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Imperial College Podcast

English, Sciences, 1 season, 253 episodes, 3 days, 18 hours, 59 minutes
Go behind the scenes of Imperial College London in our monthly podcast, featuring exclusive access to interviews with world leaders and thinkers in the fields of science, engineering, health and business.
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Podcast: Filming with Attenborough, global development goals, and lab-grown meat

In this edition: David Attenborough meets our newest robot, progress towards global goals, and supporting the future of lab-grown meat. News: Attenborough and the Giant Sea Monster – We find out what it was like to have Sir David Attenborough on campus as he met a robot sea monster and the researcher who built it. Global goals for 2030 – The Global Development Hub at Imperial brings together researchers working on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We hear from Hub Co-Chair and sanitation researcher Professor Michael Templeton and solar energy researcher Professor Jenny Nelson on how some of these targets are being tackled. Lab-grown meat – We meet Reka Tron, co-founder of Multus, an Imperial startup supporting lab-grown meat. She tells us about their innovation and how they began by winning the  Faculty of Natural Sciences Make-A-Difference competition.
1/24/202421 minutes, 46 seconds
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Podcast: Best of 2023, sustainable flight fuel, and better bones

In this edition: 2023 in review, the first transatlantic flight using 100% sustainable aviation fuel, and improving bone quality. News: Best of 2023 – We hear about some of the best quantum breakthroughs and how science has met art at Imperial in 2023, as told by our science communication interns. Sustainable aviation fuel flights – We talk to Dr Marc Stettler and Dr Roger Teoh, two of the researchers involved in the world’s first transatlantic flight using 100% sustainable aviation fuel, made primarily of waste fats and cooking oil. The Imperial team helped assess the potential impact of such flights, including the formation of contrails. Bone up on bones – We catch up with the Bone Up podcast, which discusses everything about bones: how we make them, why we break them, and what we still don’t fully understand about them. In this clip, we hear about how improving diet and lifestyle can impact the quality of bones and help prevent fractures in the most vulnerable people.
12/20/202331 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast: Climate conference, COVID and pregnancy, and inspiring careers

In this edition: The latest climate science ahead of COP28, how COVID impacts pregnancy, and founding a MedTech startup. News: COP coming – We look ahead to the upcoming COP28 climate conference, and discuss a few recent Imperial studies on the carbon budget, warming beyond net zero, and avoiding overreliance on carbon removal technologies. COVID and pregnancy – We speak to Dr Victoria Male, who says that while pregnancy carries higher risk of complications from COVID-19, vaccination is extremely effective and safe for the baby, passing on immunity in the womb. Too Long; Don’t Listen – We hear from the TL;DL podcast, featuring inspiring stories to help people make career decisions. This excerpt features the founder of reproductive health startup Dama Health, Imperial alumna Paulina Cecula.
11/22/202322 minutes, 50 seconds
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Podcast: NASA science alum, vaccines for TB, and the generational wealth gap

In this edition: We meet an Imperial alum who is now Head of Science at NASA, discuss the generational wealth gap and find out how to tackle TB. News: Is the generational wealth gap real? – We dig into a new report that finds evidence that there is more solidarity between generations than the “Millennials versus Boomers” narrative would suggest. NASA’s Head of Science – We sit down with Imperial physics alum, and now NASA Head of Science, Dr Nicky Fox, to find out which missions she’s excited about and how we can encourage more girls to take up physics. Tackling TB – We hear from Professor Nim Pathy about how TB patients in India can be empowered to seek proper care, how new technologies can help expand screening programmes, and what we need to do to make a new vaccine. This is an extract from JameelCast – a new podcast that explores where global disease and health overlap with other fields, including epidemiology, ecology, economics, and engineering.
10/18/202321 minutes, 1 second
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Podcast: Bedtime rituals, recycling clothes and data bias in AI

In this edition: How getting ready for bed is hard-wired, how clothing dyes can be recycled, and what we can do about data bias in AI. News: Getting ready for bed – When mice are sleepy, they make a safe nest, and now researchers have discovered the brain wiring that controls this instinct both in mice and likely in ourselves. Making fashion greener – We talk to the people behind DyeRecycle – an Imperial startup that uses a new chemical process to recover dyes and colours from waste textiles, vastly reducing the water and energy use of the industry. The team recent secured an H&M Foundation Global Change Award. Data bias in AI – We listen in to the Science Actually podcast as they chat data bias in AI – discussing questions including can we eliminate biases, how much should we blame big tech, and what can we do about the issue?
9/27/202320 minutes, 17 seconds
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Podcast: Childhood illness, planetary protection, and sustainable finance

In this edition: A better test for diagnosing childhood illness, improving planetary protection and financing sustainability. News: Diagnosing childhood illnesses – We learn about a new blood test that can determine what’s causing fevers in children in only an hour, by analysing the distinctive pattern of genes being ‘switched on or off’ by the body in response to specific illnesses. Improving planetary protection – How do we make sure we don’t contaminate other worlds with our space missions, or contaminate Earth with samples returned from elsewhere in the Solar System? We speak to Professor Mark Sephton about a new project to make better risk assessments and improve planetary protection. Sustainable finance – We tap into the Green Minds podcast to hear from Bloomberg’s Nadia Humphreys about how ‘taxonomies’ can lay out how business can be greener. Listen to the full interview on IB Podcasts.
8/23/202317 minutes, 48 seconds
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Podcast: Monkey sex, walking robots, and DNA health

In this edition: We learn how same-sex sexual behaviour is common in macaques, how to teach robots to walk like dogs, and how DNA affects your health. News: Same-sex sexual behaviour in monkeys – We learn how research has revealed that same-sex sexual behaviour among male macaques in one colony is widespread and may be beneficial. How do you make a robot walk? – We talk to Dr Antoine Cully about what goes into making a functional robot. Should they walk on four legs like dogs or two legs like humans? What if one of the legs fails? And how do you integrate the latest AI? DNA and your health – From the DNA& podcast, we get a refresher on the basics of DNA, and learn how Genome UK is hoping to improve prediction and diagnosis in healthcare, moving from treatment to prevention.
7/19/202318 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast: Data poisoning, living with HIV, and climate art

In this edition: How hackers can ‘poison’ AI training data, the modern experience of living with HIV, and a climate change art prize. News: Smart meters in India and physics scholarships – We hear about a smart meters project being selected as one of the top 75 ideas for promoting green lifestyles by the government of India, and meet the winners of new physics PhD diversity scholarships. Data poisoning in AI – AI algorithms are trained on data, but what happens when hackers manipulate the data so the AI gives the ‘wrong’ answers, such as letting spam through email filters? We explore this question with Javier Carnerero Cano, including what can be done to guard against such ‘data poisoning’. Living with HIV – We hear from Professor Alan Winston about some of the results from the POPPY study, which for 10 years has been following the health of people living with HIV. While cognitive function doesn’t seem to be affected, people living with HIV have a much higher prevalence of mental health issues. This is an excerpt from a series of podcasts about living with HIV, including the sting of stigma. You can listen to the full series on our Soundcloud account. Climate change art prize – We hear how young people have the chance to create a piece of art that will be turned into a mural for the Grantham Climate Art Prize. The theme this year is palette for the planet: a hopeful vision for imagining a greener, cleaner future world.
6/21/202324 minutes, 43 seconds
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Podcast: Celebrity visitor special

In this edition: We revisit interviews with some celebrity guests: singer Ana Matronic, Queen’s Brian May, and astrophysicist and author Katie Mack. Ana Matronic meets the robots – Scissor Sisters singer Ana Matronic visited Imperial in 2015 to meet robotics researcher Dr Aldo Faisal. She spoke about her book, her passion for robots and her devotion to the international, intellectual movement called transhumanism. Brian May submits his PhD – In 2007, a rather extraordinary PhD student submitted his thesis – Queen guitarist Brian May. He returned to Imperial to complete the PhD he started before the band took off, and we caught up with him to talk space dust, how Imperial has changed since the 1970s, and whether his thesis or Bohemian Rhapsody is his biggest achievement. Dr Katie Mack contemplates the end – Astrophysicist and author Dr Katie Mack gave a guest lecture at Imperial in 2019 for a ‘Science for Fiction’ event. We asked her about her favourite way the universe might die, whether she ever gets melancholy about the ultimate end, and how science fiction helps her unwind.
5/23/202321 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast: Analysing Trump voters, Jupiter mission launch, and COVID oximeter test

In this edition: What links Trump voters, how we’re going to investigate Jupiter’s moons, and why it’s a good idea to ask if a medical trial is fair. News: Surface COVID transmission and the sounds of space – We hear about the first evidence of COVID-19 transmission occurring through hands and surfaces within households, and find out how the public can help space research by listening to the sounds of plasma. Who votes for Donald Trump? – We chat to Sanaz Talaifar, who recently collaborated on research about who voted for Trump in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. She talks about how areas with higher neuroticism and those suffering more economically were more likely to vote for Trump – a continuation of a pattern of populist voting throughout history. On the way to Jupiter – Before the JUICE mission successfully launched on its way to study Jupiter’s moons and their potential for hosting life, we caught up with magnetometer instrument lead Professor Michele Dougherty. A fair trial – Medical programmes are often assessed by whether they ‘work’ – whether they save lives and money – but what about whether they are ‘fair’? We talk to Dr Jonathan Clarke, an Imperial researcher who looked into this dimension for a pulse oximeter trial during the COVID-19 pandemic.
4/25/202325 minutes, 34 seconds
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Podcast: Supersonic flight, toxic pet treatments and fighting TB with maths

