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Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 374 episodes, 3 days, 12 hours, 28 minutes
With 7+ million downloads, the Inspirational Living podcast offers motivational broadcasts for the mind, body, and spirit. If you want to find a free online life coach, look no further than the most motivational self-help authors of the past. Each podcast is edited & adapted from the books and essays of classic inspirational writers, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Helen Keller, Booker T. Washington, James Allen, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Orison Swett Marden, Neville Goddard, and Frederick Douglass, as well as self-development authors who have largely been lost to history but deserve to be re-discovered again and enjoyed. Subscribe to our inspirational podcast to receive new free podcasts every week. Live up to the potential of your highest self. Support us on Patreon for full transcripts and access to the series Our Sunday Talks:
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Happiness: Making the World a Better Place to Live In

Listen to a sample episode Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Be Good to Yourself by Orison Swett Marden, published in 1910.Podcast Excerpt: All through the Bible are passages which show that love is a health-tonic and actually lengthens life. This is because Love is harmony, and harmony prolongs life, just as fear, jealousy, envy, and discord shorten it.There is no doubt that those who are filled with the spirit of love — whose sympathies and tenderness are not confined to their immediate relatives and friends, but reach out to every member of the human family — live longer and more richly than the selfish and pessimistic....Our Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/4/20246 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to Be the Best & Receive the Best

Listen to episode 875 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: How to Be the Best and Receive the Best. Edited and adapted from The Ideal Made Real by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The first essential is to create a cheerful world in the imagination. Picture in your mind the brightest states of existence that you can think of, and impress joy upon your mind at all times. Feel joy, think joy, and make every action of mind and body thrill with joy — before long you will have created the subconscious foundation of joy, and when this is done cheerfulness and brightness will become permanent elements within yourself. --------Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/1/202412 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Attract the Good Things of Life

Listen to episode 874 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: How to Attract the Good Things of Life. Edited and adapted from The Ideal Made Real by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When things are not to your liking, like them as they are. In other words, while you are working for greater things, make friends with the lesser things, and they will help you to reach your goal. The person who is dissatisfied with things as they are, and discontented because things are not to their liking, is standing in their own way. We cannot get away from present conditions so long as we antagonize those conditions — because we are held in bondage to that which we resist. --------Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/30/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Power of Doing the Right Thing | Our Sunday Talks

Listen to a sample episode Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from How to Be Happy by Grace Gold, published in 1893.Podcast Excerpt: There is a phrase we often hear when standing up for what is right: "Consider the consequences!" That is the devil's argument. Leave consequences to God, but do the right. Even if friends abandon you, do the right. Be genuine, real, sincere, and up-right. The world's maxim is to trim your sails and yield to circumstances. But if you would do any good for the world, you must be made of sterner stuff, and help make your times rather than be made by them.Our Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/28/20244 minutes, 58 seconds
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Using the Amazing Power of Your Sub-Conscious Mind

Listen to episode 873 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Amazing Power of Your Sub-Conscious Mind. Edited and adapted from Within You is the Power by Henry Thomas Hamblin.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: A good way of starting the use of the sub-conscious mind is to hold the problem in your mind just as you are going to sleep. There must not be any attempt made to solve the problem or worry over it.Instead, the main facts of the issue, on both sides, must be organized, and the case presented to the sub-conscious mind in much the same way as you would place it before a lawyer. Having done this...Our Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/25/202412 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Use Your Inner Power | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 872 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Use Your Inner Power. Edited and adapted from Find and Use Your Inner Power by Emmet Fox.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The moment you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, you should reject it instantly. Immediately switch your attention to something positive, something rejuvenating. Do not stop to say “good- bye” to the error thought, but break the connection instantly, and occupy your mind with good; you will be surprised how many difficulties will begin to melt away out of your life. Our Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/23/202412 minutes, 41 seconds
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Living on the Heights | Our Sunday Talks

Listen to a sample episode Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from On the Heights by Christian D. Larson, published in 1908.Podcast Excerpt: When we transcend the world of things, and begin to live on the borderland of the splendor and immensity of the cosmic world, we discover that the vision of our soul was true. Those lofty realms that we have dreamed of so often, and so long, are dreams no more. We find those realms to be real. The prophetic visions of our sublime moments are fulfilled. And our joy is great beyond measure.------------Become our patron and get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/21/20245 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Sure Cure For Unhappiness in Life

Listen to episode 871 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Sure Cure for Unhappiness. Edited and adapted from Character and Happiness by Alvin Edwin Magary.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Blessed is the woman and man who really knows what they want, and who bravely sets themselves on a course to get it. You will be surprised to discover (when you consider the matter) that there are many good things in the world that you can very well do without. Every time you cross off something that you consider not essential to your happiness, your chance of happiness increases. -----------Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/18/202411 minutes, 58 seconds
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Say Goodbye To Your Fears | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 870 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Say Goodbye to Your Fears. Edited and adapted from Peace, Power, and Plenty by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The worst waste of energy in human life is caused by that fatal habit of anticipating evil, of fearing what the future has in store for us. And under no circumstances can the fear or worry be justified by the situation, for it is always an imaginary one, utterly groundless and without foundation. What we fear is invariably something that has not yet happened. It does not exist; hence is not a reality.-----------Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/16/202411 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Harmony of Science and Religion

Listen to a sample episode Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from All’s Right with the World by Charles B. Newcomb.Podcast Excerpt: We have heard much of the so called "conflict" between science and religion. But there can be no disharmony between true science and true religion. The conflict is always between false science and religion, or between science and "superstition," which is false religion.------------Become our patron and get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Factor 75 and use my code living50 for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/14/202416 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Make the Most of Your Opportunities

Listen to episode 869 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Make the Most Your Opportunities. Edited and adapted from As Others (Ithers) See Us by John Thomas Huddle.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Some people seem to be preordained to be lucky and successful, regardless of what they do, and others preordained to be failures, no matter how hard they try. This is all wrong. There is no such thing as luck. The law of every kingdom of the universe is "as we sow, so shall we reap."-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/11/202412 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Secret of a Great Life | Spiritual Podcasts

Listen to episode 868 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Secret of the Great Life | Spiritual Podcasts. Edited and adapted from In the Light of the Spirit by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: We are not here to drift with the stream or to fold our arms passively and say that we will let the best come to pass. The truth is, that if there be anything we want, we must work for it. If we wish to make life ideal, we must make it so ourselves. The things we desire do not come to us simply through mere passivity or expectation. We are living in an imperfect world, a world which is in the process of growth; therefore, we meet undeveloped conditions on every side...-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/9/202415 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Power of Physical Poise | Sunday Talks

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Growth in Silence, the Undertone of Life by Susanna Cocroft, published in 1917.Podcast Excerpt: There can be no true harmony of existence unless we have poise — unless our physical, mental, and moral forces are in proper balance. There are latent possibilities in every nature which become potent with new thoughts, new aspirations, new ideals — when we meet the emergencies in life with a sense of power within, of capability to grapple with difficulties and overcome them.------------Become our patron and get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/7/202414 minutes, 18 seconds
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Winning the Challenge of Life | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 867 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Winning the Challenge of Life. Edited and adapted from The Challenge of Life by Charles Forrest Moore.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When I look back over the years of my eventful, if yet unprofitable, life, I believe that not a single day nor hour of it has been lived in strict accordance with my original intent. I have not only been surprised by the repeated changes in my plans, but I have been startled as well by the swiftness and completeness of their reversals. It has been the exception, rather than the rule, when I actually have been able to accomplish the things I set out to do, and at the time and in the manner I meant to.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/4/202411 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Best of Your Life is Yet to Be! | Happy New Year

Listen to episode 866 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Best of Your Life is Yet to Be! Edited and adapted from Life’s Byways and Waysides by J.R. Miller.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The best of life is yet to be! And the way to reach the better things is by forgetting the things that are behind us, and to always reach forward to the things which are ahead.Of course, there is a proper use to be made of our past. We should remember the lessons we have learned from past experience, so as to profit by our mistakes, and avoid repeating them. The true science of living is ...Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/2/202412 minutes, 32 seconds
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Embracing Your Life & Destiny | New Year's Eve Podcast

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from The Heart of New Thought by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, published in 1902.Podcast Excerpt: NEVER say that you wish your situation were different! Never wish you had some other person's life, troubles, or worries. Accept your own as a working basis, the life that is best for you. Then go ahead and change whatever displeases you. Remember that you are the maker and molder of your own destiny. You do not recall the fact, but you brought about the present conditions of your destiny in .....------------Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/31/20234 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Choose Your Life's Road | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 865 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Choose Your Life’s Road. Edited and adapted from The Call of the Upper Road by Kathrine Ross Logan.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: All roads start from where you are. They run in all directions, and you may wonder which is the best road to take. All have a way of their own of inviting you, and each has its own particular enticements. Roads seem to know you and expect you. They keep open for you both day and night. But there is a big difference in the roads, and it is most important that you choose the best.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/28/202310 minutes, 53 seconds
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Live a Life Worthy of Immortality

Listen to episode 864 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Live a Life Worthy of Immortality. Edited and adapted from Making a Life by Cortland Myers.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: A noble purpose is life's guarding, guiding angel. It alone can take us safely through a lion's den. In one hand it holds safety, and in the other success. A high ideal is a lever under your life, and means the elevation of your character. The person who is satisfied with their first effort, or their first step, or their first attainment, never reaches greatness.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/26/202313 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Gift of Appreciation | A Christmas Eve Podcast

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Evening Round Up by William Crosbie Hunter. Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. Today I would like to share with you an episode of the Our Sunday Talks series which we offer to our patrons.It’s a useful reminder that one of the greatest gifts that we can give to a friend, family member, or loved one is a few words (be it in a letter or face to face) expressing how much that other person means to you. It was edited and adapted from Evening Round Up by William Crosbie Hunter, published in 1915.....------------Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/24/20237 minutes, 23 seconds
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Embracing Change & A Joyful Future | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 863 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Embracing Change & A Joyful Future. Edited & adapted from The Wonders of Life by Ida Luella Rettinghouse Lyon.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When you begin to help yourself by doing what you can in your own way, you will find help as you progresses — help that will come in unexpected ways, and as you need it. Disasters must, necessarily, overtake us. There are storms in the psychological, as well as in the physical, life. But there is a purpose in the intensity of feeling which such mental disturbances awaken. They serve to prepare the soul for the happiness which is to follow. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/21/202314 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Secret of Financial Success

Listen to episode 862 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Secret of Financial Success. Edited and Adapted from Three lectures on "The Laws of Financial Success" by B.F. Austin.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Financial success is won by those who dare to think big. Little thoughts, plans, and ideals beget little interest, little effort, little enthusiasm in the individual, and awaken little or no interest in the minds of others. The radical difference between the pop-corn vendor at the fair and the next Steve Jobs is in the size of their ideas and concepts. Popcorn ideas beget a popcorn life. Great ideas, projects, and enterprises rouse the soul of the individual to the effort, courage, and daring that is commensurate with grand ideas. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/19/202312 minutes, 35 seconds
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Native American Wisdom & Spirituality | Our Sunday Talks

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from The Soul of the Indian, which was written by the Native American author and physician Charles Eastman in 1911.Podcast Excerpt: THE original attitude of Native Americans toward the Eternal, the "Great Mystery" that surrounds and embraces us, was as simple as it was exalted. To them it was the supreme conception, bringing with it the fullest measure of joy and satisfaction possible in this life. The worship of the "Great Mystery" was silent, solitary, free from all self-seeking. It was silent, because all speech is of necessity feeble and imperfect; therefore the souls of my ancestors ascended to .....------------Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/17/202313 minutes, 46 seconds
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What to Do When Things Go Wrong | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 861 of the Inspirational Living podcast: When to Do When Things Go Wrong. Edited and adapted from Success Through Thought Habit by Benjamin Johnson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Once in a while, we may be placed in the trying position of not being able to blame anyone for our plight, and, as we think things over, we are forced to admit that were circumstances to be again arranged as they had been, we would do the same things all over again. Then, perhaps, we grow a little sorry for ourselves and we say — beneath our breaths — "What is the use of trying. I was just as good as I could have been for days, weeks, and months, and then this awful thing had to happen for no reason at all." Next, we may get angry, or possibly disgusted, and just in proportion to our own state of mind, does the outlook continue to look worse and worse until soon dull despair settles down in great chunks of gloom. "What is the remedy?" you ask. There is only one....-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/14/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Power of a Joyful Heart | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 860 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of a Joyful Heart | Happiness Podcasts. Edited and adapted from A Book of Friendly Thoughts by Nixon Waterman.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Many centuries ago that wise and admirable philosopher, Epictetus, discovered that "happiness is not in strength, or wealth, or power; or all three. It lies in ourselves, in true freedom, in the conquest of every ignoble fear, in perfect self-government, in a power of contentment and peace, and the even flow of life — even in poverty, exile, disease and the very valley of the shadow." --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/12/202314 minutes, 17 seconds
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How NOT to Deal With Sorrow | Sunday Talks

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from “Self-Control: It’s Kingship & Majesty” by William George Jordan Podcast Excerpt: Most people sympathize too much with themselves. They take themselves as a single sentence isolated from the great text of life. They study themselves too much as separated from the rest of humanity, instead of being vitally connected with their fellow men and women. There are some people who surrender to sorrow as others give way to dissipation. There is a vain pride of sorrow, as well as of beauty. Most individuals have a strange glow of vanity in looking back upon their past and feeling that few others in life have suffered such trials, hardships, and disappointments as have come to them.------------Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/10/202312 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Eternal Wisdom of Henry Ward Beecher

Listen to episode 859 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Eternal Wisdom of Henry Ward Beecher. Edited from the works of Henry Ward Beecher.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: “‎Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard taskmaster to yourself — and be lenient to everybody else.”“No person can tell whether they are rich or poor by turning to their bank book. It is in the heart that riches lie. You are rich according to what you are, not according to what he have.”--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/7/202310 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Transformative Power of Love & Service

Listen to episode 858 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Transformative Power of Love & Service. Edited and adapted from Love’s Way by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: We must touch other lives or lose power. We are so constituted that a thousand relations with our community are necessary for our largest development, our completest life. When we cut ourselves off from the common life, we cut off a great many currents of power, close many avenues of interrelation which bring strength and rich experience. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/5/202314 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Magic Mirror of Your Life | Sunday Talks

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from You Can, But Will You? By Orison Swett Marden.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: “There is a legend of a wonderful magic mirror which people used to journey from all parts of the world to look into. This mirror was supposed to give them back a picture of themselves as they really were, not as they (or as their friends or enemies) thought they were. Once upon a time, a person who looked into the magic mirror...”------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/3/202312 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Power of Always Being Thorough

Listen to episode 857 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Power of Being Thorough. Edited and adapted from The Mastery of Destiny by James Allen.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: THOROUGHNESS consists in doing little things as though they were the greatest things in the world. That the little things of life are of primary importance, is a truth not generally understood. And the thought that little things can be neglected and thrown aside is at the root of that lack of thoroughness which is so common and results in imperfect work and unhappy lives.------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/30/202313 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Start the Day for Success

Listen to episode 856 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Start the Day for Success. Edited and adapted from Nerve Control and How to Gain It by H.Addington Bruce.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Most people take it for granted that it doesn’t matter how they get out of bed. Actually, getting out of bed can greatly aid both your health and efficiency. Recently this has been rightly emphasized by Doctor L. F. Fuld, a celebrated promoter of healthy living for business people. Here is his formula for getting out of bed to best advantage....------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/28/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Power of Optimism to Transform Your Life

Listen to episode 855 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of Optimism to Transform Your Life. Adapted from the essay Optimism by Helen Keller.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Once I knew the depth where no hope was, and darkness lay on the face of all things. Then love came and set my soul free. Once I knew only darkness and stillness. Now I know hope and joy. Once I fretted and beat myself against the wall that shut me in. Now I rejoice in the consciousness that I can think, act, and attain heaven here on earth. ------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/26/202314 minutes, 40 seconds
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Turning Solitude Into Abundance | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 854 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Turning Solitude Into Abundance. Edited and adapted from Happiness Road by Alice Hegan Rice.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Each of us rules over an uncharted kingdom of untold possibilities, which has but one subject: that is you, yourself. Yet in this vast solitude we are never alone, for through it all the wisdom of the world has passed. Here poets have glimpsed dreams of immortal beauty; musicians have first heard divine harmonies; painters have conceived their loftiest compositions. ------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/25/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Be Truly Free & Happy | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 853 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Be Truly Free & Happy. Edited and adapted from Youth and Opportunity by Thomas Tapper.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When our tongues are tied we cannot speak; when our hands are tied we cannot labor; when our feet are tied we cannot travel. If we lived under a tyrant who, with little warning, tied our tongue, hands, and feet, and made us helpless, we should rebel and fight for freedom. And yet we live under just such a tyrant; or, rather, a family of tyrants, who not only tie our tongues, hands, and feet, but our ability, perseverance, happiness, and pleasures of life.These tyrants are Fear, Worry, Suspicion, Hatred & Co.....------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/23/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Becoming a Powerful Co-Creator of Your World

Listen to episode 852 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Finding Your Place in the World. Edited and adapted from Concentration: The Key to Constructive Thought by C. W. Kyle.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is a place for every human being in the world — a special place and a special work for each one of us to do; a work which no other person can do; a work that is essentially and wholly connected with every woman and man. To find this place in the world and to come to know the lessons that are best for you to learn, is a necessary step toward making a success of your life. ------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/21/202313 minutes, 31 seconds
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How To Start Living a Life of Joy | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 851 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Start Living a Joyful Life Today. Adapted from The Ideal Made Real by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Whatever comes, or whatever you meet, or whatever you are called upon to do, proceed with peace and joy. Be glad that you have the opportunity to prove your own power, and thus elevate yourself thereby. Be supremely happy to know that you may change many things for the better through this attitude, and thus bless the lives of many.------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/19/202313 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Keys to a Noble & Successful Life

Listen to episode 850 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Keys to a Noble and Successful Life. Edited and adapted from Gaining the Round Above by Gustavus S. Kimball.Inspirational Podcast Transcript: Remember that it is OPPORTUNITY that makes you and your fortune, provided you have learned how to take advantage of the opportunity. Opportunity comes sooner or later to everyone, but rare is the person who is ready to seize it. It is not luck or natural brilliancy which puts one individual so far ahead in places of trust and honor. You will find they achieved their success by educated and well-directed energy. -------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. Get your special offer by visiting: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/18/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Build a Real Heroic Life | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 849 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Build a Real Heroic Life | Motivational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Work by Hugh Black.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Life, after all, is largely a matter of detail. It is filled up to all of us with its routine of small duties and usual tasks and trivial acts. An hour is made up of moments; a day is made up of hours; life is made up of days. The number of our days is the extent of our life; and the character of our days is the character of our life. -------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. Get your special offer by visiting: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/16/202314 minutes, 58 seconds
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How Your Thoughts Create Your Life | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 848 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How Your Thoughts Create Your Life. Edited and adapted from “The Message of New Thought” by Abel Allen.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Thoughts of health, thoughts of joy, thoughts of kindness, bring joy and health to the one who entertains them and sends them forth. If we think ourselves inherently bad, we shall reap the fruits of that thought. If we conceive of ourselves as weak and unworthy, we shall develop those qualities and actualize them in our daily lives. If we recognize divine attributes as our inheritance, we shall grow into the likeness of those attributes. -------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. Get your special offer by visiting: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/14/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Getting in Touch with the Real You | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, How to Stay Well by Christian D. Larson, published in 1912.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: We generally say "I have a soul” although the correct statement is "I am a soul." The cause of this mistake is found in the fact that the ordinary person is only conscious of the surface. To them the outer person is the only real person, because they are not conscious of the deeper and more permanent principles of their being. They, therefore, think of the objective person as the true self. But when the mind begins to....-------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. Get your special offer by visiting: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/12/20235 minutes, 36 seconds
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Living a Life of Inspiration, Happiness & Consequence

Listen to episode 847 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Living a Life of Inspiration, Happiness & Consequence. Edited and adapted from Right Living by Susan H. Wixon.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: What is it to live? Is it simply to eat, drink, and be merry? Is it to learn a little, here and there; to laugh and play; to sleep, weep, toil, and battle from day to day, and from year to year for food and shelter? Is it to bend every energy to the acquirement of wealth, fame, or position?Life is more than that. It has larger uses. It contains greater and grander results. It holds.....-------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. Get your special offer by visiting: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/9/202313 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Most Inspiring Words of C.S. Lewis

Listen to episode 846 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Most Inspiring Words of C.S. Lewis. Edited and adapted from the works of C.S. Lewis.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: “Reality is not neat, not obvious, not what you expect… You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.”“Do not dare not to dare… Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success.”-------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. Get your special offer by visiting: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/7/202312 minutes, 17 seconds
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Understanding Your Higher & Lower Self

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: There belongs to every human being a higher self and a lower self — a self of the spirit which has been growing for ages, and a self of the body, which is but a thing of yesterday. The higher self is full of prompting ideas, suggestions, and aspiration. This it receives of the Supreme Power....Our Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/5/202314 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Keep Young, Energetic, and Growing!

Listen to episode 845 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Keep Young, Energetic & Growing. Edited and adapted from The Road to Seventy Years Young, or The Unhabitual Way by Emily Mulkin Bishop.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Remember that our years, rightly lived, should bring a multiplication, not a relinquishment, of interests. Even that which is very familiar contains something new for us if our senses are not dimmed. The musical scale has only eight fundamental notes. Yet every piece of music illustrates a new use of the old — from new combinations arise new harmonies. Surely, this world (and its wonders and mysteries) are sufficient to hold our interest for a lifetime....-------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. Get your special offer by visiting: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/2/202317 minutes, 23 seconds
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Building the Powerful Habit of Positive Thinking

Listen to episode 844 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Building the Powerful Habit of Positive Thinking. Edited and adapted from “Success Through Thought Habit” by Benjamin Johnson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To build and maintain desirable qualities of mind, you must begin right now, this minute, to use every constructive faculty you have and to check carelessness in your speech, as well as in your thought — for in fact, you could not express yourself at all unless the brain first gave the signal. -------------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. Get your special offer by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out Shopify: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/31/202313 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Poet Rumi & The Wisdom of Love

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from the works of Rumi.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: A lover wants only to be in love’s presence. The real beloved is that one who is unique, who is your beginning and your end.Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation. In fact, my soul and yours are the same. You appear in me — I in you. We hide in each other.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/29/202312 minutes, 41 seconds
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How the Law of Attraction Really Works

Listen to episode 843 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How the Law of Attraction Really Works. Adapted from the book Dynamic Thought by Henry Thomas Hamblin.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There has been a lot of nonsense written and spoken about the Law of Attraction. People have been taught that all they need to do is to adopt a certain mental attitude, think thoughts of success and abundance, and then sit and wait for the abundance of all good things to drop from the skies at their feet. The folly of it is seen when we find that these teachers of "abundance" and "opulence" have to work for a living — by teaching the very thing which, if true, would save them from all the necessity of working.---------------------Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping.Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/26/202316 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Law that Guarantees Success | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 842 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Law that Guarantees Success | Inspiring Podcasts. Edited and adapted from the work of Gardner Hunting.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Anything we ever achieve is accomplished by our knowledge of some kind of law. Health, wealth, happiness, success, prosperity, freedom! Anything you want literally will come to you if you will obey its laws just as literally as you obey the law of gravitation.The secret of getting what you want lies in obeying the law governing getting what you want. What is that law? ...---------------------Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping.Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/24/202314 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Best Thing to Have in the World

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from The Royal Path of Life by T.L. Haines and L.W. Yaggy.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: An old philosopher once bade his scholars to consider what the best thing to possess was. One student said that there was nothing better than a liberal and contented disposition. Another said a good companion was the best thing in the world. A third said a good neighbor was the best thing a person could desire; and a fourth said the ability to foresee things to come - that is, to be wise. But at last a student named Joshua said....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/22/202311 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Secret to Getting What You Want From Life

Listen to episode 841 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Secret to Getting What You Want From Life. Edited and adapted from the writings of Gardner Hunting.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Why not have what you want? Have you settled down with a notion that you can't get it? Are you accepting a disappointment as something you must suffer through? Do you look at the thing that you really desire as being far beyond your reach? Well, before you give it all up as hopeless, won't you just hear me out a little way to see if ....---------------------Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping..Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/19/202315 minutes, 53 seconds
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Finding the Best Within Yourself | Motivation Podcasts

Listen to episode 840 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Finding the Best Within Yourself. Edited and adapted from Self-Investment by Orison Swett Marden.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: There is nothing so valuable in this world as your own self-respect; and you cannot keep this if you go from one person to another trying to get help.You will be an infinitely stronger man or woman if you will just make up your mind that you are going to rely upon yourself, that you will put yourself in a position of independence.---------------------Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping..Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/17/202316 minutes, 9 seconds
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More Life Lessons From The Buddha | Wisdom Podcasts

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from the words of Gautama Buddha.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/15/202314 minutes, 20 seconds
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Love is the Secret Power of the Universe

Listen to episode 839 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Love is the Secret Power of the Universe. Edited and adapted from Man Limitless by Floyd B. Wilson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: My studies in psychology and philosophy, regarding the unfolding of the human being, have led to many experiments, proving the attractive power of Love to bring about one’s desires, hence I select this for a theme, as I feel it has been proven to be the secret force of the Universal — the light on the path to the attainment of every longing of the human heart.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/12/202313 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Mindset that Guarantees Success in Life

Listen to episode 838 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Mindset that Guarantees Success in Life. Edited and adapted from Thinking for Results by Christian D. Larson, published in 1912.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Every moment should be filled with contentment and perfect satisfaction. And every moment should ALSO be filled with a strong desire for still greater achievements. In such a mental state (where contentment and aspiration are combined), we shall find life to be a continual feast, each course being more delicious than the last. We shall also find such a life to be the path to perpetual growth and continuous joy....---------------------Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months.Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/10/202316 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Most Inspiring Thoughts of Osho | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from the works of Osho.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: “Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny, something to fulfill, some message that has to be delivered, some work that has to be completed. You are not here accidentally — you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The universe intends to do something through you.”Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/8/202310 minutes, 29 seconds
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Accomplishing Your Purpose in Life | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 837 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Accomplishing Your Purpose in Life. Edited and adapted from Ambition and Success by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To hold the conviction that you are in the world for a purpose is a powerful tonic — to know that you are here to help, that you have a part to perform which no one else can play, because everyone else has their own part to fill in the great drama of life. If you do not play your role, there will thus be something lacking in the world. ---------------------Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months.Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/5/202312 minutes, 19 seconds
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You Were Made to Climb Higher | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 836 of the Inspirational Living podcast: You Were Made to Climb Higher | Success Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Ambition and Success by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: No matter in what business you may be, or what your profession is, your prime ambition should be to attain a high-water mark in it. The love of excellence is the lodestar that leads the world onward. It is what makes not only the successful business person or professional, but also the all-round successful person in any line of endeavor.---------------------Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months.Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/3/202312 minutes, 32 seconds
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Creed of The Dauntless | Courage for Life

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Creed of The Dauntless by Frank B. Whitney, published in 1931.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: I BELIEVE in Love, Truth, and Life. I believe that the truth of my being is mighty enough to lift me out of ignorance, falsehood, and superstition.I believe in my higher self, my Divine self! I believe that this Divine self, which was implanted within me at the beginning, is now coming forth, casting out all that is unlike itself and manifesting its fullness and perfection.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/1/20239 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Smile at Life | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 835 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Smile at Life | Happiness Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Creed of the Dauntless by Frank B. Whitney.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Do you know those who smile at life? Have you wondered how they do it? Have you wanted to be one of them? How refreshing it is (after listening to those who believe that the world is growing worse) to find the person who rejoices to be alive! ....---------------------Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months.Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/28/202315 minutes, 38 seconds
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Your Thoughts Have Great Power | Success Talks

Listen to episode 834 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Your Thoughts Have Great Power | Success Talks. Edited and adapted from Making the Grade by C.V. Mosby.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Individual thinking makes for progress. I do not believe in fatalism. We are always the master of our destiny. We are what we are by our own acts. And by our own acts we change our environment and our condition in life. We rise or fall, win or lose, overcome difficulties or succumb to them, just as we choose.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/26/202314 minutes, 41 seconds
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Adapting Ourselves to Life & Other People

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Mightier Than Circumstance by Frank B. Whitney, published in 1939.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: The study of Divine wisdom will either make us more adaptable to situations and more friendly in our relations with others (because we discover the unity of our humanity), or else it will fail in its purpose for a time and cause us to be introverts, given to abnormal introspection, inclined to hold ourselves apart from the world about us.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/24/20236 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Proven Way to Truth, Success & Happiness

Listen to episode 833 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Proven Way to Truth, Success & Happiness. Edited and adapted from A Way of Life by Sir William Osler.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: I simply wish to point out a path in which the wayfaring soul, though a fool, cannot err. Not a system to be worked out painfully, only to be discarded; not a formal scheme; simply a habit as easy or as hard to adopt as any other habit, good or bad. For life IS a habit: a succession of actions that become more or less automatic. This great truth, which lies at the basis of all actions, is the keystone of the teaching of .....-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/21/202314 minutes, 13 seconds
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Taking a Heroic Attitude Towards Life | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 832 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Taking a Heroic Attitude Towards Life. Edited and adapted from Love’s Way by Orison Swett Marden.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Never was there a greater mistake than to think that heroism, courage, and daring, are confined to the field of battle. It doesn't matter what post we are assigned to in the battle of life, we have an opportunity to do heroic things every day. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/19/202314 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Secret of Achieving True Greatness

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from All These Things Added by James Allen, published in 1902.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: Goodness, simplicity, greatness — these three are one, and this trinity of perfection cannot be separated. All greatness springs from goodness, and all goodness is profoundly simple. Without goodness there is no greatness. Some people pass through the world as destructive forces, like the tornado or the avalanche, but they are not great. They are to greatness as the avalanche is to the mountain. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/17/202312 minutes, 24 seconds
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Start Elevating Your Ambitions | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 831 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Start Elevating Your Ambitions. Edited and adapted from Ambition and Success by Orison Swett Marden.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is little hope for the person who feels satisfied with themselves, who does not know, “the noble discontent that stirs the acorn to become an oak.” It is our ambition to improve something somewhere every day, to get a little further on and a little higher up than we were the day before — an insatiable passion for bettering things all along the line — that is the secret of human progress. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/14/202314 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Art of Eloquence | Powerful Speaking

Listen to episode 830 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Art of Eloquence | Speaking Powerfully. Edited and adapted from Personal Efficiency by James Samuel Knox.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months..Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Very few people have ever been taught how to talk well, how to express themselves effectively. Yet every person would greatly profit by a good course of instruction in public speaking — for as Elbert Hubbard once said: “Truth badly spoken dies and dries and blows away, while a lie well launched sometimes lives for ages."-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/12/202311 minutes, 6 seconds
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We Must Always Keep Growing Our Minds

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Message of New Thought by Abel Allen, published in 1914.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: No individual can convey their thoughts, ideas, and impressions entire to another. Language, either written or spoken, is but a symbol, and at best an imperfect vehicle to convey thought. The meaning of truth is deflected in its transmission. “Thought is deeper than speech; feeling deeper than thought; souls to souls can never teach what to themselves is taught.”Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/10/20235 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Secret of the Midas Touch (Good Fortune)

Listen to episode 829 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Secret of the Midas Touch (Good Fortune). Edited and adapted from Mightier than Circumstance by Frank B. Whitney, published in 1939.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping of a delicious, homemade meal kit.Podcast Excerpt: Do you know people who have the habit of succeeding in whatever they undertake? Don’t they seem to cultivate the habit of success, just as others seem to cultivate the habit of failure? And yet, have you ever thought of success as a habit that YOU can acquire? -----------------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/7/202316 minutes, 17 seconds
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The One Sure Cure for All Bad Habits

