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Hay House Live! Podcast Cover
Hay House Live! Podcast Profile

Hay House Live! Podcast

English, Health / Medicine, 2 seasons, 203 episodes, 5 days, 6 hours, 25 minutes
Enjoy insightful and inspiring lectures from Hay House Live!® live events featuring leading experts in the fields of alternative health, nutrition, intuitive medicine, psychology, spirituality, success and personal development. This podcast program will help you get motivated to live your best life possible and open your mind to some new ideas. Hay House, founded by Louise Hay, is an international leader in self-help and transformational publishing and offers books, audios, videos, online courses and live events worldwide. Visit for additional resources in self-development.
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You Can Heal Your Life® Podcast Trailer

In today’s fast-paced, on-demand world—it can be hard to reserve time for reflection and growth...For asking those important questions about spirituality, health and wellness, self-empowerment, and all the other topics that affect how we experience our world. That’s why we created the “You Can Heal Your Life”podcast.Featuring world-renowned experts who are on the cutting-edge of new ideas and dynamic concepts—we’re working to give you an empowered perspective on your past, present, and future life. Elevate your morning coffee, afternoon walk, or evening commute into an inspirational, motivational, and transformational personal growth experience—with life-changing insights and real-world solutions.
1/1/20202 minutes, 52 seconds
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Joe Dispenza - Making Your Mind Matter

Rewire your brain by taking a journey in brain evolution using scientifically proven neurophysiological principles. Your reality is created by beliefs and perceptions that are based on thoughts and feelings. Every time you have a thought, you make a chemical and turn on a set of circuits in your brain that produces a level of mind for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking, and then think the way you feel, and feel the way you think; and this cycle creates a state of being. In this engaging lecture, you will learn about the epigenetic model of reality – signaling the gene ahead of the environment, choosing a future possibility, and bringing it to life in the present moment. The experience changes the circuitry in the brain and creates additional elevated emotions that cause us to come out of our resting states and produce new, long-term memories; and thus create a new future for ourselves.
12/29/201910 minutes, 50 seconds
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Joan Borysenko - The PlantPlus Diet

There is no one size fits all diet.  Bad science and media hype has made the connection between diet and health very confusing. Now there is personalized medicine. Your genetics, epigenetics, and 100 trillion gut microbes get taken into consideration. It’s PlantPlus, based on new science. Dr. Joan Borysenko simplifies everything.  She teaches you how to choose. This generation is the first that’s expected to live shorter, less vital lives than their parents. We can change that.
12/22/201925 minutes, 14 seconds
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Anthony William - Health Secrets from the Medical Medium

In this fascinating and engaging workshop, Anthony William Medical Medium® teaches new, never heard before, information and solutions to today’s most pressing health issues such as fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, anxiety, depression, inflammation, hair loss, bloating, candida, heart palpitations, thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, weight issues, urinary tract infections, autoimmune disorders and more.
12/16/201932 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mike Robbins - How Do We Deal With Ourselves

Are you getting in your own way? Are you sabatoaging the life you really want to live? In this impassioned talk, author and life coach Mike Robbins talks about getting past your own fears and how to lovingly get out of your own way to let whatever wants to come through come through. He takes through the stepsto have more compassion, more acceptance, and more love for yourself-thus giving you access to more compassion, more acceptance, and more love for the people (and everything else) in your life.
12/8/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dr. Barbara De Angelis - Souls Shifts

Do you struggle to have courage to make the changes you need to make? Maybe you need to release the past or have the energy to live fully. Or  maybe just to understand your life’s path. You need a profound accelerated transformation from the inside out and you are ready for Soul Shifts! Dr. Barbara De Angelis offers this radical re-visioning. She invites you to go from trying to manage yourself and control your life to learning how to make Soul Shifts— transforming you from the deepest level.
12/4/201957 minutes, 12 seconds
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Meggan Wattersson - How to Love No Matter What

Discover how love is a limitless source which we have access to whether we are alone, with someone, or wanting to offer it to everyone we encounter. No matter where you are on the spectrum of dating, from newly in love to going through the worst break-up of your life, bring your heart to this workshop and we will explore how to open it further.
11/19/201927 minutes, 43 seconds
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Dr. Roger W. Teel - This Life is Joy - Discovering the Spiritual Laws to Live More Powerfully, Lovingly and Happily

Dr. Roger W. Teel is a life transforming speaker and a global spiritual leader. Through storytelling, humor and practical spirituality, Dr. Teel’s transforming messages, as well as in workshops, classes, business and national conferences, help empower people and lead them to their limitless potential to live dynamically. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
11/12/201931 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sandra Anne Taylor - Cracking Your Karma Code: Revealing the Hidden Power of Your Past Lives

According to Sandra Anne Taylor, the answers to your fears and dreams may lie in your past lives! Your present consciousness may be hiding what you need to know and your  past lives are still a powerful force in your present one! Join Sandra as she discusses the power of past lives and how you can use the information to live the best life possible.
11/3/201931 minutes, 38 seconds
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Tara Stiles - Make Your Own Rules: How to Achieve Your Most Radiant Self from the Inside Out

Tara Stiles is the founder and owner of Strala Yoga, and is unpretentious, inclusive, and straightforward in her approach to yoga and meditation. Getting sensitized is the practice and the secret root to making your own rules. You get what you practice, so you might as well practice something that leads you directly to the greatness that exists right inside, waiting to be discovered.
10/28/201934 minutes, 56 seconds
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Karen Jones - Heart of Miracles is a flashlight for people in the dark

Karen Henson Jones started to believe in things that she never believed in before such as a vast spiritual world, the power of the mind, and an unlimited potential for healing both the physical body and family relationships. In this workshop, she will take us through the different lessons that she learned on her journey around the world to understand what it means to be human in this world.
10/21/201924 minutes, 36 seconds
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Liana Werner Gray - Recipes for Transformation

In this riveting talk, Liana offers scientific proof of the immediate effects of nutrition when it enters the body and how fulfilling health can be. She also shares recipes that are both nutritious and healing. This is a must see presentation if you want to lose weight, increase energy, tackle chronic illness and disease, and conquer unhealthy eating patterns so you can live more freely
10/6/201926 minutes, 27 seconds
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Radleigh Valentine - Waking Up to the Messages of Your Angels

How Waking Up to the Messages of Your Angels Can Guide You to the Life of Your Dreams. You were born to live life overflowing with joy and fulfillment! And yet, why do so many of us struggle to create the happiness we’re dreaming of? Seven years ago Radleigh Valentine was a Certified Public Accountant working for the government in a job that made him miserable. Today, he is an internationally known speaker, spiritual teacher, and best-selling author! By following the guidance of his angels and opening his eyes to the magical signs around him, Radleigh changed his life – and so can you!   Using his bestselling angel tarot card decks, he will show you how to transform fear and worry into hope and motivation to lead you to happiness! Radleigh will also do live readings during the workshop to demonstrate how to get clarity in all aspects of your life.
9/29/201930 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nick Ortner - The Tapping Solution for Stress-Free Living

Who better to take us on a tour of EFT than Nick Ortner? As the Host of the world-famous Worldwide Tapping Summit, Nick has helped guide millions. What is EFT? Are you familiar with the ancient Chinese art of Acupuncture? If so, then EFT will make sense to you. The best part about EFT is that it doesn’t use needles and you can do it yourself. EFT is lovingly known as “Tapping” because all you need are your very own fingers. Use EFT Tapping to break through patterns of self-sabotage and limiting beliefs. Use Tapping for pain relief, weight loss, financial abundance, improving your relationships and much more. The results have been nothing short of remarkable in millions of lives.  
9/24/201949 minutes, 8 seconds
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John Holland - Power of the Soul

When you tap into the incredible force and power of your soul, and once your spiritual gifts are recognized, opened and used, you’ll see yourself and the world in a way you never thought possible.” Did you know you have the ability to tap   into one of the most powerful forces in the Universe -YOUR SOUL? Your soul is constantly trying to get your attention, but many of us don’t recognize the signs. In this original lecture, John helps you reconnect with your natural spiritual abilities as well as dismantle some of the barriers created by your outer-self, so you can unveil your true inner-self. Once this is achieved, you’ll be able to break free from some of the psychological restrictions that have prevented you from identifying and reaching your full potential.
9/16/201938 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rebecca Campbell - Your Inner Temple Workshop

Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
9/8/201924 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sonia Choquette - Wake up Your Spirit and Trust Your Vibes

Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
9/1/201934 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mike Dow - Your Subconscious Brain Can Change Your Life

Learn the science behind the subconscious brain and how to use yours to change your life with New York Times bestselling author Dr. Mike Dow. Learn a self-guided technique that will help you unlock the wondrous, untapped resource that is already within you. Yes, the subconscious brain can truly change your life. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
8/25/201925 minutes, 29 seconds
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Mira Kelley - Beyond Past Lives

Through personal regression stories and those of her clients, Mira Kelley explores the revolutionary idea that our lives are not past, present and future but that they are all occurring in this present moment. By visiting their other lives and receiving guidance from their Higher Self, people can experience instantaneous transformation. With the knowledge that we are multidimensional and that all possibilities exist simultaneously, Mira shares how we can consciously move through parallel realities and experience the life we want.
8/12/201927 minutes, 50 seconds
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Jenny Ross - Five things you can do with your diet today to feel more alive

Jenny Ross, the owner and executive chef of the living-foods restaurant 118 Degrees in Costa Mesa, California, has been a pioneering spirit of the raw-foods movement since 2000, beginning with her first Los Angeles café. As a chef, her unique creations have captivated customers nationwide, and her product line is available in health-food stores throughout the country. Jenny works with clients of all backgrounds, motivating them toward more vibrant health while teaching them about the healing power of living foods. Her award-winning cuisine has drawn a celebrity clientele to her restaurant and has been a positive catalyst for changing many lives. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
8/5/201927 minutes, 12 seconds
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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Free Yourself Now and Forever

Free yourself, now and forever, from the domination of your personality, with its self-inflated and often self-sabotaging mind and intellect. In addition to having a personal self, there is also an impersonal self that is with you for every moment of your existence in this lifetime. This impersonal self is NOT your intellect and body. It is the invisible intelligence that animates all of life. It is responsible for all of your desires. It allows your fingernails to grow, your heart to beat, and it is the life force that supports all of life everywhere. In order to awaken to this fact you must get away from the consciousness of your body and intellect, which have long held you enslaved. You can and will learn to Feel Your infinite impersonal self within and come to know and rely upon it at all times. “From the perspective of the infinite, it is obvious that the individual self ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT EXIST.” This is a truth that the personality, with it’s ever dominating ego presence cannot and will not tolerate.  To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
7/29/201927 minutes, 43 seconds
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Gerry Gavin - If You Could Talk to an Angel

Wouldn’t you love to know the questions and answers from twenty years of channeling an angel? That’s what Gerry Gavin is going to talk about. And he’ll show you, by channelling of Margaret, his angel, right there on the stage. His book, Margaret, Down-to-Earth Angelic Advice for the World and You, is the story of his amazing journey from living in a Haunted House – to being a Hay House author. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
7/22/201928 minutes, 43 seconds
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David Kessler - You Can Heal Your Heart

  Is a death, breakup, divorce, job loss or pet loss holding you back? Do you feel heartbroken, alone, or just not your best self? Is your past breakup interfering with your new relationship? If so, it’s not your fault! After loss we often create ANTS – Automatic Negative Thoughts!  David will reveal how to find joy and love after loss in this can’t miss workshop. You’ll never be the same. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
7/14/201924 minutes, 33 seconds
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Cheryl Richardson - The Art and Science of Living a Creative Life

Most people long for a chance to express their creativity every day. They may dream of starting a business, writing a book, or becoming a healer. Some recognize their talents and want to know how to earn a living using them, others question whether they’re creative at all. During this keynote presentation, Cheryl will talk about what it means to live a creative life, the importance of redefining the word “artist,” and how to generate the time, space, and money to do more of what you love. Get ready to unleash your creative dreams! To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
7/1/201925 minutes, 54 seconds
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Mike Dooley - What Really Happens in the Afterlife

In this live discussion, author Mike Dooley, shares his afterlife perspective to give hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike share's simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
6/23/201927 minutes, 39 seconds
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Kyle Gray - Angel Intuition

  In this fascinating live discussion, angel expert Kyle Gray teaches you how to unlock your natural spiritual gifts in communicating with the angels and teaches new and exciting techniques that will leave you connected to them forever. Create your own code with the angels and allow them to send you daily reminders of their presence.  To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
6/16/201928 minutes, 55 seconds
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Robert Holden, Ph.D. - Life Loves Me

  In this live discussion, Robert Holden, Ph.D. discusses Louise Hay's mirror work and the power it can have to change the way we see ourselves and the world around us. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
6/9/201934 minutes, 2 seconds
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Denise Linn - Breaking Through the Barriers

  In this powerful live lecture, spiritual leader and past-life regression therapist Denise Linn guides the audience through regressions that help to remove the barriers and blocks that are holding you back from the life you are meant to live. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
6/2/201944 minutes, 42 seconds
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Anthony Williams - Life Choices

  In this live discussion, medical intuitive Anthony Williams discuss the importance of your life choices and the effects it can have on your health. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
5/26/201937 minutes, 48 seconds
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Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. - Wisdom of the Shamans

  In this inspriring talk, Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. discusses the the power behind shamanic practices and shamanic medicine and the ways it can heal our bodies, mind and spirit. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
5/19/201934 minutes, 21 seconds
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Joan Borysenko - Gut Bacteria vs the 5 Pillars of Dietary Doom

  Joan Borysenko dicusses the power of a healthy gut. She talks about the pit falls of dietary supplements and fad diets and how to avoid them. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
5/12/201936 minutes, 47 seconds
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Teal Swan - Clarivoyance and Psychic Abilities

  In this live discussion, Teal Swan talks about her psychic abilites and gives powerful audience member readings. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
5/5/201937 minutes, 45 seconds
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davidji - Secrets of Meditation Live!

