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Just What You Needed

English, Philosophy, 3 seasons, 81 episodes, 2 days, 6 hours, 14 minutes
Tune in twice a week for conversational awakenings, "AHA" moments, laughs (and yeah, some tears) with life coach and truth-sayer, Amy Young.
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#26 - The Possibility and Power in Saying “No”

This is the last episode for the first season of the podcast! One lesson I keep learning is the power and possibility of saying a simple, “No.” I’m talking about saying NO to things that don’t serve you or bring you joy. Sometimes we psych ourselves out, and get suck into FOMO, right? But your authentic, empowered NO will always move you in the right direction. Be sure to join the email list at to find out when season 2 begins!   Links Cycle of Growth Video My podcast producer Caroline Hull of Caroline Creates   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
3/29/201834 minutes, 25 seconds
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#25 - Woman: You are the PRIZE

This one is for all my sisters who experience some version of (womp womp!) low self-esteem. As women, in my experience, um--we all kinda have it at least a little bit. We’re really not taught to celebrate ourselves! To accept ourselves! To embrace who we are starting now! And life is far too short to not love ourselves, ladies! So please turn on this episode, look in the mirror and admit that you are a PRIZE. You are worth winning. Amen!   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
3/27/201828 minutes, 45 seconds
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#24 - How to NOT Lose Yourself in Relationships

Today’s beautiful wonder listener submitted question is about how to NOT lose yourself in a relationship. How to maintain your identity and independence, and not get completely enmeshed and quasi-merged into another person! Is it possible to be a devoted and committed partner, while still staying YOU? So here are some tips to help keep yourself in check.   VIDEO “Sick of Losing Yourself In Relationshpis?”   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
3/22/201832 minutes, 6 seconds
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#23 - Other People's Problems (What to Do?!)

What are you supposed to do about other people’s problems? Like when someone you care about is making clearly terrible decisions?! I receive a lot of messages from people asking how to help other people with their problems, and while sure -- it comes from a place of it really your job to solve their problems? Because if you can figure stuff out, hell - so can (and should) everyone else. Hold off on your problem-solving for just a few, and listen in.   Links The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
3/20/201827 minutes, 18 seconds
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#22 - Dealing with Doubt & Keeping Commitments

Today’s episode is inspired by a beautiful, wonderful client!. What do you do when you make a decision, and totally go for it, but then - YIKES - the enthusiasm wears off and resistance starts to take over? You know the drill: Doubts, fears, worries, ick. Here’s how to stay committed and keep your train on track.   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
3/15/201830 minutes, 16 seconds
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#21 - What to Do About Anxious, Stressful, Awful, Thoughts

Do you ever find yourself getting stressed and anxious about things -- especially when you shouldn’t be? SO GNARLY, RIGHT?! We can’t just turn these thoughts off so what do we do?? Well, we can disengage, we can choose our focus, we can stop fighting with ourselves...the list goes on! So let’s snap out of it, shall we?   Links What To Do About That Horrible Voice In Your Head Telling You That You Suck Sometimes (Or All The Time!) Blog Post   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
3/13/201828 minutes, 14 seconds
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#20 - No Such Thing As Competition

How are you today?! Let’s check in and set some intentions...then, let’s talk about the C-word. Wait--not that one! This one: Competition. Let’s chat about it, and kick it to the curb. Because life is not a race, and there are no real finish lines. There is enough success to go around, so get that blasted C-word out of your vocab!   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
3/8/201829 minutes, 23 seconds
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#19 - You Fell In Love With a Fantasy

Today’s question comes from an amaaazing listener: “How do you stop obsessing over the wrong guy...that you seriously thought was the right guy?” JUICY EFFING Q, RIGHT?! You do yourself no favors by falling for a fantasy when the (nutrition) facts tell you otherwise. Listen in and learn from my very own unfortunate experience, ladies!   Links #3 - Top 2 Dating Tips to Solve (Kinda) All Your Problems Link to Video “This is Why You Can’t Get Over Him”:   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
3/6/201829 minutes, 9 seconds
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#18 - Your Problems Are Not the Problem

