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English, News, 1 season, 323 episodes, 1 day, 3 hours, 55 minutes
As the name might suggest, the Byline Times podcast is the podcast of the Byline Times - telling you what the papers DON'T say. The Byline Times is available free online (, but it's even better in print where your subscription ( for the journalism. See ( for privacy and opt-out information.
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On Mainstreaming Islamophobia

Has Islamophobia been mainstreamed? It certainly looks like it. Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman recently wrote in the Telegraph that Islamists are “bullying Britain into submission", while ex Tory party Chairman Lee Anderson told GB News that Islamists had "got control" of London Mayor Sadiq Khan. Tory MP Paul Scully has also weighed in claimed that Tower Hamlets in London and Sparkhill in Birmingham which both have large Muslim populations are no go areas.Adrian Goldberg hears from with Amna Abdullatif, an independent councillor in Manchester, and Raheel Mohammed founder and director of Maslaha, a charity that tackles inequalities and discriminations faced by Muslim communities. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/26/202426 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ukraine Invaded: 2nd Anniversary Special

This is special episode to mark the second anniversary of invasion of Ukraine in 2022.Russia had already annexed Crimea in 2014, and separatists backed by Moscow also sparked fighting in Ukraine’s Donbas region in the same year. The world mostly looked the other way, until Russia launched a full scale invasion of its neighbour two years ago on the false pretext that it was seeking to deNazify Ukraine.Since then more than 42,000 Ukrainian troops are thought to have been killed and 11,000 civilians. Russia’s losses are thought to exceed 150,000 soldiers.Reporter Zarina Zabrisky, who’s been covering the conflict from Ukraine for the Byline Times, has been talking to politicians, military experts, artists and 'ordinary' people to get a sense of how Ukraine is dealing with the conflict. The episode is narrated by her colleague, the war photographer Paul Conroy.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/23/202457 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Is It So Hard To Call For A Gaza Ceasefire?

Tens of thousands of Palestinians – many of them non combatants - have been killed since October 7th when Hamas launched a series of co-ordinated incursions into Israel. 1200 Israelis – most of them civilians - were slaughtered - and more than 100 hostages taken at the time are still in captivity.Israel’s response – designed it says to free the hostages and destroy Hamas – has led to the deaths of more than 29,000 people. 85% of the population of Gaza has been displaced. Critics like South Africa have accused Israel of genocide – a claim being tested in the International Court of Justice in The Hague.The latest flashpoint is Rafah on the border with Egypt where more than a million Palestinians have fled in the hope of finding safety, only to learn that Israel will launch a ground offensive if the remaining hostages aren’t freed by March 10th – the start of the holy month of Ramadan.Meanwhile in debating the issue, the UK parliament has been caught up in procedural rows that seem to make a mockery of the very serious issue at stake. So why is it so hard to just call for a ceasefire?Adrian Goldberg hears from Shaista Aziz once a Labour councillor in Oxford who quit over Keir Starmer’s support of the Israeli government’s stance and Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/23/202422 minutes, 32 seconds
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Citizen's Assemblies: Restoring A Democratic Deficit

Are Citizens Assemblies the way to make up the so-called "democratic deficit" which leaves many people estranged from parliament?Sue Gray the former senior civil servant who reported on Partygate during Boris Johnson’s time as Prime Minister seems to think so. In her first interview as chief of staff to Keir Starmer, she revealed that plans are being drawn up to bypass Whitehall and involve the public directly in decision making.Citizens assembles are credited with building consensus in Ireland for allowing gay marriage and ending the ban on abortion. But what exactly are they? How do they work? And will they undermine the role of MPs?Adrian Goldberg hears from Sarah Castell, CEO of the Involve Foundation, which aims to put people at the heart of decision making and Rebecca Willis is a Professor of energy and climate governance at Lancaster University who was behind the Climate Assembly which worked with the UK parliament in 2020.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/21/202424 minutes, 18 seconds
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Tories Trounced Twice: Sunak's By Election Blues

As the Tories are trounced in two by elections is there any way back for Rishi Sunak?Labour overturned Peter Bone’s 18,000 majority in the Northamptonshire seat of Wellingborough – a “catastrophically bad” defeat according to Gavin Barwell, an ex Conservative MP and Theresa May’s former chief of staff.Labour also overcame an 11,000 majority in Kingswood in South Gloucesteshire.This is obviously great news for Keir Starmer; but Reform UK, the party that grew from the ashes of UKIP came third in both by elections offering a threat to the Tories on the right.Adrian Goldberg talks to Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov and Jon Tonge, professor of politics at Liverpool University.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by Adrian Goldberg/We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/16/202421 minutes, 35 seconds
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Votewatch: Protecting Democracy

Introducing Vote Watch, a new Byline Times campaign to ensure that the upcoming UK general election is both free and fair. We want to hold political parties of all stripes to account by making sure that rules around voting and donations are observed; and to identify those trying to unduly influence the outcome of the ballot, whether through bots on social media, artificial intelligence or supposed grass roots campaigns that are in fact a front for one undeclared interest or another.It's an issue which has been brought into sharp focus recently by changes to rules around voting eligibility and election finance, which led the Labour MP Dawn Butler to say she fears the Conservatives are trying to steal the next election.A new strategy document set out for the The Electoral Commission has also roused fears that ministers might be leaning on this supposedly independent voting watchdog.We want you to act as our eyes and ears in the months ahead, and there’s a crowdfunder too, so that you can help support our work. You can also email votewatch24@bylinetimes.comAdrian Goldberg hears from Byline Times chief reporter Josiah Mortimer and Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/15/202419 minutes, 11 seconds
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Sunak's Trans Gaffe; Starmer's Green U Turn

The two likeliest contenders to be the next UK Prime Minister have both come under pressure in recent days...PM Rishi Sunak mocked Kier Starmer's stance on trans women, even though the mother of murdered transgender teenager Brianna Ghey was in the Visitors Gallery of the House of Commons; meanwhile Starmer himself, the Leader of the Opposition, has been criticised for u-turning on Labour's Green Prosperity Plan.Byline Times Political Editor Adam Bienkov assesses the performance of two leaders under pressure with Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/10/202423 minutes, 49 seconds
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Towards A Palestinian State

Foreign secretary Lord Cameron has said rather than waiting for a successful outcome of peace talks in the Middle East the UK would consider the idea of Palestinian state during negotiations. It’s a subtle but important shift in emphasis in the government's position – the idea, said Cameron, is to give the Palestinian people “a political horizon”. In other words, a route to statehood a without having to resort to violence.The initiative been welcomed by the Palestinian mission in London, but rejected by the Israeli government.Adrian Goldberg hears from Hannah Weisfeld, Executive Director of Yachad, an organisation whose primary mission is to empower British Jews to support a political resolution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/8/202428 minutes, 39 seconds
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Chained By Debt

Twenty five years after an amazing demonstration of people power in Birmingham which led to the cancellation of billions of dollars worth of debt in the developing world, Adrian Goldberg asks - is it time for a repeat performance?Adrian hears from Ruth Stephens who devised a Human Chain which attracted 70,000 participants at a G8 summit in 1998, attended by Tony Blair and President Clinton. Plus Heidi Chow from Debt Justice and Precious Kalombwana in Zambia.  Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/2/202426 minutes, 7 seconds
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Sunak v Starmer

Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov assesses how the two likeliest rivals to become PM are measuring up in the polls. Produced and presented in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/26/202422 minutes, 42 seconds
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Is The UK Sliding Into War?

Is Britain sliding to war in the Middle East? The RAF has once again taken part in US led attacks on military sites in Yemen from where Houthi fighters have been targeting cargo vessels in the Red Sea - one of the world’s most important commercial shipping routes. This followed similar action on the 11 January.Prime Minister Rishi Sunak insists the UK’s military action amounts to nothing more than self defence; and that its unconnected to the conflict between Israel and Gaza. But is that how it will be seen in Yemen itself and more widely in the Middle East? If the Houthi’s step up their attacks is there a risk of further escalation, perhaps involving the Houthi’s backers Iran, and their rivals Saudi Arabia.Adrian Goldberg hears from David Wearing, an expert on UK foreign relations in the Middle East and Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Sussex. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/24/202428 minutes, 55 seconds
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"Doctors On The Cheap?"

Is the NHS putting patients at risk by expanding the role of medical professionals who aren’t qualified as doctors? Physician Associates have been around in the Health Service for a couple of decades now and there are plans to more than double their numbers in an attempt to plug gaps in the workforce. They don’t have a medical degrees and while they must complete a two year training course, there are concerns that physician associates don’t meet the ‘gold standard’ of a qualified medic.In one tragic case, Emily Chesterton died in 2022 when a physician associate at her GP surgery in London misdiagnosed a fatal blood clot as first a sprain, then anxiety. This week, MP’s have been discussing whether to bring Physician Associates and Anaesthetist Associates under the regulation of the General Medical Council.Adrian Goldberg hears from Dr Matt Kneale, co chair of the Doctors Association, a lobbying group which describes itself as 'the voice of frontline doctors'.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/19/202422 minutes, 15 seconds
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James O'Brien Interview

Adrian Goldberg interviews best selling author and LBC radio host James O'Brien about his latest book, 'How They Broke Britain'.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/16/202438 minutes, 22 seconds
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Inside Gaza's Al Aqsa Hospital

Adrian Goldberg gets a view from inside Gaza’s Al Aqsa Hospital which is caught in the crossfire of war.British surgeon Dr Nick Maynard has just returned to the UK after spending two weeks as clinical lead at the hospital for the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians. MAP is helping victims of Israel's bombardment of Gaza, which followed the massacre and hostage taking of Israelis by Hamas on October 7.The death toll on both sides is grim. 1,200 Israelis died on October 7; 23,000 Palestinians have been killed in the counter offensive, which Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyau said was aimed at destroying “Hamas’s governing and military capabilities and to bring the hostages home”. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/11/202424 minutes, 43 seconds
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Austerity Kills; A Matter of Life and Death

This time – shocking new evidence that austerity kills, featuring Professor Sir Michael Marmot, who leads the Institute for Health Equity at University College, London. Tough constraints on public spending were imposed by the coalition government in 2010 in the wake of the banking crisis, and continued for the rest of the decade.The IHE found that between 2011 and 2019 more than a million people in England had shorter lives than those who lived in the most affluent areas; and fewer years of healthy living.Around 148,000 of the excess fatalities appear to have been 'additional' deaths linked to austerity.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/10/202430 minutes, 17 seconds
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Piers Morgan and the Press 'Protection Racket'

The phone hacking scandal was part of the origin story of Byline Times, prompting founding editor Peter Jukes to switch careers from playwriting to journalism.In the latest episode of the Byline Times podcast he joins Adrian Goldberg and Byline Times Chief Reporter Josiah Mortimer to reflect on Prince Harry's recent court victory against Mirror Group Newspapers. In his verdict, the judge Mr Justice Fancourt, described phone hacking across the Mirror group as "widespread and habitual". This was during a period when Piers Morgan - who has always denied phone hacking - was a senior figure in the organisation.Peter Jukes suggests that rather than holding the powerful to account, parts of the British press have run a 'protection racket', using their power to threaten politicians who don't bend to their will.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/3/202420 minutes, 49 seconds
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Michelle Mone, PPE, and Covid Bungs

This time, a look in the Byline Times "year view mirror" as we explore the latest aspects the perennially unravelling Covid scandal. These include the belated admission by Baroness Michelle Mone that her family trust was a beneficiary of PPE Medpro, a company which provided millions of pounds worth of unusable protective equipment to the NHS.Adrian Goldberg is joined by Peter Jukes, executive editor of Byline Times, and Josiah Mortimer, chief reporter of Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/27/202317 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Great Post Office Scandal: The Unanswered Questions

Investigative journalist Nick Wallis Shares insights from his book, The Great Post Office Scandal.Nick will be on tour in the UK during 2024, sharing his story.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/19/202329 minutes, 33 seconds
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Conflict in Kherson...and Russia's Hybrid Warfare

This time, Adrian Goldberg hears from Kherson, on the front line of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. His guests are photo journalist Paul Conroy, and Zarina Zabrisky, an expert in the Kremlin's hybrid warfare.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/12/202323 minutes, 9 seconds
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Migration: Rhetoric vs Reality

The government has made a shibboleth of cutting down the numbers of people coming into the UK. As far back as 2010 the then Prime Minister David Cameron pledged to reduce net migration below 100,000 but that target has never been met - not even during the pandemic. Recently updated figures from the Office of National Statistics showed that last year net migration reached a record 745,000. The gap between rhetoric and reality could hardly be more stark.Now Home Secretary James Cleverley has declared that "enough is enough" and introduced a Five Point Plan to reduce net migration by 300,000. But will it work? Or do we need to rethink how we respond to new arrivals who want to make their home in the UK? Adrian Goldberg hears from Zoe Gardener an independent reseracher and campaigner on migrant rights. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times.      Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/5/202325 minutes, 5 seconds
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Artificial Intelligence - Friend or Foe?

What is Artificial Intelligence? And is it our our friend or foe?  Elon Musk recently claimed that AI would eliminate the need for human jobs in the future; which is great if you’re a billionaire like him, but doesn’t explain how the rest of us would earn enough to live. This poses big questions about who controls the technology – and what their plans are for the rest of us.Will AI liberate us from the drudgery of boring admin jobs – or become a tool to control us? There are even doomsday scenarios in which the robots turn on humans – their creators – and then destroy us. Could science fiction become science fact? Adrian Goldberg hears from Kyle Taylor, author of the Byline Times Little Black Book of Artificial Intelligence. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/27/202324 minutes, 8 seconds
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Palantir and the NHS

US data firm Palantir Technologies Inc has won a £480 million contract (along with professional services firm Accenture) to handle the new Federated Data Platform for the Health Service.On the face of it this looks like a positive for patients. The new Platform is designed to facilitate information sharing among hospital trusts and other parts of the NHS, enabling them to communicate more efficiently. No more having to repeat your past medical history every time you see a doctor.But Palantir’s involvement has caused real concern. The company has worked with the CIA and other intelligence agencies and what critics describe as mass surveiilance programmes. Its Trump supporting co founder Peter Thiel has been an outspoken critic of the NHS, suggesting that British Taxpayers have fallen to ‘Stockholm syndrome’.Adrian Goldberg hears from Max Colbert, who has chronicled Palantir for Byline Times, Dr Jeni Tennision, Executive Director of Connected by Data and Hope Worsdale, a spokesperson for Just Treatment,Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/22/202322 minutes, 38 seconds
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Return Of The Cam

Unelected Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has given the plum job of Foreign Secretary to the equally unelected former PM David Cameron, who has been fast tracked into the House Of Lords after giving up his parliamentary seat.Adrian Goldberg gets reaction from Jessie Joe Jacobs, Director of the Democracy Network, a group representing 800+ organisations seeking to renew UK politics and David Wearing, a lecturer in International Relations at the University of Sussex and an expert on UK foreign relations in the Middle East.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.  Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/13/202322 minutes, 14 seconds
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Spotify Discord: Big Tech vs Small Independents?

Streaming giant Spotify is coming in for flak over proposals to cut revenue for small independent artists. The idea is that Is that tracks which would otherwise account for the lowest 0.5% of royalty payments will be demonetised.Adrian Goldberg hears from Skepwax Records co-founder Amelia Fletcher who has played in a host of well loved indie bands including Talulah Gosh and Heavenly. Amelia is also an economics Professor with expertise in competition policy at UAE. Adrian also hears from one of Spotify’s satisfied cutomers, Jack Clothier co founder of indie label Alcopop Records.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/13/202326 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sportwashing...And Then Some

As the UK government announces plans for an independent football regulator, how well governed and regulated is sport internationally? In this episode we look specifically at how Saudi Arabia is extending its global geopolitical reach through football, golf, F1 and esports, despite its well documented human rights abuses.  The repressive regime of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman - or MBS - has effectively been guaranteed the right to host the 2034 soccer World Cup after its only rival Australia dropped out. This fits with Saudi Arabia’s plan to 'sportswash' its reputation - and exercise political power, too. Adrian Goldberg is joined by Stanis Elsborg who’s been investigating the Riyadh government for Play The Game an organisation based at Danish Institute for Sports Studies.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/8/202324 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ukraine War Diary

Byline Times contributor Zarina Zabrisky presents her Ukraine war diary - a series of dispatches from Kherson and beyond. There's an account of life under fire in Kherson with war photographer Paul Conroy. Zarina also discusses Russia’s nuclear blackmail and meets Yaroslava Antipina aka @strategywoman – a Ukrainian using the power of social media to show the beauty of her war torn country.  There are reflections, too, on the rise of anti-semitism in Russia in the wake of the fighting in Israel and Gaza, with Vyacheslav Likhechev a former Fellow at UN Human Rights.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/5/202343 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Royal Exclusive as Byline Times Hits The News Stands

After four years, the Byline Times has finally hit the UK's news stands and has secured an exclusive royal story to mark its arrival. Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu and executive editor Peter Jukes explain why it's so important to extend the availability of the newspaper, while talking us through the connections between King Charles, Dan Wootton, Prince Harry and press freedom. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/31/202323 minutes, 12 seconds
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"Violence Breeds Violence"

Adrian Goldberg hears from UK medics calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Israel has launched the onslaught in the territory, in retaliation for horrific attacks by Hamas in which more than 1400 people were killed. More than 200 hostages were taken. More than 4300 people have since died in Gaza, many of them civilians, as a result of aerial strikes, which are thought to be the prelude of a ground invasion. Humanitarian Aid has been allowed into the territory after several days of siege and the International Committee of the Red Cross is now asking for medical personal and surgical teams to be allowed in. Adrian is joined by Dr Omar Abdel-Mannan who has made several visits to Gaza and the West Bank and Dr Deborah Harrington  a Consultant Obstetrician based in Oxford who has been travelling to Gaza since 2017.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/23/202321 minutes, 36 seconds
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Israel and Gaza: One Man's Quest For Peace

Adrian Goldberg talks to Udi Goren, whose cousin Tal Haimi was kidnapped by Hamas after a terrorist attack on the kibbutz where he lived on the day the war broke out. Hamas committed terrible atrocities, including the slaughter of unarmed young people attending a music festival; but more than 3,700 people have died as a result of Israel’s retaliation. Palestinians argue the bombing and siege of Gaza is a war crime, because it is a collective punishment upon a civilian population.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/20/202332 minutes, 8 seconds
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Care Leavers Homeless Crisis

This time…new figures showing a sharp rise in the number of care leavers facing homelessness. The figures come from the government’s annual Statutory Homelessness in England report  They show that  3,710 care leavers were either homeless or under threat of homelessness for the year 2022/23. That represents a rise of 33 per cent since 2018. To find out what lies behind the statistics and what we need to do about it, Adrian Goldberg is joined by Sophie Shasby, a recent care leaver; Katharine Sacks-Jones, CEO of Become, the national charity for children in care and care leavers; and journalist Martin Barrow, who is also an experienced foster carer.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/18/202324 minutes, 11 seconds
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Brexit's Blurred Lines

Alexandra Hall Hall is the 'undiplomatic diplomat.' She was Britain’s Ambassador to Georgia, and later lead envoy for Brexit at the British embassy in Washington but she quit that joh in 2019 in protest at having to be the bearer of messages that she says were untrue.  Alex tells Adrian Goldberg that she thinks Brexit is only half the story. Democracy itself at risk, she warns; and not only in the UK. Produced by me Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White in Birmingham.A We Bring audio production for the Byline times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/13/202331 minutes, 46 seconds
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Kherson: The Destruction Of A City

Adrian Goldberg hears about the destruction of the Ukrainian city of Khersona city from Zarina Zabrisky, one of only two foreign journalists in the area, alongside war photograoher Paul Conroy.You can also hear Zarina on the Russia Ukraine War News podcast. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/3/202320 minutes
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Taking Over The Asylum?

UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman has questioned whether the United Nations’ 1951 Refugee Convention is fit for our modern age. She told a meeting of the right wing American Enterprise Institute in Washington DC that "we now live in a completely different time" from when the convention was signed.Ms Braverman said, "we will not be able to sustain an asylum system if in effect, simply being gay, or a woman, and fearful of discrimination in your country of origin is sufficient to qualify for protection."Adrian Goldberg discusses her speech with Leila Zadeh, executive director of the charity Rainbow Migration, and Natasha Tsangarides of Freedom From Torture.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/27/202321 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hard To Swallow? Farming, Food and Brexit

The UK government has once again postponed border checks for food being imported to the UK from the EU, because it would increase inflation. That’s the fifth time the deadline has been put back. But British food exporters have faced additional checks when they sell their goods into Europe – putting them at a competitive disadvantage. Is this the 'Brexit dividend' promised by the Leave campaign.  Keir Starmer has said that if Labour gets into power, he wants to renegotiate the UK's trade deal with the EU, but a return to the single market is not on the cards. Meanwhile, a post Brexit trade agreement with Australia has left many farmers fearful for the future. Cheaper meat imports may be good for the consumer, but flying in food from the far side of the world is hardly compatible with our Net Zero commitment, and will do nothing to improve our food security. So how should those who make and trade our food deal with the post Brexit landscape? Adrian Goldberg talks to Liz Webster, founder of Save British Farming, and Shane Brennan, chief executive of the Cold Chain Federation, representing businesses who get your food from A to B.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/20/202325 minutes
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Voter ID: Democracy Under Pressure

Most people in the UK would take pride in the fact that whatever your political persuasion you can take part in free and fair elections. But two new reports suggest that this right isn’t always all it seems. The Electoral Commission – the government’s own watchdog – has warned that hundreds of thousands of people could be excluded from voting the next time the country goes to the polls because of new laws on voter ID. 4% of those who didn’t vote in the local council elections in May told the Commission that ID was an issue for them, and that figure rose for those who were from minority backgrounds, younger voters and people with disabilities.And when we do vote? Well a new report by Institute For Government and the Bennett Institute For Public Policy concludes that many people feel disempowered, not least because our first past the post system means that many who vote for smaller parties can feel their vote has been wasted.Adrian Goldberg hears from Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov, Dr Jess Garland, Director of Research and Policy for the Electoral Reform Society Shaun Roberts, Director of Campaigns, at Unlock Democracy.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/14/202323 minutes, 7 seconds
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Pitch Battle - Saudi Sportswashing and Newcastle United

 On the weekend that this podcast is released, Saudi Arabia will be playing two international football matches at Newcastle United’s St James Park, against Costa Rica and South Korea - but the results won’t really matter, and not just because the games are friendlies. Critics say that whatever the final scores, the despotic regime of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) will already have won, simply by virtue of being allowed to host such prestigious games at a venerated English football stadium. The Saudi Public Investment Fund bought Newcastle in 2021, which many observers regarded as a classic case of "sportswashing"; a regime notorious for human rights abuses seeking to create a more positive image for itself. The staging of these friendlies is being seen as another step towards the 'normalisation' of a state renowned for its human rights abuses. Ahead of the Saudi friendlies, Adrian Goldberg travelled to St James Park to meet John Hird, a lifelong Newcastle United fan and founder of NUFC Against Sportswashing, and Lina Al Hathloul, from Saudi human rights organisation ALQST. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/8/202327 minutes, 53 seconds
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ULEZ Expansion

London is about to have the world’s largest pollution charging area, as the capital’s outer suburbs are added to the inner city Ultra Low Emission Zone - ULEZ. Drivers of vehicles that don’t meet emissions standards will be charged £12.50 a day – with motorists facing the threat of a £180 fine if they don’t comply. ULEZ expansion was widely regarded as a key factor in the Conservatives holding onto Boris Johnson’s old Uxbridge seat in a recent by election; and unlike in other English cities the government is refusing to fund a scrappage scheme for non compliant cars. That's led to claims by London Mayor Sadiq Khan that they are weaponising air pollution.Adrian Goldberg hears from mum of two Parisa Wright from Bromley, the founder of the charity Greener and Cleaner; and Oli Lord, Head of Strategy at Clean Cities Campaign UK.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/28/202325 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Life And Death Of Yevgeny Prigozhin

The life and death of Yevgeny Prigozhin tells us much about modern Russia. After spending years in prison, he launched a business career in St Petersburg in the 1990s, supported by former KGB agent Vladimir Putin. Prigozhin became the figurehead of the Wagner mercenary group, whose troops supported the regular Russian army in Ukraine before launching a short-lived rebellion against Putin, now his country's President. The cause of crash in which he died is still unknown, but it conforms with a familiar pattern of those who’ve crossed Putin. Adrian Goldberg talks to reporter Zarine Zabrisky in Odessa, Ukraine about Prighozin's rise - and demise. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/24/202326 minutes, 38 seconds
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Detained - For Helping Migrants In Distress

Adrian Goldberg hears from Nathan Akehurst a British volunteer, working on a search and rescue boat in the Mediterranean. The vessel - the Sea Eye IV - has been impounded by the Italian authorities after saving 114 migrants who'd been drifting for days without food, fuel, and water.  Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/24/202319 minutes, 28 seconds
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From Trump to "Woke"

Adrian Goldberg hears from former US congressman Joe Walsh, once a member of the low tax, socially conservative Tea Party faction of the Republican party, who supported Donald Trump's presidential campaign in 2016. Joe has since been on a remarkable political journey that led him to challenging Trump for the 2020 presidential nomination. He now calls himself 'woke' and is on a mission to heal the divides caused by populism through his White Flag podcast. He warns that the US needs "marriage therapy" to avoid a violent divorce.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/7/202331 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ukraine's 'Silent Genocide'

Adrian Goldberg hears from Byline Times writer Iain Overton, freshly returned from Ukraine, about how Russia’s invasion has led to a plummeting birth rate. This is perhaps understandable at a time of war, but many Ukrainians see it in the context of attempts to downplay their culture, destroy their history and erase their language.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/2/202322 minutes, 40 seconds
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Carmageddon: How Cars Make Life Worse

Journalist Daniel Knowles talks about his new book 'Carmageddon - How Cars Make Life Worse and What To Do About It'. Daniel tells Adrian Goldberg that, “car manufacturers are really not much different to the oil industry or big tobacco”.  He explores the racialised road building helped segregate the US, discusses how UK cities were rebuilt around after the Second World War in ways that militated against pedestrians; and looks at the urban areas pointing the way to a car free future.   Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/26/202329 minutes, 11 seconds
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Fair Game Football

As we stand on the brink of a new football season, is there an alternative to the global financial and political interests now dominating the national sport? There are clubs like Newcastle United which are owned by the oil state of Saudi Arabia – keen to greenwash its reputation and desperate to promote its sporting credentials rather than discuss its human rights abuses. Or Manchester United – leveraged to the hilt by US owners The Glazer family, who have somehow managed to get ordinary supporters to pay the interest costs on their investment.  The Glazers, already billionaires, now stand to benefit from an auction between rival bidders for their club. Lower down the divisions, directors with eyes on the financial prize of a place in the Premier League are taking huge financial risks – so much so that since the League was created in 1992, 64 clubs have gone into administration. Some such as Bury and Macclesfield folder altogether. The government is promising an independent regulator to curb the worst excesses of the sport, but is there another way of running footbsll altogether? Adrian Goldberg talks to Niall Couper, CEO of Fair Game, which wants to reward clubs who are run sustainably.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/20/202328 minutes, 46 seconds
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Heatwaves, Damp Squibs and the Climate Crisis

As Mediterranean countries grapple with an unprecedented heatwave, the UK is dealing with April showers in July. It seems that we’re now starting to experience the extreme andf unpredictable weather, climate scientists have long predicted. Is it too late to act – and what can we as individuals do. Adrian Goldberg is joined by Erika Coppola, a climate scientist working at the Abdus Salam International Centre in Trieste Italy – she’s been lead author on reports for the IPCC - and Gareth Redmond King, international lead at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, a non-profit that supports informed debate on energy and climate issues.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/18/202324 minutes, 36 seconds
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Murdoch Most Foul

Adrian Goldberg discusses The Sun's headline grabbing and untrue Huw Edwards story and reflects on what it tells us about Rupert Murdoch's media empire, with Nathan Sparkes, CEO of Hacked Of and Francesca Cociani, an Associate at Hodge Jones Allen solicitors. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/14/202323 minutes, 22 seconds
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What's The Real Migrant Crisis?

What is the REAL migrant boat crisis? The British media seem obsessed with small boats crossing the Channel, but there's been far less coverage of the vessels carrying hundreds of migrants from West Africa which have gone missing en route to the Canary Islands. They were seeking the relative safety of Europe, after fleeing instability in Senegal. A fleet of three boats set sail a fortnight ago on the treacherous journey of more than 1,000 miles from the port of Kafountine. One has been rescued by the Spanish coastguard, but at the time of writing, two are still missing, the fate of their occupants unknown. This follows the tragedy off the coast of Greece just a few weeks ago. The final death toll in that tragic incident hasn't yet been confirmed, but it’s thought that more than 500 migrants drowned. The British governmen has made it a defining mission to stop the small boats in the English channel, where 27 people died when an inflatable dinghy capsized in November 2021. The Illegal Migration Bill currently going through parliament will make it illegal to seek asylum to the UK if you've arrived by sea. Despite the risk and the rhetoric, more than 12,000 people have arrived in the UK so far this year on small boats – a year on year reduction of just 7%. Adrian Goldberg discusses the issue with Zoe Gardener, migration policy expert.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/11/202323 minutes, 53 seconds
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NHS at 75: Public Health v Private Wealth?

The NHS is 75, but it's birthday that comes with warnings that the institution – like many of the people it serves – is showing signs of ageing badly. The Health Service is arguably a victim of its own success with people genera living longer than in previous generations, but with conditions that require long term care – including dementia, diabetes and heart disease. A combination of austerity and the pandemic has left waiting lists for non-emergency operations at record levels – so too is health inequality, which means that a men in parts of Blackpool die on average 17 years earlier than their counterparts in posh areas of London. Former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair is calling for an expanded role for the private sector in a new paper for his think tank. Adrian Goldberg discusses this with Chris Thomas Head of the Commission on Health and Prosperity at the IPPR think tank and Dr Andrew Meyerson, an A&E doctor in East London.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/5/202327 minutes, 27 seconds
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"My Extinction" - The Movie

"My Extinction" is a new documentary by award winning film maker Josh Appignanensi about his conversion to climate activism and the battle against climate denialism. Adrian Goldberg hears from both Josh and Peter Pomerantsev, author of This Is Not Propaganda, a book about disinformation and the denial of objective truth.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/29/202320 minutes, 34 seconds
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Boris Johnson and The Lebedevs

This time, a new twist Boris Johnson and the Lebedevs…a long running story which has featured extensively in the Byline Times and here on the podcast… Alexanxder Lebdev is a former senior KGB spy and businessman; Evgeny his son owns the Evening Standard and is an investor in The Independent…Boris Johnson is friends with both men, and as Foreign Secretary attended their 'X Rated parties' in Italy without his security officers who were left at home. Documentary maker Mark Alden and Tortoise journalist Paul Caruana Galizia now say they have independently verified long standing claims that Evgeny was given a place in the House of Lords against MI5 advice to Johnson after he became Prime Minister.Adrian Goldberg examines the implications of the saga for British democracy and press freedom with Byline Times executive editor Peter Jukes and political editor Adam Bienkov.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/26/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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Windrush 75: On Racism and Reparations

In June 1948, the HMT Empire Windrush set sail from Jamaica carrying 802 people to Tilbury In Essex. Along with their suitcases they carried dreams of a better life in the 'Mother Country.' It wasn’t the first migrant ship from the Caribbean to arrive in the UK but it was the largest and most famous – a former troopship which gave its name to a generation of willing workers coming to a country looking to rebuild itself after World War Two. Between 1948 and 1971 more than half a million people arrived – but the reception they received wasn’t always friendly; they faced endemic racism and in recent years, the ‘hostile environment’ created by then Home Secretary Theresa MayAdrian Goldberg discusses the 75th anniversary of the start of the 'Windrush' era with two second generation descendants - Dr Wanda Wyporska, CEO of the Black Equity organisation and anti-racism campaigner Maurice McLeod.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/22/202323 minutes, 19 seconds
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From Colour Bars to Desi Pubs

Desi pubs are Indian owned drinking establishments in the UK and they tell two very different but inter-related stories about this country. One is a story of segregation that most British people would rather forget; the other is a story of communities growing together through a shared love of food and beer. David Jesudason, author of "Desi Pubs, A Guide to British Indian Pubs Food and Culture" reflects on both elements in conversation with Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/20/202323 minutes, 33 seconds
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Protest - and a Police State?

Has Britain officially become a police state? That might seem like an over-egged question, but thanks to legislation introduced by Home Secretary Suella Braverman, the authorities will now have the power to restrict any protest that could cause a “more than minor hindrance or delay” - and its the police who'll be able to define precisely what that means.As if that wasn't serious enough, the mechanism by which the law was passed also has troubling implications for our liberties.A first attempt to introduce the proposal was rejected by the House of Lords, but the government reintroduced it as "secondary legislation" which, according to constitutional convention, can't be blocked by the upper chamber. But was this use of parliamentary procedure itself an abuse of process?Katy Watts, a lawyer with Liberty tells Adrian Goldberg why the civil rights group is taking the government to court over the issue.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/14/202314 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Prince and The Press

The Duke of Sussex aka Prince Harry is taking the media to task over intrusion into his private life which he claims crossed a line into illegality; He believes that Mirror Group Newspapers – publishers of the Daily Mirror, the Sunday Mirror and The People published details about his private life that could only have been obtained by hacking or other unlawful means; MGN is contesting the claim. More than 100 people in total are involved in the High Court action; Harry’s is just one of four representative cases being heard. He also has cases pending against the Sun and the Daily Mail’s Publishers – and in his statement to the court, he launched a broader attack on the press, warning that “democracy fails when your press fails to scrutinse and hold the government accountable, and instead choose to get into bed with them so they can ensure the status quo”. That could almost be a mission statement for the Byline Times which grew out our executive editor Peter Jukes’ desire to tell the truth about the phone hacking scandal. Adrian Goldberg talks to Peter, and Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu who published an editorial applauding Harry for using his privileged position to speak out.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/12/202328 minutes, 15 seconds
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What's Appening To The Covid Inquiry?

The secrets and silence of the state. Adrian Goldberg explores the government's reluctance to release What's App messages in defiance of the Covid Inquiry Chair Baroness Hallett, with Iain Overton and Josiah Mortimer.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/7/202322 minutes, 51 seconds
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"Kids As Commodities"

Is It time to stop treating kids in care as commodities? In this episode, Adrian Goldberg examines the outsourcing of children’s homes to private companies. The evidence suggests that profit making firms in the sector generally provide a worse service than local authority providers; and are more likely to move youngsters away from their families and community networks.  Adrian's guests are Dr Anders Bach-Mortenson from Oxford University’s Department For Social Policy and Intervention and journalist Martin Barrow, who runs the Week In Care mailing list, and is a foster carer himself.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/7/202322 minutes, 1 second
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NHS Waiting Times - Time For A Change?

More than 7 million patients are on waiting lists for non emergency operations – the highest number since record began 16 years ago. The government’s solution involves telling GP’s to give a range of options to anyone referred for treatment. Choices might include travelling further for healthcare or going private - but is this the only way forward? Or is there an alternative? Adrian Goldberg talks to Chris Thomas from the left leaning think tank the IPPR. Chrisheads up their Commission on Health and Prosperity and wrote a book about how to save the NHS called The Five Health Frontiers – A New Radical Blueprint.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/1/202320 minutes, 44 seconds
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'Eastern Front - Terror and Torture in Ukraine'

John Sweeney discuss his new movie for Byline TV, 'Eastern Front - Terror and Torture in Ukraine'.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/27/202325 minutes, 25 seconds
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Money Rebellion

Adrian Goldberg hears from Gail Bradbrook - co-founder of Extinction Rebellion and its offshoot Money Rebellion - about the wave disruptive actions against banks and financial institutions accused of funding the climate crisis.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/23/202326 minutes, 23 seconds
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Zelensky Returns To The UK

Rishi Sunak has pledged more help for Ukraine as President Zelenksy visits the UK. But can President Putin be defeated? Adrian Goldberg hears from Zarina Zabrisky who has spent the last year covering the war from Odessa.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Made by We Bring Audio for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/16/202323 minutes, 14 seconds
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Bullingdon Club Britain

This is the story of an Oxford University institution known as the Bullingdon Club, and its influence on the UK government. Bullingdon alumni included Boris Johnson, David Cameron, and George Osborne – so to what extent have its values and connections come to define Britain since 2010?Adrian Goldberg hears from Sam Bright whose book Bullingdon Club Britain: The Ransacking Of A Nation can be pre-ordered now from Byline Books and publisher John Mitchinson who was a member of the Bullingdon Club. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/31/202327 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Andy Street Interview

West Midlands elected Mayor Andy Street in conversation with Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/24/202327 minutes, 5 seconds
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LTNs, 15 Minute Cities - And A Global Conspiracy

When mundane traffic calming measures become a magnet for outlandish conspiracy theories, you know you’re living in truly bizarre times – but that’s precisely where we are now with Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (aka LTNs) and 15 Minute Cities.Adrian Goldberg talks to Otto English.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/11/202327 minutes, 7 seconds
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Trans Rights - and Wrongs: The Closure of GIDS

The author of an acclaimed new book about Britain’s most prominent gender identity clinic has told Byline she regards her work as an investigation into flawed healthcare – not an attack on Trans rights.‘Time To Think’ by Hannah Barnes delves deep into the closure of the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in London.Adrian Goldberg hears Hannah; and also from Tyler, a young Trans man, who started using puberty blockers prescribed by GIDS at the age of 15, and who ranks himself as a ‘satisfied customer., as well as Tyler's Mum Jo.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/4/202337 minutes, 6 seconds
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Football Governance: The White Paper

Adrian Goldberg explores the White Paper on the governance of football with Daniel Storey of the I newspaper; and Niall Couper CEO of Fair Game.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/27/202324 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sportwashing 1 Human Rights 0

This time Adrian Goldberg reflects on Newcastle United’s hopes of winning their first major domestic trophy in 68 years when they play Manchester United in the Carabao Cup Final.  The Geordies – or the Toon as their known to their fans – have had a dramatic upturn in their fortunes since being bought by the Saudi Public Investment Fund in October 2021. On Tyneside the Saudis have – generally – been warmly embraced despite their government's dismal human rights record. John Hird of No Saudi Toon is an exception, though, and has delivered a letter to the club asking manager Eddie Howe to speak up for the brother of a Saudi Arabian activist who faces the threat of execution.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/25/202320 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ukraine: A Grim 'Anniversary'

This time we're fusing the personal and the political with Inna Sovsun Deputy Leader of Ukraine's opposition Holos Party.Inna, the former Deputy Minister of Education and Science, joins Adrian Goldberg from Kyiv.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/24/202319 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ukraine: One Year On From The Russian Invasion

Adrian Goldberg marks the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine with Zarina Zabrisky, a correspondent for the Byline Times in Kyiv and Denys Ghanza, a member of President Zelensky’s Youth Advisory Council.First broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradioProduced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/21/202337 minutes, 37 seconds
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Knowsley, The Far Right...

