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Global Physio Podcast Profile

Global Physio Podcast

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 56 episodes, 1 day, 4 hours, 36 minutes
The Global Physio Podcast explores global health from the perspective of a curious physiotherapist. The podcast will feature interviews highlighting physiotherapists and other professionals working in global health practice, education, training or research. Deep dives on global health concepts and hot topics will also occur in solo episodes. New podcast episodes will air on the 1st day of each month, with occasional bonus episodes. This podcast is supported in part by the Global Health Division (GHD) of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association; however, the opinions and views expressed in the episodes don’t necessarily reflect those of the GHD.
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GP050: Considerations for and Reflections on International Physiotherapy Work with Alex Hejazi

In this podcast episode, we speak with Bahareh Alexandra Hejazi about her experience and insights about her time spent in Italy, Palestine and Uganda. Despite international work offering many exciting prospects for health professionals and potential to create positive change across the globe, it is important to speak about the uncomfortable truths and complexities involved. … Continue reading "GP050: Considerations for and Reflections on International Physiotherapy Work with Alex Hejazi"
1/18/202443 minutes, 24 seconds
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GP049: Designing Novel Work-Models with Sara Abassbhay

Sara Abassbhay completed her Bachelor of Sciences in Rehabilitation and her Master of Sciences (applied) in Physical Therapy at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Her career has taken her all over the world and she has practiced as a physiotherapist in Singapore, Ghana, and Canada. More recently, she was working in the Yukon Territory in … Continue reading "GP049: Designing Novel Work-Models with Sara Abassbhay"
12/27/202341 minutes, 55 seconds
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GP048: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion with Dr. Rosemary Morgan and Dr. Linda Thumba

While our profession has been female-dominated for most, if not all, of its history, leadership positions are disproportionately occupied by men. In addition, there are significant gender inequities with regard to the global unmet needs of rehabilitation. Women accounted for just over half of the 2.4 billion people worldwide living with conditions that would benefit … Continue reading "GP048: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion with Dr. Rosemary Morgan and Dr. Linda Thumba"
10/2/202346 minutes, 30 seconds
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GP047: Physiotherapy Education from the Perspective of Muslim Women with Nathalia Costa and Sarah Jang

Increasing diversity, equity and inclusion, commonly abbreviated as DEI, has been in the forefront of many sectors. Within health, providing culturally sensitive care and having a professional body that is diverse can lead to improved health outcomes. The conversation often involves ensuring clinicians practice cultural sensitivity during care, forming executive committees that are representative of … Continue reading "GP047: Physiotherapy Education from the Perspective of Muslim Women with Nathalia Costa and Sarah Jang"
9/2/202354 minutes, 2 seconds
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GP046: The Challenges of Making a Truly Global Podcast

Today’s episode is all about reflexivity. The show co-hosts discuss their individual positionalities and examine how their lived experiences and socialization may influence the podcast. The show co-hosts share their dream of creating a podcast that is relevant to physiotherapists all over the world, amplifies voices that have been historically silenced and breaks down barriers … Continue reading "GP046: The Challenges of Making a Truly Global Podcast"
7/1/202315 minutes, 17 seconds
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GP045: Physiotherapy Beyond the Biopsychosocial Model with Karime Mescouto

The biopsychosocial model has been touted as an effective approach towards addressing physiotherapy-related health conditions for its ability to guide clinicians to think beyond biomedical factors. The shift to integrate subjective experiences, psychological and social aspects to understand a patient’s lived experiences is a step forward beyond purely patho-anatomical explanations of pain and disability. However, … Continue reading "GP045: Physiotherapy Beyond the Biopsychosocial Model with Karime Mescouto"
6/2/202337 minutes, 56 seconds
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GP044: Mindfulness and Environmental Justice with Elizabeth Houlding & Susan Czyzo

Environmental physiotherapy is an emerging practice area. There are physiotherapists all over the world calling for more sustainable physiotherapy practices. Moreover, there is a growing consciousness within physiotherapy globally around the environmental injustices experienced by equity deserving groups. A lot of people, including physiotherapists, may experience stagnation when confronted by the enormity of the climate … Continue reading "GP044: Mindfulness and Environmental Justice with Elizabeth Houlding & Susan Czyzo"
5/3/202338 minutes, 32 seconds
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GP043: Defining Global Health with Derek Lai & Allana Beavis