  In this live discussion, davidji talks about the power of meditation and the ability it has to affect our lives in a positive way. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
4/28/201942 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Goddesses Never Age Live!

  Dr. Christiane Northrup shares how to feel young every day regardless of your age. Through her own experience, Christiane discovered the importance of having a deep connection with your divine, ageless self; From this place, you can learn to change your negative conversation about aging and understand that old age is not a time of loneliness and uselessness. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
4/21/201922 minutes, 49 seconds
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Brian Weiss - The Path That Brought Me Here

  Brian talks about the experiences that brought him to embrace regression therapy. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
4/14/201923 minutes, 39 seconds
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Caroline Myss - The History of Ourselves

Caroline Myss discusses the importance of our own history. She addresses how our past can shape our lives and how to live not as a slave to our past, but to learn from it. To learn more about this author or to find out more about Hay House live events, please visit
4/8/201931 minutes, 12 seconds
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Anita Moorjani - Dying To Be Me

  Anita talks about her near death experience with cancer and how she healed from that to live the life of her dreams. To learn more about this author or any other Hay House author, please visit
4/2/201933 minutes, 12 seconds
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Nick Ortner - A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living - Fort Lauderdale 2014

In this dynamic presentation, Nick Ortner will teach you how to use EFT Tapping to break through patterns of self-sabotage and limiting beliefs and show you specifically how you can use Tapping for pain relief, weight loss, financial abundance, improving your relationships and much more. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
3/25/201959 minutes, 51 seconds
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Nancy Levin - Jump…And Your Life Will Appear - Fort Lauderdale 2014

No matter what major change you want to make, Nancy's step-by-step process will prepare and propel you to take action. It's time to face and embrace your fears, create the courage necessary to take the leap toward self-love, and reap the rewards of the unforseen gifts and opportunities that await you upon landing. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
3/17/201918 minutes, 26 seconds
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Kris Carr - Creating a Crazy Sexy Life - New York 2014

In this talk, Kris will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. Each of us receives some sort of a wake-up call. Answer yours today and let your obstacle become your catalyst for a healthier and more meaningful life. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
3/10/201958 minutes, 26 seconds
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John Holland - Messages from the Other Side - Fort Lauderdale 2014

In this talk, you'll learn the different forms of communication and signs that your loved ones are sending to you and you’ll also discover your own psychic strengths. Plus, John Holland will include astounding demonstrations of live readings with messages for some of the audience members. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
2/26/201959 minutes, 51 seconds
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Joe Dispenza - Making Your Mind Matter - Fort Lauderdale 2014

In this engaging lecture, you will learn about the epigenetic model of reality—signaling the gene ahead of the environment, choosing a future possibility, and bringing it to life in the present moment. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
2/17/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 5 seconds
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Immaculee Ilibagiza - Left to Tell - Fort Lauderdale 2014

A living example of faith, Immaculee shows us how to embrace the power of prayer, forge a profound and lasting relationship with God, and discover the importance of forgiveness and the meaning of truly unconditional love and understanding – through our darkest hours. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
2/10/201929 minutes, 28 seconds
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Gabby Bernstein - Are You Ready to Work with Miracles? - Fort Lauderdale 2014

In this inspiring talk, Gabrielle offers an exciting plan for releasing fear and allowing gratitude, forgiveness, and love to flow through you without fail—all of which ultimately leads to a breathtaking life of abundance, acceptance, appreciation, and happiness. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
2/3/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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Wayne Dyer - Seeing Obstacles as Divine Gifts - Fort Lauderdale

During this intimate interview, Dr. Dyer shares his own life struggles, strife and rearview reflections as an example of how we can all recognize the hand of the Divine at play in our lives. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
1/29/20191 hour, 21 seconds
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Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Goddesses Never Age - Fort Lauderdale 2014

For decades Dr. Northrup has taught women that if they want to know where their real power lies, they need to look to the areas they’ve been taught to dread. Aging is one of these. In Goddesses Never Age, Christiane Northrup, M.D., will turn ageism on its head! Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
1/20/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 50 seconds
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Doreen Virtue - Healing Help and Guidance from Your Angels - Fort Lauderdale 2014

Join Doreen for an uplifting and enlightening morning as she shares her angel messages from her latest books, The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel and Assertiveness for Earth Angels,and how angels are watching over all of us. She’ll guide you through healing treatments to balance and soothe you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
1/13/20191 hour, 24 minutes, 12 seconds
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Cheryl Richardson - Self Care for the Sensitive Soul - Fort Lauderdale 2014

During this interview, Cheryl will show you how to design your life in a way that protects and honors your sensitive soul. You'll feel relieved and excited as you learn specific strategies to finally live peacefully, comfortably, and in harmony with your personal rhythms and needs! Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
1/6/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 51 seconds
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Brian Weiss - Finding New Levels of Healing - Fort Lauderdale 2014

In this fascinating experiential workshop, the world’s foremost expert in past-life regression, Dr. Brian Weiss, introduces you to a unique way of healing. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
12/30/20181 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
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Anita Moorjani - The Power of Transformation - Fort Lauderdale 2014

What would it take for you to realize just how powerful you are? For Anita Moorjani, it took almost dying from end stage cancer. Her true story will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life! Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
12/23/201827 minutes, 40 seconds
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Alex Woodard - For the Sender - Fort Launderdale 2014

Join the Hay House author and award-winning songwriter Alex Woodard, as he takes you on a moving journey of release, redemption, and realization through the letters, songs, and story of For The Sender Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
12/16/201833 minutes, 6 seconds
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Nancy Levin - Jump...And Your Life Will Appear - Baltimore 2014

No matter what major change you want to make, Nancy Levin's step-by-step process will prepare and propel you to take action. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
12/9/201816 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mike Robbins - Nothing Changes Until You Do - Baltimore 2014

In this inspiring interview, Mike Robbins shares stories, insights, and wisdom to help you embrace, accept, and love all of who you are with vulnerability and compassion. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
12/2/20181 hour, 22 seconds
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John Holland - The Spirit Whisperer - Baltimore 2014

In this amazing lecture, you'll meet one of the top communicators with the Spirit World—psychic medium John Holland, who will not only bring you messages from your deceased loved ones, but will show you how to discover your own innate intuitive abilities and fine-tune your connection to the Other Side. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
11/25/20181 hour, 15 minutes, 22 seconds
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Joe Dispenza - Making Your Mind Matter - Baltimore 2014

In this engaging lecture, you will learn about the epigenetic model of reality—signaling the gene ahead of the environment, choosing a future possibility, and bringing it to life in the present moment. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
11/18/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 24 seconds
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Iyanla Vanzant - A Real Conversation About Living - Baltimore 2014

Founder and executive director of Inner Visions International and the Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development and author of 13 titles—including five New York Times bestsellers. Iyanla has a bit of real life to share with you! Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
11/16/20181 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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Immaculee Ilibagiza - Left to Tell - Baltimore 2014

A living example of faith, Immaculée shows us how to embrace the power of prayer, forge a profound and lasting relationship with God, and discover the importance of forgiveness and the meaning of truly unconditional love and understanding – through our darkest hours. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
11/15/201826 minutes, 43 seconds
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Wayne Dyer - I Can See Clearly Now - Baltimore 2014

During this intimate interview, Dr. Dyer shares his own life struggles, strife and rear-view reflections as an example of how we can all recognize the hand of the Divine at play in our lives. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
11/14/20181 hour, 41 minutes, 30 seconds
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Doreen Virtue - Healing Help and Guidance from Your Angels - Baltimore 2014

Join Doreen for an uplifting and enlightening morning as she shares her angel messages from her latest books, The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel and Assertiveness for Earth Angels,and how angels are watching over all of us. She’ll guide you throughhealing treatments to balance and soothe you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
11/13/20181 hour, 32 minutes, 25 seconds
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Cheryl Richardson - Self Care for the Sensitive Soul - Baltimore 2014

During this interview, Cheryl will show you how to design your life in a way that protects and honors your sensitive soul. You'll feel relieved and excited as you learn specific strategies to finally live peacefully, comfortably, and in harmony with your personal rhythms and needs! Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
11/12/20181 hour, 19 minutes, 41 seconds
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Bruce H. Liption - The Honeymoon Effect - Baltimore 2014

This presentation illuminates the mechanisms by which our developmental programming shapes the invisible and unconscious behaviors that create or undermine loving partnerships. Join Bruce H. Lipton in this enlightening interview. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
10/7/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 47 seconds
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Brian L. Weiss, M.D. - Many Lives, Many Masters - Baltimore 2014

In this fascinating experiential workshop, the world’s foremost expert in past-life regression, Dr. Brian Weiss, introduces you to a unique way of healing. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
9/30/20181 hour, 50 seconds
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Anita Moorjani - The Power of Transformation - Baltimore 2014

Anita Moorjani will inspire you to transform your life by living more authentically, discovering your greatest passions, transcending your deepest fears, and living from a place of pure joy. Her true story will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life! Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
9/28/201823 minutes, 56 seconds
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Alex Woodard - For the Sender - Baltimore 2014

Join the Hay House author and award-winning songwriter Alex Woodard, as he takes you on a moving journey of release, redemption, and realization through the letters, songs, and story of For The Sender Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
9/25/201838 minutes, 14 seconds
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Wayne Dyer - I Can See Clearly Now - New York 2014

During this intimate keynote, Dr. Dyer shares his own life struggles, strife and rearview reflections as an example of how we can all recognize the hand of the Divine at play in our lives. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
9/24/201852 minutes, 40 seconds
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Kris Carr - From Surviving to Thriving - New York 2014

In this talk, Kris Carr will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. Each of us receives some sort of a wake-up call. Answer yours today and let your obstacle become your catalyst for a healthier and more meaningful life. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
9/2/201857 minutes, 28 seconds
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John Holland - The Spirit Whisperer - New York 2014

In this amazing lecture, you'll meet one of the top communicators with the Spirit World—psychic medium John Holland, who will not only bring you messages from your deceased loved ones, but will show you how to discover your own innate intuitive abilities and fine-tune your connection to the Other Side. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
8/26/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 47 seconds
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Doreen Virtue - Healing Help and Guidance from Your Angels - New York 2014

Join Doreen for an uplifting and enlightening morning as she shares her angel messages from her latest books, The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel and Assertiveness for Earth Angels,and how angels are watching over all of us. She’ll guide you through healing treatments to balance and soothe you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
8/19/201847 minutes, 42 seconds
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Alex Woodard - For The Sender - New York 2014

Join the Hay House author and award-winning songwriter Alex Woodard, as he takes you on a moving journey of release, redemption, and realization through the letters, songs, and story of For The Sender Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
8/12/201833 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tim Ryan - Transformation Nation - New York 2014

In this talk, innovative and visionary Congressman Ryan lays out his vision for building a mindful nation and inspiring Americans to get involved in reshaping our country. He challenges us to come alive and build political, health and wellness, and education systems that will help all Americans tap into their talents and creativity. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
8/5/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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Tara Stiles - Make Your Own Rules - New York 2014

Getting sensitized is the practice and the secret root to making your own rules. When you are sensitized, you are living in feeling mode, instead of thinking and worrying mode. With practice, you’ll begin to muster the courage to believe in, and respond to what you feel. Join Tara Stiles in this enlightening interview! Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
7/30/201824 minutes, 25 seconds
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Nick Ortner - The Tapping Solution for Stress-Free Living - New York 2014

In this dynamic presentation, Nick Ortner will teach you how to use EFT Tapping to break through patterns of self-sabotage and limiting beliefs and show you specifically how you can use Tapping for pain relief, weight loss, financial abundance, improving your relationships and much more. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
7/22/201827 minutes, 21 seconds
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Nancy Levin - Jump...And Your Life Will Appear - New York 2014

No matter what major change you want to make, Nancy Levin's step-by-step process will prepare and propel you to take action. It's time to face and embrace your fears, create the courage necessary to take the leap toward self-love, and reap the rewards of the unforseen gifts and opportunities that await you upon landing. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
7/15/201820 minutes, 55 seconds
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John Pierre - The Pillars of Health - New York 2014

John shows that attaining vibrant health can be fun, enjoyable, and doable. Eating wholesome, delicious foods, engaging and expanding our mind with cognitive fitness modalities, challenging our body with joyous physical motion, and embracing a loving and compassionate outlook create the solid “pillars” that lead to lifelong wellness. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
7/8/201821 minutes, 32 seconds
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Gopi Kallayil - The Internet to the Inner-net - New York 2014

The Internet has become humanity’s invisible central nervous system that connects us and can sometimes overwhelm us. Yet, the most important technology is within us - our brain, body, and consciousness. How do we integrate the Internet with our Inner-Net? Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
7/1/201820 minutes, 25 seconds
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Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Vitality, Wellbeing, and Radiance - New York 2014

Learn Dr. Northrup’s blueprint for ensuring that the best years of your life are ahead of you—not behind you! Dr. Northrup will inspire you to release your ageist programming and allow your life to be infused with that which is forever and always youthful and eternal within you—your inner Divine Goddess self. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
6/24/201848 minutes, 8 seconds
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Caroline Myss - How the Transformation Movement is Changing You - New York 2014

Join Caroline for an in depth discussion on this remarkable journey and learn why the more conscious you become of the world that is continually influencing you, the more awesome the journey will be. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
6/17/201836 minutes, 47 seconds
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Barbara De Angelis - Soul Shifts - New York 2014

Dr. Barbara De Angelis offers a radical re-visioning of the journey of personal and spiritual growth that invites you to go from trying to manage yourself and control your life to, instead, operating from inner Mastery by learning how to make what she calls Soul Shifts-- profound shifts in understanding, emotions and consciousness that will transform you from the Soul Level. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
6/10/201837 minutes, 50 seconds
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Anita Moorjani - The Power of Transformation

Listen as Anita talks about transforming yourself, your life, and the way you see the world. With practice, you’ll begin to muster the courage to believe in, and respond to what you feel. You get what you practice, so you might as well practice something that leads you directly to the greatness that exists right inside, waiting to be discovered. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
6/4/201822 minutes, 16 seconds
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Doreen Virtue - Healing Help and Guidance from Your Angels - Vancouver