Knowsley is the suburb of Merseyside where a recent anti refugee protest turned into a riot outside a hotel housing asylum seekers. Amid violent scenes a police van was set on fire and 15 arrests made. This follows the firebombing last October of a processing centre for migrants in Dover. Back in 2016, the MP Jo Cox was murdered by Thomas Mair to advance the cause of white supremacism; while in 2019 neo Nazi Jack Renshaw was jailed for life for plotting to kill another MP Rosie Cooper – Renshaw, was a former member of the BNP and the now banned terrorist organisation National Action. Despite these and other incidents a review of the government’s anti terror Programme Prevent by William Shawcross suggested that too much emphasis was being placed on radicalisation by the far right…not enough on Islamist extremism. His findings have been accepted by the Home Office. Does he have a point? Or is Shawcross in danger of downplaying one risk, while exaggerating another.  Adrian Goldberg hears from Labour MP Afzal Khan, Professor John Holmwood a sociologist from Nottingham University and in a moment Zoe Gardener a long time migration rights campaigner.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/18/202340 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Steve Rotherham Interview

In the first of a series of interviews with England's directly elected Mayors, Adrian Goldberg meets Steve Rotherham - Mayor of the Liverpool City Region.They discuss Jeremy Corbyn (for whom Rotherham was a parliamentary aide) as well as levelling up and devolution for the English regions.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/11/202334 minutes, 57 seconds
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Windrush: The Trauma Continues

The government has reneged on three promises it made to post-war migrants from the Caribbean - the so-called Windrush generation named after the first boat from the West Indies to arrive in 1948 when the so called 'Mother Country' was desperate for labour. Many of these hard working people and their decendants fell foul of the government’s “hostile environment." Some were deported from the country they called home, lost their job, or were even deported. When the scandal came to light in 2018 the government promised to compensate victims but Home Secretary Suella Braverman has now u-turned on pledges to establish a migrants’ commissioner, increase powers of the independent chief inspector of borders and immigration, and hold reconciliation events. Adrian Goldberg hears from Glenda Casear and Jacqueline McKenzie, Head of Migration Law at Leigh Day solicitors.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/4/202335 minutes, 33 seconds
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Troubles Amnesty "Is UK State Cover Up"

Families of victims killed in the Northern Ireland conflict are warning that a proposed murder amnesty is being driven by the British state’s desire to cover up its own historical misdemeanours. The plan to end prosecutions for deaths, torture and other serious crimes related to The Troubles was announced by Boris Johnson in the run up to the 2019 General Election and a Bill is currently being steered through the House of Lords after passing its Commons stages. Adrian Goldberg hears from Billy McManus who argues that the new law would allow the killers of his father William to evade justice; and Julie Hambleton, whose sister Maxine was among 21 revellers killed in the Birmingham Pub Bombings in 1974.PLUS Grainne Teggart, Amnesty International's Deputy Director for Northern Ireland.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/29/202334 minutes, 10 seconds
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Russia's "Rolling War Against The West"

President Putin invaded Ukraine nearly 12 months ago, causing death and destruction to his neighbour, but the Byline Times has been reporting for years about a broader conflict inspired by The Kremlin – an information war designed to undermine democracy. Adrian Goldberg hears more from Kier Giles, author of Russia’s War On Everybody; Byline Times executive editor Peter Jukes, and from Heidi Cuda from the Radicalized Pod, who’s been writing about all this on our newest platform Byline Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/25/202346 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mouldy Flat 'Made My Lung Collapse'

Mould and damp have long been a concern for many social housing tenants, and the death two-year old Awaab Ishak in Rochdale provided incontrovertible evidence (if any were needed) that it could be fatal.The toddler's inquest ruled last November that he died "as a result of a severe respiratory condition caused due to prolonged exposure to mould in his home environment"That set Byline Times’ own Sian Norris on a mission to establish how many others could be at risk, and her findings - though incomplete because of the weakness of Freedom Of Information laws - were damning. She found that thousands of families - including those with children - were at risk.Host Adrian Goldberg hears from Sian, and Michelle - a tenant in Bristol - who says that exposure to mould caused her lung to collapse.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/23/202321 minutes, 14 seconds
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Prince Harry's 'Spare'

Prince Harry’s book Spare has sold 1.4 million copies across all formats in the UK, the United States and Canada – so what does it tell us about the UK and our place in the world? And what does it say about monarchy and the media? Adrian Goldberg is joined by journalist and comedian Ava Vidal, journalist, US based royal commentator RS Locke and media pundit Mic Wright.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradioProduced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/18/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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The NHS In Crisis - Cause And Effect

The latest Byline Times podcast explores the crisis in the NHS and the factors which lie behind it. We’ve got a Health Service which (in England at least) is riven by industrial disputes, involving nurses and ambulance drivers - with action pending by junior doctors. Ambulance response times are the worst on record; more than half of patients attending A&E departments are waiting four hours or more to be seen – another historical low – and although waiting lists for routine surgery have improved slightly, they are still the second worst on record. Byline Times has been covering the crisis in detail and host Adrian Goldberg hears from our Investigations Editor Sam Bright and David Oliver, an NHS consultant.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/16/202328 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Week In Politics: Strikebusting and Biden's Classified Documents

Adrian Goldberg hosts a discussion about The Week In Politics including the UK government's strike busting plans, Joe Biden and the classified documents and more Our guests this time Adam Bienkov, Byline Times Political editor and Heidi Cuda from the Radicalized Pod – you can read much more from Adam and Heidi on our newest platform That’s our Substack which has great additional content – check it out. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Deja Coup: Brazil's Insurrection

Two years after the January 6 assault on the Capitol in Washington DC, hundreds of right wing followers of the former Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro launched an attempted coup in their country’s capital Brasilia, vandalising the Presidential Palace, Congress buildings and the Supreme Court. Order now seems to have been restored, but the parallels with the attempt to overthrow Joe Biden’s election are more than co incidental. Bolsonaro was an ally of Donald Trump – like him a nationalist populist - and Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon has called those who sought to unseat the democratically elected government of President Lula “freedom fighters”.Adrian Goldberg hears from Rodrigo Nunes, a Brazilian political analyst from the Catholic University of Rio and author of a recent book on Bolsonarismo Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/10/202323 minutes, 33 seconds
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Reaction to Harry: The Interview

Adrian Goldberg gets instant reaction to ITV's 'Harry: The Interview' with US based royal commentator RS Locke, comedian and journalist Ava Vidal and media pundit Mic Wright.This is an edited version of a broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 8 January, 2023 - hence the slightly 'lo-fi' quality.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/9/202342 minutes, 25 seconds
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Extinction Rebellion: What Next?

What’s next for Extinction Rebellion? The environmental protest group sent out a press release at the start of the year headlined “We Quit” – which might lead you think that, well, they were giving up.  Not quite…but they are shifting away from the kind mass public disruption that made their name in the first place. XR came to prominence after blockading major sites in London during 2018 and 2019, but have, arguably, now been eclipsed by other direct action groups such as Just Stop Oil and Insulate Britain. So is Extinction Rebellion facing extinction itself? Adrian Goldberg hears from one of the organisation’s co founders Clare Farrell.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/4/202333 minutes, 36 seconds
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Harry and Meghan Netflix Review: Vol 2

In this episode of the Byline Times podcast, Adrian Goldberg discusses Episodes 4-6 (ie Volume Two) of the Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary series.Adrian's guests are US-based royal commentator RS Locke and media pundit Mic Wright.This episode was first aired @bylineradio on 18 December 2022.The broadcast was via Twitter Spaces, so the quality might be rather lo-fi in parts.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/2/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 31 seconds
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Trump, Truss and Twitter - The Year In Politics

Trump, Truss and Twitter - we review The Year In Politics on both sides of the Atlantic with Byline Times editor Adam Bienkov and Heidi Siegmund from the Radicalized Pod. Hosted by Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/30/202230 minutes, 27 seconds
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Harry and Meghan Netflix Review: Vol 1

In this episode of the Byline Times podcast, Adrian Goldberg discusses Episodes 1-3 (ie Volume One) of the Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary series.Adrian's guests are comedian and journalist Ava Vidal; US-based royal commentator RS Locke; and media pundit Mic Wright.This episode was first aired @bylineradio on 14 December 2022. The recording was via Twitter Spaces, so the quality might be rather lo-fi in parts.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/28/202255 minutes, 57 seconds
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Christmas in Ukraine

Zarina Zabrisky reports on Christmas in Ukraine after a tumultuous year of resistance to Putin's aggression.Hosted by Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/22/202227 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is It Time To Tune Out Of Spotify?

is it time to tune out of Spotify? Spotify is regarded as indispensable to many musicians with emerging artists often regarding it as valuable source of exposure - but it’s also been accused of being tightfisted when it comes to awarding royalties. Last year it paid out more than $7bn US – around £5.7 bn – with more than 1,000 artists earning in excess of $1million each. Sounds impressive doesn’t it? But more than half that $7billion – $4 billion - went to major record labels.  There’ve also been complaints that Spotify’s podcasts allow for the spread of misinformation with Neil Young pulling his new music earlier this year after a Joe Rogan episode that question the safety of Covid vaccines.Adrian Goldberg hears fromRob Pursey who runs the independent record label Skepwax and Mark Christopher Lee who tries to game Spotify’s algorithms with his band the Pocket Gods by releasing tracks of just over 30 seconds duration.Spotify's Loud And Clear statement is here. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/20/202228 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Week In Politics - Strikes and Deadly Channel Crossings

Adrian Goldberg reviews The Week In Politics with Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov and Andrew Gimson, contributing editor to Conservative Home and author of Boris Johnson, The Rise and Fall of a Troublemaker at Number 10.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/16/202232 minutes, 51 seconds
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"Derailed" - The Crisis in Britain's Railways

Members of the RMT union have brought trains to a virtual standstill in many parts of the UK, but even without that few people would deny that the network is in a mess, with frequent delays and cancellations.Despite that, a poorly performing rail operator like Avanti West Coast could afford to pay shareholders £11.5m dividends according to their last accounts. Adrian Goldberg hears from Tom Haines Doran author of Derailed: How to fix Britain's broken railways Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/15/202229 minutes, 9 seconds
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Elon Musk's Twitter Info War

What exactly is Elon Musk up to with Twitter? Since buying the social media platform for $44billion dollars in October, the US billionaire has given an amnesty to users who’d previously been banned; he’s overseen the departure of thousands of staff; he’s dissolved the Trust and Safety Council; and he’s abandoned Twitter’s Covid disinformation policy. He tweeted that "the bird has been freed" but there's evidence that it's advertisers and users who've taken flight.Adrian Goldberg hears from Heidi Cuda of the Byline Supplement and the Radicalized Pod as well as Byline Times Executive Editor Peter Jukes.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/14/202225 minutes, 50 seconds
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Harry, Meghan, The Monarchy and The Media

This time Harry, Meghan, The Monarchy and the Media …like every other commentator at the point at which this podcast is being recorded we haven’t actually seen the Netflix series about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle but we have witnessed the ferocious howls of outrage from the tabloids who the Duke and Duchess of Sussex clearly have in their sights. Adrian Goldberg gets reaction from US-based freelance writer and royal commentator RS Locke; plus UK comedian and journalist Avva Vidal.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/7/202228 minutes, 24 seconds
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Putin's Kholodomor: The Ultimate Cold War

Zarina Zabrisky reports from Mykloaiv on Vladimir Putin's 'Kholodomor' - the Russian President’s attempt to freeze Ukraine into submission.Hosted by Adrian Goldberg.Based on a report at  Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/6/202222 minutes, 22 seconds
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"How Fascism Works"

Adrian Goldberg is joined from the United States by Jason Stanley, author of How Fascism Works – The Politics of Us And Them. The book, which was first published in 2018, has become increasingly relevant following Donald Trump’s announcement that he plans to stand again for President.In a wide ranging conversation, which we are making available first to Supplement subscribers, Jason talks to Adrian about Brexit, the UK’s inglorious fascist past, the role of the media, and how authoritarianism on the left differs from that on the right.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/6/202226 minutes, 58 seconds
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"Why I Believe Shamima Begum Is A Victim"

Shamima Begum – the so called Isis bride who quit her home in East London to join the Islamic State group at the age of 15 - is appealing at a Special Immigration Appeals tribunal against the decision to deprive her of British citizenship in 2019 by the then Home Secretary Savjid Javid. In the meantime, the 23-year old is living in a refugee camp in northern Syria.MI5 and the Home Office believe she remains a threat to national security, but Rabina Khan - journalist, former Special advisor to the Lib Dems in the House of Lords and author of “My Hair Is Pink Under This Veil” - tells Adrian Goldberg why she believes Shamima Begum is a victim.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/4/202219 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Russia Man

This time we’re delving deep into a brilliant Byline Times exclusive revealing that a businessman with ties to Roman Abramovich and two other sanctioned Russian oligarchs had close contact with senior MP’s and peers in the Houses of Parliament. Sergey Bratukhin, known in the West as Sergey Young, was one of the founding members of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Longevity, chaired by Conservative MP Damian Green. Adrian Goldberg hears from Iain Campbell - the journalist who broke the story - and Byline Times Investigations editor Sam Bright. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/3/202218 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sex Assaults On The Wards; An NHS Scandal

Adrian Goldberg discusses disturbing new figures uncovered by Byline Times which reveal that more than 1,000 people a year are being raped or sexually assaulted on NHS premises …this can include wards, other patient areas, staff room, car parks etc.We hear from Byline Times Chief Social Affairs Reporter Sian Norris, who broke the story, and Daisy Cooper MP, the Liberal Democrat Health spokesperson who’s calling for an urgent government response to what she describes as “horrifying” statistics.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/30/202219 minutes, 24 seconds
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Covid: China's Great Equaliser

Adrian Goldberg hears from Dr Ying Miao, a senior lecturer in politics at Aston University, about the underlying reasons for China's recent protests. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/29/202230 minutes, 15 seconds
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Understanding China's Protests

Adrian Goldberg seeks the context of the remarkable protests in China…triggered by anger over the country’s Covid lockdown measuresHe's joined by William Hurst, Chong Hua Professor of Chinese Development and Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics at the University of Cambridge.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/27/202224 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Week In Politics - Cop 27 and Migration Figures

Adrian Goldberg reflects on The Week in Politics with Amelia Womack, former deputy leader of the Green Party and Sam Bright, Byline Times investigations editor.They discuss Cop 27, onshore wind farms, the PPE scandal and migration figures.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/25/202233 minutes, 2 seconds
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Putin's Power Games

Russia's retreat from the city of Kherson has been followed by an aerial bombardment of major Ukrainian cities targeting their energy infrastructure, and causing widespread power cuts.As Adrian Goldberg hears from Zarina Zabrisky (who somehow managed to online in Odessa) President Putin is also squeezing the gas supply to Moldova, a neighbouring country which is pro EU.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/23/202221 minutes, 24 seconds
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Lady Chatterley's Brexit

Why has one of the most significant moments in modern British life – the decision to leave the EU – become almost unmentionable our political discourse? Adrian Goldberg hears from Chris Grey, the author of ‘Brexit Unfolded’.  Chris writes the ‘Brexit & Beyond’ blog and is also Emeritus Professor of Business and Management Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/22/202221 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Qatar World Cup - and The West's Hypocrisy

The men’s football World Cup is taking place in Qatar, which has been widely condemned for its treatment of migrant workers and LGBT people. But is the West guilty of hypocrisy? Dr David Wearing joins Adrian Goldberg and shares an important story about how the UK, US and other powers helped create and sustain this oil and gas state. David is an expert in UK-Gulf relations and author of Anglo Arabia: Why Gulf Wealth Matters to BritainProduced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/20/202221 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Week In Politics - Budget Review and Trump returns

This week Adrian Goldberg discusses Jeremy Hunt's Autumn Statement (aka The Budget), the return of Donald Trump, the travails of Twitter and the World Cup in Qatar.He's joined by Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov and Heidi Siegmund Cuda from the Radicalized Pod Getting reaction to Jeremy Hunt’s autumn statement and Donald Trump’s return…Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/18/202229 minutes, 19 seconds
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Budget 2022 Analysis

Adrian Goldberg gets reaction to Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement…a budget which the Chancellor says promises sustainability, growth and public services. in his words, it's designed to counter “a recession made by Russia with a recovery made in Britain…” His opposite number Rachel Reeves for Labour condemned what she called his "Bobby Ewing strategy” which conveniently forgets that the Conservatives have been in power for the last dozen years. It hadn’t been a dream she said but “the everyday nightmare of Tory Britain." Adrian's guests are Julia Chukwuma, Lecturer in Economics at The Open University, Dr Phil White from Patriotic Millionaires and Sam Bright investigations editor of Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/18/202237 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Cost Of Living Crisis

Prices have gone up 11.1% in the year to October with basics like milk, pasta and butter driving the rising cost of living. Who’s to blame? And what can we do about it? Adrian Goldberg hears from Lucy Antal from Feedback, a campaign group that seeks to improve food security and organises mass public feasts using food that would otherwise have gone to waste; plus James Meadway, a former Treasury official and now the director of the Progressive Economy Forum  Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/16/202221 minutes, 32 seconds
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UK's Migrant Crossing Deal with France

The UK government has signed a new deal with France to reduce the number of asylum seekers and refugees crossing the Channel in small boats. More than 40,000 would be migrants have arrived in Britain so far this year, including 1,800 this weekend alone. The deal will see the UK’s annual payment to France rise from £55million to £63milion, helping the French authorities to increase the number of officers patrolling the coast 300 – a rise of around 40%. British officers will also be stationed in French border control rooms and share live intelligence. Will it work? And should the UK be doing more to help desperate people fleeing war and persecution? Adrian Goldberg hears from Kolbassia Haoussou who has lived experience of being trafficked into the UK after being tortured for political activism in his home country of Chad. Kollbassia founded Survivors Speak Out and is part of the Freedom From Torture campaign group.We also hear from Steve Valdez Symonds from Amnesty International.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/15/202228 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Week In Politics - the US Mid Terms and UK Recession

Adrian Goldberg reflects on seven days when former Health Secretary Matt Hancock entered the creepy crawly world of the 'I’m A Celebrity' jungle and tarantula loving minister Gavin Williamson found that victims of bullying bite back in the Westminster jungle.  It was also the week when the Bank Of England warned that the UK was entering the longest recession this century, and nurses voted to strike. Meanwhile in the US, voters went to the polls for the mid term elections. We hear from Sam Bright, Byline Times investigations editor and author of 'Fortress London - Why We Need To Save The Country From Its Capital' and Heidi Siegmund Cuda from the Radicalized Pod.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/12/202230 minutes, 2 seconds
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Elon Musk, Democracy and Twitter

Twitter's former European Vice President Bruce Daisley reflects on the company's takeover by Elon Musk, the difficulty of moderating social media platforms, and the challenge to democracy when diverse voices are frightened off by trolls.Bruce also talks about his book 'Fortitude - Unlocking The Secrets Of Inner Strength'.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/10/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Peter Tatchell: Qatar, Trans Rights and Me

Civil rights activist Peter Tatchell talks to Adrian Goldberg about his protests in Qatar ahead of the World Cup, and reveals how his stance on trans rights has cost him friendships.There's also a new documentary on Netflix, called 'Hating Peter Tatchell', chronicling the highlights of his career as a protestor.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/8/202228 minutes, 22 seconds
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Austerity and the Manchester Arena Bombing

Did Austerity cause the Manchester Arena Attack in 2017, in which 22 people died? No, of course not. That responsibility rests with the bomber Salman Abedi, who also lost his life in the atrocity.But did Auserity weaken the ability of the police in Greater Manchester (and other major urban areas) to respond to terrorism? The Chair of the Inquiry into the bombing, Sir John Saunders says in his Report , "the cuts did have a significant impact on the ability of GMP [Greater Manchester Police] to provide an adequate public service in certain respects".Adrian Goldberg discusses this with John Cooper KC, a barrister at 25 Bedford Row, who represented 12 of the 22 victims' families including that of John Atkinson, who the Report suggests would have survived with prompter intervention.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/7/202224 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Week In Politics - I'm A Nonentity, Get Me Out Of Here

In the spotlight this week - the Cop 27 Climate Conference, the “migrant crisis", Matt Hancock’s appearance on I’m A Celebrity and the ongoing impasse in the Northern Ireland Executive.Adrian Goldberg hears from Stephen Farry, previously a Minister in the Northern Ireland Executive and now MP for North Down, plus the Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov…Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/5/202231 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Secretary-General of the UN Antionio Guterres has said the COP 27 Conference must deliver a “down-payment” on climate solutions that match the scale of the problem of global warming.Ahead of the Conference, UNESCO has warned that around a third of the glaciers at its World Heritage Sites are expected to disappear in the next three decades including the ice cap at Mt Kilimanjaro.Adrian Goldberg hears from Amelia Womack, former deputy leader of the Green Party. and Dr Ella Gilbert from the British Antarctic Survey, who are both in Egypt for Cop 27. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/4/202221 minutes, 34 seconds
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What's Wrong With Our Asylum System?