Listen to episode 828 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The One Sure Cure for All Bad Habits. Edited and adapted from How to Develop Your Will Power by Clare Tree Major, published in 1920.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping of a delicious, homemade meal kit.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Never fear failure.To fear it is to invite it. Continually assert your own real mastery over any habit you wish to change. The belief in your own powers will correspondingly lessen your faith in the strength of the habit you are overcoming. There is but one sure and general cure for all bad habits: that is ...-----------------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/5/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Find Happiness in Returning Good for Evil

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Dollars and Sense by William Crosbie Hunter, published in 1907.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Podcast Excerpt: Remember that doing good is planting seeds.The harvest may not show at present but in the future you are going to reap it. You are paid back precisely in the same coin you pay out. If you plant weeds or mean impulses the harvest will be weeds and mean impulses. If you plant seeds of good deeds you will harvest good deeds. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/3/20235 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Great Secret of Successful People

Follow our new X/twitter account to discover the real Thailand and Sakon Nakhon, the home of the Inspirational Living podcast: Podcast Excerpt: Are you scared of your own best ideas? One of the things that often prevents us from seizing the NOW is a certain timidity in the face of our own inspiration. We're often a little bit afraid of our ideas when they first occur to us. They may seem novel or farfetched. There's no doubt about it: It does take a certain boldness to step out on an untested idea. Yet it's exactly this kind of boldness that often produces the most spectacular results. ----Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping of a delicious, homemade meal kit.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/31/202315 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Ambitious Determination to Succeed | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 826 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The ambitious Determination to Succeed. Edited and adapted from Stepping Stones to Success by Horace D. Hitchcock.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping of a delicious, homemade meal kit.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: "It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back," but each straw helps. Your success may seem a long way off, but each step forward (and none backward) will help to bring you nearer. Your goal, whatever your ambition, may seem as a giant mountain, to the top of which seems as an endless climb; but when it is reached how sweet is the rest, and what a pleasure it is to look back over the long, winding road up the steep incline! -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/29/202315 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Uplift Others & Ourselves | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 825 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Uplift Others and Ourselves. Edited and adapted from A Life of Character by J.R. Miller, published in 1894.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping of a delicious, homemade meal kit.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: It is better to have eyes for beauty — than for blemish. It is better to be able to see the roses — than the thorns. It is better to have learned to look for things to commend in others — than for things to condemn. Of course other people have faults, and we are not blind. But then we have faults of our own, and this should make us charitable.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/24/202312 minutes, 31 seconds
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The 5 Principles of a Truly Happy & Successful Life

Listen to episode 824 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The 5 Principles of a Truly Happy & Successful Life. Edited and adapted from Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping of a delicious, homemade meal kit.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: It is wise to know what comes first, and what to do first. To begin anything in the middle or at the end is to make a muddle of it. The athlete who begins by breaking the tape would not receive the prize. They must begin by facing the starter and toeing the mark — and even then a good start is important if they are to win. The first things in a sound life (and therefore in a truly happy and successful life) are right principles....-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/22/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Strength & Poise to Handle Any Situation

Listen to episode 823 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Strength & Poise to Handle Any Situation. Edited and adapted from Making the Grade by C.V. Mosby.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping of a delicious, homemade meal kit.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Every person is the pilot on their ship down the River of Time. You must steer carefully and be at the wheel constantly. Indecision, impatience, cowardice means loss of control, and then you are on the rocks. Perfect balance, careful judgment, and an understanding of values gives one poise and enables the voyage to be made without mishap. Training for poise is one of the great businesses of life. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/17/202313 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Power of Imagination & Cure for Fear

Listen to episode 822 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Imagination Rules the World | Habits of Mind. Edited and adapted from Stepping Stones to Success by Horace D. Hitchcock.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping of a delicious, homemade meal kit.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: "Imagination rules the world,” said Napoleon, and it is true that this quality of mind has been a notable factor in the success of all great men and women. Each one of us possesses the quality in some degree, and it should be cultivated.A common understanding of imagination implies its relation to something fanciful, unreal, impossible — as in the case of the imagination of a novelist. But all imagination is based on actualities. Exaggerated imaginations often produce improbabilities, but they are never wholly lacking in possibilities.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/15/202313 minutes, 47 seconds
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Gaining the Right Perspective on Life

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Creed of the Dauntless by Frank B. Whitney, published in 1931.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Our Sunday Talks Excerpt: Have you gained the right perspective on life? Are you able to take the right mental view of a situation? Can you look at the little circumstances of the day and see all things in their right proportion? The word "perspective" is defined as (quote) "the interrelation of parts in a subject being viewed; the aspect of an object from a particular standpoint." We gain the right perspective when we reach that point of view in which we see all things in their true proportion. With this point of view, we do not exaggerate the importance of insignificant matters; we do not see persons and things out of proportion in their relation to ourselves.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/13/20239 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Overcome Fatigue & Refresh Your Life

Listen to episode 821 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Overcome Fatigue & Refresh Your Life. Edited and adapted from Nerve Control and How to Gain It by H. Addington Bruce.Visit our sponsor. Go to for 50% off plus free shipping of a delicious, homemade meal kit.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: If you have work to do — as I trust you to — do your work in the right spirit. That is, do it gladly, recognizing work for what it really is, one of the greatest blessings of existence. Often we hear people say, "I wish I did not have to work at all." If they had their wish, they soon would regret it. For they would discover, as thousands have done, that entirely to abstain from work means mental and physical ill-health. People must work if they would keep well. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/10/202313 minutes, 22 seconds
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The 4 Ways to Power Your Ambition

Listen to episode 820 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The 4 Ways to Power Your Ambition. Edited and adapted from Stepping Stones to Success by Horace D. Hitchcock.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The world is a world of variation and change. Each stone, plant, animal, and human being is a unit in itself. But human beings (with our physical, mental, and moral qualities) are a world in ourselves, capable of mastering the things of nature in a manner that will bring us health, happiness, and contentment. How can you cultivate your ambition? The same way you would cultivate a plant — by giving it nourishment and forcing it to grow up as destined by its own nature. The methods of cultivation you can use may be outlined as follows....---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/8/202314 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to Live a Larger & More Abundant Life

Listen to episode 819 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Live a Larger, More Abundant Life. Edited an adapted Thinking for Results by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The attitude of kindness is one of the greatest states of mind. Kindness enlarges our inner awareness, thus promoting the enlargement and expression of life. It also creates the tendency to give one's best, and there is nothing that brings forth greater life and power so quickly and completely as giving your best in all things and at all times. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/3/202314 minutes, 43 seconds
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Self-Reliance & Self-Respect: Better than Fame or Gold

Listen to episode 818 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Self-Reliance & Self-Respect: Better than Fame or Gold. Edited and adapted from Right Living by Susan H. Wixon.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: One of the finest qualities of such a person is self-control. To be able, under the most trying circumstances, to command one's self, to be always able to say to the rising passions of anger, jealousy, fear, or any emotion, "Peace, be still," is a great power. We are in the world to make the most of ourselves, and our opportunities. And in order to do this, we should acquire as early as possible, control over ourselves. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/1/202314 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Get the Richest Dividends from Life

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Love's Way by Orison Swett Marden, published in 1918.Our Sunday Talks has over 250 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Our Sunday Talks Excerpt: Many of us do not realize the great value and importance of even the most trifling service unselfishly rendered a fellow being. We do not realize that the habit of kindness, of unselfishly serving another whenever we can, will not only benefit those we serve, but it will help ourselves even more. It will make our own lives richer, fuller, stronger, than the lives of the self-centered ever can be.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/30/202310 minutes
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Making the Most of Your Personal Power

Listen to episode 817 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Making the Most of Your Personal Power. Edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: The golden rule, therefore, is to keep your strong qualities in front of your eyes, so to speak, and ignore your weak ones. Do not pander to these latter ones. Treat them as if they were sources of strength, too. That is what Shakespeare means when he says, "Assume a virtue if you have it not.”Every now and then you will ask yourself how your weak faculties are improving (and if you have done your best to develop your mind and character); and you will have the satisfaction of noting an extraordinary development of strength which you never dreamed of. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/27/202314 minutes, 55 seconds
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Making the Most Out of Your Day | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 816 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Making the Most Out of Your Day. Edited and adapted from Youth and Opportunity by Thomas Tapper.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: When Alexander Pope wrote the line, "Hope springs eternal in the human breast," he expressed a truth that (considered in the fullness of its suggestion) is electrifying. With the coming of the inspiring impulse of hope, we find again open to us the doors that have shut us in. We look out over a vast field of possibility.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/25/202312 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Build Wealth Within and Without

Listen to episode 815 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Build Wealth Within and Without. Edited and adapted from The Power of Mental Demand by Herbert Edward Law.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: RICHES that are obtained under proper conditions represent not merely an accumulation of money. They develop and broaden our mental and moral forces. The love of money that is the root of all evil is the covetousness of avarice: the love of money for its own sake. When acquiring money from this motive there is no growth of larger and better power, no uplift, no rising to a wider vision. Everything that is of value as a force is capable of benefit or harm. The force of the mind can be directed either for evil or for good. Reverie and rest can easily degenerate into laziness and dreamy longings. Or they can be directed and utilized to build upon present forces and draw to us those that are beneficial. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/20/202313 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Increase Your Mental Power

Listen to episode 814 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Increase Your Mental Power. Edited and adapted from The Power of Mental Demand by Herbert Edward Law.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Transcript: It is safe to say that the average man or woman could increase their mental power thirty percent by the elimination of friction. The mere statement of this fact proves that very thoughtful, systematic, and thorough effort should be made to avoid friction in every area of life.The effort should be first to avoid it in one's self. Never permit anything to worry or irritate you. Simply make it a principle that you will not be worried, that you will not be irritated, that you will not fret nor worry, and above all, that you will not allow fear, anger, malice, or hatred to enter your mind.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/18/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Taking Control of Your Destiny | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 813 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Taking Control of Your Destiny. Edited and adapted from Realization by Elkanah M. Gibson.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: Cheerful, positive thoughts invigorate both the mind and body. They are a better tonic than any medicine. Good, pure thoughts strengthen the will, increase courage, give vitality to the brain, health to the body, and love to the heart. There are two roads open to every person. One leads to health, strength, beauty, long life, honor, and happiness; the other to sickness, sorrow, gloom, disease, and death. The allurements and temptations are many, and it requires courage and will-power to resist them....---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/13/202312 minutes, 45 seconds
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Stay in the Sunshine of Life | Healthy Living

Listen to episode 812 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Stay in the Sunshine of Life. Edited and adapted from Invincible Power by John Henry Remmers, published in 1922.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: An old man once said, "I have had many troubles in my life, but most of them never happened." Remember that. Yes, life presents its problems. It would not be worthwhile otherwise. But an overdose of seriousness magnifies them, and in this manner we are often cowed by an imaginary giant, and in the dread of our illusion, turn back on the road of progress. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/11/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Overcoming Poverty Begins with Your Mindset

Listen to episode 811 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Overcoming Poverty Begins with Your Mindset. Edited and adapted from Peace, Power & Plenty by Orison Swett Marden.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: We cannot travel toward prosperity until our mental attitude faces prosperity. As long as we look toward despair, we shall never arrive at the harbor of delight. The individual who persists in holding their mental attitude toward poverty, or who is always thinking of their hard luck and failures, cannot possibly go in the opposite direction, where the goal of prosperity lies. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/6/202313 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Gain the Victory of Life | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 810 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Gain the Victory of Life. Edited and adapted from The Call of Life by William L. White.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: The world is yearning in its anxiety for proper development, for men and women who can think real thoughts, who can thoroughly disentangle the truth from the web of falsity and chance, who can test their thoughts and deeds in the acid bath of service, and whose minds are open to inspiration from all sources, and who will go forth cheerfully to battle for the things that need to be done, and thus gain the victory of life...---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/4/202311 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Powerful Daily Meditation & More

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Dynamic Thought by Henry Thomas Hamblin.Our Sunday Talks has over 200 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Our Sunday Talks Excerpt: I am going to share with you a powerful meditation that can be used every day or twice a day if possible (once upon waking up and a second time before retiring for the night). Sit in a quiet place, relax your body, and concentrate upon these words:Within me are infinite powers seeking expression. In the past, because I did not know of their existence, they have been....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/2/20239 minutes
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The Most Thought-Provoking Words of Hermann Hesse

Listen to episode 809 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Most Thought Provoking Words of Hermann Hesse. Edited and adapted from the work of Hermann Hesse.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: You are more than just yourself; you also represent the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world's phenomena intersect, only once in this way, and never again. That is why every person’s story is important, eternal, sacred; that is why every man and woman, as long as they live and fulfill the will of nature, is a wondrous creation, and worthy of consideration.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/29/202311 minutes, 16 seconds
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Nine Tips for a Happier Life | Inspirational Life Lessons

Listen to episode 809 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Nine Tips for a Happier Life. Adapted from Helps to Happiness by the Reverend N. B. Cooksey.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: Gratitude is a due appreciation of favors received, and is an important help to happiness. There are two reasons why gratitude is necessary to human happiness: one is internal and the other is external. If we are not grateful for favors bestowed, it shows a littleness, and lack of character, that will destroy self-respect and produce a certain degree of self-condemnation.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/27/202316 minutes, 8 seconds
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Become a Force to be Reckoned With

Listen to episode 808 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Become a Force to Be Reckoned With. Edited and adapted from The Royal Path of Life by T.L. Haines & L.W. Yaggy.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: Whatever your position, you are a power; you are felt as a grand spirit; you are as one having true authority. Character creates confidence in people in every station of life. Character is also capital, and much surer to yield full returns than any other capital — for it is unaffected by panics and failures, and fruitful when all other investments lie dormant.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/22/202312 minutes, 54 seconds
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Overcoming Anger & Building a Good Temper

Listen to episode 807 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Overcoming Anger and Building a Good Temper. Edited and adapted from The Royal Path of Life by T.L. Haines & L.W. Yaggy.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: My advice is, to keep cool under all circumstances, if possible. Learn to command your feelings and act prudently in all the ordinary affairs of life. This will better prepare you to meet sudden emergencies with calmness and fortitude. If you permit your feelings to be ruffled in small matters, you will be thrown into a whirlwind when big events overtake you.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/20/202313 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Infinitely Great is Within You!

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from Life in its Fullness by Charles Thomas Parnell, published in 1922.Our Sunday Talks has over 200 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming an Inspirational Living podcast patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire ad-free archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Our Sunday Talks Excerpt: Professor William James, the great psychologist, asserted that each of us has resources of which we do not dream. He said (quote): ‘'There are infinite powers lying dormant in you, here and now — powers which, could you but catch a glimpse of, would endow your life on this planet with greater splendor, and impart to it a redoubled interest.”Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/18/20235 minutes, 33 seconds
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Mastering Your Fate & Life | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 806 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Mastering Your Fate & Destiny | Life Lessons. Edited and adapted from The Book of Business by Elbert Hubbard. Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: Courtesy, kindness, and concentration — this trinity forms the sesame that will unlock all doors. Good cheer is twin sister to good health. Prepare yourself for good work — for good work means a preparation for higher work. Success is easy. We do not ascend the mountain by standing in the valley and jumping over it. Success is only difficult for the one who is trying to lift themselves by tugging at their own boot-straps. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/15/202312 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Most Inspirational Wisdom of Plato

Listen to episode 805 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Most Inspirational Wisdom of Plato. Edited and adapted from the works of Plato.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: “We are like people looking for something they have in their hands all the time; we're looking in all directions except at the thing we want, which is probably why we haven't found it.” - Plato---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/13/202310 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Be a Happy Person | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 804 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: How to Be a Happy Person. Edited and adapted from Creed of the Dauntless by Frank B. Whitney.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: To be a happy person, you must not be passive or lazy. You must take an active hold upon life if you would possess happiness. You must not place your trust in others to make you happy. You need to find happiness beyond the world of effects, the world of personality, the world of phantoms.Where should you turn? Within yourself. The royal road points in that direction.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/8/202313 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Most Inspiring Words of Aristotle | Wisdom Podcasts

Listen to episode 803 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Most Inspiring Words of Aristotle. Edited and adapted from the works of Aristotle. Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: “Anybody can become angry — that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way — that is not within everybody's power, and it is not easy.”---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/6/20238 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Get the Most Out of Life | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 802 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Get the Most Out of Life. Edited & adapted from The Aim of Life by Philip Stafford Moxom.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: To the earnest soul, life is rich beyond price. When we think of all that we may do and become for humanity, how valuable time becomes and how short it seems! But the terms “long" and "short" have little meaning when applied to the life of the soul. We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; in feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart-throbs. The individual who most lives, thinks most, feels the noblest, and acts the best. Time misspent is not lived, but lost.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/1/202313 minutes, 41 seconds
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Living Without Fear or Anxiety | You are Powerful

Listen to episode 801 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Living Without Fear or Anxiety | You are Powerful. Edited and adapted from How to Develop Your Will Power by Clare Tree Major.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The most destructive force in the world is FEAR. Almost all failure and almost all crime can be traced to one form or another of this most prevalent evil. Fear is the father of doubt, and doubt is the murderer of success. It shows itself in many forms, from physical fear to the more subtle and dangerous forms which attack our mental life and sap our strength at its very foundation.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/30/202313 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Secret Science of Joy & Happiness

Listen to episode 800 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Secret Science of Joy & Happiness. Edited and adapted from Your Right to Be Happy, by Frank & Marion Van Eps, published in 1922.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: We must cultivate the attitude of joy and gladness — for his very state of mind is power, and it leads to effective operation and desired results. Nothing else will bring one to enjoy life, and everything in life, more than rejoicing as a persistent and cultivated attitude. It is the first step in mastering a situation. It is culture of the best kind. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/25/202315 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Navigate the Journey of Life | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 799 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Navigate the Journey of Life. Edited and adapted from The Palace of Mirrors and Other Essays by Joseph Frank Thompson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: We can either recall pleasant memories and contemplate cheerful possibilities; or we can muse upon our sad experiences and prospects that are dark and threatening. The first is evidently the way of wisdom. Yet how many people there are who do the last, thus enduring a thousand times those disappointments and heartaches which it is bad enough to have borne once.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/23/202313 minutes, 59 seconds
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Let Go of Anger & Start Living a Happy Life

Listen to episode 798 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Let Go of Anger & Start Living a Happy Life. Edited and adapted from Love’s Way by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: I have known people to carry for years feelings of bitter hatred and a desire for revenge, a determination to "get even" with those who injured them, until their whole characters were so changed that they became almost inhuman. Hatred, revenge, and jealousy are poisons just as fatal to all that is noblest in us as arsenic is fatal to the physical life. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/18/202315 minutes, 16 seconds
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If You Want to Be Happy, Do These Things

Listen to episode 797 of the Inspirational Living podcast: If You Want to Be Happy, Do These Things. Edited and adapted from The True Source of a Happy Life by Hugh Wayt.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: In the course of our lives, there are many times when thoughtless words are spoken by us which wound the hearts of others. And there are also many little occasions when a word of cheer is needed from us and we are silent. There are lives of wearisome monotony which one word of kindness can relieve. There is suffering which words of sympathy can make more endurable. And often, even in the midst of wealth and luxury, there are those who listen and long in vain for some expression of kindness.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/16/202311 minutes, 24 seconds
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You Have Unlimited Power Within You

Listen to episode 796 of the Inspirational Living podcast: You Have Unlimited Power Within You. Edited and adapted from The Secret of the Ages by Robert Collier.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The power to be what you want to be, to get what you desire, to accomplish whatever you are striving for, abides within you. It rests with you only to bring it forth and put it to work. Of course you must know how to do that, but before you can learn how to use it, you must realize that you possess this power. So our first objective is to get acquainted with this power within.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/11/202314 minutes, 23 seconds
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How to Make the Most of Life | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 795 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Make the Most of Life. Edited and adapted from Ready Money by George H. Knox.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: What is nerve? Nerve is that which enables a person to hang on and either lose everything or win out. It is undertaking more than ordinary things. It is taking big risks on one's own ability. It is holding the fort against all-comers. It is doing the thing which the ordinary person thinks is impossible. It is setting your standard twice as high as your colleagues would set it for you, and then reaching it. It is burning your bridges behind you and staking your all on your own endeavor. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/9/202312 minutes, 38 seconds
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Overcoming the Biggest Obstacle to Success in Life

Listen to episode 794 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Overcoming the Biggest Obstacle to Success in Life. Edited and adapted from Self-Investment by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Ideas, thoughts, like everything else, attract what is akin to them. The thoughts which dominate the mind will tend to drive out their opposites. Optimism will drive out pessimism. Cheerfulness will drive out despondency; hope, discouragement. Fill the mind with the sunshine of love, and all hatred and jealousy will flee. These black shadows cannot live in love's sunshine.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/4/202316 minutes, 14 seconds
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Break Bad Habits & Live a Larger Life

Listen to episode 793 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Break Bad Habits & Live a Larger Life. Edited and adapted from the book Within You is the Power by Henry Thomas Hamblin.Inspirational Podcasts: In order to find a way of escape from destructive habits and weaknesses of character, we must go deeper than actual deeds, for actions are effects of hidden causes. The cause of all action is thought. A thought is an action in the process of being born. It is true that we possess primitive desires and impulses, but these can be transmuted into noble actions and high achievement simply by directing our thoughts and attention to higher and better things. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/2/202315 minutes, 36 seconds
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Getting Control of Your Life | Success is Yours

Listen to episode 792 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Mastering Your Fate & Destiny | Life Lessons. Edited and adapted from The Book of Business by Elbert Hubbard. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The common idea is that success means great sacrifice, and that you must buy it with a price. In one sense this is true. To succeed you must choose. If you want this, you cannot have that. Success demands concentration, oneness of aim, and desire. Choose this day whom you will serve. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/27/202312 minutes, 53 seconds
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Building a Life Worthwhile | Living with a Purpose

Listen to episode 791 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Building a Worthwhile Life | Living with Purpose. Edited and adapted from The Art of Being Alive by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: "The Life Worthwhile" differs in the minds of individuals. The scientist in the laboratory, the painter in the studio, the preacher in the pulpit, the lawyer in the courtroom, the teacher in the classroom, the carpenter on the building site, all feel that they are living a life worthwhile. And indeed so long as there is deep interest, enthusiasm, and pleasure in the life we are living that life is worthwhile. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/25/202311 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Law of Attraction | Let the Sunshine In!

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This series has over 200 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming our patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.This Sunday Talk was edited and adapted from Nuggets of New Thought by William Walker Atkinson, published in 1902.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/23/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Road Map to a Happy Life | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 790 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Road Map to Happiness. Edited and adapted from Working With God by Gardner Hunting.Inspirational Podcasts: Let's use a little common sense. Isn't life a road that we should look upon exactly like any other road we have to travel? In the first place, all of us want to go places and do things, don't we? All right, then, that means activity on our own part. If we don't want other people to get all our rewards, and have all our fun, we have to get off our butts. If we sit down idly, twiddle our thumbs and wait, some fruit may fall into our lap, but not much. -----------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/20/202312 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Keys to Realizing Your Ambitions | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 789 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Keys to Realizing Your Ambitions. Edited and adapted from Dynamic Thought by Henry Thomas Hamblin.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Whatever your ambition may be, once you have started, stick to it, do not change until your object is achieved. If you choose wealth, continue to pursue it; if greatness, concentrate all your powers on winning it — affirm its accomplishment; visualize yourself having achieved the object of your endeavors. If you will do this, success will be yours.To change about, however, is fatal. Success is largely a matter of concentration, but it is equally dependent upon staying power....-----------Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/18/202314 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Power of Visualization to Change Your Life

Listen to episode 788 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of Visualization to Change Your Life. Edited and adapted from The Secret of the Ages by Robert Collier.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: In proverbs, it says that “without vision, the people perish". This bit of ancient wisdom does not refer to good eyesight. It was the eyes of the mind that counted in the days of old, just as they do today. Without them, we have just so much power as a driven ox — and we are worth only a little more than they. But given vision (imagination) the ability to visualize conditions and things a month or a year ahead, there is no limit to our value or capabilities.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/13/202313 minutes, 21 seconds
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Conquering the Foes of Happiness

Listen to episode 787 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Conquering the Foes of Happiness. Edited an adapted from Happiness by Hugh Black.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: However, we define happiness, and whatever be the source to which we look for happiness, there are foes on every side. If much of our ordinary happiness comes from the outside (pleasant experiences and environments), we are at the mercy of any bad event. The more we look for happiness from outside amusements and surface delights, the more dependent we are on circumstances.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/11/202314 minutes, 40 seconds
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Overcome Your Fear & Start Living

Listen to episode 786 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Overcome Your Fear and Start Living. Edited and adapted from Little Builders by Dorothy Grenside.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: I have spoken to you in the past of the need for Courage, for all Success and Happiness depend on its possession. Yet you must not think that I am only speaking of the Courage that can face a sudden danger. I want you to learn such strength of mind that fear can gain no mastery in the smallest happenings of your life. There is cowardice of thought, as well as action, and if you fail when some great danger presses, it is because you could not meet (in thought) the little daily tests. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/6/202312 minutes, 31 seconds
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Building Up the Courage to Succeed in Anything

Listen to episode 785 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Motivation for Self-Confidence | Success Can Be Yours. Edited and adapted from The Conquest of Worry by Orison Swett Marden.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: Today, as yesterday, we are measured by the spirit that is in us. We are what our resolution makes us, what our grit and courage make us. If there is an excellent spirit within you, then the world takes note that you stand for something, that you are a builder, an achiever, an accomplisher. Your life is worthwhile; you are a contributor to civilization.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/4/202315 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Art of Happiness | How to Be Happy Podcasts

Listen to episode 784 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Art of Happiness. Edited and adapted from the book Happiness by Hugh Black.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is an art of happiness, which is like the art of living. No list of rules can cover all the ground — for life does not go in straight lines, and never runs exactly according to schedule. There is also the personal equation, the peculiar angle from which each person looks at life. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/30/202315 minutes, 33 seconds
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Success & How to Win at Life

Listen to episode 783 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How Successful People Think, Grow, and Win. Edited and adapted from Success & How to Win at Life by B.F. Austin.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: How is Success Won? One great secret of success is found in Concentration. This consists in centering our thoughts upon a single object and holding this object in the mind's eye persistently. The thoughts, purposes, will power, effort and resources of every life should be united in some single great object. A life unified, united, concentrated, dominated by one great purpose, becomes mighty, while a life with a thousand diverging purposes must necessarily be weak. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/28/202315 minutes, 57 seconds
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Traveling Your Road to Happiness

Listen to episode 781 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Traveling Your Road to Happiness. Edited and adapted from Happiness Road by Alice Hegan Rice.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To each thinking adult come hours of discouragement, depression, and despair. Were it not so, we would never seek to right the wrongs that exist all about us. But it is possible to build our characters, develop our abilities, and discipline our moods, so that we can attain an integrated personality which no change of fortune can permanently affect. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/23/202316 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Get the Life You Want | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 780 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Get the Life You Want. Edited and adapted from How to Get What You Want by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Men and women are human magnets. Just as a steel magnet drawn through a pile of rubbish will pull out only the things which have an affinity for it, so we are constantly drawing to us the things and the people that respond to our thoughts and ideals.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/21/202313 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Secret Key to an Abundant Life | Our Sunday Talks

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, an exclusive series for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This series has over 200 episodes, and deals with topics related to spirituality. Gain access to more episodes (ad-free) by becoming our patron for as little as $3 a month.By becoming a patron, you'll also gain access to our entire archive of over 700 Inspirational Living podcasts, plus full transcripts. Learn about the benefits our patrons receive by going to Thank you.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/19/20238 minutes, 21 seconds
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Living Each Day to the Fullest | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 779 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Living Each Day to the Fullest. Edited and adapted from A Way of Life by Sir William Osler.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: Aristotle somewhere says that the person who wins out in the fight must be slow in their movements and deliberate in their speech — for by doing so, they will not be worried over the trifles which make people speak in shrill tones and rapidly move here and there. By shutting close your life in hour-tight compartments, with the mind directed intensely upon the subject in hand, you will acquire the capacity to do more and more. And once that mental habit is established, you are safe for life. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/16/202311 minutes, 39 seconds
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Dare to Live a Great Life | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 778 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Dare to Live a Great Life. Edited and adapted from Happiness Road by Alice Hegan Rice.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: Each day should be an adventure full of endless opportunities for constructive and creative living. Once we have established a channel through which thoughts of beauty and truth may travel, the current of the world's good flows through, enriching both us and others.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/14/202314 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Power & Joy of Living in the Now | Motivation Podcasts

Listen to episode 777 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power & Joy of Living in the Now. Edited an adapted The Joys of Living by Orison Swett Marden.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: The reason why our lives can, at times, feel disappointing and ineffective, is because we do not really live in the day. We do not concentrate our energy, our ambition, our attention, our enthusiasm, upon the day we are living.Resolve to enjoy yourself today. Enjoy today, and do not let the shadows of tomorrow, the forebodings, and the things you dread, rob you of what is yours today — your inalienable right to be happy today.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/9/202315 minutes, 21 seconds
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Awaken the Great Artistic Life Within You

Listen to episode 766 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Awakening the Great Artistic Life Within You. Edited and adapted from The Hidden Happiness by Stephen Berrien Stanton.Today's podcast was sponsored by Shopify. With Shopify you can create an online store with your vibe, discover new customers, and get 24/7 support. Sign up for a FREE trial at Podcast Excerpt: Many are the beings in us that are never born — many the lives beating their wings against our bars, seeking a freedom that we forbid. Until some enthusiasm is unleashed within us, we do not realize how partially, how timidly we have lived.No longer let us keep our true selves under lock and key....-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/7/202314 minutes, 25 seconds
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Using the Power of the Indestructible You

Listen to episode 765 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Using the Power of the Indestructible You. How to Develop Your Will Power by Clare Tree Major.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The quality of pure matter is Inertia. The quality of pure spirit is Energy. From a combination of the two, worlds are made. You are a world in yourself. You are in your human life a combination of these fundamental parts: spirit and matter. You reflect their fundamental characteristics: Energy and Inertia. That is the beginning and end of your fight: to bring spirit triumphant from under the yoke of matter — to DO, not to give in. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/2/202316 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dare to Do Mighty Things | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 764 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Dare to do Mighty Things | Motivational Podcasts. Edited from a speech by Theodore Roosevelt.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Although you may have leisure, it is not to be spent in idleness — for wisely-used leisure means merely that those who possess it (being free from the necessity of working for their livelihood) are all the more bound to carry on some kind of noble work in the sciences, the arts, in exploration of some kind — work of the type the world most needs, and the successful carrying out of which reflects great honor upon themselves and helps or inspires others.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/28/202312 minutes, 7 seconds
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Inspiration for Clear & Positive Thinking

Listen to episode 763 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Inspiration for Clear and Positive Thinking. Edited and adapted from Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: You have heard me say in the past that you are what you think. But what DO you think? How orderly are your thought processes? How straight is your thinking? And how clean are your thoughts? There are certain mental cobwebs that clutter up the thinking of almost everyone, even the most brilliant minds. Negative feelings, emotions, passions — habits, beliefs and prejudices. Our thoughts become entangled in these webs. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/23/202315 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Art of Forgetting | Inspirational Podcasts

Listen to episode 762 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Art of Forgetting. Edited and adapted from Go Forward by J.R. Miller.Inspirational Podcast Transcript: We are constantly being told to remember, and urgently counseled not to forget. “It is perilous to forget the sins of the past,” people say. But there is a sense also in which our only hope is in forgetting. We never can get on to higher things if we insist on clinging to our past and carrying it with us. We can make progress only by forgetting. We can go forward only by leaving behind what is past. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/21/202315 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Joys of Living in the NOW | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 761 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Experience the Joys of Living Now. Edited and adapted from The Joys of Living by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: So many of us today are not really settled, do not really live in the now, but we are sure we WILL live tomorrow, or next year, when business is better, our fortunes greater: when we move into our new house, get our new furnishings, our new car, get rid of things that annoy us, and have everything around us to make us comfortable. THEN we will be happy. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/16/202313 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Unseen Elements of Success & Greatness

