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Earn That Body Podcast with Kim Eagle Cover
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Earn That Body Podcast with Kim Eagle

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 359 episodes, 16 hours, 55 minutes
Podcast by Kim Eagle
Episode Artwork

#344 Why Cold Water Exposure?

Is cold water exposure worth the torture? That is what I asked myself as I got out of a 40 degree cold plunge! Well, find out why I have started including this cold therapy into my health routine and how you can do it right from your home.
2/4/202440 minutes, 22 seconds
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#343 Nutritional Changes For Perimenopause

Hey ladies! Are hormone shifts hitting you hard? Last year I entered full blown PERIMENOPAUSE and my body started changing so fast. The belly fat! OMG! Well, it took me one year...but I finally figured out how to adjust my nutrition for this stage of life. And helped the belly fat! Find out all the details in this week's podcast episode.
1/28/202437 minutes, 31 seconds
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#342 What I Had To Change In My 50s

My 50's ROCKED MY WORLD! I had not anticipated the changes my body was going to go through so quickly when I hit 50 years old. I spent the entire last year adjusting my workout routine, nutritional habits & daily practices in order to stay fit & healthy in an all new way. Join me in this episode to learn the details. And if you are in peri-menopause or menopause, please share this episode with others so they too can be well informed.
1/21/202438 minutes, 4 seconds
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#341 Back To The Nutrition Basics Part 2

Last week we talked about calories and this week we talk about 5 THINGS that will help you dial your nutrition in without logging a single calorie or macro. Whether this is new information for you or review, it always helps you get the New Year started right.
1/14/202424 minutes, 53 seconds
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#340 Back To Nutrition Basics (Part 1)

When you want to get back on track with nutrition but you feel like you fail year after year! Let's talk about the #1 reason you keep failing and how you can fix it this year.
1/7/202424 minutes, 47 seconds
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#339 The Year To RE-FOCUS

If you are OVER New Year's Resolutions but want to make changes in 2024, THIS is the podcast episode for you. We can be our BEST self this year just by shifting this one thing. Let's live our best life this year and set ourselves up for the years to come.
12/31/202344 minutes, 40 seconds
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#338 Simply The Best!

Did you know the Earn That Body Podcast Program has been going since 2016? Today we do an encore episode which is the MOST listened to episode in the past 8 years! I was so happy to see that so many people were interested in this helpful health topic! I will see you next in 2024! Some great health, fitness & nutrition topics ahead for another great year.
12/17/202335 minutes, 17 seconds
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#337 Best Of 2023!

This week we have an encore episode! It was the MOST listened to episode in 2023! You might have missed it or you might enjoy listening again because it comes at a perfect time for the New Year!
12/10/202334 minutes, 30 seconds
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#336 Best Fitness Gifts For 2023

Looking for the perfect gift for that fitness enthusiast? Well, this week I go over my TOP 10 fitness gifts for 2023! Whether it is for YOU or your friend who is crazy about working out...these 10 gifts are AWESOME!
12/3/202331 minutes, 33 seconds
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#335 How To Have A Healthier Thanksgiving

Want to enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner without the extra calories, fat, sugar and weight? In this episode I go over tip after tip after tip of ways you can make this delicious holiday a little bit healthier. Even if you just follow a few of these tips, it might make the difference in how you feel the next day.
11/19/202329 minutes, 1 second
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#334 Why You Need Fiber..

The research today is showing that not only do you need PROTEIN to be healthy, but you also need FIBER! In today's episode we do the deep dive on FIBER! Why you need it? What it does to the body? And which foods have the MOST bang for your buck when it comes to FIBER.
11/12/202328 minutes, 51 seconds
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#333 How BIG Calorie Restriction Can Harm You

We all know know that eating LESS means weight loss...RIGHT? But is it possible eating too little is harming us? And perhaps even holding back our weight loss? Find out as we do that deep dive in this week's Earn That Body Podcast.
11/5/202330 minutes, 16 seconds
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#332.5 Halloween Nutrition Tips For Adults

Want to enjoy Halloween without full blown sabotage? I have a fun list of 10 things adults can do to enjoy Halloween Parties & Trick or Treating Night without gaining 5 lbs in one night. Even if you just did a few of these things you are more likely to be successful and feel great the next day.
10/27/202326 minutes, 11 seconds
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#332 The 15 Most Unhealthy Foods In America

Do you ever see the calories/fat/sugar in an item on a menu and almost fall off your chair? Well, today we are going to talk about the 15 Most Unhealthy Foods in America (and...I should mention..I sometimes eat one of these!)
10/22/202334 minutes
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#331 What Type Of Strength Training Is Best?

We all know we need to do more strength training..but have you ever wondered which type is best? Should we do free weights, machines, body weight? In order to reach your goals, don't miss this episode so you can make the best STRENGTH TRAINING decision for your body.
10/16/202333 minutes, 42 seconds
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#330 How To Stop Weight Gain

STOPPING WEIGHT GAIN..WITH THIS ONE THING! We always talk about how to LOSE WEIGHT, but we also want to STOP gaining weight as quickly as possible. Now if you do this one might be able to STOP gaining weight..but it isn't for everyone. Let's do the deep dive on this very topic.
10/8/202336 minutes, 55 seconds
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#329 Menopause Part 2

If you missed the Menopause Part 1 might want to check that out before you listen to this Part 2. In this episode we continue to discuss symptoms that hit at menopause and what you need to do about it NOW.
10/1/202329 minutes, 53 seconds
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#328 Menopause!

If you are a woman, this episode is for you! It does not matter if you are in your 30s or your 70s, we need to talk about MENOPAUSE! Find out what 10 things I plan on doing to battle the symptoms and changes that come along with this NORMAL stage of life.
9/24/202346 minutes, 30 seconds
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#327 Continuous Glucose Monitors

Do you see people wearing a patch/monitor on their arms lately? Or perhaps on social media you see ads showing a woman checking her "glucose levels" with her phone? Well, in this week's Earn That Body Podcast, I tell you all about these Continuous Glucose Monitors, what they do, and if you SHOULD or SHOULD not give one a try.
9/17/202330 minutes, 37 seconds
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#326 Pilates Or Yoga? Which Is For You?

Do you ever wonder what the difference is between pilates & yoga? Or which one might be better for you? This week we do the deep dive into both workouts to help determine if you should try it, how often and which one.
9/10/202336 minutes, 11 seconds
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#325 You Asked..

We have a great episode today about everything from menopause, my "slip ups", empty nesting, how to deal with waking in the middle of the night, quick snacks that are healthy and more! So many great questions YOU ASKED and now I ANSWER!
9/4/202347 minutes, 17 seconds
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#324 How To Change Your Exercise Habits

Are you in need of adjusting some workout habits? Maybe you have lost focus over the summer and need a way to ease back in? In this week's episode, I guide you with the best way to make some changes to your fitness regime, ONE step at a time. Dialing it in for your personal needs. FREE DOWNLOAD:
8/27/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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#323 How To Change Your Nutritional Habits

If you are tired of fad diets and failing at changing your nutrition over and over...this episode is for you. I want to dial this down to the most simple level and give you a tracker to help along the way. FREEBIE:
8/20/202318 minutes, 53 seconds
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#322 What Is Healthier?

There are so many foods that I am asked, "what is healthier...THIS OR THAT". In this week's encore episode, I do the research for you so you can make the HEALTHIEST pick possible. Some might surprise you!
8/13/202337 minutes, 27 seconds
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#321 Is Walking Enough?

Do you think WALKING could be enough of a workout to maintain your weight? Do you think WALKING could be enough of a workout to lose weight? Do you realize that the benefits of WALKING might be above and beyond any other cardio workout? This week we do the deep dive on how to make WALKING an effective workout and why you might need it too.
8/6/202337 minutes, 13 seconds
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#320 Dial It Back In For Summer

Sometimes you just need to get back to the SIMPLE STEPS to dial that nutrition back in. Don't make it complicated. Take these OUT and add these IN. When you do this, those summer pounds come off and you start to feel better in your clothes again.
7/30/202344 minutes, 18 seconds
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#319 The Inflammation Diet

Have you ever wondered what the Inflammation Diet is all about? Is it something you should only do if you have chronic illness? Does it help injury/recovery? Find out all the details about this one diet that I can actually stand behind.
7/23/202333 minutes, 6 seconds
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#318 To Detox?

Do you have that SUMMER feeling of BLAHHHHH? You know when you just get back from vacation and ate/drank all the wrong things..and now you just want to cleanse your body? Before you do anything, listen to this podcast episode for the DOs and DO NOTs when it comes to the detox.
7/16/202333 minutes, 46 seconds
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#317 Most Nutritious Vegetables

We all know we have to eat more veggies. But what if I told you there were some vegetables that are more nutritious than others! In this week's Earn That Body Podcast, we are going to do the deep dive into the most nutrient dense vegetables. So, if you are struggling to eat can at least make sure to focus on these.
7/9/202338 minutes, 26 seconds
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#316 Sunblock! Let's Review..

Do you know what is in your sunblock? Let's face it...if we are going to slather this all over our body we should make sure it is not toxic! Check out this week's podcast episode to find out what your sunblock SHOULD and SHOULD not have in the ingredients. And what are the best ways to combat skin cancer. FREETB (freebie): Download Here:
6/25/202341 minutes, 51 seconds
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#315 The Healthiest Day Of The Year?

Did you know the healthiest day of the year is coming up? I don't want you to miss out on this once/year opportunity to FEEL amazing, happy and healthy! Find out all the details in this week's Earn That Body Podcast! Oh! And special SUMMER SWAP WORKOUT deal!
6/18/202321 minutes, 34 seconds
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#314 Best And Worst Times To Seek Nutritional Help

Do you want to reach a weight loss or health goal? Then make sure you seek Nutrition Coaching at the right time. It might surprise you to hear about a few times you SHOULD or SHOULD not seek counseling. But knowing when to get help might impact your overall results. Get all the details in this week's Earn That Body Podcast.
6/11/202333 minutes, 44 seconds
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#313 Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss

Do you know the difference between FAT LOSS and WEIGHT LOSS? In this week's Earn That Body Podcast we do the deep dive into these 2 different things. Understanding the difference might even help you in your own health journey.
6/4/202334 minutes, 27 seconds
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#312 Ozempic. Is It For You?

Let me have been hearing a lot about Ozempic! Maybe you are wondering if this Hollywood drug is right for you and your weight loss? Find out in this podcast episode by Earn That Body.
5/21/202330 minutes, 49 seconds
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#311 More Time!

Do you feel like you just don't have enough time in the day? No time to workout? No time to meal prep? No time to take care of you? Well, today I'm going to tell you some EYE OPENING things about how this is impacting your health (and even your waistline) and I will even find you several hours you can add back to your day!
5/7/202332 minutes, 15 seconds
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#310 Fresh, Frozen Or Canned?

Do you ever wonder if should bother eating canned veggies? Or perhaps if you should never purchase the frozen produce because it might not have enough nutrition? In this week's Earn That Body Podcast we do the deep dive on which type of produce you should be buying. And the answer might surprise you.
4/30/202332 minutes, 36 seconds
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#309 We Don't Get Enough Of This..

Sometimes we make life so much harder than it needs to be. We worry about so many things and get overwhelmed with day to day stressors. Well, let me tell you something you can start including in your life that will impact your health according to new research. This simple thing might surprise you and might just change your life.
4/23/202333 minutes, 24 seconds
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#308 Breathwork

Have you ever wondered what BREATHWORK is all about? Do you think it's the same as meditation? In today's Earn That Body Podcast we do the deep dive into breathwork so you can understand what it is, how to do it and if it is worth adding to your daily life. Now take a deep breath in..and let's get started!
4/16/202337 minutes, 23 seconds
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#307 Is Sourdough Bread Healthy?

Did you jump on the sourdough bread craze during COVID? Did you ever wonder if it was healthy or better than a whole wheat bread? In this week's Earn That Body Podcast we do the deep dive on SOURDOUGH BREAD!
4/9/202329 minutes, 26 seconds
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#306 Ask Me Anything

Once a quarter I do the ASK ME ANYTHING Podcast episode! Clients, followers and podcast listeners submit questions that they want answered and this episode is full of great answers! Everything from how I have changed my nutrition due to injury, my stance on probiotics, strength training for people who bulk up fast and more!
3/26/202338 minutes, 29 seconds
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#305 Are Microgreens Healthy?

Did you ever wonder if the microgreen craze was just another fad? Or perhaps all the hype is right on track? In this week's Earn That Body Podcast, we do the deep dive into microgreens and if they are worth eating or even worth growing. Not too mention, how much should you even eat of these tiny little green wonders. Find out all the juicy details in this week's episode.
3/19/202332 minutes, 23 seconds
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#304 How To Fix Hunger!

Are you hungry all the time? Is it making getting healthy and losing weight almost impossible? I totally get it and I have been there. In this week's podcast episode, I am going to tell you all the things that might be causing your hunger and 4 ways to FIX it fast.
3/12/202340 minutes, 23 seconds
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#303 What Is Your Healthy Weight Range?

Do you wonder what is a healthy weight for you? Do you think there is a certain number that you should weigh to put you in the "HEALTHY ZONE"? This week we do the deep dive into how to know if you are in your HEALTHY WEIGHT RANGE.
3/5/202339 minutes, 22 seconds
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#302 Mushooms! What Is The Hype?

Have you been hearing a lot about mushrooms? I have been hearing about them and seeing them all over lately. So, this week we are doing the deep dive into why we should be eating more mushrooms and how they might benefit our overall health.
2/26/202331 minutes, 54 seconds
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#301 Five Of The BEST Exercises You Can Do!

If you are going to workout, you may as well do one of the 5 BEST EXERCISES you can do! Some of these you might expect..and some you might not have even heard of! Check out this week's podcast episode to find out what these workouts are that will benefit your body through any age.
2/12/202332 minutes, 50 seconds
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#300 Protein. Why It's Not All Equal!

Do you struggle getting in enough protein? Did you know that not all protein sources are created equal? This week in the Earn That Body Podcast, we are doing a DEEP DIVE on protein. How much you need, why you need it and a cheat sheet with a list of some of the best protein sources for you! CHEAT SHEET:
2/5/202338 minutes, 1 second
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#299 Health Myths or Facts?