Global health is really difficult to pin down definitionally. Perhaps an even more important question than “what is global health” would be: “what are the core values of global health?” In today’s episode, Derek Lai and Allana Beavis will share their understanding of the values that underpin this field. Additionally, they will discuss their experiences … Continue reading "GP043: Defining Global Health with Derek Lai & Allana Beavis"
4/2/202340 minutes, 23 seconds
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GP042: The Physiotherapy Paradox with Dr. Dave Nicholls (Part 2)

This episode is part 2 of a two-part series where we discuss how our profession’s lack of engagement with social theory has resulted in physiotherapy having some massive blindspots regarding who we are, what we do and what our future holds. Our guest is Dr. Dave Nicholls, a Professor of Critical Physiotherapy in the School … Continue reading "GP042: The Physiotherapy Paradox with Dr. Dave Nicholls (Part 2)"
3/1/202340 minutes, 36 seconds
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GP041: The Physiotherapy Paradox with Dr. Dave Nicholls (Part 1)

This episode is part 1 of a two-part series where we discuss how our profession’s lack of engagement with social theory has resulted in physiotherapy having some massive blindspots regarding who we are, what we do and what our future holds. Our guest is Dr. Dave Nicholls, a Professor of Critical Physiotherapy in the School … Continue reading "GP041: The Physiotherapy Paradox with Dr. Dave Nicholls (Part 1)"
3/1/202346 minutes, 32 seconds
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GP040: Global Physio Podcast Relaunch with Krysta Norwick

Welcome to the Global Physio Podcast! This episode features an introduction to the podcast and new host (Allana Beavis), as well as an interview with the former host and creator (Krysta Norwick). We hope you enjoy the podcast! In this episode we talk about: What the mission of the Global Physio Podcast is What’s in … Continue reading "GP040: Global Physio Podcast Relaunch with Krysta Norwick"
1/31/202317 minutes, 4 seconds
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GP039: Telehealth with Krysta Wark and Phil Sheppard

The regular host of the podcast, Krysta, is the guest on this episode. Listen to her explain how she thinks Telehealth will be used in physiotherapy practice going forward AND how our more virtual world will impact global health work in general. Phil Sheppard is our guest host for this episode and he shares some … Continue reading "GP039: Telehealth with Krysta Wark and Phil Sheppard"
5/15/202034 minutes, 44 seconds
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COVID-19 UPDATE 5: Considerations for re-opening with Phil Sheppard and Dr. Mike Landry

With whisperings of some communities, provinces and states in North America re-opening certain services, we thought it was timely to discuss what this might look like. We hear insights from both Mike and Phil regarding what we should consider as health care professionals when transitioning back to in-person care. What will our new business models … Continue reading "COVID-19 UPDATE 5: Considerations for re-opening with Phil Sheppard and Dr. Mike Landry"
4/24/202018 minutes, 41 seconds
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GP038: Global Health from Home with Emily Eglitis

In response to a need for wheelchairs identified by a physiotherapy school in Nepal, Emily initiated a project to help them acquire more wheelchairs. She elicited the help of physiotherapists at an Australian physiotherapy school near her and they are currently in the needs analysis stage of the project. Emily has found a creative way … Continue reading "GP038: Global Health from Home with Emily Eglitis"
4/15/202022 minutes, 23 seconds
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COVID-19 UPDATE 4: with Phil Sheppard and Mike Landry

Phil and Mike are back for another COVID-19 Update. We discuss current status of the COVID-19 pandemic, where some countries are at in terms of their response, how we can be better advocates for our role as physiotherapists, what research is being produced, and more! You don’t want to miss this excellent update! Contact Krysta: … Continue reading "COVID-19 UPDATE 4: with Phil Sheppard and Mike Landry"
4/13/202039 minutes, 27 seconds
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COVID-19 UPDATE 3: Mental Health with Alex Sterling

Alex Sterling is a Clinical Counsellor based in Victoria, BC, Canada. She shares with us some excellent tips on how to help support your friends, family members, clients and your own mental health during this time and as we move through the pandemic together. She has ample experience with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and shares … Continue reading "COVID-19 UPDATE 3: Mental Health with Alex Sterling"
4/12/202039 minutes, 45 seconds
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COVID-19 UPDATE 2: with Irena Djordjevic

