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Inside Covid-19 Profile

Inside Covid-19

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 119 episodes, 3 days, 8 hours, 37 minutes
The BizNews team produces a weekly podcast on Covid-19, offering a rational perspective on how the virus is impacting the lives of all South Africans. It will also house the latest news and insights on what was initially termed coronavirus.
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Inside Covid-19: More bad news for AstraZeneca; vaccine for dogs; #Covid in your eyes, ears; SA vaccine roll-out latest

In this episode of the BizNews podcast dedicated to uncovering all the important news and views on the biggest public health crisis in living memory, we hear from Dr Simone Donati, who is among a team of scientists in Italy, about what medical experts have discovered on how the coronavirus goes easily undetected in normal Covid-19 tests by entering the human body through the eyes. We take an in-depth look at the latest developments on vaccine roll-out in South Africa, with an update on the government deals to secure jabs. You will also hear from CEO Stephen Saad about how South Africa's largest pharmaceuticals company, JSE-listed Aspen Pharmacare, has ramped up efforts to start rolling out J&J Covid-19 vaccines to South Africa and the rest of Africa within weeks. Later in the show, we share an update from Discovery Vitality about how novel measures to improve mental health as the pandemic takes its toll on our emotional wellbeing. Plus, the main Covid-19 news making world headlines this week - including more bad news for AstraZeneca.
4/1/202143 minutes, 4 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Deep insights on how people have battled Covid-19 demons; Ivermectin SA legal battle

When the Covid-19 pandemic first swept across the globe and governments instituted lockdowns, many people thought the crisis would be over in a few months. But a year later, many countries are still under lockdown rules, even as vaccinations are rolled out. In a powerful, in-depth report from Bloomberg, we hear how people in the world's richest nation have been coping - and failing to cope - with the new world order in the era of Covid-19. Also in this episode, we share an update on the role of Ivermectin in treating Covid-19, including from lawyer Bonani Luthuli of Bonani Khanyile ka Luthuli Attorneys who has been involved in taking the South African regulatory authority to court in a battle to legalise the use of Ivermectin specifically for Covid-19. - Jackie Cameron
3/19/202138 minutes, 39 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Insurance extras to help restaurant owners survive tough times; what the world can learn from Israel

A year ago, the coronavirus pandemic struck, turning people's lives upside down and transforming the way we work and do business. In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we hear from Discovery Insurance Chief Operating Officer Lana Ross about innovations in cover for restaurants - which have been hit particularly hard by lockdown measures. And, we hear insights on how Israel has had one of the world's most successful vaccination efforts yet. First the Covid-19 news making world headlines.
3/14/202132 minutes, 55 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Deep insights on pandemic, with Discovery Life CEO Riaan van Reenen, J&J CEO Alex Gorsky

South Africa was the first country to roll out the Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Earlier this week, President Cyril Ramaphosa said 80,000 J&J vaccines have arrived as the mass vaccination programme gets underway. The single-dose vaccine has shown to be effective in preventing moderate and severe disease from South Africa's dominant coronavirus variant with an efficacy of 57% in trials conducted in South Africa. We hear from Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky about the J&J vaccine which has been cleared by regulators in the US and is working on ramping up production to boost global supplies. Also coming up, we hear fascinating insights on the pandemic from the inside of Discovery Life, with CEO Riaan van Reenen. He shares what Discovery's data on claims tells us about the real rate of Covid-19 and what the Life assurer's actuaries have forecast if there is a third wave at Easter. MUST LISTEN!
3/5/202141 minutes, 15 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Ivermectin may reduce infection time, Covid spread slows as vaccines take off

In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we hear from Professor Eli Schwarz. Professor Schwarz is an Israeli tropical disease expert, who says he has new proof that a drug used to fight parasites in third world countries, could help reduce the length of infection for people who contract the coronavirus. Professor Schwartz, founder of the Centre for Travel Medicine and Tropical disease, has completed a clinical trial of the FDA-approved ivermectin. We hear from our partners at Bloomberg, about how the spread of Covid-19 appears to be slowing as vaccine rollout ramps up around the world Also in the show, we hear from Discovery’s Head of Legal Services, Harry Joffe, about how Covid-19 is changing attitudes to wills and life cover. He tells us about an estate preserver that has been launched to cover the costs associated with dying, including the expenses of setting up trusts to safeguard and manage finances for beneficiaries.
2/26/202135 minutes, 35 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Meet the 32-year-old SA lab assistant at global forefront of fight against virus

In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we speak to Sandile Cele, a 32-year-old researcher at the Durban-based African Health Research Institute who has made global headlines for an important breakthrough in the fight against Covid-19. Cele found a new way to grow the 501.V2 variant and in so doing, reports the Financial Times, helped show scientists that the variant can escape antibodies and lead to reinfection. Also in this episode, an update from Discovery founder Adrian Gore on the group's role in procuring vaccines and what is happening behind-the-scenes to help medical scheme members. We also hear how pharma companies are racing to retool their vaccine strategies as fast-spreading and potentially dangerous mutations of the virus emerge. Plus, the main Covid-19 stories making world headlines.
2/18/202126 minutes, 33 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Medical breakthroughs - common asthma drug Budesonide, Ivermectin in treating coronavirus

In an important scientific breakthrough in the early treatment of Covid-19, medical experts have discovered that an inhaled corticosteroid is effective. Hear from Professor Mona Bafadhel of the University of Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Medicine about how this medication commonly used to treat asthma appears to significantly reduce the need for urgent care and hospitalisation in people with Covid-19. Ivermectin is being developed into a form that is easily dissolved on the tongue or injected; and hear about an app that can use a person’s voice to detect early symptoms of Covid-19. Dr Davd Liu, CEO of Sonde Health, shares what vocal biomarkers can tell us about respiratory illness. Plus the Covid-19 news making world headlines.
2/11/202131 minutes, 17 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Life may only return to normal in 7 years; long Covid and your sense of smell; travel outlook

Around 65% of people with coronavirus lose their sense of smell and taste and it's estimated that about 10% of those go on to develop rare conditions that create havoc. Parosmia means you can find human waste smells like food and vice versa, the smell of water can make you feel sick and coffee can make you vomit if you get so much of a whiff. Even your partner can become unbearably smelly. So what causes parosmia? Can you treat it? We spoke to Reading University flavour scientist Dr Jane Parker who is undertaking in-depth research on Covid-19 and parosmia. Also coming up in this programme: the long term effects of Covid-19 on the travel and tourism industries, with warnings that life may only return to normal in 7 years at today’s vaccine rates. Christopher Nassetta, President & CEO, Hilton shares his outlook for the hotel industry in 2021. - Jackie Cameron
2/5/202137 minutes, 36 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Former Sunday Times editor Brian Pottinger lifts lid on why the world panicked about coronavirus

Have governments gone too far in imposing lockdowns to curb the spread of Covid-19? Why did governments use this strategy? Is the original Covid-19 still circulating - or did it die out in June? We speak to Brian Pottinger, South African author and former Sunday Times journalist who has undertaken an in-depth investigation into these issues, for his new book: 'States of Panic: Covid-19 and the new medieval'. And, we hear from our partners a Bloomberg about the new response - and mistakes - to Covid-19 by US President Joe Biden, starting with his appointment of Rochelle Walensky to head the country’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
1/31/202145 minutes, 4 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Johann Rupert denies jumping queue; what vaccine 'apartheid' means for SA, the world

As South African billionaire Johann Rupert makes world headlines for getting a vaccine shot in December in Switzerland, we explore how global collaboration to mass vaccinate the world is being jeopardised - at the expense of the developing world. We speak to Theo Murphy, European Council on Foreign Relations, for an overview of the geopolitical dynamics and how these impact on countries like South Africa. This debate is not just about access to vaccines but access to the most potent vaccines, as we hear from our partners at Bloomberg. Also in this episode: another breakthrough in treating Covid-19, vaccine pricing and more from the pandemic news making headlines.
1/22/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Vaccines - can your employer force you to get one? Legal insights

Can South African employers impose mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies as a pre-requisite to return to work or as a precondition for employment? What happens if an employee refuses to wear a mask. We’ve got the answers to these questions and more on how Covid-19 has changed employment law in South Africa, with specialist Imraan Mahomed of law firm Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr. And, with mass vaccination the big focus for governments around the world as the spread of Covid-19 remains out-of-control, we hear from our partners at Bloomberg why some healthcare workers in the United States are refusing to be vaccinated. First, the week’s Covid-19 news highlights.
1/15/202133 minutes, 21 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA variant - what it means for vaccine development, ending pandemic - Prof Madhi

The South African variant of Covid-19 has changed the outlook for the way the coronavirus pandemic is likely to unfold - in South Africa as well as elsewhere. Scientists in South Africa say there is a "reasonable concern" that the new variant of Covid-19 sweeping across the country might prove to be more resistant to current vaccines being rolled out in the UK and elsewhere, and warn that it makes the need for a global roll-out of vaccines "even more critical”. In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we have a special interview with one of South Africa’s leading scientists in the fight against Sars-CoV-2 - Professor Shabir Madhi, who has been leading trials for the vaccine in South Africa. He shares the details of the work going on behind the scenes to understand the mutations and what this means for vaccine development, the impact of the disease on people and how governments can respond to the changing threat from the disease.
1/7/202136 minutes, 25 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA is 'not in control' of virus, is at early stage of pandemic, warns expert

In this episode, we examine changes to the Covid-19 virus that has altered the world over the past year. Dr Richard Lessells, infectious diseases specialist at Krisp, the KwaZulu-Natal Research and Innovation Sequencing Platform, part of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, helps us make sense of the latest developments in the spread of Covid-19 in South Africa. He provides an update on genomic surveillance of the disease and warns that the pandemic is still at an early stage. In this episode, we also hear insights from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Public School of Health Vice Dean Josh Sharfstein about the evolution of the virus. Also coming up, an update from Dr Keith Cloete, head of the Western Cape health department, who cautions that hospitals are buckling under the pressure of a rapidly rising rate of Covid-19 in the province that attracts huge numbers of holidaymakers at this time of the year.
12/23/202037 minutes, 41 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: What SA will look like in 2021; Govt vaccine plan latest; masks - why they work