How often do you hear something about health, weight loss, diet foods and wonder...IS THAT TRUE? There are several myths out there that you might want to know. This week we dive into some juicy myths and facts that might just help you make a better food or workout choice next time!
1/30/202331 minutes, 53 seconds
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#298 How To Stay Motivated!

Do you need help staying motivated to reach your goals? We all seem so excited when we first set a goal, but then quickly that enthusiasm starts to diminish. It's normal. But let's identify what is happening and use these tips to push forward to help you reach your true potential.
1/22/202336 minutes
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#297 Easy Prep Dinner Planning!

It sounds like making time to cook dinners is the #1 pain point for many people trying to get fit & healthy. This week I want to tell you exactly how I prep my week of dinners, how long it takes and even give you 5 of my GO TO recipes so you can set your plan too! Having a plan and eating home is going to make the biggest difference in your overall weight loss & health. For Recipes Go To:
1/15/202336 minutes, 26 seconds
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#296 The Easy Way To Lose Weight

The Easy Way To Lose Weight? Is there such a thing? Well, I can tell you this...I think people are making weight loss much tougher than it needs to be. And if you just focus on these few things, my guess is you will lose weight without logging one calorie.
1/8/202336 minutes, 31 seconds
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Are you tired of making New Year's goals and never reaching them? Maybe it's because you were not able to make your habits STICK. In this week's episode we talk about 5 Ways to Make That Habit Happen! And this is backed by science. Maybe 2023 will be the year you officially reach those desired goals in health/fitness/nutrition.
1/1/202334 minutes, 58 seconds
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#294 Best Of 2022!

I like to HIGHLIGHT the most listened to podcast episode of the year each December! It's always interesting to see which episode attracted the most attention. And this one did surprise me, but likely was popular because it's a real struggle for so many people. Check out this final episode for 2022! See ya in 2023 with more health, nutrition and fitness episodes.
12/11/202236 minutes, 48 seconds
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#293 Kim's Top Fitness Holiday Gift Ideas!

Do you need some great FITNESS GIFT ideas? Maybe for you or an active spouse/partner/friend? Well, this year I'm going to tell you about 10 of my favorite things I use in fitness and/or WANT this year! Great stocking stuffers too!
12/4/202229 minutes, 9 seconds
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#292 Thanksgiving Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving!

Are you tired of leaving your Thanksgiving Dinner feeling bloated, full and lethargic? Many years ago, I decided I never wanted to feel that way again! Yet, I wanted to be able to enjoy all the Thanksgiving food. So, I came up with these 10 tips to help you enjoy the special meal without feeling terrible that evening or even the next day! Check it out in this week's podcast episode.
11/20/202218 minutes, 26 seconds
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#291 Why Are You Always Tired?

Do you feel exhausted all the time? Maybe you keep depending on the caffeine to pick you up...all day long? Today we are doing the deep dive into this topic to figure out why you might be feeling this way and if it's normal? or maybe a problem.
11/13/202238 minutes, 10 seconds
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#290 The What, Where, Why & Hows Of Putting On Muscle

Want to get RIPPED? Then you need to know the WHAT, WHEN, HOW and WHYs of putting on that muscle! How often should you train? Which strength workouts are best? And why do you need to? All of that in this week's Earn That Body Podcast.
11/6/202235 minutes, 11 seconds
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#289 Why Your Weight Loss Is SO Slow?

Do you feel like your weight loss is getting harder and harder? You think you do all the right things and still can't shed the weight? This week we are going to dive into 11 reasons your weight loss might be SUPER SLOW!
10/30/202243 minutes, 1 second
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#288 Throw This Pantry Item Away!

These things are likely sitting in your pantry and need to be tossed STAT! Some items we keep on the shelves for way too long. And they simply can't stay fresh and can go rancid after time. I know I have to go into my shelves and remove some of these items from my pantry too! Don't miss these details in this week's Earn That Body Podcast.
10/23/202227 minutes, 54 seconds
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#287 The Weight Loss & Marathon Comparisons

During my Berlin marathon training, I saw daily similarities in the process between marathon training and losing weight. I think it all comes down to the reality that changing your body (to be faster or lighter) takes time, commitment and perseverance. Whether you run or are trying to lose weight, I think this episode will inspire you to keep going!
10/16/202243 minutes, 4 seconds
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#286 Flathouse Zone Ahead!

If you have ever done a local Austin run race or likely have heard about Scott Flathouse. He has become Austin's BEST athletic photographer and is at almost all the local races in Austin/Houston! Find out exactly how he got here and why athletes are scheduling their race cards around Scott's schedule! Oh...and he just happens to be my fitness photographer! Follow Scott on IG @scottflathousephoto to see his amazing work!
10/2/202259 minutes, 45 seconds
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#285 Are These Beatdowns Impacting Your Weight?

Do you feel like you are doing everything right but can't shed a pound? It is possible one of these BEATDOWNS are impacting your weight loss. Find out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode so you can maximize your health the right way.
9/25/202233 minutes, 14 seconds
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#284 Making Health A Lifestyle

Do you ever feel like you are in a constant battle between yourself and another diet? Are you wondering how to make HEALTH a LIFESTYLE vs. a challenge in your life? This week we do the deep dive into these topics and ways to make sustainable changes in your life so you can get off the diet train.
9/15/202235 minutes, 41 seconds
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#283 Chemicals Hiding In Healthy Foods

9/11/202236 minutes, 13 seconds
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#283 What Chemicals Are Hiding In Healthy Foods?

I feel like our food system is crumbling at a rapid rate. We now have to go out of our way to avoid eating chemicals in our foods....even the foods we consider healthy! Check out this episode so you know what chemicals to keep an eye out for in foods you might be eating daily.
9/4/202236 minutes, 13 seconds
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#282 To Detox Or Not To Detox

Are you coming off a summer season feeling like you need to CLEANSE your body? Maybe you ate too much or drank a lot this summer and are ready to DETOX your system. Well, I want to let you know about 4 top detox programs and if you SHOULD or SHOULD not give them a try.
8/28/202238 minutes, 54 seconds
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#281 Weight Loss Is A Science..BUT!

Do you ever feel like you log every bite, workout perfectly and yet the scale won’t budge? As a coach I believe weight loss is a science….BUT...guess what? There are some things that will impact weight loss even when you are doing everything right. So, let’s figure out if these 5 things can be addressed for you so your weight loss can get going again.
8/21/202242 minutes, 39 seconds
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#280 Foods You Should Never Order!

This podcast episode has so many EYE OPENING bits of information in regard to what you should NEVER order in a restaurant. Things that you likely never realized and could truly help you shed the pounds and help you stay healthy.
8/14/202235 minutes, 18 seconds
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#279 Why You Keep Quitting That Diet

We start our Monday with solid intentions to crush a diet. By Friday, we throw in the towel and eat horribly all weekend. Just to start a new diet on Monday again. Why do you keep failing your diet? Or why does your diet keep failing you? Find out in this week’s podcast episode. These factors might be just what you need to hear to make true progress on your true weight loss journey.
8/7/202231 minutes, 37 seconds
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#278 Your Relationship With Food

Do you feel like you have a healthy relationship with food? Or do you struggle daily with wanting food, avoiding food and/or being influenced by what others are doing with their diet? I want to tell you about 6 things that can help you get your relationship with food dialed back into a healthy zone.
7/31/202240 minutes, 16 seconds
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#277 How Does Summer Heat Impact Your Health?

This week we have an ENCORE episode! In this summer HEAT...we all need these reminders. Whether you heard this episode in the past or not at all...the tips/reminders are worth the listen! Stay SAFE out there in the heat team!
7/24/202239 minutes, 23 seconds
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#276 Fat Burning Foods

Have you ever heard about FAT BURNING FOODS and wondered exactly what these foods do? Do they actually sizzle the fat right off your body? And which foods do "burn fat"? We are going to talk about all of that in this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode.
7/17/202226 minutes, 19 seconds
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#275 What Heart Rate Tells You About Your Health

Are you looking for ways to see if you are fit & healthy? Or maybe want to make sure your health is going in the right direction vs. wrong? Well, you may be surprised by how much your heart rate might tell you about your current health and what might be coming! Check it all out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast.
7/10/202238 minutes, 40 seconds
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#274 What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Do you wonder what Leaky Gut Syndrome actually is? Is it based on science? Can it happen to you? This week we do a deep dive on this very topic and discuss ways you can help your gut health.
6/26/202230 minutes, 29 seconds
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#273 10 Tips To Get FIT This Summer!

Do you want to STAY FIT, GET FIT and/or FEEL YOUR BEST all summer long? Here are 10 great tips to keep you on track so that you feel amazing when fall season hits! Just listening and following at least 5 of the tips could make a huge difference in your waistline over the next few months!
6/12/202233 minutes, 6 seconds
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#272 What Is Healthier This Or That?

Do you ever wonder which is healthier? This food or that? The black beans or the pinto? The sweet potato or the white one? I have several foods we will talk about today that you might want to switch to OR might find out you don't have to! Great nutrition tips to keep you healthy!
6/5/202237 minutes, 32 seconds
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You ASKED! So, here are my answers! Great questions were asked about my personal nutrition, marathons AND great questions you had about YOUR health/nutrition. Everything from my favorite foods, VO2 Max & how to mentally get through a physical challenge! A great episode you won't want to miss!
5/22/202240 minutes, 42 seconds
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#270 Top Health Foods You Should Eat!

We are always hearing about the latest SUPER FOODS and that we should eat THIS or THAT. But let's find out what some top level doctors are recommending we eat for our health. Some might be new to your list and others might be great reminders to add back into your diet.
5/15/202235 minutes, 3 seconds
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#269 IS Set Point Theory Impacting Your Weight?

Have you heard of Set Point Theory? Do you think it is the reason you struggle with weight loss? Well, in this week's Earn That Body Podcast we are going to explore this concept and talk about the research explaining how successful weight loss is being maintained.
5/1/202230 minutes, 34 seconds
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#268 Food Sensitivity Tests!

Have you ever wondered if you should take one of these Food Sensitivity Tests at home? Or maybe you did take one and you were completely overwhelmed with the results? Well, this week we do the deep dive into these tests. Let's find out if they are reliable and what they mean.
4/24/202234 minutes, 18 seconds
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#267 Spot Reduction! Can You Target Fat Loss?

Do you wish you could simply target that one problem zone on your body quickly? Today we are going to talk about SPOT REDUCTION! What is it? Is it a myth? Can we target certain areas on our body for fat reduction? Find out the SKINNY on spot reduction in this week's podcast episode.
4/10/202234 minutes, 4 seconds
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#266 Seasonal Eating! Are There Benefits?

Have you ever heard of Seasonal Eating? It's sort of hard to do in the United States where we have access to almost all produce in every season! However, in my deep dive into this topic...I found out that there might just be more to Seasonal Eating than just a lower price on these foods! Find out the details in this week's episode.
4/3/202230 minutes, 9 seconds
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#265 Top 10 Workout Mistakes!

Do you ever feel like your workouts are intense & you give it your all...but your body never changes? In this week's podcast we are going to talk about the Top 10 Workout Mistakes I see and how it impacts weight loss, performance and overall health.
3/20/202239 minutes, 1 second
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#264 The Aging Body. What Can You Do?

Let's face it...aging will impact our body. And you might not realize how many aspects of our body & health will be affected by aging. But you also might not realize all the things you can be doing to limit the negative affects over time. Find out what is NORMAL in aging and what you can be doing now to slow that process down.
3/13/202246 minutes, 35 seconds
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#263 Magnesium! The Overlooked Mineral You Need!

Did you know that magnesium is crucial for your brain and your body? It seems to be highly overlooked and yet is so important for so many bodily functions. In this week's podcast episode we talk about the benefits AND the food sources you can look to for magnesium instead of reaching for the supplements.
3/6/202228 minutes, 47 seconds
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#262 Is Chocolate Healthy?

Have you heard that chocolate is good for you? Well, it's time to do a deep dive into chocolate to learn the truth about its health benefits, what to look for on that chocolate label and how much you should be eating.
2/27/202234 minutes, 42 seconds
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#261 Headaches! What Can You Do?

Do you get headaches? Is this normal? Should you be concerned? And what can you do to alleviate these headaches besides using medication? Find out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode.
2/13/202235 minutes, 5 seconds
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#260 What SHOULD And SHOULD NOT Interfere With Health Goals.

Did you know that there are in fact a few things that you SHOULD let come between and your health goals? Sounds like a crazy thing for me to say, but it's true! And then there are a few things you 100% should NOT let come between you and your health goals. Find out the details in this week's Earn That Body Podcast!
2/6/202232 minutes, 48 seconds
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#259 Top Nutrition Mistakes Of 2022

Do you make these Nutrition Mistakes? Well, as we started the new year...I saw these 12 nutrition mistakes happen a lot! And guess what? It's not your fault. You might have been led to believe these were healthy foods, healthy ways to eat or even healthy times to eat to help you lose weight. In this episode, I'm going to share what these mistakes are to help you make the better choices next time.
1/31/202242 minutes, 7 seconds
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#258 Health In Happiness!

Happiness. We all want it. But I recently came to the realization that it won't just appear at your door! Happiness is something we all need to seek out and without happiness, we might be impacting our overall health. It's amazing how much research has been done on this very topic. And in this week's podcast episode I am going to share with you some top tips that you can do to achieve more happiness...for the sake of your health.
1/23/202236 minutes, 9 seconds
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#257 The Successful Workout Plan

Are you tired of falling off track with your workout plan? Or maybe you workout all the time but never see a true change in your body? This episode is going to tell you how to set yourself up for SUCCESS with a workout plan that will keep you motivated and help you achieve real results!
1/16/202236 minutes, 59 seconds
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#256 Dial In Your Nutrition With These Simple Steps

Just in case you are struggling to get your nutrition back on track post New Year or post COVID years....this episode is perfect for you! Here are my 7 simple steps that will help you get back to feeling your best while shedding those pounds.
1/9/202245 minutes, 53 seconds
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#255 5 Goals For The New Year

Want to truly live your best life in 2022? Well, these 5 GOALS might just set you up to do it. Forget resolutions that you will forget in 2 weeks. Instead, write down these 5 goals and work towards them daily. Some of these goals might even surprise you!
1/2/202235 minutes, 10 seconds
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#254 The Best of ETB!