Well friends, we’ve all got problems...and we’re all gonna always have problems...cause um - that’s how life works. So the REAL problem? Is how we deal with our problems! Obsessing over issues will not get us anywhere, worrying only leads to suffering, so it’s time to put. your. problems. DOWN. Join me, pretty please!   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
3/1/201831 minutes, 1 second
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#17 - 5 BIG Relationship Truths

Are y’all ready for some relationship truths?! Please say YES cause I’m about to drop some mega-truths on all things looove that I’ve either learned, received, or experienced. After you listen, think about your own truths and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Name ‘em, claim ’em, and live them out.   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
2/27/201829 minutes, 34 seconds
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#16 - Putting An End to Procrastination

Listen and trust this. Please. Because getting stuff done feels so good! SO GOOD! Yes, of course we all have tasks to perform and things to do, and when we don’t do them, they will seriously pile up. And when we procrastinate we start to feel really, really BAD. This isn’t rocket science, so let’s break the pattern.   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
2/22/201830 minutes, 39 seconds
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#15 - Becoming a Champion of Heartbreak

Breakups can be painful experiences and with that experience comes heartbreak and lots of time with Ben and Jerry. But you don’t have to be a victim to heartbreak. Instead, become a champion of heartbreak!   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
2/20/201831 minutes, 18 seconds
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#14 - How to Create Meaningful Connections

Today’s questions comes from a listener about episode #12 - 5 Things to Do on Days Where You Cannot Even! This listener asks, “What do you do when you don’t have someone to call on when you need to?” So here are a few ways to expand your social circle and make more meaningful connections. Ready to be a greenlighting lil glow worm?   Listen to episode #12 - 5 Things to Do on Days Where You Cannot Even! Video on “GREENLIGHTING”: Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
2/15/201825 minutes, 3 seconds
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#13 - You Will Miss This Part

WARNING: This one might hit you in all the feels, cause it definitely hit me in all the feels. I love taking time to look back on old moments and memories that seemed so painful or difficult, because it reminds me that fudge -- we always have so much more to learn and experience and be and do and have! And later on? Well, we really will miss those old moments...   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
2/13/201825 minutes, 58 seconds
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#12 - 5 Things to Do on Days Where You Cannot Even!

Guys. Life is many things, and one of them is HARD. And when you are having a not good day, when things feel funky, when you simply maybe cannot even, guess what? You can help yourself make it a tiny bit better! So here are 5 fabulous, tried-and-true things to do on days when you are feeling super down. Listen and remember, no day lasts forever!   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
2/8/201826 minutes, 7 seconds
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#11 - Getting Over Your Fear of Change

Today’s topic comes from a fabulous listener: How do you get over a fear of change? Mmmm, JUICY QUESTION! So first of all, we aren’t just talking about an all-around fear of any old change. It’s a fear of things not working out because we made the change. Right? And don’t you talk yourself out of things because of that fear? Aren’t you kinda sorta super sick of standing in your own way? I bet so! LISTEN UP BEAUTIFULS.   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
2/6/201829 minutes, 45 seconds
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#10 - Giving Yourself What You Need

I’m having a sick day. So while I Netflix, nap, and down some Dayquil, let’s talk about how important it is to give yourself what you need. Don’t come up with excuses. It’s not hard or complicated. It’s simple: JUST DO IT.   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
2/1/201817 minutes, 44 seconds
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#9 - Life As Experiment

Yo - remember learning the Scientific Method in 6th grade? Or sometime around then? Cause I sure do! And man does it apply to a hell of a lot more than I ever thought it would. Basically: Are you a good/decent scientist...of your life? LISTEN AND LEARN, BABES!   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
1/30/201824 minutes, 44 seconds
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#8 - Quitting Comparison. For Good. For Reals.

Ugh. Comparison. Am I right or am I right? We’ve all been in the comparison trap. We go on social media, we see everyone else's lives, we start to think we aren’t good enough, blah blah blah. It’s hard to avoid and we all do it, but is it working for us?! HELLS TO THE NO! Of course not! New rule: We have to start seeing the good in our lives, and quit comparison, once and for all.   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
1/25/201829 minutes, 27 seconds
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#7 - Should You Give Up On Your Dreams?