Listen to episode 760 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Unseen Elements of Success & Greatness. Edited and adapted from Levels of Living by Henry Frederick Cope.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is an old mystical saying that the things which are not seen are essential to all success. We are blind if we can see only with our eyes, and we only are sensible when we know that there are many things beyond our senses. Practical people consider all the factors to every problem, and things are not less real to them because they might be intangible. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/14/202312 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Power of Individuality and Character

Listen to episode 759 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of Individuality & Character. Edited and adapted from Right Living by Susan H. Wixon.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Individuality gives personal beauty, even to plain features. One who is imbued with great independence stands out from among the public. They are a leader. They help to mold the times in which they live. They are a builder. By them individuals arise to higher altitudes. They are an inspirer, a stronghold, an uplifter of the human race. The strongly individualized character inspires others with energy and confidence. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/9/202311 minutes, 54 seconds
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Make Today Unforgettable | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 758 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Make Today Unforgettable. Edited and adapted from Mightier Than Circumstance by Frank B. Whitney.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Each dawning day begins a new life. Not a single self-imposed limitation of yesterday can prevail in your new day. The world is yours. You have power within you to conquer every situation. Everything lies before you. You stand at the threshold of opportunities.Each morning exalts a new existence for you. Think of yourself as reincarnated each night, invested with new wisdom and strength, empowered with new might to accomplish whatever you set out to do.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/7/202312 minutes, 19 seconds
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The 3 Ingredients of a Happy Life | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 757 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The 3 Ingredients of a Happy Life. Edited and adapted from The True Source of a Happy Life by Hugh Wayt.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The law of happiness is fulfilled in one word — LOVE. It is the rich soil from which grows joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, meekness, and moderation. Out of it also grow self-control, largeness of heart and life, contentment, cheerfulness, kindness, and hopefulness. These elements enter largely into the happiness of every individual. They are the fruitful branches that grow on the vine of love.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/2/202313 minutes, 17 seconds
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Education Liberates the Power Within You

Listen to episode 756 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Success, Education & The School of Life. Edited and adapted from Youth and Opportunity by Thomas Tapper.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Education is the result of that process which liberates the power within us. With this power we work in our environment, and to the degree that we conquer environment itself, we succeed — for no person may be said truly to succeed who, instead of mastering the world, is overcome by it. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/31/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Amazing Power of Breathing Right | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 755 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Amazing Power of Breathing Right. Edited and adapted from Success Through Thought Habit by Benjamin Johnson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Your character represents the result of the habits you have formed. Your habits show your manner of thought. Your manner of thought is in turn affected by your method of breathing. Would you like to succeed? Then breathe systematically, intelligently, and happily. The air is filled with life-giving oxygen ready for you to use. It is already yours. But you must give it space in which to do its work. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/26/202314 minutes, 21 seconds
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Keeping Fit in Mind & Body | Greatness Podcasts

Listen to episode 754 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Keeping Fit in Mind & Body | Greatness Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Be Good to Yourself by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Always ask yourself, “What is there in this thing I am going to do which will add to my lifework, increase my power, keep me in superb condition to do the best thing possible to me?” There is nothing which pays greater dividends than self-investment; keeping yourself up to standard by buttressing your health in every possible way and using the utmost care and exactitude in regimen, in work habits, and in life habits. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/24/202313 minutes, 36 seconds
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There is Nothing Impossible in Life | Motivation Podcasts

Listen to episode 753 of the Inspirational Living podcast: There is Nothing Impossible in Life. Edited and adapted from Stepping-Stones to Success by Horace D. Hitchcock.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When it comes to human accomplishment, the power of will is the greatest power in the world. In fact, no person can determine the limits of any individual mind; neither can they foretell the limits of human endeavor. The accomplishments of today would appear as positive impossibilities to those who lived ages ago. A safe maxim for the future thus might be: "There is nothing that is impossible."---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/19/202314 minutes, 23 seconds
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Building the Temple of Your Mind

Listen to episode 752 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Building the Temple of Your Mind. Edited and adapted from Peace, Power & Plenty by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: One of the greatest accomplishments of the finest character is the ability to order the mind and to exclude from it all the enemy thoughts — thoughts that bring friction and discord into the life, thoughts that depress, that stunt, that darken. No mind can do good work when clouded with unhappy or vicious thoughts. The mental sky must be clear or there can be no enthusiasm; no brightness, clearness, or efficiency in our mental work. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/17/202312 minutes, 19 seconds
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Your Character is Your Destiny | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 751 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Your Character is Your Destiny. Edited and adapted from The Aim of Life by Philip Stafford Moxom.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The process of character-formation involves the action and inter-action of many forces. The totality of a life, at any moment, is the product mainly of little things: trifling choices, insignificant exercises of will, unimportant acts often repeated, things seemingly of minor account — but these are the thousand tiny sculptors that are carving away continuously at the rough block of life, giving it shape and features. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/12/202313 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Achieve Happiness and Success in Life

Listen to episode 750 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Achieve Happiness and Success in Life. Edited and adapted from Success by Lord Beaverbrook.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Success — that is the royal road we all want to tread, for it gives us the opportunity to exercise our abilities and activities to the full.  Like all human affairs, success is partly a matter of predestination and partly of free will. You cannot make genius, but you can improve upon it or destroy it, and most people possess the assets which can be turned into success. But those who possess these precious gifts will have to gather and expand them. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/10/202312 minutes, 24 seconds
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Believe in Yourself! | Living Confidently

Listen to episode 749 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Believe in Yourself | Living Confidently. Edited and adapted from The Call of Life by William L. White.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The dictionary defines self-confidence as having confidence in one's unaided powers, judgment, ability, etc. In other words, it is the belief that you can produce results. When you insist that you can succeed, and are determined that you will succeed, there is nothing in the world that can stop you. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/5/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Saying Goodbye to Anger & Hate | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 748 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Saying Goodbye to Anger and Hate. Edited and adapted from The Freedom of Life by Annie Payson Call.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: If you repress an expression of irritability, anger, or hatred, it is there in your brain, just the same; and, in one form or another, you are in bondage to it. Sometimes it will express itself in little meannesses. Sometimes it will affect your body and make you ill. Often it will keep you from being entirely well. But of one thing we can be sure — it will make you the instrument of something harmful, in one way or another. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/3/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Richer, More Beautiful Life is Yours

Listen to episode 747 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Inspiration for A Richer, More Beautiful Life is Yours. Edited and adapted from The Pathway of Roses by Christian D. Larson.Please note the free meditation offer mentioned at the beginning of the podcast has now expired.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There are thousands of richly endowed minds in the world that accomplish nothing to speak of; and the reason is they live in the confusion of doubt, uncertainty, and fear. Many of these minds would become giants in the world, if all their powers were spurred to action by the invincible spirit of faith. In fact, there is not a single mind, whether naturally endowed or not, that would not come forth into a larger, richer life if inspired by the wonder-working power of faith.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/31/202214 minutes, 12 seconds
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Every Life is a Vibration | Start Fine Tuning Yours

Listen to episode 746 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Every Life is a Vibration | Start Fine Tuning Yours. Edited and adapted from Love’s Way by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Every life is a vibration, and the quality of our lives is determined by the quality and the rate of our vibrations. Harmonious vibrations mean health, happiness, efficiency, success. Discordant vibrations mean strangulation, discord, thwarted ambition, a wrecked career. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/29/202214 minutes, 5 seconds
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Opening the Gate of Opportunity | Sucess Podcasts

Listen to episode 745 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Opening the Gate of Opportunity. Edited and adapted from The Cause of Failure and How to Overcome It by Thomas Z. Davis.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: What is a failure? It’s a spur to the one who receives it right, and it makes the spirit stir to go in once more and fight. If you never have failed, it’s an even guess you have never grabbed the highest rail.What is a knock-down? A count of ten, which you may take for a rest. It will give you a chance to come up again and do your best. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/27/202211 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Meaning of the First Christmas | No Room in the Inn

I would like to wish all of you a peaceful and joyful Christmas, one that rejuvenates you spiritually and mentally. To celebrate Christmas I am sharing an old episode (2017) of Our Sunday Talks, a series produced for the patrons of the Inspirational Living podcast. This episode was edited and adapted from The Crown of Individuality by William George Jordan, published in 1909.Christmas Podcast Excerpt: The world’s attitude towards the birth of every great truth is focused in a single phrase in the simple story of the first Christmas, the greatest birthday since time began. Mary laid the infant Christ in a manger because (quote) —“there was no room for them in the inn.”For worldly success, fame, social prestige, laurel-crowned triumph, the inn is illuminated; welcoming music fills the air; and the inn doors are thrown wide open. But the struggle towards sublime attainment, heroic effort to better the world, simple consecration of soul to a noble ideal, means the manger — and a lonely pathway lit only by the torch of truth held high in the hand of purpose.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/25/202213 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Keys to Living a Long & Worthwhile Life

Listen to episode 744 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Keys to Living a Long & Worthwhile Life Edited and adapted from Dollars & Sense by William Crosbie Hunter.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Smooth sailing doesn't bring out the stuff one is made of. It takes shadows to make sunlight appreciated. It takes reverses to make success. It takes hard knocks to polish you. And one of the most important things to learn early is to learn to say no. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/22/202211 minutes, 55 seconds
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Your Attitude Towards Others is Everything

Listen to episode 743 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Your Attitude Towards Others is Everything. Edited and adapted from Think (a Book for Today) by William Crosbie Hunter.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The wise individual is the one who gets fullness out of life — happiness, respect, contentment, freedom from worry; who is busy doing useful things — busy helping others, busy training their children, busy spreading sunshine and love and the close-together feeling in their home circle.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/20/202214 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Power of Positive Thinking

Listen to episode 742 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Positive Thinking for Success | Overcoming Negativity. Edited and adapted from Dynamic Thought by Henry Thomas Hamblin.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Positive people are optimists, but they are not foolish or blind in their optimism. They are above being petty or mean, or selfish or cruel; neither do they let hate or anger sway them or influence their life or business. They inspire confidence, compel attention, are leaders rather than followers, and literally exude an atmosphere of success.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/15/202214 minutes, 14 seconds
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You are the Master of Your Fate

Listen to episode 741 of the Inspirational Living podcast: We are the Master of Ourselves and Fate. Adapted from the book Concentration: The Key to Constructive Thought by C. W. Kyle.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The axiom, ''As you thinketh in your heart so you are,” is the most startling truth ever uttered about humankind. What an amazing statement it is — for it reveals that we are possessed of the power to create and rule ourselves and our environment by the choice and mastership of our thoughts! The wonderful fascination of this saying lies in the all-embracing statement which it so directly makes. It covers every possible action we take, and clearly states that we are capable of exercising unlimited powers. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/13/202212 minutes, 21 seconds
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Be Bold & Decisive. It's Time to Make Your Mark.

Listen to episode 740 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Be Bold & Decisive. It's Time to Make Your Mark. Edited and adapted from Pushing to the Front by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The women and men who have left a mark upon their century have been the ones of great and prompt decision. An undecided person, a person who is ever balancing between two opinions, forever debating which of two courses they will pursue, proclaims by their indecision that they cannot control themselves, that they were meant to be possessed by others. They are not in the arena, but in the stands.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/8/202212 minutes, 51 seconds
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Inspirational Life Lessons on Happiness

Listen to episode 739 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Inspirational Life Lessons on Happiness. Edited and adapted from The Pursuit of Happiness by George Hodges.Visit today's sponsor at for a free fourteen-day trial, and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Every deed you perform, in order to be beautiful, in order to be a help to happiness, must be done "in its time"; that is, in the part of the busy day to which it properly belongs. Say to yourself, “Every day, at such and such specified times, I will do this and that — activities which exercise my body, feed my mind, nourish my soul, and complete the work that needs to be done.”---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/6/202212 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Path of All Successful People | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 738 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Path of All Successful People. Edited and adapted from Making the Grade by C.V. Mosby.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To many, success is a place somewhere. But like a material heaven, it is hard to locate by direction. However, there is one thing for sure: it is neither a city nor a country. It may be a harbor (landlocked and free from storm), but never has a material ship ridden at anchor upon its waves. What then is this prize? Where is this much-sought-for place? How is one to know when the goal has been won? By what process of reason can one prove that he or she has made the grade and has climbed the hill?---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/1/202212 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Secret of Living in Abundance

Listen to episode 737 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Secret of Living in Abundance. Edited and adapted from How the Mind Works by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The person who gives much of themselves will be abundantly enriched because they place in life a large measure of themselves to be filled. The one who gives things may lose all that is given. But the one who gives of themselves (the best that is in themselves) loses nothing. Instead they gain a larger and a richer self. To have an abundance of life is to have the power to help yourself and to re-create your own world according to your highest desires. The gift of life is therefore the highest gift. It is also the largest gift because it includes all gifts. ---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/29/202214 minutes, 43 seconds
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You Were Made to Be Happy | Happiness Podcasts

I would like to wish all of our listeners in the United States a joyful Thanksgiving holiday. I thought today was the perfect time to remind you that you were made for happiness, not only happiness for yourself but for spreading happiness to others. And that is something for which we all can be surely grateful.Listen to episode 736 of the Inspirational Living podcast: You Were Made to Be Happy. Edited and adapted from The Joys of Living by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Real happiness is born of noble endeavor, a useful life. It is extracted a little here, a little there, from a kind word, a noble deed, a generous act. We get a little bit from every right thought, from every kind word or deed, and it cannot be found anywhere else.Happiness, it has been said, is a mosaic composed of little stones. Each taken singly is of little value; but when all are grouped together, combined and set, they form a pleasing and graceful whole — a costly jewel.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/24/202213 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Courage to Succeed in Life | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 735 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Courage to Succeed in Life. Edited and adapted from Ready Money by George H. Knox.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Thousands fail in life because they lack the grit to get right up and do the thing. It isn't always the brainiest people in the world who make the greatest successes. It's people who buckle down and do things; people who have will-power and initiative; people who are not afraid; who know, and know they know; people who will make themselves do the thing that needs to be done, regardless of how they feel about it; the women and men who make themselves do the thing, whether they like it or not, are the ones who have discovered the great secret. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/22/202213 minutes, 37 seconds
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How to Build a Winning Personality | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 734 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Build a Winning Personality. Edited and adapted from Leadership by George H. Knox.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The need for personality development is universal. Power comes not from what we know, but from what we can express, and nine-tenths of expression is through personality. To other people we are a mere personality. We are to them big or little, positive or negative, a success or a failure, just as we appeal to them through our personality. A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. And we are no stronger than our weakest point of personality.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/17/202212 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Get the Most Out of Life | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 733 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Get the Most Out of Life. Edited and adapted from A Man Worthwhile by John Phillips Meakin.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The all-important question for everyone to ask of themselves if they have the slightest spark of intellectual ambition in them is, “How may I become a true individual?” Then another question will well up from the soul, namely: “What can I do to make life worth the living?” The answer will be: Look to the light, be true to your inner self, and have the faith of the poet who said: — “Better to strive and climb And never reach the goal, Than to drift along with time An aimless, worthless soul. Aye, better to climb and fall, Or sow, though the yield be small, Than to throw away, day after day, And never strive at all.” --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/15/202211 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Happiness that Cures Anxiety & Fear

Listen to episode 732 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Happiness that Cures Anxiety & Fear. Edited and adapted from How to Stay Well by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: True happiness enjoys all things deeply, but serenely. And you can always know when you have had such happiness, because it makes your countenance radiant with a restful beauty. To gain real happiness, the first essential is to train yourself to think constantly of the great value of such happiness — especially with regard to its health producing power. Such thinking will tend to produce a subconscious desire for happiness, and what the subconscious begins to desire it also begins to create. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/10/202213 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Secret of a Truly Happy Person | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 731 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Secret of the Truly Happy Person. Edited and adapted from Mightier Than Circumstance by Frank B. Whitney.Happiness Podcast Excerpt: A search for happiness does not always bring it, because we look for it in the same spirit that we would look for a lost purse. We believe that happiness is found when we arrive at that place where we no longer have to seek for it. When we look for happiness, we do not have it. When we cease to look for it, we discover that it is ours. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/8/202213 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Have a Successful Day, Every Day!

Listen to episode 730 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Have a Successful Day, Every Day! Edited and adapted from Lessons in Living by Elizabeth Towne.Visit today's sponsor at for a free fourteen-day trial, and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The successful life is made up of a succession of successful days — every day being a little Marathon by itself. If we live a successful today, we make a wise preparation to live a successful tomorrow; and so on, day after day, year after year, through our whole lives.Only today is ours. Today we can make the right preparation, make the right and easy start, run the successful race with time, and close the day a victor. This day it is possible to do that. So, how shall we prepare for it? How shall we manage our energy and direct our efforts?-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/3/202212 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Creative Power of Waiting vs. Hurrying

Listen to episode 729 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Creative Power of Waiting vs. Hurrying. Edited and adapted from Working With God by Gardner Hunting.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: People who do really great things never hurry. Nobody who writes a great book ever hurries. The great surgeon never hurries. The pilot of a great ship never hurries. The effective public speaker never hurries. Hurry never made a friend. It defeats the lover. Hurry never builds safely. Hurry blinds the eyes to beauty. It destroys accuracy in the hand. It ruins judgment. It slurs action. Hurry is what causes heart failures and nervous breakdowns. It overlooks the important things and sees only the trifles. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/1/202212 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Secret Key to Success in Life | M. Y. O. B.

Listen to episode 727 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Secret Key to Success in Life. Edited and Adapted from The Road to Success by Henry Harrison Brown.Many of you have probably asked yourself, “How can I be a success in life?” The answer is that we must win by that method by which humankind has ever won. And there is but one method. Study the life of any successful person, in any age, and along any chosen line of work. Seek one among your friends or acquaintances. What is the dominant mental quality that gave them success? Be they a gambler or poet, stock trader or entrepreneur, find the trait which gave them power. Find also among your friends those who have failed, and see what thoughts caused their failure...-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/27/202212 minutes, 34 seconds
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Unleashing Your Soul Power | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 726 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Unleashing Your Soul Power. Edited and Adapted from Success and How to Win It by B.F. Austin.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The vast majority of people make the fatal mistake of judging life (their own and others) by environments, and of estimating their possibilities of success by their surroundings. This is a lamentable error and contrary to all true philosophies of life. Successful lives grow from within outward. Every person must be happy, rich, and successful in thought, purpose, and desire before they become so in the realities of their everyday life. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/25/202213 minutes, 48 seconds
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Motivation for a Happy Life | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 725 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Motivation for a Happy Life. Edited and adapted from Just Being Happy: A Little Book of Happy Thoughts, compiled by Grover Edwin Osgood.Happiness Podcast Excerpt: THERE is a beautiful and an ugly way in which to say almost everything, and happiness depends upon which way we take. You can upset a person for the whole day by the harsh way in which you address them in the morning, or you may give them a beautiful start by the cheeriness of your greeting. So not only in words, but in all the little, common courtesies and duties of life, think of the beautiful way of doing them. — Delia L. Porter -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/20/202212 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Live Up to Your Potential | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 724 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Live Up to Your Potential. Edited and adapted from Ready Money by George H. Knox.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Cultivate the faculty of relying upon your own judgment. Stand alone. A person can't develop self-reliance and good judgment by waiting for someone else to take the responsibility. You must begin, must make the effort, even if you don’t do very well at first. Perfection is not a matter of days. It is the work of a lifetime. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/18/202213 minutes, 11 seconds
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Inspirational Life Lessons from Carlos Castaneda

Listen to episode 723 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Inspirational Life Lessons from Carlos Castaneda. Edited and adapted from the works of Carlos Castaneda.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: “Before you embark on any path, ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the question; and when a person finally realizes that they have taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill them. At that point very few people can stop to deliberate and leave the path." - Carlos Castaneda--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/13/202211 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Live a Happy Life | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 721 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Live a Happy Life. Edited and adapted from Happiness by Arthur James Kappele.Happiness Podcast Excerpt: Above all, speak the truth about yourself. Try it, and you will find that other people are not nearly as shocked as you expected them to be. They likely will not be shocked at all; but they may be surprised at your candor, and inwardly wished that they could, or dared, do likewise. Looking at it from any angle, it is better to speak the truth. When you don't, you only try to deceive yourself, but you cannot fool yourself for long.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/6/202211 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Power of Deciding | Time to Choose

Listen to episode 719 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of Deciding | Time to Choose. Edited and adapted from The First Step in Mastery by W. Frederic Keeler.Inspirational Podcast Transcript: The first step in mastery involves a re-education. You are to enter into a new realm of living. You are to think in new channels. You are to exercise a new mode of mental motion. You are to use the fourth dimension of thought. Be prepared for the new, and for the different. Be therefore a beginner, and have the power of newness and the freshness of a beginner.An open mind is a prerequisite to progress. You certainly must realize that you are now thinking about fifty per cent disadvantageously by old methods. You often do not get where you wish with your thinking. By the use of ordinary and partly outgrown thinking methods, you are not always actualizing power and vigor. You are not sufficiently vitalizing your thoughts....--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/29/202213 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Conquer Fear | Self-Confidence Podcasts

Listen to episode 718 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Overcome Fear | Self-Confidence Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Everyday Efficiency: A Practical Guide to Efficient Living by C.H. Forbes-Lindsay.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Fear is the most devastating agency in life. It prevents initiative, paralyzes effort, promotes disease, hampers development and in a thousand ways mars the character. And yet, it is one of the most common defects in character. Most of us are subject to Fear in one form or another. We fear fate, we fear death, we fear disease, we fear poverty, we fear failure, we fear accident, we fear difficulties, we fear responsibility, and on and on. While writers on the subject agree that Fear often becomes a vice, few offer any practical suggestions for its eradication. The reader is generally advised to use their Reason, which is well enough as far as it goes, but the fact remains that the conclusions of Reason are frequently not sufficient to control action. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/27/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
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Enjoying a Great Middle Life | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 716 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Enjoying a Great Middle Life. Edited and adapted from Character and Happiness by Alvin Edwin Magary.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: We must guard ourselves against that tendency to stop growing, or even stop wanting to grow, which is the cause of the failure of so many people’s careers. Many promising young women and men never fulfill their promises because they come to the middle of life and quit. Tastes become fixed, habits become inflexible, prejudice supplants thought, and the whole life turns into mechanical routine. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our entire 700+ podcast archive, with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/20/202212 minutes, 1 second
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Personal Magnetism: Your Life Changing Power

Listen to episode 714 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Personal Magnetism — Your Life Changing Power. Edited and adapted from Business Psychology by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Everyone knows that personal magnetism is real. But often we think that only some people have it. We don’t realize that this power exists in all of us — and that we just need to learn how to make it stronger. The first principle to be fully established in the mind is this: your personal magnetism can be used upon yourself alone, and its function is to promote the best possible expression of all the active qualities in your own personality; or in other words, to heighten the effect of everything you may do.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/13/202212 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Best of Epictetus | Stoic Wisdom for Life

Listen to episode 712 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Best of Epictetus | Stoic Wisdom for Life. Edited and adapted from the works of Epictetus.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. A special thank you to our newest monthly patron, Cesar Contreras. Cesar now has access to our full archive of over 600 podcasts, ad-free, plus the Our Sunday Talks series. To learn how you can become a patron for as little as $3 a month, please visit Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from the works of Epictetus, the Greek stoic philosopher who lived from 50 to 135 A.D."Other people's attitudes and troubles can be contagious. Don't sabotage yourself by unwittingly adopting negative, unproductive attitudes through your associations with others. The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. Let whatever appears to be the best, be to you an unbreakable law."--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/6/202211 minutes, 52 seconds
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Building Greatness from Little Things | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 711 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Building Greatness from Little Things. Edited and adapted from The Royal Path of Life T.L Haines & L.W. Yaggy.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The little things in life are not to be dismissed. Every day is a little life; and our whole life is but a day repeated. Those who dare lose a day, are dangerously profligate; those who dare misspend a day, are desperate. Springs are little things, but they are sources of large streams. Nails and pegs are little things, but they hold parts of large buildings together. Zeros and ones are little things, but without them we would have no computers. A word, a look, a frown, all are little things, but powerful for good or evil. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/1/202212 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Most Important Element of Success in Life

Listen to episode 708 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Most Important Element of Success in Life. Edited and adapted from The Power of Mental Demand by Herbert Edward Law.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is no element so important to a successful business or a successful life as enthusiasm. Yet it is an element often not thoroughly understood, or very accurately measured. It is rarely given the degree of importance to which it is entitled. Indeed, it is often neglected altogether. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/23/202213 minutes
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Life's Magic Formula & The Secrets of Success

Listen to episode 705 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Life's Magic Formula & The Secrets of Success. Edited and adapted from Four Minute Essays by Dr. Frank Crane.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Many people have philosophies of life, ideas on the subject of happiness, and dreams of success that are ludicrous and unfounded. I have met millionaires, successful business people, learned professors, gifted artists, and able preachers who have not the slightest notion of how to be happy.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/11/202213 minutes, 43 seconds
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Navigating a Successful Journey of Life

Listen to episode 698 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Navigating a Successful Journey of Life. Edited and adapted from The Business of Life by Asa Bushnell ZuTavern and Albert Ernest Bullock.Visit today's sponsor Shopify at for a free fourteen-day trial, and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Life is a journey, which all of us make but once. There is no round-trip ticket. This journey (according to present-day reckoning) lasts about 75 years on average. Some people are able to extend the journey a little longer; others end it in much less time. It is not the number of years, but the values we get out of the years, that count the most. Whether to live at a slow pace over a long period of time, or whether to burn up energy at a lively pace (and have it over within a short period of time) is a question each individual can decide themselves.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/19/202212 minutes, 24 seconds
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Common Causes of Failure | Napoleon Hill

Listen to episode 697 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Common Causes of Failure | Success Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Life's greatest tragedy consists of men and women who earnestly try and fail. The tragedy lies in the overwhelmingly large majority of people who fail, as compared to the few who succeed. I have had the privilege of analyzing several thousand men and women, 98% of whom were classed as "failures." My research and analysis showed that there were 27 major reasons for failure. Today I would like to provide you with a description of these causes for failure. As you listen to my list, check yourself by it, point by point, for the purpose of discovering how many of these causes-of-failure stand between you and success. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/14/202214 minutes, 31 seconds
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Meditation: The Gateway to Power

Listen to episode 695 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Meditation: The Gateway to Power. Edited and adapted from A New Heaven and a New Earth by Charles Brodie Patterson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Meditation is the gateway to power. Through this gateway we enter into consciousness of a new life. The highest form of meditation is a conscious oneness with the source of all life. It is not a state of mental activity, but rather a cessation of thought, and an entering into a new world of feeling. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/7/202211 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Power of Imagination + An Idea | Napoleon Hill

Listen to episode 694 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of Imagination + An Idea. Edited and adapted from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. A special thank you to our new monthly patron Guy Ellis. Learn how you can become our patron, and get ad-free podcasts, full transcripts, and more, for as little as $3 a month, by visiting Thank you.The imagination is literally the workshop wherein all plans are created. The impulse, the desire, is given shape, form, and action through the aid of the imaginative faculty of the mind.Through the aid of our imaginative faculty, human kind has discovered (and harnessed) more of Nature's forces during the past 100 years than during the entire history of the human race prior to that.Our only limitation, within reason, lies in the development and use of our imagination. We have not yet reached the apex of development of our imaginative faculty. We are still on the long climb upwards.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/5/202212 minutes, 49 seconds
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Build Yourself a Beautiful Character

Listen to episode 693 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Build Yourself a Beautiful Character. Edited and Adapted from A Life of Character by J.R. Miller.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The building of character is the most important business of life. It matters little what works you may leave in the world; your real success, is measured by what you have formed along the years in your own being.It is a great thing for us to have a lofty thought of life, and ever to seek to reach it. Said Michelangelo: "Nothing makes the soul so pure, so religious, as the endeavor to create something perfect; for God is perfection, and whoever strives for it, strives for something that is godlike." The seeking itself, makes us nobler, holier, purer, stronger. We grow ever toward that for which we long. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/30/202212 minutes, 31 seconds
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Making the Most of Your Talents & Life

Listen to episode 692 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Making the Most of Your Talents & Life. Edited and Adapted from The Call of Life by William L. White.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Every individual has been created with one or more talents; that is, natural gifts, which, if put to use and properly directed, will enable them to produce results. It is thus your duty to discover what natural gifts or talents you possess, and to begin to map out definite plans for an active and progressive life which leads towards success. When this discovery has been made, the next step is to determine the best methods to pursue, so that you can improve in the specific lines in which you are most gifted and interested. When you are convinced in which field of endeavor you are best suited, then you have discovered your talents, which, in turn, will lead you to discovering your calling in life. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/28/202211 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Ideal Made Real | Transformational Mindset

If you missed my Success Mindset webinar with Blisspot on June 15th, you can watch a recorded replay at: to temporary laryngitis brought on by Covid 19, today's episode is the rebroadcast of a reading from 2016. I should be able to resume new readings next week.Listen to episode 691 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Ideal Made Real | Transformational Mindset. Edited and Adapted from The Ideal Made Real by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To have ideals is not only simple but natural. It is just as natural for the mind to enter the ideal as it is to live. In fact, the ideal is an inseparable part of life; but to make the ideal real in every part of life is a problem, the solution of which appears to be anything but simple. To dream of the fair, the high, the beautiful, the perfect, the sublime, that everyone can do; but everyone has not learned how to make their dreams come true, nor realize in the practical world what they have discerned in the transcendental world. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/23/202216 minutes, 27 seconds
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Timeless Thoughts About Life | Kahlil Gibran Quotes

I have temporarily lost my voice due to Covid-19, so today's podcast is the rebroadcast of an early reading from 2016.Listen to episode 690 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Timeless Thoughts About Life. Edited and Adapted from the book The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Some people say, “Joy is greater than sorrow,” and others say, “No, sorrow is the greater.” But I say to you, they are inseparable. Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at the edge of the bed, remember that the other is asleep under the sheets.Everyone recognizes that the soul is sometimes a battlefield, one where reason and judgment wage war against passions and appetites.Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion, so that it may sing. And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and (like the phoenix) rise above its own ashes.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/21/202210 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Greatest Lesson I've Learned | Swami Vivekananda

Listen to episode 689 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Greatest Lesson I’ve Learned. Edited and adapted from a lecture by Swami Vivekananda.Visit today's sponsor Shopify at for a free fourteen-day trial, and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. A special thank you to our newest monthly patrons: Afya Gabriel, Miss Kira, and Manuel. By becoming patrons (, they now get access to over 250 podcasts in our private archive, podcasts such as the one we are featuring today. This podcast was requested from one of our listeners in India. So, we are making it publicly available again. This podcast was recorded back in 2016. It was edited and adapted from a lecture by Swami Vivekananda (Shāmi Bibekānondo), published in 1901.One of the greatest lessons I have learned in my life is to pay as much attention to the means of work as to its end. It was from a great person that I learned this principle, and their own life was a practical demonstration of it. I have been always learning great lessons from that one principle, and it appears to me that all the secret of success is there: to pay as much attention to the means as to the end.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/16/202215 minutes, 30 seconds
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Mastering Discouragement & Anger | Self-Help Podcasts

Listen to episode 688 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Mastering Discouragement & Anger. Edited and adapted from The Secret of Success by Wilmot Henry Wheeler.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. I’d like to start today with a special announcement. Tomorrow (Wednesday the 15th) I am going to be conducting a Success Mindset Masterclass with Blisspot. Registration for the online webinar is free. To join, please visit Thank you.Today’s reading was edited and adapted from The Better Way, or, Lessons in Trueness, Wisdom and Love, by Wilmot Henry Wheeler, published in 1896.Recently I was asked the question, “Is it ever right to get angry?” Well, if by anger you mean simply a great disapproval of what someone has done, or is doing, then the answer is: “Yes, anger is sometimes right. But this is not the usual meaning of the word; for it nearly always refers to a more or less excited and unpitying disapproval of what someone has done, the excitement showing itself in a tendency to lose your self-control and act or feel unwisely or selfishly. And I venture to say that ninety-nine times out of a hundred, when we are forced to admit to others, or in our own secret thoughts, that when we are angry, this is the definition of anger which applies to our case. Is it right, then, to get angry? Most emphatically, No — now matter how great the provocation, for it is often rooted in selfishness.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/14/202211 minutes, 51 seconds
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Success Habits for a Successful Life