Are you ready to find out what the BEST OF ETB is this week? Check out this week's podcast episode that might just help you get through these final weeks of the holiday season without any further weight gain.
12/12/202139 minutes, 40 seconds
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#253 A Healthy Balance

Have you ever felt like you don't have good BALANCE? You fall over in that yoga class and yet everyone else can hold the posture? Or maybe you have experienced periods of poor balance that go away? Well, balance might have more to do with what is going on in your body than you think. Check out this week's podcast episode to see if you should be working on your balance NOW to benefit you later.
12/5/202134 minutes, 58 seconds
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#252 How To NOT Gain Thanksgiving Pounds!

Are you tired of feeling bloated and gassy after Thanksgiving Dinner? I have figured out a way to enjoy the holiday without feeling terrible that night and the next day! Even if you just follow a few of these are likely to save yourself from gaining 5 pounds in 1 night and feel awesome on Friday!
11/21/202124 minutes, 40 seconds
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#251 My Reality Check

I had a recent epiphany! I decided I would share it with my followers because it felt like a major breakthrough for me after much struggle. And not to mention, this event and my feelings around it are quite analogous to what you might be feeling if you are trying to lose weight, get fit and feel great....while comparing yourself to "how you used to be."
11/14/202139 minutes, 58 seconds
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#250 Do You Eat The Same Things Daily?

Do you eat the same foods everyday? Or do you like to vary the foods you choose? You might be interested in knowing the PROs and CONs in varying your diet OR not changing it at all each and every day. All of that information and detail in this week's podcast episode!
11/7/202134 minutes, 35 seconds
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#249 How Can I Help You?

So many of you submitted great questions that you wanted answered! The questions related to YOUR life, YOUR body, YOUR nutrition, and I got to give my personal opinion on what to do or educate you based on your confusion! Find out about carb loading, bowel movements before a weigh in, how to measure rice (before or after you cook?) and MORE in this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode! Want your question answered in the next "How Can I Help You"? Just email it to
10/31/202142 minutes, 58 seconds
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#248 Processed Meat!

You likely have heard that processed meat is not so good for you. But do you know how many types of meats are included in this "processed meat" category? In this episode we will go into the detail on what meats are considered 'processed', what is so bad about them, and how you can eat them in a healthier way.
10/24/202137 minutes, 9 seconds
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#247 The Alcohol Crutch

We all love that glass of wine! But is alcohol becoming a crutch for you? You know...that thing you reach for when you are under stress, filling the emotional voids or simply the thing that gets you through a bad day? Find out if you are using alcohol as a crutch and if it is impacting your health and your life.
10/17/202134 minutes, 2 seconds
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#246 Being Present For Your Health

The point between past and future is the sweet spot! It's called the PRESENT. And it's truly the greatest gift you can give yourself. In this week's podcast we discuss why BEING PRESENT might just improve your relationship, your emotional state and your health! And some tips on how to achieve this golden gift each day.
10/3/202137 minutes, 39 seconds
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#245 Pesticides In Our Produce

Have you heard about the Dirty Dozen? Or maybe the Clean 15? These are lists about the WORST and BEST produce items you can buy when it comes to pesticides. In this episode, we take a deep dive into understanding organic produce, which have the most pesticides and how you can clean it all up to eat as safe as possible.
9/26/202134 minutes, 55 seconds
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#244 How I Got Here!

I have recently been asked by many new clients and listeners...HOW DID YOU GET HERE? What is your background in health/nutrition? How did you start Earn That Body? And do you truly live the lifestyle you teach? Well, in this episode I dish out all the juicy details!
9/19/202132 minutes, 56 seconds
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#243 Fatigue

Are you starting to think you feel fatigued MORE often than not? Do you struggle to get out of bed daily? Does your exhaustion interfere with workouts or maybe even make you moody? Well it's time to get to the bottom of your fatigue so you can finally take action!
9/12/202140 minutes, 9 seconds
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#242 How I Plan, Prep & Schedule My Meals Each Week

Does Meal Planning OVERWHELM you? It definitely stresses me out! So, over the years I have created a 4 Step System to help me Plan, Prep and Schedule my meals for the week ahead. In this podcast episode I tell you exactly what I do to plan each week ahead ,and how to simplify the process.
8/29/202133 minutes, 17 seconds
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#241 Travel Tips To Avoid Weight Gain!

Are you tired of coming back from a work trip or vacation with those extra pounds? Want some of my tips/tricks that I personally do when I travel? Check out this encore episode that is sure to help you the next time you go on vacation! FREE DOWNLOAD TRAVEL TIPS:
8/22/202135 minutes, 4 seconds
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#240 Foods You Should Never Order

This encore episode has so many EYE OPENING bits of information in regard to what you should NEVER order in a restaurant. Things that you likely never realized and could truly help you shed the pounds and help you stay healthy.
8/15/202134 minutes, 51 seconds
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#239 How Much Exercise Do We Need?

An encore episode back to help remind you how much exercise the body truly needs! Perhaps you know you need to workout more? Or maybe you are starting to workout too much? This episode is going to give you some guidance that will not only help your weight loss (if that is the goal), but also benefit your health.
8/8/202133 minutes, 5 seconds
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#238 How To Stop Boredom Eating

Boredom Eating! We have all been there. But it ultimately will impact your weight loss and overall health if you continue to eat that bag of chips in front of the television or the kettle corn while bored at work. Find out 5 Nutrition & 2 Mental Tips to get you through and past the boredom eating.
8/1/202139 minutes
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#237 Which Milk Is Best?

Do you feel overwhelmed when you see all the options these days for MILK? Cows Milk, Almond Milk, Soy Milk, Hemp Milk and more! Well it's time to break these down to see which has the most nutrition and which might just be a waste of calories! All of that in this week's podcast episode.
7/25/202132 minutes, 12 seconds
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#236 Working Out In The Heat!

Can the heat really impact your workout and more importantly your health? The answer is a big fat YES! And it's good to be aware of some of the symptoms of heat related illnesses so that you can make sure to stay safe. In this important podcast episode we discuss the symptoms of heat related illness when working out in the heat, precautions you can take to stay safe and how the heat impacts your performance.
7/18/202139 minutes, 23 seconds
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#235 The Protein In Those Veggies!

Do you want to improve the quality of your nutrition by adding more veggies to your diet? Or perhaps you want to do even better by picking the vegetables with the MOST protein? Well, in this podcast episode you will find out which vegetables have the most protein and if that is truly enough to sustain your nutritional needs.
7/11/202142 minutes, 13 seconds
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#234 Which Fruit Has SO Much Sugar?

There is nothing better than an amazing piece of fruit! I used to tell my son that fruit is earth's organic candy. However, we can't eat fruit in unlimited quantities because it can be very high in sugar. In this week's podcast episode I'm going to tell you the top HIGH sugar fruits and LOW sugar fruits so that you can make the best choice possible the next time you want to enjoy that organic candy! And I will tell you how much fruit you should be eating each day and why your body needs it.
6/27/202135 minutes, 51 seconds
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#233 Tea! Is It All Good?

You might think coffee is KING! But for many...that king is TEA! Whether you enjoy it hot or cold, you might be interested in knowing if tea is actually good for you, types of herbal teas and what they benefit and if Valerian Root is really all that! Find out everything you need to know in this week's podcast episode.
6/20/202140 minutes, 23 seconds
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#232 If I Knew Then What I Know Now

If I Knew Then What I Know Now.....I would have saved myself a whole lot of angst when it comes to weight loss and being fit! I look back at the things I used to do to be fit & healthy, and now know that those things were doing me so much more harm than good. Perhaps these things might help you too! Check out this week's podcast episode to find out.
6/13/202136 minutes, 9 seconds
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#231: Bone Density & Osteoporosis

At what age should you worry about Bone Density Scans & Osteoporosis? Find out everything you need to know, and what you can do to prevent or manage osteopenia & osteoporosis. You might be amazed at what your bones are doing for you daily and how you can help them keep up the good work!
6/6/202135 minutes, 28 seconds
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#230 Don't Want To Gain Summer Weight?

Let’s face it...Summer gets a little crazy and our schedule is usually way off track when it comes to workouts and nutrition. But do you really want to be up 5-10 pounds by Fall? If you follow these 5 tips, I think it will make all the difference! And then I will tell you how to NOT gain weight on that summer vacation!
5/23/202134 minutes, 17 seconds
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#229 Heart Rate and Polarized Training

Have you ever heard about Heart Rate Training or perhaps Polarized Training? These can seem confusing because there is a lot of information out there on the internet! But they actually can be pretty effective ways of working out (especially if you are a runner). Check out this week’s podcast episode to understand how these might benefit you in your workout routine.
5/16/202138 minutes, 57 seconds
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#228 Ask Me Anything

It’s that time again when my clients and followers ASK ME ANYTHING! In this episode you will find out everything from my favorite dessert (or do I even eat dessert), if I workout on vacations, if all my clients listen to me and more! An episode you will not want to miss.
5/9/202141 minutes, 48 seconds
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#227 Caffeine and Your Health

Let’s talk about CAFFEINE! It’s NOT just in coffee. It’s in your ice tea, hot tea, soda and even energy drinks. Is it good for you? Bad for you? Pros? Cons? Find out all about it in this week’s podcast episode.
5/2/202127 minutes, 30 seconds
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#226 Is It Safe To Go Back To The Gym?

Are you ready to hit the gym? But worried it might not be safe due to COVID? Well, before you head back, I want you to make the most informed decision possible! In this episode I will discuss all the things your gym should be doing to maximize protection.
4/25/202137 minutes, 18 seconds
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#225 Weight Loss Is A Science...BUT

Do you ever feel like you log every bite, workout perfectly and yet the scale won’t budge? As a coach I believe weight loss is a science….BUT...guess what? There are some things that will impact weight loss even when you are doing everything right. So, let’s figure out if these 5 things can be addressed for you so your weight loss can get going again.
4/18/202142 minutes, 27 seconds
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#224 Body Mass Index! What You Need To Know.

Has your doctor ever told you that your BMI is in the ‘obese’ level? Or maybe that you are ‘underweight” according to your BMI? Well this can be shocking to hear! But is it possible this information is not all that accurate in assessing if you are healthy? Find out in this week’s podcast episode.
4/11/202130 minutes, 7 seconds
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#223 How To Pick The Healthiest Eggs?

Have you seen how many types of eggs are in the supermarket? Natural, Cage Free, Organic, Grade AA, A or B, Hormone Free, Antibiotic Free, Humane and the list goes on! Well, there are a few things I researched and found out in terms of picking the healthiest egg, and I discuss it all in this week's podcast.
4/4/202122 minutes, 7 seconds
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#222 3 Simple Changes For Stubborn Weight Loss

In this week’s podcast episode I get honest about gaining a few pounds! Seasonal pounds so I thought (which happens to me every January); but I finally figured out what was causing this and how to fix it without changing my nutrition! Check it out because these 3 things are easy to fix and might help you too!
3/27/202125 minutes, 43 seconds
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#221 Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness! DOMS.

Why do you feel sore 24-48 hours after that workout? Is it normal? Can you stop it from happening? Does it mean you worked hard and should always feel it? Find out everything you need to know about DOMS in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast.
3/21/202131 minutes, 23 seconds
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#220 10 Reasons Your Sleep SUCKS!

You can’t fall asleep! You can’t stay asleep! You keep waking up! You don’t feel like you are ever in a deep sleep! It’s a terrible feeling and likely is impacting your health and potentially your weight loss. Check out this week’s episode to see if any of these 10 things are impacting your sleep!
3/7/202130 minutes, 34 seconds
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#219 15 Workout Myths Debunked!

It’s amazing how many workout myths are out there! Many of which I’m sure you have heard and maybe some new ones too! In this week’s podcast episode I’m going to debunk 15 workout myths! Some of these might even change the way you do some of your workouts if you are looking to maximize weight loss.
2/27/202139 minutes, 42 seconds
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#218 Fat Burning Zone

We have all heard about that magical fat burning zone! It sounds like when we are in this zone, all the fat must just melt away. But is there really a zone like this? Should we train this way daily? Is this truly the magic zone for weight loss? Find out in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast.
2/21/202128 minutes, 38 seconds
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#217 Healthiest Way To Cook Vegetables

We all know that vegetables are an important part of our diet. But did you know that your cooking method might be altering the nutritional value of these foods? Sometimes for the better, but often not. Find out in this week’s episode the best ways to cook your vegetables for maximal nutrition.
2/7/202132 minutes, 58 seconds
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#216 To Stretch Or To Foam Roll?

Did you ever wonder if you should stretch or foam roll? Is one better than the other? Is one better before a workout vs. after? Well, I looked hard to get the research for you! Join me in this episode to find out what pre and post workout techniques you should use when it comes to stretching and rolling.
1/31/202131 minutes, 49 seconds
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#215 Does Your Weight Consume You?

Do you get on the scale each morning and then have a GOOD day or a BAD day based on that number you see? Do you think about your weight during the day? Does your weight and your body consume your thoughts? Find out if this might be you and some things you can do to adjust the situation. Life is too short to let a number determine your mood daily.
1/24/202127 minutes, 9 seconds
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#214 Ask Me Anything!

A favorite episode when clients and followers ASK ME ANYTHING! In this week’s episode I tell you about my personal workout routine, favorite healthy sweet treats, strength training for your bone density and more!
1/16/202133 minutes, 37 seconds
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#213 Healthy Foods That Are Toxic!

A few of these you might already know are toxic, but do you know how much to eat or not to eat? The rest might shock you. I definitely learned a lot about some of these healthy foods and which ones we might need to avoid, eat in moderation or not worry about.
1/10/202136 minutes, 39 seconds
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#212 3 Things You Need For Your Health in 2021!

See ya 2020! We are all ready for a New Year! But in order to make this the year you truly deserve, you need to do these 3 things. These are things I personally work on each and every year. They not only change my health...but also my sanity and my overall life!
1/3/202136 minutes, 1 second
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#211 #1 Episode of 2020!