In this edition: The future of supersonic flight, how toxic flea and tick products are reaching the environment, and how maths can help eradicate TB. News: News: Psychedelic scans and caffeine benefits  – We discover that brain scans show the drug DMT increases connectivity across the brain’s imagination centres, and find out how caffeine may help keep you slim. Supersonic and hypersonic flight – We look back on the popularity of Concorde and look forward to the future of commercial, and sustainable, high-speed air travel. This is an except from the Zero Pressure podcast – listen to the full episode and explore the archive on the Zero Pressure website. Toxic effects of pet parasiticides – We hear from the authors of a new Grantham Institute briefing paper that brings together all the evidence showing pet flea and tick treatments are finding their way into UK waters, potentially causing problems for the local wildlife. Fighting TB with maths – We speak to mathematical modeller Professor Nimalan Arinaminpathy, who is working with India’s TB elimination program to optimise interventions in different areas and finally eradicate the disease.
3/23/202323 minutes, 51 seconds
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Podcast: Credit rating inequalities, making mosquito music, and better batteries

In this edition: How AI has magnified credit disparities, how malaria research was translated into sound, and how batteries can make a better world. News: Boosting sex drive and sourcing dark energy – We hear about how the hormone kisspeptin can help people with low sex drive, and why black holes may be the source of dark energy. Magnifying disparities with machine learning – We talk to Professor Tarun Ramadorai about new research that shows how machine learning is exacerbating inequalities in credit ratings – and who gets approved for a mortgage. Sonifying malaria research – How do you turn data about genetically modified mosquitos and their egg-laying rates into music? Target Malaria scientist Dr Federica Bernardini brought in creative composer Jamie Perera to take up the challenge. Batteries for a sustainable world – We catch up with Dr Billy Wu to find out the state of battery research, and how more sustainable batteries can help power a fossil-fuel-free world. Find out more about Sustainability Week at Imperial.
2/22/202323 minutes, 49 seconds
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Podcast: Fighting fungi, the music of the moons, and self-healing crystals

In this edition: We join the fight against deadly fungal pathogens, listen to music inspired by moons, and discover how some crystals heal themselves. News: Fixing bones in conflict zones and award-winning sustainable business education – We hear how engineers have created fixators for broken bones being trialled in Sri Lanka, Gaza and Ukraine, and how the Business School has won an award for their Sustainability Leadership programme. Fighting fungal pathogens – Fungal infections can be deadly, and a new WHO priority list has been drawn up to fight them. We hear from Professor Matthew Fisher, who is working on two of these worrying pathogens. Music of the Moons – We listen in as astronaut Helen Sharman and conductor Amanda Lee Falkenberg lead ‘LUNAR’ – an outreach event about the science behind our neighbouring planets’ moons and the music Falkenberg has created to illustrate them. The self-healing power crystals – We learn how crystals of surprising materials including paracetamol and ethanol can ‘heal’ themselves, regrowing their original structure, and how this could help researchers manipulate their growth. This section is an extract from the Never Lick the Spoon podcast by the Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering.
1/25/202323 minutes, 39 seconds
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Podcast: Treating diabetes, boardroom diversity, and avoiding hangovers

In this edition: We meet a clinician investigating diabetes, find out how boardroom diversity benefits companies, and hope for a hangover cure. News: World’s first net-zero flight and air pollution monitoring – We hear how the first net-zero transatlantic flight powered with sustainable aviation fuel will launch in 2023, and how communities are being empowered to measure their own air pollution in real time. Feeling like a scientist: the clinician – When does a scientist first start to feel like one? We continue our series exploring the careers of some of our scientists with Dr Shivani Misra, a clinician and researcher who sees diabetes patients and studies the condition. Boardroom diversity is good for business – We hear how diverse views help avoid groupthink, improving innovation and performance and guiding companies through changes. Diverse boards also reflect the real world, allowing companies to find talent in the whole pool. This is an excerpt from the Many Minds podcast from the Imperial College Business School. Can we avoid hangovers? – We learn what happens to the body and brain when we drink alcohol (and drink too much), and discover how researchers are trying to make synthetic alcohol that doesn’t cause hangovers.
12/21/202223 minutes, 52 seconds
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Podcast: Winter viruses, being an engineer, and improving energy efficiency

In this edition: What flu and COVID-19 might do this winter, being an engineer, and how the UK can improve energy efficiency to fight fuel poverty. News: Exoplanet atmosphere and impact on Mars – We find out about new molecules discovered in an exoplanet’s atmosphere and the recording of a huge meteoroid impact on Mars. Winter virus warnings – What does this winter hold for COVID-19, flu, and other seasonal viruses? Professor Azeem Majeed gives us a low-down of the current situation and what we might expect as temperatures lower. Feeling like a scientist: the engineer – When does a scientist first start to feel like one? We continue our series exploring the careers of some of our scientists with Ji Young Yoon, a mechanical workshop technician in the Faculty of Engineering. Improving homes to tackle the energy crisis – Fuel poverty is on the rise, but retrofitting homes can help. Dr Kate Simpson tells us how, and what needs to be done to improve UK energy efficiency.
11/23/202223 minutes, 58 seconds
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Podcast: Smashing atoms at the LHC, becoming a medic, and finding Arctic bees

In this edition: We discover the latest science at the Large Hadron Collider, meet a medical student, and help the BBC find bees in Lapland. News: New health funding and Lates programme preview – We celebrate the Imperial Biomedical Research Centre receiving £95m to develop new treatments, technologies and diagnostics and branch into new areas, and look forward to the new Imperial Lates programme of science outreach events. What’s new at the Large Hadron Collider – We catch up with Dr Mitesh Patel to find out what the LHC has found so far, what it’s still looking for, and what upgrades might allow researchers to discover. Feeling like a scientist: the medical student – When does a scientist first start to feel like one? We continue our series exploring the careers of some of our scientists with Tani Akinmoladun, a medical student looking forward to applying science in a clinical setting. Helping the BBC find bees in the Arctic – We hear about Dr Richard Gill’s adventures in Lapland, helping the Frozen Planet II team tell the story of his research subjects: bumblebees.
10/19/202225 minutes, 55 seconds
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Podcast: Feeling like a scientist, wastewater disease tests, and summer droughts

In this edition: When a scientist begins to feel like one, monitoring wastewater for diseases like COVID-19, and how droughts led to hosepipe bans. News: Flu campaign kick-off and 3D-printing drones – We find out what we might expect from this year’s flu season as the vaccination drive gets going, and learn about new drones that could 3D-print and repair buildings, working together as a fleet. Feeling like a scientist: the space scientist – When does a scientist first start to feel like one? We introduce a new series exploring the careers of some of our scientists, beginning with Jesús Manuel Muñoz Tejeda, who studies space propulsion technology. Testing wastewater for disease – We meet Claire Trant, Imperial alum and co-founder of Untap, a company that automatically tests wastewater in communal buildings including factories and offices to identify the presence of diseases like COVID-19. When droughts lead to hosepipe bans – We get the lowdown on this year’s droughts from Dr Barnaby Dobson, who explains how droughts are defined, what causes hosepipe bans, and how climate change could impact droughts of the future.
9/28/202224 minutes, 7 seconds
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Podcast: New President, treating cystic fibrosis and updating medical education

In this edition: We meet Imperial’s new President and researchers transforming cystic fibrosis patients’ lives and medical education. News: COVID-19 isolation and bees’ response to changing climate – We learn that the first real-world study of COVID-19 infectiousness suggests many people are still able to pass on the virus after five days, and that museum specimens show bumblebees have been increasingly under stress from hotter and warmer conditions since 1925. Meet Imperial’s new President – We sit down with Professor Hugh Brady, Imperial’s new President, and hear about his academic career in medicine, his views on student issues, and his plans for the College. Transforming cystic fibrosis treatment – As part of a series on the people behind our world-leading research, we meet Professor Jane Davies, who leads clinical trials for drugs that have transformed the lives of cystic fibrosis patients. A community approach to medical education – We talk to Professor Sonia Kumar about her pioneering work creating a new approach to medical education that embeds students in the community from the start, via the Medical Education Innovation and Research Centre (MEdIC).
8/24/202223 minutes, 43 seconds
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Podcast: Space sounds, climate kitchen and landscapes through time

In this edition: Making the magnetosphere audible, climate-friendly cooking, and exploring the Earth’s deep past. News: Life-like lasers and capturing carbon – We find out how much carbon dioxide has been removed from the atmosphere and stored since 1996 and discover how new ‘life-like’ lasers could enhance smart displays, novel lighting, and future computing. Space sounds – Researchers can detect the way magnetic fields interact in space around the Earth, but the data can be quite abstract for people to understand. We meet Dr Martin Archer, who led a project to make the data audible, allowing people to hear space as never before and contribute to science. Climate kitchen – Dr Charlotte Vrinten explains how people can eat a more climate-friendly diet, including eating more plant-based foods and reducing food waste. Landscapes through time – As part of a series on the people behind our world-leading research, we meet Professor Sanjeev Gupta, who reconstructs landscapes through time, revealing everything from the catastrophic floods that separated Britain and France and what environmental conditions supported the ancient Indus civilisation.
7/19/202222 minutes, 22 seconds
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Podcast: Calculating risk, Black founders, and Beatrix Potter’s nature

