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BFBS Radio Sitrep

English, News media, 1 season, 774 episodes, 3 days, 1 hour, 19 minutes
Award winning Sitrep brings you discussion and analysis on defence, foreign policy and the stories affecting the British Forces. Presented by Kate Gerbeau.
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Could National Service fix the forces recruitment crisis?

Boris Johnson has called for the UK to bring back National Service. Sweden did just that seven years ago to solve its military recruitment crisis, and Germany’s looking at the idea.Sitrep talks to Swedish defence expert Elisabeth Braw and former Welsh Guards officer Nicholas Drummond about whether it’s the answer for the UK’s depleted Armed Forces.Iran’s ‘axis of resistance’ has carried out regular strikes against US forces in the middle east for months now. Sitrep explains who these militias are, and why Iran is helping them.And as President Putin visits the small isolated Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, Mark Galeotti explains why some think it could be the place where war with NATO begins. 
2/1/202435 minutes, 31 seconds
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What is Strategic Command?

Strategic command, like the three single services, is deemed important enough to our defence to merit its own Chief of Staff.General Sir James Hockenhull tells Sitrep about the organisation that he leads and its mission to help the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force be the best they can be.From medical services to digital networks, cyber to intelligence, Strategic Command provides joint capabilities for all of the services, and is also tasked with developing new ones.General Hockenhull talks to Sian Grzeszczyk about briefing the Prime Minister at the moment war began in Ukraine, why he sees himself as an accidental general, and why he chose not to apply for the very top job in Britain’s armed forces.
1/29/202426 minutes, 54 seconds
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The £25m minehunter mishap

Tens of thousands of people around the world have seen the moment one Royal Navy minehunter reversed into another in Bahrain, doing millions of pounds worth of damage.HMS Chiddingfold was going backwards instead of ahead, but why? A former Royal Navy officer who commanded three ships explains the range of technical and human factors that could be involved.The Chief of General Staff wants the UK to train up a “citizen army” to be ready for war. Mike explains why this doesn’t have to mean conscription, and former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith gives us his reaction.And are killer robots an inevitability in the future of war? Someone who’s helped shape UK policy on autonomous weapons tells us why he’s written a novel to warn about the risks of science-fiction becoming lethal-fact.
1/25/202437 minutes, 26 seconds
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EXTRA – Sir Iain Duncan Smith on China, conscription and his own time in the Army.

Sir Iain Duncan Smith has been a Conservative MP for more than 30 years, and led his party from 2001 to 2003.In parliament he’s a vocal contributor on defence, security, and international issues. His criticism of China’s government is so vocal the country has placed sanctions against him and his family.He tells Sitrep why he believes China is a threat to the UK, not just a ‘challenge’ as it is officially deemed, how his military service shaped his political ambitions, and whether he’d join the “too small” armed forces of today.
1/25/202427 minutes, 5 seconds
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A new world order

The Defence Secretary warns of tough times ahead...we look at those warnings but also hear from another of Britain’s most senior military chiefs who has a more hopeful message. The Head of Stratcom rarely speaks to the media, but we hear his take on the state of the world.Also on Sitrep Is diplomacy still a thing? Does it achieve anything? We speak to a former Army Officer who’s worked as a defence attaché representing the UK in 25 countries.And what do the Houthis actually have in their arsenal?....plenty, according to an expert on the group that’s still causing chaos in the Red Sea. 
1/18/202437 minutes, 45 seconds
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New questions about the future of the Royal Marines.

The First Sea Lord has been asked for a plan to “take forward” the work of the Royal Marines, as ministers effectively confirm they’re again reconsidering the future of the corps’ two amphibious assault ships.Professor Michael Clarke explains what’s going on, and former Royal Marines Commandant General, Major General Buster Howes, tells Sitrep the Defence Secretary needs to think “very very carefully”.The Defence Secretary tells the world “watch this space” for possible reprisal strikes against Houthis firing missiles at the Red Sea. British Sailors are already on constant watch there, and former Royal Navy commander Tom Sharpe explains what they experience when missiles and drones are incoming.And how do you learn to command a multi-million pound military craft in an environment less explored than space? Ryan Ramsay who used to lead the Royal Navy’s submarine command course shares stories of near misses, pushing people beyond their limits, and how he’s turned it all into life lessons for a new book.
1/11/202436 minutes, 13 seconds
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EXTRA - Life lessons from ‘The Perisher’ submarine command course.

Under the sea, in charge of a multi-million pound boat, and the safety of your crew, there is a lot that can go very wrong.Ryan Ramsay has lived it all, then trained his successors both in how to avoid those disasters, and to cope if they do strike.In his new book ‘A View From Below’ he shares the inside story how submarine captains are trained, the impossible scenarios they’re faced with in a real sub, and stories of simulated emergency suddenly becoming the real thing.He tells Kate Gerbeau why he turned those experiences into life-lessons that we can all use, what he learned from his most perilous moment in command of HMS Turbulent, and whether any of it helps him on the football pitch while refereeing.
1/11/202419 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Sitrep Crystal Ball 2024

Could more British troops be sent to Eastern Europe, or as peacekeepers in the Middle East? Will Donald Trump return to the White House, and would it guarantee defeat for Ukraine? And where in the world might the next war break out?Kate Gerbeau and Professor Michael Clarke take on the big questions about what’s in store for our defence and security in 2024.They hear from the UK’s top military officers, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, General Sir Patrick Sanders, Admiral Sir Ben Key and Air Chief Marshal Sir Rich Knighton, who tell us what they’ll be working on in 2024.And some of Sitrep’s expert guests from the last year share their thoughts to help explain what might happen in the next 12 months.
12/21/202343 minutes, 13 seconds
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To beard or not to beard? The Army’s big question.

The Defence Secretary has called the Army’s ban on beards for most soldiers “ridiculous and outdated”, as the Chief of General Staff reviews the rules.Kate and Mike are joined by former Chief of Defence People, Lieutenant General James Swift, to discuss whether facial hair really matters to recruitment, discipline and operational effectiveness.The next head of the Army has been named as General Sir Roly Walker, so Sitrep takes a look through his CV to see what experience he brings, and explains the challenges he’s taking on.And we go into The Valley of Death with the Welsh Cavalry, on a unique desert exercise where unseen controllers keep changing the game to push troops to their very limits.
12/14/202333 minutes, 46 seconds
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The UK increases its Middle East military presence – what can it do?

HMS Diamond has been sent to the Red Sea after missile and drone attacks against British owned cargo vessels, and RAF spy-planes have been deployed to search for hostages held in Gaza.Professor Michael Clarke and former Royal Navy commander Tom Sharpe explain what these assets and personnel can achieve, the limitations & risks of their missions, and the possibility of more UK military capability joining them.Sitrep also looks at another big deployment much closer to home, a new Royal Navy task group trying to protect critical undersea power and data cables, alongside European allies.And does military history repeat itself, or just rhyme? Kate talks to military historian Lucy Betteridge-Dyson, General Sir Mike Jackson and General Lord Richards about how the study of past conflicts shapes the wars of today.
12/7/202340 minutes, 45 seconds
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What does Ukraine need to win the war?

Sitrep’s Simon Newton has just returned from Ukraine - he reports for Sitrep from a drone testing centre where new models are trialled before being used in combat.Sitrep also hears from the former Champion Boxer, and now Mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, on his country’s will to resist.Also on Sitrep, as tensions remain high in the Middle East, Britain deploys a Type 45 Destroyer HMS Diamond to the Gulf and America sends the USS Eisenhower through the Strait of Hormuz. Sitrep looks at how Aircraft carriers are used to deploy both hard and soft power and hears from the Commanding Officer of the UK’s biggest warship HMS Prince of Wales.  
11/30/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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Can Ukraine avoid being trapped in a frozen war?

As winter sweeps across Ukraine the ideal window for its counter-offensive is now closed, with seemingly minimal gains from five months of hard fighting. So what happens next? Sitrep assesses whether Ukraine has another chance for a significant fightback next year, and if so how it could do that.Professor Michael Clarke, Ukrainian researcher Mariia Zolkina, and former infantry officer Ed Arnold discuss the military options, and we hear from Kyiv about the mood there.And we get an insight into one of Britain’s newest military units, the National Cyber Force, from Lieutenant General Tom Copinger-Symes who oversees their defensive and offensive operations.
11/23/202334 minutes, 13 seconds
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EXTRA – The National Cyber Force explained

Cyber-warfare was is no longer simply science-fiction, it is now a military fact that hits hard. Military communications, power systems and nuclear processing plants have all been taken offline in recent years by purely digital attacks. The UK’s capability for this domain sits in the National Cyber Force, created three years ago as part of Strategic Command, bringing together military and intelligence teams for both defensive and offensive cyber operations. Kate Gerbeau talks to Lieutenant General Tom Copinger-Symes, the Deputy Commander of Stratcom, about the cyber threats the UK faces and how the force is tackling them.
11/23/202318 minutes, 38 seconds
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Up close with Ajax

The Army’s future is built around the new Ajax armoured fighting vehicle. After years of delays, faults, and even injuries to troops, ministers say the Ajax programme is now ‘in recovery’.We take a look for ourselves, from the production line to training on Salisbury plain and hear from soldiers using the first of the vehicles.Another cold-war treaty has collapsed. It aimed to prevent surprise attacks by limiting Russia and NATO’s options for massing their military might. We assess whether NATO will take advantage of the extra flexibility it’s just got.Plus the British Army’s former top legal adviser in Iraq talks us through the laws of war, and how the big questions he faced in Basra 20 years ago are mirrored in Gaza right now.
11/16/202334 minutes, 6 seconds
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EXTRA – The laws of war explained

Every single country in the UN is signed up to the same laws of war, but Israel’s military campaign in Gaza is reminding us interpretations of those laws often differ.In this extra Sitrep podcast Kate Gerbeau talks to Rev. Nicholas Mercer, who was the British Army’s top legal adviser in Iraq 20 years ago.He explains the key principles that govern the legality of military action, how he applied them in the midst of battle, and how the Israel Gaza war mirrors many of the difficult decisions he faced in Basra.
11/16/202320 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Napoleon changed warfare forever

He’s been called a strategic and tactical genius – but he also abandoned tens of thousands of his soldiers to their deaths.Sitrep goes behind the Hollywood gloss of the new Napoleon film to assess his true military legacy, and Professor Michael Clarke explains how Napoleonic innovations are still used in wars today.Japan is on a massive military spending spree aiming to become the worlds 3rd largest military budget. We assess what military capability it has, and what it needs to face down China and North Korea.Ukraine’s Commander in Chief has declared the war in his country at stalemate. But why, and what does it tell us about tensions at the top in Kyiv. Simon Newton explains all.
11/9/202335 minutes, 49 seconds
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EXTRA – Japan’s big military ambitions

Japan is one of the world’s third biggest economic power, but until now its military power has come nowhere close to matching that.That’s changing though, with a 5-year defence-spending spree to include new counter-strike capabilities which will enable Japan to fire on enemy land for the first time since World War Two.Kate Gerbeau talks to the author of ‘Japan as a Global Military Power’, Dr Chris Hughes, about how capable Japan’s forces already are, what the extra spending will add, and why Britain is key to Tokyo’s plan for greater military might.
11/9/202318 minutes, 49 seconds
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Could Georgia be dragged into the Ukraine war?

Russia is planning a new naval base in territory it occupies on Georgia’s Black Sea coast, because of Ukraine’s strikes against Russian ships near Crimea.Sitrep hears from the Georgian capital about worries it could make their country a target for Ukraine.Professor Michael Clarke and Simon Newton share their assessments, and examine how we can improve ammunition supplies to Ukrainian forces who are having to weigh individual artillery shells at the front line, because ‘standard’ doesn’t mean quite what you think.And we explain why a new study says training for servicemen and women needs to be less industrial, and more democratic.
11/2/202332 minutes, 41 seconds
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Mosul’s urban warfare lessons for Gaza

Israel’s mission to destroy Hamas has some parallels with the battle to liberate Mosul from the Islamic State terror group – tens of thousands of fighters among a densely packed population of around two-million citizens.Major General Rupert Jones, who was deputy commander of the anti-IS coalition, shares the lessons from Mosul, and Professor Michael Clarke assesses how they do, or don’t, apply in Gaza.The RAF’s next generation of drone, Protector, has arrived in Britain for the first time. We’ll explain what it can do.And as Robert Courts MP becomes the new chair of the Commons Defence Committee, we ask one of his predecessors whether the group can make a difference, or are just a talking shop. 
10/26/202335 minutes, 29 seconds
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British forces moved for ‘dangerous moment’

British ships, planes, and personnel have been sent to Mediterranean, tasked with waiting and watching as war rages between Israel and Gaza. Professor Michael Clarke explains how they could be used, to stop weapons smuggling and gather intelligence, with the aim of preventing a wildfire spread of the conflict.Sitrep hears first-hand about the challenges facing Ukraine’s troops as they continue to fight back against Russia, including how some artillery commanders are now limited to just five shells per week.And General David Petraeus, arguably the most significant military commander of the 21st century so far, shares some very personal lessons on the evolution of warfare.
10/19/202336 minutes, 49 seconds
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EXTRA – ‘Conflict – The evolution of warfare’

General David Petraeus commanded multinational forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, wrote America’s handbook on counter-insurgency, and went on to lead the CIA.Now he wants to help those who follow him learn the lessons of the wars he fought, and many others since World War Two.General Petraeus and acclaimed military historian Andrew Roberts tell Kate Gerbeau how the outbreak of war in Ukraine spurred them to combine their disciplines for a fresh look at how we got here, and why.In their book ‘Conflict – The evolution of warfare from 1945 to Ukraine’ General Petraeus shares personal accounts from Iraq and Afghanistan, and we learn lessons including how a tactic deployed with devastating effect by Israel’s enemies failed spectacularly for Russia.
10/19/202327 minutes, 5 seconds
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Explaining the war between Israel and Hamas

Israel declared war because of a Hamas terrorist atrocity, invading from Gaza, killing more than a thousand people, and seizing more than 150 hostages.But what was Hamas hoping to achieve? Is Israel doing exactly what its enemy wants by launching a war, and did it have any other choice?Professor Michael Clarke and former senior intelligence officer Colonel Philip Ingram address the big military questions of this war.Another gas pipeline under the Baltic sea has been damaged by an apparent explosion, but what can NATO do about it?And how the Trinity system could soon be providing British forces with ‘battlefield broadband’, for data driven warfare.
10/12/202332 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Army tests its ability to get to a war

Iron Titan is the Army’s largest land exercise in more than 20 years, involving 8000 troops across more than 40,000 square miles of South-West England and Wales.Sitrep hears from some of those taking part, and Forces News reporter Rosie Laydon explains how its using the lessons of Ukraine to test the deployment of the UK’s warfighting division.Violence, and a Serbian troop buildup, have prompted the deployment of 200 British soldiers to Kosovo as extra peacekeepers. Major General Chip Chapman explains their role, and the risks.And thousands of new quieter and lighter assault rifles have been ordered for British troops, we explain how it will be different for those who get it.
10/5/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ukraine breaches Russian defences, but is it a breakthrough?

Ukraine has punched a new hole through Russia’s minefields, ditches, and ‘dragons teeth’ in Western Zaporizhzhia, but is it enough to start taking back big swathes of land?Professor Michael Clarke explains why this is halfway to being a turning point, and Forces News reporter Simon Newton explains what obstacles are still in the way of Ukraine’s tanks.British Army Veteran Shaun Pinner made headlines around the world when he was captured in Ukraine and sentenced to death by Russia. He tells us why he was never a ‘war tourist’, how decades-old training helped him survive, and about the moment he met his unlikely saviour. Three veterans of Britain’s nuclear test programme, now entitled to a new medal, share their experiences of being guinea-pigs for the UK’s race to become an atomic power.
9/28/202337 minutes
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‘Live Fight Survive’

When Shaun Pinner left the Royal Anglian Regiment, after 9 years as a soldier, he had no intention of ever returning to military life.Two decades later he was fighting in Ukraine as one of the country’s marines, besieged in the city of Mariupol as it was battered and starved by Russian forces.When he was captured Shaun was beaten, tortured and eventually sentenced to death by firing squad. Yet he is now a free man, and living in Ukraine.He tells Kate Gerbeau the incredible story of how he ended up there (via waste management and volunteering in Syria), why he was never a ‘war tourist’, and the surreal moment when he met his unlikely saviour on a luxury jet.
9/28/202336 minutes, 46 seconds
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How smartphones have become military supercomputers

The Army’s about to test software which, with the help of tiny drones, can give soldiers a 3D model of their battlefield on a phone or tablet in minutes.The ‘Farsight’ system eliminates the need for network connections, big servers, and long waits. A former US special operations commander who’s helped develop the software tells us what it will mean to troops on the ground.Russia expert Emily Ferris explains how Moscow’s technology compares, and how military call ups have created a ‘brain-drain’.And the NHS says three-quarters of its hospital trusts are now ‘veteran aware’. Two pioneers of the scheme tell us what it should mean for the care of those who have served their country.
9/21/202331 minutes, 52 seconds
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Lessons on warfare from Ukraine

This week Sitrep focuses on how the British military and defence industry are learning lessons from the war in Ukraine. Rear Admiral Andrew Betton, Director Joint Warfare at UK Strategic Command, says the way warfare has evolved in Ukraine is a wake-up call.Sitrep also explores how the defence industry is responding to the conflict in terms of new weapons and equipment.Plus General Lord Dannatt, the former head of the army, tells us failing to learn the lessons of history left Britain behind at the outbreak of the second world war.
9/14/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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Army Head on Future Soldier

In a special Sitrep podcast, the Head of the British Army says by the end of the decade the Army will be the most modern and the most lethal in Europe. Listen here to the exclusive interview with the CGS, General Sir Patrick Sanders
9/12/202340 minutes, 16 seconds
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North Korea – Holding the Line

Sitrep hears from the 3 star British General helping to enforce the uneasy armistice on the border between North and South Korea.The UK is a member of the US-led United Nations Command Korea. Its role is to enforce the armistice and de-escalate tensions. Its Deputy Commander, Lieutenant General Andrew Harrison, tells Sitrep that the Demilitarised Zone is a ‘surreal’ and ‘dangerous’ place and warns of the need for constant vigilance.Also in this week’s podcast, Sitrep will be assessing how the battlelines in Ukraine have changed and why. We’ll be hearing from the Institute for the Study of War, Professor Michael Clarke and Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, Former Commanding General US Army Europe.
9/7/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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EXTRA – Enforcing the Armistice

For 70 years there’s been an armistice – but no peace treaty- between North and South Korea.In this special addition, Sitrep hears in full from the 3 star British General helping to enforce the uneasy armistice in his role as Deputy Commander of the US-led United Nations Command Korea.
9/7/202323 minutes, 20 seconds
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EXTRA – The Gardener of Lashkar Gah

Shaista Gul was known to thousands of British servicemen and women over the years. He created a small oasis of peace at the UK’s headquarters in Southern Afghanistan.But after Lashkar Gah main operating base closed in 2014 he had to leave the job he loved, and with it the garden he’d created. What followed was Taliban intimidation, fatal attacks on his family, and eventually a perilous journey to eventual safety in the UK.Sitrep talks to Larisa Brown, author of ‘The Gardener of Lashkar Gah: The Afghans Who Risked Everything to Fight the Taliban’, and Shaista Gul’s son Jamal, who worked as interpreter for Britain’s armed forces in Helmand.
9/1/202319 minutes, 43 seconds
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A new Defence Secretary – does it matter?

Supporting Ukraine, recruitment & retention, procurement problems and a budget to balance. The new Defence Secretary Grant Shapps has a lot to manage, but does it matter this is his first defence role, indeed does it matter who does the job right now?Professor Michael Clarke explains why his room for manoeuvre is limited, and what we can expect.Waiting on the Defence Secretary’s desk are 67 recommendations to shake up Armed Forces life and careers. Could older troops, greater neurodiversity, and direct entry to higher ranks solve skills gaps and make for stronger services?And Sitrep examines the latest scientific research into whether some of the most tightly-controlled illegal drugs in the UK could cure PTSD. We hear from one veteran who says psychedelic therapy has transformed his life.
8/31/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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EXTRA - ‘Thinking the unthinakble’ in the war for talent

Is it time for a radical rethink of who the Armed Forces allow to join, and at what rank, to fill critical skills gaps?For centuries most people have only been able serve their country by starting at the bottom and working their way up, after meeting strict elegibility criteria.But in the 21st century, amid ever greater competition for top talent, should the forces be embracing neurodiversity, later-life careers, and sideways entry?And why should you stay with one service for your whole military career?We talk to former Chief of Defence People, Lieutenant General James Swift, about whether these ideas could help build the forces, or damage their effectiveness.
8/31/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Wagner group loses its leaders

Amid a swirl of questions and conspiracy theories about the apparent death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, in a plane crash in Russia, one fact is clear. The mercenary group which has been doing the Kremlin’s dirty work for a decade has lost its founders and top team.Professor Michael Clarke explains what it means for the war in Ukraine and why the group, branded a threat to the UK by MP’s, will not be disappearing.After three British soldiers were injured by in attack on UN peacekeepers in Cyprus, Forces News reporter Simon Newton tells us about the reality of high tensions in the buffer zone, despite what is often dismissed as a ‘sunshine tour’.And six months after President Zelensky’s ‘wings for freedom’ appeal, he’s finally been promised western fighter jets. But they won’t be able to make an impact in the war for a very long time. We explain why.
8/24/202332 minutes, 43 seconds
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After fighting the Taliban, should we now talk to them?

Two years since British troops left, and the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan, millions of people are going hungry while women and girls have been stripped of basic rights.The Chairman of the Commons Defence Committee says we need to stop ‘shouting from the sidelines’ and re-engage with the Taliban, but after posting a video from Helmand describing the country as ‘transformed’ he’s facing a no-confidence vote from his colleagues.So how should the UK help? Indeed can it help?  Sitrep talks to former Afghan diplomat Nazifa Haqpal and retired Colonel Simon Diggins who was Defence Attaché in Kabul for two years.Nazifa warns the Taliban is trying to radicalise the population, so Professor Michael Clarke explains the threat Afghanistan poses to the UK, and why we should care about ‘fixing it’.
8/17/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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Why isn’t Ukraine throwing everything into its counter-offensive?

Ukraine formed 12 brigades, each up to 5,000 soldiers strong, to take back territory from Russia. So far it’s only committed around a third of those forces.Professor Michael Clarke and Forces News Ukraine reporter Simon Newton discuss the military logic, and whether the next phase of the counter-offensive has actually already started.Is there a better way to handle complaints from members of the Armed Forces?Germany’s Armed Forces Commissioner tells us how surprise visits and access-all-areas help her make a difference.And is the pen really mightier than the sword? We explain the concept of ‘weaponised narratives’, how they’ve been used to overthrow governments, and ask whether words can do the same job as warfighting.
8/10/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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EXTRA – Words as a weapon of war

The pen, they say, is mightier than the sword, but how? Words can be used as a weapon of war, and the right words used early enough might even save you from the many costs of kinetic operations.That’s the argument put forward in a new book – ‘Subversion, the strategic weaponization of narratives’.It’s author, Dr Andreas Krieg, tells us how weaponised narratives have been used to do things like overthrow governments, and change the world without a shot needing to be fired.
8/10/202320 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ukraine’s army of drones takes war to Moscow

Ukraine’s President Zelensky says it’s ‘inevitable’ that war is returning to Russia, and two drone strikes on a Moscow skyscraper look like an attempt to prove the point.Professor of Defence Studies Michael Clarke explains why he’s worried by this, and we assess whether it makes any strategic sense.Ukraine is manufacturing, and using up, thousands of drones every month. Svitlana Morenets in Kyiv tells us about getting hands on with the ‘army of drones’ programme that is also training thousands of operators.And British man Aiden Aslin, who went to fight Daesh in Syria and then joined Ukraine’s armed forces, tells us what motivated him to fight other people’s wars. 
8/3/202333 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Russian mercenaries who want to ‘go west’

The President of Belarus says Wagner fighters, exiled to his country, are ‘getting on our nerves’ and want ‘an excursion’ into Poland.Sitrep examines whether this seriously threatens war between NATO and Russia, and we talk to Alicia Kearns MP about cross party warnings that Wagner is a direct threat to the UK.The Prime Minister has apologised to LGBT veterans who were kicked out of the forces, stripped of medals, and in some cases imprisoned. We explain why has he said sorry when the rules were clear and legally binding at the time.And 70 years since the end of fighting, why are North and South Korea still technically at war?
7/27/202333 minutes, 50 seconds
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No reversal of Army cuts in defence ‘refresh’.

The UK’s ‘defence masterplan’ has been updated after just two years, because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.Its conclusions are essentially to stick with the old plan, but it must be done faster and better. Despite being re-examined cuts of thousands of soldiers, and a third of the Army’s tanks, will stay. Professor Michael Clarke explains the key points, what they’ll mean for the Armed Forces, and for their people.We also assess whether the promises of faster and better modernisation can be delivered, with one of the military architects of the 2015 Defence Review.
7/20/202333 minutes, 52 seconds
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EXTRA – Zig-zag careers, can they help make UK forces stronger?

As the Armed Forces struggle to recruit and retain the people and skills they need, a major review is recommending a radical rethink of British military life and careers.The Haythornethwaite review found the forces need to do better at making their people feel valued.It was commissioned by the Defence Secretary to study ‘incentivisation’ for servicemen and women.Sitrep talks to the review’s military adviser, retired Lieutenant General Sir Nick Pope, to ask whether flexible working can work for the forces, why the internet really matters to people, and whether pay should be based on skills rather than rank.
7/20/202324 minutes, 50 seconds
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Preparing for the Ukraine endgame

The old military saying goes ‘winning the war is easier than winning the peace’.Sitrep explains what the NATO summit has and hasn’t done to prepare for the end of the war, with the help of Major General Tim Cross, who led the UK’s post-war efforts in Iraq.The summit delivered security guarantees for Ukraine from some allies, including the UK, but no timetable for NATO membership. We assess whether it was a good or bad result for Ukraine.And what about NATO’s own defence? We take a look at the new Regional Defence Plans, and ask if the UK can deliver what it’s promising.
7/13/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to get a tank through a minefield

Ukraine’s counter offensive is being held up, in part, by densely packed Russian minefields. Former tank commander Justin Crump explains how they avoid the explosives, and clear a path through.Professor Michael Clarke tells us what progress Ukraine has made in the last month, and why a much bigger push looks imminent. Sitrep’s James Wharton has had exclusive access to British troops on the ground in Iraq as part of Operation Shader, he explains how their role has changed over the last 9 years.And former army intelligence officer Louise Jones gives us a guide to the Do’s & Don’ts of social media for forces personnel.
7/6/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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How can NATO best protect its Eastern flank?

Some Eastern European countries have called on NATO to strengthen its eastern borders following recent events in Russia. This week Germany said it plans to keep 4000 troops permanently in Lithuania, once the infrastructure is in place.Germany already leads a multi-national battlegroup in Lithuania, as the UK does in Estonia, as part of NATO’s Enhanced Forward Presence. What could Germany’s move mean for the rest of NATO? Sitrep talks to the former Chief of the Defence Staff, General Lord Richards, about the planned deployment and about the strength of Russian forces in Ukraine. And finally, Sitrep hears from a Hercules pilot as the aircraft makes its last RAF flight… 
6/29/202329 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rethinking forces life for Generation Z

The armed forces need to do better at making their people feel valued to deliver military capability.So says a major review of ‘incentivisation’ for servicemen and women – we explain its recommendations including flexible careers, simpler allowances, and skills based pay.The UK is the only NATO country to recruit 16 year olds into the forces, and a UN panel has renewed its call for the age to go up to 18. We ask a member of that panel why.And the former captain of a Royal Navy submarine explains the options and limits for undersea rescue operations.
6/22/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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EXTRA – An end to ‘one size fits all’ military careers?

As the Armed Forces struggle to recruit and retain the people and skills they need, a major review is recommending a radical rethink of British military life and careers.The Haythornethwaite review found the forces need to do better at making their people feel valued.It was commissioned by the Defence Secretary to study ‘incentivisation’ for servicemen and women.Sitrep talks to the review’s military adviser, retired Lieutenant General Sir Nick Pope, to ask whether flexible working can work for the forces, why the internet really matters to people, and whether pay should be based on skills rather than rank.
6/22/202324 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ukraine’s counter-offensive explained

The push to retake Ukrainian territory held by Russia has started modestly, but there is a bigger strategy behind it.Michael Clarke explains how this is actually about stretching Russian forces, and Colin Freeman updates us from close to the front line.Eleven British universities have been criticised for working with Iranian partners on technologies that could have military uses. Former tank-commander turned scientist Hamish de Bretton-Gordon tells us why he’s worried.And we hear why British troops have been parking huge soviet-era air-defence vehicles in people’s gardens in Sweden.
6/15/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to see through the fog of war

Ukraine’s counter-offensive appears to be underway, bringing us a stream of contradictory claims and confusing headlines.Professor Michael Clarke, and former intelligence officer Col. Philip Ingram, explain how we can make sense of it all in the midst of a disinformation war.A top US Air Force officer has warned AI enabled drones could turn against their operators, and infrastructure, in pursuit of missions. We ask if artificial intelligence really could go rogue and threaten us all.And Britain’s latest training effort for Ukraine – sharing support skills with their military chaplains. Chaplain General the Rev. Michael D Parker tells us why it really matters for the war effort.
6/8/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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Putin’s poodle?

9 years ago Ukraine’s northern neighbour, Belarus, vocally opposed Russia’s annexation of Crimea and was staunchly a non-nuclear state. Now it’s host to Russian troops, and is just taking delivery of Russian tactical nuclear weapons. We explain the U-turn, and ask if it’s the start of a new ‘Soviet Union lite’? NATO’s looking for a new leader, and the UK’s Defence Secretary is seen as one of several potential frontrunners. A former NATO insider explains how the whole process is a bit like appointing a new Pope. And we hear from Estonia – where British troops lead NATO deterrence – about the Baltic state’s latest threat assessment
6/1/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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Has Russia finally upped its game in the war with Ukraine?

With reports of an improvement in Russian battlefield tactics, that certainly could be the case. But, other intel suggests that the difficulties with enforcing discipline amongst junior ranks is actually worsening. On this week’s Sitrep, Professor Michael Clarke will look at a new report which suggests Moscow has indeed, learned from its mistakes and is preparing a major Ukrainian offensive.Also, as Russia changes tactics we’ll hear how high tech satellite imagery has become a vital tool for watching Russian forces in real time and discover who’s using that information.As the RAF takes delivery of its latest...and last A400m transport plane, we’ll look at how it compares with the Hercules C130-J which it’s replacing.’s an exclusive club, but what’s it actually like being ejected from a fighter jet travelling at hundreds of miles an hour?....we’ll hear first hand from former RAF Navigator John Nichol. 
5/25/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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EXTRA - Eject! Eject!

John Nichol’s life was saved by explosives attached to his seat. In 1991 he ejected from a burning RAF Tornado jet, along with pilot John Peters, saving their lives but also leading to their capture by Iraqi forces. In a new book, ‘Eject! Eject!’, John Nichol charts the history of the ejection seat and shares the stories of how it has both saved and changed thousands of people’s lives. He tells Kate Gerbeau what it’s like to be thrown out of plane at 600 miles per hour, how a terrifying 30-second manual process now happens automatically in the blink of an eye, and why ejecting is just the start of the story
5/25/202325 minutes, 53 seconds
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The game of cat-and-mouse in Ukraine

It looks the Ukraine war is at a tipping point, with a counter-offensive imminent, which would take the war into a significant new phase.Professor Michael Clarke explains how a cat-and-mouse game is already underway along hundreds of miles of front line, and do fresh western weaponry promises deliver what President Zelensky said he was waiting for?Russia’s returned to bombarding Kyiv every 48 hours, journalist Iryna Sysak tells Sitrep what it’s like to be back living under regular attack.Plus the war of words between the Wagner group and Russia’s ministry of Defence. Where do the mercenary army’s loyalties really lie?  
5/18/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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AI – the future of warfare?

