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Gettin' Naked with TJ Podcast Cover
Gettin' Naked with TJ Podcast Profile

Gettin' Naked with TJ Podcast

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 52 episodes, 2 days, 3 hours, 55 minutes
Mission: To empower people with authenticity, truth, and the essentials they need to take back their lives and create environments for themselves and their families to not only adapt and survive but to thrive. We are all so much stronger and more capable than anyone will ever allow us to believe. The biggest take home I need from this is for people to understand this mantra...YOU HEAL YOU.
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The Ugly Truth Behind Health Freedom For Humanity & My Latest Experiment In Clarity

I've been protecting names like Alec Zeck, Dr. Jess Peatross, Jeff Witzeman and others while also trying to warn you about the latest toxic trend of freedom, truth and non profit groups making their way onto the scene. No more. Hear about my experience with the non profit, Health Freedom For Humanity, I helped get off the ground during the lie of 2020 and why I want nothing to do with or have any connection to as I continue living my best version of this life that I can. Also, hear about my latest personal experiment that was introduced to me by my very own body, and what exactly happens when you take days off from your training and how to get back optimally. Cheers.
1/13/202255 minutes, 7 seconds
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"House Calls” #6 with Dr. Cassie Huckaby

This episode doesn’t need to be described by exact bullets on exact points made by the only medicine woman I’ve come across. We cover everything it is to heal, what to watch out for in a world of health posers and how to make your entire life medicine. Life is about the experience. Tune and hear what you’re missing
1/6/20221 hour, 41 minutes, 32 seconds
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"What To Do" with Vladimir Curguz and Special Super Secret Guests

My good friend and colleague and strength and performance professional of 20+ years, Vladimir Curguz took it upon himself to share with our audience a basic guide of where to start to change your life from the ground up. Get your note pads ready. Oh....and we also had a surprise drop in from two very special guests who weighed in on the discussion.
11/24/20212 hours, 26 minutes, 1 second
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TJ Flying Solo: Why I Burned My License/Stop Calling Me Doctor/You Are An Infinite Horsepower Engine

I recently burned my chiropractic license. Tune in and hear why I don't want to be affiliated with anything related to the organizations of health and wellness in this country and why I feel all systems need to crash, including the health freedom and spiritual awakening platforms. Also tune in and hear why you're body's engine is down shifted to a lower horsepower and how to fix addressing the tires:)
9/13/202146 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why Jogging, Biking, and Hiking Are Not Training

Movement is life and life is movement. Some movements are more complex while others are very simple. Training is preparing your body to engage with the forces greater than what life demands without damage. We have perverted the word training into so many falsities that nobody has a clue what it means anymore. From stretching, to jogging, to a Peloton, to crossfit. Tune and see why we are at our lowest level of physical competency in the last 20 years and how we get it back
8/5/202137 minutes, 59 seconds
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TJ Solo Episode: Stretching and Plain Water Bad For Your Health/Choosing A Practitioner

Details on why plain water doesn't hydrate you and why static stretching is a disaster for your health and performance. All efforts that when applied leave you trying to fill a bath tub with the plug pulled. There's a better way. Also, why the TV's on the wall of your health care practitioner are why their fees are so expensive. It's not because they are good at what they do. Tune in.
7/12/202142 minutes, 41 seconds
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TJ Solo Episode: Injured Again-Opportunity Awaits

Every time we've been told we were injured, sick or diseased all that sits in front of you is an opportunity. An opportunity to create the changes necessary for you to be able to adapt to a level of life you were never told was possible and you thought only existed in dreams. Now get to work.
6/23/202129 minutes, 9 seconds
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TJ Flying Solo

Why sickness and disease don't exist. How injuries heal and what's required by you. Your life is your medicine. Why the holistic and allopathic models and schools need to crumble. Why I burned my degrees and let my license go. And more...
6/9/202140 minutes, 2 seconds
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"House Calls” #5 with Dr. Cassie Huckaby

