt Your [fill in the blank] Get More Don’t forget—you can listen to the entire podcast and get the full details on how to craft subject lines that get your emails opened! Just click here to go to iTunes and choose Episode 43. In addition, I have even more formulas and examples outlined for you in a cheat sheet I created for this episode. You can download it for free right now by going to, or you can text 43download to 38470 and I’ll send it to you right away. EPISODE FREEBIE Get the 10 Highly Effective, Irresistible Subject Line Formulas FREE DOWNLOAD There’s definitely an art to crafting irresistible email subject lines. And as with any art, practice makes perfect. Try crafting at least five subject lines each day to feel out the different approaches and find what works for you. Then pick the best one to perfect for your email that week. Daily practice will give you the confidence to not only write your marketing emails faster, but will serve to ground you in the knowledge that you have something valuable to offer the world.
1/20/201531 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

#42: Three Strategies to Rapid List Building

When it comes to online marketing, most people are overlooking their number-one biggest asset. Social media activity, off-site ads, and all other tricks are a drop in the bucket compared to the power of the email list. You may have heard me say it a million times on this site, but I’ll say it again here: the energy of your business is directly tied to the strength of your email list. But don’t just take my word for it. “I have literally built a million dollar business on the strength of my email list. Ninety percent of my income comes from it. Even today, my email list is still my #1 business priority and asset.” (Michael Hyatt) “Without a doubt, our email list is the best investment we’ve ever made.” (Douglas Karr) “Email is the most important channel for you to cultivate in your online business.” (Mike Stelzner) These guys are heavyweights in the online marketing world; each of them has a subscriber list numbering well over 100,000. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that a list in the hundreds, or even thousands, makes your email marketing strategy less important. No matter what your subscriber numbers are, your email list is one of the most valuable assets you have in the quest to help your business thrive. When you really understand the value of that list, you’ll be more than happy to invest your time, energy and budget to help that list thrive. In this blog post, I’m going to highlight three foundational strategies for growing your email list. Once you implement these strategies, you’re well on your way to creating smart marketing funnels that will put your list-building efforts on warp speed, as well as lead to increased revenue from each email you send out. The Main Thing: Quality over Quantity When my good friend David Siteman Garland (of The Rise to the Top) started out, he had an email subscriber list of just 500 people. In those early days, he did a small product launch and generated $19,800 on the strength of that list. These days, David’s email list is much larger. What hasn’t changed is the incredible loyalty of those subscribers. Whenever I do any kind of affiliation with David, I’m astonished at the way his list gravitates immediately toward any email he puts out. It’s all because he started with a focus on list quality. David never fails to infuse his emails with his authentic personality. He is genuine, super funny, and a little bit quirky…all reasons why his subscribers love him and keep coming back for more. David is a prime example of my first strategy for growing your email list. Strategy #1: Build Remarkable Content This means more than simply content that people want to share. Remarkable means truly leaving your mark by ensuring that you’ve niched your business well. When you direct your communication in general terms toward anyone who might be listening, no one feels like you are talking to them. The key is talking to a very specific audience about a very specific message. When it comes to content, niching yourself can make all the difference between great and remarkable. The difference starts with how it affects you, the content creator. The people that get very specific with their message tend to get much more excited about their business, because they know exactly what they’re doing and who they’re trying to reach. Creating the content stops being a chore, and starts to simply flow out of them. A message that tries too hard to fit too many different types of people is not only less rich, it’s just not as exciting to create. In contrast, niching your business empowers you to send an extremely powerful message. This is what attracts the people who are going to stay with you. Those are the subscribers who constitute a quality list. Let Your Personality Shine To build a loyal following that eats up everything you putting out there, make sure that you bring your personality to every email. If you are silly, bring that to your emails. If you’re really witty, make sure that shines through. All of those little quirks that make you unique should shine through in your email content. Use stories—especially your own—as much as you can. And when you’ve done a good job of niching yourself, your target audience will instantly see themselves in your stories. This is what remarkable content is made of. It’s what speaks to your audience in a genuine, heartfelt way. It’s what makes them excited to open your emails. Strategy #2: Understand the Opportunities and Limitations of Your Email Service Provider Your “email service provider” is the company you use to send out your bulk emails, as well as manage all of your new opt-ins and leads. Some of the most popular options are AWeber, MailChimp, and Infusionsoft…but there many, many others out there. Before getting into the specifics of this strategy, here’s a little pop quiz to see how well you know your own email service provider. (Don’t worry—if you fail, no one’s even going to know.) Pop Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Email Service Provider? Does you email service provider require a double opt in from your new leads or do you have the choice for single opt in? Are you able to easily do A-B split testing with your emails? Can you manually import a customer list and mail to that list instantly? Are you able to send out time-based email autoresponders? Are you able to send out a new autoresponder based on a specific action somebody took in an email that you sent? If you just aced that test, bravo. But if you didn’t, don’t worry—you’re not alone. A lot of people sign up for mass email services but never take the time to learn how they work. Invariably, these people get held up in the process every time they try to email their list. It becomes such a negative experience that, over time, they start finding reasons not to email their list. Or they simply rely on sending out the same newsletter template over and over. Being limited in your understanding of how your provider works means stifling not just your creativity, but also your ability to make money. If you're happy with your email service provider, but you don’t know the ins and outs, it's time to make some time for it. If you’ve been thinking you needed to upgrade your provider, you might be pleasantly surprised to find that you can do a whole lot more than you realized. Many providers have great tutorial videos. A lot of them also have Facebook groups where you can ask questions and learn from other users. And if you have an idea in mind that you want to try, but can’t figure it out on your own, take advantage of the provider support desk. Get on the phone with them and tell them exactly what you’re trying to do. Bottom line: the more educated you are about how your email service provider works, the more innovative and strategic ways you’ll come up with to market your business. To help you with this, I’m offering a special free download—a cheat sheet that shows the opportunities and limitations of some of the most popular email service providers. You can download it for free by clicking here. Or simply text 42download to 38470 and I’ll send you that cheat sheet right away. Get the Top Email Service Providers: Pros and Cons FREE DOWNLOAD Strategy #3: Create Multiple Lead Opportunities This third strategy has two parts to consider: 1) Creating Multiple Lead Magnets In my opinion, everybody with an online business should have at least three lead magnets running at any given time. No matter how niched your audience is, you’re going to appeal to more people within that niche if you offer a diverse array of valuables. Some people prefer a webinar. Others just want a cheat sheet PDF. Still others want a full-on report that walks them step-by-step through an important process. We all respond to different modalities. That’s why it’s important that you provide multiple opportunities for your target audience. You can even create multiple lead magnets out of the same content—make a webinar, a PDF and a video out of the same material. Or you can create unique lead magnets for each topic. Experiment with different approaches to find what works best for your business. The results will tell you a lot about your audience. In addition, once you start to use your email service provider to its full potential, you can track and tag your various leads to see where they’ve come from. This is really valuable because it lets you see which platform (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or others) is converting the most leads for you, as well as which individual lead is converting the best. Never forget that the point of having a lead magnet is to lead your new prospect into becoming a paying customer. Therefore, you must create lead magnets with your profit path in mind. It’s okay if you’re not ready to launch a program or product just yet. Even if you’re in a place in your business where you’re just building up your online presence, it’s still extremely important that you create your lead magnet to start building your list. If you are ready to sell, think about your end game. Is your lead magnet aligned with what you plan to sell? What does you idea audience need to understand, be aware of, or believe in order to want or need your product, program, or service? Design your lead magnet content to ensure that your audience truly understands the value of your offer. Where most people fail with a lead magnet is creating it with the idea of only offering immense value. That’s important, but it’s not the only thing to focus on. A well-designed lead magnet not only offers value, but also leads your prospect to a buying decision. Let’s say you are a health and fitness coach, and your business is all about helping people lose weight. If your paid program is a ten-day meal plan to detox from sugar, a great lead magnet might be “Ten tips to beat sugar cravings.” The two are aligned with each other; with a lead magnet like that, you’re going to attract the perfect audience that would be genuinely interested in what you have to sell. 2) Placement of Your Opt-In Form There are six places where you must create opt-in opportunities for your audience: #1: A Feature Box Feature boxes work like gangbusters. Splashed right across the header of your website, they are a great representation of your brand from the moment someone lands on your home page. (You can see mine at #2: The Sidebar Everyone is familiar with this one—the right column of a website is where people expect to find the links they need to navigate your website. You definitely want an opt-in opportunity here. #3: Inside Your Blog Content It just makes sense to have a link to your free valuable content in the midst of your primary content. By hyperlinking a word or phrase, readers can click to make a box appear that allows them to receive your free giveaway by entering their name and email. This is where I use Lead Pages—it has a feature called Lead Boxes that allows you to do exactly that. #4: The End of a Blog Post A reader who has followed your blog post to the very end is a hot lead for you. So create an opportunity with an opt-in box at the end of a post where they can sign up to receive even more value. #5: The Pop-Up Box If you just cringed when I said that, stay with me. Pop-up boxes definitely get a lot of bad press. But the fact remains that they are extremely effective. Between January 2011 and January 2013, Social Media Examiner grew their email list by 375% to over 190,000 readers. Founder Mike Stelzner attributes nearly 70% of that growth to the site’s pop-up box. Here’s a contrasting example from renowned blogger and author Chris Penn. After he took his pop-up box down from his website, he said his subscriptions “fell off a cliff.” Within weeks, he started running a new series of pop-up boxes and saw an increase in his opt-ins. Pop-up boxes definitely work, especially if you are cultivating a quality audience. I promise, if your audience really feels loyal to you, they are not going to be annoyed by it. Pop-ups are infinitely customizable these days. You can design them to look the way you want and appear only when you want them to. (One of my favorite tools to customize pop-up boxes is I like to have them appear within minutes of someone being on the site, but not appear again until 15 or 30 views later. You can also make sure they are mobile friendly—in other words, that people viewing your site on their smartphones can make the pop-up box go away, if they want to. #6: Your “About” Page You might be surprised to hear that your About page is one of the most popular pages on your site. So if you’re not including a few email sign-up opportunities on your About page, you are likely losing some great traffic. Again, Lead Boxes is a great option for embedding an opt-in opportunity inside your About page text. You might be thinking that’s a lot of places to incorporate an opt-in box on your website. But it all comes back to being appropriately aggressive in building your list. Don’t think you’re bothering somebody with an opt-in box. If your content is remarkable, and you’ve built a quality audience that is eager to hear from you, then they will be eager to sign up as well. If they’ve already signed up, they will just ignore the opt-in opportunities. It’s a good idea to mix up your lead magnets and opt-ins throughout those different placements. For example, on my feature box across the top of my website, I have a free mini series about social media and list building. But inside my About page, I will have a PDF of all of the tools I use online. Then in the right sidebar I have an opportunity to sign up for a webinar. This is not something you can do overnight. It takes a little bit of time to build up your lead magnet opportunities. But it’s definitely worth the effort. Key takeaways Three online marketing strategies to help build your email list: Build remarkable, personalized content Learn to really use your email service provider Create multiple lead opportunities and embed them throughout your site And always focus on quality, and the quantity will follow.
1/15/201537 minutes, 13 seconds
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#41: 3 Lessons I Learned in 2014

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we are going to dive into a new way of goal-setting and business planning. Now if you follow my content, you already know that I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to planning for the New Year. I love it! I love new beginnings. I love looking back on the year, examining what worked and what did not work and then building something new or improved from there. I am going to cover 3 Lessons from this year that I am taking into the New Year. Some of them were easy lessons to learn, some not so easy. So let’s go ahead and dive in! Lesson #1: If you don’t build in the margin now, you will struggle to find it all year. Margin is all about finding time to breath, to be creative, and taking time away from the computer to recharge.  Margin allows you to be better when you return and dive into your big projects. Finding margin is easier said than done and in this episode we are going to talk about ways to make it actually happen!  In this lesson I will also share with you how you can use an at-a-glance wall calendar to see the pockets of margin in advance. Lesson #2: Build a team around your core skills. We all know that building a team is crucial for longterm success.  In this lesson I suggest a different way to approach your next hiring decision - one that will help you do more of what you love. Building your team is one of the most important steps you may take in the new year - this lesson will help you do it better. Lesson #3: Add some soul to your goal-setting experience. I realized that goals without the "why" are empty promises, meaningless in fact. They can quickly deplete your energy, make you feel unproductive, create massive overwhelm and suck the creativity right out of you. Who wants to feel like that? In 2015, I am changing things up - I am approaching this whole goal-setting thing differently and starting with the WHY. These 3 lessons are exactly why I am so passionate about helping you change your goal-setting experience. I want your new goals to move you forward, invite in new opportunities and make you feel fully alive. In my journey to a more meaningful goal-setting experience, I was introduced to Michael Hyatt’s goal setting philosophy. He also believes in starting with the WHY, getting to the root of what we really want and focusing on what matters most. Right now and for the next week or so, Michael will be releasing a video series on goal-setting - it’s totally free and 100% aligned with creating a more powerful goal-setting experience. I encourage you to check it out! He put a lot of effort and time in this series and it shows. It’s quality stuff. You can check out his free goal setting trainings at but only for a very short time, so don’t wait to check it out! Key Takeaways: The three lessons I learned this year that you too can apply to your planning process as you get ready for the new year. #1: Build margin into your year IN ADVANCE. Don’t wait to find pockets of time that you can take off - be intentional about this time and protect it with your life. #2: Get strategic about your hiring plans and build a team around your SKILL SETS - find that one person or the people that will accentuate your skill sets and talents. #3: Create goals with more meaning. Specifically, identify the WHY before you set your big goals for the new year. Don’t set any goals that you don’t identify WHY you really want it.
12/4/201446 minutes, 53 seconds
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#40: How to Attract Leads on Instagram