Artificial Intelligence seems to be coming of age, but some of its pioneers are warning AI could soon get out of control.On Sitrep we explain how Britain’s armed forces are already using Artificial Intelligence, and Steve Meers from the AI Lab at DSTL tells us what he’s working on to help servicemen and women in the future.Major Sam McEvoy of the Royal Corps of Signals was involved in the Army’s first operational deployment of AI. He tells us the genie is out of the bottle, and while AI won’t replace humans, people who use AI will replace the ones that don’t.Professor Michael Clarke helps us understand the military up and downsides of AI, and an adviser to the Ministry of Defence talks us through the ethical dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence. 
5/11/202330 minutes, 1 second
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Making a military moment in history

The coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla includes the UK Armed Forces’ biggest ceremony for 70 years.On Sitrep we look at the plans, the rehearsals, and hear from a veteran of the Grenadier Guards about the kind of personal preparations required of 7000 servicemen and women.Russia has accused Ukraine of attempting to assassinate President Putin in a small-dronestrike on the Kremlin. Ukraine firmly denies any part.Professor Michael Clarke explains why it would be ‘monumentally stupid’ were Ukraine to have been involved in this ‘firework stunt’.
5/4/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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EXTRA - The King’s flying instructor

Sitrep hears from someone who played a key part in the journey of King Charles III to his role as commander in chief of the UK’s armed forces.Most of the King’s five years as a serviceman were spent as a pilot, but before he stepped into uniform to fly jets and helicopters he learned to fly a twin-seat single-propellor Chipmunk plane.His instructor was a young Flight Lieutenant, Philip Pinney, who tells James Wharton his story training future King to fly, preparing Charles for hands on military service.
5/4/202310 minutes, 52 seconds
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Who calls the shots?

Sitrep gets the inside stories from some of the UK’s biggest military decisions of recent years, as we examine the art and politics of command.Former Chief of the Defence Staff, General Lord Richards, explains how he once told David Cameron ‘a term in the cadet force doesn’t qualify you to do my job’, but still had a good working relationship with the PM.And former Defence Secretary, Sir Michael Fallon, reveals how at the start of Operation Shader he had to personally authorise air-strikes, including decisions on which weapons would be used.Kate Gerbeau also talk to Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman about his book “Command” which analyses the politics of war, and Professor Michael Clarke explains how those lessons apply to military operations happening right now.
4/27/202329 minutes, 47 seconds
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Spying and sabotage in the North Sea

Russia has sent a fleet of ships, pretending to be fishing trawlers, to size up our wind farms and power cables for possible attacks according to a new documentary.Professor Michael Clarke explains how the UK is already ramping up its military capabilities to track and deter this kind of Russian activity.An Iraq veteran gives us his verdict on the new book ‘How To Fight a War’ – and its author Dr Mike Martin explains why he thinks lethal violence is just communication your enemy can’t ignore. And we scroll through the new interactive map which shows where British forces are most busy in Europe, and the different defence ties we have with our near neighbours.
4/20/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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EXTRA – How to fight a war

Do tanks trump technology? Do missiles matter more than manpower? And can the better thinker beat the stronger fighter?Dr Mike Martin’s new book ‘How To Fight A War’ argues that psychology is the key, and that war is as at least as much a conversation as it is a physical battle.The head of the Army, General Sir Patrick Sanders, has called the book ‘essential reading’. Dr Martin explains his key principles which could decide victory, or defeat, and former soldier James Wharton gives us his thoughts on whether it all stacks up, based on his experiences of fighting in Iraq.
4/20/202331 minutes, 37 seconds
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The classified document cluster

Sitrep looks behind the headlines of a huge leak of top secret US documents, including on suggesting 50 British special forces troops have been on the ground in Ukraine.Professor Michael Clarke will assess the damage from the leaks, and explain the official ‘health warnings’ on what’s been revealed.Ukraine doesn’t just want western fighter jets, it also wants veteran fighter pilots to join its fight. Decorated US Lt Colonel Dan ‘Two Dogs’ Hampton tells us why he wants to sign up.And we assess America’s new military foothold in Asia, because ‘China has scared the living daylights’ out of the Philippines.
4/13/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to lead the RAF

Air Marshal Richard Knighton has been named as the new Chief of Air Staff. We talk to one of his predecessors, Air Chief Marshal Sir Andrew Pulford, about what the job involves, the challenges ahead, and what AM Knighton’s leadership will mean for the men and women of the RAF.The NATO/Russia border has just doubled in length as Finland joins the alliance. Will it be a burden or heavy lifter in NATO, and why is Britain already seen as Finland’s mentor?And Royal Marines have, very quietly, deployed on exercise in South Korea for the first time since the war there. We explain why the country is building up military ties with Britain and Europe.
4/6/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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The waiting game in Ukraine

It’s spring but there’s no sign yet of the ‘spring offensives’ promised by both sides in Ukraine. They are quietly preparing though.Professor Michael Clarke explains the big movements of Russia’s best troops, and some psychological warfare by Kyiv.A senior officer tells fellow servicewomen they must report sex attacks to police. We ask why some are still not coming forward despite an overhaul of investigations.And three years on from Brexit, Britain holds talks about new defence ties with the EU. Is it just about repairing a broken friendship or could it benefit the UK’s Armed Forces? 
3/30/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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‘Iraq was our Vietnam in many ways’

Exactly 20 years ago more than 40,000 British troops were deployed on Operation Telic, to invade Iraq in search of weapons of mass destruction which did not exist. The legacy of that invasion is complicated, and Sitrep explains how it’s shaped the British Armed Forces of today.General Lord Dannatt, former Chief of General Staff, tells us how it made us more risk-averse, but developed leadership skills that remain in today’s servicemen and women.Plus decorated bomb disposal operator Chris Hunter tells us why he’s now living in the country where he was shot, and is still working to make it a safer place.
3/23/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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EXTRA – Back in Iraq 20 years on

Chris Hunter is a decorated high-threat bomb disposal operator. He had been in Iraq, on operation Telic, for just four days when he was shot in an ambush. Two decades later he lives in the country that nearly claimed his life and works for a charity clearing explosives left by the Islamic State terror group.He tells Kate Gerbeau how he now has friends who may have tried to kill him years ago, what life is like in Iraq 20 years after the invasion, and what motivates him to stay for as long as he can.
3/23/202319 minutes, 37 seconds
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Will a bigger budget mean better forces?

The Chancellor has promised another 11 billion pounds for Defence over the next five years, but after soaring inflation and big donations to Ukraine how much extra is left over? Professor of Defence Studies Michael explains what it means for the spending power of Defence, and what it might mean for the future of British Forces as a new masterplan for their size and shape is drawn up.We also take a closer look at the next generation of Royal Navy attack submarines, which will take up more than a quarter of the new cash. Just days after the Ministry of Defence launched its own TikTok channel the Chinese owned app has been banned from government devices. A former army intelligence officer explains the risks.
3/16/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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River warfare in Ukraine

Ukrainian troops are having to risk their lives, crossing icy waters, to defend small islands used for little more than holiday homes.We hear why these small marshy patches of land are strategically crucial to protecting Ukraine’s biggest gain so far in the war, while Professor Michael Clarke explains the latest developments across the country.The UK’s creating a new Arctic operations base, and Sitrep reporter Briohny Williams tells us exactly what it’s like to be there for training and exercises.Sarah Louise Miller shares the story of thousands of women who overcame huge resistance to become key players in British military intelligence during World War 2.
3/9/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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EXTRA – ‘The Women Behind The Few’

The World War 2 RAF pilots, dubbed ‘The Few’ by Winston Churchill, could not have achieved all that they did without the support of a huge intelligence operation.But as more and more men had to go to the front, that intelligence work was increasingly taken on by women, despite huge initial resistance and scepticism from military leaders.Sarah Louise Miller tells us their story, researched in new detail for her book ‘The Women Behind The Few’And at an event marking International Women’s Day, some of those veterans have told us what life was like as they laid the groundwork for today’s women to serve in frontline combat. 
3/9/202319 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Army’s Ajax headache

The Army’s modernisation masterplan relies on Ajax, a new armoured vehicle that is already 6 years late, and has injured some troops with noise and vibration.As the Defence Secretary says that’s all been solved, Professor Michael Clarke explains why Ajax is so important and we talk to Conservative MP Mark Francois about why he wants to hear from troops involved in the Ajax trials.Also this week – China’s produced a peace plan for the Ukraine war, but what outcome does it really want?And we hear from two RAF Typhoon pilots about what it was like patrolling the skies of Qatar to keep the World Cup safe.
3/2/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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EXTRA – The battle for survival in Ukraine

Ukrainian journalist Maryana Drach tells Sitrep her experiences of living through a year of war in her country.The loss of her friend and colleague, Vira Hyrych, in a missile strike on an apartment block, witnessing destruction in her home city, and her team’s drive to expose atrocities.She also tells us about the latest assessments of public opinion in Ukraine, her thoughts on how the war may end, and why she believes Ukrainians are maintaining their resolve. Maryana Drach is Director of the Ukrainian service at Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty.  
2/23/202319 minutes, 19 seconds
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Lessons from a year of war in Ukraine

12 months on from Russia’s full scale invasion Sitrep assesses how Ukraine defied predictions that it would lose in days – and instead pushed back Moscow’s forces.Three experienced British military minds explain who’s got what right, and wrong, and the lessons the UK should learn from all this. Daily Telegraph correspondent Colin Freeman tells us what the battlefield picture looks like going into year two, as Ukrainian forces face ‘zombie waves’ of Russian troops.And Ukrainian journalist Maryana Drach shares personal testimony of her country’s losses, alongside the resolve of its people.
2/23/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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Balloon hunting over Britain

After three more mystery objects were found flying over North America and shot down, the Defence Secretary has ordered a security review of British Airspace.Have they already flown over us, and have we been looking for them? Sitrep asks a former RAF Operations Commander. Hundreds of British troops are helping to defend Estonia, a country that has sent its entire Howitzer artillery stock to Ukraine. We hear from soldiers on exercise and Estonia’s Defence Minister.Plus we explain whether Russia has begun its new offensive, and examine how long NATO nations can keep supplying vital military aid to Ukraine.
2/16/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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Should we stop calling veterans ‘heroes’?

Servicemen and women, along with veterans, are often called heroes – it’s well intentioned, but is that label helpful or harmful.Sitrep talks to a US psychologist who says it could drive veterans towards lower paid ‘selfless’ jobs, a leading military psychiatrist and a founder of the charity Help for Heroes.The UK is promising to train Ukrainian fighter pilots, but says it can’t send fighter jets any time soon, so is there any point in the training and can the UK actually deliver it?And the Chinese ‘spy’ balloon that has been shot down by the US Air Force might seem like ancient technology, but we explain why the UK is one of the countries looking at balloons as part of the military future.
2/9/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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Cabinet civil-war over Defence?

The Defence Secretary says his own party has ‘hollowed out’ the forces while in government, but one of his fellow ministers says that’s ‘patently untrue’.Sitrep assesses if this is this a civil-war in the cabinet over Defence spending, and if so why?The Defence Secretary says Labour shares the blame for hollowing out, we talk to the Shadow Armed Forces Minister.Buying Russian missiles, skirmishes with Greece, and now threatening to keep Sweden out of NATO – we ask if Turkey’s a truly committed ally.And Sitrep’s Simon Newton tells us what life is like onboard a US Destroyer patrolling the Mediterranean.
2/2/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Women of Afghanistan

As the Taliban continue to prevent women and some girls from working or having an education an all party group has been established in Westminster to monitor the situation.Sitrep also talks to a former female politician who fled the country and the wife of a former CDS who started an education charity in the country.More tanks are being sent to Ukraine but will they make a difference and how will Russia respond?And we talk to the film maker given the run of HMS Queen Elizabeth
1/26/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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EXTRA – From Paradise to Hell

After her husband and future Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Richards deployed to Afghanistan Lady Caroline Richards wanted to do something to improve the lives of children in the country so she set up a charity.Shukria Barakzai is a former Member of the Afghan Parliament who fled the country when the Taliban took back control.And an All Party Parliamentary Group for Afghan Women and Girls was launched in the UK at the end of November. Colonel Rosie Stone is part of the Secretariat for the Group. In a special edition of Sitrep Kate Gerbeau speaks to all three women about the challenges facing Afghanistan’s female population.
1/26/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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Rebuilding the Army

As the UK sends tanks and artillery guns to Ukraine the head of the Army has conceded it will temporarily weaken the service.That’s on top of Army cuts announced in 2021, which are now being reviewed.Sitrep talks to two former officers to assess what rebuilding the Army needs, and how it can be done.NATO’s top military commander has declared “hard power is a reality” – but who was his message aimed at?And we look at a British-designed 3D-printed bionic hand that could help hundreds of injured Ukrainian troops.
1/19/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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Japan turns to UK for better defence

British troops could be deployed to Japan – and Japanese troops to the UK – under an historic treaty that’s just been signed at the Tower of LondonOn Sitrep a former Japanese Foreign Minister explains why her country has turned to the UK to bolster its defence position.After a year of appeals, western tanks could soon be headed to Ukraine, led by British Challenger 2s. A former tank regiment commander tells us what the vehicles can do in a war. And we hear how a Royal Marines mindset can help with that ‘new year, new me’ plan, from someone who turned round the performance of the England men’s football team.
1/12/202329 minutes, 46 seconds
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EXTRA – ‘Never Give Up’

Scotty Mills had an incredible 32 year career in the Royal Marines, but it only happened because he wanted to get out of the rain one day.He led a daring mission in the opening moments of the Iraq war, has helped England football and Rugby players reach international glory, and marched on the world stage at London 2012.Scotty tells Kate Gerbeau how he learned a Royal Marines mindset for success, and about becoming a writer to share those lessons with the rest of us.
1/12/202321 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Sitrep Crystal Ball 2023

Sitrep looks ahead at what 2023 may have in store for the UK’s armed forces. Where might they find themselves sent and why?We also dig into new figures which show the forces are shrinking again – because people are leaving significantly faster than they’re joining.After a year dominated by war between Ukraine and Russia, we assess what will happen next on the battlefield, and in the Kremlin.And Professor Michael Clarke gives us his guide to ‘mousetraps’ around the world, the potential trouble spots already spring loaded and waiting to be triggered.
1/5/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep’s quiz-of-the-year 2022

How much can you remember from a truly historic year?How many days did Russia plan for fighting in Ukraine, and how long has it actually been going on? Just how many munitions is Ukraine firing every day in its fightback?Sitrep tests a panel of experts on the numbers that spell out the scale of Europe’s biggest war since the 1940s, and the stories from elsewhere that have been overshadowed.What’s it all meant for Britain’s armed forces, while Westminster has been in turmoil?We also reflect on the huge military contribution to national mourning for Her Majesty the Queen, and see how much the panel know about the military background of King Charles III.
12/22/202232 minutes, 1 second
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Military Christmases cancelled... again

More than a thousand servicemen and women who might have expected to celebrate Christmas at home are now standing by to cover for striking workers.The PM says we owe them gratitude, but after two years of Covid work over the festive season is the goodwill of the Armed Forces being stretched?The head of the Armed Forces says the UK must ‘think big’ on the future of defence, after the invasion of Ukraine. We’ll analyse his annual keynote speech.Plus what is Skynet, and why is the UK prepared to put billions on the line to keep it updated?
12/15/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Arming Ukraine

Billions have been spent sending weapons and equipment to help Ukraine over the last 10 months. Sitrep hears from the logistics team at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois about how contributions from the United States reach Europe. The programme hears that lessons learnt from the evacuation from Kabul about information sharing have helped with their current Ukraine operation.And what advice are the Chiefs of Staff getting from their Senior Enlisted Adviser? Sitrep has spoken to WO1 Rick Angove about culture, training and the impact of the cost of living on forces personnel.
12/8/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why is Russia firing blanks?

Fragments of a soviet era missile, designed for nuclear war, have been found in Ukraine. Russia appears to be firing the AS-15 Kent with ballast instead of a warhead.Sitrep explains why Moscow is using these expensive missiles as decoys.As a new zero-tolerance policy comes into effect in the forces, for unacceptable sexual behaviour, we ask Sarah Atherton MP whether it delivers the change she’s been driving for. And should Afghan interpreters, who served with British forces, be awarded a medal? We speak to a veteran of Op Herrick, and his interpreter, about their call for medallic recognition.
12/1/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Forces families face the cost-of-living crisis

Some soldiers are turning to food banks, or looking for second jobs, as they try to cope with soaring bills and prices.Sitrep talks to the Army’s most senior soldier about how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting the men and women he represents, as he appeals to those struggling to speak up and explains what help the service can give.Inflation has also effectively wiped billions of pounds out of the MoD’s spending power, so what will that mean for the planned update to the UK’s military master plan?And we visit Oman where a new thirty-million-pound hub for UK forces is growing rapidly.
11/24/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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EXTRA - Meet the Army Sergeant Major

Sitrep talks to the British Army’s most senior soldier, whose job is to keep top brass in touch with the experiences of the men and women of the army.WO1 Paul Carney tells James Hirst the big issues that are affecting soldiers, and how he’s trying to ensure commanders understand them.He also talks about drawing on his own family’s experience of sexual harassment in the drive to end ‘unacceptable behaviours’.And he shares his own journey through the Army, including making mistakes and recovering from them.  
11/24/202219 minutes, 3 seconds
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Investigating the Poland missile strike

The missile that killed two people in a Polish village was almost immediately reported as being Russian, but now is put down to an ‘unfortunate accident’ as Ukraine defended itself.Sitrep explains how we got to that important truth before a major misjudgement was made.We also reports from Poland where hundreds of British troops deployed to help the NATO ally have been on exercise.And we assess the announcement of an abrupt end to Britain’s decade long military presence in Mali, despite the fact no one’s saying it’s ‘job finished’
11/17/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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EXTRA – ‘We have literally hamstrung Ukraine’

Ukraine has achieved its biggest victory since the early days of the war by liberating the city of Kherson from 8 months of occupation.But what comes next?In this extra edition of Sitrep we hear from Kherson where residents are celebrating, to a background of artillery fire.We also talk in detail to the former top military commander of NATO, General Philip Breedlove, about what moves we can expect next from Russian and Ukrainian forces.He also explains his frustration with limits and red-lines set by countries like the US and UK, which he believes are tying one hand behind Ukraine’s back as it tries to defend itself.
11/17/202217 minutes, 5 seconds
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Russia’s retreat – game changer, or bluff?

Russia has ordered its troops to abandon the strategically important city of Kherson, but don’t expect Ukrainian troops to march straight back in.Sitrep explains why, what happens next, and what traps Russia may be leaving in Kherson.We also witness UK training that’s turning Ukrainian citizens into soldiers in the space of five weeks.The US midterm elections have been a political tremor, rather than earthquake, we’ll assess whether the results put its multi-billion dollar military assistance to Ukraine at risk.And we ask does Twitter really matter – as some in the US raise national security concerns about its new ownership.
11/10/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ending the UK’s Estonia ‘surge’

Britain is bringing home hundreds of extra troops who’ve bolstered the UK’s presence in Estonia since the invasion of Ukraine.But the government says it’s improving capabilities in other ways, with weapons and equipment. Sitrep asks if it’s enough to deter Russia and defend the Baltic state if needed.It was the end of last winter when Ukraine was invaded, now as winter approaches again how will it affect this war? A former RAF weather forecaster gives us some insights.And we take a look at the new TV Drama telling the story of how the SAS was formed in World War two. A veteran of the service gives Sitrep his take on ‘SAS Rogue Heroes’.
11/3/202229 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dirty bomb, or dirty trick?

Russia has used top-level diplomatic channels to tell the west Ukraine is planning a radioactive ‘dirty bomb’ attack on its own soil. Sitrep asks why the west is convinced it’s ‘transparently false’, what Russia’s trying to achieve with this claim, and whether it has endangered channels meant to prevent a catastrophic miscalculation.Russian men ordered to fight in Ukraine have been venting their anger on social media. We hear from a woman in Moscow helping them fight conscription.And we take a look at a new remake of one of the most powerful and oldest war films, “All Quiet On The Western Front.” 
10/27/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why shouldn’t UK veterans train China’s military?

There’s been much outrage about 30 British veterans been who’ve training Chinese fighter pilots, and the government is promising a legally backed ban on helping ‘enemy’ forces.BFBS Sitrep digs deeper into the story, including official British defence links to China, and asks a former senior RAF officer if this is a little more complex than it first appears.Russia has been using a ‘kamikaze drone’ to knock out big parts of Ukraine’s electricity network, we’ll give you a guide to what is essentially a programmable flying bomb.And we hear the stories of trailblazing women who defied military objections to become war correspondents in World War Two, giving us a rare female perspective from the battlefields.
10/20/202229 minutes, 50 seconds
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EXTRA - Trailblazing women ‘going with the boys’ in WW2

The histories of World War Two were largely written by men, because they were almost exclusively the ones who experienced it at the front lines.But a handful of remarkable women defied official bans, and went to the battlefields as war reporters.In this extra edition of BFBS Sitrep we hear at length from Judith Mackrell=about her new book ‘Going With The Boys’ =, which tells the stories of six of these women war reporters.From risking execution to abandoning lunch with Ernest Hemingway to get the scoops, Judith tells Kate Gerbeau how their reporting records a different perspective on the war, how attempts to block actually helped them, and what they have in common with women who serve at the front lines today. 
10/20/202217 minutes, 24 seconds
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The price of Russia’s revenge

Russia has fired half-a-billion dollars worth of missiles at Ukraine in just one day, after a blast destroyed part of its bridge to Crimea.The Kremlin calls it ‘revenge’. BFBS Sitrep assesses whether it does anything to advance Moscow’s war effort, or damages it by wasting vital weapons.Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine has a new commander, nicknamed ‘General Armageddon’. We look at his track record and compare him with Ukraine’s top officer.We also talk to one of the RAF pilots who’ll be patrolling the skies of Qatar to protect the World Cup, and examine the security risks facing the tournament. 
10/13/202230 minutes, 52 seconds
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New ships to protect UK energy and data

After what looks like a ‘grey zone’ attack on gas-pipelines the UK is rapidly buying two new Royal Navy ships.But how can they protect critical energy supplies, and communication cables, which can be miles below the surface of the sea?President Putin might now be using actions to reinforce his words that he’s ‘not bluffing’ about nuclear weapons, but if he does use them can we respond without starting a new world war?And we reflect on centuries of UK military service by Caribbean people, as work begins on the first national monument to mark their efforts and sacrifice.
10/6/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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RAF diversity recruitment drive – were mistakes made?

The Ministry of Defence has admitted "some mistakes were made" after reports of a recruitment drive favouring women and ethnic minorities.BFBS Sitrep hears the opinions of a former female RAF fighter pilot and asks a legal expert what is and isn’t acceptable when you’re trying to reach diversity targets.And - the untold stories of Colditz prisoner of war camp… what really happened there behind the stirring tales of escape?
9/29/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Has the war in Ukraine reached a turning point?

The whole programme is devoted to the war in Ukraine.The Ukrainian ambassador to the UK tells Sitrep that President Putins’s announcement that Russia is mobilising around 300 thousand military reservists is a sign he feels he might be losing the war. He also tells the programme that President Putin is blackmailing the international community by appearing to raise the threat of nuclear weapons.Sitrep will also hear how the fighting is going on the ground from a reporter who’s just returned from the region around Kharkiv in the North -East of Ukraine and seen the devastation caused by the Russian invasion.And a panel discusses the choices facing both Russia and Ukraine militarily and strategically in the months to come. Russia expert Bridget Kendall tells us that she thinks Putin may turn to targeting more of Ukraine’s infrastructure – including fuel and water - as the winter starts to bite. 
9/22/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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King Charles III – Commander in Chief

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was Commander in Chief of the UK’s Armed Forces for just over 70 years, now that job falls to her eldest son.BFBS Sitrep talks to a former head of The Army who knows King Charles III well, and we listen to one of his recent speeches to troops to assess what kind of Commander in Chief he will be.As we examine The Queen’s military legacy we talk to Sharon Turton about being personally presented the Elizabeth Cross in honour of her fallen husband, Kris.Plus how has Ukraine recaptured thousands of square miles in a matter of days? A former British commander will explain, and assess what they should do next. 
9/15/202238 minutes, 39 seconds
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New PM, a new era for Defence?

Liz Truss promised big on Defence in her campaign to replace Boris Johnson – now she has to deliver.BFBS Sitrep assesses what a big uplift in the defence budget could be spent on, how she will handle the Ukraine war, and whether the forces are facing another shake up.Russia expected to win in Ukraine within days, six months on it needs millions more rockets and shells and it’s turned to North Korea to supply them. But how good are those munitions?And a former member of the SBS tells us the extraordinary story of how he’s rebuilt his life after being shot in the neck, and paralysed.
9/8/202229 minutes, 47 seconds
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EXTRA – ‘Never will I die’

A former member of the SBS shares his remarkable story with BFBS Sitrep.It was Toby Gutteridge’s dream job, but then it tore his life apart.He was shot in the neck in Afghanistan, leaving him paralysed.13 years on he runs his own clothing business, and has just written his autobiography.From getting selected for special forces, through the incident that almost killed him, to a breakdown and rebuilding of his life he tells us how he’s been given a second chance that he won’t throw away.
9/8/202221 minutes, 9 seconds
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‘Adversarial’ compensation system under fire.

The compensation system for injured service personnel has been accused of ‘lacking humanity’ after an assessment panel was heard laughing at a claimant.A veteran turned journalist tells BFBS Sitrep it’s far from a one off, as the government promises improvements.Defence Intelligence has a new chief, and for the first time it’s a civilian. We ask if that matters as we investigate the job of Defence Intelligence.And we assess the military legacy of Mikhail Gorbachev, the final Soviet leader who thawed the cold war and allowed the map of Europe to be redrawn.
9/1/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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When will the Ukraine war end?

When Russia invaded Ukraine we thought it would probably be over in days. That was 6 months ago. So how, and when will it end?BFBS Sitrep gets the assessments of experienced military minds, the Armed Forces Minister, and our own Professor Michael Clarke.Thousands of Afghans who worked with British Forces were promised new lives in the UK, but a year on many are still in limbo living in hotels. We hear how it’s affecting them and ask who is responsible for sorting it.And a former Royal Marine shares his story of bluffing and negotiating with the Taliban to get top Japanese diplomats, his team, and himself out of Kabul.
8/25/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Extra – ‘Surrounded by the Taliban’

Former Royal Marine H Collins led the last diplomatic team out Kabul’s green zone as the Taliban marched on the city.He was responsible for the safety of Japan’s top diplomats, and dozens of colleagues.But hours after getting them to his security company’s HQ they were surrounded, and then had to choose between fighting their way out or negotiating with insurgents wearing suicide vests.He shares his remarkable story with Sian​ Grzeszczyk in this extra edition of BFBS Sitrep.
8/25/202221 minutes, 20 seconds
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NATO ‘ready to intervene’ in Kosovo

The EU is hosting crisis talks, trying to prevent a new conflict between Serbia and Kosovo.NATO’s KFOR mission, including British troops, still has a UN peacekeeping mandate in Kosovo but what could trigger their intervention?Has the balance of power shifted in favour of Ukraine, as Russia takes two significant hits in annexed Crimea? A former Commanding General of the US Army Europe gives us his assessment.And the incredible story of British, Dutch and Australian prisoners of war who survived the Nagasaki atomic bomb, little more than a mile from where it landed.
8/18/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Afghanistan one year on

12 months since the Taliban swept back into power BFBS Sitrep assesses what the return of the militants has meant for our security, the people of Afghanistan, and those who had worked for Britain but could not escape.Despite Taliban promises not to shelter international terrorists the head of Al Qaeda was found in Kabul, and killed last week by the US, so does Afghanistan pose a threat to the UK once more?We hear from Lynne O’Donnell, who has reported from Afghanistan across more than 2 decades, about life in the country now and being taken at gunpoint by Taliban officials.And the government says hundreds of people, including former interpreters, approved to come to the UK are still in Afghanistan. We talk to a former Army officer who’s been trying to get people to safety.
8/11/202231 minutes, 5 seconds
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EXTRA – Detained by the Taliban

Journalist Lynne O’Donnell gives us a rare first-hand insight into how the Taliban is operating in Afghanistan.That insight has come at a cost, her life threatened as she was detained by officials, despite entering Afghanistan with a media visa.She tells BFBS Sitrep how it was deeply frightening and yet ‘darkly satirical’, revealing incompetence and chaos.
8/11/202217 minutes, 36 seconds
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China conducts live fire military exercises off Taiwan.

China says it will punish those who offend it as it launches live fire military drills off the coast of Taiwan. Sitrep looks at China’s tactics and how the United States is responding.  What role are cyber attacks playing in the war in Ukraine? And what are the lessons for the UK? Sitrep speaks to the former head of the National Cyber Security Centre, Ciaran Martin, who also discusses the difference between Russian and Chinese cyber capabilities.And Sitrep has a tour aboard the Royal Navy’s unique testbed ship which is designed to support trials of the latest tech and autonomous systems.
8/4/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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China or Russia – which is the bigger military threat?

China has just overtaken counter-terrorism as the biggest effort inside MI6, and the head of the Royal Navy says China is a bigger long term threat than Russia.BFBS Sitrep examines a list of top level warnings issued this week about the risk of conflict with China, and asks if Ukraine has taken our eye off the ball.As Ukraine tries to retake the port city of Kherson we talk to an MP who’s just visited the country.And a year after he quit the government over the treatment of Northern Ireland veterans, Johnny Mercer tells us why he’s returned as Veterans Minister.
7/28/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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EXTRA: ‘The world has changed’

In less than a year war has broken out in Europe, and Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban.MPs say that means the UK’s new defence masterplan is already out of date, leaving British forces overstretched, vulnerable and too small.They Ministry of Defence says it will continue to adapt strategy, but the Commons Defence Committee wants a major update to the plan now.The committee’s chairman, Tobias Ellwood MP, talks to James Hirst about the impact on service personnel, his recent visit to Ukraine, and whether it’s the threats or our perceptions that have changed.
7/28/202216 minutes, 46 seconds
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Britain’s next fighter jet – science fiction, or flying fact?

Scientists have spent years researching concepts including laser weapons and brain sensors for a new RAF plane called ‘Tempest’.Now ministers want those ideas turned into a working plane in just 5 years, but is it a gamble with the UK’s air capability?As British service personnel are banned from buying sex overseas BFBS Sitrep hears how brothels used to be unofficial parts of UK bases abroad.And we follow soldiers on exercise in an abandoned tower block in Leeds, as the Ukraine war demonstrates the need for urban combat experience which the army has little of.
7/21/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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The race to be PM – what’s at stake for defence?