This episode doesn’t need to be described by exact bullets on exact points made by the only medicine woman I’ve come across. We cover everything it is to heal, what to watch out for in a world of health posers and how to make your entire life medicine. Life is about the experience. Tune and hear what you’re missing
5/26/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 28 seconds
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"House Calls” #4 with Dr. Cassie Huckaby

This episode doesn’t need to be described by exact bullets on exact points made by the only medicine woman I’ve come across. We cover everything it is to heal, what to watch out for in a world of health posers and how to make your entire life medicine. Life is about the experience. Tune and hear what you’re missing
5/16/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 28 seconds
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"House Calls” #3 With Dr. Cassie Huckaby

Tune in and hear my doctor, Dr. Cassie, cover the secret ingredient to healing and why outsourcing your health to another provider or guru will never work. These and many other topics covered in today's episode. Share away. The world needs to hear this.
5/12/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 9 seconds
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"House Calls” #2 With Dr Cassie Huckaby

Dr Cassie Huckaby dropping more bombs on the possibility of the human spirit, what true healthcare is all about and the ongoing theme there is no such thing as disease or illness, only the healing and adaptation process. Oh...and we may have more jokes, poems and Billy.
4/21/20211 hour, 33 minutes, 17 seconds
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"House Calls” #1 With Dr Cassie Huckaby

There are very few in the health and medicine world I trust to connect with, especially when it comes to accessing my system for improvements. The schools don’t create health practitioners, especially the holistic schools. Same formula as allopathic, different products. Symptom reduction. Outsourcing responsibility to a supplement, laser or oil. Still one of the least healthy nations in the world and getting much worse.   Dr Cassie is a beam of light in the darkness of medicine on both sides of the fence. Tune in to our new series called “House Calls” as we dive deep into every category and topic of health you could possibly imagine. Enjoy.
4/7/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 29 seconds
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TJ Flying Solo In Love

Love. Everything your body does is FOR you because it loves you and wants you to survive this life and enjoy the experience while it adapts appropriately along the way. Your job? HELP IT.
3/24/202123 minutes, 49 seconds
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TJ Solo Episode: Why ALL Systems Need To Crash

Education, agriculture, religion, medicine, law, tech, media, all of the way we used to do things needs to fall apart. How we were living before 2020 wasn't working. Where we are headed now isn't working. ALL systems need to fail and the rebuild starts and ends with YOU.
3/10/202122 minutes, 54 seconds
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Lauren Geertsen, Author of The Invisible Corset

Lauren Geertsen illustrates the psychological gaslighting that leads women to internalize the belief that their appearance makes them not worthy of love, but incapable of fulfilling their actual destiny." Lauren provides the solution for all women who have allowed themselves to become victims of what society celebrates.
1/20/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 29 seconds
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Interview With Pete Evans

Explore why labels are dangerous and self limiting, the impact food has on politics, medicine, and the economy, and why 2021 is going to be a life changing year for all. Pete Evans does not disappoint. And we knocked some 80's movies about.
1/6/20211 hour, 34 minutes, 55 seconds
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How To Live With Mold, Gluten and Germs

To live a truly healthy, connected, high-vibing life you must go within and focus on the terrain of your system from the inside out. Too much focus is on trying to control the environment in order to prevent illness, disease or injury. Does this seem to be working? Prior to March 12th we were at an all time low in the evolutionary process over the past 40 years. Take 100% responsibility for your health and put yourself in the best position possible to adapt and you won't have to worry about gluten, mold or germs. And only then can you really start to live.
12/30/202036 minutes, 6 seconds
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Interview with Ollie Ollerton: How To Find Opportunity When You're In The "Shit"

Ollie brings a fascinating perspective on life, adversity, and why and how to make the best opportunities when life's "shoes seem to not fit anymore." Grab a notepad and prepare for a plethora of life nuggets. Ollie has found his purpose and he's giving back as much as he can to help humanity level up in every way possible.
11/25/20201 hour, 25 minutes, 9 seconds
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Interview with Dr. Cassie Huckaby

I want to introduce you to my doctor. And I don't say that lightly. I trust no one in the healing arts. Chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, internists, allopathic physicians. The schools are generating too many posers and businessman looking to make even more money off a sick and dying culture. Dr. Huckaby is singing the tune that's been resonating inside of us since the beginning of life...our ability to heal ourselves. It's time to enjoy the song.
11/18/20201 hour, 30 minutes, 52 seconds
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I Got Injured Again: What did I do this time?