Join Doreen for an uplifting and enlightening morning as she shares her angel messages from her latest books, The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel and Assertiveness for Earth Angels,and how angels are watching over all of us. She’ll guide you through Angel Therapy™ healing treatments to balance and soothe you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
5/27/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Seeing Obstacles as Divine Gifts

Discover how the lowest points in our lives can be our greatest teachers, and the storms of our lives provide us with the physical, emotional and spiritual experience we need to climb to greater heights of joy and fulfillment. Your inspirational journey starts today with FREE audios from Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Suze Orman & more at Transformation begins now. Join the movement. #hhworldsummit
5/17/201837 minutes, 22 seconds
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Caroline Myss - How the Transformation Movement is Changing You

Transformation is not only a spiritual movement; it is an all-inclusive transition into a completely different consciousness about our interconnected global, if not cosmic community. Expressions of this collective transformation movement include redefining ourselves as multisensory beings and accepting intuitive abilities as a natural part of our organic skills. Your inspirational journey starts today with FREE audios from Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Suze Orman & more at Transformation begins now. Join the movement. #hhworldsummit
5/13/201831 minutes, 6 seconds
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Jim Kwik - Unleash Your Super Brain

Jim Kwik, founder of Kwik Learning, is a world expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning. As a renowned Memory/ Learning Expert, Jim will show you exactly how to unlock your brain power with his practical, powerful and proven system. Your inspirational journey starts today with FREE audios from Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Suze Orman & more at Transformation begins now. Join the movement. #hhworldsummit
5/6/201828 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dr. Joe Dispenza - Making Your Mind Matter - Vancouver

Your reality is created by beliefs and perceptions that are based on thoughts and feelings. Every time you have a thought, you make a chemical and turn on a set of circuits in your brain that produces a level of mind for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking, and then think the way you feel, and feel the way you think; and this cycle creates a state of being. In this engaging lecture, you will learn about the epigenetic model of reality—signaling the gene ahead of the environment, choosing a future possibility, and bringing it to life in the present moment. Sign up to be the first to know all the details of our 2018 Hay House live events and claim your FREE audio lecture from Dr. Joe Dispenza at
4/23/201831 minutes, 17 seconds
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James Van Praagh - Opening to Your Own Unique Light

In this unique and one of a kind event, world renowned Spiritual Medium James Van Praagh shares with you a day which could change your view of both life and death! In this exhilarating workshop, James brings you closer to the spirit realms by sharing various methods and techniques to participants in the workshops. Specifically, he will guide you in blending your mind with your loved ones in the Spirit realm to receive personal messages and insights. Learn how to “tune-in” and know when your loved ones are with you. By learning these techniques, you not only become aware of the Spirit world, but begin to see yourself as a “Spirit and Soul” having a physical experience. James will also demonstrate his remarkable ability to connect with the Spirit realm and tell you about life from their point of view and what you have to do in order to have a more purposeful existence. You will leave this event feeling connected to Spirit and leave with a new awareness of how to demonstrate love and a sense of “mindfulness” in your everyday existence! Invest in yourself and ascend in your mastery over yourself. Release negative thought patterns, clear other people's energy from your space and learn to be a clear channel of love and oneness with yourself and the world of the Spirit.
4/15/201832 minutes, 7 seconds
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Eric Pearl - Heal Yourself with World-renowned Healer and Founder of The Reconnection

Find out what's baffling the scientific and medical communities. Discover why hospitals and universities around the world are investing time and money in an attempt to explain these healings… And how you, too, can master this extraordinary work! Learn this new level of healing that transcends technique, frees you from complex rituals and fear-based protections… healing that you can easily do for yourself and for others – no matter what your background. Reconnective Healing has been shown in multiple scientific studies to restructure your very DNA, resulting in your cells emanating higher and more coherent levels of light, resulting in healings – physical, mental, emotional, and more – that often tend to be fairly instantaneous and life-lasting. Discover how to access this new and evolved level of healing. Hear the history, theory and scientific research and tap into this unique vibrational bandwidth of energy, light and information to inform, guide, heal, transform and reconnect your life. Eric will give live demonstrations on audience volunteers. 
4/1/201826 minutes, 25 seconds
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Sonia Choquette - Free Your Authentic Spirit and Claim Your Intuitive Power

Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned, New York Times bestselling author, vibrational healer and six-sensory teacher, as well as the author of several bestselling books, including Ask Your Guides and Trust Your Vibes. In this experiential seminar, Sonia will transform your life's pain into joy. With her signature dynamic and often hilarious energy, Sonia will instantly uplift your spirit and return you to a place of personal power and light. She will release you from the negative frequencies and outworn patterns that still have control over your life but serve no elevating purpose, and show you how to create what you really want. Come for this life-changing and joyful experience and learn simple energy-shifting tools that will instantly liberate you from internalized wounding, and dance into the frequency of healing, balance and awakened intuition. 
3/27/201823 minutes, 16 seconds
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John Pierre - The Pillars of Health: Your Foundations for Lifelong Wellness

Looking to attain lasting health and wellbeing? Renowned nutrition and fitness expert, John Pierre, will show you how. Sometimes referred to as a “Trainer to the Stars” because he trains Hollywood celebrities, rock-stars, and Fortune 500 executives, John has a wide range of clientele, including military personnel, hard-core athletes, and many people with diverse backgrounds and fitness levels. Credited as being one of the first pioneers in the U.S. to create “brain-building” classes to enhance cognitive fitness in our geriatrics community, over two decades of experience has provided John with a unique understanding and ability to help others with cognitive challenges. 
3/19/201822 minutes, 34 seconds
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Robert Holden, Ph.D. - Loveability: To Know How to Love and Be Loved

“Your destiny is not just to find love; it is to be the most loving person you can be,” writes Robert Holden in Loveability. The simple maths of love is: the more you love, the more you enjoy happiness, success, abundance, health and all good things in life. Conversely, not loving enough is the root cause of every problem and conflict in your life and on our planet.
3/11/201832 minutes, 21 seconds
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Nancy Levin - Jump…and Your Life Will Appear - Vancouver 2014

What do you do when the life you're living no longer fits on the foundation where it's settled? How do you access the strength to make a dramatic shift that will rock your whole world? When you've had enough, how do you get to what's next? No matter what major change you want to make, Nancy's step-by-step process will prepare and propel you to take action. It's time to face and embrace your fears, create the courage necessary to take the leap toward self-love, and reap the rewards of the unforeseen gifts and opportunities that await you upon landing. 
3/4/201819 minutes, 11 seconds
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Anita Moorjani - The Power of Transformation

What would it take for you to realize just how powerful you are? For Anita Moorjani, it took almost dying from end stage cancer. If the doctors were right, she would not be alive today, as they had given her just hours to live when she went into a coma on the morning of February 2nd, 2006. Unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for almost four years, Anita entered another dimension, where she experienced great clarity and understanding of her life and purpose here on earth. She was given a choice of whether to return to life or not, and chose to return to life when she realized that “heaven” is a state and not a place. This subsequently resulted in a remarkable and complete recovery of her health. Anita's riveting talk will inspire you to transform your life by living more authentically, discovering your greatest passions, transcending your deepest fears, and living from a place of pure joy. Her true story will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life! 
2/22/201834 minutes, 33 seconds
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Alex Woodard - For The Sender - Vancouver 2014

Sometimes a letter is like a prayer: it's more for the sender. Singer-songwriter Alex Woodard was letting go of his best friend, a Labrador named Kona, and most of his dreams when he received a letter that would change the course of his life. What began as a song about that letter evolved into a book and album package about real-life letters, featuring Grammy-winning artists and a live show that has sold out every performance and inspired thousands in its first few months. Join the Hay House author and award-winning songwriter as he takes you on a moving journey of release, redemption, and realization through the letters, songs, and story of For The Sender.
2/12/201837 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bruce Lipton - The Honeymoon Effect

Think back on the most spectacular love affair of your life—the Big One that toppled you head over heels. For most, it was a time characterized by heartfelt bliss, robust health, and abundant energy; a life so beautiful, it was tantamount to manifesting Heaven on Earth. In this informative and self-empowering presentation, Bruce will take you on a journey of self-discovery from the chemistry of atoms to the chemistry of love. Along the way, we come to understand how the Honeymoon Effect is neither accident nor coincidence, but a personal creation. The presentation illuminates the mechanisms by which our developmental programming shapes the invisible and unconscious behaviors that create or undermine loving partnerships. The insights provided offer an opportunity to create the honeymoon experience again, this time in a way that ensures a happily-ever-after relationship even a Hollywood producer would love. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., Cell biologist and best-selling author of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles, and co-author of Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (And a Way to Get There from Here). Dr. Lipton's most recent book is The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth.
2/4/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 20 seconds
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Nick Ortner - The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self

In this life-changing workshop, New York Times bestselling author Nick Ortner will show you how to use “EFT” or “Tapping” to bring out the best in yourself and your life. If you believe that deep down you have more to give, a bigger life vision to fulfill and you want to overcome old patterns of self-sabotage and procrastination, then this presentation is for you. Learn how to release daily stress, clear old emotional traumas and patterns and manifest your greatest self! 
1/28/201856 minutes, 36 seconds
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Christiane Northrup, M.D. - "Ageless and Easy”: A Day Long Adventure in Living Well

Are you ready to open yourself up to health, vitality, and the Divine by taking your well-being into your own hands? Join trusted expert Dr. Christiane Northrup as she guides both women-- and men! -- on the path of living an ageless and easy life. In this day long workshop Dr. Northrup will use tips and tools to help you enhance your physical and emotional health--as well as your spiritual life! She knows that when you acknowledge the deep connection between your beliefs and your biology, you can start to tune into the Divine part of yourself -- batting a whole new ballgame for living well. This is Your Year-a New Chapter for Your Life-let it Begin NOW!!
1/21/201857 minutes, 17 seconds
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Teal Swan - Synchronization

Synchronization Workshops operate according to the most basic law of the Universe, The Law of Attraction. In short, the Law of Attraction is an observable law which dictates that the vibration which a person holds, is mirrored physically in their reality. Everyone in the room during this event is a match to one another in terms of their vibration. Teal calls people up on stage to work through issues and find healing. The whole audience benefits by watching people work through issues that they themselves may struggle with. This in combination with collective group exercises co-creates an intense and deeply moving workshop that you won't want to miss.
1/14/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 19 seconds
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Gabrielle Bernstein - When Life’s Circumstances Make You Want to Run for Cover - Part 2

Everyday life is full of fear-inducing circumstances and events too. Some are small ... but some are big. Like losing your job. Or getting scary health news. Or handling a difficult family situation. These situations can quickly add up to make you feel powerless and frustrated. You might even feel totally freaked out or panicked. It all spirals really fast. In her workshop, The Universe Has Your Back, Gabrielle Bernstein will teach you how to loosen the grip of fear and strengthen your faith in the Universe. You can live with ease and peace. You can let the anxiety melt away and replace it with a sense of joy and serenity. When problems come up (as they always do), you can handle them with grace and composure. You can create miracles and live the life you want — not someday, but right now. Every day. Making the shift from fear to faith will give you a sense of power in a world that all too often makes us feel utterly powerless. When the tragedies of the world seem overwhelming, this workshop will help guide you back to your true power.
1/7/201852 minutes, 39 seconds
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Gabrielle Berstein - When Life’s Circumstances Make You Want to Run for Cover - Part 1

Everyday life is full of fear-inducing circumstances and events, too. Some are small ... but some are big. Like losing your job. Or getting scary health news. Or handling a difficult family situation. These situations can quickly add up to make you feel powerless and frustrated. You might even feel totally freaked out or panicked. It all spirals really fast. In her workshop, The Universe Has Your Back, Gabrielle Bernstein will teach you how to loosen the grip of fear and strengthen your faith in the Universe. You can live with ease and peace. You can let the anxiety melt away and replace it with a sense of joy and serenity. When problems come up (as they always do), you can handle them with grace and composure. You can create miracles and live the life you want — not someday, but right now. Every day. Making the shift from fear to faith will give you a sense of power in a world that all too often makes us feel utterly powerless. When the tragedies of the world seem overwhelming, this workshop will help guide you back to your true power.
12/31/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dr. Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural: The Science of How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon - Part 3

Dr. Joe Dispenza has traveled the world teaching people the science of change. He’s chronicled his student’s progress through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. In this workshop which will go further into detail than the lecture, Dr. Dispenza will present his findings which show people healing themselves from chronic illness, having interdimensional experiences, and interacting in other realms. The world is changing. This is a time in history where it’s not enough to know, this is a time in history to know how. In this workshop you’ll learn the fundamentals behind what it takes to do the uncommon, to become supernatural, and create the life you want. Dr Joe will share scientific measurements to prove how powerful we really are!
12/24/201759 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dr. Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural: The Science of How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon - Part 2

Dr. Joe Dispenza has traveled the world teaching people the science of change. He’s chronicled his student’s progress through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. In this workshop which will go further into detail than the lecture, Dr. Dispenza will present his findings which show people healing themselves from chronic illness, having interdimensional experiences, and interacting in other realms. The world is changing. This is a time in history where it’s not enough to know, this is a time in history to know how. In this workshop you’ll learn the fundamentals behind what it takes to do the uncommon, to become supernatural, and create the life you want. Dr Joe will share scientific measurements to prove how powerful we really are!
12/17/20171 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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Dr. Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural: The Science of How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon - Part 1

Dr. Joe Dispenza has traveled the world teaching people the science of change. He’s chronicled his student’s progress through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. In this workshop which will go further into detail than the lecture, Dr. Dispenza will present his findings which show people healing themselves from chronic illness, having interdimensional experiences, and interacting in other realms. The world is changing. This is a time in history where it’s not enough to know, this is a time in history to know how. In this workshop you’ll learn the fundamentals behind what it takes to do the uncommon, to become supernatural, and create the life you want. Dr Joe will share scientific measurements to prove how powerful we really are!
12/10/20171 hour, 29 minutes, 22 seconds
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Gregg Braden - Human by Design! - Part 3