In this edition: Calculating risk in business, Black-heritage founders and entrepreneurs, and Beatrix Potter’s fascination with nature. News: Omicron immunity and ancient coral reefs – We hear about new research that shows the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus is not good at boosting the immune system against further infection, and explore a new expedition that will study ancient coral reefs to learn more about past climate change. Calculating risk – We chat to Dr Enrico Biffis about his career calculating risks in businesses, including how his current work intersects with sustainability and environmental risks, from the threat of climate change to the opportunity of reforestation. Black & Found – We meet the host of a new Imperial Enterprise Lab podcast called Black & Found, which explores the stories of Black heritage founders and their ventures, and hear a few teasers for the latest episodes. Listen to Black & Found at: The art and science of Beatrix Potter – At the Great Exhibition Road Festival, we meet the curator of the new Beatrix Potter exhibition at the V&A, exploring the great author and illustrator’s love of nature and interest in science and conservation.
6/22/202224 minutes, 21 seconds
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Podcast: HIV vaccine progress, COVID and brains, and saving Brazil’s forests

In this edition: We hear how close we are to an HIV vaccine, how severe COVID-19 affects brain power, and how one ecologist is saving Brazil’s forests. News: Great Exhibition Road Festival preview – We hear from two ‘Young Producers’ for the Great Exhibition Road Festival, who are working on an event called Sonder, which investigates how the summer sun influences culture. HIV vaccine progress – We talk to Professor Robin Shattock about the successes and challenges in creating a successful vaccine for HIV, and what the future could hold. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview on our Imperial Soundcloud account. How COVID affects brains – We hear from Dr Adam Hampshire how the long-term effect of severe COVID-19 could be a loss of 10 IQ points or the equivalent of 20 years of ageing, as measured by slower reaction times and less accuracy in cognitive tests. Saving Brazil’s forests – As part of a series on the people behind our world-leading research, we meet Dr Cristina Banks-Leite, whose work is helping preserve biodiversity in Brazil's precious forests.
5/18/202225 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast: Making malaria history, psychedelics for depression and a new diet

In this edition: We discover what it will take to eradicate malaria, how psychedelics affect the depressed brain, and how a new diet can keep us full. News: New medical school and dragonfly wings – We hear about Imperial’s new joint medical school with the University of Cumbria, and learn how dragonfly wing sensors could help us design better airplane wings. Making malaria history – We meet Professor Faith Osier, who is taking a new approach to designing malaria vaccines by mimicking natural immunity, and also find out why the fight against malaria is so important to her. Read more about Imperial’s work on malaria in our latest feature: 8 innovative ways Imperial is tackling malaria on Imperial Stories. Psychedelics for depressed brains – We catch up with the latest research into how psilocybin– the active compound in magic mushrooms – helps the brains of depressed people get out of negative thought patterns. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview on Imperial's Soundcloud account. The ‘Full’ Diet – We meet the author of the ‘Full Diet’ – a new regime based on a weight loss programme at Imperial – and one of the patients that took part in the dietary study.
4/27/202224 minutes
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Podcast: Child COVID condition, health inequalities, and a healthy planet

In this edition: A COVID-linked condition in children, how AI could magnify health inequities, and 9 things you can do for your health and the planet. News: What nuclear war would look like and new European grants – We learn what one of our experts said about the realities of nuclear war, and find out what new science the European Research Council is funding at Imperial, from drones to lasers. AI and health inequalities – AI is increasingly being used in healthcare, for example to analyse images like X-rays, but biases mean they may not benefit everyone equally, and may actually perpetuate minority ethnic inequalities. We meet the researchers highlighting this issue and suggesting ways it can be tackled. Child COVID condition – We meet Dr Liz Whittaker, a paediatric researcher who was part of a group that recognised and characterised Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS) – an inflammatory condition in children linked to COVID-19. She tells us how it was first discovered, and what we’ve learned since. 9 things you can do for your health and the planet – We explore the link between the health of people and the planet, and what people can actually do to improve both at the same time – from buying less ‘stuff’ to encouraging changes that make cities easier to walk and cycle.
3/23/202227 minutes
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Podcast: Debating vaccines, LGBTQ+ history month, and humans of health research

In this edition: A scientist countering vaccine misinformation, members of Imperial’s LGBTQ+ network, and the people behind an impactful asthma trial. News: Yeast mini-factories and inspiration from nature – We learn about researchers who have engineered yeast to act like mini factories producing dementia drug compounds, and engineers who have taken inspiration from insect wings and shark skin to create materials that pop bacteria and reduce drag. Primetime COVID vaccine debate – We catch up with Professor Robin Shattock following his appearance on Question Time countering COVID-9 vaccine misinformation, hearing how he decides when to engage with sceptics and the best techniques for doing so. LGBT+ history month – We meet Ji Young Yoon and Josh Hodge from Imperial 600, the College's network for LGBTQ+ staff, postgraduate students and their allies. We talk about what LGBT+ history month means to them, who some of their heroes are, and what issues could be tackled next. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview and the community Spotify playlist. Humans of health research – We meet Jilly Ellis and Cielito Caneja, who participated in a research trial for a severe asthma treatment, as patient and Research Nurse Practitioner, respectively. We talk about why each got involved in the research, how it felt to reunite for a new photography project, and what they hope people take away from their stories. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview on our Soundcloud account.
2/16/202224 minutes
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Podcast: The marine carbon cycle, teaching robots, and a mental health zine

In this edition: How fishing may impact the carbon cycle, how to teach a robot to make toast, and sharing research in the form of a short magazine. News: Latest REACT study and discovering the holobiont – We learn that the REACT coronavirus surveillance study has shown that infection rates in January were three times higher than in December, and discover what a holobiont is, and what a new centre focusing on it will do. Fishing and the carbon cycle – We explore the links between fishing and the oceans’ ability to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store it away, identifying potential problems and their solutions. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview on Imperial’s Soundcloud account. How to teach a robot to make toast – We drop into the Robot Learning Lab to discover a human-friendly way to teach robots how to do physical tasks, such as operate a toaster. Mental health zine – We celebrate the launch of a new mini-magazine created with and for young people facing mental health issues. ‘Future Minds’ presents the results of research at the Institute of Global Health Innovation in an accessible print and digital format, going above and beyond the academic paper.
1/26/202224 minutes, 6 seconds
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Podcast: Women’s hearts, psychedelic worldviews, and nanotechnology for children

In this edition: Differences between men’s and women’s hearts, how psychedelics can change our worldview, and introducing children to nanotechnology. News: Omicron latest and Three Wise Women – We learn about the latest research into Omicron and how it might evade immunity, the value of booster vaccines, and hear about three Imperial medical experts working on different aspects of the pandemic. Women’s hearts – We meet Dr Paz Tayal, who is researching the differences between men’s and women’s hearts and why the problem has been understudied. Psychedelics and worldview – How can taking psychedelics change your worldview, and your perceptions of reality? We meet the team exploring this question and how research into the effects can be conducted safely. Nanotechnology for children – We catch up with Dr Jess Wade, hearing how her passion for both art and atoms collided in the children’s book Nano, of which 500 copies have been sent to UK primary schools thanks to the Department of Materials and the Royal Academy of Engineering. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview on Imperial’s Soundcloud account.
12/22/202124 minutes, 59 seconds
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Podcast: HIV tests, infectious reading, and the fight for cheaper drugs

In this edition: A new test to monitor treatment-resistant HIV, a book tracing the fight against infection, and how the NHS can make cheaper drugs. News: COP26 roundup and detecting illegal images – We discuss the progress and shortcomings of the latest climate change conference and hear about worrying findings that algorithms designed to discover illegal images are easy to fool. Simple HIV test – As drug-resistant strains of HIV rise across Africa, we hear from Dr Catherine Kibirige, who has designed a new cheaper, simpler test to measure viral load to help manage these new strains. Infectious reading – We hear from author of a new book called Infectious, Dr John Tregoning, about the progress we have made in fighting infectious diseases so they are no longer the leading cause of death. In the book he uses examples from HIV and COVID-19, and meets some of the frontline’s more colourful characters. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview on Imperial's Soundcloud account. The fight for cheaper drugs – We meet Professor Karim Meeran, who argues the NHS should make its own generic medical drugs in response to ‘price gouging’, where private companies hike up the process of drugs. In a petition, he suggests this would save the NHS millions of pounds.
11/17/202124 minutes, 2 seconds
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Podcast: Healthy environments, polio progress, and colour-change hygiene checker

In this edition: What makes a healthy environment, the final steps to eliminate polio, and a test for proper cleaning. News: Life expectancy and a new space mission – We discover that life expectancy in England was dropping even before the pandemic, and celebrate Imperial physicists building an instrument for a new NASA mission. What is a healthy environment? – We chat to researchers who interviewed underrepresented groups about what they thought made a healthy environment, and what research they would like to see to help these environments thrive. Polio progress – To mark World Polio Day on 24 October, we find out from Imperial researchers how close the world is to eradicating the disease, and what still needs to be done. Fresh check – We meet the Imperial-alumni makers of Fresh Check – a colour-change solution that can tell if a surface has been properly cleaned – and find out where they’re taking the company next.
10/20/202121 minutes, 32 seconds
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Podcast: Climate justice, climate change anxiety, and quantum computing

In this edition: We tackle climate change injustice and anxiety, and hear about a new way to build quantum computers. News: Imperial at COP26 and previewing the Great Exhibition Road Festival – We hear about Imperial’s priorities for the upcoming COP26 climate change summit, and find out what’s happening at the new hybrid Great Exhibition Road Festival, for which this year’s theme is ‘one world’. Solving climate injustice – We meet two researchers from Imperial and the Royal College of Art trying to tackle climate injustice – where those who have contributed the least to climate change face the worst impacts – through design and finance. You can hear more from the experts in a panel discussion at the Great Exhibition Road Festival, in-person and streamed online, on Saturday 9 October. The climate crisis and mental health – We hear all the ways climate change itself, and worries about the future, can affect mental health, and discuss how people can deal with these issues including building a better future. A new way to do quantum computing – We meet Physics Professor Terry Rudolph, who co-founded a company called PsiQuantum that is building quantum computers in a new way, and has just received a multi-billion-dollar valuation. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview on our Soundcloud account.
9/22/202128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast: Wildfires, climate action tipping points, and helping stroke patients