Listen to episode 687 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Success Habits for a Successful Life. Edited and adapted from The Secret of Success by Frank Everit Mitchell.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There are at least three kinds of people in the world: 1) those who do not know how to succeed, and do not think it worth their trouble to learn; 2) those who know how but fail because they do not live up to their knowledge; and 3) those who do succeed, because they practice the principles which are consistent with the end they have in view. I have known people who had all the knowledge they needed to build a thriving business. And yet they were unsuccessful. Why? Because the ...-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/9/202212 minutes, 10 seconds
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Reaching Your Utopia | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 686 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Reaching Your Utopia | Motivational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from The Secret of Success by Frank Everit Mitchell.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: True success is not the result of luck, guess, or chance. It is the ripened fruit of persistent industry wedded to intelligent conception. And the reason why so few of those who try succeed is not that they set the standard too high, or that they have not the ability to reach it, but because they lose heart on the road, relax their effort, yield to discouragements, and thus become careless or indifferent. They lose sight of the end they had in view, and allow themselves to drift with the current, resting on their oars, waiting for something to turn up. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/7/202212 minutes, 6 seconds
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Make a Decision Today | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 685 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Make a Decision Today | Success Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Character Sketches for Boys and Girls by Henry Davenport Northrop.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is one habit which you should cultivate, not only for its usefulness in general, but especially for its value in developing true decision of character. That is, the habit of doing everything that should be done, precisely at the time when it ought to be done. Everything in human character goes to wreck under the reign of procrastination, while prompt action gives to all things a corresponding life and energy. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/2/202212 minutes, 3 seconds
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Motivation for the Courageous Life

Listen to episode 684 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Motivation for the Courageous Life. Edited and adapted from Character Sketches for Boys and Girls by Henry Davenport Northrop.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: The world owes much to its women and men and of courage. I do not mean physical courage, but the courage that displays itself in silent effort and endeavor — that dares to endure all, and suffer all, for truth and duty. Such courage is more truly heroic than the achievements of physical valor. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/31/202212 minutes, 51 seconds
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Mastering the Art of Self-Control | Life Lessons

Listen to episode 682 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Mastering the Art of Self-Control. Edited and adapted from Character Sketches for Boys and Girls by Henry Davenport Northrop.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: A strong temper is not necessarily a bad temper. But the stronger the temper, the greater the need for self-discipline and self- control. It is not our faults that ruin us, so much as the manner in which we conduct ourselves after the faults have been committed. The wise person will profit by the suffering they cause, and avoid them in the future; but there are those on whom experience exerts no ripening influence, and who only grow narrower, bitterer, and more vicious with time. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/24/202212 minutes, 51 seconds
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Turn Hard Times Into Blessings | Inspirational Podcasts

Listen to episode 681 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Turning Hard Times Into Blessings. Edited and adapted from Character Sketches for Boys and Girls by Henry Davenport Northrop.Inspirational Podcast Transcript: You may go to school all your life and yet be a dunce. Your head may be a library stuffed with book knowledge, yet you may not know enough to hoe a hill of beans. You may lack that practical wisdom which make a success of life. You may have talents bright as the sun, yet be dependent on very ordinary people. You may be a know-everything, and a do-nothing.--------Visit today's sponsor Shopify at for a free fourteen-day trial, and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/19/202212 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Path of Cheerfulness | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 679 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Path of Cheerfulness | Happiness Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Character Sketches for Boys and Girls by Henry Davenport Northrop.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The influence that a cheerful person has on others is almost limitless. You probably have known people within whose company you felt uplifted, amiable and hopeful, equal to anything! I do not know a more enviable gift than the energy to sway others to good; to diffuse around others an atmosphere of cheerfulness, generosity, magnanimity. It is not a matter of great talent; nor entirely a matter of great energy; but rather of earnestness and honesty — a quiet, constant energy which is like soft rain gently penetrating the soil. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/12/202212 minutes, 37 seconds
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Putting Your Fears Behind You | Self-Help Podcasts

Listen to episode 667 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Putting Your Fears Behind You. Edited and adapted from How to Lick Our Fears by David V. Bush.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The person who knows how to face their fear has the best chance of being happy, for fear ruins happiness. Thus it’s important to teach our children how to conquer fear. We cannot rid our children of fears by teaching them that they should not be afraid, but only by helping them to understand rather than to fear; by teaching them that these things in their path, which have seemed to them ogres, are after all, on closer view and knowledge, friendly things designed to help, guide, and keep us from losing our way in the dark. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/29/202211 minutes, 43 seconds
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Maintaining Lifelong Health & Youthfulness

Listen to episode 665b of the Inspirational Living podcast: Maintaining Lifelong Health & Youthfulness.Edited and adapted from Success Psychology by Coleman Hall Bush.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Remember that health is a normal condition in your life, and nature does everything she can to keep you in this normal condition, and to restore you to it when you depart from the norm. All is unity, and a friendly universe is working for your ultimate good. And part of that good is continued youthfulness.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/24/20229 minutes, 39 seconds
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Finding the Way to Happiness | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 665 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Finding the Way to Happiness | Inspiring Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Character and Happiness by Alvin Edwin Magary.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The failure of many people to make a success of life is due to their blindness to the fact that living is an art, to be learned like any other art, adding skill to natural endowment until a masterful competency is attained. Most of us make meaningless daubs of our lives because we have not taught ourselves to live. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/22/202211 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Courage to Change Your Life | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 662 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Courage to Change Your Life | Motivational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Ready Money by George H. Knox.Motivational Podcast Transcript: There are two kinds of food: the kind that gives the body strength and beauty, and the kind that simply enables it to eke out a mere existence. And so there are two kinds of reading matter: the kind that makes people grow (the kind that gives a person ideas that help them to discover themselves and opens their eyes to a great and glorious world of prosperity and happiness), and the other kind of reading, which is only trash. Yes, it may not be so very bad, it may not be bad at all in one sense, but there is nothing uplifting in it. It doesn't build you up. Like trashy food, it simply keeps you alive; that's all. It doesn't inspire you with hope or enthusiasm or any desire to pick yourself up and do a little better. It is the kind that makes us fail.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: Get 30% off with the coupon code: INSPIRATIONGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/10/202213 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Being Cheerful Will Change Your Life

Listen to episode 658 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How Being Cheerful Will Change Your Life. Edited and adapted from Everyday Efficiency: A Practical Guide to Efficient Living by C.H. Forbes-Lindsay.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is a tremendous amount of satisfaction and pleasure to be got out of the hardest journey through life. The secret of finding it is to make Cheerfulness a constant daily habit. I have traveled a great deal around the world and off the beaten tracks with different companions. Some of them found the hardships and discomforts of the journey sources of genuine interest and amusement, while others were driven to despondency and irritability by the same conditions.Cheerfulness is, as a matter of fact, one of the most easily acquired characteristics. Unlike most cultivable traits, it carries its reward in immediate effects, thus there is constant encouragement to persevere. Cheerfulness is infectious. Every ray of brightness that you throw out is reflected back upon you.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/24/202214 minutes, 23 seconds
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Choosing Your Life's Road | Inspirational Podcasts

Listen to episode 657 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Choosing Your Life’s Road. Edited and adapted from The Call of the Upper Road by Kathrine Ross Logan.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt:All roads start from where you are. They run in all directions, and you may wonder which is the best road to take. All have a way of their own of inviting you, and each has its own particular enticements. Roads seem to know you and expect you. They keep open for you both day and night. But there is a big difference in the roads, and it is most important that you choose the best. At the beginning, the roads may look so very much alike that you may not hesitate much in your choice. You will find, however, as you journey on that the difference in the end is tremendous. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/22/202210 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Cure for Unhappiness | Life Changing Podcasts

Listen to episode 656 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Cure for Unhappiness. Edited and adapted from Character and Happiness by Alvin Edwin Magary.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is no cure for the unhappiness of regret, or the sorrow of bereavement, that is so effective as a well-defined purpose. Misery cannot live with resolution. As soon as we “make up our minds,” relief comes. A course of action is better for most cases of unhappiness than a course of medicine. People talk of “divine discontent” and of “ambition’s holy fire,” but these things are neither divine nor holy. Discontent no more incites to action than indigestion does to appetite. In both cases there is a gnawing hunger that can never be satisfied. Ambition is thus often a torture, a tempter, a whip without a bridle.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/17/202211 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Be Happy & Get Things Done

Listen to episode 654 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Be Happy & Get Things Done. Adapted from Essays on the Meaning of Life by Carl Hilty.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: “I HAVE no time,” that is not only the most familiar and convenient excuse for not doing something; it is also, one must confess, the excuse which has in it the greatest appearance of truth. Is it a good excuse? I must admit that within certain limits the excuse is reasonable. But I shall try to show how it is that this lack of time occurs, and how one may, at least in some degree, find the time you need. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/10/202214 minutes, 24 seconds
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Overcoming Self-Doubt | Orison Swett Marden

Listen to episode 653 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Overcoming Self-Doubt | Motivational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from The Miracle of Right Thought by Orison Swett Marden.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: It is a superb faith (greater than any obstacle) that has made the great discoveries, that has been the great inventor, the great engineer, the great achiever in every line of human endeavor. There is little fear for the future of the young person who has a deep-seated faith in themselves. Self-faith has ever been more than a match for difficulties. It has been the poor person’s friend, their best capital.People with no assets but colossal faith in themselves have accomplished wonders, when capital without self-faith has failed. If you believe in yourself, you will be much more likely to do the larger things you are capable of than if you were to hold a lack-of-confidence attitude.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/8/202212 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Power of Self-Faith & Confidence | Self-Help Podcasts

Listen to episode 652 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of Self-Faith & Confidence. Edited and adapted from The Miracle of Right Thought by Orison Swett Marden.Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: Faith is an optimist because it sees the way out. Doubt is a pessimist because it cannot see the way ahead, and it’s afraid because it can’t cope with the uncertain. Faith opens the door of ability and develops superiority. The habit of expecting great things of ourselves calls out the best that is in us.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/3/202211 minutes, 41 seconds
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Getting Your Life in Tune | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 651 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Getting Your Life in Tune | Success Podcasts. Edited and adapted from The Miracle of Right Thought by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Life is an orchestra, and your mind is the instrument. No matter how you use your mind, in whatever vocation you choose, you cannot afford to start your concert without getting it in tune. Whatever else you may do, do not play out of tune or work out of tune. Do not let your discordant instrument spoil your life. Because it will. Familiarity with discord will wreck your success perception.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/1/202212 minutes, 9 seconds
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Conquering Fear & Anxiety (Pt 2) | Life Changing Podcasts

Listen to episode 646 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Conquest of Fear and Anxiety (Pt. 2). Edited and adapted from A New Philosophy of Life by John Herman Randall.If you want to relieve stress & anxiety, sleep better, or improve your focus, visit today's sponsor Headspace. Go to to get 1 month free access to their entire library of meditations.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: I remember once reading a short story where a young man worries himself into thinking that life is no longer worth living. A friend of the man says, "The trouble with you, my friend, is that you think things are worse than they are." Is not that the chief trouble with us all? We are all prone to "think things are worse than they are," and so we become addicted to the worry habit, forgetting that the worry is in the mind, and therefore can be controlled, whether we can control the object of our worry or not.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/13/202211 minutes, 48 seconds
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Conquering Fear & Anxiety (Pt. 1) | Life Changing Podcasts

Listen to episode 645 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Conquest of Fear and Anxiety (Pt. 1). Edited and adapted from A New Philosophy of Life by John Herman Randall.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: We all come into life bringing with us a heritage of fears, many of which we outgrow, while others hold us in life-long bondage. It is always ignorance that is the mother of fear, and thus every advance into knowledge narrows the field in which fear operates. Freedom from fear does not necessarily mean blind recklessness. It may be the result of that wisdom which, while reverent and cautious, has nevertheless banished all fear thoughts forever.----------------If you want to relieve stress & anxiety, sleep better, or improve your focus, visit today's sponsor Headspace. Go to to get 1 month free access to their entire library of meditations.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/11/202211 minutes, 42 seconds
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Awakening the Sleeping Power Within You (Pt. 2)

Listen to episode 644 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Awakening the Sleeping Power Within You (Pt. 2). Edited and adapted from A New Philosophy of Life by John Herman Randall.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The problem with most of us is that we don’t have confidence in our own selves, in our own ability and powers. We belittle ourselves and constantly underrate our abilities. If we are given a task, we often say to ourselves, "Well, I am afraid I can't do that." Or, when we attempt to solve a problem, we begin with the thought that perhaps we will fail. We are failing a dozen times every week because we have not enough faith in our power to do the thing, and do it better than anybody else in the world.-----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/6/202212 minutes, 19 seconds
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Awakening the Sleeping Power Within You (Pt.1)

Listen to episode 643 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Awakening the Sleeping Power Within You (Pt. 1). Edited and adapted from A New Philosophy of Life by John Herman Randall.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The task set before every individual is this: "Work out your own salvation," physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually. The assurance of ultimate victory is found in the truth, "For it is God who worketh in you." However, most of us would acknowledge that we aren’t living up to our highest mental capacity. In our daily work, we aren’t expressing our very best ability. When we undertake some enterprise, we often don’t see it through with the power we believe ourselves truly capable of. How many times we come to the end of the week with the regretful feeling that if we could only retrace our steps and try it over again, we should succeed much better. -----------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/4/202211 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Find Your Best Self (Pt. 2) | New Year's Motivation

Listen to episode 642 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Find Your Best Self (Pt. 2) | New Year’s Motivation. Edited and adapted from How to Get What You Want by Orison Swett Marden.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Last time we talked about the importance of self-discovery. The great problem is how to get at the force in the great within of ourselves, and then to put it to work to the best advantage. For whether life shall be a success or a failure depends upon the call we make on our resources, the extent to which we develop all our possibilities. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/30/202112 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Find Your Best Self (Pt. 1) | New Year's Motivation

Listen to episode 641 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Find Your Best Self (Pt. 1) | New Year’s Motivation. Edited and adapted from How to Get What You Want by Orison Swett Marden.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: There is a legend that when God was equipping man and woman for their life-journey of exploration, the attendant angel was about to add the gift of contentment and complete satisfaction. The Creator stayed the angel’s hand and said: "No, if we bestow that upon them, it will rob them forever of all joy of self-discovery." The greatest moment in any life is the moment of self-discovery, the moment that gives a human being the first illuminating glimpse of their divine powers, that moment which opens the door into the great within of themselves and shows them their godlike possibilities. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/28/202111 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Feast of St. Friend | Christmas Podcasts

Listen to episode 640 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Feast of St. Friend | Christmas Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Friendship & Happiness by Arnold Bennett.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Children divide their adult acquaintances into two categories—those who sympathize with them in this bizarre and trying adventure called life; and those who don't. The second category is the much larger of the two. Very many people belong to it who think that they belong to the first. They may deceive themselves, but they cannot deceive a child. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/25/202113 minutes, 51 seconds
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Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Clause

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! This special Christmas Eve episode was edited and adapted from the famous Christmas editorial written by Francis Pharcellus Church, published in The New York Sun in 1897.Podcast Transcript: Dear Editor—I am 8 years old. Some of my friends say there is no Santa Claus. My daddy told me to write and ask you. Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?Sincerely Yours,Virginia O'HanlonDear Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except what they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible to their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be adult's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours, we can catch only but a glimpse of the boundless world around us, only grasp but a fragment of the whole of truth and knowledge.Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion, which, as you know, are the things that give life its highest beauty and joy. Oh, how dreary would the world be if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable our existence on Earth.We would have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.Not believe in Santa Claus? You might as well not believe in fairies. You could get your father to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if you did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove?Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor adults can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Probably not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.You can tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.No Santa Claus?! Thank God that is not so. Santa Claus lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/24/20213 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Affirmations Can Do & Can't Do

Listen to episode 635 of the Inspirational Living podcast: What Affirmations Can Do & Can’t Do. Edited and adapted from The Life Power and How to Use it by Elizabeth Towne.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Merely repeating affirmations like "I Am Successful" will do little to help you. We must think the things we desire, and we must put our shoulder to the wheel. However, the person who is full of a sense of failure and defeat is likely to put their shoulder to the wrong side of the wheel. They are so discouraged, preoccupied, and worried that they think it doesn't matter much where they put their shoulder; the thing won't budge anyway. So they go along pressing their shoulder against the same old spot — the wrong spot. But let that person make up their mind that there is a way to budge that wheel, and they will find it; and they will see things move. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/9/202112 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Attractive Power of Enthusiasm

Listen to episode 630 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Attractive Power of Enthusiasm. Edited and adapted from The Secret of Success by William Walker Atkinson.Visit my new website, promoting the area where I have a home in Thailand: Sakon Nakhon.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: You often have heard the word "Enthusiasm" used. You have used it often yourself. But have you ever thought about what the word really means — from what source it originated — what is its essential spirit? Few people have. The word "Enthusiasm" is derived from the Greek term meaning "to be inspired; to be possessed by the gods," the term having originally been used to describe the mindset of an inspired person who seems under the influence of a greater power.A person filled with Enthusiasm indeed seems to be inspired by some power or being higher than themselves. They tap into a source of power of which they are not ordinarily conscious. And the result is that they become like a great magnet, radiating attractive force in all directions and influencing those within their field of influence — for Enthusiasm is contagious, and when really experienced by the individual, it renders them a source of power and center of mental influence.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/23/202110 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Greatest Opportunity Open for All

Listen to episode 629 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Greatest Opportunity Open for All. Edited and adapted from The Ideal Made Real by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The value of an individual life is not measured by the quantity of possessions, but by the quality of existence. The value of life comes not from having much, but from being much. And happiness is invariably a state of mind, coming not from what a person has, but from what they are. We must remember, however, that the person who is much will finally gain much, providing the powers in their possession are practically applied. And their gains will have high quality whether they be gains in the world of things, or in the world of mind, consciousness, and soul.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/18/202111 minutes, 23 seconds
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Abundance & The Secret Power of Gratitude

Listen to episode 628 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Abundance and the Secret Power of Gratitude. Edited and adapted from The Ideal Made Real by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The grateful mind is constantly looking for the best — thus holding its attention upon the best and daily growing into the likeness of the best. The grateful mind expects only good things, and will always secure good things out of everything that comes. What we constantly expect, we receive. And when we constantly expect to get good out of everything, we cause everything to produce good. Therefore, to the grateful mind, all things will at all times work together for good, and this means perpetual increase in everything that can add to our happiness and welfare.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/16/202111 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Right Kind of Determination for Success in Life

Listen to episode 627 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Right Kind of Determination for Success in Life. Prosperity Through Thought Force by Bruce MacLelland.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Some people think they are determined when they are really only bullheaded. Determination is a quality that shouldn’t be confused with stubbornness — that fierce dominating desire to ride roughshod over everyone who has opposing views; the desire to bulldoze, overpower, and tyrannize, without regard to whether right or wrong. That kind of person is just as self-willed when shown they are in the wrong as before, and they will not be moved by reason, logic, or superior wisdom. They will sacrifice money, friends, and home; plunge their family into want, if by so doing they can only have their own way.---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/11/202110 minutes, 54 seconds
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Thought Power & The Law of Attraction

Listen to episode 626 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Thought Power & The Law of Attraction. Prosperity Through Thought Force by Bruce MacLelland.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: You have the right to enjoy life, to follow the occupation you choose, to do as you please, so long as you injure no one, either in thought or action. This is your natural condition, and nothing but the action of your own mind can deprive you of it. It is a natural law. Live in the law and your development is assured.It is literally true that conditions confront one precisely as they are expected. Expect poverty and failure, and you will get them. People think of you just as you think of yourself.---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/9/202112 minutes, 3 seconds
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Making the Doors of Opportunity Fly Open

Listen to episode 625 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Making the Doors of Opportunity Fly Open. Edited and adapted from Heading for Victory; or, Getting the Most Out of Life; by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is an indefinable power in fine manners which unconsciously, irresistibly, and instantaneously wins admiration. Give a person courtesy and accomplishments, and you give them the mastery of palaces and fortunes wherever they go. The well-mannered can do without riches. All doors fly open to them, and they enter everywhere without money and without price. People instinctively know whether you are a genuine lady or gentleman, and respond accordingly. ---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/4/202111 minutes, 56 seconds
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You Were Made to Be an Original

Listen to episode 624 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: You Were Made to Be an Original. Edited and adapted from Heading for Victory; or, Getting the Most Out of Life; by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Don’t be a copy. The dreamers are the builders. The woman and man with an idea has ever changed the face of the world. Ideas go booming through the world louder than cannon. Thoughts are mightier than armies. Principles have achieved more victories than weapons of war.---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/2/202112 minutes, 15 seconds
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Make Today a Red Letter Day in Your Life

Listen to episode 623 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Make Today a Red Letter Day in Your Life. Edited and adapted from Heading for Victory; or, Getting the Most Out of Life; by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When someone asked the great sculptor Herbert Ward the name of his best work, his masterpiece, the artist replied, “My next one”. The only way to make life a masterpiece is to make every day the best; to make each one an advance upon the previous day. The great masters who made their reputations by their wonderful mosaics and stained glass were extremely careful in the selection of the individual bits of marble or of glass which went into the particular thing they were making. Every piece had to be perfect, and no labor was too great to make it so. ---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/28/202110 minutes, 53 seconds
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Building the Foundation to Success in Life

Listen to episode 622 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Building a Foundation for Success in Life. Edited and adapted from Heading for Victory; or, Getting the Most Out of Life; by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The foundation of all success, and of all happiness, lies in robust health. Health means confidence and assurance. It means hope and courage. It means faith in one’s self and faith in others. Health means virility, forcefulness, masterfulness. It means larger opportunity and greater possibilities. Health means initiative, efficiency, success and happiness. In short, everything we live for is so dependent upon good health that it becomes our first duty to keep ourselves in strong physical condition. ---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/26/202112 minutes, 38 seconds
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Fulfilling Your Needs for a Better Life

Listen to episode 621 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Fulfilling Your Needs for a Better Life. Spunk: How to Look Fear by David V. Bush.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The more needs you have, the more should be your accomplishments in the future. Needs are Nature’s way of pushing you up, up, and up. What are your needs? The more your needs, the more Nature grants you the dynamic urge and inward push to seek that which you want. If your needs are great, then you know that your fulfillment in the future will be great, provided you keep the right attitude of mind. Believe you will achieve, that you’re going to get there, that you can and will! --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/21/20219 minutes, 54 seconds
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Developing the Prosperity Habit | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 620 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Developing the Prosperity Habit. Spunk: How to Look Fear by David V. Bush.Motivational Podcast Transcript: We get what we sow. If we sow corn, we get it. If we sow wheat, wheat is what we harvest. If we sow briar patches, briar patches are what will spring up. We get the thing we expect to get; therefore, you must create, maintain, and hold the prosperity habit of thinking. So many people expect to have prosperity and then go to work with a face downcast, a spirit that is broken, and a mental attitude of defeat! Instead of blaming our circumstances, our conditions, our environment and fate because we are not successful, let us throw the searchlight into our own souls and see what our mental attitude is. Do you really believe in prosperity? Are you looking for it? Do you expect it to come? Are you confident it is yours? If you are, then one of these days you will garner a big harvest of the things you expect to get — prosperity, abundance, success. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/19/202111 minutes, 37 seconds
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Life & This Amazing World of Ours

Listen to episode 619 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Life & This Amazing World of Ours. Edited and adapted from 4 Minute Essays by Dr. Frank Crane.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The Seven Wonders of the World are by no means the most wonderful things in the world. The wonders of life are abundant among familiar, every-day matters. Perhaps the most amazing, baffling, mysterious thing in all the universe is a seed. Look at an apple-tree. All of its trunk, the law of its branches, its leaves and their veins, its delicate blossoms and its red fruit, were contained in a little, brown, hard seed. Open the seed and you see nothing but a whitish filling; yet that substance has powers as strange as the human mind. It has a plan that includes wood, flowers, and apples. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/14/202111 minutes
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Watch Your Words & Never Give Up!

Listen to episode 618 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Becoming Rich and Full of Life. Edited and adapted from 4 Minute Essays by Dr. Frank Crane.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Have you lost your money? Has your business failed? Is poverty staring you in the face? Are you up against the wall, unsure of which way to turn? Do you sit and brood? Is despair your companion? Go on! Move forward! Tomorrow lies before you. Who knows what is there? Perhaps the land of Success is just beyond the horizon and tomorrow’s sun will reveal it, palm-fringed and glistening. So what if you have lost your position, if you have lost your love. So what if disgrace has fallen upon you, disease has attacked you, friends have deserted you, or some other calamity shadows you. Go on! Life is not a fixed point. Life is a stream, ever flowing. It is a moving picture continually unfolding. It is a strange tale. There will yet be another chapter after this. Let us see what is. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/12/202110 minutes
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Becoming Rich & Full of Life | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 617 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Becoming Rich and Full of Life. Edited and adapted from Adventures in Common Sense by Dr. Frank Crane.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Give us riches! Rich hearts to love mightily; rich brains to think boldly; rich hands to work skillfully; rich bodies to live healthily; riches of culture to keep us out of the bogs of barbarism; riches of music, of sculpture, of architecture; riches of spirit to grasp the majesty of moral laws, and riches of money to secure our personal independence. The great individual is the one who is full life, and full of ideas. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/7/202113 minutes, 4 seconds
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Manifesting Your Inner World to the Outer

Listen to episode 616 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Manifesting Your Inner World to the Outer. Edited and adapted from The Ideal Made Real by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To change your fate, begin with yourself. If the environment in which you live is beneath your ideal, nothing can be gained by leaving that environment until the way is opened naturally to better things. If you simply get up and leave, you will gravitate into something elsewhere that will be just as uncongenial as those conditions you left behind. First, find the reason why you are living in your present adverse environments, then proceed to remove that cause. There may be many reasons, but in most cases the principal reason is a lack of ability or power to apply the ability you possess. In such a case, you must remove inability by becoming more proficient, and as soon as you are competent to render better service, you will readily find a better place. This will mean larger remuneration, and you will thus be able to secure more desirable surroundings. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/5/202112 minutes, 6 seconds
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Living Consciously For Greater Possibilities Ahead

Listen to episode 615 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Living Consciously for Greater Possibilities Ahead. Edited and adapted from Circles by Ralph Waldo Emerson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. Today I would like to share with you one of our earliest episodes, back in 2017. It’s been edited and adapted from the essay "Circles" by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This reading is one of the 200+ archival episodes that are no longer publicly available. But all of these episodes are available to our patrons at Patreon, plus our weekly series Our Sunday Talks and full transcripts. Learn how you can support us, and get these benefits in return, by visiting Thank you.Beware when the universe lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. It is as when a conflagration has broken out in a great city, and no one knows where it is safe, or when it will end. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/30/202112 minutes, 58 seconds
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Creating Your Ideal Surroundings | New Thought Podcasts

Listen to episode 614 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Creating Your Ideal Surroundings. Edited and adapted from The Ideal Made Real by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: If the surroundings in which you live are not what you wish them to be, know that you can change them. You can make those surroundings ideal. You can make those surroundings better and better at every step in your advancement, thus making real higher and higher ideals in your life. This is a positive truth and should be impressed so deeply upon your mind that no former belief on the subject can cause you to doubt your possession of this power for a moment. ---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/28/202112 minutes, 39 seconds
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Visualization & Building a Powerful Personal Atmosphere

Listen to episode 613 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Visualization & Building a Powerful Personal Atmosphere. Edited and adapted from Live and Grow Young by Arthur Edward Stilwell.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: All things have an individual atmosphere. Our atmosphere is created by our actions — by our material existence. We create it by our life, thoughts, and deeds. The hateful person has a disagreeable atmosphere; the kindly, loving person, a pleasing atmosphere. People feel these individual atmospheres just as they feel the shade of the trees or an approaching storm. The atmosphere of many public women and men is felt by thousands, sometimes millions. Some have lived such grand and noble lives that their atmosphere seems almost visible. There are people who reflect such hope, joy, and sunshine in their atmosphere that they make a rainy day seem pleasant. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/23/202113 minutes, 2 seconds
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Live and Grow Young | Inspirational Podcasts

Listen to episode 612 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Live and Grow Young. Edited and adapted from Live and Grow Young by Arthur Edward Stilwell.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Ralph Waldo Emerson said that we do not count a person’s years until they have nothing else to count. So keep on moving, keep on achieving, and give the world something else to count. From time immemorial humanity has sought the elixir of life. Quests have been made in all lands for the fountain of youth. It has been the dream of every age to extend our earthly existence. But out of centuries of disappointment has come the realization that the prolongation of life can never come from without. It can only be the product of the within. It is the thinking and living of life that will banish years and give you health. ---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/21/202112 minutes, 51 seconds
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Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Fear

Listen to episode 611 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Fear. Edited and adapted from Pushing to the Front by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Quit fearing things that may never happen, just as you would quit any bad practice which has caused you suffering. Fill your mind with courage, hope, and confidence. Do not wait until fear thoughts become entrenched in your mind and your imagination. Do not dwell upon them. Apply the antidote instantly, and the enemies will flee. There is no fear so great, or entrenched so deeply in the mind, that it cannot be neutralized or entirely eradicated by its opposite. You must drive out fear by putting a new idea into the mind. Fear, in any of its expressions, like worry or anxiety, cannot live an instant in your mind in the presence of the opposite thought: the image of courage, fearlessness, confidence, hope, self-assurance, self-reliance. --------------Get our podcast with full transcripts delivered right to your smart phone, and without ads, by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/16/202113 minutes, 7 seconds
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You Are a Mental Magnet | The Law of Attraction

Listen to episode 606 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: You Are a Mental Magnet | The Law of Attraction. Edited and adapted from How to Get What You Want by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: What we think most about is constantly weaving itself into the fabric of our career. It is becoming a part of ourselves, increasing the power of our mental magnet to attract those things we most ardently desire.When the architect looks at the plan of their building, they do not see merely the plan. That only suggests the building. It is the invisible building, the creation of their mind that they see. What they take in from the plan with the eyes is not the reality at all. They see in all its details the building of their mental vision. If they did not see it in this way, it would never become a reality. If they could see only the mechanical plans, they would not be an architect at all.---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/31/202112 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Inspirational Power of Friendship & Nature

Listen to episode 605 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Inspirational Power of Friendship and Nature. Edited and adapted from Invincible Power by John Henry Remmers.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The full realization of what Friendship means to life should grip you. It should inspire you with an intense desire to live in such a manner that those who have proved their genuineness will admit you into its noble realm. Once there, no one can predict the measure of your success. You may rise to the very heights of life. True Friendship has opened the way upward for the most humble and sincere, and by its added force they rose to greatness. Upon the pages of history there are many examples which reveal this mighty truth. The person who fully appreciates the power of Friendship, and who through right living establishes it between themselves and the upright and strong, moves forward with that irresistible current which carries on to success. -------Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comOur Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/26/202113 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Key to Personal Growth & Self-Development

Listen to episode 604 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Key to Personal Growth and Self-Development. Edited and adapted from Invincible Power by John Henry Remmers.Get our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Podcast Excerpt: To succeed in life and find happiness, it is of vital importance to comprehend and realize the element of Resistance. This element is always present, a part of the Divine plan, and no living thing can escape it. Its purpose is evolution. And in opposition to this element of Resistance stands Assertiveness. By the action of the two we have a result: either Failure or Success, according to the degree and nature of our Assertiveness. An individual who governs themselves by the laws of progress, Assertively meets Resistance with Wisdom and Strength, and by this very contact promotes the growth of their Personality — the unfoldment of their Power, Evolution, and Success. --------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comOur Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/24/202112 minutes, 20 seconds
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You Can Be What You Will to Be | Uplifting Podcasts

