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Imago Dei Community Profile

Imago Dei Community

English, Christianity, 1 season, 623 episodes, 2 days, 5 hours, 15 minutes
A church in Portland striving to love as God loves and proclaim the whole Gospel, to the whole person, to the whole world. Learn more about us at
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Images of Us: Twisted Pictures - Chris Nye

Lent is a time of repentance, of coming back to God through the acknowledgement of our humanity. Who are we before God and in his sight? For lent this year, we are repenting of the distorted images we carry of the church, the people of God, through an inspection of the biblical metaphors of us. Most of our visions of our community are distorted by our own history and lack any connection to the rich biblical images given to the people of God across Scripture. During Lent, we will lay down our distorted images of us and pick up God’s images for his church.
2/20/202442 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Priority of the People: Exchanging Cynicism for a Pure Heart - Chris Nye

Is God’s community worth investing in? The church used to be a place where we received cultural and social benefits, a place where we “found our people” and grew in our relationship with our surrounding community. But as culture has rapidly secularized and been inundated with technology, we don’t need the church for a good social life or even for spiritual content. The early followers of Jesus seemed to give the church their top priority, how did they do it and why? Strangely enough, the answers for why we should come back to church and give the church a priority in our life is not just found in the New Testament, but in a minor prophetic book called Haggai.
2/16/202444 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Priority of the People: Consider Your Ways - Chris Nye

Haggai is a minor prophet whose book is just two chapters. But it is packed full of a massive question: do we prioritize what God prioritizes? Hidden in this book is a call for the people of God: “Consider your ways,” Haggai says, and think about all the effort you put into all you prioritize: is it fulfilling? So much of modern life involves experiences of losses that we disguise as gains. What would happen if we reoriented our priorities with what God puts first?
2/7/202446 minutes, 54 seconds
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Prayers of Jesus: A Cry Unheard - Cheryl Denise Baker

For two weeks, we will be listening to Jesus pray. During his time on earth, the gospel writers record dozens of moments where Jesus cried out to God in public and in private. What did Jesus pray about and why is that important? While this series could last all year due to the number of prayers he prayed, we will spend three weeks looking at three different prayers of Jesus to ask this question: how can we join Jesus in his prayers for us?
1/30/202426 minutes, 48 seconds
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Prayers of Jesus: A Story Told - Michelle Jones

For two weeks, we will be listening to Jesus pray. During his time on earth, the gospel writers record dozens of moments where Jesus cried out to God in public and in private. What did Jesus pray about and why is that important? While this series could last all year due to the number of prayers he prayed, we will spend three weeks looking at three different prayers of Jesus to ask this question: how can we join Jesus in his prayers for us?
1/24/202440 minutes, 58 seconds
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Vision Sunday: Why would anyone in Portland go to church? - Chris Nye

With the cultural rewards of church attendance gone, what reasons are left to be a part of a church? We no longer rely on the church to build community, receive Christian teaching, or even to serve worthy causes. So what’s left? We are in need of fresh vision for God’s mission and church. This Sunday, we will look at our mission and our vision as a church and consider why on earth anyone in Portland would ever go to church.
1/9/202449 minutes, 35 seconds
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Following Jesus through the Gift of Limits - Bob Howard

Preacher: Bob Howard Text: 2 Corinthians 13:4
1/5/202435 minutes, 53 seconds
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Christmas Eve: Giving Up Our Search for God - Chris Nye

The wise men saw a star and went looking for God only to realize that the star was God looking for them. Meeting with Herod, they asked the whereabouts of the God incarnate, the king of the Jews, but none of their tactics worked. The strategy, might, and political power of Herod offered them nothing. Their own efforts to “seek God” only resulted in the great realization that God had sought after them. We do not find God through our own search for meaning. We find God when he reveals himself to us. Strangely, when we give up the search for God, we can finally see God has searched for us in Christ.
12/29/202324 minutes, 19 seconds
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God Arrives in the Dark: Our Woes - Michelle Jones

Joseph is the first story in Scripture to unpack (in a major way) God’s transformational presence in darkness. No one in all of the Old Testament gets as low and near death as Joseph: he is literally thrown in a grave, betrayed by his own family, and left for dead only to be sold as a slave. His narrative is one where we as readers are challenged to see the shocking presence of God in the depth of the grave. God arrives in the darkness of suffering in a way that foreshadows his ultimate arrival in Christ.
12/20/202337 minutes
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God Arrives in the Dark: Our Will - Chris Nye

When David is made king, he makes his first move a simple but profound one: he moves the ark of the covenant back to the center of life for God’s people. His willful action doesn’t bring the presence of God, rather, it brings the peoples’ attention to the fact that God is present. The season of Advent reminds us that no matter how dark, God is near. God’s presumed absence is often an invitation to our attention: where are we looking? What is at the center of our life? Just as David brought the ark in to remind the people of God’s commitment, what do we bring in to remind us of the same thing?
12/12/202340 minutes, 40 seconds
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God Arrives in the Dark: Our Waiting - Chris Nye

Simeon spent his whole life waiting for the Messiah to come. He spent his life alongside God’s people in darkness. And then he saw the child Jesus. His prayer shows us a profound theological reality of what happens to darkness when God arrives upon its depths.
12/6/202337 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jesus and the Samaritan Woman - Seth King

Jesus is good news even when things fall apart. In this episode, Pastor Seth King looks at the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman.
11/28/202341 minutes, 18 seconds
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We Believe: Forgiving the Church - Chris Nye

The final stanza of the Apostles’ Creed is, “I believe in the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.” The early church paired its belief in the church with its belief in forgiveness and resurrection. How do these two things relate? How can thinking about forgiveness and resurrection help us be more firmly committed to Jesus’ church?
11/20/202348 minutes, 24 seconds
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We Believe: The Holy Spirit - Alex Choi

At first glance, the Holy Spirit seems to get the least press in the Apostles Creed, just a single line. But the Holy Spirit actually pervades the entire creed, starting with the first two words: We believe.  The Holy Spirit has been working through all of history and is the power that brings us to belief. But how often do we turn to the Spirit for help, guidance, companionship and power? Regardless of the varying beliefs around the Holy Spirit, the church can all agree that there would be no church without the Spirit, and that same Spirit is working today through the church.
11/14/202342 minutes, 35 seconds
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We Believe: Terrific News Regarding Your Impending Judgment - Chris Nye

“He will come to judge the living and the dead.” This is the final line about Jesus in the Apostles’ Creed. We often think of judgment as a terrible aspect of God’s nature and work, but Paul told the church in Thessalonica to “encourage one another” in issues around the second coming of Christ. How is God’s judgment good news? And how can we encourage one another as we await his return?
11/7/202342 minutes, 28 seconds
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We Believe: The Emperor is a Footnote - Chris Nye

This week, we look at the line, “And in Jesus Christ, His Only Son…He suffered…crucified…descended…rose again and ascended…” from the Apostles’ Creed. Everyone today is trying to answer profound questions of life. Most often, we look to elite thinkers, culturally aware artists, and educated professionals to guide us. What does the Christian story have to offer to answer these deep questions about living? And why is the story of Jesus—an ancient rabbi and carpenter—still a story today that both explains history and transforms humanity? What happens when we confess Jesus as our Lord?
11/2/202339 minutes, 35 seconds
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We Believe: A Maker Among the Meaninglessness - Chris Nye

This week, we look at the line, “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,” from the Apostles’ Creed. What do we mean when we say we believe in God? Which God is this? The Apostles’ Creed leads us to the one who laid the foundations of the earth, who precedes time and space. To be a Christian is to be one who acknowledges creatureliness. We are not our own; we are made. What are the implications of believing we were not only created, but created by the same God who created everything and everyone else? How might having a Maker bring meaning to our lives?
10/24/202348 minutes, 34 seconds
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We Believe: Living Someone Else’s Truth - Chris Nye

Text: 1 Timothy 6:20-21Preacher: Chris NyeDescription: “I believe” is the starting point of the Apostles’ Creed. It is a declarative statement used to this day by all kinds of people for all kinds of things. In the Western world, we use “I believe” as a precursor for self identification, but in the ancient world, saying “I believe” was a way of identifying with others. Early Christians pledged allegiance to Jesus Christ as Lord, which caused them to both lose and gain a lot. How does our declaration of faith differ from anything else today and why does that matter?
10/16/202349 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sacred Spaces

Michelle Jones finishes the series on Sacred Spaces.
10/9/202338 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Liminal Space

Pastor Michelle Jones preaches on experiencing the "hereness" and nearness of God.
10/1/202347 minutes, 32 seconds
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Holy Ground

9/25/202331 minutes, 46 seconds
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Chris Nye's Installation Service

9/21/202345 minutes, 49 seconds
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Flowers and Foundations

9/11/202346 minutes, 2 seconds
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Beyond Me to Us: Communal

9/5/202345 minutes, 36 seconds
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Community Pt. 2

8/30/202334 minutes, 50 seconds
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A City Not Forsaken

8/21/202342 minutes, 6 seconds
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Saving Justice Week 2

8/14/202333 minutes, 46 seconds
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Saving Justice Week 1

8/7/202339 minutes, 58 seconds
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Planting Gardens in a Placeless Age

7/31/202336 minutes, 49 seconds
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7/24/202340 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Thing about New Wine

7/17/202341 minutes, 16 seconds
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Wisdom for Wandering

7/13/202339 minutes, 45 seconds
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To Be Continued...

7/3/202336 minutes, 51 seconds
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6/29/202318 minutes, 58 seconds
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To Be the People of God

6/19/202332 minutes, 32 seconds
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To Be the Beloved of the Father

6/13/202349 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Space Between

6/5/202333 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Spirit isn't Done with You Yet

5/29/202340 minutes, 1 second
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There is More Jesus for You to Know

5/22/202344 minutes, 39 seconds
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Into One New Diverse Community of Jesus

5/15/202343 minutes, 49 seconds
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Abased and Abound

5/8/202341 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why We Have Hope that All is Being Made Well

5/1/202337 minutes, 12 seconds
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To Be a Signpost of the Kingdom

4/25/202332 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Different Kind of Witness

4/17/202339 minutes, 3 seconds
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Behold Your King

4/10/202323 minutes, 46 seconds
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Confessions of the Kingdom

4/3/202351 minutes, 4 seconds
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Confession of Another Kingdom

3/27/202339 minutes, 21 seconds
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Kingdom is like...

Pastor Michelle Jones explains that parables are like time bombs that only explode after they permeate our hearts. Jesus uses them to cause us to wonder and ponder and see the kingdom of God in a fresh way.
3/20/202339 minutes, 35 seconds
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Opposed King and Kingdom

Jesus is performing a series of healings. The crowds are following him and the Pharisees are getting fed up. They object to two things: he reframes the Sabbath as a gift rather than rules; and he heals people on the Sabbath, which their rules forbid. Jesus’s mission and humble character—he refuses to put himself on a platform or use power to defeat the religious rulers. He prefers quiet and unnoticed ways to show his divine nature, rather than applause. We want attention. Unfortunately, making a lot of noise and branding ourselves gets us the wrong attention.
3/13/202335 minutes, 59 seconds
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King of the Upside Down Kingdom

Pastor @rjmckinley will be with us tomorrow looking at the Sermon on the Mount looking at the Kingship of Jesus throughout Matthew’s gospel, the priorities and values of the Kingdom that shaped Jesus’ life and ministry and ultimately led him to the cross. This 7-week study will call us to contemplate the truly humble and sacrificial nature of Christ’s royalty, revealing how antithetical the Kingdom of God is to the kingdom’s of the world. These truths invite us to humble ourselves before the humble crucified King, so that he alone can lift us up through his resurrection power.
3/6/202349 minutes, 3 seconds
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The King, The Devil, and The Wilderness

As we enter the season of Lent Pastor Alex Choi examined Jesus 40 days of fasting and temptation in the wilderness. He shows us that Jesus really was exhausted and stretched just like us but resisted. Because he has been where we've been he is able to offer us sympathy that really matters.
2/27/202337 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Lasting Life

Pastor Chris Nye shares a refreshing and thoughtful message on Psalm 1 expounding on a life that flourishes and life that withers.
2/13/202341 minutes, 28 seconds
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Vocation as Worship, Resistance, and Blessing

We want to call our community into our practices that saturate us in the gospel for our own transformation, and send us into the world. Pastor Mike Dean expounds on our practice of vocation and show us how it is worship, resistance and blessing.
2/6/202349 minutes, 9 seconds
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Generosity as Worship, Resistance, and Blessing

As we start 2023 we want to call our community into our practices that saturate us in the gospel for our own transformation, and send us into the world. This week Pastor Alex Choi will expound on our practice of generosity and show us how it is worship, resistance and blessing.
1/30/202332 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sabbath as Worship, Resistance, and Blessing

We want to call our community into our practices that saturate us in the gospel for our own transformation, and send us into the world. Yesterday pastor Rick expounded on our practice of sabbath rest and showing us how it is worship, resistance and blessing.
1/23/202351 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hospitality as Worship, Resistance, and Blessing

We are calling our community into our practices that saturate us in the gospel for our own transformation, and send us into the world. This week pastor Michelle Jones expounds on our practice of hospitality and show us how it is worship, resistance and blessing.
1/16/202334 minutes, 19 seconds
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Practicing Discernment

Pastor Rick McKinley explains the concept of exile and challenges how to live out of the gospel not just in the framework of the culture or in the church. He gives a vision for living according to the way of Jesus that engages with culture without becoming assimilated by it.
1/9/202341 minutes, 49 seconds
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Hide & Seek

What are you seeking in 2023? You are going to seek something. Jesse Lusko teaches from Colossians 3:1-17 that if you give your heart and mind to anything other than Jesus it will bring drivenness, anxiety, and anger. But if we seek Jesus above all else we will become people of peace.
1/2/202342 minutes, 43 seconds
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Worship Fully