Tune in to our wonderful podcast volunteer, Irena Djordjevic, describe her current work and living situation in France. She describes what it’s like to be on a full lock down and still work from home. She is a Public Health professional who is actively working on the COVID-19 pandemic response. It was such a pleasure … Continue reading "COVID-19 UPDATE 2: with Irena Djordjevic"
4/4/202025 minutes, 26 seconds
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COVID-19 UPDATE 1: with Mike Landry and Phil Sheppard

An update on the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the role of physiotherapy. Tune in for some practical ways to get involved in this global health emergency. Website: Twitter: @ptcovid19 E-mail:
3/29/202038 minutes, 44 seconds
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GP037: Voluntourism with Emily Eglitis and Dr. Mohan Sharma

Voluntourism is a popular way to volunteer time and resources abroad. It is usually when an individual combines travel with some form of volunteer work. Listen in to understand the intricacies of these voluntourism opportunities and to learn that, despite best intentions, these trips are usually harmful. Emily speaks from the point of view of … Continue reading "GP037: Voluntourism with Emily Eglitis and Dr. Mohan Sharma"
3/15/202042 minutes, 5 seconds
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Coronavirus and Physiotherapy: Managing in Complexity with Mike Landry

Bonus episode discussing the COVID-19 pandemic. This episode contains lots of useful information for anyone interested in learning more about the COVID-19 virus. In particular, Mike shares insights on how we, as physiotherapists and rehabilitation professionals can be involved in the management of this health crisis. As physiotherapists we can be leaders in the control … Continue reading "Coronavirus and Physiotherapy: Managing in Complexity with Mike Landry"
3/14/202036 minutes, 13 seconds
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GP036: Mind-body Medicine with Dr. Crystal Frazee

Join me in welcoming Dr. Crystal Frazee to the podcast! We talk all about mind-body medicine and how Crystal integrates this into her practice. She believes that there is a place for mind-body medicine in every physiotherapist’s practice. She provides real-life examples on how this approach has helped her clients function in their lives and … Continue reading "GP036: Mind-body Medicine with Dr. Crystal Frazee"
2/15/202029 minutes, 22 seconds
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GP035: Year in Review on Balance with Phil Sheppard

Tune in as Krysta and Phil reflect on what 2019 was like for them both personally and professionally. They talk about lessons they learned and how they will apply them in 2020. They also discuss the important topic of barriers to participate in global health (GH) work. From financial, to social, to self-imposed pressures. Phil … Continue reading "GP035: Year in Review on Balance with Phil Sheppard"
1/15/202041 minutes, 53 seconds
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GP034: Train the Trainer with Anik Goulet

Anik has had an extensive career in Global Health from her first experiences in Haiti, to Afghanistan, Kenya, and more. Her career has the common thread of education including clinical education and training the trainer. Her description of what life can be like on deployment is both captivating and informative. Through her global health work … Continue reading "GP034: Train the Trainer with Anik Goulet"
12/15/201934 minutes, 32 seconds
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GP033: Health Governance with Dr. Raphael Lencucha

Raphael has done extensive work in the area of health policy and governance including mental health policy in Canada and Tobacco Control Policy across many countries such as Brazil, Philippines, Zambia, Kenya, Malawi, Indonesia and is recently starting a project in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. In this episode you will learn about health governance and how … Continue reading "GP033: Health Governance with Dr. Raphael Lencucha"
11/15/201929 minutes, 30 seconds
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GP032: Bioethical Considerations with Dr. Matthew Hunt

Follow along as Matt describes his career trajectory in Global Health and how he ended up researching bioethics. He shares many words of wisdom and excellent advice for anyone pursuing a career in Global Health and humanitarian work. Resources mentioned: Here are some books about rehab and ethics: Kornblau, B. L., & Burkhardt, A. (2012). Ethics … Continue reading "GP032: Bioethical Considerations with Dr. Matthew Hunt"
9/16/201935 minutes, 9 seconds
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GP031: Evaluating Health Equity with Chantal Camden