In this edition: Art-science collaborations around wildfire research, joining the climate fight, and an app to aid stroke rehabilitation. News: New test for eye disease – We learn about a new AI-led test for a debilitating eye disease that can cause blindness, and how warming temperature may affect bumblebees’ flight. The art and science of wildfires – We hear about a series of workshops that brought together scientists and artists, who found differences but also surprising similarities between their approaches to studying – and sharing – the world of wildfires, both devastating and beneficial. Tipping points – What motivates people to study and fight climate change? PhD student Peter Knapp talks to scientists who have joined the Extinction Rebellion movement, and we’ve got a preview of some of his interviews. You can listen to the full interviews in the Tipping Points podcast. On track for stroke rehabilitation – We meet the makers of an app to help patients recover the activity of their arms following a stroke, and hear how the platform is already helping people make progress and build confidence.
8/18/202123 minutes
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Podcast: Long COVID, bioplastic solutions, and first-year physics success

In this edition: Delving into long covid, bioplastics and the future of recycling, and a first-year physics project that became a peer-reviewed paper. News: Latest COVID-19 survey results and Imperial at the Olympics – We catch up with the latest REACT results, showing coronavirus infections doubling every six days but antibodies also ramping up, and meet the Imperial students and alumni competing in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. What do we know about long COVID? – We catch up with Dr Danny Altmann, who is investigating long COVID – who gets it, what are the symptoms, how long might it last, and what other health impacts might it cause? Bioplastic solutions to plastic pollution – Despite decades of recycling, plastic pollution is still a major problem. We talk to Sarah Kakadellis, who says bioplastics may be a solution, but the distinction between different types needs to be clear to help consumers make the right decisions when disposing of plastics. First-year project to peer-reviewed paper – We meet two students (and their supervisor) who turned their first-year physics undergraduate project – using real data about molecules coming from Saturn’s moon Enceladus – into a peer-reviewed paper.
7/21/202125 minutes, 45 seconds
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Podcast: Radiation impacts, sickle cell disease and the Four Horsemen

In this edition: We examine the impact of radiation from nuclear accidents, meet a Sickle Cell Warrior, and follow those fighting the Four Horsemen. News: Science meets poetry and music – We hear about how Imperial scientists have teamed up with poets to create spoken-word pieces and how a COVID-19 study has been set to music. Radiation from nuclear accidents – It’s been 35 years since Chernobyl and 10 years since Fukushima – so what issues has the radiation actually caused? Professor Gerry Thomas takes us through the evidence, which shows the effects may be far less severe than scare stories suggest. Living with sickle cell disease – We meet Sickle Cell Warrior Louisa Thompson, who has teamed up with Imperial academics to raise awareness of living with the disease, including its impact on mental health. Find out more about the Invisible Warrior project on Imperial's website and watch a video featuring Louisa’s story. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview on our Soundcloud account. The Four Horsemen for the modern age – Imperial military medical historian Dr Emily Mayhew gives a hopeful history and forward look at those people holding the line against war, pestilence, famine and death, as told in her new book The Four Horsemen. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview on our Soundcloud account.
6/23/202122 minutes, 52 seconds
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Podcast: COVID behaviours, carbon cuts and sustainability goals

In this edition: How pandemic behaviours have changed, why carbon needs to be rapidly cut, and how Imperial is supporting global sustainability. News: Digital chemistry and the impact of climate change on mental health – We celebrate the launch of ‘DigiFAB’ – the Institute for Digital Molecular Design and Fabrication – and get a preview of a new report looking at how climate change affects mental wellbeing. A year of insights into global COVID behaviours – How have people’s attitudes and behaviours around the pandemic changed over the past year? We dig through data from around the world to find out how people have changed their views on face masks, life satisfaction, vaccines, and trust in governments. The 50x30 Coalition for climate action – We hear about a new coalition of governments and research institutions, including Imperial, that is calling for a 50 per cent reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 – a crucial target for protecting the planet, and especially the vulnerable icy regions. Supporting the world’s sustainability goals – We report from the launch of the Global Development Hub, a new network bringing together Imperial’s expertise to support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, including improving global energy, health and equality. You can watch the full launch on Imperial’s YouTube channel.
5/18/202123 minutes, 16 seconds
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Podcast: Psychedelic research, AI for the ICU and a space communication pioneer

In this edition: We investigate the psychedelic research renaissance, discover an AI designed to spot organ failure, and chat to Maggie Aderin-Pocock. News: Island evolution and an ancient asteroid – We hear how animals evolve into dwarfs or giants on islands and how a 430,000-year-old asteroid impact in Antarctica has been identified from the dust it left behind. Psychedelic research renaissance – We celebrate the second anniversary of the Centre for Psychedelic Research, looking at the successes of testing the therapeutic potential of active compounds in drugs like magic mushrooms and ayahuasca, and look forward to new studies in brain imaging. AI to predict organ failure – We meet PhD student Sam Turka, who has been developing an AI to help clinicians spot patients most at risk of organ failure in intensive care, with the ultimate aim of creating patient simulations to speed up medical testing and decision-making. Maggie Aderin-Pocock – We partner with the Suffrage Science podcast to bring you an interview with Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock – physicist, presenter and Imperial alum – about the challenges and successes she’s faced throughout her career. You can listen to the full interview with Maggie, and more interviews with other inspirational women in science, on the Suffrage Science podcast.
4/20/202123 minutes, 18 seconds
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Podcast: COVID-19 human trials, air pollution monitoring and better plastics

In this edition: Launching human challenge trials for COVID-19, a new air pollution monitoring network for London, and fully biodegradable plastics. News: Potential new physics and climate change innovation – Imperial physicists are part of a team that have found hints of a new kind of physics, and a new centre for climate change innovation launches to help accelerate the transition to net zero emissions. Infecting people with COVID-19 – We hear from the investigators behind the world’s first ‘human challenge’ clinical trial for COVID-19, which will purposefully infect people with the virus behind the disease to see how the infection progresses and how drugs and vaccines could work against it. Helping London breathe – We meet a researcher behind the new Breathe London network of affordable air pollution monitors, which are being deployed across London to help local communities understand and tackle their pollution issues. Biodegradable and recyclable plastic – We chat to the CEO of Polymateria about their breakthrough food packaging plastic, which can break down within a year in the environment and can also be recycled into flower pots or pallets. This is an extract from the IB Green Minds podcast, produced by students on the Business School’s MSc in Climate Change, Management & Finance. You can listen to the full episode on the IB Podcasts website.
3/24/202125 minutes, 54 seconds
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Podcast: Coronavirus on the tube, virus variants and matters of the heart

In this edition: What testing on transport says about coronavirus transmission, how new virus variants are emerging, and chatting to a cardiologist. News: Dragonfly flight, making audio more immersive and landing on Mars – We hear how dragonflies perform mid-air backward somersaults to right themselves, why making more immersive audio experiences could improve virtual interactions, and discover what the next Mars rover, landing on the red planet this week, will investigate. TfL testing for coronavirus – Imperial researchers are working with the London transport network, testing air and surfaces for the coronavirus (and thankfully finding nothing). We learn what this means about transmission of the virus and how it feeds into a larger project into subway environments. Coronavirus variants – Variants of the coronavirus are emerging worldwide and hitting the headlines. We find out what these variants mean for controlling the pandemic and the potential impact on vaccines. You can also watch the full event covering the latest knowledge on the pandemic and what questions remain. Matters of the heart – We chat to a trainee cardiologist about her experience taking part in an Imperial Lates Valentine’s event and her research understanding blood flow through the heart and arteries. You can also catch up on the full Valentine’s Lates workshop.
2/17/202124 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast: Election misinformation, future of the NHS, and better cancer surgery

In this edition: Spreading US election misinformation, deciding the future of the NHS, and improving breast cancer surgery. News: Identifying new coronavirus variants and kombucha-inspired materials – We hear about a new consortium, led by Imperial researchers, tracking changes in new coronavirus variants, and find out how kombucha tea ingredients are being used to make new smart living materials. US election misinformation – Analysis of the past two US presidential elections shows where misinformation originated from, including traditional and social media, foreign influences, and in the case of the 2020 election, the president himself. This feature is an excerpt from 'Never Lick the Spoon' – a podcast from Imperial's Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering. Future of the NHS – The NHS has worked incredibly well as an ‘illness’ service, but what about protecting and promoting good health? Investing in health could benefit us all, argues Dr Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard in his new book with Dame Sally Davies, Whose Health Is It Anyway? Better breast cancer surgery – Around 20 percent of surgeries to remove breast cancer tumours leave some behind, requiring a second surgery. To reduce this, Imperial researchers are testing fluorescent tracers that identify tumours, coupled with special cameras to guide surgeons
1/27/202124 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast: Child health, Bionic Olympics, and a better Christmas dinner

In this edition: A new child health centre opens, assistive technologies at the Cybathlon, and healthier Christmas food for you and the planet. News: Looking back at 2020 – Our podcast team share the most interesting facts they’ve learned on the job this year – from how much water it takes to make a pair of jeans to how fungus can be used to make a leather alternative. Launch of a new child health centre – We catch up with the Centre for Paediatrics and Child Health's inaugural Director, Professor Andy Bush, about priorities for research into child health, working with local communities, and how the pandemic has affected the capacity for care. The ‘Bionic Olympics’ – We talk to Professor Aldo Faisal about the Cybathlon, where differently abled athletes compete using the latest assistive technologies, and how his work using sensors to understand real-world learning can help in rehabilitation. Levelling up Christmas dinner – How can we enjoy the holidays but also make our Christmas dinner better for the planet and ourselves? Aygul Dagbasi tells us more.
12/16/202025 minutes, 56 seconds
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Podcast: Statin side effects, vaccine latest and pandemic politics