What would it mean to discover that we’re designed to live extraordinary lives that include self-healing, extended lifespans and deep intuition? Is it possible that these advanced states of consciousness, achieved by monks, shamans, yogis and mystics, and considered rare in the past, are actually meant to be a normal part of everyday life? How differently would we live our lives knowing that we’re the result of an intentional design rather than the product of a chance evolutionary process? We no longer need to ask these questions as “What if?” Recent discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of scientific beliefs when it comes to the way we think of ourselves: our origin, our capabilities and our potential. From longevity and the way we age, to our ability to sense the future before it happens and tune our intuition deeply to one another and all life, only recently has science confirmed what we commonly sense in our childhood—that we’re not what we’ve been told, and much more than we’ve ever imagined! In this highly visual program Gregg will share the discoveries and techniques that zero in on the facts of why you’re Human by Design and “wired” to be extraordinary! This multi-sensory program is your opportunity to: • Discover the evidence that overturns+ 150 years of mainstream thinking when it comes to our origin, and the role of evolution in our lives. • Witness the discoveries that catapult us beyond the conventional thinking when it comes to our capabilities, and how to implement them in your life! • Discover the facts of ancient and indigenous wisdom that are now supported by 21st century science when it comes to our relationship with our body and the world! • Learn the time-tested and easy-to-use techniques to: o access deep states of intuition o create deep states of emotional and physical healing o reduce / prevent the erosion of our DNA time-lock that leads to disease and aging o discover the mystery and meaning of hidden, yet powerful, states of super consciousness o apply these discoveries in intimate personal relationships, business relationships, to life-changing decisions, and for core healing from the inside out! There are so many discoveries that no longer fit the conventional thinking when it comes to us, and our relationship to the world, that they can no longer be ignored. Now we must embrace the discoveries to write our new human story. The key: The better we know ourselves, the better equipped we are for whatever life brings our way. It’s this simple fact that lies at the core of this new program: Human By Design.
12/3/20171 hour, 29 minutes, 19 seconds
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Gregg Braden - Human by Design! - Part 2

What would it mean to discover that we’re designed to live extraordinary lives that include self-healing, extended lifespans and deep intuition? Is it possible that these advanced states of consciousness, achieved by monks, shamans, yogis and mystics, and considered rare in the past, are actually meant to be a normal part of everyday life? How differently would we live our lives knowing that we’re the result of an intentional design rather than the product of a chance evolutionary process? We no longer need to ask these questions as “What if?” Recent discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of scientific beliefs when it comes to the way we think of ourselves: our origin, our capabilities and our potential. From longevity and the way we age, to our ability to sense the future before it happens and tune our intuition deeply to one another and all life, only recently has science confirmed what we commonly sense in our childhood—that we’re not what we’ve been told, and much more than we’ve ever imagined! In this highly visual program Gregg will share the discoveries and techniques that zero in on the facts of why you’re Human by Design and “wired” to be extraordinary! This multi-sensory program is your opportunity to: • Discover the evidence that overturns+ 150 years of mainstream thinking when it comes to our origin, and the role of evolution in our lives. • Witness the discoveries that catapult us beyond the conventional thinking when it comes to our capabilities, and how to implement them in your life! • Discover the facts of ancient and indigenous wisdom that are now supported by 21st century science when it comes to our relationship with our body and the world! • Learn the time-tested and easy-to-use techniques to: o access deep states of intuition o create deep states of emotional and physical healing o reduce / prevent the erosion of our DNA time-lock that leads to disease and aging o discover the mystery and meaning of hidden, yet powerful, states of super consciousness o apply these discoveries in intimate personal relationships, business relationships, to life-changing decisions, and for core healing from the inside out! There are so many discoveries that no longer fit the conventional thinking when it comes to us, and our relationship to the world, that they can no longer be ignored. Now we must embrace the discoveries to write our new human story. The key: The better we know ourselves, the better equipped we are for whatever life brings our way. It’s this simple fact that lies at the core of this new program: Human By Design.
11/26/20171 hour, 25 minutes, 17 seconds
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Gregg Braden - Human by Design! - Part 1

What would it mean to discover that we’re designed to live extraordinary lives that include self-healing, extended lifespans and deep intuition? Is it possible that these advanced states of consciousness, achieved by monks, shamans, yogis and mystics, and considered rare in the past, are actually meant to be a normal part of everyday life? How differently would we live our lives knowing that we’re the result of an intentional design rather than the product of a chance evolutionary process? We no longer need to ask these questions as “What if?” Recent discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of scientific beliefs when it comes to the way we think of ourselves: our origin, our capabilities and our potential. From longevity and the way we age, to our ability to sense the future before it happens and tune our intuition deeply to one another and all life, only recently has science confirmed what we commonly sense in our childhood—that we’re not what we’ve been told, and much more than we’ve ever imagined! In this highly visual program Gregg will share the discoveries and techniques that zero in on the facts of why you’re Human by Design and “wired” to be extraordinary! This multi-sensory program is your opportunity to: • Discover the evidence that overturns+ 150 years of mainstream thinking when it comes to our origin, and the role of evolution in our lives. • Witness the discoveries that catapult us beyond the conventional thinking when it comes to our capabilities, and how to implement them in your life! • Discover the facts of ancient and indigenous wisdom that are now supported by 21st century science when it comes to our relationship with our body and the world! • Learn the time-tested and easy-to-use techniques to: o access deep states of intuition o create deep states of emotional and physical healing o reduce / prevent the erosion of our DNA time-lock that leads to disease and aging o discover the mystery and meaning of hidden, yet powerful, states of super consciousness o apply these discoveries in intimate personal relationships, business relationships, to life-changing decisions, and for core healing from the inside out! There are so many discoveries that no longer fit the conventional thinking when it comes to us, and our relationship to the world, that they can no longer be ignored. Now we must embrace the discoveries to write our new human story. The key: The better we know ourselves, the better equipped we are for whatever life brings our way. It’s this simple fact that lies at the core of this new program: Human By Design.
11/19/20171 hour, 12 minutes, 20 seconds
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Mike Dooley - Playing the Matrix

Playing the Matrix and Getting What You (Really) Want! has evolved into the most impactful, highly rated, one day transformational program Mike offers. At its heart lies a simple concept for creating major life changes and living deliberately that's unlike anything shared by other teachers, past and present. It explains why "manifesting" sometimes works with incredible ease, why at other times it's painfully slow, and why at times it works, yet with hindsight we so wish it hadn't! You'll also quickly understand that the three steps of playing the Matrix are simultaneously designed to help you navigate around the 3 slipperiest areas of intentional creating:    how to instantly get clear on what you really want in order to avoid contradictions and self-sabotage how to feel passionate about your dreams without attaching to unimportant details how to create a game plan and take action without messing with the "cursed hows!"
11/12/201728 minutes, 46 seconds
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James Van Praagh - Take a Walk in the Spirit World

For over three decades, master medium James Van Praagh has bridged the gap between two worlds, and now he’s ready to share his secrets with you. Through powerful immersion techniques, you’ll experience the sights and sounds of the Spirit Realm. While you’re there, you’ll: • Learn how you, personally, can receive messages from your loved ones in the Spirit realm • Take care of unfinished business and receive the answers you’ve been seeking • Tap into the wisdom of your soul to reveal the lessons you were put on this earth to learn • Clear old energy that’s been keeping you from enjoying vibrant health, abundance and unconditional love • Become more aware of the signs Spirit sends you every day! And of course, along the way, James himself will relay detailed messages to members of the audience from the loved ones they’ve been missing. You’ll emerge enlightened and inspired, with the comforting awareness that the world of Spirit is only a thought away!
11/5/201723 minutes, 34 seconds
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Brendon Burchard - High Performance Habits - Part 6

Have you ever felt caged, stuck or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? In this session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.
10/29/201730 minutes, 24 seconds
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Brendon Burchard - High Performance Habits - Part 5

Have you ever felt caged, stuck or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? In this 5th session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.
10/22/201734 minutes, 51 seconds
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Brendon Burchard - High Performance Habits - Part 4

Have you ever felt caged, stuck or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? In this session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.
10/16/201734 minutes, 49 seconds
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Brendon Burchard - High Performance Habits - Part 2

Have you ever felt caged, stuck, or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? In this session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.
10/1/201735 minutes, 1 second
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Brendon Burchard - High Performance Habits - Part 1

Have you ever felt caged, stuck or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy, and productive people? In this session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.
9/24/201735 minutes, 51 seconds
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Caroline Myss - The Power of Seven - Part 4

We resonate to the number seven; it is literally a part of our anatomy. The number seven represents a complete system, a whole body that expands from light to earth, from energy to matter. Seven is a number representative of the scale of life. In this workshop, we will expand the symbolic significance of the power of seven to include: Exploring your seven greatest personal myths about your own life; discovering seven ways to change the quality of your life instantly; and understanding how to consciously improve your well-being through cooperating with the seven mystical laws. Additionally, we will discuss the seven graces, seven shadow passions, and the curious idea that we are each blessed with seven "graced" days scattered throughout the year.
9/17/201735 minutes, 17 seconds
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Caroline Myss - The Power of Seven - Part 3

We resonate to the number seven; it is literally a part of our anatomy. The number seven represents a complete system, a whole body that expands from light to earth, from energy to matter. Seven is a number representative of the scale of life. In this workshop, we will expand the symbolic significance of the power of seven to include: Exploring your seven greatest personal myths about your own life; discovering seven ways to change the quality of your life instantly; and understanding how to consciously improve your well-being through cooperating with the seven mystical laws. Additionally, we will discuss the seven graces, seven shadow passions, and the curious idea that we are each blessed with seven "graced" days scattered throughout the year.
9/10/201735 minutes, 14 seconds
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Caroline Myss - The Power of Seven - Part 1

We resonate to the number seven; it is literally a part of our anatomy. The number seven represents a complete system, a whole body that expands from light to earth, from energy to matter. Seven is a number representative of the scale of life. In this workshop, we will expand the symbolic significance of the power of seven to include: Exploring your seven greatest personal myths about your own life; discovering seven ways to change the quality of your life instantly; and understanding how to consciously improve your well-being through cooperating with the seven mystical laws. Additionally, we will discuss the seven graces, seven shadow passions, and the curious idea that we are each blessed with seven "graced" days scattered throughout the year.
9/3/201758 minutes, 57 seconds
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Caroline Myss - The Power of Seven - Part 2

We resonate with the number seven; it is literally a part of our anatomy. The number seven represents a complete system, a whole body that expands from light to earth, from energy to matter. Seven is a number representative of the scale of life. In this workshop, we will expand the symbolic significance of the power of seven to include: Exploring your seven greatest personal myths about your own life; discovering seven ways to change the quality of your life instantly; and understanding how to consciously improve your well-being through cooperating with the seven mystical laws. Additionally, we will discuss the seven graces, seven shadow passions, and the curious idea that we are each blessed with seven "graced" days scattered throughout the year.
8/27/201735 minutes, 14 seconds
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Gregg Braden - Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes

We live in a time of extremes. And because the conditions of global finance, markets, resources, and jobs touch so much of our lives, we can no longer separate our everyday routines from the extremes of the world. The crises of climate change, extreme weather, and failing economies, for example, translate directly into the cost of the fuel that gets us back and forth to work each day; the interest we pay on our loans and that we’re in turn paid on our savings; the loss of neighborhood businesses and local jobs; and the closing of factories, with the many benefits they bring to our communities. All of this means that our lives are changing in ways we’ve never seen in the past, and they’re changing faster than we’ve been prepared to deal with. The good news is that nature gives us the key to turn the frightening Tipping Points of such extremes into life-affirming Turning Points of transformation. Fact: The solutions to our biggest problems already exist! Fact: We already have the technology and the means to adapt to the extremes! Fact: All that stands between the suffering of the present and the world transformed is the shift in thinking that allows the existing solutions into our lives.
8/20/201737 minutes, 23 seconds
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Alex Woodard - For The Sender

Sometimes a letter is like a prayer: it's more for the sender. Singer-songwriter Alex Woodard was letting go of his best friend, a Labrador named Kona, and most of his dreams when he received a letter that would change the course of his life. What began as a song about that letter evolved into a book and album package about real-life letters, featuring Grammy-winning artists and a live show that has sold out every performance and inspired thousands in its first few months. Join the Hay House author and award-winning songwriter as he takes you on a moving journey of release, redemption, and realization through the letters, songs, and story of For The Sender 
8/13/201736 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sonia Choquette - Free Your Authentic Spirit and Claim Your Intuitive Power

Listen in as Sonia gives a lecture on how to free your authentic spirit and claim your intuitive power.
8/6/201721 minutes, 14 seconds
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Mike Dooley - The Miraculous Mechanics of Manifestation

Listen in as Mike Dooley gives a live lecture on the miraculous mechanics of manifestation.
7/30/201729 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - I Can See Clearly Now: Seeing Obstacles as Divine Gifts - Pasadena 2014

Discover how the lowest points in our lives can be our greatest teachers, and the storms of our lives provide us with the physical, emotional and spiritual experience we need to climb to greater heights of joy and fulfillment. In his memoir, I Can See Clearly Now, Dr. Wayne Dyer takes you on an intimate journey through his formative years and shares openly the life lessons he learned along the way. During this intimate keynote, Dr. Dyer shares his own life struggles, strife and rearview reflections as an example of how we can all recognize the hand of the Divine at play in our lives. You’ll be inspired to reflect on your own obstacles to see clearly how everything you’ve experienced has led you to where you are right now and ultimately, necessary for you to reach your true divine potential. Dr. Dyer, in this candid discussion, offers the key to those on the path to enlightenment! If you are struggling to find your true purpose, or unable to see your path clearly, gain insight from one of the most motivational spiritual leaders of our time. 
7/23/201728 minutes, 25 seconds
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Alex Woodard - For The Sender - Pasadena 2014