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced tighter restrictions aimed at halting the rising rate of Covid-19 cases in the Eastern Cape, Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. This includes the possibility of stiff fines and even time in jail for employers who do not insist that employees wear masks at all times. In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we pick up on some of the details of changes as South Africans sign off work for their festive season breaks. We speak to Discovery Health’s Dr Ronald Whelan, Chief Commercial Officer of Discovery Health and head of Discovery’s Covid-19 response team for an assessment of how SA has been managing the pandemic. Dr Whelan also provides an update on the importance of masks - as well as the roll-out of the vaccine in SA, particularly in the light of news that the Covid-19 virus has been mutating. He provides a fascinating glimpse of what Discovery’s data is telling us about the spread and severity of Covid-19. Dr Whelan warns us to expect at least another six months, and probably more, of navigating this disease. Also coming up: our partners at Bloomberg explore vaccine roll-out in the hemisphere.
12/18/202043 minutes, 31 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Pay-as-you go private medical care; Why SA is at back of Covid-19 vaccine queue - and what's next

A week ago, Bloomberg reported that SA was only likely to get Covid-19 vaccines rolled out in earnest by mid-2021 and even then only for a select few. That created an outcry from the medical fraternity. In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we speak to Professor Francois Venter, a professor of medicine at the University of the Witwatersrand, who has been pushing the government to share detailed plans for who will get vaccines. A former advisor on the government advisory panel, Professor Venter warns that the vaccine may not be administered en masse next year at all. We hear from one of the founders of the Great Barrington Declaration how we should manage Covid-19 until vaccines arrive. Dr Jay Battacharya spoke to BizNews in November, who is opposed to strict lockdown but is in favour of focused protection.He says lockdown is the single-biggest mistake in health policy in his life time but we should take protective measures - and this can include wearing masks, particularly if we are in vulnerable groups. And, we hear from Discovery Health Executive Associate Maria Makhabane-Leke about an innovation in the provision of private medical care. You will now be able to pay-as-you-go for GPs, with the offering set to be rolled out to dentists and specialists soon.
12/11/202038 minutes, 35 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Meet two remarkable women in the spotlight for putting people first

In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we look at two SA success stories as the world fights the biggest global health crisis in living memory. BizNews journalist Linda van Tilburg looks at an entrepreneurial Cape company that has developed a rapid Covid-19 test from a cousin of the tobacco plant. The company is one of five companies attracting investment from the University Technology Fund, a South African fund aimed at commercialising technologies and innovations developed n the country. We speak to Cape Bio Pharms founder, Belinda Shaw. Also coming up on this programme, we hear from Ruth Lewin, Discovery’s head of Corporate Sustainability. Ruth has been appointed to lead the International Association of Volunteer Effort, a global organisation based in the US. We speak to her about this prestigious role and what it means for volunteer work in SA and Africa. Also coming up, we hear about the Covid Resilience Ranking - an index that puts SA at 35 on a list of 53.
12/3/202059 minutes, 55 seconds
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Making SA proud: Discovery's Ruth Lewin heads up global organisation IAVE

Born into a philanthropic family, Ruth Lewin fondly remembers collecting money for the blind - one of her parents many charitable endeavours. It would come as no surprise that Discovery's Head of Corporate Sustainability was recently appointed to the respected position of world president of the global volunteerism body, at the International Association of Volunteer Effort (IAVE). Lewin told BizNews editor Jackie Cameron about this exciting new role, what it means for Discovery and how her significant career of helping others - which included a stint as regional manager for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission - led her to her latest challenge.
12/1/202020 minutes, 46 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: vaccine roll-out in SA, beyond - experts, pharmacy bosses

With billions of dollars a day disappearing as much of the northern hemisphere is shutdown to contain the spread of Covid-19, it is critical for vaccines to be rolled out as soon as possible. In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we focus on vaccine roll out in Africa and elsewhere. Coming up: We hear from Professor Shabir Madhi, vaccines expert at the University of the Witwatersrand, and Chief Executive Officer of AstraZeneca Pascal Soriot who says supply partners are getting ready to produce hundreds of millions of doses of their vaccine. Also in the programme, Nobel Laureate, Michael Kremer, shares insights with the International Monetary Fund on his research into how to expedite the production and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines. We also share some highlights from the first BizNews Great Debate, which featured Panda's Nick Hudson and healthy policy expert Professor Alan Whiteside exploring the pros and cons of lockdowns to curb the spread of Covid-19. First, the Covid-19 news making world headlines.
11/30/202029 minutes, 4 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Vaccine race; SA’s PANDA goes global; pandemic damages, scars minds

In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we look at whether pharmaceutical companies can make enough Covid vaccines. We also pick up with actuary Nick Hudson, who shares how SA-grown Panda has transformed into a global organisation, with the experts behind the Great Barrington Declaration on their advisory board. Panda is fiercely opposed to strict lockdowns. Also signalling the alarm about lockdowns is US psychology professor Leonard Jason, who has co-authored a paper on long Covid - and shares how depression is a significant feature of a pandemic, for those living through it as well as people who contract the disease. Plus, the latest Covid-19 developments making world headlines.
11/20/202035 minutes, 51 seconds
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How Discovery is helping members prepare for the Covid-19 vaccine - Dr Noluthando Nematswerani

Discovery Health's head of Clinical Policy, Dr Noluthando Nematswerani tells BizNews how Discovery is helping it's members prepare for the arrival of the Covid-19 vaccine in South Africa. Nematswerani says experts expect the vaccine to arrive by at least mid 2021.
11/13/20206 minutes, 39 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Lockdowns are the biggest health policy mistake in living memory - Great Barrington Declaration founder

In this episode of inside Covid-19, we have two special interviews for you - with medical experts of global standing. First up, we speak to Dr Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University. Dr Bhattacharya is one of the driving forces behind the Great Barrington Declaration, which calls for a rethink on lockdowns and an ‘intelligent’ approach to protecting the vulnerable. He has taken a lot of flak from government advisors and others, but is pursuing his commitment to Focused Protection because his conscience won’t allow him to do otherwise. Dr Battacharya’s message resonates with South Africa’s business leaders. B4SA this week urged President Cyril Ramaphosa to resist the temptation to tighten up lockdown restrictions to save SA from further economic destruction - which ultimately will lead to more hardship. And, BizNews spoke to Professor Shabir Madhi, a highly respected Vaccinology expert, at the Witwatersrand University on the latest developments in the race to vaccinate SA against Covid-19. We also hear from Dr Noluthando Nematswerani, Discovery Health’s head of Clinical Policy, about how the company is helping its members prepare for vaccine delivery - expected in South Africa next year.
11/11/202049 minutes, 56 seconds
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'It's about giving members everything they need' - Discovery Vitality's Dinesh Govender

Chief executive of Discovery Vitality, Dinesh Govender, talks to BizNews founder Alec Hogg about an exciting development, with Vitality members now being able to enjoy myriad benefits for flights.
11/6/202010 minutes, 19 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Discovery Vitality travel perks; Vitamin B, Zinc could hold the answer to keeping worst symptoms at bay

In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we have exciting news from our sponsors at Discovery, with the Discovery Vitality programme announcing measures that will provide a much-needed boost to the tourism, travel and hospitality sectors - and will also lift the spirits of people who have been looking forward to exploring the world, enjoying nature and generally getting out to have fun. Also coming up: Cape Town based aerospace entrepreneur Robert Miller has been working with two South African medical experts on an interesting hypothesis about why South Africa’s deaths from Covid-19 haven’t been as bad as initially feared. The work has been published in a British medical journal and international scientists have been testing their ideas on mice. In a nutshell, the three believe that Vitamin B and Zinc could hold the clue to staving off the worst of the Covid-19 symptoms.
11/6/202047 minutes, 3 seconds
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What we did to make sure our members remained rewarded, even during the pandemic - Discovery Vitality's Dr Mabunda

Head of Wellness, Dr Mosima Mabunda, speaks to BizNews founder Alec Hogg about how Discovery Vitality has awarded extra points to its members, compensating for the challenges of leading a healthy life in the era of Covid-19.
11/4/202013 minutes, 54 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Great Barrington Declaration - good or bad idea? Can vaccines save us? Discovery Vitality points

Resources are being thrown at vaccine development, as it is seen as saving the world from the pandemic that has brought economic engines across much of the world to a standstill. We hear from our partners at Bloomberg why the obsession with vaccines may be a bad strategy. We also have an update on herd immunity and the growing movement for an alternative to lockdowns, the Great Barrington Declaration. We pick up with leading South African health policy expert Professor Alan Whiteside, for a look at where the world is in the fight against Covid-19. And, Discovery Vitality shares how it has awarded extra points to its members to compensate for the challenges of leading a healthy life in the era of Covid-19. - Jackie Cameron
11/3/202038 minutes, 33 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Where are the jobs? Future of employment for pilots, school-leavers - expert insights

In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we look at the impact of the pandemic on education - and jobs. Professor Michael le Cordeur, of the Department of Curriculum  Studies at Stellenbosch University, explores whether another generation has lost out on vital education. We also speak to Prof Susan Michie, a director of University College London’s Centre for Behaviour Change, about how people worldwide will have to adapt to a Covid-safe future that does not destroy economies. We hear from our partners at Bloomberg that some jobs might go the way of the ship-building industry - extinction. And, with Recession Alert’s Dwaine van Vuuren estimating that 20-25% of jobs in South Africa have gone forever, with pick up with recruitment specialist Brian Wasmuth of the Human Capital Group on how pilots are struggling as the pandemic forces structural changes on the global economy.
10/22/202034 minutes, 39 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Plan to live with virus at least until 2023; depression, mental health insights - experts