We have a Home Secretary in Suella Braverman who describes people who are mostly fleeing war, persecution, hunger and torture as an “invasion”; dangerous overcrowding at the Manston Processing Centre in Kent: and a backlog of 100,000 asylum cases.So what's wrong with the UK's asylum system?Adrian Goldberg hears from Sile Reynolds, Head of Asylum Advocacy at Freedom From Torture, and Amreen Qureshi, a research fellow with a focus on migration at the IPR think tank.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/3/202227 minutes, 15 seconds
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Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover

Elon Musk’s $44bn Twitter takeover has pleased Donald Trump – delighted he said that the social media company is in now what he describes as “safe hands” but it hasn’t pleased every Twitter user. The hashtag “delete” has been trending reflecting the fact that many people are now threatening to leave the site. Referencing Twitter’s logo, Musk has said “the bird is freed” but does that mean that we can expect to see a rise in hate speech and far right politics? Adrian Goldberg hears from Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate and Heidi Siegmund Cuda from the Radicalized Pod.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/30/202230 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Week In Politics - Sunak's First Week

In the week that Rishi Sunak became PM, we assess what his new Cabinet tells us about the direction of his government; plus his decision to shun the Cop 27 climate summit in Egypt; and the ongoing stalemate in Northern Ireland’s Assembly at Stormont. Host Adrian Goldberg is by Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov and investigations editor Sam Bright.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/28/202231 minutes, 51 seconds
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Qatar World Cup: Human Rights ... And Wrongs

UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverley has said that football supporters heading to Qatar for the men’s football World Cup should be respectful to the host nation and be willing to make compromises. But how can you respect a nation which has built a tournament off the back of exploited migrant workers; and where people who are LGBT have to compromise their core identity? Adrian Goldberg hears from Amnesty International's Felix Jakens and and Sarah Robinson, a member of Proud Baggies comprised of LGBT supporters from Championship team West Bromwich Albion.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/27/202230 minutes, 49 seconds
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Abuse Law Flaw

Adrian Goldberg hears a dismayed reaction to the final report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse - or IICSA.The Inquiry was commissioned by Theresa May in 2014 after the Jimmy Saville scandal and was designed to investigate the systemic failures that allow abuse to happen and then be covered up - especially in institutions such as schools, the NHS and the BBC.One if its key recommendations is for a law on Mandatory Reporting of abuse but Tom Perry from Mandate Now – who has been of the most ardent supporters of legislation like this - is not happy.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/26/202220 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sunak as PM; why this ISN'T Britain's 'Obama Moment'

We all remember what a breakthrough it represented when an African American became US president – so why isn't Richie Sunaks's elevation to Prime Minister being greeted with similar enthusiasm?  He is, after all, a Hindu whose parents came from East Africa, and he's of Punjabi Indian descent.For members of his own community, this IS a comparable milestone. Sanjay Chandarana, President of the Southampton temple founded by Sunak’s grandfather said: “It’s like for the UK, it’s the Barack Obama moment, where a non-white person becomes Prime Minister for the first time, also a person from Indian origin and Hindu which is another dimension and everyone is very proud.”Others are not convinced. Adrian Goldberg hears from Michael Bankole, a politics lecturer at Royal Holloway in London who has extensively researched race and representation in politics…Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/25/202230 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Week In Politics - Life After Liz

What a week it’s been with the resignation of Liz Truss, the mooted return of Boris Johnson to frontline politics and the Third Reading of the Public Order Bill.Adrian Goldberg gets reaction from Labour MP Jess Phillips, the Shadow Minister for Domestic Violence and Safeguarding, along with Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/21/202228 minutes, 36 seconds
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Lizz Truss Quits Pt 2 - What Next?

What next for the Conservative Party party and more importantly the country after Liz Truss's resignation as PM?  There are strong indications tonight that Boris Johnson wants to make a comeback just 6 weeks after leaving office in shame – though under new rules drawn up by the Conservative 1922 Committee, he’ll need to win the support of at least 100 Tory MPs to enter the race.What is this all doing for the UK’s reputation abroad.Adrian Goldberg hears from Byline Times Executive Editor and co founder Peter Jukes, and former senior British diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey WhiteFunded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/21/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 56 seconds
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Liz Truss Quits Pt 1 - Instant Reaction

That Liz Truss resignation - as it happened on Byline Radio.Adrian Goldberg takes the news from Downing Street, then reaction from Byline Times Executive Editor Peter Jukes, Political Editor Adam Bienkov and Chief European and Social Affairs Reporter Sian Norris. Plus callers to @bylineradioProduced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.First broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/20/202254 minutes, 9 seconds
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Austerity 2 - The Sequel

With new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt talking of deep spending cuts, what impact will that have on on a society where many people are still reeling from the impact of the first wave of Austerity unleashed by David Cameron and George Osborne in 2010?Adrian Goldberg hears from Byline Times Chief European and Social Affairs reporter Norris.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/19/202226 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Dark Heart of Trussonomics

In conversation with Adrian Goldberg, Nafeez Ahmed explores the ideas circulating amongst some senior Conservatives including Prime Minister Liz Truss.Nafeez identifies how Charles Murray, who promotes what Nafeez describes as "scientific racism", has been allowed a platform within the Tory mainstream.Murray argues that some groups in society fare less well than others because they are genetically inferior to others - which leads him to radical economic prescriptions.There's no suggestion that Truss herself or any of her ministers believes in or promotes eugenics, but some of the government’s thinking appears to be influenced by his work.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/17/202225 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Week In Politics - Last Chancellor Saloon?

Are the Conservatives drinking in "last Chancellor saloon" after replacing Kwasi Karteng with Jeremy Hunt?Adrian Goldberg takes soundings on a momentous week in politics from long serving Labour backbencher Steve McCabe and Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/14/202224 minutes, 54 seconds
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Jan 6 Committee Subpoenas Trump

All the latest from Heidi Siegmund Cuda the January 6th Hearings in Washington DC – which has sensationally voted to subpoena former President Donald Trump – this means he will be legally compelled to give evidence.Hosted by Adrian Goldberg.Hear more from Heidi at Radicalized Pod.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/14/202230 minutes, 18 seconds
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Liz Truss and the UK's Financial Crisis

How did the UK’s financial crisis begin? How can do to solve it? And what does it mean for Liz Truss and her Chancellor Kwasi Karteng?Adrian Goldberg hears from Danisha Kazi, senior economist at Positive Money and Sam Bright, from Byline Times and author of Fortress London – Why We Need To Save The Country From Its Capital.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscribers to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/13/202221 minutes, 46 seconds
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Putin's Revenge?

After the bombing of the Kerch Bridge which links Russia to Crimea, President Putin has commissioned missile assaults on major Ukrainian cities including the capital Kiev, as well as Zaphorizhia and Lviv.Putin has explicitly linked his latest round of death and destruction with the attack on the bridge, which is both strategically and symbolically important linking, as it does, Russia to a region of Ukraine it annexed in 2014.But where he stop? And how are ordinary Ukrainians facing up to this latest assault.Adrian Goldberg hears from Zarina Zabrisky, a regular Byline Times contributor in Odessa, and Yehven Petrov in Kiev. Yehven is Secretary General of the Public Diplomacy Platform which promotes engagement with civil society.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/11/202227 minutes, 43 seconds
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Truss "Goes Trump" Over Jerusalem

Is Liz Truss about to go full Trump by relocating the UK Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? If so, it's a decision which would be loaded with political signifigance.The PM told her Israeli counterpart Yair Lapid at the UN summit in New York last month that a move was under consideration.The proposal has been condemned both nationally and internationally with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby warning that it could damage peace prospects.Adrian Goldberg hears from former diplomat Alexandra Hall Hall – her 30 years in The Foreign Office included heading the Middle East Peace Process Section. She was also head of the UK’s Human Rights Department and advised the US State Department on Human Rights and Democracy in the Middle East.Produced by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/9/202223 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Week In Politics - Tory Party Conference

Adrian Goldberg hears reflections on the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham from Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov, and Sir John Curtice, politics professor at the University of Strathclyde and senior research fellow at both Nat Cen Social Research and The UK in A Changing Europe.Produced by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/7/202232 minutes, 22 seconds
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Hedging Their Bets?

Adrian Goldberg hears from Hardeep Matharu and Peter Jukes about the hedge fund managers who have donated thousands of pounds to the likes of Boris Johnson, other Conservative MPs and the Tory party generally, and questions whether those who stand to personally benefit from what the government does should be in any position to wield influence inside Number 10 or Number 11 Downing Street. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/5/202224 minutes, 11 seconds
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Iran - A History of Protest

Dozens of people have died in street protests in Iran following the death in police custody of 22 year old Mahsa Amini, who was arrested by the morality police for allegedly violating the law that requires women to cover their hair with a hijab - or headscaf. Adrian Goldberg hears from Nasrin Parvaz, a women's rights activist forced to flee Iran in 1993 after being imprisoned and tortured so badly that she developed a brain tumour.She’s detailed her experiences in a book called One Woman’s Struggle In Iran – A Prison Memoir.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/4/202222 minutes, 6 seconds
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Russia's 'Annexation' - Ukraine's Fightback

Adrian Goldberg talks to Zarina Zabrisky in Odessa about Vladmir Putin’s annexation of four regions of Ukraine - and what that means for the war. Russia recently held fake 'referendums' in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson - areas it has seized in the south and east of the country - seeking to justify its invasion. Ukraine has already retaliated on the battlefield winning back the strategically important city of Lyman in the Donetsk region; and there are reports that Kherson is in the process of being reclaimed.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/3/202226 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Week In Politics - Trussed Up In Tufton Street

What a week it’s been. The Bank of England was forced into a £65bn intervention to head off a pensions crisis triggered by new Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s Financial Statement which proposed a 5p in the pound cut in the top rate of income tax, funded by massive borrowing. The markets were spooked, and a round of local radio interviews with Liz Truss to retrieve the situation was generally regarded as being not so much a car crash as a multi vehicle pile up. Meanwhile, off the back of a Party Conference that proposed a publicly owned green energy company, Labour has amassed a 33 point lead in the polls.Adrian Goldberg hears analysis from Sam Bright, Byline Times Investigations Editor and author of Fortress London; Why We Need To Save The Country from its capital and Adam Bienkov Byline Times Westminster correspondent.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/30/202229 minutes, 39 seconds
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UK Financial Crisis - Bank Intervenes

The UK is in the grip of a full blown financial crisis, with the Bank of England forced to make an emergency intervention because of “material risk to UK financial stability”.This in the aftermath of Kwasi Kwarteng’s Financial Statement which slashed taxes for high earners, and earned an unprecedented rebuke from the Washington-based International Monetary Fund who said that the government’s economic policy would undermine efforts by the Bank to tackle rising inflation.Adrian Goldberg hears from Tony Yates – a former Professor of Economics at Birmingham University who was also at the Bank Of England for 21 years and Ewan McGaughey an academic at Kings College London who also teaches at the Paris School of Economics.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey WhiteFunded by subscriptions to Byline Times.First broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/29/202253 minutes, 17 seconds
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Giorgia Meloni and "Mussolini's Grandchidren"

Giorgia Meloni is the brink of becoming Italy's first female prime minister - and leader of its most right wing government since the days of Mussolini.Adrian Goldberg hears from David Broder author of “Mussolini’s Grandchildren – Fascism in Contemporary Italy”Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times podcast. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/27/202229 minutes, 51 seconds
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Starmer's Labour "Must Be Bolder"

As the Labour party gathers for its Annual Conference in Liverpool, Adrian Goldberg hears a warning from Keir Starmer’s former Strategic Campaigns Adviser Simon Fletcher that the party can’t just assume it will win the next election be default. Writing on Simon – who also worked for Jeremy Corbyn and Ed Miliband – says that “a strategy based on caution is a big risk". He's joined in conversation with Byline Times Political Editor Adam Bienkov.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/25/202227 minutes, 19 seconds
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"A Budget For The Rich?"

Reaction to Kwasi Karteng’s fiscal statement, his first as Chancellor in Liz Truss’s new government. Was it a budget for the rich?Adrian Goldberg hears from Sam Bright from Byline Times and author of Fortress London: Why We Need to Save The Country From Its Capital; plus Jeevun Sandher head of economics at the New Economics Foundation, and NEF, and Dr Jo Michell, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of the West of England. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/24/202230 minutes, 5 seconds
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Homes For Ukraine - Six Months On

Adrian Goldberg investigates the government's flagship 'Homes For Ukraine' resettlement scheme, six months after its introduction.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/23/202238 minutes, 24 seconds
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Leicester divided by religion

After an eruption of violence between Hindus and Muslims on the streets of Leicester, how much of the tension and rivalry has been imported from nationalists in India? Adrian Goldberg hears from Shockat Adam who grew up in the area where disturbances happened and is now a community activist with MEND – Muslim Engagement and Development. He believes the fires are being stoked by Hindutva – Hindu nationalism based on the sub continent.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/21/202237 minutes, 25 seconds
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Trump Supporters 'Sieg Heil' Moment

The place was Youngstown Ohio; the event a Save America Rally; the gesture baffling. As former President Donald Trump listed what he regards as the foreign policy failures of his successor Joe Biden against a background of doomy music and warnings of World War 3 Trump’s supporters raised their right arms in gesture that looked disturbingly like a fascist salute.It wasn’t quite the full Sieg Heil, because those who took part extended their index fingers as well as their arms, but parallels with old Leni Riefenstahl propaganda movies filmed at Nazi rallies were are as terrifying as they are unavoidable. There are, it seems, a significant number of Americans willing to embrace the idea of unquestioning obedience to an authoritarian figure which to the rest of us seems pretty close to fascism. In this episode Adrian Goldberg explores the cult of Trump with Heidi Cuda from the Radicalized Pod Byline Radio and the Byline Times podcast are funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times, our brilliant monthly newspaper…it has the best of our online articles and plenty or material that is exclusive to the print edition.First broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/20/202239 minutes, 46 seconds
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Should King Charles Pay Inheritance Tax?

Should the new King Charles pay inheritance tax? The Duchy of Lancaster, which will be passed down to him from his mum, Queen Elizabeth II, is worth an estimated £652m.Normally someone of Charles' wealth would have to pay 40% of that to HMRC, but he’s the beneficiary of an exclusion introduced by then PM John Major in 1993 which makes the monarchy exemptHost Adrian Goldberg hears from two top guests:Stephanie Brobbey, founder and Chief Exec of the Good Ancestor Movement, which supports wealthy individuals to redistribute their cash in a socially conscious way...And Symon Hill, who was arrested in Oxford after shouting “who elected him?” at the proclamation of Charles accession to the throne.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/16/202222 minutes, 58 seconds
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U.S. Dark Money and the Tory Cabinet

Adrian Goldberg hears from Nafeez Ahmed and Peter Jukes about American “dark money” and its links to new Prime Minister Liz Truss’s Cabinet.You can read the full article here.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/15/202226 minutes, 4 seconds
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"Not My King?"

Can you respectfully mourn the passing of the Queen whilst still opposing the institution she represented? These are questions posed by the reaction of the police in different parts of the UK to those who wanted to counter the Royalist narrative being pumped out by most mainstream media. A woman was arrested for holding up an anti monarchist in Edinburgh during the Royal Proclamation; likewise and man in Oxford. Adrian Goldberg hears from barrister Paul Powlesland, who was threatened with arrest outside Parliament after holding up a blank sign in protest at the accession of Charles III. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian GoldbergFunded by subscriptions to Byline Times Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/13/202218 minutes, 9 seconds
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Russia On The Retreat

We seem to be at a turning point in Ukraine’s resistance, as Russian troops are forced to flee from dozens of towns and villages outside Kharkiv in the north east of the country – including Kupiansk, an important railway hub and one of Russia’s key supply routes to the east.  There are suggestions that the invading forces were outwitted. Russia redeployed troops to Kherson in the south of the country where Ukraine launched another recent offensive…leaving them stretched and vulnerable to swift counter-attacks in the north. Adrian Goldberg gets a view of life inside Ukraine from Zarina Zabrisky from Odessa, who has been to the site of the Chernobyl reactor and marks our card about Zaporozhia nuclear plant.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/12/202231 minutes, 31 seconds
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Gorbachev, Putin and the 1999 Apartment Block Bombings

Adrian Goldberg talks to Dr Yuri Felshtinsky who wrote Blowing Up Russia: Terror From Within - a book which alleged that a series of apartment block bombings in Russia in 1999 were false flag attacks engineered by the security services.At the time, the bombings – which killed 307 people - were blamed on Islamist terrorists and were used by Vladimir Putin to strengthen his grip on power, Dr Felshtinsky’s book was co written with former KGB and FSB Colonel Alexander Litvinenko – who was poisoned in London in 2006 in what is widely thought to have been a revenge killing by the Russian state approved by Putin. We can now reveal that the serialisation of Blowing Up Russia in the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta was sanctioned by former Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/9/202229 minutes, 49 seconds
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Byline Investigates: Rwanda Refugee Scheme

Adrian Goldberg hears details of a disturbing investigation into the UK’s proposed deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda – a policy heartily endorsed by incoming Prime Minister Liz Truss who has said that she will support and extend the scheme to other countries. The Byline Intelligence Team (BITE) has unearthed details of a previously unreported second deadly protest in Rwanda involving refugees and local security forces. Our reporting team has also discovered that a monitoring committee designed to oversee the treatment of deportees hadn’t been established before the first planned flight out in June. You can read all four of their reports at Adrian hears from one of the BITE reporters, Sian Norris, and Matilda Bryce from Freedom From Torture, which has provided evidence to the High Court for a Judicial Review into the scheme.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/8/202224 minutes, 38 seconds
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Liz Truss - Hopes and Fears

In this episode, Adrian Goldberg hears listeners hopes and fears about the arrival of Liz Truss as Prime Minister. Truss arrives in the midst of a cost of living crisis that’s destined to get worse, with industrial unrest growing, the NHS in crisis, the ongoing fallout from Brexit, and with international tensions rising after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.If it’s a mess, it’s one she has helped create having held Cabinet positions since 2014, most recently serving as Johnson’s Foreign Secretary. Will her arrival at No.10 do anything to improve things?Adrian hears from Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu, Westminster correspondent Adam Bienkov, and Jeevun Sandher, an economist at Kings College, London.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/6/202252 minutes, 46 seconds
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Boris Johnson's Legacy