This Christmas season we have been returning to the roots of Advent Conspiracy seeking to spend less, give more, love all, and worship fully. Pastor Rick McKinley concludes the series leading us to worship fully and teaching us how to follow Jesus in a consumer culture.
12/19/202240 minutes, 1 second
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Love All

We are returning to the roots of Advent Conspiracy seeking to spend less, give more, worship fully and love all. Pastor Seth King will be explaining the vision to "love all" and teaching us how to follow Jesus in a consumer culture.
12/12/202237 minutes, 7 seconds
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Give More

As we return to the core concepts of Advent Conspiracy, Michelle Jones showed us that the "Give More" of Christmas is not simply giving out extra funds, Jesus gave his entire being humbling himself, becoming human, and going to the cross.  We are called to follow him in a life of generosity. 
12/5/202234 minutes, 43 seconds
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Spend Less

Pastor Rick McKinley takes back to the core ideas of Advent Conspiracy and explains how we can celebrate Christ's coming in a consumer culture.
11/28/202241 minutes, 26 seconds
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Faithful & True Witness

Pastor Alex Choi brings a message based on Jesus words to the church at Laodicea. Clarifying some misconceptions he helps see that when we add religious rules to the simple command to love one another we end up alienating ourselves and others from God.
11/21/202245 minutes, 34 seconds
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Spirit to Spirit

Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series "How to hear God" reflecting on how God speaks to us through community.
11/14/202240 minutes, 40 seconds
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Important Announcement - Panel

Pastor Rick, Jeanie and the Elders share a significant update about the future of Imago Dei Central City and a transition in Rick McKinley's role.
11/7/202240 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Water Project Panel - Humphrey & Janet

A special interview with Janet and Humphrey of the Water Project hosted by Pastor Rick and Jeanne. Learn about the lives our being impacted as areas of Kenya receive clean drinking water and more.
10/31/202243 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Voice of God in Community

Pastor Rick McKinley continues the series "How to Hear God" explaining how God speaks in our gatherings through the story of the scripture and the symbols of the Lord's supper.
10/24/202241 minutes, 44 seconds
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Hearing God's Whisper

Pastor Rick gives a deeply insightful message on how the Spirit of God speaks to us and methods for discerning what is really from God and what is simply our own thinking. Learn to hear the whisper of God.
10/17/202242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Prayer, the Living Relationship

Our centering practice is to "Hear and Obey the Word and the Spirit." Michelle Jones explains how prayer can become a holy conversation with God.
10/10/202249 minutes, 9 seconds
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Scripture, the Living Text

Our centering practice is to "Hear and Obey the Word and the Spirit." In our context we fail to do this not because we lack access to the scripture or the content and resources. We fail to do this because of a like of desire. We must remember that the whole Bible points us to Jesus and seek him for renewed vision of grace and appetite for his word.
10/3/202231 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jesus, the Living Word

This fall we will take a deep dive into our first and centering practice: Hear and Obey the Word and Spirit with the series “How to hear God.” In this eight-week series, we will explore the how to hear the voice of God, the ways in which God speaks to us, and what that looks like in community. We dive in with the hope of becoming a community that listens to the God’s voice and has ears to hear Him speaking to us personally and collectively.
9/26/202239 minutes, 55 seconds
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From Faith to Foolishness

Pastor Michelle Jones concludes our annual prayers series declaring: "may God bless us with just enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in the world, so that we can do what others claim cannot be done."
9/19/202230 minutes, 32 seconds
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From Observation to Compassion

Pastor Alex Choi shares a deeply insightful message from Mark 2 showing that we are often quicker to assign guilt in places where Jesus instead offers compassion. He challenges us to become people who offer comfort instead of judgment.
9/12/202236 minutes, 33 seconds
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From Outrage to Advocacy

Pastor Rick McKinley explains that Jesus is willing to make a scene to confront our broken and malformed definitions of power. Jesus flipped the tables to show us that the true power of God is marked by a concern for the oppressed, it moves us from outrage to advocacy.
9/5/202242 minutes, 54 seconds
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From Shallow to Deeper

Pastor Michelle Jones began our annual prayer series declaring us "Move us, Lord!" This week we looked at the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, asking the Spirit to move us from shallow to deeper.
8/29/202238 minutes, 3 seconds
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Saving Justice - This Joy

Michelle Jones shares a deeply moving account of the resilience and celebration within the black church in the United States. This joy can only be described as supernatural in light of their suffering. Faith gives us the power to rejoice in all our trials.
8/15/202234 minutes, 48 seconds
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Saving Justice - Justice as a Way of Being

Pastor Seth King explains his own process of coming to understand the significance of justice to the heart of God and the story of the Bible. He challenges us to go beyond merely adopting mainstream social justice with a Christian twist to really being shaped by the God who constantly moves toward the outcast and oppressed. Finally, we are pressed to honestly ask ourselves: "Where am I being invited to live more justly?"
8/8/202241 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Time To Give Up

Michelle Lang-Raymond shares a striking message on how we often like the idea of change until we see that it will require sacrifice. Sometimes we must give up if we are going grow and move forward into mature love.
8/1/202240 minutes, 21 seconds
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Saving Justice - Generosity as Justice

To conclude the Saving Justice series pastor Seth King explains that justice in action looks like a life of radical generosity. He interviews three people in our community who have lived lives that stand out as examples.
8/1/202238 minutes, 27 seconds
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Faith After Disruption - The Wilderness and the Cross

The wilderness is not a comfortable place to be, but Christians for millennia have taught that it has the ability to transform us. In-between spaces have the ability to change us for the good and show us the things that control us and sabotage our peace. Finally, we see that in the midst of the pain of liminal spaces we can look to Jesus who entered the ultimate wilderness for us.
7/25/202249 minutes, 58 seconds
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Faith After Disruption - What Renewal Requires

Pastor Rick McKinley looks at the life of King Hezekiah in 2 Chronicles 29-31 giving us a type case of how renewal happens. We examine the results it can produce in our lives and are confronted with the question, "what do we need personally and collectively for renewal to take place?"
7/18/202249 minutes, 13 seconds
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Faith After Disruption - Picking Up Healthy Practices

Over the course of the pandemic we laid down some valuable faith habits, sometimes through no fault of our own because of lockdown and limitations. We also may have picked up some unhealthy and unhelpful habits that we don't want to carry forward in our lives. Pastor Rick McKinley shares how in the book of 2 Kings renewal came when God's word was restored to its ultimate place.
7/11/202249 minutes, 49 seconds
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Faith After Disruption - Moving from Self Protection to Selfless Love

Between the threat of a deadly virus and the political division there have been many reasons to feel averse to hospitality. Pastor Bob Howard explains that when we see the way that Jesus welcomed us, it can fill us with deep love to wholly welcomes those we normally would not.
7/4/202246 minutes, 47 seconds
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Faith After Disruption - What Needs to be Healed

When you have lived in survival mode you know that it can serve you well, but if you remain there flourishing ceases to even be an option. Instead, you are always left waiting for the next attack. In the book of Jeremiah God promises a Messiah who will heal us and bring us into a place of thriving.
6/27/202237 minutes, 53 seconds
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Faith After Disruption - What Matters Most

The pandemic and all of the recent turmoil put things into perspective. It stripped us of our illusions that we are able to control reality as our systems broke down on many levels. Isaiah 40 calls us to look to the God who keeps the cosmos in orbit, turn from our fragile idols, and see what really matters.
6/20/202239 minutes, 19 seconds
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Faith After Disruption - What We Lost

A series aimed at addressing and naming the loss and changes that have occurred over the last two+ years. It’s easy to move on and hope everything goes back to normal but this was not an interruption but a disruption. We picked up bad habits and laid down good ones, our faith changed, our spiritual practices suffered or floundered in faith or disappeared from church. Loved ones died, marriages ended, jobs were lost or changed, people moved in and people left. So much has happened. We will ask what it looks like for us to move toward wholeness in Jesus together in the year to come. But before we move forward, we should ask Jesus to help us name, and heal, and surrender and start again, afresh in grace, mercy and community.
6/13/202236 minutes, 9 seconds
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Dr. David Wilkinson - Jesus, The Key to the Cosmos

Dr. David Wilkinson is an astrophysicist and theologian at Durham University in the United Kingdom. He explains that science is a magnificent pursuit describing how the cosmos operates and discovering the principles behind physical reality but it cannot dictate the value, meaning, and purpose that we all long for.
6/6/202242 minutes, 15 seconds
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Prophetic Witness - Radical Family / Relentless Faith

We live isolated lives and are especially prone to avoid those we disagree with. The author of Hebrews challenged his audience to practice hospitality even in the hostile Roman culture. As we learn to welcome strangers into our lives we become reflections of the Christ who welcomed us.
5/30/202242 minutes, 8 seconds
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What is Faith? - Two Mountains and the Consuming Fire

What do you do when everything you have built your life upon is shaken? In this teaching from Hebrews, pastor Rick McKinley explains that God is willing to rattle our idols and shake up our attachments so that he can show us Mt. Zion; the one kingdom the cannot be shaken.
5/23/202249 minutes, 50 seconds
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What is Faith? - Being Disciplined by a Loving God

5/16/202232 minutes, 39 seconds
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What is Faith? - Run With Perseverance

5/9/202238 minutes, 39 seconds
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What is Faith? - Pictures of Persevering Faith pt. 2

5/2/202239 minutes, 50 seconds
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What is Faith? - Pictures of Persevering Faith

4/25/202242 minutes, 1 second
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Resurrection Hope

4/18/202231 minutes, 19 seconds
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Jesus Your Priest: Deliberate Rebellion

4/11/202248 minutes, 27 seconds
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Jesus Your Priest: The Heavenly Tabernacle

4/4/202241 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jesus Your Priest: Jesus, Minister of a Better Covenant

Guest Speaker A.J. Swoboda teaches from Hebrews 8.
3/28/202246 minutes, 36 seconds
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Jesus Your Priest: Jesus, Our Priest Forever

3/21/202238 minutes, 14 seconds
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Jesus Your Priest: Jesus, The Anchor of our Soul

3/14/202237 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jesus is Better - Jesus Your Priest: Two Warnings

3/7/202249 minutes, 1 second
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Growing in Character and Gifting

Guest Speaker Dr. Lucy Peppiatt (Westminster Theological Centre) preaches through 1 Peter 5:1-11.
2/28/202226 minutes, 7 seconds
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Jesus is Better - Jesus the Suffering Son and Eternal Priest

2/21/202235 minutes, 7 seconds
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Jesus is Better - Our Great Human Priest

2/14/202237 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jesus is Better - Enter the rest of Jesus

Pastor Rick Mckinley continues our series in Hebrews - Jesus is Better
2/7/202235 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jesus is Better - Greater than Moses

Pastor Michelle Jones continues our series in Hebrews - Jesus is Better.
1/31/202245 minutes, 39 seconds
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Jesus is Better - Our Merciful Priest

Pastor Alex Choi continues in our teaching series: Hebrews : Jesus is Better
1/24/202236 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jesus is Better - Don't Ignore Jesus' Salvation

1/17/202236 minutes, 13 seconds
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Jesus is God: Intro to Hebrews

Pastor Rick Mckinley opens up our new series in Hebrews: Jesus is Better.
1/10/202237 minutes, 30 seconds
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Finding Our Way in the New Year

1/2/202227 minutes, 56 seconds
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Advent: Our Liberating King - Poor // Good News

12/20/202149 minutes, 12 seconds
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Advent: Our Liberating King - Mourning // Comfort

12/13/202143 minutes, 8 seconds
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Advent: Our Liberating King - Captive // Freedom

Pastor Rick McKinley continues Advent 2021 with week two: Captive // Freedom
12/6/202135 minutes, 12 seconds
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Advent: Our Liberating King - Brokenhearted Joy

11/29/202145 minutes, 15 seconds
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Authentic Spirituality - How to Deal with Sin and Forgiveness

11/22/202142 minutes, 11 seconds
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Authentic Spirituality - God's Covenant with David

11/15/202129 minutes, 4 seconds
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Authentic Spirituality - How (not) to Worship a King

Pastor Bob continues our "Authentic Spirituality - The Life of David" Series
11/8/202149 minutes, 7 seconds
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Authentic Spirituality - David Becomes King

11/1/202132 minutes, 39 seconds
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Authentic Spirituality - David & Abigail

Pastor Michelle Jones continues our "Authentic Spirituality" Series.
10/25/202136 minutes, 55 seconds
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Authentic Spirituality - How to Find God in the Wilderness

10/18/202146 minutes, 41 seconds
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Authentic Spirituality - In the Valley of Elah

10/11/202128 minutes, 42 seconds
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Authentic Spirituality - David Anointed: Chosen by Grace

Pastor Rick Mckinley kicks off our new sermon series "Authentic Spirituality: The Life of King David"
10/4/202134 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Praying Church - The Blessing Church

Guest Speaker Bill Dogterom (Vanguard University) wraps up our series "The Praying Church"
9/27/202132 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Praying Church - The Believing Church

Pastor Rick continues with "The Praying Church" sermon series.
9/20/202140 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Praying Church - The Belonging Church

Pastor Rick continues our series "The Praying Church"
9/13/202137 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Praying Church - The Breathing Church

Pastor Michelle Jones kicks off the new sermon series "The Praying Church"
9/6/202137 minutes, 24 seconds
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Faith That Flourishes In Anxious Times

Pastor Rick preaches this Stand-Alone Sermon
8/30/202144 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Healing of the Two Daughters

Pastor Alex Choi preaches from Luke 8 in this Stand-Alone sermon.
8/23/202133 minutes, 9 seconds
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Unstoppable Dreams - The Healing of the Leper

Pastor Alex Choi continues our series "Unstoppable Dreams"
8/16/202135 minutes, 14 seconds
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Unstoppable Dreams - Freedom Through Suffering

8/9/202134 minutes, 25 seconds
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Unstoppable Dreams - Joseph in the Palace