We are not invincible. But when we do the work with the 8 Essentials we empower ourselves to live a life at a pretty high level. With that level of living comes risks. And sometimes risks get the better of us and teach us something. Injury, symptoms like congestion, fever, sore throat all clues the system is leveling up. What did I do this time to heal myself from an injury? The same thing I give all my clients and anything I've previously done in the past to heal. The flow never stops. Life is ever-changing and evolving. Will you evolve and adapt with it?
9/9/202039 minutes, 20 seconds
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I Injured Myself: What Did I Do To Heal?

If your doctor, therapist, or specialist is selling a system they don't use themselves when they become sick or injured...LEAVE! One thing I'm very sure of is my 8 Essentials, especially when an imbalance occurs, like tissue injury. I recently experienced a breakdown. Tune in to see how I went about remedying it and getting myself into the best position possible to heal.
7/29/202046 minutes, 17 seconds
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Drug Effects: What Your Doctor Isn't Telling You

Symptoms are the body's way of telling us something in our environment isn't ideal and we need to change. It's the conversation with Nature. Most medical doctors quiet these symptoms with pharmaceuticals and the quieting of symptoms over the course of time can be devastating to your health. BUT, those pharmaceuticals also carry side effects. Sometimes the drug effects are even more deadly than the drug itself. You have every right to know what you're getting involved with.
7/22/202053 minutes, 8 seconds
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Isometrics To Asteroids: Part Deux Interview With Vladimir Curguz

Too much was discussed to reduce down in to a description. Just pop some corn, pour a root beer, tune in and absorb.
7/8/20202 hours, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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Nature Always Keeps Score

Whether its dealing with an injury-physical or emotional, choices that affect the environment, or energy you emit from your perception and your actions, Nature is always trying to work with you to keep a balance, work with you to help you adapt and evolve, to level up, to heal, to survive. If she feels threatened or feels like she is losing, she will retaliate. This is why we can't look to humanity as beating Nature or controlling her. We must team up and work with her in order to live our best life.
7/1/202043 minutes, 13 seconds
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Human = Athlete

Engaging with our lives in a physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectually manner takes its toll on the system. But we are made to adapt to stimulus. And sometimes the unpredictability, the intensity, and the gloves off nature that life can throw at us demands we create a more resilient system. We are ALL athletes, we all have a skill, we all need to adapt to adversity, be agile, mobile, aware, need to practice, need creativity, be able to work as a team, connectivity, to accomplish whatever the goal is because although we may not compete in a sport for a trophy, we are always competing in the game of life and the ribbons come in the form of our purpose.
6/24/202049 minutes, 30 seconds
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Interview: Human Performance Facilitator Vladimir Curguz: The Flower Of Life

My colleague and friend Of over 16 years is on the show today. One of the smartest human beings I know in all things healing and performance related. He is responsible for setting me on my path and challenging me to be better than I was in the field of performance.
5/20/20201 hour, 46 minutes, 42 seconds
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Keep It Simple Sexy

It is very easy in the face of symptoms in injury or illness to want to complicate your situation in an effort to heal or feel better. But history has shown, as well as my 20 years of experience clinically and personally that in times of imbalance or symptoms, the body craves simple. Identify the essential and eliminate the rest. Boom
4/22/202048 minutes, 1 second
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Fear Affects Immunity

Careful what you expose yourself to in a crisis like this, because if the information allows you to have thoughts that create feelings of fear that can lower our immune response. And since our immune systems end "pandemics" we must do all things that will allow our immune systems to be on full mast.
4/15/202027 minutes, 49 seconds
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How To Train When You're In Prison

This is the recording of the Just Fly Sports Podcast I recently was a guest on with Joel Smith. The conversation went so well and there were some good nuggets I decided to share it with my listeners. We tackled the topic of how to stay active during this "flu" season. Enjoy.
4/8/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 3 seconds
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I Am "Sick." Now What?

