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Get a "Heck Yes" with Carissa Woo Wedding Photographer and Coach Cover
Get a "Heck Yes" with Carissa Woo Wedding Photographer and Coach Profile

Get a "Heck Yes" with Carissa Woo Wedding Photographer and Coach

English, Photography, 1 season, 125 episodes, 3 days, 17 hours, 36 minutes
Welcome to "Get a Heck Yes" with Carissa Woo. Carissa has been a Los Angeles wedding photographer for over a decade. She's traveled the world, built her team, and seen it all! Carissa Woo Photography won best wedding photographer by California Wedding Day 2 years in a row. She now coaches wedding photographers hit 10K a month and builds a thriving business. In this podcast, Carissa will deep dive into how top wedding creatives get that heck yes from their dream clients. She is not holding back on the struggles of the business and how to push through the noise. Some healthy hustle, mindset shifts, up-leveling your money story, time hacks because she's a mom of 2, a little bit of woo woo, and most important, self-love and confidence are just a few of the many things we will talk about. See you all soon Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @Carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE
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EP. 123 - Selling isn't Sleazy...You're Just Selfish - Terrica

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Terrica is my favorite speak in the wedding industry so of course I am thrilled to have her on Get a Heck yes. Her fave Heck Yes tip: Confirm and Affirm -- Speak the clients language and talk like they're already hers.Hot Topic : Selling isn't Sleazy...You're Just Selfish.- Don't chase, don't convince. Selling is about sharing.- Learning the anatomy of your services will make you a sales rockstar.- Your prescription pad to the pain pointsBio: A Speaker of the Year nominee for the National Association of Catering and Events ONE award and a popular educator for The Knot and Wedding Wire, she launched her new wedding industry education system, Wedding Hustle University, and Wedding Pro Workshop, to provide niche and nuanced education that help wedding professionals implement and build their businesses quickly and efficiently.Connect with Terricaterricainc.com with Carissa Woo
1/31/202447 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep. 122 - How to create compelling video that lands you more clients - Larry Marshall

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Hot Topic: how to create compelling video that lands you more clients, better clients, and saves you time down the line.Check out the videos Larry made for me. is a video content strategist. This is different from a videographer who shows up and hands clients a recap/highlight film. Larry listens to your business goals and accesses where video could save you money, time, or increase relationships. No one else in the video segment is serving wedding professionals directly with 1 on 1 service. This is a specialty of his.What is your best HECK YES technique.By listening first. Not everyone wants more sales. Some want their time back from onboarding new clients, or from current clients. Video can solve a lot of problems but I have to first hear what a business owner is telling me...and often they dont even know what their problem is but something is slowing them down. My clients will make their money back within 2 sales and their videos will continue to serve them for years.Connect with Larrywww.elevate-films.com with Carissa
1/26/202445 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep. 121 - You're Marketing by Accident! Tayler from Enji

Hot Topic: You're Marketing by Accident!- Most wedding pros wake up everyday without knowing how they are going to market their business (the solution to this is to have a marketing plan)- A big mistake wedding pros make is making too many assumptions about who their ideal clients are (the solution is going deep on customer personas and focusing on their problems/motivations)- The key to better marketing is not necessarily MORE marketing, it's usually just consistency (the solution here is building marketing habits)I met Tayler and her hubby at WMBA and I was blown away by them. I was drawn to their booth immediately.A marketing consultant and small-business builder, Tayler is the Founder of Enji—though you might recognize her from one of her other companies: TAYLRD Media and Designs and Sourced Co.In her newest endeavor, Tayler is taking everything she has learned over nearly a decade of helping small businesses with marketing to design and build a suite of online marketing tools that fit your lifestyle and make sense for you. Because, while you didn’t sign up to be Chief Marketing Officer of your business, at Enji, we believe becoming one doesn’t have to be so daunting—and our goal is to empower you with the tools and solutions you need to make more informed decisions, use your resources more effectively, get creative with how you connect with customers, and ultimately grow. with Carissa Woo
1/17/202446 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP. 120 - Embrace automation - Scott Wyden Kivowitz Imagen AI

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Scott Wyden Kivowitz is the Community Manager at Imagen. He’s a father, photographer and educator. Scott believes in sharing his knowledge and educating in a straight and point easy-to-understand style. His "Woo Factor" is the ability to simplify complex topics and make it easy for anybody to understand. Imagen has changed my life and saved me hours and hour per week from editing!! See if it change yours too.Today's Hot Topic:Embrace automation- outsource culling and editing to save time, remove emotion and increase profits- use reliable and integrated backups so your original files are always safe and secure.- Your camera has machine learning in it. Use it. Trust it. It’s only going to get better with firmware.- Use a CRM that can automate parts of your funnel and still let you step in for as much of the process as you want.Connect with Scott 1500 free prints with Carissa Woo
1/10/202441 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 119 - Doug Roy - Make your zoom meetings magical

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I met Doug at WMBA in Las Vegas. He did some magic tricks on me and I was blown away. I have to have him come on Get a HECK YES.Hot Topic: How to make your zoom meetings entertaining.Master Mentalist Doug Roy, also know as the “Master of The Unexpected”, began his journey into magic at the young age of nine.He has been performing professionally for over 18 years... and now performs virtually, all over the world… for business groups, private parties, and family events.Connect with Doug RoyDougroymagic.com with Carissa
1/3/202439 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep. 118 - Nathan Chanski - Personal Branding

Happy Woo Wednesdays. If you don't know who Nathan Chanski is, you are living under a rock. He is known for his vibrant and humorous reels on IG and personal branding.Our hot topic today : Personal branding because we crave real human connection.Nathan Chanski is a Wedding Photographer, Business Coach, and Course Creator based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He runs a full-time wedding photography business, an education andcoaching platform for photographers, and is also the host of the Passion With Purpose Podcast - a podcast for photographers and creatives. While he lives and breathes for the entrepreneurialjourney. His primary passion is always centered around glorifying God through everything he does, building a life with his wife Kayla, and inspiring individuals to create the life and career oftheir full potential.Connect with NathanGet my free INQUIRY EMAIL RESPONSE TEMPLATE: with Carissa Woo 17hats: Get 50% off if you use code HECKYES
12/27/202347 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep: 117 - Amani Roberts : How to become a speaker

Happy Woo Wednesdays. Today I have my friend, Amani Roberts in the Get a HECK YES house. He  is a DJ, Speaker, Author, and Professor. A graduate of Howard University and Berklee College of Music, Amani loves R&B music, pancakes, and his Washington DC sports teams.Hot Topic: How to become a speakerConnect with Amani with Carissa
12/20/202343 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep: 116: Shauna Rose - Finding inner love with microdosing

Happy Woo Wednesdays : Today's hot topic is about finding inner love with microdosing.Shauna would love to break the stigma of shrooms a bit! People are SCARED of taking them. She wants to spread the word about how healing and beautiful this medicine is. I'm her client and we have become very good friends.Her company Magic Mama doesn't just offer products, it's the whole integration and healing package! You can't buy something from her and then never hear from her again (unless that's shat you want ) Shauna willbe there every step of the way supporting you!Shauna is a mom in her healing era who swapped an overindulgence of alcohol and sugar, for a healthier obsession with plant medicine and breathwork. Her transformative journey led her to sharing what’s in her healing toolbox with other moms, and to the creation of her company, Magic Mama Microdosing.Connect with with Carissa Woo
12/13/202337 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep. 115 -Human Design for beginners! Madeline Evergreen

Happy Woo Wednesdays. I have a new and interesting topic today : Human Design, have you heard of it? When you are living in alignment with your design, you become incredibly magnetic and attractive!Madeline is the most magnetic person on social media, go check her out. Evergreen is a Human Design Reader and a Somatic Breathwork Practitioner. She started her career at the young age of 14 teaching group fitness and Pilates and eventually moved into nutrition coaching. Madeline has a unique perspective on life after experiencing severe health problems since birth. After struggling to find help with her health from any doctors or practitioners, she educated herself and took her healing into her own hands as a teenager. Changing her diet and addressing trauma and stress through breathwork, Madeline finally started to get healthy. It wasn’t until she learned human design that her health improved exponentially. By living her design and getting her mindset and life into alignment, she has stopped experiencing 95% of her health problems, is significantly happier, has tons of energy, and is much more successful in her work and relationships. You can learn more from Madeline on her popular podcast, The Beginner’s Guide to Human Design.Hot Topics : Human Design for beginners!-Focus on the most important parts of yoyr chart… energy type, strategy and authority-Look up your family/friends charts-Spend more time practicing and executing your design rather than learning more. with Carissa Woo with MadelineWww.madelineevergreen.comUse code HECKYES will give new members 50% off their first year of an annual membership.  Thanks
12/6/202350 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep: 114 - Tarot as a tool for personal and business growth - Natalie Jennings

Happy Woo Wednesdays.I took 2 weeks off and I'm feeling fresh. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.Today I have Natalie Jennings in the Get A HECK YES house. She's one of the coolest people I've ever met. After the conversation she gave me a taro reading and I was in tears, it was so amazing.Today we have a new and interesting topic, keep reading.Natalie is a lifestyle photographer, podcaster, and intuitive coach based in Minneapolis, MN. She uses tools like tarot in her coaching to help clients cultivate a better relationship to their intuition, and ultimately make better decisions.Hot TopicTarot as a tool for personal and business growth.My aim is to destigmatize tarot's bad reputation by using a non-predictive approach that empowers the seeker. Tarot represents the spectrum of the human experience and can act a mirror when we're going through something challenging or need additional insight. https://photobizhelp.comFreebieIf folks are interested in booking a short business tarot reading over zoom they can here: includes about 45 minutes on zoom plus an email follow up with a photo of the cards and summary.Connect with Carissa Woo
11/29/202341 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep. 113 - Being a wedding vendor and becoming a Bride - Maleka from The Siron and co

Happy Woo Wednesdays!I have my friend Maleka in the Get a HECK YES house. (one of my fave videographers). I know her from WIPA. She is the owner and creator of the Siren & Co Weddings. She is a lover of Disney, a connoisseur of Sugar cookies and big believer that when in doubt buy the shoes!Her Woo factor is I'm a modern twist on a timeless classic. I always tell people this is not your parents wedding video, but I can guarantee you'll rewatch it every yearShe got married this past weekend and she is the most beautiful bride! Check out her and her hubby. OMG, so cute, rrrighttt!!My Hot topic, Being a wedding vendor and becoming a Bride and seeing it from the other side, what I would have done differently1: Stop being nice2: Had a serious talk about budget with my fiancé3: Had a top 5 items list instead of a top 10Connect with Malekawww.thesirenandco.com with Carissa Woo
11/8/202329 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep. 112 - Cara - Peach Sky Bookkeeping - 4 steps to stress free bookkeeping that will make tax season a breeze

Happy Woo Wednesdays! You have to know your numbers if you want to run a profitable business. Let's chat about it with my friend Cara from Peach Sky Book Keeping.Meet Cara - I'm a mama of 2, wifey, and owner of Peach Sky Bookkeeping. Chasing beautiful beach sunsets in Southern CA with my kiddos and helping our female business owners feel empowered through their finances will ALWAYS be my jam. Our DFY bookkeeping services allow tax season to be a breeze, have clients profiting more and actually paying themselves, while using their numbers as a resource to scale their business.What is your hot topic :4 steps to stress free bookkeeping that will make tax season a breeze:1. Separate business and personal - For the average biz owner, you really only need the one checking and one savings account for tax savings used strictly for business (I love Relay Bank). If you're good with credit cards, a business credit card is great to earn points and perks. I personally love the Chase ink card. Keep business and personal separate, this not only makes bookkeeping simpler, it also protects you legally.2. Simplify your systems - you don't need to collect income 5 million different ways or use 3 different CRM systems all doing the same thing. There are sooo many different softwares out there (especially for photographers) but the simpler the better. This allows for easier tracking of income and expenses. My personal favorites for collecting income are Dubsado backed by Stripe and Paypal Business for paying subcontractors (extra pro tip - ONLY attach your business bank accounts to these payment processors that way you don't comingle and income and expenses are still only in your biz accounts.)3. Get in an accounting software - this will again allow your bookkeeping process to be simple, streamlined, and automated. You can connect your business bank and credit card accounts and some CRM systems to the software. My preferred software is Xero due to it's affordability, user friendly platform, and customer support. Xero allows you to set up rules for certain transactions that really only take a click to be recorded. This allows for no missed income and more importantly recording all expenses aka tax deductions.4. Do your bookkeeping AT LEAST monthly. This allows it to be less overwhelming , daunting, and transactions don't pile up. You should also be looking your numbers at least monthly to see how your business is doing and from there you can use data driven information to make informed business decisions. (and if you know deep down you aren't going to do it - OUTSOURCE to me!)Reach out to Carawww.peachskybookkeeping.com out to Carissa
11/1/202338 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP: 111 - Getting started in wedding - Benny Chiu

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Today we are going to chat about Getting started in wedding photography with my friend Benny Chiu www.bycphotography.comHis fave HECK YES sales technique is Connection Connection Connection and providing tips that they may not have considered.Benny never set out to be a full-time photographer. Sure, he loved documenting memories from the age he could first work a camera, but he always feared a career as a creative was too risky and not in the cards for him. He would go on to spend 15 years as an engineer and graduate with his MBA before he realized he wasn't happy in his profession. He decided he was finally ready to jump in feet first and pursue his passion in photography. In that moment, BYC Photography was born, but just as with anything worth attaining, the beginning was challenging and full of second guessing. Over the course of his career in photography, Benny had to start from the ground up and in doing so learned from some of the best in the industry. More than a decade since, Benny has won multiple international awards, taught at Canon Live, and has been featured and published in digital and in print regionally and nationally. Benny now serves as a brand ambassador for Imagen AI and maintains that success begins with a dream, a vision, and a choice.- Getting started in wedding photography1. Established a reputation within the photography community as a go-to 2nd or 3rd photographer or even as simple as being an assistant2. Find a mentor3. Hone your craft - photography techniques, sales and interview skills4. Be yourselfConnect with BennyGet 1500 Free edits to try Imagen Ai It will change your life like it has mine! with Carissa Woo
10/25/202337 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 110 - Why coaching is not enough - Cindy Suzuki