8/2/202137 minutes, 28 seconds
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Unstoppable Dreams - From Bad to Worse

7/26/202125 minutes, 37 seconds
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Unstoppable Dreams

7/19/202131 minutes, 37 seconds
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Everyday Grace - Wrestling With God

7/12/202138 minutes, 21 seconds
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Everyday Grace - Grace Alone

Pastor Rick McKinley continues our new subseries, Everyday Grace.
7/5/202135 minutes, 23 seconds
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Everyday Grace

6/28/202125 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sojourners - When God Tests Your Faith

6/21/202129 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sojourners - More Than We Can Imagine

6/14/202131 minutes, 26 seconds
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Sojourners - God the Anchor

6/7/202140 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sojourners - Into the Unknown

5/31/202141 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sojourners - Walking by Faith in a Strange Land

God scattered His people at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 and called the nations back to Him in Acts 2 through Pentecost. God used Pentecost to unite Himself to His image, bearing creation once again through Christ and Spirit. This week, Pastor Bob Howard starts off our new sermon series, Sojourners: Walking by Faith in a Strange Land.
5/24/202139 minutes, 50 seconds
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Bearing the Image of God Together - Bonus Teaching Part 3

The final part of our bonus teachings walking through our new position change. To find more resources about our new position visit
5/19/202141 minutes, 10 seconds
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Bearing the Image of God Together - Women and Leadership

5/17/202145 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bearing the Image of God Together - Bonus Teaching Part 2

Part two of three bonus teachings walking through our new position change. To find more resources about our new position visit
5/12/202150 minutes, 45 seconds
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Bearing the Image of God Together - Jesus and Women

Part two of our series, “Bearing the Image of God Together.” Throughout this series, we are exploring God’s intent for men and women to co-lead in the stewardship of creation and in the ministry of His Church. This week, Pastor Michelle Jones examines how we see the heart of God for women through the person and ministry of Jesus.
5/10/202120 minutes, 24 seconds
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Bearing the Image of God Together - Bonus Teaching Part 1

Part one of three bonus teachings walking through our new position change. To find more resources about our new position visit
5/5/202132 minutes, 27 seconds
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Bearing the Image of God Together

Pastors Rick Mckinley and Michelle Jones kick off our new series walking through the theology of our new mutualist position. 
5/3/202137 minutes, 13 seconds
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The God-Breathed Life - Sabbath, Crown of Creation

The blessings God speaks over creation in Genesis 2 reveal His ongoing, life-giving care for us. Day seven of the creation story is a celebration of God’s creative work. We continue to observe this sacred pause in the rhythm of our work to remember who we belong to. Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series.
4/26/202129 minutes, 26 seconds
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The God-Breathed Life - The Life of the Spirit

Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series, Genesis: The God-breathed Life. This week explores the activity of the Spirit of God in Genesis 1 and across Scripture. The same Spirit who turned a formless void into a world of creation is present with us today, bringing about new creation in us.
4/19/202140 minutes, 40 seconds
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The God Breathed Life

The world of Genesis resists scientific reduction and mythological fantasy. It is neither anti-science nor anti-mystery. Join us as we find ancient answers to the big questions still relevant today. Pastor Rick McKinley begins our series, Genesis: The God-breathed Life.
4/12/202132 minutes, 28 seconds
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Easter 2021

While what we celebrate at Easter—the resurrection of Jesus Christ—remains steadfast, we acknowledge that this year looks and feels different. For over a year, we have carried the burdens of worldwide sickness, deep loss, anxiety and polarization. We cannot gloss over these struggles, but we can create space for honest conversation and honest stories about who Jesus is. In our cultural moment, we’ve seen Jesus invoked to serve worldly agendas that differ greatly from the Jesus we see in Scripture—the One who set the ultimate example of unconditional love and radical reconciliation. We believe this real Jesus has real hope to offer us today. After you watch the service, we invite you to bring your questions, thoughts and curiosity to any of our follow-up opportunities. Learn more here:
4/5/202142 minutes, 34 seconds
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Christ Our Life - A Living Witness

The way we treat and relate to one another matters deeply because we are living witnesses of Christ to the world. Pastor Mike Dean concludes our series, Colossians: Christ Our Life. Call to Worship Prayer for our Schools, Parents, Kids, Teachers & Administrators: Spirit of God, We ask that You would grant us eyes to see and ears to hear the places You are interested in making much of our vocations. For the family of God, humble our hearts that we would put on love and thankfulness. Shape us into people who are constantly speaking wisdom and truth to one another for the building up of Your body under the headship of Christ. And by this love that we find in Christ, may we live wisely among those who do not yet believe in order that we might make the most of every opportunity. May all our words be gracious and attractive, so that many more will come to dwell in Your presence.
3/29/202135 minutes, 12 seconds
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Christ Our Life - The Selfish - Self

What do you put on when someone offends you? Spite? Anger? Those clothes don’t fit you anymore now that you are in Christ. Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series, Colossians: Christ Our Life, with a message on Colossians 3:5-17.
3/22/202131 minutes, 4 seconds
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Christ Our Life - Setting Our Hearts

What Paul teaches in Colossians is predicated on one little phrase: Christ in us. Salvation isn’t merely an explanation; it is Jesus Christ living and breathing in us. We give Him all that we are, and He give us all that He is. Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series, Colossians: Christ Our Life.
3/15/202133 minutes, 51 seconds
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Christ Our Life - God in Bodily Form

Pastor Mike Dean is back! This week he continues our series, Colossians: Christ Our Life, with a message on the spiritual fullness found simply and completely in Christ.
3/8/202121 minutes, 21 seconds
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Christ Our Life - The Path to Maturity

Ruben Alvarado, Imago Dei’s pastor of local outreach, continues our series on Colossians with a message on Paul’s mission to lead the Church to maturity in Christ. While many of us might at times discount ourselves due to our age, education or circumstances, Paul makes it clear that everyone following Jesus is meant to pursue this maturity.
3/1/202131 minutes, 12 seconds
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Christ our Life - Immovable in Hope

Sunday worship is a means of grace. It is a place where we realign ourselves with the Gospel. The more we are faithful to this practice, the longer we stay aligned. Alex Choi, Imago Dei’s executive pastor, continues our series Colossians: Christ Our Life.
2/22/202122 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christ our Life - The Supreme King

Pastor Michelle Jones continues our series, Colossians: Christ Our Life. In Colossians 1:15-20, we find Paul’s clearest picture of Christ's authority and sovereignty over all things, and particularly the Church.
2/15/202119 minutes, 18 seconds
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Christ our Life

Pastor Rick McKinley begins a new series on the book of Colossians. In this remarkable book, Paul offers perhaps the clearest picture of Christ's fullness and sufficiency. Join us as we seek to expand our view of Jesus and deepen our understanding of what it means to be united with Him.
2/8/202134 minutes, 9 seconds
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Freedom Through Forgiveness - The Process and The Promise

2/1/202133 minutes, 11 seconds
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Freedom Through Forgiveness - Strongholds of Unforgiveness

1/25/202136 minutes, 46 seconds
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Freedom Through Forgiveness - The Power of Forgiveness

The act of forgiveness has the power to heal and the potential to bring about great change. Pastor Rick McKinley preaches at our first live-streamed service.
1/18/202124 minutes, 49 seconds
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Freedom Through Forgiveness - The Problem with Forgiveness

This Sunday, Pastor Michelle Jones begins our new series, Freedom through Forgiveness. Forgiveness is not quick, easy work. In this introductory message, Michelle explores what forgiveness is AND what it’s not.
1/10/202121 minutes, 14 seconds
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Becoming a Seeker

We are all seekers. No matter what we buy, acquire, or reach, we ultimately find ourselves seeking something more. We seek because we were created in the image of a relational, triune God—Father, Son, and Spirit who seek to love and delight in one another. As we begin a new year, Pastor Rick McKinley looks to the Scriptures to consider what it might look like to give ourselves over to seeking what God seeks. 
1/4/202130 minutes, 33 seconds
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A Conversation with Amy Oden

In this special podcast episode, Rick interviews Dr. Amy Oden, a professor and author of Right Here, Right Now: The Practice of Christian Mindfulness. Focusing specifically on spiritual practice and hospitality despite the challenges and obstacles of the pandemic era, this conversation is a timely resource as we enter a new year. This conversation was recorded via Zoom; we apologize for the moments of poor sound quality.
12/29/202030 minutes, 1 second
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Moving Forward with Hope

While most of us are glad to see the end of 2020, we know the new year will likely carry many of the same challenges and struggles. So how do we move forward with hope? Pastor Michelle Jones preaches from Mark 6.
12/27/202022 minutes, 58 seconds
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Praying Between the Advents - God Be All in All

12/20/202017 minutes, 30 seconds
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Praying Between the Advents - God Speak to Us

12/15/202017 minutes, 3 seconds
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Praying Between the Advents - God Live Among Us

12/6/202027 minutes, 1 second
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Praying Between the Advents - Come Lord Jesus

This Sunday is the start of Advent, the season in which we anticipate the coming of our Savior at Christmas. This year, our Advent sermon series seeks to connect Israel’s anticipation for the Messiah leading up to the birth of Jesus and our own longings as we wait for Christ to come again. How do we pray between these two Advents? 
11/29/202016 minutes, 2 seconds
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Kingdom Citizens - Bearing Witness to the King

11/22/202021 minutes, 58 seconds
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Kingdom Citizens - Economy of the Kingdom

Jesus spoke more about money than about faith and prayer combined; eleven of His forty parables are about money. How we use and approach it reveals a lot about our hearts. Jesus not only understood this but directed much of His teaching to challenge the destructive ways in which our hearts tend to get wrapped around money. Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series.
11/15/202020 minutes, 23 seconds
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Kingdom Citizens - Healing the Divide

Description: As Kingdom Citizens, we are called to be agents of healing in the world. At the close of an election that has shown us how severely divided we are as a nation, God’s people have work to do. We must not lose sight of each other’s humanity—no matter how different our views and experiences—and practice loving each other with sincerity, honor, goodness, and devotion. Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series. 
11/8/202030 minutes, 9 seconds
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Kingdom Citizens: Is Jesus More Political than Us?

Pastor Rick McKinley explores the book of Acts for insight about the relationship Jesus and the Apostles had to political power. As Kingdom Citizens, we continue to write this story by orienting our lives around Jesus and His reign.
11/1/202023 minutes, 50 seconds
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Kingdom Citizens: Seeing the Kingdom

The way we behave in the public square communicates who we are and what we believe to those around us. Do we act as if we are God-shaped and belong to Him? In this Sunday’s powerful and practical sermon, Pastor Michelle Jones explores what Scripture tells us about how we should speak, debate, win and lose as we engage others with different views and experiences.
10/25/202037 minutes, 40 seconds
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Imago's 20th Anniversary

This episode includes greetings from:Joshua Ryan Butler - pastor at Redemption Tempe & former Imago pastorHeather Thomas - pastor at Missio Dei in Salt Lake City & former Imago pastorEric Knox - executive director of HOLLA Mentors & former Imago pastorThe Isensee & Dale Families - Imago global staff in NepalJillana Goble - Founder of Every Child OregonMark Strong - Pastor of Life Change Church in PortlandLuis and Kevin Palau - evangelist & president of the Luis Palau AssociationOur partners from the Water Project in KenyaVolunteers and attendees of Imago with CityTeam Portland 
10/20/202025 minutes, 8 seconds
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Kingdom Citizens - The Way Of Suffering Love

10/11/202032 minutes, 21 seconds
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Kingdom Citizens

Pastor Rick McKinley begins a new series that delves into the theology of the Kingdom of God. Our God calls us to be citizens of this Kingdom, a people redeemed by the power of Christ’s blood, a family that belongs to one another. What is this Kingdom of God, and what difference does it make as we engage the world we live in today? 
10/4/202022 minutes, 37 seconds
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In Times of Crisis

9/27/202025 minutes, 28 seconds
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Jars of Clay - Reconciliation Through the Reconciler

September 20th, 2020 Pastor Mike Dean wraps up our sermon series Jars of Clay. This Sunday we dig into the gift of reconciliation and why it is not something we can keep to ourselves.
9/20/202024 minutes, 1 second
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Jars of Clay - Living for the Lord, Dying to Self

What does it mean to live not for ourselves but for Jesus? Pastor Rick McKinley explores the picture Paul paints of a life compelled by love as our Jars of Clay series continues. Give to wildfire relief: See fall 2020 groups:
9/13/202026 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jars of Clay - The Glory That Awaits Us

September 6th, 2020God is not calling His Church to just get "back to normal." How might we learn to see with new eyes the Spirit-led opportunities in our current moment? Michelle Jones continues our Jars of Clay series.
9/6/202024 minutes, 45 seconds
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Jars of Clay - Jars Filled with Glory

We are being formed by the Spirit into the image of Jesus, who lives through us for the sake of others. What do we do with the tension between this hope-filled process and the reality of the brokenness that exists within us and within our world? Pastor Rick McKinley continues our Jars of Clay series.
8/30/202024 minutes, 19 seconds
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Jars of Clay - Beholding Glory With Unveiled Faces

8/23/202026 minutes, 33 seconds
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Jars of Clay - New Covenant, New Creation

8/16/202027 minutes, 12 seconds
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Undistracted - Part 4

August 9th, 2020How do we resist the constant pull toward distraction in our on-demand, technology-filled culture? What’s really at stake in this struggle over what we allow to capture our attention? AJ Swoboda returns to wrap up our sermon series.
8/9/202024 minutes, 2 seconds
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Undistracted - Part 3

August 2nd, 2020  Pastor Michelle Jones continues our Undistracted series with a sermon on Mark 5:25-34. God calls us to notice people and pain that often go unseen in our world. How can we learn to listen for the moments when we need stop and pay attention to this call?
8/2/202030 minutes, 4 seconds
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Undistracted - Part 2