Boris Johnson’s was the Prime Minister who promised to get Brexit done, who oversaw the UK’s response to Covid and who promised a levelling up agenda. He was also forced to stand down in disgrace, laid low by a series of scandals that pointed to his dishonesty and lack of judgement.Otto English - whose best selling book Ten Great Lies and How They Shaped The World included a chapter dedicated to Boris’s porkies - analyses his legacy.Produced and presented by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/5/202226 minutes, 20 seconds
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MP: "I Won't Be Silenced Over Boris Russia Links"

This time we return to the subject of Boris Johnson’s attendance at a party in Italy in 2018 at a castle owned by newspaper proprietor Evgeny Lebdev, son of former KGB spy Alexander Lebedev. At the time Johnson was Foreign Secretary, before becoming PM in 2019.Evgeny - who owns The Independent and the Evening Standard - became a life peer in 2020 despite reports of concerns by the security services.Lebedev insists he is not a security risk.That hasn't stopped Labour MP Matt Western asking questions about the affair, and he now claims he’s been the victim of a co-ordinated attempt to silence him. Presenter Adrian Goldberg hears from Matt and Byline Times political editor Adam Bienkov, who has been pursuing Tory links to Russian oligarchs for several years.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/2/202219 minutes, 33 seconds
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UK's Fuel Poverty "Humanitarian Crisis"

In the latest episode, we hear a stark warning that escalating energy prices will lead to a ‘humanitarian crisis’ in the UK.  A new report by two leading experts suggests that thousands of lives will be lost and the development of millions of children blighted as a result of fuel poverty, triggered by rising energy prices.The grim prediction comes from Professor Sir Michael Marmot from UCL in London with Professor Ian Sinha, a consultant at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool.Sir Michael shares the key findings with Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/1/202224 minutes, 27 seconds
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Pakistan Floods: "A Man Made Tragedy"

Adrian Goldberg discusses the tragedy of Pakistan’s floods which have killed more than 1100 people and left a third of the country under water.Un Sec General Antonio Guterres described it as a “monsoon on steroids” as he launched a campaign to raise 160million US dollars to provide help for the those affected.We hear from Asad Rehman, co-founder of the Climate Justice Coalition who has spent years raising the issue of Pakistan's vulnerability to climate change, and Heidi Chow, director of the charity Debt Justice.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.First broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/31/202232 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Crosby Show

This time it’s the Crosby Show…as we examine the influence of political strategist Sir Lynton Crosby, advisor to David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson. Australian Crosby – sometimes known as the 'Wizard of Oz' - is credited with founding the “dead cat” strategy, which involves creating a diversion if your favoured candidate is coming under intense pressure. It’s a tactic which has arguably defined Boris Johnson’s tenure in Downing Street...Max Colbert who has written about Crosby for Byline Times joins Adrian Goldberg in conversation.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian GoldbergFunded by subscriptions to Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/26/202224 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ukrainian Independence Day

An episode marking Ukrainian Independence Day, discovering the nation's history and finding out what the future holds following Russia’s invasion. Adrian Goldberg hears from Denys Ghaza a Ukrainian Youth Delegate to the UN, and Zarina Zabrisky who has been covering the Russian invasion from inside Ukraine for Byline Times and the Euromaidan NewsProduced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/25/202230 minutes, 25 seconds
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In this episode, Adrian Goldberg is joined from Kyiv by Zarina Zabrisky who tells us more about the context surrounding the brutal murder of the daughter of Alexander Dugin – the man dubbed “Putin’s brain” and the architect of many of his key policies. Darya Dugina was blown up a car 30 miles outside Moscow. Was the real target her father?  Alexander Dugin doesn’t hold a government position but he is seen as the architect of latter-day Russian nationalism promoting the idea that the country should expand to follow in the footsteps of the old Russian empire and the Soviet Union – hence the invasion of Ukraine which has already been blamed for the killing by Kremlin sources. Darya echoed Alexander's belief in the development of a Eurasian Empire, and had been sanctioned by the US and UK for spreading disinformation. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Original broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/21/202234 minutes, 35 seconds
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Cost of Living Health Crisis

Health bosses are warning of a "public health emergency" and a rise in excess winter deaths unless the government takes action to help people deal with rising energy prices.The NHS Confederation which represents health service managers in England, Wales and Norther Ireland says that with annual energy bills going up to £3,600 a year October – before increasing again in April - more people will be forced to choose between heating and eating.They say this will lead to more illness and – quotes – intolerable pressure on front line NHS staff.Adrian Goldberg hears from Dr Sonia Adesara, a GP in London and Byline Times Chief social affairs reporter Sian Norris.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/19/202248 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ukraine's Nuclear Fear Factor

Zarina Zabrisky reports on what is potentially the deadliest point of conflict in the Russia/Ukraine war – the Zaporizhzia nuclear plant in Enerhodar in south eastern Ukraine… Both countries have accused the other of shelling the nuclear plant which is the largest in Europe…Ukraine’s President Zelensky has warned that Russian troops who use the Zaporizhzia as cover to attack Ukrainian towns and cities will be targeted. The G7 group of countries has called on Russia to withdraw to avoid creating a nuclear catastrophe.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/17/202231 minutes, 27 seconds
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Liz Truss vs Richie Sunak

Byline Times Political Editor Adam Bienkov discusses the Tory leadership contest with Adrian Goldberg.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/15/202244 minutes, 43 seconds
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Amnesty's "Russian Propaganda"

A report by Amnesty International has been denounced as "Russian propaganda" by the organisation's Ukrainian chief, who has since quit. Hear why with journalist Tom Mutch who talks to Adrian Goldberg from Kyiv.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/11/202220 minutes, 25 seconds
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Dividends, Dividends Everywhere

England is facing the prospect of an official drought – millions of people have had hosepipe bans – but 2.4 billion litres of water are wasted in England every day thanks to leaky pipes. Figures obtained by the Lib Dems show that in the last two years executives at water and sewage companies paid themselves more than £27m in bonuses, benefits and other incentives – and overall gave themselves £48million in pay. In Scotland and Wales though, water is run on a non profit basis.  Adrian Goldberg hears from Martin Lines an arable farmer in Cambridgeshire and UK Chair of the Nature Friendly Farming Network and Cat Hobbs from the pressure group We Own It.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/8/202226 minutes
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Alex Jones Misinfo Wars

Far right US conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has been ordered to pay more than $49million dollars – around £40 million pounds – in damages after his repeated claims that the Sandy Hook School massacre in 2012 was a hoax.  He claimed the incident was fabricated to increase support for gun control. 26 people were killed in the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut – 20 of them children; Jones has now acknowledged that the tragedy was real, but how was he allowed to flourish unchecked for so long and build a fortune based on his Infowars brand which – ironically – was source of huge MISinformation. Adrian Goldberg hears from Michael Edison Hayden, an investigator with the globally respected Southern Poverty Law Centre, based in Alabama and Heidi Siegmund Cuda from the Radicalised Pod.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/6/202232 minutes, 36 seconds
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Russia's 'Scorched Earth' In Ukraine

Adrian Goldberg gets the latest update on Russia's invasion of Ukraine from Zarina Zabrisky, who has been to the site of a massacre in Bucha, as well Irpin and Hostomel, and other areas close to the capital Kyiv.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/4/202235 minutes, 19 seconds
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Let Down By Levelling Up?

Adrian Goldberg hears details of a new study which shows that the public spending gap between London and the north of England has grown, despite government promises to 'level up' the regions.His guests are Amreen Qureshi from IPPR North, the think tank which conducted the research; and Sam Bright from Byline Times, author of 'Fortress London; Why We Need To Save The Country From Its Capital'.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/27/202242 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sunak v Truss

Adrian Goldberg is joined by Byline Times executive editor Peter Jukes to discuss the race to become next Conservative Party leader - and therefore the UK's next Prime Minister - following a televised debate between Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss on BBC1. They are joined by a cast of (mostly) excellent callers discussing (amongst other things) the economy, LGBTQ rights, sending asylum seekers to Rwanda, freeports and Scottish independence.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/26/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 41 seconds
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Brexit and Britain's Border Chaos

To what extent are problems for holidaymakers at Britain's borders due to Brexit? Adrian Goldberg investigates with Simon Calder, travel editor of The Independent.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/24/202215 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Week In Politics #3

Adrian Goldberg discusses the Week In Politics with Byline Times co founder Peter Jukes, and editor Hardeep Matharu. They discuss Boris Johnson's final PMQ's, the Tory leadership race and the Forde Report into allegations of internal sabotage within the Labour Party.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/24/202258 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Odessa File

Author and journalist Zarina Zabrisky gives Adrian Goldberg an eyewitness account of life in Odessa, the strategically important Ukrainian city under attack from invading Russian forces.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times newspaper.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/21/202238 minutes, 56 seconds
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"My effigy was hung and burnt on a bonfire"

Northern Ireland's Justice Minister Naomi Long, the leader of the Alliance Party, talks to Adrian Goldberg about discovering that her effigy was being hung and burnt at a Loyalist bonfire.Produced by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/19/202228 minutes, 16 seconds
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Red Alert For Planet Earth

As the UK - along with much of western Europe - swelters in record breaking temperatures, are our politicians finally ready to embrace the realities of the climate emergency?Adrian Goldberg is joined by Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell; and Cam Walker, Campaigns Co-Ordinator for Friends of the Earth in Australia and a volunteer firefighter who challenges bush fires.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/19/202254 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Week In Politics #2

Adrian Goldberg discusses the week in politics with SNP MP John Nicolson. Includes debate about the Tory leadership contest, IndyRef 2, and climate change.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline TImes.Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @byline radio Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/16/202251 minutes, 15 seconds
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The images that shame Loyalism

At a bonfire in Carrickfergus, effigies of three female politicians were hung from a bonfire were children were playing and crowds cheered as they were burned. One of the three – Naomi Long leader of the non sectarian Alliance party – said she felt physically sick after seeing pictures of the fire.Sinn Fein politician Gary McCleave said his youngsters asked why daddy is on a bonfire after his poster was placed ready for burning in Belfast.John Kyle is councillor in the working class Titanic district on Belfast City Council and, while fiercely condemning these incidents, offers a moderate Unionist perspective.Produced by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/14/202222 minutes, 27 seconds
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Tory leadership contest

The Tory leadership contest will decide the UK's next PM. Adrian Goldberg discusses the runners and riders with Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu and Westminster Correspondent Adam Bienkov.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/14/202240 minutes, 23 seconds
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Trump "set the date" for Riot

In her latest update on the January 6th riot hearings Heidi Siegmund Cuda (from the Radicalized Pod) gives Adrian Goldberg the lowdown on claims that Donald Trump 'set the date' for the January 6 riot in Washington DC.Produced by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/13/202229 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Cost Of An Uber

A leak of 124,000 emails has thrown light on the business practices of the 'ride hailing app' Uber and the venture capitalists who've supported the company's attempts to disrupt the taxi business across the world.Adrian Goldberg discusses the key issues with Dalia Gebrial from the LSE, who has researched Uber and the gig economy.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/11/202226 minutes, 42 seconds
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Boris Johnson and the Russian Spy

In the dying days of his Premiership, Boris Johnson has admitted that he did meet former KGB spy Alexander Lebedev in Italy during his time as Foreign Secretary without his security detail or any other government officials.It happened weeks after former Russian military officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia had been poisoned by intelligence officers from Moscow to the streets of Salisbury in Wiltshir.Adrian Goldberg asks Byline Times executive editor Peter Jukes and Westminster correspondent Adam Bienkov what Johnson's admission means.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/10/202220 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Week In Politics

Former Labour Deputy Leader Tom Watson joins Adrian Goldberg to discuss a remarkable week in politics which saw the resignation of Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer cleared over 'Beergate'.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/8/202258 minutes, 31 seconds
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Johnson's Trump Moment...

Adrian Goldberg discuss Boris Johnson's drawn out resignation with a host of Byline Times luminaries including co-founder Peter Jukes abd editor Hardeep Matharu, plus Sam Bright, Sian Norris, Paul Mason.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/7/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 18 seconds
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An Air Of Resignation

Adrian Goldberg discusses the resignations of Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid, after Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s inconsistent account of the appointment of Chris Pincher as Assistant Chief Whip…Pincher has now stepped down after a drunken assault, but it turns out that Johnson had previously been warned about his behaviour.His guests are Byline Times Westminster editor Adam Bienkov, and LSE economist Jeevun Sandher.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/6/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 36 seconds
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'Pincher By Name...'

Adrian Goldberg discusses Westminster's sexual misconduct scandals with Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu and Political Correspondent Adam Bienkov.Produced by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/4/202225 minutes, 36 seconds
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Turning Back The Clock On Women's Rights

After the right to abortion in the United States was overturned by the Supreme Court, Adrian Goldberg explores the appetite among Conservative MPs for turning back the clock on women's rights in the UK with Byline Times Political and Westminster Editor Adam Bienkov, and European and Social Affairs reporter Sian Norris.This podcast is funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/1/202220 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mykolayiv, Snake Island, Odessa

Adrian Goldberg gets an update on the Ukraine War from Zarina Zabrisky, reporting from Odessa. She explains the strategic importance of Mykolyayiv, a city targeted by Russia, and Snake Island, which has been recaptured by the Ukrainians.The Byline Times podcast is funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/1/202231 minutes, 16 seconds
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Trump "wanted to join Capitol riot"

The US Congressional Panel investigating the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol building has heard sensational evidence that then President Trump sought to join the riot, and had to be restrained by secret service agents.According to Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Trump threw his lunch against the wall in frustration, while Meadows appeared unbothered by the looming threat. of violence.Trump has said her claims are "fake" and "fraudulent".Adrian Goldberg gets the details from US based political commentator Heidi Siegmund Cuda, a Byline Times contributor who also appears on the Radicalized podcast.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/29/202222 minutes, 18 seconds
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US Special: Roe vs Wade, Trump, January 6 Hearings

Adrian Goldberg discusses the latest developments in US politics including the overturning of Roe vs Wade, and the evidence against Donald Trump at the January 6 Congressional Hearing, with Heidi Siegemund Cuda from the Radicalized podcast and Sian Norris from Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/27/202224 minutes, 6 seconds
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Six years after the EU Referendum, Adrian Goldberg assesses the economic and electoral impact of Brexit, with Sam Bright - Investigations Editor of Byline Times - and Thomas Sampson, as associate professor in Economics Department at LSE.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/26/202231 minutes
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The Demonisation of Mick Lynch

Adrian Goldberg's discusses the history of "attack journalism" and the demonisation of Mick Lynch, General Secretary of the RMT rail Union, with Dr Bethany Usher, a former tabloid journalist and now an academic at Newcastle University. Bethany is the author of Journalim and Celebrity.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/24/202227 minutes, 4 seconds
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"They're Standing Up For Themselves"

Perspectives on the UK's biggest rail strike for 30 years with Ellie Mae O'Hagan from the left leaning think tank Class; Ashok Kumar an Associate Professor in the Business School at Birkbeck University; and Sandy James, a commuter from Bradford.Produced and presented in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/21/202229 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ukraine War Latest: A Night At The Opera

Zarina Zabrisky reports from Odessa about a night at the opera - a symbol of Ukraine's defiance against Russia. But as Adrian Goldberg hears, there are other, potentially dangerous, developments including a blockade by Lithuania of Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave in Eastern Europe. Lithuania says it's only enforcing EU sanctions, but Moscow regards the move as provocative.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscribers to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/21/202228 minutes, 32 seconds
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Adrian Goldberg investigates "Carriegate" or the story that disappeared…and asks what it might tell us about British media today.He's joined by Byline Times executive editor Peter Jukes and Byline Times Westminster and Political correspondent Adam Bienkov.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/20/202219 minutes, 12 seconds
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Trump's 'Seditious Conspiracy'

The latest evidence from the January 6th Congressional Hearings has led one Republican member of the panel Adam Kinzinger to accuse former President Donald Trump of "seditious conspiracy". Trump, who denies any wrongdoing, has described the hearings as a "kangaroo court".Adrian Goldberg hears commentary from Heidi Siegmund Cudma, from the Radicalized podcast.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast on @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/20/202230 minutes, 44 seconds
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Extraditing Assange

Reaction to the UK's decision to approve the deportation of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the United States with Labour MP Richard Burgon.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times podcast.(Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/18/202226 minutes, 9 seconds
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"Workers' Rights - We Demand Better"

Ahead of the TUC's "We Demand Better" march and rally in London, Adrian Goldberg talks to the organisation's Policy Officer Sian Elliott about workers' rights, the minimum wage and a four day week.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/17/202220 minutes, 48 seconds
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Johnson and the NI Protocol

OK, so this episode has an unwieldy title, but it joins the dots between Brexit, the Northern Ireland Protocol, the government's unsuccessful plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, and it's subsequent threat to quit the European Convention on Human Rights.Adrian Goldberg hears from Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu and John Kyle, an Ulster Unionist Party councillor in Belfast.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/16/202250 minutes, 43 seconds
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Carole Cadwalladr Libel Victory

In what is being hailed as a victory for free speech, investigative journalist Carole Cadwalladr has successfully defended a libel case against prominent Brexiter Aaron Banks Cadwalladr raised questions in a Ted Talk and a tweet about the relationship between millionaire businessman Banks and the Russian state.  Had she lost, the investigative journalist would have faced financial ruin, but in the High Court Mrs Justice Steyn ruled that Cadwalladr had “reasonable grounds to believe that her intended meaning was true” and upheld her public interest defence.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/13/202223 minutes, 30 seconds
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Could Trump Be Jailed?