The early days of the campaign to succeed Boris Johnson have seen a bidding war on defence spending from those hoping to replace him.BFBS Sitrep assess the defence legacy Mr Johnson will leave his successor and the challenges they’ll face.A former head of the Army tells us what he wants from whoever becomes the next Prime Minister.We also hear from two very different cities in Ukraine as we assess the state of the war there, and ask if the country’s plan to open new battlefront and retake the South is a risk too far.
7/14/202229 minutes, 47 seconds
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Understanding suicide

Although cases of people serving in the armed forces taking their own lives are low – among men in the army the figures have been rising in recent years.Among some very specific groups of veterans the risk of suicide appears to be much higher – particularly younger men who only served a short time in the forces.As the government carries out research to understand why, BFBS Sitrep talks to a leading psychiatrist, a veteran with PTSD, and a campaigner who lost her husband to suicide about the true picture of suicide risks, how we can improve support, and the ways to help or get help.For more information visit
7/7/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Mobilising the Army for war in Europe

The head of the Army has told his troops that they have a new main effort – Operation Mobilise.We’ll examine the plan for more of the Army to be ready more of the time for a high intensity war, and what that means for servicemen and women.NATO wants to make its high-readiness force more than seven times bigger, up to 300,000 troops, in little more than a year. But can it deliver?The diplomatic niceties have been dropped, leaders are upfront about Russia, so is it time to admit we’re in a second cold war?
6/30/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Opening shots from the new head of the Army

The new Chief of General Staff has written to all soldiers saying they must be prepared to fight in Europe and defeat Russia in battle – so are we not ready for that right now?The internal letter has reached much further – BFBS Sitrep assesses its impact in Westminster, across the continent, and in the Kremlin.The Dutch Prime Minister has apologised to his country’s peacekeepers who were sent on an ‘impossible’ mission with ‘inadequate’ equipment in Bosnia in the 1990s. We hear how that war has also affected Britons who had to fight for their lives.And is it time to acknowledge North Korea as a nuclear power, amid signs the isolated communist state is about to carry out its 7thnuclear weapon test?
6/23/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ukraine pleads for more western weapons

Ukraine says it urgently needs more weapons and ammunition from the west.BFBS Sitrep speaks to journalist Nicola Smith who’s on the ground near the biggest battleground and tells us about the tragedy unfolding in front of her.Professor Michael Clark explains why although weapons are on the way they won’t make an immediate difference.In Finland our reporter is with a Joint Expeditionary Force exercise where Ukraine is on everyone’s mind.And what do new soldiers want from the new head of the army as he starts his first week in the job?
6/16/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why did Britain win the Falklands conflict?

40 years on from the liberation of the Falklands BFBS Sitrep hears the story of the final hours from those who were there – and examines the lessons of the conflict.The man who marched 3 Commando Brigade across miles of mud tells us how logistic difficulties left ammunition in the wrong place at the wrong time, putting individual operations on hold.The war might have been avoided if Britain hadn’t failed to convince Argentina it would defend the Falklands – is that a lesson we’ve actually learned in the era of war in Ukraine?And Professor Michael Clarke explains how modern warship designs owe much to the lessons of the Falklands campaign.
6/9/202234 minutes, 48 seconds
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Is Russia making a breakthrough in Ukraine

3 months after invading Ukraine, Russia appears to be on the brink of its first significant strategic victory – taking the whole of Luhansk province.Is this a turning point in the war, and is Ukraine now fighting a losing battle in that territory?BFBS Sitrep also digs into what the public at large are asking about the war – and Professor Michael Clarke will provide answers.Ukraine’s food exports usually feed 400 million people but are now blockaded. The former Commander of a British warship tells us how the Royal Navy might help.And has Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag on how the US would respond if Taiwan were invaded by China.
5/26/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Forcing out the invaders

The daring amphibious landings of thousands of British troops was arguably the most perilous and pivotal moment of the Falklands war.40 years on BFBS Sitrep hears from key figures about how and why it enabled the liberation of the islands.But at sea 22 lives were lost in the operation, the man who was Captain of HMS Ardent tells us the story of its sinking, and how it still occasionally gives him nightmares.And as we assess the latest developments in Ukraine we ask if history has any lessons for Vladimir Putin as he’s accused of micromanaging Russia’s ‘special military operation’
5/19/202230 minutes, 28 seconds
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Extra – ‘I lost 22 of my boys, I never intended that I’d lose my ship’

Commander Alan West was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his pivotal role in the Falklands war.His ship HMS Ardent was sunk with the loss of 22 lives – but it helped the thousands of troops who liberated the islands get safely ashore.Even as the crew battled fires and tended the wounded the ship sailed to more open waters, to draw out the Argentine fighter jets.Now Admiral Lord West, the former First Sea Lord, tells BFBS Sitrep the full story of that day, the responsibility he still feels to his ship’s company, his pride at their bravery, and how 40 years on he still has occasional nightmares about it.
5/19/202216 minutes, 29 seconds
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Finland’s dangerous wait to join NATO

Finland has entered a ‘grey zone’, defying Russia to apply for NATO membership, but not yet covered by the alliance’s mutual defence guarantees.Hours before the announcement the UK signed a mutual security agreement with Finland – so what is the risk we’ll be called on to defend the country before it becomes a NATO member?As we analyse the latest developments in the Ukraine war we’ll explain why the tiny Snake Island, in the Black Sea, has become a key battlefront.France is pulling its military mission out of Mali after 9 years, but what does that mean for the 300 British peacekeepers deployed there with the UN.And we go training with Commando Gunners of the future as the regiment marks its 60th anniversary.
5/12/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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What’s the Ukraine war doing to Russia?

We know all too well what Russia’s invasion is doing to Ukraine – the catastrophic loss of lives, the physical devastation, and also the national resolve to fight back.But what is this war doing to Russia?BFBS Sitrep assesses the UK’s latest claim that Russia’s military is now significantly weaker for the long term.We also look at the financial hit to its economy and how could that affect the Kremlin’s ‘special military operation’And what of the political consequences – could significant military losses eventually fuel a palace-coup at the Kremlin?
5/5/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Is India playing off the UK with Russia?

Boris Johnson has just done a new defence deal with India – which imports most of its military hardware from Russia and won’t condemn the invasion of Ukraine.BFBS Sitrep examines why India’s sitting on the fence over Europe’s biggest conflict since WW2, and asks why it’s worth the UK making this deal.Professor of Defence Studies Michael Clarke assesses whether the Ukraine conflict could be spreading to neighbouring Moldova.And the leader of Iraq’s new all-female de-mining team tells us how the death of her brother, in an explosion, drives her work.
4/28/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Has Russia learned from its mistakes in Ukraine?

The Ukraine war has moved into phase 2, but will it be a turning point for a Russian campaign that’s had no real success so far?Instead of trying to take the whole country at once, Moscow’s forces are now concentrated on taking the East.We’ll hear from close to the new 300 mile battlefront and explain why the Donbas region has always been at the very heart of this war.And Marine Le Pen is in touching distance of becoming France’s next president – but what would victory for the far right candidate mean for our defence and security?
4/21/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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The amateur investigators revealing Russia’s secrets

From the size and location of massive Russian convoys, to the serial numbers of missiles used in strikes, we all have access to unprecedented detail of the Ukraine war.An army of amateur analysts are gathering, checking and sharing OSINT - Open Source Intelligence - which details the fight as it happens. One of them tells us how and why he does it.Finland and Sweden could be weeks away from applying for NATO membership – but would that be good for the alliance, or an extra burden?And we talk to the Falklands veteran who’s telling the story of that war in real time on Twitter.
4/14/202229 minutes, 47 seconds
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EXTRA – What is OSINT and how has it changed war forever?

By day Kyle Glen works an office job for a clinical research company.By night he gathers and analyses intelligence that can reveal the truth about wars around the world, and debunk fake news.Kyle is one of a growing army of amateur analysts working on OSINT (open-source intelligence) – which he shares on the @ConflictNews twitter account, and the OSINT Bunker podcast.In this extra edition of BFBS Sitrep he explains how it was OSINT that successfully warned the world of Russia’s plan to invade Ukraine, and tells Kate Gerbeau how and why he became an amateur intelligence analyst.
4/14/202218 minutes, 35 seconds
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Investigating murder and mutilation in Ukraine

A catalogue of atrocities is emerging where Russian forces have withdrawn from parts of Ukraine. Film-maker Emile Ghessen tells us about the harrowing scenes he’s witnessed in Bucha.The evidence of war crimes appears compelling – mass graves, bodies of people whose hands have been tied lying in streets. But how do you prove who is responsible?A former war crimes prosecutor explains to us how investigators are already gathering evidence in the midst of conflict, and how social media could prove crucial.And 40 years since Britain’s task force sailed to retake the Falkland Islands a veteran journalist gives us an extraordinary insight into the Argentinian dictatorship that had invaded – a regime that nearly murdered him, then treated him as an honoured guest.
4/7/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Kidnapped by the Junta.

Julian Manyon experienced the start of the Falklands war from enemy territory.He’d been despatched to Argentina to report on the military dictatorship that had invaded a British overseas territory.First the regime kidnapped him at gunpoint – but hours later he was being treated as an honoured guest by the country’s leader, then wined and dined by top brass.He recounts his story, and his unique insights into Argentina’s leader, to Kate Gerbeau.
4/7/202215 minutes, 41 seconds
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Russian Army's Weaknesses

On this week’s Sitrep there’s been much talk of the weaknesses in the Russian Army, one of the reasons being suggested is their lack of a Non Commissioned Officer rank. We’ll hear from one well know former NCO in the British Army ‘Big’ Phil Campion and Russian military historian Chris BellamyAlso, what is it with Russians and alleged poisoning plots? With claims that individuals have recently been a victim of poisoning, we’ll talk to a chemical weapons expert Hamish De Bretton Gordon who’ll look at the history and effectiveness of poisoning.The US has been showing off its latest high tech aircraft. The Growler is designed The jets jam and destroy enemy air defence radar. We have a special report from Simon NewtonAn we’ll hear about a new and probably final home for the RAF’s ‘celebrity chinook’ Bravo November..
3/31/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Makes Foreign Fighters Tick?

On this week’s Sitrep we delve into the minds of foreign fighters. What makes someone who’ served in the military or is just a civilian want to go and fight in a conflict overseas, such as Ukraine. We’ll hear from Emile Ghessen has met many of them, he was a Royal Marine but is now a documentary film maker and is in Kyiv.We’ll also be discussing war crimes….there have been a lot of allegations made against Russian forces, But, what actually constitutes a war crime and how easy are they to pursue? We’ll look again at the recent Defence Review…is it now out of date given the change of emphasis because of Ukraine?And…Exercise Halo Rise…showing off the Army’s use of information and cyber operations. A special report from Tim Cooper on the work of 6th United Kingdom Division.
3/24/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Has Putin accidentally achieved what Donald Trump couldn’t?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may be stalled, but it’s already reset Europe’s security thinking for decades to come. Germany appears to have abandoned its reluctance to be a big military power and has started a defence spending spree. German born Baroness Gisela Stuart tells us why it’s a seismic shift, and we assess what military capability it will buy.As well as spending more, NATO countries are doing more. BFBS Sitrep joins an RAF air policing patrol close to the border of Ukraine, and hears from Estonia where extended tours of duty are boosting British troop numbers.And Professor Michael Clarke talks us through the state of play, and strategic options, on the ground in Ukraine.
3/17/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Extra – Keir Starmer on Ukraine and standing up to ‘bully’ president Putin.

The Labour leader’s visited Estonia to meet British troops and show British political unity against Russia, and in support of NATO and Ukraine. He talks to Kate Gerbeau from Estonia on whether the UK’s approach to Vladimir Putin should be more forceful, what would happen if a chemical attack was launched in Ukraine, and whether Britain needs an urgent increase in defence spending. 
3/10/202210 minutes, 50 seconds
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Inside Ukraine’s capital – braced for invasion.

Kyiv may be the decisive city of the war for Ukraine’s future – so what is happening there right now? BFBS Sitrep talks to a former Royal Marine turned film-maker about what he’s witnessing as Moscow’s troops advance on the capital.More than 3,500 anti-tank missiles from the UK have now reached Ukrainian troops – we look at what the NLAW and Javelin can do for the country’s fightback.And they say ‘know your enemy’, so who is Vladimir Putin? We hear the story behind Russia’s President and how it drives his actions.
3/10/202236 minutes
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Has Russia’s invasion of Ukraine gone wrong?

We thought Russia’s invasion would overwhelm Ukraine within 72 hours. A week on Moscow’s forces have claimed control of just one city.So what’s gone wrong for the Kremlin? Could old maps, and archaic radios be part of Russia’s problem?We assess how much military capability each side has lost from the battlefield, and what cards Ukraine has to play as cities come under siege.President Putin’s nuclear option includes battlefield weapons, would he really use them and how devastating would that be?Plus why Defence Intelligence has come out of the shadows and into the limelight, as part of the UK’s response.
3/3/202232 minutes, 30 seconds
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Russia invades Ukraine – History repeating?

Russia has launched a full frontal military assault on Ukraine, sending troops and tanks in from 3 directions. BFBS Sitrep assesses Moscow’s military strategy and what it can tell us about how this may play out.We also compare President Putin’s playbook in the lead-up to this invasion with what happened in Georgia in 2008, and guess what, it looks remarkably similar.What can the UK do now to help Ukraine, is military action really off the table, and what is the risk of NATO getting drawn in anyway?
2/24/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ukraine - What just happened?

Russia says it’s pulling troops back from Ukraine’s borders, the west says the buildup’s getting bigger.BFBS Sitrep talks to a former British Ambassador, and a former Moscow Correspondent to make sense of the competing claims and assess the state of the Ukraine stand off.A Defence Minister tells us why the UK is doubling its military assistance to NATO members in Eastern Europe, and whether that fits with calls for ‘de-escalation’And we compare the size of Ukraine’s armed forces with Russia’s military machine to see if it could fend off an invasion.
2/17/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Extra: Armed Forces Minister on Ukraine

In a rollercoaster 24 hours the UK went from warning an invasion of Ukraine could start ‘at any moment’ to expressing cautious optimism about a Russian pullback.In this extra edition of BFBS Sitrep Kate Gerbeau talks in depth to the UK’s Armed Forces Minister James Heappey.He tells us it’s his ‘expectation’ that British training troops, pulled out of Ukraine a few days ago, will return providing security conditions on the ground are met.He also discusses Russia’s claims that the west has been ‘humiliated’ by the failure of ‘war propaganda’, and says we must be able to hear ‘in good faith’ what Russia is saying.
2/16/202218 minutes, 16 seconds
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Them and Us – Is China trying to divide the world?

China has called for the UK to hand the Falklands to Argentina, and says NATO’s got too big. This week BFBS Sitrep asks if Beijing has used the Winter Olympics to set out a divide-and-rule strategy, or if it’s just repackaging its old partnerships?The head of the Army explains why he ordered non-essential work to stop for a day, to talk about teamwork, and an expert in cultural change gives his verdict on the effort to modernise attitudes.Estonian soldiers tell us about working with their British counterparts at Europe’s ‘most dangerous moment’ in decades.Is ‘Havana Syndrome’ a case of mass hysteria among US diplomats, or the result of energy-weapon attacks? We examine the latest research.
2/10/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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‘Alexa – Can sanctions prevent war in Ukraine?’

The UK and its western allies are threatening historically harsh sanctions to try to deter Russia from invading Ukraine. BFBS Sitrep examines what sanctions might be taken, what history tells us about whether they work, and how we might feel the effects of those sanctions too.We also look at the part played by sanctions in Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis where people are selling their children, and even vital organs, as they struggle to survive.And on the eve of the Beijing Winter Olympics will the games boost the communist nation’s international influence further, or does a western diplomatic boycott turn sport into a political football?
2/3/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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‘You can’t hug the Russians to death’

Ukraine’s government is urging its citizens to stay calm, but preparing its forces for war. BFBS Sitrep asks where we should be looking for signs of a possible Russian invasion, and hears from Ukraine about the mood among the people... including two Britons who have joined the Ukrainian army.Also as the UK says it could send more troops to Eastern Europe, the deputy head of Estonia’s armed forces gives us his view on the Ukraine Crisis.The capital of the United Arab Emirates has come under attack from drones and ballistic missiles – we’ll explain why. And does 10 Downing Street need some military-leadership behind the famous black door to get it back on track?
1/27/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Falsehood – the first weapon of war?

The US claims Russia plans a ‘false flag’ operation in Ukraine to justify an invasion. The UK’s defence secretary speaks out against ‘false narratives’ from President Putin.BFBS Sitrep explains the information war being fought over Ukraine, and asks a former NATO spokesman if sending British weapons to the country hands ammunition for disinformation to Moscow.Why are just 5 of the 1500 most senior Armed Forces officers Black-Caribbean or Asian?And BFBS Reporter Simon Newton takes us on a journey to the Antarctic with Defence’s climate-change champion.
1/20/202233 minutes, 5 seconds
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Russia sizes up NATO

Moscow is demanding NATO admits absolutely no new members – but could that demand be backfiring?We hear from Sweden and Finland, where after years of staunch ‘non-alignment’, they’re now seriously considering joining the alliance.James Hirst fact checks President Putin’s claim, and NATO’s denial, that the alliance promised decades ago not to move ‘one inch to the East’.What’s the difference between bomb-disposal in Helmand, and in Hollywood? A decorated former soldier tells us how he’s swapped his body armour for books, film and TV.And a former deputy head of the Army tells us how service charities are coping with the pressures of Covid, and extra demand because of Afghanistan.
1/13/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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‘Bomb disposal is boring’

Decorated former bomb-disposal operator Kim Hughes talks at length to Kate Gerbeau about how Hollywood portrays the job and what it’s actually like.Since leaving the Army in 2020 he’s worked as a consultant on films, and has written two thrillers “Operation Black Key” and “Operation Certain Death”.He tells BFBS Sitrep about his three tours of duty in Afghanistan – how you defuse a bomb, what you do if a firefight breaks out, and when you decide to walk away.And he tells us why films like The Hurt Locker are ‘horrendous’ on detail, but would look like ‘watching paint dry’ if they were realistic.
1/13/202218 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Sitrep Crystal Ball

What’s going to happen in 2022, where and why?Will Ukraine be invaded or can big talks next week dial down the tension?Why has Russia sent troops to Kazakhstan and will it become the first new international crisis of the year?Does China really want to use its growing military, or is it just for show?Professor Michael Clarke, and Dr Melanie Garson will help navigate us through the potential trouble spots of the next 12 months.
1/6/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Good year/Bad year?

2021 – the year that Joe Biden replaced Donald Trump, took international troops out of Afghanistan, and the Taliban swept back to power. The final Sitrep of the year examines the key events of the last twelve months, and what they mean for the UK and the world.Britain’s first carrier strike group deployment in a decade, HMS Defender’s run-in with Russia in the Black Sea, and the defence review that shrinks the Army again but promises new high-tech planes and vehicles in years to come.So who has had a good year, and who’s had a bad one? And what can the world expect in 2022? 
12/16/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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Left behind – what’s happened to the people Britain didn’t rescue from Afghanistan?

Four months since the Taliban marched back to power in Afghanistan Sitrep hears from three interpreters who had worked with UK forces, but who couldn’t get on evacuation flights.After a whistleblower alleged chaos in the Foreign Office has cost lives, a Conservative MP has branded it a ‘failure of statecraft’, but has it done lasting damage for future military operations?Domestic abuse accounts for around one in eight cases handled by the Army Welfare Service – they tell us how they can help turn things round.And author Toby Harnden lifts the lid on how the CIA and SBS laid the groundwork in Afghanistan for the 2001 US-led invasion.
12/9/202134 minutes, 48 seconds
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Can a smaller army be more lethal?

It is ‘the biggest modernisation of the Army for a generation’ according to ministers – but can it deliver? This week on Sitrep we look through the details of the ‘Future Soldier’ plan for the Army to spend more time deployed around the globe. We assess whether billions of pounds of new technology can make up for smaller numbers of people and tanks.Defence is to make an ‘immeasurable shift’ in the way it handles complaints about sexual behaviour after thousands of women gave evidence of their experiences in the forces. One woman shares her story with Sitrep, and the MP who led an inquiry tells us it’s a victory for those who have spoken out.And do we have to accept hearing damage as an occupational hazard of serving your country? We learn what it’s like for the hundreds of thousands of veterans whose hearing has been damaged, and look at what can be done to cut the risks.
12/2/202129 minutes, 46 seconds
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What’s it like to be a fighter pilot in combat?

Former RAF Typhoon pilot Mike Sutton tells us about his time flying sorties over Iraq on Operation Shader in 2015. From the cramped conditions of the cockpit, to close shaves with enemy fire and friendly aircraft.Also on Sitrep we hear from one of the British Airways passengers held as human shields by Iraq in 1990, before the first Gulf War, and investigate who a mystery group of men on that flight really were.Bosnia is in crisis once more, with fears the state could collapse and a new armed conflict emerge, we’ll explain why.And from Premier League footballers, to chemical weapons experts, we hear about Britain’s ‘persuaders’ who help the UK maintain its soft-power around the globe.
11/25/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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‘Do not screw this up’ – A fighter pilot’s story

Former RAF Typhoon pilot Mike Sutton talks at length to Kate Gerbeau about his time on combat sorties over Iraq on Operation Shader, what it was like to be high in the sky witnessing friends under attack on the ground, how bombing missions worked, and his close brushes with lethal danger. Mike also tells Kate how he became a fighter pilot, despite initially being rejected by the RAF, and how he still gets to fly fast jets as a civilian.
11/25/202118 minutes, 36 seconds
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The race to recover Britain’s crashed F35

After an F35, flying from HMS Queen Elizabeth, crashed into the Mediterranean the pilot ejected and was safely recovered to the Aircraft carrier.In this week’s Sitrep we look at the two most urgent tasks now, to find out why the crash happened, and to recover the plane which is packed with top-secret technology that the UK does not want enemies to get a glimpse of.Blowing up a satellite, massing troops near Ukraine, and getting involved in a migrant crisis. We ask what is Russia up to? A world leading expert tells us why he’s changed his mind on the risk of a biological terror attack.And we have the story of a world-record flight using a fuel made from nothing but air and water. We ask the manufacturer of the UK’s fighter jet engines if the fuel really could power a carbon-neutral Royal Air Force.
11/18/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Army’s Culture Problem

The Army’s top officers are summoned to discuss ‘disciplinary mistakes’, especially harassment and abuse of women. The outgoing Chief of Defence Staff acknowledges ‘laddish culture’ is encouraged because soldiers have to go ‘close and personal’ with the enemy.In this week’s Sitrep we ask if that culture is necessary for a fighting force, and whether an independent audit of Army culture will be enough to deliver a promised cultural shift?We also examine how Belarus may be ‘weaponising’ migration to destabilise the European Union, and investigate how an off the shelf drone was used in an assassination attempt.And on the 100th Anniversary of Remembrance and the Poppy Appeal, a veteran tells us why it’s still very relevant for him.
11/11/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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A ‘war-footing’ for the Climate Crisis

World leaders talk big at COP26 on trying to avert a spiralling environmental catastrophe – but some key players are missing.The Defence Secretary says militaries would have to deal with the consequences of a failed climate change policy.In this week’s Sitrep – we examine the hopes of success or failure, and ask a former UK ambassador to the UN whether a ‘wartime mentality’ could help.We’ll also dig into the murky data on just how much carbon emissions come from militaries... and how that might change.Also this week we’ll examine the significance of RAF jets flying from Israeli soil for the first time since the country’s independence.And we ask – is it time for an Afghanistan inquiry, or did the experience of Iraq teach us that there are better ways to learn lessons?
11/4/202129 minutes, 45 seconds
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Cutting the cash for landmine clearance

The Mine Advisory Group says plans to cut back on government funding for landmine clearance is catastrophic...we’ll hear from the CEO of ‘MAG’ and a former British soldier working on the ground for them in Iraq. ...there’s fresh anger over Afghanistan...the RAF has airlifted 102 people who fled Afghanistan to a neighbouring country to the UK, but, is that an impressive number or surprisingly low?. We talk that through with Professor Michael Clarke. It’s fifty years since Britain first put a rocket containing a satellite into space...we’ll look back at the Black Arrow project and find out why it was cancelled. And...the Army has quit smoking! All sites in the UK will go tobacco free by the end of next year.
10/28/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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The new race for space

China denies testing a new hypersonic missile — a potential new threat in space. Meanwhile North Korea tests a new, submarine-launched, missile, sparking more concerns over its ambitions. In this week’s Sitrep, how should the west respond to both events? Foreign affairs analyst Tim Marshall explains how geography can help predict future conflict zones. Plus we hear from the author of a new report on domestic violence inside military relationships, and a woman who left her husband after he turned violent. And we look back at the life of Colin Powell, the first African-American to lead the US military.
10/21/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Afghanistan’s humanitarian catastrophe

Hundreds of Afghan interpreters, who worked with British forces in the country, remain stranded after the end of the international evacuation mission. In this week’s Sitrep, we hear from two of them, and an expert on the country, who got out as the Taliban advanced on Kabul, tells us why it’s so vital to restore humanitarian aid. The militia leader once dubbed Iraq’s most dangerous man is now a key powerbroker in the country — we get an update on elections to the Iraqi parliament, and what could happen next. Is war an essential part of being human? We hear from a historian who says we’re making a big mistake by not studying war and its effects. And we find out about new research to try to establish why military personnel are twice as likely as civilians to faint.
10/14/202130 minutes, 48 seconds
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Britain’s new military leader

As Admiral Sir Tony Radakin is announced as the next Chief of the Defence Staff, what challenges await the new leader of Britain’s armed forces? One issue in his in-tray could be the growing crisis in Taiwan, whose leaders warn relations with China are worse now than they’ve been for forty years. This week, we get the picture from Taipei, and find out what’s behind China’s latest moves. The man in charge of the Centre for Army Leadership tells us about his book, detailing the lessons that could be applied in the boardroom or the classroom. And we report from Belize, where Sandhurst instructors are helping to train future military leaders.
10/7/202129 minutes, 46 seconds
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The 4th Emergency Service?

The Government turns to the forces to help resolve the fuel crisis that’s seen huge queues at petrol stations across the UK. It’s not the first time the military’s been asked to step in during an emergency at home — are we becoming too reliant on the forces to bolster civilian authorities? And do we need a US-style National Guard on stand-by? America’s military chiefs publicly contradict President Biden, insisting they did warn him not to pull all US troops out of Afghanistan — we hear what they had to say to Senators in Washington. With the race to be the next Chief of the Defence Staff said to be wide open, how long should our military chiefs stay in their jobs? And does the whole military career structure need a shake-up? And we find out about the man most likely to be Germany’s next Chancellor, and what it means for the country’s relationship with NATO allies.
9/30/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
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Will AUKUS make it awkward for Britain and France?

France has called the defence pact between Britain, the US and Australia a “stab in the back”, but will it do lasting damage to relations between the key allies? Sitrep speaks to a former National Security Adviser, who went on to be Britain’s ambassador in France. There’s also a report that warns nations like Russia and Turkey are stepping into conflict zones as western powers lose any appetite to intervene. And as gas prices surge across Europe, one expert explains why we should see it as a vital issue of energy security, and act before an even bigger crisis happens Plus, 40 years on from its independence, a special report from Belize, where Britain’s military never quite left…
9/23/202130 minutes, 47 seconds
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Britain, US & Australia sign new defence pact

What does the new AUKUS defence pact between Britain, the US and Australia mean? Leaders from the military, politics and the defence industry have been meeting in London over the past few days, and this week’s Sitrep reports from inside DSEI on promises of an integrated future for the forces. We’ll learn more about some of the cutting edge tech on display, and we hear from the Second Sea Lord on plans for the UK to project its power around the world. The minister responsible for defence procurement tells us how he hopes the problems with the Ajax armoured vehicle might be fixed and what future threats keep a leading expert on information warfare awake at night?
9/16/202130 minutes, 47 seconds
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9/11 - 20 years on

Days after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan comes the anniversary of the terrorist attack that sparked the invasion in 2001. How has the world changed since the 9/11 attacks? Is the west stronger or weaker? And are we any safer now than we were then? We hear from some of the British military personnel involved in the evacuation effort at Kabul airport, and find out what might happen to Britain’s nuclear deterrent if Scotland votes for independence in a second referendum. Plus the continuing problems with the Ajax armoured vehicles, and we look inside NATO’s newest command, designed to cover the alliance’s back in a crisis.
9/9/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
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Watching Afghanistan from over the horizon

Days after Britain’s last military personnel leave Afghanistan, the US completes its withdrawal and President Biden says America is not in the business of nation building anymore. But he also vows to strike back at ISIS-K from thousands of miles away — we explore how that will work, and how much the west will need the Taliban’s help. How deep is the division opened up between London and Washington by the withdrawal — and how long will it last? We hear from veterans on how they’ve handled the chaotic end of the 20-year campaign in Afghanistan. Plus we speak to the author who was determined to tell the stories of women who played a big part in the Second World War, before it’s too late.
9/2/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Afghanistan: The final days

As the western evacuation from Afghanistan enters its final phase, what are the key mistakes that led to the country’s fall to the Taliban? This week, we hear from an analyst who only left Kabul as the city was being taken over — she claims the US effectively sold out the Afghan government, and encouraged the Taliban to wait out the clock. We discuss what impact the withdrawal will have on other countries’ faith in western military powers, and whether it will prompt a fracture between the US and UK. Plus we ask what impact this last deployment in Afghanistan will have on the hundreds of British troops now pulling out of Kabul, and how it’s affecting veterans of the last twenty years.
8/26/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Afghanistan’s collapse

A special Sitrep examines the implications of the fall of Kabul, and the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan. We hear from a former Royal Marine still in Kabul, and a journalist who escaped on the day the Taliban entered the city. A former head of the Army tells us what it felt like to see Afghanistan fall, and we ask what America’s decision to withdraw could mean for its NATO allies. And we reflect on whether political leaders are right when they insist the near 20-year mission in Afghanistan was still worthwhile.
8/19/202141 minutes, 56 seconds
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Afghanistan. The options?

As the situation in Afghanistan worsens, we ask what are the realistic options to bring things back under control. We’ll hear from the former head of the UK’s Joint Forces Command, General Sir Richard Barrons... he thinks a return to UK boots on the ground isn’t the way forward but allied and Afghan air strikes could be. We’ll look at the impact of climate change on the military... how will it affect future conflict? The International Institute for Strategic Studies recently looked at how extreme weather could affect global security. We’ll talk to Ben Barry from the IISS. And... we hear from Army boxing Olympic medalist Kariss Artingstall... she’s back home after a very successful Tokyo 2020.
8/12/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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Afghanistan on the brink.

A month after the bulk of remaining western forces pulled out of Afghanistan, the Taliban is on the rise. Fierce fighting has brought cities like Herat and Kandahar to the brink of collapsing to the militants. But the greatest danger is in Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand -- where British forces fought against the Taliban for so many years. We hear from those who served in Afghanistan - including the former Chief of the Defence Staff, Lord Richards, who tells Sitrep that the Government must set out what it will do to prevent the fall of the Afghan government. We'll also explore what could happen next after the fatal attack on a tanker off Oman -- blamed by western powers on Iran. And we'll find out about the bizarre case of military ships' positions being faked -- who might be doing it, and why?
8/5/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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“Truly Shocking” report highlights sexism in the military

A damning report accuses military leaders of failing to protect female personnel from bullying, harassment and discrimination. An MPs investigation revealed the huge number of complaints, including allegations of serious sexual offences going unpunished. We hear from the MP who led the probe, and a 30-year Army veteran who resigned to highlight the issue - and we ask a defence minister what they’re going to do to improve things. Plus the US announces an end to combat operations in Iraq — but not for the first time. And as the Carrier Strike Group reaches the Indo-Pacific, what does our biggest ally make of it all?
7/29/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Spanish boots on the rock?