Remember that symptoms are the body's way of letting you know it's trying to adapt and level up. It's a conversation. When you are expressing symptoms we always call it getting "sick" or "injured." These are actually steps that are very healthy and necessary to ensure our survival. In today's podcast I go over things you can do when you are experiencing symptoms or feel that you are getting "sick."
3/25/202039 minutes, 14 seconds
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Is Living Naturally Failing You?

Society would have you believe that everything you feel, think, say and do is a failure in some way. If you fail, then you will seek out help. You will become a victim. And victims need saving. There's profit in your being saved. I can promise you, more times than not what you're experiencing isn't failure. It's exactly what is supposed to happen.
2/26/202046 minutes, 22 seconds
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Is 5 Minutes Optimal For Training Results?

There's a lot of confusion as to why I'm always using 5 minutes of time in my training. Tune in to hear why exactly I use it, where I was exposed to it, and the freedom it allows for us to become our own trainers, therapists, and gurus.
2/19/202026 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Feet And Why You Want To Keep Them Strong

Our ability to move around, explore the earth, flee from danger and maintain harmony is sitting upon the strength and resiliency of our feet. They are one of the biggest weaknesses that cause most injuries in the body and have progressively gotten weaker in humans in society over the past 20 years. The technology in shoe development, immobility, tech abuse, previous injury all leading to one the most important areas of our body we need to maintain at an extremely high level of strength and function...the feet.
2/12/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Secret Ingredient To A Healing/Performance Program

We are constantly checking the boxes in healing and performance programs and wondering why we are left in the dark when it never works or isn't sustainable. There is one key ingredient we ALL need to find when it comes to living a life led by the 8 Essentials to living. Do you know what it is?
2/5/202033 minutes, 15 seconds
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Is Surgery Absolutely Necessary?

It needs to be understood that surgery is a major insult to the body, the system as a whole. When a surgery occurs we need to rehab from the trauma of being put under, from the low state of being before the injury and from the trauma of the surgery itself. Make sure you weigh out all possibilities before choosing surgery because once it's done you can't go back.
1/29/202038 minutes, 12 seconds
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Health And Happiness Run In Your Genetic Line Too

The western medical model loves to blame your genes for your health outcome and expression. But current research is showing that your genes only effect 2% of your health. The rest is your perception of your environment and your lifestyle choices.
1/22/202044 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why We Should Hang From A Bar EVERYDAY

There are many benefits we receive from hanging from a bar daily. Physically, emotionally and mentally. It's an Innate ability we have lost with our lifestyles we've chosen and we need to bring it back and soon. Explore the world of hanging and see how your entire being responds.
1/15/202052 minutes, 56 seconds
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My 3 Most Embarrassing Moments

Vulnerability is courageous, chivalrous, brave. I feel it's time we expose ourselves and get real with our not-so-highlight reel. Here's a few of mine. Enjoy.
1/8/202040 minutes, 1 second
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Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevating injuries are out. Proven by research to delay healing. So stop performing these acts when it comes to injuries. Basically perform the opposite. Move. Move. Move. The science is behind movement for healing. And so is the natural processes that govern how well a person comes back from any level of injury.
1/1/202044 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why The Biggest Loser Mentality To Fitness Has America Losing Out

With the fitness "gurus" we've put on pedestals we've perverted training and physical expression of life to be focused around calorie burning, fat loss, and punishment. And maybe to an extent for sports preparation. But being physically competent and continuing to pursue that aspect of culture effects our entire genetic code. Listen why...
12/25/20191 hour, 15 minutes, 6 seconds
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Erectile Dysfunction in 30 and 40 Year Olds

Are we surprised when we live a stress filled life, void of nourishment, belief, sleep, poor relationships, stuck indoors, behind screens, lacking purpose that one of our most enjoyable systems would be affected? Tune in and see the possible reasons why we are seeing ED in record numbers in men aged 30-40.
12/18/201940 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Non-negotiable Importance Of Spinal Hygiene