Listen to episode 603 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: You Can What You Will to Be | Uplifting Podcasts. Edited and adapted from What All the World is a-Seeking by Ralph Waldo Trine.Inspirational Podcast Excerpts: There is nothing more true in connection with human life than that we grow into the likeness of those things we contemplate. Literally and scientifically true is that old saying, "as you thinketh in your heart, so you be." The "be" part is your character. Your character is the sum total of your habits. Your habits have been formed by your conscious acts. But every conscious act is, as I have said, preceded by a thought. And so we have thought on the one hand, and character, life, and destiny on the other. It is simply the thought of the present moment, and the next moment, and then the next, and so on through all time. We can in this way attain to whatever ideals we desire. ---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/19/202112 minutes, 13 seconds
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The True Secret of Happiness, Power & Greatness

Listen to episode 602 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The True Secret of Happiness, Power and Greatness. What All the World is a-Seeking by Ralph Waldo Trine.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: How can you make life yield its fullest and best? How can you know the true secret of power? How can you attain to a true and lasting greatness? How can you fill your whole of life with a happiness and peace, a joy and satisfaction, that is ever rich and abiding, that ever increases and never diminishes, that imparts to it a sparkle that never loses its luster, that ever fascinates and never wearies?No questions, perhaps, in this form or that, have been asked more often than these. Millions in the past have asked them. Millions are asking them today. They will be asked by millions more yet unborn. Is there an answer, a true and safe one, for these many millions? Are you interested in the answer?---------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/17/202111 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Turn in the Road that Changes Everything

Announcement: Today is the last day of our book sale! Get 30% off our heirloom hardcover books, featuring the best essays read on the Inspirational Living podcast. Go to: Then use the coupon code: BESTBOOK-----------Listen to episode 597 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Turn in the Road that Changes Everything. Edited and adapted from The Power of Truth by William George Jordan.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When walking along a mountain trail there is sometimes a sudden sharp turn where, by seeming magic, the narrow path is transformed into the entrance of a vast panorama of Nature. We are stunned as we involuntarily stop short, rest and surrender to its majesty. The view exalts us, glorifies us, inspires us. We have a new high restful ground of contemplation. We have a new test of values, a new base of interpretation, a new relation to life....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/29/202110 minutes, 33 seconds
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Connecting to the Life Changing Power Within You

Listen to episode 595 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Connecting to the Life Changing Power Within You. Edited and adapted from You Can, But Will You? By Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Emerson says that we are weak when we look for help outside of ourselves; that it is only as we throw ourselves unhesitatingly on our thoughts that we instantly right ourselves, stand erect and work miracles. In other words, you will never do the biggest thing possible to you while you rely on outside help, upon others to boost you, to give you capital, or to start your business. It is only when, figuratively speaking, you throw everything else overboard and dive right into the great within of yourself that you find the spring of success, the achievement force, the power which does things in a big way.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/22/202112 minutes, 21 seconds
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Self-Respect for a Joyful Life | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 594 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Self-Respect for a Joyful Life. Edited and adapted from You Can, But Will You? By Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: At the very outset of your professional life, you can make no better resolution than that, whatever happens, you will stand well with yourself, that you will never forfeit your self-respect, never besmirch your honor by perverting your divine nature to do mean, low, dishonorable things. If you firmly resolve that you will always have the good opinion of at least one person in the world (yourself), no one, no conditions or circumstances, can cheat you out of an honorable career, an honorable life.---------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/20/202112 minutes, 55 seconds
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Affirmations Sleep Meditation with Rain Sounds

I would like to share with you today the 2nd variation of our popular Affirmations Sleep Meditation. Previously I shared with you the Ocean Sounds version. This 2nd version features our life changing affirmations spoken over a continuous stream of gently falling rain and rolling thunder. This recording will relax your mind to encourage a deep, restful sleep, and help create instructive dreams to solve problems, inspire new actions, and build a positive mindset.The 50 affirmations included in this Sleep Meditation were carefully selected and edited by David Alan, host of the Inspirational Living podcast and founder of The Living Hour. To learn about our MAJESTY meditation, which can help transform your personal and professional life in 30 days, please visit Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/17/202125 minutes, 5 seconds
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Avoiding Detours on Your Road to Success

Listen to episode 593 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Avoiding Detours on Your Road to Success. Edited and adapted from C’mon Up by Franklin Fillmore Farrington.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Nobody who drives a car enjoys seeing the sign “Detour” — for it means the long and hard way. For some reason, the straight, smooth road has been closed, and we are asked to go out of our way and endure the consequences.The person who lives an overly emotional life is constantly making detours, going the hard, difficult, “round about” way. The people who end the day with the expression, “I am so weary,” are generally emotional people. They do no great work but allow their energy to leak away in needless emotions.--------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/15/202112 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Power of Letting Go | Live NOW

Listen to episode 592 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Power of Letting Go | Live NOW. Edited and adapted from C’mon Up by Franklin Fillmore Farrington.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Worry is the bugaboo of life! You have not yet lived unless you have learned to neutralize the acid thoughts of fear and anxiety. Sooner or later, mental unrest manifests itself physically, mentally, and financially. The old saying, “When about to let go, hold on,” should be revised to say, “When about to hold on—let go.”One of the best ways of testing a person's physical and mental condition is to ascertain their ability to relax. When we tighten up mentally, we see an immediate effect on the body. High blood pressure, indigestion, headaches, the hardening of the arteries, and a score of other ailments are often a direct result of the desire to “hold on” instead of “letting go.”-------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/13/202112 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Power of the Subconscious Mind | Life Changing Podcasts

Listen to episode 591 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Power of the Subconscious Mind. Edited and adapted from Success Psychology by Coleman Hall Bush.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The conscious mind has the important duty of being the thinker for the other departments of our mind. It acts as the adviser and master suggestor for our sub-conscious mind, and the sub-conscious ALWAYS receives these suggestions from our conscious mind, whether we know it or not, and it has a follow-up-system of working them into realization that many people are blind to. In other words, we may get a “rotten patch of hard luck” today and wonder why, but THE ORDER was placed through our Conscious Mind, maybe years ago.The conscious mind is the leader. It takes the leadership and initiative in all forms of development. When the conscious mind gives its order to the sub-conscious, that order is taken up and acted upon by the sub-conscious department of our mind, while we sleep, possibly, but it is taken up and acted upon A L W A Y S.-------Get the best of our podcast in book form by visiting: https://inspirationallifelessons.comGet our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/8/202111 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Use Your Time & Money | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 589 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: How to Use Your Time & Money | Success Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Gaining the Round Above, a Guide to Personal Efficiency, by Gustavus S. Kimball.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: A wise philosopher once said, “Time is the stuff that life is made of.” Many people waste a great deal of time on trivialities, instead of putting their work where it will matter. When Drexillius was asked by a friend how he managed to accomplish so much, he replied: “The year has 365 days, or 8,760 hours. In so many hours great things can be done. The slow tortoise made a long journey by losing no time.”------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/1/202112 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Ambition to Achieve Great Things | Inspiring Podcasts

Listen to episode 588 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Ambition to Achieve Great Things. Edited and adapted from Gaining the Round Above, a Guide to Personal Efficiency, by Gustavus S. Kimball.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Many of the circumstances of our lives we cannot change, but it IS up to us how we respond to them. Let it be understood at the start, that the patient conquest of difficulties in business and enterprise is not only essential in securing the success we seek, but necessary to that preparation of mind requisite for the enjoyment of our success, and for retaining it when gained.It is the rule of Providence that the process of earning success shall be the preparation for its conversion and enjoyment. So, day after day, work on — and in that process, gain strength and symmetry, nerve and knowledge. No better advice was ever given to a young person than that conveyed in Emerson's maxim, "Hitch your wagon to a star."------Transform your life in 30 days with our MAJESTY meditation program: our podcast with full transcripts and without ads by visiting: Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/29/202112 minutes, 55 seconds
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Being a Leader in Every Day Life | Leadership Podcasts

Listen to episode 586 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Being a Leader in Every Day Life. Edited and adapted from Leadership by George H. Knox. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: There are some things in life that one needs to forget. And if we could forget, forgiving would be easy. To be able to forget slights and wrongs inflicted by others is a greater asset than to have a good memory. So, forget and forgive, and obliterate forever all the rankling animosities of the past. It will give you health and happiness, and purify your soul. What good does it do to brood over a thing that can't be helped. If you have done wrong, right the wrong if possible, and then forget it. Outgrow it. Let the brain cells of unpleasant memories wither and die. Remove the thistle, and plant the flower. Lose sight of the wrong. Cling to the good. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/22/202111 minutes, 39 seconds
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You Have the Talent to Do Great Things

Listen to episode 585 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: You Have the Talent to Do Great Things. Edited and adapted from Leadership by George H. Knox. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The tadpole becomes a frog or toad — something of more importance than a tadpole. The caterpillar becomes a butterfly. But the brightest child may live a hundred years, and never become a genuine woman or man — a true individual. In becoming your true self there is more to do than finding enough to eat and a place to sleep. The animals do that. There are kind words to speak, loads to lift, and people to cheer, help, and save. There are intellectual problems to be solved, spiritual heights to be scaled, a passion for service and a love of humanity to be cultivated. Every day, every year, can bring a higher state of existence, a more marvelous transformation. No person can estimate the influence or possibilities of a human life. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/17/202112 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Power of the Mind & How to Use It

Listen to episode 584 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Power of the Mind & How to Use It. Edited and adapted from Leadership by George H. Knox. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt:The mind is the key to power and the source of all power — the open door to fame and immortality. The mind is also the greatest factor in the development of personality. It is the one power, and the only power, that dominates and controls you. It is the one indestructible agency that survives time. It cannot be weighed or measured. It outreaches a million worlds. It is as limitless as the universe and as boundless as eternity. In a mere instant, we can turn the mind back to the beginning of human history. Circumscribed by neither time nor space, its dwelling place is eternity, and in a single moment of flight, it can reach the most distant star, and then on and on and on. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/15/202111 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Mindset to Win Life's Battles | Motivation Podcasts

Listen to episode 583 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Mindset to Win Life’s Battles. Edited and adapted from How to Lick Our Fears by David V. Bush.Motivation Podcast Excerpt: Not many people believe in witches and goblins anymore, but plenty of us have, through fear, worry, and shyness, conjured up numerous devils to beset our road, to rob us of our happiness, and sink us into the rut of despair. Borrowed troubles, magnified worries, these are the modern devils which camp on nearly everyone’s trail, and block many a successful highway. What is there to fear? Nothing but fear. But thousands of us are haunted day and night by that particular devil of the imagination. Devils of worries, fear, and disappointment are barriers which only the mind can overcome. Devils, like our troubles, are mostly in our minds. If we mix up a witches’ brew of fear and worry, we shall sip a bitter cup of unhappiness indeed. Loss may become such a devil, it could drive us to suicide today, as it has done to thousands in the past. And yet loss may be a blessing in disguise, or an incentive to drive us to greater accomplishments. Whatever effect it has on us depends upon the state of our mind. Loss may be as vinegar to the taste and wormwood to the soul. Or loss may help us to make friends and lay the foundation for success or riches. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/10/202111 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Overcome Your Fears | Self-Help Podcasts

Listen to episode 582 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: How to Overcome Your Fears. Edited and adapted from How to Lick Our Fears by David V. Bush.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast, as special thank you to our new monthly patrons, Judith Ogedegbe, Jeri Neathery, and Andy Graham. Learn how you can become a patron for as little as $3 a month, to receive ad-free podcasts, full transcripts, and more, by visiting Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from How to Lick Fear by David V. Bush, published in 1924.The common saying that you are making a mountain out of a molehill, contains more truth than poetry. When your imagination takes wings, and fancy runs wild, you can picture and anticipate more trouble in five minutes than you could actually bring upon yourself in a lifetime. Imagination can do almost anything: It can give us the right mental attitude for success, health, and happiness; but uncontrolled, it can build structures of doubt, sorrow, ill-health, and many a trouble.Most of the troubles we have are imagined. Our worst troubles never come. Whether our troubles are real or imaginary, there is one way to meet them and rise superior to them — one easy, sure way to knock every fear in the head and throw it out of your mental picture gallery. It is so simple that you will wonder why the human family has not been taught it from infancy.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/8/202112 minutes, 35 seconds
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Inspirational Thoughts for Every-Day Life

Listen to episode 580 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Inspirational Thoughts for Every-day Life. Edited and adapted from the work of Maltbie Davenport Babcock.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. A special thank you to our newest patron Jackie Cochran. Jackie now has access to ad-free podcasts, full transcripts, and our entire archive of over 550 podcasts. You can too, by visiting do not come with their value stamped upon them. Every one of them must be challenged. A day dawns, quite like other days. In it a single hour comes, quite like other hours. But in that day, and in that hour, the chance of a lifetime faces us. To face every opportunity of life thoughtfully and ask its meaning bravely and earnestly, is the only way to meet the supreme opportunities when they come, whether recognized or disguised.---------------Many a good intention dies from inattention. If, through carelessness, indolence, or selfishness, a good intention is not put into effect, we have lost an opportunity, demoralized ourselves, and stolen from the pile of possible good. To be born and not fed, is to perish. To launch a ship and neglect it, is to lose it. To have a talent and bury it, is to live a wasted life. For in the end, we shall be judged not only by what we have done, but by what we could have done.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/1/202112 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Quality that Makes or Breaks You | Success Podcasts

Listen to episode 578 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Quality that Makes or Breaks You. Edited and adapted from The Making of the Man by Edward Ward Carmack.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The subject of my talk today isn’t the training of your intellectual faculties or the acquisition of knowledge. I would rather impress upon you that the strongest, most disciplined mind cannot of itself bring you honor or happiness, cannot make you a good and useful citizen, or entitle you to the respect of others. The great topic upon which I plan to speak is character — for the greatest women and men, whose names are honored and revered by all humankind, were not great because they were mighty in intellect, but because they were grand in soul. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/25/202111 minutes, 55 seconds
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Become an Artist in Your Work | Inspirational Living

Listen to episode 574 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Become an Artist in Your Work & Life. Edited and adapted from Essays on Work and Culture by Hamilton Wright Mabie.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The person whose life is intelligently ordered is always preparing themselves for the highest demands of their work. They are not only doing their work with adequate skill from day to day, but always fitting themselves in advance for more exacting and difficult tasks.If you are to become an artist in your work, your specific preparation for particular occasions and tasks must be part of a general preparation for ALL possible occasions and tasks — because it is not only impossible to foresee opportunities, but often impossible to recognize their importance.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/11/202113 minutes, 1 second
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Climbing the Ladder of Purpose & Success

Listen to episode 573 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Climbing the Ladder of Purpose and Success. Edited and adapted from The Crown of Individuality by William George Jordan.Success Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. A special thank you to our newest monthly patron, Sandra Hopper. To learn how you can become our patron and get access to ad free episodes, full transcripts, and more, please visit Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from The Crown of Individuality by William George Jordan, published in 1909.Purpose gives a new impulse, a new impetus, a new interpretation to living. Purpose is the backbone of a life of courage. It shows that the highest justification for living is love, in some form. It may be for a cause, a country, an ideal, a family, or an individual. Purpose at its best means our mastery over conditions, our mastery over self, our dedication to something higher than self, fighting for the right and fighting it to the end. Were we able to follow a great purpose from its highest flights of effort, we might find its nest of inspiration in the heart of someone of whom the world knew nothing. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/6/202112 minutes
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True Optimism for a Happy Life | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 571 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: True Optimism for a Happy Life. Edited and adapted from The Crown of Individuality by William George Jordan.Visit today's sponsor Headspace, the easy-to-use meditation app whose benefits are backed by 25 published studies and over 600K five star reviews. Go to for a free 1 month trial.Happiness Podcast Excerpt: Optimism is the sunshine of the soul in action. It is sturdy confidence that right must triumph, united to tireless courage to make it triumph. Optimism is the finest weapon in the armory of the individual. It unifies all the undaunted virtues of your strength into a force and inspiration. It means fighting for, or with, the battalions of right, love, justice, and truth — with a determination to win. True optimism is something more than a continuous performance of hope. It is the joy of living — made an actual fact. It means seeking the best, living the best, doing the best. It means focusing all that is highest in our character to meet conditions. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/29/202113 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Hold on to Happiness | Life Changing Podcasts

Listen to episode 569 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: How to Hold on to Happiness. Edited and adapted from The Crown of Individuality by William George Jordan.Happiness Podcast Excerpt: Happiness does not consist of what we have but what we are — not in our possessions but in our attitude towards them. It is the serenity of the soul in the presence of a joy. It is not absolute, requiring certain fixed conditions. It is relative. What would be a fast for one might prove a royal feast for another.Happiness does not always require success, prosperity, or attainment. It is often the joy of hopeful struggle, the consecration of a purpose, and energy used to some good end. Real happiness ever has its root in unselfishness — its blossom in love of some kind. We make or mar our own happiness and that of others to a larger degree than we are willing to admit. It is easier to pose as a victim of conditions than to prove ourselves a victor.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/22/202111 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sleep Meditation w/ Positive Affirmations & Ocean Sounds

We are pleased to share with you the free release of our popular Ocean Sounds Sleep Meditation, which features life changing affirmations spoken over a continuous stream of gently rolling waves. This recording will relax your mind to encourage a deep, restful sleep, and help create instructive dreams to solve problems, inspire new actions, and build a positive mindset.The 50 affirmations included in the Ocean Sounds Sleep Meditation were carefully selected and edited by David Alan, host of the Inspirational Living podcast and founder of The Living Hour. To learn about our MAJESTY meditation, which can help transform your personal and professional life in 30 days, please visit Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/21/202125 minutes
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The Crown of Individuality | Living Your Potential

Listen to episode 568 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Crown of Individuality | Living Your Best Life. Edited and adapted from The Crown of Individuality by William George Jordan.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: The supreme courage of life is the courage of the soul. It is living, day by day, sincerely, steadfastly, serenely — despite all opinions, all obstacles, all opposition. It means the wine of inspiration that comes from the crushed grapes of our sorrows. This courage makes the simplest life great. It makes the greatest life sublime. It means the royal dignity of fine individual living.Every man and woman reigns a king or queen over the kingdom of self. They wear the crown of individuality that no hands but their own can ever remove. You should not only reign but rule. Your individuality is your true self, your best self, your highest self, your self victorious.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/20/202112 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Most Valuable Secret of Life

Listen to episode 566 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Most Valuable Secret of Life. Edited an adapted from the work of Elbert Hubbard, collected in the book The American Bible by Alice Hubbard.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The secret, which I am about to tell you, is the most valuable and far-reaching of any known to human kind. It is the key to health, happiness, wealth, power, success. It is the open sesame to Paradise, here and now. A secret is something known only to a few. But often the best way to retain a secret is to let others help you to keep it. Just as the only way to retain love is to give it away — art and religion the same.This secret, which I am about to impart, will cause no thrill, save in the hearts of those who already know it. And all I can do for you, anyway, is to tell you the things you know, but which possibly you do not know you know until I tell you.So, here, then, is the secret.....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/13/202112 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mastering Your Moods | The Art of Arts

Listen to episode 565 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Mastering Your Moods | The Art of Arts. Edited and adapted from Every Man a King by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: When things get hard for you, when everything seems to go against you, when you are thwarted on every side, when the sky is dark and you can see no light, that is just the time to exhibit your mettle, to show of what stuff you are made. If there is anything in you, adversity will bring it out. What you do in spite of circumstances, rather than because of them, is the measure of your success ability. When you get up in the morning feeling blue and discouraged because disagreeable things confront you, make up your mind firmly that, come what may, you will make that particular day a "red-letter" day in your life. Then, instead of a probable failure and the loss of a day, you will at least accomplish infinitely more than you would have done if you had given way to your depressing mood. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/8/202110 minutes, 58 seconds
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Building the Habits to Set You Free | Motivational

Listen to episode 562 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Building the Habits to Set You Free. Edited and adapted from King of Mind, Body, and Circumstance by James Allen.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Habit is repetition. We repeat the same thoughts, the same actions, the same experiences over and over again until they are incorporated within our being, until they are built into our character as part of ourselves. Faculty is fixed habit. Evolution is mental accumulation. Humanity, today, is the result of millions of repetitious thoughts and acts. We are not ready-made. We become, and are still becoming. Our character is predetermined by our own choice. The thought, the act, which we choose — that, by habit, we become.Thus each person is an accumulation of thoughts and deeds. The characteristics which you manifest instinctively and without effort are lines of thought and action that become, by long repetition, automatic — for it is the nature of habit to become unconscious, to repeat itself without any apparent choice or effort on the part of its possessor. And in due time it takes such complete possession of the individual as to appear to render their will powerless to counteract it. This is the case with all habits, whether good or bad. Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/30/202113 minutes, 6 seconds
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Bringing Out the Best Within You

Listen to episode 556 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Bringing Out the Best Within You. Edited and adapted from Mastery of Fate by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To bring out the best that is within you, you must not merely exist; you must live. When you actually live, you are what you are, and are ALL that you are. You stop trying to be something else, or someone else. You do not imitate, but continue to be yourself always. And this is one of the secrets in the creation of a greater destiny.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/9/202114 minutes, 50 seconds
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How the Mind Works | Law of Attraction

Listen to episode 554 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: How the Mind Works | Law of Attraction. Edited and adapted from How the Mind Works by Christian D. Larson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Through the law of attraction, we naturally meet in the external world what corresponds to our own internal world, that is, to what we are in ourselves. The self constitutes the magnet, and like attracts like. This inner self that constitutes the magnet is composed of all the active forces, desires, tendencies, motives, states, and thoughts that are at work in your mind or personality.When you look at everything that is alive throughout your whole being (and put all those things together) you have what may be termed your present active self. And this self invariably attracts in the external world such conditions as correspond to its own nature.This self (and all its parts within you) correspond to the thoughts that you have been creating in your mind. In fact, the nature of the self is actually composed of your thoughts, mental states, and mental activities. Therefore, when you change your thoughts, the nature of your inner self will change, and this change will be good or otherwise depending upon your changes of thought.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/2/202113 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Greatest Power Within You | Self-Help Podcasts

Listen to episode 552 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Greatest Power Within You. Edited and adapted from How the Mind Works by Christian D. Larson.Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. I have some exciting news about a beautiful, new short film that is going to feature audio from this podcast. The film is an irreverent story about a homeless man who stumbles upon an eccentric self-help program that guides him on his odyssey to become a fisherman. In addition to providing inspirational audio to the filmmakers, I am also one of the film’s producers.To learn more about this film project and our Kickstarter campaign, visit Thank you.Today’s reading was edited and adapted from How the Mind Works by Christian D. Larson, published in 1912.The powers and possibilities that are inherent in the human mind are practically unbounded — for virtually no limit can be found to anything in human nature. The discovery that everything in human nature contains a latent capacity for perpetual development should give us a new conception of ourselves, a conception which when applied will revolutionize the entire sphere of our thought and action.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/23/202112 minutes, 40 seconds
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Training Your Mind for Success | Keith J. Thomas

Listen to episode 551 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Training Your Mind for Complete Success. Edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: If you want to make yourself great, it is worth a little trouble, and the habit of doing things in the best possible manner will make you do everything you undertake in the same spirit of thorough perfection. The same divine, creative spirit dwells in you that dwelt in Michelangelo, in Catherine the Great, in Plato and St. Paul. The only power that differentiated them from others and made them heroic figures shining brightly in the firmament of life was the power of mind. That same power will raise you above others, above your competitors in business, above the disabilities of your environment — that power and no other.If you are to raise yourself intellectually the stimulus must come from yourself. You must make a point of training your mental faculties all day and every day, till you know what a vast power you have within you and how to use it.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/18/202113 minutes, 42 seconds
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Overcoming Your Doubts and Fears | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 548 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Overcoming Your Doubts & Fears | Motivational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: “For the timid and hesitating, everything is impossible, because it seems so," says Sir Walter Scott. The converse is expressed in the English proverb, "Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.”The limit of our achievements is the power of our own thought. The mind grows on what it feeds upon. If you allow doubt to occupy any place at all in your mind, that doubt will grow there. A little hesitation will grow into a big doubt, and the habit of doubt will surely result in death to self-reliance, and good-bye to success.Out with all your doubts and fears! They are unworthy of your mind, which should be in harmony with the Infinite. No task can ever come your way that you have not the power within you to fulfill....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/9/202114 minutes, 21 seconds
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Living Up to Every Day's Possibilities

Listen to episode 545 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Living Up to Every Day’s Possibilities. Edited and adapted from The Power of Truth by William George Jordan.Support our podcast by visiting today's sponsor Blue Bottle Coffee. Try your first 12 oz. bag of whole beans, normally a $20 value, for only $5 at: Podcast Excerpt: If we would make our lives worthy of us, grand and noble, solid and impregnable, we must forsake air-castles of dreaming for strongholds of doing. Every person with an ideal has a right to live in the glow and inspiration of it, and to picture the joy of attainment, but the worker should never really worry about the future, think little of it except for inspiration. You should determine your course, as mariners study the stars; then make your plans wisely and prepare for that future by making each separate day the best and truest that you can.Live up to the fullness of your possibilities each day. You have only one day of life — today. You did live yesterday, you may live tomorrow, but you have only today.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/28/202114 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Nature & Power of the Mind | James Allen

Listen to episode 544 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Nature & Power of the Mind. Edited and adapted from Out From the Heart by James Allen.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Your life proceeds from your heart and mind. You have compounded that mind by your own thoughts and deeds. It is within your power to refashion that mind by your choice of thought. And in this manner, you can transform your life.To begin, remember that every established mental condition is an acquired habit, and it has become so by continuous repetition of thought. Despondency and cheerfulness, anger and calmness, covetousness and generosity — indeed, all states of mind — are habits built up by choice, until they have become automatic. A thought constantly repeated, at last becomes a fixed habit of mind, and from such habits proceeds one’s life.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/26/202112 minutes, 45 seconds
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Finding Wisdom & Joy in Meditation | Happiness Podcasts

Listen to episode 543 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Finding Wisdom & Joy in Meditation. Edited and adapted from The Mastery of Destiny by James Allen.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: By concentration we may acquire the wonderful comprehension and vast power of a Caesar; but by meditation we may reach the divine wisdom and perfect peace of a Buddha — for while the perfection of concentration is power, the perfection of meditation is wisdom.By concentration, people acquire skill in the doing of the things of life (in science, art, trade, etc.), but by meditation, they acquire skill in life itself (in right living, enlightenment, wisdom, etc.) Saints, sages, saviors (wise women and men and divine teachers) are the finished products of spiritual meditation.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/21/202115 minutes, 27 seconds
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Personal Salesmanship for a Life More Abundant

Listen to episode 542 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Personal Salesmanship for a Life More Abundant. Edited and adapted from Success Psychology by Coleman Hall Bush.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Let us enjoy life to the full, as we bring to ourselves the thrills, the pleasures, and the joys of “life more abundant” — which in turn will increase our personal power and success, for power is the energy that overcomes resistance and does constructive work. It is the ability which puts over business deals. It is impersonal, invisible, impartial, directive, receptive, neutral, and PRESENT always! It is up to us to sell it to ourselves and use it in selling to others.Power is impersonal because it serves all who choose to use it. It is invisible, for while we can see the results of power, we never can see THE power — just as we may see the apple fall, but we cannot see the invisible power of gravitation that pulls it to earth. It is impartial, serving friend and foe, and is no respecter of persons. It is receptive to our intelligent control, as long as we work in accordance with the natural laws which are inherent in its being. It is neutral, being neither conscious nor unconscious of us or the purpose we seek to use it for.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/19/202112 minutes, 46 seconds
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Dare to Think Big | Planning for Greater Things

Listen to episode 541 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Dare to Think Big | Planning for Greater Things. Edited and adapted from Three lectures on "The Laws of Financial Success" by B.F. Austin.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Financial success is won by those who dare to think big. Little thoughts, plans, and ideals beget little interest, little effort, little enthusiasm in the individual, and awaken little or no interest in the minds of others. The radical difference between the pop-corn vendor at the fair and the next Steve Jobs is in the size of their ideas and concepts. Popcorn ideas beget a popcorn life. Great ideas, projects, and enterprises rouse the soul of the individual to the effort, courage, and daring that is commensurate with grand ideas.Great individuals cannot be approached with any project of a trifling character; time and mental force are too valuable to waste on things not "worthwhile." An entrepreneur should continually plan greater and still greater projects for themselves and have the courage and daring to embark upon these new enterprises, trusting in the unfolding powers of their own soul, in the great law of evolution, and in the "Star of Destiny" to crown their efforts with success.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/14/202114 minutes, 51 seconds
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Motivation for Conquering Defeat to Win Success

Listen to episode 540 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Motivation for Conquering Defeat to Win Success. Edited and adapted from Spunk: How to Lick Fear by David V. Bush.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: There is nothing but eternal victory for the person who can take defeat with smiling grace and a poised confidence in their ultimate triumph. Defeat is only another way of reaching one’s goal, and as a rule, the more defeats you have the greater will be your power in the end.‘‘All the world’s a stage” and we are merely players. All life is a schoolroom where we learn our daily lessons, and the more obstacles we face in life’s lessons the more strength we shall have for accomplishing ultimate success.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/12/202113 minutes, 49 seconds
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Building the Character to Win Life's Battles

Listen to episode 539 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Building a Character to Win Life’s Battles. Edited and adapted from Young People’s Problems by J.R. Miller.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. Don’t forget that you can help inspire others by sharing your favorite episodes on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from Young People’s Problems by J.R. Miller, published in 1898.This world is not a place merely to live in, nor a place only to do certain kinds of business. It is a great workshop in which to make women and men of character.It is not easy for us to grow into a beautiful life and noble character. Sure, it’s not hard to take a lump of clay, and shape it into any form we desire. It’s fairly easy to take a piece of soft wood, and carve it into a figure of beauty. But it is harder to cut a block of marble into a form of loveliness, for the stone is hard. And it is harder still to take a block of flawed humanity, and make it into a great and noble being. Yet that is what life calls on us to do.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/7/202111 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Optimistic Mind | Positive Thinking Podcasts

Listen to episode 538 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Optimistic Mind | Positive Thinking Podcasts. Edited and adapted from the The Joy of Living by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. If you or someone you know is looking to stop smoking or drinking this year, my break free meditations can help them quit for good. Learn more by visiting Today’s reading was edited and adapted from The Joy of Living by Orison Swett Marden, published in 1913.An optimistic mind is a prism that brings the rainbow colors out of things which are invisible to the pessimist. This prism does not make the colors in the spectrum. They are everywhere in the light before our eyes. The light is made up of all the different colors of the rainbow. The prism merely separates them and makes them visible to the eye.Every person should have an optimistic lens which can distinguish the uncommon in the common, which can detect all the beauties there are in their environment. It is wicked to go about among your fellow citizens with a face which indicates that life has been a disappointment to you instead of a glorious joy. What a pitiable thing to see people go through life peddling vinegar, radiating bitterness, finding fault, and seeing only the ugly; the worrying; the fretting, cynical, and pessimistic!Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/5/202114 minutes, 36 seconds
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Mastering the Art of Life | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 536 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Mastering the Art of Life | Motivational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from The Joy of Living by Orison Swett Marden.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from The Joy of Living by Orison Swett Marden, published in 1913.Is it not strange that while we ought to make a profession of living, most of us are not even amateurs in this art of arts? We never learn the business of real living. We become specialists in our profession or our business, but in right living (which makes or mars the happiness of life), we never become experts.We know next to nothing about the human machine, which holds the secret of all our success and happiness. We pay much less attention to it than we do to our business mechanisms. The human machine is the only medium by which the soul and the mind connect with the material world, and this marvelous mechanism, this temple Beautiful, should be kept in the superbest condition — for whatever mars it, mars the soul's expression.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/29/202014 minutes, 53 seconds
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Rising to the Summit of Life | Motivational Podcasts