In this edition: The nocebo effect of statins, the latest on Imperial’s COVID-19 vaccine and a former PM talks pandemic. News: Gut problems linked to depression, and a new test for Chagas disease – We find how people with inflammatory bowel conditions are often diagnosed with depression before their bowel diagnosis, and discover a new test that can differentiate between the different strains of Chagas disease. The nocebo effect of statins – We learn from Dr James Howard about his study that found some people report side effects whether they are taking statins or just placebo pills, showing the startling ‘nocebo effect’ that can stop people taking vital medicines despite doing them no harm. The state of COVID-19 vaccines – We speak to Professor Robin Shattock, who is leading Imperial’s vaccine effort, about the current state of play and how he feels about anti-vaccine sentiments. Neil Ferguson and Tony Blair talk pandemic – The Director of Imperial’s J-IDEA institute, Professor Neil Ferguson, talks to former PM Tony Blair about the scientific and political response to the pandemic. You can watch the full interview on the J-IDEA YouTube channel.
11/25/202024 minutes, 7 seconds
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Podcast: Pandemic mental health, hidden strengths and severe morning sickness

In this edition: Exploring pandemic mental health, comparing spaceflight and frontline NHS work, and linking severe morning sickness with depression. News: The toll of the first wave and bringing the Festival online – We discover how the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic affected deaths from all causes, and look forward to the Great Exhibition Road Festival moving online with the launch of a new art project. Youth mental health during the pandemic – We speak to Dr Lindsay Dewa, who is part of a project to find out how young people coped during the COVID-19 lockdown, and whether their coping strategies have changed over time. Comparing spaceflight and surgery – Astronaut Helen Sharman chats to trainee surgeon Dr Derek Yeung, comparing notes on the challenges and triumphs of spaceflight and working on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an excerpt from the Hidden Strengths podcast series, created by PanSurg, where healthcare staff share their experiences of adversity and perseverance with key figures. Extreme morning sickness and depression – We talk to Nicola Mitchell-Jones, who recently found that hyperemesis gravidarum – an extreme form of morning sickness – often causes depression during and after pregnancy, which is rarely followed up.
10/21/202025 minutes, 34 seconds
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Podcast: Maths marvel, COVID in children and cooking with hyperfoods

In this edition: A $3m-prizewinning mathematician, a new project into how children transmit COVID-19, and recipes with anti-cancer properties. News: Hints of life on Venus and fungal leather – We discuss the discovery of a molecule possibly linked with life in the clouds of Venus, and whether leather could be replaced by a more eco-friendly material made from fungus. Millionaire mathematician – We catch up with Professor Martin Hairer, winner of the $3m Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics, hearing about his field of work, his inspiration and what he’ll spend that prize money on. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview. How infectious are children with COVID-19? – As schools restart, we talk to the leader of a new research project into how children transmit the virus, following diagnosed children to see if they can cause outbreaks. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview. Cooking with hyperfoods – We meet the researcher and chef behind a new cookbook – Hyperfoods – that includes recipes packed with ingredients containing anti-cancer molecules, discovered using the power of people’s smartphones. You can get the recipes for free on the Kitchen Theory website.
9/23/202025 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast: COVID-19 vaccine trials latest and privacy in contact tracing

In this edition: Results of the COVID-19 vaccine animal trials and the latest news from the human trials, plus privacy in contact tracing apps. News: Coronavirus in the community and Lates online – We find out the latest results from the REACT study, analysing past and present COVID-19 infections, and look forward to the program of online Imperial Lates events, connecting the public to our research. COVID-19 vaccine animal trials – We hear about encouraging results from the vaccine trial on mice, and what it means for a vaccine to be ‘effective’. This feature is an excerpt from 'Never Lick the Spoon' – a podcast from Imperial's Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering. COVID-19 vaccine Q&A – The public put questions to members of the vaccine team, covering manufacture, the latest news from the human trials, and whether we could soon do away with masks and social distancing. You can hear the full Q&A, and others on different coronavirus topics, on our Let’s talk about COVID-19 pages. Privacy in contact tracing – A vital tool in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic is contact tracing, with a new app due to be launched. But what are the privacy concerns of such apps, and can they be overcome for the greater good?
8/19/202027 minutes, 45 seconds
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Podcast: COVID-19 vaccine trials, neurodiversity in focus, and poet in residence

In this edition: A participant in Imperial’s COVID-19 vaccine trial, a professor who set up a neurodiversity network, and our new poet in residence. News: AI and COVID-19 treatments, plus extreme driving – We find out about a new trial using artificial intelligence to improve ventilation for very ill COVID-19 patients, and what tracking the body and eye movements and brain waves of a Formula E driver can tell us about expertise. Taking part in a COVID-19 vaccine trial – We catch up with a participant in Imperial’s COVID-19 vaccine trial after she receives her first dose, to see how she feels and why she decided to take part. Neurodiversity network – We talk to Professor Sara Rankin, who was only diagnosed with dyslexia and dyspraxia as an adult, about her journey and why she helped set up a network for neurodiverse staff and students at Imperial and partner organisations in South Kensington. Professor Rankin has also produced a series of Lockdown Lessons, talking to scientists at Imperial that have rapidly responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. Poet in residence – We talk to Imperial’s new poet in residence Dan Simpson and researcher Dr Ans Vercammen about the poem they are working on together and how art and science really aren’t that different. Their final poem will be unveiled at the Imperial Lates Online: Back to Nature, running online from 27 July to 2 August. You can also listen to Dan’s crowdsourced Back to Nature poem and some more of his quick-fire haikus.
7/22/202024 minutes, 8 seconds
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Podcast: Vaccine production, safety on public transport, and emerging economies

In this edition: How to make a billion COVID-19 vaccines, why women feel unsafe on public transport, and how emerging economies fare under COVID-19. News: Reacting to George Floyd’s death – We speak to Sarah Essilfie-Quaye and Dr Wayne Mitchell from Imperial as One, an advisory group made up of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff, about the response to George Floyd’s death and what should be done to tackle racism. You can also hear an extended version of this interview. Scaling up vaccine production – Once a COVID-19 vaccine has been successful in clinical trials, how can we make more than a billion doses in a matter of months? We hear about the challenges and how we might overcome them. This feature is an excerpt from 'Never Lick the Spoon' – a monthly podcast from Imperial's Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering. How safe do you feel on public transport? – A new study shows how women are more likely to feel unsafe on public transport. The effect is not just simple fear but can affect their working lives and career opportunities; so how can we design safer transport systems? Laila Ait Bihi Ouali explains. COVID-19’s impact on emerging economies – Emerging economies like India face different challenges in lockdowns, but also potentially have some real opportunities for recovery. We find out more with economics professor Tarun Ramadorai. You can also listen to an extended version of this interview.
6/17/202025 minutes, 25 seconds
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Podcast: Britain’s brains, COVID-19 at the GP, and a green economic recovery

In this edition: Britain’s intelligence and mental health, COVID-19’s impact on primary care, and a sustainable economic recovery after the pandemic. News: Compression stockings and tackling global challenges online – We discover how compression stockings do not lower your risk of developing blood clots after surgery, and how an online platform is bringing together scientists and innovators to solve grand challenges like COVID-19 or climate change. Measuring Britain’s intelligence and mental health – We meet the makers of the Great British Intelligence Test, who are now turning their attention to the population’s mental health during the pandemic. How COVID-19 impacts GP services – We talk to a researcher and practising GP about how services have changed – such as more phone and video interviews – and what people can do to look after themselves. A green economic recovery – We hear about a report that suggests climate-friendly investment would boost the economy in the short and long term following the COVID-19 pandemic, and other ways the future could, and should, be greener.
5/20/202023 minutes, 24 seconds
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Podcast: COVID-19 vaccine development, patient data and isolation diaries

In this edition: We hear from researchers working on a COVID-19 vaccine and with patient samples, and how students are coping in isolation. News: University Challenge win and neutrino discovery – We celebrate Imperial’s spectacular University Challenge win and discover how neutrinos may hold the key to why the universe is made up of matter rather than antimatter. On the frontlines of COVID-19 vaccine development – We speak to Dr Anna Blakney about what it’s like to work on a vaccine the whole world is waiting for. This feature is an excerpt from 'Never Lick the Spoon' – a monthly podcast from Imperial's Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering. Understanding and treating COVID-19 – We hear from Professor Peter Openshaw how thousands of samples from COVID-19 patients across the country are already providing valuable insights into the disease, including who seems to get it worse, and how the disease progresses. Isolation diaries from around the world – We hear from the producers of a video capturing snippets from Imperial students now scattered across the world.
4/22/202024 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast: Counting coronavirus, a baby food entrepreneur and designing for Mars

In this edition: We hear from people tracking the spread of COVID-19, making better baby food, and designing for a move to Mars. News: Bee brains and tracking fireballs – We learn how certain pesticides are impairing baby bee brains, and how a network of cameras and volunteers across the UK are tracking fallen stars. Counting coronavirus – How fast and how widely is COVID-19 spreading? We hear from epidemiologist Professor Azra Ghani about how they make sure they have the right data to build their models of the outbreak, and what that means for how we mitigate the spread. Baby food entrepreneur – Business School alum Nadine Hellmann, who developed her idea for a new kind of baby food at Imperial, gives us tips on starting a business from scratch while studying. Designing for Mars – Would you move to Mars? What do we need to do to make the move possible? Imperial scientists and students provide possible solutions, from space weather monitors to new materials for shoes.
3/18/202023 minutes, 7 seconds
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Podcast: Coronavirus vaccine, global progress report and fighting racism