In this episode, we look at the global vaccine race, in an interview with expert Arnaud Bernaert, Head of Shaping the Future of Health and Health Care, World Economic Forum. He sets out who is likely to get the vaccine and why we must prepare for coping with Covid-19 in our midsts at least until 2023. Also coming up, with the world spotlight on mental health, we hear how South Africans are coping in the era of Covid-19, with Dr Seranne Motilal of Discovery Vitality – which hosts a special, free webinar this week where you can hear insights from a range of experts on how to help yourself and your family members through difficult times (registration link at
10/12/202042 minutes, 6 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Living through a pandemic - in SA, and in China. SAs speak - Ep 92

The biggest pandemic in a century reached a milestone this week: a million deaths around the world. In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we speak to South Africans who were in China when the virus emerged - and also lost a family member to Covid-19 in South Africa after he contracted it from another source. The two teachers from Durban, Andy and Gary Cronjé told how it was like living in the Zombie Apocalypse when Covid-19 broke out in China. Also coming up, a special report from our partners at the Wall Street Journal on six months of living through a pandemic. And, you will hear an update on tips to protect yourself from contracting Covid-19, from Discovery Health's public health medicine specialist Dr Geraldine Timothy.
10/1/202042 minutes, 46 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Govt plans for SA tourism; new Discovery Vitality benefits unveiled - Ep 91

In this episode, we look at the big changes for the tourism sector as lockdown eases. Deputy Minister of Tourism Fish Mahlalela speaks to BizNews about government plans to get business and leisure travel moving. Also coming up, Discovery Vitality Wellness head Dr Mosima Mabunda unveils new benefits for Discovery members that will also help to stimulate business activity in the leisure and hospitality sector - among other big changes. And, we hear from a world expert on steroids, Dr Bryan McVerry, a critical care specialist and associate professor the University of Pittsburgh in the US, on what science is telling us about how to treat the most serious cases of Covid-19.
9/30/202039 minutes, 38 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: More than 1m dead; saving children; Adrian Gore on innovation amid gloom - Ep 90

It’s been six months since SA went into lockdown to stem the spread of Covid-19. In this episode, we reflect on the development of the disease that has turned our lives upside down and put the South African economy into ICU, looking back at the first deaths in the country and the strict lockdown. We speak to Western Cape Premier Alan Winde and Nick Hudson, outspoken member of PANDA, a thinktank of actuaries, mathematicians and other professionals who have identified holes in Covid-19 models used to inform government policy. Paediatric specialist Dr Andre Hattingh, who has been helping children who need urgent medical attention, speaks to BizNews reporter Linda van Tilburg. We also look at the people who have been infected with Covid-19 twice - and, we are reminded by Discovery’s co-founder Adrian Gore that innovation often emerges at times of crisis.
9/29/202039 minutes, 36 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Nearly half with Covid-19 and flu likely to die; can vaccines save us? Ep 89

In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we look at whether vaccines are likely to save the world from Covid-19. Linda van Tilburg, of BizNews, interviews Professor William Haseltine, a Harvard professor who has played an important role in developing treatments for HIV/Aids for his insights on how we can fight coronavirus. And, we interview Dr Shaun Barnabas of Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. The University is part of a large international research trial testing one of the most promising Covid-19 vaccine candidates currently available. Also coming up on this show, we hear from our partners at Bloomberg about how speaking too loudly can facilitate the spread of Covid-19.
9/23/202035 minutes, 48 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: US, UK brace for second wave; face-mask science; SA musicians - Ep 88

European countries like Great Britain are warning of a second wave of Covid-19, and the US is also poised for more coronavirus cases as the northern hemisphere heads towards winter. In this episode of Inside Covid-19, we hear from our partners at Bloomberg how the US is preparing. Also in this episode, we examine evidence that reducing the viral dose of Covid-19 can reduce the severity of the disease. BizNews reporter Linda van Tilburg speaks to an international infectious diseases expert Dr Monica Ghandi of the University of California, about new studies that have explored whether face masks can really help to protect us from Covid-19. And, we take a look at how the creative industries are surviving, with Gwen Ansell, an Associate of the Gordon Institute for Business Science and a jazz specialist who speaks to us about how the South African music industry is adapting to the era of Covid-19.
9/22/202042 minutes, 24 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: How the tracing app REALLY works - experts; vaccines; starving SAs - Ep 87

Last week, President Cyril Ramaphosa urged South Africans to download the Covid SA Alert app. But, some people are worried that the app will not work and that it may be a case of Big Brother encroaching on citizens’ rights to privacy. Hear what the experts say about how the tracing app really works - and how it can help prevent another strict lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Also in this episode, an update on vaccine development in the US and a look at malnutrition as lockdown plunged more people into deep poverty.
9/21/202042 minutes, 59 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: CR says download the Covid app to avoid strict lockdown; Discovery results - Ep 86

In this episode: SA restrictions lift to level one. BizNews founder Alec Hogg interviews Discovery SA's chief executive officer Hylton Kallner, after the company’s financial results presentation. Veteran broadcaster Tim Modise speaks to Dr Jonathan Witt, a South African medical professional who argues that governments around the world, including South Africa, got it wrong in implementing ‘hard lockdowns’ against the Covid-19. And, BizNews reporter Linda van Tilburg picks up with tourism experts on what the government can do to kickstart that all-important sector of the economy.
9/16/202039 minutes, 45 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Unbearable pain - hunger, poverty, food parcel corruption; hunting for a cure. Ep 85

In this episode, the driving force behind a charity that is feeding 100,000 desperately hungry people in deep rural areas puts the human face on the devastation Covid-19 lockdown has caused. Johannesburg-based Marilyn Bassin of the NGO Boikanyo – The Dion Herson Foundation, tells how a chain of about 35 NGOs is getting food parcels to people who are relying on a few tablespoons of porridge a day - and how many families don't eat for days. And, a leading sociologist Professor David Dickinson of the University of the Witwatersrand provides the macro picture of how life has changed dramatically for the worse for many people in cities too. - Jackie Cameron
9/15/202039 minutes, 52 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Could exposure to cold virus explain low SA death rate? Vaccines, child deaths. Ep 84

In this episode, we hear about what driving patterns tell us about the impact of Covid-19 on the South African economy. Discovery Insure’s Head of Technical Marketing and Vitality Drive engagement, Precious Nduli, speaks to BizNews founder Alec Hogg about the effects of the national lockdown on behaviour, and how this evolved as the country began to re-open. As South African experts explore why death rates may not be as high in the country as elsewhere, an international expert speaks to BizNews about t-cells, which may account for higher immunity in township communities. Immunologist Dr Daniela Weiskopf of the Jolla Institute for Immunology speaks to BizNews reporter Linda van Tilburg about whether immunity is more prevalent in poorer, more crowded communities - and why this might be the case. - Jackie Cameron
9/14/202027 minutes, 14 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: About 37,000 dead, R46m for every life saved in SA. Ep 83

Just over a quarter of South African adults are believed to have been infected with Covid-19, says Discovery Health CEO Ryan Noach, in a hard-hitting interview with BizNews founder Alec Hogg. In Cape Town's Khayelitsha, about 50% are believed to have contracted the disease. Noach advocates the safe opening of the economy so that there is no second wave. Hogg underscores the 'dire' economic consequences of strict lockdown and that it cost R46m for every life saved.
9/10/202033 minutes, 34 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: tracing app and your privacy; what's next for vaccine in SA, and the pandemic - Prof Madhi Ep 82

In this episode, we talk to a data and privacy law specialist Emma Sadleir on the skepticism surrounding Covid-19 contact tracing apps and Professor Shabir Madhi, one of South Africa’s pre-eminent experts on vaccines. Professor of Vaccinology at the University of the Witwatersrand, he has published more than 350 studies in his field. Professor Madhi speaks to us about the latest developments in Covid-19 vaccine trials, including the news that the AstraZeneca Oxford trial has been temporarily put on hold. And he shares the details of a study that explores the possibility that South Africans may have developed immunity to Covid-19 as a result of exposure to other, similar diseases. Professor Madhi also sets out how the pandemic might develop - and says he disagrees that SA has a low Covid-19 death rate.
9/9/202032 minutes, 7 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Tracing app; scientists knew Covid-19 was coming - but didn't prepare. Ep 81

In this episode (81) we talk to Professor Christophe Fraser, of the University of Oxford, the man who advised the South African and British governments on the Covid-19 contact tracing app. And we speak to Stellenbosch university’s Professor Wolfgang Preiser, a virology expert of global standing on diseases that jump from animals to humans - and what the latest thinking is on Covid-19, which is a zoonotic disease. He tells us the world did very little to safeguard against a disease they knew about some years back - and he shares his views on the Covid-19 app. - Jackie Cameron
9/8/202037 minutes, 2 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Danny K leverages celebrity to fight the pandemic; All change for universities in SA and abroad. Ep 80

In episode 80 of Inside Covid-19, Alec Hogg talks to musician Danny K about the way he is leveraging celebrity status to play a positive role in fighting the pandemic; and we take a close look at how the world is changing tertiary education, perhaps for good, with massive changes on university campuses – in South Africa and abroad. - Alec Hogg
9/3/202031 minutes, 58 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA's new Covid-19 tracing app; vaccine trials; small business test challenges - Ep 79

In this episode, BizNews founder Alec Hogg interviews Gaurang Tanna, the national health department expert behind the launch of mobile app Covid Alert SA, which is aimed at tracing people who have come into contact with individuals who have tested positive for Covid-19. Our partners at the Wall Street Journal investigate the challenges researchers have faced in recruiting participants for Covid-19 vaccine trials. And, a small business owner discusses the expenses and struggle of having to test and monitor employees for Covid-19. - Jackie Cameron
9/2/202041 minutes, 16 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA's fight against deadly diseases; most in ICU are overweight; Africa picture. Ep 78