Listen to episode 534 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Rising to the Summit of Life | Motivation Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. A special thanks to Mr. Hamilton, our newest patron. You too can become our monthly patron for as little as 3$ a month to gain access to full transcripts, our entire archive of over 500 podcasts, and more. Go to Thank you.Today’s reading was edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas, published in 1917.In work well done, there is a satisfaction which is the greatest reward of labor. The sense of achievement is at once a payment and a promise. It compensates you for the toil and drudgery. And it stimulates you with such a sense of power that your ambition seems nearer to realization. Those who plod on day by day, following well-defined roads and making no excursions away from the herded crowds into the byways of life where perils and adventures await, never know the joys of triumph that come to the person who has been battered and wounded in fierce fights, who has been hurled down into the depths of despair, and yet from those depths has started to climb again with undiminished cheerfulness and courage until they have painfully gained the heights.Only the person who has been down, who, in the words of the world, “has failed," can know the exquisite pleasure of rising to the summits of life. They know that they are more than equal to whatever troubles may await them. They know that in the hour of danger their mental powers will take unto themselves such an access of strength that the perils will be overcome, that the struggle will be joyous, and that the triumph will be sweet.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/17/202012 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Be a Continuous Success in Life

Listen to episode 533 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: How to Be Continually Successful in Life. Edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Only the work that calls for original, creative thought brings you into the limelight, and endows you with the responsibilities that lead you to the heights of your profession. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself the method of life and work which will best accord with your own tastes, temperament, and abilities.All the great women and men of the world have been mentally free. They were not bound by standards. They made standards by which other people judge themselves. If Columbus or Isaac Newton had bound themselves by the standards of their contemporaries, would the world have been the better for their having lived? No. Because they were mentally free, and because they acted and spoke and worked according to their own thoughts, they succeeded in their missions, and we feel their influence today.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/15/202013 minutes, 9 seconds
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How Mistakes Lead to Greater Wisdom & Living

Listen to episode 532 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How Mistakes Lead to Greater Wisdom & Living. Adapted from The Power of Purpose by William George Jordan.Learn how you can become our monthly patron for less than cost of a cappuccino by visiting Podcast Excerpt: Let us be glad of the dignity of our privilege to make mistakes, glad of the wisdom that enables us to recognize them, glad of the power that permits us to turn their light as a glowing illumination along the pathway of our future. Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom, the assessments we pay on our stock of experience, the raw material of error to be transformed into higher living.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/10/202013 minutes, 37 seconds
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Thoughtfulness & Living a Life of Love

Listen to episode 531 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Thoughtfulness & Living a Loving Life. Edited and adapted from Young People’s Problems by J.R. Miller.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: One of the finest things in a complete, well-rounded character is thoughtfulness. It gives a wondrous charm to your life. It makes you a benediction wherever you go. It tempers all your conduct, softening all natural harshness into gentleness, and giving to your every word and act, and to all your bearing, a spirit of kindliness.A thoughtful person does not have to be asked to help others — they help, as it were, instinctively. They are ever ready to do the obliging thing, to say the encouraging word, to show an interest in the life of others, to perform those countless little kindnesses which so brighten the common pathway.The thoughtful person does not make their life an offence or irritation to others. They never meddle with other people’s affairs, but respects the individuality and the rights of everyone. They curb their curiosity, and do not pry into matters of which they have no right to know.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/8/202013 minutes, 36 seconds
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Values for Climbing the Hill of Life | Motivationals

Listen to episode 530 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Values for Climbing the Hill of Life. Edited and adapted from Making the Grade by C.V. Mosby.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: There is both a science and an art in the correct estimation of values. It takes training and mature judgment to pick the false from the true. And there is a fine art in the application of values to the things in life that are worthwhile. It is easy for us to fall into the error of thinking values are relative. Perspectives of value may indeed vary, but the inherent value remains. And the value of those things in life that assist in making the grade remain fixed and definite.The value of patience, imagination, self-confidence, health, truth, and honesty of purpose remains the same, and will always be fixed and definite. It makes no difference what your estimation of them may be. A yardstick measures thirty-six inches. If one looks at a string that is thirty-six inches in length and says that it is only thirty-four, the thirty-six inches still remain; the value is not lost because some individual underestimated it.A correct understanding of values that touch the great principles of life is an absolute necessity in making the grade. Your taste may differ from that of your neighbor; your likes and your dislikes may be entirely at variance; but all must agree on the worth of the cardinal factors that constitute a successful life.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/3/202014 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Courage & Patience to Achieve Success

Listen to episode 529 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Courage & Patience to Achieve Success. Edited and adapted from Making the Grade by C.V. Mosby.Visit today's sponsor at, and use the coupon code LIVING for 25% off your purchase.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Patience means more than being able to stick to a task until it is finished. It means having a philosophy that makes one understand that it is continuous, well-directed efforts that win. Furthermore, patience must have an imaginative eye that sees the completed task and pronounces it well done.A mule can plod up and down the field. It makes no difference to the mule whether cotton or weeds are being plowed, but the farmer would have little patience if they did not feel that they would harvest more than a crop of weeds.To be patient, to keep plugging along, to keep climbing the hill, you must be inspired by, and buoyed up with, the hope of reaching the top. It is not patience, but hopelessness that keeps one working at a task that holds out absolutely no promise of ultimate successful completion. The patience that helps carry one up the hill is the cheerful, hopeful kind. It is the kind that realizes the necessity of well-directed, intelligent, continuous effort.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/1/202015 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Make Your Life Marvelous

Listen to episode 526 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: How to Make Your Life Marvelous | Motivation. Edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas.Visit today's sponsor Swanson Health at And use coupon code LIVING20 for 20% off.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Put the joy of creation into everything you do. Let it be worthy of your mind, and let it be done as perfectly as you can do it. If your employers cannot use you to better advantage, fit yourself for more congenial work elsewhere. It is your own fault if you complain: the remedy is always in your own hands. Complaints are signs of weakness, and if you are in a chronic state of dissatisfaction, words will avail nothing. Only by your own actions can you alter your own condition of life. If you are busy complaining when you ought to be busily acting, you are likely to complain until the end of the chapter.How can you enjoy your leisure, if your mind is brooding over your grievances? Instead of railing against circumstances, you should take yourself to task because you allow your environment to worry you, and because you are not forming some plan which will eventually improve your state of mind, as well as your state of work.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/19/202014 minutes, 3 seconds
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Answering the Riddle of Life | Personal Power

Listen to episode 525 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Answering the Riddle of Life. Edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas.Visit today's sponsor at, and use the coupon code LIVING for 25% off your purchase.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Be sure that whatever troubles come to you, if you face them with courage, they will pass by as the idle wind, and leave behind the prosperity of which they are only the harbingers. Everyone who has faced sorrow and disaster, who has come through the fires of adversity, knows well from their own experience that for every trouble life can bring, there is some greater compensating advantage.It is true that “All things work together for good.” The snows of winter serve to warm the earth and protect the seeds that bring forth the glorious blooms of summer. All through Nature and all through life we see that the things which are gloomy and unpleasant inevitably develop into brightness and happiness.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/17/202013 minutes, 1 second
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The Heroism of Daily Life | Inspirational Life Lessons

Listen to episode 524 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Heroism of Every Day Life. Edited and adapted from A Man’s Reach or Some Character Ideals by Charles Edward Locke.Visit today's sponsor Swanson Health at And use coupon code LIVING20 for 20% off.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: In every age, we hear much talk of heroes. We are fascinated by stories and tales that spur the imagination to the loftiest heroism. But I would call your attention to the greatest of all heroism: that heroism which does not receive the plaudits of the crowd, nor attract the eyes of the multitude. It is not richly rewarded with treasure, and does not have medals struck for its accomplishments.I am thinking of the rescues and battles, the sacrifices and generosities, and the invincible courage which are unheralded, unrecorded, and unrewarded, but upon which the security and prosperity of our times depend.Many a person in a moment of emergency would rush at the risk of their life to the rescue of an imperiled friend; but that same person may not possess the stalwart heroism necessary to withstand certain temptations which are ruining their life and bringing agony to those who love them.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/12/202014 minutes, 7 seconds
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Overcoming Hurry, Worry, and Irritability | Motivation

Listen to episode 523 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Overcoming Hurry, Worry, and Irritability. Edited and adapted from The Freedom of Life by Annie Payson Call.Visit today's sponsor at, and use the coupon code LIVING for 25% off your purchase.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Remember that worrying is resistance, and resistance is unwillingness. Unwillingness interferes with whatever we may want to accomplish. To be willing that this, that, or the other thing should happen seems quite difficult, when to our minds, this, that, or the other thing may bring disaster. And yet if we can once see clearly that worrying resistance tends toward disaster rather than away from it, or, at the very least, takes away our strength and endurance, it is only a matter of time before we become able to drop our resistance altogether.However, it IS a matter of time, and not instantaneous. So, once we are faced toward freedom from worry, we must be patient and steady, and not expect to gain very rapidly. We must be persistent, and resist the temptation to do nothing to overcome our worries.I remember a woman who once said to me, "Now I have got something to worry about for the rest of my life.” Her face was set toward worrying. Nothing but her own will could have turned it the other way, and yet she deliberately chose not to use it, and so she was fixed and settled in her self-made prison for the rest of her life.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/10/202014 minutes, 37 seconds
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Inspiring Thoughts for Self-Development & Self-Growth

Listen to episode 522 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Inspiring Thoughts on Self-Development & Self-Growth. Edited and adapted from The Call of Life by William L. White.Visit today's sponsor Swanson Health at And use coupon code INSPO20 for 20% off.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The ushering in of a New Year brings with it to so many people New Year’s Resolutions. This is a splendid practice and I would not discount New Year Resolutions one iota, but instead give unto them strength. Indeed, I wish to encourage not only resolutions for the New Year, but to urge everyone to be on the alert, taking stock, visualizing, and planning to better not only ourselves, but our neighbors and that sphere of the world which we touch. And whenever a new thought for a better practice in the upbuilding of our lives crosses our minds, do not wait for the New Year to roll around to record it and start practicing it, but begin at once.If the word resolution sounds "too tame," the words maxim or motto may be used. When carried to the final analysis it is “habit” that we are seeking, because after all, life consists of a bunch of habits. If everybody, especially young people, during the formative period of their lives, would give ten minutes to serious thought and write down on paper at least one resolution, maxim, or motto every week, which you intend to practice and actually incorporate into your life, we would see an astounding change for the better in the individual, which means, also, a rising generation.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/5/202014 minutes, 51 seconds
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Becoming Rich in Knowledge & Wisdom | Education

Listen to episode 521 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Becoming Rich in Knowledge & Wisdom | Education. Edited and adapted from Right Living by Susan H. Wixon.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: That which we know is all our own. The more we know (the more we absorb of useful knowledge) the richer we become. Science which can be shown, demonstrated, and realized, is the desirable thing. Think about it. Does not actual knowledge put to flight all extremes of error and misunderstanding? Take a fact in Nature. Prove it, and it becomes yours. And not all the hyenas and bloodhounds of ignorance can take it from you.As someone has said before, "There are two valuable possessions which no search warrant can get at, and which no reverse of fortune can destroy: they are what a person puts into their head (i.e. knowledge), and what they put into their hands (i.e. skill)."Is there any limit to the acquisition of knowledge? No. Nobody has gained the whole of knowledge, and no one knows so much that they may not acquire still more. Sir Isaac Newton said at the close of his illustrious life, that the great facts he had found by study and search, were but pebbles on the seashore, compared to the vast ocean of knowledge still untouched.-------Thanks to Himalaya Botanique for sponsoring today's episode. Himalaya Botanique — the toothpaste that’s free from fluoride, SLS, and artificial colors and flavors, but bursting with foam and flavor! Enjoy 20% off your purchase of Himalaya toothpaste, using discount code LIFELESSONS at Amazon. To learn more about Himalaya Botanique and Ayurvedic wellness visit Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/3/202013 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Grand Secrets of Success | Self-Reliance

Listen to episode 520 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Grand Secrets of Success | Self-Reliance. Edited and adapted from The Grand Secrets of Success, compiled by The Toronto News Company.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There are different ways of getting on in the world. It does not always mean making money, or being a great individual for people to look up to. Leaving off a bad habit for a good one is getting on in the world; to be clean and tidy instead of dirty and disorderly is getting on; to be careful and saving instead of thoughtless and wasteful is getting on; to be active and industrious, instead of idle and lazy is getting on; to be kind and forbearing, instead of ill-natured and quarrelsome, is getting on; to work as diligently in the boss's absence as in their presence is getting on.In short, when we see anyone properly attentive to their duties, persevering through difficulties, to gain such knowledge as shall be of use to themselves and others, offering a good example to their acquaintances, we may be sure that they are getting on in the world.Those who wish to get on in the world must have a stock of patience and perseverance, of hopeful confidence — a willingness to learn, and a disposition not easily cast down by difficulties and disappointments.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/29/202011 minutes, 36 seconds
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Success Habits & The Character That Triumphs

Listen to episode 519 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Success Habits & The Character That Triumphs. Edited and adapted from The Ideal Man by John Priest Greene.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Let us talk about character. IS it grown, or engraved, or forged? All of these. We are born without character, but it soon sprouts, and then grows rapidly. The soil is the home, the school, the social life, the business world — different kinds of soil, each contributing its element to the growth of character.Parents, teachers, companions, and business associates are the character-cultivators, and largely determine the quality of the product — but each one grows their own character. The word "character" is Greek, and means "engraved" — an ancient and beautiful conception. We (sometimes with the help of others) engrave our own characters when we begin to act on our own judgment, when we choose and do, and thus form habits.A habit is a groove or a line cut in the soul, fixed, along which future action is almost sure to run. Many habits make an engraving, a permanent picture of the soul or character. It may be truly said, also, that character is forged. The human soul is a piece of metal, without form and beauty. It must be worked over. In order to make it right, it must go into the hot fire and under the big hammer. If properly forged, it will come out with a permanent form of grace and beauty. False lines and deformities — bad habits of thought and action — must therefore be hammered out. They cannot be brushed off.  Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/27/202012 minutes, 22 seconds
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Inspirational Life Lessons on Happiness

Listen to episode 518 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Inspirational Life Lessons on Happiness. Edited and adapted from The True Source of a Happy Life by Hugh Wayt.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: It will help much in learning the lesson of happiness if we persistently train ourselves to be cheerful and to see the bright things in our every-day life. There are some people who seem to have eyes only for the disagreeable things. They find every bit of roughness and hardness in life's pathway. They see at once (and see it magnified) every unpleasant thing that comes into their lives. They remember every unhappy experience they ever had. They keep on the walls of their memory pictures of all their vanished joys and faded hopes. They indelibly record all the trials, adversities and misfortunes they have ever suffered.But, on the other hand, they are forgetful of all their blessings. They hang up no pictures of the joys they did not lose, which have filled their lives on so many bright days. They have poor memory for the things that beautify and gladden life. There are few habits more common than this: of remembering the unpleasant and forgetting the pleasant things — and there is no other habit which is a greater enemy of true joy.The person who would be of good cheer must break this habit if it has fastened itself to your life. You must train yourself to see the beautiful things and be blind to the disagreeable things. There are, in the ordinary life, a thousand pleasant things (favors, joys, comforts, things to cheer) to one unpleasant thing, one real cause for unhappiness. It is a shame, therefore, to let the one bit of roughness, trial, or suffering spoil all the gladness of the thousand blessings, to let the one discordant note mar all the music of such splendid harmony.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/22/202012 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Sun Dial's Motto | Positive Thinking Podcasts

Listen to episode 500 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Sun Dial’s Motto | Motivational Podcasts. Edited and adapted from Peace, Power & Plenty by Orison Swett Marden.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. If you enjoy today’s podcast, please help us spread the word by sharing it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from Peace, Power, and Plenty by Orison Swett Marden, published in 1909.On a famous sun-dial it is written: "I record none but hours of sunshine." Every human life would be beautified by making this a life motto. What a great thing it would be if we could only learn to wipe out of our memories forever everything unpleasant, everything which brings up bitter memories, unfortunate associations, and depressing, discouraging suggestions! If we could only keep our minds filled with beautiful thoughts which uplift and encourage, the efficiency of our lives would be multiplied.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/13/202013 minutes, 16 seconds
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Overcoming the Poverty Mindset | Law of Abundance

Listen to episode 499 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Overcoming a Poverty Mindset| Law of Opulence. Edited and adapted from Peace, Power & Plenty by Orison Swett Marden.Inspirational Podcast Transcript: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. Don’t forget to check out our collection of inspirational fashion and gifts at Each item features one of my own original thought-provoking sayings inside a zen enso circle. Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from Peace, Power, and Plenty by Orison Swett Marden, published in 1909.The worst thing about poverty is the poverty thought. It is the conviction that we are poor and must remain so that is fatal to progress in life. Holding the poverty thought keeps us in poverty-stricken and poverty-producing conditions.Poverty is an abnormal condition. It does not fit any human being's constitution. It contradicts the promise and the prophecy of the divine within us. The Creator never intended that we should be a pauper or a slave. There is not a single thing in the wonderful human mechanism that indicates we were created for a life of poverty.There is something larger and grander for us in the divine plan than perpetual slavery to the bread-winning problem. None of us can do our best work — bring out the best within us — while we feel want tugging at our heels, while we are hampered, restricted, forever at the mercy of pinching circumstances.The very poor (those struggling to keep the wolf at bay) cannot be independent. They cannot order their lives. Often they cannot afford to express their opinions, or to have individual views. Poverty in its extreme form is narrowing, belittling, contracting, ambition-killing — an unmitigated curse. There is little hope in it, little prospect in it, little joy in it. It often develops the worst in us and kills love between those who would otherwise live happily together.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/11/202014 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Royal Road to Happiness | William George Jordan

Listen to episode 494 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Royal Road to Happiness | William George Jordan. Edited and adapted from The Majesty of Calmness.Happiness Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. Right now you can get all 3 of our eBooks (Evergreen, Everest, and Evermore) altogether for the one low price of $9.99. Each book of life lessons contains 50 inspirational essays that were once featured on this podcast. To get your copies now, go to Thank you.Today’s reading was edited and adapted from The Majesty of Calmness by William George Jordan, published in 1900."During my whole life I have not had twenty-four hours of happiness." So said Prince Otto von Bismarck, one of the greatest statesmen of the nineteenth century. Imagine that! Eighty-three years of wealth, fame, honors, power, influence, prosperity and triumph – years when he held an empire in his fingers – but not one day of happiness!Happiness is the greatest paradox in Nature. It can grow in any soil, live under any condition. It defies environment. It comes from within. It is the revelation of the depths of the inner life, as light and heat proclaim the sun from which they come.Happiness consists not of having, but of being; not of possessing, but of enjoying. It is the warm glow of a heart at peace with itself. A martyr at the stake may have happiness that a king on his throne might envy. We are the creator of our own happiness. It is the aroma of a life lived in harmony with high ideals. For what we have may be dependent on others; what we are rests with us alone. And what we obtain in life is but an acquisition; what we attain is growth.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/21/202016 minutes, 10 seconds
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Motivation for Personal Power | Keith J. Thomas

Listen to episode 490 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Motivation for Developing Your Personal Power. Edited and adapted from Personal Power by Keith J. Thomas.Visit today's sponsor Swanson Health at And use coupon code LIFE20 for 20% off.Motivational Podcast Transcript: "Be not afraid of greatness," says Shakespeare. "Some people are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Which are you? I will tell you. You were born great; you can achieve greatness if you will; and if you go about it the right way, you will have greatness thrust upon you.The mistake so many people make is to confuse greatness with riches. The great person can have all they want, but they need not necessarily become rich. Carlyle was no more intended to be a millionaire than Andrew Carnegie was made to be a Milton. We cannot all be Shakespeares, or Darwins, or Rockefellers, but we can all be great.If we want money we can get it; if we want power we can get it: the only condition being that we should want it badly enough. Whatever our desire is, we must be prepared to give up all pleasure and all ease to attain it. Fortune is a hard mistress and will brook no rivals. But to the person who is prepared to serve her whole-heartedly, she offers the sure promise of their heart's desire.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/7/202016 minutes
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Couch to 5K Motivation for Running C25K | Runners High

Listen to episode 476 of the Inspirational Living podcast: C25K Motivation for Running Couch to 5K | Runners High. Including motivational and uplifting quotes on running.Podcast Transcript: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. The topic of today’s podcast is a little different. While I occasionally mention the importance of exercise and having a fit body, most of the time I talk about life lessons and success habits unrelated to fitness.But not today. Today we are going to talk about running, because around 8 weeks ago I decided that I was going to take up running for the first time. While I played a lot of sports in my youth, I always hated running. But now at the age of 52, not having done any regular, aerobic exercise in many years, I decided to start running, AND that I was going to enjoy it. Not only that, I set a goal for myself of running a 10.5K mini-marathon by the end of the year.I downloaded the free C25K app by Zen Labs, which thousands of other people have used successfully to take up running, and now am on week 7 of the program, looking forward to graduating soon to their free 10K training app.The biggest challenge in getting this far is that I’ve had to radically change my old mindset of hating running. And (I’m happy to say) I’ve succeeded in that. Now, I actually do enjoy running. I genuinely look forward to it. I’ve even begun to get a “runner’s high” that lasts throughout the day. Indeed I’m starting to feel around 20 years younger — and all without the pain, struggle, and difficulties that cause so many beginning runners to quit.If you would like to join me on this journey, and learn how you can turn running into a joyful habit rather than a grind, visit For as little as $3 a month, you can gain access to my advice on running with a joyful, positive mindset. You can also share with me your own experience with the Couch to 5K app, get my personal feedback and support, and other benefits exclusively offered to our podcast patrons. Once again, that’s Thank you.Now, on to today’s reading, which is a collection of inspirational quotes on the subject of running. For attribution, check out the full transcript which I have included with this podcast.“Running! If there’s any activity happier, more exhilarating, more nourishing to the imagination, I can’t think of what it might be. In running the mind flees with the body, the mysterious efflorescence of language seems to pulse in the brain, in rhythm with [your] feet and the swinging of [your] arms.” — Joyce Carol Oates“For me, running is both exercise and a metaphor. Running day after day, piling up the races, bit by bit I raise the bar, and by clearing each level I elevate myself.” — Haruki Murakami“Never limit where running can take you. I mean that geographically, spiritually, and, of course, physically.” — Bart Yasso“Our running shoes have magic in them. The power to transform a bad day into a good day; frustration into speed; self-doubt into confidence; chocolate cake into muscle.” — Mina Samuels“I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days.” — Ronald RookOur Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/19/202010 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Meaning of Education | Booker T. Washington

Listen to episode 465 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Meaning of Education. Edited and adapted from Character Building by Booker T. Washington.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. If you would like to help support the continuation of this podcast with a one-time financial donation, please visit Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from Booker T. Washington’s book Character Building, which is a collection of Sunday evening talks he delivered to the students of the Tuskegee Institute, the first institution of higher education for African Americans. The book was published in 1902.It may seem to some of you that I am continually talking to you about education — the right kind of education, how to get an education, and such kindred subjects — but surely no subject could be more pertinent, since the object for which you all are here is to get an education; and if you are to do this, you wish to get the best kind possible.You will understand, then, I am sure, if I speak often about this, or refer to the subject frequently, that it is because I am very anxious that all of you go out from here with a definite and correct idea of what is meant by education, of what an education is meant to accomplish, what it may be expected to do for one.We are very apt to get the idea that education means the memorizing of a number of dates, of being able to state when a certain battle took place, of being able to recall with accuracy this event or that event. We are likely to get the impression that education consists in being able to commit to memory a certain number of rules in grammar, a certain number of rules in arithmetic, and in being able to locate correctly on the earth's surface this mountain or that river, and to name this lake and that gulf.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/9/202011 minutes, 25 seconds
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Building Health, Energy & Personality | Charles Atlas

Listen to episode 450 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Building Health, Energy & Personality. Edited and adapted from the work of Charles Atlas. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. If you’re a fan of our podcast, don’t forget that our official Inspirational Living t-shirt is available at TeePublic. Shop now by visiting The very first essential thing to do in securing radiant health and physical strength is the deep breathing of pure, outside air. We can live without food for many weeks, without water for many days, but we cannot live without air for more than a few minutes. Air is equally a food as fruits and vegetables. When it enters into the composition of the body, its value cannot be over emphasized. Yet because it is so cheap we often ignore its real value. Remember that oxygen is LIFE! The more oxygen you breathe, the more health and strength you will get. This life-giving oxygen furnishes the power to pump the blood through the heart. It assists in carrying off the waste products from the myriad of tiny cells in the body, and helps to build new and stronger cells.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/18/202013 minutes, 24 seconds
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Seizing Opportunities | Master of Your Fate

Listen to episode 441 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Seizing Opportunities | Master of Your Fate. Edited and Adapted from Success and How to Win It by B.F. Austin. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: The Spanish have a proverb that half of the misfortunes in life come from holding in your horse while it is leaping. The rider who checks a horse when vaulting over a hedge or brook courts death or disaster. So, when the time comes for supreme effort (the grand vault that is to lift you over the obstacles in your path and introduce you to a higher and nobler arena), you must enter into the spirit and effort of the hour and not hold back your horse when it is leaping. There comes to each life but a few of these moments, and when they do come they must be improved to the utmost. The one who would win in life's heavily contested conflicts must wisely lay aside everything that will hinder the fullest exercise of their powers or lessen their chances of winning success. Every weight carried lessens the chances of victory; every weight discarded increases the prospects of success. Yet how many people enter life's great arena loaded down with weights, careless if not utterly oblivious of the handicap under which they struggle for fame and fortune and the higher success of character.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/16/202016 minutes, 16 seconds
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Inspirational Life Lessons | Dr. Frank Crane

Listen to episode 425 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Inspirational Life Lessons | Dr. Frank Crane. Adapted from “If I Were Twenty-One” by Dr. Frank Crane. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Learn the art of conversation, of small talk. Equip yourself to be able to entertain the grouchiest, most blasé people. For there is hardly a business in the world in which it is not a great advantage to be able to converse entertainingly. The secret of being a good conversationalist is a genuine, unselfish interest in others. That and practice. It consists more in making the other person talk, than in talking yourself. In addition, do not argue. I never knew one person in my life that was convinced by argument. Discuss, yes; but not argue. The difference is this: in discussion you are searching for the truth, and in argument you want to prove that you are right. In discussion, therefore, you are anxious to know your neighbor’s views, and you listen to them. In argument, you don’t care anything about the other person’s opinions, you want them to hear yours; hence, while they are talking, you are simply thinking over what you are going to say as soon as you get a chance.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/21/201913 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Live Right & Get the Most Out of Life

Listen to episode 410 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Live Right & Get the Most Out of Life. Edited and adapted from Right Living by Susan H. Wixon. Motivational Podcast Transcript: "Living will teach you how to live better than any preacher or book," says Goethe. But what is it to live? Is it simply to eat, drink, and be merry? Is it to learn a little, here and there; to laugh and play; to sleep, weep, toil, and battle from day to day, and from year to year for food and shelter? Is it to bend every energy to the acquirement of wealth, fame, or position? Is it to sacrifice all for the applause of the multitude? Life is more than that. It has larger uses. It contains greater and grander results. It holds loftier and nobler aspirations. Its measure is flaming with the fires of truth, glowing with the gold of understanding. Life, rightly lived is an inspiration, an incentive to high effort, a means of true and sure happiness. The one who is worthy of the praise and gratitude of millions, is the individual who can impress upon the minds of others that there is more to life than just to dig and delve for food and necessities. They will receive even greater praise and honor if they can show people how to so employ their time as to get the most out of life without harm to themselves, or injury to others. Go to to download their free meditation app today.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/1/201915 minutes, 19 seconds
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Beauty, Truth & The Upanishads | Rabindranath Tagore

Listen to episode 393 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Beauty, Truth & The Upanishads. Edited and adapted from The Realisation of Life by Rabindranath Tagore. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Every day our science is penetrating into the region formerly marked on the map as unexplored or unexplorable. Our sense of beauty is similarly engaged in ever pushing on from its conquests. Truth is everywhere, therefore everything is the object of our knowledge. Beauty is omnipresent, therefore everything is capable of giving us joy. In the early days of human history, we took everything as a phenomenon of life. The science of life then began by creating a sharp distinction between life and non-life. But as science is proceeding further and further, the line of demarcation between the animate and inanimate is growing more and more vague. In the beginning of our understanding, the sharp lines of contrast were helpful to us, but as our comprehension becomes clearer they gradually fade away. The Upanishads have said that all things are created and sustained by an infinite joy. To realize this principle of creation, we have to start with a division — the division into the beautiful and the non-beautiful. The apprehension of beauty has to come to us with a vigorous blow to awaken our consciousness from its primitive lethargy, and it attains its goal by the urgency of the contrast.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/1/201914 minutes, 50 seconds
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Nikola Tesla Wisdom | My Inventions | Autobiography

Listen to episode 380 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Wisdom of Nikola Tesla | My Inventions. Edited and adapted from the writing of Nikola Tesla. Inspirational Podcast Transcript: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. A special thanks to our newest patrons Stanley Oahimin and Daniel McGehee. By becoming patrons, Stanley and Daniel now get access to 100 additional podcasts from our archive that are no longer available in our current public list — as well as full transcripts to every episode. To get that same access, become our patron today. You can do so for as little as $3 a month. Learn more at Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from the writings of Nikola Tesla. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” “The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and yet be quite insane.” “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”  “If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.” “Be alone, that is the secret of invention. Be alone, that is when ideas are born.” “My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” “What we now want is closer contact and a better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride, which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife... Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.” “Everyone should consider their body as a priceless gift from one whom they love above all — a marvelous work of art, of indescribable beauty, and a mystery beyond human conception, one so delicate that a word, a breath, a look, nay, a thought may injure it.”Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/18/201915 minutes, 53 seconds
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Literary Life Lessons from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Listen to episode 268 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Literary Life Lessons from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Edited and adapted from The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. I’d like to thank all of you who’ve taken the time to subscribe to our YouTube channel. I’m only about 45 people short of my goal of 1000 subscribers by the end of the month. So, if you would like to help me out and subscribe, please visit Or simply go to YouTube, search for the Inspirational Living podcast, and click the subscribe button. Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe. Translated by T. Bailey Saunders, and published in 1906. THERE is nothing worth thinking but it has been thought before; we must only try to think it again. In the works of humankind, as in those of nature, it is really the motive which is chiefly worth our attention. How can you come to know yourself? Never by thinking, but only by doing. Try to do your duty, and you will know at once what you are worth. But what is your duty? The claims of the day. Tell me with whom you associate, and I will tell you who you are. If I know what your business is, I know what can be made of you. Every person must think after their own fashion — for on your own path you find a truth, or a kind of truth, which helps you through life. But you must not give yourself free rein; you must control yourself. Mere naked instinct does not become you. Unbridled activity, of whatever kind, leads at last to bankruptcy. In Botany there is a species of plants called Incomplete; and just in the same way, it can be said that there are people who are incomplete and imperfect. They are those whose desires and struggles are out of proportion to their actions and achievements. The most insignificant person can be complete if they work within the limits of their capacities (innate or acquired). But even fine talents can be obscured and destroyed by lack of this indispensable requirement of symmetry. It is only men and women of practical ability, knowing their powers and using them with moderation and prudence, who will be successful in worldly affairs. It is a great error to take yourself for more than you are — or for less than you are worth.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/24/201818 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Brahmin Guide for Living a Noble Life | Brahman Wisdom

Listen to episode 265 of the Inspirational Living podcast: A Brahmin Guide for Living a Noble Life. Edited and adapted from The Economy of Human Life, translated from an ancient Brahmin manuscript by Robert Dodsley. Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. With high school and university graduations upon us, you may be looking for the perfect graduation gift. Share a lifetime’s worth of wisdom by giving the new graduate our books of timeless inspirational life lessons—available now in both heirloom hardcover and e-book. Purchase your copies today by visiting our website Thank you. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from The Economy of Human Life, translated from an ancient Brahmin Manuscript by Robert Dodsley, published in 1839. COMMUNE with yourself and consider for what reason you were made. Contemplate your powers, your wants, and your connections — so that you shall discover the duties of life, and be directed in all your ways. Proceed not to speak or to act before you have weighed your words, and examined the tendency of every step you will take. By doing so, disgrace shall fly far from you, and in your house, shame shall be a stranger; repentance shall not visit you; nor sorrow dwell upon your cheek. The thoughtless person speaks at random. They are entangled in the foolishness of their own words. They are like the person who runs in haste and leaps over a fence, only to fall into a pit on the other side, which they did not see — for they plunge suddenly into any action, not having considered the consequences. Hearken therefore unto the voice of Consideration. Her words are the words of wisdom, and her paths shall lead you to truth and safety.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/15/201818 minutes, 17 seconds
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Gautama Buddha | Inspirational Siddhartha Quotes