In this edition: Join the race to develop a Covid-19 vaccine, check in on the Sustainable Development Goals, and discover how to argue with a racist. News: Solar Orbiter lift-off and cutting contrails – We follow Imperial’s instrument aboard the Solar Orbiter spacecraft as it takes its first data in space, and find out how altitude changes of just 2000 feet can cut the environmental impact of aeroplane contrails. The race to develop a Covid-19 vaccine – We meet the Imperial team, headed by Professor Robin Shattock, developing a new kind of vaccine that could be available to people far faster than in previous viral outbreaks. Progress in the Sustainable Development Goals – Dr David Nabarro, co-director of Imperial’s Institute of Global Health Innovation, helped set up the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. He tells us how much progress we’ve made, and where there is still work to be done. How to argue with a racist – Geneticist and science communicator Dr Adam Rutherford explains how science has been misused to justify bigotry and racism, and how we can fight back.
2/19/202023 minutes, 4 seconds
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Podcast: Drug policy, Australian megafires and London fatbergs

In this edition: We discuss whether drug policy is working, why Australia is experiencing megafires, and what can be done about fatbergs. News: Miscarriage and PTSD, and a remarkable refugee professor – We find out how many women experience post-traumatic stress disorder after miscarriage, and learn about the remarkable life of a venerable maths professor. Is drug policy working? – Former government adviser Professor David Nutt tells us how restrictions on tobacco are working, but that hard drugs policies have in some cases made problems worse, and what can be done. Why is Australia facing megafires? – We find out what’s making Australia’s wildfires so bad they have become megafires, including the factors involved in their spread and how much climate change might be to blame. The big, gross problem of fatbergs – Huge accumulations of fat and unflushable material can block drains and city sewers, but how do we work out the best way to prevent them and remove them? This feature is an excerpt from 'Never Lick the Spoon' – a monthly podcast from Imperial's Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering.
1/22/202022 minutes, 44 seconds
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Podcast: Baby brains, new Mars quests and preventing pandemics

In this edition: We discover treatments for baby brain injuries, see what’s new on Mars for 2020 and find out how to prevent pandemics. News: Doctor burnout and Sun discoveries – We discuss a study showing a surprising number of doctors suffer from emotional exhaustion, and discover new insights into the Sun from a spacecraft that has flown closer to our star than ever before. Reducing baby brain injuries – We explore projects testing treatments for brain injuries in babies in the developing world, including a new study looking at 70,000 new mothers in India. What’s new on Mars? – We find out about two new missions to Mars launching in 2020, as well as catch up on what missions already on the Red Planet are up to. Preventing pandemics – Does the rising problem of antimicrobial resistance mean we’re heading for an unstoppable pandemic? We find out some ways we can all prevent the spread of disease.
12/18/201922 minutes, 46 seconds
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Podcast: Vaping concerns, medical detection dogs, and a visit to CERN

In this edition: We explore the possible harms of vaping, meet dogs trained to detect disease, and travel through the physics of CERN. News: Sepsis alert and dreaming while awake – We find out about a new system to automatically alert doctors to patients displaying signs of sepsis, and discover how the psychedelic drug in  ayahuasca affects the brain. Is vaping dangerous? – We examine the evidence around recent deaths from e-cigarettes, exploring how non-sanctioned uses and flavourings may be harmful, while also recognising how vaping helps cigarette smokers avoid potentially worse effects. The dogs that sniff out disease – We meet medical detection dogs that are being trained (by their human researchers) to recognise early lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients before they become chronic and cause damage. A voyage through CERN – We visit the home of the Large Hardon Collider, investigating the forefront of particle physics and meeting Imperial researchers trying to answer big questions about the universe.
11/27/201923 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast: Painkiller prescriptions, climate wellbeing crisis and race science

In this edition: Investigating UK painkiller prescriptions, how the climate crisis affects mental health and the return of race science.   News: Air quality in parks and the power of krill – We discover that more than a quarter of London’s open spaces exceed limits for nitrogen dioxide pollution, and that small crustaceans play an outsized role in the global climate. Does the UK have a painkiller crisis? – Major opioid prescriptions are declining in the UK, but are the drugs they’re replaced with less harmful? We discuss how replacements may be being abused and how the long-term risks are less than certain. How the climate crisis affects mental wellbeing – The physical effects of climate change, including natural disasters and displacement, can cause mental distress, but so too can the fear of ecological doom and a lack of control. We discuss the phenomenon, and how positive action can help people cope. For resources to help you with mental health issues at the College and beyond, visit the Health and wellbeing webpages. The return of race science – Science journalist Angela Saini recently gave a lecture on campus for Black History Month about her new book Superior: The Return of Race Science. We talk to her about what race is, how these categories came about and how they are misused. You can also listen to an extended interview with Angela.
10/23/201924 minutes, 43 seconds
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Podcast: Underground, overground, into the clouds

In this edition: We revisit summer expeditions into the caves of Slovenia, along the Silk Road and at Everest base camp.   News: Surrey quakes and Antarctic archives – We review research that concludes oil drilling was not responsible for earthquakes in Surrey, and hear how restored data from the 1970s is providing a new look at Antarctic ice melt. Adventures with the caving club – Journey deep into a Slovenian mountain with the Imperial College Caving Club, squeezing through narrow passages and discovering new caverns. Cycling the Silk Road – A team of medical students regale us with tales of their adventures cycling through Asia – from chin stitches to mafia weddings. Experiments on Everest – Would you spend three months at Everest base camp in the name of science? We talk to Dr Liesl Wandrag, who did just that to find out the impact of low oxygen on critically ill patients back at sea level.
9/17/201921 minutes, 2 seconds
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Podcast: An unsung hero, digital mental health, and acting on patient feedback

In this edition: We explore Sir Ernst Chain’s role in penicillin, apps tackling mental health, and an algorithm making sense of patient feedback.   News: Obesity injections and bat faces – We discuss a new treatment for obesity that provides an alternative to surgery, and meet some handsome bats with an interesting evolutionary story. The story of Sir Ernst Chain – The founder of Imperial’s biochemistry division, Sir Ernst Chain, was a German-Jewish refugee who played an important role in bringing penicillin to the masses. We speak to his son Benny Chain, who grew up at Imperial and now carries on his father’s work, at the interface of biology and computer science. Digital options for mental health help – What stops people accessing traditional mental health services and how can digital services step in? We discover how innovations such as the Shout app are helping fill the gap, with positive responses especially from young people. Streamlining patient feedback – Hospitals receive thousands of comments on their care, but it can be difficult to process them all. We speak to Imperial researchers who have created an award-winning algorithm that analyses comments and is already improving patient experience.
8/21/201923 minutes, 12 seconds
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Podcast: Moon landing special

In this edition: We commemorate 50 years since the Moon landing by looking ahead to the future of space travel, medicine and exploration.   News: Moon landing facts – We celebrate the Apollo 11 mission with some little-known facts about the moon landing, and look at the next mission heading to our nearest neighbour. Future of space travel with Britain’s first astronaut – We chat to Helen Sharman, Britain’s first astronaut (and outreach ambassador at Imperial) about the future of spaceflight – will it be human or robotic? Will private companies take the lead? And should we go back to the Moon or focus on Mars? Space medicine – Astronauts face unique challenges staying healthy in space, and these will only increase on a mission to Mars. We talk to an intensive care medic and a researcher, who has worked with both NASA and the European Space Agency, to find out more about the challenges of space medicine. Human-robotic interactions in space – Working in space is difficult, from spacewalks to guiding robotics. We meet a researcher coming up with new ways to make these tasks easier, using sensors incorporated into new helmets and gloves.
7/24/201923 minutes, 30 seconds
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Imperial Uncut: Sir Patrick Vallance Q&A

In this bonus edition of the Imperial College Podcast we invite you to take a front row seat at a special Q&A with the UK government’s Chief Scientific Adviser. Sir Patrick Vallance came to Imperial this month to launch The Forum - Imperial’s new policy engagement programme. In a candid Q&A with an audience of staff, students, senior policy figures and members of the media, Patrick spoke about the importance of collaboration between academia and policy-makers. Facilitated by Professor Mary Ryan, Imperial’s vice-dean of research in the Faculty of Engineering, the Q&A tackled questions on how to influence government, plus the impact of Brexit and the next Prime Minister on science and research.
7/19/201949 minutes, 44 seconds
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Great Exhibition Road Festival 2019

In this edition: We get ready for the Festival by taking a talk quiz, building a mini Theremin, and hearing some scientific spoken word poetry. News: Pre-Incan waterways and analysing incinerators  – We hear how 1400-year-old methods of water management could boost supplies during Peru's dry season, and how exposure to municipal waste incinerators has no link infant death or reduced foetal growth. Talking about talks – The Great Exhibition Road Festival will host 30+ free public talks across the weekend. We hear about the range of panel discussions from top players in their fields, including predictions for the fashion of tomorrow.  The sound of circuits – Visitors at the Festival will get the chance to build their own mini-theremin – an electronic touchless musical instrument invented in 1920. Ahead of the drop-in workshops, we get our hands on one of the electronic instruments and learn what makes it sing. Spoken-word scientist – As well as doing science, Festival-goers will get to meet researchers and hear about their everyday lives. We get a preview from a sustainability researcher who is also an award-winning poet, and find out how her two passions collide.
6/27/201924 minutes, 21 seconds
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Podcast: Climate champion, alcohol marketing and stroke rehabilitation