You might have heard this episode earlier this year..or maybe it will be your first time! It was the #1 episode of the year for the Earn That Body Podcast! And it might just help you fine tune your nutrition over the holidays! Which episode was it? Find out in this week’s final episode of 2020!
12/13/202042 minutes, 57 seconds
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#210 Get Health Prepped for 2021!

I’m not a big fan of the New Year’s Resolutions. But I am a fan of looking back at your year to determine what went well or not so well, and what you want to take control of for the year to come. Check out these 10 questions to help you assess where you are at and where you want to be for 2021!
12/6/202033 minutes, 12 seconds
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#209 How to Detox Without the Detox!

Whether you ate too much over Thanksgiving Weekend or are just coming back from a might feel the need to go on a DETOX! But guess what, there are no detox programs that actually lead to sustainable weight loss. They are just programs that make you starve your body of essential calories & nutrients and make you want to cry all day! Instead of falling for another fad diet, just follow these 10 Tips to feel your best again!
11/29/202029 minutes, 43 seconds
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#208 10 Tips To A Healthy Thanksgiving

Are you tired of feeling terrible after that Thanksgiving Dinner? Tired of being up 5 pounds on the scale the next day? Well, I have 10 Tips To a Healthy Thanksgiving that I personally put into play each year! Even if you follow half of these tips, I bet it will make a difference in how you feel the next day!
11/22/202022 minutes, 53 seconds
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#207 A Craving or True Hunger?

Are you always hungry? Or just always craving sweets? Did you know there is a real difference between hunger and cravings? Often when you understand the difference and notice the signs & symptoms of each, you can make a more rational decision about what you put in your body. This week’s episode will go into detail on hunger, cravings and give you some tools to help you with both!
11/15/202034 minutes, 53 seconds
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#206 Body Fat Scales! Worth It?

You think a body fat scale might be the key in your weight loss success? Or maybe you think it would just be important to know when you weigh yourself? Find out in this week’s podcast if buying these fancy scales are worth it, are accurate and are necessary. And a great Eagle’s Eye on Health to help you face the truth in how you are handling these stressful times.
11/8/202025 minutes
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#205 Why You Keep Quitting That Diet.

We start our Monday with solid intentions to crush a diet. By Friday, we throw in the towel and eat horribly all weekend. Just to start a new diet on Monday again. Why do you keep failing your diet? Or why does your diet keep failing you? Find out in this week’s podcast episode. These factors might be just what you need to hear to make true progress on your true weight loss journey.
11/1/202028 minutes, 21 seconds
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#204 Uggg! Constipation!

We don’t like to talk about it and we definitely don’t like to have it! But yet we have all been constipated at one time or another! Find out why we get constipated, who is at risk and the best REAL foods to alleviate this awful problem.
10/25/202039 minutes, 25 seconds
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#203 What is Water Retention?

If you missed episode #202 about Overnight Weight Gain, you might check it out before this part 2! In this podcast, I talk about what is actually happening in your body when you have water retention, what causes it and how to avoid it as best you can!
10/18/202033 minutes, 46 seconds
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#202 Did You Gain Weight Overnight?

Did you ever wonder how it was possible that you gained 3 pounds overnight? Your nutrition and workouts were on track and yet your weight is UP! Not only is it frustrating but it can be why so many people GIVE UP their weight loss strategy too soon. Before you do that, find out 13 reasons why that weight gain might not be so relevant.
10/4/202031 minutes, 36 seconds
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#201 Artificial Sweeteners. NOT So Sweet!

In this episode I’m going to tell you how to look at a label to see if it has any artificial sweeteners, what to look for, what you should know about them, how they affect your body and more! I will also share my favorite SWEET snacks you can swap in to help that sweet tooth.
9/28/202031 minutes, 57 seconds
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#200 Is Your Thyroid In Balance?

Did you know that if your thyroid hormones are not in check they might be impacting your energy, weight loss and overall health? Perhaps you have these symptoms but never thought it could be from your thyroid? In this episode, I will discuss the most common thyroid conditions, how they are treated and what thyroid disorder hit me this year.
9/20/202042 minutes, 56 seconds
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#199 What to Eat Before, During & After A Workout!

I have worked with hundreds of clients and athletes. It’s interesting to see what people eat before, during and after a workout. Did you know that this nutrition and it’s timing might greatly impact how many calories you burn, how fast you recover and your overall performance in the workout? Find out the details and some meal/snack ideas to help you get the most out of your exercise routines.
9/13/202038 minutes, 35 seconds
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#198 Ask Me Anything

Every quarter I let my followers and clients ASK ME ANYTHING! Find out in this week’s podcast episode my favorite workout socks, how ETB evolved to what it is today, how I manage my schedule, workouts and even the things that have changed for me during the COVID pandemic.
8/30/202033 minutes, 27 seconds
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#197 The Emotions of Weight Gain

Have you gained weight? Do you feel guilty about it? Even some shame? If so, I can tell you right are not alone. But when did gaining weight become such an emotional scar and what can we do to pivot out of this trend? Find out in this week’s serious episode of the Earn That Body Podcast.
8/23/202035 minutes, 2 seconds
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#196 The Healthy Truth About Condiments

We put them on our sandwiches. We cook with them. We slather them on our ribs. But do we really know which condiments are GOOD or NOT SO GOOD? Which ones we can eat and feel good about vs. which ones we might need to avoid? Find out the best and worst condiment options in this weeks Earn That Body Podcast.
8/16/202025 minutes, 49 seconds
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#195 The Birthday Health Assessment

Do you ever assess your Mind/Body Health? Well, a good time to check in with all you have accomplished in mind/body is your birthday! And whether your birthday is today or in 6 months….find out what I do to assess where I am at and where I want to go with my health, mind, body and life each year on my special day.
8/9/202032 minutes, 5 seconds
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#194 How to Manage That Dinner Party?

Do you cringe when you have to go to your friend’s house for dinner? In fear of it sabotaging your whole week of healthy eating? Or perhaps whenever you go to your mom’s house for dinner you realize that you will gain 5 pounds just looking at the food! In this episode, I will give you 10 Tips to Manage That Dinner Party without weight gain! And you might just have fun while you are there.
8/2/202022 minutes, 59 seconds
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#193 The Best Type of Water???

I can’t believe this, but there are at least 9 Types of Water! Who knew? The question becomes...what is the pro and con of each one, and which is the healthiest to drink? Find out in this week's episode of the Earn That Body Podcast.
7/26/202028 minutes, 13 seconds
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#192 10 Simple Tips to Clean Eating

Is your nutrition way off track right now and you just need some help dialing it back in? Or perhaps you have never really understood what Clean Eating is and how to integrate it into your life? This episode discusses what Clean Eating means and 10 ways to start integrating it into your daily life now. It will not only benefit your health, but also your waistline.
7/19/202038 minutes, 51 seconds
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#191 The Relationship You Ignore

When it comes to your health, you should not ignore this most important relationship. I’ll leave it right there. Check out this week’s Earn That Body Podcast to see if you have a healthy one.
7/12/202036 minutes, 46 seconds
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#190.5 How To Build A Simple Home Gym

This pandemic is certainly motivating many people to build a home gym or maybe dream of having one! Well, I’m here to tell you what you really need to make a simple home gym. And it likely costs a whole lot less than you might imagine. Then, of course, I will tell you about some “nice to have” pieces of equipment, high priced ticket items and what I have in my home gym.
7/5/202035 minutes, 19 seconds
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#190 Order This! Not That! At These Franchise Restaurants.

When you go to a restaurant you often have to make the BEST of the WORST choices when it comes to a healthy option. In this week’s podcast, I picked out the BEST and WORST meals at some of the most common national franchise restaurants that you likely frequent. And definitely download the FREEBIE this week so you can always have these choices at your fingertips. FREE GUIDE TO MY PICKS:
6/28/202047 minutes, 58 seconds
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#189 Stevia!

People ask me all the time, “can I eat stevia”. Well, it’s time to revisit the recent research! Find out what the research says, what I personally think and what you need to look at before you eat stevia.
6/21/202026 minutes, 22 seconds
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#188 Anxiety. It's Real.

I don’t usually talk about things I will talk about in this episode. But I need to tell you how I feel about what is going on in our country and how it’s impacting our health and well being. Many of you have expressed signs of anxiety as well, and I wanted you to know you are not alone. In this episode we will talk about the normal anxiety and the anxiety disorder. What you need to know and how you can treat it, prevent it and simply understand it.
6/14/202038 minutes, 53 seconds
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#187 That is NOT The Workout

There are some awesome workouts around that were designed to get you very effective results. However, often I see these workouts being called “X” and yet it is NOT the workout! Find out what 4 workouts you might be doing incorrectly with your class, trainer or even on your own. Perhaps making some simple changes will help you get even better results.
6/7/202032 minutes, 48 seconds
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#186 Nutrition Myths Debunked

You have heard some of these myths over and over, yet still might ask “is that true?”. Time to break the myths down and understand the truth about so many nutrition disputes.
5/31/202043 minutes, 55 seconds
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#185 The Healthy Tribe

Do you have a Tribe? Do you have 3? As I get older, I realize that having a TRIBE in these 3 areas of my life is the thing keeping me going each day! And when you are in the wrong tribe, a funny thing happens...find out what it is in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast Episode.
5/25/202027 minutes, 14 seconds
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#184 Soy! Yay? or Nay?

I don’t think there is any food out there with more controversy than soy! Once touted as the wonder food. Then, they say avoid it at all costs! So what is the deal with soy and do you think I eat it??? Find out in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast Episode.
5/17/202030 minutes, 25 seconds
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#183 10 Reasons You Are Always Hungry

Do you ever feel like you are hungry all the time? You think about what you will eat next from the moment you wake up until you go to bed? Sometimes it’s consuming us! So, find out the top 10 Reasons You Might Always Be Hungry in this week’s episode on The Earn That Body Podcast.
5/10/202034 minutes, 2 seconds
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#182 Should You Take Vitamin D?

As with all supplements it is good to know the research. This goes for Vitamin D too. In this episode we explore the details and what you should know about Vitamin D, how much you need and if this supplement is right for you.
5/3/202024 minutes, 25 seconds
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#181.5 How To Train During Covid with Natasha Van Der Merwe

If you are an athlete used to racing or just someone who loves to workout, this interview is for you! Pro Triathlete Natasha Van Der Merwe talks about her experience during this crazy time and what she recommends for training, racing and more! A great episode to keep you inspired to keep reaching for your goals. Natasha's Website: Natasha's Instagram Handle: @nvdmcoaching
4/26/202038 minutes, 3 seconds
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#181 How to Boost Your Metabolism!

We all know that as you get older the metabolism slows down. But does that mean you throw in the towel and accept it? No way! There are many things you can do to benefit your metabolism! Find out what you can do STAT!
4/19/202025 minutes, 9 seconds
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#180 OMG! Your Toothpaste!

When was the last time you looked at what ingredients were in your toothpaste? Well, I finally did the other week and I was UNpleasantly surprised! So, I did some research to find out what SHOULD and SHOULD NOT be in our toothpaste! Especially important if you have kiddos! Find out all the details in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast episode!
4/12/202020 minutes, 2 seconds
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#179 The Thief Of Joy! No More!

They say comparison is the Thief of Joy. In this podcast episode I demonstrate through many examples why you need to not only stop comparing yourself to others, but why you should even stop comparing your body, weight, achievements and more to your younger years. Life is too short to feel defeated especially when you keep comparing apples to oranges.
4/5/202033 minutes, 10 seconds
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#178 Sugar Addiction!

Craving sugar all the time is a real thing! Maybe you can’t just have a few M&Ms? Or when you go to Sprinkle’s you can’t just get one cupcake? People seem to be struggling with sugar addiction more and more each day. Find out what sugar addiction is all about and what you can do to reduce the sugar cravings.
3/29/202028 minutes, 9 seconds
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#177.5 Coronavirus Tips For Health, Safety & Sanity

This episode is not a medical guide for Coronavirus. It’s a discussion of things you need to be cautious about for safety (things you might have never thought about) & tips to keep your immune system and sanity at its best!
3/22/202025 minutes, 41 seconds
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#177 Give Up Giving Up

We all fall back to old ways when we gain weight. We think GIVING UP calories, GIVING UP carbs, GIVING UP sugar….will help us drop weight fast! And never seems to work! Find out what GIVING UP in extreme ways is actually doing to your body, and why it won’t lead to sustainable weight loss in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast!
3/15/202025 minutes, 13 seconds
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#176 Ultra Processed Foods!

Once upon a time there was real food. Then, slightly processed and now ultra processed. It’s crazy what companies are doing to the food we eat. Find out what ultra processed food is, the top 6 WORST ultra processed foods and how these foods are affecting your health.
3/8/202024 minutes, 10 seconds
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#175 Mobility Exercise is the Key

Do you know what top athletes have in common? They MOVE better than anyone else and their mobility is the reason why! If we start doing more mobility exercises in our weekly workouts, we are more likely to move better, get stronger and potentially keep our body younger! But what are mobility exercises and who should be doing them? Find out in this week’s podcast episode.
3/1/202026 minutes
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#174 Gray Area Drinking with Jolene Park Interview

I recently learned that there is something called “Gray Area Drinking” and it seems to be impacting more women than ever before! In this podcast episode, I interview Tedx Talk speaker Jolene Park to understand what a Gray Area Drinker is, what you can do about it and how it might change your life to address this aspect of your life.
2/24/202056 minutes, 11 seconds
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#174 Gray Area Drinking with Jolene Park Interview

I recently learned that there is something called “Gray Area Drinking” and it seems to be impacting more women than ever before! In this podcast episode, I interview Tedx Talk speaker Jolene Park to understand what a Gray Area Drinker is, what you can do about it and how it might change your life to address this aspect of your life.
2/24/202056 minutes, 11 seconds
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#173 Ask Me Anything

On this week’s podcast episode I answer the questions my clients, followers and friends asked me! Anything from how my fitness/nutrition has changed now that I’m in my 40’s, how often I snack and even my favorite flavor of ice cream! That and more in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast!
2/17/202032 minutes, 48 seconds
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#172 Is Weight Loss Seasonal?

Oddly enough I recently realized that my weight is usually up 1-2 lbs every first quarter of the year! Then, an article caught my eye about weight loss being seasonal! Hmmmm? Find out what I learned and how you can work around it in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast episode!
2/9/202025 minutes, 27 seconds
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#171 Probiotics. Do We Need Them?