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interview my new friend, Chalene Johnson. Chalene is a world renowned multi-passionate entrepreneur that has built and sold several multimillion dollar health and fitness brands. You might recognize her name from her top selling Beach Body Workout DVD programs. Chalene is currently the founder and CEO of a business and lifestyle coaching company called Team Johnson, where she has taught her personal and business development strategies to hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs. In light of all of this, she has managed to become an Instagram marketing master. The way she uses Instagram to promote her numerous brands is nothing short of amazing. I'm sure you’ll agree after listening to this podcast. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Why it's important to become an "Early Settler" on Instagram now before it inevitably hits critical mass with Facebook's backing. How to move beyond posting the typical photos from your personal life to strategically sharing valuable content that drives leads and sales into your business. Why you should set up a few "Feature Accounts"- sub niche Instagram accounts, and how to chose the theme of these accounts according to your business. You’ll learn how to manage them all with zero overwhelm. How to allow your audience to feature their post on these "Feature Accounts" for greater brand exposure, while you benefit from a steady stream of content you didn't have to create. How to craft interesting and helpful content related to your business in a 15 second video. How to place a click-able links on Instagram that will lead people back to your bio, where you can link to a lead magnet or your website. How to create 15 second video 'call to actions' to drive traffic directly to your offers. Why using video on Instagram, while possibly yielding less engagement apposed to a photo, can establish you as a leading authority faster than a photo post when done right. What Instagram has coming on the horizon in terms of metrics tracking and their very own advertising platform. How to create cool split screen video posts that are part on camera instructional and part B-Roll demonstrations. How to pull in text on screen 'call to action' captions in your mobile phone videos. How to craft effective 'call to actions' to get people to share your post and where to place those CTA's to maximize every square inch of Instagram. How to effectively use hashtags and tags to elevate your brand exposure. How to outsource the entire content creation process. Where to get a third party app that will gauge your marketing against Instagram's posting statistics letting you know exactly when you should post to reach your unique target audience. And so much more! Key Takeaways Establish your roots on Instagram now before it becomes the huge business advertising platform Facebook is developing it to inevitably become. Provide valuable nuggets relative to your business not just journal personal life snapshots. Take advantage of every square inch of the comment section by being very descriptive about your post, including where to find related info and always give a call to action. Create and honor a business theme. Aim to make your Instagram account appear like a magazine spread with helpful "How to" photos and/or videos. Using video will establish your brand authority and position yourself as the 'go to expert' in your niche. Place a click-able link on Instagram that will lead people back to your bio, where you can link to a lead magnet or your website. Change out the click-able link on all of your sub niche accounts to correspond to your current promotions to centralize the direction of your traffic.
10/28/201435 minutes, 58 seconds
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#39: 7 Tips to Create a 3-Part Video Series

In this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast I share with you a new experience I’ve just embarked upon and how this experience taught me so much about my business, dealing with the people helping me with my business and more importantly, this experience has taught me a lot about myself. I decided to try something different and create a 3-part video series as a pre-launch for the reopening of my Facebook Marketing Profit Lab video training course. The reason for my new approach was because I felt like it was time that I foster a deeper connection with my audience and share a bit more transparency into my personal life. I wanted to become more personable, because I know that sometimes I can come off as "all business" - (much to my husband's chagrin!) It was time to really peel back the curtain and share intimate details about the beginning struggles of my business, the reason for my choosing Facebook as my traffic and lead generation vehicle and how my mindset and business knowledge, as a whole, has gone through this amazing transformation over the years. I felt the need to share in this way mainly because the exact business metamorphosis I have experienced, is the business metamorphosis I truly wish all who choose to learn from me, are fortunate enough to experience too. Here are 7 tips to creating a 3-part video series 1) Content Flow and Story Structure: The sequence of your stories (the flow) and the level at which you share your whole self, will make a big impact on how your videos touch your audience. The more you share, the more your  audience will understand your journey and connect deeper with your message. The more honest and transparent you are when telling your story, the more your audience will relate to you and your message. 2) Video crew or One-Man-Crew: Try your best to invest in a great video quality production but don’t make the mistake of thinking you can’t launch your product or services until you can afford an expensive video crew. It can be done on a very small budget. 3) Written scripts or off the cuff dialog: If you have trouble feeling comfortable speaking in front of a camera, writing out a script and reading from a teleprompter will ease the tension and make sure you don’t miss any key points. However, there will be times where just speaking to another person on the set will help you appear more passionate and sincere. (Below I list a couple of teleprompters I recommend.) 4) Location choices for added professionalism: Recording the videos at your own home will always give you that internal feeling of comfort-ability, sort of like the “Home Court Advantage.” However, if you’re going for a more professional appeal, renting a hotel suite or renting a Co-Work space for the day, will definitely increase the production value and really put a polished look to your videos. 5) Have a keen ear on set during each recording: By having another person on set whose only purpose is to pay very close attention to what is being said, is a surefire way to catch those inevitable mistakes you and your video person likely won’t catch. This will avoid having to reschedule the entire shoot and post production editing nightmares. 6) Express your honest opinion about each shot selection: Review a still of the shot selection before recording. Don’t feel you are being “difficult” if you don’t feel it is the most flattering image of you. Instead of just going with the flow, suggest a new angle or shot setting. 7) Become comfortable in your own skin: If you’re like most people, you’re not used to seeing yourself on camera and may view the final footage with an overly critical eye. Just remember that your audience is well aware they are not watching a Hollywood production and they definitely know we are not glamorous actors. No matter how you think you look, if you let your passion for what you do supersede your insecurities, you will automatically exude an air of confidence and your audience would come to love the authenticity. So there you have it. I just wanted to share my takeaways from this major video shoot I’ve just experienced. Now that you have this new “behind the scenes” insight into the making of this 3-part video series, I look forward to reading your comments down below after you’ve had the chance to view the video series.
9/16/201447 minutes, 12 seconds
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#38: Should You Use Click Bait to Increase Engagement on Facebook?

In this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast,  I will be exposing the recent change Facebook made to their algorithm and not only will I explain the reason for this change, I will also give you some tips to help you counteract this change and to increase your brand’s engagement in the News Feed. Although I’m a huge advocate of Facebook’s paid advertising, in this episode, I’m teaching a couple of FREE methods of posting content and reaching more potential customers in the News Feed. Here’s what the recent Facebook algorithm change is all about. They are cracking down on "click bait.”  What exactly is click bait? Click bait is when a link is shared in a Facebook post with a title that sparks curiosity but does not really tell people what the article is all about. This essentially teases people to click a link but does not give them all the information so they are not exactly sure what they’re going to find on the other side of that click. Granted, click bait links can be an effective strategy, because people can’t help but click to find out more. And many marketers were finding success in their calls to action; that’s why these types of posts has been flooding the News Feed on Facebook. The challenge is that the click bait strategy is making it hard for users to see content they genuinely want to see and care about. Facebook is viewing click bait as gaming the system to get out into the News Feed. Because Facebook has a viral component built into their Algorithm, these click bait post were gaining a lot of exposure. The more people click on the link, even though they’re not sure if they’re even interested in the content on the other side of that link, the more that post shows up in the News Feed. And that’s why Facebook became concerned with this practice and made this recent change that no longer allows click bait. Your content will be negatively impacted when you use a click bait type of posting strategy. Here’s how to craft your post so that you’re not a victim to this algorithm change and your posts get as much News Feed exposure as possible. Tip #1:  Create or Only Share Quality Posts Focus more on quality versus quantity. I would rather see you post two times a day with high-value content versus a bunch of posts that won’t get you the engagement that Facebook is actually paying attention to each time you post. As you can see, this post was highly valuable and resonated with his audience. Look at all those shares and likes! When people click on the link and go to your website from Facebook, make sure the content is interesting, exciting and engaging so they will STAY longer on your site. Now, this isn’t particularly new news. However, most of us don’t think about how long people are spending on the other side of our links that we include in our Facebook posts. Make that content valuable enough to keep them there and you will boost your engagement on Facebook . . . for free! Tip #2:  Be Specific With the Titles of Your Facebook Posts The more descriptive you are with your headlines in your post, the more likely people will genuinely be interested in your content when they actually get to your website. Stay away from click bait and instead be very specific about what you plan to share with your fans. Images including info such as this example is also very helpful. This would not only safeguard you, but it will help you with targeting. You will attract the ideal audience on Facebook with each of your Facebook posts. Tip #3:  Post a “Preview” of Your Content When Posting on Facebook When you include a preview in your post, you are more likely to get out into the News Feed. This means more free exposure for you! What is a preview? A preview is when you include a link to your article in the post and an image and a blurb under the image are automatically pulled into your post. >Facebook has said that they will favor posts that have links that include a standard preview in the post versus posts that include a link with a photo but no preview. Wrapping Things Up Facebook is all about their users having a great experience when they go on to their website. But, if you think about it, that’s how we all feel about our own websites. When people come to my website, I want them to have a memorable and a valuable experience. I encourage you to pay attention to how most people post on Facebook when they’re not marketing. Model those posts versus trying to be sneaky or too promotional with your posts. Finally, we all want to offer immense value and that’s what Facebook is rewarding. They’re rewarding those of us who are posting content that people actually want to read, share, and comment on. Key Takeaways Facebook is now paying careful attention to how long people are staying on the webpages your links are clicking through to from a post. Make your content valuable enough to keep the visitor on the webpage and you will boost your engagement on Facebook (for free!). The more descriptive you are with your headlines in your post, the more likely people will genuinely be interested in your content when they actually get to your website. Including a link preview in your post will help you gain more exposure in the New Feed.
9/3/201415 minutes, 54 seconds
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#37: How do I get my Facebook friends to come over to my Page?

Would you like to know how to spend less time trying to convert your Facebook Profile "Friends" over to "Fans" of your Facebook Page? Would you like to learn an easy trick to link your Profile and Fan Page together so that your visitors to your Profile would have direct exposure to your Fan Page? You will learn all of that and more in this weeks Episode of Online Marketing Made Easy - Ask Amy Podcast. On this episode I answer a question from one of my listeners about how to get your Facebook friends to like your Facebook Page. This is the question she asked:  Kathy Sacks: “I have more than 500 friends on my Facebook Profile. Since it would take a long time to get that many “likes” on my Facebook Page, I’d like to get my friends on my Profile to to like my new business Page. Do you have any advice for me?” Now, the short answer is that there is no foolproof way to move your friends over to your Page.  There are a few things you can try and I’ll go over those things with you but I want to encourage you not to spend too much time trying to move your friends over to your Page. Instead, I would encourage you to spend more time on developing your Page, the content, the engagement, your list-growing strategy, all of that can be done on your Page. I wouldn't suggest you spend too much time on this strategy although I am going to give you some helpful tips to get you started to make that transition.  I understand that if you are growing a Facebook Page you want to build your fan base quickly and it makes sense to start with the friends on your Profile since they seem to have an interest in what you are posting. Sounds logical, although, it doesn’t happen as though we think it should. One thing you might want to think about is this: Are those friends that you have on your profile genuinely interested in your business?  Some of them likely are but definitely not all of them are. To be upfront, some of your Profile friends just aren’t interested in hearing from you about your business. That’s why I just want to caution you, it's likely on your Profile, you have a mix of people that are friends or just want to know you personally and have no interest in what you are doing for business.  That's just how it is. In my experience, moving friends to fans is a slow process that is rarely a raving success.  That’s why I don’t want you to spend too much time in this area.  However, I will say, it is worth an effort to give it a shot.  Do it and then move on to bigger and better things. I did promise you a few things that you can implement to build your new fan page with your existing friend base from your profile. 1) The first suggestion I have for you is make sure that you link your Profile and your Page.  In the video below I’m going to show you how to link your Profile and your Page so if somebody comes to your Profile they can easily click a link right there on that timeline and go over to your Facebook Page and become a fan. This can be tricky because the step-by-step process I am going to show you (it's quick, I promise!) doesn’t always work for everybody, so I am also going to show you a quick workaround in the video.  I've got you covered ;-) Linking your Profile to your Fan Page 2) For about two weeks, start a campaign where you are actively promoting your Page on your Profile.  What this means is that you’re telling people that you are now posting regularly on your Facebook Page about ( fill in the blank here) and that you would love for them to come over and become a fan. Make sure you tell them to click “like” on your Page to become a fan.  Give them an action so that you can actually stay in touch with them in the newsfeed. Do this for a week or two; that should be enough to create the awareness.   You then need to take it one step further and give them a reason why they should come over to your Facebook Page. Use Video to promote your Page to your friends on your Profile Creating a video to encourage your friends to come over to your Page is a great strategy. My good friend, James Wedmore, did this when he first created his Facebook Page.  At the time, James was only using his Profile to connect with people on Facebook and he wanted to start using Facebook ads.  So he created a Facebook Page because you can't run ads on Facebook if you don't have a Facebook Page.  He made a short video telling people something like, “Hey there, I’ve finally jumped on the bandwagon, I have a Facebook Page, and I want you to come over because this is what I’m doing over there.....”  In his video he talked about a free giveaway to get them to want to actually click the link, go to the Facebook Page, and become a fan. Lure your Profile friends over to your Fan Page by using a "FREE" giveaway If you’re not comfortable with video, do some kind of promotion or giveaway on your Page for a series of one to two weeks just to get people to come over.  You’ve got to give them a reason why and tell them what's in it for them.  The thing is, most people are not going to pay attention if you just tell them to come over to your Page.  But, if you tell them what’s in it for them and you create a benefit they’ll pay attention.  I suggest giving away an ebook related to your brand or possibly a program or a product that you have; something completely aligned with your brand so people that are interested in your giveaway are going to be genuine prospects for you. I always say giving away a shiny iPad is not the best idea for a giveaway because anybody would like the iPad but not everybody would want my Facebook marketing program.  But, if they do then they are a perfect fit for my audience.  A giveaway is a great way to go that extra step and actually attract the friends on your Profile that are genuinely interested in your business. Attract New, Quality Fans with Like Ads (Instead of Focusing on Moving Your Friends Over) If you have a Facebook Page with less than 500 fans I’m sure that you want to grow that Facebook fan base quickly.  One strategy that may be much more powerful than moving your friends to your Page, is to experiment with Facebook Like Ads.  If it fits within your budget, I would spend two weeks running a Like Ad campaign.  With approximately $100-$200, you could grow your fan base by a few hundred fans quickly.  Once you get to 500 fans, that’s considered to be a pretty solid audience. That’s when I would shift gears. I would stop focusing on growing your fan base and worrying about your friends coming over to your Page and instead focusing on turning fans into leads. Attracting leads on Facebook is extremely important if you want to make your Facebook efforts profitable. 7 Steps to a Facebook Marketing Plan In my flagship program, Facebook Marketing Profit Lab, I take my students through a seven step process to create a profitable Facebook Marketing Plan.  If you want a quick snapshot of all seven steps, you can check out Episode #28 where I dive into each of them with specifics. Key Takeaways: Don't spend too much time trying to move your friends over to your Facebook Page Spend more time on developing your Page, the content, the engagement, your list-building strategy Ask yourself: "Are the friends that I currently have on your Profile genuinely interested in my business?" Make sure that you link your Profile and your Page Spend only two weeks maximum on the campaign to actively promote your Page on your Profile Take things to the next level with a short video to introduce your new Page and brand to your Profile friends list Think about creating an irresistible giveaway to entice your friends to become your fans.
8/27/201417 minutes, 30 seconds
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#36: 3 Keys to Understanding Your Audience to Increase Sales with Pam Hendrickson