July 26th, 2020Professor and Author AJ Swoboda continues our series, Undistracted. This week, AJ highlights the power of paying attention in three biblical stories: Moses and the burning bush (Exodus 3), Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), and Peter heals a man at the temple gate (Acts 3:1-10).
7/26/202023 minutes, 52 seconds
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Undistracted - Part 1

July 19th, 2020 Professor and author AJ Swoboda leads us in a new sermon series focused on finding freedom from the distraction of our non-stop, technology-filled world and creating space for the Word and the Spirit of God to move and work in us.
7/19/202024 minutes, 2 seconds
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We Are The Church - Justice People

June 12th, 2020 We have extended our We Are The Church sermon series one more week! This Sunday Pastor Michelle Jones speaks on injustice and how we as the church are called to actively care about doing justice, loving mercy, and entering conversations about race and reconciliation. Give to Imago Dei ⁣
7/12/202023 minutes, 56 seconds
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We Are The Church - A Praying People

July 5th, 2020 Prayer is the uniquely, unified, and prophetic picture of the kingdom. All nations, different people, speaking with one voice, declaring the gospel with that voice. Pastor Michelle Jones shows us the picture of how the first church prayed, and how we should practice prayer as the church today. Give to Imago Dei Community
7/5/202018 minutes, 54 seconds
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We Are The Church - The Church and The Kingdom

June 28th, 2020 What is the church's role in the kingdom? This week Pastor Rick Mckinley focuses on how we as the church are supposed to be active participants in bringing light to the darkness. As believers, we often set aside the keys to the kingdom for keys to our church building but God is calling us to do more. Matthew 16  To give to Imago you can click the link below
6/28/202023 minutes, 36 seconds
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We Are The Church - A Fellowship of Love

June 21st, 2020 This week Pastor Rick Mckinley preaches from 1 John 1 and challenges us to be the light in the darkness. We are called to live in the light and love of Christ so that we can give it to others. To give to Imago Dei you can go to To join Be the Bridge 101 you can go to check out the 2019-20 impact report you can go to
6/21/202020 minutes, 19 seconds
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We are the Church - Relating to One Another

June 14th, 2020 Pastor Mike Dean continues our "We are the Church" series diving into how scripture teaches us to relate to one another. Learn how to join our Covenant Community Webinar (6/14 at 4pm): View our 2019-2020 Impact Report:
6/14/202021 minutes, 32 seconds
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We Are The Church - Standing for the Gospel and Against Racial Injustice

June 7th, 2020 In light of the killing of George Floyd, the public outcry for racial justice, we're asking how do we as a body of diverse people share in one lament and together stand for the gospel and sharing racial injustice. To check out our Justice resources you can go to: connect with our covenant community next Sunday you can go to
6/7/202045 minutes, 5 seconds
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Leaving a Legacy of Humble Service

As we wrap up our Risen sermon series Pastor, Rick Mckinley talks about Christ’s humility as we honor Jeff Marsh and his ministry to Imago Dei. To leave Jeff a goodbye message you can go to
5/31/202026 minutes, 41 seconds
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RISEN - Thy Kingdom Come

May 24th, 2020 In light of the Victory given to us through Jesus, followers of Jesus are urged to always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord. This week Pastor Mike Dean walks us through how the kingdom of God is breaking into every area of our lives and how Christ is reigning and ruling as King.  To take the Survey: sign up for a Community Group: give to Imago:
5/24/202026 minutes, 14 seconds
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Pastor Rick Interviews N.T. Wright

Rick McKinley interviews leading theologian N.T. Wright. An accompaniment to our Risen sermon series, we hope this episode will ground your heart in the incredible hope we have in the risen Christ. 
5/19/202057 minutes, 27 seconds
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RISEN - Love is All

May 17th, 2020 How do you view the love of God?⁣⁣ ⁣Seeing our lives in light of the resurrection changes our perspective. Changing our behavior is another thing altogether. Pastor Michelle Jones looks at the one thing necessary to actively live into the future we hope for. Sign up for a community group: Take the Survey:
5/17/202032 minutes, 59 seconds
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RISEN - Living in the Light of Resurrection

May 10th, 2020 The resurrection is better news than most people understand. This week we look at how our future hope changes how we live in our day to day lives. How we live now shapes what we take with us into the future. Join us as we continue to celebrate Jesus' resurrection in our challenging moment. For updates on the relief fund and how to get involved, you can go to To join or help lead a community group you can go to
5/10/202026 minutes, 39 seconds
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RISEN - Resurrection and The Story of God

May 3rd, 2020 Resurrection can feel like an impossibility but when you live into the story of God you realize it’s the next step in the story of how God is saving the world. This week Pastor Rick Mckinley walks us through 1 Corinthians 15 diving deeper into what it means to follow a Risen God. To give to Imago you can go to To be apart of praying for our city you can go to
5/3/202035 minutes, 14 seconds
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RISEN - Looking Forward to Resurrection

April 26th, 2020 Jesus' resurrection did much more than create an Easter holiday, in fact His resurrection reshaped the future of everyone who follows Him. This week Pastor Rick walks us through through the surprising hope in store for every believer. The future is better than you might think.To watch this sermon online you can go to get more info on Imago Dei Community you can go to our website at
4/26/202040 minutes, 11 seconds
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RISEN - Does the Resurrection Matter?

April 19th, 2020What difference does it make that Jesus rose from the dead?⁣ For many of us, the resurrection of Jesus means little more than the guarantee of going to heaven after we die. We can miss how foundational the resurrection is to Christian life. ⁣This Sunday, we begin RISEN, a new series that will take us through the book of 1 Corinthians, exploring why the resurrection matters and how it can powerfully shape the way we live right now. ⁣⁣We encourage you to take some time this week and read 1 Corinthians. Notice Paul's references to resurrection, the second coming of Jesus, the references to the future judgment of Christ, etc. Wherever Paul points to the future, make a note of it! This will help us as we study together in the coming weeks. To watch this sermon online and follow along with our liturgy you can go to IDCPDX.COM/ONLINE
4/19/202033 minutes, 5 seconds
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Easter - 2020

April 12th, 2020 This special online service features elements for adults, kids, and youth to enjoy together. Gather your household and join us as we celebrate our risen King with musical worship, teaching by Pastor Rick McKinley and more.We’re so grateful for your generosity over the past few weeks! See this week’s budget update at Our online service videos are now being filmed at the homes of those you see onscreen. All people involved in the making of these videos are either part of the same household or taking care to maintain six feet of space from each other at all times. To watch the sermon you can go to
4/12/202034 minutes, 41 seconds
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Still on Mission

To watch this service online, or follow along with our online Sunday service liturgy you can go to 
4/5/202035 minutes, 16 seconds
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Discovering the Peace of God

To sign up for updates you can go to: To give you can go to For more info on Imago Dei Community, you can go to our website at
3/29/202022 minutes, 49 seconds
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Community in Isolation

To watch this episode online you can go to 
3/22/202023 minutes, 45 seconds
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Trusting Jesus in Uncertain Times

To watch this sermon online you can hit the link below: sign up for updates you can go to give you can go to more info on Imago Dei Community, you can go to our website at 
3/15/202027 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Cruciformed Life - Taking Hold of Christ

March 8th, 2020 What does it look like to press through our pain and resistance to Christ? The transformation that happens through Jesus requires us to press into our faith in Jesus. Join us this Sunday as Pastor Rick McKinley continues our sermon series on The Cruciformed Life. Philippians 3:12, 1 Timothy 6:12, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, 2 Timothy 4:7-8
3/9/202038 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Cruciformed Life - Sharing in His Sufferings

March 1st, 2020 As we continue in our Cruciformed Life series we dive deeper into the path of becoming like the cross. Pastor Rick McKinley teaches on what it looks like to share in Jesus' sufferings and how through suffering we become closer to Him. Philippians 3:10-11
3/2/202036 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Cruciformed Life: I Want to Know Christ

After a quick pause for Saving Justice we are back into our sermon series on the Cruciformed Life. Pastor Ruben Alvarado walks us through Philippians 3:7-11 and shows how Paul chooses to know Christ over the distraction of the world. Will we choose the distraction or will we press in and choose to know Christ at a deeper level?   Scripture References: Philippians 3:7-11, Ephesians 3:14-19
2/23/202040 minutes, 55 seconds
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Remember the Prisoner: Who is the Prisoner?

This week we conclude our Saving Justice series asking the question "Who is the Prisoner?" Pastor Mike Dean contrasts how our society has categorized and named the prisoner and how we have built a broken system. Even in this brokenness, God asks us to shed His light and be the change.   Scripture References: Genesis 1, John 21
2/17/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 6 seconds
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Remember the Prisoner: Set the Prisoner Free

This week we continue our series on Remembering The Prisoner. Pastor Rick McKinley talks about what it looks like to set the prisoner free through the love of Christ. Guest speakers Chelsea Gerlach and James Gleason talk through their experiences with the prison system and the freedom they were able to find in the midst of it.   Scripture Reference: Matthew 25:36-40
2/9/202045 minutes, 7 seconds
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Remember the Prisoner

This year for Saving Justice, we are focusing on the prison system. Through the next three weeks we will look at different aspects of how we can remember the prisoner in our midst. Pastor Michelle Jones starts off the series showing us how Jesus saw the prisoner.   Scripture References: Matthew 27:38, Luke 23:32-43, Mark 15:27
2/2/202042 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Cruciformed Life: Found in Him

We continue our sermon series on The Cruciformed Life. Pastor Rick McKinley walks through how we can be found in Christ through the example of Paul the Apostle. Scripture References: Philippians 3:8, John 17:3
1/26/202037 minutes, 23 seconds
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Michael Ramsden: What is a Meaningful Life?

This Sunday we were glad to have one of the founders of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, Michael Ramsden, speak to us. Michael walks through the question of a meaningful life, and how that question changes when Jesus comes into our lives. This is part one of a two-part sermon and we encourage you to listen to the second part. This sermon ends with a Q&A between Michael and Pastor Rick McKinley.
1/20/202046 minutes, 32 seconds
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Michael Ramsden: Is Christianity Arrogant & Intolerant?

This is part 2 of the sermon from Michael Ramsden. Michael dives into the conversation of arrogance and intolerance in the Christian faith, and how we as Christians need to break our walls down and fall in love with Jesus again.
1/19/202048 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Cruciformed Life

This Sunday we jump into a new series, The Cruciformed Life. Pastor Rick McKinley shows how, as followers of Jesus, we can only live through Jesus, no matter what our accomplishments in life might be. Just as Paul strives to live through the cross, we should be doing our best to live through the cross.   Scripture References: Philippians 3, Galatians 6
1/12/202037 minutes, 36 seconds
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Epiphany 2020

As we enter the new year, we want to take time to reflect on how God has worked through our lives in the past year. This service follows a few of our pastors as they lead us through a time of contemplation.
1/5/202048 minutes, 26 seconds
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Church is Family

This week, Pastor of Worship and Arts Bob Howard walks us through how the the Church is meant to be a healing and restoring family.
12/29/201947 minutes, 33 seconds
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Christmas Eve 2019

Join us for the main message of our Christmas Eve Service from Pastor Rick McKinley.
12/24/201919 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Good God Gives Presence

As we finish our sermon series, we end on God's gift of His presence. Pastor Rick McKinley highlights the frailty of our humanity that Jesus fully embraced.   Scripture References: John 1:14, John 1:1-4
12/22/201944 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Good God Gives Freedom

As we continue our Advent season, we focus on the freedom that our God gives us. Pastor Rick McKinley walks through how surrendering to God's plan for us can lead us into freedom.
12/15/201947 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Good God Gives Provision

As we continue our Advent season, we look at God's provision in our lives. Pastor Ruben Alvarado walks us through how we can feel scarcity in many ways, but God's provision offers overwhelming abundance.   Scripture Reference: Matthew 1:18-25, Matthew 28:19-20
12/8/201943 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Good God Gives Hope

We are starting a new series this week for the Advent season! Pastor Ben Thomas leads through how the Good God we follow brings us hope and uses us to bring hope to others.   Scripture References: Isaiah 9, Isai. 16, Luke 4
12/1/201939 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Good God: The Spirit Makes Beautiful

As we finish off The Good God series, we focus on the Spirit and how it transforms our lives. Pastor Rick McKinley walks us through how the Spirit walks with us always.   Scripture References: Romans 5:8, 1 Corinthians 12-13, Galatians 5
11/24/201941 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Good God: Sharing the life of the Trinity

As we continue unraveling the Good God we follow, we focus on the trinity. Pastor Rick McKinley leads us through what it looks like to enter into the love that our God is constantly giving us.   Scripture References: John 16, Hebrews 2
11/17/201933 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Good God Who Saves

This week we continue our series on The Good God. Pastor Ben Thomas walks us through how our lives our freed up by God's overflowing love for us.   Scripture References: Luke 8, Genesis 1-3, 2 Timothy 3, James 1, John 3, 10, 17, 1 John 3-4
11/10/201938 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Good God: God's Steadfast Love

11/3/201929 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Good God: The Son is the Image of God

This week, Pastor Rick McKinley walks us through how even though creation has fallen, Jesus comes to show us the perfect image of God. Scripture References: Col. 1:15, Heb. 1:3, 2 Cor. 4:4, Jn. 17:24-26
10/27/201935 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Good God: Creation

This week, Pastor Rick McKinley unravels how the trinity is seen in creation since the beginning and how the goodness of God is shown in and through His creation. Scripture References: Gen. 1, John 1, Rom. 8, Eph. 1
10/20/201943 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Good God: The Good Father

This week Pastor Michelle Jones walks through how we distort our view of God the father through our lens of what it means to have a father. Scripture References: Gen. 1, Deut. 32, Luke 15, Isaiah 43
10/13/201938 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Good God: The Father Who Loves Us

Is the Father a God you can actually depend on? The Good God sermon series continues as Pastor Rick McKinley dives into why we can love and depend on God.   Scripture References: 1 Jn 4-7-9, Jn 17:24, Col 1:16-17, Jn 3:35
10/6/201938 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Good God: Which God?