In today's episode of Inside Covid-19, BizNews founder Alec Hogg has a fascinating conversation with a leading South African medical specialist on infectious diseases, Professor Lucille Blumberg of the National Institute of Communicable Diseases, on how South Africa is fighting the coronavirus pandemic and other deadly diseases. We also hear about Sweden's controversial lockdown strategy - where it has gone right and wrong - and BizNews partner Wall Street Journal provides in-depth reportage on Covid-19 patterns and trends across the continent. - Jackie Cameron
9/1/202035 minutes
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Inside Covid-19: Life under level 2 - Lenasia's response system; changes for Vitality members. Ep 77

In episode 77 of Inside Covid-19, we look at life under level two of lockdown. First we explore how a Johannesburg community has created its own Covid-19 response system - including operating a community-run ambulance system. And, we speak to Dinesh Govender, the CEO of Discovery Vitality about what social reintegration means for Vitality’s members and its lifestyle partners. Plus, catch up on the Covid-19 news making headlines. - Jackie Cameron
8/27/202032 minutes, 5 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Researchers explore the silent spread of Covid-19 in SA; the perils of home-testing - Ep 76

In this episode, we speak to Professor Cheryl Cohen, principal investigator of a study looking into the prevalence of asymptomatic infection in South Africa. She is also investigating the role of children in the transmission of Covid-19. We hear from a BizNews journalist how home Covid-19 tests are easily available - but you can easily think you test negative when you are positive. And we pick up on this theme with Discovery Health Public Health Medicines specialist Dr Geraldine Timothy, who gives us the low-down on what tests there are for Covid-19 - and why DIY testing is not a good idea. Also catch up on some of the Covid-19 developments making the headlines.
8/26/202043 minutes, 28 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Scary truths about lockdown poverty; busting face-mask myths; catching Covid twice – Ep 75

In this Inside Covid-19 podcast, hear how South Africa is switching to 'surveillance mode' in its efforts to combat Covid-19; plus, the worst seems to be over for the pandemic in the country. We pick up on how Covid-19 containment has been a blunt instrument, causing severe economic strain globally and a deepening poverty crisis in SA. Picking up on this theme is an interview with Gift of the Givers founder Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, who shares the details on how cash has dried up for individuals across all spheres. You might be surprised to learn who is relying on charity. Also catch up with the latest developments on how Covid-19 spreads - you can contract Covid-19 twice, Hong Kong scientists discover - and take advice from Dr Geraldine Timothy, a Public Health Medicines Specialist with Discovery Health, who gives the low-down on face-masks.
8/25/202027 minutes, 45 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Beware of virus's long-term effects - Drs Piot, File; Attention shifts to antibodies, immunity. Ep 74

In episode 74 of Inside Covid-19, two of the scientific world’s leading lights, Dr Peter Piot and Dr Thomas File, warn about thus-far overlooked long term impacts on the human body of the coronavirus; and as the world’s focus swings from stemming infections to beating off the virus, we take a close look at how scientists are working on how to better identify our immune responses – and how these can be bolstered. In this episode we’ll get more on antibodies and immunity from the head of Discovery’s Clinical Policy unit; and in a separate analysis, the professor of Infectious Diseases and Vaccines at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology in San Diego, California. - Alec Hogg
8/18/202026 minutes, 34 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Wits gets second global vaccine trial - this time Novavax; Vitality enhancements for over 65s. Ep 73

In episode 73 of Inside Covid-19 there's a focus on vaccines – first with Wits professor Shabir Madhi whose unit was selected by US drug company Novavax to run a critical 2b trial of its coronavirus vaccine. Courtesy of a $15m donation from the Gates Foundation, Wits will conduct a 2,900 person trial of the Novavax vaccine; it began a similar trial for the promising Oxford University vaccine seven weeks ago. We’ll also hear from our partners at Bloomberg why the civilized world isn’t banking on Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine which was announced last week. Also tonight, Discovery’s Vitality creates fresh incentives to encourage its 65-plus members to adopt lifestyle habits to better prepare them in the fight against Covid-19. - Alec Hogg
8/17/202032 minutes, 36 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Reimagining post-pandemic SA with Adrian Gore, Barry Swartzberg, and Prof Francis Petersen. Ep 72

In episode 72 of Inside Covid-19, a focus on the reimagination of South African business and universities after the pandemic - Discovery’s founders Adrian Gore and Barry Swartzberg share their thoughts and we also hear Prof Francis Petersen, vice chancellor of Free State University; we investigate the racial gap in clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine; and hear how non-compliance from Europe’s youth is causing a resurgence in the number of infections – and mortalities. - Alec Hogg
8/13/202029 minutes, 34 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Doubts over Russian vaccine but others make progress; Evidence lockdowns don't work in Africa. Ep 71

In episode 71 of Inside Covid-19, after Tuesday's excitement around Russia’s coronavirus vaccine, doubts grow because of the apparent haste with which it was created – we’ve got context on that story, and vaccines generally. Plus fresh evidence that lockdowns just don’t work in an African context and some ugly consequences from the UK’s mismanagement of the pandemic. - Alec Hogg
8/12/202027 minutes, 50 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Foods that blunt virus's sting; SA hero Prof Guy Richards; Kodak's surge; Russian vaccine. Ep 70

In episode 70 of Inside Covid-19, some smart advice from Discovery's chief dietician who explains what to eat to blunt the coronavirus sting; a South African healthcare hero, Wits Professor Guy Richards, shares his own Covid-19 infection journey and explains why his team applied dexamethasone well before the lifesaving drug became popular; Eskom pension fund declares a R100m bonus to help its 33,000 members overcome the financial strain of the pandemic; the inside story behind Kodak’s crazy share price surge after the White House throws $765m at the old photography icon to get it to pivot into making chemicals to help fight the pandemic; and support grows for the unusual protest action by the owner of a safari company based near the Kruger National Park. - Alec Hogg
8/11/202035 minutes, 27 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Desperation grows in hungry townships, but there is a way out; Guard of Honour for nurses. Ep 69

In episode 69 of Inside Covid-19, worrying feedback on growing hunger in SA’s townships but with solid suggestions on how collaboration CAN overcome the unprecedented challenges; we hear from a hospital in Alberton where doctors and members of the community show their gratitude by forming a guard of honour when nursing staff change shifts; some tips from the way some businesses are successfully adapting to the massive disruption wrought by the pandemic; and rational questions from the tourism sector which is urging the SA government to drop irrational rules on domestic travel. - Alec Hogg
8/5/202031 minutes, 5 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Complacency now the danger as pandemic's worst is behind SA; Tax Justice; Magda Wierzycka. Ep 68

In episode 68 of Inside Covid-19, a rational perspective on the plateauing of coronavirus infections cases in South Africa from Discovery Health CEO Dr Ryan Noach with a warning that although we've peaked, complacency will be costly; Yusuf Abramjee, founder of Tax Justice SA, shares a compelling argument on the eve of a historic High Court action bidding to end the ban on tobacco sales; and we track down Sygnia's founder Magda Wierzycka, who, after bringing a slice of the Oxford University Covid-19 vaccine company to South Africans, will tomorrow launch a health innovation investment fund. - Alec Hogg
8/4/202031 minutes, 57 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: "Peaked" argument gathers momentum; Rationality on IMF loan; Where 2m distancing comes from. Ep 67

In episode 67 of Inside Covid-19, we take a closer look at Vitality’s successful crowdfunding approach to helping the nation fight the coronavirus; there’s a rational perspective on South Africa’s hotly debated R71bn pandemic-related loan from the IMF; we hear from the independent actuaries and professionals group PANDA on why data suggests the country is at or close to an infection peak; and if you ever wondered where that two metre social distancing rule came from, the answer’s coming up.
8/3/202028 minutes, 47 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA deaths in context, may have peaked; IMF loan a "watershed"; Apple's pandemic indicator. Ep 66

In episode 66 of Inside Covid-19, we take a deep dive into what’s killing South Africans, including the relative impact of Covid-19; hear from the Africa partner of a major global law firm why the fine print will make yesterday’s IMF loan a game changer for the economy; we hear how the closing – and opening – of Apple stores is an accurate way to see how the virus is moving around the world; and insights into the working of herd immunity, a concept which some scientists believe will be required to before the Covid-19 pandemic peters out. - Alec Hogg
7/29/202031 minutes, 32 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: B4SA expects case, death surge till end August; fresh vaccine hope; new Tips for Trevor campaign. Ep 65

In episode 65 of Inside Covid-19, some upside from the pandemic as we hear from Martin Kingston that business and government are forging a working relationship that’s closer than ever before, but B4SA expects a surge in cases, mortalities until late August; The Foundry restaurant's owner launches his own Tips For Trevor campaign with a difference; a positive development in the search for a coronavirus vaccine as Moderna, one of the frontrunners, is in the final testing stage and could have a solution by November; and a leading member of SA’s charitable sector waves a flag about SA's mushrooming market in fraudulent PPEs. - Alec Hogg
7/28/202026 minutes, 10 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Beating mental health challenges; Boris loses a stone; Santam CEO explains R1bn BIC "relief". Ep 64

In episode 64 of Inside Covid-19, mental health is in focus as the pandemic sends societal stress levels surging - we have some tips on how to know you need help and how to get it; Santam’s CEO unpacks the company’s R1bn relief package for lockdown affected clients; we’ll get insights into why home-bound workers have turned to day trading shares, which now accounts for a stunning 20% of US trading activity; and also from America, companies are now insisting on testing before allowing workers back into the building. - Alec Hogg
7/27/202031 minutes, 8 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Good news on the Oxford vaccine - and enforced changes to spending habits. Ep 63