European officials want Spanish forces on the ground in Gibraltar policing the border — something both the UK and Gibraltar insist they won’t accept. We get the latest from the territory’s Chief Minister. Is your phone spying on you? After the revelations this week about spyware reportedly aimed at human rights campaigners, political and military leaders, we ask who should set the rules for modern surveillance? We hear from an expert in space defence on the huge vulnerability of western satellites, and the risks a future conflict could start far above the earth. And we pay tribute to a Dambusters pilot, who was determined to make sure a key contribution to the Second World War was never forgotten.
7/22/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Drawing a line under the past

The Government wants to halt all investigations and prosecutions linked to Northern Ireland’s past. But how can you move on from a conflict when some of its biggest crimes will go unpunished? Will the wars of the future be beyond the capacity of humans? We’ve a report on how new advances in AI and quantum computing could fundamentally change the nature of conflict. And as a global shortage of computer chips slows production, we find out how it’s become a national security issue. Plus we report from the Carrier Strike Group, and hear from the captain of the US warship that’s joined the HMS Queen Elizabeth. And what links Sandhurst’s first female college commander and Gareth Southgate’s remarkable England team?
7/15/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ending the “forever war”

As the western military intervention in Afghanistan draws to an end, Sitrep looks back at the last 20 years, and asks what it will mean in the future. A former head of the Army tells us about “frustrating” conversations with ministers at the height of the fighting, while an MP who served in Afghanistan warns withdrawal will alarm Britain’s allies. We get an update from Kabul, and we hear how a small town became the focal point for Britain’s tribute to the lives lost in the conflict.
7/8/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ending the “forever war”

As the western military intervention in Afghanistan draws to an end, Sitrep looks back at the last 20 years, and asks what it will mean in the future. A former head of the Army tells us about “frustrating” conversations with ministers at the height of the fighting, while an MP who served in Afghanistan warns withdrawal will alarm Britain’s allies. We get an update from Kabul, and we hear how a small town became the focal point for Britain’s tribute to the lives lost in the conflict.
7/8/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Bus Stop Document Dump

How did sensitive MoD documents end up dumped by a bus stop in Kent? An accident? Or something more sinister? As China’s Communist Party marks its centenary, an expert on the country tells us what Britain’s getting right — and wrong — in the increasingly fractious relationship. We meet the former serviceman leading calls for a public inquiry into a fatal mid-air collision over Scotland. And we hear from Lieutenant Commander Pete Reed, as he continues his recovery from the spinal stroke which ended his world-beating rowing career.
7/1/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
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Black Sea stand-offs and Glass ceilings

What really happened when a British warship sailed close to Crimea? We try to cut through the conflicting stories. More than a decade after a report highlighted problems with bullying and sexual harassment, researchers say women in the armed forces still face the same problems. We speak to the author of a new report that sets out the problems facing women who serve, and the issues for female veterans as well. We speak to an expert on UFOs as US officials prepare to release a major report into mid-air encounters and 100 years of the WRENs Association.
6/24/202130 minutes, 40 seconds
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Building bridges in Geneva

Joe Biden says his talks with Vladimir Putin were “good, positive”. The Russian president called them “constructive”. But the US and Russia remain far apart on big issues like cyberattacks. So how did the Geneva summit go? Joe Biden’s meeting with Vladimir Putin followed a NATO summit that included a warning to anyone thinking of targeting alliance members’ assets in Space. We ask if that that could trigger military strikes back on earth. We learn about the man who’s likely to be the next President of Iran — and who could be the country’s future Supreme Leader. And we find out about the challenges of getting supplies to Royal Marine Commandos deep inside enemy territory.
6/17/202130 minutes, 40 seconds
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World leaders come face to face

President Biden is in Europe for a week of intense top-level diplomacy, including a G7 summit, a gathering of NATO leaders, and then face-to-face talks with Vladimir Putin. It’s the first overseas trip for the US President since his election — and a chance for him to demonstrate his commitment to restoring America’s relations with allies, strained under Donald Trump’s administration. We hear about the issues likely to dominate in the coming days. We’ve a special report from a huge exercise in America’s deep south, which saw troops from the Welsh Cavalry training in extremely harsh conditions. Three months from the deadline for withdrawal from Afghanistan, we ask if western powers are willing to stand by and watch the Afghan government be deposed by the Taliban. And we report on how military leaders are stepping up the fight against climate change.
6/10/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Moral Obligation

As remaining international forces prepare to leave Afghanistan, the fate of the thousands of Afghans who helped them has been in doubt — until now. Both Britain and the US now say they’ll resettle thousands of people, fearing otherwise they’ll be at the mercy of the Taliban. We ask one former Army officer who served two tours in Helmand what that says about the last 20 years of international operations in Afghanistan? Denmark’s in the doghouse with some of its international allies after reports claimed it’s helped US intelligence to spy on them. The new Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces tells us the system still isn’t working properly. And we meet the researcher trying to put right a long-standing wrong in Britain’s military past.
6/3/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to handle “Europe’s last dictator”

There’s been international outrage after Belarus forced a Ryanair jet to land in the country, and arrested a prominent critic of the country’s regime. But how far are western powers willing to go to confront Alexander Lukashenko’s behaviour? And will it make any difference? We hear from a former British ambassador in Belarus. Dominic Cummings says Britain’s failure to prepare for emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic cost thousands of lives. We speak to an expert in crisis planning on how to avoid the same mistakes in future. We look at why British troops could soon be on the way to Somalia, and speak to the head of a charity trying to fund a study into the use of MDMA — ecstasy — to treat veterans struggling with PTSD.
5/27/202130 minutes, 39 seconds
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What counts as a war crime?

Almost two weeks of fighting between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants has left more than 200 people dead — almost all of them in Gaza. The International Criminal Court warns both sides may have committed war crimes — in this week’s Sitrep, we learn more about the laws of war, and ask whether anyone will be held to account if they’re being broken. We hear from the RAF’s commander for Middle East operations, who warns the Islamic State group it has “nowhere to hide”. A former National Security Adviser tells us Britain needs to decide what role it wants to take in the world post-Brexit. And we ask why the Army commissioned a report to establish its economic value to the UK, and find out what it says.
5/20/202130 minutes, 38 seconds
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Northern Ireland legacy issues; Missiles and Drones; Antarctic expedition.

The government promises to bring forward legislation to deal with legacy issues related to the Northern Ireland Troubles. How drones will change warfare. Royal Marines on training exercises before deploying to the High North. And the Antarctic expedition that plans to mark the life of Sir Ernest Shackleton.
5/13/202130 minutes, 36 seconds
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Mali UN Operation; Russia and US; Army logistics

British forces on patrol in Mali in West Africa as part of the UN Peacekeeping mission there. The US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken sends a warning to Russia as he arrives in Ukraine for talks. The new museum that marks the role of logistics in campaigns from Agincourt to Afghanistan.
5/6/202129 minutes, 42 seconds
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Carrier Strike Group; Training Paratroopers; Australia Defence

HMS Queen Elizabeth and her carrier strike group prepare for a deployment to the Indo-Pacific. Find out how paratroopers are being trained to fight on the urban battlefield. Why has Australia announced a large increase in defence spending?
4/29/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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Offensive Cyber Operations; President Putin speech and Ukraine; Help for Heroes.

Cyberspace has been described as the most contested domain – so how will the new National Cyber Force defend the UK? Sitrep speaks to the head of Strategic Command, General Sir Patrick Sanders. A former British ambassador to Moscow speaks to Sitrep about President Putin’s State of the Nation speech and concerns over Russian troops gathering on the borders of Ukraine. Also this week, how a military charity is helping frontline healthcare workers cope with the stress of dealing with Covid.
4/22/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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Afghanistan withdrawal; The Duke of Edinburgh's connections with the military; Ukraine and Russia.

Sitrep hears from a former UK ambassador to Kabul and our panel of defence experts on the future for Afghanistan post NATO withdrawal; The programme looks at the Duke of Edinburgh's connections with the armed forces and his wartime service in the Royal Navy; And find out how an inventor is adapting a vehicle to help protect troops against explosions.
4/15/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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Uk Space Command; Russia and Ukraine; RAF Scampton

Sitrep examines UK military plans for Space; We hear from a former NATO ambassador on growing tensions between Russia and Ukraine; Why the Red Arrows, a Lancaster and a Vulcan will feature in a stained glass window.
4/8/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Chief of the Defence Staff Interview

(Title) Chief of the Defence Staff interview The CDS Gen Sir Nick Carter speaks exclusively to Sitrep about Army numbers, recruitment for the Rangers Regiment, the future of the Reserve Force, the need for change and new technologies, and the nature of the threats facing the UK.
4/1/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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What does the Defence Command Paper mean for the UK's Armed Forces?

After another huge week for UK Defence, Sitrep assesses how the plans in the Defence Command Paper will change the Army, the RAF and the Navy. Sitrep has detailed analysis from a range of experts on what's been described as the biggest review of Defence since the end of the Cold War.
3/25/202129 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep 18th March 2021

Analysis and expert commentary on the Integrated Review - described as the biggest Review of Defence and Security policy since the Cold War -with former CDS Lord Richards, Professor Michael Clarke, Bronwen Maddox, Director of the Institute for Government and chair of the For Affairs Comm Tom Tugendhat. Also, flexible working in the armed forces with MOD's Helen Helliwell and Royal Marines on night exercises.
3/18/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Military Sexism, Terror Attacks and Integrated Review

The MoD says the military has “changed enormously” — but while women make up around 1-in-10 Army personnel — some say they face a “hostile environment” if they complain about bullying or harassment. As MPs start to look at issues around sexism in the military, we speak to one campaigner who says action is needed. We look at a new report that says deaths in terrorist attacks rose sharply last year, even though the number of attacks fell — and we hear about the most likely future threats. Why are so many veterans from Commonwealth countries struggling to secure the right to stay in the UK? An England rugby star tells us about his father’s experience. And we look ahead to the publication of the integrated review of defence, foreign affairs and security, and find out what to look out for.
3/11/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Yemen Aid, Killer Robots and Cyprus Vaccine

Why has Britain halved its promise of aid to Yemen, scene of the world’s worst humanitarian disaster? The Prime Minister says aid must fall because of the economic crisis triggered by the pandemic, but on this week’s Sitrep we hear from a former Cabinet minister who’s been to Yemen to see for himself the devastation threatening the country’s population. Could a humanitarian catastrophe become a security crisis, radicalising a generation of Yemeni men? We report on a new study that suggests an alternative theory for the series of illnesses collectively described as Gulf War Syndrome. Plus as a report says the US must invest more in developing autonomous weapons, we hear from an academic campaigning for a worldwide ban on so-called “killer robots”. And we’re in Cyprus, where the coronavirus vaccine roll-out has started among the British military community there.
3/4/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
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Afghanistan Future, Defence Review and Mali Deployment

Will the west ever be able to leave Afghanistan? The final withdrawal of foreign troops, after 20 years, is on hold again after a surge in violence we speak to a former British ambassador in Kabul about what needs to happen for remaining UK and other forces to leave. Speculation continues about what’s going to be in next month’s defence review — we hear from a senior Conservative MP worried cuts to the forces could harm Britain’s international reputation. We report from Cyprus, where British troops are training to join the most dangerous UN peacekeeping mission in the world. And with Prince Harry confirming he won’t return full-time to the royal family, a few honorary military titles are up for grab
2/25/202130 minutes, 38 seconds
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G7 Summit, Afghanistan Future and Christopher Lee

Sitrep pays tribute to its long-time defence analyst, former presenter and editor, Christopher Lee, who died at the age of 79. We’ll hear some highlights from his three decades on the programme, and from some of those he worked with over the years. Plus, as Boris Johnson prepares to host a virtual gathering of G7 leaders, what difference will the presence of new US President Joe Biden make? NATO discusses its future in Afghanistan, as violence continues in the country. And we report on a move to end what the Prime Minister called a “very great injustice” — the removal of medals from hundreds of people thrown out of the forces over their sexuality.
2/18/202130 minutes, 38 seconds
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Yemen Conflict, Army Numbers and Cyber Warfare

The United States is ending its support for Saudi Arabia’s offensive against Yemen, with Joe Biden saying it’s triggered a humanitarian catastrophe. But Britain is so far refusing to follow the US President’s lead, saying it makes its own decisions about arms sales — so should we continue to arm and support the Saudis? And can you seriously claim to be pushing for peace when you’re also selling weapons to one side in a conflict? Does the Army have enough battle-ready troops? A previously secret report suggests infantry battalions are running short, and the opposition is demanding action. Plus, as Britain reveals more about offensive cyber operations against the Islamic State group, we debate the ethics of cyber warfare. Just because you can take down another country’s computer systems, or shut down their power grid, does that mean you should?
2/11/202130 minutes, 32 seconds
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Navalny Jailed, Myanmar Coup, Captain Sir Tom

Five months ago Vladimir Putin’s most prominent critic was almost killed in a nerve agent attack — now he’s been jailed for 3-and-a-half years. Alexei Navalny says it’s Putin’s punishment for surviving the poisoning — and a warning to the huge crowds who’ve joined protests in more than a-hundred cities. But what should the west do about it? And how much will countries like the UK be willing to do? We look at the coup in Myanmar that’s seen Aung San Suu Kyi deposed and locked up. And we report on a new warning about the state of much military accommodation, and claims it’s worsening a retention crisis in the forces. Plus we look back at the extraordinary life of Captain Sir Tom Moore, after his death this week at the age of 100.
2/4/202130 minutes, 37 seconds
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Chinese War, Arab Spring and RAF 2040

Days after Taiwan’s de facto ambassador in the US attended Joe Biden’s inauguration, China sent fighter jets into Taiwanese airspace. It’s being seen as a warning to the new US President not to intervene in what China sees as its affairs. In this week’s Sitrep, we hear from one expert on China, who fears a conflict over Taiwan is almost inevitable. Ten years after the Arab Spring, we ask why the dreams of a transition to democracy failed. And as the Chief of the Air Staff sets out his vision for the future of the RAF, we discuss the ethical implications of an autonomous fighter jet.
1/28/202130 minutes, 38 seconds
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Biden Administration, Navalny Arrested and Mental Health

Sitrep hears from a former British ambassador in the US, and the Chairman of the Commons Defence Select Committee, on what a Biden administration means for Britain. As hospitals struggle to cope with a surge in coronavirus patients, the military is called in to help out. Also what will happen to Russia’s most prominent opposition activist, Alexei Navalny, who was detained on his return to the country? Plus a new service to help veterans in London struggling with mental health problems, and find out why Boris might be sending his Cabinet ministers to Sandhurst…
1/21/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Trump Impeachment, Afghanistan Future and Operation Granby 30

Donald Trump becomes the first US President to be impeached twice — but he remains in office. This week’s Sitrep asks what would happen if the Commander-in-Chief tried to launch military action in his final days in the White House. His successor faces calls from a group of politicians in the UK to keep American troops in Afghanistan — but is their presence vital for peace talks with the Taliban? And on the thirtieth anniversary of the start of the first Gulf War, Sitrep speaks to some of those involved in making the big decisions in the operation to force Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait, including a former Prime Minister.
1/14/202130 minutes, 37 seconds
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US Chaos, National Lockdown and Defence in 2021

The first Sitrep of 2021 looks at two huge stories in the first week of the year, whose impact could be felt far longer. In the United States, a mob raids Congress, trying to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory. How will the chaotic scenes in Washington DC be seen in London, Moscow and Beijing? Meanwhile, at home, Boris Johnson announces a new lockdown to try to curb spiralling coronavirus cases — the response to the pandemic is now the biggest-ever domestic peacetime military operation. We’ll take a longer look too at some of the other big issues likely to dominate the coming year. Fresh from its funding boost, is the MoD about to face some more tough spending decisions? Will 2021 be the year international forces finally leave Afghanistan? And what will the Biden presidency mean for America’s global allies?
1/7/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep Review: Defence and Security in 2020

Sitrep looks back at an unpredictable and challenging year and assesses how it has changed Defence. Key figures involved in the military response to Covid discuss the lessons learned. The programme also hears from experts in the domains of Cyber and Space. And Professor Michael Clarke, the former Director of RUSI, gives his assessment of 2020 for the armed forces.
12/17/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Defence budget; NATO's ARRC; Pandemic logistics

What could be the impact of planned budget cuts on Navy and Army reservists training? We ask what are the challenges facing NATO and how should the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps respond? And we hear how military logistics experts have worked through the Covid 19 pandemic and what lessons have been learnt
12/10/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Armed forces complaints; Type 32 Frigate; Royal Marines

The Service Complaints Ombudsman tells Sitrep that - despite progress - the system for raising and addressing grievances in the military is not efficient, effective, or fair. Sitrep looks at what we know so far about the promised Type 32 Frigate first mentioned by the Prime Minister in the funding settlement statement. And you can hear a special report from Cyprus where Royal Marines are testing new technology and systems.
12/3/202029 minutes, 44 seconds
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Future shape of UK Defence after Funding Settlement.

Sitrep focuses on future Defence priorities and funding with the Armed Forces Minister James Heappey, Labour's Shadow Defence Secretary John Healey, the former Chief of the Defence Staff, Lord Richards and Professor Michael Clarke from RUSI . Plus Hannah King reports on how 'gun bubbles' are helping troops train for a deployment to Estonia.   Follow us @bfbssitrep
11/26/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Defence Spending; Afghanistan drawdown; Hurricane aid.

Defence is to get a four year funding deal - what should the new money be spent on and how will it reshape the UK's defence policy?  President Trump orders more US troops out of Afghanistan - but what does that mean for the fragile peace process? And how RFA Argus is supporting Hurricane relief efforts. Follow us @bfbssitrep 
11/19/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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US and NATO; Falklands mine-clearing; Space and Defence

What is the future for US-NATO relations under a Joe Biden Presidency?   The mission to rid the Falklands of landmines nearly 40 years after the conflict And we look at the role for defence in Space. Follow us @bfbssitrep
11/12/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Covid military response; US Election; Remembrance

The armed forces helping to carry out rapid coronavirus testing in the government’s first mass pilot... What are the future defence, foreign and security challenges for the winner of the Presidential election in the US?  And how different will Remembrance be this year due to the Covid pandemic?   Follow us @bfbssitrep  
11/5/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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America’s knife-edge election & special forces raid oil tanker

In less than a week, the United States chooses its next President. In this week’s Sitrep, we get the latest on the race for military votes, and ask what four more years of Donald Trump, or a new start under Joe Biden, would mean for the UK, and for Nato. In the week special forces raided an oil tanker in trouble off the Isle of Wight, we ask whether the military could dragged into the ongoing Channel migrant and refugee crisis. We’ll find out how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted Gurkha recruitment, and hear from a former head of GCHQ who says we could all learn a lot by thinking the way spies do. Plus the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, tells us about his own relationship with the military, and why he thinks MPs should spend time with the forces learning how they work.
10/29/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Integrated Review: Drone Technology; GCHQ History.

The future of the Integrated Security and Defence Review.  Why is NATO planning to open a new Space Centre? How will Drone technology change combat? And what impact did GCHQ have in the Falklands War?    Follow us @bfbssitrep
10/22/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Army Recruitment; North Korean missiles; Submarine Hunters

How has Army recruitment been impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic?  Sitrep speaks to the Assistant Director of Army Recruiting. What lies behind North Korea’s decision to showcase its latest missile? The RAF has welcomed the arrival of the first of the P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft to its permanent home at RAF Lossiemouth. And the campaign to honour armed forces personnel from the Caribbean with a new monument at the National Memorial Arboretum   Follow us @bfbssitrep
10/15/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Russian armed forces; Women in Royal Navy; Gurkha training

A new report from the IISS think tank says the Russian armed forces are significantly smaller than their Soviet predecessors, but better equipped with more professional personnel.  We mark thirty years since women were first deployed operationally at sea with the Royal Navy...  And why the Gurkhas are doing ‘wet gap crossing’ training in Northumberland. Follow us @bfbssitrep
10/8/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Integrated Operating Concept; HMS Queen Elizabeth; NHS & Military

The Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir Nicholas Carter, has set out the 'Integrated Operating Concept' this week. It's been described as the most significant shift in military thinking in generations. What is it and what impact could it have on the armed forces in the future? The new carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, is to join a major NATO exercise from this weekend. We hear from a former Naval commander. What’s the best way to improve NHS services for serving armed forces families and veterans? Follow us @bfbssitrep
10/1/202029 minutes, 39 seconds
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Former National Security Adviser on Chemical and Bioweapons.

Lord Sedwill, the former National Security Adviser and Cabinet Secretary who stepped down this month, talks exclusively to Sitrep about chemical and biological weapons, the changing nature of threats and the Integrated Defence Review. Why a new institute has been set up to study air and space power issues in defence and security and - out mortar training with the Duke of Lancaster’s regiment.   Follow us @bfbssitrep
9/24/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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NATO on Future Extreme Threats; Battle of Britain

NATO’s Assistant Secretary-General talks exclusively to Sitrep about the possible long-term extreme threats to the UK and other NATO members And remembering the Battle of Britain 80 years on - we hear about the letters written by a Pilot Officer about the battle to his wife in occupied France. Follow us #bfbssitrep
9/17/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Cyber security; US troops; British Army in Germany

Where are the Cyber threats to the UK coming from? The former head of the National Cyber Security Centre, Ciaran Martin, on Russia, China and the impact of Covid 19. More than two thousand US troops are to leave Iraq but is it the right time to draw down forces? We speak to the Chair of the Commons Defence Committee Tobias Ellwood. More than a million British soldiers have lived and served in Germany over the past 75 years. A new exhibition at the National Army Museum opens on Saturday looking at this unique deployment .  Follow us @bfbssitrep
9/10/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Novichok Poisoning; Gurkha Recruitment; Tensions in Eastern Med

Germany says that Novichok has been used on a rival of President Putin - how will the international community react this time? What’s behind the recent tensions between Greece and Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean? Plus, Sitrep looks at how the Gurkhas are changing their recruitment process. We join the Royal Marines on training exercises and how some of Britain’s rarest reptiles are thriving in a military fuel site. Follow us @bfbssitrep
9/3/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Defence Review; Mali deployment; Sennelager training

We look at the options facing the government as part of their Integrated Review of foreign policy, defence and security. Lord Dannatt, former Chief of the General Staff, tells us that the government must find more money for defence.  We ask what will be the impact of the recent coup in the West African state of Mali on plans to send 250 British troops there as part of a UN mission?   Sitrep reports on how German soldiers are using the British run Sennelager training area to prepare for a mission in Afghanistan next year - and we hear how the last surviving landing craft from D-Day has finally reached its new home.  
8/27/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Belarus Instability, Principled Spying and The Hardest Day

As protests continue in Belarus, Sitrep looks at the wider implications. We hear from the man who was Britain’s ambassador in Minsk when Lukashenko took power 26 years ago on what’s likely to happen next. In the United States, the race for the White House is hotting up, with Joe Biden setting out his pitch to American voters. We ask a former head of the Royal United Services Institute what a Biden victory could mean for US allies, and find out why there’s talk about the military potentially being asked to remove Donald Trump from the White House if he loses, and then refuses to leave. A former head of GCHQ joins us to discuss the idea of “principled spying” — is it even possible? And we find out why Chelsea Football Club has adopted an historic Lancaster bomber. Plus we report from Biggin Hill airfield, 80 years after it played a key role in the “hardest day” of the Battle of Britain. Follow us @bfbssitrep
8/20/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Legacy of VJ Day; Defence Review; Beirut Explosion

75 years on - what’s the legacy of VJ day? How should the government review the UK’s security and defence needs? We hear what military personnel are doing to help after the devastating explosion in Beirut And why the script of the film 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' caused concern in the War Office. Follow us @bfbssitrep
8/13/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Covid 19 and food supplies; Gurkha training; Balaclava medals.

The Government offers aid and help from military personnel after the massive explosion in Beirut. What impact is the Covid 19 pandemic having on food supplies around the world?  Sitrep has a special report on training with the UK Gurkha Company    And the Battle of Balaclava, one man’s story as part of the Charge of the Heavy Brigade. Follow us @bfbssitrep
8/6/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Russia report; Commando Helicopter Force; Covid response.

What should be done to counter cyber threats from Russia? A new report says there needs to be more investment in armed forces personnel and their families to keep them in the military. We report on Exercise Merlin Storm with Commando Helicopter Force And a reservist’s personal insight into what it's been like to work in hospitals throughout the Covid pandemic. Follow us @bfbssitrep
7/23/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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HMS Queen Elizabeth, Yemen appeal, Potsdam conference.

Vice Admiral Sir Jeremy Blackham on the future deployment of aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.  The Red Cross tells Sitrep how the conflict in Yemen is having a devastating impact on the treatment of those affected by COVID-19. And we report from Germany on the 75th anniversary of the Potsdam Conference that shaped the future of post-war Europe.    Follow us @bfbssitrep
7/16/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Integrated Defence Review; Libya; Huawei; Battle of Britain

The Chief of the Defence staff on the future shape of the armed forces. Why have so many countries become involved in the conflict going on in Libya? A day in the life of military personnel working on coronavirus Mobile Testing units. What will the Government do about Huawei and 5G? The significance of the Battle of Britain in the Second World War.   Follow us @bfbssitrep
7/9/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Afghanistan deployment; Covid 19 testing; Mental Health.

As Afghanistan deals with the spread of Coronavirus, a British Army spokesperson tells the programme what precautions are being taken on their deployment in the country. A new National Security Adviser has been appointed but what will be the impact of the change at the top of Whitehall? Professor Michael Clarke unpicks the changes. And searching for the right words to find fitting inscriptions for military graves. We speak to Peter Francis from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.  Follow us @bfbssitrep
7/2/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Armed Forces Week, Russian Power And Perfect Tea!

We assess the impact of the military's response to Covid 19: Russia's security services under the spotlight. One of the RAF’s first female fast jet pilots tells Sitrep what it was like to be a pioneer in her field and our ambassador to Washington enlists the help of the Army, the Navy and the RAF in making the perfect cup of tea! Follow us @bfbssitrep
6/25/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Tributes Paid To Dame Vera Lynn. US Troops In Germany

Tributes paid to Dame Vera Lynn, the forces sweetheart. President Trump has confirmed that 9,500 US troops are to leave Germany, so how will that affect NATO's strategy in Europe? The Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee tells Sitrep of his deep concern over the fatal clashes at the border between China and India Plus -  why a new research project has been launched to see how veterans are coping during the Covid 19 pandemic.  Follow us @bfbssitrep
6/18/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Army confronts racism, NATO warns the world about the economic and military rise of China and the oldest Admiral in the Royal Navy turns 99.

One of the Army’s most senior officers has told BFBS Sitrep why he wrote an open letter about tackling racism, following the protests over the death of George Floyd. Commander, Home Command, Lieutenant General Tyrone Urch told Sitrep that the British Army was not immune to incidences of racism and he's written to all commanders saying he is determined the army will push back against racism, hatred and division. We also hear from a former United States permanent representative to NATO about a warning this week from the organisation's head about the growing economic and military power of China. Jens Stoltenberg said the West must stand together to face any challenges. And the oldest Admiral in the fleet... we look at Prince Philip's war time experiences - including witnessing  Japan's surrender - in the week he celebrates his 99th birthday. Follow us @bfbs  
6/11/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Army forms a new regiment to combat digital attacks, the impact of Covid on defence spending and and leadership tips from No 10.

We hear about the new regiment being formed to counter the threat from digital attacks. The first dedicated Cyber regiment is designed to protect defence networks at home and on operations overseas. Brigadier John Collyer - the Commander of 1st Signal Brigade - tells us about the threats and explains how the 13th Signal regiment is made up from different specialist teams. The military have been widely praised for their work throughout the COVID 19 crisis but questions are being asked now about the impact of the pandemic on government spending overall, and on defence spending in particular. We hear from the Defence Secretary giving evidence in parliament and from defence experts. And what advice on leadership and motivation would you give a 14 year old? We hear from a father who, when working at Downing St, asked world leaders, authors and sports stars to write down their life advice for his son we hear what George W Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev and J.K. Rowling, among others. Follow us @bfbssitrep
6/4/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rare access to the scientists at Porton Down supporting the Covid-19 fight, what was the impact of the Dunkirk evacuation 80 years ago and gamers h...

We hear from scientists at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down who have been using their expertise to assess how the coronavirus behaves and to support the government's testing programme. We assess the impact of Dunkirk 80 years after the evacuation of over 300,000 thousand British and Allied troops from the beaches and hear from a 100 year old veteran who was taken prisoner. And we hear how the US Army is using skilled gamers in its ranks to reach out to prospective recruits  at a time when coronavirus makes career fairs difficult. The army e-sports team competes full time and organises large online tournaments where they can meet prospective soldiers. Follow us @bfbssitrep
5/28/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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It’s Mental Health Awareness week during lockdown, how are military charities helping. Combating disinformation around the virus and the Red Arr...

It’s Mental Health Awareness week, and this year’s theme is “kindness” — in this week’s Sitrep we hear how one military charity’s helping some of those struggling to cope with the coronavirus pandemic. We’ll find out how NATO’s combating disinformation around the virus — with help from the British military. And we’ll hear from the head of the UN relief mission in Yemen — a country battered by years of civil war, and now struggling with Covid-19. Plus updates on how the pandemic’s affecting British forces communities in Canada and Cyprus — and the Red Arrows have a new home — not too far from the old one. Follow us @bfbssitrep
5/21/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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An inquiry is launched into the defence contribution to the Covid crisis, why is the US sending bombers overseas and the service complaints system,...

MPs on the Commons Defence Select Committee want to know if the military could have been used sooner to boost Britain's response to the coronavirus pandemic -- we'll speak to the committee's chairman. We'll also ask why America sent its fleet of bombers into the skies above Europe and the Indo-Pacific this week in a show of strength — aimed in part at China. Most military personnel who think they have a valid complaint about their treatment don’t actually make one. And according to the Ombudsman overseeing service complaints, the system is neither efficient or fair. We hear from Nicola Williams about what’s working, what’s not, and why women in the military are nearly five times more likely to file a complaint than men. We’ve updates on how the coronavirus outbreak is affecting reserves in Northern Ireland, and the impact of a slight easing of restrictions in Germany. Plus we take to the skies with the Covid Aviation Task Force, which has been helping the NHS in its response to the pandemic. Follow us @bfbssitrep
5/14/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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What restrictions need to be in place for the military to resume training? Who could be trying to hack into the labs working on a coronavirus vacc...

We look at the government’s plans to re-start military training programmes, despite the continuing coronavirus lockdown. Ministers say it’ll be done in a “responsible, socially distanced way” — but how? Who could be trying to hack into the labs working on a coronavirus vaccine? A warning this week pointed the finger at “hostile actors” — we’ll look at why it’s happening. We’ll hear from one military charity worried about the mental health of veterans dealing with the pandemic. And ahead of the VE Day anniversary, we’ll find out how it’s being marked at home and online, hear from Cyprus about the role the island played in the war, and we’ve a special report from Germany on what surrender meant for its citizens.   Follow us @bfbssitrep
5/7/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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What will the world look like when the coronavirus pandemic is in the past? Will relations with China collapse? How will Russia respond and where d...

What will the world look like when the coronavirus pandemic is in the past? Will relations with China collapse? How will Russia respond? And where does it leave Britain? We’ll discuss the potential for major change with the director-general of RUSI We report on the military’s latest role responding to the pandemic — setting up dozens of mobile testing facilities We get updates on how forces communities around the world are coping with the lockdown. And on Captain Tom Moore’s 100th birthday, we hear from the postmaster who’s had to cope with more than 100-thousand cards. Plus, a former MoD expert on UFOs tells us why the Pentagon’s suddenly being so open about potential close encounters. Follow us @bfbssitrep
4/30/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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More military deploy in response to coronavirus, what are the parallels with a warzone and how are military charities coping?

Thousands of military personnel are part of Britain’s response to the Coronavirus crisis, but should they be doing more? What are the parallels between being in a war zone and being on the frontline of the medical battle against Covid-19?  Sitrep speaks to an expert in military mental health, And, as the head of MI5 steps down, what are the security threats we need to be worried about once the pandemic has passed? Plus, how are military charities coping as many face financial crisis?   Follow us @bfbssitrep
4/23/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Coronavirus: How will it change our world?