Listen to episode 264 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Gautama Buddha | Inspirational Quotes. Edited and adapted from words and thoughts attributed to Gautama Buddha. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast, brought to you by the generous financial support of listeners like you. Gain access to our exclusive series on spiritual growth by becoming our patron today. Learn more about the series Our Sunday Talks by visiting Thank you. Today’s reading has been edited and adapted from words and thoughts attributed to Gautama Buddha. “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” “Three things cannot hide for long: the Moon, the Sun and the Truth.” “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” “To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” “To insist on a spiritual practice that served you in the past is to carry the raft on your back after you have crossed the river.” “Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.” “I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.” “‎Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help you learn perfect patience, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion.” “Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again.” "Be a lamp unto yourself. Work out your liberation with diligence.” “A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.”Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/10/201813 minutes, 36 seconds
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Carl Jung on Life, God & Religion | Psychotherapy

Listen to episode 237 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Carl Jung on Life, God & Religion. Edited and adapted from the work of Carl Jung. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. Visit our lifestyle brand to shop for inspirational fashion and gifts. Proceeds help support the production of our podcast. Today’s reading was edited and adapted from the work of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. “The decisive question for humanity is: Are we related to something infinite or not? That is the telling question of our lives. Only if we know that the thing which truly matters is the infinite can we avoid fixing our interests upon futilities and upon all kinds of goals which are not of real importance. The more we lay stress on false possessions, and the less sensitivity we have for what is essential, the less satisfying is our life. We feel limited because we have limited aims, and the result is envy and jealousy. If we understand, and feel, that here in this life we already have a link with the infinite, our desires and attitudes change.” “An understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.” “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become…..You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.” “There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness…..As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.”Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/6/201813 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Live a Good Life | Lubbock, Seneca, Epictetus

Listen to episode 236 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Live a Good Life | Lubbock, Seneca, Epictetus. Edited and adapted from edited and adapted from The Use of Life by Sir John Lubbock. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. To gain access to the full transcripts of our more than 200 podcasts, please become our monthly patron for less than the price of your favorite Latte. Learn more at Today’s reading was edited and adapted from The Use of Life by Sir John Lubbock, published in 1894. The most important thing to learn in life, is how to live. There is nothing people are so anxious to keep as life, and nothing they take so little pains to keep well. This is no simple matter. "Life is short. Art is long. Opportunity fleeting. Experiment uncertain, and Judgment difficult,'' says Hippocrates. Happiness and success in life do not depend on our circumstances, but on ourselves. More people have ruined themselves than have ever been destroyed by others: more houses and cities have perished at the hands of men, than storms or earthquakes have ever destroyed." There are two sorts of ruin; one is the work of time, the other of humankind. Of all ruins, the ruins of humanity are the saddest, and our worst enemy, as Seneca said, is the one in our breast. Providence does not create evil, but gives liberty, and if we misuse it we are sure to suffer, but have only ourselves to blame." I am sometimes accused of being optimistic. But I have never ignored or denied the troubles and sorrows of life: I have never said that we all are happy, only that we might be so; and that if we aren’t, the fault is generally our own: that most of us throw away more happiness than we enjoy. And this makes it all the more melancholy. In other words, "For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been."Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/1/201817 minutes, 6 seconds
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Wake Up & Live | Mindfulness Exercises | Dorothea Brande

Listen to episode 214 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Wake up & Live | Mindfulness Exercises. Edited and adapted from Wake Up & Live by Dorothea Brande. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: There are dozens of small ways by which we can make our minds both keener and more flexible – two qualities that are necessary for those who intend to live successfully. We all succumb too easily to the temptation to find a routine which allows us to get our day’s tasks done with a minimum of effort and conscious attention — a fact which might have no unfortunate effects at all if we used the time we save by our routines to a good purpose. But the cold truth is that we do nothing of the sort. We apply the habit of routines to our whole lives, growing mentally and spiritually more flaccid, more timorous, less experimental with every day we spend supported by the rigidity of habit. Habit takes care of most of our ordinary activities. We get through our work by using only that part of our intellect which has been trained to consider the work’s specific problems. When we meet a novel thought or situation, we fall back on an analogy and act according to the prejudice or emotion which it arouses in us. Even those who think of themselves as extraordinarily hard workers are not usually in that state of mental training which allows them to get the most from their lives..... For a limted time, get 30% off our new hardcover book Everest (50 Motivational Life Lessons), as well as last year's best-seller Evergreen (50 Inspirational Life Lessons). Use the coupon code: LIVINGHOUR30. Learn more at our book website: Use the coupon code also to get 30% off any book that YOU create with Blurb, our book manufacturer. Create superb quality photography books, trade paperpacks, and more. Visit them at Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/16/201717 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Build Personal Magnetism | Magnetic Charisma

Listen to episode 200 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Build Personal Magnetism | Magnetic Charisma. Adapted Stepping-Stones to Success by Horace D. Hitchcock. Self-Development Podcast Excerpt: Henry Ward Beecher once said: "There are persons so radiant, so genial, so kind, so pleasure bearing, that you instinctively feel in their presence that they do you good; whose coming into a room is like the bringing of a lamp there." That is personal magnetism. It is that quality of personality which attracts, causes admiration in others, and is a compelling force to success and good living. A person may be beautiful and brilliant mentally, but if they lack "personal magnetism" they are dull and uninteresting to those with whom they come in contact. Personal magnetism is the magic flame that lights up the inner soul. It is that wonderful charm which, when properly cultivated and used, is a priceless treasure. It is true that all things of influence can be made to produce good or evil. The conventional terms "good influence" and "bad influence" pertain directly to the qualities of magnetic personality. This quality is inherent in all of us, yet very few people know of its possibilities or that it can be developed like any other quality of mind. Once again we are reminded of that great principle: Like produces like. Good influence produces good influence and, inversely, bad influence produces a negative quality. Become a patron of the Inspirational Living podcast to get access to the full transcript and access to the Our Sunday Talks series: Related Self-Help Podcasts: The Art of Charm The Power of KindnessOur Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/28/201718 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sun Tzu: The Art of War | Leadership and Management

Listen to episode 199 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Sun Tzu: The Art of War | Leadership and Management. Adapted from the classic work by Sun Tzu.Podcast Excerpt: Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. If you value our podcast, don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to us on YouTube. If you feel inspired to leave us a review at the iTunes store, that would be much appreciated too. Today’s reading is a collection of quotes from Sun Tzu’s classic The Art of War, which was written in China during the 5th century B.C.“If you know your opponent and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not your opponent, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither your opponent nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”“Supreme excellence consists of breaking your opponent’s resistance without fighting.” “There are not more than five musical notes, yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard. There are not more than five primary colors, yet in combination they produce more hues than can ever been seen. There are not more than five cardinal tastes, yet combinations of them yield more flavors than can ever be tasted.”“When one treats people with benevolence, justice, and righteousness, and places confidence in them, they will be united in mind and all will be happy to serve their leaders.”“There are roads which must not be followed, competitors who must not be attacked, positions which must not be contested, commands of the bureaucrats who must not be obeyed.”“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/26/201716 minutes, 46 seconds
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Arthur Schopenhauer: Quotes, Wisdom & Philosophy Talk

Listen to episode 197 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Arthur Schopenhauer: Quotes, Wisdom & Philosophy Talk. Adapted from A Multitude of Counsellors by J.N. Larned.Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: The most general survey shows us that the two foes of happiness are pain and boredom. We may go further, and say that in the degree in which we are fortunate enough to get away from the one, we approach the other. Life presents, in fact, a more or less violent oscillation between the two. Needy surroundings and poverty produce pain; while, if we are more than well off, we are bored. Nothing is so good a protection as inward wealth, the wealth of the mind, because the greater it grows the less room it leaves for boredom. . . .The conclusion we come to is that the individual whom nature has endowed with intellectual wealth is the happiest. Men and women of inner wealth want nothing from outside but the gift of undisturbed leisure, to develop and mature their intellectual faculties, that is, to enjoy their wealth. In short, they want permission to be themselves, their whole life long, every day and every hour. . . .The value we set upon the opinion of others, and our constant endeavor in respect of it, are each quite out of proportion to any result we may reasonably hope to attain; so that this attention to other people's attitude may be regarded as a kind of universal mania which everyone inherits. In all we do, almost the first thing we think about is, what will people say; and nearly half the troubles and bothers of life may be traced to our anxiety on this score. . . .Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/19/201713 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sowing & Reaping | Booker T. Washington

Listen to episode 192 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Sowing & Reaping. Edited and adapted from a book by the same name by Booker T. Washington.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: What I am about to tell you now is true of all the pursuits of life. We get out of every venture just what we put into it; no more, no less. To attain success we must put forth hard and honest labor. At the back of all success there is hard, persistent labor. There is no royal road — those who think there is always fail.No person ever reaped any success in life who did not sow wisely. As each person takes up the serious business of life, they must do something — they must labor and wait. In order to reap something, something must be done. Value for value is the real standard of life's exchange of benefits.Show me someone who is always grumbling, always finding fault with their condition, never satisfied with their opportunities, and I will show you a person who does not appreciate the opportunities in the environment in which they are to work out their success or failure.Hard labor is the keynote to success. One of the wisest things Ex-senator B. K. Bruce ever said was that "luck is a fool." So it is. There is no luck; it is all labor and patience.Every man and woman who wants to succeed must learn the process of overlapping. That is, no person who wishes to succeed should be afraid of doing just a little more than lies in the direct line of their duty. They must be interested in their work and the ways in which it impacts the lives of others.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/31/201715 minutes, 8 seconds
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Native American Wisdom | The Girl & Boy Scouts of America

Listen to episode 189 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Native American Wisdom | The Girl & Boy Scouts of America. Adapted from Indian Scout Talks: A Guide for Boy Scouts & Camp Fire Girls by Charles Eastman.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: To be in harmony with nature, one must be true in thought, free in action, and clean in body, mind, and spirit. This is the solid granite foundation of character.Have you ever wondered why most great men and women were born in humble homes and passed their early youth in the open country? There a child is accustomed to see the sun rise and set every day; there the rocks and trees are personal friends; the child’s geography is born with them, for they carry a map of the region in their head.In civilization, there are many deaf ears and blind eyes. Because the average child in the town has been deprived of close contact and intimacy with nature; what they have learned from books they soon forget, or are unable to apply. All learning is a dead language to the student who gets it second hand.It is necessary that you should live with nature, my friends, if only that you may verify to your own satisfaction your schoolroom lessons. Further than this, you may be able to correct some error, or even to learn something that will be a real contribution to the sum of human knowledge. That is by no means impossible to a sincere observer.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/22/201718 minutes, 34 seconds
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Life is an Adventure: Dare to Live It (Motivational Speeches)

Listen to episode 185 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Life is an Adventure: Dare to Live It. Adapted from The Open Door by Hugh Black.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: In faithless and bitter moods, people may sometimes say that there is nothing new under the sun, though we know as fact that there is nothing but the new. Dr. Johnson may say that a blade of grass is always a blade of grass whether in one country or another, but we know that there are no two blades of grass alike even in the same field.Life speaks to us with many voices, and not one of them without significance. It speaks to us in the world without and in the world within, by the infinitely little and the infinitely great. The human comedy appeals to laughter and tears, pity and pride; and above all it calls to us to be more than mere spectators. We too are in the play, and must make our part in it as it goes along unrehearsed.By faith the human mind makes its journey through the world for knowledge, and by faith the soul makes its journey through life. The true heart is not afraid to make either journey, and tastes the relish of living.Generations ago artists used to discuss solemnly and tragically the great question of whether life is worth living, and wrote books and articles and poems on the subject. The only answer of any value was that of the rogue, who replied that it all depended on the liver. The jaundiced eye will see everything blurred in a haze of yellow. The value of life will only be known by living, and the adventurous nature has at least all the chance there is.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/8/201718 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Art of Becoming You | The Power to Be Oneself

Listen to episode 182 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Art of Becoming You | The Power to Be Oneself. Adapted from The Aim of Life by Philip Stafford Moxom.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: The thoughts that I wish to present to you now gather themselves naturally about two simple propositions: The first of these is: Every one ought consciously to have an aim in life. Whether we are conscious of it or not, everyone has a ruling tendency; but everyone should also have a controlling and persistent purpose in life.No one has a right to live aimlessly, for no one has a right to abandon reason and self-control, and consent to be a mere waif drifting like a plaything of the winds. We are endowed with powers that make us capable of good and often great achievement. We are gifted with reason and conscience and will, in order that we may both become and do that which is noble and beneficent.In the mythology of the Greeks, Phaethon aspired to drive the flaming chariot of the sun. The task was beyond his human powers, and his disastrous rashness resulted in his death by a bolt hurled from the hand of Zeus; but the Naiads, who buried him, wrote in his epitaph: "He could not rule his father's car of fire; Yet it was much so nobly to aspire."The individual who drifts aimlessly through the years from youth to age does not truly live. Indeed, those whose aim is even lower than the highest, less than the greatest, is nobler than those who have no conscious purpose in life. But, besides being ignoble, a purposeless life is inefficient; to aim at nothing is to hit nothing.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/27/201717 minutes, 38 seconds
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Dare to Laugh & Live | Douglas Fairbanks' Healthy Lifestyle

Listen to episode 170 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Laugh and Live: Douglas Fairbanks' Healthy Lifestyle. Edited and adapted from the work of Douglas Fairbanks Sr.Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: We must also remember that out of energy and enthusiasm comes something else that must not be neglected ... in fact it must be cultivated and guarded from the very beginning . . . laughter. The mere possession of energy and enthusiasm makes us feel like laughing. We want to leap and jump and dance and sing. If we feel like doing so, don't let us be afraid to do it.Get out in the air and run like a child. Jump ditches, vault fences, swing the arms! Never fail to get next to nature when responsive to the call. Indeed, we may woo this call from within ourselves until it comes to be second nature.When we rise in the morning, let us be determined that we will start the day with a hearty laugh. Laugh because you are alive, laugh with everything. Let yourself go. That is the secret — the ability to let one's self go! If you follow this religiously you will be surprised how successful the day will be. Everything gives way before it. There is one thing in this good old world that is positively sure — happiness is for all who strive to be happy — and those who laugh are happy.Everybody is eligible — you — me— the other guys and gals. Happiness is fundamentally a state of mind — not a state of body. And mind controls. Indeed it is possible to stand with one foot on the inevitable "banana peel" of life with both eyes peering into the Great Beyond, and still be happy, comfortable, and serene — if we will but so much as smile.It's all a state of mind, I tell you — and I'm sure of what I say. That's why I have taken up my proverbial fountain pen. Do you ever laugh? I mean do you ever laugh right out loud — spontaneously — joyfully. Well, if you don't, you should. Start off the morning with a laugh and you needn't worry about the rest of the day.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/15/201716 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ben Franklin's Wisdom (Poor Richard's Almanack)

Listen to episode 168 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Ben Franklin’s Wisdom. Edited and adapted from Poor Richard’s Almanack, a yearly publication produced by Benjamin Franklin from 1732 to 1758.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: If you could have Half your Wishes, you would double your Troubles.Anger is never without a Reason, but seldom with a good One.Tomorrow, every fault is to be amended; but that Tomorrow never comes.A Fool is one who cannot conceal their Wisdom.Think of three things: whence you came, where you are going, and to whom you must account.Pride dines on Vanity, sips on Contempt. The Proud hate Pride – in others, that is.Well done is better than well said.Necessity never made a good bargain.The Sun never repents of the good it does, nor does it ever demand compensation.Fear to do ill, and you need fear nothing else.Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.Search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices.Glass, China, and a Reputation are easily cracked, and never well mended.Fish & House Guests stink in 3 days.Wink at small faults; remember that you have great ones.Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/8/201715 minutes, 17 seconds
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How Success is Won by Bernarr Macfadden

Listen to episode 167 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Positive Success Principles: Integrity, Laughter & Love. Edited and adapted from How Success is Won by Bernarr Macfadden.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: My message today is sent forth with the hope that it will enthuse you who are struggling at the bottom of the ladder of life, and that it may help you to understand that the greatest rewards are easily within reach of those who are willing to struggle on persistently, with a definite and unswerving aim continuously in view.In the strongest terms, I want to emphasize the importance of interest in your work. I maintain that without it success was never achieved by anyone. The one straight road to success is to learn to love your business. You can do best that which you love best. If you have started in a business which you cannot learn to love, then you should go into some other business. You will never succeed in our age of competition unless you can find real pleasure in your work.The mere making of money is not a sufficient incentive. You must find your highest enjoyment in the task itself. No person who works along that line can fade. That is my judgment based on my own experience and observation. Determination, persistence, attention to detail, in fact nearly every necessary characteristic in accomplishing results in any sphere of life, depends upon love for your work.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/6/201718 minutes
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Confucius Wisdom | The Best Quotes & Sayings

Listen to episode 162 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Confucius Wisdom (The Best Quotes & Sayings) Edited & adapted from The Analects of Confucius.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished.Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.A person who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is committing another mistake.Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.When anger rises, think of the consequences. It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.The individual who conquers themselves is the mightiest warrior.Silence is the true friend that never betrays.By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest. Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and Third, by experience, which is the bitterest.Sincerity and truth are the basis of every virtue.To see and listen to the wicked is already the beginning of wickedness.If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect their work must first sharpen their tools.A person who does not think and plan long ahead will find trouble right at their door.To love a thing means wanting it to live.Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.When things are investigated, then true knowledge is achieved; when true knowledge is achieved, then the will becomes sincere; when the will is sincere, then the heart is set right; when the heart is set right, then the personal life is cultivated; when the personal life is cultivated, then the family life is regulated; when the family life is regulated, then the national life is orderly; and when the national life is orderly, then there is peace in this world.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/18/201714 minutes, 21 seconds
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Yoga & The Science of Breath (Pranayama Yogic Breathing)

Listen to episode 161 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Yoga & The Science of Breath (Pranayama Yogic Breathing). Edited & adapted from The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath by William Walker Atkinson.Self-Development Podcast Excerpt: To breathe is to live, and without breath there is no life. Not only are we dependent upon breath for life and health, but all animal life must breathe to live, and plant life is likewise dependent upon the air for continued existence.The new-born baby draws in a long, deep breath, retains it for a moment to extract from it its life-giving properties, and then exhales it in a long wail, and lo! its life upon earth has begun. The old senior gives a faint gasp, ceases to breathe, and life is over. From the first faint breath of the infant to the last gasp of the dying grandparent, it is one long story of continued breathing. Life is but a series of breaths.Breathing may be considered the most important of all of the functions of the body, for, indeed, all the other functions depend upon it. A person may exist some time without eating; a shorter time without drinking; but without breathing their existence may be measured by a few minutes. And not only are we dependent upon Breath for life, but we are largely dependent upon correct habits of breathing for continued vitality and freedom from disease.An intelligent control of our breathing power will lengthen our days upon earth by giving us increased vitality and powers of resistance. On the other hand, unintelligent and careless breathing will tend to shorten our days, by decreasing our vitality and laying us open to disease.Humankind in its normal state had no need of instruction in breathing. Like the lower animals and the child, we breathed naturally and properly, as nature intended us to do, but civilization has changed us in this and other respects. We have contracted improper methods and attitudes of walking, standing, and sitting, which have robbed us of our birthright of natural and correct breathing. We have paid a high price for civilization.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/16/201720 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Self-Made Man & Woman - Frederick Douglass

Listen to episode 159 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Self-Made Men & Women. Edited & adapted from a lecture by Frederick Douglass.Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: Self-made men and women are those who owe little or nothing to birth, relationship, or friendly surroundings; to wealth inherited or to early approved means of education; who are what they are, without the aid of any favoring conditions by which other people usually rise in the world and achieve great results.In fact, they are the men and women who are not brought up but who are obliged to come up, not only without the assistance or friendly co-operation of society, but often in open and derisive defiance of all the efforts of society, and the tendency of circumstances to repress, retard, and keep them down.They are the individuals who (in a world of schools, academies, colleges, and other institutions of learning) are often compelled by unfriendly circumstances to acquire their education elsewhere and, amidst unfavorable conditions, to create for themselves a way to success, and thus become the architects of their own good fortunes.They are, in a peculiar sense, indebted to themselves for themselves. If they have traveled far, they have made the road on which they have travelled. If they have ascended high, they have built their own ladder. From the depths of poverty, they often rise. Flung overboard in the midnight storm on the broad and tempest-tossed ocean of life (left without ropes, planks, oars, or life-preservers), they have bravely fought the waves and have risen in safety and life where others (supplied with the best appliances for safety and success), have fainted, despaired, and gone down forever.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/9/201718 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Positive Psychology of Success (Being Successful)

Listen to episode 157 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Positive Psychology of Success (Being Successful). Edited & adapted from The Psychology of Success by Newton N. Riddell.Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: There are elements of genius in every man and woman that if awakened and trained will enable them to do something worthwhile. There are stores of energy and ambition in every brain that if unlocked and given expression in action will supply the force necessary to bring things to pass.There are germs of goodness and divinity in every soul that if quickened by love and wrought into character will enable them to live a clean, self-respecting, moral life. Awaken the genius, unlock the energies, quicken the divinity in a person, change them from negative to positive, combine their intellect, energy, and conscience in harmonious expression, and you have given to that person the positive psychology of success.What is Success? What constitutes success? If we are to see things alike, we must have the same viewpoint. Briefly, success is the accomplishment of anything attempted. But we must get a larger view of the subject. We must measure success first from the viewpoint of the individual, and second from their relation to society.We must measure success in the individual not wholly by their objective achievements in the few years that belong to the earth life, but in the light of the fact that the influence of their life extends far into the future.....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/2/201716 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Guide to Health & Life | Naturopathy | Mahatma Gandhi

Listen to episode 143 of the Inspirational Living podcast: A Guide to Health & Life | Naturopathy. Adapted from “A Guide to Health” by Mahatma Gandhi. Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: We have got into the habit of calling in a doctor for the most trivial diseases. And where there is no regular doctor available, we take the advice of mere quacks. We labor under the fatal delusion that no disease can be cured without medicine. This has been responsible for more mischief to humankind than any other evil. It is, of course, necessary that our diseases should be cured, but many cannot be cured by medicines. Not only are medicines often useless, but at times even positively harmful. For a diseased person to take drugs and medicines is often as foolish as to try to cover up the filth that has accumulated in the inside of our house. The more we cover up the filth, the more rapidly does putrefaction go on. The same is the case with the human body. Illness or disease is Nature's warning that filth has accumulated in some portion or other of the body; and it would surely be wise to allow Nature to remove the muck, instead of covering it up by the help of medicines. Those who take medicines are often rendering the task of Nature doubly difficult. It is, on the other hand, quite easy for us to help Nature in her task by remembering certain elementary principles — by fasting, for instance, so that the toxins may not accumulate all the more, and by vigorous exercise in the open air, so that some of the pollutant may escape in the form of perspiration. And the one thing that is supremely necessary is to keep our minds strictly under control. ----------- Learn about our superfood supplement choice of the year and get your coupon code for $5 off your first purchase at: The Best Green Superfood Powder.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/14/201716 minutes, 42 seconds
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Autosuggestion & Self-Mastery (Emile Coué)

Listen to episode 122 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Autosuggestion & Self-Mastery. Adapted from the book Self-Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion by Emile Coué. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Suggestion, or rather Autosuggestion, is quite a new subject, and yet at the same time it is as old as the world. It is new in the sense that until now it has been wrongly studied and in consequence wrongly understood; it is old because it dates from the appearance of human beings on earth. In fact, autosuggestion is an instrument that we possess at birth, and in this instrument, or rather in this force, resides a marvelous and incalculable power, which according to circumstances produces the best or the worst results. Knowledge of this force is useful to each one of us, but it is especially indispensable to doctors, judges, lawyers, and to those engaged in the work of education. By knowing how to practice autosuggestion consciously it is possible, in the first place, to avoid provoking in others bad autosuggestions which may have disastrous consequences, and secondly, consciously to provoke good ones instead, thus bringing physical health to the sick, and moral health to the neurotic and the erring, the unconscious victims of earlier autosuggestions, and to guide into the right path those who had a tendency to take the wrong one. Related Motivational Podcasts: Positive Affirmations The Power of Spiritual MeditationOur Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/29/201616 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Majesty of Calmness - William George Jordan

Listen to episode 113 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Majesty of Calmness. Adapted from a book of the same name by William George Jordan.Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Hurry is the deathblow to calmness, to dignity, to poise. Hurry means the breakdown of the nerves. It is the royal road to perpetual worry. Everything that is great in life is the product of slow growth; the newer, and greater, and higher, and nobler the work, the slower is its growth, the surer is its lasting success.Mushrooms attain their full power in a night; oaks require decades. A fad lives its life in a few weeks; a philosophy lives through generations and centuries. If you are sure you are right, do not let the voice of the world, or of friends, or of family swerve you for a moment from your purpose. Accept slow growth if it must be slow, and know the results must come, as you would accept the long, lonely hours of the night — with absolute assurance that the heavy-leaded moments must bring the morning.Let us as individuals banish the word "Hurry" from our lives. Let us care for nothing so much that we would pay honor and self-respect as the price of hurrying it. Let us cultivate calmness, restfulness, poise, kindness — doing our best, bearing all things as bravely as we can; living our life undisturbed by the prosperity of the dishonest or the malice of the envious. Let us not be impatient, chafing at delay, fretting over failure, wearying over results, and weakening under opposition....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/29/201616 minutes, 5 seconds
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Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu (Laozi) - Taoist Wisdom

Listen to episode 108 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Tao Te Ching. Edited and adapted from Dwight Goddard’s translation of the Lao Tzu’s classic book Tao Te Ching.Spirituality Podcast Excerpt: The Tao has three treasures which it guards and cherishes. The first is called compassion; the second is called economy; the third is called humility. A person who is compassionate can 'be truly brave; a person who is economical can be truly generous; a person who is humble can become a useful servant.If we discard compassion and are still brave, abandon economy and are still generous, forsake humility and still seek to be serviceable, our days are numbered. On the other hand, if we are truly compassionate, in battle we will be a conqueror and in defense we will be secure. When even Heaven helps people it is because of compassion that she does so.My words are very easy to understand and very easy to put into practice, yet in all the world no one appears to understand them or to practice them. Words have an ancestor (a preceding idea), deeds have a master (a preceding purpose), and just as these are often not understood, so I am not understood.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/10/201619 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is There Life After Death? | Swami Abhedananda

Listen to episode 106 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Is There Life After Death? Edited and adapted from “Does the Soul Exist After Death?” by Swami Abhedananda. Spiritual Podcast Excerpt: From ancient times there have been thinkers in India who denied the existence of the soul after the death of the body. They are known as Charvákas. They believe that the body is the soul, and that the soul does not exist outside of the body, and that when the body dies, the soul is also dead and gone. They believe in nothing that cannot be perceived by the senses. The followers of such thinkers are spreading very rapidly, and their number is increasing every day. They are now known as atheists, materialists, etc. According to this class of thinkers, those who believe in the existence of the soul as separate from the body, or in a life after death, are ignorant and superstitious fools, while those who follow their ideas are clever and intelligent beings. Most of them hold that there is no such thing as a soul. No argument can convince them or change their views, because they will not admit the existence of anything which lies beyond the reach of their senses, or which cannot be perceived by the limited powers of the senses. They have written volumes after volumes against the existence of the soul, and have tried to stop such useless questions of the mind; but in spite of their efforts, have they succeeded in stopping that innate question, "What remains after death?" — which rises spontaneously in almost every human heart? No...Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/3/201619 minutes, 17 seconds
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Inspirational Quotes | The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Listen to episode 99 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Inspirational Quotes & Meditations On Life. Edited and adapted from The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: What can shake your belief in the goodness of humankind? The cruelty of others? Remember that we have come here for each other, and that people act out of ignorance. Have mercy on them. Have faith. Everything happens within a larger Order. You will find this to be true if you watch the world carefully. Don’t look at things the way wrong-doers do. Don’t look at things as wrong-doers want you too, either. Instead, strive to see things in truth, as they really are. Never value the things that will force you to lie, lose self-respect, hate, or deceive. Whoever values peace of mind and the health of the soul will live the best of all possible lives. Oh, how peaceful it is to stop looking at what our neighbors say and do and think, and simply strive to bring our own lives into alignment with truth and kindness. Let us live simply and modestly – and if anyone says that we do not live a simple, modest life, let us not be angry with them, nor change our direction. If we hold to our ideals, we will move through life with purity and peace of mind.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/11/201618 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Be Self-Confident | Overcoming the Confidence Gap

Listen to episode 94 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Be Self-Confident (Overcoming the Confidence Gap). Edited and adapted from Psychology & Higher Life by William McKeever, published in 1905. Self-Development Podcast Excerpt: The self-confident person, of necessity, believes in other people. Old as I am, it stirs me up to put forth greater effort to have people believe in me. The ordinary little child will do their utmost to come up to the standard fixed for them by the expressed opinions of their elders. The self-reliant person, therefore, is a benefactor of his or her associates. It is such an easy matter to drift down to the level of a gossip, and later to that of a defamer of character, and finally to that of the chronic misanthrope. If one goes about looking for the meanness in other people's character, you can surely find it. But so can you find the good — more of it than you can enumerate in a lifetime. Happy indeed is the individual who has formed the habit of looking for the good. And so in every clime, we find the stalwart, self-reliant character, who, in the language of the statesman might say: "Master of human destinies am I: Fame, love, and fortune on my footsteps wait." Another of the great promoters of self-confidence, as well as of long life and happiness, is love. Everyone should by all means fall in love with something or somebody, or, better yet, with everybody...Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/22/201618 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Be Successful & Influence Others to Succeed

Listen to episode 93 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Be Successful & Influence Others to Succeed. Edited and adapted from The Majesty of Calmness by William George Jordan. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: In every moment of life, we are changing to a degree the life of the whole world. Every person has an atmosphere which is affecting every other. So silent and unconsciously is this influence working, that we may forget that it exists. All the forces of Nature — heat, light, electricity, and gravitation — are silent and invisible. We never see them; we only know that they exist by seeing the effects they produce. In all Nature, the wonders of the "seen" are dwarfed into insignificance, when compared with the majesty and glory of the "unseen". In a thousand ways, Nature constantly seeks to lead us to a keener and deeper realization of the power and the wonder of the invisible. Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or for evil — the silent, unconscious, unseen influence of our lives. This is simply the constant radiation of what we really are, not what we pretend to be. Every individual, by their mere living, is radiating sympathy, or sorrow, or morbidness, or cynicism, or happiness, or hope, or any of a hundred other qualities. Life is a state of constant radiation and absorption; to exist is to radiate; to exist is to be the recipient of radiations. There are men and women whose presence seems to radiate sunshine, cheer, and optimism. You feel calmed and rested and restored to a new and stronger faith in humanity.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/20/201618 minutes, 19 seconds
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Mental & Physical Fitness: Get Fit, Motivated & Inspired

Listen to episode 92 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Mental & Physical Fitness: Get Fit, Motivated & Inspired. Edited and adapted from Assuming Responsibilities by Douglas Fairbanks. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: The person who rises in the morning from a healthy slumber and plunges into the bath after some vigorous exercise is prepared to undertake anything. Their world seems fair, and though the sun may not be shining literally, it is to all intents and purposes. Thus, they go swinging along with a cheery smile, carrying the message of hope and joy to all those with whom they come in contact. Of course, mental fitness is equally important to physical fitness. And the character of a man and woman expresses itself by the books they read. Every well-informed person since the invention of the printing press has been a close reader of a few books that stand out from among the many. We read of Lincoln devouring the few books he had over and over again and studying from cover to cover and word for word the Webster's dictionary of his day. As the poet Robert Heath once wrote, "A few good books, digested well, do feed the mind." Feed the mind! That's the idea — but how shall we feed it? The answer is easy — with something worthwhile — something that will inform and inspire. We can cram our minds to the point of indigestion with useless, frivolous information, just as easily as we may cram our stomachs with certain foods that tear down rather than build up.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/14/201618 minutes, 7 seconds
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Do Your Best & Love Much (The Power of Love)