Do you take probiotics? Or perhaps you have heard about them and feel like maybe you should be? Probiotics definitely have had some great impact on people with certain digestive issues. Find out in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast what a probiotic is, what it is used for and if you should be including it in your diet.
2/2/202025 minutes, 10 seconds
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#170 How Much Exercise Do We Need?

Some people love to work out and some people wish they never had to! Some people have to tone it back and others need to tone it up! Which one are you? And how much exercise is too much, too little or just enough? Find out in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast.
1/26/202032 minutes, 20 seconds
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#169 Are You Diet Addicted?

There are so many diets around today that it is hard to not be tempted to try them sometimes! But if you are constantly looking for that next quick weight loss program and are afraid to tell your friend/partner that you are once again trying another might be what I call “diet addicted”! Find out what this means and how you can make some lifestyle nutritional changes that might just get you off the diet train!
1/19/202026 minutes, 27 seconds
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#168 Rings, Badges & Streaks! Helping? Or Hurting?

Have you any idea what I’m talking about when I say Rings, Badges and Streaks? Well, we now live in a time where companies are creating lots of ways to inspire you to keep moving! Yet, at the same time, their goal to keep you attached to their APP or SERVICE might be overshadowing your goal to keep it all in perspective and healthy! Find out in this week’s podcast episode if these goals are helping or hurting you personally.
1/13/202033 minutes, 4 seconds
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#167 4 Areas Of Health For 2020!

The reason all those New Year’s resolutions fail is because they are too extreme. That is why I hope to get your health and weight loss dialed in for 2020 by following these 4 Areas of Health. When you focus on a more general approach, you are more likely to turn steps into habits vs. failures. Listen to this week’s episode to set yourself and your health up for success in 2020!
1/5/202032 minutes, 43 seconds
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#166 2019's #1 ETB Podcast Episode of The Year!

You might have heard this episode many months ago..or maybe it will be your first time! ITt was the #1 episode of the year for the Earn That Body Podcast! And I have to say, it does come at the perfect time for the New Year’s Resolutions ahead! Which episode was it? Find out in this week’s final episode of 2019!
12/23/201927 minutes, 23 seconds
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#165 Healthy Travel Tips to Avoid Weight Gain

Whether you have a vacation coming up or you travel for work, here is some fantastic advice to help you manage the time away successfully. Simply following these tips, plan of attack & Eagle’s Healthy Travel Checklist are certain to get you through your next trip without gaining weight. Link to downloadable checklist here:
12/15/201933 minutes, 49 seconds
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#164 Being Sick! The Do’s & Don’ts!

Ugg! No one likes to be sick! But when we are it’s important to understand if you CAN exercise, if you should NOT exercise, how to ease back AND these 10 Myths you might be falling for when it comes to being sick! Get all these details and more in this week’s episode.
12/8/201934 minutes, 55 seconds
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#163 To Cleanse Or Not To Cleanse

We all know that feeling after a long holiday weekend or vacation when we just want to CLEANSE our body! But there are many reasons why this might not be the best method to feeling better, losing weight or detoxing! Find out why and what you can do to feel better & shed those pounds the healthy way.
12/1/201923 minutes, 6 seconds
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#162 10 Tips to Not Gain Weight This Thanksgiving

I put together 10 awesome tips to get you through your holiday feast so you don’t finish the night feeling bloated, sick or uncomfortable in those skinny jeans! I call it the POWER OF ONE and I bet if you did just a few of these on Thanksgiving Day you would feel GREAT vs. HORRIBLE the next day!
11/24/201926 minutes, 10 seconds
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#161 The Game Changers Review!

Many clients have been asking me about the documentary called The Game Changers. A movie that puts a bit of fear into the public eye about eating meat and how going to a plant based nutritional diet is what is best. Well, before you make any drastic changes to your eating habits, please listen to this week’s podcast to make sure you understand a few things they do NOT tell you in the movie.
11/17/201948 minutes, 40 seconds
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#160 Ask Me Anything

In this episode I get to answer several questions my followers, clients and friends had about my own personal health, nutrition and life! In addition to questions about menopause nutrition, how to start a fitness business and details about my new passion in life! Get all the details in this week’s podcast episode!
11/10/201928 minutes
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#159 Can Being Positive Change Your Waistline?

The evidence is out there that being positive can make a profound impact on how you live your life! Business owners, athletes and overall successful people are often the most positive people we know. Find out in this episode how being POSITIVE might just impact your waistline and 6 top tips to help you change your mental outlook!
11/3/201937 minutes, 3 seconds
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#158 Carbohydrates! Yay or Nay?

This episode is for anyone confused about eating carbohydrates! Should you? Should you not? Will you lose weight if you don’t eat them? Is it healthier without them? We live in a time where the dietary advice is simply CONFUSING! So, I am coming back to the topic to clarify!
10/27/201928 minutes, 8 seconds
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#157 The Marathon Of Life

Whenever I complete a marathon, I see so many aspects of the training & race that compare to our lives and our true character. Even if you are not a runner, you will enjoy this episode as I discuss 4 aspects of your life (that directly correlate to a marathon) that you should be engaging in fully each day.
10/20/201941 minutes, 45 seconds
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#156 Tania Farah! The Woman Behind The Man!

Behind every great man is an even greater woman! This woman is just that! Tania Farah is the wife of Olympic Champion Mo Farah! She will inspire all of you and remind us that there are NO EXCUSES and we can in fact do it all!
10/6/201941 minutes, 10 seconds
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#155: CBD! What You Need to Know!

CBD is all the rage right! They say it can help with sleep, anxiety and even pain. Let’s dig deeper and see what the research says. It is always interesting to know so you can make the most educated decision for yourself if you use or want to try CBD.
9/29/201925 minutes, 42 seconds
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#154: To Food Log or Not to Food Log...That is the Question!

In launching my new program The Nutrition Recharge, I realized how many people are addicted to logging their food. Find out in this week’s podcast episode the PROs and CONs of food logging for the sake of weight loss.
9/22/201931 minutes, 24 seconds
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#153: Top Mistakes for Injuries!

Whether you are injured or not, at some point you are likely to get hurt. And I don’t want you to make any of these mistakes because it is hindering people’s abilities to heal! Find out in this episode what 10 things might be holding you back from getting 100% over an injury.
9/15/201928 minutes, 42 seconds
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#152: Cooking Oils! Which is Healthiest?

I don’t know about you, but I have been getting more & more confused at the market when I stare at all the options for cooking oils! When should we use olive oil? Is coconut oil actually healthy or not? What about peanut oil? The list goes on and on. Well, I did the research to tell you which oils to choose, when to use them and if some of them are a bit over-hyped. Check it all out in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast episode.
9/8/201927 minutes, 39 seconds
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#151 Are You Healthy Enough to Age?

I have come to the realization that getting older is never going to be easy. And if you are not fit & healthy in your middle age, your older years might be more of a challenge than you realize. In this episode I talk about 4 realities of aging that will be greatly impacted if you don’t take action on your health today.
9/1/201923 minutes, 13 seconds
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#150: MultiVitamins! Yes or No?

Many people ask me which brand multivitamin I take. And I always hesitate to tell them. Find out what I take, why I hesitate and what you need to know about the MULTIVITAMIN in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast.
8/25/201921 minutes, 6 seconds
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149: 5 Tips/Tricks to Achieving that 6 Pack!

If you feel like you do your abs workouts weekly, eat pretty well and yet still can’t remotely see your 6 pack, then this podcast episode is for you! I have narrowed it down to 5 Main Tips/Tricks that help my clients finally get the 6 Pack! I have even been called the 6 Pack Doctor because so many of my clients tend to get their definition in their core after doing my Earn That Body Program! Want to see some video tips on form? Go to:
8/18/201925 minutes, 32 seconds
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#148: 8 Foods That Are NOT so Healthy!

I have to admit, when I saw this list of 8 Foods That Are Not So Healthy...a few made me really think! And even I might be backing off a couple of them! Find out the details about these foods that we have been thinking are good for us all this time!
8/11/201921 minutes, 41 seconds
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#147: Breakfast! It's More Than a Meal!

There is a reason most nutrition experts think that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! But it might be time for you to see all those reasons and how it truly impacts your day, your performance and even your mental clarity! Get all the details about breakfast, some great breakfast meals and more in this week’s Earn That Body Podcast! FREETB: (FREEBIE Oatmeal Recipe):
8/4/201930 minutes, 25 seconds
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#146: How To Conquer Sugar Addiction

We all know sugar is not helping our waistline or our health! But did you know that doing sugar detoxes and extreme sugar cleanses might be doing more harm than good? Find out 5 Tips that can help you get over the sugar addiction that are NOT so extreme and can be used throughout a lifetime.
7/28/201930 minutes, 17 seconds
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#145 Obstacles to Weight Loss

Do you let these things stand in your way to reaching your goal weight? You might not realize it, but there are 10 things that often get in the way of weight loss and they can be easily fixed! Take a listen and see if any of these pertain to you!
7/21/201926 minutes, 13 seconds
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#144 Nutrition 101 (Teens Too!)

Do ever get overwhelmed with all the diets out there! And then your kiddo (teen) seems start following the CRAZY fads! Well, it's time to dial it all in with REAL NUTRITION that benefits the body and the athlete. This is a great episodes for overall nutrition for YOU and your TEEN!
7/14/201941 minutes, 22 seconds
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#143 Hydrating The Athlete (Teens too!)

Did you know that dehydration will affect your performance, your body and overall health? If you or your TEEN is an athlete or simply workouts a lot (and SWEATS), you likely need to understand how to HYDRATE the body properly. It's not just water you need! Check out this episode to learn more!
7/7/201930 minutes, 33 seconds
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#142 Ask Me Anything!

You asked! I answered! Everything from “Why don’t low calories lead to weight loss”, “How does an endurance athlete eat all those calories” to “Lifting weights with or without shoes” and more!
6/23/201937 minutes, 53 seconds
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#141 10 Tips to NOT Gain Weight This Summer

Are you tired of gaining weight each summer season? Try these 10 tips to help keep you on track! Just listening to each tip will make you more mindful of your nutrition and workouts all summer long!
6/16/201922 minutes, 32 seconds
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#140 Social Media & Processed Foods Are Killing Your Waistline!

Did you know social media and processed/unhealthy foods are 2 peas in a pod? They both impact our weight and mental health! This episode might be eye opening for you and a great reminder on what we KNOW we NEED to do about both. Check it all out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode!
6/9/201935 minutes, 55 seconds
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#139 Best Low Calorie Cocktails for Your Waistline!

I know you love your cocktails! So, I decided to find out what the best options are for your waistline! In this podcast episode I will tell you the top 10 cocktails that are LOW in calories & sugar! Find out what to look for in your adult beverage to make sure it's not loaded in unwanted calories. FREEBIE download included in this episode at
6/2/201923 minutes, 30 seconds
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#138 Meal Plans! Good, Bad or Both?

Do you think a set Meal Plan helps or hurts you in weight loss? People are often telling me they just want a Meal Plan; but then, it isn't long before they feel overwhelmed by all the recipes, prepping, etc. Yet, there can be some benefits for some people. Find out if a Meal Plan is benefiting weight loss or hindering it! And a great FREEBIE given in this episode (at
5/26/201926 minutes, 3 seconds
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#137 Do You Have Diet Burnout?

Are you BURNED OUT on dieting? Burned out on exercise? You know you want to lose more weight but you just can't log another calorie? I hear you team! And if this is YOU...definitely don't miss this podcast episode so you can learn how to get out of burn out STAT, so you can still reach your health goals!
5/19/201926 minutes, 40 seconds
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#136 How To Keep MOTIVATION Going?

Do you feel like you set a goal but never reach it? Or maybe you are notorious for starting new programs and yet you never finish them? Whether this is about losing weight, running a marathon or just finishing what you start....THIS podcast episode is sure to help you! Check out my 5 steps to set yourself up for success AND then what steps it takes to stay MOTIVATED to reach the finish! FREETB (FREEBIE DOWNLOAD):
5/12/201930 minutes, 3 seconds
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#135 Is Your Sunblock Toxic? Updates For 2019!

Do you know what is in your sunblock? Let's face it...if we are going to slather this all over our body we should make sure it is not toxic! Check out this week's podcast episode to find out what your sunblock SHOULD and SHOULD not have in the ingredients. And what are the best ways to combat skin cancer. FREETB (freebie): Download Here:
5/5/201941 minutes, 48 seconds
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134 The Buns of Steel Icon! Tamilee Webb Interview

Do you remember where you got your Buns of Steel?? I will never forget those videos and the amazing Tamilee Webb who starred in them and pushed us to our limit back in the day! This awesome interview with Tamilee will inspire you no matter what age you are! We talk about THEN and NOW in the fitness industry, working out as we get older and what the sensational Tamilee Webb is doing today!
4/28/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 33 seconds
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#133 Tired of Being Bloated?

Let’s face it, no one enjoys being bloated! And it’s actually a pretty common symptom for many people. In this week’s podcast episode, we talk about WHY you are getting bloated, WHAT might be causing it and HOW to avoid it! Definitely worth every minute of listening to avoid the bloat.
4/21/201932 minutes, 23 seconds
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#132 The 3 Pillars To Weight Loss!

When it comes to weight loss, there are 3 main pillars which are essential to get you to your goal. These 3 things are even the tagline for the Earn That Body Program! Listen to this week’s episode to find out what 3 things you can be doing to ensure you reach your weight loss goals.
4/14/201929 minutes, 2 seconds
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#131 Foods You Should Never Order

We all know you should not order burgers, pizza, fries and shakes when you are trying to get fit & healthy! But there are a handful of surprising foods you also want to avoid! Some of these might shock you and some are even TOXIC! Listen to this week’s Earn That Body Podcast to find out which foods you should avoid at all costs!
4/7/201933 minutes, 54 seconds
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#130 Can Adding A Morning Routine Change Your Life?