Join us as we start our new sermon series, The Good God. If you've ever wondered if God is good, if it even matters what God you believe in, or aren't sure you can trust God, join us as we explore how good God truly is.  Scripture References: John 14, 17
9/29/201942 minutes, 40 seconds
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Vision Sunday: Simple Church, Deep Faith

2019 Congregational Survey Results
9/22/201934 minutes, 31 seconds
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Prayer: An African Understanding of Prayer

Drawing from an African perspective to unveil some intercultural common ground, guest speaker Pastor Célestin Musekura explores the practice and power of praying to God.
9/15/201942 minutes, 1 second
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Prayer: Jonah 3-4

Join us as we continue in our month of prayer. This Sunday Michelle Jones dives back into Jonah, and explores how our own anger can take us away from our communion with God.   Scripture References: Jonah 3-4, Exodus 34
9/8/201937 minutes, 13 seconds
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Prayer: Jonah 1-2

As we begin our new sermon series on prayer Pastor Michelle Jones leads us through Jonah's Prayer. Join us as we start a new series on understanding what prayer is and why it is so important.   Scripture Reference: Jonah 1-2
9/1/201937 minutes, 15 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: The Story Continues

Pastor Michelle Jones covers concludes our series on the book of Acts.
8/25/201937 minutes, 30 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: Don't Quit

Pastor Rick McKinley covers Acts 18, exploring how Paul dealt with wanting to quit, and how we can lean on Christ in our time of wanting to quit.  Scripture Reference: Acts 18 
8/18/201935 minutes, 54 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: The Tension of the Gospel

Pastor Hakeem Bradley walks us through the tension of the Gospel and how we as Christ-followers approach idolatry.  Scripture Reference: Acts 17
8/11/201935 minutes, 45 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: The Witness of Worship in Suffering

Join us as we continue in our Acts sermon series. Pastor Rick walks us through how Paul handles suffering and how God works through that suffering to share His message. Scripture Reference: Acts 16, Philippians 1-4
8/4/201935 minutes, 9 seconds
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Celebration Sunday

This week, we take a break from our Acts series to celebrate together. Pastor Ben Thomas walks through the symbol of baptism and why we celebrate together. 
7/28/201915 minutes, 39 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: Cultures in Conflict

Pastor Eric Knox walks us through about how we can live an integrated lifestyle by opening ourselves up to being uncomfortable.  Scripture Reference: Acts 10, Ephesians 2-3
7/21/201942 minutes, 4 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: Paul's Conversion

Pastor Michelle Jones walks through Paul's conversion in Acts and challenges us to reshape the way we look at our community and open our hearts to people we think are too far gone from the love of God.  Scripture Reference: Acts 1:8, 7-9
7/14/201929 minutes, 37 seconds
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Global Sunday

Pastor of Global Outreach, Michelle Jones, gives us an update on Imago Dei's role in missions and why we need to be connected to the church body outside of Portland. This message includes a panel interview with the Isensees, global staff of Imago Dei working in Nepal, and Maurice Cowley, pastor of youth. Scripture References: Galatians 1:15-16 and 20-22
7/7/201939 minutes, 36 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: Believer's Prayer

This week, we dive deeper into the book of Acts and uncover the model of mission in conflict and in courage.  Scripture Reference: Acts 3-4
6/30/201945 minutes, 56 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: What is the Church?

The week, we examine Peter's picture of the Church and explore what it means to live out our faith as a community, rather than adopt it as a hobby. Scripture Reference: Acts 2:42-47
6/23/201936 minutes, 31 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: What is a Christian?

We continue our Acts sermon series and learn what it means to be a Christian through Peter's teaching.  Scripture References: Acts 2:14-42, 1 Peter 1:10-12, 2 Peter 1:16-21
6/16/201940 minutes, 15 seconds
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Acts of the Apostles: Pentecost

This week, we turn another page in the liturgical calendar with Pentecost and our new sermon series, Acts of the Apostles.  Scripture Reference: Acts 2:1-13
6/9/201935 minutes, 41 seconds
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Being the Family of Jesus

Pastor Rick McKinley teaches on how Jesus breaks down the walls that divide us and brings us into a family centered in His love. Scripture Reference: Ephesians 2
6/2/201935 minutes, 51 seconds
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Contemplating the Face of God

Citing a wealth of scripture from Exodus to 2 Corinthians, Paul Ramey, Imago Dei pastor of worship & arts, explores the importance of contemplating the face of God.   Scripture References: Exodus 32:30-Exodus 33:23, Exodus 34:1-9, John 1:1-18, Colossians 1:15-20, 2 Corinthians 3:7-18, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Psalm 63:1-5. 
5/26/201944 minutes, 24 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Abiding in Grace

This week, we conclude our Becoming Series. Pastor Rick McKinley walks us through making space for the Spirit of God and understanding the fruits that come from that space.  Scripture Reference: John 15:1-17
5/19/201929 minutes, 29 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Drinking from the Spirit

Pastor Rick McKinley teaches on John 7, learning from what it means that Jesus is the fountain of living water. Scripture References: John 7, 1 Corinth. 12:13, Rom. 5:1-5
5/12/201934 minutes, 52 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Hearing the Voice of God

Pastor Rick McKinley leads us through Jesus teaching on the Holy Spirit's role in our lives. Scripture References: John 14-16 
5/12/201944 minutes, 49 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: The Contemplative Path

Throughout church history, the contemplative path has consistently been a way people become present to God and ourselves for deeper transformation. Pastor Rick McKinley walks us through the many times God has taught His people through intentional times of contemplation. Scripture References: Duet. 8:2-3, Psm. 63:1, 1 Kings 19:11-13, Matt. 3:1-3, Matt. 4:1-4. Gal. 1:15-17
5/5/201941 minutes, 24 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Becoming Mature, Pt. 2

As we come back from Easter, our Pastor of Spiritual Formation & Global Outreach, Michelle Jones, walks us through how the Spirit of God meets us in our communities and in our church. Scripture Reference: Ephesians 4:11-16
4/28/201941 minutes, 13 seconds
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Easter 2019

On this Easter Sunday, Pastor Rick McKinley walks us through the power God has over death and the cross. Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, Philippians 3:7-11
4/21/201924 minutes, 56 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Becoming Mature, Pt. 1

Continuing our series on Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness, Imago Dei Elder and CEO of the Portland Leadership Foundation Ben Sand speaks on spiritual and emotional maturity.
4/14/201947 minutes, 10 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Learning to Pray in the School of Psalms

Pastor Rick McKinley walks us through how we as Christ followers should learn to pray in the raw reality of life. Scripture Reference: Psalms 3, 22, 51
4/7/201936 minutes, 3 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Walking in Spirit, Loving Well

Pastor of Spiritual Formation Michelle Jones helps us understand how we walk with the Spirit. Using the upper room as a beautiful example of how the trinity is with us always, teaching us to love well. Scripture Reference: John 14:15-23
3/31/201934 minutes, 1 second
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: The God of Comfort

Central City Campus Pastor Ben Thomas dives into how God comforts us and how we can learn to comfort each other. Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 1:1-10
3/24/201940 minutes, 21 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Grief and Loss

Imago Dei Director of Refuge Chelsea Gerlach walks us through the idea of lament in scripture, and the truth of grief and loss in our lives. Scripture References: Psalm 13
3/17/201936 minutes, 16 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Going Back to Go Forward, Pt. 2

3/10/201932 minutes, 53 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Going Back to Go Forward, Pt. 1

3/3/201945 minutes, 29 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: True Self vs. False Self

Rick McKinley preaches on how we discern our true identity in Jesus. How do we walk in the freedom of being a child of God? We will learn who we are in a Christ and how to live from our place of freedom. Scripture Reference: Psalm 139, Ephesians 4:20-24
2/24/201953 minutes, 44 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Self-Knowledge

Rick McKinley continues our series, Becoming A Community of Wholeness and Healing. This week's message focuses finding our awareness of self in our union with Christ. 
2/17/201943 minutes, 53 seconds
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Becoming a Community of Healing and Wholeness: Unhealthy Spirituality

2/10/201927 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Borders We Face: Loving the Stranger

Rick McKinley wraps up our series, Saving Justice: The Borders We Face, with a message focused on Scripture's call to love the stranger and the sojourner among us. 
2/3/201934 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Borders We Face: A Jesus-shaped Approach to the US Immigration Crisis

Guest speaker Tyler Johnson, lead pastor of Redemption Church in Arizona, continues our Saving Justice series focused on immigration. This message includes an introduction by Pastor Jeff Marsh. 
1/27/201946 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Borders We Face: Meeting God at the Border

Gaby Viesca, teaching pastor at Cedar Mill Bible Church, begins our new series, Saving Justice: The Borders We Face. Citing examples of immigration and immigrants in Scripture, Gaby challenges us to approach immigration through the lens of the Gospel.
1/20/201934 minutes, 53 seconds
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Epiphany 2019

Rick McKinley speaks on Epiphany, the liturgical season following Jesus' life and ministry on earth, and introduces our next series Saving Justice: The Borders We Face.
1/13/201936 minutes, 50 seconds
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Covenant Community

Rick McKinley unpacks covenant community, a new way for us to express the inward reality that if we are in Christ, we belong to His people. This looks like uniting our hearts in worship, serving each other and the world, practicing our faith together in ways that build up the body of Christ and prophetically bearing witness against the false beliefs and false gods of our culture.
1/6/201933 minutes, 57 seconds
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All In

Pastor Michelle Jones looks at the transformation of Nicodemus from curious skeptic to "all in" with Jesus.
12/30/201830 minutes, 25 seconds
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Giving Life: Eve and Mary

Inspired by a work of art by Sr. Grace Remington, Rick McKinley shares an original story, imagining an encounter between Eve, the first woman, and Mary, mother of Jesus. 
12/24/201821 minutes, 10 seconds
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Giving Life: Bread

Mike Dean continues our Advent series, Giving Life. Focusing on John's Gospel, this week's message covers Jesus as the Bread of Life.
12/23/201828 minutes, 19 seconds
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Giving Life: Water

Our Advent series “Giving Life" continues. Today’s podcast features an update on our partnership with The Water Project, dedicated to providing clean water to schools and communities in Western Kenya. This special service included several videos to help tell this story. To see these videos and other related content, visit The panel discussion included in this service presented us with some unforeseen audio challenges. We apologize for the rough quality of this recording. 
12/16/201830 minutes, 56 seconds
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Giving Life: Light

Michelle Jones continues our Advent series, Giving Life. Focusing on John's Gospel, this week's message discusses Jesus as the Light of the World. This message includes an update on Missional Grants, support those at Imago Dei who are seeking to launch and lead new strategic, missional ministries that mobilize the body of Christ at Imago Dei into loving, serving and prophetically engaging our city.
12/9/201834 minutes
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Giving Life: Life

Rick McKinley kicks off our Advent series, Giving Life. Focusing on John's Gospel, this week's message extoll's Jesus as the gift of true life we are all invited to receive. This message includes an update on Embrace Oregon, an initiative dedicated to revolutionizing the way the community and DHS work together to improve the lives of kids and families in crisis.
12/2/201833 minutes, 17 seconds
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Belonging to the People of God: Joining the Family to Bless the World

Wrapping up our series on what it means to belong to the people of God, Rick McKinley reads through Ephesians 2:11-22. This week’s message focuses on how Christ created us to be the family he is calling us to be. 
11/25/201837 minutes, 39 seconds
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Belonging to the People of God: A Community of Resistance

Rick McKinley continues our series on what it means to belong to the people of God. This week's message focuses on our call to resist the self-focus of our culture and instead give ourselves to Christ and to serving one another. 
11/18/201839 minutes, 47 seconds
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Belonging to the People of God: A Community Called to Celebration

Worship & Arts Pastor Paul Ramey continues our series on Belonging to the people of God with a message on one of Imago Dei's core practices, celebration (worship & sabbath). 
11/11/201842 minutes, 18 seconds
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Belonging to the People of God: Being the Generous People of God

Rick McKinley continues our series on Belonging to the people of God with a message on one of Imago Dei's core practices, generosity. 
11/4/201846 minutes, 58 seconds
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Belonging to the People of God: Sent to Flourish

Rick McKinley continues our series on Belonging to the people of God with a message on one of Imago Dei's core practices, vocation. 
10/28/201844 minutes, 54 seconds
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Belonging to the People of God: Hospitable Community

Rick McKinley continues our series on Belonging to the people of God with a message on one of Imago Dei's core practices, hospitality. 
10/21/201841 minutes, 50 seconds
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Belonging to the People of God: Hearing and Obeying Together, Pt. 2

Reflecting on nearly two decades of spiritual and community growth, our leadership has discerned an opportunity to delve into what we believe and what we practice, all with the purpose of becoming a family of faith that gives voice, life and witness to the beauty and grace of Jesus Christ here in Portland. Our fall series will explore what it means to deeply belong to the people of God in this time and this place. Rick McKinley preaches. 
10/14/201841 minutes, 54 seconds
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Belonging to the People of God: Hearing and Obeying Together, Pt. 1

Reflecting on nearly two decades of spiritual and community growth, our leadership has discerned an opportunity to delve into what we believe and what we practice, all with the purpose of becoming a family of faith that gives voice, life and witness to the beauty and grace of Jesus Christ here in Portland. Our fall series will explore what it means to deeply belong to the people of God in this time and this place. Rick McKinley preaches. 
10/7/201845 minutes, 27 seconds
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Belonging to the People of God: The Gift of Belonging

Reflecting on nearly two decades of spiritual and community growth, our leadership has discerned an opportunity to delve into what we believe and what we practice, all with the purpose of becoming a family of faith that gives voice, life and witness to the beauty and grace of Jesus Christ here in Portland. Our fall series will explore what it means to deeply belong to the people of God in this time and this place. Rick McKinley preaches. 
9/30/201842 minutes, 15 seconds
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Prayer: Power in Prayer

Pastor Bill Clem wraps up our series on prayer with a message on prayer's ability to empower the people of God. 
9/23/201829 minutes, 2 seconds
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Prayer: Confession

Pastor Bill Clem continues our series on Prayer. 
9/16/201824 minutes, 47 seconds
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Prayer: The Lord's Prayer

Pastor Bill Clem begins a new series on Prayer. 
9/9/201829 minutes, 22 seconds
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Summer Speaker Series: AJ Swoboda

Guest speaker AJ Swoboda speaks on "subversive sabbath." Scripture Reference: Exodus 20:8-11.
9/2/201849 minutes, 40 seconds
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Summer Speaker Series: Riccardo Stewart

Guest speaker Riccardo Stewart speaks on John 3. 
8/26/201846 minutes, 56 seconds
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Summer Speaker Series: Heather Thomas

Guest speaker and former Imago Dei Pastor Heather Thomas speaks on Mercy and Grace. 
8/19/201857 minutes, 14 seconds
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Summer Speaker Series: Kyle Costello

Guest Speaker Kyle Costello from Missio Dei Community in Salt Lake City shares a message on redemption as hope in the Kingdom of God.
8/12/201853 minutes, 18 seconds
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Summer Speaker Series: Hakeem Bradley

Pastor in residence Hakeem Bradley presents a stand-alone message on moving from "me" to "us."
8/5/201842 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Questions God Asks Us: Whom shall I Send?