Sometimes a letter is like a prayer: it's more for the sender. Singer-songwriter Alex Woodard was letting go of his best friend, a Labrador named Kona, and most of his dreams when he received a letter that would change the course of his life. What began as a song about that letter evolved into a book and album package about real-life letters, featuring Grammy-winning artists and a live show that has sold out every performance and inspired thousands in its first few months. Join the Hay House author and award-winning songwriter as he takes you on a moving journey of release, redemption, and realization through the letters, songs, and story of For The Sender.
7/16/201736 minutes, 4 seconds
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Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D.- Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Vitality, Wellbeing, and Radiance (Pasadena 2014)

Have you ever lied about your age? Felt bad about an upcoming birthday? Used your age as an excuse for not beginning something new or starting out on an adventure? Do you believe that your body was designed to deteriorate and that aches, pains, and disease are inevitable after age 50? If any of this rings a bell, you are certainly not alone. And you could benefit greatly from hearing Dr. Northrup’s insights on aging in her newest lecture, Goddesses Never Age. We live in an incredibly ageist culture that teaches us that it’s all downhill after age 40, and that the only time you’re really worthwhile as a woman is between the ages of 18 and 29. Yet it takes about half a lifetime for most of us to know what’s really important and what’s not. And it is after the age of 50 that we are most in touch with the dictates of our souls—with the Divine Goddess energy within. For decades Dr. Northrup has taught women that if they want to know where their real power lies, they need to look to the areas they’ve been taught to dread. Aging is one of these. In Goddesses Never Age, Christiane Northrup, M.D., will turn ageism on its head! She knows that, as you age, you can have a fabulous social life, great sex, and more fulfillment than you ever dreamed possible. Learn Dr. Northrup’s blueprint for ensuring that the best years of your life are ahead of you—not behind you! Dr. Northrup will inspire you to release your ageist programming and allow your life to be infused with that which is forever and always youthful and eternal within you—your inner Divine Goddess self. When your life is fueled from this Source, the clock literally stops. And life becomes the joyous heaven on Earth adventure that it was designed to be. 
7/7/201741 minutes, 13 seconds
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Gerry Gavin - LIVE: Down To Earth Angelic Advice Just for YOU

Listen in as Gerry Gavin, life coach and angelic channeler, gives advice and readings to the audience through the Angel Margaret.
6/30/201731 minutes
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Eric Pearl - How To Heal Yourself

Listen in as world renowned healer and founder of The Reconnection takes listeners on a journey of self discovery and guides you on ways to heal yourself.
6/23/201735 minutes, 7 seconds
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Doreen Virtue - Healing Help and Guidance from Your Angels

Join Doreen for an uplifting and enlightening evening as she shares her angel messages from her latest books, The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel and Assertiveness for Earth Angels, and about how angels are watching over all of us. She’ll guide you through Angel Therapy™ healing treatments to balance and soothe you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
6/15/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 22 seconds
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Caroline Myss - How the Transformation Movement Is Changing You

We are so accustomed to thinking that we are at the helm of all the changes that happen in our life, but what if we reversed that view and approach transformation from the opposite position? We have long believed that personal transformation is a choice, an option, but not a necessity. The reality is that we have been undergoing a journey of global transformation for more than five decades. Most of us have focused on the spiritual expression of the transformation movement, as that is our comfort zone. But transformation is not only a spiritual movement; it is an all-inclusive transition into a completely different consciousness about our interconnected global if not cosmic community. Expressions of this collective transformation movement include redefining ourselves as multisensory beings instead of five sensory, for example, and accepting intuitive abilities as a natural part of our organic skills. Evolving these senses is happening to everyone in some way along with so many other extraordinary changes in our bio and psychic consciousness. The only choice we truly have is to understand these changes unfolding within us as well as around us. We are all living a remarkable journey together and the more conscious you become of the world that is continually influencing you, the more awesome the journey will seem. 
6/8/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 29 seconds
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Brian L. Weiss, MD - Many Lives, Many Masters: Finding New Levels of Healing

In this fascinating experiential workshop, the world’s foremost expert in past-life regression, Dr. Brian Weiss, introduces you to a unique way of healing. By going back through time to remember past events that led to the symptoms or difficulties you’re experiencing today, he teaches you the latest in hypnotic therapy to find a new level of healing for your body, mind, spirit, and relationships. Dr. Weiss covers all of the benefits of regression therapy and offers his cutting-edge exercises that can foster your physical and emotional health, opening you up to spiritual vistas that can endow your life with new and profound meaning. 
6/2/201753 minutes, 43 seconds
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Dr. Barbara De Angelis - Soul Shifts - Pasadena 2014

Imagine if you could find the courage to make the changes you need to make, the healing to release the past, the energy to live with renewed purpose, and the wisdom to understand your life’s path. To do this, what is needed is not simply change, but profound accelerated transformation from the inside out. You are ready for Soul Shifts! In this inspiring presentation, Dr. Barbara De Angelis offers a radical re-visioning of the journey of personal and spiritual growth that invites you to go from trying to manage yourself and control your life to, instead, operating from inner Mastery by learning how to make what she calls Soul Shifts-- profound shifts in understanding, emotions and consciousness that will transform you from the Soul Level. She will introduce you to her exciting teaching of Vibrational Mastery--how to change your actual energetic vibration, and stop “short-circuiting” your spiritual and emotional power. You will learn tools for Practical Spirituality, how to shift beyond ‘positive thinking’, to ‘positive vibrating’, and how to create real “vibrational credibility.” With her ability to transmit powerful energies of love and upliftment, Dr. De Angelis will offer illuminating wisdom and proven techniques that can free you to move forward into a life of lasting attainment and true freedom. 
5/25/20171 hour, 16 minutes, 25 seconds
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Anita Moorjani - The Power of Transformation - Pasadena 2014

What would it take for you to realize just how powerful you are? For Anita Moorjani, it took almost dying from end stage cancer. If the doctors were right, she would not be alive today, as they had given her just hours to live when she went into a coma on the morning of February 2nd, 2006. Unable to move as a result of the cancer that had ravaged her body for almost four years, Anita entered another dimension, where she experienced great clarity and understanding of her life and purpose here on earth. She was given a choice of whether to return to life or not, and chose to return to life when she realized that “heaven” is a state and not a place. This subsequently resulted in a remarkable and complete recovery of her health. Anita’s riveting talk will inspire you to transform your life by living more authentically, discovering your greatest passions, transcending your deepest fears, and living from a place of pure joy. Her true story will radically alter your current beliefs about yourself, your purpose on earth, your health, your relationships, and your life!
5/18/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 18 seconds
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Immaculée Ilibagiza - Left to Tell

Regarded as one of the world’s leading speakers on peace, faith, and forgiveness and New York Times best-selling author of Left To Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust, Immaculée shares her incredible story of survival and loss. During the 1994 Rwandan genocide, she and seven other women huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor’s house for 91 days! A living example of faith, Immaculée shows us how to embrace the power of prayer, forge a profound and lasting relationship with God, and discover the importance of forgiveness and the meaning of truly unconditional love and understanding – through our darkest hours.
5/11/20171 hour, 26 minutes, 1 second
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Meggan Waterson - Getting Spiritually Naked - Pasadena 2014

Can you hear the voice of your soul? Are you ready to live a life led by limitless soul love? Then it’s time to get spiritually naked with Meggan Watterson! International speaker, author, and spiritual mentor, Meggan Watterson suggests that being spiritual is simply about stripping down to the truth of who we really are. With passion, humor, and raw honesty, Watterson draws on ancient stories and lesser-known texts of the Divine Feminine for spirituality that encourages embodiment, inspires you to abandon your fears but never yourself, and allows you to be led by the audacious and fiercely loving voice of the truth inside you. Join Meggan for this experiential workshop of guided soul-voice meditation and writing exercises to help lift the veil of your own fear and self-doubt to reveal your soul and find the divine within! No matter where you rest on the spectrum of spirituality- devout believer or chronic doubter, freelance mystic or borderline agnostic- this workshop helps you remove whatever is holding you back.
5/4/201744 minutes, 58 seconds
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John Holland - The Spirit Whisperer

Do you yearn to hear from a family member or close friend who recently passed? Do you have what it takes to communicate with them? In this amazing lecture, you'll meet one of the top communicators with the Spirit World—psychic medium John Holland, who will not only bring you messages from your deceased loved ones, but will show you how to discover your own innate intuitive abilities and fine-tune your connection to the Other Side. You'll learn the different forms of communication and signs that your loved ones are sending to you and you’ll also discover your own psychic strengths. Plus, John will include astounding demonstrations of live readings with messages for some of the audience members.
4/27/201732 minutes, 1 second
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Kris Carr - From Surviving to Thriving: Creating a Crazy Sexy Life - New York 2014

"Happy Valentines Day, you have cancer.” Kris Carr got the wakeup call of her life in 2003 when she learned she had an incurable stage IV cancer. With no traditional treatment options to fall back on, Kris became both an advocate for herself and a voracious student of mind/body medicine. She embarked on a healing adventure that not only transformed her life, it created a global wellness revolution. In this talk, Kris will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. Each of us receives some sort of a wake-up call. Answer yours today and let your obstacle become your catalyst for a healthier and more meaningful life.
4/21/201731 minutes, 41 seconds
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Wayne Dyer- I Can See Clearly Now: Seeing Obstacles as Divine Gifts

Discover how the lowest points in our lives can be our greatest teachers, and the storms of our lives provide us with the physical, emotional and spiritual experience we need to climb to greater heights of joy and fulfillment. In his memoir, I Can See Clearly Now, Dr. Wayne Dyer takes you on an intimate journey through his formative years and shares openly the life lessons he learned along the way. During this intimate keynote, Dr. Dyer shares his own life struggles, strife ,and rearview reflections as an example of how we can all recognize the hand of the Divine at play in our lives. You’ll be inspired to reflect on your own obstacles to see clearly how everything you’ve experienced has led you to where you are right now and ultimately, necessary for you to reach your true divine potential. Dr. Dyer, in this candid discussion, offers the key to those on the path to enlightenment! If you are struggling to find your true purpose, or unable to see your path clearly, gain insight from one of the most motivational spiritual leaders of our time. 
4/13/201728 minutes, 25 seconds
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Doreen Virtue - Healing Help and Guidance from Your Angels

Join Doreen for an uplifting and enlightening morning as she shares her angel messages from her latest books, The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel and Assertiveness for Earth Angels,and how angels are watching over all of us. She’ll guide you through Angel Therapy™ healing treatments to balance and soothe you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
4/6/201743 minutes, 6 seconds
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John Holland - Power of the Soul

Your soul is constantly trying to get your attention, but many of us don’t recognize the signs. In this original lecture, John helps you reconnect with your natural spiritual abilities as well as dismantle some of the barriers created by your outer-self, so you can unveil your true inner-self. Once this is achieved, you’ll be able to break free from some of the psychological restrictions that have prevented you from identifying and reaching your full potential. Access the full power of your soul, open yourself to a guiding higher-consciousness, tap into your intuitive abilities, understand the nature, function, and purpose of the soul, and learn that as a ‘soul’ you are and always will be connected to the souls of your loved ones that have passed on and learn how they connect with us here. No matter what your walk of life, this powerful keynote helps you to follow your own spiritual journey.   John ends this lecture with plenty of time to demonstrate LIVE readings of mediumship for some audience members.
4/3/201734 minutes, 13 seconds
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Brendan Burchard - The Motivation Manifesto

Have you ever felt stuck? Like you’re caged? Or just frustrated? You can overcome fear, take back control of your life. Your agenda can be to reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life. Motivation Manifesto by Brendon BurchardCan you learn the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? Yes, you can. Can you emulate them? Yes. Brendon has answers and strategies, that you may not have heard before, that will help you charge up your life.
3/23/201734 minutes, 15 seconds
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Gabriel Bernstein - Miracles Now

Simple, consistent shifts in thinking and actions can lead to the miraculous in all aspects of daily life, including your relationships, finances, body, and self-image,” says New York Times best-selling author, Gabrielle Bernstein. Wouldn’t it be easier to have a plan for releasing fear? One that allows love to flow through you, filling you with gratitude and forgiveness? Gabby Bernstein combines Kundalini meditations with the principles of A Course in Miracles for an exciting plan leading to a fulfilling life of abundance and happiness. with practical applications and useful take-home tools.
3/17/201738 minutes, 52 seconds
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Nick Ortner - The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self - Ft. Lauderdale

Are you being your biggest self? You can use “EFT” or “Tapping” to bring out the best in yourself and your life. Whether it’s emotional pain, physical pain, serious disease or a garden-variety cold, EFT Tapping has proven to be extraordinarily effective. New York Times bestselling author Nick Ortner teaches you how to tap your way into abundant health and energy in your body and your life. Try it on Everything.The Tapping Solution by NICK ORTNER Who better to talk about EFT than Nick Ortner? As the Host of the world-famous Worldwide Tapping Summit, Nick has helped guide millions. EFT is lovingly known as “Tapping” because all you need are your very own fingers.
3/9/201734 minutes, 2 seconds
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Dr. Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

Rewire your brain by taking a journey in brain evolution using scientifically proven neurophysiological principles. Dr. Joe Dispenza not only teaches people the science of change, he shows the results through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. You Are the Placebo by Joe DispenzaYour reality is created by thoughts and feelings, and the beliefs and perceptions that they catalysed. Every time you have a thought, you make a chemical that turns on circuits in your brain which give you feelings to match your thinking. The cycle of think-feel, feel-think, think-feel continues, creating a state of being, until you change. In this keynote lecture, Dr. Dispenza will empower you with his results showing people healing themselves from chronic illness. Perhaps even more exciting, he shows the results of people having interdimensional, and other realm, experiences. Learn the fundamentals behind what it takes do the uncommon, to become supernatural, – and then create the life you want. Joe Dispenza, from What the BLEEP Do We Know?! and bestselling author says your mind is your brain in action. Change your mind, change your brain; change your brain, change your mind.
3/2/201730 minutes, 48 seconds
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Mike Dooley - The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You - Ft. Lauderdale