Chantal Camden discusses her efforts in helping provide equitable access to health services for children. She enlightens us on the various barriers to access of services that some children might face and it may surprise you that it’s not just financial and location dependent. She talks about a project she is working on to help … Continue reading "GP031: Evaluating Health Equity with Chantal Camden"
8/15/201925 minutes, 26 seconds
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GP030: From Field Work to Research with Mathieu Simard

Mathieu is currently working on a PhD at McGill University in Canada. He has ample experience working in Global Health and his experiences led him to a desire to answer a big question in his research. Join our conversation as he depicts his research and gives incredible nuggets of wisdom for those pursuing a career … Continue reading "GP030: From Field Work to Research with Mathieu Simard"
7/15/201934 minutes, 39 seconds
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GP029: Burden of Disease with James Bardy

James draws on years of experience in Global Health (GH) as an Occupational Therapist to depict to the listener specifics of his GH work with NepalAbility and the burden of disease in Nepal. We go on to discuss how this applies not just to Nepal, but on a global scale. NepalAbility website: Global Health Division … Continue reading "GP029: Burden of Disease with James Bardy"
6/15/201930 minutes, 7 seconds
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GP028: Career Progression with Michèle Goulet

Michèle describes her progression from working as a registered nurse in Canada, to working for Médicins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) abroad, to now going back to school for a Masters of Public Health degree at the University of British Columbia in Canada. She describes the benefit of consolidating her skills working in Canada first … Continue reading "GP028: Career Progression with Michèle Goulet"
4/15/201923 minutes, 9 seconds
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GP027: Health Coaching with Dr. Crystal Frazee

We delve into what health coaching is, how it helps your clients and how you can get into health coaching right away and in the future. Dr. Crystal Frazee is passionate about helping women with pain. She has many skills that she implements in her practice, including health coaching. I also take the time to … Continue reading "GP027: Health Coaching with Dr. Crystal Frazee"
3/15/201936 minutes, 51 seconds
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GP026: Global Physiotherapy with Dr. Emma Stokes

Join the president of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT), Dr. Emma Stokes, as she discusses the importance of professional associations, global policy change, young physiotherapists as leaders and where she sees physiotherapy in the future. We discuss some of the many initiatives WCPT is working on and mention the Database of Volunteers and … Continue reading "GP026: Global Physiotherapy with Dr. Emma Stokes"
2/15/201930 minutes, 49 seconds
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GP025: Year in Review with Krysta Wark

This episode summarizes the advice taken and lessons learned from the many incredible podcast guests. What have we learned from the podcast so far? Find out from your host, Krysta Wark. She shares her key lessons learned from both on-air and off-air interactions with guests. She attempts to answer the question that started the podcast in … Continue reading "GP025: Year in Review with Krysta Wark"
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GP024: PhysioYoga for Pelvic Health with Shelly Prosko

Yoga can be used by Physiotherapists as a way to teach the movement of the pelvic floor and to treat many pathologies including; pelvic pain, stress urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, and sexual dysfunction. In an attempt to elevate our knowledge as a profession and share home exercise routines for clients, Shelly Prosko has built … Continue reading "GP024: PhysioYoga for Pelvic Health with Shelly Prosko"
12/15/201836 minutes, 42 seconds
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GP023: Pain and Yoga Therapy with Neil Pearson

Many physiotherapists around the world treat pain. When pain becomes chronic, it can be difficult to treat and often very frustrating for our patients. Neil Pearson utilizes his knowledge of the efficacy of Yoga Therapy in addressing the pain of his patients. He has spent much of his time passing on this knowledge both to patients … Continue reading "GP023: Pain and Yoga Therapy with Neil Pearson"
11/15/201823 minutes, 53 seconds
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GP022: Reverse Culture Shock with Johana Amar

When returning home from deployments, experiencing reverse culture shock is common. Listen to Johana Amar discuss this important topic with our Podcast Operations Director, Yehia Abdelkader. Apply for the Global Health Division bursary here: Contact us: Global Health Division:
10/15/201825 minutes, 26 seconds
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GP021: Physiopedia Global Health Course with Rachael Lowe

Physiopedia offers an online Global Health Course through their Physioplus platform. Listen to one of the co-founders, Rachael Lowe, discuss how Physiopedia strives to improve global health through universal access to physiotherapy knowledge. Her and her team have developed an online Global Health course tailored towards physiotherapists (you can find it here). Prepare yourself to … Continue reading "GP021: Physiopedia Global Health Course with Rachael Lowe"
9/15/201825 minutes, 8 seconds
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GP020: Power Dynamics with Shaun Cleaver