Do you know one thing most successful people have in common? They have a SPECIAL Morning Routine! Lately I have been reading about more people talk about unique and personal habits they are now including each morning before they get their day started and how it's changing everything for them! Find out what famous people do to start their day, why a morning routine might benefit your life and how you can personalize your OWN morning routine to work for you! I even made you a FREEBIE to help you create a Morning Routine that is personalized just for you! Go to: to get your FREEBIE!
3/31/201936 minutes, 38 seconds
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#129 Do you think Vanity is Winning Over Health?

What is happening in our world? I feel like many people are risking their health for fast weight loss myths and fad diets. But do people realize what the long term effects might be if they keep putting vanity ahead of the needs of their body? This episode might shock you a bit when you hear how people are overlooking the most important thing in their life...their health.
3/24/201923 minutes, 8 seconds
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#128 Can We Strengthen Our Immune System?

There are so many supplements, pills and even myths out there about IMPROVING OUR IMMUNITY! But which ones are real? Which pills work? Or are we wasting our money? Find out in this week's episode so that you can make sure your Immune System is at peak performance.
3/17/201937 minutes, 21 seconds
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#127 Does Your Diet Work? These Non Scale Victories are Key!

Sometimes the number on the scale is not the only thing that determines if your health is moving in the right direction. These 11 Non Scale Victories can be even more telling about your transformation and if things are WORKING! Listen to this week's episode to find out if your diet is getting you closer to your best health.
3/10/201931 minutes, 21 seconds
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#126 Should We Take Vitamins?

Should we take vitamins? There is a lot of information out there about vitamins and it's a billion dollar industry! So, in this episode we discuss what to look for in your supplement, if you need it and why you need to be careful.
3/3/201933 minutes, 9 seconds
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#125 Ask Me Anything!

The Quarterly 'Ask Me Anything' Episode! Some great questions in this episode about when to workout, splitting up workouts, how to deal with haters, how to help your teens and more!
2/24/201944 minutes, 18 seconds
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#124 Emotional Eating

Have you suffered from Emotional Eating at some point in your life or perhaps on a consistent basis? It can definitely sabotage your weight loss goals and leave you feeling defeated. Well, I want you to know that you are NOT the only one who struggles with stress eating. I am here to help you this week with things you can do to limit & minimize emotional eating, recognize it and move on. FREEtb (FREEBIE)Emotional Eating Plan/Checklist included in this week's podcast episode.
2/17/201934 minutes, 3 seconds
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#123 What FAT Should We Eat? High Fat? Low Fat? No Fat?

There are so many diets out there and some say eat LOW FAT, some say eat HIGH FAT and some say eat NO FAT! Uggg. Do you ever feel like all the information out there about diet is conflicting? Well, find out the truth about FAT this week! What you should eat, how much and things to avoid.
2/10/201922 minutes, 15 seconds
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#122 How To Balance MACROS?

Do you keep hearing about people who TRACK THEIR MACROS? Do you wonder if it might help you with weight loss? Or perhaps as an athlete do you think there are benefits? Find out all about MACRO tracking, my tips and tricks to track them and get a CHEAT SHEET to help you in this week's podcast episode!
2/3/201932 minutes, 45 seconds
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#121 Debunking Those Fad Diets!

Are your friends telling you how great their new diet is? Do you start to think you should try one too? You know..something extreme that you know you can't sustain but why not try it? Well, listen to this week's podcast episode where I debunk some of the popular diets! You might be surprised with the REAL research or lack thereof.
1/26/201932 minutes, 11 seconds
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#120 Should You Weigh In For Weight Loss?

Does the scale make you crazy? You see the weight go up and down daily! Maybe you should throw it away OR maybe it actually is helping people with weight loss? Find out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode!
1/19/201938 minutes, 25 seconds
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#119 The Best Workouts 4 Weight Loss!

Do you go to the gym daily? Do you workout 1-2 hours/day? Do you feel like no matter what you do, your body is not changing? Over the last 10 years I have worked with hundreds and hundreds of clients for weight loss. And I repeatedly see a trend of workouts that HELP weight loss and then, workouts that do NOT help weight loss. Check out this week's podcast episode to find out what I think are the most effective workouts to drop those pounds.
1/12/201931 minutes, 22 seconds
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#118 Let's Drop The Holiday Weight This Week!

The holidays are over and you want help getting those extra pounds off THIS week! But deep down you know those detox programs are going to do more harm than good...right? Don't sweat it! In this episode, I give you the tips to help you drop some weight in a HEALTHY way and I include a print out Dial It Back In Nutrition/Fitness Tracker!
1/4/201937 minutes, 55 seconds
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#117.5 2018's Most Popular ETB Podcast of the Year!

2018 was a great year for the Earn That Body Podcast! Thousands of listeners each month getting that important health, fitness and nutrition information they could put into play right away! Find out what the #1 episode of 2018 was with the HIGHEST downloads of the year!!!! Even if you heard it earlier this year, you might just need a few of these reminders over these last weeks of the holiday season!
12/16/201829 minutes, 21 seconds
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#117 Gaining The Weight Back....

Do you feel ashamed, embarrassed or even angry that you gained weight back? I bet you worked really hard to hit that goal weight originally and now you are not quite sure how to get back to where you were. Well, find out in this episode what matters MOST about your situation. And just are NOT alone.
12/9/201830 minutes, 14 seconds
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#116 Ask Me Anything! My Health, Nutrition and Personal Answers!

Every couple months I like to open up the podcast segment to answer questions from YOU about ME! This was definitely a juicy episode with some fabulous and hilarious questions y'all wanted to know! Enjoy! And feel free to message me more QUESTIONS for the next time I run the ASK ME ANYTHING segment!
12/2/201831 minutes, 11 seconds
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#115 When You Have NO Time To Workout & Eat Healthy!

Sometimes life is so overwhelming that you simply do not have time for one more working out or prepping meals! You feel like you are burning the candle at both ends and never able to get a handle on your schedule or your health! Listen to this week's podcast episode to see how to handle this and perhaps find you a few more hours in the week!
11/25/201830 minutes, 4 seconds
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#114.5 How To NOT Gain Weight This Thanksgiving!

Do you always gain 5+ pounds over Thanksgiving weekend? Do your jeans get so tight you can't button them? Gas? Bloated? Are you tired of feeling like that? Use these 10 tips to get through the holiday feeling GREAT without OVERDOING it! Even if you followed half of these tips it would probably save you from gaining weight!
11/19/201825 minutes, 44 seconds
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#114 Under Eating! Why It Is Not Helping You Lose Weight.

Let me guess, you barely eat and you workout daily...but you can't drop a pound! Or perhaps you are that athlete who works out for hours a day and no matter weight loss! I get it and I see it all the time. Check out this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode to find out if you are UNDER EATING and if that might be causing a STALL in your weight loss journey.
11/11/201830 minutes, 42 seconds
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#113 Adrenal Fatigue!

Have you been told you might be burning out our adrenals? Do you feel wiped out all the time? You keep getting sick? You workout hard and are starting to feel like you can't get out of bed anymore? Check out this week's episode to understand more about this rising "syndrome" that some say is not even real!
11/5/201826 minutes, 23 seconds
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#112 Overtraining Syndrome

I see this happen more than you realize! People workout SO hard and never get the proper rest or fuel their body needs. Over time this can place a HUGE impact on one's health. And it's called Overtraining Syndrome (OTS). A REAL diagnosis! A REAL thing! Find out the symptoms, how to make sure this does not happen to you and how to overcome it!
10/28/201831 minutes, 13 seconds
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#111 Top 10 Habits of People with a SUPER Fit Body!

Did you know that many super FIT people have the same similar habits that they follow daily? I talked to 4 SUPER fit athletes (including an Olympic Medal Runner, Leo Manzano) to find out what top habits they follow to maintain a healthy, fit body! These are all habits you can include in your day too! They might just surprise you!
10/21/201834 minutes, 4 seconds
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#110 Are Weekends Killing Your Waistline? 10 Tips To Fix That!

Do you feel like you work so hard during the week to drop those pounds and then the weekend sabotages everything? Trust me, you are not the only one going through that cycle. Listen to this week's podcast episode for 10 Tips to get you through the weekend without the extra 5 pounds!
10/14/201833 minutes, 51 seconds
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#109 6 Tips To Get Ripped!

Do you feel like you lift weights but never see that muscle tone? Have you admired people who have that chiseled look and wondered how to get it too? This episode talks about 6 Tips To Get Ripped! What to do! What to eat! And HOW TO PUT ON THAT MUSCLE!
9/30/201821 minutes, 25 seconds
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#108 Juicing! Does It Help Our Health? Weight Loss? Find Out!

Did you ever wonder if JUICING is the way to get healthy? Or should you do a JUICING detox? Does JUICING help you lose weight? Find out all about juicing, blending, smoothies and more in this week's podcast episode!
9/23/201827 minutes, 31 seconds
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#107 Cellulite! What Can You Do?

Cellulite! That stuff on your legs that makes you cringe! I know it...I got it! But what can we actually do about it? And what is it? Why doesn't everyone have it? And are there any treatments, creams and supplements that might help? Find out in this week's podcast episode.
9/16/201831 minutes, 54 seconds
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#106 Acupuncture

Did you know that acupuncture has been around for over 4000 years! This medicine treats everything from back pain to ulcers to menstrual issues and more! If you always wanted to try it or were wondering about it's many benefits, how it works, what if feels like and more...THIS is the episode for you!
9/9/201833 minutes, 31 seconds
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#105 State Of The BODY Union! Health Check!

When is the last time you CHECKED in with your health? Every year I do a STATE OF THE UNION with my body & my health. Find out what I do, how I do it and why it might make a big difference in your health, weight loss and overall life!
9/2/201823 minutes, 48 seconds
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#104 YOYO Dieting! Does It Affect Your Health?

Yo Yo Dieting has been happening for a long time now! But research is finally happening around this topic showing exactly how it might be helping or hurting you to continue the weight GAIN and weight LOSS cycle! Definitely check out this episode to see if you fall into any of these categories in the diet trends.
8/26/201822 minutes, 15 seconds
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103 Nutrition 101 for YOU and YOUR TEEN!

Do ever get overwhelmed with all the diets out there! And then your kiddo (teen) seems start following the CRAZY fads! Well, it's time to dial it all in with REAL NUTRITION that benefits the body and the athlete. This is a great episodes for overall nutrition for YOU and your TEEN!
8/19/201841 minutes, 20 seconds
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102 Hydrating The Athlete (Teens Too!)

Did you know that dehydration will affect your performance, your body and overall health? If you or your TEEN is an athlete or simply workouts a lot (and SWEATS), you likely need to understand how to HYDRATE the body properly. It's not just water you need! Check out this episode to learn more!
8/13/201831 minutes, 19 seconds
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#101 Fueling The Teen & Adult Athlete

Are you an athlete or perhaps the parent of an athlete? Well, this podcast episode is JUST for you! It's time to understand how to FUEL properly as an athlete. Or perhaps it's time to make sure your teen athlete is dialing in their nutrition for long training days, game days, races and more! An athlete's weakest link is often the fuel they put into their body! Let's make sure everyone is getting optimal performance with these simple nutritional guidelines! If you think other parents or athletes will benefit from this episode, please post the link on social media! Let's help ALL athletes!
8/5/201843 minutes, 13 seconds
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#100 100th Episode! The Journey of Weight Loss & More!

The 100th Podcast Episode! WOO HOO! Join me in this episode to learn more about my personal weight loss journey, the journey of Earn That Body, the GAME CHANGERS my clients learned that helped them live a healthier life and more! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being an Earn That Body Podcast Listener!
7/29/201838 minutes, 22 seconds
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#99 Intermittent Fasting

The episode you have been asking me to do is finally here! Intermittent Fasting! Is it the NEW way to lose those pounds? Is it healthy? Can it work for you? Is it just another fad? Find out in this week's podcast episode!
7/14/201822 minutes, 4 seconds
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#98 Device Slavery? Helping or Hurting Your Health?

I'm not talking about social media! I'm talking about all the DEVICES today that are taking over! Not just the phones! But what about the smart watches, the heart rate monitors, fit bits, dog devices and the activity screens at Orange Theory or Peloton? Find out how these things are affecting you and your health on this week's podcast episode.
7/1/201826 minutes, 12 seconds
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#97 10 Tips to NOT Gain Weight this Summer!

Are you tired of gaining weight each summer season? Try these 10 tips to help keep you on track! Just listening to each tip will make you more mindful of your nutrition and workouts all summer long!
6/17/201825 minutes, 54 seconds
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#96 How a Marathon is Like Weight Loss!

This is definitely an episode you don't want to miss if you are a runner or trying to lose weight! I came across many realizations in my marathon training this last season and realized how it compares to weight loss and what you can do to make sure you stay on track and never give up!
6/4/201840 minutes, 10 seconds
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#95 How To Maintain Goal Weight?

So, you reached your goal weight and now you don't know what to do? Do you add more calories? Do you change how you eat? And how do you know if your "goal" weight is the right weight for you? Find out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode!
5/20/201823 minutes, 22 seconds
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#94 15 Healthier Food Swaps When Eating Out!

Do you love going out to eat but dread that you will likely be up in weight the next day? You know the sodium will be sky high in the menu items you want and you will be eating way more calories than you know are ideal! Well, let me help you! In this week's episode I give you 15 food swaps when eating out so you can make a bad choice a little better! Some of these swaps might surprise you!
5/13/201824 minutes, 34 seconds
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#93 Collagen: YES or NO?

You keep hearing about COLLAGEN! People are buying the supplements, putting it in their shakes and it's all the rage! But once again, we have to ask ourselves..why are we taking it? Is the risk versus the reward good enough? Are their concerns? Are their benefits? Find out the details in this week's episode of the Earn That Body Podcast.
5/6/201825 minutes, 28 seconds
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#92 Heat Therapy? Cold Therapy? Contrast Therapy? How to Recover Right!

Whether you are trying to recover from a long run or have an injury, there are some RIGHT and WRONG moves when it comes to adding HEAT or ICE! And recently the treatment protocol seems best with CONTRAST therapy! Find out all about in this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode!
4/22/201828 minutes, 18 seconds
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#91 The Latest about Alcohol & PROTEIN POWDER!!! WOW!