Adrian Goldberg hears from Heidi Siegmund Cuda, who has been covering the US Senate Hearing into the January 6th Insurrection for Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded bu subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/12/202256 minutes, 37 seconds
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'Cruel' Rwanda Deportation Plan Approved

Reaction to the High Court's decision to allow the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda.Adrian Goldberg talks to Zoe Gardner from the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants and Steve Crawshaw of Freedom From Torture.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 10/6/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/11/202228 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Truth: Liverpool Fans In Paris

The French government and police are blaming Liverpool fans for disorder at this season's European Cup Final, which held up kick off by 36 minutes. Football's European governing body UEFA also pointed an accusing finger at Reds' supporters, but hundreds of supporters testimonies tell a different story - one of official incompetence and poor communication which could have ended in tragedy.Adrian Goldberg hears from Liverpool fan John Marquis who was at the match, and Professor Phil Scraton, Professor of Law at Queens University, Belfast, who led to the research for the Hillsborough Independent Panel.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/10/202242 minutes, 45 seconds
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Johnson Survives - For Now

Reaction to the vote of confidence in Boris Johnson with Adam Bienkov and Sam Bright from Byline Times, and economist Jeeven Sandher from Kings College London.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 6 June 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/7/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Price Of Being British

The Byline Times podcast can reveal that children are being charged more than £1,000 to register their right to become British citizens - even though the cost of administering their applications costs just £416.Although these are kids are born in the UK and their status isn't disputed, they still have to go through a costly - and alienating - registration process.Adrian Goldberg hears from Susan, who faces paying the fee for her three youngsters; along with Solange Valdez Symonds from the Project for the Registration of Children as British Citizens; and Steve Valdez Symonds from Amnesty International.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/4/202225 minutes, 57 seconds
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Johnny Depp's defamation suit against his former wife Amber Heard led to the award of $15million in damages to the 'Pirates of the Carribean' star - but at what cost to survivors of domestic abuse?Adrian Goldberg talks to Hera Hussain from Chayn, a charity which combats gender-based violence and Sian Norris from Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 2/6/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/2/202244 minutes, 28 seconds
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The government's passion for imperial nostalgia has led to ministerial backing for the promotion of traditional weights and measures; pounds and ounces rather than kilograms, feet and inches rather than metres.Adrian Goldberg hears from James Vincent, author of Beyond Measure, and Otto English, who wrote Fake History: Ten Great Lies And How They Shaped The World.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 30/5/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/30/202229 minutes, 19 seconds
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"This Can Only End Badly For Putin"

The latest from Kyiv on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with Inna Sovsun, an opposition MP in the Ukrainian parliament. Inna was previously a Deputy Minister for Education and Science and is now Deputy leader of the centrist Holos or Voice Party.Produced and presented by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/28/202223 minutes, 25 seconds
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Fleeing Persecution - Risking Jail in Britain

Adrian Goldberg discusses the latest figures on asylum seekers. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/27/202225 minutes, 26 seconds
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Sue Gray Day

Reaction to "Sue Gray Day" - the publication of a report into lockdown parties at Downing Street - with Peter Jukes and Otto English.Hosted by Adrian GoldbergFunded by subscriptions to the Byline TimesProduced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 25/5/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/25/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
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"Why I Quit Working For Shell"

Caroline Dennett worked as a consultant for energy giant Shell for 11 years, but has now severed ties with the company, accusing it of paying lip service to climate change. She tells Adrian Goldberg that it's a financial and personal wrench - but says the stakes for the planet are too high to continue.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey WhiteFunded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 24/5/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/25/202232 minutes, 26 seconds
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Hardeep Matharu (Byline Times Editor) and Adam Bienkov (Byline Times Political Editor) debate the the latest revelations in Partygate with Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/24/202213 minutes, 34 seconds
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"We won't trade land for peace"

An update on Russia's invasion of Ukraine with Denys Ghanza, a Ukrainian youth delegate to the UN, and Zarina Zabrisky who has been writing about the war for Byline Times.They both affirm the will of Ukrainians to continue fighting rather than commit to a ceasefire which would involve conceding any part of the nation's territory.Presented by Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces and 22/5/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/23/202236 minutes, 31 seconds
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Bungs For Billionaires

A story you won't hear anywhere else. The Byline Times reveals how newspapers owned by billionaires were bailed out by the government during the pandemic - and the price they extracted.Hosted by Adrian Goldberg with Byline Times Chief Investigations Editor Sam Bright, and Brian Cathcart, Professor of Journalism at Kingston University.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 19/5/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/20/202237 minutes, 10 seconds
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Stop and Search "Unrestricted"

Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced that "unrestricted" stop and search will become a permanent feature of the policing landscape - albeit when they fear their "may" be a threat of serious violence, and then only for 24 or 48 hours, depending on the circumstances.Given that people from minority ethnic backgrounds are already disproportionately targeted by Stop and Search, what impact will this this have on community relations?Host Adrian Goldberg hears from Michael Bankole, an expert in race and representation at Kings College London.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast on Byline Radio via Twitter Spaces on 17/5/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/18/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 37 seconds
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Breadline Britain

With the Governor or the Bank Of England predicting an "apocalypse" of food price inflation, Adrian Goldberg explores what the government is doing to help the poorest members of society. With guests Leanne, Imran Hussain from Action For Children and Byline Times Chief Social Affairs reporter Sian Norris.In response to the issues raised in the podcast, a government spokesperson said: “We are committed to ending poverty and the latest figures show there were half a million fewer children in absolute poverty after housing costs than in 2009/10. “We recognise the pressures on the cost of living and we are doing what we can to help, including spending £22 billion across the next financial year to support people with energy bills and cut fuel duty. “For the hardest hit, we’re putting an average of £1,000 more per year into the pockets of working families on Universal Credit, have also boosted the minimum wage by more than £1,000 a year for full-time workers and our Household Support Fund is there to help with the cost of everyday essentials.”Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/17/202223 minutes, 18 seconds
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Foie Gras and Culture Wars

A deep dive into the Queen's Speech to open a new session of parliament, with Byline Times Political and Westminster editor Adam Bienkov, and Jun Pang, Policy and Campaigns Officer at Liberty. Hosted by Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 10/5/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/11/202256 minutes, 47 seconds
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"We believe Rwanda plan is unlawful"

Home Secretary Priti Patel plans to 'process' some asylum seekers to the UK thousands of miles away in Rwanda.Ministers say the scheme is designed to act as a deterrent, and break the stranglehold of people traffickers who endanger migrants lives with risk channel crossings.That's disputed by our guests on this episode where Adrian Goldberg hears from immigration lawyer Jan Doerfel and Holly Hudson, an activist with Green New Deal Rising who recently disrupted one of Ms Patel's speeches in protest at the plan.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 8 May 2022). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/9/202235 minutes, 45 seconds
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Roe v Wade Overturned?

Adrian Goldberg discusses the draft US Supreme Court recommendation to overturn the right to abortion with Dr Sonia Adesara, an expert on reproductive rights and Byline Times Social Affairs reporter Sian Norris.Produced in Birmingham, UK by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 3 May, 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/4/20221 hour, 1 minute, 40 seconds
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The Bad Press Awards

After the gongs were handed out at the Bad Press Awards as part of the 2022 Byline Festival, Adrian Goldberg gathered together some of those involved in the event, to discuss the state of modern journalism.Under the shadow of the Westway, Adrian spoke to BAFTA award winning actress Joanna Scanlon; Peter York, writer of the Official Sloane Ranger Handbook and creator of the Modern Review; Alastair Morgan, long time campaigner on behalf of his murdered brother Daniel Morgan; compere Jonathan Pie aka the comedian Tom Walker; andPeter Jukes executive editor of Byline Times. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/2/202242 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Slide To Authoritarianism?

The passage of two parliamentary bills in the same week has led many government critics to complain that Britain is sliding towards authoritarianism.Adrian Goldberg discusses the idea with Lib Dem peer Lord Rennard and Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 28/4/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/29/20221 hour, 38 minutes, 49 seconds
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Fortess London

Is too much power concentrated in London at the expense of other parts of the UK? Adrian Goldberg talks to Sam Bright, author of Fortress London - Why We Need To Save The Country From Its Capital.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 26/4/22) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/28/20221 hour, 16 seconds
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Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover

Imran Ahmed from the Center for Countering Digital Hate and Peter Jukes, executive editor of Byline Times, discuss the takeover of Twitter by "free speech absolutist" Elon Musk. Hosted by Adrian GoldbergProduced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(First broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 26 April, 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/27/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 43 seconds
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No Extra Time

Niall Couper, CEO of football pressure group Fair Game tells Adrian Goldberg why the sport needs an independent regulator - without delay.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 25 April 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/26/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
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"Nothing Is Sacred" - Slaughter in Odessa

Zarina Zabrisky reports from Odessa, where Russian forces killed eight civilians, including a three month old baby, in a missile attack on an apartment block. All this on the weekend of "Greek Easter", one of the holiest days in the Orthodox calendar.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 24 April, 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/24/202246 minutes, 37 seconds
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Is the Party Over For Johnson?

Byline Times Investigations Editor Sam Bright assesses whether Boris Johnson can survive an Inquiry by the Commons' Privileges Committee into whether he misled parliament over 'Partygate'.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey WhiteFunded by subscriptions to Byline Times(Originally broadcast on @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 22 April 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/22/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ukraine War Latest

The latest on the war in Ukraine with novelist and journalist Zarina Zabrisky.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey WhiteFunded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 20 April 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/21/202249 minutes, 24 seconds
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Marine Le Pen and the French Election

Ahead of the run-off for the presidential election in France, UK-based French journalist Philippe Auclair explains the ascent of Marine Le Pen, challenger to the incumbent Emmanuel Macron.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 20 April 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/20/202247 minutes, 18 seconds
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'Danger To Democracy'

Lib Dem peer Lord Chris Rennard tells Adrian Goldberg why he's amongst those in the House of Lords leading opposition to the government's Elections Bill.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Supported by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/19/202240 minutes, 58 seconds
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One Way Ticket To Rwanda

Host Adrian Goldberg gets reaction to the UK's new plan to process asylum applications offshore in Rwanda.Guests include Lou Calvey from Refugee Action; Zoe Gardener from the Joint Council For The Welfare Of Immigrants; and Sian Norris from Byline Times.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast via Twitter Spaces @bylineradio on 14 April, 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/14/202256 minutes, 47 seconds
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Another Fine Mess

Reaction to the fines issued to Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak for breaking their own lockdown rules at the height of the Covid pandemic - aka Partygate.Adrian Goldberg hears from Safiah Ngah whose father Zahari Ngah died from Coronavirus; and Sam Bright, Byline Times investigations editor.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(Originally broadcast as Byline Radio on 12 April 2022). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/13/202240 minutes, 33 seconds
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For Rishi - Or Poorer

Host Adrian Goldberg and Byline Times Investigations Editor Sam Bright examine revelations about the "non dom" tax status of businesswoman Akshata Murthy, wife of Chancellor Rishi Sunak.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.(First broadcast @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces on 7 April, 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/7/202241 minutes, 11 seconds
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As the UK launches its new energy security strategy, Adrian Goldberg hears from climate change lawyer Tessa Khan and Jonathan Atkinson, Director of People Powered Retrofit.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/7/202243 minutes, 19 seconds
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"They Are The Nazis Of Our Times"

Powerful testimony about Russian war crimes from inside Ukraine with opposition MP Inna Sovsun; plus Peter Jukes from Byline Times.Presented by Adrian Goldberg.Made in Birmingham by by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.(Originally broadcast as Byline Radio 5 April, 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/6/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has issued a "now or never" report, challenging world governments to rapidly move away from fossil fuel or risk environmental catastrophe.Adrian Goldberg discusses the report with Asad Rehma, Director of War On Want, plus Zak and Claudia from Stop Oil Now.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/5/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
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Chaitanya Kumar, Head of Environment and Green Transition at the New Economics Foundation, tells Adrian Goldberg what's at stake when the new IPCC Climate Report is published.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.(First broadcast on Byline Radio on 4 April 2022) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/4/202230 minutes, 10 seconds
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Covid 19 - Where We Are Now

In February 2022, the Westminster government declared Covid 19 "Freedom Day", removing the requirement for people to wear masks in public, and self isolate even if they were positive.Now, UK Covid rates have reached record levels but free testing has been removed for most people in England, reflecting ministers' desire to "live with" Covid 19.But what are the long term consequences for public health? And what's the impact on those with underlying health conditions?Adrian Goldberg hears from clinical epidemiologist Dr Deepti Gurdasani of Queen Mary University London, Safiah Ngah who lost her father Zahari in the pandemic, and Sarah Walker whose brother Dan has severe learning disabilities.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/2/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 15 seconds
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The PPE Scandal

From Byline Radio on Twitter Spaces, Wednesday 30 March. (Follow @bylineradio)Sam Bright explains the history of the PPE scandal to host Adrian Goldberg.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/30/202248 minutes, 44 seconds
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Partygate - The Hangover

From Byline Radio on Twitter Spaces, 29/3/22 (Follow @bylineradio)Did Boris Johnson mislead parliament over parties in Downing Street and other government buildings during Covid lockdown? It looks ever more likely after 20 retrospective fines were issued by the Met. Adrian Goldberg assesses what this means for the PM, along with Byline Times Political and Westminster Correspondent Adam Bienkov, and Otto English, author of 'Fake History - Ten Great Lies And How They Shaped The World.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/30/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 52 seconds
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Priti Patel Defeat Over Asylum Seekers' Phones

From Byline Radio, 28 March 2022In August 2021, Katie Tarrant revealed in Byline Times that asylum seekers were have their phones confiscated by UK Border Officials. Although the the Home Office insisted that the practice was within the law, it has now been forced to acknowledge that blanket confiscation of phones is illegal.Katie reacts to the news, along with Byline Times Investigations Editor Sam Bright who sets the context of the government's 'hostile environment' to migrants.Hosted by Adrian Goldberg.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/29/202234 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Royals - And Reparations

First broadcast on Byline Radio via Twitter Spaces on Sunday, 27 March 2022.In the aftermath of protests against a Royal visit to the Caribbean by Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, Adrian Goldberg explores the position of the monarchy in the UK's former Empire, and asks if reparations are due to the descendants of enslaved Africans forced to work on plantations in the West Indies.Made in Birmingham UK by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/28/20222 hours, 22 minutes, 29 seconds
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Worldwide War On Women

From Byline Radio 25/3/22Whether it's the threat of reversing Roe vs Wade and curtailing abortion rights in the States; or denying girls a secondary education in Afghanistan, it seems women's hard won rights are coming under attack around the world.Host Adrian Goldberg discusses this ":Handmaid's Tale" scenario with Sian Norris from BylineTimes who also been investigating (along with colleague Sam Bright) a Conservative MP with link to a US based religious organisation opposed to reproductive and LGBTQI rights.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/25/202249 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Tik Tok War - Putin and Russian Disinformation

Hosted by Adrian Goldberg, with Peter Jukes and Idrees Ahmad.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/24/202255 minutes, 9 seconds
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Adrian Goldberg gets reaction to the Autumn Statement by Chancellor Rishi Sunak with guests Robert Palmer from Tax Justice UK; Jeevun Sandher, an economist at Kings College London; and Otto English from Byline Times.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/23/202250 minutes, 28 seconds
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Nationality and Borders Bill

What's wrong with the UK's hugely controversial Nationality and Borders Bill?Host Adrian Goldberg investigates with Sonya Sceats, CEO of Freedom From Torture; Mike Galsworthy, founder of the Bylines Network; and Lou Calvey from Refugee Action. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/22/20221 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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Jeremy Clarkson's Slavery 'Apology'

From Byline Radio, 21 March 2022Author Alex Renton discuss a "half arsed" apology by the Sunday Times about Jeremy Clarkson article which critics say amounts to "slavery denialism" (starts at 54.05)PLUS Conservative MP Damien Collins on the need for a football regulator (starts at 26.48)AND the latest on Ukraine with Denys Ghanza in Kyiv and Byline Times Investigations editor Sam Bright.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/21/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 6 seconds
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Child Q Scandal

This is the full episode of Byline Radio for 18 March 2022.Adrian. Goldberg hears about the Child Q Scandal from Alba Kapoor of the Runnymede Trust and Ava Vidal, comedian, journalist and activist.PLUS Adam Bienkov, Byline Times political correspondent on the P&O Ferries story and Egveny Lebedev story. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/18/20221 hour, 39 seconds
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Why Was Russian Interference Ignored

Former Labour MP Ian Lucas joins Adrian Goldberg to talk about why the government ignored calls to investigate Russian interference in British politics. His book Digital Gangsters is out now.PLUS Emily Griffith from Action On Armed Violence discusses the killing of civilians in Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition.And Alba Kapoor from the Runnymede Trust on government plans to reduced what it calls race 'disparities'. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/17/202256 minutes, 50 seconds
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Collusion or Ignorance?

Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu explores links between Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs and Boris Johnson.Plus Asad Rehman from War On Want on the UK's hypocrisy in seeking an oil deal with Saudi Arabia.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/16/20221 hour, 49 seconds
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Carbon Wars

As the UK seeks alternative oil and gas supplies in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, host Adrian Goldberg asks if we should be weaning ourselves off fossil fuels altogether.Guests include Tessa Khan from Uplift; former MP turned eco activist Alan Simpson; and Zoe Cohen and Claudia from Just Stop Oil. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/15/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 7 seconds
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The UK's Ukrainian Refugee Scheme

This is an unedited recording of "What The Papers Don't Say" broadcast @bylineradio on Twitter Spaces on Monday 14/3/22Adrian Goldberg hears about the UK government's plans to house Ukrainian refugees from Louise Calvey, Head of Services and Safeguarding at Refugee Action.Plus - should Andrew Neil apologise to Carole Cadwalladr for calling her a "mad cat woman".Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/14/202259 minutes, 3 seconds
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This is the episode of Byline Radio from Friday, 11 March 2022. To listen live follow @bylineradio on Twitter where the show is live from noon, Monday to Friday.Guests include Kieran Maguire, a football finance expert from Liverpool University and Luke Hildyard, Director of the High Pay think tank.Plus Denys Ghanza in Kyiv; and Stephen Colegrave on the Byline Festival.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/12/202249 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Appeasement of Putin

From Byline Radio 10/3/22. To listen to Byline Radio, follow @bylineradio via Twitter Spaces.In this episode Adrian Goldberg hears from Peter Jukes, executive editor of Byline Times.Plus Professor Rupert Read, who was "cancelled" by Nick Ferrari on LBC.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by Byline Times subscriptions and memberships. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/11/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rape Victims - Failed By The System (Again!)

Adrian Goldberg investigates how rape victims and survivors are being failed on both sides of the Anglo/Scottish border.In England and Wales, an official report has found that rape victims are continually and systematically being failed by the criminal justice system with long delays between reporting a case and a prosecution. Adrian discusses this with Byline Times Chief Social and European Affairs Reporter Sian Norris with Hera Hussein, founder of Chayn, which supports survivors of gender based violence around the world.Meanwhile in Scotland, there are calls to change a legal provision which campaigners say requires a ridiculously high threshold of evidence, allowing 90% of alleged rapists to walk away without being prosecuted. Adrian hears from Emma Bryson of Speak Out Survivors.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/9/202231 minutes, 50 seconds
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After President Putin’s version of 'nasty neighbours' - invading the country next door on the ludicrous pretext that he was seeking the “demilitarisation and denazification” of Ukraine - we explore the personal and political aspects of the conflict. The personal account comes from Denys Ganzha, a 22 year old, currently dodging Russian bombs just outside the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, while the political aspect is provided by Bella Sankey from Detention Action, who discusses the UK's response to Ukraine's refugee crisis.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/2/202227 minutes, 2 seconds
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What Next For The Met?

What next for Britain's largest and most powerful police force the Met, following the resignation of Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick?Amid allegations of racism, misogyny, homophobia and institutional corruption among its officers, Adrian Goldberg talks to people at the heart of three of the Met's most prominent recent failures; Koshka Duff, John Pape, and Debbie from Sisters Uncut.Don't forget to follow @bylineradio on Twitter for What The Papers DON'T Say, on Monday and Thursday at noonProduced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/23/202238 minutes, 16 seconds
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Adrian Goldberg talks to Hardeep Matharu and Peter Jukes about a new book of selected Byline Times writings called "Wokelore": Boris Johnson's Culture War And Other Stories. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/16/202234 minutes, 57 seconds
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Power To The People

With UK energy prices set to increase by 54% is it time to think again and put re-nationalisation on the table?Adrian Goldberg gets both sides of the story from Cat Hobbs, founder and director of We Own It and Professor Michael Pollitt from the Cambridge University Judge Business SchoolProduced in Birmingham, UK by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey EWhite.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/9/202249 minutes, 18 seconds
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Putin, Ukraine, and Londongrad

This week, Putin, Ukraine and Londongrad…Adrian Goldberg explores why the UK plays such an important role in supporting the Russian leader – and what he hopes to achieve by amassing troops on the Ukrainian border… We hear from Russian born journalist and writer Zarina Zabrisky; Bill Browder head of the Magnitsky Justice Campaign who fell foul of Putin after challenging corruption in Russia: and Conservative MP Kevin Hollinrake who has challenged the government over lax financial regulations that have allowed oligarchs to wash "dirty money" through the UK’s financial system aka the "London Laundromat":Produced in Birmingham UK, by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/2/202240 minutes, 54 seconds
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After Partygate: Do We Need Leveson 2?