Mike Dooley, the spiritual adventurer behind NOTES FROM THE UNIVERSE, offers a radically empowering view on our lives, through the wisdom of those who have gone beyond this world; a common-sense approach to understanding life, its meaning and how to live yours to the fullest. The Top Ten Things that Dead People Want to Tell You by Mike DooleyThis afterlife perspective gives hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike will share simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance. Mike Dooley is the New York Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities and scribe behind Notes from the Universe smf will share the actual mechanics behind   manifestations, metaphysically and physically. You’ll learn the true ease and profound simplicity of the unfailing winds of the Universe in a journey you yourself now chart – and how to catch them to propel you forward.
2/23/201744 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Goddesses Never Age - Ft. Lauderdale

Have you ever lied about your age? Used it as an excuse? Our culture teaches us that it’s all downhill after age 40, and your worth is between the ages of 18 and 29. Yet it takes half a lifetime for most of us to know what’s important and to “kick to the curb” what’s not important. After the age of 50 is when we are most in touch with the dictates of our souls—with the Divine Goddess energy within. Dr. Christiane Northrup says that if women want to know where their real power is, they need to look to the areas they’ve been taught to dread. Aging is one of these. Allow your life to be youthful!
2/16/201739 minutes, 23 seconds
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davidji - The Secrets of Inner Peace

Do really know how to meditate? Are you getting the most out of it? The relentless swirl of thoughts, daily pressures, items on our to-do list, emotional baggage, and conditioned behaviors can often overwhelm us, challenge us, confuse us, and paralyze us. In this transformational session, you will: The Secrets of Meditation by davidji • Experience present-moment-awareness • Stay grounded, calm, and centered • Awaken your inner healer • Understand what happens when you meditate • Learn tools, tips, & techniques to de-stress in the middle of a crisis Find deeper peace of mind! As the Dean & Lead Educator of the Chopra Center refor more than a decade, davidji has taught hundreds of thousands of people around the world to connect to their most divine expressions.
2/9/201728 minutes, 25 seconds
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Mastin Kipp - Bring Your Purpose to Life

What’s the one thing holding you back from the life of your dreams? Courageous action. Mastin teaches you how to face your fear, eliminate limiting beliefs and become the person you were meant to be. That person who actually embodies all the wisdom that you’ve watched, read and listened to. It’s time to go from consuming personal growth material to doing it. Let’s find your courage, take action and bring your purpose to life. Mastin Kipp’s “The Daily Love” has quickly become the fastest growing inspirational Twitter account, inspiring 600,000 people a day. and email list on the internet. Mastin has been featured on Oprah’s Lifeclass twice and The Daily Love has a content syndication deal with The Huffington Post.
2/6/201733 minutes, 10 seconds
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Kris Carr - From Surviving to Thriving: Creating a Crazy Sexy Life

"Happy Valentine’s Day, you have cancer.” Kris Carr got the wakeup call of her life in 2003 when she learned she had an incurable stage IV cancer. With no traditional treatment options to fall-back on, Kris became both an advocate for herself and a voracious student of mind/body medicine. She embarked on a healing adventure that not only transformed her life, but created a global wellness revolution. In this talk, Kris will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. Each of us receives some sort of a wake-up call. Answer yours today and let your obstacle become your catalyst for a healthier and more meaningful life. Join the courageous and hilarious Kris Carr, author of the brand-new Crazy Sexy Juice cookbook, as she gives you an honest and intimate look into her life as she’s transitioned from a daily struggle to survive into a world filled with health, radiance and joy. Kris is living proof that a diet based on organic, natural and plant-based foods leads to vitality, strength and a glow that is clear for everyone to see.
1/27/201734 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gregg Braden - Human: By Design - Fort Lauderdale

Why You're "Wired" for Extraordinary Powers of Deep Intuition, Pre-cognition, Super Healing and More! We live our lives, choose our relationships, and solve our problems based upon the way we answer a single question: Who Am I? New discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to this timeless question. Now we know that we’re absolutely “wired” to be extraordinary and understanding our personal wiring is the key. The best science of today paves the way to do just that, and leads us directly to extraordinary experiences that have been considered rare and mystical in the past. These include expanded states of deep intuition and direct knowing, pre-cognition (knowing future events before they happen), dialing the “hot-line” into healthy subconscious beliefs, creating a super-enhanced immune system, the triggering of anti-aging hormones and much, much more!
1/20/201735 minutes, 57 seconds
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Cheryl Richardson - The Magic of Ordinary Life

Slow down. Breathe. Live in the moment. These simple messages, when put into practice, can help us find the extraordinary in everyday life. They require a willingness to say no more often than yes, to be loyal to the desires of the soul, and to commit to a daily practice of presence that keeps us tuned in to beauty. During this keynote presentation, Cheryl will share the story of what happened in her own life as she began to honor these messages and document the magic found in ordinary days.
1/13/201734 minutes, 48 seconds
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Brendon Burchard - The Motivation Manifesto - Philadelphia

Have you ever felt caged, stuck or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? In this session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.
1/5/201733 minutes, 18 seconds
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Sandra Anne Taylor - Creating New Codes for a Fabulous New Life!

Are you tired of running into the same obstacles over and over again? You may be carrying some self-sabotaging codes that you aren't even aware of--projecting your energy in a direction you don't desire. But you do have the power to change these codes and redirect your energy to new and successful outcomes. In an amazingly easy yet powerful technique called the Quantum Breakthrough Code, you can shift even deeply help negative patterns and create dynamic new energy patterns that are absolutely irresistible to the Universe! This incredibly simple technique will help you to: • Decode harmful blocks and energies--and code healthy, beneficial, and successful patterns; • Ignite powerful breakthrough forces that will completely reroute the direction of your life; • Energetically accelerate your affirmations and visualizations into wonderful results: and • Discover the power to manifest your dreams forever! Join the thousands of people who have used this technique to release fears, self-doubt, addictions, and other problem patterns--and who have opened their lives to the sparkling success and joy they've been looking for. Get ready for a quantum breakthrough--and for a life of unparalleled happiness!
12/23/201631 minutes, 25 seconds
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Robert Holden, Ph.D. - Life Loves You - Philadelphia

Robert shares his experience of writing with Louise Hay their new book Life Loves You. The words, life loves you, make up one of Louise Hay’s best-loved affirmations. They also represent a fundamental philosophy – called Basic Trust by psychologists – that is the basis for genuine self-love, for spiritual healing, and real abundance. Basic trust states, life doesn’t just happen to you; it happens for you. It states that all manner of help and inspiration will rush to your side when you make authentic choices, commit to healing, and follow your joy. It is the key to healing your life and being more of who you really are. Robert Holden’s work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on Oprah, Good Morning America, a PBS special Shift Happens!, and in two major BBC-TV documentaries called The Happiness Formula and How to Be Happy, shown in 20 countries to over 30 million television viewers. His corporate clients include Dove and The Real Beauty Campaign. He is author of Shift Happens!, Authentic Success (formerly titled Success Intelligence), Be Happy, Loveability and Holy Shift! Robert hosts a weekly show on Hay House Radio called Shift Happens!
12/23/201634 minutes, 23 seconds
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Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Goddesses Never Age - Philadelphia

Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Vitality, Wellbeing, and Radiance Want  some  really good news? Growing older need not be associated with deterioration and poor health - no matter what you've seen and heard all around you your whole life. As Dr. Mario Martinez, founder of the Biocognitive Institute says, "Getting older is inevitable. Aging is optional". Research  on  hundreds of healthy centenarians around the world--people who are joyfully living happy and productive lives at 100 and beyond - has demonstrated that all of these people have a certain consciousness, a way of thinking and living that we can all learn to emulate. And this consciousness gets translated right into their cells and states of health. These individuals don't have any special gene pool either-- most have parents who died in their 70's. You too can learn the secrets of regeneration and rejuvenation at any age and any stage. And this all begins with uncovering the beliefs and behaviors that are running your biology in the first place.  In Goddesses Never Age, Christiane Northrup, M.D., will turn ageism-and all the beliefs that keep it going - on its head! She knows that the experience of getting older is actually  an opportunity to increase our knowledge and our value. That means  that no matter how old you are,  you can have a fabulous social life, great sex, and more fulfillment than you ever dreamed possible. Learn Dr. Northrup’s blueprint for ensuring that the best years of your life are ahead of you—not behind you! Dr. Northrup will inspire you to name and then release  your ageist programming and allow your life to be infused with that which is forever and always youthful and eternal within you—your inner Divine Goddess self. When your life is fueled from this Source, the clock literally stops. And life becomes the joyous heaven on Earth adventure that it was designed to be.
12/15/201634 minutes, 40 seconds
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Gabrielle Berstein - Miracles Now

Do you get excited when you experience synchronicity and flow? For instance, just as you think of someone, they call you—or you hum a song in your head, and then it comes on the radio. These moments are reminders that you are connected to an inner guidance system; you’re on the right track. The flow of synchronicity always leads you to healing and growth.
12/8/201634 minutes, 33 seconds
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John Holland - Power of the Soul - Philadelphia

Did you know we all have the ability to tap into one of the most powerful forces in the Universe -YOUR SOUL! Your soul is constantly trying to get your attention – but many of us don’t recognize the signs. In this lecture: Discover and access the full power of your soul Open yourself to a guiding higher-consciousness Tap into your intuitive abilities Understand the nature, function, and purpose of the soul Learn that as a ‘soul’ you are and always will be connected to the souls of your loved ones that have passed on and learn how they connect with us here. No matter what your walk of life, this powerful keynote helps you follow your own spiritual journey.
12/1/201632 minutes, 59 seconds
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Gregg Braden - Human: By Design

Why You’re “Wired” to Heal Life’s Hurt, Transcend Life’s Crises, Master Life’s Mysteries and Ignite Your Immortal Cells! The better we know ourselves, the better equipped we are for whatever life brings our way. It’s this simple fact that lies at the core of this new program: Human By Design. We live our lives, choose our relationships, and solve our problems based upon the way we think of ourselves. New discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to the way we see ourselves in the world. Now we know that we’re intentionally “wired” for extraordinary capabilities that have appeared rare and mystical in the past. We also know that each person has a unique key that unlocks their personal code of abilities. The best science of today paves the way to do just that, and leads us directly to deep intuition and direct knowing on-demand, pre-cognition (knowing future events before they happen), “hot-line” access to healthy subconscious beliefs, the triggering of a super-enhanced immune system, the awakening of anti-aging hormones, and much, much more! In this highly visual program Gregg will share the discoveries and techniques that leave no doubt that we’re much more than we’ve been led to believe, and even beyond what we may have imagined in the past. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to discover for yourself why you’re Human by Design and “wired” to be extraordinary!
11/23/201632 minutes, 21 seconds
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Cheryl Richardson - The Magic of Ordinary Life

Slow down. Breathe. Live in the moment. These simple messages, when put into practice, can help us find the extraordinary in everyday life. They require a willingness to say no more often than yes, to be loyal to the desires of the soul, and to commit to a daily practice of presence that keeps us tuned in to beauty. During this keynote presentation, Cheryl will share the story of what happened in her own life as she began to honor these messages and document the magic found in ordinary days.
11/17/201639 minutes
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Dr. Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

Dr. Joe Dispenza has traveled the world teaching people the science of change. He’s chronicled his student’s progress through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. In this keynote lecture, Dr. Dispenza will present his findings which show people healing themselves from chronic illness, having interdimensional experiences, and interacting in other realms. The world is changing. This is a time in history where it’s not enough to know, this is a time in history to know how. In this lecture you’ll learn the fundamentals behind what it takes do the uncommon, to become supernatural, and create the life you want.
11/10/201631 minutes, 37 seconds
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Kris Carr - From Surviving to Thriving: Creating a Crazy Sexy Life

"Happy Valentine’s Day, you have cancer.” Kris Carr got the wakeup call of her life in 2003 when she learned she had an incurable stage IV cancer. With no traditional treatment options to fall-back on, Kris became both an advocate for herself and a voracious student of mind/body medicine. She embarked on a healing adventure that not only transformed her life, but created a global wellness revolution. In this talk, Kris will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. Each of us receives some sort of a wake-up call. Answer yours today and let your obstacle become your catalyst for a healthier and more meaningful life. Join the courageous and hilarious Kris Carr, author of the brand-new Crazy Sexy Juice cookbook, as she gives you an honest and intimate look into her life as she’s transitioned from a daily struggle to survive into a world filled with health, radiance and joy. Kris is living proof that a diet based on organic, natural and plant-based foods leads to vitality, strength and a glow that is clear for everyone to see.
11/3/201630 minutes, 56 seconds
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Anita Moorjani - Being Myself: Loving myself for who I am, not who the world wants me to be!