Guess what? The latest about your PROTEIN POWDERS just came out in a new study! And you might be surprised to see what DID and DID NOT change since the last time I did an episode about PROTEIN POWDER! Find out if your protein powder made the TOP 5 of HIGHEST CONTAMINANTS (lead, arsenic, heavy metals and BPA!) This is NO joke, most of you use these brands. And you need to STOP stat for the sake of your health. Find out the details in this week's episode.
4/15/201827 minutes, 44 seconds
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#90 How To Increase Sleep 4 Better Weight Loss!

If your weight loss has plateaued and you workout & eat could be from SLEEP issues! Make sure you are doing these things to optimize your best quality sleep which might just help you drop those last pounds!
4/1/201826 minutes, 17 seconds
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#89 Vaping

Vaping! Do you even know what it is? Do you think it's the "healthy" way people smoke now? You heard it's not as bad as cigarettes? Well, if you are a parent....this is an episode you do NOT want to miss! You will be blown away when you hear who is VAPING, WHY they are vaping and WHAT it is actually doing to their body!
3/25/201824 minutes, 8 seconds
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#88 You Asked!

YOU had a lot of questions about how I stay fit and healthy! In this week's episode, I took your personal questions and answered them for you! Find out my favorite "cheat" meal, food vices, plan my days and still sleep, who checks my food log and much, much more! Let's get PERSONAL!
3/18/201835 minutes, 57 seconds
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#87 Do You Eat QUALITY Protein?

You eat protein but is it QUALITY protein? What is "quality protein"? In this podcast episode you will learn how to pick the best protein options for you, nitrites/nitrates, how long deli meat should sit in your refrigerator and more!
3/4/201829 minutes, 24 seconds
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#86 Supplements! The Truth You Should Know!

So, you heard supplements are regulated by the FDA? But are they really? Do you think if a supplement is herbal it's naturally good for you? Did you know your vitamin is supplement could include herbs that are NOT supposed to be taken daily? Find out more about what you should know about any supplement you might be taking!
2/25/201838 minutes, 17 seconds
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#85 How To Help Weight Gain That Time of Month!

As if your period is not bad enough! The PMS symptoms and the dreaded WEIGHT GAIN are killer. What causes it? Can it be helped? What can you do to minimize those PMS symptoms? Find out in this week's episode!
2/19/201837 minutes, 21 seconds
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#84 I Doubt It! Do You?

Is DOUBT holding you back in your weight loss journey? Or perhaps in your personal journey? I think you might be surprised at what I doubt in myself and how I am helping others realize that DOUBT is why they are NOT moving forward in their goals and their life.
2/11/201826 minutes, 6 seconds
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#83 10 Tips To Lose Weight

You know those times your weight goes up and you just need to follow something simple to get back on track! These are the 10 things I do when that happens to me! Some of them are KEY for losing weight any time! And none of them involve a detox or starvation.
2/4/201828 minutes, 55 seconds
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#82 Meditation

So, you keep hearing you should meditate! But WHY should you? And HOW do you even get started? WHAT will the benefit be? Can it really help with weight loss? Find out this and more about meditation on this week's Earn That Body Podcast!
1/21/201825 minutes, 58 seconds
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#81 Are You Failing Your Body?

Is it possible that you are FAILING YOUR BODY? Maybe it's NOT failing you? Over the past few weeks I have realized why so many people are suffering with their health and having issues maintaining weight loss. They are missing these 3 IMPORTANT things they need to do daily! Check it out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast!
1/14/201828 minutes, 57 seconds
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#80 Bone Broth: Myth or Fact About The Claims?

Bone Broth! You keep hearing about it and might wonder if it truly has some of the incredible benefits people are raving about! Well, find out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast if you NEED or do NOT NEED to drink that broth!
1/7/201817 minutes, 45 seconds
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#79 No More Resolutions!

How to set yourself up for success in 2018? Stop making resolutions that you can't even remember 2 months later! Follow these steps to help you set intentions for your year with a way to hold yourself accountable! A system that has worked for me and will work for you!
1/1/201820 minutes, 45 seconds
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#78 Avoid Getting Sick!

Are you tired of getting sick? Do you feel like Winter rolls around and that means you are DOWN for many weeks in the season? Well, guess what? I don't get sick very often and I'm sharing my top 7 Tips on How I Avoid Getting Sick all Winter!
12/10/201724 minutes, 44 seconds
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#77 My Top Holiday Gift Picks for 2017!

Need some help with your holiday shopping? Check out my TOP PICKS for 2017! Ideal for active and fit people who enjoy the very best! Includes cheat sheet with links to each item and some great discount codes! LINK for CHEAT SHEAT:
12/3/201724 minutes, 36 seconds
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#76 10 Tips To NOT Gain Weight on Thanksgiving

Are you tired of feeling bloated, lethargic and up 5 pounds after Thanksgiving Day? Try these 10 easy tips to help you stay in control and feel great through the entire holiday weekend!
11/19/201727 minutes, 16 seconds
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#75 4 Things You Need To FEEL To Change Your Body!

You record calories! You track nutrients! You eat healthy! But your body does not change! Maybe you are missing these 4 things that play a serious mental game in weight loss! Check out this week's episode to get MIND RIGHT about transforming your body.
11/12/201729 minutes, 19 seconds
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#74 What YOGURT is the HEALTHIEST?

Do you ever wonder if there is a certain yogurt that is the HEALTHY one? Full fat? Low fat? No fat? Greek? Skyr? With fruit? No fruit? Dairy free? So many choices, and yet, how do you know which one is best for you? Check out this week's episode and find out!
10/29/201729 minutes, 38 seconds
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#73 Are Food Labels Lying?

Do you know the difference between a label that says REDUCED fat vs. LOW fat? Do you think trans fat free means there is NO trans fat? Or how about sugar free....does that mean it has no sugar? Find out the truth about the everyday food labels that are used as marketing ploys to get you to buy it! They will trick you and should NOT be allowed! But yet...this is how it is! So, learn which labels to watch out for and teach your kiddos too!
10/15/201733 minutes, 28 seconds
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#72 Alone In Eating Healthy?

Do ever feel like you are the only one in your family or amongst your friends that is trying to eat healthy? Does it seem like they look down on you, roll their eyes or always have a comment to make when you try to NOT eat/drink the unhealthy options? Well, you are not alone! A lot of my clients have a partner that is NOT healthy and it can make it hard for you to keep up the good work! Listen to this week's episode to find out some tricks on how to handle those people AND how to attend a function (party, wedding, etc) without everyone calling you the Debbie Downer! :)
10/9/201726 minutes, 9 seconds
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#71 The Ketogenic Diet!

Have you been hearing about people talk about the Keto Diet? Ever wondered what it was? If it might work for you? Is it healthy? And does it help athletic performance? Find out in this week's Earn That Body Podcast Episode!
9/24/201734 minutes, 5 seconds
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#70 Starvation! Always or Never?

Are you always starving? Or perhaps NEVER even hungry? Listen to this week's podcast episode to find out how I stave off hunger and how some people's starvation is slowing down their weight loss plan.
9/17/201725 minutes, 37 seconds
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#69 Junk Training! Are You Guilty?

Do you JUNK TRAIN? Do you know what that means? Well, if you are constantly trying to reach a physical goal and NOT hitting the end result, it's possible you are JUNK TRAINING! Find out 6 things you can do to AVOID it and take steps in the right direction to reach those goals!
9/10/201722 minutes, 9 seconds
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#68 The Plant Based Diet! Right For You?

Do you keep hearing about people eating the Plant Based Diet? Are you wondering if it's another fad? Is it the same as being a vegetarian or vegan? And is this the right nutritional change for you? Find out on this week's Earn That Body Podcast episode!
9/3/201734 minutes, 30 seconds
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#67 Cholesterol, Eggs & Documentary BS!

Are you constantly wondering if your cholesterol is in fact HIGH or NORMAL? Do you hear different research daily about what you should and should not eat for your cholesterol? Did you hear eggs are good for you and then bad for you? And what about these documentaries about healthy eating? Are they TRUE? Untrue? Biased information? Well, it's time to get to the bottom of it all! Check out this week's episode for the latest information and how my numbers rank on the charts!
8/27/201738 minutes, 7 seconds
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#66 Social Media Health Risks!

I don't know about you, but lately I realized that social media has been putting me in a serious funk! I started to do a little research and found out that there is a REASON for it! Check out this week's episode to hear about my personal, honest journey with social media, how I am going to make a change and how YOU might be affected too!
8/20/201726 minutes, 6 seconds
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#65 Why Athletes Struggle To Lose Weight?

Let me train for a marathon and gain weight? Or perhaps an Ironman and can't lose 1 pound? It's actually very common! Find out 5 reasons why many athletes are struggling to lose those last pounds!
8/6/201718 minutes, 46 seconds
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#64 10 Calorie Hacks for Weight Loss!

Do you feel like your summer body is losing its glory? Let me are not on schedule with your workouts, nutrition or life right now? I get it! Summer is fun, but the extra pounds you might be gaining are not so fab! Here are 10 QUICK ways to start dropping those pounds STAT!
7/30/201724 minutes, 14 seconds
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#63 Blood Work Fiasco?

My doctor told me I'm the ultimate Ironman based on my bloodwork! Find out why and the fiasco it caused in my head! Perhaps you can learn from my BLOOD WORK GONE WRONG! And what you should be asking your doctor!
7/15/201722 minutes, 46 seconds
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#62 Soda! It's A Real Chemical "S" Storm in a Can!

The ultimate CHEMICAL "S" STORM is in this CAN! Find out what past research said about soda and what this year's research says! AND...can we really trust this research? If you drink soda or know someone who does, this is a DO NOT MISS episode!
7/2/201722 minutes, 18 seconds
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#61 Helping Your Child Find Their Sport!

Want to know how I helped my 14 year old find his sport? Well, it did not happen overnight! If you are a parent, this is an episode you don't want to miss! And even if you are not a parent, maybe this will help you find your PASSION SPORT!
6/26/201721 minutes, 46 seconds
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#60 The 5 Lessons!

I learned 5 lessons! These lessons can pertain to almost any challenge you face! And learning from these lessons can help you the next time an obstacle comes your way! Let's face it, how we handle a difficult time in our life says more about our character than how we handle a life that has no problems! Check out this episode and see what you can learn from my 5 lessons!
6/19/201721 minutes, 18 seconds
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#59 Unfit to STAR Athlete! Find Out How with Carrie Barrett!

Are you sitting on a coach wondering if you could ever do more? What if there is an ATHLETE inside you and you don't even know it? Check out this week's podcast interview with Carrie Barrett to find out how she went from UNFIT to ATHLETE! She says she once came in last place for a Half Marathon! And NOW she is on top of the podium! She talks about how she did it, how she lost weight and how she became a vegetarian! An episode you do not want to miss!
6/4/201755 minutes, 24 seconds
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#58 Sunblock! Is Yours Harmful?

Did you know your SKIN is the largest organ in your body? And we slather a lot of toxic chemicals all over it in the summer! Make sure your sunblock is NOT harmful and find out what to look for on your sunblock bottle! The good, the bad and the HARMFUL! An episode you don't want to miss as summer is approaching!
5/28/201731 minutes, 31 seconds
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#57 Irrational Body Expectations!

Do you know what is ruining your body more than anything? Your IRRATIONAL BODY EXPECTATIONS! This is a very important episode for people who are never satisfied with their body weight, body image and overall body confidence! Do you have these IRRATIONAL expectations? Find out things you can do to actively change your thoughts and therefore your life! You might even catch me SLIP about my personal negative self talk! I chose NOT to edit it so I could be REAL with all my listeners.
5/21/201725 minutes, 49 seconds
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#56 How Pro Triathlete Natasha Van Der Merwe Lost The Baby Weight & More!

Check out this fantastic interview with Natasha Van Der Merwe to find out how she lost the baby weight as a pro-triathlete, how her nutrition has changed by adding MORE calories and how she inspires people to try this amazing sport all over the world! If you are a MOM or an athlete, this is an episode you won't want to miss!
5/14/201744 minutes, 36 seconds
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#55 Female Hormones! How Strong Are They?

Do you ever wonder if your HORMONES are stronger than you are? They affect your mood, your skin, your weight and sometimes feels like they affect your whole life! Find out if some of your symptoms could be HORMONAL! Sometimes normal, sometimes not.
5/7/201723 minutes, 10 seconds
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#54 Recover From Your Workouts!

Are you ever so sore from a workout you can barely walk the next day? Or how about incredibly exhausted? We all focus so much on our fitness workouts that we forget we need to take active steps to RECOVER! Find out my TOP recovery tricks so your body can be ready to keep going!
4/30/201724 minutes, 25 seconds
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#53 The Scoop On Poop

Did you know that going #2 actually tells us a lot about our health? Find out if your POOP is normal? or showing signs of concern? Definitely an episode that will make you smile and let's face it...going #2 can make or break a day! So don't miss this one!
4/16/201723 minutes, 54 seconds
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#52 Coffee! Healthy? Or Harmful?

Have you heard coffee is bad for you? Or perhaps myths about it being a dehydrating beverage? Want to know the latest findings? Is it healthy or harmful? Find out on this episode!
4/9/201717 minutes, 12 seconds
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#51 When Should You NOT Workout?

Do you ever wonder when you SHOULD or SHOULD not workout? How many times have you been sick and thought "does it help or hurt me to workout right now?" Or perhaps you are injured and wonder "should I work through it?" Find out 5 times you should definitely NOT workout on this podcast episode!
4/2/201718 minutes, 16 seconds
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#50 Valerie Hunt & Pose Running!

Do you ever wonder why you are not a faster runner? Or perhaps why you keep getting injured when you run? Well, I have wondered it many times and that is why I went out and got some coaching from one of Austin's award winning running coaches, Valerie Hunt! She discusses the concept of POSE RUNNING in this episode and how it helps you NOT get injured while getting FASTER! Find out what she did to go from an 8:30 pace to a 6:30 pace!
3/26/201752 minutes, 47 seconds
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#48 The 10 Questions to Health!

Check out these 10 Questions and see if you are HEALTHY! These questions can give you a great sense if your body is balanced and harmonized. Your answer to each question might surprise you! Listen to this episode and take the 10 Question Test!
3/19/201721 minutes, 21 seconds
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#49 Tips To Travel Light!