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Today me and my biz partner, Cindy Suzuki talk about why we created this program:  he Triple Threat - Done for you Branding, Marketing and sale program for all wedding prosIt's been a journey getting here and we are truly living in our passion and flow, helping wedding pros stop struggling.- We get honest about the mistakes we make in the last 3 years- We get honest about why sometimes the coaching world is getting a bad reputation.- We talk about how we are revolutionizing the coaching industryTune inConnect with Carissa Woo a 20 minute demo training - DM me the word Demo at my IG
10/18/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 100 - Get in the Luxury Space - James x Schulze

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I have James x Schulze in the Get a Heck Yes House.Hot Topic: Get in the luxury spaceCombining editorial, documentary, and fine-art styles, James x Schulze has become a world-renowned photography brand. Our experience and knowledge combine to make a significant impact on photographers who want to take their business to the next level. The methods we’re sharing have turned our photography business into a million-dollar business annually.James started his career as an educator and entrepreneur. With 20+ years of experience as a photographer, combined with his business and education experience, James brings a distinctive and clear voice.Otto started his career traveling the globe as a documentary photographer. He has spent the past 20 years in pursuit of the “decisive moment.” His unique vision and ability to see outside the box make him an inspirational and visionary educator.What is your hot topic and 3-4 tips to backup your hot topic?Sharing about methods we have taken to turn our business into a million dollar business, how diving into luxury can recession proof your business, They love to talk about a completely different sales psychology when you move into the luxury space and they love to bust myths about what people are like when you move into the luxury space.Connect with with them
10/11/202347 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 108 - Become the ONE! Cindy Suzuki

Happy Woo Wednesday!Hot topic: How to become the ONE!Today I have my copywriter unicorn and biz partner Cindy Suzuki on with me. She's been with me since day one of my biz coaching career.Is there a magic wand to success? Tune in to find out our thoughts.We know that you can't achieve success until you become the one. What does that mean? Find out in this episode.Wedding Pro: DM me the work DEMO to get a free 20 minute demo training on how to get 10-15 quality leads a month my book out the new website
10/4/202328 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 107 - How to book more high-end clients - Elizabeth Solaru

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Today I have Elizabeth Solaru ,Best selling Author, keynote speaker, best luxury wedding cake majer.Elizabeth is an international speaker and  a competition judge who travels the globe speaking to fellow cake makers, women in business, wedding industry professionals, and other entrepreneurial groups. She presents on a number of topics ranging from her own inspirational creative journey from Microbiologist, and Headhunter to luxury cake designer, successfully distinguishing her company in the industry..Today's hot topic: How to book more high-end clientsLuxury clientsLuxury sellingLuxury buyingConnect with Elizabeth A free 30 minute discovery callConnect with Carissa WooDM me the work demo to get the free 20 minute training - How to get 10-15 quality leads a monthwww.heckyemedia.co Buy my book
9/27/202342 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 106 - TikTok Ads with Mark Chapman - The I Do Society

Happy Woo Wednesdays!I have Mark is the President of The I Do Society - the wedding industry's authority on advertising. The I Do Society helps wedding businesses use Google Ads, Meta Ads and TikTok Ads effectively to reach and convert the right couples.Me and Mark were both speakers at the Wedding Summit last month and I knew my audience would love to hear about this topic.They are the most experienced team in the industry when it comes to deeply understanding ad platforms as well as the wedding industry and by pairing these two areas of expertise we are able to create highly effective ad campaigns for anyone who needs help.Today we chat all things : TikTok Ads - He Shares what makes this platform different, how wedding businesses can benefit from this platform, how to get started and what to use for their video in the ad. TikTok Ads is an effective way to reach the right couples and get them to start falling in love with what you offer.Connect with The I Do SocietyFree in-depth course: How to create an effective TikTok video ad with Carissa my book
9/13/202340 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 105 - Simplifying content creation - Renee Sternhagan

Happy Woo Wednesdays,Today I have my current student going through my new program. He name is Renee Sternhagan and she is truly my soul sister.She was inspired by episode 101 with Ed Super Simple Marketing about ChatGPT. She listened to the episode and then wrote 3 blogs post with ChatGPT that night.I said, "hey, lets make a podcast episode about that"Today's hot topic is all aboutSimplifying content creation - removing the feeling of being overwhelmed using...Chat GPT 1. bogging 2. email marketing 3. social mediaRenee is on this journey to create images that stop people from scrolling. She wants them to have their breath taken away by the emotions that are coming out of the image. That's coming to each session as intentional as possible.Renee is a New England based Wedding & Boudoir Photographer. Her Passion for delivering Cinematic, Emotional, and seductive images to her clients is her obsession!Her outgoing and supportive direction helps clients combine movement and intimacy to create passionate, drama-filled imagery. Never stale, always alive!Favorite sales technique : How do you get a HECK YES from your dream clients?I was once told by a coach "Love the one you are with". Your clients need to feel like they are supported and that you are a person in their corner. Sales is all about making people feel like you understand their needs.Bonus for all of you.I have a semi-anual labor day boudoir packages that I've started to promote. My new studio space in Manchester, NH is a great place to have your first boudoir session. with Reneewww.decoreveriestudios.com with CarissaBuy my book:
8/30/202349 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 104 : Keep reinventing yourself to keep the passion : Mark Addington

Happy Woo Wednesdays. I have Mark Addington in the Get a Heck Yes house. His passion and smile are contagious and I can literally hear him smile through the phone.In 2019 Mark was elected Director of Education for the local San Francisco Chapter of WIPA, then stepping into the role of International Director of Education for WIPA just two years later. He has helped me with my speaking career and I can't thank him enough.Hot topic: Keep reinventing yourself to keep the passion and avoid burnout.Mark says to schedule time to pause every so often to assess what's working for your business and what you can improve on.Mark Addington fell into the wedding industry as a side hustle while working at a busy San Francisco casting agency. After a few years working on television and movie sets the casting agency moved to L.A. so it was time to make a change and Mark became a permanent fixture in the wedding industry. Fifteen years later Mark decided to leave the safety of a big box DJ company and pursue another creative job working for the illustrious Pixar Entertainment. In 2018, while waiting for his contract to be renewed, Mark established Mark Addington Events LLC, an award-winning wedding & entertainment company. In the last 20 years he has DJ'd and Emceed hundreds of weddings and events not only in the San Francisco Bay Area but all across the U.S. and the Caribbean.Connect with Mark , with CarissaBuy my book
8/23/202349 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 103 - Mental Health - Kyra Iverson

Happy Woo Wednesday!Today I have my past student Kyra Iverson photo. Even though she was a photographer veteran for 8 years, she hired me because she wanted to level up her personal brand and get more leads. That she did. She now is crushing it with her new studio. Check out her amazing work.Kyra wants small businesses to learn their success is based on how they care for themselves and others. They don't have to hide their struggles in order to be successful.Today is the most important topic: Mental healthIf you are struggling, please reach out to us or talk to someone. You are loved.- Prioritizing yourself outside your business and skills.-pour back into yourself by giving yourself grace and investing in your health. (THERAPY)-Authentic Businesses now are based on having real people with real life experiences. Open up!- You are the boss, take time off treat yourself. It's ok to not be ok.Kyyra and is the owner and head photographer of Kind Hearted Images, 10+ year-old business in the greater Bay Area that specializes in capturing a lifetime of love. She is a small business owner who struggles with physical and mental illnesses.Favorite sales technique: How do you get a HECK YES from your dream clients?Offering deadline discounts. I believe you were the one who showed me this technique to offer clients a deal and give them a timeframe to respond. It's been one of the most successful tools.Connect with Kyra ;www.kindheartedimages.comConnect with Carissa WooBuy my book for wedding photographers:
8/16/202348 minutes, 46 seconds
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Eps 102: Digital Magnetism: Tailoring Your Website to Attract the Right Clientele - DJ MOJOE

Happy Woo Wednesday!have Joseph Rivera in the Get A HECK YES house! He's one of my fave dj,mc's and we have been working together for over a decade now. He plays the most original games at weddings that people go crazy for.DJ MoJOE also has the best website I have ever seen. We are going to dive deep into how you can make your website work for you. Tune inHot Topic: "Digital Magnetism: Tailoring Your Website to Attract the Right ClienteleBackup 1: "Sophisticated Persuasion: Subtle Selling Strategies for the Discerning Buyer"Backup 2: "Tube-Generated Traffic: Harnessing YouTube for Lead Generation and Event Bookings"Backup 3: "Boosting Your Confidence to Leverage Video Content"DJ MOJOE is a full-time DJ with 13 years of experience providing awesome music to amazing clients. In addition to DJing, DJ MOJOE is an experienced mentor who is now expanding his services to help beginner DJs be successful in the wedding DJ industry. DJ MOJOE's commitment to a seamless process and client collaboration sets him apart, guaranteeing exceptional events that leave lasting impressions and elevate the overall experience.Connect with ; www.weddingdjmastery.comConnect with Carissa my book and get the bonus
8/2/202345 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 101 - 3 Marketing Secrets with ChatGPT - Ed Oyama

Happy Woo Wednesdays!My followers have been telling me they want an episode of Chat GPT. Here it is. You are going to be mind blown by Ed OYAMA. Also, if you want your biz to be on the front page of google, hit him up.When you collaborate with ChatGPT the right way, it's like magic - helping you get past the hard and boring stuff in marketing so you can get back to what you do best!Ed Oyama is the founder of Super Simple Marketing! Ed helps local business owners stop being their city's "best known secret" and take their place as their city's category kings and queens. He helps owners find simple and smart strategies, and he wants to make marketing simple again!3 Marketing Secrets with ChatGPT1. START right - the first thing you tell it is *everything*2. FEED it right - show it as much of your content and voice as you can!3. CHAT right - when you chat with it the right way, it can keep on learning!bonus secret: paying $20 is worth it to get the best version of ChatGPT.FreebieYes! I've got a free Marketing Magic with ChatGPT mini-course! It'll help you set up your own personalized ChatGPT marketing expert exactly how I do it for my clients - in less than ten minutes! with ed with Carissa Woo
7/26/20231 hour, 19 seconds
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100 episodes - Fill your inbox with inquiries with ME

OMG!!!Happy Woo Wednedays! It's my 100th episdoe of Get a HECK YES! What an amazing journey it's been. Thank you to my generous guests that have dropped so many knowledge bombs.I'm truly grateful and there is so much more to come.  Today, this is the audio of my speech at a WIPA Event. It's my big speaking event and 75 wedding pros attended.I teach you how to Fill your inbox with inquiries:1. Become the one, the go to one where everyone want to hire you2. How 10x your audience by using the power of leverage - Grow your IG and at the same time, create your dream team3. Be a walking lead machine everywhere you go4. How to automate your marketingThank you to Maleka for this audio
7/12/202352 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 99 - New bridal studio in LA - Joyce Choi - House of Marey

Happy Woo Wednesdays!I have my good friend Joyce Choi (photography) in the HECK YES house.She went through my 3-month coaching program 2 years ago. Now is fully booked and started a beautiful bridal studio in LA call House of Maray. She is also my lead associate photographer. of Marey is a Minimal, Pre-wedding, Luxury, Editorial Studio with all-inclusive bridal gowns and HMUA. I went there and it was glorious full of 4 rooms to shoot (Korean inspired).Now you don't have to go to Korea or Thailand to get this type of photography and experience. You don't have to worry about the weather either.She hired me as her coach because she didn't know what the sales call was. Now she has mastered the sales call. So proud of Joyce.Today she shares her journey with opening House of Marey, finding the home, renovating it, curating all the designer dresses and her big vision. Joyce is revolutionizing the industry.Joyce said her fave get a HECK YES technique is to study your craft every day to get inspired.
6/21/202335 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 98 - How to easily batch video content - Elise Darma

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I have a super special guest today. Elise Darma! She is on youtube and Instafamous. I've been following her for many years and she's a good person to follow. She is an introvert and is not naturally one to be in the spotlight. She is living it up in Barcelona with her fiance and baby bump now with because she has built the online biz of her dreams.Her fave HECK YES technique; Make your offer a NO-BRAINER.Hot Topic:How to easily batch video content: Know what season of business you are in; PLAN out your video first; Film, edit, and write captions in batches; Build up a library of B-roll footage on your phone.The biggest takeway today is that you don’t have to do ~all the things~ on Instagram, because nobody wants to be on their phone 24/7. Mastering social strategy doesn't have to feel like working at NASA.Elise Darma is a marketing educator who specializes in helping not-so-Insta-famous business people make REAL revenue directly from the free apps we know and love. She’s helped over 30,000 people truly grow their businesses, sell more programs and build money-making brands. Elise has been featured for her social media marketing expertise in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer and Social Media Examiner.Free Reels Calendar: with Carissa Woo
6/14/202348 minutes
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Episode 97 -How niching down can help you book destination weddings - Sarah Wang