The coronavirus pandemic respects no borders, striking the wealthiest countries, and the poorest. This week, we look at the potential impact on conflict zones. A former adviser to the US State Department tells us Afghanistan will have to cope without much international support. In the United States, Donald Trump comes under more pressure over his response to the pandemic. Will it prompt him to withdraw even further from America’s decades-old role as global leader? We get an update from Cyprus on how the outbreak is affecting the lives of the British forces community. And we tell the story of Captain Tom Moore, the 99-year-old veteran who’s raised millions for the NHS.
4/16/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Coronavirus: The military prepares for a long haul

With the Prime Minister in hospital, who’s in charge of Britain’s security? As the Government continues to fight against the coronavirus pandemic, former RUSI head Professor Michael Clarke tells us some will see an opportunity to exploit. The Chief of the Defence Staff is telling the forces to treat the virus response as a long-term operation — we speak to retired Major General Tim Robinson, formerly in charge of military assistance to civilian authorities, about the different mindset that’s required. And as the coronavirus reaches Africa, are there lessons from the way British forces helped to tackle the Ebola outbreak there in 2014. We hear from Kate Dooley, from the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, who’s normally based in Sierra Leone. Plus care homes call on the public to get in touch with lonely veterans, forced to isolate while the outbreak continues.
4/9/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Coronavirus: The Forces join the fight

The giant NHS Nightingale Hospital in London’s docklands prepares to receive patients — built in just a few days with help from the Army. We’ve a special report from inside the hospital. As thousands of reservists are called up and the RAF and Royal Navy make their own contributions to the national response to the pandemic, we’ll hear from the First Sea Lord, and get updates from forces communities in Germany, the Falklands and Cyprus. Plus we learn more about the call to veterans to help their local communities cope with the virus. Fake news connected to the pandemic is spreading around the world — we’ll explore the task facing the new government unit set up to combat conspiracy theories. And we hear how a group of veterans in Scotland are using technology to keep in touch despite the rules on social distancing. Follow us @bfbssitrep
4/2/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Coronavirus: The Army builds a hospital

We hear from some of those in the forces helping the UK’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. Former Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Richards tells us the Army’s “perfect” to help build a giant new hospital in London — and remembers his experiences of being drafted in to help in past civil emergencies. We learn about the military personnel training to deliver vital oxygen supplies to hospitals up and down the country, and find out how the outbreak could threaten charities working with veterans. Plus we look at how prepared the UK was for this emergency — do we need to think more about civil defence? Follow us @bfbssitrep
3/26/202029 minutes, 45 seconds
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Coronavirus: Britain's biggest fight in generations

After an extraordinary week for the UK and the world, this week’s Sitrep looks at the role the military is likely play in the response to the coronavirus outbreak. We’ve a full update on the MoD’s plans so far, and former defence minister Tobias Ellwood tells us how the military will fit into the overall response. Michael Clarke, the former director-general at the Royal United Services Institute, remembers past occasions where the military’s been called in to help out, and chemical weapons expert Hamish de Bretton Gordon talks through the lessons from the Novichok attack in Salisbury that could come in handy in the coming weeks. Follow us @bfbssitrep
3/19/202032 minutes, 9 seconds
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The humanitarian crisis in Yemen, Britain's growing military mission in Africa and can Putin be president for life?

It’s five years since Saudi Arabia first intervened in the fighting in Yemen. Since then it’s escalated into the world’s worst humanitarian disaster — and this week aid agencies have warned the situation could get even worse. We’ll hear from the Red Cross, on the ground in Yemen, on the crisis facing its population — and learn more about Saudi Arabia’s huge surge in arms imports during the conflict — and who’s selling them the weapons. Plus a special report from Africa on Britain’s growing military role in the continent, and find out more about the coming deployment to Mali. And if you thought you’d soon see the back of Vladimir Putin — think again. Find out how Russia’s leader plans to effectively become president for life with Russia analyst Stephen Dalziel Follow us @bfbssitrep
3/12/202029 minutes, 49 seconds
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Can the military help with the coronavirus outbreak, the Brits training African soldiers in Senegal and International Women's Day

Should the military be helping in the fight against coronavirus?   Lord Dannatt, former head of the Army, tells Sitrep his thoughts. How British troops are training African soldiers to combat the Islamist extremists in the Sahel. And find out what it's like to be a RAF reservist.... Follow us @bfbssitrep
3/5/202029 minutes, 16 seconds
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The defence review to end all defence reviews, life after service and the high tech piracy threat on the high seas.

Downing Street has launched a huge review of defence, security and foreign policy. It's like nothing we've seen before.  Lucy Fisher, Defence Editor at The Times and Professor Michael Clarke, Distinguished Fellow at RUSI explain how it might work. Our reporter Sian Grzeszczyk talks to former Major General John Henderson who is now Chief Executive of Staffordshire County Council about life after service. And Ed Jennings reports on the new technology which could make it easier for pirates to operate at sea. Presented by Kate Gerbeau with Christopher Lee. Follow us: @bfbssitrep
2/27/202029 minutes, 16 seconds
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Assad claims victory is close, have the West failed Syria? A virtual no show by the UK at an important Security conference and 20 years since the M...

The scale of the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in Syria is hard to comprehend.   Close to 1-million civilians — the majority women and children — have fled towards the Turkish border in the depths of winter.  Western nations, though, appear unwilling to do anything. Germany’s president criticises the US, and Mike Pompeo insists the transatlantic alliance remains strong. We’ll look at those competing claims, and why the UK only sent a very junior representative to the first big international security conference since Brexit.   Sir William Patey talks about the impending peace deal in Afghanistan, the way the Taliban has managed to win a key role in deciding the country’s future, and the political pressure pushing Trump to sign the deal.   A lot has changed in the two decades since the government lifted the bar on gay and bisexual people serving in the armed forces.  Now a group of veterans and serving personnel - some of them instrumental in fighting to remove that ban - are giving their backing to a new charity called "Fighting with Pride". Follow us @bfbssitrep
2/20/202029 minutes, 32 seconds
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Army recruitment hits its target, the PM wields the axe in the reshuffle and Sinn Fein gains influence in the Irish election

The Army has some rare good news on the shortfalls in its ranks.  It is about to meet its recruitment target for the first time since it started a controversial private partnership with Capita in 2012. The cabinet reshuffle didn't go quite as expected but are there any defence implications?  We talk to Lucy Fisher, Defence Editor at the The Times Africa’s Sahel region, is currently at the centre of huge conflict and displacement with different armed groups, including Al Qaeda and Islamic State moving in. We talk to Paul Melly, consulting fellow at Chatham House. The United States is a hundred percent committed to NATO.  So says a US General involved in the planning of the largest deployment of U.S.-based forces to Europe for an exercise in more than 25 years. Follow us @bfbs.sitrep
2/13/202029 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Defence Committee has a new chair, Trump's State of the Union address and the P-8A arrives in Scotland

President Trump’s made his annual State of the Union address to Congress.  Malcolm Brown from Feature Story News in Washington explains how it went down with the voters and Dr Karin von Hippel the Director General of RUSI talks about the current state of Britain’s relationship with the US. Does the United Nations need reform? Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the UN, is angry because countries are ignoring security council resolutions.  The new chairman of the House of Commons Defence Committee, Tobias Ellwood, tells us what he hopes to achieve in the job. And aviation expert Paul Beaver gives his view on the RAF’s new Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft. Presented by Kate Gerbeau with Christopher Lee. Follow us @bfbssitrep
2/6/202029 minutes, 15 seconds
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Does Huawei pose a risk to UK security, the 6th generation Tempest and finally it's Brexit!

The Government’s made its decision on Huawei and the new 5G Network – but is it the right one?  James Sullivan, head of Cyber Research at the Royal United Services Institute looks at the concerns surrounding the announcement. As we remember the Holocaust, why are we ignoring the human-rights atrocities happening right now?  Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford, reminds us of today’s brutalities. Sian Grzeszczyk speaks to Bae System’s Human Factors lead researcher, Suzy Broadbent, about the new technology that will read the minds of future fast-jet pilots to improve their performance.  Follow us @bfbssitrep  
1/30/202029 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Defence review is imminent, the Type 45 power problems to be fixed and farewell Peter Hobday.

The 2020 Defence Review – is it big enough to shape Britain’s future defence policy?  Defence analysts Francis Tusa and Christopher Lee discuss the possible options. The former First Sea Lord, Admiral Lord West explains why is there concern over the repair programme for the Type 45s. Did the government do a deal with Sinn Fein that could lead to more veterans being prosecuted?  Former defence minister Mark Francois voices his concern. And remembering Peter Hobday, the first presenter of Sitrep. Follow us @bfbssitrep
1/23/202029 minutes, 18 seconds
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Iran, Putin's big plan, Libya and Millennials' war worries.

Higar Chemali, the former spokesperson for the US mission to the United Nations and Professor Scott Lucas from Birmingham University tell us why the UK has changed its policy on the  Iran nuclear deal, and look at America’s reaction one week after the air strikes against US forces in Iraq. Former Kremlin advisor Alexander Nekrassov looks at President Putin’s big plan for the future leadership of Russia Who’s fighting who in Libya? Mary Fitzgerald is a writer and frequent visitor to the beleaguered country and explains all the different factions in the current crisis. According to a recent survey carried out by the International Committee of the Red Cross, millennials across the globe are worried about war, but why? Follow us @bfbssitrep
1/16/202028 minutes, 51 seconds
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Iran, foreign policy alignment and the consequences

This week Sitrep takes an in-depth look at the Iran-US crisis, Was it a bad decision by the United States?  Should the UK's foreign policy should be aligned so closely with America's? How have Europe & Russia reacted to the rising tensions? And where does this leave British and American troops based in Iraq and what are the longer-term consequences for the Middle East? That’s all in this week’s Sitrep with James Hirst and Christopher Lee   Follow us @bfbssitrep
1/9/202028 minutes, 24 seconds
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Real Cold War Spies: BRIXMIS

BRIXMIS was a unit of the British Army set up at the end of the Second World War as part of a liaison mission between the wartime allies: Britain, France, America, and The Soviet Union. BRIXMIS stands for the 'British Commander-in-Chief’s Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany'. However, BRIXMIS rapidly became, in common with United States (USMLM) and French Allied Military Liaison Missions (FMLM), something quite different. In this special edition of Sitrep, BFBS reporter Rosie Laydon tells Kate Gerbeau how she took former BRIXMIS operative Dave Butler back to Germany, where he spied on Soviet troops at the height of the cold war.  As well as Dave, Rosie spoke to other former spies from Britain, the US and the former Soviet Union, who all have dramatic tales of espionage in plain sight. Want more? To read Dave's story in his own words and see photos from the time: To see the Forces TV documentary: You can hear more stories about the British Forces every week by  subscribing to Sitrep.  New Episodes are released on Thursdays. Follow us:
1/2/202033 minutes, 40 seconds
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Sitrep 2019 Review of the Year

So what’s the state of British Defence as 2019 draws to a close?  That’s the question being asked on Sitrep this week as Britain’s newly elected government goes to work. In an extended programme, Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee will be joined by a panel of experts to assess current and future security threats to the UK and NATO. They’ll also be looking ahead to Brexit, the US Presidential election and the security issues surrounding climate change. Follow us @bfbssitrep
12/19/201956 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Afghan Papers, Russian-Ukraine cease fire and protecting fish.

Did major allies fail to tell the truth about the state of the war in Afghanistan?  The former ambassador to Afghanistan, Sir William Patey, gives us his unique perspective. Russia and Ukraine talk peace, but is President Putin listening? Jonathan Eyal ,International Director at the Royal United Services Institute, discusses the ceasefire. BFBS Reporter Rebecca Ricks has a special report from Portsmouth looking at how the Royal Navy fishery protection.  And cricket returns to Pakistan, but why is it so important?  Cricket commentator, Guy Swindles explains. Follow us @bfbssitrep
12/12/201929 minutes, 43 seconds
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RBL manifesto, Libya and NATO's big birthday

The Royal British Legion has  launched its own manifesto asking what’s in the general election for service people and veterans? Happy Birthday NATO, but not everyone’s celebrating. And why is NATO still obsessed with the threat from Russia but forgetting all about Libya? Follow us @bfbssitrep
12/5/201929 minutes, 18 seconds
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Russian military advantage, election manifestos and defence in 2020s

As Nato celebrates its 70th birthday, Sitrep looks ahead to next week’s summit hosted in the UK with Elizabeth Braw from the Royal United Services Institute, Professor Scott Lucas from the University of Birmingham, and former director general of RUSI, Professor Michael Clarke. A new report says that Russia could ‘outgun’ the UK on the battlefield, Professor Michael Clarke looks at the evidence. The Tories and SNP launched their election manifestos this week, but with two weeks to go, who will get your vote for defence?  BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee looks at the details. And a fascinating new book  "Tipping Point, Britain, Brexit and security in the 2020s" by Michael Clarke and Helen Ramscar looks at Britain and its security strengths and weaknesses in the 2020s. Follow us @bfbssitrep
11/28/201929 minutes, 27 seconds
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Duke of York quits, defence in the election and M talks.

The Duke of York steps down from public duties, but what does it mean for his military roles?  BFBS reporter Claire Sadler and royal historian Christopher Lee look back on his military career and achievements. Chris Curtis, the Political Research Manager at YouGov, tells us how defence and security rate as an issue for voters ahead of the General Election. And we find out what Labour,  the Lib Dems and the Green Party are they saying about defence as they launch their manifestos. In a rare interview, the head of MI6 speaks about his life in the Service and how the world of espionage is changing.  He spoke to Sky’s Defence Correspondent, Alistair Bunkall. Follow us @bfbssitrep
11/21/201929 minutes, 13 seconds
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NATOs 'brain dead', election defence themes and RIP Lord Bramall

Why does French President Emmanuel Macron think NATO is suffering brain death and that Europe should be more powerful?  Find out what the two main party leaders are saying about the main defence and security issues on the campaign trail.  We talk to The Times' defence correspondent Lucy Fisher. And, remembering Lord Bramall -  looking back at a long & distinguished military career from D-Day to Hong Kong and the Falklands War.   Follow us @bfbssitrep
11/14/201929 minutes, 27 seconds
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Russian political interference, Fallon retires and 30 years since the Wall fell

Jonathan Eyal, International Director at the Royal United Services Institute, explains why a report into Russian interference with British politics hasn’t been published.   Sitrep talks to the former Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon as he steps down from political life.   It’s 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Sitrep hears from former British Army spy Dave Butler who worked on the BRIXMIS mission which spied on Soviet military activities in East Germany.   Plus – BFBS presenter Jamie Gordon gives his account of broadcasting from Berlin during one of the most iconic moments of the 20th Century Twitter @bfbssitrep
11/7/201929 minutes, 19 seconds
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Al Baghdadi is killed, defence election issues and have we reached Tipping Point

For years he’s been the world’s most wanted terrorist. Now Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead. In this week’s Sitrep, we examine the implications of the death of the IS leader, and what’s likely to happen next with Fawaz Gerges, professor of international relations at the London School of Economics and Professor Michael Clarke, former director-general of the Royal United Services Institute. After months of political deadlock, Britain is set for a pre-Christmas election. The Times' political Correspondent, Lucy Fisher, looks at whether defence issues will get a mention in a campaign likely to be dominated by Brexit. Professor Michael Clarke has written a new book how Brexit is creating a new world of security challenges And a former Army officer explains how he helped track down one of the suspects in the Sergei Skripal poisoning, and explains how much vital intelligence is just out there, waiting to be discovered.   Find us @bfbssitrep
10/31/201929 minutes, 34 seconds
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Climate change protests, a press blackout down under and issues for the Royal Navy

People all over the world are taking to the streets in protest against their governments for different reasons.  Professor Paul Rogers from the University of Bradford explains why this is happening now and what it could mean for the future. President Trump is pulling America out of the Paris climate change agreement. Paul Osbourne explains what the Australian newspaper black-out has to do with defence. Why the Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has concerns about the Royal Navy fleet. And military thinking outside the box with The Wavell Room. Join the debate on Twitter @bfbssitrep
10/24/201929 minutes, 19 seconds
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The fallout as US leaves Syria, new head of veteran' affairs and a royal visit in Pakistan

President Donald Trump says the crisis which has followed the withdrawal of US troops from Syria is not America's fight.  As Russian forces appear to fill the void left we talk to Mary Dejevsky about why this is a good and bad situation for President Putin.  Simon Marks gives us the low down on the Republican vote, supported by some Democrats, condemning Trump's decision on Syria and the increasingly incendiary rhetoric. We talk to Pakistan's High Commissioner in London about the Royal visit to his country. As David Richmond is announced as head of the newly created Office for Veterans' Affairs, Johnny Mercer explains its remit, funding and long term ambitions. Follow us @bfbssitrep  
10/17/201929 minutes, 25 seconds
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Turkey bombs Syria, will the US withdraw from Open Skies and protection for veterans

Turkish forces are stepping up air strikes and a ground offensive, as their incursion in Kurdish-held areas of northern Syria continues. It follows the withdrawal of US troops, who fought alongside Kurdish forces in north-east Syria against so-called Islamic State.  Former soldier and Isle of Wight MP Bob Seely joins us along with former US intelligence officer Michael Pregent. The American press are suggesting President Trump is about to bin yet another east west treaty. It's called the Open Skies treaty and it says Russians and Americans should be able to fly over and look over each other's territory and so lesson the chances of building undeclared weapons. Jonathan Eyal joins us. Pressure mounts on the Prime Minister to announce a Bill protecting veterans of Northern Ireland in the Queen’s Speech. Lord Dannatt, ex Army chief, and Michael Fallon, former defence sec, are among those who have written to The Times.  We speak to the paper's defence correspondent Lucy Fisher. Join the conversation on Twitter @bfbssitrep
10/9/201929 minutes, 10 seconds
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Hong Kong violence continues, will Brexit involve the forces and a new US military boss

An RAF pilot has been selected to join Virgin Orbit's small satellite launch programme on secondment Brexit is four weeks away, so what preparations are being made for any potential civil disobedience and will the military be involved?  Hiding in plain sight Exercise Iron Viper challenges the art of camouflage in an urban environment. As the violence in Hong Kong gets worse we speak to Professor Steve Tsang from SOAS at the University of London on what happens next.  The US has a new top military officer, General Mark Milley takes over as the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  And why is Sweden’s Navy HQ returning to a vast underground fortress designed to withstand a nuclear attack   Follow us on Twitter @bfbssitrep
10/2/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Can climate change lead to conflict, exclusive access to a sniper course and soldiers jumping ship!

We are joined by Professors Paul Rogers and Michael Clarke to talk the constitution, law and the military after this week's Supreme Court decision.   Can climate change send us to war? Forces News has been given exclusive access to a sniper course and Amy Wiltshire has been speaking to one of the them about their job. And soldiers jumping ship to join the Royal Navy. Follow us on twitter @bfbssitrep
9/26/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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The PM praises the military, paratroopers were racially harassed and the second carrier starts sea trials

Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has praised the military at a Downing Street reception for the Armed Forces. The Iran/Saudi stand off continues but what does this mean for the US we hear from experts Dan Plesch and Mike Evans.  Two former paratroopers who took the Ministry of Defence to a tribunal were subject to "highly offensive" racial harassment, an employment judge has ruled.  Why is this still happening in the Army? And Britain's second aircraft carrier, HMS Prince of Wales begins sea trials. Follow us on Twitter @bfbssitrep  
9/19/201929 minutes, 46 seconds
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The new Type 31 building contract announced, more violence in Northern Ireland and Bolton gets the boot

This week the First Sea Lord is at DSEI as the MOD announce Babcock will build the new Type 31 frigates. Police chiefs in Northern Ireland say a bomb in Londonderry was built with the aim of killing police officers.  We talk to the Chair of the Police Federation of Northern Ireland Mark Lindsay. We are joined by Dr Karin Von Hippel, the Director General of RUSI to talk about the sacking of the US National Security Advisor John Bolton and Fawaz Gerges explains what it means for American foreign policy. Chris Ryan, the former SAS soldier turned author has a new book out called Black Ops.  It's firmly based on his knowledge of how the regiment operates, so what's life like as member of the elite unit in today's trouble times?  Follow us on Twitter @bfbssitrep
9/10/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Does the UK need a National Security Adviser, Taliban piece talks and a shortage in aircrew training

This week we are joined by Dr Julian Lewis, Chair of the Commons Defence Committee to discuss defence spending and why the UK needs a full time National Security Adviser. Christina Lamb, chief foreign correspondent for the Sunday Times talks about the Taliban peace talks and whether they will bring long term peace to Afghanistan. We're tracking the Adrian Darya 1.  The oil tanker that was seized by Royal Marines off Gibraltar back in July has been hanging around in the Eastern Mediterranean  - what is it waiting for? Paul Beaver is an aviation expert and we talk to him about the National Audit Office report suggesting military aircrew training is coming up short. And we remember the start of the Second World War, 80 years ago this week. Follow us on twitter: @bfbssitrep
9/5/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep August 29th 2019

The Prime Minister's decision to temporarily suspend parliament and have a new Queen's Speech means the Chancellor is planning his spending.  Defence analysts Francis Tusa and Professor Michael Clarke discuss whether defence could lose out. We track the Iranian tanker formerly known as Grace 1.  It's now called Adrian Darya 1 and is trying to find somewhere to refuel in the eastern Mediterranean, but this is more than a story about a ship as Professor Michael Clarke explains. What happens at BATUS, the British Army's training unit on the prairie in Canada? Our reporter Sian Grzeszczyk talks to BATUS Commander Colonel Mark Ellwood. And Churchill established his war rooms in a bunker beneath Whitehall 80 years ago this week. Imperial War Museum Curator James Taylor has some stories from that time. Presented by James Hirst with Christopher Lee.
8/29/201929 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep August 22nd 2019

Talks between the US and the Taliban on a peace deal in Afghanistan are said to be close to completion — with the White House keen to get American troops home before Donald Trump seeks re-election next year. We hear from a correspondent who’s been talking to the Taliban’s chief negotiator in Qatar. The latest figures on UK military personnel numbers again show the forces are under their target strength. But the Chief of the Defence Staff has claimed that doesn’t matter, in an age of autonomous and unmanned equipment. We’ll ask whether he’s right. Donald Trump and Boris Johnson head to the G7 summit this weekend, and the tension with Iran is likely to dominate — we’ll look ahead. And we’ll ask why Donald Trump was so keen to buy Greenland, and so offended when his bizarre suggested was rejected out of hand.
8/22/201929 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep August 15th 2019

On the 14th August 1969 the British Army deployed to Northern Ireland in response to sectarian riots on the streets of Londonderry and Belfast.  Op Banner, as the Army came to call it, was the longest ever continuous operational deployment of troops in the history of the British Armed Forces. In this programme, 50 years on, you'll hear from: Ben Wallace, the Secretary of State for Defence.  General Sir Mike Jackson who served as a Captain with the 1st Battalion of the Parachute Regiment in Londonderry on Bloody Sunday and went on to become Chief of the General Staff. Baron Caine, a former government advisor to the Northern Ireland Office. Richard White, a former Royal Marine who served in Northern Ireland. Presented by James Hirst with Christopher Lee 
8/15/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep August 8th 2019

American and Taliban negotiators have agreed the war in Afghanistan must end, but will it? Could the tensions in Kashmir really lead to a nuclear war? We hear from Uganda where Royal Marines are training soldiers for peacekeeping. How cyber crime is funding North Korean missile tests. And here's an idea - National Service for cyber defence
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Sitrep August 1st 2019

Please also plug listen again/podcast   In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee… The UN hears pleas to intervene in Syria, but why the is the west is seemingly so reluctant to intervene? As Britain’s stand-off with Iran continues, is there a diplomatic way to end it?  One week into Boris Johnson’s premiership, what have we learned about his commitment to the forces? And are the repeated comparisons to Winston Churchill really justified? Plus, as an American teenager wins $3-million playing the video game Fortnite, how the military views gamers as a potential source of new recruits PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
8/1/201929 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep July 25 2019

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee… We have a new Prime Minister and now a new Defence Secretary, so who is Ben Wallace? The UK wants to put together a European-led maritime protection mission in the Gulf – but what ships are needed and how will it work? Britain is going to deploy troops to Mali in Africa, but what will they be doing? And Sitrep’s summer reading list:  delve deep into military history and foreign affairs with Sitrep’s reading list. PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/25/201929 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep 18th July 2019

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee…
7/18/201929 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep 11th July 2019

Royal Navy frigate, HMS Montrose has intercepted three Iranian vessels that were trying to block the path of a British oil tanker in the Gulf.  RUSI Director General Dr Karin von Hippel explains what's going on. The British Ambassador to Washington has resigned after his diplomatic cables were leaked.  What does this mean for future intelligence co-operation between the US and UK? Our reporter Claire Sadler has been to see what British Troops in South Sudan are doing for the United Nations mission there. We talk to Lieutenant General Tim Radford who is leaving his role as Commander of NATO's Allied Rapid Reaction Corps to become Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe. And why the RAF Benevolent Fund is trying to find veteran airmen and women who've fallen "Off the Radar". Presented by Kate Gerbeau with BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.
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Sitrep July 4th 2019

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee… The controversy surrounding the Royal Marines capturing an oil tanker off Gibraltar. Hong Kong riots - has the UK gone too far in condemning China? Putin says it's time the West changed its liberal ideas. The British Ambassador to the United Nations who wanted to be a fighter pilot. And why Trump won't let the generals rain on his parade.
7/4/201929 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep 27th June 2019

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee…
6/27/201929 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep 20th June 2019

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee…
6/20/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep 13th June 2019

13th June 2019 This week on Sitrep: No more street-fighting. The RAF tracks down IS to the Iraqi mountains.  Air Commodore Justin Reuter talks to Simon Newton Why two oil tankers were on fire in the Gulf. Pressure builds in Sudan.  Michelle Gavin, senior fellow for Africa Studies at the Council for Foreign Relations says the country is on a knife edge. British Forces lead Exercise Baltic Protector. And what do the Tory Leader hopefuls think about Defence?  Robert Fox from the London Evening Standard has the low-down. Sitrep is presented by Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee.  
6/14/201930 minutes
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Sitrep June 6th 2019

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee…
6/6/201930 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sitrep May 30th 2019

In Sitrep with James Hirst and Christopher Lee…   As Theresa May prepares to step down — what will her legacy be on defence? We hear from one expert who thinks she was never that interested in the forces, and find out which of the candidates vying to replace her has the best defence pedigree.   Before she resigns, Mrs May has to host Donald Trump on his state visit to the UK next week — we head to Washington to find out what’s likely to be on the agenda.   Fierce fighting resumes in Syria, as government and Russian forces try to wipe out the last remaining rebel stronghold. We’ll ask why the west appears to have stopped paying attention.   And ahead of events next week to mark the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings, we hear one veteran’s story from the 6th of June 1944.   Guests include: Lucy Fisher, Defence Correspondent of The Times Professor Michael Clarke, former director of RUSI and Professor Paul Rogers, Dept of Peace Studies, University of Bradford.  
5/30/20192 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sitrep Thursday 23rd May

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee… Why did the Carrier’s Captain have to leave his ship?  Is Turkey hungry for war with Cyprus? Should Britain hand back the Chagos (PRO: Chay-gos) Islands? What are the modern day challenges of UN Peacekeeping operations? And the essence of being a soldier – the warrant officer’s speech that’s a must-watch for MoD recruiters.
5/23/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep Thursday 16th May

Former Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Dannatt welcomes the Defence Secretary's plans to examine the way historical allegations are handled. Tensions rise between the Iran and the United States but are they heading towards confrontation? Professor Joshua Landis from the University of Oklahoma explains what's happening and Michael Evans, former Pentagon Correspondent for The Times talks about the mixed messages from the US and UK on the threat level. US General Michael Garrett explains the how his men will fight in the future. And the Eurovision Song Contest is taking place in Israel.  Paul "Dr Eurovision" Jordan talks about the politics surrounding this non-political event
5/16/201929 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep May 9th 2019

Why MP Johnny Mercer has withdrawn support for the government over historical allegations in Northern Ireland.   Is the special relationship is back on as Pompeo and Hunt have talks in London.   Is Iran a threat to the UK and is Libya being ignored?   And army boxing, why it’s attracting an online audience.  
5/10/201929 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep May 2nd 2019

This week on Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee: Gavin Williamson has lost his job as Defence Secretary.  He was sacked by the Prime Minister because she believes he was the source of a leak from the National Security Council. The Chairman of the House of Commons Defence Committee Dr Julian Lewis gives his views on Williamson, the new woman in the job Penny Mordaunt and Huawei. He's joined by Professor Anthony Glees from the University of Buckingham. And Professor Eric Grove talks discusses the growing naval strength of China and Japan.   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.  
5/2/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep April 25th 2019

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee…
4/25/201929 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep April 18th 2019

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee…   How will Britain stand in NATO after Brexit? And will NATO get involved in Libya? Why Trump's veto means the US will continue to back the Saudis in Yemen. And mine hunting in the Arabian Gulf with the Royal Navy's oldest ship.   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.  
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Sitrep April 11th 2019

Presented by Kate Gerbeau with Christopher Lee.
4/11/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep April 4th 2019

4/5/201929 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep March 28th 2019

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee - Is India now a super-power? How London and Moscow are trying to improve relations. Plus, why do people leave the armed forces?  And what should the Mod do to increase retention And, how one part of Brexit IS happening on time tomorrow.
3/28/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep March 21st 2019

3/21/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep March 14th 2019

3/15/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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7th March 2019: International Women’s Day Special

This week on Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee: It's 2019 and if you're a woman, you can now apply to do every single job in the British Armed Forces. We celebrate International Women's Day by hearing from some of the top female voices in defence, including: Dr Karin Von Hippel, Director General of the Royal United Services Institute. Colonel Lucy Giles, President of the Army Selection Board. Madeleine Moon MP, a long-serving member of the House of Commons Defence Committee who says the Ministry of Defence isn't doing enough to recruit more women. Commodore Ellie Ablett MBE, who founded the Naval Servicewomen's Network. Maria Stuttaford who has been studying the impact of the unpaid work done by military wives. And Sarah Brown, Chair of Theirworld and wife of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown talks about a forgotten casualty of war; the education of girls.  
3/7/201929 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sitrep February 28th 2019

28th February This week on Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee: President Trump and Kim Jong-un have said no deal this time on nuclear warheads.  We hear from Professor Robert Kelly of Pusan University in South Korea and Professor Michael Stathis from the University of Southern Utah in the USA. Why has nobody managed to find a solution to the conflict over Kashmir?  Dr Dan Plesch from SOAS at the University of London explains. The UN's highest court says Britain should end its control of the Chagos Islands, but what about Diego Garcia where the US keeps its B-52 Bombers? Officer cadets at Sandhurst are trained by the Red Cross.  It's to teach them how to work with humanitarian agencies in conflict zones. Retired Brigadier Ian McLoed has worked for the ICRC for 20 years and explains why this is so important. And the former soldier who says his optician refused to make a note of his military service on his medical records.  We hear from Hugh Milroy the CEO of Veterans Aid about the confusion over the Armed Forces Covenant.
2/28/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep February 21st 2019

21st February This week on Sitrep with Tim Cooper and Christopher Lee: Putin has told Moscow's federal assembly that Russia will deploy new weapons and aim them at the west if the US deploys new short and medium-range missiles in Europe.  So what's Putin's game?  We hear from RUSI's Professor Mark Galleotti and writer on Russian affairs Mary Dejevsky. Simon Marks reports from Washington on President Trump's plans to give US nuclear powered technology to Saudi Arabia, a sworn enemy of Israel.  Professor Paul Rogers from the University of Bradford explains what this could mean. The UK's signed a new military pact with Oman which will allow Royal Navy ships and submarines to dock in a new port being built there, putting British "East of Suez" plans into action. And we mark LGBTQ History Month with a look ahead to next week's special programmes on Forces Radio BFBS including an interview with Caroline Paige, the first transgender officer to serve openly in the British Armed Forces.
2/21/201930 minutes
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Sitrep February 14th 2019

This week on Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee: Professor Michael Clarke from the new counter-terrorist think tank Co-Jit UK explains why British Intelligence Officers might like to speak to the IS bride who wants to come to the UK. Forces News reporter Laura Mackin-Isherwood reports from the NATO defence ministers meeting in Brussels. The London Evening Standard's Defence Editor Robert Fox gives his take on the Defence Secretary's "Paper Tiger" speech. Naval Historian Professor Eric Grove explains why the Defence Secretary wants to send HMS Queen Elizabeth to the South China Sea.  Dr Julian Lewis talks about his concerns about French involvement in the production of the Type 26 frigate. And Christopher Lee has a soppy story about Valentine's Day!
2/15/201929 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep February 7th 2019