After Partygate, the scandal that has jeopardised Boris Johnson's Premiership, Adrian Goldberg asks do we need Leveson 2 - an investigation into links between the press, the police and politicians. This was originally proposed by High Court Judge Sir Brian Leveson at the conclusion of his Inquiry into press ethics in. 2012, but was scrapped by then PM Theresa May in 2018.Adrian hears from Peter Jukes, executive editor of Byline Times, former Times night editor Katherine O'Donnell, and campaigner Alastair Morgan, who fights for justice on behalf of his murdered brother Daniel.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/27/202230 minutes, 40 seconds
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"I Face 25 Years In Jail - For Helping Refugees"

Sean Binder shares the story of his trial at the hands of the Greek government for no greater crime, he says, than helping refugees arrive safely on the island of Lesvos, where he worked as a volunteer for a search and rescue charity.Sean Binder's legal fundraising campaign is here.This podcast is funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/20/202248 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Rise of English Nationalism - and the Demise of the UK

Adrian Goldberg talks to author and historian James Hawes about the Rise of English Nationalism and what he regards as the inevitable demise of the UK.James' book The Shortest History of England is available now from Old Street Publishing.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/12/202236 minutes, 25 seconds
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Life After Boris Johnson...

What would the UK be like if Prime Minister Boris Johnson was brought down by his own party…a prospect that seems increasingly likely?In this week's episode we examine that question and do more crystal ball gazing into 2022 with Byline Times Editor Hardeep Matharu and Byline Times co-founder and Executive Editor Peter Jukes.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/5/202238 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Lies and Times of Boris Johnson

Adrian Goldberg scrolls through a year's worth of Byline Times podcasts to create a profile of Boris Johnson.Contributors include journalist Peter Oborne; Richard Beard, author of Sad Little Men; writer Otto English; haulier Laura Salt; Dr Cathy Gardner; Conservative MP Andrew Mitchell; Bekki Ashmore from Plan International UK.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/22/202138 minutes, 41 seconds
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Austerity and the Welfare State

Adrian Goldberg talks to Chris Thomas of the IPPR and Sian Norris of Byline Times about the long term impact of Austerity on the NHS and Children's Services.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/15/202135 minutes, 35 seconds
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From Powell to Patel: Britain's Real Migrant Problem

A look at the Nationality and Borders Bill with Steve Valdez Symonds from Amnesty, Maddie Harris of the Humans for Rights Network and Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu.Presented by Adrian Goldberg, produced in Birmingham by Adrian and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times newspaper. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/8/202158 minutes, 33 seconds
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Boris Johnson: "Misconduct In Public Office?"

Barrister Michael Mansfield QC tells Adrian Goldberg that Boris Johnson and other senior politicians could be prosecuted for Misconduct In Public Office over their handling of the Coronavirus pandemic. Mr Mansfield was speaking as he launched the Final Report of the People's Covid Inquiry.Adrian also hears from Dr Tony O'Sullivan co-Chair of Keep Our NHS Public who commissioned the Inquiry.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times newspaper.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/1/202133 minutes, 59 seconds
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The wealth and power of Britain's public schools go under the microscope in this edition of the Byline Times podcast, presented by Adrian Goldberg.We hear from Iain Overton, leader of the Byline Intelligence Team about the huge growth in assets of these elite educational establishments; and Richard Beard, author of Sad Little Men: Private Schools And The Ruin of England.Produced in Birmingham UK by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/25/202140 minutes, 47 seconds
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Grenfell - The Battle For Justice