In episode 63 of Inside Covid-19, some sage advice for us to cement lower spending habits enforced through the lockdown; research by UCT Professor Corne van Walbeek confirms the cigarette sales ban delivered awful unintended consequences; great news from the human trials of Oxford University’s Covid-19 vaccine, which is also being tested in SA; and undeterred by coronavirus panic, Durbanites led by Servest founder Kenton Fine secure the R3.8bn acquisition of a venerable Dutch IT services group. - Alec Hogg
7/22/202030 minutes, 57 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Glimmers of hope on attack rates; KZN businesses come together against Santam; Lodges look local. Ep 62

In episode 62 of Inside Covid-19 there's a glimmer of hope as the virus’ attack rate falls in the Western Cape and may be stabilising in Gauteng and the E Cape; an insider’s view of the frontline from ICU specialist Dr Despina Demopolous; we hear from the owner of a 500 seater restaurant who is one of 2,000 KZN businesses banding together to fight Santam on Business Interruption insurance; and an opportunity for South Africans looking for a previously unaffordable luxurious holiday in the bush as lodges look local to offset foreign tourist losses. - Alec Hogg
7/20/202027 minutes, 4 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Insiders share life in the Western Cape frontlines - Groote Schuur and Tygerberg Ep61

In episode 61 of Inside Covid-19, independent economic and political analyst, UCT professor Richard Calland, assesses how the SA government has handled the pandemic thus far; highlights from two powerful but sobering interviews exploring conditions on the Western Cape’s frontline, first with Dr Ross Hofmeyr from Groote Schuur who takes us into his exhausting world, and then neurosurgeon Prof Ian Vlok of Tygerberg Hospital who explains why the liquor ban is cheered by health workers – but increased capacity in taxis, not so much. - Alec Hogg
7/15/202026 minutes, 44 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Liquor ban key for hospitals' virus fight; Why you need a flu vaccine - this year especially. Ep 60

In episode 60 of Inside Covid-19 we hear why the temporary ban on alcohol sales makes sense in the context of growing pressure on hospital beds; Dr Sheri Fanoroff’s guidelines on what you need to do after testing positive; the South African brothers pioneering online high schooling who got a coronavirus boost; and why it’s really important for us in the Southern Hemisphere to get a flu shot this year to protect against simultaneous infections of Covid-19 and seasonal influenza. - Alec Hogg
7/14/202033 minutes, 35 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Interview with Dr Anthony Fauci; Two perspectives on Ramaphosa's Booze Ban shock. Ep 59

In episode 59 of Inside Covid-19, we package highlights from some of today's top virus-related interviews that have relevance to South Africa headlined by a fascinating discussion with the US’s coronavirus doctor Anthony Fauci. There are two perspectives on last night’s controversial new regulations imposed by SA president Cyril Ramaphosa – researchers AskAfrica and the man representing 35,000 licenced taverners. And we take a look at the excruciating choice for parents on whether to send their children back to school. - Alec Hogg
7/13/202029 minutes, 46 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Back to school anxiety; revisiting Dr Jo Barnes, Prof Andreas Diacon and Andrew McPherson. Ep 58

In episode 58 of Inside Covid-19, we assess the anxiety about sending children back to school and media reports the coronavirus is now airborne; we revisit with two of our medical experts, forthright epidemiologist Dr Jo Barnes who sees a bright side for the nation after the very hard road ahead; and Stellenbosch University Prof Andreas Diacon who updates us on the BCG trial, for many a great hope in the fight against the coronavirus; we also get some insights from one of the first South Africans to contract the virus, Old Mutual executive Andrew McPherson; and hear from the Outsurance CEO why his company has broken with the industry norm and is actually paying up on Business Interruption claims. - Alec Hogg
7/8/202033 minutes, 33 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA's healthcare system coping despite surge; Court rules Business Interruption insurers must pay. Ep 57

In episode 57 of Inside Covid-19, South Africa’s healthcare system is holding up despite a surge in hospitalisations; the court rules against Guardrisk, with costs, after it is sued by a Cape Town restaurant demanding settlement on a Business Interruption insurance claim - but Santam still refuses to budge; and some in-depth perspectives on the Covid-19 experience in South Africa and elsewhere from UK-based Professor Alan Whiteside. - Alec Hogg
7/7/202024 minutes, 51 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Existential battle looms as companies take on their insurers in SA, US and elsewhere. Ep 56

In episode 56 of Inside Covid-19, we get perspective on the surge in South African coronavirus infections and mortalities; take an in depth look at an existential battle between companies and their insurers both here in South Africa and the United States; and hear the sobering news that despite a $130bn direct cash injection for 5m businesses from the American Government, between 20% and 30% of them are still expected to go bankrupt. - Alec Hogg
7/6/202046 minutes, 3 seconds
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Inside Covid 19: Prof Linda-Gail Bekker; Tobacco insider Azeem Carim; Dr Jonathan Quick. Ep 55

In episode 55 of Inside Covid-19, global medical heavyweight UCT's Dr Linda-Gail Bekker shares her wisdom about the pandemic – and how little we still know; tobacco industry insider Azeem Carim exposes how cigarette manufacturers are making massive profits during SA’s Covid-19 inspired ban on legal sales; we hear from the Rockefeller Foundation’s MD of Pandemic Response on how the leaders should adjust their pandemic messaging to be better heard by an increasingly restive public; and with Gilead’s drug Remdesivir attracting a huge order from the US Government, Big Pharma is jumping on an opportunity to transform its profit gouging reputation. - Alec Hogg
7/1/202029 minutes, 25 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA link in AI model to help fight virus; Lessons from the US's record setting second wave. Ep 54

In Episode 54 of Inside Covid-19, some expert insight (and good news) as SA hits number five among the world's new daily infection table; a global South African tech guru breaks new ground on the coronavirus with an agent-based artificial intelligence model; there’s bad news for restaurant owners worldwide as at least 25% are expected to never re-open; and another brilliant investigation by our partners at the Wall Street Journal – this time into why infections in the hard-hit USA are back at new record levels – and what other countries like South Africa can learn from it. - Alec Hogg
6/30/202040 minutes, 57 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Lessons for SA from NY on what NOT to do; Tech savvy ways to work from home; Keeping oldies safe. Ep 53

In episode 53 of Inside Covid-19, some surprising results of the swing to working from home as previously resistant older people are taking to tech as never before; we revisit the growing scandal around SA insurers refusing to honour Business Interruption cover with the owner of an 81 year old Drakensberg resort; SA can learn from a Seattle old age home on how to keep elderly patients safe; and a quite brilliant expose from our partners at the Wall Street Journal who have been digging deeply into what happened in New York, providing a case book of what NOT to do when dealing with a novel coronavirus. - Alec Hogg
6/29/202044 minutes, 3 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA's plans to overcome R341bn pandemic bill; Exercise habits change in lockdown; Prof Veller. Ep 52

In episode 52 of Inside Covid-19, you’ll notice a significant change as we’ve edited the interviews into highlights and with it shortened the length of the podcast. Interviews featured in this podcast are available in full separately via the website or App. In this episode, South Africa’s Supplementary Budget quantifies the cost to taxpayers of the pandemic at a net R341bn – we’ll examine the why, what and where to from here with contributions from finance minister Tito Mboweni; National Treasury director general Dondo Mogajane; and Stanlib chief economist Kevin Lings. Also in this episode, another kind of quantification, this time from Vitality’s wellness chief on how exercise habits have changed in lockdown, and we hear from the professor leading the local testing of Oxford University’s coronavirus vaccine. - Alec Hogg
6/24/202027 minutes, 54 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Pandemic exclusives - ours with Dr Salim Karim, WSJ's with Donald Trump. Ep 51

In episode 51 of Inside Covid-19 there’s an update on South Africa’s war against the coronavirus from the country’s designated expert Dr Salim Abdul Karim; we hear about insurers that are refusing to settle billions in business interruption claims; there’s a look back to the Black Death and the Spanish Flu to try understand what the economy will look like after the pandemic; and we go inside the Oval Office with the exclusive interview our partners at the Wall Street Journal held with US president Donald Trump on the pandemic. - Alec Hogg
6/23/202049 minutes, 2 seconds
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Inside Covid19: Discount exchange rate for offshore investors; Lockdown's US Day Trading boom for Sasol. Ep 50

In episode 50 of Inside Covid-19, coronavirus-inspired South Africans seeking diversification abroad can now buy into portfolios run by the world’s biggest investment houses at a discounted exchange rate; we have a look at the lockdown inspired day trading boom in the US, and then consider its local implications with David Shapiro - including a five-fold surge in the Sasol share price; and end up going to Germany to discover how to spot a fake or shoddy Covid-19 protective mask. - Alec Hogg
6/22/202036 minutes, 43 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Good news for well run businesses; Sun International; More on dexamethasone. Ep 49

In episode 49 of Inside Covid-19, good news if you’re a careful driver or have a well-run small business; why remote doctor consults (telemedicine) is here to stay; an update on the search for an effective way to identify those with Covid-19 antibodies; the CEO of Sun International explains what the opening up of hotels means for the group on whom 20,000 livelihoods depend; and we take another look at Dexamethasone, the anti-inflammatory drug made in South Africa by Aspen Pharmacare, which is being hailed globally as a breakthrough saving the lives of 30% of critically ill coronavirus patients during a large trial in the UK. - Alec Hogg
6/18/202050 minutes, 15 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA ends three month lockdown; Discovery's Adrian Gore; Aspen on "wonder drug" dexamethasone. Ep 48