Every encounter or experience in life is taken in to the system through the central nerve system. That system is protected by the spinal column. Because this is the most important system we have in the body that determines the health of function of all systems, the spine is an area that must be a priority in training...daily. Here about my 7 move Spinal Hygiene Routine and how and why to implement it into your life immediately.
12/11/20191 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
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98% Of Health Comes Down To These Essentials

Because of breakthroughs in epigenetics only 2% of our health is determined by our genes. 98% of our healing and performance in life will boil down to these 8 essentials. If every single one of us experiencing symptoms, disease, or a less than fulfilled life took an inventory of there 8 we would find exactly what is lacking, what needs to be changed and how to heal ourselves right now.
12/4/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Most Optimal Lighting To Train Under

There's a reason why there are 10 salt lamps lighting my office. And most of which are applied to the training and rehab portion of my facility. Tune and listen as to why I chose salt lamps. The effect they have on the body, mind and soul. And what that allows the body to do in regards to healing an injury or raising your level of performance for a sport.
11/27/201950 minutes, 31 seconds
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With people being drunk on information regarding isometrics in training I'm here to give you my 17 years of experience with them. Personal and clinical experiences from rehab to the performance of the elite athlete.
11/13/20191 hour, 16 minutes, 37 seconds
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Meditation for "Dummies" by a Dummy

In today's chosen, fast paced world of keeping up with the Joneses, digging yourself out of planned debt, staying socially acceptable, and constantly being under the barrage of noxious stimulus our body's have created a state of sympathetic dominance for survival. A constant state of fight or flight. Leaving us with digestion issues, poor immune responses, and less happiness and overall health. A non negotiable for me to equip myself to be able to adapt to these stimuli is meditation. I know, everyone's underwear just got bunched up. But in this episode I share my journey and make the principles of meditation more digestible than ever.
10/30/201951 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Dark Side Of Psychiatric Meds

Infomercials for psychiatric medications fail to really stress the side effects and what goes into the healing on mental health conditions. It’s always people holding hands, flying kites, smiling in the sunshine. But I’m here to tell you that is rarely the reality. There is big business that needs you to believe that but these facts will get you to believe otherwise. Always know that no matter what journey you are on regarding the healing and performance of your system, you ALWAYS have options.
10/23/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 52 seconds
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How To Heal All Injuries

Pain, swelling, and inflammation are a warning by the body that damage has been done and healing is starting or not complete yet. We live in a society that perpetuates the idea that not feeling symptoms is healthy and hiding symptoms is healing. This has left us less functional, in more pain, and more confused about how exactly are we able to heal ourselves from any injury. Tune in and I’ll give you the low down on exactly what ingredients are necessary for you to create your best self.
10/16/20191 hour, 16 minutes, 19 seconds
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Youth Sports Injuries Solved

We are seeing youth injuries in ALL sports at epidemic proportions. Organizations, facilities, trainers, doctors, therapists, and tech wizards are all trying to solve the problem from the top down which clearly isn’t working. The only organization who can turn this whole thing around, who can stop these injuries from occurring at these rates, to right the ship...parents. And now there is a solution available to put the power back in their hands.
10/9/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sports Performance Coaching Tutorial With Joel Smith from Just Fly Sports

What makes a successful athletic facilitator? Is it the programming? The credentials? Experience? The Certifications? In today's episode, Joel Smith from Just Fly Sports and I go deep into what is necessary to coach athletes of all ages in 2019. From the youth sport level all the way up to Olympians. We discuss the parallels, pitfalls and the passion necessary to facilitate the best in each and every athlete no matter their age, sex, sport, or level.
10/3/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 8 seconds
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Who Is Dr. Tommy John? What is his WHY?

An in depth look at exactly how Dr. Tommy John's life experiences have shaped his beliefs and philosophies on performance and healing he employs in his book, his office and in his life. From his childhood, education, professional and personal life--intuition, experience and a heart centered approach to living will be exposed in great detail in hopes of inspiring those who are ready for change.
9/22/201949 minutes, 1 second