Happy Woo Wednesdays!I have my dear wedding planner friend, Sarah Wang from My Wedding Song Bird in the Get a HECK YES HOUSE. We have been working together for over a decade now.How niching down can help you book destination weddings1. Site Visits / Research2. Collaborations / Styled Shoots3. Marketing - SEO (blogs) + Social Media4. Join Destination Wedding Pro groups/organizations & attend conferences so your followers & industry peers see you as a pro in destination weddings!Sarah Wang is the founder and principal planner at My Wedding Songbird, a Chinese American wedding planning company. She's Tawainese and is fluent in Mandarin and English and not only plans weddings but also officiates and MC weddings. She got into the wedding industry as a wedding singer 8 years ago, hence the company name, My Wedding Songbird. She has grown her team from just herself to a team of 10-12 talented and hard-working ladies who are all passionate about making our clients' dream weddings come true, from LA to Mexico to Hawaii to Bali, Sarah continues to expand My Wedding Songbird worldwide. (We have just booked our very first UK wedding!)Sarah's WOO FactorHer teams understanding of Chinese American wedding traditions, such as tea ceremony, door games, and also, her team speaks Mandarin and Cantonese, and they now also have a Vietnamese coordinator/MC/officiant/assistant! Her niche market is Chinese/Vietnamese American, so all these are very valuable for their couples.Connect with with Carissa Woo
6/7/202336 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 96 - How to network the right way

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Today I share with you my "networking" journey.I used to want to hide under a rock if my friend told me to go chat with someone that was a leader in the industry. I would get so scared to get stuck in a conversation.I've gotten better at it and I want to share with you things and mindset shifts that have helped me along the way.Tips1. Change your mindset: you don't want to get clients at an event, you want to attract clients2. After a networking event, you are vibrating high, so go do a IG live, write a blog post. You are at peek "inspired mode"3. Have an Alter ego. Mine is Clarissa4. Write down notes after you meet someone so you don't forget what they said.5. Practice, confidence is. muscle6. Make offers : high quality onlyDM if you would like a website audit
5/31/202316 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode Creating Revenue On Demand - Heidi Thompson

Happy Woo Wednesday! I have the one and only Heidi Thompson in in the Get a Heck YES house.Wedding pros, do you want more money in the bank now? You are going to love this episode because it's going to change your mindset from waiting and praying to let's get the ball rolling. You don't have to sit around twiddling your thumbs and quietly panicking while you wait for clients to find & book you.But because this is the prevailing wisdom in our industry, you don’t realize just how much power you have as a wedding business owner to generate revenue on demand.Topic: Creating Revenue On DemandWhat it means to create revenue on demand on the wedding industry and how NO ONE is talking about it!When things are slow, you can sell to people in other ways.You can sell to potential clients, past clients, and fellow vendors.You can use promotions to make what you're selling irresistible without discounting.Heidi Thompson is the best-selling author of Clone Your Best Clients and the founder of Evolve Your Wedding Business where she helps wedding professionals grow 6 figure and multi-6 figure businesses without working all the time.Her business & marketing expertise has been featured on several wedding and business outlets and events including The Huffington Post, Wedding Business Magazine, Sprouting Photographer, WeddingMBA, Aisle Planner, Honeybook, and WeddingWire World.She is the creator and host of Book More Weddings Summit & Wedding Business CEO Summit. Over the past 10+ years, Heidi has helped thousands of wedding pros of all kinds across 6 continents grow their businesses without working 60+ hour weeks.Connect with Heidi and with Carissa
5/24/202328 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to become a speaker - Carissa Woo - Episode 94

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Today I share tips on how to become a speaker. I decided I wanted to become a speaker 2 years ago and I have a big announcement.After rejection after rejection, I didn't give up. I've improved my skills with Toastmasters and networked my booty off.I'm going to be the main speaker on the big stage for a WIPPA event on June 27th at the beautiful venue : This is for all wedding pros.The Muckenthaler Cultural Center in fullerton.My hot topic : How to fill your inbox with inquiriesThank you Jasmine from of Education at WIPPA for making this happen.If you want to become a speaker too, tune in.Connect with Carissa Woo
5/17/202314 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why you need a Great website - Cindy Suzuki - Episode 93

Happy Woo WednesdaysHot topic: Why you need a Great Website for ALL wedding prosGuess what: We added DONE FOR YOU copywriting services. DO you need a website and brand refresh? is my team member/partner here at heck yes media. if you haven't heard, wWith my expertise coaching  and with the magic of Cindy's writing, voila.It's about time for your website to work as hard as you do.Cindy Suzuki, founder of Copybento, helps new entrepreneurs write their own copy through the use of her “bento-box”-inspired copywriting resources. With over 7 years experience in sales and business development, a BA in English, and obsessive neurosis to break things down into easy-to-understand compartments, her guides and resources will appeal to anyone in need of copy that achieves clarity, conversion, and emotional storytelling. She proudly escaped her traditional 9-5 after feeling trapped and anxious and hopes to inspire others in a similar situation to restart, explore their untapped creativity, and build a life they’re proud of. She is a mom of three who traveled across the country to make a home in Austin. She takes 1:1 clients on a limited basis. Follow Cindy on IG @copybento for copywriting tips, freebies, and inspiration.Connect with Cindy with Carissa mini masterclass - text "vendor list" to 310-582-5464DM me the word audit to get a FREE website audit
5/3/202343 minutes, 48 seconds
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Marketing Funnels - Carissa Kruse

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Carissa Kruse is in the house. The Carissa's are explaining it all today.The biggest takeaways There is not just one marketing tactic that works, you need to create a marketing strategy that involves 3 stages --> cold, warm, hot!Hot Topic: How wedding pros can easily incorporate content marketing in their business to gain new followers and keep their audience engaged (no dancing required), so they can get noticed and boost their bookings instead of them getting bored and unfollowing them (or maybe never even hitting that “follow” button at all).We can also chat about funnels if you think your audience would love to learn more about those too. I can weave the content and funnels together as content attracts the leads and the funnels converts.Carissa Kruse, is your go-to wedding business strategist, coach + wedding business owner for 10+ years. Her background is in marketing and sales and leaped into the wedding industry when she had the chance. Carissa loves supporting wedding pros in cutting through the chaos while fueling their business with content and funnels (#hellostrategy).Connect with Carissa Krusewww.carissakruseweddings.com with Carissa WooGet on your 1st preferred vendor list free mini masterclassText "vendor list" to 310-582-5464
4/26/202341 minutes, 43 seconds
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Make a cool Lead Capture Form - Melissa Rich

Happy Woo Wednesdays! A new episode just dropped with the amazing Melissa Rich.Hot Topic: Make a cool Lead Capture FormMelissa Rich is the founder of Virtually Done Systems, a business dedicated to all things systems and workflows for wedding pros. She's spent the last 15 years behind the camera as a full-time wedding photographer, secretly enjoying all of the behind-the-scenes work more than her time making pictures. Now, Melissa specializes in helping busy wedding professionals get their lives back by implementing proven, pre-strategized systems, workflows, and automations to take care of the day-to-day tasks that stress them out so they can fall back in love with their businesses and devote themselves to their craft.Favorite sales technique : How do you get a HECK YES from your dream clients?Making them fall back in love with each other when they're in front of you, or using the "dangerous" question aka: You could go with someone else, why do you want to work with me?Free Workflow Building Workbook: A 20 page workbook that walks you through exactly the steps to take to build a killer client experience workflow on your own. craft. with Carissa Woo masterclass: How to get on your 1st venue vendor list
4/19/202339 minutes, 18 seconds
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Book your Dream client by prequalifying them - Duncan Blount

Happy Woo Wednesday!Hot topic: Book your Dream client by prequalifying themDuncan Blount is a blend of creative energy and entrepreneurial passion. I am the venue manager of La Venta, an event venue in Palos Verdes, CA. I also write music and screenplays. His innovative mindset helps with building businesses, forming effective teams, and hosting memorable events. From public speaking to having coffee one on one, he is open to connecting.Connect with Duncan with Carissa Woo
4/12/202338 minutes, 54 seconds
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Automation and tech tool - Advanced with Ada

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Do you want time back in your lives? Let's talk Automation and Systems today with Adad.Ada is an Online Business Manager who has witnessed many a time when entrepreneurs end up wearing all the hats in their business and get held back from business growth. She got into Online Business Management because she loves being in your business- literally! By helping entrepreneurs streamling their workflows and providing custom support strategies, she empowers photographers to focus on their creative vision and maximize their business potential!Hot topic: Automation and tech tools! The OSP space is changing everyday and OBM’s are at the forefront of that, increasingly adopting software solutions that they know work for their specific clients business.1) Project Management tools- Asana, Trello, Ontraport, ClickUp2) Automation of repetitive tasks- Use of Zapuer, IFTTT, Integromsat, power automate3) Customer Relationship Management Tools: Honeybook, DubsadoAda's Favorite sales technique: How do you get a HECK YES from your dream clients?I describe to them in detail what working with me would look like! First, they let me know what they’re doing right now in their day to day, then I explain how exactly I can take it off their hands, and they let me know what they would do with the time instead!!Work with Ada with Carissa Woo
4/5/202335 minutes, 10 seconds
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Love your newsletters - Rachel Larsen Weaver

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Rachel is my favorite family photographer and does long form family shoots meaning she's with the family ALL Day. I love the way she loves herself, her family, her clients, and her Larsen Weaver is an artist-educator and film photographer in Maryland on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay. She is a mother to five who travels the country creating art with families and she mentors photographers who are interested in building businesses that are rooted in their creative longings.Today's Hot TopicLet's talk newsletters! Rachel talks about why you should start one, how to do it, and ways to grow your list.1. choose a format and schedule that feels exciting and not overwhelming2. stories sell- so determine what stories you want to tell3. repurpose. repurpose. repurpose.Favorite sales technique: How do you get a HECK YES from your dream clients?This one is kind of hard for me. I have often remarked that I feel confident when it comes to marketing but less so in sales. For me the heck yes really is about the client feeling deeply connected to me and the offer. When I love the things that I am creating- I think that my joy and enthusiasm is contagious. When my offers are not actually aligned with my deepest desires- they don't have that same magnetic energy.What is your Woo Factor? The Woo Factor is how you stand out from the crowd. What makes you unique?I think its two fold: one is that my work is really about honoring the art of the offer. I talk a lot about studying the artists I admire, exploring the tradition photography. I want to make a William Eggleston photo at your wedding. I want to create a Sally Mann when I'm photographing your family. That would seem really snobby though and possibly intimidating and not the easiest sell. So I couple that with really genuine relationship building. One of the things that I love to do is to respond to dm's with voice messages- A) I find it so much easier to respond in a thoughtful way quickly when I can talk and have my hands free (I have five kids remember) B) I hope it feels sort of personal.Connect with Rachel with Carissa
3/29/202336 minutes, 19 seconds
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Decoding Client Inquiries - MARGAUX FRAISE

Happy Woo Wednesdays.I med Margaux at a couple of WIPA events and she is a powerhouse planner and educator. She hosts a 2X YEARLY FREE ONLINE SUMMIT FOR WEDDING PROS CALLED WEDDING SUMMIT SERIES. GET ON HER WAITLIST.Today's Topic: Decoding Client Inquiries - What are your potential clients really trying to tell you? Let's read behind the lines. Also, are you tracking where all of your inquiries areMARGAUX FRAISE IS THE OWNER + CREATIVE DIRECTOR OF HARMONY CREATIVE STUDIO, an award-winning boutique wedding firm in Los Angeles, CA. Since moving from retail consulting to events in 2011, her goal has been to design weddings with intention, infusing celebrations with her signature organic and minimal style yet still tailored to each couple.A Stage IV breast cancer survivor, she has a unique perspective on what is truly valuable in love, life and weddings – and brings that viewpoint to help her clients hone in on what matters to them. As a result, her work has been featured in numerous publications, including Style Me Pretty, Brides, and Green Wedding Shoes, among others.What is Margaux's Woo FactorHaving a strong visual aesthetic (minimalism/neutrals) to go along with a calming presence. She hosts aFAVORITE SALES TECHNIQUE: HOW DO YOU GET A HECK YES FROM YOUR DREAM CLIENTS?Having a strong funnel so only ideal clients get / www.weddingsummitseries.comIdeal Client Workbook + Training: with Carissa Woo
3/22/202349 minutes, 44 seconds
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When and how to rebrand your business - Michele Huntington

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Michele is my student and went through my Fill you inbox + Master the sales call program. Michele loves the  in person chat, and enthusiastic follow ups. She is a female who flashes. (OCF + color + artwork)She got on 2 venue vendor list and did a whole new rebrand, Congrats to MicheleHot Topic: when and how to rebrand your businessMichele is a Texas wedding photographer, who focuses on bold photography for vibrant souls. She turns memories into legacy through timeless, colorful images, set tangible by gorgeous heirloom wall art and albums.Rebranding.- why rebrand?- two types: refresh vs. overhaul- it isn't just changing a logo (all the things)- how to: 5 stepswww.1836photographie.comDownload my 7 step sales process for free and connect with me
3/15/202343 minutes, 11 seconds
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The ins and outs of editorial wedding photoshoots - Molly McCauley

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Molly McCauley is in the Get a HECK YES house.Hot topic: The ins and outs of editorial wedding photoshoots and workshopsMolly goes deep into the importance of play in your craft.She is very direct, which can catch people off guard -- but she likes to flush through the fuss to help people get results. Molly McCauley is a fine art photographer Based in Los Angeles and New York. With a masters degree in photography and a background in design and fashion, Molly's approach is thoughtful and curated, with a spontaneous edge. If given the opportunity, she'll always choose a timeless black and white photograph as homage to her days in the darkroom.And more recently as a wedding photography editorial host with Make Pretty Workshop, photo mentor, and brand curatorConnect with Mollywww.makeprettyworkshop.com with Carissa new freebie
3/8/202345 minutes, 38 seconds
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How I helped generate a total of $1.6MM in revenue for my students~