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interviewed my good friend, Pam Hendrickson. Pam and I go WAY back. She is actually the person who interviewed me for my position with Tony Robbins, and was my first "big boss." Pam and I have spent many hours working and traveling together. We joke that we spent more time together during certain seasons than we did with our husbands! Pam worked for Tony Robbins for close to 20 years before going out on her own. Considering her experience with Robbins, she thought launching her first products would be easy, but she was wrong. In spite of the fact that the products were great, she made very few sales. The turning point for her was when she learned how to give her customers what they want, and in this episode, we dive in deep about how to do that. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: A key success principle for business What will cause your business to fail even if you have the best content in the world The necessary foundation for great marketing Common mistakes when defining a target market Tools for understanding your target market How to cultivate relationships Why technology will never replace face-to-face interactions And so much more! Key Takeaways A key to success in business is not being afraid to make mistakes Great content alone isn't enough. If it isn't want your customers need and want, it won't be successful. The foundation of our marketing comes from understanding who our target audience is, and creating all of products and services based around that. Ideal customer exercises are great, but they don't go deep enough. It's important to go beyond who and really dive deep into their pain points. Product creation and marketing are easy when you truly understand your audience. There are three primary areas to focus on: Tactical Relationships Emotional connection Tactical focuses on learning more about your audience. This is an ongoing process. In order to learn this information, you can conduct surveys, look at what your competition does to see what's working for them, and conduct market research using tools such as Keyword Spy and Ispionage. Relationships focuses on really getting to know your audience, and enable you to go deeper when it comes to truly understanding them and therefore really knowing how to meet their needs. A great example that Pam gave was that if you went to the gym and someone had you  fill out a survey, they would have a certain level of understanding about your needs. In contrast, if you went to the gym and spent time talking with the person exercising next to you, you would have a much deeper understanding. Emotional connection is when you really begin to FEEL what your audience feels. It goes deeper than having an intellectual understanding of their needs, and enables you to basically put yourself in their shoes so that you better understand them on an emotional level. This is the opposite of the tactical side of things because it focuses on feelings rather than facts. Action Steps For a week or two, spend ten minutes per day researching your target market using tools such as Keyword Spy, Eyespionage  and Pew Research. To help you build relationships with your audience, pick one or two live events to attend. The goal is to have an opportunity to connect face-to-face with your target audience. Set aside 20-30 minutes to get quiet and FEEL the problems and pains of your customers. A Special Gift from Pam for My Audience Pam really went the extra mile by creating a special gift just for you, a free video training and report, which you can get here.
7/30/201439 minutes, 25 seconds
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#35: How to Hire Your First Project Manager with Laura Roeder

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interview my good friend, Laura Roeder. I've had Laura on the podcast before, but I wanted to have her on again, because she is a master in setting up processes and systems to grow your business. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: The difference between a project manager and a VA Why your project manager should work only for you, rather than have other clients How much you should pay a project manager The role of a project manager and what it takes to hire and train one A mindset shift that needs to happen before you hire your first project manager How you should think about how much you should pay your project manager, and what you should do less of so you an afford to hire help The golden ticket when it comes to hiring team members Why you don't have to find a project manager who is a perfect fit for your business And so much more! Key Takeaways There are a lot of highly skilled, underemployed people out there now, who would love to work as a project manager You're in the right place to hire a project manager if you: Feel overwhelmed, burned out, or emotionally exhausted Have a bunch of ideas and projects you want to tackle but are too busy A project manager keeps you organized and helps you to continue moving forward with the things you really want to do It's more important for someone to have the ability to learn than it is for them to already know all of the programs you use Be willing to take the time to train your project manager and don't just tell them what to do, but why you want it done Spend less money on programs and then use that money to pay a project manager The main things a project manager should help you do: Translate your goals and plans into daily tasks Make sure things are being done on time and if they aren't, figure out why Ensure not just that the work is done, but that the quality is high
7/22/201436 minutes, 32 seconds
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#34: Ask Amy: How to Hyper-Target Your Facebook Ads

This episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, is the third Ask Amy episode. This is a new feature that I’ve added to my podcast. As I mentioned in episode 30, every other week I’ll answer your questions about online marketing, Facebook marketing, Facebook ads, webinars and email marketing. To submit a question, all you need to do is go to and leave me a recorded message. Your question just might be the very next one I choose for the show! Here’s the summary of the question for this episode: “In episode 29 you talked about how to hyper-target your audience using Facebook ads, and you specifically talked about retargeting. Can you put retargeting ads in both the newsfeed and the right-hand column and if so, which option works best?” Key Takeaways Retargeting ads use a tracking pixel that you’ve put on your website. You can set the pixel to track for 30, 60, or 90 days. Retargeting ads are great because they allow you to target the people that really care about your brand; they help you connect with your website visitors on Facebook. You CAN place retargeting ads in both the newsfeed and in the right hand column. It’s important to set up your retargeting ads in the Power Editor. I have better results with ads placed in the newsfeed, but it’s important to experiment to find out what works best for you. Lookalike audiences are very valuable but the results you get back from Facebook can be huge -- as many as a couple of million people. To narrow down the results, when inside of the Power Editor, under the “Audience” tab, you can select age, gender and so on to target even further. In addition to that, you can further refine your targeting by indicating that they need to be a fan of at least one of the Pages you add to the interest section (again, under audience).   
7/8/20149 minutes, 11 seconds
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#33: How to Write Copy that Sells with Ray Edwards

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interview my good friend, copywriting expert, Ray Edwards. Ray and I go way back. I first met him when I was still working for Tony Robbins. At the time we were in need of a killer sales letter for a big product we had just created, and Frank Kern, a master at online marketing, suggested we reach out to Ray. As it turns out, hiring Ray to write the sales letter was one of the best decisions we ever made because he nailed it. The sales letter Ray wrote converted really well; every time we used it, our sales were through the roof! Copywriting is something that a lot of my clients have questions about, and I have to admit that it doesn't come naturally to me; I have to really work at it! But it's a super important skill to master because impact and revenue are directly tied your ability to write great copy, so I invited Ray on the show to share his wisdom in this area with all of you. I know you won't be disappointed! In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: One of the first things you need to learn if you want to start a business or create a second income stream The gene you do NOT need to be born with in order to be a good copywriter Why you need to do more than just write great content What your value-add content should always have How to know if you're giving away too much How to create a lot of content in a short period of time 4 Rules of Writing Key Takeaways All the emails you send should have a "promotional" element to them Every email you send should include a link The brain doesn't differentiate between an actual experience, and a vividly imagined experience. Therefore, help your readers vividly imagine doing what you recommend, and the outcome Listening to what your audience tells you is the best way to know what questions in the emails you send The copy you write needs to be scanable. You can accomplish this by using bolded headers, bullet points, and so on
6/26/201443 minutes, 59 seconds
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#32: Ask Amy: "What's new with the Facebook Page Timeline layout?"

This episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, is the second Ask Amy episode. This is a new feature that I've added to my podcast. As I mentioned in episode 30, every other week I’m going to be answering your questions all about online marketing, Facebook marketing, Facebook ads, webinars and email marketing. If you have a question, I likely am going to have an answer for you! All you need to do is go to and leave me a recorded message. Your question just might be the very next one I choose for the show! Here's the question for this episode: I'm a huge fan of your podcast and your content. . . My question is I've noticed that the Facebook layout has changed and things have moved around a little bit. Is there anything I need to know about this new layout to help me maximize my impact and exposure on Facebook? This is a great question, and is very timely since Facebook is rolling out the new Facebook Page layout, and if you don’t have it already, you’ll be getting it soon. If you don’t yet have it and want to see what it looks like, you can check it out on my Facebook Page, Let’s start at the top, and I’ll break it down for you! Stats Located on the Right In the new layout, to the right of your cover photo, you’ll see the following stats for the week: New Page likes Overall post reach Unread messages (This will be blank if like me, you don’t use the private message button) Notifications, which includes clicks, likes, shares and comments on each of your posts How to use this information: On a weekly basis, track these numbers in an Excel or Google spreadsheet and pay attention to whether or not you’re making improvements in these various areas. Tab Management Beneath the cover photo you’ll see tabs. The tabs are like the boxes that were across the top on the old layout. When you click on them, they take you to custom apps inside your Facebook Page. All of your tabs won’t display across the top, but you can change the order of them to position them. You do this by clicking on the “More” dropdown menu, and clicking on “Manage Tabs” as pictured above. I wouldn’t spend too much time on tabs, because unless you’re using Facebook ads to drive traffic to the tabs, they don’t convert well because most people never go to your Facebook Page, but instead, likely see the majority of your posts in the newsfeed. If you do want to use tabs, be sure to use ads to drive traffic to them. Scheduled Posts If you schedule posts directly from your Facebook Page, in the new layout, you’ll see a notification that says, “Scheduled Posts,” the number of posts you have scheduled, and when the next scheduled post will be published. I love this feature because since I schedule my posts directly on my Facebook Page, I can now easily see where to find the scheduled posts, and can quickly view and edit them. The About Section It’s important to be strategic with how you use the “About” section of your Facebook Page. As you can see from my example, I put a link to a free webinar, to help grow my email list. Other types of lead magnets such as eBooks, cheat sheets, checklists, and so on work as well. In addition to that, I also put a link to my website in the About section. One thing to be aware of is that this option is not available if your Page is a local business. Pages to Watch One of the coolest features about the new layout is found inside of Insights and is called, “Pages to Watch.” This feature provides a great opportunity to see what’s working for other Pages, specifically Pages that also attract your ideal customer. This can give you some great ideas about what you can do to increase the engagement on your own Page. You’ll find this feature on the Overview tab inside your Facebook Page Insights. Scroll down, and you’ll see an area that says, “Pages to Watch” and from there you can manually add the Facebook Pages that you want to watch. Top Posts from Pages You Watch Once you’ve selected some Pages to watch, inside of Insights, on the Posts tab, you’ll be able to see which posts from the previous week were the most engaging, and you can model what they’re doing. For instance, if you see that they’ve asked a question that got a lot of engagement, you can think of a similar type of question to ask your audience, and then pay attention to whether or not you get a rise in engagement as well. One thing to be aware of is that when you add a Page to watch, the admin of the Facebook Page will get a notification that their Page has been added, but they won’t know who added it.
6/19/201417 minutes, 38 seconds
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#31: How to Launch a Product Online with Jeff Walker