In (today’s) Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee: Are Islamic State really defeated in Syria or is it wishful thinking by President Trump? The UK hosts the Nato’s 70th summit later this year – is it chance to modernise the alliance? Find out why there are now more Gurkhas joining the British Army than in the past 30 years. And as we wave goodbye to the Tornado, Sitrep looks at how it will compare to other “iconic” RAF aircraft That’s all in  Sitrep, Thurs at 6.30 UK time, or listen to the Podcast at any time. PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
2/7/201929 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep January 31st 2019

This week on Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee: Defence Minister Tobias Ellwood explains why Brexit defence planning is the number one priority at the Ministry of Defence. Professor Paul Rogers explains the INF treaty and why President Trump is warning the US may pull out. The new Commander of British Forces in the Falklands, Brigadier Nick Sawyer, gives his first interview and tells Gini Carlin about his plans to improve training there. RAF Marham is now running on Biofuel - so how does that work? And new details about work carried out by the Pentagon's top secret UFO research programme with former MOD UFO man Nick Pope.
2/1/201930 minutes
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Sitrep Thursday 24th January

What’s behind last weekend’s car bomb in Londonderry?  We speak to Dr Marisa McGlinchey whose forthcoming book "Unfinished Business: The politics of Dissident Irish Republicanism" is out soon.   President Trump and North Korea are planning another summit  - but is North Korea still developing nuclear warheads?  Sitrep looks at the meeting from both the US and North Korean perspective with Robert E Kelly, Professor of Political Science at Pusan University in South Korea and Michael Stathis, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern Utah.   Michael Stathis also comments on the US shutdown and how it’s affecting defence and security.   And Glynn Prysor from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission talks to us about memorials and why they get vandalised.
1/24/201930 minutes
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Sitrep January 17th 2019

17th January edition  What would a no-deal Brexit mean for defence?   Why France and Germany are strengthening their defence and foreign policies with a new Treaty.   The US Shutdown - how does it affect US Defence?    Plus what’s the Royal Navy up to in the South China Seas and what was the SAS man doing at a Nairobi Hotel?
1/24/201930 minutes
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Sitrep January 10th 2019

It's out with the old and in with the new for the RAF.  The F-35s are deployment ready while the Tornadoes are being prepared to retire, Aviation Expert Paul Beaver explains the significance. We speak to Christina Lamb, the Sunday Times Chief Foreign Correspondent, who was recently in South Sudan, about how British soldiers intervened to stop the repeated rape of a group of women there. What will Turkey do if the US withdraws its forces from Syria? Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace studies at the University of Bradford, explains the impact on the region. And after Captain Louis Rudd’s successful solo Antarctic trek, Sitrep asks Colonel Neil Wilson, Commander of the Army’s Adventurous Training Group, why adventurous training is so important for the forces. We also have a tribute to Lord Ashdown. Did you enjoy the programme?  We’d love it if you left us a review!  Follow us on Twitter: @BFBSSitrep
1/10/201929 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep Review of the Year 2018

Sitrep looks at the highs and lows of 2018   From the Novichok poisoning in Salisbury to President Trump’s historic talks with North Korea’s leader.   The RAF celebrated 100 years, the Royal Navy put its new Carrier to sea and we remembered the fallen of first World War in the centenary of the Armistice   Plus: will the Modernising Defence Programme deliver what it promises?   And what’s in store for 2019?  – How will Brexit change British and European Security?  And what other global threats might our Armed Forces face?   GUESTS General The Lord Dannatt, former CGS Professor Michael Clarke, defence analyst Dr Julian Lewis, Chair of the HoC Defence Select Committee Dr Karin von Hippel, Director General of RUSI Christopher Lee, BFBS' defence analyst     ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.15 UKT)   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:00pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
12/21/20181 hour
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Sitrep December 13th 2018

In this week’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee…   In today’s programme Sitrep hears from the Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson, and General Sir Nick Carter,  the Chief of the defence staff  who is rated by many as one of the best modernisers in the army   The carnage in Yemen - is there a chance to bring some hope to more than a hundred thousand people made homeless and starving as a result of this war?   Why the Afghan interpreters for the British Army fear that they or their families may be killed if the UK sends them back home   And has the navy scooped the PR opportunity of the year?  Find out, in today’s Sitrep
12/13/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 6th 2018

In this week’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee… Should we be banning one of China’s biggest telecoms firms from involvement in Britain’s next-generation mobile networks? The head of MI6 is asking that question, and many of Britain’s global security partners have already taken action – should the UK follow suit? As Russia threatens to escalate missile production – are we heading into a new Cold War era? Could climate change create a security crisis triggering a military response? Plus the ethic of autonomous weapons – as the Army tests a potential killer robot. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.15 UKT) PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
12/6/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 29th 2018

The defence secretary, Gavin Williamson speaks to Sitrep about Ukraine, the Navy and Brexit   Will NATO get involved as tensions rise between Russia and Ukraine?   The new F35s have been on exercise off the North Sea….   And, a pocket guide to UK defence, all you need to know in a nutshell.  
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Sitrep November 22nd 2018

In this week’s episode with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee…. Has the Matthew Hedges’ case made for tricky relations between Britain and the UAE?    Is it time to ditch the Russian-American missile treaties and start again? It’s Thanksgiving in America but is it a bad time to say thank you? And the Armed Forces Covenant - what has it done for you?   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook Thursdays (15.15 GMT)   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
11/22/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 15th 2018

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee….. Brexit – what happens to the military?  Is the Defence Budget threatened and what about NATO? Does Britain still have influence in the Middle East and has the US lost its global military edge ? Plus - how does the MoD monitor big defence contracts? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.15 UKT) PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
11/15/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 08th 2018

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee…..   A boost to improve care for veterans, but why has it taken so long?   America's top thinking General tell us what's wrong with leadership.   The US mid-term elections, who are the winners and losers?   And, as we look towards the centenary of the Armistice on Sunday - Dan Snow looks back on 100 years of PTSD and …are we getting remembrance right?   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.30 UKT)   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
11/8/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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SITREP TRAIL THURS, 1st November 2018 *JAMES HIRST presents today*

Do millennials understand the Armed Forces? Defence gets a million in the budget – or does it? Plus - war games in the snow and the sand And – what is modern deterrence? Find out in today’s Sitrep with James Hirst and Christopher Lee   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.30 UKT)   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
11/1/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 25th 2018

In today’s Sitrep with James Hirst and Christopher Lee….. As the US prepares to walk away from a nuclear pact with Russia — should we be worried? A Brexit deal’s agreed for Gibraltar — but what if there’s no deal? Plus the continuing political row over the treatment of veterans of the conflict in Northern Ireland, and we’re in Australia with And a special report from the Invictus Games in Australia, hearing from some of those taking part, and some of their supporters...   Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.30 UKT) PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
10/25/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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SITREP TRAIL THURS, 11th October 2018 *Kate Gerbeau presents today*

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau   The bungling Russians spies – and President Putin’s political war on the West,   There’s recruitment problems in both Britain and America.   Why far-right extremism likes a man in uniform.   And the new documentary bringing colour and sound to film footage of the first world war.   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.30 UKT)   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
10/11/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 4th 2018

In this episode with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee… Britain accuses Russia of cyber-attacks.  We hear from Sky’s defence correspondent Alistair Bunkall in The Hague plus analysis from Professor Paul Rogers from the university of Bradford. British troops make history by joining in Japanese war games for the first time. We hear from Paul Madden, the British Ambassador to Tokyo. The Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson tells us why he’s sending the Royal Marines back out into the snow. And the human faces behind RAF Drone warfare with the author of Reaper Force, Dr Peter Lee.
10/4/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 27th 2018

In this episode of Sitrep wih Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee:   Has the Salisbury Novichock suspect’s real identity been revealed?   Brexit – could Northern Ireland stay in the EU?  Tommie Gorman from RTE News explains it all.   The Labour Party sets out its foreign policy...James Hirst reports.   President Trump's  “Tweet, Fight, Deal” diplomacy.  Does it actually work?  Kate talk to Sir Jeremy Greenstock who isn’t convinced.   And are you a Hero if you serve in the Armed Forces?
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Sitrep September 20th 2018

In today’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee Is the Syrian war over, and if so - who runs the peace? Why the Taliban are talking peace to an unlikely mediator… Could Russian hackers fix the next general election? And… Flying high at a hundred. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.30 UKT) PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
9/20/201829 minutes, 41 seconds
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Sitrep September 13th 2018

In this week’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee……….. The two Novichok suspects make a public appearance on Russian TV – is Putin playing games with the UK? Why a British General says don’t write of IS…. Why we need a new counter-terrorism organisation. And spy stories from behind the iron curtain from a former SAS soldier. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.30 UKT) PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
9/13/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 06th 2018

In this week’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee………..   Who’s behind the attempt to murder the former Russian spy and is there can Britain do anything to bring them to justice?   The defence committee hears more evidence on historic allegations but is it all too long ago?   How the pen may be mightier than the sword for President Trump.   Plus mental health – your chance to tell the government what you really think.   And find out how you can experience WW11 - in person.   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.30 UKT)   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
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Sitrep August 30th 2018

In this week’s Sitrep with Tim Cooper and Christopher Lee………..   The UK’s new fighter jets, the F35B,  moves one step closer to front-line operations as it successfully completes tests using British made missiles….   Find out why President Macron wants Europe to cosy up to Russia to bolster its security…..   Why RAF Akrotiri’s port in Cyprus may be extended if there’s a no-deal Brexit…   And, how you can help with a new exhibition about the British Forces in Germany ...   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.30 UKT)   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
8/30/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 23rd 2018

8/30/201830 minutes
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Sitrep August 16th 2018

In  this week’s Sitrep with James Hirst and Christopher Lee………..   Why Turkey poses a potential threat to the stability of NATO.   The leaders of north and south Korea have agreed to meet for the third time this year - what’s likely to be on the agenda?   Plus, after an especially violent week in Afghanistan, Sitrep has a special report from Camp Bastion - four years after the last British troops left   And, how can the UK protect itself against the risk of a military threat from the Arctic Circle?   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook  (after 15.30 UKT)   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
8/16/201829 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sitrep August 9th 2018

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 9th August 2018 *James Hirst presents today*   This week's Sitrep looks at how Britain's military could play a big role in the country's post-Brexit future. The Defence Secretary's been talking up Britain's position as a global player in a speech in Washington DC -- but is he making promises the military can afford to keep?   As the US imposes sanctions on Russia over the Salisbury poisoning, relations between Nato and Moscow are under strain over Georgia. Ten years after the brief war between Georgian and Russian forces, thousands of NATO troops are in Georgia for exercises, as the Russians warn of a "terrible conflict" if Georgia ever joins the alliance. Is that ever likely to happen?   Also this week, Sitrep hears from one of the leading figures in the campaign to end investigations into shootings by Army veterans in Northern Ireland, and the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Amiens – find out why it was such an important moment in World War 1.
8/9/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 2nd 2018

In this episode presented by Tim Cooper… The Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson started the week in Kenya where agreements are being drawn up for Army training to continue there.  As well as meeting troops and their families at BATUK Headquarters in Kenya, he met the men and women running UK funded courses to prevent sexual violence in war. We have a report from Laura Makin-Isherwood. Also… The Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson says he has the best job in Whitehall – is he right? As MPs pack their cases for their summer holidays, we look at the outstanding defence issues they’ve put on hold with Editor of Defense Analysis Francis Tusa. The war of words between Trump and Iran’s President Rouhani – we’re joined by Professor Wyn Bowen who is Head of the School of Security Studies at King's College London. And we talk about the remains of US soldiers brought back to the United States 70 years after the war in Korea.
8/2/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 26th 2018

On this week's Sitrep, there’s reaction to the decision to close RAF Scampton, the Red Arrows' home in Lincolnshire.   It was announced on the same day as a pay rise for the armed forces -- but it's still not clear how that's going to be paid for.   Does it mean more cuts are on the way?   Plus, how worried should we be about Donald Trump's latest tweetstorm, aimed at Iran?   There’s worrying figures about suicide rates among military veterans ….   And we speak to the woman behind a new exhibition looking at how Britain commemorates its war dead     ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Check out our Facebook video on the Forces News facebook   PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on-line, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/26/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 19 2018

In this episode of Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee we hear from Dr Karin Von Hippel the Director General of RUSI about President’s Trump’s recent visit to Europe.  Did he achieve anything other than international confusion?     Also a statement from the government on the Modernising Defence Programme.  James Hirst explains why it doesn’t say anything we don’t already know.   Why has there been a rise in violence in Northern Ireland?   Ali Gibson takes a look into the future of the RAF at the Farnborough Air Show with a report on future updates to the Eurofighter Typhoon and the virtual reality of The Tempest.   And the Commander of British Forces Germany tells Chris Pearson about British Army infrastructure in Germany after drawdown.   Follow us @bfbsSitrep on Twitter.
7/19/201830 minutes, 6 seconds
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Sitrep July 12th 2018

7/12/201830 minutes, 6 seconds
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Sitrep July 5th 2018

In this episode Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee are joined by Dr Mark Galeotti, senior fellow at the Institute of International Relations in Prague to talk about the latest Novichok incident in Wiltshire.  Will this re-open recent wounds with the Russians?  And also how has the World Cup changed people’s perceptions of Russia.  A PR win for Putin?   Also MP Johnny Mercer is calling for a calmer debate when it comes to defence spending.   The UK’s Defence Budget is under scrutiny by the US ahead of next week’s NATO Summit and we look ahead to President Trump’s visit to the UK with Professor Michael Stathis from the University of Southern Utah.   And finally reporter Ali Gibson explores why members of the Armed Forces Community are more likely to feel socially isolated than the rest of the population.
7/5/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 28th 2018

In this episode with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee it’s all about the money……as Whitehall fights for more funds for defence.  We hear from the new Chief of Defence Staff General Sir Nick Carter.   Do service people get MOD backing when the going gets tough?  We hear from Major Robert Campbell, a retired Royal Engineer is facing an eighth investigation into alleged war crimes in Iraq for which he has previously been cleared. Also, Kate speaks to Dr Helen Durham who is Director of International Law and Policy at the International Committee of the Red Cross about how the organisation is trying to stop atrocities in war before they happen.   Kate and Christopher are joined by Professor Paul Rogers from the University of Bradford.
6/28/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 21st 2018

In Sitrep – it’s a big week for defence stories and in today’s Sitrep Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee look at threats to the defence budget. Find out why Number 10’s  in a Grump with Trump over Putin. NATO’s boss praises the UK but does anyone care? Will Brexit black-out Britain's Euro Security pact? And The RAF police the skies over Romania……
6/21/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 14th July 2018

In this episode Kate Gerbeau talks to Matthew Morris who is the UK spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross about the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Yemen.  BFBS defence Analyst Christopher Lee and Professor Michael Clarke formerly of RUSI join the conversation too to discuss the fact that the UK is a major supplier of weapons to Saudi Arabia.   Kate, Christopher and Professor Clarke also discuss the meeting between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and what might happen next.  They also talk about Trump and the G7.   You’ll also hear from reporter Ali Gibson who has been to see the huge NATO training exercise Saber Strike.   Also what happened to the missing Royal Marine Allan Addis who disappeared in the Falkland Islands nearly 38 years ago?  The Forces TV team have been investigating the case for a new documentary.   Follow us on Twitter @BFBSSitrep
6/14/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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SITREP 7th June 2018

In this episode with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee:   NATO - the countdown’s on for the July summit meeting. This week defence ministers meet to plan how to strengthen the alliance’s military forces.  We talk to RUSI’s International Director Jonathan Eyal about this as well as President’s Putin’s plans to entertain Kim Jong Un in Moscow.   The first operational American built F35's for the RAF have arrived in the UK – but can the UK afford all 138?  Aviation Analyst Paul Beaver has a view.   Amnesty International has asked Britain to “come clean” about its role in the deaths of hundreds of civilians during last year’s campaign to liberate the Syrian City of Raqqa. We hear from Chris Woods from Airwars about who’s keeping count.   And finally the outgoing Chief of Defence Staff says fitness and medicals shouldn’t matter when recruiting the military’s new cyber warriors.   Follow us on Twitter @BFBSSitrep
6/7/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 31st May 2018

On again, off again -- will the US/North Korea summit actually happen? After Donald Trump abruptly cancelled the talks, now it seems they're back on -- Sitrep assess the likely next moves. Plus the mysterious case of the Russian journalist who came back from the dead. The latest campaign on behalf of Britain's nuclear test veterans, as officials face calls to apologise. Six months into the job - how is Gavin Williamson doing? And, we hear from the Sergeant-Major who wants to spend more time listening to soldiers. PROGRAMME TX THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
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Sitrep May 24th 2018

In this episode ….Why is morale so low in the Royal Marines? The MOD announces Sea Ceptor, the Navy’s new supersonic missile defence system has officially entered service. There’s a new way of recruiting for MI6….with TV ads. War is Fun – really?  Dr Mike Martin addresses the sometimes uncomfortable psychology of war. Elisabeth Braw non-resident senior fellow at The Atlantic Council explains why the Swedish government is telling the population to prepare for disaster, terrorism and even war.
5/24/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 17th May 2018

The North Korean summit – has Trump underestimated the Koreans?  We hear from Professor Robert E Kelly from the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Pusan University in South Korea.   Are British pilots flying in a military muddle in the middle east?  We hear the realities of Operation Shader from Air Vice-Marshall Johnny Stringer as he briefs MPs   Back to Bosnia - why a former army officer turned GP, Dr Jonathan Leach has returned to Srebrenica.   Why the story of the Damnbusters Raid still has legendary status 75 years on - Steve Darlow, Ambassador for the RAF Benevolent Fund as well as a bomber command historian and author explains.   Why the military stands guard over the Royal wedding and which uniform will Prince Harry wear?
5/17/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 10th 2018

This week’s episode looks at the mounting tensions in the Middle East after President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement.  Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee talk to Professor Rosemary Hollis from City University, London, Emeritis Professor Colin Schindler from SOAS, University of London and Professor Paul Rogers from the University of Bradford.   The Chief Executive of Save the Children, Kevin Watkins explains why the UK should become a global leader in protecting civilians in armed conflict.   HM Naval Base Clyde celebrates its 50th anniversary. We hear from the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Philip Jones.   The military historian Antony Beevor talks about his latest book: Arnhem, The Battle of the Bridges 1944   And what’s the story behind the man who is the new Head of the Army? Lt General Mark Carleton Smith.
5/17/201830 minutes
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Sitrep May 3rd 2018

In this week’s episode:   Forces News Reporter Ali Gibson speaks to the Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson at the end of Exercise Joint Warrior.   Civilian casualties in Iraq and Syria – who keeps count?  Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee discuss with Hamit Dardagan who is co-founder of Iraq Body Count and the charity Every Casualty Worldwide.   NATO is neglecting its navies whilst Russia is rebuilding its Fleet according to Professor Peter Roberts from RUSI.   And, why is Trump so against the Iran nuclear agreement?  Professor Michael Stathis joins us from the University of Southern Utah.  
5/3/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 26th 2018

In this episode with Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee:   Professor Scott Lucas from the University of Birmingham explains the Iran Nuclear deal and why President Trump wants to get rid of it.   Dr Ghanem Tayara from UOSSM talks about the Syrian government’s intimidation of doctors in Douma.   What’s on the agenda for the historic North & South Korea meeting tomorrow?  Dr Hazel Smith from the Centre for Korean Studies at SOAS has her analysis.   And the Government launches a new Veterans Unit – but are they doing enough to support our former service men and women Kate speaks to Defence Minister Tobias Ellwood and Matthew Seward from the Royal British Legion.
4/26/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 19th 2018

In this episode Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee will be talking about Syria and chemical weapons – what can the OPCW actually achieve in Douma?  They talk to Dr Patricia Lewis, Research Director at Chatham House   Also…North Korea, Andrea Berger, Senior Research Associate at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey gives her thoughts on planned talks between the US President and the North Korean leader.  Is Donald Trump seeking a noble peace prize through diplomacy?   Ali Gibson reports from the RAF 100 celebrations over in the USA.   And a new study reveals how hard it is for armed forces veterans to use the benefits system.
4/19/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 12th 2018

Could Britain be about to go to war in Syria after the weekend’s suspected chemical weapons attack in Douma.   If that’s the case, the Sitrep team ask what would be the main aim of conflict?   If British forces take part - what will they be asked to do?  And will this be an open ended commitment?   Also this episode – Could Russia respond to any attack on Syria by using Cyber warfare and if so is Britain ready to deal with a category one attack.   Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee are joined by Professor Michael Clarke formerly the Director General of The Royal United Services Insitute, Hamish de Bretton Gordon the chemical weapons expert and former army officer and Simon Marks from Feature Story News in Washington
4/12/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 5th 2018

In this episode of Sitrep with Tim Cooper and Christopher Lee:   Professor Paul Rogers from the University of Bradford talks about Russia and the Salisbury Novichok attack – was the PM given the wrong information or has she created a new "dirty dossier"?   Elisabeth Braw from the Atlantic Council explains why the Swedes are getting good at fighting off Russian propaganda.   The head of Europol Rob Wainwright tells us about his cyber-warfare worries.   Rear Admiral (retired) Chris Parry tells us why the Royal Navy surface fleet “isn’t fit for purpose”.
4/5/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 29th 2018

In this episode hosted by Tim Cooper with BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee we mark the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland.  Tim talks to Major General Julian Thompson, a former Royal Marine who commanded troops in South Armagh in 1976.  You’ll hear what it was like at the height of the troubles and why the agreement could be affected by Brexit. Also…  Salisbury attack: Alexander Nekrassov, a former advisor to the Kremlin has some strong opinions about the Salisbury Novichok poisoning.  One year till Brexit: Defence writer Sebastian Schulte gives the German view of Britain’s European defence and security relationships. New Chief of Defence Staff:  General Sir Nick Carter has been appointed, but what’s he like? And The RAF celebrates 100 years in the sky….hear some classic RAF aircraft sounds! Subscribe and you’ll never miss an episode.
3/29/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 22nd March 2018

  Why is the Government so sure the Novichok (pro: Novee- chock) chemical came from Russia?   As we commemorate those killed in the Westminster attack a year ago – Sitrep asks the experts how they think the general public should respond to a terrorist attack?   Could what facebook knows about you send your country to war?   And…. Finally, the Type 45 destroyers are getting an engine refit……….   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
3/23/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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SITREP 15th March 2018

As Britain enters a new, difficult relationship with Russia –how will it hurt Moscow?  And who is on the UK’s side?   There’s a new Secretary of State for President Trump – how will U S policy affect the UK?   And the House of Commons Defence Committee, does the MoD listen to its criticism?   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.  
3/15/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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SITREP 22nd February 2018

Today on Sitrep:   Why the Kuwaitis want a greater British military presence in their country. There’s a look at Britain’s foreign policy in the region with LibDem Defence spokesman Lord Campbell.   The Defence Secretary has had his first grilling by committee. Defence Committee Chair Julian Lewis explains how Gavin Williamson got on.   What are the military options in Syria?  with Hamish De Bretton Gordon.   And why is the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the brink of humanitarian disaster?   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases  
2/22/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 18th 2018

Nato’s new command structure – what’s changed and why? In Syria, who’s fighting who? Should the West be worried about China and Russia’s increasing military power? And could the damage to Oxfam’s credibility have a serious impact on the search for peace in a region?  THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
2/15/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 8th January 2018

  In today’s Sitrep programme – Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee examine the potential of a new, long range super-speed missile that can reach a target anywhere in the world within one hour.   Also this week - what’s the true story behind the threat to the Royal Marines and the two ships that float them?   Find out why the British Army has joined the campaign to make 2018 the Year of Engineering.   Plus - the military nurses who fought for votes for women.   And Trump wants a military parade – but will he get one?   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast
2/8/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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In today’s Sitrep programme – Kate Gerbeau and Christopher Lee discuss how a multi-billion pound black hole in the defence budget could affect future spending decisions.   Also this week, Trump delivered his first State of the Union address...are we now seeing a more presidential President?   Plus, the Chief of the Air Staff talks about the RAF's biggest challenges...   And the former Chief of the Defence Staff, Lord Richards, predicts what might be in store for the new CDS.   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
2/1/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 25th 2018

The Government’s Defence Modernisation Programme – what does it mean and what will it do? Drawdown in Germany could be partially reversed, but what does that mean for the Army and European defence? Why the Russian threat is causing concern in the Arctic. Should we be doing more to protect peacekeepers? And, DAVOS – what is it and why is it important? THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
1/25/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep Jan 18 2018

The US Ambassador speaks exclusively to Sitrep about the big issues he’s reporting back to Washington.   Today’s Anglo-French summit will boost defence co-operation, but could Brexit cause the two countries to drift apart?   Is Forces accommodation in crisis?   And, find out why cinema audiences are standing up for Churchill     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.  
1/18/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 11th 2018

1/12/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 4th 2018

What will 2018 have in store for the British Forces? There’s a bleak forecast for defence from a top analyst but is it really all doom and gloom? Find out why some people think the British Army is top heavy. And, who’s in the running to be the new Chief of the Defence Staff? THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
1/4/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 12 21 2017

This week (Today) on Sitrep...   How does the world look at the end of 2017?   What sort of shape are Britain's Armed Forces in?   What does Brexit mean for British and European Security?   What difference has President Trump made to the world?   And why we should all be watching what China does next.   That's Sitrep on Forces Radio BFBS, Thursday 6.30pm.   (Available as a podcast or listen again if you miss it!)
12/21/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 12th 2017

European Defence gets serious but Britain wants to be big in Japan. The Afghan Interpreter who feels he's being treated like a criminal in the UK. Also in the programme – the Royal Navy says goodbye to Atherstone and Quorn What tickles the troops?  Is Forces humour different? And war stories from a seasoned correspondent…..
12/14/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 7th July 2017

The Royal Navy's biggest ever ship joins the fleet.   Is Trump's declaration on Jerusalem the scare-story of the year?   Brexit and the agreement that ended the troubles in Northern Ireland.   And should soldiers be able to tweet freely?   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.  
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Sitrep 30th November 2017

In today’s programme Sitrep hears from the PM who’s been visiting British troops in Iraq. Plus…..Is the international response against North Korea strong enough? Find out why the defence chiefs got a telling off. Beach landings - do we still need an amphibious capability? And that rousing regimental boxing speech – Sitrep hears from the officer that made it. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
12/1/201729 minutes, 43 seconds
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Sitrep November 23rd 2017

Is there a problem with the Type 45 Destroyers? How much will Britain's F35 aircraft programme cost in the long term? It's Thanksgiving today in America - but what, in name of Trump, should Americans be thankful for? And Op Shader -  from the pilot's view in the skies above Iraq. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum).  On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
11/23/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 16th July 2017

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 16th November 2017 (KATE PRESENTS TODAY)   What’s the truth behind the criticisms that the armed forces are close to breaking point without more investment?   What’s going on in Zimbabwe - has Mugabe’s reign finally come to an end   Is Lebanon the new centre for war in the Middle East?   And we pay tribute to one of the first females pilots of the Second World War – Joy Lofthouse.
11/16/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 9th November 2017

Nato agrees to three thousand extra troops for their training mission in Afghanistan – but where will they come from? We feature a special report about British troops training soldiers in war-torn Somalia. What will be the role of Artificial Intelligence in future conflicts? And, what if social media had existed during the First World War?  An insight to a unique project allows us to eavesdrop…….find out more in today’s Sitrep.
11/9/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 2nd November 2017

Sir Michael Fallon has resigned from the top job at the Ministry of Defence..and the former Chief Whip Gavin Williamson will take his place as the new Secretary of State for Defence. Sitrep examines Fallon’s legacy and looks at the issues facing the new defence secretary ahead of a mini defence review & an important NATO meeting. Join Tim Cooper and special guests in a special edition of Sitrep.
11/2/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 12 2017

Can Britain afford to have its own defence industry?   Catalonia seeks independence from Spain but still wants to be in NATO,   Minehunting off the coast of Scotland for Exercise Joint Warrior,   And returning from the hurricanes, RAF Brize Norton welcomes back Op Ruman's air crews.     TOPICS   DEFENCE CUTS Editor of Defence Analysis Francis Tusa & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee .   CATALAN DEFENCE James Hasik is a senior fellow in the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security.   EXERCISE JOINT WARRIOR BFBS Reporter Rosie Laydon & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   OP RUMAN RETURN BFBS Reporter Alex Gill.   REMEMBRANCE – THE QUEEN BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum). On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively - listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.  
10/12/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 5th 2017

  Defence spending – do we spend the right amount on the right equipment?   NATO troops could be out of Afghanistan within four years...that’s the prediction from the country's President.   Could a growing cadet force be the answer to the forces recruitment problem?   And.... how 3D printing could be the next big thing in winning wars.    Guests: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     TOPICS   DEFENCE SPENDING Pete Sandeman, Director of the online campaign "Save The Royal Navy" & Ben Moores  - a Defence and Aviation Analyst from IHS Janes.                        AFGHANISTAN BBC's Justin Rowlatt, who’s interviewed The Afghan President, Ashraf Ghan.   CADETS BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   3D Printing BFBS Reporter Hannah King
10/5/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 28th 2017

North Korea: How close are we to actual war? The battle for Raqqa  - what happens when ISIS are defeated? The fight for Kurdish independence – what does it mean for the Middle East? Nato’s international rescue for Submarines… And, after 90 years the White Helmets wave goodbye……………
9/28/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 21st 2017

  Trump’s speech to the UN – why it’s a game-changer… Is the Ministry of Defence considering reducing the size of the Royal Marines? Three years of Op Shader, Sitrep goes behind the scenes at Al Udeid? British Forces are suffering from a recruitment crisis – so should we bring back national service? Guests: Former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute Professor Michael Clarke. TOPICS TRUMP/UN Former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute Professor Michael Clarke. HURRICANE MARIA Forces News reporter Rebecca Ricks on board RFA Mount Bay. ROYAL MARINES - CUTS Major General Julian Thompson, former RM commander, Deborah Haynes the Defence Editor at The Times and former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute Professor Michael Clarke. AL UDEID /OP SHADER Forces News reporter  Simon Newton goes behind the scenes. CONSCRIPTION Elisabeth Braw, a non-resident Senior fellow at the Atlantic Council & former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute Professor Michael Clarke.
9/21/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 14th September 2017

  Russia’ playing war-games in the East to fight the West, but what’s the reason for the Exercises?   British troops arrive in the Caribbean for Op Ruman.   And…..improvements inside the warrior armoured vehicle and more from the world's biggest military fair.   Guests: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   TOPICS   EX ZAPAD General Sir Richard Shireff, former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, the writer on Russian affairs Mary Dejevsky and our defence analyst Christopher Lee.   HURRICANE BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   DEFENCE EXHIBITION - DESI BFBS reporter Grace Pascoe interview with the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Philip Jones.   WARRIOR- DESI BFBS presenter Richard Hutchinson's had a tour from Lockheed Martin's Phillipa Tredgett, a human factors design engineer.   SECURE MESSAGING APP BFBS presenter Mike Howarth spoke to David Holman, Company Director of Armour Comms who made the app.   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
9/14/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 7th September 2017

 North Korea – the threat continues but what can the international community do, and more importantly – what should China do?   Shipbuilding gains pace so but who’s going to man the ships?   And…..have you ever wondered how GCHQ started?  The Sitrep spies have been to investigate……….
9/8/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 31st 2017