Wedding Photographers: You can reach six figures+ in 2023~A mini course podcast on how I helped generate a total of $1.6MM in revenue for my students~I'm a proud mama bear!After coaching dozens of students, I started to noticing themes and mindet shifts that helped them get unstuck and finally start booking weddings (with the clients they wanted to work with).Do you see yourself in any of these entanglements? Get yourself unstuck and Tune in.Download my new ebook on my 6 steps to HECK YES : How I conduct a 30-minute zoom sales call.️They didn't know how to built their tribe️ They didn't know how to articulate their value and close the deal in less than 24 hours.️ They didn't know how to automate their marketing️ They didn't know how to be active listeners️ They didn't know the real purpose on social mediaNow they are thriving!!Connect with me on the gram
3/1/202315 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to write a book in a week with ChatGPT - Carla White

Happy Woo Wednesdays!How to write a book in a week with ChatGPT to make yourself famous and credible overnight. Whattt!! You can use Carla's guide "Prompt Publish Profit" to write a book, FAST!I met Carla at an Elite Speakers Conference in Florida. Her energy was buzzing. She started which I use for my students. Check it out. You can now elevate your reach, revenue and impact with our interactive private podcast and audiobook platform that you can set up in minutes.She is your typical busty blonde but people are shocked that she is really brainy. She worked for the Pentagon, NASA, Microsoft, speaks multiple languages and has started a number of profitable startups.Carla White published a number of books and made a lot of profits in a short time.Carla White, featured on Oprah, NYTimes, Forbes, and more, is the first woman to produce an iPhone app and author of "Idea to iPhone". As a pioneer in technology, she knows firsthand how frustrating the publishing process can be, which is why she founded to help others publish and profit from their knowledge without writer's block or complicated tech. Carla has even coached some of the most successful thought leaders of our time. Get ready to join their ranks with her help.FreebieA list of my favorite ChatGPT prompts anyone can use to write a podcast, blog, videos, emails and moreConnect with Carla with Carissa
2/22/202347 minutes, 18 seconds
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College and Sorority Photography - Rob Greene

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Today I have Rob Green in the Get a heck yes house! (photographer coach and podcaster of THE BOP.The biggest takeaway is that College and Sorority Photography is the greatest untapped market in photography today. If you're not jumping in on it, you've got a $100,000 hole in your business. This is the next gold rush in photography.HOT TOPIC: College and Sorority PhotographyThere are 17 MILLION college students attending our nation's THOUSANDS of 4-year schools. Photos are their social currency, and yet they remain the most underserved photography demographic in the US!(1) Insanely unique social dynamic: tens of thousands of ideal clients, all living within a few blocks of each other. Most dynamic word of mouth market in the world.(2) Don't call it "College Grad Photography" - you're missing the forest for the trees.(3) C+S has more in common with weddings than high school senior photos.(4) The more generous you are, the faster you'll grow.Rob Greene is the owner of Square 8 Studio, a photography and education brand based out of Fort Worth, Texas. Through both his online courses and his podcast, The Bop, Rob and his mini goldendoodle, Snoopy, are on a mission to help photographers build their business, wow their clients, and make photo magic. Rob is a firm believer that you're always ahead of someone and always behind someone, therefore you should always be teaching and always be learning.Rob's fave HECK YES technique: No-Brainer Booking Pages. I want my sales page on my website to speak so clearly to my dream clients that they can't help but say yes BEFORE THEY LEAVE the page. Requires (1) stellar imagery, (2) clear, compelling language, (3) simple, zero-barrier systems.Freebie:\free 5-day mini course called College Photo 101 - DM ROB to learn moreConnect with Robsquare8studio.com with Carissa
2/8/202351 minutes, 43 seconds
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Do's and Don'ts for 2nd shooting - Lisa Marie

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Lisa Marie Photographie is in the get a heck yes house. A repeat guest and a dear friend of mine. Check out our past episode about how to brand yourself in a new location.Fun fact about LisaShe was in the restaurant industry for about 17 years.. which she believes helps her in this industry a ton! She even met her hubby Igor while working at Macaroni Grill!She used to be a second shooter lead photographer for the Carissa Woo photography team before until she sadly moved to Taho.I miss her. Today we talk about dos and don’t for 2nd shooting. If you want to get into the wedding photography world, start off my 2nd shooting to build your experience and portfolio. You are going to want to tune in.Connect with Lisa MarieApply to work with Carissa
2/1/202331 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jasmine Star - Finding Fulfillment and all things social media

Happy Woo Wednesdays!It's been a dream of mine to interview Jasmine Star. My editor said this is the best episode. I'm on fire after this episode. My motivation is level 10.Register for my masterclass onI took Jasmine's Stars workshop 13 years ago. She said we are going to turn this generation of photographers upside down and that we did with her help.She was the 1st photographer to share all her secrets on her blog. Her motivation, intelligence, way that she communicates not over drives her to the top but drive us all to the top. Jasmine started Social Curator, IG Caption tempate, lifestyle photos, sotry sets, a marketing plan. Check out social curator so you willknow what to say.start posting.Social Curator gives you Tools and a proven system to enable you to find new customers online, amplify your inner confidence and build your dream business.Today we talked about how to be fulfilled in life, how to quit the comparison game, and what the next generation of photographers is going to be like. She teaches us about the mindset of how to be successful on social media.Jasmine Star empowers entrepreneurs to market their business on social media, build a brand, and create alife they love. After dropping out of law school, she became an internationally recognized creativeentrepreneur before the age of 30 and later founded Social Curator, a social media marketing company inwhich she has helped over 35,000 business owners. Her top-rated podcast, The Jasmine Star Show, has amassed millions of downloads since its inception in October 2019, where Jasmine educates entrepreneurson how to turn their passion into profits. Some days you'll find her featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and INCmagazine, while other days you'll find her going Live for “Coffee and Conversations” on Instagram, hosting“Ask Me Anything” sessions on Facebook, and interviewing leading business and industry experts on TheJasmine Star Show.Connect with Jasmine StarWWW.JASMINESTAR.COMWWW.SOCIALCURATOR.COMConnect with Carissa WooFree masterclass for wedding photographers on January
1/25/202350 minutes, 36 seconds
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Emotional Marketing to Attract your Ideal Luxury Client

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I have a very special guest, Renee Sabo, named Best Wedding Planner by Boston Magazine. She is incredibly detailed oriented and personal with her clients! They all mean a great deal to her and she gives them the best client experience.I was on her podcast called The Confetti Hour for a while chatting about how to get on the preferred vendor list. I spill my most embarrassing wedding stories, it's so funny. Renee is also an educator like me. Topic today: Using Emotional Marketing to Attract your Ideal Luxury ClientConnect with Renee a free ticket for my Masterclass on January 31st " Fill your inbox with inquiries"
1/18/202347 minutes, 35 seconds
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Creating boundaries for 2023 - Jen Taylor - Biz Coach

Happy woo Wednesdays! I just dropped a new episode of Get a heck yes.Jen Taylor wedding pro biz coach, podcaster, certified Director of Operations, is in the house.Achieve your dreams as a badass business owner with Jen.Implement streamlined systems and improve your work-life balance while your business grows.Today we talk about the b word boundaries. The main takeaway is Letting you know that is OK to take care of your self! Setting up boundaries is a way to make sure you have time and space for yourself, your business and your familyThe start of the new year is the perfect time to set your boundaries so you stay in control and don’t get resentful toward your bizSome fun things we talk about.How to make your best practice one sheeter,What’s your pain in the ass fee? Never heard that before.Should your clients be able to text you?Tune in and enjoy wedding photographers and pros.Link is to my Best Practice Sheet. with Jen with Carissa Woo
1/11/202344 minutes, 57 seconds
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What types of questions to ask to have prospects close themselves - Kelly Peck

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Happy New Year! We talk all things sales today with Kelly Peck. She believes in selling is a conversation between two people who want to do business together. Her superpower is teaching people how to sell and stop stressing out about where their revenue is going to come from.The main takeaway is - Mindset and setting intentions- What hard questions to ask during their calls- Have an on-the-spot payment systemKelly Ann Peck, Business Sales Coach with Sales UpRising, is a respected and trusted source for business thriving. With a career revenue of more than $23 million and 24years as a sales expert, she has helped countless companies reinvent their business model and become powerhouses. Kelly made a strategic shift in 2020 to translate her expertise into consulting services for entrepreneurs and CEOs who are hungry for the next level but remain stuck trying to move from inspiration to results. Her business, Emerson Reese Creative, has recently merged with Sales UpRising; this allows Kelly to have a greater impact to her clients and reach a wider business audience. It is a win-win situation to combine the resources, experience, and client base of both companies and grow stronger together.- What types of questions to ask to have prospects close themselves- Setting your intentions for your sales calls- How to bridge the gap and make sure your prospects talk about their pain points so you can be the guide / expert to be their personOur Strategic Business Planning Retreat in November! with Kellysalesuprising.com with Carissa
1/4/202354 minutes, 55 seconds
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Wedding Photography Horror Stories - Michelle Luciano and Carissa

Happy Woo Wednesdays! It's engagement season so this episode is for any future bride or grooms.Today is a fun episode with my bestie and lead associate for Carissa Woo Photography. She has the gift of easing up any situation. Michelle has been shooting with me for 7 years. Besides shooting, we love walking at Wilson Park Torrance with our kiddos. We just ran the Turkey Trot together. We did Orange Theory for a year together. We also love taking tequila shots together.I love this girl so much!The hot topic today is Wedding Photography Horror Stories - 12 reasons why 40% of couples hate their wedding photos. Here's what to do instead.Connect with Michelle with Carissa
12/14/202222 minutes, 44 seconds
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Client Experience - Jordan Kentris

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I have Jordan Kentris from A Good Day in the Get a Heck Yes house! We talk about Client Experience today and so much more.That identifying and honing in on your ideal client can help with sales and connections with your clientsJordan's ideal clients are passionate about paper so when he geeks out and shares the possibilities they get jazzed about the process. He has have a background in design and love for art history, architecture, and fashion. His experience in user experience allows me to create holistic experiences for clients and their guests.BioJordan Kentris is the founder and owner of a boutique design firm, A Good Day which was created to serve planners and their eclectic couples, one-of-a-kind stationery that establishes a unique brand for each event. Jordan is a UX designer by trade and utilizes his experience to work with business owners on their branding. An innovator in the industry he was recognized by BizBash as one of the Most Innovative People in 2020 as well as a finalist for the NACE One Awards Innovator of the Year.Hot TopicUser Experience + Your Ideal Client- How to use your past clients to help define your ideal clients- How to tailor your website based on what your ideal client looks for- How to structure your website for scannability and ease of conversionFreebiePromo - 15 minute ideal client bootcamp with Jordan with Carissa
12/7/202244 minutes, 48 seconds
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Giving Back and Telling Stories - Jason Barr from Bresee

Happy Woo Wednesdays!I've been volunteering for Bresee for 6 years. I photograph the big Gala every year at the Tagylan. It's always a night I look forward to. I also photograph families and events throughout the year.  They raised over 175k this year for the kids, just incredible!Bresee’s mission is to battle poverty by empowering youth and families in Los Angeles with the skills, resources, and relationships necessary to thrive.Today I have Jason Barr, Teen Tech Center Coordinator at Bresee, in charge of building and breaking STEAM based programs for high school youth in Koreatown, the best town.Today's hot topic is Telling stories. He has always been a story-teller since he was young and helps his student tell their story. It's time for you to tell YOUR Story.1. Everyone has a story to tell, so tell yours.2. Just go out and create, don't worry about who you don't know, worry about who doesn't know you.3. Study people, watch and listen.The main takeaway in the episode is that the Youth need arts programs, they need to learn how to code, and how to hack, it's do or die out in these streets.All high school students have access to our free programs. There are a handful of teen tech centers open right now in LA and a bunch coming soon. Learn the tech skills of tomorrow, today. That's trademarked by me, not affiliated with any other Tech Center. Hit up your local TTC.Connect with Jason today. with Carissa Woo up for my free masterclass for wedding photographers
11/30/202240 minutes, 30 seconds
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Layering your marketing efforts - Melissa Wilmont Wedbrillant

Happy Woo Wednesdays. I have Melissa Wilmont, creator and owner of Wedbrillant. She's one of my favorite humans and I just met her.Melissa is a wedtech entrepreneur and believer in everyone with a great idea! She launched WedBrilliant after planning her own wedding and wishing there was a platform to post all her wedding needs and receive bids from vendors to help narrow down choices. She loves the happiness that goes along with weddings, and am hoping WedBrilliant helps take out some of the stress and brings new, dream clients to our wedding pros!A big takeaway is that marketing as a visibility game. Get in front of your dream clients in a variety of ways, at a variety of times, so they can’t help but see your offerings and fall in love!Hot Topic:Layering your marketing efforts: don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 1) Identify outlets or platforms with a high ROI and great visibility and consider sponsoring and having a presence there. If it’s a little expensive, it may still pay for itself. 2) Find ways to reach dream clients that don’t cost a thing: IG outreach, keeping your social feeds gorgeous, offering to refer your vendor friends to new clients and asking for referrals from then. 3) Have great visibility online. Whether it’s through social media, or websites like WedBrilliant, next time someone is searching for your service in your region, your name is sure to pop up.FreebieYes! Offering all new members a free month of WedBrilliant and then it's only $5/month afterwards. Also, our vendors can keep their profiles on WedBrilliant for as long as they want, for free. Members get the added perk of being able to submit bids and connect directly with couples looking for their services! Promo code: FREEMONTHConnect with Melissa with Carissa Woo
11/16/202250 minutes, 13 seconds
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Building your dream team - Courtney and Dana from Hustle and Gather