Bill Clem continues "The Questions God Asks Us" with a message on Isaiah 6, addressing the question "Whom shall I send?"
7/29/201829 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Questions God Asks Us: Where were You?

Michelle Jones continues our series on questions God poses to humanity in the Bible. This week’s message focuses on “Where were you?” in the book of Job.
7/22/201843 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Questions God Asks Us: Why are You Angry?

Bill Clem continues our series on The Questions God Asks Us, addressing a few potent questions God poses to humanity in scripture. This week’s message focuses on "Why are You Angry?" 
7/15/201831 minutes, 50 seconds
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Summer Speaker Series: Luis Palau

Guest speaker Luis Palau, author and evangelist, preaches on God's promises about heaven in this powerful stand-alone message.
7/8/201843 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Questions God Asks Us: How Long Will You Grieve?

Bill Clem continues our series on The Questions God Asks Us, addressing a few potent questions God poses to humanity in scripture. This week’s message focuses on "How long will you grieve?" 
7/1/201830 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Questions God Asks Us: Where is Your Brother?

Bill Clem begins a new series called The Questions God Asks Us, addressing a few potent questions God poses to humanity in scripture. This week’s message focuses on God’s question to Cain in the book of Genesis, “Where is your brother?” 
6/24/201837 minutes, 17 seconds
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Romans: Chapter 16

On his Sunday preaching before leaving for a three-month sabbatical, Rick McKinley wraps up our series on the book of Romans with a message on Romans 16. This recording includes a prayer for the McKinleys led by Elder John Heinztman.
6/17/201837 minutes, 9 seconds
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Romans: Chapters 14-15

Rick McKinley continues our series on the book of Romans. This week covers chapters 14-15.
6/10/201844 minutes, 53 seconds
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Romans: Chapters 12-13

Pastor Eric Knox continues our series on the book of Romans. This week's message covers chapters 12 and 13.
6/3/201846 minutes, 12 seconds
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Romans: Chapters 9-11

Bill Clem continues our series on the book of Romans. This week's message covers chapters 9-11.
5/27/201832 minutes, 33 seconds
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Romans: Chapter 8

Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series on the book of Romans. This week's message covers chapter 8. 
5/20/201841 minutes, 59 seconds
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Romans: Chapter 7

Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series on the book of Romans. This week's message covers chapter 7. 
5/13/201847 minutes, 2 seconds
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Agents of Hope in a Time of Anxiety

Guest speaker Mark Sayers preaches on what it looks like to be agents of hope in a time of anxiety. Scripture Reference: Mark 9:14-29
5/6/201841 minutes, 54 seconds
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Romans: Chapter 6l

Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series on the book of Romans. This week's message covers chapter 7. 
4/29/201844 minutes, 46 seconds
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Romans: Chapter 5

Pastor Rick McKinley continues our series on the book of Romans. This week's message covers chapter 5.
4/22/201832 minutes, 29 seconds
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Romans: Chapters 1-4

If the Apostle Paul wrote one book that communicated the full scope of how God is restoring His broken creation, Romans is it! Rick McKinley begins a new series on the book of Romans. This message introduces this eight-week series and covers chapters 1-4. 
4/15/201854 minutes, 8 seconds
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Eucharist as a Memory Experience

One week after Easter, the impact of the resurrection continues to resonate as Pastor Bill Clem preaches on the Eucharist as a memory experience. This recording also features an update on Imago Dei Kids from Pastor Rachel Wilson. 
4/8/201836 minutes, 6 seconds
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Easter 2018: Resurrected Hope

On Easter Sunday, Rick McKinley preaches on the transformative hope brought about by Christ's resurrection. This recording also features Chelsea Gerlach, sharing her own story, and an original song performed by Catherine Feeny. 
4/1/201830 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hearing the Voice of God: Other People

Rick McKinley continues our lenten series with a message on hearing God's voice through other people. 
3/25/201847 minutes, 53 seconds
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Hearing the Voice of God: Listening to Your Life"

Rick McKinley continues our lenten series with a message on listening for God's story in the peaks and pain of your life. Scripture Reference: Psalm 139
3/18/201850 minutes, 28 seconds
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Hearing the Voice of God: The Word

Bill Clem continues our lenten series with a message on Hearing God's Voice through His Word. 
3/11/201833 minutes, 51 seconds
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Hearing the Voice of God: The Spirit

How do we discern God's voice? What does the Bible actually tell us about hearing from Him? Rick McKinley continues our lenten sermon series.
3/4/201847 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hearing the Voice of God: The Heart that Hears

Rick McKinley continues our lenten sermon series "Hearing the Voice of God" with a message on Psalm 32. 
2/25/201841 minutes, 46 seconds
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Hearing the Voice of God: The God Who Speaks

Rick McKinley begins our lenten sermon series "Hearing the Voice of God" with a message on Hebrews 1 & John 10. 
2/18/201837 minutes, 38 seconds
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My Neighbor's Keeper: Ruth 4

Michelle Jones wraps up our Epiphany-focused series with a message on Ruth 4. 
2/11/201838 minutes, 14 seconds
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My Neighbor's Keeper: Ruth 2-3

Rick McKinley continues our Epiphany-focused series with a message on Ruth 2-3. 
2/4/201851 minutes, 34 seconds
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My Neighbor's Keeper: Saving Justice, Pt. 3

Eric Knox wraps up our three-part Saving Justice sub-series with a message challenging us to practice a Gospel focused on others above ourselves.
1/28/201841 minutes, 35 seconds
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My Neighbor's Keeper: Saving Justice, Pt. 2

Michelle Lang speaks on God's heart and call for justice as we continue our Epiphany series. Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 13. 
1/21/201850 minutes, 28 seconds
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My Neighbor's Keeper: Saving Justice, Pt. 1

Rick McKinley continues our series "My Neighbor's Keeper." This sermon is the first part of our Saving Justice focus, driving us closer to God's heart for justice. 
1/14/201842 minutes, 22 seconds
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My Neighbor's Keeper: Ruth 1

Rick McKinley begins our Epiphany-focused series "My Neighbor's Keeper." Scripture Reference: Ruth 1. 
1/7/201840 minutes, 53 seconds
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Relational Resolutions

At a time of year when many of us consider how to improve ourselves through resolutions, Ben Thomas invites us to press into how we might reach out to others through "relational resolutions." 
12/31/201738 minutes, 29 seconds
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Christmas Eve 2017

Rick McKinley preaches on Christmas Eve, wrapping up our Advent Series. Scripture reference: Luke 2:1-20 
12/24/201726 minutes, 58 seconds
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Here in Anticipation: Love

Josh Butler continues our Advent series, "Here in Anticipation." This week's message includes an in-depth look at our partnership with the Water Project, dedicated to providing clean, safe and reliable water to communities in Kenya. 
12/18/201742 minutes, 20 seconds
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Here in Anticipation: Hope

Rick McKinley continues our Advent sermon series, Here in Anticipation. We live Here, but we also live In Anticipation that the story we’re in is moving toward a beautiful fulfillment. Scripture References: Luke 1:46-55, Revelation 18:1-3, Revelation 19:1-9. 
12/10/201743 minutes, 51 seconds
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Here in Anticipation: Faith

Rick McKinley begins our Advent sermon series, Here in Anticipation. We live Here, but we also live In Anticipation that the story we’re in is moving toward a beautiful fulfillment. Scripture References: Luke 1:26-48, Revelation 12
12/3/201724 minutes, 34 seconds
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Miracles: Calming the Storm

Bill Clem continues a two-part series delving into Miracles, the supernatural working of God through various reversals of the natural world. This week's message comes from Luke 8:22-25, Jesus calms the storm. 
11/26/201741 minutes, 55 seconds
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Miracles: Lazarus Raised

Bill Clem begins a two-part series delving into Miracles, the supernatural working of God through various reversals of the natural world. 
11/19/201736 minutes, 9 seconds
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Guest speaker Heather Thomas, pastor at Missio Dei in Salt Lake City, speaks on the parable of the fig tree in Luke 13:6-9.
11/12/201745 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jesus Practices: Generosity

Rick McKinley concludes our Jesus Practices series with a message focused on generosity. 
11/5/201742 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jesus Practices: Sabbath/Sacrament

Michelle Jones continues our series "Jesus Practices." This week's message focuses on sabbath and sacrament. Scripture Reference: John 6:25-59
10/29/201748 minutes, 13 seconds
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Jesus Practices: Hospitality

Eric Knox, lead pastor of Imago Dei Eastside Gathering, continues our series "Jesus Practices." This week's message focuses on hospitality. Scripture Reference: Luke 7:36-50
10/22/201736 minutes, 44 seconds
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Jesus Practices: Vocation

Rick McKinley continues our series "Jesus Practices" with a message focused on Vocation. Scripture Reference: Colossians 3:22-25 
10/15/201737 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jesus Practices: Hear and Obey the Word and the Spirit

Rick McKinley continues our series “Jesus Practices” with a message focused on hearing and obeying the Word and the Spirit. 
10/8/201740 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jesus Practices: What Does It Mean to be the People of God Now?

Rick McKinley launches our new series, Jesus Practices, with a message on what it means to be the people of God in out time and place.
10/1/201741 minutes, 47 seconds
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Jesus and the Other: Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers

9/24/201736 minutes, 59 seconds
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Jesus and the Other: The Religious Man

Rick McKinley continues or series "Jesus and the Other" with a message on John 3:1-21, the story of Nicodemus. This sermon includes a monologue read by Van Wheeler.
9/17/201745 minutes, 45 seconds
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Jesus and the Other: The Self-Harming Demoniac

Rick McKinley continues our series "Jesus and the Other." This week's message focuses on the healing of a demon-possessed man in Mark 5:1-20. 
9/10/201738 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus and the Other: The Woman Caught in Adultery

Rick McKinley continues our series "Jesus and the Other" with a message on the Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11). This message includes a monologue read by Michelle Jones. 
9/3/201737 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jesus and the Other: The Rich Man

Rick McKinley continues our series "Jesus and the Other" with a message focused on Luke 19, the story of Zaccheus. This message includes a dramatic monologue read by Josh McKinley. 
8/27/201738 minutes, 55 seconds
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Jesus and the Other: The Woman at the Well

Rick McKinley begins our new series "Jesus and the Other" with a message focused on John 4, the story of the Woman at the Well. This message includes a dramatic monologue read by Jeanette Rawlins. 
8/20/201742 minutes, 50 seconds
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Parables: God Intentionally Pursues Us

Scripture Reference: Matthew 13:47-50
8/13/201734 minutes, 21 seconds
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Parables: Pearl of Great Price

Bill Clem continues our Parables series with a message on Matthew 13:44-46. 
8/6/201734 minutes, 57 seconds
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Parables: Finding What is Lost

Michelle Jones continues our Parables series with a message focused on three parables about finding what is lost. 
7/30/201737 minutes, 25 seconds
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Parables: Parable of the Weeds

Bill Clem continues our series on the Parables of Jesus. This week's message covers the Parable of the Weeds. Scripture References: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
7/23/201731 minutes, 57 seconds
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Parables: Workers in the Vineyard

Pastor Michelle Jones continues our sermon series with a message on the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. 
7/16/201738 minutes, 5 seconds
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Parables: The Cost of Discipleship

Bill Clem continues our series on the Parables of Jesus.
7/9/201730 minutes
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Parables: The Two Debtors

Bill Clem begins our new series on Parables with a message on forgiveness.Scripture Reference: Luke 7:36-50
7/2/201735 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jesus the Gift-Giver: Romans 12

Rick McKinley wraps up our Pentecost-focused series, Jesus the Gift-Giver, with a message from Romans 12. 
6/25/201736 minutes, 43 seconds
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Jesus the Gift-Giver: Week 3

Rick McKinley continues our series focused on the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and what it means to live empowered by the Spirit today. Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 12
6/18/201744 minutes, 57 seconds
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Jesus The Gift Giver: Week 2

Rick McKinley explores the five-fold ministry gifts to the church found in Ephesians 4: apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors. 
6/11/201741 minutes, 1 second
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Jesus the Gift-Giver: Pentecost Sunday

Bill Clem speaks on Pentecost Sunday, taking us through the Lord's prayer. Scripture Reference: Luke 11:1-13
6/4/201734 minutes, 15 seconds
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Easter: Ascension Sunday