North Korea - Has Kim Jong Un....crossed the line?   A former Chief of the Defence Staff, tells us why we need to keep in with the US post-Brexit.   More troops for Afghanistan...should the UK answer Donald Trump's call for help?   Plus, what is the definition of war? Have the goalposts been shifted?   And remembering Princess Diana, and one of her legacies - to rid the world of landmines.     TOPICS   Guests: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   NORTH KOREA From the Times, Michael Evans, & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   WHAT IS WAR? Michael Evans, & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   BREXIT LORD RICHARDS, Chief of the Defence Staff   LIBYA former Ambassador to Libya, Oliver Miles.   PRINCESS DIANA LEGACY BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.
8/31/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 24th 2017

On this week’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau, we have a special look at Afghanistan following Donald Trump’s speech on his new strategy for the war. We look at what it means for Afghanistan, America and the UK plus we discuss whether putting more boots on the ground will make a significant difference. We speak to Emily Winterbotham (RUSI), Michael Kugelman (Woodrow Wilson Center), Emily Knowles (Oxford Research Group) and Paul Rogers (University of Bradford).
8/25/201730 minutes
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Sitrep August 17th 2017

8/17/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 10th 2017

In today’s Sitrep with Tim Cooper There’s mounting tensions over North Korea as President Trump threatens fire and fury whilst the UN urges caution & diplomacy. Find out how the Army is hoping to keep the Anglo-German deployment going post 2019. Plus:  why the Imperial War Museum has upset its members And Portsmouth gets ready to welcome the Navy’s biggest ever carrier. TOPICS Guests: Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford Paul Rogers and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. North Korea Former British Ambassador to Pyongyang, David Slinn, Dr Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. Commander Field Army in Minden Lt General Patrick Saunders talking to Aimee Dewitt about post 2019. HMS Queen Elizabeth Interview with the leader of Portsmouth City Council Donna Jones ahead of the Carrier’s arrival. The Imperial War Museum Mark Smith, the Antiques Roadshow's militaria expert, Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford Paul Rogers and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.
8/10/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 3rd 2017

The Head of the Army explains why we need to keep hold of Sennelager after drawdown in Germany.   Will US plans to use diplomacy decrease the tensions in North Korea?   Do Generals who take time out to study for a PhD make better military commanders?   And, as the Duke of Edinburgh retires from royal duties, Sitrep looks at the importance to the military of having a royal colonel.   TOPICS   Guests: BFBS  Defence Analyst Christopher Lee & Professor Michael Clarke, the former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute   HEAD OF THE ARMY INTERVIEW Rob Olver interviews General Nick Carter.   NATO RISK REDUCTION Defence Analyst Christopher Lee & Professor Michael Clarke, the former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute   PHD GENERALS Elisabeth Braw, senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council   DUKE OF EDINBURGH Defence Analyst Christopher Lee & Professor Michael Clarke, the former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute  
8/3/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 27th 2017

President trump has tweeted that he doesn’t want transgender personnel in the us military, today the Sitrep programme speaks to Caroline Paige, who was the first openly transgender officer in the British Forces. Also in the programme: what the RAF are doing in Romania on Op Biloxi, an update on Sandhurst in the Sand and the Afghan Air Force take to the skies. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/27/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 20th 2017

Can Europe cope with the influx of refugees? Could the UN broker a peace deal in Syria? What went wrong with the F35s? Why did the head of France’s armed forces quit his job? Plus: Make Your Bed - a US Admiral's top tip for a lifetime of success. TOPICS REFUGEES Professor Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford & Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst. SYRIA Hamish de Bretton Gordon who is a former Army Officer now advising NGOs in Syria FRENCH MILITARY Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst.  MAKE YOUR BED (Book review with author William H. McRaven, a former US Admiral ) Navy & HMS Glasgow Professor Paul Rogers who is Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford & Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/20/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 13th 2017

Mosul – IS have been defeated but what’s next for the beleaguered Iraqi city? The Chief of the Air Staff looks forward to the RAF’s centenary next year whilst the WRNS is celebrating its 100th anniversary this week. Plus…. Trump Junior and the mysterious Russian Lawyer, what’s the true story?     TOPICS   CHIEF OF THE AIR STAFF BFBS reporter Charlotte Banks interview with the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Marshall Sir Stephen Hilier    MOSUL Professor Scott Lucas from the University of Birmingham.   Trump trouble Professor Hazel Smith from the Centre of Korea Studies at the school of Oriental and African Studies at The University of London & Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst.   WRNS 100 years Commander Jane Allen from Royal Navy HQ in Portsmouth    DUNKIRK Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst.     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/13/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 6th 2017

  SITREP TRAIL THURS, 6th July (KATE PRESENTS TODAY)   One year after publishing his report Sir John Chilcot finally speaks out but why did it take so long? Why NATO’s ready for business on the front line. How should the international community respond to North Korea? And, the people's storybook of the Cold War.                                  TOPICS   CHILCOT INTERVIEW Former BBC Diplomatic Correspondent and now Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, Bridget Kendall and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. NATO Brigadier Commander Mike Elviss speaking to BFBS reporter Rob Olver in Paderborn. NORTH KOREA Professor Hazel Smith from the Centre of Korea Studies at the school of Oriental and African Studies at The University of London. SAUDI ARABIA Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst. COLD WAR, STORIES FROM THE BIG FREEZE The BBC's former Moscow and then Diplomatic Correspondent Bridget Kendall  -  now the Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, who has written an oral history of the Cold War.     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.      
7/7/201730 minutes
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Sitrep 29th June 2017

Why the army needs to change the way it recruits the head of the US Army in Europe shares his concerns about the shrinking British army…. Plus, Britain's biggest ever warship, HMS Queen Elizabeth sets sail, but what does the future hold for her? Fresh talks are taking place aimed at re-unifying Cyprus. And its 20 year since the British left Hong Kong……….. TOPICS ARMY RECRUITING BFBS reporter Rosie Laydon interview with General Sir Nick Carter. Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst. HEAD OF US ARMY IN EUROPE Lt General Ben Hodges commander of the US Army in Europe speaking to BFBS reporter Charlotte Banks CARRIERS The ship's captain - Commander Jerry Kyd & Naval Historian and analyst Eric Grove & Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst NATO AFGHANISTAN Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst. CYPRUS TALKS BFBS Reporter Simon Newton, Naval Historian and analyst Eric Grove & Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst HONG KONG Analyst Eric Grove & Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst
6/29/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 22nd 2017

  In this week’s Sitrep, Is the destruction of an ancient mosque in the Iraqi city of Mosul an admission of defeat by IS?   What’s life like for the RAF Reaper Squadrons?   Prince Harry shares his thoughts on his life in the army, dealing with his demons and the Invictus games.   Plus -  The new Veterans’ Gateway, find out how it can help you.   TOPICS MOSUL & SYRIA Professor Michael Clarke, the former Director General at the Royal United Services Institute and Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst.   DRONE PILOTS Dr Peter Lee from the University of Portsmouth.   SAUDI CROWN PRINCE Christopher Lee, BFBS Defence Analyst   PRINCE HARRY BFBS Reporter Cath Brazier.   VETERANS GATEWAY BFBS Reporter Grace Pascoe   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
6/22/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 15th 2017

In this week’s Sitrep, Exercise Noble Jump in Romania - what is it and who’s taking part? Gaddafi’s son has been freed, but what does that mean for Libya? What does the military make of the General Election result and will an alliance with the DUP affect defence policy? Plus  - the Putin Interviews – find out why he’s been speaking to Oliver Stone. TOPICS EXERCISE NOBLE JUMP BFBS reporter Simon Newton & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee LIBYA Mary Fitzgerald, Libya analyst ELECTION BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee VLADIMIR PUTIN Former advisor to the Kremlin Alexander Nekrassov. 350TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RAID ON MEDWAY BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee
6/15/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 8th 2017

In today’s Sitrep, A stark warning of a humanitarian disaster in the final battle for Mosul And where next for the Islamist Extremists forced out of Iraq? Why Qatar is being shunned by its neighbours…. And the military medicine from Afghanistan that’s saving the lives of ordinary people in Britain.
6/8/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 25th 2017

Presented by Kate Gerbeau with Christopher Lee.
5/25/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 18th 2017

There’s election fever as the manifestos are published but is there anything for the Services to vote for? Trump, Russia and Putin – exactly what is going on? While NATO defence chiefs meet in Brussels, Sitrep goes behind the scenes at the Alliance's Joint Force Headquarters in Naples. Plus -  how the RAF took out the IS executioners. Studio Guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee TOPICS DEFENCE & THE GENERAL ELECTION BFBS correspondent James Hirst & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee TRUMP/RUSSIA/PUTIN Professor Scott Lucas is from the department of political science and international studies at the University of Birmingham BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee NATO & NAPLES BFBS reporter Tim Cooper in Italy speaking to Major General Ian Cave, Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans, at Joint Force Headquarters in Naples & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee MOSUL PROGRESS BFBS’s Simon Newton reporting from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
5/18/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 11th 2017

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 11th May (KATE PRESENTS– NO CHRISTOPHER LEE TODAY; Professor Michael Clarke, former Director of the Royal United Services Institute is our special guest throughout the programme) Could the UK send more troops to Afghanistan, and what will they be doing if they do deploy? In the States, the fallout continues over the sacking of the head of the FBI…. Find out what the main Defence issues are in the General Election campaigns. Plus, Sitrep explores the impact of Prince Harry’s campaign on Mental Health issues. TOPICS AFGHANISTAN Michael Evans from the Times & Professor Michael Clarke, former Director of the Royal United Services Institute FBI DIRECTOR Simon Marks from Feature Story News in Washington & Professor Michael Clarke DEFENCE & THE GENERAL ELECTION James Hirst, our correspondent in Westminster & Professor Michael Clarke MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK Sir Simon Wessely, Director of the King's Centre for Military Health Research BUNDESWEHR Professor Michael Clarke THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211. Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
5/11/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 4th 2017

Could the French election result change the UK’s defence alliance with our European ally?   What’s the significance of Japan joining in Naval exercise with the US?   Find out what’s worrying the Head of Europol….   Plus, Doctors at War, what it’s really like to save lives in a war zone…..   And, as Prince Phillip steps down from Royal duties – who’s stepping up to fulfil his role? TOPICS DUKE OF EDINBURGH BFBS Defence analyst Christopher Lee   FRENCH ELECTION Dr Paul Smith an expert in French politics from the University of Nottingham..   HEAD OF EUROPOL Rob Wainwright who is head of the European Union's police   JAPAN NAVY EXERCISE Rear Admiral Chris Parry from Rusi   DOCTORS AT WAR Book review ‘Doctors at War’ by Mark de Rond.  An account of life of a trauma surgical team at work in a field hospital in Helmand, Afghanistan.
5/4/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 27th 2017

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 27th April (KATE PRESENTS TODAY) Will sanctions curb North Korea’s nuclear ambitions? Find out what life’s like on board the US aircraft carrier the "George H-W Bush”. Plus, Trump’s 100 days in power, what’s the verdict? And Prince Harry’s thoughts on the importance of rugby to the forces as we look forward to the 100th Army Navy rugby match this weekend. TOPICS SYRIA/BORIS JOHNSON Professor of Peace Studies and the University of Bradford, Paul Rogers. GEORGE H-W BUSH. BFBS reporter Simon Newton goes on board the US aircraft carrier NORTH KOREA Professor of Peace Studies and the University of Bradford, Paul Rogers & & Simon Marks from Feature Story News in Washington TRUMP 100 DAYS Professor of Peace Studies and the University of Bradford, Paul Rogers & & Simon Marks from Feature Story News in Washington CHINESE CARRIERS BFBS Defence analyst Christopher Lee ONE HUNDREDTH ARMY NAVY RUGBY MATCH BFBS Sports Editor Jon Knighton THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
4/27/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 13th 2017

Presented by Kate Gerbeau with Christopher Lee.
4/20/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 13th 2017

In today’s Sitrep – there’s more reaction to last week's chemical weapons attack in Syria and how it's affecting US/Russian relations.   Find out how North Korea is testing the Trump administration and why the Royal Marines are to be restructured.   And, it's a 100 years this week that America entered the First World War...   TOPICS SYRIA – CHEMICAL WEAPONS/RUSSIA/US Chemical Weapons expert  Hamish De Bretton Gordon is a Michael Stathis, Professor of Political Science at Southern Utah University and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   NORTH KOREA Michael Stathis, Professor of Political Science at Southern Utah University and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   ROYAL MARINES Former Royal Marine and Special Boat Service officer, Lord Paddy Ashdown   WW1 & US INVOLVEMENT Michael Stathis, Professor of Political Science at Southern Utah University and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
4/13/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 6th 2017

Chemical weapons in Syria. What happened? Who’s right, who’s wrong and what next? Find out what British troops are doing on Exercise Desert Warrior in Kuwait, and what the Royal Engineers are doing in famine hit South Sudan? One year in the job – Kate Gerbeau talks to the Service Complaints Ombudsman after she publishes her first Annual Report. And all the Queen's Soldiers...Why the Royal Lancers now belong to Elizabeth. GUESTS: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. Topics: Syria/Russia/America Director General of the Royal United Services Institute Dr Karin von Hippel and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee Armed Forces Minister Mike Penning speaking from South Sudan. Interview with the Service Complaints Ombudsman, Nicola Williams. The Royal Lancers - renamed THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
4/6/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 30th March 2017

This week: We ask who bombed civilians in Mosul was it IS fighters or coalition aircraft? Brexit has been triggered but why is the Prime Minister threatening to pull terrorist intelligence? Hear how the Royal Navy is fighting back against the hackers. And on the day the National Army Museum is re-opened to the public, we talk about the “little guys” – Britain’s 139 small regimental museums. GUESTS: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. The Times Correspondent Michael Evans BBC World Service political Correspondent Rob Watson Managing Director of Airbus Cyber Security in the UK Ian Goslin The Antiques Roadshow Militaria expert Mark Smith THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
3/31/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 23rd March 2017

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 23rd March (KATE PRESENTS TODAY)   Terror at Westminster…how did it happen and what can be done?  Who was the attacker and what’s the bigger picture?  Can modern terrorism attacks destroy democracy?  Listen to Sitrep to get all the latest defence analysis.   GUESTS: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. Professor Michael Clarke, formerly Director General of the Royal United Services Institute Professor Anthony Glees, Director, Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies at the University of Buckingham Major General Julian Thompson, a former Royal Marine Commander who served in Northern Ireland and now a visiting Professor at King's College London. Charlie Winter, Senior research fellow at The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at King’s College, London. Michael Pregent, a former US Intelligence Officer and advisor to the Peshmerga. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases.   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web & App in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) On Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
3/23/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 16th 2017

Marine A: did the Royal Marine's higher command fail? Why Putin's generals are watching British troops in Estonia, What can British troops do about famine in South Sudan? And its 100 years since the start of the Russian Revolution - but why isn’t Moscow celebrating? THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211
3/16/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 3rd 2017

On the day the Queen unveils the Iraq and Afghanistan memorial, Sitrep reflects on three wars in which 682 British Service personnel died. Find out the Soldier’s view, the Ambassador’s view and the Veteran’s view in a special programme presented by Kate Gerbeau. GUESTS: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. MEMORIAL Paul Osbourne rounds up the day’s events.   FROM THE ARCHIVE Rory Higgins and Susie Ferguson reporting for BFBS in March 2003   LIEUTENANT GENERAL SIR GRAEME LAMB Lieutenant General Sir Graeme Lamb was appointed General Officer Commanding 3rd (UK) Mechanised Division in the summer of 2003 - the start of the Iraq War.    SIR WILLIAM PATEY Sir William Patey, a former British Ambassador to Iraq and later Afghanistan.   AFGHANISTAN VETERAN ROAYL MARINE CASSIDY LITTLE Reflection on his military career.   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
3/9/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 2nd 2017

Why is Mr Trump handing out 54 billion dollars to the Pentagon?   Why a group of MPs says we must maintain relations with the Russians.   The RAF in the Middle East – why it’s a minute by minute operation   And - what can British troops expect when they deploy to famine struck South Sudan? GUESTS: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   TRUMP Dr Karin Von Hippel, Director General at the Royal United Services Institute.   RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA BFBS reporter James Hirst interview with Foreign Affairs Committee chairman  Crispin Blunt. OP SHADER BFBS reporter Simon Newton in Cyprus talks to British Major General Rupert Jones, deputy commander for the Combined Joint Task Force.   SOUTH SUDAN Sitrep producer Josella Waldron interview with the BBC’s Africa Correspondent Alastair Leithead   Al Qaeda Charles Lister is a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington.   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
3/3/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 23rd 2017

The latest on what’s happening in the fight to take back Mosul from IS fighters. How British troops will soon be helping people in famine-hit South Sudan… Find out why British troops are being warned about honey traps, staged brawls and social media infiltration in Estonia. And Sitrep speaks to a former Army officer who has the ear of the USA’s new Security Advisor. GUESTS: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. MOSUL Michael a former US Intelligence Officer and advisor to the Peshmerga. SOUTH SUDAN David Lomuria, a correspondent for Feature Story News in the capital Juba. HONEY TRAP Former Kremlin advisor Alexander Nekrassov LIEUTENANT GENERAL HR MCMASTER Retired Major General Andrew Mackay commanded British forces in in Afghanistan. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
2/23/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 16th 2017

What was on the agenda at today’s NATO meeting? Sitrep gets reaction from the Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon.   Has China lost all influence on North Korea?   Find out what the Marines are up to in Norway…   And waiting for justice - how long will it be before war crimes in Syria are dealt with in court?   GUESTS: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. NATO Charlotte Banks interview with the Defence Secretary Michael Fallon.   MARINES - ARCTIC TRAINING Rebecca Ricks reporting on Exercise Clockwork in Northern Norway,   NORTH KOREA - NEIL DALL Emil Dall, Research Fellow in the Proliferation and Nuclear Policy Programme at the Royal United Services Institute.   WAR CRIMES Professor David Crane was the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, where he indicted the Liberian President Charles Taylor.     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
2/16/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 9th February 2017

In this week’s Sitrep, we ask why Donald Trump hasn’t got round to calling the Chinese President yet, and what that might say for US-China relations.   Plus we look at the President’s promise to boost defence spending.   We hear from a former head of the Army, ahead of the publication of a report into the investigation into abuse allegations in Iraq.   And after a minister warned more British troops could be sent to Afghanistan, we hear from a former captain who served three tours there.   GUESTS: General Sir Mike Jackson, former Chief of the General Staff; Admiral Sir Jonathon Band, former First Sea Lord, Scott Lucas, professor of American Studies at Birmingham University; Doug Beattie, former Army Captain   Thursday 1630 on BFBS Radio 2, 1830 on BFBS & UK bases, plus anytime afterwards online, or via the podcast.
2/9/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 2nd 2017

Presented by Kate Gerbeau In today’ Sitrep there’s reaction and analysis as human rights lawyer, Phil Shiner, is struck off. In Afghanistan, the Taliban is in disarray – so is this a good time for peace? The Royal Navy leads the combined Naval Task Force in the Gulf for the first time. Trump's defence secretary, 'Mad Dog' Mattis, starts work in the far east. And Very Lynne’s new album to celebrate her 100th Birthday. PHIL SHINER Interview with MP and former British Army Officer Johnny Mercer TALIBAN   Professor Theo Farrell & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee HMS OCEAN BFBS reporter Simon Newton US RELATIONS ABROAD Professor of Political Science at the University of Southern Utah, Michael Stathis... VERA LYNNE BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
2/2/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 26th 2017

Teresa May's will be the first foreign leader to meet Donald Trump, but who's going to get the most out of it?   And do the comparisons with Mrs Thatcher and President Reagan mean anything or is this going to be a very different relationship   NATO forges friendships in the Middle East with a new HQ in Kuwait.   Meet the women of the US Marine Corps and hear all about the Norwegian Military Experiment - how one unit tried a 50/50 gender split with surprising results.   GUESTS:   DONALD TRUMP & TERESA MAY VISIT Professor Michael Clarke formerly the Director General of the Royal United Services & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   BFBS reporter Tim Cooper interview with General David Perkins, commander of US Army training and Doctrine – discussing Brexit and US politics.   NATO Professor Michael Clarke formerly the Director General of the Royal United Services & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   US MARINES As the UK prepares to accept the first females into its own infantry, Hannah King has been taking a look at how the US Marines incorporate females.   NORWEGIAN ARMY Elisabeth Braw, senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
1/26/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 19th January 2017

Tomorrow Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States of America.  In a special edition of Sitrep, Kate Gerbeau will ask “Should we be frightened?” A panel of experts are going to look at what Trump’s time as President & Commander in Chief of the American Armed Forces could mean for the rest of the world.  Will he forge closer ties with Russia? What will he do about NATO? What about Syria? And why is he so against China?  Find out the answers to those questions and many more in today’s Sitrep…………………………. GUESTS: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. Former BBC Diplomatic Correspondent Bridget Kendall.  Bridget has spent a lot of time in Washington and Moscow and is an expert on Russian politics.  Professor of International Politics at the University of Birmingham Scott Lucas who can talk extensively about US foreign policy and the Middle East.  Dr Karin von Hippel, Director General of the Royal United Services Institute.  Karin was formally Chief of Staff to the US General John Allen when he was special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter Isil.  Simon Marks from Feature Story – our man in Washington who can tell us all about what we can expect at tomorrow’s inauguration ceremony. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
1/19/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 12th 2017

Russian aggression has triggered the deployment of American forces to Poland but is it necessary? President-elect Trump -  what’s really going on and who’s side is he on? Could we see more German boots on the ground in Europe? What part does Britain play in the Talks to re-unify Cyprus? And War through the eyes of the correspondent.  The Times man in the blue body-armour tells all…… Other interviews POLAND AND TRUMP Former Defence and Pentagon Correspondent for The Times Michael Evans GERMAN BOOTS ON GROUND Elisabeth Braw, senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council. ATTORNEY GENERAL Dr Aurel Sari – A lecturer in the law of armed conflict at Exeter University. CYPRUS TALKS BFBS reporter in Cyprus, Simon Newton WAR REPORTING Former Defence and Pentagon Correspondent for The Times Michael Evans THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
1/12/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 5th 2017

In today’s Sitrep what’s in store for the year ahead?  For starters, there’s IS, Trump and Brexit. Plus....Why Russia's got the hots for the arctic, why more Irish nationals are joining the British Army….and, why Hitler's back in the bestseller list. PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guests: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee Other interviews NEW YEAR THREAT BFBS Reporter James Hirst, Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford Paul Rogers and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher
1/5/201729 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 15th 2016

12/15/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 8th 2016

The Head of MI6 ‘C’ speaks publicly for the first time – and warns that Russia's actions in Syria will have tragic consequences... Find out what the PM, Teresa May got up to in Bahrain and what the Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, said about Saudi Arabia Plus - how NATO and the EU have overcome years of rivalry to work more closely together PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee Other interviews HEAD OF MI6 BFBS Reporter James Hirst and Sir David Omand, a former Director of GCHQ BAHRAIN/SAUDI ARABIA BFBS Reporter James Hirst interview with Teresa May and analysis by Professor Michael Clarke former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee IRAQ/SYRIA Professor Michael Clarke former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee EU & NATO Professor Michael Clarke former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
12/8/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 1st 2016

The MOD is proposing a major change to the way service personnel and their families are housed.  This week Sitrep look at the pros and cons and speaks exclusively to the head of the army, General Sir Nick Carter about housing and the current state of the Army. Also this week, shipbuilding  - why has the government been told to get a grip?  Sitrep also hears from the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Philip Jones, PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guests: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee Other interviews SERVICES’ HOUSING BFBS Reporter Charlotte Banks Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Nick Carter SHIPBUILDING First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Philip Jones Naval Historian and security analyst Professor Eric Grove. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast
12/1/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 24th 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 24th November   President-elect Trump is putting his cabinet together – but who’ll be the new Secretary of State for Defense?   Where’s Russia heading with its nuclear trains?   Why the NATO Secretary General says he has confidence that America will continue to support the Alliance.   What's the latest from Mosul?   And what does the Chancellors Autumn Statement mean for the military?     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   Studio guests: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     Other interviews 24th November   Trump Cabinet BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee & Conservative MP and Army Reservist Tom Tugendhat   RUSSIA Former British Ambassador to Russia, Sir Tony Brenton   NATO BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   MOSUL Michael Pregent, former US intelligence officer and now an adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute   AUTUMN STATEMENT BFBS Reporter, James Hirst   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
11/24/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 10th November 2016

SITREP Thursday 10TH November America has voted and Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. So what next? This week Sitrep looks at what this means for the rest of the world…. Will the new President stick with old alliances or forge new ones? Will he sign up to NATO? What does this mean for US military commitments around the world? Those are just some of the questions Kate Gerbeau will be asking a panel of experts. You can listen at 1830, Thursday on Forces Radio, BFBS. PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guests: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee Karin Von Hippel = Director of the Royal United Services Institute Mike Evans, former Times Pentagon Correspondent BFBS reporter James Hirst Simon Marks from Feature Story in Washington.
11/11/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 3rd 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 3rd November   Cyber warfare – a huge investment was announced this week but who are we protecting ourselves from?   Iraq – a special insight into what went on post-invasion in 2003.   America goes to the polls and but is the FBI calling the vote?   The Russian Aircraft carrier - can it really swing the war for Assad?   And poppies, why is there always a row?   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Tim Cooper Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   CYBER SECURITY Dr Madeline Carr of Cardiff University   IRAQ Sir Jeremy Greenstock , formerly the UK's Permanent Representative to the UN, and Britain's lead administrator in Iraq in the aftermath of the coalition invasion.   US ELECTIONS Michael Stathis, Professor of politics at the University of Southern Utah.   KUTZNETZOV -RUSSIA BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   POPPIES BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
11/3/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 27th October 2016

*** TIM COOPER PRESENTS TODAY ***   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 27th  October   NATO expresses concern at Russian aggression and  the UK is deploying more forces to eastern Europe – what’s the significance of the latest announcements?   Iraqi forces continue to push towards Mosul -  but what will happen after the city is retaken?   The met office celebrates 100 years of military weather forecasting …..   And Ian Hislop speaks about his play based on a newspaper created by soldiers at the Battle of the Somme.   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Tim Cooper Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   NATO BALTICS Tony King, Professor in War Studies at the University of Warwick   UKRAINE or Andrew Foxall is Director of the Russia Studies Centre at The Henry Jackson Society   MOSUL Dr Lina Khatib - Head of the Middle East Programme at Chatham House   MET OFFICE Catherine Ross, Archivist at the Met Office   WIPERS TIMES Ian Hislop       THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
10/28/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 20th 2016

Could what happens in Mosul determine Iraq’s future?   Why investment into Cyber defence is critical to prevent an attack on the UK’s military equipment and systems.   Plus: What happened in Vegas in The final TV showdown for Trump and Clinton   And – your chance to crack secret codes from GCHQ.     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     MOSUL Michael Pregent (Pree-gent) a former US intelligence officer and now an adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute - a US think tank   CYBER Professor Michael Clarke, forrmer Director General of the Royal United Service Institute.   US ELEX DEBATE Simon Marks from Feature Story News.   GCHQ PUZZLE BOOK Mike, one of the authors and puzzle creators.   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.  
10/21/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 13th 2016

Discussions are underway about further British military action to combat the crisis in Syria, In Yemen, the humanitarian situation worsens as Iran becomes involved. Find out what keeps The Chief of the Air Staff awake at night. And we hear from the latest in a quick succession of Labour Shadow Defence Ministers PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee SYRIA/RUSSIA Former Kremlin advisor Alexander Nekrassov and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. AIR CHIEF MARSHAL SIR STEPHEN HILLIER Interview with BFBS Reporter James Hirst.. YEMEN Former British Ambassador to Yemen and now head of the Middle East Region at Christian Aid. SHADOW LABOUR DEFENCE SECRETARY NIA GRIFFITH Kate Gerbeau interview THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
10/13/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 6th October 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 6th October   How long can Russia’s President Putin support President Assad in Syria?   The Prime Minister says British Forces are a special case when it comes to human rights prosecutions - but is she right?   Plus, find out what HMS Ocean is doing on Exercise Albanian Lion.   And, what's it REALLY like to work for MI5?  A former soldier gives us an insider’s view     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   SYRIA/RUSSIA/US Professor of Peace Studies Paul Rogers from the University of Bradford And BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   EXERCISE ALBANIAN LION Captain Rob Pedre commander of HMS Ocean,   HUMAN RIGHTS/BRITISH FORCES BFBS Reporter James Hirst talking to Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon   Soldier, Spy – book review Former Mi5 agent, Tom Marcus - author of Soldier, Spy     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
10/6/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 29th September 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 29th  September (Kate presents)   Why is the RAF sending Typhoons to South Korea?   Who's winning the war of words over Syria - Moscow or Washington?   What's the Big Idea which will shape the future of the British Army?   And, Yemen's forgotten war - is Saudi Arabia targeting civilians using British made bombs?
9/29/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 22nd September 2016

On the show this week: British troops face a fresh wave of criminal investigations into alleged abuse in Afghanistan. Could Islamic State will be out of Iraq within months? In a world at war, yesterday was world peace day – but who knew? UN Peacekeeping - who writes the rules for the soldiers on the ground? And are you looking for a new job?  Try MI6  -  find out more on Sitrep. PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee IHAT – criminal investigations BFBS Reporter Charlotte Banks HCDC Report – Lewis BFBS Reporter James Hirst interview with Commons Defence Committee Chairman Julian Lewis. Syria Ceasefire BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee UN Peacekeeping Colonel Richard Westley, talks about his new book "Operation Insanity: The Dramatic True Story of the Mission that Saved Ten Thousand Lives." World peace Dan Smith who is Director of SIPRI - that's the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
9/22/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 15th September 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 15th  September   In Syria the cease-fire appears to holding, but will it make any difference long-term?   There are fresh calls for a new European Army - but not everyone wants one.   It's a hundred years since the first tank went into battle, do we still need them today   And why the American military is facing an obesity crisis.   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     SYRIA CEASEFIRE Hamish de Bretton Gordon, a former Army Officer who now advises NGOs in Syria, and BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   EU DEFENCE anthony King is Professor of War Studies at the University of Warwick.   DEFENCE SELECT COMMITTEE REPORT ON RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   100 YEARS OF TANKS David Willey is Curator of the Tank Museum   FAT US TROOPS Former Royal Marine, triple amputee and now peak performance coach Mark Ormrod.     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
9/15/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 8th 2016

Keeping the peace – what’s happening at the UN Peacekeeping Conference in London? Find out about the US Presidential candidates’ defence policies, And, how Russia might try and disrupt the American elections.  Also this week, is the IS propaganda machine running out of steam? PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee UN Peacekeeping Conference BFBS reporter James Hirst South Sudan BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee US Presidential elections Simon Marks from Feature Story News Russia spying Dana Priest, an investigative writer for the Washington Post ISIS Media Charlie Winter, associate fellow for the International Centre for Counter-terrorism, at the Hague THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
9/8/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 1st September 2016

Why the former head of the Army has apologised over the malaria drug. Why Pakistan has a crucial role to play in Afghanistan’s stability. Why employers are being given an insight into Army training in Croatia And, should British military personnel who are wounded or killed in service be awarded with a medal based on America's Purple Heart? PRESENTER THIS WEEK: TIM COOPER Studio guests: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee & military historian, Major General Julian Thompson. OTHER INTERVIEWS:  LARIAM Colonel Andrew Marriott (who was prescribed lariam) BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee. & military historian Major General Julian Thompson. AFGHANISTAN Anthony King is Professor in War Studies at the University of Warwick. PAKISTAN Kyle Orton - a Middle East analyst and Research Fellow with the think tank the Henry Jackson Society. EU ARMY Military historian Major General Julian Thompson. CROATIA/Army Reserves BFBS Reporter Ali Gibson MILITARY MEDAL BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
9/2/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 25th August 2016