Follow along with Shaun’s description of his journey from field work in Haiti to research in Zambia. Along the way he has gained important insights that he shares with the listeners. Resources: Shaun’s blog: Please donate:
8/15/201838 minutes, 22 seconds
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GP019: Canadian Underserved Communities Part 2 of 2 with Dr. Brenna Bath and Dr. Stacey Lovo Grona

Join us for a discussion on Telerehabilitation that spans from outreach visits to robots! It’s no secret that Dr. Brenna Bath and Dr. Stacey Lovo Grona from the University of Saskatchewan are passionate about what they do. Resources:
7/15/201838 minutes, 4 seconds
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GP018: Canadian Underserved Communities 1 of 2 with Gail Kuo

Listen to Gail describe her experience working in rural Canada and overseas. She emphasizes the importance of working as a generalist while growing a list of specialist contacts. Her experience in rural Canadian communities has served her well abroad. Don’t miss this interesting episode! Please help support the podcast at: Check out job postings … Continue reading "GP018: Canadian Underserved Communities 1 of 2 with Gail Kuo"
6/15/201828 minutes, 48 seconds
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GP017: Overseas Development with Hilary Crowley

Hilary developed a long-term working relationship with an organization in India called Samuha. This lead to the start of the Samuha Overseas Development Association (SODA) to provide financial support for the disability programs run by Samuha. You can hear the passion in Hilary’s voice as she describes the life-changing experience of being involved in the … Continue reading "GP017: Overseas Development with Hilary Crowley"
5/15/201836 minutes, 7 seconds
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GP016: Fistula Care with Michelle Pieké

Obstetric fistulas occur in Niger with prolonged deliveries. Many of these women suffer from pelvic pain, leg pain (even weakness) and urinary incontinence. At the Danja Fistula Centre, Michelle is responsible to provide pelvic floor physiotherapy services for these women. Her role as a physiotherapist, as far as she knows, is the only one in … Continue reading "GP016: Fistula Care with Michelle Pieké"
4/15/201821 minutes, 42 seconds
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GP015: Financial Barriers with Corey Kim

Join Corey Kim and I as we discuss one of the major barriers to professionals starting global health work, finances. Corey recently saved for a teaching role in Nepal and he discusses some resources he accessed to set himself up for success. Resources: Course mentioned: Blog mentioned: Corey’s e-mail: kh.corey88(at) Krysta’s e-mail: globalphysiopodcast(at)
3/15/201823 minutes, 29 seconds
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GP014: Year in Review: Burnout with Phil Sheppard

It’s been a year!! Thank you to all you wonderful listeners that keep me motivated to keep posting. What a wild ride it’s been so far. Both Phil and I experienced some form of burnout over the course of the year and we discuss our strategies to deal with it in this episode. Burnout can … Continue reading "GP014: Year in Review: Burnout with Phil Sheppard"
1/15/201833 minutes, 4 seconds
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GP013: Evidence Based Practice with Saurab Sharma

Saurab is a Nepalese physiotherapist passionate about Evidence Based Practice (EBP) and physiotherapy in Nepal. He is currently pursuing his PhD in New Zealand and is involved in many facets of the profession of physiotherapy. In this episode he shares his insights on barriers to EBP in Nepal, solutions to overcome these barriers, plans for … Continue reading "GP013: Evidence Based Practice with Saurab Sharma"
12/15/201723 minutes, 45 seconds
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GP012: Deployments with Peter Skelton

When a country requests their help, the UK Emergency Response Team deploys to an area post-disaster. Pete Skelton is the Rehabilitation Advisor for this team and and Humanitarian Technical Adviser for Handicap International. In this episode we delve into the reason for the emerging role of rehabilitation as part of the sustainable response post-disaster and … Continue reading "GP012: Deployments with Peter Skelton"
11/15/201729 minutes, 55 seconds
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GP011: Pelvic Pain with Ruth Jones

Ruth Jones brings her expertise in the area of pelvic pain to life. We delve into pelvic pain training, knowledge, trauma and more. Don’t miss out on this very important topic! Resources:  
10/16/201730 minutes, 17 seconds
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GP010: Infectious Disease with Mike Landry