On this Ascension Sunday (which commemorates Jesus' ascension into heaven) Rick McKinley speaks on the often overlooked, yet extremely significant, doctrine of the Ascension. 
5/28/201732 minutes, 48 seconds
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Easter: Forgiven to become Sons & Daughters

Rick McKinley continues our Easter season series, exploring what Jesus's resurrection means for our lives. Scripture References: John 15:1-8, 16-17  
5/21/201738 minutes, 6 seconds
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Easter: Jesus Defeated the Works of the Devil

Rick McKinley speaks on the resurrected Christ's triumph over the devil and the bondage of sin. Scripture Reference: 1 John 3:1-10
5/14/201739 minutes, 57 seconds
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Easter: Forgiveness, Pt. 2

Jesus was raised from the dead to empower us to forgive as we have been forgiven. ​Guest Speaker Mark Strong joins us again with a message on forgiveness. Scripture Reference: Luke 15:11-32
5/7/201745 minutes, 21 seconds
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Easter: Forgiveness, Pt. 1

Guest speaker Mark Strong, author and pastor of Life Change Church, gives a message on forgiveness. Scripture Reference: Matthew 18:21-35
4/30/201740 minutes, 52 seconds
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Easter: Finding our Identity in the Risen Christ

Pastor Michelle Jones preaches from John 20:1-18, focusing on the biblical character of Mary Magdalene and finding one's identity in the risen Christ.
4/23/201738 minutes, 56 seconds
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Easter: The Prodigal Son

Rick McKinley preaches on Easter Sunday, sharing the story of the Prodigal Son.  Scripture Reference: Luke 15:11-32
4/16/201731 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lent: The Crucifixion, Noon-3pm

Rick McKinley continues our lenten series, reflecting on the last three hours of Christ's crucifixion. This sermon includes a short moment of silence, designed to allow us to consider what the cross means to each of us.
4/9/201737 minutes, 47 seconds
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Lent: The Crucifixion, 9am-Noon

As our series on Lent continues, we approach Jesus' final steps to His death. This week, Rick McKinley preaches from Luke 22:66-71 and 23:33-43 - the crowning of Jesus and His first three hours on the cross. 
4/2/201736 minutes, 17 seconds
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Lent Week: In the Garden with Jesus

Rick McKinley continues our lenten series, focusing on Jesus' time in the garden of Gethsemane. Scripture References: Luke 22:39-46, Matthew 26:36-46
3/26/201737 minutes, 37 seconds
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Lent: The Shepherd

Michelle Jones, Imago Dei's newest pastor, continues our lenten series with a message focused on Jesus as our Shepherd. John 10 says His sheep listen to His voice. What does really it mean to know the voice of our Shepherd? 
3/19/201741 minutes, 20 seconds
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Lent: The Misunderstood Messiah

Rick McKinley continues our lenten series with a message from Matthew 16:13-26 - Peter's confession and the announcement of Jesus' death. 
3/12/201739 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lent: The Broken Bread of Life

Rick McKinley preaches on the first Sunday of Lent. Scripture Reference: John 6:22-7:1
3/5/201731 minutes, 24 seconds
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Epiphany: King of the Kingdom

Rick McKinley wraps up our Epiphany series with a message on Luke 12:13-34. 
2/26/201733 minutes, 49 seconds
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Epiphany: The Authority of Christ

Bill Clem continues our Epiphany series with a message covering Luke 4:31-37, 5:24, Mathew 28:18 & 7:29, John 10:18.
2/19/201732 minutes, 57 seconds
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Epiphany: Servant of All

Josh Butler continues our Epiphany series with a message on Mark 10:10:35-45. 
2/13/201744 minutes, 40 seconds
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Epiphany: Healer of the Sick and Disabled

Rick McKinley continues our Epiphany series with a message focused on Mark 2:1-12. 
2/5/201732 minutes, 40 seconds
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Saving Justice: Vantage Point

Guest speaker Pauline Fong, program director at the MJ Murdock Charitable Trust, speaks from the story of Mary and Martha found in Luke 10:38-42 in this conclusion to our Saving Justice Series.
1/29/201738 minutes, 17 seconds
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Saving Justice: The Temptations of Greatness

1/22/201746 minutes, 23 seconds
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Saving Justice: The Cry of Justice

1/16/201752 minutes, 55 seconds
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New Year's Day - Standalone Sermons - - Central

1/1/201741 minutes, 52 seconds
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Christmas Day 2016

12/25/201620 minutes, 18 seconds
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Christmas Eve 2016

12/25/201615 minutes, 30 seconds
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Processing Our Divided Nation: A Conversation - - Central

Rick McKinley, Michelle Lang and Leroy Barber process this crisis moment in our nation and the voices of frustration, anger and fear that are echoing in our homes, cities and the media in the wake of the 2016 US election. This honest conversation is meant to provide an opportunity for Imago Dei to walk through this moment together as a faith community in Portland.
12/20/201637 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sabbath with Dr. Sleeth

Guest speaker and author of 24/6, Dr. Matthew Sleeth speaks about the life-giving, God-ordained practice of Sabbath rest.
12/20/201639 minutes, 35 seconds
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Holding onto Christ's Promises - - Central

In this standalone message, Rick McKinley takes us through the story of Joshua and God's command to be strong and courageous.
12/20/201635 minutes, 42 seconds
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Don't Give Up - - Central

Rick McKinley preaches a standalone message form the book of Acts, inviting us to persevere in Christ through life's tough struggles.
12/20/201629 minutes, 43 seconds
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Shameless - - Central

Guest speaker Chris Seay, pastor of Ecclesia in Houston, illustrates the difference between guilt and shame through the lens of the Gospel and God's boundless grace in this stand-alone message.
12/20/201630 minutes, 14 seconds
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I Choose to Rejoice - - Central

In this spoken word piece, Cheryl Baker reimagines the words of familiar worship song "This is the Day" through the lenses of pain, joy and the choice to praise our God.
12/20/20164 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sabbath Rest - - Central

Imago Dei's director of early childhood and mother of five hilariously recounts her family's experiences - and the biblical lessons learned - from practicing intentional sabbath rest.
12/20/201641 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Rhythm of Celebration - - Central

In a message focused intently on Scripture and drawing from Israel's story in Exodus, Abby invites us to actively remember what God has done and what He has promised to do. Abby Wilhelm is a Chaplain Candidate Programs Officer in the Navy, a student at Western Seminary and assistant to Pastor Bill Clem here at Imago Dei.
12/20/201648 minutes, 2 seconds
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A Global Hope - - Central

Benjamin Nkusi, our interim pastor from Rwanda, shares the story of how he came to a knowledge of Jesus as Savior and how his ministry, ALARM, is helping in the reconciliation process around the world. Saah Joseph from Liberia also shares his story of God's providence in his life, as well as details about his church planting ministry.
12/20/201652 minutes, 8 seconds
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Why did Jesus have to die? - - Central

Rick continues the 'Journey to the Cross' series with an in depth look at how Christ's suffering and death was just, complete, and eternally necessary for the forgiveness of our sins. Accepting these scriptural truths will lead us down the path of conviction, confession, repentance, redemption, and relationship with our Savior and Lord.
12/20/201637 minutes, 54 seconds
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Beginning in the Wilderness - - Central

Rick begins the "Journey to the Cross" series with a look at Christ's temptation in the wilderness in Matthew 4. Through this passage we come to realize that Christ didn't come to immediately 'fix' the world, but rather, through worship of the One true God, to save the world from idolatry.
12/20/201641 minutes, 44 seconds
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Love, Truth and Justice - - Central

John Perkins and Paul Metzger introduce us to their strategic ministry partnership, "Drum majors for Love, Truth, and Justice." They call us to pursue a theology of engagement, not disengagement, and for a movement of well-trained and educated Christian leaders who are passionately engaged in proclaiming the whole gospel of the Kingdom in word and deed, through the church, to the whole person, in the whole community.
12/20/201627 minutes, 2 seconds
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Pentecost 2016 - - Central

Rick McKinley delivers a stand-alone message on Acts 2:1–31 as we celebrate the day of Pentecost.
12/20/201633 minutes, 34 seconds
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Mission - - Central

Josh Butler unpacks the role of mission and prayer in living out the Gospel.
12/20/201639 minutes, 1 second
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Easter 2016 - - Central

A special stand-alone message for Easter Sunday.
12/20/201634 minutes, 33 seconds
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Prayer (Mark 14:36) - - Central

Guest speaker Pete Greig of Emmaus Road Church in Guildford, England, and founder of the 24-7 Prayer movement joins us with a special, standalone message on Prayer. This sermon takes us through Jesus' Prayer in Gethsemane (Mark 14:36). Learn more at
12/20/201639 minutes, 38 seconds
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Money, God, Eternity - - Central

Rick wraps up the series on money with a further look at Luke 12. We invest our money, energy, and resources into the eternal kingdom of God not because it is 'spiritual' to do so but because it is wise and "where our treasure is, there will our heart be also".
12/20/201636 minutes, 48 seconds
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Regular, Sacrificial, Joyful - - Central

Luke Hendrix speaks about giving from the standpoint of what motivates us to give. He uses II Corinthians 9 as a source of biblical mandates regarding giving.
12/20/201639 minutes, 56 seconds
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MLK,jr tribute - - Central

Rick takes a pause from the series on finance to look at the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. He invites us to listen to the prophetic voices in our culture and ask ourselves how we can continue the efforts for social justice.
12/20/201635 minutes, 28 seconds
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Our Hope in the Eternal Glory of God - - Central

Don Miller shows us numerous ways in which hope has motivated individuals. He then uses Romans 5 and 8 to exhort us to put our hope in the eternal glory of God as Paul did in the midst of suffering.
12/20/201634 minutes, 36 seconds
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Risen Community of Christ - - Central

Genesis 2:6
12/20/201639 minutes, 20 seconds
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My Lord My God - - Central

12/20/201632 minutes, 18 seconds
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Trusting God - - Central

What does it look like to trust God in the face of struggle and suffering? Pastor Bill Clem addresses Matthew 6:25-34 with a stand-alone message.
12/20/201639 minutes, 59 seconds
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Easter - Intro to Lent - - Central

12/20/201635 minutes, 57 seconds
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God Images: Dismantling the Enemy - - Central

12/20/201643 minutes, 24 seconds
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God Images: Lover - - Central

12/20/201630 minutes, 10 seconds
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God Images: Redeemer - - Central

12/20/201636 minutes, 45 seconds
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Advent - Preparing - - Central

12/20/201630 minutes, 24 seconds
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John 21 - Jesus in the Ordinary - - Central

John 21 - Jesus in the Ordinary
12/20/201637 minutes, 53 seconds
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Easter Sunday 2004 - - Central

Easter Sunday 2004
12/20/201642 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christ in Relationship - - Central

12/20/201654 minutes, 56 seconds
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John 16 - Comfort in Our Troubles - - Central

John 16 - Comfort in Our Troubles
12/20/201628 minutes, 27 seconds
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John 15 - Remain in My Love - - Central

John 15 - Remain in My Love
12/20/201643 minutes, 5 seconds
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John 15 - Remain in the Vine - - Central

John 15 - Remain in the Vine
12/20/201644 minutes, 59 seconds
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John 14 - I am the way - - Central

John 14 - I am the Way
12/20/201638 minutes, 40 seconds
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John 10 - I and the Father are One - - Central

John 10:22-42 - I and the Father are One
12/20/201640 minutes, 48 seconds
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Advent Rejoicing - 2003 - - Central

Advent Rejoicing - 2003
12/20/201631 minutes, 27 seconds
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John 10 - Good Shepherd - - Central

John 10 - Good Shepherd
12/20/201638 minutes, 12 seconds
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John 9 - Born Blind - - Central

John 9 - Born Blind
12/20/201636 minutes, 49 seconds
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Advent Preparation - - Central

Advent Preparation - 2003
12/20/201636 minutes, 5 seconds
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John 7 - Soul Thirst - - Central

John 7 - Soul Thirst
12/20/201645 minutes, 45 seconds
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John 8 - Caught in the Act - - Central

John 8 - Caught in the Act
12/20/201636 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ephesians 3 - - Central

Former Imago Dei Women's Formation Pastor, Heather Thomas (now Community Pastor, Missio Dei, Salt Lake City) takes us though Ephesians 3, illustrating the liberation to be found in the truth of Christ.
12/20/201637 minutes, 19 seconds
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Week 5 - - Central

Pastor Heather Thomas responds to your questions about the Bible. This week, Thomas addresses questions about prayer.
12/20/201636 minutes, 5 seconds
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Baptized: Colossians 2 - - Central

Pastor Luke Hendrix kicks off Imago Dei's Summer Baptism Festival by looking at the book of Colossians. For more information on Imago Dei, visit
12/20/201638 minutes, 17 seconds
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Vocation - - Central

Pastor Rick McKinley continues the series, "Practicing the Rhythms of Grace". For more information on Imago Dei Community, visit
12/20/201638 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Long Night is Ending: Wonder

12/18/201637 minutes, 12 seconds
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Processing Our Divided Nation, Part 2 - - Central

Continuing an honest conversation meant to help us process this crisis moment in our nation and the voices of frustration, anger and fear that are echoing in our homes, cities and the media in the wake of the 2016 US election. This honest conversation is meant to provide an opportunity for Imago Dei to walk through this moment together as a faith community in Portland.
12/13/201633 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Long Night is Ending: Love

12/11/201631 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Long Night is Ending: Hope

12/4/201635 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Long Night is Ending: Truth

11/27/201626 minutes, 20 seconds
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Pneuma: Life in the Spirit, Pt. 2

11/6/201638 minutes, 44 seconds
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Pneuma: Life in the Spirit, Pt. 1

10/30/201644 minutes, 2 seconds
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Pneuma: Walking in the Spirit

10/23/201642 minutes, 42 seconds
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Pneuma: Power and Weakness