More than four years after the Grenfell Tower Tragedy in which 72 people died, victims' families are still awaiting justice. A Public Inquiry into the West London high rise fire won't issue its final report until 2022 - although the conclusions of Phase 1 were damning about the cladding materials used on the block and the failure to adhere to building regulations.In the meantime, journalist Richard Norton Taylor has written a play based on the evidence given to the Inquiry so far. He talks to presenter Adrian Goldberg, along with Justice 4 Grenfell campaigner Yvette Williams who witnessed the fire. What does Grenfell tell us about the UK today.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/17/202132 minutes, 51 seconds
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We live in a supposedly equal society but the gender pay gap is currently 8% in favour of men; there’s plenty of evidence showing that government Austerity measures disproportionately affected women; while the debate around the murder of Sarah Everard highlighted how harassment, abuse and violence have become normalised - so do we need a Womens’ Bill Of Rights? It’s 35 years since the UK ratified CEDAW -United Nations Convention on the Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women – which sets out a comprehensive framework for tackling gender inequality. But critics say that because it’s never been embedded in a law – unlike the European Convention on Human Rights - it’s an inefficient tool for challenging l government decisions which disproportionately affect women and girls.With Dr Jocelynne Scott, President of CEDAW In Law, and Sian Norris, Chief European and Social Affairs Correspondent for Byline Times. We also hear from Shirley, who didn't wish to use her surname. With thanks to Joanne Welch.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.   Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/10/202131 minutes, 46 seconds
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Adrian Goldberg investigates one of the great scandals of our time – the health inequalities that mean a man living in central Blackpool can expect to die 27 years earlier than his counterpart in an affluent district of London... That stark figure – from research by Imperial College in London – showed that, life expectancy for women fell in almost one in five communities in England in the decade before the pandemic…whilst researchers at York University’s Centre For Health Economics found that cuts led to 57,000 deaths more than would otherwise have been expected in the four years after Austerity was implemented in 2010 by the coalition government. Adrian is joined by Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Director of the Institute of Health Equity at University College London and Byline Times writer Sam Bright whose book Fortress London, Why We Need To save The Country From Its Capital is available now on pre order.Produced by in Birmingham UK by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times newspaper Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/3/202134 minutes, 29 seconds
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Facebook is facing tough questions from legislators on both sides of the Atlantic, following the leaking of documents by whistleblowing former employee Frances Haugen - by Kyle Taylor has spent years highlighting why the social media giant is problematic.He's Campaign Director of pressure group The REAL Facebook Oversight Board, and wrote The Little Black Book Of Data And Democracy.Presented by Adrian Goldberg; produced in Birmingham UK by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/28/202141 minutes, 14 seconds
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Will the UN’s climate change conference in Glasgow – Cop 26 - be a cop out? Prime Ministers and Presidents from around the world will strut their stuff and talk a good game around Net Zero, but what action do we need to really grapple with what is an existential crisis for the millions of people -often in the Global South - who face the prospect of floods, droughts, rising sea levels and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns?   Adrian Goldberg meets two radical thinkers; Silvia Pastorelli, is a Climate and Energy Campaigner at Greenpeace’s European Unit in Brussels which is co-ordinating an EU wide petition to ban all fossil fuel advertising and sponsorship, and Adam Ramsay editor of the UK based Open Democracy website who has written extensively about climate change. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/20/202134 minutes, 27 seconds
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Thought provoking views on slavery and colonialism with Sir Geoff Palmer, Scotland's first black Professor, in conversation with Adrian Goldberg.After emigrating from Jamaica at the age of 15 and encountering racism in the British school system, Sir Geoff became a research scientist and discovered a method of speeding up the process of turning barley into malt – saving the brewing industry untold millions of pounds. He has also written about the legacy of slavery in his book The Enlightenment Abolished; Citizens of Britishness – and revealed that his own ancestors were bought and sold. He's also had one of Scotland's most prominent landmarks in his sights – the Melville Monument in Edinburgh’s New Town erected in honour of Henry Dundas, the first Viscount Melville, who successfully argued for the gradual – rather than immediate – abolition of slavery.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/13/202134 minutes, 38 seconds
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Conservative MP Andrew Mitchell discusses his relationship with Boris Johnson and the British Establishment after a career spanning the Whips Office, being Secretary of State for International Development - and a crisis that signalled the end of his ministerial career.Andrew also discusses Britain's role in Yemen and the value of a free press. His autobiography Beyond A Fringe - Confessions Of A Former Establishment Lackey is published by BiteBack.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/6/202141 minutes, 46 seconds
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Byline Times writer Nafeez Ahmed has been calculating the number of civilians who died in the War On Terror that followed the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers. His conclusion is that 6 million people died, either directly or indirectly in countries as various as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. In this episode you can hear how he arrives at this starling conclusion - and what he makes of George W. Bush's insistence that he "did the right thing."Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/29/202131 minutes, 33 seconds
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Rupert Murdoch's Fox News was Donald Trump's favoured TV channel - not least because Fox anchors shamelessly fawned over him, both during his time as a Republican candidate, then during his Presidency. But did the line between journalism and propaganda go too far? And what role did Fox have to play in the insurrection of January 6 2021, when a mob attacked the Capitol in Washington D.C. claiming that the election had been stolen?Adrian Goldberg talks to Sarah Ferguson, who recently presented "Fox And The Big Lie", a two part documentary for Australia's ABC network. She interviewed company 'insiders' who witnessed the developing relationship between Trump, Fox, and Murdoch.We also hear from Byline Times co-founder Peter Jukes about the prospects for Murdoch's proposed new UK channel Talk TV which has hired Piers Morgan as its star presenter.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/22/202147 minutes
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As the UK government is forced to contemplate a fourth Covid lockdown, we return to one of the unresolved issues of the first one in back in March 2020…the question of why so many patients were discharged from hospital and released back into care homes without being tested for the virus? Dr Cathy Gardner, whose father had dementia, died in care during the first Covid wave. She now wants to hold the government to account in court. You can support her crowdfunder here.We also hear from Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, Deputy Chair of the cross party Public Accounts Committee and Conservative MP for the Cotswolds. Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey WhiteFunded by subscriptions to Byline Times.  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/15/202133 minutes, 46 seconds
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Who are the Conservative party's elite donors? And what do they want? Iain Overton and Sian Norris share their investigation with BITE - the Byline Intelligence Team - at the Byline Times.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/8/202134 minutes, 42 seconds
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As the world marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11 – and the US retreats from Afghanistan which it invaded as a result - we hear from one man caught up in the War In Terror. Moazzam Begg who was held at Guantanamo Bay reflects on the lessons the West needs to learn and shares his story of detention without trial and being tortured.The Byline Times podcast is funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times newspaper and website.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/1/202145 minutes, 53 seconds
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After last week's episode examining why so many environmentalists oppose HS2, this time we hear from Steve Caudwell or Greens For HS2.We're also joined by Lord Tony Berkeley, who believes parliament has been misled over the cost of HS2.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/25/202144 minutes, 49 seconds
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The HS2 Rail project has the official support of every mainstream political party in England and Wales bar one - The Green Party. It's also inspired a wave of non aligned environmental groups to set up protest camps along the route.That's some going for a scheme touted as part of the solution to meeting the UK government's zero net carbon commitment.So why do so many people who would broadly identify as 'green' stand against a rail network designed to take hundreds of thousands of cars and lorries off the road?Adrian Goldberg meets campaigners Victoria and Charlotte, who are concerned about the devastation wrought on a Warwickshire woodland by HS2. He also talks to Natalie Bennett who represents the Green Party in the House of Lords, and hears from Byline Times writer Stephen Delahunty.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/18/202135 minutes, 42 seconds
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Adrian Goldberg interviews Anne Nelson, author of Shadow Network; Media, Money and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right, in a conversation that encompasses US politics, Brexit and the NHS.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Anne was previously interviewed at Byline Times by Heidi Sigmund Cuda. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/11/202136 minutes, 35 seconds
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This week, two nations in crisis - Afghanistan and Belarus.Afghanistan is in turmoil following Joe Biden's decision to withdraw troops - we hear from Chris Alexander, a former Canadian Ambassador to the country, who lays the blame for the Talbian's resurgence at the door of neighbouring Pakistan.Plus exiled Belarusian journalist Hannah Liubokova on her country's continued repression at the hands of President Alexander Kukashenko.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/4/202144 minutes, 42 seconds
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Changes to the law that would put investigative journalists on a par with foreign spies? Demands for photo ID at the ballot box? Adrian Goldberg explores Britain's Authoritarian Creep in company of Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu, Meirion Jones, Investigations Editor at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Jess Garland from the Electoral Reform Society.Listen to Authoritarian Creep Part One here Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/28/202136 minutes, 11 seconds
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Boris Johnson's mantra en route to election victory in 2019 was 'getting Brexit done'. But now that we've left the EU, is the UK getting 'done' by Brexit?Adrian Goldberg assembles a cast of hauliers, an expert in food distribution and Byline Times Chief Politics and Investigations Reporter Sam Bright.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/21/202133 minutes, 44 seconds
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It might seem counter intuitive at a time when millions of people can’t get a foot on the housing ladder - or afford a decent place to rent - but this week the Byline Times podcast assembles evidence to suggest that too many houses are being built in England. The government has set a target of 300,000 new homes a year which could result in the creation of ghost estates - not to mention the despoilation of beautiful countryside.New house building is one of the shibboleths of the modern Conservative party - and its supporters in the media, who are obsessed with first time buyers and rising house prices. But concern over planning reforms that would make it easier to build on green belt land were also widely cited as a reason for the Tories defeat in recent the Chesham and Amersham by election.We hear from Byline Times writer Julian Mercer; environmental campaigner Merle Gering; Rugby Borough councillor Maggie O' Rourke; and economist Ian Mulheirn.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times newspaper. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/15/202142 minutes, 48 seconds
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This week, a climate change special.  After a “heat dome” engulfed parts of Canada and the United States, there can be little doubt that a climate crisis upon us. We get a first hand account from Professor Kritstie Ebie, who lives in Seattle and teaches in the Center For Health and Global Environment at the University of Washington.PLUS an in depth conversation with "recovering politician and lapsed economist" Alan Simpson, a former Labour MP who has advised John McDonnell on climate policy. Alan lives in his own custom made "eco house" after reclaiming a derelict lace mill in Nottingham.Produced by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White in Birmingham.Presented by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscribers to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/7/202148 minutes, 39 seconds
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Barrister Jolyon Maugham has become the scourge of government by using the law to challenge ministers' decisions. His crowd funded Good Law Project initially raised issues around Brexit, and has since succeeded in exposing the sleaze and cronyism surrounding PPE contracts. He talks to Adrian about how his life and career have been transformed since he first came to prominence helping wealthy people avoid paying tax.Before that, Byline Times Executive Editor Peter Jukes reflect on a rarity for the Boris Johnson government - a Cabinet Minister losing their post, in this instance Matt Hancock.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/30/202134 minutes, 27 seconds
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Are disadvantaged white children doing poorly at school because teachers might sometimes talk about "white privilege"? According to MP's on the Education Select Committee, the answer is "yes", although Byline Times writer Sian Norris suggests a few alternative reasons - such as poverty, austerity and funding cuts.PLUS Otto English talk about his new book "Fake History - Ten Great Lies That Shaped The World" and reflects on the contribution made by Boris Johnson to creating a myth around Winston Churchill.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Presented by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/23/202150 minutes, 56 seconds
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After an eight year inquiry, the Independent Panel in the death of Daniel Morgan has finally reported - and their conclusion is damning. Panel Chair Baroness Nuala O'Loan concludes that the Metropolitan Police - Britain's most powerful police force - is "institutionally corrupt".Daniel Morgan was the victim of brutal murder in 1987 which remains unsolved. There's more background on the case here and an in depth interview with his brother Alastair Morganwho has led the campaign for justice here. This episode from Byline TV contains "instant reaction" to the Report with Alastair, his partner Kirsteen Knight, Byline Times co founder Peter Jukes, and Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu. Subscribe to Byline TV here.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/17/202147 minutes
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Ahead of Euro 2021 England football manager Gareth Southgate has pledged that his team with continue taking the knee in protest at racism - even though some of his own supporters have booed the gesture. Adrian Goldberg discusses the history and meaning of taking a knee with former West Bromwich Albion player Brendon Batson - one a trio of players at the club who broke through in the late 1970s to challenge racism - and Andrew Spence, producer of the award winning Coming In From The Cold podcast, which detailed the history of black footballers in England.Plus journalist and writer Edward Lucas on Russia's cyber warfare against the West.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/9/202147 minutes, 43 seconds
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Adrian Goldberg interviews journalist Alex Renton, author of "Blood Legacy: Reckoning With A Family's Story Of Slavery", which details his ancestors' history of enslaving people from Africa on sugar cane plantations in the Caribbean.We also hear contributions from Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu; Professor Kehinde Andrews, author of The New Age Of Empire; and Sathnam Sanghera who wrote Empireland.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
6/2/202146 minutes, 13 seconds
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"On the day" reaction from Byline TV to Dominic Cummings astonishing attack on his former colleagues at two parliamentary hearings. The Prime Minister’s Former Chief Advisor told MP’s that tens of thousands of people had died unnecessarily because of the government’s mishandling of the pandemic and that Boris Johnson was unfit to lead the country. Older people he, said were discharged from hospital into care homes without being tested for Covid allowing the virus to spread. He also said Health Secretary Matt Hancock should have been sacked for repeated lying. Cummings assault supports the criticisms of Johnson and the government made in the Byline Times and on this podcast over many months.What you’re going to hear is analysis with Byline Times co-founder Peter Jukes, editor Hardeep Matharu, Chief Politics and Investigations reporter Sam Bright and Labour MP Dawn Butler.Presented and produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.The Byline Times podcast is funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/27/202159 minutes, 49 seconds
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Alastair Morgan has been fighting for 34 years to get justice for his brother Daniel who was murdered in a South London pub car park in 1987. The latest setback in his quest was the decision by Home Secretary Priti Patel to delay publication of the findings of an Independent Panel into the killing and the subsequent investigations.No one has been convicted in relation to Daniel's death, and the story sounds like a real life Line Of Duty (which actually namechecked the case in its most recent series). There's evidence of police corruption, links to Rupert Murdoch's media empire, and a sub plot involving politicians such as Patel - who was a guest at Murdoch's wedding to Jerry Hall. In this in depth interview Alastair revisits key themes of the story, and explains the toll it has taken on Daniel's surviving family members.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/26/202129 minutes, 25 seconds
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This is a special bonus edition of the podcast – looking at the murder of private investigator Daniel Morgan in 1987, and the extraordinary decision by Home Secretary Priti Patel to delay publication of an independent report about the botched investigation into his death. It’s a story that combines vicious crime, murky politics and media corruption.Byline Times co-founder Peter Jukes made a hugely successful Untold Podcast series about the case and has also written a book about it with Daniel’s brother Alistair. I spoke to him about the latest twist in this sorry tale along with Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu who sees a disturbing pattern in the delayed publication.Presented by Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/20/202126 minutes, 46 seconds
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In the wake of a new surge of violence involving Israelis and Palestinian Arabs, we explore Zionism - the ideology that led to the creation of the state of Israel, and how provides it with ideological sustenance. Podcast host Adrian Goldberg talks to Dov Waxman, author of "The Israeli Palestinian Conflict - What Everyone Needs To Know."Dov is also the Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation Professor of Israel Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.Presented by Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/19/202136 minutes, 57 seconds
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In a bonus episode of the Byline Times podcast, Sam Bright from Byline TV interviews the UK's former Chief Scientific Advisor Sir David King about the Coronavirus pandemic.Sir David is Chair of Independent SAGE, a group of scientists offering independent dent advice to the government and the public about Covid 19.Watch more from Sam at Byline TVFunded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham, UK by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/17/202134 minutes, 13 seconds
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Adrian Goldberg reflects on three aspects of recent elections across Britain. He talks to Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party about how they can build on a successful night in the local elections in England to become a force in Westminster.Peter Geoghan, author of Democracy For Sale, reflects on the influence of "dark money" in the Scottish parliamentary elections.Lauren White, editor of NE Beep in Gateshead and Steve Evans, a councillor in Wolverhampton assess Labour's defeat in the Hartlepool by-election and the loss of Councils in traditional strongholds Sheffield and Durham.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/12/202148 minutes, 57 seconds
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Savage cuts to the UK's Overseas Aid Budget are discussed by former International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell MP and Bekky Ashmore from charity Plan International UK.Presented by Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
5/5/202137 minutes, 44 seconds
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This week, podcast host Adrian Goldberg is joined by comedian and best-selling author David Baddiel who discusses his latest book Jews Don't Count - a polemic about the racism that too many people who regard themselves as "progressives" fail to see.Plus Byline Times co founder Peter Jukes on the Mexican Stand Off between Dominic Cummings and Fleet Street newspaper bosses.Presented by Adrian GoldbergProduced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/28/202146 minutes, 24 seconds
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Another triple header from the Byline Times Podcast.1). Derek Chauvin's conviction for murdering George Floyd discussed with Kehinde Andrews, Professor of Black Studies at Birmingham City University.2). Man Made Famine in Ethiopia. We hear from Leandra, who was forced to flee Ethiopia for the safety of the UK at the age of 5, about the return of famine to her native country. This time, starvation is a weapon of war being used by the Army against the people of Tigray. Plus human rights campaigner Alex De Waal from the World Peace Foundation.3) Superleague Own Goal. Plans for a European Superleague are in chaos after six English clubs withdrew, but don't celebrate too soon. It looks like the inequality of the Premier League is hear to stay. With Sunderland co-owner Charlie Methven and John Nicholson, author of Can We Have Our Football Back.Presented by Adrian Goldberg.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/21/202147 minutes, 25 seconds
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Is the Conservative party drifting from the centre right to the far right of the political spectrum? In this episode we hear from Byline Times writer Sian Norris about the Tory MP's sitting on a group at the Council of Europe alongside parties who, is some cases, flirt with fascism. That's followed by Nafeez Ahmed and Peter Oborne who discuss recent the recent appointment of officials to counter extremism bodies who have both associated with groups and individuals regarded as Islamophobic.We also hear from Belfast councillors John Kyle and Kate Nicholl about the link between Brexit and recent disturbances in Northern Ireland.Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Funded by Byline Times subscribers. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/14/202145 minutes, 2 seconds
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Has the BBC lost its "bottle" - or appetite for confrontation - with government? The Corporation's former Baghdad Bureau Chief Patrick Howse thinks so after witnessing their lack of appetite for Jennifer Arcuri's revelations about her four year affair with Boris Johnson when he was London Mayor. Was there a conflict of interest between Johnson's role and Arcuri receiving more than £100,000 of taxpayers cash and attending trade missions with him? He discusses the episode with Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu who wrote to the BBC asking why they hadn't covered the story in their flagship news programmes.Plus Richard Wilson explains the origins of his campaigning organisation Stop Funding Hate.Funded by subscribers to Byline Times.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
4/7/202145 minutes, 49 seconds
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We've got three terrific items for you on this week's Byline Times podcast...1). Byline Times reporter Sam Bright on the £3bn in Covid-related contracts awarded to firms with links to the Conservative Party.2) Two grieving mums from Essex, Melanie Leahy and Lisa Bates explain why they are calling for a Public Inquiry into the deaths of their children (WARNING: THIS STORY HAS CONTENT WHICH MIGHT UPSET SOME LISTENERS).Follow their campaign here.3). Former Chief Crown Prosecutor for NW England Nazir Afzal discusses the forces that pushed him towards a career in law.Produced and Edited in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White.Presented by Adrian Goldberg Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/31/202147 minutes, 38 seconds
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Critics are warning that two new bills being piloted through parliament betray an authoritarian streak at the heart of government. One restricts the rights of protestors; the other provides a new legal framework for undercover police and security officers. We hear from Clare Farrell, one of the co-founders of Extinction Rebellion, Byline Times writer Sian Norris, Labour MP Richard Burgon and Mike Schwarz, a solicitor with Hodge, Jones & Allen.PLUS Michael Mansfield discusses the People's Covid Inquiry initiated by Keep Our NHS Public.Presented by Adrian GoldbergProduced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg and Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/24/202149 minutes, 45 seconds
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In this episode we hear from Byline Times writer Sian Norris and former Chief Crown Prosecutor for North West England Nazir Afzal react to the murder of Sarah Everard and the vigil on Clapham Common which was marred by police violence. Where does toxic masculinity come from? And how can we eradicate it?Plus an exclusive interview with anti trafficking activist Laila Mickelwait about her campaign against Pornhub which has reached the Canadian parliament.And we hear calls for the introduction of Mandatory Reporting to prevent child sexual abuse from Tom Perry of Mandate Now.Produced and presented by Adrian Goldberg in Birmingham.Additional editing by Harvey White. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/18/202146 minutes, 47 seconds
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After Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spoke to Oprah Winfrey, two mighty institutions faced allegations of racism - the Royal Family and the British tabloid press. Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu and Marverine Cole (broadcaster, academic) give their reaction. PLUS - a different take on the monarchy with Phil Miller from Declassified UK about the Royals' many meetings with Middle Eastern dictators who have brutally suppressed the Arab Spring.Byline Times reporter Sian Norris also investigates the gender pay gap with Labour MP Jess Phillips.Made in Birmingham for Byline Times by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/10/202145 minutes, 29 seconds
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This week we examine The Long Shadow of Empire in the company of Sathnam Sanghera (author of Empireland: How Imperialism Has Shaped Modern Britain) Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu and Professor Kehinde Andrews (author of The New Age Of Empire).Plus Fire And Rehire - the erosion of workers' rights during the pandemic with Claire Breeze from Unison, and Tim Sharp from the TUC.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times.Made in Birmingham for Byline Times by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
3/4/202144 minutes, 6 seconds
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Profit making firms, aided by the government, have seized the opportunity given them by Coronavirus to create a "privatised pandemic" in which billions of pounds have been spent on outsourcing. But to what effect? Adrian Goldberg talks to Byline Times Investigations Editor Sam Bright, Mary Fitzgerald from Open Democracy, and Pascale Robinson from We Own It. For Open Democracy's legal crowd funder, click here.Plus Sweden's Covid Refugees. How Anders Tegnell's Herd Immunity experiment has forced Keith Begg and Alyssa Bittner to quit the country they loved.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscriptions to Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/24/202143 minutes, 26 seconds
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A epic edition in which presenter Adrian Goldberg takes us through the UK government's War On The "Woke". It's a story which encompasses Free Speech Champions on campus, a row over the National Trust and Britain's colonial legacy, as well as the media narrative surrounding child sexual abuse and Muslim "grooming gangs".Our distinguished cast list includes Bylines Times reporter Nafeez Ahmed, Bylines Times editor Hardeep Matharu, Leicester University academic Dr Corinne Fowler, UCL's Dr Ella Cockbain and Professor Brian Cathcart from Kingston University.This podcast is free - but you can support our work by subscribing to the Byline Times here.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/18/202152 minutes, 28 seconds
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Veteran political journalist Peter Oborne joins Adrian Goldberg to talk about his new book, The Assault On Truth, in which he tackles head on Boris Johnson, the "Pinocchio PM".Plus Byline Times co-founder Peter Jukes and investigative reporter discuss Rupert Murdoch's meetings with the PM and senior ministers, even though what they discussed hasn't be shared with the public.Your subscription to Byline Times funds our website, monthly newspaper, Byline TV - and this podcast. Thank you.Proudced and Presented by Adrian Goldberg.MADE IN BIRMINGHAM FOR BYLINE TIMES. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/10/202136 minutes, 59 seconds
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Nazir Afzal, the tenacious Crown prosecutor credited with bringing perpetrators of child abuse to justice in Rochdale, shares the story of his Coronavirus crowdfunding campaign exclusively with the Byline Times podcast. He wants to hold ministers to account for their failures during the pandemic.PLUS The War on Democracy - is the government blocking legitimate journalistic enquiry? With Mary Fitzgerald who is campaigning to save and strengthen Freedom of Information laws, Sam Bright from Byline Times and Jason Evans from the Factor 8 campaign.Produced and presented by Adrian Goldberg in Birmingham. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2/3/202145 minutes, 7 seconds
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As the roll out of the Coronavirus vaccination programme gathers pace, campaigners are calling for all people with a Learning Disability to be given priority for the jab. Figures show that people with LD are six times more likely to die from Covid 19 than the general population.We hear from Ciara Lawrence and Harry Roache who both have mild Learning Disabilities, Byline Times writer Saba Salman, Mencap CEO Edel Harris, and Gary Bourlet, founder of Learning Disability England.This week's other story focusses on the plight of the 3 million self employed people excluded from the government's Coronavirus support schemes and features Byline Times writer Mike Buckley and Keith Webb from Forgotten Limited.Presented and Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/28/202136 minutes, 38 seconds
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Boris Johnson's Brexit withdrawal deal was heralded by the PM as "a present to the nation" but for many it's an unwanted gift - including some of those who were keen to leave the EU, including the Scottish Fishing Federation and Who Roger Daltrey, who have discovered that instead of leaving behind that infamous Brussels "red tape" we are now being wrapped up in more of it than ever. Byline Times writer Mike Buckley talks to one Scottish exporter who can't even sell his goods to Northern Ireland. (Mike is the Director of Campaign Central and Labour For A European Future.PLUS Food Poverty with single mum "Lily", Alyson Walsh from Fare Share UK and Amy Allen from Smethwick Foodbank.AND why did Alexei Navalny return to Russia months after being poisoned in a nerve agent attack which almost killed him. Russia disinformation expert Zarina Zabrisky explains.Supported by subscriptions to the Byline Times. Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/21/202144 minutes, 51 seconds
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Donald Trump has become the first US President to be impeached for a second time but Byline Times global correspondent CJ Werleman believes he'll be remembered for something else - inciting a new American civil war. CJ correctly predicted that Donald Trump would try to "steal" the US election and in this wide ranging interview - which also encompasses the Q Anon conspiracy theory - he makes a chilling assessment of the aftermath of the storming of the US Capitol.We also hear from Byline Times co-founder Peter Jukes about the links between Trump, Boris Johnson's government and the Brexit movement in the UK; while Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu explains her fears for the future of British democracy.Presented and produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Funded by subscribers to the Byline Times. Thank you to everyone who has taken out a subs already. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/13/202132 minutes, 49 seconds
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Despite the scale of the Coronavirus pandemic, Covid "deniers" and "lockdown sceptics" enjoy significant access to the airwaves in newspapers, on TV and radio, and on social media. Professor David Oliver, a hospital doctor for 30 years argues that these critics are :"gaslighting" members of the medical profession, who witness the terrible impact of the virus on a daily basis. He's no government mouthpiece, and identifies areas where he believes significant errors have been made in official policy - just don't tell him Covid 19 is exaggerated, or that he and his colleagues are not under unprecedented pressure. You might also want to listen to our previous podcast on this subject, "Scamdemics and Academics".Further reading: Nafeez Ahmed on the Great Barrington Declaration and 55 Tufton Street by Mat Hope.Plus James Doleman reports on the failed US attempt to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange from the UK. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/6/202143 minutes, 12 seconds
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Byline Times podcast editor Adrian Goldberg makes a personal selection of highlights from 2020.Produced and presented in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg.Subscribe here to the Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/31/202040 minutes, 21 seconds
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Sweden's laissez fair response to the Coronavirus crisis has won plaudits from populists in the US and UK, but its death rate from the pandemic is four times greater than in neighbouring Denmark, Norway and Finland combined.In this episode Adrian Goldberg talks to Byline Times writer Kelly Bjorklund about her investigation into guidelines that recommended palliative end of life care rather than potential life saving hospital treatment for residents of residential care homes.We also hear from hospital consultant Dr Anders Jansson, a leading critic of epidemiologist Anders Tegnell who has driven the country's Covid policy, and Susanne Matteuzzi whose elderly mother died after being refused hospital treatment.There are also contributions from Dr Nele Brusselaers who quit Sweden after challenging the official policy and Keith Begg, founder of Media Watchdogs of Sweden.Presented and produced by Adrian Goldberg.Made in Birmingham for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/24/202045 minutes, 23 seconds
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Are Britain's universities doing enough to help disadvantaged students get a top class degree? Not according to Dr Suriyah Bi, who argues that Covid 19 has added further obstacles to the goal of securing wider access to higher education. Dr Bi, who grew up in inner city Birmingham draws on her own personal experience as well as research carried out for the Equality Act Review.She is joined by recent graduate Alisa Anwar who reflects on her experience as part of the "Covid Cohort" who graduated in 2020.Plus the Bye Bye Brexiters - Byline Times editor Peter Jukes reflects on the Leave campaigners who want Britain to leave the EU, but don't quite love the UK enough to permanently live here,Funded by subscribers to the Byline Times. More details at Bylinetimes.comProduced and presented in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/17/202027 minutes, 17 seconds
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How far was Brexit powered by Britain's yearning for an Imperial past that can never return? And how useful to the populists who promoted it is imagery like the opening credits of Dad's Army, which shows plucky old Blighty being pushed back to the Kent coastline by the advancing German army? Adrian Goldberg hears from Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu and two of the paper's writers, Otto English and Jonathan Lis about the influence of the past upon the present and the future.Made in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg for Byline Times. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/9/202033 minutes, 32 seconds
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NHS staff who wanted to blow the whistle on poor practice among their colleagues were promised a new deal in 2015 when Sir Robert Francis recommended the creation of the National Guardians Office, which encouraged the "freedom to speak up." This followed scandals at Stafford Hospital and Gosport War Memorial Hospital where concerns raised by workers were ignored - with deadly consequences.Despite the optimism created by the arrival of the NGO, Health Service staff who speak out in public still risk being victimised as Stephen Colegrave has revealed in a series of articles for Byline Times. In this episode presenter Adrian Goldberg explores why the system isn't working with Stephen, former NHS whistleblower David Drew, and Michelle Russell, a nurse who hasn't worked for 5 years after reporting an assault by a co-worker.Produced in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
12/2/202034 minutes, 55 seconds
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There've been lurid campaigns linking abortion in the UK with Satanism, part of a Europe-wide trend which has seen far right groups and the religious right attempt to commandeer debate around about a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body. Byline Times writer Sian Norris steers us through these murky waters, and helps identify some of the "dark money" funding these campaigns.Plus Byline Times co-founder Peter Jukes and Unbound co-founder John Mitchinson discuss "the Scouring of the Shire", a key moment in Tolkein's epic fantasy Lord Of The Rings, which has modern resonance in the era of Trump and Johnson.Produced and presented in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/25/202031 minutes, 28 seconds
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The saying goes that "it's not what you know but who you know". That certainly seems to have been the case when Boris Johnson's government was handing out contracts for Personal Protective Equipment at the start of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Sam Bright has been saying as much in his journalism for Byline Times for months - now that view has been corroborated by The National Audit Office. Sam discusses the NAO findings with Labour MP Dawn Butler, who has been asking questions about the issue in parliamenrt.PLUS Adrian Goldberg exposes a potential conflict of interest in the Scottish Football Association's investigation into historic child sex abuse.Funded by Byline Times. Please subscribe at BylineTimes.ComProduced and Presented in Birmingham by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/19/202037 minutes, 32 seconds
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Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd talks exclusively to the Byline Times podcast about his petition for a Royal Commission into media ownership in Australia - which has attracted a record breaking 500,000 signatures to the parliamentary website. Mr Rudd is particularly concerned about the influence of Rupert Murdoch who controls 70% of the newspaper readership Down Under, but his observations are pertinent of the UK and U.S. too. The common themes across the Murdoch empire, he says, are the promotion of a right wing agenda, the polarisation of debate and vicious attacks on political opponents.Award winning journalist Nick Davies who uncovered phone hacking at Murdoch's flagship tabloid News of the World offers a British perspective.Produced and presented by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
11/11/202032 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sweden's controversial "relaxed" approach towards Coronavirus has found a growing number of advocates in the UK, drawn to its emphasis on keeping society - and the economy - moving, rather than embracing lockdowns. In this episode we explore the impact of the approach pioneered by the country's chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell with Dr Deepti Gurdasani - an epidemiologist at Queen Mary University of London. We also hear disturbing claims that voices of opposition to Tegnell are being silenced within Sweden, with Stockholm resident Keith Begg, founder of Media Watchdogs Of Sweden. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/28/202035 minutes, 28 seconds
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Why does the Julian Assange extradition case matter so much to press freedom in the UK and beyond? James Doleman reports for the Byline Times (starts at 17:30)Plus some of English football's traditional clubs face extinction in a crisis provoked by Coronavirus - although poor management, overspending and weak governance of their sport have already made them vulnerable. In this episode Adrian Goldberg hears from Port Vale owner Carol Shanahan, author John Nicholson, Sunderland co-owner Charlie Methven and Damian Collins MP about how the game can be saved.Don't forget to subscribe to Byline Times!Produced and presented by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/15/202029 minutes, 35 seconds
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In this Coronavirus Special, Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu looks at what's driving the so-called "Scamdemic" movement which claims that Coronavirus is either a hoax, or has been engineered by governments in order to subdue the population.We also hear from Dr Nafeez Ahmed who has been exploring the links between a group of scientists pushing a "herd immunity" agenda and a PR agency that won substantial government contracts.Produced and presented by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
10/1/202042 minutes, 26 seconds
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Byline Times podcast editor Adrian Goldberg meets Sam Bright who has uncovered a PPE Procurement scandal, which has seen contracts worth millions of pounds to companies with no apparent record in providing protecting clothing.Adrian also meets people in Birmingham which is in Coronavirus lockdown. Can the people there be expected to obey all the rules, when the government has admitted that it's willing to break the law over its EU Brexit deal.Don't forget to subscribe to the Byline Times. More details at Bylinetimes.comProduced and Presented by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/17/202030 minutes, 37 seconds
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On the BBC, class in the media, and Tommy Robinson Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
9/3/202035 minutes, 40 seconds
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After the death of George Floyd in the United States, the Black Lives Matter movement became a global phenomenon - and Byline Times editor Hardeep Matharu responded by commissioning a new strand called Our Lives Matter, which gives a platform in the newspaper and on the website to writers of colour.In this episode of the podcast, Hardeep discusses the need for diversity in the media with Prithvi Khilosia, one of the writers who has featured in the series. Prithvi describes the challenges faced by the children of migrants from South Asia, when they think of a career in the creative arts or journalism.You can follow Hardeep on Twiiter @Hardeep_Matharu; Pruthvi is @khilosiapruthviaProduced and presented by Adrian Goldberg (@goldbergradio) Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/20/202029 minutes, 13 seconds
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This week the Byline Times podcast discusses Brexit, Britishness and Empire. Hardeep Mathuru, editor of the Byline Times website and newspaper reflects on the connection her parents felt with Empire despite growing up in parts of the world where they were considered "subjects" rather than citizens. She explains why this led to them voting for Brexit.Meanwhile Mike Buckley hears from Northern Ireland where Brexit poses special problems for the only part of the UK with a direct border with the EU; and where questions of identity have once again become problematic.Produced and presented by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8/6/202030 minutes, 8 seconds
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Byline Times writer and FSB disinformation expert Zarina Zabrisky responds to the Russia Report, released by MP's on the UK's Intelligence and Security Committee. The report accused the Westminster government of underestimating the threat of Kremlin-inspired interference in the Scottish independence referendum in 2014 and the EU referendum in 2016. Zarina explains the origins of Vladimir Putin's "mafia state" and explains its global ambitions.We also hear from Dr Andrew Corbett, a former Trident submarine commander who told Byline Times he wouldn't have pushed the nuclear button if Boris Johnson was PM.Don't forget to subscribe to the monthly Byline Times newspaper - go to subscribe@bylinetimes.comProduced and presented by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/22/202030 minutes, 28 seconds
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What exactly is the Byline Times? What does it stand for? How is it funded? Co-founder and Executive Editor Peter Jukes explains. Plus the strange case of Wigan Athletic.Presented and Produced by Adrian Goldberg. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7/9/202030 minutes, 8 seconds