Anita Moorjani only had to die to learn to love herself unconditionally! It was while she was in a coma during the end stages of the cancer that was supposed to take her life that she realized the truth of the importance of loving yourself like your life depends on it – because it does! In her captivating workshop, Anita addresses the challenges of truly being our self in a world that does not seem ready for us to express ourselves authentically, and freely shares some very practical tools, tips and exercises that she has learned, in order to truly feel empowered in culture that judges us for loving ourselves. She will share some step-by-step processes that can help you develop love, respect, and value for yourself, so that you can feel empowered about your own life. She will also address what having a healthy dose of self-love looks like in relationships, and will also speak on what life looks like when we don’t love ourselves.
10/31/201618 minutes, 54 seconds
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Barbara De Angelis - Soul Shifts: Transforming Your Life from the Inside Out

Imagine if you could find the courage to make the changes you need to make, the healing to release the past, the energy to live with renewed purpose, and the wisdom to understand your life’s path. To do this, what is needed is not simply change, but profound accelerated transformation from the inside out. You are ready for Soul Shifts! In this inspiring presentation, Dr. Barbara De Angelis offers a radical re-visioning of the journey of personal and spiritual growth that invites you to go from trying to manage yourself and control your life to, instead, operating from inner Mastery by learning how to make what she calls Soul Shifts-- profound shifts in understanding, emotions and consciousness that will transform you from the Soul Level. She will introduce you to her exciting teaching of Vibrational Mastery--how to change your actual energetic vibration, and stop “short-circuiting” your spiritual and emotional power. You will learn tools for Practical Spirituality, how to shift beyond ‘positive thinking’, to ‘positive vibrating’, and how to create real “vibrational credibility.” With her ability to transmit powerful energies of love and upliftment, Dr. De Angelis will offer illuminating wisdom and proven techniques that can free you to move forward into a life of lasting attainment and true freedom.
10/20/201620 minutes, 9 seconds
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Mike Dooley The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You - Philadelphia

Mike Dooley, the spiritual adventurer behind Notes from the Universe, offers a radically empowering view on our lives, through the wisdom of those who have gone beyond this world; a common-sense approach to understanding life, its meaning and how to live yours to the fullest. This afterlife perspective gives hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike will share simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance. Mike Dooley is the founder of and the author of Notes from the Universe, daily emails which go out to over half a million people worldwide. His inspirational books emphasizing spiritual accountability have been published in 25 languages, and he was one of the featured teachers in the international phenomenon, The Secret.
10/13/201613 minutes, 54 seconds
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Colette Baron Reid- Messages and Miracles – the Spirit Power Hour with Colette Baron-Reid

How do you travel from uncertainty to infinite possibility in a time when so much change and confusion reigns supreme? Are we seeing truth or are we looking at the world through a distorted lens of perception? The world of current conditions is a reflection of the past not our true present, or absolute reality. Our primary reality is in the invisible realm of Spirit, not the material realm. To evolve into our best selves, we need to tune in to the frequency of pure potential: the realm of Spirit.
10/6/201628 minutes, 43 seconds
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Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Goddesses Never Age: Toronto 2016

In Goddesses Never Age, Christiane Northrup, M.D., will turn ageism on its head! She knows that, as you get older, you can have a fabulous social life, great sex, and more fulfillment than you ever dreamed possible. Learn Dr. Northrup's blueprint for ensuring that the best years of your life are ahead of you not behind you! Dr. Northrup will inspire you to name and then release your ageist programming and allow your life to be infused with that which is forever and always youthful and eternal within you—your inner Divine Goddess self. When your life is fueled from this Source, the clock literally stops. And life becomes the joyous heaven on Earth adventure that it was designed to be.
9/29/201625 minutes, 1 second
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Brendon Burchard - The Motivation Manifesto - Toronto

Have you ever felt caged, stuck or frustrated? How can you overcome fear, take back control of your agenda, and reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life? What are the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? In this session, Brendon Burchard, one of the world’s most watched personal development trainers, reveals the uncommon answers and strategies that can help you live a more fully charged life.
9/22/201629 minutes, 57 seconds
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Joe Dispenza - Making Your Mind Matter

Your reality is created by beliefs and perceptions that are based on thoughts and feelings. Every time you have a thought, you make a chemical and turn on a set of circuits in your brain that produces a level of mind for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking, and then think the way you feel, and feel the way you think; and this cycle creates a state of being. In this engaging lecture, you will learn about the epigenetic model of reality – signaling the gene ahead of the environment, choosing a future possibility, and bringing it to life in the present moment. The experience changes the circuitry in the brain and creates additional elevated emotions that cause us to come out of our resting states and produce new, long-term memories; and thus create a new future for ourselves.
9/15/201631 minutes, 16 seconds
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Gregg Braden - Human: By Design - Why You’re “Wired” for Extraordinary Powers of Deep Intuition, Pre-cognition, Super Healing and More!

We live our lives, choose our relationships, and solve our problems based upon the way we answer a single question: Who Am I? New discoveries ranging from human evolution and genetics to the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have overturned 150 years of thinking when it comes to this timeless question. Now we know that we’re absolutely “wired” to be extraordinary and understanding our personal wiring is the key. The best science of today paves the way to do just that, and leads us directly to extraordinary experiences that have been considered rare and mystical in the past. These include expanded states of deep intuition and direct knowing, pre-cognition (knowing future events before they happen), dialing the “hot-line” into healthy subconscious beliefs, creating a super-enhanced immune system, the triggering of anti-aging hormones and much, much more!
9/8/201631 minutes, 47 seconds
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Mike Dooley - The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You - Toronto "

Mike Dooley, the spiritual adventurer behind Notes from the Universe, offers a radically empowering view on our lives, through the wisdom of those who have gone beyond this world; a common-sense approach to understanding life, its meaning and how to live yours to the fullest. This afterlife perspective gives hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike will share simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance.
9/1/201627 minutes, 26 seconds
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Nick Ortner - The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self

In this life-changing presentation, NY Times bestselling author Nick Ortner will show you how to use “EFT” or “Tapping” to bring out the best in yourself and your life. If you believe that deep down you have more to give, a bigger life vision to fulfill and you want to overcome old patterns of self-sabotage and procrastination, then this presentation is for you. Learn how to release daily stress, clear old emotional traumas and patterns and manifest your greatest self!
8/25/201625 minutes, 27 seconds
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Cheryl Richardson - The Magic of Ordinary Life

Slow down. Breathe. Live in the moment. These simple messages, when put into practice, can help us find the extraordinary in everyday life. They require a willingness to say no more often than yes, to be loyal to the desires of the soul, and to commit to a daily practice of presence that keeps us tuned in to beauty. During this keynote presentation, Cheryl will share the story of what happened in her own life as she began to honor these messages and document the magic found in ordinary days.
8/18/201629 minutes, 40 seconds
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Gabrielle Berstein - Miracles Now

Do you get excited when you experience synchronicity and flow? For instance, just as you think of someone, they call you—or you hum a song in your head, and then it comes on the radio. These moments are reminders that you are connected to an inner guidance system; you’re on the right track. The flow of synchronicity always leads you to healing and growth. Learn to take ownership of your hidden intuitive powers and use them for the highest good.
8/12/201618 minutes, 1 second
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Maston Kipp - Bring Your Purpose to Life

There's one key element that is missing from fully embodying your purpose – courageous action. During this lecture, learn vital keys to face your fear, get rid of your limiting beliefs and become the person who personifies all the wisdom that you've read. It's time to set a new standard and go from simply reading books and consuming personal growth material to stepping into who you're meant to be. Let's find your courage, take action and bring your purpose to life.
8/5/201613 minutes, 8 seconds
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Colette Baron Reid - Messages and Miracles

How do you travel from uncertainty to infinite possibility in a time when so much change and confusion reigns supreme? Are we seeing truth or are we looking at the world through a distorted lens of perception? The world of current conditions is a reflection of the past not our true present, or absolute reality. Our primary reality is in the invisible realm of Spirit, not the material realm. To evolve into our best selves, we need to tune in to the frequency of pure potential: the realm of Spirit. The Map by Colette Baron-ReidIn this moment as we look out into Uncharted waters, infinite possibility waits for us to discover it! How do we remember our true purpose as powerful co-creators and miracle makers? When we shift our perception and perspective and align with Spirit, anything is possible! Throughout this lively and entertaining hour, Colette will teach about these universal themes through live-audience mediumship and intuitive readings. What can your guides, angels, or loved ones who’ve passed over, help you to learn? What miracle does Spirit have in store for you?
7/28/201628 minutes, 43 seconds
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Joe Dispenza - Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

Rewire your brain by taking a journey in brain evolution using scientifically proven neurophysiological principles. Dr. Joe Dispenza not only teaches people the science of change, he shows the results through rigorous scientific testing including brain scans, blood tests, and heart monitoring. You Are the Placebo by Joe DispenzaYour reality is created by thoughts and feelings, and the beliefs and perceptions that they catalysed. Every time you have a thought, you make a chemical that turns on circuits in your brain which give you feelings to match your thinking. The cycle of think-feel, feel-think, think-feel continues, creating a state of being, until you change. In this keynote lecture, Dr. Dispenza will empower you with his results showing people healing themselves from chronic illness. Perhaps even more exciting, he shows the results of people having interdimensional, and other realm, experiences. Learn the fundamentals behind what it takes do the uncommon, to become supernatural, – and then create the life you want.
7/21/201623 minutes, 16 seconds
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Brendon Burchard - The Motivation Manifesto

Have you ever felt stuck? Like you’re caged? Or just frustrated? You can overcome fear, take back control of your life. Your agenda can be to reach your highest levels of motivation, joy, and achievement in life. Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard. Can you learn the secrets of the world’s most driven, happy and productive people? Yes, you can. Can you emulate them? Yes. Brendon has answers and strategies, that you may not have heard before, that will help you charge up your life.
7/18/201629 minutes, 49 seconds
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Mike Dooley - The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You - Seattle

Mike Dooley, the spiritual adventurer behind NOTES FROM THE UNIVERSE, offers a radically empowering view on our lives, through the wisdom of those who have gone beyond this world; a common-sense approach to understanding life, its meaning and how to live yours to the fullest. The Top Ten Things that Dead People Want to Tell You by Mike DooleyThis afterlife perspective gives hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike will share simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance. Mike Dooley is the New York Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities and scribe behind Notes from the Universe smf will share the actual mechanics behind   manifestations, metaphysically and physically. You’ll learn the true ease and profound simplicity of the unfailing winds of the Universe in a journey you yourself now chart – and how to catch them to propel you forward.
7/7/201629 minutes, 29 seconds
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Robert Holden, Ph.D. - Life Loves You

What’s it like to write a book with Louise Hay? In their new book, Life Loves You, Louise and Robert teach that “life doesn’t just happen to you; it happens for you. All manner of help and inspiration will rush to your side when you make authentic choices, commit to healing, and follow your joy.   It is the key to healing your life and being more of who you really are.” Loveability by Robert Holden The simple maths of love is: the more you love, the more you enjoy happiness, success, abundance, health and all good things in life. Conversely, not loving enough is the root cause of every problem and conflict in your life and on our planet. In this talk Robert shares key themes and principles from his 3-day program called Loveability.
6/30/201633 minutes, 3 seconds
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Anita Moorjani - Being Myself: Loving myself for who I am, not who the world wants me to be!"

Anita Moorjani nearly died of cancer.   Learning to love and accept herself unconditionally is what healed her, and brought her back from the brink of death. We all know it in our heads – that we should love ourselves, we’re temples and all that.   But do we do it? Or do we talk down to ourselves over every error. Can you actually put self-love into practice? Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani Anita Moorjani addresses the challenges and shares some very practical tools, tips and exercises you can use in order to truly feel empowered. In addition, she addresses what having a healthy dose of self-love looks like in relationships, and also speaks on what life looks like when we don’t love ourselves. You’ll go home with step-by-step processes that can help you develop love, respect, and value for yourself, so that you can be who you were put on this earth to be, and live your truth as our authentic selves. Being Myself: Loving myself for who I am, not who the world wants me to be!
6/23/201628 minutes, 10 seconds
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Nick Ortner - The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self

Are you being your biggest self? You can use “EFT” or “Tapping” to bring out the best in yourself and your life. Whether it’s emotional pain, physical pain, serious disease or a garden-variety cold, EFT Tapping has proven to be extraordinarily effective. New York Times bestselling author Nick Ortner teaches you how to tap your way into abundant health and energy in your body and your life. Try it on Everything.
6/16/201621 minutes, 56 seconds
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James Van Praagh - Adventures of the Soul

Renowned Medium, James Van Praagh teaches this unique and one of a kind workshop, which will expand your awareness and bring you in direct connection to your soul and its divine make-up.   In this spirit guided experiential workshop, together participants will explore: • Learn how to receive spiritual messages and signs from your loved ones in the Spirit world. • Discover whose “energy” you have been carrying around with you. • Connect and set up an ongoing working relationship with your spirit guides • Explore various levels of awareness, including “blending” with the Spirit world • Understand the difference between “psychic ability” and “spirit communication.” • Witness James bring forth evidential messages from your guides and soul group” • Transform your life from fear into love and well-being.   James will demonstrate his ability of spirit communication, bringing through evidential messages of love and teachings from his spiritual guides to assist you on your spiritual journey.
6/9/201620 minutes, 44 seconds
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Joe Dispenza - Making Your Mind Matter

Your reality is created by beliefs and perceptions that are based on thoughts and feelings. Every time you have a thought, you make a chemical and turn on a set of circuits in your brain that produces a level of mind for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking, and then think the way you feel, and feel the way you think; and this cycle creates a state of being. In this engaging lecture, you will learn about the epigenetic model of reality - signaling the gene ahead of the environment, choosing a future possibility, and bringing it to life in the present moment. The experience changes the circuitry in the brain and creates additional elevated emotions that cause us to come out of our resting states and produce new, long-term memories; and thus create a new future for ourselves.
6/2/201624 minutes, 41 seconds
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Dr. Barbara De Angelis - The Energy To Live With Renewed Purpose

Imagine if you could find the courage to make the changes you need to make, the healing to release the past, the energy to live with renewed purpose, and the wisdom to understand your life’s path. To do this, what is needed is not simply change, but profound accelerated transformation from the inside out. You are ready for Soul Shifts! In this inspiring presentation, Dr. Barbara De Angelis offers a radical re-visioning of the journey of personal and spiritual growth that invites you to go from trying to manage yourself and control your life to, instead, operating from inner Mastery by learning how to make what she calls Soul Shifts-- profound shifts in understanding, emotions and consciousness that will transform you from the Soul Level. She will introduce you to her exciting teaching of Vibrational Mastery--how to change your actual energetic vibration, and stop “short-circuiting” your spiritual and emotional power. You will learn tools for Practical Spirituality, how to shift beyond ‘positive thinking’, to ‘positive vibrating’, and how to create real “vibrational credibility.” With her ability to transmit powerful energies of love and upliftment, Dr. De Angelis will offer illuminating wisdom and proven techniques that can free you to move forward into a life of lasting attainment and true freedom. 
5/26/201630 minutes, 2 seconds
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Gabriel Berstein - Miracles Now