In this edition: Climate champion Jo Haigh retires, and we find out how often kids see alcohol marketing and how a game is helping stroke recovery.   News: Dyson School opening and eating insects – We celebrate the Dyson School of Design Engineering building officially opening and discuss why eating insects is a good idea. Climate champion retires – Professor Jo Haigh, Co-Director of the Grantham Institute – Climate Change and Environment retired this month after 35 years at Imperial. We talk to her about her early love of weather, the future of climate science and how she deals with deniers. Alcohol marketing and children – How often do children see ads and packaging for alcohol? Business School researcher Dr Tim Chambers has been finding out, and calling for alcohol health labelling to be taken more seriously. Games for physical rehab – Affordable, accessible, fun and, importantly, effective – GripAble is a device that helps stroke patients recover their hands and arms with games that connect through normal tablet computers. We meet the maker of the innovation.
5/22/201925 minutes, 2 seconds
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Podcast: Why students cheat, 3D printing and rainforest radio

In this edition: We find out why students cheat, how 3D printing has evolved and tune into the sounds of the rainforest.   News: Festival preview – The Imperial Festival has joined up with 19 of its neighbours this year to bring you the largest selection of science, art, technology and entertainment South Kensington has to offer. Join us for the Great Exhibition Road Festival on 28-30 June. Why do some students cheat? – There’s a lot of pressure to succeed in university, and students worldwide are turning to services they can pay to do their assignment for them. Researcher Dr Thomas Lancaster has been investigating why – and uncovering some aggressive tactics from essay mill services. The evolution of 3D printing – From rapid prototyping tool to manufacturing resource, 3D printing has evolved to the stage where we can now create aircraft parts, satellite components, medical implants and even copies of people’s faces. There is a lot of promise, but also potentially trouble, as the case of people printing their own guns shows. Tune into the rainforest – A new website created by our researchers streams sounds live from the Bornean rainforest. As well as being therapeutic, the project has some serious science behind it, as it tracks soundscapes across different landscapes from old-growth forest to totally cleared areas.
4/17/201925 minutes, 31 seconds
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Podcast: Entrepreneurship special

In this edition: We mark Imperial Enterprise Month with women entrepreneurs and leaders, plus advice for making businesses playful.   News: Alternatives to statins and dinosaur demise – We discover a new class of drugs that could lower cholesterol in people unable to take statins, and find out that the dinosaurs were thriving before the deadly asteroid strike. Agents for Change – Can six months of leadership training for women make a difference in the local community? We meet one participant of the Agents for Change programme based in our White City campus and hear how it has transformed her life. Better bone casts – We speak to Suchaya Mahuttanatan, the winner of this year’s WE Innovate programme for women entrepreneurs, who was inspired by her Dad breaking his arm when she was young. She created a new type of cast that is breathable, washable and easy to apply – making breaking bones less of a burden. The Playful Entrepreneur – Play is an essential way we learn about the world around us, but how can it be harnessed for entrepreneurship? In a new book, Imperial VP Innovation David Gann explores how noble behaviours – ambition, fortitude, craft and grace – can help businesses thrive through playfulness.
3/19/201923 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast: Fake news, safe flights and waiting for Marsquakes

In this edition: How researchers are tracing fake news, what happens when flights stray into the wrong airspace and listening to the interior of Mars.
2/21/201925 minutes, 48 seconds
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Podcast: Smart tattoos, the future of the NHS and next-generation vaccines

1/22/201926 minutes, 21 seconds
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Podcast: Shopping habits, chocolate fountain maths and genomic medicine

12/19/201824 minutes, 55 seconds
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Podcast: 1918 special to mark the First World War armistice centenary

11/21/201827 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast: Cancer-causing virus, feeding the world and updating The Planets

11/5/201824 minutes, 38 seconds
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Podcast: Purging polio, medic mental health and surgical simulations

11/5/201821 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast: Sustainable plastic, academic mental health and science communication

11/5/201825 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast: Sustainable plastic, academic mental health and science communication

10/24/201825 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast: Purging polio, medic mental health and surgical simulations

9/18/201820 minutes, 59 seconds
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Podcast: Cancer-causing virus, feeding the world and updating The Planets

8/21/201824 minutes, 34 seconds
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Podcast: Summer science, sparrow songs and the sounds of space

7/18/201818 minutes, 36 seconds
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39 years of musical direction

6/19/20187 minutes, 42 seconds
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News: A new type of photosynthesis and recovering from an asteroid strike

6/19/20184 minutes, 27 seconds
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50 years of glassblowing

6/19/20186 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast: Retiring legends in music and glass, and misdiagnosing diabetes

6/19/201824 minutes
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Misdiagnosing diabetes

6/19/20185 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast: Feast on the Festival and find out why Eurovision makes countries happy

5/23/201820 minutes, 53 seconds
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Taste of the Festival

5/23/201810 minutes, 21 seconds
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News: Curing the common cold and life on Mars

5/23/20183 minutes, 50 seconds
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Eurovision euphoria

5/23/20185 minutes, 39 seconds
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News: Weird reptiles and ImpFest preview

4/17/20185 minutes, 22 seconds
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Invention dimension

4/17/20185 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast: The science of drumming, Imperial inventions and a lost asteroid crater

4/17/201822 minutes, 40 seconds
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The science of drumming

4/17/20184 minutes, 51 seconds
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Hunting an asteroid crater

4/17/20186 minutes, 8 seconds
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Tune in to hearing aids

3/20/20188 minutes, 9 seconds
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The 106-year-old doctor

3/20/20186 minutes, 26 seconds
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News: The lorry park of England and puberty BMI link

3/20/20184 minutes, 12 seconds
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Podcast: The 106-year-old doctor, parent scientists and hearing aid games

3/20/201825 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Parenting Science Gang

3/20/20185 minutes, 52 seconds
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Podcast: The health effects of being poor and cheap solar power

2/21/201820 minutes, 49 seconds
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Health inequality in global cities

2/21/20185 minutes, 55 seconds
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The health effects of being poor

2/21/20185 minutes, 3 seconds
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Keeping the lights on in Cameroon

2/21/20185 minutes, 12 seconds
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News: Ozone woes and junior doctor strikes

2/21/20183 minutes, 56 seconds
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News: GP opening hours and testing Ebola resistance

1/24/20182 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast: Making maths connections, spotting the fakes and working with your hands

1/24/201821 minutes, 36 seconds
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Working with your hands

1/24/20186 minutes, 54 seconds
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Keeping the internet honest

1/24/20184 minutes, 6 seconds
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Making maths connections

1/24/20186 minutes, 31 seconds
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How environment affects health

12/19/20174 minutes, 14 seconds
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News: Cancer link and publication charts

12/19/20173 minutes, 25 seconds
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Podcast: Up in the air, a walk in the park and a hopeful New Year

12/19/201722 minutes, 54 seconds
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Air pollution problems

12/19/20174 minutes, 58 seconds
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Looking forward to 2018

12/19/20178 minutes, 52 seconds
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Felicia Yap and Holly Cave

11/20/201711 minutes, 10 seconds
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Alumni authors

11/15/20176 minutes, 30 seconds
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Antibiotics amnesty on film

11/15/20175 minutes, 18 seconds
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Predictive power in healthcare

11/15/20176 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast: Bringing science to fiction, bio-solar wallpaper, and healthcare data goes global

11/15/201723 minutes, 34 seconds
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News: Solar panelled wall paper, and celebrating the birthday of a 287-foot tower

11/15/20174 minutes, 49 seconds
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Imperial at the IPCC

10/18/20176 minutes, 20 seconds
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News: The scale of childhood obesity, the magic of mushrooms and treating trench foot

10/18/20175 minutes, 6 seconds
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Robots under the floorboards

10/18/20174 minutes, 33 seconds
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Podcast: Reporting on climate change, underfloor robots and the latest Fringe

10/18/201722 minutes, 54 seconds
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A tour around the Imperial universe

10/18/20175 minutes, 57 seconds
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On expedition with the Imperial College Caving Club

9/27/201715 minutes, 11 seconds
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Podcast: Brain buzzing, cave exploring and young scientists on the world stage

9/27/201721 minutes
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Podcast: Cassini's farewell, the myth of 'fat but fit' and bugs galore

8/16/201722 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast: Everest, drugs, and science on show

7/18/201719 minutes, 45 seconds
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Podcast: Life as a postdoc, reading brain age and sounding out scientists

6/21/201724 minutes, 17 seconds
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Podcast: Festival preview, Paralympic gadgets and house price woes

4/19/201722 minutes, 18 seconds
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Podcast: Science steps outside the lab with comedy, magic and outreach

3/15/201724 minutes, 19 seconds
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Podcast: Titanic evidence, Antarctic thriller and robots teaching emotions

2/15/201723 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast: Trumping climate change, enabling healthcare and weighty issues

1/18/201721 minutes
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Podcast: Climate and biotechnology futures, and disproving a 50-year-old theory

11/29/201623 minutes, 16 seconds
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Podcast: How planets are born, Crime Scene Imperial and knocking out delirium

11/8/201621 minutes, 4 seconds
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Podcast: Water everywhere, the future of fintech and ancient crocs

10/19/201618 minutes, 26 seconds
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Podcast: Virtual reality for vertigo, feather power and Rosetta's last mission

9/28/201619 minutes, 56 seconds
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Podcast: Train Trick, mammals on the edge and better bionic implants