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Today we have Courtney and Dana dynamic sister duo based out of North Carolina who are perpetual entrepreneurs. They are unapologetically authentic. They don't believe in the BS and aren't afraid to tell you the hard truth.I get emotional hearing about them growing up while their parents were always working. They had to take care of themselves and while they were doing that, they were learning life skills and teamwork. They started out as wedding planners and then opened up a beautiful wedding venue from the ground up called the Bradford.They are on a mission to inspire others to take the leap into their dreams and empower you to achieve unimaginable heights in your career.Hot TopicBuilding your dream team1. Understand who you are as a manager2. Leaning into your core values3. Be creative in how you hire4. Meet your employees where they are atConnect with Dana and Courtneywww.hustleandgather.comConnect with Carissa up for my masterclass tomorrow
11/9/202252 minutes, 28 seconds
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Create your Wedding Day Timeline in 5 minutes : Hooman Bahrani

Happy Woo Wednesdays.I have Hooman Bahrani in the Heck Yes house, a wedding photographer veteran that developed a solution to a problem. He created Wedding Day Timeline. You can have a complete minute by minute timeline in 5 minutes! Bride and grooms, just this out. Wedding Professionals, refer this to your couples. I love the google maps feature.Your wedding day timeline is perhaps the most ignored but the most important part of wedding planning. Why do couples ignore this? You should figure this out first and it will empower you throughout your planning process.A timeline should be the first thing you do before hiring any vendors. It will empower you, and potentially save you thousands of $$$ and stress.Hooman's bioAs a professional wedding photographer, I’ve spent most of my weekends over the past 17 years with couples photographing, planning, and managing their wedding day.I found that for most couples, the biggest problem was their timeline (or lack thereof). I saw this pattern over and over, and it was costing them both emotionally and financially.Wedding Day Timeline was born from my desire to help couples have the best planning experience possible.It not only helps reduce stress but also empowers couples to plan for the wedding day experience they want.YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES (INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK)@weddingdaytimeline & with Hoomanwww.weddingdaytimeline.com off with code CarissaWoo10Connect with Carissa Woo
11/2/202244 minutes, 53 seconds
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Balancing multiple brands - Nora Sheils

Happy Woo Wednesdays!I have Nora Sheils in the Get a Heck Yes House, an industry veteran with 20 years of weddings under her belt! Nora is 100% Iraqi, a boy-mom and wife to a man she met working a wedding :) Lastly, her business partner is my sister-in-law!The Hot Topic TodayBalancing multiple brands is possible and it can be more achievable and simple than you would think!Nora Sheils is the co-founder of Rock Paper Coin, the first software platform to bring together wedding planners, couples, and vendors into one system for managing and paying contracts and invoices. She is also the founder and lead wedding planner of the award-winning firm Bridal Bliss. In addition to recognition by Portland Business Journal in its 40 Under 40 series, she also earned a spot in The BizBash 500.Balancing multiple brands with ease-Set realistic goals-Develop smart staffing solutions-Distinguish messaging for each brand-Give yourself grace!Get 50% off with Nora @bridalblissnw, @norasheilswww.rockpapercoin.comConnect with Carissa
10/26/202243 minutes, 10 seconds
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Bullet Journaling - Lisa Aihara

Happy Woo Wednesdays.Any badasses out there? My girl Lisa Aihara is here for you. Lisa is on the Get a Heck Yes Team and has done all my branding for my photography and coaching company.Today she is my co-host for my Lead Generation Masterclass for wedding photographers. I seriously couldn't do it all without her. Lisa runs all my systems and automates my whole life. Yes, I trust her with all my passwords.She is an organizational Queen!! Today our hot topic is: Bullet JournalingI started bullet journaling as soon as I got done with this episode and it's soooo much fun. If you want to get inspired to get organized as we get close to the end of the year, you'll want to tune it. Also check out her new podcast called Still Minimum Wage.More about Lisa:  She helps ambitious entrepreneurs, coaches, and bosses who are DONE with blah and genericIn a copy-paste world where boring stock images, overused fonts, and robotic logo generators create design ughs every day, doesn’t artwork made by hand feel extra special? It’s human, makes an emotional connection, and truly communicates who you are.Like instant ramen, there is a time and place for “instant branding” (I can’t deny my trashy tastebuds). But if you’re looking for something more—something original, timeless, and unapologetically and totally you—we should definitely chat.Connect with Lisa with Carissa
10/19/202233 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to get 3 thousand Reviews - Alan Katz

Happy Woo Wednesdays!The ceremony doesn't have to be the most boring part of your wedding.I have Alan Katz in the Get a Heck Yes House. He is my favorite officiant and we've been working together for over a decade. We are in WPPI together and he always has the most amazing colorful outfits. He's crazy as HELL.When Alan shows up to a wedding, I'm put at ease, and the whole crowd is cracking up.Allan Katz is the owner of Great Officiants. It is the largest wedding officiant company on the West Coast doing around 2000 a year. and he has over 3000 online reviews and he is known as the king of reviews.Alana talks about how to get ReviewsWhere to get reviewsHow to ask for themWhat to do with a bad reviewAnd what do you do when you get a good reviewYou will learn the mechanics of reviews and be ready to start getting themAlan has taken the concept of doing Fun and Romantic Wedding Ceremonies highest possible denominator. He's grown the company to the biggest in the industry and he is respected.Favorite sales technique: How do you get a HECK YES from your dream clients?You ask for it. Don’t expect it just to happen you have to make it happen.Connect with AlanWww.greatofficiants.com with Carissa up for the masterclass here
10/12/202240 minutes, 9 seconds
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Reflection on Post-Covid Brides - Bridget from Enblanc

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Let's say Yes to the dress today!I have Bridget Doory in the house, owner of Enblanc. Enblanc is the cutest and most beautiful wedding gown store in the heart of Santa Monica. Bridget shares how she survived the pandemic, came back stronger, and is expanding to new locations. The whole bridal dress community came together and supported each other. What a testament to "community over competition".En bland redefines the bridal gown shopping experience. Their mission is centered on making this the most pleasurable experience you’ll find during the search for your special dressI worked with Bridget over the past 5 years and we’ve been published in multiple magazines. I shoot her team photos on her website and branding photos every year. You can check them out here. Book an appointment if you are engaged.Hot Topic: Reflection about Post-Covid Brides - If you are in the wedding industry, you may have noticed that brides are a little different. Not in a good or bad way, they have just been through a lot.Highlights of this conversation️ I love Bridget’s confidence when she says she’s going to crush market️ I was intrigued to know the psyche of an over-saturated bride️ Process for the bride to say heck yes to the dress️ The story about her high school counselor making her create a vision board is good!️ I love her journey working at Nordstrom's and then going into finance. It taught her to create a brand before a business️ How the dress community came togetherConnect with Bridget with Carissa
10/5/202236 minutes, 27 seconds
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Overcoming Loss and Obstacles - Deana Mukai

Happy Woo Wednesdays!Deana is on the Heck Yes Media team and today she is on my podcast. This episode is dedicated to her mom. If you are dealing with grief, know that you are not alone.I met Deana when her family hired me for a family shoot. She was in her teens but editing for a luxury wedding videography company. I kept in touch with her.She is my video editor and go-to girl. She has edited the last 64 episodes and she is finally on. Deana edits all my youtube videos, reels, podcast, online courses, promo videos. She edits videos for many wedding professionals. Hit her up if you need video editing needs. Video is everything in marketing your biz.I seriously love this girl and she is my close friend. Follow her Youtube a fun reel of us parasailing. hot topic today is "Overcoming Loss and Obstacles"Her mom battled for 10 years with breast cancer and lost the battle this year but won the game of life.You can see a video of her beautiful mother here. opens up about the grieving process this past 7 months.Some of my favorite parts of this conversation:- How video journaling and writing in her journal every morning has tremendously helped her- Why she doesn't pick up the phone first thing in the morning- How she met the love of her life ten years ago on Myspace- How having a 6 pm curfew led her to find her passion in videography- Her alter egos that she has created on Youtube and Tiktok- How to help business owners make more money and get more exposure by following IG and Tiktok trendConnect with Deana here with Carissa
9/28/202245 minutes, 39 seconds
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Secrets to Networking - Robert Hilo

Happy woo Wednesdays.Today I have my 1st repeat guest, my buddy Robert Hilo (Hilo Productions), best wedding DJ MC in town. My hubby and I loved him at our wedding back in 2015.He is a master at networking and he drops the mic numerous times. Networking is something you must practice guys and girls. It didn't come easy to me at all.Robert refers me like crazy and I refer him like crazy. All I have to say it, "Robert and his team get the party started" to my clients and all her has to say is "Carissa takes the best photos". It's a win-win situation.Hot topic: Secrets to Networking I love how he gave us insight about being president of BNI networking group and the givers gain mentality. I love how he talks about nurturing his existing contacts. I love how he talks about how he grew his team during the pandemic. I love how he talk about networking up and networking down. I also love when he talks about his favorite memories at my wedding in 2015.This is a fun one. Enjoy.Connect with Robert Hilo with Carissaheckyesmedia.co
9/21/202245 minutes, 20 seconds
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AI Software that can edit your weddings in 30 mins - Jaki Portolese

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I love this episode with Jaki. She is so fun and now I know why Shotkit hired her to do their content. She inspired me to buy a drone. Check out her drone work. www.portolesephoto.com love that she asks her potential clients what the nerdiest thing about them is and admits that she had a 15 year long on again off again relationship with World of Warcraft. So cool.I love how to share the AI software that let's her edit in 30 minutes.I also love her organizing Gmail hack that I implemented right away.Hot Topic:Saving time within your business so that you can make more time to do the things you love.- Batch editing in Lightroom- Using culling tools- Outsourcing your photo editing (namely through ImagenJaki is a Seattle based wedding photographer and content creator. She also writes and films YouTube reviews about photography software for ShotKit and works with the AI-powered photo editing software company, Imagen.Biggest takeway: Our mental health is an integral part of our creativity and success and is absolutely a worthwhile investment. It's okay to ask for help with blogging and editing, as it will take more time out of your workflow and allow you more time to focus on other ways to diversify your income and live your life fully.1500 free edits with Imagen via: with Jakiwww.portolesephoto.com with Carissa Woo
9/14/202245 minutes, 49 seconds
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What to do in your downtime and stay inspired - Janine Oda

Janine is my past bride. We grew up together in Torrance.She is gorgeous and hilarious. Today she talks about what to do in your downtime to stay inspired. She is an actress so there is always downtime. Do you recognize her? She is the star of Yappie Wong Fu Productions.Check out her Youtube Channel.
9/7/202245 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to hold yourself to the highest standard - Kylie Cochran

Happy Woo Wednesdays!I have my girl Kylie Cochran, owner of sprinkles of love events in the Heck Yes house. We worked together and she plans the most magical events.A big takeaway in this episode is what to look for in a good planner/coordinator so your day will run smoothly. I love how she overcomes objections about her being so young and how she turns it into a benefit. She booked out her year even though she started her business during the pandemic. She leveraged Wedding Wire and share tips and tricks.Hot Topic : How to hold yourself to the highest standard to stand out from other planners or wedding pros.We share a secret on how I got on her preferred vendor list1, being honest and transparent with the couple.2, Keeping in contact the whole planning duration, even if they hire me for a day of.3, Keeping my website cleanKylie's favorite sales technique: How do you get a HECK YES from your dream clients?Initially meeting them face to face and sealing the seal with handwritten notes!Offer to my listeners10% off to all couples who book! Mention the podcast and let's chat about your magical day!Connect with Kyliesprinklesofloveevents.com with Carissa
8/31/202239 minutes, 45 seconds
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Client Experience with Bree

Happy Woo Wedesndays!I have Bree in the house : San diego and Las vegas based destination wedding photographer & educator. She turned her high school side hustle into a full-time photography business led with passion and purpose that works with her lifestyle. She is an enthusiastic national park adventurer and lead photographer for Parallel 33 Photography.I asked Bree to come on because I was so impressed by her instagram, marketing, and templates in her shop. I use all of them. Get 15% off with code HECKYES15A great Client Experience is the most important thing in keeping clients happy and coming through your door, and referring others to your business. We all should know that so let's get deep into this topic.Today's hot topic:Why a good Client Experience is important: you love your clients, good reviews, good referrals, keep them coming backHow to create a great CE:- relational, not transactional- templated/automated but personal email funnel- planning help/meet their needs- provide resources and education guide- personal touches before booking, after, and post-weddingConnect with Bree:wedding welcome guide and pricing guide TEMPLATES15% off for listeners with Carissa and download my free guide on how to generate consistent guides
8/24/202237 minutes, 24 seconds
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It's time to go legit, Legal Stuff with Kunbi

Happy Woo Wednesdays!It’s time to go legit!  Let's talk about legal Shit. I love this open conversation with Kunbi from Legally Set, while she was breastfeeding her 2nd child. That's life for you. I had no idea she owned Perfete wedding blog. I've been a fan for over a decade. Crazy who life connects you to when you follow your passion. If you are one of my past brides, check out this blog a small business can be overwhelming AF. With all the moving parts of running a business, legal matters tend to take a back seat. Well, that’s about to change. Have you been drowning in ‘legalese’ while operating your business? Has your only option been to piece together contract clauses from the internet, or worse-other people’s contracts? BREATHE. Kudbi started Legally Set to save your butt. You can finally shop lawyer-drafted contracts, policies and guidelines that will help you be #LegallySet and secure moving forward. Peace of mind comes at a very affordable price. It’s time to go legit!Kunbi Odubogun is a Business Attorney and Strategist based in New York. She is the Founder of Legally Set an online template shop offering legally sound contract templates for entrepreneurs, event pros, and creative business owners.Kunbi is a seasoned Online Business Owner as the Founder of Perfête, a luxury events publication providing stylish yet valuable guidance for the overwhelmed celebrant.Connect with Kunbi planning checklist with Carissa
8/17/202242 minutes, 41 seconds
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The energy behind sales - Melanie Aubert