Episode 48 of Inside Covid-19 is highlighted by the effective ending of South Africa’s lockdown of almost three months. In an address to the nation this evening President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that previously closed business sectors such as sitdown restaurants, hotels, hairdressers, spas and even cinemas and casinos will re-open soon, albeit with strict social distancing guidelines. Also coming up, we visit with Discovery CEO Adrian Gore and get the inside track on excitement around the 80 year old drug Dexamethasone, produced by Durban headquartered Aspen, after a 4,500 person Oxford University trial showed it delivered a 30% drop in mortalities among Covid-19 patients. There’s scary news out of South America which is now officially the world’s new coronavirus hotspot, we hear how restaurants which have opened elsewhere have had to adjust, and speak to Vumacam’s CEO Ricky Croock about the way criminals have adjusted to the new normal. - Alec Hogg
6/17/202056 minutes, 19 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA Govt-favoured Stiglitz, Piketty on paying for pandemic: tax the wealthy and digital titans. Ep47

In episode 47 of Inside Covid-19 we hear fresh and (if you're rich) some rather frightening ideas from rock star economists Joe Stiglitz and Thomas Piketty on how countries should pay the bill for the war against the pandemic: a blanket 25% levy on multinationals especially tax dodging tech titans; a wealth tax of between 6 and 8% on assets of the world’s rich; and a hike in the marginal tax rate to 90% on the earnings of the super rich. Also tonight, our London correspondent Linda van Tilburg shares context on stories from our partners on a surge in India’s infections; why a flu jab may help ward off a Covid-19 infection - although not in the way you may think – and sensible reasons why wearing a mask when you’re out and about is just like having your seatbelt on in the car. And we close off tonight’s programme with a plea to the government from SA’s Tourism Business Council for its members to test their Covid-19 precautions on domestic tourists and prove that in September they will be safe to honour foreign bookings worth R120bn. - Alec Hogg
6/16/202055 minutes, 43 seconds
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Inside Covid-19 - Business confidence plunge; pandemic changes banking habits; UFS virus tracking breakthrough. Ep 46

In episode 46 of Inside Covid-19, South Africa’s business confidence index falls to an almost impossibly low 5 points of a potential 100; we explore the change in banking behaviour with spending plummeting and savings rising; a University of Free State breakthrough in measuring viral loads of sewerage that will aid management of outbreaks by location; also, we hear about what will be needed for SA to attract foreign direct investment post the pandemic; and highlights of today’s Biznews webinar with political economy specialists Moeletsi Mbeki and Jakkie Cilliers. - Alec Hogg
6/10/202054 minutes, 22 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Moneycraft advice for the 89% of SAs worrying about paying bills; Habana steps up for sportsmen. Ep 45

In episode 45 of Inside Covid-19, some solid practical moneycraft advice during a time when 89% of South Africans are worried how they’re going to pay their bills; we hear from the Chinese owners of Village Main Reef on challenges the pandemic has brought for its deep level mines that are now in care and maintenance; retired rugby superstar Bryan Habana helps fellow athletes find a way to overcome the issues flowing from the pandemic; and insights into why coronavirus mortalities in some nations is far lower than others. - Alec Hogg
6/9/202047 minutes, 24 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA, Cape infections, deaths in perspective; Schools re-opening global experience. Ep 44

In episode 44 of Inside Covid-19 we examine the Western Cape’s infection and mortality rates, compare them with experiences elsewhere; after schools opened today, we take a close look at how this impacted the spread of the coronavirus in other countries; highlights from a fascinating interview with Stellenbosch University epidemiologist Dr Jo Barnes who warns against believing Pollyanna forecasts for SA; we visit Madrid which reopened restaurants and café’s today and take heart from experiences elsewhere in Europe where life is slowly returning to normal. - Alec Hogg
6/8/202056 minutes, 53 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Assessing the lockdown regulation judgement; Tygerberg braces for new spike. Ep 43

In episode 43 of Inside Covid-19, some practical do’s and don’ts for families whose children are returning to school next week; the High Court judgement forcing Government to recant on many lockdown regulations; we eavesdrop on SA Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago talking to a foreign audience; the Cape’s Tygerberg hospital is bracing for a fresh spike; and part two of our Biznews colleague Chris Bateman’s tale of living with cancer during the age of Covid-19. - Alec Hogg
6/3/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 57 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Back to schools advice for families; Transparency please on SA mortality projections. Ep 42

In episode 42 of Inside Covid-19, with schools set to re-open on Monday, there’s professional advice on how families can minimize virus-related risks this will introduce; actuarial body PANDA wants Government’s official coronavirus mortality modellers to share their assumptions after their projections have proved consistently inflated; we share the intensely personal experience of living with cancer during Covid-19 with our Biznews colleague Chris Bateman; and hear from New York University professor Scott Galloway who is proposing a Corona Corps of young Americans wanting to help fight the virus in Africa. - Alec Hogg
6/2/202051 minutes, 10 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Why we need a testing pivot; Singing Gauteng GPs send message of hope. Ep 41

In episode 41 of Inside Covid-19, we take a look at why South Africa’s testing regime is changing to take account of recent learnings; we hear the voices of 30 Gauteng doctors sending an unusual message of hope to South Africa; there’s an analysis of why people in sunnier climates fight off Covid-19 better; the IMF’s number two tells us why the global lender of last resort is well positioned to help countries like SA overcome the financial cost of fighting the pandemic; and we pop into the education minister’s discussion with the media on why schools didn’t open today as planned. - Alec Hogg
6/1/202057 minutes, 44 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: ANC's economic recovery plan; SA's 1.5 Reproduction rate (Rt) shows worse to come. Ep 40

In episode 40 of the Inside Covid-19 podcast, ANC Top Six member Paul Mashatile tells the UK's prestigious Chatham House that South Africa’s post pandemic economic strategy is an updated and sharpened version of the Reconstruction and Development Plan of the 1990s; Discovery’s chief actuary unpacks the relevance of South Africa’s Covid-19 Reproduction or R Rate which is around 1.5; we investigate the quest to find a rapid and cheap coronavirus test; and have a look at how Boeing and Airbus expect to make it safe to fly – without catching the virus. - Alec Hogg
5/27/202039 minutes, 11 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: R249pm medical aid for 1.2m household workers; Black tobacco farmers say Govt supporting crooks. Ep 39

In episode 39 of Inside Covid-19, Discovery and its partners combine to provide a R249 per month medical aid for 1.2m household workers; an emotional chairman of the country’s black tobacco farmer association who says his members are being put out of business by a Government whose cigarette ban supports criminals; Biznews's partners at the Wall Street Journal get the real story on why Donald Trump is sterilising the World Health Organisation; and in the wake of Covid-19 and president Cyril Ramaphosa’s call for a $200bn debt standstill for Africa, we take a close look at mushrooming Emerging Market loans. - Alec Hogg
5/26/202046 minutes, 22 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Iconic Dr William Haseltine's advice for SA; Logic from Actuarial Prof Roseanne Harris. Ep 38

In episode 38 of Inside Covid-19, we meet former Harvard Medical Professor William Haseltine, the HIV/Aids pioneer who has forthright suggestions on the steps SA should take to handle the pandemic; talk coronavirus with the super achieving Wits Prof Roseanne Harris who is about to become president of the International Actuarial Association; and revisit the chequered history of lockdowns which, in the West, only became official policy in 2006. - Alec Hogg
5/25/202044 minutes, 56 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Expert insights into tough road ahead for SA; PMB's life-saving ventilators drowning in red tape. Ep 37

In episode 37 of Inside Covid 19, on a day when South Africa’s confirmed infections rose above 19,000, Discovery’s chief actuary Emile Stipp and Prof Guy Richards, a critical care expert from Wits, assess the country’s tough road ahead; we revisit the Maritzburg ventilator-making company and find out its offer to produce the much needed life-saving equipment is being drowned in a sea of red tape; there are baby steps for a travel sector that was paralysed by coronavirus lockdowns; and an analysis of the role of super-spreading events like music concerts and soccer games. - Alec Hogg
5/21/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Small business says: Treat us like adults; 25% insurance premium rebated; Moderna. Ep 36

In episode 36 of Inside Covid-19, the Small Business Institute expects a major opening of the economy soon; Discovery Insure is rebating 25% of its members’ April premiums; We ask whether coronavirus killed open plan offices?; Donald Trump’s hydroxychloroquine endorsement gets another fan – Elon Musk; top global political risk consultancy Eurasia says multinationals are fretting about South Africa’s dimmed economic prospects; and we take a close look at Moderna, the company whose promising Covid-19 vaccine tests sent the price of US stocks – and oil – soaring. - Alec Hogg
5/20/202056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: First successful vaccine; DA tackles lockdown "irrationality"; Prof exposes cig "disaster". Ep 35

A bumper edition of Inside Covid-19 with good news as the first human coronavirus vaccine tests deliver promising results while other medical treatments are being uncovered at a rapid clip; DA leader John Steenhuisen explains why SA’s official opposition political party is going to court to stop what it calls "lockdown irrationality"; we hear from the UCT prof whose research shows the cigarette ban has been a disaster for everyone except the underworld; concerns that SA’s 7,000 sit-down restaurants and the 1m people they support face impossible odds of survival if current regulations continue; and as the lockdown slowly eases in SA, nations around the world are fretting about a possible second wave of infections. - Alec Hogg
5/18/202059 minutes, 54 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Cyril speech highlights; Vitality clarity on Comair flights; Levitt's SA scorecard. Ep 34

In episode 34 of Inside Covid 19, we have highlights from Cyril Ramaphosa's address on the easing in South Africa's lockdown regulations; answers for the millions of Vitality members wondering whether Comair going into business rescue means the end of their cheap flights; South Africa’s only living Nobel prizewinning scientist Prof Michael Levitt’s scorecard on how his former homeland is handling the crisis; a crisis of a different kind as Airbnb entrepreneurs – who own 22,000 properties in Cape Town alone - struggle to stay afloat; and the invasive measures companies are applying on the office and home lives of their workers. - Alec Hogg
5/13/202048 minutes, 14 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Fake news explosion; A chairman's retail, logistics insights; Tongaat R5.35bn sale under threat. Ep 33