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I dive into launching your programs, your products, your services online. The great thing is that I dove into this extremely important conversation with the pioneer of all online marketing launches, Jeff Walker. Jeff is known for a system he created called The Product Launch Formula and is truly one of the top internet marketing experts and leaders. He tells a great story of how he got started, and to get the full scoop, you’ll need to listen to the interview because I wouldn’t be able to do his story justice, so for now I’ll just say that before he started his first online business, he had never ran a business before. He had absolutely zero sales training and no marketing skills. He jokes that he was always the kid that couldn't sell more than one bag of donuts for the Boy Scouts fundraiser every year and that one bag was usually purchased by his parents.  So as you can see, sales and marketing didn't necessarily run in his blood from day one.  He was an average guy who made an extraordinary impact on many people's lives and continues to do so through his teachings.  That's why I am honored to have Jeff on the show today. Before you listen to the interview, I want to share one more thing with you and that is that Jeff just wrote a book called, Launch: An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love And Live The Life Of Your Dreams, and for a very limited time, you have an opportunity to get the book for free -- you just have to pay for shipping and handling -- and in addition to the free book, he’s throwing in a bunch of free bonuses. To get the free book and bonuses, go to In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How I met Jeff and how my life changed as a result of meeting him Tony Robbins’ response to the information Jeff shared with him Jeff’s failure in the corporate world, and his stint as a stay-at-home dad The day Jeff's wife's cry for help shook him to his core The amazing story of how Jeff went from being unemployed and desperate to making a million dollars in less than an hour Success stories from those who started small and grew big How dropping hints can build anticipation before a launch The launch that brought Jeff’s wife home How Jeff figured out how launches work for many different types of industries How to know what your customers need from you Jeff's view on your email list The decision I personally made that totally changed my business And so much more! Key Takeaways Dropping hints about something to come is a great way to build anticipation before a launch Successful product launches aren’t magic, but are based on how the mind works, and pull people in Done right, people will eagerly anticipate your next move and look forward to everything you do There are 3 core sequences in a launch: Pre Pre- Launch, when you agitate the market and get people interested Pre-Launch, when you build value through videos, blog post, and social media Open Cart, when you actually start taking orders It’s important to find out what people’s hot buttons are and then create products that meet those needs There are three types of launches that part of the Product Launch Formula: Seed launches, when you start with no product (and in some cases no list) and you get paid before you even create the product Internal launches, where you do a launch just to your list JV launches, which are more complex and therefore should not be your first launch You must focus on building assets in your business, and the most important asset you can build is your email list
6/10/20141 hour, 3 minutes, 37 seconds
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#30: ASK AMY: "I ran a contest on Facebook. Now what?"

This episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, is extra special because it is the very first edition of the Ask Amy segment that I'm adding to the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast. Every other week I'm going to be answering your questions all about online marketing, Facebook marketing, Facebook ads, webinars and email marketing. If you've got a question, I likely am going to have an answer for you! All you need to do is go to and leave me a recorded message. Your question just might be the very next one I choose for the show! In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Something I've been struggling with lately Why my style hasn't always served my customers The push back I've gotten regarding how I teach Facebook marketing How overwhelming and scary creating a marketing plan can be when you're first starting your business The importance of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone Why you should look at Facebook differently And so much more! Here's the question for this episode: I just launched my website officially at Easter. I took your advice, I put a Facebook sweepstakes on the right side bar, and the resort I work at allowed me to give out a fantastic package, they're really helping me out and it's going really well. In the first month, I've got about 130-something likes and I just love to see that, but I want to keep the momentum going. I want to know what the next step for me might be, whether it's Facebook ads or whatever you think would be the most efficient thing for me. Key Takeaways Anytime you get new leads from Facebook, it's important to be ready to nurture those leads. Follow up with your new leads with a weekly email, with the focus initially being on pure value, instead of selling. After 4-6 weeks of pure value, select one opportunity to  promote. Send 3-4 emails that talk about this opportunity. Be sure to make those emails about them, rather than about you and your offer. Work on sharpening your copywriting skills. This is important even if you plan to hire someone to write them for you in the future. If people don't purchase, put them back into a value-add sequence, and when you're ready to promote again, go back to 3-4 emails about an opportunity. Use Facebook ads to drive traffic to a lead magnet rather than to a sales page. The goal of ads is to grow your email list. This is how to turn your efforts into profits. Even though it's hard to get organic reach on your Page, it's still important to provide good content for the people who see your posts. Email is more intimate than Facebook, when you really understand how to use email. It's useless to have a big email list if you never use it to promote.
6/3/201419 minutes, 24 seconds
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#29: Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we talked all about Facebook ad targeting. But before we get to that, I wanted to tell you about some changes coming your way related to my podcast. First, starting in June I am going record one episode per week, rather than every other week like I have been doing. Look out for some extra podcast love coming your way! Second, I am going to add an extra layer to my podcast and start recording an “Ask Amy” segment where you get to send me your questions and I will address them on my show. In full disclosure I took this idea from my good friend, Pat Flynn who now has a show called AskPat. I called Pat to ask if he minded, and in true Pat fashion, he encouraged me to go for it. Gotta love good friends like that. So if you would like me to address any questions you might have about online marketing, Facebook marketing, list building, content creation, webinars - anything goes - so just go to Ask Amy and you can be one of the first to leave me a question. OK, switching gears, let’s get back to our topic for today, Facebook ad targeting. I’ve invited my really good friend, Rick Mulready to come on the show with me so we could talk about what we both are seeing that’s working right now with ad targeting. Rick has an extensive online marketing background and teaches Facebook advertising to entrepreneurs and small businesses. The cool thing is that he is in the trenches daily experimenting with ad campaigns and getting some pretty big results; the guy knows his stuff. So Rick lives in San Diego and lately we’ve been meeting up at Starbucks and sharing insights about our experiences with Facebook ads. (Does that sound super geeky? We can't help it - we love this ad stuff!) The discussions have been so good that I wanted to get Rick on the show and invite you all into one of the most valuable discussions we’ve had, which is focused on Facebook ad targeting. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: The most valuable Facebook ad targeting options, including Interests, Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences. Which targeting option to choose when you are just starting out. How to target your website visitors with your Facebook ads. How to expand your targeting options if you feel you can't seem to find a big enough target that is effective. We'll answer the question, "How many people should I target with my ad? We will also discuss which ad metrics to pay close attention to so you know your ad is working. To help you navigate your Facebook ad targeting, I've included additional details in this post so you can understand how each target works and where to locate. I suggest you create your ads in the Power Editor.  Think of the Power Editor as a more robust "Facebook Ads Manager" dashboard. You can do more in the Power Editor and I highly recommend you test it out. (It's a bit confusing at first, but I promise it gets easier once you understand where everything's located!) I can't stress this enough:  The MOST important part of your Facebook ads campaign is targeting. Below I will walk you through some of the most important targeting features. There are two different places where you will set up your ad targeting.  When you are totally new to ads, two of the easiest targeting features you can use are "Demographics" and "Interests." To locate these two targeting features, go into the Power Editor, and under the "Ads" tab you will see  the "Audience" tab in blue. Once inside the Power Editor, when you click on "Ads" you will see the "Audience" tab. Under the "Audience" tab, if you scroll down a bit you will first see "Demographics" where you can set the age, gender and location for your ad targeting.  Scroll down some more and you will see: Interests, Behaviors and categories. Let me briefly explain each to you. Interests The "Interest" field allows you to type in the name of the Facebook Pages you want to target. When you target a Facebook Page, you are asking Facebook to show your ad to the fans of that specific Facebook Page. Note that sometimes when you type in the name of the Facebook Page in the "Interest" field, it won’t show up. If you have this problem, be sure to first go to the actual Page and check the name of the Page and make sure you type in the exact name of that Page. However, sometimes that won't even work.  Some Pages just won't show up in the "Interest" field - it's a Facebook glitch.  Frustrating, I know! Hot tip: Brainstorm a list of people, publications, other groups in your industry, and even competitors whose fans you may want to target. Hot tip #2: Use Graph Search, which is basically a search functionality inside of Facebook. It is a really long search bar across the top when you’re logged in to Facebook. You can conduct searches such as, “Pages liked by people who like __________” (insert the name of your page in the blank). This will give you a good idea of Pages you might want to target. Here are some other searches you may want to try: Favorite interest of people who like. . . Groups of people who like. . . Pages liked by people who like xyz Page and abc Page You can get even more specific and search for things like, “Pages liked by women who live in Canada who like xyz page.” Especially if you’re just starting out and don’t have a large email list or a large fan base, "Interests" is a great place to start. There are two other targeting sections right below "Interests." Let's explore those briefly. Behaviors Behaviors is located right under interests. This is a more advanced targeting technique. The way this works is that Facebook partners with 3rd party data companies that track people’s purchasing behavior outside of Facebook. Categories Categories is the section located under Behaviors. "Partner Categories" are similar to behaviors, where Facebook partners with other companies to get data. There are also "Facebook Categories" you can explore. If someone likes a Page about cooking, you can target a broader category such as food and dining. Neither Rick nor I use "Categories"  because it tends to be too general, so we don’t recommend them, but they are worth testing just to see if they might be a good fit for you. Custom Audiences Now switching gears here, let's talk about a few other Facebook ad targeting strategies that are even more powerful than the targeting above. Once of the ways both Rick and I set up our targeting is with "Custom Audiences" and "Lookalike Audiences."  You can create a Custom Audience by taking a list of email addresses of those who have subscribed to your email list and uploading them to Facebook. Facebook will check it’s database against your email list and find matches. For example, out of 3,000 email addresses, there may be 1,500 matching email addresses on Facebook. Now you have a list of 1,500 quality lead you can target inside of Facebook. (Note: You need at least 100 matches for this to work.) Lookalike Audiences Now with Lookalike Audiences, this is where the magic happens! Once you have a Custom Audience, you can create a Lookalike Audience. Facebook can take your Custom Audience and create another targeted list that is very similar to the one you uploaded. Since Facebook knows so much about our likes, interests and behaviors, these Lookalike Audiences are pretty valuable to say the least! Regardless of the size of your Custom Audience, your Lookalike Audience may be as large as a couple of million people. The ideal target audience size can vary. If you have a HIGHLY targeted list it can be as small as 1,000 people, but we suggest you keep your targeting groups to a maximum of 600,000 - 700,000 people. I usually try to aim for 500,000. (Note:  This does not apply for people targeting a very local audience. Your lists will be much smaller of course!). Targeting Set Up To set up your Custom and Lookalike Audiences, you will do this in the Power Editor a well.  When you log into the Power Editor, in the upper left you should see a drop down menu that says "Manage Ads." Click there and then click "Audiences." Once you are on the "Audience" page, you can click on "Custom Audience." From there, the image below will pop up.  To upload your email list to Facebook, click the first option, "Data File Custom Audience." In the "Data Type" you will see a few options for upload, choose "Emails." It may take a few hours for Facebook to check your email addresses against those in their system, so be patient and check back in a few hours. Come back to this exact same spot in the Power Editor and you will see the status of your new audience. Retargeting with Facebook Ads Another feature of Custom Audiences is the ability to create a target list from your website traffic.  This strategy is also known as retargeting. Here's how it works: You generate a pixel code from Facebook and then place that pixel on your website. Facebook begins collecting data from that pixel and creates a Custom Audience for you of your website traffic. Now you can target that Custom Audience and show your ads to them OR you can create a Lookalike Audience so you can have an even larger, targeted group to use as well. Below I show you where to access the Facebook pixel that you will add to your website.  Click "View Custom Audience Pixel" to get the instructions you need to place this pixel in the correct spot on your website. Once you have your Custom Audience of website visitors in place, you can then create a Lookalike Audience to expand your targeting. In the "Source" field below you will type in the name of your website visitors Custom Audience and Facebook will create a Lookalike Audience for you. This is some pretty powerful targeting because it's so much more focused that just targeting people who have liked a specific Page! Now one more thing I will add to the mix.  As you might already know, you can target your existing fan base with your ads.  You would do that in the same section where you would target "Interests."  But what you might now know is that you can also create a Lookalike Audience to target people SIMILAR to your existing fan base. In the "Source" field you will type in the name of your Facebook Page to generate your new target list. Key Takeaways Facebook targeting is one of the most important components to your Facebook ad success. If you have not done so already, take a little time to experiment with Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences. I am 99.9% sure that your audience is spending time on Facebook. My challenge to you is to create smart targeting options to go find them! 2017 Amendment Graph search is no longer available. Facebook has replaced it with a similar tool called Audience Insights. To learn more about Audience Insights, click here.
5/26/201450 minutes, 44 seconds
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#28: 7 Steps to a Profitable Facebook Marketing Plan