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I think Melanie has changed my life forever. She explains money so well. I love her story about having addict parents and how she saw nothing but opportunity. I had so many money mindset shifts after this conversation. From Corporate dropout to 7 fig CEO, Melanie has navigated out of poverty and into prosperity. She helps other women rise to multi 6 & 7 figs online with money mastery, marketing and soulful selling. Hot topic: the energy behind sales - How we see money - How we market online - The bridge between energy and strategy CCC for $67 (normally $147) Connect with Melanie @itsmelanieaubert @therichmanpodcast Connect with Carissa Zencastr Promo code: Carissawoo for 30% off of your first 3 months
4/20/202251 minutes, 45 seconds
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5 Steps to Strategically Position Yourself in the Wedding Marketplace - Renée Sabo

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I have a very special guest, Renée Sabo, named Best Wedding Planner by Boston Magazine. She is incredibly detailed oriented and personal with her clients! They all mean a great deal to her and she give them the best client experience. I was on her podcast called The Confetti Hour a couple weeks ago chatting about how to get on the preferred vendor list. I spill my most embarrassing wedding stories, it's so funny. You are going to love this Hot Topic today. I wish I knew this when I started my business 12 years ago: 5 Steps to Strategically Position Yourself in the Wedding Marketplace. Brand positioning is an often-overlooked piece of formidable marketing strategy. Still, it's the key to setting yourself apart from competitors and presenting your brand as a unique solution to clients’ problems. Attendees will walk away with Renee's five easy steps to position oneself in the right market and attract a clientele that fits in with their goals, including tips for those who are building all-new brand strategies from scratch. Takeaways include: - How to divvy up your market into well-defined segments that drive your marketing approach. - All the questions you need to ask to analyze your current position in the market (and how the answers influence what you do next). - Tips for revisiting and refining your brand position to ensure you’re always up to date with the current market and where you stand. Connect with Renee When I was on Renne's podcast talking about getting on the preferred vendor list. Connect with Carissa Woo Watch this episode live on Youtube Zencastr Promo code: Carissawoo for 30% off of your first 3 months Lets Make Art 20% off your first art
4/13/202251 minutes, 57 seconds
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Do you want to be published? - Jainé Kershner

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Today I have a special guest Jainé Kershner. I was on her podcast a month ago chatting about mastering the sales call. You can listen to it here. Jainé Kershner is an amazing wedding photographer and coach in the Hamptons. Today we have another HOT topic and it's all about Submissions. I remember the first time I got published on 100 Layer Cake, I almost died of happiness. It changes the trajectory of your business. You can see the feature here. Our Carissa Woo Photography team went on to get published on many other wedding blogs and magazines. Today Jainé gives 5 tips on how to submit their next wedding to an online or print publication. Bio about Jainé In 2018, Jainé Kershner Photography launched Tea with Jainé to directly educate wedding photographers with honest answers, actionable steps, and tangible tips to successfully grow and create a profitable photography business. Jainé Kershner hosts her weekly podcast “Tea with Jainé” where she chats with wedding industry insiders who share their knowledge, experience, and expertise directly with her audience. Jainé is a dedicated business coach who offers one-on-one sessions along with submission curations services for wedding photographers. Visit to find out more & work with Jainé! Download her freebie - How to get published Connect with Carissa Woo
4/6/202252 minutes, 45 seconds
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I'm writing a book, so can you - Paul Zakr

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I turn 37 this week so I thought it was fitting to announce that my new book for wedding photographers comes out by the end of the year. It was actually never a dream of mine to write a book but I felt a calling during the pandemic to share my decade long experience, mistakes to avoid and a roadmap to a thriving business in wedding photography (the best career in the world in my opinion).   Get on the waitlist and you will be the 1st to know when you can get your hands on this.   Do you like the title? Woo Them to HECK YES!: A Pro Wedding Photographer’s Tips for Earning Six Figures and Perfecting Any Couples’ Big Day   I couldn't have done it without my writing coach Paul Zak and Book Launchers.   Hot topics: Tips on how to start writing your very own book   This episode is with Paul. He truly has a 6th sense for understanding people. I love his story about his dad being a Holocaust survivor. I love the story he shares about Steven King writing back to him when he was a boy.   Do you want to write a book? This episode is for you. Connect with Paul here   You have a soul-stirring story to tell. Or you’ve made an important breakthrough, undergone a radical transformation, taken a major journey, explored an alternative pathway, or uncovered a fascinating mystery. He's launching a new podcast "The Book I Had to Write" in May. So excited for this!   Connect with Paul   Connect with Carissa Woo
3/30/202242 minutes, 43 seconds
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Evoke genuine emotion in your photos - Hannah Quintana

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Do you want to evoke more emotion in your photos? That's what potential clients want when they are looking for a wedding photographer. I met Hannah 4 years ago when she lived in LA and I was sad when she moved. I always felt like her images had so much emotion in them. Hannah is a luxury Colorado & destination wedding & lifestyle photographer for couples madly in love who cherish classic, timeless, and elegant art. Our hot topic today is how to evoke genuine emotion in your subjects, you couples and people in general. Hannah incorporated everything that made her unique—her past, her personality, her careers. She's from Korea and joined the airforce after her highschool. She worked in intelligence for large aircrafts. The leadership skills seamlessly transferred over to wedding photography.   She talks about her transition from military to wedding photography. I love her story of photographing a guy on the streets playing his cello and how it evoked a feeling she never felt before.   We have a vulnerable conversation about balancing motherhood and being a career woman. She has 2 daughters and a boy on the way.   Connect with Hannah   Connect with Carissa      
3/22/202248 minutes, 23 seconds
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Why you should niche down - Taylor de la Fuente

Happy Friday! Today I have a bonus episode with Taylor from Lemon Tree Editorial. Today we dive deep on why you should niche down.   Taylor de la Fuente is a Copywriter For Wedding Pros   Writing bold copy for badass wedding vendors. Fast, inclusive & done-for-you websites + more Ready to make fat stacks? 💵   Connect with Taylor   Connect with Carissa      
3/18/202250 minutes, 28 seconds
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Attracting dream clients using google - Ingvild Kolnes

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Today's conversation is so deep with Ingvild. Ingvild is a Photographer + mentor, Host of Sustainable Photography 🎙 She helps overwhelmed and underpaid photographers build a sustainable business. Ingvild Kolnes is all about teaching talented, overworked photographers how to best run their business. A business where you make good money and attract clients you love working with. all while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. He focus is on how to work with the right clients and how to set up your business so you can have the life you want, and not just on the money you can make. Too many photographers end up burnt out and quitting because their prices and business model isn't sustainable. She wants to fix that. Work is such a big part of life that thriving should be way up at the top. Hot Topic Attracting dream clients using google. - be very clear about who your dream client is - use your website to write about how you can help your dream client - make sure your website is set up to guide your website visitors in the best possible way Freebie Use this workbook to help you get clients on autopilot by giving you tips on how to improve your website.     Connect with Ingvild   Connect with Carissa Join my facebook group Learn about my coaching program DM me the work lead for all the free goodies
3/16/202237 minutes, 45 seconds
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Know your numbers - Hailey

I have a wonderful bonus this Friday. It's still finance week so today we have Hailey (book-keeper for wedding pros) and we are talking about bookkeeping! Trust me, the episode is still super fun even with a not-so-fun topic. Hailey is not the typical man behind a desk, pushing his glasses up and using big words that make you feel small and shameful of your disorganized finances. She is here to make it fun, easy and sometimes a little boozy with my Weekly Bookkeeping Drinking Game. Bio Hello! My name is Hailey and I am the Wedding Planner Wing Woman. I spent the first half of my twenties working with amazing wedding and event planners, as well as planning weddings on my own, and now I plan to spend my time using that knowledge to help wedding professionals and small businesses with their bookkeeping! Bookkeeping isn't scary and it doesnt have to be dreadful either. It can be fun, easy and you'll feel better knowing that when tax season rolls around, you are prepared.   The first 10 people to go on my website and sign up for my Weekly Bookkeeping Drinking Game will get it for FREE with the code Boozybooks.   Connect with Hailey Freebie   Weekly bookeeping drinking game   Connect with Carissa        
3/11/202239 minutes, 51 seconds
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Taxes are fun with Branden Drake

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Today me and Braden chat about finances: business entities, tax, or cash flow. He puts things in lamen terms and makes knowing your numbers fun! We deep dive into -why people are afraid of numbers and taxes -the types of insurance you need and -how you should protect yourself if all your sd cards get wiped-What type of LLC you should get Braden is a California licensed attorney and tax professional. His tagline is your gay best friend here to help you get your legal, tax, and financial shit legit. Braden works primarily with service based, creative small business owners through his signature program, the Profit Rx. Connect with Braden Connect with Carissa Join my facebook group Learn about my coaching program DM me the work lead for all the free goodies
3/9/202245 minutes, 11 seconds
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Running your business on your own terms - Jenna Henderson

Happy Woo Wednesdays! I love this topic. Jenna teaches us how to run your business on your own terms. She believes creative small business owners have to be super proactive and intentional about setting your terms and boundaries, because we have a lot working against us.   Tips- 1) Create balance instead of find it, 2), start small with micro bravery & small nos, 3) allow yourself grace.   Check out her mini course   "The Confident Communicator" which is a step-by-step formula for people pleasers who need to tell a client no.   Jenna Henderson is a business coach and photographer, with more than 16 years experience in the photography industry. Her super powers are helping creative women feel empowered to confidently build a business on their terms. Jenna believes in validating women in their creative careers and identities beyond motherhood. A Tennessee native, Jenna is a wife of 16 years and mom to two young boys.   Connect with Jenna Henderson   Connect with Carissa Woo   Book a strategy call  
3/2/202242 minutes, 5 seconds
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Website Myths every entrepreneur should know - Fifa

Here is a special bonus episode with Fifa. Website Myths every entrepreneur should know: 1. Having a website guarantees visitors and leads 2. There's no point in hiring a web designer if you can do it yourself 3. A visually appealing website is everything 4. The work is done once my website is live The main takeaway While having a website may help you in generating leads for your business but it doesn't guarantee it. A website is simply one touchpoint of your overall brand and allows you to nicely tie everything together into one place. But if it's not properly built, visitors won't want to stay and you won't be able to generate any trust to be able to ultimately capture the sale. Not only that, but there's also the issue of your brand. If you don't have a strong brand foundation, you won't be able to position yourself in the minds of your ideal customers as THE coach or service provider they should be hiring. Fifa's bio I'm a web designer and brand strategist. I craft elevated brands for female coaches and speakers to help ignite their brand confidence through intentional strategy and sophisticated designs.   Connect with Fifa Connect with Carissa, your host How to Become a Lead Generating Machine.
2/25/202240 minutes, 20 seconds
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Book more brides with Kate Storey

Wedding Pros, Do you want to book more brides? Say Amen. Kate Storey is here to the rescue. She is a Wedding Business Marketing Guru.   She has the Winning Website Formula + blueprint for online success!    You're an amazing wedding pro, and you've built a business that couples rave about for their wedding; but you know that word-of-mouth and referrals can only get you so far. To grow your business, stay competitive and bring in more of the couples you want to work with, you need a strong online presence...and you needed it yesterday.   Today you will learn how to master the sales call and have a strategy in place to book more brides.   Connect with Kate Connect with Carissa  
2/23/202246 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why film is not dead - Le Viet

Today I have a bonus episode with Le Viet. He is a scientist turned California Wedding Photographer and won 2017 Belle Lumiere Emerging Film Photographer of the Year. I'm posting this episode as a bonus because he was mentored by Jeremy Chou from the last episode. Le Viet shot with me and getting back his imgages was such a treat. Photographers, stop straying and praying. Get started using film, slow down, be intentional and you can raise your prices. He share why he thinks going on Pinterest to see other photographers is a bad idea. You need to shoot how you want to shoot. You are going to hear all about why Film is not dead and tip and how to get started shooting film. Viet Le is recognized by Belle Lumière Magazine as the "2017 Emerging Film Photographer of The Year". His beautiful work has been featured in multiple prestigious publications such as Style Me Pretty, Magnolia Rouge, Wedding Sparrow, and California Wedding Day. His work is best described as elegant, romantic, and timeless... Follow me      
2/18/202237 minutes, 11 seconds
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Branding yourself to attract High End clientele - Jeremy Chou

Happy Woo Wednesdays!   Today's episode is with the famous Jeremy Chou. We have been friends for over a decade and it was so nice to connect. Jeremy is a huge reason why the industy is what is is today. He started the FB group Southern California Wedding Professionals over a decade ago and it's been amazing to see everyone in the group succeed (200 members).   When you see his, work, your mouth is going to drop. I love chatting about his mindet of going from a 10k photographer to striving to become a 20k photographer.   HOT TOPIC: We can talk about branding yourself to attract the high end clientele,  how to curate, how to attract high end clientele, how to increase perceived value   Jeremy is a fine art film wedding photographer who has traveled extensively throughout the world capturing beautiful weddings. Trained as an architect, Jeremy has a unique ability to incorporate the environment into his images while telling a compelling story. His work has been seen in all major U.S. wedding blogs and select print publications. He also has taught workshops throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia.   Connect with Jeremy Chou   Connect with Carissa Tiktok: weddingphotographycoach Coaching IG: @carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography FB group Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Watch my free 20 lead generation masterclass Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
2/16/202248 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to recalibrate and create balance in your business - Aleya Harris