8/31/201620 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast: steering UK space, healthier commuting and animal research numbers

8/10/201623 minutes, 50 seconds
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Podcast: summer science, farming shipping containers and a biological field trip

7/20/201621 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast: visions of the future, a crowning ceremony and a wall of knowledge

6/28/201622 minutes, 14 seconds
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Podcast: A case of the plague, innovating China and diamond solar cells

6/8/201620 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast: Sounds from the Imperial Festival 2016

5/18/201615 minutes, 5 seconds
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Podcast: Ice giants, climate diplomacy and Earth's flipping magnetic fields

4/27/201624 minutes, 28 seconds
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Podcast: Set for Parliament, better commuting and Atoms Family values

4/5/201622 minutes, 6 seconds
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Podcast: Meltdown lessons, future food and hunting the Northern Lights

3/8/201622 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast: sci-fi astrophysicist, Imperial at Davos, and ebola vaccine trial continues

1/26/201622 minutes, 1 second
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Imperial College London podcast: rocket science, climate deals and treating sepsis

1/6/201622 minutes, 17 seconds
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Imperial podcast 2 December 2015

12/1/201524 minutes, 22 seconds
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News: More neutrino joy and Cities of the Future

11/11/20157 minutes, 14 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 30 September 2015: In orbit, health detectives and saving joints

9/30/201524 minutes, 2 seconds
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Difficult choices, thirsty work and Designs for Life

9/8/201521 minutes, 36 seconds
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Podcast: tractor beams, soundscapes and time travel

7/15/201521 minutes, 57 seconds
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Imperial Podcast: Autopsies, antelopes and crocodiles

6/23/201522 minutes, 39 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 3 June 2015

6/3/201520 minutes, 38 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 13 May 2015

5/13/201520 minutes, 33 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 22 April 2015

4/22/201522 minutes, 56 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 25 March 2014

3/25/201520 minutes, 30 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 4 March 2015

3/3/201521 minutes, 27 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 11 February 2015

2/10/201523 minutes, 25 seconds
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Imperial Podcast: Plant pathogens, medical apps and the Machine Gunner

1/21/201521 minutes, 5 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 3 December 2014

12/2/201417 minutes, 51 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 12 November 2014

11/11/201421 minutes, 22 seconds
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Imperial Podcast: Universal sounds, green growth and invasive species

10/22/201421 minutes, 18 seconds
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Imperial Podcast: The sound of silence, molecular malaria map and mobile medical care

8/13/201425 minutes, 23 seconds
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Heart and lung repair shop

7/22/20147 minutes, 19 seconds
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Imperial Podcast: The heart of the sun and tackling obesity with soft drink tax

7/1/201418 minutes, 2 seconds
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Imperial Podcast - extracting copper, fibre diets and swimming bacteria

5/21/201418 minutes, 37 seconds
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Imperial Podcast: UK knowledge economy performance and global climate change report

4/9/201420 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast: online MBA, YoYo payment and wind farms

2/25/201416 minutes, 46 seconds
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Podcast: volcanoes, vaccinations and awaking Rosetta

2/4/201419 minutes, 41 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 15 January 2014

1/15/201420 minutes, 27 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 11 December 2013

12/10/201320 minutes, 35 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 20 November 2013

11/19/201324 minutes, 50 seconds
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Imperial Podcast 30 October 2013

10/29/201318 minutes, 45 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 9 October 2013

10/8/201321 minutes, 16 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 18 September 2013

9/17/201319 minutes, 43 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 28 August 2013

8/28/201324 minutes, 28 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 7 August 2013

8/6/201325 minutes, 51 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 10 July 2013

7/9/201326 minutes, 20 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 19 June 2013

6/19/201319 minutes, 55 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 22 May 2013

5/21/201329 minutes, 44 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 10 April 2013

4/9/201326 minutes, 48 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 20 March 2013

3/19/201323 minutes, 32 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 27 February 2013

2/26/201320 minutes, 29 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 16 January 2013

1/16/201320 minutes, 36 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 12 December 2012

12/11/201220 minutes, 30 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 21 November 2012

11/23/201220 minutes, 9 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 22 August 2012

8/21/201223 minutes, 7 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 1 August 2012

8/1/201218 minutes, 38 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 11 July 2012

7/10/201236 minutes, 44 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 20 June 2012

6/19/201227 minutes, 1 second
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Imperial College Podcast 30 May 2012

5/29/201224 minutes, 5 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 9 May 2012

5/9/201223 minutes, 37 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 18 April 2012

4/17/201229 minutes, 23 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 21 March 2012

3/20/201229 minutes, 39 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 29 February 2012

2/28/201226 minutes, 32 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast - 8 February 2012

2/8/201230 minutes, 56 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 18 January 2012

1/17/201231 minutes, 42 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 14 December 2011

12/13/201128 minutes, 25 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast – 23 November 2011

11/22/201127 minutes, 41 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast 2 November 2011

11/1/201127 minutes, 56 seconds
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Imperial College podcast 12 October 2011

10/13/201125 minutes, 30 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast – 21 September 2011

9/19/201125 minutes, 29 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast - 31 August 2011

8/31/201126 minutes, 35 seconds
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Imperial College podcast - 10 August 2011

8/9/201128 minutes, 26 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast - 20 July 2011

7/19/201124 minutes, 51 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast - 29 June 2011

6/28/201126 minutes, 41 seconds
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Imperial College podcast - 8 June 2011

6/7/201121 minutes, 26 seconds
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Imperial College podcast - 18 May 2011

5/17/201127 minutes, 36 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast - 13 April 2011

4/12/201123 minutes, 47 seconds
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Imperial College Podcast - 22 March 2011

3/23/201125 minutes, 51 seconds
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Imperial College podcast - 1 March 2011

3/1/201120 minutes, 50 seconds
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Imperial College podcast - 8 February 2011

2/8/201122 minutes, 7 seconds
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Imperial College podcast - 18 January 2011

1/18/201124 minutes, 43 seconds
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Imperial College podcast - 21 December 2010 festive special edition

12/21/201024 minutes, 23 seconds
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Imperial College podcast - 30 November 2010

11/30/201023 minutes, 48 seconds
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Imperial College podcast - 9 November 2010

11/9/201019 minutes, 52 seconds
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Magazine podcast - August 2010

8/1/201029 minutes, 42 seconds
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Magazine podcast - September 2010

8/1/201027 minutes, 46 seconds
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Magazine podcast - July 2010

7/1/201029 minutes, 51 seconds
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Magazine podcast - June 2010

6/1/201030 minutes, 27 seconds
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Magazine podcast - May 2010

5/1/201030 minutes, 1 second
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Magazine podcast - April 2010

4/1/201030 minutes, 52 seconds
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Magazine podcast - March 2010

3/1/201028 minutes, 29 seconds
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Magazine podcast - February 2010

2/1/201030 minutes, 49 seconds
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Magazine podcast - January 2010

1/1/201034 minutes, 36 seconds
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Magazine podcast - December 2009

12/1/200928 minutes, 39 seconds
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Magazine podcast - November 2009

11/1/200929 minutes, 54 seconds
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Magazine podcast - October 2009

9/1/200929 minutes, 45 seconds
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Magazine podcast - September 2009

9/1/200933 minutes, 26 seconds
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Magazine podcast - August 2009

7/1/200933 minutes, 33 seconds
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Magazine podcast - July 2009

7/1/200927 minutes, 55 seconds
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Magazine podcast - June 2009

6/1/200928 minutes, 37 seconds
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Magazine podcast - May 2009

5/1/200928 minutes, 4 seconds
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Magazine podcast - April 2009

4/1/200927 minutes, 3 seconds
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Magazine podcast - March 2009

3/1/200929 minutes, 57 seconds
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Magazine podcast - February 2009

2/1/200929 minutes, 43 seconds
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Magazine podcast - January 2009

1/1/200928 minutes, 37 seconds
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Magazine podcast - December 2008

12/1/200831 minutes, 22 seconds
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Magazine podcast - November 2008

11/1/200822 minutes, 11 seconds
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Magazine podcast - October 2008

10/1/200830 minutes, 25 seconds
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Magazine podcast - September 2008

9/1/200824 minutes, 8 seconds
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Magazine podcast - August 2008

8/1/200829 minutes, 1 second
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Magazine podcast - July 2008

7/1/200829 minutes, 45 seconds
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Magazine podcast - June 2008

6/1/200826 minutes, 58 seconds
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Magazine podcast - May 2008

5/1/200824 minutes, 8 seconds
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Magazine podcast - April 2008

4/1/200829 minutes, 11 seconds
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Magazine podcast - March 2008

3/1/200827 minutes, 54 seconds
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Magazine podcast - February 2008

2/1/200828 minutes, 36 seconds
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Magazine podcast - January 2008

1/1/200830 minutes, 13 seconds
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Magazine podcast - November 2007

11/1/200730 minutes, 7 seconds
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Magazine podcast - October 2007

10/1/200715 minutes, 28 seconds
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Magazine podcast - September 2007

9/1/200714 minutes, 2 seconds
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Magazine podcast - August 2007

8/1/200714 minutes, 51 seconds
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Magazine podcast - July 2007

7/1/200715 minutes, 30 seconds
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Magazine podcast - June 2007

6/1/200728 minutes, 1 second
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Magazine podcast - May 2007

5/1/200727 minutes, 56 seconds
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Magazine podcast - April 2007

4/1/200725 minutes, 30 seconds
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Magazine podcast - March 2007

3/1/200727 minutes, 28 seconds
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Magazine podcast - February 2007

2/1/200724 minutes, 32 seconds