In episode 33 of Inside Covid 19, South Africa’s leading social media lawyer explains why fake news has been surging in the coronavirus crisis; the chairman of Grindrod and Spar explains why lockdown’s Level 4 needs to be dropped – and urgently; Barloworld uses Covid-19 to try pull out of a R5.35bn potentially life-saving deal for Tongaat; worrying news from New York where previously rare coronavirus-related Kawasaki disease is hitting children; and our partners at Bloomberg argue that the world needs a probe into US president Donald Trump’s often stated theory that Covid-19 started in a Wuhan lab. - Alec Hogg
5/12/202056 minutes, 1 second
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Inside Covid-19: Good health best virus shield; Manuel calls out lockdown "irrationality"; Dr Otto home - Ep 32

In episode 32 of Inside Covid 19 we crunch some numbers with an actuary to find exercising regularly and eating healthily dramatically drops the prospect of being hospitalised for Covid-19; former finance minister Trevor Manuel joins a chorus calling for changes to some irrational lockdown regulations; we unpack organised business’s call to drop the lockdown level from 4 to 2; a Wits professor asks whether SA has indeed flattened the Covid-19 infection curve; and we catch up with the Bali-stranded SA doctor who has finally made it home to her four children. - Alec Hogg
5/11/202057 minutes, 26 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Credible, fact-based pleas to re-open SA's economy - from Tygerberg Hospital to Panda. Ep 31

In episode 31 of Inside Covid 19, an in-depth interview with neurosurgeon Prof Ian Vlok on Tygerberg Hospital’s Covid-19 robots – and why local medics believe the country needs to urgently open up; a warning by the actuaries at Panda that the unintended consequences of the lockdown will kill 29 times more people than the virus; how the new world of office work will be very different to the pre-Covid-19 norm; and a message to struggling companies from a business rescue practitioner who advises them to take the tough decisions sooner rather than later. - Alec Hogg
5/11/202048 minutes, 11 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Pressure growing to re-open economy as 17% GDP contraction looms; Thys du Toit's plea - Ep 30

In episode 30 of Inside Covid 19, granular research by Business4SA concludes the economy could contract by a staggering 17% this year; we hear from money manager Thys du Toit whose plea to the president to open up the country went viral; a UK professor explains why our species has become so obsessed with fake news in this time of coronavirus; and growing evidence that in Africa, virus-instigated lockdowns do more harm than good. - Alec Hogg
5/6/202048 minutes, 48 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Adrian Gore - this is the future; Sygnia's road to part owning world's hottest vaccine. Ep 29

In episode 29 of Inside Covid-19, a brilliant commentary by Discovery’s co-founder Adrian Gore who opens a window into our post-coronavirus future - one with plenty of bright spots; Sygnia’s founder Magda Wiercyzka explains how her company became the biggest individual shareholder in Oxford University’s Covid-19 vaccine; we find out how the cruise liner industry spread and hid the coronavirus; and look at the way consumer brands are betting on whether new shopping habits are here to stay.
5/5/202041 minutes, 29 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Back to School a whole new virus ballgame; Houses to drop 10-20% on re-opening; Good drug news - Ep 28

In episode 28 of Inside Covid-19; a whole new ball game with heightened infection risks as SA children return to schools; House prices set to take a 10-20% hit when market reopens; Africa’s low infection rates are no reason for complacency; A nasty lockdown side-effect as mental illnesses, addictions on the rise; and promising developments on the drug front from AstraZeneca and Gilead. - Alec Hogg
5/3/202050 minutes, 52 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA's infections, deaths jump most in a day, peak only expected Sept; Wuhan revisited; Shiller. - Ep 27

In episode 27 of Inside Covid-19, we feature a wide ranging interview with Dr Jonny Broomberg, CEO of Vitality Health International, who says the data from all over the world says we’re right to fear Covid-19 and SA’s precautions are no overkill but fully justified; also, more on the way the coronavirus is exposing unsustainable societal fractures; Nobel prize winner Bob Shiller explores the impact of Covid-19 inspired fear on the human psyche; and a look at what Wuhan shows our cities will be like in future. - Alec Hogg
4/29/202035 minutes, 44 seconds
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Inside Covid 19: Overcoming dilemma of staff using public transport; Three lost years, 2m jobs for SA economy - Ep 26

In episode 26 of Inside Covid-19, how to address the public transport dilemma with Friday's lockdown easing; an economist explains how Covid-19 will effectively mean the SA business activity stands still for three years; an update on vaccines and a warning from Prof Alan Whiteside; an update, too, on widely touted anti Covid-19 drugs whose trials have failed; and a Government press conference detailing help for tourism companies, small businesses and spaza shops. - Alec Hogg
4/28/202047 minutes, 40 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Level 4 toolbox for businesses; Chris Bateman's story; HSRC: How SAs have been hit - Ep25

Episode 25 of Inside Covid-19 is dominated by the easing of lockdown restrictions dominates; we have a moving discussion from Biznews colleague Chris Bateman who explains why being infected with Covid-19 is a likely death sentence for himself and other immune suppressed people; also the HSRC report on what the lockdown has done to SA; UK prime minister Boris Johnson and his nation’s fight against the invisible mugger; and why it takes so long to recover after being forced onto a ventilator. - Alec Hogg
4/27/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Level 4 from May; BCG clinical tests Monday; UIF pays 30%; Chilling view from ICU frontline. - Ep 24

In episode 24 of Inside Covid-19, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa lays down the post-lockdown rules; a 500 person clinical test on BCG vaccines kicks off next week; 75 000 people contribute R2.6bn into the Solidarity Fund; low but rapidly growing UIF disbursements; and a chilling end to the episode as an ICU doctor shares how she and colleagues are preparing for the possibility that 20% of them will die from the coronavirus when the infection wave hits SA. - Alec Hogg
4/23/202057 minutes, 48 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Office life after lockdown; Vaccine tests begin; Oil explained; Connecting schoolkids - Ep 23

In episode twenty three of Inside Covid-19 we open a window into what it’s going to be like going into the office post-lockdown; revisit the Oxford University prof who promised a coronavirus vaccine this year – with human trials starting tomorrow; speak to a London oil trader who explains why virus-impacted crude oil traded at minus $40 a barrel; we share a model for how parents can pull together to help internet-deprived school kids keep up; and reasons why the US’s Covid-19 infection plateau may have been reached. - Alec Hogg
4/22/202045 minutes, 16 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Cyril's R500bn war chest; Soccer City becoming 1500 bed hospital; UCT Class of '93; Sweden - Ep 22

In episode twenty two of Inside Covid-19, highlights of South African president Cyril Ramaphosa historic R500bn Coronavirus Budget; we hear from the architects commissioned to transform Soccer City into a 1 500 bed hospital; an architect of a different kind, Sweden’s scientific advisor who has taken the Scandinavian country away from the lockdown approach of the rest of the world; and two impassioned voices calling for an end to SA’s economic confinement – the spokesman for UCT’s Medical School class of 1993, and Dr Theuns Eloff, former CEO of the FW de Klerk Foundation. - Alec Hogg
4/21/202048 minutes, 23 seconds
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Inside Covid 19: What comes after lockdown ends; Stanford's sceptical Dr B; Clem Sunter; Virus sniffing dogs - Ep 21

In Episode 21 of Inside Covid-19 we look the end of a lockdown that costs SA R13bn a day, considering how that's likely to happen; also, the Stanford University prof whose research suggests Governments have massively overreacted to the virus; a counter of sorts from SA’s leading scenario planner Clem Sunter; and on a lighter note, how man’s best friend may end up saving the world from a confused post lockdown future – with sniffer dogs being trained to identify those who are Covid-19 positive. - Alec Hogg
4/20/202040 minutes, 53 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Two month medical aid holiday; Jakkie Cilliers' reality check for SA; How Covid-19 started - Ep 20

In episode twenty of Inside Covid-19, a two month medical aid holiday for hundreds of thousands of companies, individuals; reality check of how the lockdown is affecting poor people; evidence that Black Americans and Brits are harder hit by Covid-19; and an in-depth report on how the coronavirus made the jump from animals to humans. - Alec Hogg
4/19/202056 minutes, 59 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: In-depth with B4SA's Nicolau, Zoom's CEO; Gradual lockdown easing; Free consults; Germany - Ep 19

In episode nineteen of Inside Covid-19, the first easing of the lockdown in South Africa; in-depth interviews with the leader of Business4SA's Covid-19 public healthcare stream and with the founder of the suddenly popular video conferencing company Zoom; a good start for the free online consulting service; and lessons from Germany which has started to ease restrictions on its citizens. - Alec Hogg
4/16/202056 minutes, 37 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: View from the ICU; What Would Mandela Advise SA; Trump pulls WHO plug - Ep 18

Episode eighteen of Inside Covid-19 is a very special edition with a couple of ICU inmates – one local, another from New York - and the icon's long time PA Zelda le Grange sharing What Would Madiba Advise. We'll also hear how Vodacom is investing hundreds of millions right now to ensure its network can handle a 50% surge in lockdown data traffic. Plus US President Donald Trump’s explanation for suspending financial support to the World Health Organisation. - Alec Hogg
4/15/202049 minutes, 56 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Lockdown eating, drinking and mental health; Capitec transforms; DoH on why SA beating odds - Ep 17

In episode 17 of Inside Covid-19, some practical advice on why it is a really good idea to eat properly during lockdown (and how smokers and drinkers can overcome cold turkey); Capitec’s CEO on how his bank is transforming for the new world of work; and highlights from Monday night’s lengthy Health Ministry update where evidence was provided to explain why South Africa is doing so well in its war against Covid-19. - Alec Hogg
4/14/202043 minutes, 59 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Mental wellness in lockdown; Respirators from PMB; Remdesivir; Zoomlash - Ep 16