Happy Woo Wednesday! Wedding Photographer and Pro, are you feeling burnt out. Let's fix that. Hot topic: How to recalibrate and create balance in your business. Tip 1: See the big picture and use visualizatipon method. Tip 2: Hire a VA Tips 3: Stay true to your authentic voice   Aleya Harris is a BioEnergetic Business Coach and the owner of Flourish Marketing.   She teaches you how to MAKE GOOD MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE About Flourish Marketing : We use the StoryBrand SB7 Framework to create highly-converting copy, empowering education and BioEnergetic Business Coaching solutions, and profit-driving marketing strategies to help passionate empire-builders turn their talent into treasure. Check out Aleya here: Freebie Connect with Carissa Tiktok: weddingphotographycoach Coaching IG: @carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Watch my free 20 lead generation masterclass Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth    
2/9/202241 minutes, 7 seconds
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Explode your business with Tiktok - Becca Simmon

Wedding photographers and professional that want to explode their business with Tiktok, you are going to love this episode. She inspired me to start my own Tiktok Becca believes that The freedom lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of is closer than you think. Bio Hey, I’m Rebecca Simon, founder of The Success Society. If you’re questioning this “freedom lifestyle” I completely get it — I used to question it myself. I didn’t know if I could create a business that replaced my corporate income and allowed me to drink mimosas at my fav Huntington Beach restaurant on a Tuesday, but it does! And to top it off, I’ve been able to help hundreds — yep, hundreds — of women build, launch, and scale their own online service-based businesses and there’s no reason you shouldn’t be next. Oh, and about that corporate salary? I’ve more than doubled it and I can show you how to too. All you need is a work ethic and the drive to make it happen, that’s all I had.  I didn’t know much other than I was certain I wanted to be my own boss, put my Disneyland annual park pass to use during the week, and  not be tied to my computer 40+ hours a week. But I was unaware of how I could tie my HR experience into running a business. I had a B.A. in Human Development, experience working with multi- million dollar companies, and climbing the corporate ladder — and didn’t have any knowledge related to running a business…  Until I discovered I could put this natural leadership to use as a virtual assistant (VA). Quickly, I learned that I had valuable skills that other business owners needed — and I can guarantee you do too.  I examined what my skills were, how I could make them marketable, and that’s when my VA business was born in December of 2019. Through strategic shifts in my business, I now coach virtual service providers through one-on-one and group programs to build their own thriving business.  I’ve built a community of over 32,000 entrepreneurs, providing a safe space for my audience to feel educated, supported, and inspired. TikTok: VirtualAssistantCoach Connect with Carissa Tiktok: weddingphotographycoach Coaching IG: @carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Watch my free 20 lead generation masterclass Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
2/2/202238 minutes, 18 seconds
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Personality Branding - Taylor Kinzie

Happy Woo Wednesdays,   Taylor will help you get  fired up to do big things in your business. She can't stress enough about the importance of consistency and that little moves can bring big results.   Taylor Kinzie is an international lifestyle & wedding photographer for free spirited souls. Starting her business in 2013, Taylor has since honed her skills in grassroots marketing and personality branding to build a six figure business that is beyond her wildest dreams. In her free time, Taylor loves catching up on the latest Netflix shows (or reruns of The Office) with her fiancé, Paul, and her two mini schnauzers, Grace and Dusty.   Personality Branding / "Consistency is sexy"/Longevity "The Tortoise and the Hare" technique/ planting seeds in your business for lasting brand recognition/ travel :)   Taylor's personality branding technique is what helps her stand out. There are hundreds of photographers but only one me. She uses that to her advantage by leveraging transparency and vulnerability in my social media branding. Connect Taylor Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Watch my free 20 lead generation masterclass Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
1/26/202239 minutes, 31 seconds
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Creating margin in your life with albums - Shaun Austin Kiss Books

Happy Woo Wednesdays!   Shaun Austin is the man and I've been using his album company KISS books for 12 years. They are gorg with the best colors and he makes the process so simple.   We chat about how albums can create margin and space in your business because you can make more with less clients. Shaun is so passionate about helping wedding photographers have a happy and healthy business. He teaches you how to create an amazing experience for your clients and have every clients have a wedding album to take them back to their very special day. Bio: Hey Beautiful people, I am Shaun Austin Gordon, founder and CEO of Kiss Books. I love deep conversations, walks on the beach (sounds cheesy but I do), and I love to dream. I am married to this bad ass boss woman that just keeps getting better with time. We have 3 kids that are amazing humans. One of our family mantras is memories over stuff. I love to travel and I am grateful to do plenty of it. On weekends you can find him at a concert with one of his kids, in Mexico with his wife, or playing tennis with friends. If I could have any other job he would be an inspirational speaker. My wife refers to him as Shaun 2.0 now that I have been dedicated to growth in many roles, such as, a husband, dad, son, leader, and friend. I am committed to becoming the best version of myself and I am just getting started. I photographed a lot of weddings in a 15 year career and I started shooting some weddings with friends, as long as it is in a great location. Promo If it is mostly photographers I can give away 5 copies of my book and on Kiss credit of $100 Connect with Shaun   Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Watch my free 20 lead generation masterclass Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
1/19/202245 minutes, 31 seconds
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Instagram Captions that get your couples to say HECK YES! Lindsey Roman

Calling all wedding photographers and pros that want to write better Instagram captions. You are going to love this episode. Lindsey Roman is a business coach, social media marketing aficionado, and photographer based out of Lawrence, Kansas. She’s one of the founders of The Heart University and she co-hosts The Heart & Hustle Podcast, a top business podcast for creative entrepreneurs. Lindsey’s mission is to help women know their worth, value, and identity in who they are and boldly do what they were created to do. When she’s not speaking, teaching, or dancing on Instagram, you can find her spending quality time traveling and adventuring with her daughters Eloise & Annalise and husband Andrew. I've been following Lindsey for years and really put her heart into her social media and she now has 48k follower that are huge fans. She built her business brick by brick and treats every follower like her friends (even when she had 150 followers). Right before the interview, she was nursing her 2 month old, what a trooper. Today you will learn - How to write sensational captions -The mindset to have while writing captions -Her number #1 tip to getting a HECK YES from your dream clients Connect with Lindsey Roman You can buy the caption playbook here   Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Watch my free 20 lead generation masterclass Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
1/12/202246 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to capitalize on the WEDDING BOOM - Hannah Bargas

Calling all wedding pros that want to speak clearly to your ideal client. The only question they should be asking you after going on your website is...Where do I sign? Meet Hannah: ✨ She has a Marketing Agency for Wedding Pros 💰 She is dedicated to bringing in your ideal clients 📍 Texas based Hannah Bargas from Writefully Yours, is a multi-passionate female entrepreneur that strives to help wedding professional grow in front of their ideal client. She also owns a Dallas wedding publication called Something Blue Journal Dallas. She shares how she made 6 figures in 6 months. She is only 24 years old. Hot Topic : Tips for wedding pros Big offer Right now they can grab any service of mine for 25% off   Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Watch my free 20 lead generation masterclass Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
1/5/202248 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to use PR to get a HECK YES from your dream clients - Meghan Ely

Calling all wedding pros that want to elevate your brand and business. This episode is all about how to use PR to get a HECK Yes from your dream clients. OFD Consulting owner, Meghan Ely, CWIP (Certified Wedding Industry Professional), combines in-the-trenches event experience with a love of wedding PR to empower her clients to take their businesses to new heights. Her team’s publicity efforts are regularly honored by the Public Relations Society of America, and most recently, Meghan was named the 2020-21 NACE Speaker of the Year. A long-time industry speaker and writer, she is a WeddingPro educator with The Knot + WeddingWire, as well as a regular contributor to Wedding Planner Magazine, Catersource and A longtime supporter of industry associations, Meghan currently serves as the 2021 International President for WIPA. 1) PR is aligned with customer acquisition in a few ways- it can attract discerning couples who will be impressed with the third party credibility. It can also be used as a top of funnel strategy to bring in new clients. 2) PR is tied directly into social proof, which plays a big role in how today's couples (especially Gen Z) relies on social proof to say yes to the right wedding pro. 3) PR can seem overwhelming but the fact is, you yourself are the best person to start representing yourself because you know you best. Now, if someone wants to look into hiring someone, I"m happy to walk listeners through what to look for. Connect with Meghan If you want to be a professional speaker in the wedding industry, take this course Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Watch my free 20 lead generation masterclass Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
12/29/202144 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mental strength during the wedding boom - Ralph Gonzales

Happy Woo Wednesdays.  Today I chat with my friend Ralph. We talk about passion, dedication, mental strength. It's all about mindset. He's the hardest working guy in the industry. Ralph is my main videographer on the Carissa Woo team. Ralph has really helped me with my mindset this year with back to back weddings. I never had a business year with all the reschedules and wedding boom. He taught me how to get back energy when I'm feeling low. He taught me how to eat a breakfast that doesn't bring you down. I now try to eat a fruit in the morning instead of ramen. Ralph was born in La Puente California in 1983 and has always been a adventurous and creative individual. In his younger days his passion was Art, sports and photography. Ralph grew up using a camera and rolls of films to capture family vacations, holding mini photography sessions and documenting the world around him. His love for photography grew when he received his first digital camera over 20 years ago. He decided to enhance and fine-tune his natural talent throughout the years by pursuing a career in this field. He has gained extensive knowledge of the different types of cameras and equipment used in film making. Connect with Ralph Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @Carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography  Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Watch my free 20 lead generation masterclass Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
12/22/202143 minutes, 32 seconds
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20 - Scale Your Business With Facebook Ads with Lattice Hudson

Wedding Pros - Do you want to scale your business with FB ads? Lattice is my business coach and she as changed my life in the past 6 months. She is super relatable and makes business simple. Het HECK YES sale technique : Asking them what they want! People are wired to answer questions! Lattice is a business coach, leadership mentor and social sales expert. Lattice is on a mission to help women make more money, increase their impact all while living a life that they love. “A woman with wealth, is a woman with power”. Lattice specializes in helping online coaches scale past that coveted 6 figure mark by leveraging high ticket evergreen group coaching offers. In her free time, she enjoys relaxing on the beach, dancing to the latest tik tok trend and investing in digital real estate online! Hot topic:  Scale Your Business With Facebook Ads 1. Use One Clear Objective 2.Create Clear Messaging For Your Ideal Client 3.Narrow Down & Target Qualified Buyers Watch her free mini course Connect with Lattice Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @Carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography  Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Master, the dreaded sales call with Carissa Woo: Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
12/15/202147 minutes, 36 seconds
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How to create a perfect portrait - David Christopher Lee

Today's episode is with David Christopher Lee. He is a famous celebrity photographer and he happens to be my cousin. We have a very creative family. I'd always admired him for his fearless mindset. Our hot topic is how to create a perfect portrait. Check out his portraits. They are perfect. He chats about how he found his niche and his story about photographing Lady Gaga. You will be inspired by this episode. Bio As a celebrity portrait photographer, creative director, and producer, David has worked with many celebrities & major brands such as Richard Branson, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian, Demi Moore, Quincy Jones, Usher, Snoop Dogg, Cadillac, Lexus, Qatar Airways, Aman Hotels, Longines Masters & Damiani Jewelry, just to name a few. He continues to shoot countless campaigns that are featured in New York City at Times Square. David’s work has been published in major magazines such as GQ, Vogue, Instyle, People, Teen, Men’s Health, Departures & many more. He has a degree at UC Berkeley and sees beyond what is in the physical world, then translates reality into the digital era.  Connect with david   Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @Carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography  Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Master, the dreaded sales call with Carissa Woo: Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
12/8/202134 minutes
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18. Megan Gillikin - Imposter Syndrome

Happy Woo Wednesdays! We are struggle with imposter syndrome at every level of business. Megan helps us understand and overcome it. This is such a deep and real conversation. Make sure to check out Megan's podcast for wedding professionals. It's called Wedding For Real. She has 140 episodes. Megan Gillikin is a veteran wedding planner, podcast host and international speaker dedicated to making life easier for her fellow wedding pros. Her love for mentoring blossomed from her tumultuous entrepreneurship journey. Between her own experiences and hearing others’ stories first-hand as the host of the Weddings For Real podcast, Megan now offers new wedding planners an easier way to grow their businesses through her education and community membership, The Planner’s Vault. She has captivated audiences with her warm, personable style as a speaker at events like Wedding MBA, Catersource, WIPA, NACE and others. You can find Megan online at, and Topic: Quieting Your Inner Critic/Imposter Syndrome 1) There's no level of achievement in business where you've "made it" and have it all figured out but we often assume that from how others present "success" on social media and in casual conversations. 2) Wasting energy on what others think is energy not put towards growing your business and taking big leaps. 3) There are some actionable tips, some great books, (and some helpful thought redirection) that has helped me in this arena and I'd love to share those. Connect with Megan If you are a planner check out her membership Megan's planning company   Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @Carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography  Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Master, the dreaded sales call with Carissa Woo: Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth
12/1/202145 minutes, 36 seconds
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Client Experience with Kolby Moser