Today, I’m tackling a question from David: “Does rejection of a plan in life mean that it wasn’t meant for us?” I mean, we all face rejection, but when we experience it over and over, and life gets painful and hard, we need to pause and say “Is this worth it to me?” Suffering and pain should not be a constant, ongoing part of your dreams. It’s more than okay to change paths. Trust your feelings and know you are not alone!   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
1/23/201828 minutes
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#6 - Letting Go of What Other People Think

How do we stop worrying so much about what other people think? Cause let’s face it, it’s way more fun being our authentic selves, and quitting this crazy-making habit! Decide for yourself: What’s more important than what other people think? YOU have to make the decision to live your life they way you want to live it. The longer you do it, the easier it gets. Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungcoTwitter @AMYoungster Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
1/18/201825 minutes, 5 seconds
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#5 - Drinking Kool-Aid & The Law of Attraction

CAN YOU THINK AND FEEL YOUR WAY TO WHAT YOU WANT? On this episode I unpack my personal (and perhaps unique?) experience with the Law of Attraction, and how new age philosophy has shaped my beliefs over the years. This episode is for anyone who’s not sure what to believe anymore. I get it! It’s a self-help jungle out there; let’s clear up some of the confusion. Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
1/16/201828 minutes, 37 seconds
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#4 - Talkin' Dollars and Money Mindset

Ready to talk about money? Most of us get pretty uncomfortable when we hear that word. So today, I want to share some ways that I’ve cultivated a happier, healthier money mindset and some habits and practices that have made money not so scary. Let’s get friendly with your finances!   Links Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want by Kate Northrup Get Rich Lucky Bitch by Denise Dufflield-Thomas   “So Important It Brought Me to Tears” Video   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe   If you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!   Because I’m a suck for radical transparency, please note that some links listed to products and resources might be affiliate links. If you choose to purchase via these links, I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you).
1/11/201829 minutes, 4 seconds
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#3 - Top 2 Dating Tips to Solve (Kinda) All Your Problems

Sharing my TOP 2 “holy grail” tips for dating! So what do you do when are in to someone and they reject you? If you really want to be more rejection-proof, or stop fixating on someone who just doesn’t want you back, LISTEN UP.   Accompanying Blog Post:   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe if you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
1/11/201829 minutes, 23 seconds
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#2 - Getting Friendly With the Future

Do you like thinking and talking about the future? For the longest time I really, really didn’t. When I finally started getting friendly with the future and thinking about where I wanted to be, the path started becoming clearer  . . . almost constructed brick by brick. You have to be the one to lay down the first few bricks. You have to get friendly with your future, and actively participate, or life might throw an earthquake into the mix. Let’s be brave and get friendly with the future, shall we? Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungcoTwitter @AMYoungster Rate, Review, Subscribe   if you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
1/9/201825 minutes, 22 seconds
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#1 - What Are You Avoiding?

What is the thing you are avoiding? Is there something in your life you don’t want to talk about or dig in to? It could be a situation, a relationship, or maybe even a feeling you don’t want to feel. Maybe you’ve put this “thing” under lock and key, because it feels like it could be even more damaging to open the door than to keep it closed. But if we crack the door open, and walk inside? We might actually begin to feel some relief. Don’t be afraid to face the hard stuff, crack the door open, and peek inside! What might you find? Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungcoTwitter @AMYoungster Rate, Review, Subscribe if you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
1/9/201826 minutes, 17 seconds
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What's Up and Welcome!

Happy Birthday Podcast! You are one episode old. Welcome to Just What You Needed, a podcast with me, life and love coach, Amy Young! I’ll be dropping episodes every Tuesday and Thursday for Season 1; make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a moment of the audio action.   Sometimes we just need a fresh perspective, a reminder of kindness, or something sorta unexpected to feel a little lighter, a lot less alone, and even clearer on our next steps. That’s what this podcast is: an opportunity to connect on life with empathy, realness, and humor. Creating this podcast has been (and will be!) an ongoing process, and I am so excited to be inviting you in on the journey. Yippee skippy.   Let’s Connect Learn more about me at Instagram @amyyoungco Twitter @AMYoungster   Rate, Review, Subscribe (will link to Itunes once we have it) if you have questions about working with me, a burning podcast request, or want to share something personal that’s intended for my eyes only, you can email me at I will always respond when I can!
12/19/201715 minutes, 44 seconds