10/9/201644 minutes, 9 seconds
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Pneuma: Drinking of the Spirit

10/2/201638 minutes, 25 seconds
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Pneuma: Encountering the Spirit

9/25/201636 minutes, 10 seconds
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Pneuma: The Promise of the Spirit

9/18/201644 minutes, 57 seconds
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Pneuma: Salt and Light

9/11/201639 minutes, 11 seconds
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Imaging God by Name: The Living God

8/21/201628 minutes, 57 seconds
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Imaging God by Name: The Lord is Peace

8/14/201639 minutes, 42 seconds
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Imaging God by Name: God With Us

8/7/201642 minutes
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Imaging God by Name: The Lord our Righteousness

7/31/201639 minutes, 29 seconds
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Imaging God by Name: My Shepherd

7/24/201641 minutes, 23 seconds
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Imaging God by Name: God of Hope

7/17/201633 minutes, 38 seconds
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Imaging God by Name: God Most High

7/10/201626 minutes, 27 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 17

6/26/201638 minutes, 7 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 16

6/19/201635 minutes, 59 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 15

6/12/201642 minutes, 22 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 14

6/5/201639 minutes, 19 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 13

5/29/201629 minutes, 51 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 12

5/8/201639 minutes, 15 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 11

5/1/201643 minutes, 12 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 10

4/24/201639 minutes, 46 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 9

4/17/201639 minutes, 24 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 8

4/10/201636 minutes, 13 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 7

3/20/201647 minutes, 35 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 6

3/13/201633 minutes, 44 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 5

3/6/201643 minutes, 29 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 4

2/21/201639 minutes, 47 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 3

2/14/201640 minutes, 19 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 2

2/7/201631 minutes, 59 seconds
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1 Peter: Week 1

1/31/201647 minutes, 7 seconds
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Saving Justice: Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter

1/11/201636 minutes, 33 seconds
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Saving Justice: Immigration

1/3/201646 minutes, 37 seconds
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Advent of a Generous Revolution: Revolution in the Neighborhood

12/20/201531 minutes, 34 seconds
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Advent of a Generous Revolution: A Revolution for All People

12/13/201546 minutes, 38 seconds
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Advent of a Generous Revolution: A Revolution Wrapped in Flesh and Blood

12/6/201522 minutes, 54 seconds
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Advent of a Generous Revolution: The Revolution is Coming

11/29/201535 minutes, 13 seconds
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Safe enough to Love: Love Initiates

11/22/201542 minutes, 23 seconds
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Safe enough to Love: Love is Confident

11/15/201539 minutes, 29 seconds
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Safe enough to Love: Love Hopes

11/8/201533 minutes, 23 seconds
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Safe enough to Love: Love Endures

11/1/201538 minutes, 38 seconds
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Safe enough to Love: Love in Process

10/25/201538 minutes, 54 seconds
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Safe enough to Love: Love Confesses

10/18/201530 minutes, 51 seconds
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Celebration: Sacrament

10/11/201532 minutes, 52 seconds
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Celebration: Worship

10/4/201541 minutes, 51 seconds
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Celebration: Sabbath

9/27/201536 minutes, 46 seconds
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Daniel: Courageous in Exile

9/13/201538 minutes, 40 seconds
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Daniel: Available in Exile

9/6/201534 minutes, 57 seconds
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Daniel: Obedient in Exile

8/30/201543 minutes, 16 seconds
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Daniel: Hopeful in Exile

8/30/201538 minutes, 11 seconds
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Vocation: Sacred Purpose

8/23/201540 minutes, 46 seconds
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Vocation: Sacred Work

8/16/201531 minutes, 52 seconds
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Vocation: Sacred Calling

8/9/201541 minutes, 46 seconds
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James: Praying Faith

8/2/201543 minutes, 43 seconds
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James: Humble Faith

7/26/201543 minutes, 36 seconds
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James: Wise Faith

7/19/201536 minutes, 52 seconds
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James: Spoken Faith

7/12/201533 minutes, 30 seconds
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James: Working Faith

7/5/201534 minutes, 55 seconds
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James: Enduring Faith

6/28/201533 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hospitality: Sacred Table

6/21/201537 minutes, 26 seconds
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Hospitality: Sacred Strangers

6/14/201539 minutes, 33 seconds
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Hospitality: Sacred Image

6/7/201537 minutes, 16 seconds
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Arise: A Community Formed By Bold Witness

5/31/201542 minutes, 6 seconds
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Arise: A Community Formed by Diversity

5/24/201537 minutes, 30 seconds
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Arise: A Community Formed by Suffering as the People of God

5/17/201541 minutes, 16 seconds
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Arise: A Community Formed by Persecution of the Risen Christ

5/10/201542 minutes, 40 seconds
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Arise: A Community Formed by Serving Others

5/3/201538 minutes, 14 seconds
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Arise: A Community Formed By The Holy Spirit

Pastor Bill Clem continues our Series "Arise: A Journey Through The Book of Acts" by looking at how the early Church interacted with and was formed by the Holy Spirit. 
4/19/201549 minutes, 55 seconds
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Arise: A Community Formed by Resurrection

4/12/201531 minutes, 30 seconds
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Easter Sunday 2015

4/5/201528 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Turn: Turning Creation Back to God

3/29/201534 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Turn: Turning Love Into Service

3/22/201545 minutes, 1 second
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The Turn: Turning Worship Back to the Heart

3/15/201536 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Turn: Turning Death to Life

3/8/201537 minutes, 5 seconds
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3/1/201539 minutes, 10 seconds
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2/15/201538 minutes, 57 seconds
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2/8/201538 minutes, 20 seconds
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Hear and Obey the Word and Spirit

2/1/201537 minutes, 46 seconds
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Practicing the Rhythms of Grace

1/25/201542 minutes, 43 seconds
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Saving Justice 2015, Pt. 3

1/18/201542 minutes, 19 seconds
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Saving Justice 2015, Pt. 2

1/11/201543 minutes, 9 seconds
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Saving Justice 2015, Pt. 1

1/4/201546 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Story: Revelation

12/28/20141 hour, 6 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Story: Christmas Eve

12/24/201417 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Story: The Hope of God's Sons and Daughters Entering the Father's Presence through Jesus

12/21/201433 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Story: The Hope of Christ Interceding to Save His Global People

12/14/201431 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Story: The Hope of Jesus our Sympathetic High Priest

12/7/201434 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Story: The Hope of God with Us in Jesus

Pastor Rick McKinley continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Hebrews.
11/30/201438 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Story: A Message to a Pastor

11/23/201446 minutes, 1 second
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The Story: Our Moment in the Story

11/16/201446 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Story: Faith without Works is Dead

Pastor Bill Clem continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of James. 
11/9/201440 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Story: The Gospel of God

11/2/201442 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Jesus People and the New Humanity

10/26/201434 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Jesus is the Son of God

10/19/201439 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Jesus is the Son of Man

10/12/201439 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Jesus is the Suffering Servant

10/5/201443 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Jesus is King

9/28/201440 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Prophets - Amos

Pastor Rick McKinley continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Amos.
9/21/201443 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Prophets - Jonah

Pastor Eva Cruz Peña continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Jonah. 
9/14/201438 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Prophets - Daniel

Pastor Rick McKinley continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Daniel. 
9/7/201438 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Prophets - Ezekiel 37, 43

Pastor Rick McKinley continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Ezekiel.
8/31/201433 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Prophets - Lamentations

Pastor Rick McKinley continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Lamentations.
8/24/201441 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Prophets - Jeremiah 29-31

Pastor Eric Knox continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Jeremiah.
8/17/201434 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Prophets - Jeremiah 11

Pastor Bill Clem continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Jeremiah.
8/10/201436 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Prophets - Isaiah 52-53

8/3/201437 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Prophets - Isaiah 1-5

Pastor Eric Knox continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Isaiah.
7/20/201436 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Way of Wisdom - Ecclesiastes

Pastor Bill Clem continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Ecclesiastes.
7/13/201440 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Way of Wisdom - Proverbs 1-3

7/6/201437 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

The Story: Way of Wisdom - Psalm 23

6/29/201436 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Story: Way of Wisdom - Psalms 32-33, 51

6/22/201444 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Story: Way of Wisdom - Psalms 34

6/15/201430 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Way of Wisdom - Psalm 3

6/8/201434 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Way of Wisdom - Job 1-37

6/1/201432 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Freedom to Exile - Ezra & Nehemiah

5/25/201441 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Story: Freedom to Exile - 2 Kings & 2 Chronicles, Pt. 2

5/18/201441 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Story: Freedom to Exile - 2 Kings & 2 Chronicles

5/11/201434 minutes, 1 second
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The Story: Freedom to Exile - I Kings

4/27/201444 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Resurrection

4/20/201429 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Story: God of Covenant - Deuteronomy

4/13/201440 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Story: God of Covenant - Judges

4/6/201448 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: God of Covenant - Joshua 1-24

Pastor Rick McKinley continues "The Story: Finding your story in the Story of God," looking at the book of Joshua.
3/30/201446 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: God of Covenant - Exodus 16

3/23/201438 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: God of Covenant - Numbers 13-14

3/16/201439 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: God of Covenant - Leviticus 16

3/9/201429 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: God of Covenant - Exodus 20

3/2/201432 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Story: Beginnings - Exodus 6

2/23/201431 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Story: Beginnings - Exodus 3

2/9/201438 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Story: Beginnings - Genesis 22

2/2/201431 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Story: Beginnings - Genesis 11-12

1/26/201439 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Story: Beginnings - Genesis 3

1/19/201434 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Story: Beginnings - Genesis 1-2

1/12/201441 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Year of Our Lord's Favor: Luke 4

1/5/201435 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Advent 2013: The Word Became Flesh

12/29/201340 minutes, 42 seconds
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Advent 2013: Lost & Found

12/22/201331 minutes, 10 seconds
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Advent 2013: Judgment & Salvation

12/15/201336 minutes, 37 seconds
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Advent 2013: Power & Humility

12/8/201335 minutes, 14 seconds
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Advent 2013: Hiddenness & Revelation

12/1/201353 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Compelled by Love: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

11/24/201337 minutes, 43 seconds
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Compelled by Love: John 15:13

11/17/201333 minutes, 30 seconds
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Compelled by Love: Come and Die

11/10/201332 minutes, 18 seconds
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Compelled by Love: Matthew 28:5-10

11/3/201332 minutes
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Compelled by Love: Luke 10:1-20

10/20/201339 minutes, 59 seconds
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Compelled by Love: Go and Tell

10/13/201340 minutes, 46 seconds
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Compelled by Love: John 1:43-51

10/6/201343 minutes, 21 seconds
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Compelled by Love: John 4:27-39

9/29/201336 minutes, 16 seconds
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Compelled by Love: John 4:1-24

9/22/201340 minutes, 48 seconds
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Compelled by Love: 2 Corinthians 5

9/15/201343 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Generosity, Pt. 2 (2013)

9/8/201334 minutes, 32 seconds
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Generosity, Pt. 1 (2013)

9/1/201341 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Disobedient God

8/25/201338 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 6, Pt. 2

8/18/201337 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 6

8/11/201339 minutes, 27 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 5:24-25

8/4/201339 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Be Named By God: Matthew 3

Pastor Rick McKinley shares the story of Jesus' baptism from the book of Matthew.
7/28/201336 minutes, 50 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 5:16-23

7/14/201335 minutes, 34 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 5:22

7/7/201331 minutes, 22 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 5:13-21

6/30/201337 minutes, 58 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 5:1-12

6/23/201339 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Journey into Weakness

6/16/201339 minutes, 21 seconds
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Fear: Freedom or Management?

6/9/201335 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Crime Scene with Dr. John Perkins

6/2/201340 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Expanded Vision of the Gospel

5/26/201334 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 4:1-11

5/26/201343 minutes, 25 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 4:1-7

5/19/201341 minutes, 39 seconds
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Gospel Reenactment

5/12/201332 minutes, 41 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 3:15-22

4/28/201339 minutes, 45 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 2

4/21/201331 minutes, 12 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 1, Pt. 2

4/14/201337 minutes, 43 seconds
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Old Gospel, New Life: Galatians 1

4/7/201340 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Faith in the Resurrected King: Easter 2013

3/31/201320 minutes, 37 seconds
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Community of the Crucified King: Week 6

3/24/201334 minutes, 42 seconds
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Community of the Crucified King: Week 5

3/17/201336 minutes, 5 seconds
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Community of the Crucified King: Week 4

3/10/201336 minutes, 32 seconds
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Community of the Crucified King: Week 3

3/3/201331 minutes, 1 second
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Community of the Crucified King: Week 2

2/24/201331 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Community of the Crucified King: Week 1

2/17/201340 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jesus Makes Thankful People Persevering People

2/10/201339 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jesus Makes Thankful People Loving People

2/3/201334 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jesus Makes Thankful People Faithful People

1/27/201332 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Shalom: Sharing Peace With the World

1/20/201337 minutes, 42 seconds
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Shalom: Experiencing Peace in the New Year

1/13/201336 minutes, 44 seconds
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Shalom: Dedicating a New Year

1/6/201339 minutes, 30 seconds
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Living Into the Love of God

12/30/201235 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Advent 2012: Jesus Changes Everything

12/23/201227 minutes
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Advent 2012: Jesus Brings Us Home to the Father

12/16/201233 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Advent 2012: If You Seek Him You Will Find Him

12/9/201228 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Advent 2012: Jesus Came to Set Us Free

12/2/201233 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

We Pray: Lead Us Not into Temptation

11/25/201240 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

We Pray: Forgive Us Our Debts

11/18/201237 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

We Pray: Give Us Today our Daily Bread

11/11/201242 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

We Pray: On Earth As It is in Heaven

10/28/201235 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

We Pray: Your Will Be Done

10/21/201242 minutes, 3 seconds