I'm working with Kolby's team next year. We have a wedding in the Big Island. I found her through hashtags and she is literally Miss Hawaii. She does it all and truly gives back. Kolby is a filmmaker and owner of ARIA Studios, a wedding and commercial film and photography studio based in Hawai’i. Kolby is also an award-winning producer, business coach and mom. She was recently recognized as one of Hawaii’s 40 under 40 by Pacific Business News. He Aria Studio Team has a great team, that feels a lot like a family, that has been working together for many years. They also are passionate about giving back and have a non-profit called Aria Childrens Fund that supports the fight against child trafficking.   Maya Angelou’s quote: “people will forget what you said, what you did, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel”. My hot topic is being intentional about the experience you’re creating for your couple. Think about the vibe you’re creating for your team, vendors and couple. Read the room: Is it more important to get that shot? Or that your clients are enjoying every moment? 75% of our bookings come from referrals- how are you improving the experience for vendors, bridal party and guests? You can Kolby Here  You can donate here Connect with Carissa Coaching IG: @Carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography  Download a free guide on how to become a lead generating machine HERE Master, the dreaded sales call with Carissa Woo: Thank you to our sponsors Photobooth Supply. Buy the Photo Booth    
11/24/202141 minutes, 53 seconds
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Instagram Tips with GT Marketing

Greg is an operational marketer that helps wedding pros and creative entrepreneurs with digital marketing strategies. He is also host of the 15 Minute Marketing with GT Podcast. He also helps his wife Cece run her mega floral business Cece Designs GT is the most down to earth guy even though he has powerhouse clients like We have a real convo about creating content and not burning out while doing it. Consistency is the key to online success Social media marketing is important, but it shouldn’t consume you Use social media to vet clients so you don’t waste time with clients that are not a fit for what you provide Check out his freebie! 5 SEO Tips You Can Implement Today You can find me here.            
11/17/202144 minutes, 30 seconds
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The secret sauce to standing out in a saturated Market - Catalina Bloch

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Catalina is a badass boss babe! The funny thing is that Catalina used to hate photo-booths. She thought they were hideous and she wasn't about to put a wig on her head as a prop, ewe. When she was introduced to Brandon Wong's (episode 8) Photobooth Supply Company at WPPI she was amazed at how stunning the photo-booth looked. She bought her 1st booth with her parents emergency credit card, named her company MDRN Photobooth Co. and hit the ground running turning his biz into a 7 figure business in less than 6 years. She charges a lot more than average for her photo-booth packages but clients pay her prices because she stands out from the rest of her competition. She teaches us the secret sauce to  standing out in an overly saturated market. Catalina is the founder of MDRN Photobooth Co., Canada's leading photobooth company. She has grown her business from a side hustle to a company that now employs 12 full time staff in 3 different locations in just under 6 years. Follow Catalina here: Follow me here download my free guide Purchase your own Salsa booth here:  
11/10/202141 minutes, 40 seconds
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Finding your happiness again - Laura Weintraub

Happy Woo Wednesdays! Today's episode is with Laura Weintraub (creative artist, writer, published author and entrepreneur.) She owned a wedding photography company called Weintraub with her late husband for 20 years. Their team shot 80-100 weddings a years. Wow! Laura recently did a rebrand and is focussing on couples over 50. They were the top top top photographers in the south bay and she is still thriving but on a smaller more niche scale. She is also a happiness coach so if you are going through a transition in your life or going through loss, she can help. In this episode Laura brings value and wisdom to you by discussing what happens when the bubble bursts and the lights go out?  How to get back on your feet again after a setback, loss, health issues or simply aging out of the business. There’s been a lot of loss since the pandemic hit and many are struggling to find their path again. Freebie A free download of my upcoming book “What Happened to my Happy” 3 essential keys to jumpstart your path to happiness. DM her. Follow Laura here New website coming soon. Follow me here download my free guide  
11/3/202147 minutes, 56 seconds
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Surviving and shifts during the pandemic - Amani Roberts

I was on Amani's podcast 3 years ago so we have come full circle. Anyone that is into music, especially R & B should listen. His new book is coming out. The pandemic was hard on wedding professionals to say the least. We rely on weddings and events. Listen to this podcast about how Amani pivoted and survived the pandemic and is doing better than ever. His tips are so innovative and creative. Amani Roberts is a DJ, producer, professor and author based in Los Angeles, California. You can find him live-streaming three days a week on Twitch (Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays). He is currently getting his Masters in Music Business from Berklee College of Music (Boston) and writing his second book highlighting why the disappearance of Black R&B groups from the Billboard charts.   You can find Amani here. His podcast Check out his generous freebie Free signed book called DJ's mean business. DM him and mention my name. Download my free guide on how to generate constant wedding photography leads. Shout out to my sponsors Photobooth Supply - Photographers, this is seriously the best, easiest photobooth you can add to your business.  
10/27/202143 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to get your REELS to convert - Brandee Gaar

Brandee Gaar is a visionary in the wedding industry and her podcast for wedding pros is my favorite. ✨She helps wedding pros build a business and a life they love! 👏🏼 She is a mom of 3 daughters and  believes you CAN have it all👏🏼 🎙Host | She Who Dares Podcast Check out her REELS course. Use the code CARISSA for $10 off Follow Brandee Follow me on IG Download my lead magnet: How to get constant leads.  
10/20/202146 minutes, 36 seconds
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Instagram Content Batching with Courtney Chow

Calling all wedding professionals that need help with their social content? Do you not know what to post on instagram? Courtney is here to help. Courtney Chow is a social marketing strategist who helps creative service providers market consistently for 90 days. Based in Southern California. Her favorite platforms to market on are Instagram and Tik Tok and you can find her on as well as her podcast "Still Minimum Wage". The main takeaway:  Your social media efforts will be significantly more successful if you invest the social piggy banks of your audience over just getting all the eyes on you. There is more in control on social than you realize. Before you start trying to sell on social media you have to be able to tell your audience what you offer and why they should care. Leverage social media to learn what they care about and then you can use social to make micro commitments to you. Tip #1 - Brainstorm 24 things that you own super well, things you can easily talk about your business and just brain dump. These can be frequently asked questions. Tip #2 - Don't use long blocks of texts, let your words breathe. Tip #3 - Repurpose on reels, blog, post etc. People need to see your message 7 times. You can find Courtney here: Check her podcast! Book a discovery call Check out this amazing freebie 30 Content ideas for social media posts
10/13/202134 minutes, 11 seconds
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Outsource your editing and get your life back - Nathan Holritz

Today I dropped my 10th episode!!! Woohoo! Calling all wedding photographers that want to take their life back because time-freedom is everything! In this episode we deep dive into why and how you should start outsourcing editing. If you want days of the week in your life back, you want to listen. Nathan Holritz from the Bokeh Podcast is in the house. He owns Photographer's Edit - Custom editing for the professional photographer, giving photogs time to focus on what matters. He is the man and and has helped thousands of photographers with his business and wealth of knowledge.  I was on Nathan's podcast 2 months ago and I loved it so much. I got the podcast bug and started mine own. He's helped me so much along my journey. I talked about the "Dreaded Sales Call" on his podcast. We are both hopeless romantics and he shares his love story with Jill. He always talks a lot about how empathy helps him be a better business owner and parent. You can find Nathan Holritz and Photographer's Edit here. You can find our chat here.
10/6/202149 minutes, 26 seconds
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You need a Copywriting Unincorn - Mine is Cindy Suzuki from Copy Bento

Calling all Wedding Pros, you need a great copy-writer. My copywriting unicorn is Cindy Suzuki. We met at our kids Japanese school in Gardena. She recently moved to Texas and her story behind this is inspirational. You must listen. Check out this AMAZING freebie she is offering. Cindy is offering a sales copy evaluation for 3 people. She is looking to help folks who are just starting out so please send her  your story, and she will choose the ones who need the most help. Email Cindy at A digital copywriter, Cindy Suzuki specializes in emotional and inspirational storytelling. Her background in sales and business development coupled with her effective research style which includes interviewing her client’s clients allows her to see unique angles resulting in colorful copy that authentically connects. She has a Bachelors in English and is the founder of copybento. She interviewed my past students and Kyra said that she booked $25,000 after our 1st coaching call and Lisa said that she couldn't have left her 9-5 if it wasn't for me. There are many more reviews you can see here. 3 point in this episode:  1) For copywriters starting out - Start writing like crazy. You get better and faster as you keep going. 2) For entrepreneurs: When starting out your business, get someone to evaluate your copy, and when you can afford it, you should just hire someone to write it for you (unless you love love love writing every single piece of collateral) 3) For dreamers: It's never too late to start Check out the sales page she wrote me and the copy on my photography website: Contact Cindy at
9/29/202140 minutes, 45 seconds
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Adding a photobooth to your business and making a whole lot more money - Brandon Wong

Calling all wedding photographers that want to make more money. Brandon Wong started his wedding photography business with his now wife Katrina when they were in college. They were already leaders in the industry at age 18 and I reached out to them to help me with my reception lighting. This was ten years ago. They wanted to scale so they created a photobooth company called Photobooth Supply Co. and now have 20 employees. His hunger for knowledge has led him to great success. He's proud to say that they didn't lay off anyone during the pandemic. Their team is everything! A photobooth is the perfect synergy to your wedding photography business. Things that made me say "WOW" in this episode. - He teaches us how to collect 200 emails at every wedding. How do we get the guests to know our name after the wedding? - Photographers need an exit plan out of our businesses. - We need a marketing plan in our businesses. are proud sponsors of this podcast Get yours today
9/22/202153 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to remain a clients Top pick as a chef through life's milestones with Chef Vakhara

Chef Vakhara is the owner of Indulgent Occasion for over 2 decades. She started cooking as a little girl with her grandmother. She lives by the saying "you are what you attract". We’ve been working together for over a decade. I’ve photographed all her 3 kids birthdays and now they are grown. Vakhara has the most amazing energy and she treats every client like family. We talk about how to remain a clients top pick as a chef through life’s milestone celebrations. Some highlights in this episode: Vakhara made the most money in 2020, say what! She talks about her morning routine and mantra. She is a consultant that sells "The Dream Event". Her eyes and ears are always open. When she first started, she took copious notes after working at an event. She calls it "picking up game". You can find Vakhara here:
9/15/202149 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Pinterest Queen is here : Gabby Pinkerton

I met Gabby 4 years ago at a networking event. I love her. Gabby is the most creative wedding planner I know. Seriously, check out her boho glam weddings. Pinterest has really helped her business on so many levels. She was talking about Pinterest 4 years ago and is still talking about it. I call her the Pinterest Queen. In this episode she encourages wedding pros to get on Pinterest and use it as a strategic marketing too and portfolio platform! She give's us basic tips to get you started. - Why pinterest is important for wedding pros to use for marketing. - Pinterest is a search engine and a social platform . - Basic tips to create a pinterest profile that stands out. Download her freebie Gabby Pinkerton is the CEO of Gabby Pinkerton Co., a Pinterest Marketing & Strategy Consulting Company. Gabby helps fellow wedding professionals grow their wedding business and attract their ideal clients through Pinterest after she grew her own wedding business, Cause We Can Events, into a 6-figure international wedding planning company. Fun fact: Gabby, her husband and their 2 dogs lived on a boat in Los Angeles for many years and just recently relocated to Nashville. TN. You can find Gabby Here:
9/8/202150 minutes, 36 seconds
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How to constantly be getting leads by Jordan Correces

Jordan Correces is the real deal. He is a wedding photographer and coach for wedding photographers. I took his Wedding Lead Machine Accelerator Program and it was one of the best courses I have ever taken. He has over 700 photographers in his course. He teaches you the best method to Having a FULL STACK approach to grow your business, develop systems and avoid shiny object syndrome. Jordan helps you understands the systems needed in place to generate leads, build a brand, and sell your service to high ticket clients. He does a lot of myth busting in this episode.   Award winning wedding photographer. JCorr Photography. Featured in Bokeh Podcast, Capture Crew, Southeastern Bride, and awarded with Fearless Photographers for my work. And Co-Founder of The Wedding Lead Machine Accelerator Program (WLMA) where we help wedding photographers and videographers build financially thriving businesses. Check Jordan out &
9/1/202149 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Market Yourself in a New City with Lisa Marie

Lisa lived in Torrance and has her own thriving company and also worked as an associate for the Carissa Woo Photography Team. She moved to Tahoe about a year ago. In this episode, Lisa talks about how to market yourself in a new market. She booked weddings in Tahoe before she moved out there. She also talks about how she manifested her perfect day and perfect life into existence.  Key points 1. How to make the decision to move markets. 2. How to get found in your new market 3. How to network with locals in your new market. Connect with Lisa To learn more about Lisa Marie Connect with Lisa on Instagram Lisa is a multi-passionate personal branding and destination wedding photographer. Among other things, she is a wife to the Croatian sensation, Igor, cat mom, and cheese enthusiast. She grew up in SoCal and started her business there can now find Lisa in the Northern Nevada mountains near beautiful Lake Tahoe enjoying the lake or skiing the heavenly mountain tops.
8/25/202147 minutes, 12 seconds
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Get a "Heck Yes" with Carissa Woo....Coming August 17th!!!

Welcome to "Get a Heck" Yes with Carissa Woo. I'm your host, Carissa, and I've been a wedding photographer for over a decade. I've traveled the world, built my team, and seen it all. I now coach wedding photographers to land their dream clients, make 10K a month and build a thriving business.  I'm not holding anything back in this podcast. We're going to be talking about the struggles of the business and how to push through the noise. Some healthy hustle, mindset shifts, time hacks, self-love, confidence, and a little bit of woo woo are some of the many things we will be talking about in this podcast.  I can't wait to see you there!! Connect with Carissa Coaching IG! @carissawoo Photography IG: @carissawoophotography Don't forget to download my free guide on becoming a lead generating machine HERE
8/5/20212 minutes, 19 seconds