Do you get excited when you experience synchronicity and flow? For instance, just as you think of someone, they call you—or you hum a song in your head, and then it comes on the radio. These moments are reminders that you are connected to an inner guidance system; you’re on the right track. The flow of synchronicity always leads you to healing and growth. Learn to take ownership of your hidden intuitive powers and use them for the highest good. New York Times best-selling author and international speaker Gabrielle Bernstein teaches you how to amplify your intuition and keep guidance flowing freely. She calls on the teachings of A Course in Miracles, combining them with powerful Kundalini Yoga and meditation practices that open you to inner wisdom.
5/19/201653 minutes, 51 seconds
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Mike Dooley - The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

Mike Dooley, the spiritual adventurer behind NOTES FROM THE UNIVERSE, offers a radically empowering view on our lives, through the wisdom of those who have gone beyond this world; a common-sense approach to understanding life, its meaning and how to live yours to the fullest. This afterlife perspective gives hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike will share simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance.
5/12/201616 minutes, 50 seconds
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Nick Ortner - The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief and Healing the Body

Whether it’s a cold or flu, a chronic pain, or any sort of physical dis-ease, EFT Tapping has proven to be extraordinarily effective at helping the body heal, release pain, and find its way to balance.   Join New York Times bestselling author Nick Ortner as he teaches you how to tap your way into abundant health and energy in your body and your life.
5/5/201617 minutes, 5 seconds
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Kris Carr - From Surviving to Thriving: Creating a Crazy Sexy Life

"Happy Valentine’s Day, you have cancer.” Kris Carr got the wakeup call of her life in 2003 when she learned she had an incurable stage IV cancer. With no traditional treatment options to fall-back on, Kris became both an advocate for herself and a voracious student of mind/body medicine. She embarked on a healing adventure that not only transformed her life, but created a global wellness revolution. In this talk, Kris will share her inspiring personal story and give you essential self-care strategies to radically improve your total well-being. Each of us receives some sort of a wake-up call. Answer yours today and let your obstacle become your catalyst for a healthier and more meaningful life. Join the courageous and hilarious Kris Carr, author of the brand-new Crazy Sexy Juice cookbook, as she gives you an honest and intimate look into her life as she’s transitioned from a daily struggle to survive into a world filled with health, radiance and joy. Kris is living proof that a diet based on organic, natural and plant-based foods leads to vitality, strength and a glow that is clear for everyone to see.
4/28/201623 minutes, 1 second
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Nancy Levin - Jump and Your Life Will Appear

When who you are outgrows where you are, it’s time to make a dramatic change. Nancy explains how to access your strength to make a dramatic shift that will change and improve your life. No matter what major change you want to make, Nancy's step-by-step process – incorporating coaching, self-inquiry and journaling – prepares and propels you to take action. It's time to face and embrace your fears, tap into the courage necessary to take the leap toward self-love, and reap the rewards of the unforeseeable gifts and opportunities that await you after the jump.
4/21/201632 minutes, 1 second
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Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D. - The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being

In Goddesses Never Age, Christiane Northrup, M.D., will turn ageism on its head! She knows that, as you age, you can have a fabulous social life, great sex, and more fulfillment than you ever dreamed possible. Learn Dr. Northrup's blueprint for ensuring that the best years of your life are ahead of you not behind you! Dr. Northrup will inspire you to name and then release your ageist programming and allow your life to be infused with that which is forever and always youthful and eternal within you—your inner Divine Goddess self. When your life is fueled from this Source, the clock literally stops. And life becomes the joyous heaven on Earth adventure that it was designed to be.
4/14/201630 minutes, 9 seconds
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Bruce Lipton - The "New" Biology: The Secret to Living Heaven on Earth

A renaissance in science is creating a genuine revolution in thought and understanding, one so radical that it is changing the world. Remarkable discoveries from the frontier of science offer a “new” biology that illuminates the nature of mind-body medicine, a new awareness that completely revises our understanding of the nature of life. The belief that we are frail, biochemical machines controlled by genes is giving way to an understanding that we are powerful creators of our lives and the world in which we live. Cell biologist and bestselling author, Bruce H. Lipton will take you on a fast paced journey from the microcosm of the cell to the macrocosm of the mind. The informative and self-empowering knowledge reveals how our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs create the conditions of our body and our place in the world.
4/7/201631 minutes, 24 seconds
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Cheryl Richardson - The Art & Science of Living a Creative Life

Most people long for a chance to express their creativity in everyday life. They might dream of starting a business, writing a book, or becoming a gifted healer.   Some recognize their talents and want to know how to earn a living using them, others question whether they're creative at all. During this keynote presentation, Cheryl will talk about what it means to live a creative life, the importance of redefining the word "artist," and how to generate the time, space, and money to do more of what you love.   Get ready to unleash your creative dreams!
3/29/201618 minutes, 39 seconds
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Joe Dispenza - Making Your Mind Matter

Your reality is created by beliefs and perceptions that are based on thoughts and feelings. Every time you have a thought, you make a chemical and turn on a set of circuits in your brain that produces a level of mind for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking, and then think the way you feel, and feel the way you think; and this cycle creates a state of being. In this engaging workshop, you will learn about the epigenetic model of reality - signaling the gene ahead of the environment, choosing a future possibility, and bringing it to life in the present moment. The experience changes the circuitry in the brain and creates additional elevated emotions that cause us to come out of our resting states and produce new, long-term memories; and thus create a new future for ourselves.
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davidji - The Secrets of Inner Peace

In this transformational, interactive session, you’ll learn practical tools, in-the-moment tips, and timeless techniques for connecting with your deepest source, releasing what no longer serves you, discovering your divine purpose, and finding the best version of you. Whether you are coping with overwhelm, moving through change, or ready to take your life to the next level, davidji – the world-renowned Vedic master & meditation teacher- will help you transform.
3/17/201615 minutes, 47 seconds
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Anita Moorjani - Being Myself: Loving Myself For Who I Am

Love yourself like your life depends on it - because it does! One of the biggest lessons Anita Moorjani learned from nearly dying of cancer is the importance of loving herself. In fact, learning to love and accept herself unconditionally is what healed her, and brought her back from the brink of death. It’s one thing to know the importance of loving yourself in theory, but how effective are you at actually putting self-love into practice? In her riveting talk, Anita discusses how most of us are brought up in cultures and societies that do not promote, or even support self –love, and we often feel judged if we love our selves, value ourselves, or put ourselves first. In her captivating workshop, Anita addresses the challenges of truly being ourselves, and freely shares some very practical tools, tips and exercises you can use in order to truly feel empowered. In addition, she addresses what having a healthy dose of self-love looks like in relationships, and also speaks on what life looks like when we don’t love ourselves. In this workshop, you’ll learn some step-by-step processes that can help you develop love, respect, and value for yourself, so that you can be who you were put on this earth to be, and live your truth as our authentic selves.
3/10/201631 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dr. Barbara De Angelis - The Power of Soul Shifts

Imagine if you could find the courage to make the changes you need to make, the healing to release the past, the energy to live with renewed purpose, and the wisdom to understand your life’s path. To do this, what is needed is not simply change, but profound accelerated transformation from the inside out. You are ready for Soul Shifts! In this inspiring presentation, Dr. Barbara De Angelis offers a radical re-visioning of the journey of personal and spiritual growth that invites you to go from trying to manage yourself and control your life to, instead, operating from inner Mastery by learning how to make what she calls Soul Shifts—profound shifts in understanding, emotions and consciousness that will transform you from the Soul Level. She will introduce you to her exciting teaching of Vibrational Mastery—how to change your actual energetic vibration, and stop “short-circuiting” your spiritual and emotional power. You will learn tools for Practical Spirituality, how to shift beyond "positive thinking", to "positive vibrating," and how to create real "vibrational credibility." With her ability to transmit powerful energies of love and upliftment, Dr. De Angelis will offer illuminating wisdom and proven techniques that can free you to move forward into a life of lasting attainment and true freedom.
3/3/201618 minutes, 10 seconds
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John Holland - Power of the Soul

When you tap into the incredible force and power of your soul, and once your spiritual gifts are recognized, opened and used, you’ll see yourself and the world in a way you never thought possible.” Your soul is constantly trying to get your attention, but many of us don’t recognize the signs. In this original lecture, John helps you reconnect with your natural spiritual abilities as well as dismantle some of the barriers created by your outer-self, so you can unveil your true inner-self. Once this is achieved, you’ll be able to break free from some of the psychological restrictions that have prevented you from identifying and reaching your full potential. Access the full power of your soul, open yourself to a guiding higher-consciousness, tap into your intuitive abilities, understand the nature, function, and purpose of the soul, and learn that as a ‘soul’ you are and always will be connected to the souls of your loved ones that have passed on and learn how they connect with us here. No matter what your walk of life, this powerful keynote helps you to follow your own spiritual journey. John ends this lecture with plenty of time to demonstrate LIVE readings of mediumship for some audience members. John HollandThe Spirit Whisperer by JOHN HOLLANDDid you know you have the ability to tap into one of the most powerful forces in the Universe -YOUR SOUL?
2/25/201625 minutes, 17 seconds
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Sandra Anne Taylor - New Codes for a Fabulous Future

Okay, so you try and try and try, but something’s blocking you? And you haven’t a clue what it is? According to Sandra Taylor, the answer may lie in your past lives! Your present consciousness may be hiding what you need to know and your past lives are still a powerful force in your present one! She says it’s encoded, however by uncovering your karmic experiences, you can rewrite that code. You can break through those blocks and pave the way to the wonderful destiny you desire. Decode harmful blocks and energies–and code healthy, new successful patterns; Ignite powerful breakthrough forces that will completely reroute the direction of your life; and accelerate your affirmations and visualizations like never before. This inspiring and empowering workshop will help you to reveal the past and heal the present, creating a vibrant and blissful life now — and for lifetimes to come!
2/18/201614 minutes, 6 seconds
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Mike Dooley - The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

Mike Dooley, the spiritual adventurer behind NOTES FROM THE UNIVERSE, offers a radically empowering view on our lives, through the wisdom of those who have gone beyond this world; a common-sense approach to understanding life, its meaning and how to live yours to the fullest. The Top Ten Things that Dead People Want to Tell You by Mike DooleyThis afterlife perspective gives hope to those who’ve lost loved ones and inspiration to life’s dreamers, while assuring all of their divine inclination to succeed. Mike will share simple techniques so you can live a happier life, with great relationships, improved health and in greater abundance.
2/12/201622 minutes, 21 seconds
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Gregg Braden - Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes

A “new world” has come into existence. The one we once knew has changed forever! The question now is where are the changes leading, what can we expect, and what does all this mean for our families, our cities, our life-style? Dr. Gregg Braden synchronizes the understandings of science with his intimate understandings gained at the knees of the world’s indigenous elders. Questions on everyone’s mind get answered: What does our changing world mean to us? What exactly can relieve the transition? Join Gregg in this compelling intensive. That which we once considered ourselves will change!
2/5/201611 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dr. Brian Weiss - Finding New Levels of Healing

The world’s foremost specialist in past-life regression, Brian L. Weiss, MD, shows you a one of a kind way to heal yourself. By accessing memories of previous lifetimes, events which might have contributed to your conditions or problems will emerge. These memories often explain and bring crystal clarity to situations you are experiencing these days. He teaches you the latest in hypnotic therapy to realize new healing for the mind, soul, body, and relationships.
1/29/201617 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - I Can See Clearly Now: Seeing Obstacles as Divine Gifts

The lowest points in our lives can be our greatest teachers.  They provide us with the experience we need to climb to greater heights of joy and fulfillment. Dr. Wayne Dyer had a rough childhood. I Can See Clearly Now is Dr. Dyer’s intimate journey through it, how it shaped him, and he shares his lessons openly. Dr. Dyer tells you how his own struggles led him recognize the hand of the Divine at play in our lives. He’ll show you how you can, too;  how everything has led you to where you are right now; and you needed it to reach your true divine potential.
1/25/201614 minutes, 54 seconds
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Robert Holden, Ph.D. - Loveability: To Know How to Love and Be Loved

The simple maths of love is: the more you love, the more you enjoy happiness, success, abundance, health and all good things in life. Conversely, not loving enough is the root cause of every problem and conflict in your life and on our planet. In this talk Robert shares key themes and principles from his 3-day program called Loveability. They include the truth about Self-Love, undoing the basic fear, releasing blocks to love, the miracle of forgiveness, and why love really is the only sane and satisfactory answer to human existence.
1/17/20167 minutes, 31 seconds
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Neha Sangwan - Talk Rx—the prescription for honest conversations that will heal your life!

We rarely notice our style of communication and how we “come across”. Do you say YES when you really mean NO? Do you have time-tested strategies to avoid CONFLICT? About the only time we’re conscious of it is when our relationships break down or become painful. And then we still tend to blame the other person. What are miscommunications costing you in your life? Your relationships? Your money? Yet you yearn for a soothing and peaceful life. Let’s pay attention to how we talk to ourselves, to others, and how in turn our body talks back to us.
1/7/201610 minutes, 9 seconds
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Noah St. John - Boost Income and Self-Confidence Using Power Habits 

Every day, your desires, your beliefs, and your drive PULL you toward your goals. But just when you start to make progress, your mind PUSHES you back!  Join Noah St. John and discover how to put your business on autopilot, accelerate your income, boost your self-confidence, and make success automatic. In this action-packed session you’ll learn how to quickly get unstuck using the “Habit Loop”: 4 proven steps to re-program your mind to automatically attract success; the “secret sauce” to financial and emotional freedom; and most important, how to build a business and life you love using the Power Habits that put your success on cruise control! Right now, you’re sitting on a goldmine…but you’re probably digging away with a teaspoon. Stop working so hard and start making success automatic using the Power Habits of Unconsciously Successful People!
1/7/201618 minutes, 59 seconds
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Nancy Levin - Jump And Your Life Will Appear

What do you do when your life falls apart? How do you recover when the life you’re living no longer fits on the foundation of you? How do you pick up and find the strength to make a dramatic shift when your whole world is rocked? Nancy Levin found her strength and shares the one thing that saved her life as her 18-year marriage ended. As you hear her story, you too will find the courage to invite and welcome change, instead of fearing and hiding from it.
12/28/201527 minutes, 16 seconds