Do you have a vacation coming? Would you like to come home without the weight gain & bloating? Check out these tips to help you on a road trip or vacation across the world! This is exactly what I do to stay on track when I travel!
3/12/201718 minutes, 38 seconds
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#47 How To Pick A Trainer or Coach?

Do you think you need a personal trainer or coach? Perhaps you want to drop those last pounds or get ripped? Well, make sure you know how to pick the best trainer/coach for you! Follow these 10 Tips to help you make the right choice!
3/5/201728 minutes, 15 seconds
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#46 Accountable to YOU!

Do you lose weight while on a program or a challenge, but then gain it back when on your own? If you struggle to hold yourself accountable to your health goals, THIS is the episode for you! Find out what 4 steps I personally use hold myself accountable and how you can use them too!
2/26/201718 minutes, 4 seconds
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#45 Sodium! What's It Really Doing To You?

People tell you to watch your sodium but do you know why? Do you know how much sodium you should be eating or not eating? Do you want to know some restaurants you all frequent that are CRAZY high in sodium? Definitely do NOT miss this week's podcast episode! SODIUM could be the "S" that is also killing your weight loss!
2/19/201722 minutes, 48 seconds
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#44 Sleep! Is it Killing Your Weight Loss?

Are you having trouble dropping those last pounds? Do you eat right, workout and still struggle? Maybe it's because your SLEEP is actually to blame! Find out in this week's episode and how you can fix it STAT!
2/12/201714 minutes, 31 seconds
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#43. STRESS! Get Out Of This Cycle!

Do you feel STRESSED out all the time? Find out what this might be doing to your body and how it is impacting your WEIGHT! What can you do STAT to take action against the STRESS CHAIN REACTION? Find out in this episode!
2/6/201726 minutes, 40 seconds
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#42 An Eagle-Ized Supplement Company? Find Out Which One!

You know I am NOT a fan of supplements! I created The Eagle Real Food Protein Shake to avoid protein powders! However, I finally did find a company that seems to have their supplements at a level that I can stand behind! Find out WHY and WHAT company that is!
1/29/201729 minutes, 50 seconds
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#41 Protein! How Much? What Kind? And More!

Do you get confused about protein? How much do you really need? Is too much bad for you? Are there some sources of protein that are better than others? Check out this episode to learn the RIGHT information about this important nutrient!
1/23/201719 minutes, 44 seconds
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#40 Are After School Sports Making You Fat?

Could your child's after school sports be the reason you have gained weight? Sounds crazy, but listen to this week's podcast and let me know if this description describes your family after your child's sports practice!
1/15/201722 minutes, 39 seconds
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#39 Are Fitness Challenges Destroying Your Body?

Have you been invited to do a FITNESS CHALLENGE? You know, 100 push ups/day? Or Daily Pull Ups? Or Run Daily? Well, find out what I think about fitness challenges and why they might be doing more than challenging your body!
1/8/201720 minutes, 46 seconds
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#38 New Year's Resolutions? Do those work?

Do New Year's Resolutions work? Do they get you to the next level for fitness, health, nutrition? Find out what I do instead of RESOLUTIONS! Get your 2017 started off RIGHT with these simple steps!
1/1/201718 minutes, 31 seconds
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#37 Let's Get Real! Ask Me Anything!

I want to GET REAL with EVERYONE! What do I eat when I splurge? Do I ever eat a whole cheesecake? Do I just want to go to McDonalds sometimes? It's time to GET REAL and answer the questions you really wanted to know! #REALisTHEnewPERFECT
12/12/201624 minutes, 46 seconds
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#36 My Tips To Get RIPPED!

Do you want to know my TIPS to get RIPPED? Let me tell you what I changed in my fitness and nutrition world to get the body I have today! And why I think most strength training programs are failing their clients!
12/5/201617 minutes, 10 seconds
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#35 The Truth about Detox Diets!

Did you gain a few pounds and now you want to DETOX your body? Thinking about buying a detox diet program with supplements, shakes and a "quick" fix to drop the pounds? Before you do, find out the skinny on these DETOX programs! And ways you can naturally DETOX!
11/28/201620 minutes, 47 seconds
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#34 10 Tips to NOT Gain Weight on Thanksgiving!

Are you afraid you might gain 5 pounds this Thanksgiving? Or perhaps 10 lbs by the time the 4 day holiday weekend is complete? Check out these 10 tips that I personally live by to NOT gain weight on this FOOD driven holiday! Why gain weight if you don't have to?
11/21/201617 minutes, 41 seconds
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#33 Comfort Food? How to Break The Cycle!

Do you turn to comfort food when you get stressed or emotions take over? Do you wonder why you keep turning to these fattening foods? Are they killing your waistline and making you feel depressed after you eat them? Find out where they originated and how you can break the cycle in this week's episode!
11/14/201614 minutes, 50 seconds
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#32 Happy FEET, Happy ATHLETE

Do you wear the right workout shoe? Do you know what type might be best for YOUR foot? Do you know how often you should actually be replacing these shoes? Find out 4 Tips to Happy Feet for the Happy Athlete!
11/6/201619 minutes, 9 seconds
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#31 Can You Get Your Body Back Post Baby? Special Guest: Lisa Druxman

Are you a mom? If so, this is an episode you do not want to miss! Lisa Druxman (owner of Fit4Mom) is my guest and tells us everything you always wanted to know about pre/postnatal fitness & how to get your body back!
10/30/201634 minutes, 29 seconds
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#30 10 Reasons Your Weigh In Did Not Rock!

You know those days you get on the scale and you know it's going to be a good weigh in because you did everything RIGHT? And then it's NOT the weigh in you were hoping for! The devastation! The confusion! Don't fret! These are 10 likely reasons on what went wrong!
10/24/201624 minutes, 24 seconds
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#29 Body Distorion, Self Love and Honor!

Too many women are falling into some serious detrimental traps! There is body distortion, a lack of self love and not enough HONORING the body! Please listen to this important episode that might relate to you more than you realize! And if you have a teen-age girl, this is an episode you do not want to miss!
10/17/201625 minutes, 34 seconds
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#28 Protein Powder

The episode you all asked for! What PROTEIN POWDER is right for you? I took the top protein powder brands and compared them all! A great episode if you want to know what I use for a protein powder and what I look at to determine if this brand is EAGLE-IZED!
10/10/201641 minutes, 25 seconds
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#27 Injuries! How To Handle Them When Losing Weight!

How do you handle an injury when you are trying to lose weight? Will an injury mean you will gain weight? Find out how to handle an injury and how to PREVENT them!
10/2/201629 minutes, 7 seconds
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#26 Social DIET Sabotage

Do you want to know some TRICKS to survive SOCIAL situations so that you don't sabotage your diet! You know when you are eating healthy and working out all week and almost dread going out because you do not want to UNDO all your hard work? If you have been there, THIS episode is for you! Get my TOP tips to SURVIVE!
9/25/201618 minutes, 2 seconds
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#25 To QUIT? or Not To QUIT?

Do you QUIT things you start? A fitness program? A diet? How fast do you GIVE UP? Well, let me tell you a few stories that might change how you react the next time you want to GIVE UP!
9/19/201623 minutes, 1 second
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#24 Dairy! Full Fat? Low Fat? or Non Fat?

Once we were supposed to only have NON FAT dairy! Then, FULL FAT dairy! So, what is the truth and what should we choose? Find out what I eat/drink and the reasons you should pick your dairy wisely!
9/11/201614 minutes, 48 seconds
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#23 The Weight Loss Plateau! Is Your Weight Stuck?

Has your weight loss hit the PLATEAU? You can't break that ONE number on the scale? Well, it's time to BREAK it with these helpful tips!
9/5/201616 minutes, 11 seconds
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#22 To Count or Not To Count Calories?

You should not count calories? You should count calories? If it's healthy you don't have to count the calories? What is the truth? And what will truly help you shed those pounds? Find out on this week's Earn That Body Podcast Episode!
8/29/201618 minutes, 50 seconds
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#21 Clean It Up 4 Fall

Is anyone else ready to GET BACK ON TRACK with Fall Season? Kids go back to school and it's like New Year's for moms! You can get your nutrition, workouts and life back in order! Here is how I do it and how you can too!
8/22/201621 minutes, 14 seconds
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#20 How THESE Habits Helped Me Get & Maintain This Body!

Check out these 8 HABITS I personally have that have absolutely played a role in the body I have today and how I have maintained it for the last 11 years! Easy things you can do too in order to Earn That Body!
8/15/201622 minutes, 30 seconds
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Perhaps you thought some of these exercise myths were actually true? Well, make sure you listen to this week's episode so you get the REALITY on what you might be doing RIGHT or WRONG!
8/8/201627 minutes, 43 seconds
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#18 10 Best Foods For Your Skin!

What you eat can affect your weight, hormones and SKIN! Find out which foods might cause acne & wrinkles! And which foods will make your complexion radiant!
8/1/201614 minutes, 6 seconds
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#17 Cocktails! The Healthy Truth!

The HEALTHY truth about the cocktails you are drinking! The good, the bad and the HEALTHY! Find out what you might not know about which cocktails to pick!
7/25/201616 minutes, 52 seconds
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#16 Breakfast! Do We Really Need It?

You hear it all the time, BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY! But is this true? Do you need to get up before a workout for breakfast? Can your kids skip this meal? Find out WHY you should or should not be eating this meal!
7/18/201614 minutes, 7 seconds
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#15 10 Foods You "THINK" Are Healthy!

You might think these 10 things are HEALTHY! But guess what? They are NOT! Marketing over the years has tricked you into believing that these are GREAT choices for your nutrition. But you might need to think again! Find out what 10 things might be the reason you are NOT losing weight.
7/10/201617 minutes, 40 seconds
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#14 What's Up Doc?

Do you ever question your doctor? Do you assume the doctor always knows what's best for you? Listen to this week's podcast to find out what happened to me and how I learned a big lesson! Sometimes it is okay to QUESTION the DOC!
7/5/201611 minutes, 50 seconds
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#13 Calcium! Do We Really Need More?

We know we need calcium for our bones! But do we really need to take supplements? Does calcium help other systems in the body? If we are vegan or dairy free, can we still get in enough? Find out this and MORE about CALCIUM! Trust me...the research has CHANGED!
6/27/201628 minutes, 43 seconds
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#12 FIBER! How It Helps Your Body & Benefits Your Weight!

Did you know that your body DOES need a certain amount of fiber? And it's NOT just helping your bowel movements! Find out how fiber helps your body and how much you really need to eat!
6/20/201622 minutes, 44 seconds
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#11 How To Get Summer Fit Or Stay Summer Fit!

Summer is a tough time to stay fit! Your schedule is not consistent! Kids out of school! Your health often takes the back burner! But, I have 5 ways to help you STAY FIT and/or GET FIT this summer! LET'S EAT THOSE EXCUSES FOR SUMMER BREAKFAST!
6/6/201613 minutes, 31 seconds
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#10 5 Tips To Combat Holiday Weight Gain

Want to drop those HOLIDAY (or vacation) pounds STAT! Try these 5 tips that do NOT involve a detox (because those don't work!). You might be surprised by tip #5!
5/30/201617 minutes, 32 seconds
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#9 Why Your Diet Keeps Failing! Fix It With This Tip!

I have been there! You can't drop the last 5-10 pounds! Your DIET keeps failing! You feel unsuccessful! You can't possibly eat less! Guess what you are doing wrong? I bet I know! Find out in this episode!
5/23/201625 minutes, 38 seconds
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#8 Sunblock! Is Yours Toxic?

Is your sunblock toxic? You should find out since you are lathering it all over the largest organ in your body! Find out what you do NOT want in your sunblock, what you DO want in your sunblock and if YOUR brand is TOXIC!
5/15/201630 minutes, 32 seconds
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# 7 10 Tips For Weight Loss When Eating At a Restaurant!

Do you struggle with what to order at a restaurant when you are trying to hard to eat healthy? Is it almost stressful? Get my Top 10 Tips for How To Order RIGHT at a restaurant if you are watching your waistline!
5/8/201616 minutes, 30 seconds
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#6 Are You In A Fitness Funk?

Do you feel like you are in a FITNESS FUNK? You know those days you just do NOT want to go workout? Or perhaps you have lost the drive to exercise completely? Listen to this episode for 5 Tips that can GET YOU THROUGH IT!
5/2/201618 minutes, 6 seconds
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#5 The BEST and WORST Protein Bars!

Do you want to know which protein bars I recommend? Which ones I do NOT recommend? The bar I eat? The bar I spit out? Learn what to look for in your protein bars & when you should eat them in this episode.
4/25/201631 minutes, 30 seconds
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#4 Best Time Of Day To Workout?

Do you want to know the best time of day to workout? Will you actually burn more calories at a certain hour? Find out in this episode!
4/18/201611 minutes, 38 seconds
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#3 Carbs! Should We Avoid Them?

Carbs! Should we eat them? Should we avoid them? Find out if I eat carbs, WHY and if it affects your weight!
4/10/201618 minutes, 26 seconds
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#2 Health Food Labels That Fool You!

Find out about these 3 "Healthy" food labels that are FOOLING you! Don't let marketing schemes by food companies affect your health!
4/4/201617 minutes, 7 seconds
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#1 How Did I Get Here? INTRO

I thought I would start my podcast with a little background about me! How I started Earn That Body and where it all began! Check out my journey!
3/30/201611 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is Stress Hurting Your Weight Loss?

Did you know STRESS could be hindering your weight loss?
3/23/201619 minutes, 7 seconds
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Soda & Diet Soda!.MP3

The TRUTH about Soda!
3/23/201631 minutes, 37 seconds
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Right Time To Work Out?

Is there a better time of day to workout? Find Out!
3/23/201621 minutes, 35 seconds
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Body Image

Let's Talk Body Image! The Good and the Bad! If you are a parent, this is one you don't want to miss!
3/23/201629 minutes, 2 seconds
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Top 10 Foods Kim Eagle Does NOT Eat!

Want to find out the top 10 Things I do NOT eat?
3/23/201614 minutes, 13 seconds
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10 Things That Are Not Healthy

10 Things That Are Not Healthy by Kim Eagle
10/21/201514 minutes, 13 seconds
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Eating Organic

Eating Organic by Kim Eagle
10/6/201521 minutes, 33 seconds