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I decided to do something a little bit different. I’m currently promoting my signature program, Facebook Marketing Profit Lab. When I create a new program, I always create a free, value-packed training around the promotion. In this case, the training is called, “How to Create an Easy-to-Implement Facebook Marketing Plan that REALLY Works.” I deliver the training through live webinars, and after the promotion is over in a few weeks, the free live webinar will no longer be available. I have worked SO HARD on this training that I want it to live on beyond my promotion, and I thought that the best way to accomplish that was to present the training in a podcast. I think you will find it extremely valuable, and at the end of this podcast you will have a really good understanding of how to create a Facebook marketing plan that is focused on both the needs of your business AND the needs of your customers. In addition to that, this plan will actually help you produce leads and revenue on a consistent basis on Facebook. People have a lot of concerns about Facebook: They aren’t sure what they’re doing and they feel stuck They are frustrated with their list building strategies; their list is growing painfully slow Or, they are just frustrated with Facebook in general, but are still holding out a little hope because they really want Facebook to work for them because they’ve put a lot of effort and in some cases a lot of money into it but just haven’t gotten the results they were hoping for. And some people are just looking for a plan so they get see more fans, leads or sales through Facebook. If you can relate to any of that, this podcast is perfect for you! Specifically, we covered the following 7 steps that you need to Create a Facebook marketing plan that really works. 1. Create Your Lead Magnet To build trust and affinity with your Facebook fans, create a free irresistible giveaway that solves a problem or offers immense value. To ensure that your giveaway attracts your perfect ideal audience on Facebook, create something that is SO GOOD your audience would pay for it. 2. Set Up Your Lead Capture Page The next step is to create a webpage that will collect name and emails in exchange for your giveaway.  A well designed lead capture page is critical because it must convert. Instead of paying for a programmer and designer to create this page for you, look into using LeadPages. With this tool you could have a lead capture page up and running in 10 minutes! 3. Create a “Gotta Have It” Facebook Post and Turn It Into an Ad At this point you want to create a Facebook post that entices your fans to sign up for your irresistible giveaway. This post will become your Facebook ad.  To get maximum exposure and results, create an Unpublished Page Post (also known as a “Dark Post) in the Power Editor ads dashboard. Only run this ad in the News Feed. In this episode I promised to show the current Facebook ad I am running that is generating over $30,000 a month for me via my Facebook Marketing Plan. My Unpublished Facebook Ad When you go into the Power Editor, you will see the option to create an "Unpublished Page Post" and when you click on that link, this box will pop up.  This is where you want to include all of your copy and the image.  Note the image size in the example below: 4. Only Show Your Ad To Your “Perfect Customer” Target List To ensure that your ad is only seen by Facebook users who will be genuinely interested in your free giveaway, use Lookalike Audiences on Facebook as your targeting strategy. Not only will this help you target your perfect customer profile, it will also allow you to reach a larger, targeted audience. 5. Only Pay For Leads That Have A True Interest In Your Offer It’s important that you understand how much you want to pay for your leads.  When you get clear on what you want to eventually sell to your new lead, it’s easier to decide how much you will pay for your ads to convert a fan into a new customer. 6. Always Know In Real-Time If Your Lead Magnet Is Working Use the Conversion Tracking Tool to ensure that your lead magnet is converting fans into leads.  Track these metrics daily so you can be confident that your strategy is actually working! 7. Create The “5 MUST EMAILS” To Perfectly Position Your Offer One you have attracted your new lead from your Facebook efforts, it’s time to take things outside of Facebook. Create an email auto responder series to provide even more value to your new lead and when the time is right for you, begin to introduce them to your offer.  Email marketing will move your new lead to become a customer.
4/23/201451 minutes, 5 seconds
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#27: Video Marketing Tips and Tricks with Caleb Wojcik

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we talked all about video creation and editing. I know a few of you instantly felt a little anxious when you read those words, because video is not usually at the top of anyone’s “favorite things to do” list - or at least that's the case for me! I’ve been creating videos ever since I started my online business, but it’s always been a tough thing for me. I don’t particularly like to see myself on video and let’s face it, video is a lot of work - from both the creation and editing sides. And yet video is very important for online marketers, which is why I invited my friend, Caleb Wojcik to be on the show. Caleb promised me that he would give some tips to make video easier, and he delivered on his promise! In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Caleb's progression from screencast videos to using multiple cameras The best type of video to start with How your audience determines how polished your videos need to be How to make videos using PowerPoint or Keynote How to make video editing faster and less painful The reason why 60% of the people that Caleb surveyed don't create video A trick for finding mistakes in the videos you create The benefits of editing backwards The sweet spot when it comes to video length Why you shouldn't put videos that people will pay to see on YouTube Where to host your videos And so much more! Key Takeaways If you're nervous about creating videos, screencasts are a great way to start. The best screen recording software is Screenflow for Mac and Camtasia for windows. It at all possible, when shooting video, sit facing a window. If natural light isn't available, position lighting directly in front of you, at a 30-45-degree angle. Light shining directly on you, you'll end up with a shadow from the camera on your face. When using your phone to shoot talking head videos, be sure to use a mic, such as Rode Smartlav to improve sound quality. DIY videos are fine, especially when they're not being used as part of a paid program. For paid programs, it's better to go pro if possible. Gear to Check Out Microphones The Rode Smartlav mic Heil PR-40 Blue Microphones Software Screenflow Camtasia Plural Eyes iMovie Final Cut Pro X Adobe Premiere Teleprompter  ikan teleprompter Video Hosting Wistia Vimeo Turnstile DSLR Cameras Canon T5i Canon Rebel Digital Audio Recorders Tascam Zoom H49 Lavalier
3/23/201440 minutes, 25 seconds
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#26: The Power of Virtual Support and Outsourcing with Chris Ducker

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interviewed my good friend, Chris Ducker. This interview came at a perfect time, because the evening after completing the interview, I got on a plane to the Philippines to speak at Chris' event, Tropical Think Tank. This was an exciting trip for me because not only is this my first trip to the Philippines, I also had the opportunity to speak with some some really fantastic people, including Pat Flynn, John Dumas, Greg Hickman and Natalie Sisson, and of course Chris Ducker himself, so it was a lot of fun. On today’s show, we are talking about the power of virtual support and outsourcing. This is an important topic for me, because I recently learned a valuable lesson, something I did not believe for so long until I finally experienced it personally in my business. So many successful people I look up to have told me that it is possible to work less and make a bigger impact, which includes bigger profits. That was hard for me to believe because it went against everything I knew about hard work paying off. However, on episode 23, I talked about how I experienced this very thing in 2013. I tell you this because with the right support, you truly can do less and make more. That’s why I think the topic today is so valuable to anyone building a business online. I’ve actually had Chris on the show before and so today we are going to dive a bit deeper into this topic. For those of you who do not know Chris, Chris is a serial entrepreneur, virtual staffing expert, blogger, podcaster and author of the new book Virtual Freedom (which is a FANTASTIC book and one I highly recommend.) In this episode, right from the start, Chris gets personal about a recent experience he had with burnout - and how his burnout did not effect his business AT ALL. Also, Chris dives into the mindset and mechanics around expanding your team with virtual support. The mindset requires a different way of looking at your business and your role in your business, seeing the value of letting go of some of it, and leveraging it by entrusting certain aspects of it to someone else. The mechanics include specific strategies and tools you can use to maximize your outsourcing experience. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Mindset and the mechanics of expanding your team The value of letting go and leveraging Chris' burnout, and what he did about it The importance of taking care of yourself and switching off regularly What entrepreneurs should do with the time they save by outsourcing How a virtual team kept Chris' business going in the midst of his burnout The importance of entrepreneurs going off the grid from time to time What super hero syndrome is, and how to overcome it The impact of ego on your business What will defeat the benefits of your outsourcing efforts How you can make more by working less How to counter the feeling that you can do things faster yourself than telling someone else to do it The biggest problem when training your virtual staff How to throw little curve balls to your VA, and why you should Why you need to take care of your team ahead of all else Whether you should outsource locally or overseas The 3 basic ways Chris communicates with his staff The point where a lot of businesses begin to fail and how to avoid it And so much more! When training your virtual staff, the biggest challenge you'll run into is yourself [Tweet This]
3/6/201446 minutes, 36 seconds
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#25: How to Promote with Twitter with Mike Stelzner

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we talk all about Twitter. Since I am not a Twitter expert, I have invited my friend and mentor, Michael Stelzner, on the show to talk about some very specific strategies he uses to promote his live and online events with Twitter. Mike would say that he too is not a Twitter expert, but I would disagree because he is doing things on Twitter that are getting some serious results - and he’s been perfecting his Twitter strategy for many, many years, so in my book, he’s a pro. For those of you who might not know Mike, he is the founder of  the best social media site around, Social Media Examiner, which he launched  in October of 2009, which has exploded, to say the least. Last year more than 7.5 million people visited the site. He's the author of two books (Launch & Writing White Papers) and is host of the Social Media Marketing Podcast. He also founded the parenting blog 5 Strategic Ways to Promote with Twitter 1. Transactional Tweets This type of tweet has a psychological component to it. When people have just made a purchase or signed up for a newsletter, they're poised to take action, and are more likely to do the next thing you ask them to do. Therefore, as soon as the transaction is complete, send them to a thank you page, and on the page, add a text link with a request. For instance, you may have a text link that says something like, "Click here to tweet your excitement about (coming to an event, a course they just purchased, etc.). When they click on the link, have it open up a pre-populated tweet that says something like, "I'm attending/just purchased. . ."  Be sure to include a link to the event or item being tweeted about. 2. Verbal Tweets Podcast listeners are often on the go. They may be listening from the gym, while they're driving, etc, so give them a URL that is easy to remember. Mike directs people to go to I actually stole this idea from Mike, and on occasion in my podcast you'll hear me ask you to go to If you click on that link, you'll see that it opens up a window with a pre-populated tweet about how much they love my podcast. This is a great way to get your podcast listeners to spread the word about your podcast! 3. Shout-Out Tweets Shout-out tweets are a great way to give love to someone! An example of how Mike uses this technique is that he lists all of the speakers for his events and asks people to click on the name of their favorite presenter. When they do, again, a pre-populated tweet opens up that says something like, "Hey [name], I'm really looking forward to meeting you at [event]." 4. Affiliate Tweets Write up 10-15 different tweets that promote your product or event, and put them on a blog page or in an email. All people have to do is add their affiliate link to the tweets you've crafted, and they can then easily be shared. The easier you make things, the more likely people are to share! You can use this same strategy even if you don't have affiliates, but have other offerings that you want your audience to help you promote. 5. Custom Tweets Social share buttons such as Digg Digg have been around for awhile, but when people use them, they promote only the specific page or post the person is on. But you may not want the person driving traffic to the page they are on, such as on the page with information on hotels for an event that is being promoted. The solution is to craft custom tweets, and then embed that code on any page. This enables you to include a link to the page you want people to go to, regardless of the page they tweeted from. This also gives great social proof because instead of having several Twitter buttons with smaller tweet counts, when you use the widget, the tweet count is aggregated. Hashtags In the final third of the show, Michael dove deep into how to best use Hashtags on Twitter, as well as shared some of his favorite Twitter tools.
2/18/201439 minutes, 7 seconds
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#24: 3 Mindset Pitfalls Entrepreneurs Face and How to Push Beyond Them: Interview with Marie Forleo

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I share with you some insight I’ve recently discovered about myself. It’s something that I’ve always known on some level, but I’ve just recently really owned it and started to be actively aware of it. I decided to share it with you, because maybe you can relate. Here’s the deal. Sometimes my mind is a pretty scary place to live as a result of the stories that I create  about my experiences. When I’m in my head, these stories are completely true and real, but in reality, they are just perceptions. As an example, in the early years of my business if I promoted something and it didn’t go as well as I thought it should, the story that would play in my mind was that I’m just not as good as my peers, that I didn’t have what it takes to be a success, that I’m in over my head, and that I should have never left Tony Robbins. These stories crushed my confidence! Now that I’m more aware of these stories, I try to spend as much time as possible in the present moment, where life is actually happening, rather than focusing on these stories that I’ve made up. This approach has helped me quiet fears, doubts, and worries as they pop up as I’m building my business. I’m sharing this with you because these stories are something we all have to deal with from time to time. Because of that, I invited my good friend and mentor, Marie Forleo, founder of B-School, best selling author and the creator of the award-winning web show, back to the show as my first repeat guest. I specifically asked Marie to come on the show to explore these mindset pitfalls, because Marie is not only a marketing pro,  she also has a great way of pulling you out of your head and into the present moment where things tend to look very different than they do in our minds. Marie and I discuss the following three mindset pitfalls that entrepreneur’s tend to face as they’re building their business: #1: How Do I Deal with the Competition? Competition can be destructive, especially when you’re first starting out and are vulnerable. It can cause a downward spiral that Marie refers to as “the comparison hangover.” You may be tempted to look at someone else’s videos, Facebook Page, Twitter stream and so on and feel like you’ll never get there. The comparison hangover can make people feel like crap and some people even use it to take themselves out of the game. But competition is actually a very positive thing that can fuel you and drive you to succeed. It can be a healthy form of peer pressure that can actually push you to strive for more. One thing I learned when I was working with Tony Robbins is that it’s important to surround yourself with people who are more successful than you so that it motivates you to strive to do even better. While you’re doing so, it’s important to remind yourself that they used to be right where you are and didn’t attain their level of success overnight. It’s up to each of us to pay attention to these signals and the type of story we’re making up in our minds regarding our competition, and choose to make competition a positive thing. #2: How Do I Deal with Criticism in My Business? If criticism shows up on the doorstep of your blog or your Facebook Page, it’s important to deal with it head on. In many cases, critics just want to be heard, so if you acknowledge them and their point of view, and tell them you respect where they’re coming from and perhaps even find a point in their criticism that you agree with and acknowledge it, it works wonders. By doing so, you completely disarm them and open up a dialogue. When you respond with something like, “I completely agree with you on that point” or “I can really see where you’re coming from,” both of you may actually end up learning something! Naturally, we’re not talking about rude and tasteless comments or things that are sexually offensive, but criticism where someone is legitimately upset or doesn't agree with your point of view. Marie shared a saying that is important to remember: All human communication is either a loving response or a cry for help. [Tweet This] This perception is a very helpful tool for all of us to remember. When someone’s criticism is a cry for help, showing respect and acknowledging them can really help. In addition to this, constructive criticism – if you don’t shy away from it – can make you better in the same way that competition can. It can help you to raise your game and grow considerably. Now remember, we’re not talking about rude comments on YouTube where people criticize your appearance or things that have no basis in truth. Another tip is that when someone criticizes you, take a look at what they’ve created in their own life or business. People who are truly successful themselves are unlikely to hatefully critique someone else, especially online. #3: How Do I Deal with a Lack of Follow Through? Follow through is one of the most important lessons that Marie has ever learned. She shared some thoughts from a friend of hers and one of her favorite authors, Steven Pressfield. It’s important to ask yourself, “Am I operating like an amateur or a pro?” It’s a simple question, but the answer is profound and changes everything. Amateurs are people who show up every now and then, flake on their commitments, don’t take their work seriously and are more likely to get lost in things like addiction, drama, negativity, or eating constantly. They may have a lot to do, but have a ton of excuses about why it doesn’t get done. We all know amateurs and in fact have all been an amateur at some time in our lives. In contrast, a pro is someone who shows up no matter what, who gets results no matter what, and figures out how to make things work. Pros take themselves seriously and are dependable. A pro is different from a perfectionist. Pros produce no matter what, even if it can’t be done perfectly. For example, if a pro has made a commitment to publish content a certain day of the week, death is about the only thing that could keep it from happening. A pro also understands that the only way to get good at something is to do it consistently. If you’re struggling with perfectionism, focus more on the actual content, rather than the bells and whistles that are nice to have, but not 100% necessary. It also helps to get things started, knowing that everything is going to be an iteration. For example, when you initially release a course, it may not be just the way you want it to be, but you can keep making improvements. This is what Marie did when she first launched B-School, her online school for modern entrepreneurs. B-School has now been out for five years, and has grown into a comprehensive soup to nuts program that changes people’s lives.
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#23: 5 Lessons I Learned in 2013 That I Will Repeat in 2014

This episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast is all about some of the big business lessons I learned last year and that I'm taking with me into this New Year. I call them lessons, but really they were big wins that just really worked well that you can apply to your own online business. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Why you should create a year-long promotional calendar The importance of documenting all planned promotional emails How I earn the right to promote my programs How to know when to say no to opportunities How to do more with less My revenue in 2013 How I optimized my online programs What to do if you're just starting out in your business and don't know what to focus on The importance of focusing on one big project at a time How to create marketing funnels for increased revenue My experience (both good and bad) with masterminds And so much more!
1/21/201437 minutes, 11 seconds
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#22: How to Start and Build a Profitable Podcast with John Lee Dumas

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we talk all about creating a brand new podcast. My special guest is a recent Best of 2013 iTunes award winner, John Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire. His show is unique in that he broadcasts seven days per week, which takes a crazy commitment! John has interviewed over 425 people to date and his interviews tell the stories of entrepreneurs who have “made it” in their niche. The stories of his guests are inspiring to say the least and help others out there who are looking to take their own entrepreneurial leap. I wanted to create this episode at this specific time because at the time of this recording, I’ve been podcasting for almost a full year, and it’s been an extremely rewarding experience. I LOVE podcasting. It’s opened so many doors for me, introduced me to an entirely new audience, and has allowed me to expand my brand beyond my Facebook trainings. It’s also given me more confidence in my business and has created opportunities for me that I would not have been given had I not created this show. I highly recommend podcasting to anyone that is looking to expand their brand and take things beyond their blog and website. This episode is extremely valuable. There are tips for those just thinking about starting a podcast, or just starting out, AND there are some great ideas in there for those that have been podcasting awhile and want to take their show to the next level. So we have something for everyone here! In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How to get started with podcasting How John went from having zero online presence to building a six-figure monthly income Tips for those questioning whether or not they have what it takes to podcast The minimal equipment needed to start a podcast Steps needed to produce a podcast How podcasts are found in podcast directories The importance of great show notes and how to best utilize them How to monetize a podcast The importance of intros and outros, and how to get them done well What aspects of podcasts you can outsource And so much more!
12/28/201350 minutes, 25 seconds
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#21: How to Set Goals and Create a Plan for the New Year

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, the focus is how to streamline the planning phase of your business so that you get all your goals set so that you’ll be ready for the New Year. If you do so, you can hit the ground running and get your year off to a great start! As I was planning this episode, I started to wonder how other people -- specifically the people I admire who are getting big results in their online marketing businesses -- actually get things done and how they plan and set their goals. Instead of just wonder, I reached out and asked them! Specifically, I asked Michael Hyatt, Pat Flynn, Melanie Duncan, Chris Ducker and Michael Stelzner how they plan for the New Year. Take the Time to Focus on Your Business During this episode, I want you to take this time to really focus on your business. My hope for you is that you actually take these tips and strategies and put them to action right away. Goal Setting Tip #1: Get Very Specific Before I get into the specifics of getting very specific, I want you to do a quick exercise. First, grab a piece of paper and fold it in half. What Worked in Your Business? On one half of the paper, write what was great or what worked well for you this year. What got you excited? What did you love doing? What did your customers love? What made you money? Get really clear on what worked, what didn’t, and what you really enjoyed. This is important because the emotions behind the work you do play a big part in your success. Before you even you even think about writing down goals for new things you want to do, first focus on enhancing, improving, and optimizing what already worked for you this year. What I personally realized when I did this exercise is that I need to focus more on what is already working. For example, I already have three successful programs, so instead of creating more programs, I’m going to focus on making the programs I already have even better. What Didn’t Work in Your Business? On the other half of the paper, write what needs to improve or what didn’t work. What were the failures? (We all have them!) What frustrated you or stopped you from moving forward? What should you stop doing? It can be just as important to think about what you need to stop doing as it is to plan for what you want to accomplish. As an example, I plan to travel and speak less in 2014 than I did in 2013, because I ended up being away from my family more than I wanted to this year and also found it hard to accomplish some of my more important goals since I was on the go so much. Set Your Goals Once you’ve done the above exercise, it’s time to set your goals! Here’s an important goal-setting tip for you: fit all of your goals onto one page. If you write pages and pages of goals, you’ll be overwhelmed, and you won’t likely focus on all of them anyway, so keep your goals simple and concise. Here’s what to include on one-page goal setting sheet 1. Revenue projections The first thing on my list is all of my revenue projects, specifically how much money I’m going to make, and where that money is coming from. While it may seem like revenue shouldn’t be the top goal, my good friend, Stu McLaren helped change my perspective on making money. He says, “Money is a leverage tool for impacting more lives than we could ever reach on a personal level.” I love that, because not only is it important to make money to provide for my own family, this perspective gives me a higher purpose for making money. Since this is a top priority for a business, it’s important to not only list how much money you plan to make, but to also project how you plan to accomplish that goal. As an example, for myself personally, I’ve planned out income funnels such as what I’ll make through my programs, through affiliate partnerships, etc. and I have funnels set up inside of Infusionsoft that sends information about my programs in a strategic way to the people on my email list. Being strategic in this way helps me know how most of my income will be generated. If your business is newer, you may not be able to project the source of your income as well. I couldn’t have done it myself two years ago. But at the very least you can set some revenue goals for different programs, products and services you have. 2. Contributions In addition to setting revenue goals, it’s important to set goals for the contributions you want to make. For instance, you may set a goal to contribute a certain amount to charity. That’s something I was able to do in a big way for the first time this year. It felt really good to do it and I definitely want to do it in an even bigger way next year. Another way I want to contribute is to connect more with my customers, prospects, past customers, and peers -- people that I connect with on a regular basis but don’t typically see in real life. So one thing my team is doing is starting a thank-you card a day campaign. We’re also going to be focused on doing things to wow our customers in unexpected ways. For instance, we may send flowers, or I may on occasion pick up the phone and call someone. And of course I plan to give a lot in terms of the free content I put out on a regular basis. So be sure to take the time to think about contributions you want to make, whether that be in a financial sense, or through giving in other ways. 3. My Special Focus It’s easy to run so many different directions in your business that you fail to accomplish the most important things. Because of this, I actually put, “Podcast Perfection” on my one-page goal sheet. The reason I chose this is because I’ve completed a full year of podcasting and I LOVE it, but I haven’t focused on it as much as I’d like, so I’m going to make it a big focus in the New Year. Having a separate section for my podcast on my goal planning sheet helps me to focus on planning goals that are specific to my podcast and figuring out how I’m going to reach those goals. So think about the big area you want to focus on it and include a section on your goal planning sheet for that specific thing. 4. Focused Foundation Strategies This is where I’m most specific. For instance, one thing on the Focused Foundation Strategies section of my goal planning sheet is to send out an email to my list every Thursday, and I’ve even blocked out time on my calendar for writing all of the emails for each month. I’ve also planned out the rest of my content, including everything from blog posts to program updates in a similar way, again blocking out time on my calendar to make sure it happens. Now here’s a goal planning tip from one of our special guests, Pat Flynn Write it down, break it down, take it down. Pat’s goal planning tip consists of three simple sentences: 1. Write it down. Write down your goals. When you write them down, your goals become clearer and you have something specific to work toward. In addition to this, when you write your goals down, you have something you can visibly see. 2. Break it down. Take each big goal you’ve written down and break them into mini-goals. Big goals can be intimidating which leads to procrastination. But when you break them into mini-goals, they are much easier to accomplish. 3. Take it down. Take those mini-goals you’ve written and crush them. Take them down, one by one! Goal Setting Tip #2: Stack Your Goals What I mean by stacking your goals is to create your big picture goals and then create a stack of mini goals that will get you to your big goals. What I need to do from there, there's a little bit more work that needs to be done, I need to stack my goals, make those mini-goals so they'll lead up to the big goals. For example, if I have a big goal of growing my email list by 50,000 in a year, I need to have some mini-goals such as webinars for list building to reach that goal. I have some more help with this tip, because the idea of these mini goals seem to be a hot topic with my special guests. Now a goal-planning tip from another one of my special guests, Chris Ducker. Focus on one goal at a time. Chris’ tip is shared in story form and is all about his own experience as someone who went from working 12-14 hours per day in 2009 to becoming a virtual CEO. He did this through focusing on one big thing that he wanted to let go of at a time, with a different focus each month For instance, the in January 2010, he focused on getting his email under control, and handled by someone other than himself. In February he started hiring people to replace himself in various areas. In March he worked on getting himself off the training floor, and so on. In his own words, Chris states, “My tip here, really, above and beyond everything else is to set that big goal up for the whole year. What it is, it doesn't really matter. It could be starting a new business, it could be launching a speaking career, it could be producing a new product for a new service for your following online. It doesn't really matter. But create that one big goal and start breaking it down into mini-goals that you then achieve on a regular basis as the year goes by. It will make you feel good, it will make you feel as if you're achieving something every month, every quarter, whatever the case may be, and ultimately you should go ahead and achieve that main goal over the year as well.” While Chris didn’t use the word, “stacking,” he’s definitely a fan of the stacking effect where you stack mini-goals to reach the big picture goal. You might want to try coming up with one epic goal for the year and then creating 12 mini-goals to reach the big goal, and focus on one of the smaller goals each month. Bonus Tip: Be Very Protective of Your Time! I want you to get very deliberate on how you spend your time. Everyone I know that's highly successful, including all of these special guests I have on the show today, are very deliberate about how they spend their time. I can promise you that many of them say no more often than they say "yes." Being protective of your time will help you reach the big scary goals you’ve set. My next guest, Melanie Duncan provides great insight on the topic of setting big scary goals, and the three types of goals everyone should set. Melanie starts off by stating that most goal setting books and audios will tell you to set super ambitious goals, and the problem with that is that when you wake up the next morning and look at them, it’s very intimidating. Because of this, it’s better to set smaller goals and you’ll feel motivated to tackle them. Melanie has learned that when she accomplishes the smaller goals, she feels fantastic and motivated to then tackle bigger things. A mutual friend of both me and Melanie, James Wedmore says you should set a goal that you’ll hit no matter what, a more challenging, but very doable goal, and a “hairy scary” goal that is way out there. You’re bound to accomplish at least one of the goals, and feel good about it, even if you don’t manage to accomplish the most difficult one. An important thing that Melanie touched on is the emotions behind the goal. You have to consider how your goals make you feel, because your emotions impact your ability to accomplish the goal. One thing I personally love doing is picking a word or theme for the year. Mari Smith does this every year. This year, instead of picking a single word, I picked a phrase, “Work less, contribute more.” This is actually a goal of my entire team. We’re going to accomplish this by working smarter and more efficiently. Speaking of a word or a theme for the new year, Mike Stelzner and his personal planning tip for this episode, takes this to a new level. His tip has to do with coming up with a company vision statement. Your vision statement can include things that aren’t yet true, but that you are working toward. That was the case for Mike’s company, Social Media Examiner, when they wrote the vision statement a year ago, but today, he can say with confidence that they’ve grown into their vision statement. Mike has the vision statement taped on the wall in his office, so he sees it every time he sits at his desk. He advises that you keep your vision statement simple and just a couple of sentences long. I love the way that Mike created a vision statement that pushed him beyond his comfort zone. Since we’re on the topic of comfort zone, I thought I would end this episode with Michael Hyatt's strategy for goal setting and his thoughts about moving out of your comfort zone. This one will really push you in ways that will make you uncomfortable, but will set you up to win. Michael states that you should set your goals outside of your comfort zone because that is where real growth begins, where solutions are, and where fulfillment resides. The trick is to make sure your goals are set high enough, but not too high. Michael suggests taking note of these three indicators to help you know that you’re on the right track: 1. Uncertainty. It’s good to be a little uncertain about how you’re going to accomplish the goal. Embrace that uncertainty, rather than running from it. 2. Fear. Most people avoid fear, and that was the case for Michael as well for a great deal of his life. But fear is an indicator that you’re getting close, and let’s you know you’re heading in the right direction. 3. A sense of inadequacy. In most cases when Michael pursues a goal that he just knows he has to achieve, he feels inadequate. This is going to be the case for anyone who is out to accomplish anything of significance. After hearing Michael’s tip, I actually had to rework some of my goals because I was playing it a little too safe. Thank you! A big thank you to all of my special guests for contributing to this episode. This episode just wouldn't have been the same without him, so big shout out to all of you. Thank you so much for taking the time to send in your goal setting and planning tips. My Gift to You The number one thing that I want to accomplish through this podcast episode is for you to be motivated to take action and set goals for the coming year. To help with this, I created a Goal Planning Worksheet just for you. Click here to download the worksheet!
12/4/201348 minutes, 37 seconds
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#20: Creative Ways to Run a Business From Anywhere in the World with Natalie Sisson