Listen to episode 80 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Do Your Best & Love Much. Edited and adapted from The Pathway of Roses by Christian D. Larson. Spiritual Podcast Excerpt: We have looked far and wide for the remedies to our problems, but in our search we have overlooked one of the greatest of all; and that is love. Not the love of the person; not mere sentiment or emotion, but that strong, spiritual feeling that makes every atom in your being thrill with the purest sympathy and the highest kindness; and that makes you feel that every creature in existence deserves your most tender care and attention. When everything goes wrong with us, we blame fate, environment, or the world. We forget that the world does to us what we have done to the world. When we blame the world for everything, the world will so act that it is to blame; but when we love the entire world with our whole heart, the world will change toward us accordingly and be kind. When you do not succeed, when no one seems to care for your service, or for your talents, there are two things to do: do your best and love much.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/28/201617 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Healthy Benefits of Aging | Aging Well with Grace

Listen to episode 79 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Healthy Benefits of Aging (Aging Well with Grace). Edited and adapted from Essays of an Optimist by John William Kaye. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: One of the great advantages of age is that we are not wont to disturb ourselves by doing things that we do not like, simply for the look of the thing. There is absolute misery in pretentiousness of all kinds, and youth is infinitely more pretentious than age. There are some people who never outlive their vanity; but, as a general rule, it may be maintained that the longer we live, the less we care what others think of us, and the less we strive after effect. We learn, in time, how little we can ever know, and how ridiculous we make ourselves by pretending to know everything. When we have learned to say, "I am as ignorant as a child on this or that subject" or, "as powerless as a baby to do this or that thing," we have mastered one of the great difficulties of life; we have entered upon a new stage of our career....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/26/201617 minutes, 32 seconds
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Awaken the Sleeping Giant | The Power Within

Listen to episode 78 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Awaken the Sleeping Giant (The Power Within). Edited and adapted from New Thought Healing Made Plain by Kate Atkinson Boehme. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: The human being has always had many hitherto undiscovered powers, the horizon of the Impossible continually receding as we advance upon it. Let your limit line of belief, separating the possible from the impossible, be to you like the horizon line, which is really no line at all. It is merely where your sight stops, and depends upon the point where you stand. Advance and your horizon moves with you, showing a beyond not before visible. Someone else may tell you that your ideals are impossible to realize. This I also deny, for I know beyond all doubt that nothing is impossible that your mind can fashion or your heart long for. The impossible is only that which you fail to reach by stopping at the fatigue point because your mind is weary of waiting and hoping, and stops short of the ''Second Wind." Simply to know that higher levels of energy exist and can be tapped will stimulate you to go on and tap them. That has been my experience, and from what I know of universal human characteristics, I judge it will be your experience also....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/21/201617 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Bright Side of Life | Guide for a Rational Optimist

Listen to episode 77 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Bright Side of Life (Guide for a Rational Optimist). Edited and adapted from Character Building by Booker T. Washington. Educational Podcast Excerpt: If you want to be happy, if you want to live a contented life, if you want to live a life of genuine pleasure, do something for somebody else. When you feel unhappy, disagreeable, and miserable, go to someone else who is miserable and do that person an act of kindness, and you will find that you will be made happy. The miserable persons in this world are the ones whose hearts are narrow and hard; the happy ones are those who have great big hearts. Such persons are always happy. Now, this is not to say, you won’t have difficulties, nor face obstacles and discouragement. You most certainly will. But I would suggest to you that such difficulties, as an element in life, are for a purpose. I do not believe that anything, any element of your lives, is put there without a purpose. I believe that every effort that we are obliged to make to overcome obstacles gives us strength, and also a confidence in ourselves that nothing else can give us.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/19/201614 minutes, 18 seconds
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How to Become a Well Rounded Person (Optimal Living)

Listen to episode 76 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Be a Well Rounded Person. Edited and adapted from Essays on Work and Culture by Hamilton Wright Mabie. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Wherever you may find your place and whatever work may come to your hand, you must always be aware of the larger movement of life which encloses your special task. You must have the consciousness of that central power from which all activities are inadequate manifestations. You must remain open to the whole range of human interests, and never escape the conviction that life is a unity under all its complexities; that all activities stand vitally related to each other; that truth, beauty, knowledge, and character must be harmonized and blended in every real and adequate development of the human spirit. To the growth of every flower, the earth, sun, and atmosphere must contribute. In the making of an individual, all the rich forces of nature and civilization must have place....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/14/201615 minutes, 41 seconds
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What is Your Ambition? (Finding Your Life's Purpose)

Listen to episode 75 of the Inspirational Living podcast: What is Your Ambition? (Finding Your Life's Purpose). Edited and adapted from Personal Efficiency by James Samuel Knox. Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: The individual of definite purpose is the person of conquering spirit. They are the leaders and the molders of our environment. They set the pace for others and point the way. They know which way they are traveling, and why they are traveling, because they have a vision. They can see the end from the beginning, because they have created it in their imagination. Show me a young person who has set their definite mark, who has driven their imaginary stake, who has created within their imagination the position they propose to fill twenty years hence, and I shall show you someone who will work out in real life the pictures they first created in their imagination. But set no mark, dream no dream, build no air castles, have no definite aim, no vision of a larger self and a larger life, and you will be eternally doomed to drift and fail. You cannot avoid it. It is the law of life....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/12/201615 minutes, 52 seconds
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Creating Harmony and Success - Healthy Living

Listen to episode 74 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Creating Harmony and Success. Edited and adapted from Success Through Thought Habit by Benjamin Johnson.Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: "Secure Harmony First" is the best advice---for where Harmony exists, there can be no nervous tension, sorrow, bitterness, recrimination, resentment, unhappiness, envy, or anger. Instead there will be exemplified peace of mind, health of body, a contented spirit, freedom from want and abundance for all desires. The very word "Harmony" is in itself a marvelous combination of sounds. There is something strangely soothing about it, a hidden meaning that implies far more than the accepted definition of being in accord with things. It seems to hint at latent power. And just as any observer notes that harmonious sounds will control, influence, and uplift an audience, so a truly harmonious personality influences everyone for good and leaves a memory full of inspiration. John Ruskin once said, "Hundreds can talk to one who can think; thousands can think to one who can see", and so with Harmony, hundreds can talk of it, thousands can think of it, but only one in a thousand will really see and thoroughly experience it...Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/6/201616 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Improve Your Personality | Me Plus You

Listen to episode 73 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Improve Your Personality (Me Plus You). Edited and adapted from Laugh and Live by Douglas Fairbanks. Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: Nothing brings a greater self-reward than a service done in an hour of need, or a favor granted during a day's grind. The generous person who climbs to the top of the ladder helps many others on their way. The more we do for someone else, the more we do for ourselves. The stronger we become—the greater our influence in our communities. Doing things for others may not bring in bankable dividends but it does bring in happiness. Such actions scorn a monetary reward. We have only to try this out to learn the truth for ourselves. A good place to begin is at home--then, the office, or wherever life leads us. In doing these things we will laugh as we go along—we will laugh and get the most out of living. Our little day-by-day kindnesses when added together constitute, in time, a huge asset on the right side of our ledger of life. We should start the day with something that helps another person get through THEIR day ... even if it isn't anything more than a smile and a wave of the hand. They will remember us for it....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/5/201616 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Science of Eternal Life | Nature's Immortality

Listen to episode 72 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Science of Eternal Life. Edited and adapted from The Philosophy of Long Life by Jean Finot. Educational Podcast Excerpt: Grizzly bears, when they wake after their hibernation, at once destroy their stored up provisions. Without destruction there is no vital creation. Without death there is no life. Organic creation, Life, is unimaginable without the physico-chemical phenomena of destruction. Always and everywhere death and life succeed each other, and mingle in a mysterious embrace. There are as many of the principles of life in death as principles of death in life. We might express their curious intimacy by a formula of the precision of a chemical combination: Life-Death applying to life, and Death-Life summing up the essence of death. The principle of life seems so deeply rooted in organized bodies that it ends up triumphant, in spite of all the obstacles which spring up in its path. There is no death in nature. Its youth is eternal, like its activity and its fertility. Death is an idea relating to perishable beings, to these fugitive forms upon which the beam of life shines successively, and it is these uninterrupted trans- formations which constitute the order and the matter of the universe....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/30/201617 minutes, 20 seconds
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Discipline Your Mind with The Power of Self-Discipline

Listen to episode 71 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Discipline Your Mind with The Power of Self-Discipline. Edited and adapted from How to Develop Your Will Power by Clare Tree Major. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Self-control is emotional control. Like all forces inherent in human nature, the emotional forces work equally thoroughly in either direction, as builders or as destroyers. You are, whether you like it or not, dealing with forces, with laws, with energy, which must expend themselves, must carry out their predestined mission — forces as blind and as inevitable as the forces of electricity or the laws of gravitation. You must either be hurled to destruction by them, or you must control and use them. You cannot escape them. They are part of your nature. The more vital and intense your nature, the greater your possibilities of power. The fact that you are awake enough to be interested in self-development is sufficient proof of your own possibility of superseding in development the masses which make up the great average class of humanity. Make your great emotional forces serve you. The secret of happiness is bound up in their control. The first emotion to present itself to your mind in self- examination is often Anger. Anger is almost invariably the outgrowth of Fear, fear of injury to one's self or to someone or something belonging to you. It is grounded largely on Irritation.... Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/28/201617 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Keys to Success & Motivation | B.C. Forbe's Manifesto

Listen to episode 70 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Keys to Success & Motivation | B.C. Forbe's Manifesto. Edited and adapted from The Keys to Success by B.C. Forbes. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: Nobody can hand you a ready-made key to open the door of success. You must fashion your own key and find the combination of the lock for yourself. No magician can waft you to the heights of fortune and fame. You cannot fly there on the wings of an airplane. The road, often rocky, has to be traversed on foot. You, and you alone, can supply the motive power. You, and you alone, must put forth the necessary exertion. No one can remove from your shoulders the burden of the effort. You must do your own climbing. Nor are there any mystic short-cuts. The full distance must be honestly, even painstakingly traveled. While there are no escalators to the hilltop of success, and while every man and woman must do his and her own climbing, yet there is a right road to travel, and it all depends on you....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/24/201610 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Optimist's Guide to Living the Philosophy of Optimism

Listen to episode 69 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Optimist's Guide to Living the Philosophy of Optimism. Edited and adapted from Helen Keller’s essay on optimism. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Although there are still great evils which have not been subdued (and the optimist is not blind to them), we are yet full of hope. Despondency has no place in our creed, for we believe in the imperishable dignity of every man and every woman. History records humanity’s ascent. Each halt in our progress has been but a pause before a mighty leap forward. Our present time is not out of joint. If indeed some of the temples we worshiped in have fallen, we will build new ones on the sacred sites, loftier and wiser than those which have crumbled. If we are losing some of the heroic physical qualities of our ancestors, we shall replace them with a spiritual nobleness that turns aside wrath and binds up the wounds of the vanquished. All the past attainments of humankind are ours; and what’s more, their day-dreams have become our clear realities. Therein lies our hope and sure faith....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/22/201616 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Man in the Arena - Theodore Roosevelt (Motivational Speeches)

Listen to episode 67 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Leadership, Character & Democracy. Edited and adapted from a speech by Teddy Roosevelt. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: It is not the critic who counts; not the one who points out how the strong person has stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the men and women who are actually in the arena, whose faces are marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strive valiantly; who err; who come short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming. These are the brave souls who actually strive to DO the deeds; who know great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spend themselves in a worthy cause; who at the best knows the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if they fail, at least fail while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/14/201617 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Way of Wonder - Classic Self-Help Inspiration

Listen to episode 66 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Way of Wonder. Edited and adapted from a classic book of essays by Stephen Paget. Educational Podcast Excerpt: This much I remember of Aristotle, that he calls Wonder the beginning of the love of Wisdom. To have a right judgment of our surroundings, we must wonder at them, and be surprised that they and we are met together. So long as we exercise this quickening sense of wonder, there is hope for us, and some justification of our presence here on earth---because we all are on the road that leads toward wisdom. And they alone are incorrigible fools to whom Nature comes natural. Once we have fallen into the bad habit of taking for granted what Nature gives us, and have ceased to be amazed, it may be fairly said that in the midst of life we are in death. For one might as well be dead as alive, to look with dull eyes at the world, not finding it wonderful....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/9/201616 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to Stop Worrying | Start Living Anxiety Free

Listen to episode 65 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Stop Worrying (Start Living Anxiety Free). Edited and adapted from: Your Right to Be Happy by Frank & Marion Van Eps.Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: You might be ready to embark on a new enterprise, but your imagination conjures up all sorts of obstacles and difficulties, and you are afraid to begin, lest you fail. But this is, actually, just where the turn of success is made. Daniel Webster, when he first started in his career as a lawyer, felt as if he were utterly incompetent and could never succeed. But he persevered and did not run away or give up, and he eventually became one of the most famous American statesmen of the 19th century. Had he yielded to that feeling of fear, he would never have amounted to anything; but having overcome that, all things were set in his favor.On the eve of any great achievement, it is not unusual to feel the most like a failure or that your goals are unreachable. It is this point of apparent collapse that is so important in everyone’s career. Just when failure and disaster seem unavoidable is the time to push right on through and disregard appearances. More will power and determination put forth at that time will turn the tide, and glorious results are certain.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/7/201618 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Magic of Possibilities | Thinking Big For Success

Listen to episode 56 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Magic of Possibilities (Thinking Big For Success). Adapted from The Power of Purpose by William George Jordan. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: We are placed into life not a finality, but a beginning; not a manufactured article, but raw material; not a statue, but an unpolished stone, ready alike for the firm chisel of defined purpose or the subtle attrition of circumstances and conditions. It is only what you make of yourself that really counts. You must disinfect your mind from that weakening thought that you have an absolutely predetermined capacity, like a freight-car with its weight and tonnage painted on the side. You are growing, expansive, unlimited: self-adjusting to increased responsibility, progressively able for large duties and higher possibilities as you realize them and live up to them. You should feel this sense of the limitless — physically, mentally, morally, spiritually. There is none so obscure that they cannot make the lives of those around them marvelously changed, brightened, and inspired, if they would merely progressively live up to their expanding possibilities in the way of kindness, thoughtfulness, cheer, good-will, influence, and optimism....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/5/201616 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Power of the Eternal Now | Christian D. Larson

Listen to episode 50 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of the Eternal Now (Living in the Moment). Adapted from How to Stay Young by Christian D. Larson.Spiritual Podcast Excerpt: The forces of the mind will create and express every quality or condition that is held in consciousness. This is one of the most important of all metaphysical laws, because it is principally through this law that you determine what your personal life is to be.A true conception of time is extremely important in placing the mind in the proper attitude towards the laws that govern your being; and this true conception is based upon the principle that time IS. Time neither comes nor goes. It is the movements of nature that come and go, not time. What we call time is but the now of eternity, and this now is eternally in the now; therefore there can be no passing of time.It is only in the now that you can live. You can live neither in the past nor in the future. You may think of the past or the future, but you can live only in the now. To train the mind to concentrate the whole of attention upon the great eternal now is to develop the consciousness of the "isness" of the now, and to consciously feel that its purpose is to eliminate the consciousness of age completely....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/14/201613 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Arc of the Moral Universe - Morality & Justice

Today's podcast (Episode 48) is dedicated to Martin Luther King. Many people attribute Dr. King with establishing the concept of the arc of the moral universe. But it actually was derived from a sermon by 19th century Unitarian minister Theodore Parker, whose works MLK read and admired. This particular sermon dealing with justice and the moral universe can be found in the book 10 Sermons of Religion by Theodore Parker, from which today's podcast has been adapted. Spiritual Podcast Excerpt: I find that justice is the object of my conscience, fitting that, as light the eye and truth the mind. There is a perfect agreement between the moral object and the moral subject. Finding it fits me thus, I know that justice will work for my welfare and that of all humankind. Look at the facts of the world. And you will see a slow but continual and progressive triumph of what is right. I do not pretend to understand the moral universe. The arc is a long one; my eye reaches but a little way. I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight. But I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see, I am sure it bends towards justice.....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/7/201615 minutes, 14 seconds
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What Do You Live For? - Law of Attraction

Listen to episode 42 of the Inspirational Living podcast: What Do You Live For? Adapted from the book New Thought Common Sense and What Life Means to Me by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Everything comes when we are fully ready. The law never fails. You may believe yourself worthy of better things than what has fallen to your lot, but there is some reason, some cause in yourself, if you have not what you desire.If you encounter people who are disagreeable, be so agreeable that you force them into a pleasant mood. Bring out the best in everybody by giving them the best that is in yourself. The poet Madeline Bridges put this great truth into the simple words: "Give to the world the best you have, And the best shall come to you."Just so sure as you live these lines, so sure shall be your reward. But to do all this you must be ALIVE: Alive every hour of the day, and all of you (brain, soul and body) must be alive. Once you roll the stone away and come forth, alive, you will vibrate at such a rate that worry, disease, poverty, despondency, gloom, and melancholy will be unable to stay with you.....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/17/201615 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Think & Grow Rich Without Money

Listen to episode 41 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Think & Grow Rich Without Money. Adapted from the work of Orison Swett Marden. Motivational Podcast Excerpt: We assume importance and become a power in the world, just as soon as it is found that we stand for something; that we are not for sale; that we will not lease our ideals for salary, for any amount of money or for any influence or position; that we will not lend our name to anything which we cannot endorse. The trouble with so many people today is that they do not stand for anything outside their vocation. They may be well educated, well up in their specialties, may have a lot of expert knowledge, but they cannot be depended upon. There is some flaw in them which takes the edge off their virtue. They may be fairly honest, but you cannot bank on them...Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/15/201615 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Duality & Rhythm of Life - The Kybalion

Listen to episode 40 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Duality & Rhythm of Life. Adapted from the Kybalion, published in 1912 by the Yogi Publication Society. Spiritual Podcast Excerpt: The Principle of Polarity, as taught by the ancient mystics, was that everything is dual. Everything has two poles. Everything has its pair of opposites---and that "opposites" are really only the two extremes of the same thing, with many varying degrees between them. Where does darkness leave off, and light begin? What is the difference between Large and Small? Between Hard and Soft? Between Black and White? Between Sharp and Dull? Between Noise and Quiet? Between High and Low? Between Positive and Negative? The Principle of Polarity explains these paradoxes, and no other Principle can supersede it. The same Principle operates on the Mental Plane. Let us take a radical and extreme example—that of Love and Hate, two mental states apparently totally different. And yet there are degrees of Hate and degrees of Love, and a middle point in which we use the terms “Like” or “Dislike,” which shade into each other so gradually that sometimes we are at a loss to know whether we "like" or "dislike" or "neither" ...Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/11/201616 minutes, 1 second
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How to Change Your Life Around - Neville Goddard

Listen to episode 39 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Change Your Life Around. Adapted from a 1952 lecture by Neville Goddard. Podcast Excerpt: As an individual, you move and live in time, but your true being is in eternity. Think of the vertical line of the cross as the line of being upon which there are unnumbered levels of awareness. Time cannot make you better or wiser. In fact, time cannot do a thing towards changing your level of being, for change is all on the vertical line where you move to higher or lower levels of your own being. Because change is imminent, we speak of it as infinite imminence---as nearer than near and sooner than now. The person you would like to be is imminent: is nearer than near. The ideal you dream of being is sooner than now and is brought into being by a change in your reactions to life...Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/8/201616 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Power of Spiritual Meditation - The Way of Peace

Listen to episode 35 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of Spiritual Meditation. Edited & adapted from The Way of Peace by James Allen. Podcast Excerpt: Spiritual meditation is the pathway to Divinity. It is the mystic ladder which reaches from earth to heaven, from error to Truth, from pain to peace. Without its aid, you cannot grow into the divine state, and the fadeless glories and joys of Truth will remain hidden from you. Tell me that which you most frequently and intensely think about (that to which, in your silent hours, your soul most naturally turns), and I will tell you to what place of pain or peace you are traveling, and whether you are growing into the likeness of the divine or the mundane...Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/23/201617 minutes, 27 seconds
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Cheerfulness: The Benefits of Smiling & Laughing

Listen to episode 34 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Cheerfulness: The Benefits of Smiling and Laughing. Adapted from The Optimistic Life by Orison Swett Marden. Podcast Excerpt: No matter what your work may be, learn to find happiness everywhere. The love of cheerfulness can be cultivated like any other faculty — and in practical life, it will be worth more to you than a college education with-out it. This is wealth that all can accumulate — the wealth of joy. No matter how hard your lot, how dark the day may seem, if you work a little good humor into it, it will lift your life above a humdrum existence. If you manage to get in a good laugh during the day, your work will not seem nearly as hard. It will relieve the grind and dreariness. A dull, serious mood all day will not only make you very uninteresting to others, but it makes your own load heavier. A good laugh does away with cares, worries, doubts, and relieves the great strain of modern life....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/17/201611 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Be Calm, Cool & Collected | Retrain the Brain

Listen to episode 30 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Be Calm, Cool & Collected. Adapted from a Harvard lecture by Dr. George Lincoln Walton. Podcast Excerpt: We live in an age where discretion is the better part of valor. The person who exercises this discretion is less at risk for harm, but does not see so much of life as the more forceful individual. It is true that the hypochondriac is prone to live longer, but what a life! The time has past when the young child can say, "And if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” Now the prayer is more like this: "Don't even mention death to me or I shall lie awake all night!" Today’s parents are raising children in ways that bring into prominence the little worries; that cause the tempest in the teapot; that bring about the worship of the intangible, and the magnification of the unessential. If we had lived in another age, we might have dreamt of the eternal happiness of saving our neck, but in this one we fret because someone said something that offended us....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/3/201614 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Build Better Life Habits | Getting Unstuck

Listen to episode 27 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Build Better Life Habits (Getting Unstuck). Adapted from book The Mind & Its Education by George Herbert Betts. Podcast Excerpt: Building better habits will require something of heroism on our part. For to follow the well-beaten path of custom is easy and pleasant, while to break out of the rut of habit and start a new line of action is difficult and disturbing. Most people prefer to keep doing things as they always have done them, to continue reading and thinking and believing as they have long been in the habit of doing, not so much because they feel that their way is best, but because it is easier than to change. Hence the great mass of us settle down on the plane of mediocrity, and become "old fogies." We learn to do things passably well, cease to think about improving our ways of doing them, and fall into a rut. Only the few go on. They make use of habits as the rest do, but they also continue to modify them at critical points of action, and so make their habits an ally instead of accepting them as a tyrant.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/21/201616 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Succeed in Anything - Napoleon Hill

Listen to episode 25 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Succeed in Anything. Edited and adapted from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.Podcast Excerpt: Persistence is an essential factor of success in life. And the basis of persistence is the POWER OF WILL. Will-power and desire, when properly combined, make an irresistible pair. People who achieve great success are sometimes known as ruthless. Often they are misunderstood. What they have is will-power, which they mix with persistence, to insure the attainment of their objectives. Most people are ready to throw their aims and purposes overboard, and give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune. Only a few carry on despite all opposition, until they attain their goal: the Steve Jobses, the Andrew Carnegies, the Mahatma Gandhis, the Thomas Edisons. While there may be no heroic connotation to the word "persistence," the quality is to the character of a person what carbon is to steel....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/14/201618 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Power of Words - A Philosophy of Living

Listen to episode 24 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of Words. Edited and adapted from The Mental Cure by Warren Felt Evans. Podcast Excerpt: Words are the index of character. They enclose within them our thoughts, and the tone with which they are spoken indicates the state of our affections. The utterance of a single word can reveal the love, fear, or hate that lurks within it, and, as such, our life and character are laid open to public view. By the effect of our words, others can perceive the cause. The heart is the fountain; words are the stream. If the fountain is clear as crystal, the issuing spring will be the water of life....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/12/201612 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Book of Tea | Zen & The Art of Tea Drinking

Listen to episode 22 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Book of Tea | Zen & The Art of Tea Drinking. Edited and adapted from The Book of Tea by Okakura Kakuzō. Podcast Excerpt: There is a subtle charm in the taste of tea which makes it irresistible and capable of idealization. Western humorists were not slow to mingle the fragrance of their thought with its aroma. It has not the arrogance of wine, the self-consciousness of coffee, nor the simpering innocence of cocoa. Samuel Johnson draws his own portrait as "a hardened and shameless tea drinker, who for twenty years diluted his meals with only the infusion of the fascinating plant; who with tea amused the evening, with tea solaced the midnight, and with tea welcomed the morning. Teaism is the art of concealing beauty that you may discover it, of suggesting what you dare not reveal. It is the noble secret of laughing at yourself, calmly yet thoroughly, and is thus humor itself—the smile of philosophy. All genuine humorists may in this sense be called tea-philosophers---Thackeray, for instance, and of course, Shakespeare. In this imperfect world of ours, it is perhaps in our demure contemplation of the Imperfect that the West and the East can meet in mutual consolation.....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/7/201614 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Sleep Better, Peacefully & Fast

Listen to episode 21 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Sleep Better, Peacefully & Fast. Edited and Adapted from the book The Victorious Attitude by Orison Swett Marden.Self-Help Podcast Excerpt: We never awake the same exact being as when we went to sleep. We are either better or worse. We changed while we slept. While our senses were wrapped in slumber, the subjective mind was busily at work. It was either building up or tearing down. If we go to bed holding a grudge against a neighbor, with a resolve to "get back" at somebody who has hurt us; if we have hatred or jealousy in our heart; if we are envious of another's success, and if we go to sleep nursing these feelings, we awake in a depressed, exhausted state, feeling bitter, pessimistic, irritable, and unhappy.The destructive spirit was at work all night, running amuck among the delicate brain and nerve cells, furiously tearing down what beneficent Nature had taken such pains to upbuild. But, when we take pleasant, kindly, loving thoughts to bed with us, we awake refreshed, in a happy, contented frame of mind. Our sleepless faculties spent the hours in upbuilding, performing friendly functions for us during the night.Few people ever think of preparing the mind for sleep, yet it is even more necessary than it is to prepare the body. Most of us take great pains to put the latter in order; we undress, maybe take a warm bath, perhaps massage the face with lotion; we make sure that our bedroom is properly heated or cooled, and that our bed is clean and comfortable, but to the matter of preparing our minds, we don’t give it a thought.----------------Visit today's sponsor Ettitude (makers of fine organic bedding and accessories) at the following link: Inspirational Sleep.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/5/201616 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Transform Your Life & Thinking | Neville Goddard

Listen to episode 20 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Transform Your Life & Thinking (Neville Goddard). Edited and Adapted from a lecture by Neville Goddard. Podcast Excerpt: The purpose of today’s talk is to bring about a psychological change in you, the individual. Humanity, understood psychologically, is an infinite series of levels of awareness. And you, individually, are what you are according to where you are in the series. Consciousness is the only reality. And where you are conscious of being psychologically determines the circumstances of your life. The ancients knew this great truth, but our modern teachers have yet to discover it. There is only one substance in the world. Our scientists call it energy, while scripture defines it as consciousness.....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/3/201615 minutes, 57 seconds
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What the World Needs From You - Motivation for Life

Listen to episode 10 of the Inspirational Living podcast: What the World Needs From You. Adapted from the book The Art of Being Alive by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Podcast Excerpt: LIFE means action, from the cradle to the grave. There are limitless possibilities in this life to bring into realization whatever hopes or aspirations we desire. If we only but begin… There is no such thing as inaction during this life. We are continually going forward or backward. You are either stronger or weaker this year than you were last year. You are braver or more cowardly. You are more hopeful or more pessimistic. You are more capable mentally or less so. You have better or poorer command of your forces. You have more efficiency or not as much. You are nearer your goal or farther from it. You are a better human being or not as good.....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/11/201518 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Majesty of Calmness | William George Jordan

Listen to episode 8 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Stay Calm & Motivated. Adapted from The Majesty of Calmness by William George Jordan.Transcript Excerpt: Calmness is the rarest quality in human life. It is the signpost of a great nature, in harmony with itself and its ideals. It is the moral atmosphere of the life self-reliant and the self- controlled. Calmness is singleness of purpose, absolute confidence, and conscious power — ready to be focused in an instant to meet any crisis.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/7/201516 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Thoughts Shape Your Destiny | James Allen

Listen to episode 6 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How Thoughts Shape Your Destiny. Edited & adapted from the book As a Man Thinketh by James Allen.Transcript Excerpt: The world is your kaleidoscope. The varying color combinations are the exquisitely adjusted pictures of your ever-moving thoughts. You are literally what you think, your character being the complete sum of all your thoughts. As the plant springs from, and could not be without, the seed, so every action springs from the hidden seeds of thought and could not have appeared without them.Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/1/201517 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Art of Being Alive - Seize the Day (Carpe Diem)

Listen to episode 4 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Art of Being Alive. Edited & adapted from the book The Art of Being Alive by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.Transcript Excerpt: Stop wondering why you were born into this world. Stop looking for faults and flaws. Rise up today with joy and say, “I am going to be alive!" In every thousand people who are living on this earth, not more than one is alive. To be really alive means more than to be a moving, breathing, eating, drinking, and talking human being. Those who are actually alive find the days too short to pursue all the wonderful explorations which life offers them. They find life itself a continual adventure, an unfolding panorama, with opportunities for pleasure and achievement at every turn....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/24/201515 minutes, 12 seconds
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Daring Greatly: Finding the Courage to Lead

Listen to episode 3 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Daring Greatly: Finding the Courage to Lead. Edited & adapted from the book The Power of Truth by William George Jordan.Transcript Excerpt: The reformers of the world are those men and women of mighty purpose. They are leaders with the courage of individual conviction who dare run counter to the criticism of the crowd. They are the souls who voluntarily bear crosses for what they accept as right, even without the guarantee of redemption. They are the heroes who gladly go down into the depths of silence, darkness and oblivion, only to emerge finally like divers, with pearls in their hands...Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/19/201517 minutes, 48 seconds
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Living the Immortal Life | Theodore Parker | Unitarian

Listen to episode 2 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: Living the Immortal Life, edited & adapted from Theodore Parker's Unitarian sermon on immortality.Transcript Excerpt: It is the belief of many that we shall all live forever. This is not a doctrine of Christianity alone. It belongs to the human race. But how did we come by this belief? Our ancestors did not sit down and think it out; never waited till they could prove it by logic and metaphysics; did not delay their belief till a miraculous revelation came to confirm it. It came to them by intuition; by instinctive belief, the belief which comes unavoidably from our nature. In this same way came the belief in a higher power; the redeeming power of love; and the yearning for justice.Some faculties of the body act spontaneously at first---so others of the spirit. Immortality is a fact of human nature; it is thus a part of the universe, just as the sun is a fact in the heavens and a part of the universe....Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/17/201517 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Love & Live True to Yourself | Self-Reliance

Listen to episode 1 of the Inspirational Living podcast: How to Love & Live True to Yourself. Edited & adapted from Emerson's classic essay on self-reliance.Transcript Excerpt: The power that resides in you is new in nature, and no one but you knows what you can do, nor will you know until you have tried. Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place that divine providence has found for you in the society of your contemporaries. Great men and women have always done so, devoting themselves childlike to the genius of their age, with all of their being. Like those who have come before us, we must accept with highest mind our transcendent destiny; and behave not like cowards fleeing before a revolution, but like fearless guides helping others advance through the Chaos and the Dark...Our Sponsors:* Check out HelloFresh and use my code 50LIVING23 for a great deal: http://hellofresh.comSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/12/201515 minutes, 42 seconds