In episode sixteen, a bumper post-long-weekend edition of Inside Covid-19, features how to maintain mental health during lockdown; insights from two editors who are also specialists in the spread of infectious disease; our regular update from global health and HIV expert Prof Alan Whiteside; the Pietermaritzburg company that’s ready to restart making respirators after corruption forced them to abandon the line 17 years ago; a Zoomlash after the hugely popular video conferencing tool becomes a hack-fest; and the race to discover effective treatment against Covid-19 after a promising 53 person trial for remdesivir. - Alec Hogg
4/13/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 44 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Global Crisis expert frets for Africa; Hotel rooms for confinement; NY Doctor's story. - Ep 15

In episode fifteen of Inside Covid-19, a sobering interview with the head of a 50 year old global crisis support organisation; an innovative partnership struck to prepare for the infection wave expected to hit South Africa soon; a frank account from a doctor treating Covid-19 patients in New York; an update on UK prime minister Boris Johnson; and how the pandemic is not only changing the world of work, but medicine too. - Alec Hogg
4/8/202041 minutes, 28 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Allan Gray on market outlook; BoJo in ICU; Will BCG protect SA, lockdown be extended? - Ep 14

In episode 14 of the Inside Covid-19 podcast, Allan Gray’s view on the share market rebound – and the way ahead after the crash; Ron Whelan applies his mind to the major issues of the moment from protection by the BCG vaccine to whether SA's lockdown will continue beyond April 16th; we find out how a South African businesswoman stranded in Bali is running her business by cell phone; and bad news for the economy and property prices, as a 4.5% contraction is in prospect. - Alec Hogg
4/8/202042 minutes, 57 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Advice from Bill Gates after warning world 5 years ago; Cronje heartbreak; rare Queen's Speech - Ep 13

In episode thirteen of Inside Covid-19, we hear from Bill Gates, who five years ago warned policy makers to prepare for a pandemic like the one we’re now experiencing; there’s a harrowing but riveting interview with our regular correspondents whose healthy 50 year old cousin succumbed to Covid-19 on Friday night; and a rare address from Queen Elizabeth II, whose son and Prime Minister are both infected. - Alec Hogg
4/8/202035 minutes, 35 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: NYIT's Dr Otazu on his research BCG may provide shield; How SA medics protect themselves - Ep 12

In episode 12 of our Inside Covid-19 podcast, much needed hope for South Africa’s fight against the virus as research from a top US university suggests the BCG vaccination against TB, administered in the country for the past 80 years, provides protection against Covid-19. More on that coming up, including an interview with assistant professor Dr Gonzalo Otazu, head of the NYIT research team whose paper is global reshaping thinking and has sparked a fresh wave of clinical trials. Also in this episode, a US-based South African is spearheading a drive to get a skin prick Covid-19 testing kit into the market and we go to Groote Schuur for a peek into how SA medics are preparing for the expected wave of coronavirus patients.
4/5/20201 hour, 10 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Following the smart money; rock star economists on where we're heading - Ep 11

In episode eleven of Inside Covid-19, we hear how the smart money is playing the investment markets; a special treat as two rock star economists (Marianna Mazuccato and Martin Wolf) share how the world will change through Covid-19; the WHO shatters the myth of the virus only killing the elderly; a potential breakthrough in treatment through transfusions of the plasma of the previously infected; and smart investors are accumulating shares of Cloud and online retail companies.
4/4/202038 minutes, 14 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA get free personal doctor consultations; Academics worry about impact when virus hits Africa - Ep 10

In episode ten of Inside Covid-19, we speak to Adrian Gore about a breakthrough partnership between Discovery and Vodacom which opens a line to free Covid-19 related medical consultations for all South Africans. The analysts at John Hopkins University, the go-to global tracker of the spread of the virus, are fretting about the tidal wave about to hit Africa. A Harvard Professor says the impact of the crisis on the economies of developing countries like SA is so dire that a debt standstill should be declared. - Alec Hogg
4/1/202034 minutes, 33 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Survivor's guide to working remotely; Promising drugs to fight the virus - Ep 9

In episode nine of Inside Covid-19 we take a look at some promising developments in the medicines used to fight the virus; hear from a specialist in the subject with 22 years of personal experience on how to survive being forced to work from home; and discover how Foodflow, an innovative Western Cape charity set up to address food insecurity, is doing so well it is now looking to expand to other parts of the country.
3/31/202033 minutes, 27 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: China shows SA "normality" 10 weeks away; World loses $500bn in FDI - Ep 8

Welcome to episode eight of Inside Covid-19 where we get an on-the-ground report from Shanghai to assess the timeline for South Africa to get back to some normality, and hear from the United Nations that the virus has already wiped $500bn off foreign direct investment. Also in this episode, we get to feel how the lockdown is impacting informal entrepreneurs and join the press conference for an update on the country’s new Solidarity Fund. - Alec Hogg
3/30/202029 minutes, 51 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Hope soars for vaccine before year end; Percentages exaggerated? - Ep 7

In episode seven of Inside Covid-19 we feature an exclusive interview with the professor who is leading Oxford University’s team working around the clock to developing a vaccine. Prof Adrian Hill says one is now in sight and will probably ready for release before the end of the year. But the Ebola and malaria specialist frets that without changed behaviour, Covid-19 could wreak fearful damage in Africa. On a brighter note, numbers man Deon Gouws of Credo reckons infection numbers and mortality percentages are being exaggerated; and we close off with the #Staytheffhome campaign gaining ground in in the US. - Alec Hogg
3/29/202036 minutes, 57 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: WC Premier on SA's first deaths; Many ignore Day One of lockdown - Ep 6

In episode six of Inside Covid-19, South Africa records its first deaths, two women in the Western Cape whose Premier Alan Winde tells us what happened and how prepared the province is for the coming onslaught. We’ll also hear about concerns from Discovery’s chief clinician that too many South Africans are not taking the lockdown seriously, but as our Biznews colleague in London shares, that’s not the case in the UK after prime minister Boris Johnson was confirmed as having the disease. Also in this episode, a Ted Talk guru on how to deal with lockdown-inspired anxiety, and the trade-off between lives and restarting economic activity. -Alec Hogg
3/27/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 41 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: US Infections jump 46%; WSJ frets for Africa; how this will change us all - Ep 5

In a bumper Episode Five of this podcast series, we draw on Biznews's partner, the Wall Street Journal, for a report on a potential Covid-19 catastrophe in relatively defenceless Africa; Discovery SA’s chief Hylton Kallner explains how the reaction to this pandemic is sure to transform society; some good news for South Africans as a local company donates enough Chloroquine Phosphate to help 40 000 potential patients, a drug that has been effective in Asia to reduce hospital time for Covid-19 patients. Scientist Prof Alan Whiteside provides perspective on the latest developments, including the UK’s bet on antibody tests, and from Bloomberg on a day when US confirmed infections surge by 46% to almost 70 000, we hear of a New York City healthcare system that is on the verge of collapse. - Alec Hogg
3/26/202057 minutes, 20 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Best way to use next 21 days; infections pass 450,000; $2trn cash injection for USA - Ep 4

In this episode, stock markets surge to their best session since 1933 after the US throws trillions of dollars at its economy. The South African Reserve Bank has started to follow suit, and we’ll hear from a respected economist why this is a very good idea. On the other hand, not such a good idea is Donald Trump’s intention to reopen the US economy in three weeks as we hear about conditions on the ground in America’s virus epicentre, New York City. And on the local front, we get to grips with the 21 day lockdown and hear about how to use these three weeks to best effect. - Alec Hogg
3/25/202043 minutes, 56 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: SA Govt praised for following China Way as its entrepreneurs adjust - Ep 3

Episode three of Biznews's Inside Covid-19 podcast is twice as long as usual as we look back on the momentous lockdown announcement. Jonny Broomberg paints the global picture, highlighting why South African president Cyril Ramaphosa is receiving so many plaudits for Monday night’s announcement of a complete lockdown – and why, from an economic perspective, it took so much courage. A couple of entrepreneurs follow him, with Bernard Swanepoel, wearing his Small Business Institute hat, and then Marc Wachsberger, founding CEO of The Capital, shares how he has adjusted the business to offset the impact of a virus that has laid much of the tourism and hospitality sector to waste. We also hear from experienced money manager Sam Houlie of RECM Counterpoint who explains why he’s spoilt for choice right now, and hasn’t been this eager to buy shares since the Global Financial Crisis. Closing off this episode we hear how the super wealthy are handling the obvious threat of the Covid Crisis to the property sector where many are heavily invested.
3/24/202054 minutes, 44 seconds
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Inside Covid-19: Ramaphosa takes SA into lockdown; hope springs in Asia - Ep 2

In episode two of our daily podcast on the Covid-19 pandemic, we examine where South Africa is in the cycle in the wake of President Cyril Ramaphosa's announcement of a three week lockdown where citizens are being confined to their home barracks until April 16. Also in this episode, a view from investment professionals that the war will be relatively short, perhaps only 90 days; more good news from the Asian front where the battle is clearly being won; and an on the ground report from our colleague in London.
3/24/202036 minutes, 19 seconds
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Our new podcast - Inside Covid-19: Global infections pass 300 000, deaths over 13 000 - Ep 1

Welcome to Episode One of's new daily podcast that will keep you updated on the Covid-19 latest developments. In addition to the latest news, in this episode Discovery Health CEO Ryan Noach helps us better understand the virus and how SA's leading health insurer is responding; there's heartening news from the US about an old malaria drug that is proving effective against this novel coronavirus; NinetyOne's CEO Hendrik du Toit explains why investors should approach this as they would a world war; and leadership guru Robin Sharma offers some sage philosophical advice.
3/24/202034 minutes, 51 seconds