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interviewed Natalie Sisson, also known as the Suitcase Enterpreneur. In 2006, Natalie left her home country of New Zealand and since then has been traveling the world and living out of a suitcase -- all while building a successful online business. On her blog, Natalie teaches creative ways to run a business from anywhere in the world, using outsourcing, along with online tools and social media. She's also written a new book about how to create freedom in business and adventure in life. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How Natalie started with nothing but an idea and created a successful and profitable Facebook app What caused Natalie to cry herself to sleep at night and how she overcame it What it takes to make significant changes in your life business How to avoid undermining your progress How to know your special sauce and how to use it to your advantage How to get good feedback from those who know you well The two big things Natalie did to launch her book Natalie's 30-day blog challenge And so much more!
11/12/201344 minutes, 3 seconds
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#19: How to Set Priorities In Your Business with Pat Flynn

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, my guest is one of my very favorite people - Pat Flynn. I know most of you already know Pat, but if you don't, he is a well-known and highly successful online entrepreneur. He is a podcaster, blogger and author and is best known for his transparent leadership style and smart business strategies. He blogs at and has a podcast by the same name. Now there are a dozen topics Pat and I could discuss that would be highly valuable if you are growing an online business - but I am going to do something a bit different with this interview. About a week ago I saw a Facebook post from Pat where he talked about all the hard work and dedication he put into one keynote presentation he recently did for a financial bloggers’ conference called FinCon. The post is inspirational and demonstrates the mindset needed to succeed, and after reading it I had so many questions for him, I decided to invite him onto the show.   In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: The importance of focusing on one thing at a time What Pat told himself in his head in order for his FinCon speech to be successful How speaking can help you in other parts of your life and business What Pat does to make sure he stays the course How Pat sets big goals and priorities What Pat told himself to keep from procrastinating What you have to do to make goals real How fear is a disservice to your audience How to grow your confidence Tips for finding a mastermind that's right for you And so much more!
10/31/201344 minutes, 24 seconds
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#18: A Backstage Pass to the Inner Workings of My Business

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I pull back the curtain and give you a peek into the inner workings of my business. I give you the scoop on my team, my favorite tools for building my business, and lessons I've learned as I've built my business. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Why I had to fire my clients The cost of doing what I always wanted to do The reasons webinars have been so essential in the success of my business Where almost 100% of my income comes from How to figure out which opportunities to pursue The make up of my team, what they do and the number of hours they work The tools I use for my business on a daily basis Why moving to better systems results in a mindshift The importance of mindset and accountability And so much more!
10/1/201359 minutes, 49 seconds
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#17: 7 Facebook Changes That Affect Your Business Today

Facebook gives me plenty of opportunity to create content because they are notorious for making updates to their platform! There have been a lot of pretty significant Facebook changes in the past few months, so on this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I’m going to cover seven specific changes Facebook has recently made. It’s important to understand these changes because they can have a big impact on your business and how you market online. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: Overall news feed algorithm changes Algorithm updates including story bumping and last actor The ins and outs of promoting a contest on your Facebook timeline How Facebook hashtags work and why and how you should use them My thoughts on Facebook embedded posts Facebook ads Lookalike Audiences and how I've used this new feature How you can get FREE access to millions of Shutterstock images for Facebook ads And so much more!
9/11/201342 minutes, 9 seconds
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#16: How to Outsource Online Marketing with Chris Ducker

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we're diving into outsourcing and I've invited my very good friend, Chris Ducker, to come on the show and share with us some tips that will help all of us streamline our businesses a little bit more and allow us to break away from that crazy addiction many of us suffer from regularly, which is trying to do it all ourselves. At one point or another, if you're an entrepreneur starting a business, whether you have a local business, an online small business, or whatever it might be, you probably have suffered from this crazy addiction once or twice in your life, and Chris is going to help us with some very specific actionable tips to outsource more and get the support that we need. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How Chris went from working 14 hours per day, 6 days a week to being a "virtual CEO" What you should NEVER outsource The types of tasks that you can outsource and when it makes sense to outsource them The right mindset to have when it comes to spending money on outsourcing The one easy thing Chris had his VA do that increased his YouTube views by 25 to 30 percent Common excuses business owners make for not outsourcing -- and why they're not valid reasons to do everything yourself The myth of the "Super VA" The difference between a role and a task, and why you should always hire for the role, not the task And so much more!
8/10/201346 minutes, 34 seconds
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#15: How to Use Pinterest to Increase Traffic and Grow Your List with Melanie Duncan

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interviewed Melanie Duncan, the creator of the extremely popular online training program, Power of Pinning. Melanie is also the owner of Luxury Monograms and CustomGreekThreads, both online businesses for physical products. So she has a great mix of experience and knowledge using Pinterest to promote an online training program, like many of you have listening now, as well as using Pinterest to promote physical products. For this show I asked Melanie to focus on how to use Pinterest for lead generation in addition to using it to increase web traffic. If you are a coach, consultant, author, speaker, or a service professional (such as a local marketer or social media manager), then this episode will be extremely valuable to you. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: The secret to the success of Melanie's program, The Power Of Pinning How to best use multiple Pinterest accounts The advantages that service providers have on Pinterest over those who sell physical products The importance of the first two rows on your Pinterest page and how to use them effectively How to use "teaser images" to increase traffic and build your list Why using tall images is important and how to bring even more attention to them How to change a personal Pinterest page to a business page and the advantages of doing so The biggest mistakes that online marketers make on Pinterest and how to overcome them What ONE action you should take in the next 24 hours in order to increase your effectiveness on Pinterest And so much more!
7/29/201337 minutes, 2 seconds
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#14: Big Brand Strategies for Small Businesses with Rick Mulready

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interviewed Rick Mulready. Rick has a really interesting background that includes working for companies such as AOL and Yahoo, but most recently he's been on a journey to share his conversations with the heads of social media from the biggest and most successful brands in the world including Nike, JetBlue, Gary Vaynerchuk, Ford Motors, and many others. Most recently, Rick interviewed the Boston Police Department's Public Information Chief about the massive role social media played after the recent Boston Marathon bombings. I invited Rick on the show to talk about what he's learned from these big brands and how we can apply those strategies and techniques to small business budgets. We cover a lot of great tips that run the gamut from content creation to how to promote on social media sites. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: The importance of going deep with social media. How to avoid social media overwhelm How your business objectives and goals determine where to focus your social media efforts How to find out where your customers are online Why you shouldn't chase shiny new objects when they first come out and what you should do instead. How to generate leads and sales using social media And so much more!
7/16/201336 minutes, 11 seconds
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#13: Does Advertising on Facebook Really Work?

This episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, is brought to you as a direct response to your feedback. Some of you may have seen me post an image on my Facebook Page of two soda bottles. One soda bottle said "Facebook Advertising" and the other one said "Webinars that Convert." I asked, "What do you want to learn about most?" (The soda bottle images were just a fun way to grab your attention!) A few hundred people responded, and the winner was Facebook advertising, so that's the focus of today's podcast. If you have never experimented with Facebook ads, or if you've tried them but want to see bigger results, this is the session for you. By the way, if you voted for "Webinars that Convert," that was a close second, and since webinars are truly the #1 way I've built my business, in the very near future I'll record a podcast all about webinars and how you can use them in your business. But for today I'm going to focus on the questions that I hear over and over again about Facebook ads. In this episode, I'll give you the scoop on the upcoming changes with Facebook ads and also answer the following questions: My ads are constantly getting disapproved by Facebook. What can I do to ensure they get approved? How do I know if my ad is working? How much do Facebook ads cost? How do I find my ideal audience with Facebook ads? How can I get bigger conversions with my Facebook ads? What's the best type of ad to run for my business? And so much more!
6/28/201348 minutes, 6 seconds
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#12: Getting Started with Mobile Marketing with Greg Hickman

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interview Greg Hickman, one of the leading mobile marketing experts. Greg and I discuss how to get started with mobile marketing. If you're anything like me, you know that mobile marketing is important, so it's been on your mind, but hasn't made it to the top of your priority list. My guess is that after you hear what Greg has to say on the staggering stats on mobile usage, you'll want to make it a higher priority. The great thing is, after talking with Greg, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy -- and inexpensive -- it is to get started with mobile. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: What it means to be mobile friendly, and why that's important. How mobile marketing goes beyond optimizing your website. The meaning of "responsive design." The hierarchy of mobile users' needs The percentage of people who access Facebook, Twitter and YouTube on their mobile devices. Easy and inexpensive ways to get started with mobile marketing and how to determine which is the best option for you. How to make lead pages more mobile friendly Important things to keep in mind regarding mobile when sending email to your list How to create the best possible experience for people who visit your website. And so much more!
6/18/201338 minutes, 56 seconds
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#11: How to Create an Online Course with David Siteman Garland

In this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast I interviewed David Siteman Garland. We talked about how you can turn your online platform such as your blog, web show, or podcast into revenue by creating your own online course. David is the host of the popular show, The Rise to The Top. On his show he interviews the best "fluff-free experts and doers" and gets them to share their insights and strategies that help people just like you build their platform, grow their audience and subscribers, and make money. I recently spent a weekend masterminding with David and I can confirm that he's the real deal. The crazy, high energy, wicked-smart guy you see in his videos and on his blog is the exact guy he is in person - which is rare at times. I've been following David for a few years now, so I am honored to have him on my show. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: The pitfalls of being a serial learner. How to make a good income without burning out The best ways to come up with ideas for products and programs No-cost ways to test what will or will not sell The step-by-step process that David follows each time he wants to promote something How to use surveys to build your prospect list The perfect time to launch your online course And so much more!
6/4/201346 minutes, 6 seconds
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#10: How to Use Social Media to Sell with Laura Roeder

Today's episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, is all about selling with social media, and today's special guest is Laura Roeder, founder of LKR Social Media. I invited Laura on the show because she is a master at selling with social media. She does it in a way that's incredibly inviting and her raving fans and customers are proof that's she's doing many things right. In addition to that, an inspiring conversation that I had with Laura while I was still working for Tony Robbins was a springboard for me to start my own social media consulting business. About six months after that call with Laura, I started to put all of the wheels in motion to start this business, which has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Laura's journey to creating LKR Social Media is a one you'll want to hear. She shares her story and some action-packed, strategic social media tips in this interview. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How Chicago weather contributed to Laura's journey into social media. How to use leveraged, scalable tools to make sales for your business. The reason for the disconnect between social media and selling. How you can use "under the radar" selling on social media. How to create a "Golden Page" to sell more (this one tip is WORTH every minute of this episode!) An easy way to measure social media ROI. And so much more!
5/22/201333 minutes, 46 seconds
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#9: How to Use Facebook to Sell with DJ Waldow

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I cover part three of a three-part Facebook marketing mini-training. When it comes to marketing on Facebook, consider building a plan around these three phases: Phase 1: Attraction Phase 2: Promotion Phase 3: Selling In my last podcast episode, I talked about the promotion phase, where it's all about attracting quality leads through opt-ins, contests and promotions. If you missed that, or if you'd like to listen to it again, you can find it at Today's episode is all about the selling phase. The focus during this phase is turning a prospect into a loyal customer, but I have a different take on the whole selling process when it comes to Facebook - so I want you to keep an open mind because I think you can learn some valuable strategies here. In this episode I show you how to incorporate easy email marketing strategies with your Facebook efforts to see bigger results (aka profits!). To really drive home the importance of creating a solid email campaign for your new Facebook leads, I wanted to give you some invaluable tips, so I invited my friend and email marketing expert, DJ Waldow to come on the show. DJ has a popular website called and he's the co-author of the book The Rebel's Guide to Email Marketing. DJ is my go-to guy for all things email marketing. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How to create email campaigns that are specifically geared to your new Facebook leads. How to put more of your Facebook marketing on autopilot. How to deploy an autoresponder sequence once you get a new Facebook lead (and if you don't know what that is, I'll tell you!) A formula to ensure that you are getting the most out of the efforts you're putting into getting leads. A common misconception about Facebook marketing. How the right perspective will reduce the stress of selling on Facebook. And so much more!
5/7/201340 minutes, 6 seconds
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#8: How to Grow Your Email List with Facebook