Our role in non-communicable diseases is clear, but how do we fit into the management of infectious disease? This topic is discussed with Mike Landry, PT, Researcher, Global Health Professional and Chief of the Doctor of Physical Therapy Division at Duke University in North Carolina. We explore Zika, Ebola and the difference between morbidity and … Continue reading "GP010: Infectious Disease with Mike Landry"
9/15/201728 minutes, 53 seconds
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GP009: WCPT Congress with Kayla Hildebrand

The World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress was in Capetown, South Africa in 2017. Kayla Hildebrand and I sit down to discuss our experiences at our first WCPT Congress! From volunteering, to attending talks, to mingling at socials, we both agree that the connections made were well worth it.   Contacts: kdhildebrand (at) globalphysiopodcast … Continue reading "GP009: WCPT Congress with Kayla Hildebrand"
8/15/201721 minutes, 17 seconds
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GP008: Orphaned and Vulnerable Children with Jenna Pomeroy-Ward

Jenna works in Durban, South Africa for a non-profit organization that supports abandoned, orphaned and vulnerable children. She focuses primary on health lifestyle and exercise, but she has a passion for the role mental health plays in physiotherapy.   Contact:
7/15/201719 minutes, 19 seconds
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GP007: A Better World Canada with Mona Walls and Karen Leung

Mona and Karen discuss international volunteer work as educators and collaborators. They have both worked with A Better World Canada in various countries abroad.   Contact Karen: Contact Mona: Contact Krysta:
6/15/201727 minutes, 21 seconds
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GP006: Torture and Trauma with Laura Pizer Gueron

Laura Pizer Gueron works at the Centre for Victims of Torture in Minnesota, U.S. We delve into her experience working with survivors of torture and trauma and she sheds some light on areas to consider when working with this population. Not only does she identify important signs and symptoms, but she discusses important resources for anyone … Continue reading "GP006: Torture and Trauma with Laura Pizer Gueron"
5/16/201733 minutes, 40 seconds
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GP005: Ignite Physio with Andrew Koppejan

Andrew Koppejan discusses the online community and resource for physiotherapists called Ignite Physio. He created this network in the hopes to connect practitioners for meaningful discussions about physiotherapy topics. We discuss how this online community can be particularly useful for those working in Global Health settings. Resources: Twitter: @ignitephysio E-mail: hello (at) globalphysiopodcast (at) … Continue reading "GP005: Ignite Physio with Andrew Koppejan"
4/15/201723 minutes, 42 seconds
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GP004: Rural Canadian Practice with Robin Roots

Robin Roots delves into the advantages and challenges of working in Northern and remote areas in Canada. She describes the current status of physiotherapy services in areas outside of large city centres and potential barriers practitioners may face when working more remotely. Robin has a wealth of knowledge in this area and has been integral … Continue reading "GP004: Rural Canadian Practice with Robin Roots"
3/15/201722 minutes, 10 seconds
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GP003: Community Based Rehab with Sheila Purves

This month, I chat with Sheila Purves, a Canadian trained physiotherapist that has spent most of her career working in Hong Kong. We discuss her role in the development of training programs in community-based therapy for the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation. She breaks down her top 5 pieces of advice for … Continue reading "GP003: Community Based Rehab with Sheila Purves"
2/15/201726 minutes, 54 seconds
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GP002: Disaster Relief with Phil Sheppard

On this month’s episode of the Global Physio Podcast I discuss how you should respond if you’re caught in a natural disaster (or any humanitarian crisis) with my friend and mentor, Phil Sheppard. He was in Nepal during the earthquakes in 2015 while he was teaching as a physiotherapy clinical skills instructor. Phil brings his … Continue reading "GP002: Disaster Relief with Phil Sheppard"
1/17/201724 minutes, 35 seconds
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GP001: Introduction

Welcome to the Global Physio Podcast. This episode is an introduction to the podcast and its host. This podcast is designed to expose of all those interested in Global Health, particularly physiotherapists and physiotherapy students, in relevant discussions. Interviewees will range from instructors, clinicians, researchers, students, Global Health participants, etc. We hope you enjoy the podcast! … Continue reading "GP001: Introduction"
11/30/20162 minutes, 49 seconds