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I cover part two of a three-part strategy that I use with my customers to teach them how to look at Facebook marketing. When it comes to marketing on Facebook, consider building a plan around these three phases: Phase 1: Attraction Phase 2: Promotion Phase 3: Selling In my last podcast episode, I talked about the attraction phase, where it's all about growing your community on Facebook. If you missed that, or if you'd like to listen to it again, you can find it at Today's episode is all about the promotion phase. The focus during this phase is growing your email list, where you put out great, valuable content in exchange for a name and email. I cover how to use Facebook to get a genuinely interested fan to become part of your email list. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How to grow your email list on Facebook How you should think of Facebook when it comes to the part it plays in growing your business How my business has grown as a result of using Facebook (with specific numbers given) Two Facebook lead-generating strategies (hint: one tip is how to run a contest on Facebook!) How a business owner in a small town with no list created a thriving business using Facebook And so much more!
4/23/201333 minutes, 29 seconds
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#7: How to Get More Facebook Fans

This session is Part 1 of a 3 Part mini-training all about Facebook marketing.  On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we are diving into Facebook Marketing.  Specially, I'm going to give you three strategies that are working RIGHT NOW to attract more quality Facebook fans. Why are Facebook fans important?  Well there are a few reasons.  First, when you grow a big community of loyal fans on Facebook, your chances of getting seen and heard inside Facebook increase.  It's really just a numbers game. The more fans you have talking about you, liking your posts and sharing your content, the more often people on Facebook will see your content. You want an army of raving fans talking about you - and Facebook can do just that! Also, your Facebook fan count acts as social proof.  That means when someone comes to your Facebook page and sees you have a few thousand fans (or more!) they think, "Ok, this company is legit."  Crazy, I know.  But true!  We want to become fans of pages our friends and peers like.  The more fans you have, the more new fans you can get. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: In this episode, I share with you three super simple, but highly valuable, Facebook fan attracting tips.  Implement these and start seeing more fans overnight. Simple as that! Strategy #1: The Facebook Like Box A Like Box helps you attract Facebook fans that are genuinely interested in you and your business. Here's why you should add a Like Box to your website: Your website audience is a warm audience and are very likely to follow you on Facebook too. It's easy to implement (takes less than 5 minutes!) and is one of the more effective ways to grow a quality fan community. The Like Box will  get you more fans, but NOT move your existing website traffic over to Facebook. Strategy #2: Target Friends of Fans with Facebook "Like Ads" A Like Ad can be shown to the friends of your fans and does not require any special copy or images. It's easy to set up, inexpensive and extremely effective! Here's why "Like Ads" work like gangbusters: These ads are the simplest ads to set up, and the cheapest too. When you attract fans who are friends with your existing fans, you are more likely to attract a "quality" fan. When you run Like Ads, your exposure, reach and impact on Facebook increases quickly. Strategy 3: Increase Your Engagement Here's how engagement will help you attract more fans: One of the most common reasons why people on Facebook struggle to get more fans is that they don't have any engagement on their Facebook page. When you don't have engagement you won't be seen in the news feed and the news feed is where all the action is on Facebook. When you get people talking about you on Facebook (liking your posts, commenting and sharing your content) your exposure organically increases (meaning you don't have to pay for the engagement, it just happens natuarally).  When your exposure increases, your fan base increases. I will show you how to make sure you never have another moment where you say, "I can't think of anything to post on my Facebook page today!" Remember!  This episode is Part 1 of a 3 Part Mini Facebook Training.  In episode 8 I will show you how to promote your programs, products and services on Facebook and in episode 9 I'll show you the smartest strategies to use when selling on Facebook.  So make sure you don't miss those upcoming sessions!
4/11/201337 minutes, 41 seconds
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#6: 5 Systems to Put in Place Before You Launch Your Next Program, Product or Service

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interview Anne Samoilov, on the topic of online launches. I consider Anne to be an online launch expert, and while that's not a title she would likely give herself, it's very fitting. Anne has worked on several big online launches including Marie Forleo's B-School launch that you have may heard me talk about in episode 3. It's a strategic and smart strategy to think about the promotion of your business in terms of launches, and I wanted to interview Anne because she has a unique, holistic look at launching anything online that I know you'll find helpful. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How Anne defines launching (it's not what you think!) A common misconception regarding launches How to set a foundation for a successful launch How having the right systems in place can free you up to be creative How to make sure you're targeting the right people And so much more!
3/27/201343 minutes, 20 seconds
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#5: How to Use Your Content to Market Smarter with Mike Volpe of HubSpot

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, I interview Mike Volpe, the Chief Marketing Officer of HubSpot. Today’s episode is a special one because it’s something many of you actually asked for in response to a survey I sent out a few months ago. In that survey, many of you indicated that HubSpot is a site that you frequent often, and it was clear that many of you feel that Mike Volpe and HubSpot is the place to go when it comes to list building, content creation, content marketing, and overall social media. For those of you who aren't familiar with HubSpot, they offer inbound marketing software that allows you to blog, tweet, capture leads, optimize your SEO, view analytics, basically everything you need to do to market your business and HubSpot puts it all in one spot. Hence the name. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How inbound marketing can be defined How SEO is interwoven with inbound marketing The most important lead generation strategy How to make calls to action more effective What caused HubSpot's conversion rates to increase significantly What led to an 82% revenue growth for HubSpot Advantages that small companies have over big companies How to streamline content creation The most important tips to keep in mind when it comes to SlideShare presentations The biggest content marketing mistakes companies make
3/9/201337 minutes, 39 seconds
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#4: Proven Video Marketing Strategies for Any Marketing Budget: Interview with James Wedmore

On this episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy podcast, we talk about a topic that I have a love/hate relationship with, and that's video marketing. I love video, because it has been one of the most important ways I've built my brand, but I hate it at times because it doesn't come naturally to me. Since I'm not a video marketing expert, and because I believe that video is essential for anyone building a brand online, I asked a good friend of mine, James Wedmore, who is a YouTube and Video Marketing Expert to come on the show and share his tips and proven video marketing strategies that you can implement today, even if your budget and experience with video up to this point is limited. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How James created a wildly successful video around a list-building strategy -- a strategy that you can model for your own business. Why videos James created in college to promote an entirely different business are still paying dividends today.  How James plans his video marketing efforts to make the whole video making process much easier. How to create great videos without being on camera. What you have to do first before you can raise the bar on the quality of your videos. How to get around using a teleprompter without memorizing an entire video script. The list-building with video strategy that James personally uses.  The simple 6-step process that James uses for all of his videos, that you can easily copy, regardless of your level of experience with videos.
2/26/201343 minutes, 48 seconds
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#3: How to Find Your Audience, Get Serious About Content and Build Your Email List: An Interview with Marie Forleo

Today I’m beyond excited to introduce you to a mentor of mine and a great friend, Marie Forleo! Marie is not only a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and online marketer, she is also the founder of an award-winning weekly online show, Marie TV. With nothing more than a dream, a laptop, and passion, Marie has created a multi-million dollar empire from scratch. She’s even been interviewed by Oprah on Super Soul Sunday, where Oprah referred to her "as a thought leader for the next generation." I can trace my own online success directly to Marie, who had a huge impact on me as I transitioned from working with Tony Robbins into venturing out and starting my own business. In this episode of The Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, Marie shares her own inspiring success story with us, and also provides some tips and strategies which will help take your own business to the next level. In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: How Marie got her start and what she does in her business. How she made a living while she pursued her passions. The conventional wisdom she chose to ignore. How to quiet self-doubt while building your business. Advice for those struggling to find their own voice. A simple brain exercise that is a great creative workout. How to figure out who your ideal audience is. How to streamline content creation so it's not so overwhelming or painful. Marie's signature program, B-School.
2/13/201339 minutes, 30 seconds
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#2: How to Create and Market Your Content on a Shoestring Budget

The focus of today's podcast episode is content marketing, and specifically how to do it on a shoestring budget. Let's face it; we all need to create content consistently but we all love to save money, right? Because we're all so busy, consistently creating content is a challenge and is often an afterthought -- something we'll do when we "have more time." However, in the same way that paying bills and answering email is a priority in order to keep your business alive, so is content marketing. Few people survive in today's fierce online world if they don't continually produce unique content! In this episode, here’s what we’ll cover: The answer to the question, "What is content?" I provide a quick list to remind you of how many opportunities you have to create content. The most important question you need to ask yourself regarding your content. The answer to this question will help you create content that engages and interests your audience. I also talk about the importance of solving problems and providing information that will enable your audience to take action and implement what they learn. How to brainstorm ideas for content.  I cover 3 tips for coming up with stellar content ideas that fit your ideal audience. How to repurpose your best content. Brainstorming is important, but you may have already created a lot of content that you can repurpose. In this segment of the podcast I give you ideas for ways you can repurpose your existing content and provide examples of how I use this strategy myself. How to get inspired by mixing things up. I share one of my best sources of inspiration; it drives my husband crazy, but it's one of my favorite ways to get fresh content ideas! How to become a ninja outsourcer. I cover 3 main roles you need to have in place when it comes to content creation. I provide tips for finding great people who will treat your business as if it's their own; content marketing is a direct reflection of your brand, so it's worth investing in the relationships you have with your contractors.  I also talk about the importance of staying involved in the process and how to communicate your needs and expectations  without micromanaging. How to optimize your content calendar. To get the most from your calendar, it needs to be extremely easy to use and easy to access. I explain how and why I use Google calendar for my content calendar. The importance of creating content with the big picture in mind. My tip here is something that most people don't teach. (Hint: less just might mean more for you!) I share some tactical content creation tips including how to capture and keep track of ideas for future content. I talk about mistakes I made early on and what I did to improve my process for organizing my content creation ideas so that I can find them when I'm ready to use them. The importance of responsive design. I wrap up this episode by sharing my motto, "Give more than you ever expect to receive." Tony Robbins put it perfectly: "If you can make it your goal to always find a way to add more value to people's lives than anyone else, then you'll never have to worry about success."
1/26/201333 minutes, 36 seconds
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#1: List Building with Social Media

Welcome to the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. I am seriously thrilled to jump into this podcast! I know it sounds a bit silly, but I could talk about online marketing all day long - I just can't get enough of it. (But I must admit, sometimes it drives my husband crazy!) About this podcast: As you might already know, for the past few years, I’ve been focused on Facebook marketing, and while I’m obviously a big fan of Facebook marketing, I've also found great success in other social media platforms and online marketing strategies outside of social media marketing. So this podcast is going to go beyond Facebook marketing and dive into smart, proven strategies worth implementing when it comes to marketing a business online. In this first episode of the Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we dive into social media list building strategies to help you attract your ideal audience, strengthen your relationships beyond your social media platforms, and of course grow your email list. In this episode, here's what we'll cover: The 3 big reasons why some emails always get opened and most are ignored Learn the very specific, big questions you want to ask before you create a free giveaway offers The most successful valuable giveaway offers are those made up of premium content. I'll give you a list of the most popular giveaway offer formats that work great on social media sites. There are two types of social media list building strategies: Indirect and Direct.  Get examples of each to make sure you're maximizing your social media activity to ensure your list is growing daily with quality leads. I'll  also cover specific list building strategies for Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Twitter. To help you better understand each strategy, I've included image examples below: Experiment with Facebook Offers Facebook Offers are a FANTASTIC list building strategy.  Offers are highly valuable because they get out into the news feeds of fans, friends of fans and non-fans, depending on your targeting focus. Step 1: Create Your Facebook Offer and Promote it with a Facebook Ad Step 2: An Email is Sent to the Facebook User's Personal Email Step 3: Drive Traffic from the Email to Your Opt-In Opportunity YouTube List Building Strategies It’s important to strategically leverage your videos to drive traffic to your opt-in opportunities. When people watch your videos all the way through, they are likely interested in what you have to say, so you want to make sure not to lose them after the video ends. Pinterest: Optimizing Your Images Recent data shows that Pinterest drives more referral traffic than LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube combined. Facebook is the only social media site that drives more traffic than Pinterest. And that is precisely why Pinterest can be a solid list building platform for you when you get strategic with your images. When list building on Pinterest, create images that are relevant to your giveaway offer and then pin them to Pinterest.  Make sure to include the link to your opt-in page in the description field when pinning your image. Optimize your profile by adding a link to your opt-in page via your Pinterest profile. Plus, make sure to add your website to your Pinterest profile; it doesn’t have to be a link to your homepage, but can instead include a link to your opt-in page to drive more traffic to your giveaway offer. Twitter Strategies List Building Tip: Embed your opt-in link in your Twitter bio.  This will allow two different links in just one profile. List Building Tip: Use the free tool, Click to Tweet, to create an automated tweet you can use all over the web. It's easy to use and works like a champ to help you promote your content on Twitter.
1/14/201336 minutes, 45 seconds