On this week’s (today’s) SITREP, presenter Tim Cooper is joined by our defence analyst Christopher Lee and Professor Paul Rogers from the University of Bradford.   On the table for discussion are the latest developments involving the Turkish military in northern Syria. We have an exclusive report from northern Iraq where British forces are training local fighters in the battle against IS militants.   Plus we find out more about the small boats that formed a special unit of the Royal Navy – and played a key part in the Second World War.   (Broadcast times etc as stated previously)  
8/26/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 18th August 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 18th August   Is Putin spreading his wings across Europe and is Nato’s response enough?   Are the Chinese really sending spies to Hinkley Point?   Why MI6 will miss the UK's top Jihadist PR man.   Why did UN troops ignore rape victims in South Sudan?   And medals and flag waving in Rio - the non-military tattoo.     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: KATE GERBEAU Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    RUSSIA/PUTIN International commentator and former presenter of the BBC's The World Tonight Robin Lustig, and BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee.   CHINESE SPIES Anthony Glees, Professor of politics at Buckingham University   CHOUDARY International commentator and former presenter of the BBC's The World Tonight Robin Lustig.   SOUTH SUDAN the former Director General of the Royal United Services Institute, Professor Michael Clarke.   NORTH KOREA DEFECTION International commentator and former presenter of the BBC's The World Tonight Robin Lustig.     OLYMPICS BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee.     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
8/18/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 11th 2016

PRESENTER THIS WEEK: TIM COOPER SITREP TRAIL THURS, 11th August In Afghanistan  - could  the Taliban be about to take back control of Lashkar Gar? In Syria – a humanitarian crisis emerges and Assad launches barrel bomb strikes Russia re-boots its armed forces, there’s no junk and it's all hi-tech. And, an audience with the Chilcot Report...The Iraq Inquiry gets the Edinburgh Fringe treatment. PRESENTER THIS WEEK: TIM COOPER Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:  11th August AFGHANISTAN Military analyst Eric Grove and BFBS defence Analyst Christopher Lee. SYRIA Fawaz Gerges is Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics RUSSIA TURKEY Military analyst Eric Grove and BFBS defence Analyst Christopher Lee. RUSSIA CAPABILITY Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Sir Richard Shirreff. CHILCOT AT THE FRINGE BFBS reporter, Ali Gibson at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
8/11/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 4th 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 4th August Five years ago President Obama told President Assad to step aside as Syria's leader.  So why is the war still raging in Syria? There are calls for the Royal Navy to help the UK Border Force patrol Britain’s seas – but are  there enough ships to cope? And forget Rio, the Russians are racing tanks in their own back yard.   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:  USS Dwight D Eisenhower BFBS reporter Simon Newton on board the American aircraft carrier IS Professor Paul Rogers' new book  "Irregular War ISIS and the new threat from the margins."  Looking at the global IS threat MARITIME SECURITY BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee and Professor Paul Rogers, from dept for Peace Studies at Bradford University. NORTH KOREA Professor Paul Rogers, from dept for Peace Studies at Bradford University. BELIZE BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
8/4/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 28th July 2016

  PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 28th July   In this week’s Sitrep….   The US and Russia aim for closer military co-operation over Syria air-strikes -but will it work?   It’s official - Clinton's going head to head with Trump for the White House.   Is the Army falling short on recruitment?   And the language of terrorism, how should the media report it?       PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    28th July   US RUSSIA SYRIA Michael Stathis - Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Southern Utah University & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   US ELEX Michael Stathis - Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Southern Utah University & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   REPORTING TERROR writer and broadcaster Robin Lustig.   RECRUITING AND RESERVES BFBS Reporter James Hirst speaking to Retired Lieutenant General Robin Brims.   CGS General Sir Nick Carter, interview with Charlotte Banks.   Baltic Fleet BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/28/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 21st July 2016

  PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Paula Middlehurst   SITREP TRAIL THURS,  21st July   Why Donald Trump says he will put America’s needs ahead of NATO if he becomes president   Turkey - what's happened to the Generals and who's in charge of the nuclear bombs?   Is France Europe's easiest terrorist target?   The latest Navy Frigate - will it ever float?   And why the General wants recruits to walk the walk.     TRUMP - NATO Malcolm Brown from Feature Story News in Washington. & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   TURKEY BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   FRANCE TERROR Professor Anthony Glees, Director of the University of Buckingham's Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies   SHIPS AND FRIGATES First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Philip Jones & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   CGS General Sir Nick Carter, interview with  Charlotte Banks.   HMS Ambush BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the podcast.
7/21/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 14th July 2016

A new era for British Politics starts today but where does Teresa May stand on defence? After the Iraq inquiry what does Tony Blair have to say to British troops? Why the Service Complaints’ Commissioner says it’s not all about bullying and harassment.... And Sitrep look ahead to next week’s vote on whether to replace the Trident Nuclear Weapons system. PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:  POLITICS BFBS Correspondent at Westminster, James Hirst & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee TRIDENT BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee CHILCOT REPORT Interview with Tony Blair. NATO summit BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee WOMEN ON THE FRONTLINE Hannah Bryce, Assistant Head of International Security at Chatham House SERVICE COMPLAINTS’ COMMISSIONER BFBS Reporter Tim Cooper   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/14/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 7th 2016

Sitrep - the Chilcot Report Join Kate Gerbeau, Christopher Lee and a panel of defence experts for reaction & analysis of the long awaited Chilcot Report. THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/7/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 30th June 2016

**KATE PRESENTS**   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 30th June     BREXIT – what are the implications for defence,   Why NATO is more important than ever.   Why Britain is sending more troops to Iraq as Fallujah falls.   The countdown to Chilcot - the full story of Britain's part in the Iraq War   And remembering the Somme – 100 years on  Britain is leaving the European Union.     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:     BREXIT   Professor Malcolm Chalmers, Deputy Director General of the Royal United Services Institute and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   TROOPS TO IRAQ BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   CHILCOT REPORT BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   Battle of the Somme A Walk Throught Delville Woods – Mikaela Roche   'Too Important for the Generals’ Book review By former soldier, now historian and author Allan Mallinson   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
6/30/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 23rd 2016

In today's programme...(presented by Kate Gerbeau) Why the fallout from the fighting in Fallujah is leading to a humanitarian crisis. Should you be angry or reassured that the security services could soon have the power to legally hack into our smartphones.......? The head of the Army talks about the progression of women in the forces. And...Armed Forces Day - we look ahead to a national celebration of our Armed Forces PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS: FALLUJAH Defence Analyst Christopher Lee and former Sky News Foreign and Diplomatic Correspondent Tim Marshall. SPIES Professor David Omand, former head of GCHQUS TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN WOMEN IN THE ARMY BFBS Reporter Shirley Swain interviews the head of the Army, General Sir Nick Carter. ARMED FORCES DAY BFBS Reporter Tim Cooper previews the weekend’s celebrations THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211
6/24/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 16th 2016

Is there a new cold war?  And what’s the view from Moscow? Could the US increase its military presence in Afghanistan? Weapons of the future – find out about the new automated drone. Plus PTSD - is enough being done?   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS: 16th June NATO Professor Michael Clarke until recently the Director General of the Royal United Services Institute NATO RUSSIA Dr Dererk Averre from the Centre for Russian, European and Eurasian studies at the University of Birmingham. US TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN Professor Michael Clarke until recently the Director General of the Royal United Services Institute and BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee DRONES Featrure on The Taranis at BAE Systems, by BFBS reporter Kate Wathall PTSD Matthew Green is a journalist who blogs about PTSD THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
6/16/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 9th 2016

The biggest movement of Western Allied troops since fall of the Soviet Union is taking place right on Russia's borders, Sitrep finds out who’s there, what’s there and why we’re there. Is Russia about to launch a wipe out mission of IS in Syria? Hilary Clinton’s done it, & now the real battle begins in the race for the White House. Why the Royal Navy's old and bold are saying the UK hasn't enough warships and there's no money for more. And the grandest of all the living Admirals of the fleet, Prince Philip is 95 and still under full sail. And the Duke of Edinburgh at 95 PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS: Ex ANAKONDA Alistair Bunkall from Sky News, BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee, Dr Martin McCauley, a Soviet and Russian analyst from University College London SYRIA/RUSSIA/IS Dr Martin McCauley, a Soviet and Russian analyst from University College London Royal Navy Funding Former First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope Former First Sea Lord Admiral Lord West Hilary Clinton Simon Marks from Feature Story in Washington. PRINCE PHILIP AT 95 BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee Hear Sitrep THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
6/9/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 2nd June 2016

PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau     SITREP TRAIL THURS, 2nd June     The fight to take back Fallujah and the key role the RAF is playing.   Is the UK is at risk from terrorists via the English channel?   Afghanistan: why is the world is looking the other way.   Two former generals battle it out & give their unique perspective on the EU referendum.   And…remembering Jutland 100 years on   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    IRAQ - FALLUJAH BFBS reporter Simon Newton in Cyprus & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   AFGHANISTAN – Amnesty report BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   BURUNDI BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   ENGLISH CHANNEL  - SECURITY GAP Former first sea Lord, Lord West   JUTLAND 100 First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Philip Jones   EU REFERENDUM – a military point of view General Sir Mike Jackson was Chief of the General Staff at the time of the Iraq War and believes Britain should stay in the EU, Major General Julian Thompson led 3 Commando Brigade during the Falklands War and wants Britain to vote leave.     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
6/3/201629 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sitrep 26th May 2016

PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau     SITREP TRAIL THURS, 26th May   Are British special forces operating in Libya? Britain boosts its contribution to the international coalition in Iraq and Syria in the ongoing fight against IS.   As President Obama continues his global long goodbye tour - Sitrep takes a look at America's position in the world.   And, onboard HMS Queen Elizabeth, the first of the Royal Navy's incoming aircraft carriers, as she welcomes her first Commanding Officer.   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:   AMERICA'S VIEW Professor Michael Stathis, Professor of Political Science at the University of Southern Utah & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   IS LIBYA Former British Ambassador to Libya, Oliver Miles   IRAQ Professor Michael Stathis, Professor of Political Science at the University of Southern Utah & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   TALIBAN Professor Michael Stathis, Professor of Political Science at the University of Southern Utah & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   HMS Queen Elizabeth BFBS Reporter Ali Gibsons speaks to Captain Jerry Kyd, CO of Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers, HMS Queen Elizabeth     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
5/27/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 19th 2016

British guns for Libya but what does Egypt think? What’s behind the increase in violence in Baghdad? Find out all about the new missile for the F35 stealth fighters. Plus, how happy are you with your life in the Forces? And, fact or Fiction? The former General who's put his worries about Russia into a novel... PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS: LIBYA/EGYPT David D. Kirkpatrick in Cairo, a middle east correspondent for the New York Times and associate fellow at RUSI. BAGHDAD BOMBS BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee BURUNDI BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee THE BRITISH FORCES & MORALE BFBS reporter, James Hirst SPEAR MISSILE Defence Procurement Minister, Phillip Dunne & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee GENERAL SHIRREFF - NOVEL General Sir Richard Shirreff, former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander at NATO, interview with BFBS reporter James Hirst.
5/19/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 12th 2016

Corruption – is it a reason to go to war? Why the threat level from Northern Ireland-related terrorism in the UK has been raised? Why the New First Sea Lord has an in-tray full of problems The Invictus Games - who wins when no one loses? And what does Putin think of Trump? PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS: CORRUPTION Broadcaster and journalist Robin Lustig & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee Northern Ireland Terror Northern Ireland commentator Chris Ryder BURUNDI BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee Royal Navy 1st Sea Lord Military analyst and Naval historian Eric Grove. Missile Defence Shield BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee DONALD TRUMP Simon Marks from Feature Story News in Washington. THE INVICTUS GAMES BFBS reporter Richard Hutchinson and former Royal Marine, Cassidy Little THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
5/12/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 5th 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 5th May PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Iraq  - why is Britain planning to send more troops? If Europe had its own army what would happen to Nato? Burundi in crisis, could this be another Rwanda? Find out why North Korea’s leader is having a party. And coming up Trump: everyone said he couldn't...but he has. PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS: IRAQ TROOPS BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee EU DEFENCE/NATO Dr James Corum, defence academic and military historian from the University of Salford BURUNDI BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee NORTH KOREA David Slinn who was the first British Ambassador to North Korea DONALD TRUMP Simon Marks from Feature Story News in Washington. ASHMORE BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
5/5/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 28th April 2016

  PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau     SITREP TRAIL THURS, 28th April     Is it right to keep quiet about foreign policy?   Is the "Special Relationship" between the USA and Britain still going strong?   When 14 became one - the amalgamation of the Scottish Regiments, ten years on.   Why a long military career could be good for your state of mind…   And Flipper joins the Russian Navy – find out why in today’s Sitrep.  
4/28/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 21st 2016

Are the MoD cooking the books?   The Government has no plans to send British combat troops to Libya...but is that the whole truth?   A NATO Security chief warns of IS bombers putting explosives inside their own bodies.   Why Russia has ambitions towards the Arctic region…..   And Obama's in town to wish the Queen a Happy 90th Birthday, but what does he really think of Britain?
4/21/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 14th 2016

The Chilcot Report - why's it taking so long? Obama says Libya was his worst mistake - but should The West intervene again? The UN's looking for a new Secretary General - who's up for the job? Could fast living and fast thinking means snap decisions on security and more wars? And Ex-Detect - the new anti-terrror device that could have prevented the Brussels attacks
4/14/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 7th April 2016

PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 7th April   Why Nato needs America to stay strong.   Can Afghan forces retake Sangin from the Taliban?   Libya?  Democracy or blood revenge?   Why are British troops hitting the desert in Jordan   And the British spy who never came in from the cold.
4/7/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 31st March 2016

PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Tim Cooper   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 24th March In today’s Sitrep – Which British intelligence agency is chasing jihadist bombers? Will a new government help to stabilize Libya and counter the IS threat in the region? Does Russia have the upper hand over the West in key military and communications areas?   And Continental Shelves - explained.  Why Argentina reckons its on to a winner with the Falklands.
3/31/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 24th 2016

  Terror in Europe, first Paris, now Brussels, where next? Trump lashes out at NATO and the UN. Why defence is still an election issue in Scotland.   And the legacy of 1916....Ireland Commemorates but does Britain ignore?    
3/24/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 17th 2016

In today's programme - a warning from a top security official that Europe is dealing with the migration crisis in a “messy way”. It’s been five years since the unrest in Syria began, but will the renewed peace talks work and why the sudden Russian withdrawal?   Street fighters - why the Army thinks urban warfare training is vital.   And why RFA Lyme Bay is "Ship of the Year".
3/17/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 10th March 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 10th March   Thousands of secret ISIS membership details are big a coup is it for the security services?   Why violence is on the increase in Northern Ireland and Libya is struggling against threats from Islamic extremists.   Predicting the future in world events...are the so called experts losing their touch?   Plus: women in the British Army could be seen in combat roles within months.
3/10/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 3rd March 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 3rd March   The man who says the President got it wrong on IS.   The Brecon Beacons deaths - why is the MOD off the hook?   Find out what 3 Rifles are up to in Louisana   And Super Tuesday, could Donald Trump be the next Commander in Chief of American Armed Forces?     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   IRAQ/IS FAILURES David Kilcullen, former senior counter-insurgency advisor to General David Petraeus in 2007 and 2008, where he helped design and monitor the Iraq War troop surge.   NATO/PUTIN BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   NORTH KOREA BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   BRECON BEACON DEATHS Legal commentator Joshua Rosenberg   EXERCISE RATTLESNAKE BFBS Reporter Ali Gibson   Super Tuesday Simon Marks from Feature Story News
3/3/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 25th February 2016

Brexit - who’s in and who’s out in the world of defence   Will the Syrian ceasefire work?   The day the Russians condemned Stalin – could Putin be next?   How the Australians have increased their defence budget thanks to China.   And tributes to Captain Eric "Winkle" Brown - the UK's greatest ever test pilot, who died earlier this week.       PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   EU DEFENCE LETTER BFBS Reporter James Hirst & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   SYRIA CEASEFIRE Doris Carrion, a Research Associate from the Middle East and North Africa programme at Chatham House & BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   KRUSHCHEV Dr Martin McCauley is a Soviet and Russian historian from University College London   WINKLE BROWN Tributes to Captain Eric "Winkle" Brown - described as the UK's greatest ever test pilot who dies aged 97 last weekend.  
2/26/201630 minutes
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Sitrep February 18th 2016

PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   Is Assad winning the Syrian War?   Does Putin’s bombing campaign make him a war criminal?   If the UK pulls out of the EU, what happens to NATO?   A special report from Exercise Ascari Storm 2016 - the largest ever deployment of reservists in an overseas exercise.   And what makes a defence secretary go to the Falklands?
2/18/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 11th February 2016

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 11th February   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   NATO’s sending ships to help with the European migrant crisis but could they get drawn into the fight against IS?   In North Korea another general is executed so what exactly is the Dear Leader up to?    What’s wrong with the Navy’s Type 45s?   And, how the British Army can learn from the Greek tragedy....
2/11/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 4th February 2016

PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     SITREP TRAIL THURS, 4th February   As the Syrian peace talks are suspended Sitrep looks at the spread of IS in Afghanistan and Libya.   Find out all you need to know about the new Chiefs of Staff at the MoD   Why the USA is proposing an increase in military spending for Europe.   And what do YOU think of the Army’s new TV ads?
2/4/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 28th 2016

  US General Jon Allen says Afghanistan can't beat the Taliban without a new air force.Syria - are tomorrow's talks already dead in the water?Britain's arms sales to Saudi Arabia, are they being used against Yemen?A special report from Earthquake hit Nepal - nine months on.And Forces Charities - is the public going cool?  You can hear the COBSEO Chairman, Lt Gen Sir Andrew Ridgway's thoughts on this and the current isues faced by the sector.PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate GerbeauStudio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  
1/28/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 21st 2016

  Trident - the Government gets its Vanguards in a row.Who killed the Russian spy Litvinenko? Find out what the official inquiry says… The new Service Complaints Ombudsman explains how she plans to deal with bullying and harassment.   And 25 years on Flight Lieutenant John Peters remembers his capture by Saddam's forces 25 years on. PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau
1/21/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 14th 2015

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 14th January   Aid finally gets through to Syria’s starving but should the RAF be doing more? Is Helmand a lost cause? Sitrep hears from Britain’s Ambassador in Kabul who says it’s not. It’s five years since the Arab Spring uprisings began – but has it done more harm than good? And, why there’s a growing need for health care for our military veterans       PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   AFGHANISTAN The British Ambassador to Kabul, Karen Pierce   SYRIA – HOMS TRUCE Hamish de Bretton Gordon is a chemical weapons expert who advises NGOs working in Iraq and Syria.   STATE OF THE UNION SPEECH BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   ARAB SPRING 5 YEARS Broadcaster Robin Lustig   VETERANS HEALTH   BFBS Reporter Kaija Larke   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
1/14/201629 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 7th 2016

How can MI5 keep track of returning IS terrorists? Did North Korea really test a Hydrogen bomb? What does the Government’s announcement on Armed Forces pay mean for you? Plus: Sitrep meets Labour’s new shadow defence minister Emily Thornberry And, after 70 years, it’s goodbye Hohne………….
1/8/201629 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep December 17th 2015

Sitrep’s Review of the YearJoin Kate Gerbeau, BFBSDefence Analyst, Christopher Lee & special guests for Sitrep's review ofthe year. They'll be discussing themilitary issues that dominated the headlines this year, and consider what’s onthe horizon for our armed forces in 2016.Sitrep’s Review of the Year will be broadcast on Thursday 17th December on BFBS Radio and across UK Bases at 6.30pm (UK),and on BFBS Radio 2 at 6.30pm (UK).
12/18/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 10th 2015

12/10/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 3rd 2015

After 10 hours of debate Prime Minister David Cameron got the green light to extend the air campaign to Syria – but what’s the end game?   America tops up its special forces in the Middle East,   And Nato gets a new member - Montenegro has joined the alliance but how will Russia react?         PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau Studio guest: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   SYRIA Kate Gerbeau interviews Prime Minister, David Cameron   SYRIA James Hirst interviews the Defence Secretary Michael Fallon   COMMONS DEBATE Former Foreign Secretary, Dame Margaret Beckett.   US SPECIAL FORCES BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   MONTENEGRO JOINS NATO Jonathan Eyal, International Director at the Royal United Services Institute       THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.  
12/3/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 26th 2015

PRESENTER KATE GERBEAU   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 19th November       The PM tell us why Britain should bomb Syria but can he secure the vote?   Plus: Reflections on this week’s Defence review   The diplomatic fall out between Russia and Turkey,   Are Al Qaeda a bigger long term threat than ISIS?   And is Climate Change the world’s biggest enemy?  
11/26/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 19th 2015

PRESENTER TIM COLLINS     SITREP TRAIL THURS, 19th November     After the Paris terror attacks - how can we beat ISIS and if we do, how will we manage the peace?   Find out what’s likely to be in next week’s Defence and Security Review .   Could cyber-attacks bring Britain to a standstill inside three days?   and why the biggest long term threat is climate change.
11/19/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 12th 2015

PRESENTER KATE GERBEAU   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 5th   November   After four years of war in Syria can this weekend’s Vienna talks bring hope? The Defence Review – are we about to find out who gets what and how much it'll cost. Is the Chancellor trying to hi-jack Trident from the MoD? Why the Cyber geeks in Southampton could be potential recruits for GCHQ. And, Inside the Glasshouse - what's life really like inside Colchester's military prison?
11/12/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 5th 2015

PRESENTER KATE GERBEAU   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 5th   November   Terror in Sinai, was it a bomb that bought the plane down?   Will the Commons ever hold a vote to go into Syria?   What’s in the Snooper’ Charter and how will affect British Forces?   And, why a former Army Chief says the NHS should be spending more money on mental health.  
11/5/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 29th 2015

Sitrep speaks to NATO's Secretary General about Russia, Syria and Ukraine. How anti-extremists are hoping to stop radicalisation through the arts. What HMS Ocean is doing on Exercise Trident Juncture in the Mediterranean Sea. The Commando Doctor who is making Battlefield Medicine work in peacetime. And MI5 tells us why our emails have to be bugged.     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Paula Middlehurst Studio guest: Christopher Lee & Russia Analyst Martin McCauley   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg BFBS reporter James Hirst   Nato, Russia & Syria Russia Analyst Martin McCauley as well as our own defence analyst Christopher Lee   NATO Exercise Trident Juncture Commander of the helicopter carrier, assault ship and Royal Navy Flagship, HMS Ocean.     Countering radicalisation through the arts Nazish Khan i- Quilliam's Arts Practitioner/Researcher   World Extreme Medicine Conference Surgeon Commander Dr Jamie Philips   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
10/29/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 22nd 2015

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 22nd October (TIM COOPER presenting)   This week in Sitrep - The story of migrants in Cyprus, Cyber security fears behind the Chinese deal to build the UK's new Nuclear power station. The United Nations is 70 years old on Saturday - but do we expect too much? NATO's biggest exercise in ten years takes to Land, Sea and Air. But who's the enemy? Plus The Paras get their Pegasus back and what it takes to be a poppy seller.
10/22/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 15th 2015

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 15th October (Kate Gerbeau presenting)   American troops are to stay longer in Afghanistan as the security situation gets worse. In Syria – the USA and Russia talk airspace while Lord Robertson says Britain should carry out airstrikes there. Israel, is another Gaza war on the way? And Trident - the SNP say it must still go.
10/15/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 8th October 2015

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 8th October (Kate Gerbeau presenting)   Nato demands Russia to stop its Syrian operation- but will they take any notice? And, as tensions rise in Europe, the UK is sending troops to the Baltics Why America must rethink total withdrawal plans in Afghanistan, Sitrep speaks to the journalist that went to see one of America’s most wanted in Moscow Plus: Rugby - England are out but Britain's defence forces scrum down for triumph.
10/9/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 1st 2015

10/2/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 24th 2015

  SITREP TRAIL THURS, 24th September   Find out what needs to happen in the next Defence Review to make our Forces more efficient.   America and Russia go head to head on what happens next in Syria,   Plus, British troops teaching the Kurds how to beat IS and get streetwise,   And 75 years of the George Cross - the people's decoration.    PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    DEFENCE POLICYRichard Norton Taylor who writes for The Guardian on defence and security,   SYRIA/PUTIN/UNProfessor Joshua Landis from the Department of Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma   PESHMERGA BFBS presenter Charlene Guy speaking to some of the soldiers who have been working on the ground in Iraq, training Kurdish Peshmerga fighters.   GEORGE CROSS 75TH ANNIVERSARYBFBS reporter Claire Sadler   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.      
9/24/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 17th 2015

Presenter Kate Gerbeau   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 17th September   Why the man at the top of MI5 has spoken publicly about why they need to read our emails. Frederick Forsyth tells Sitrep why he’s backing the campaign to clear the guilty Royal Marine. Plus the best of the new defence innovations at the DSEI exhibition And the Battle of Britain remembered:     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:           BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    MI5 BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   MARINE A Best-selling author Frederick Forsyth   DSEI Will Inglis reporting on the A400M   PLUS INTERVIEW ON THE FOLLOWING   Dr Markus Jung head of Rheinmetal's Direct Energy Weapon Programme, discussing their new laser gun   BAe Systems,head of Cyber Threat Intelligence, Adrian Nish.   Swiss Company RUAG discussing its new ‘snipers’ bullet.   BATTLE OF BRITAIN 75TH ANNIVERSARY   BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee
9/17/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 10th 2015

Was the RAF drones strike against IS in Syria legal and is there more to come? Find out why Russia is increasing its military presence in the region. A new report warns against cuts in UK security. Is the IRA still active in Northern Ireland? And what will a new leader of the Labour Party mean for defence, security and foreign affairs in Parliament?     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    SYRIA (Drones) Sir William Patey   SYRIA /RUSSIA The Times Diplomatic Editor Roger Boyes   DFEENCE CUTS BFBS reporter James Hirst has been speaking to RUSI's research director, Professor Malcolm Chalmers.   N IRELAND Northern Ireland writer and commentator Chris Ryder   Labour leadership BBC World Service Political Correspondent Rob Watson   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
9/10/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 3rd 2015

The Migrant crisis, how should the UK respond and is Europe doing enoughThe Libyan campaign – who was right, the chiefs of staff or the politicians?Afghan Interpreters - what Price should we pay now the war is over.Plus why China’s military are on parade and it’s Merchant Navy Day, but who remembers?  
9/3/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 27th 2015

Nato’s Exercise Swift Response gets underway in Europe as China and Russia show off their military might in the Sea of Japan. What’s behind the Taliban’s push into a former British stronghold in Afghanistan? Can improved relations between the West and Iran help the Syrian crisis? And how a little bit of Shakespeare is helping injured soldiers.   ---------------------------PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Paua MiddlehurstSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee & Tim Marshall, foreign affairs and international analyst.
8/27/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 20th 2015

Presenter Paula Middlehurst   SITREP TRAIL THURS, 20th August   The Chilcot report, what’s behind claims of political pressure on the inquiry team?   Is there a new ‘Cold War’ emerging between Russia & the West?   The Battle of Britain’s Hardest Day remembered,     And the US army get ready for an historic day
8/20/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 13th 2015

Presenter TIM COOPER   Is the British army becoming a training force not a fighting force? The Ukraine training promise from the Defence Secretary. Op Shader one year on - has it made a difference? 70 years since VJ DAY - commemorations take place.   And why is JAPAN choosing now to look at changing its military engagement rules?
8/13/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 6th 2015

Presenter Kate Gerbeau Find out about MoD plans for a deployment to Libya.Concerns are raised over the forthcoming Defence Review.Plus, the Navy’s new Type 26 frigate goes into productionAnd 70 years on – the U.S. bombing of Hiroshima is remembered.
8/6/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 30th 2015

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 30th JULY   The US moves its front line from Germany to Turkey and the war against ISIS gets closer.   Mullah Omar, the man who invented the Taleban, is officially dead, or is he?   Plus: Robot Wars. What's the possibility of a Terminator - style conflict?   And Lord Richards, the former chief of the defence staff, reflects on 70 years of Forces broadcasting in Germany   --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:           BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    IS/TURKEY/NATO Shashank Joshi from the Royal United Services Institute   DEATH OFTALEBAN COMMANDER MULLAH OMAR Shashank Joshi from the Royal United Services Institute   UKRAINE TRAINING EXERCISE BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   ROBOT WARS Noel Sharkey, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at the University of Sheffield   Defence cuts BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   BFBS Germany - 70 Years BFBS reporter, Patrick Eade  & Lord Richards,former Chief of Defence Staff   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/31/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 23rd 2015

(First broadcast on Thursday 23rd July 2015 at 4.30pm)     SITREP TRAIL THURS, 23rd JULY   Are active IS units operating in a NATO country?   Find out why the Americans are saying that Russia is the No.1 enemy   And what the Defence Committee has to say in their latest report…   Plus, as millions of refugees escape conflict in the Middle East what can the international community do to help?     --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:    BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    IS/TURKEY/NATO Former Liberal Democratic leader Paddy Ashdown   RUSSIA-US Michael Evans from The Times   DEFENCE COMMITTEE BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   REFUGEES Ariane Rummery from The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees      THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2 and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/23/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 16th 2015

A new Government with a new budget but is it really good news for defence & Nato?   And what’s the reaction from the USA?   Why does Greece commit so much to defence with its huge economic problems?     The IS media machine is in full swing, but how should the West counter it?   And find out how geography can dictate global security   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:    BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    BUDGET BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee & to Malcolm Brown from Feature Story News in Washington   GREECE Tim Marshall, Former Diplomatic Editor at Sky News     IS PROPAGANDA Charlie Winter, Quilliam’s Senior Researcher on Transnational Jihadism   PRISONERS OF GEOGRAPHY by Tim Marshall(book review) 10 maps that tell you everything you need to know about global politics.      THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/17/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 9th 2015

A new Government with a new budget but is it really good news for defence & Nato?   And what’s the reaction from the USA?   Why does Greece commit so much to defence with its huge economic problems?     The IS media machine is in full swing, but how should the West counter it?   And find out how geography can dictate global security   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:    BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    BUDGET BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee & to Malcolm Brown from Feature Story News in Washington   GREECE Tim Marshall, Former Diplomatic Editor at Sky News     IS PROPAGANDA Charlie Winter, Quilliam’s Senior Researcher on Transnational Jihadism   PRISONERS OF GEOGRAPHY by Tim Marshall(book review) 10 maps that tell you everything you need to know about global politics.      THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
7/9/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 2nd 2015

(First broadcast on Thursday11th June 2015 at 4.30pm)     SITREP TRAIL THURS, 2nd JULY   Terror in Tunisia – after last week’s atrocities could the UK attack Islamic State in Syria?   Can anyone stop IS? And what do the lawyers say?   Find out what changes lay ahead for the British Army   It's back to The Somme - but what's the point in all these commemorations?     --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:    BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    TUNISIA/IS THREAT & REACTION The new Chairman of the Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee, Crispin Blunt, Hamish de Bretton Gordon, a chemical weapons expert working for NGOs in Syria and Iraq....and of course, BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee.   POLITICAL REACTION BFBS reporter James Hirst   LAND WARFARE CONFERENCE BFBS reporter Rosie Laydon speaking to Director General of RUSI, Professor Michael Clarke   BATTLE OF THE SOMME CENTENARY EVENT BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep podcast.
7/2/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 25th 2015

SITREP TRAIL THURS, 25 JUNE   Nato ministers meet as Russia flexes its muscles. Defence Spending…can the UK have its cake and eat it?   And…the Victoria Cross?  Is it time for a rethink on why it’s awarded?     --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:    BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:      NATO TALKS BFBS Reporter Rob Olver   RUSSIAN STRATEGY BFBS Reporter Charlotte Cross   DEFENCE SPENDING Bernard Jenkin MP     VICTORIA CROSS Author Gary Mead (book review)       THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
6/25/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 18th 2015

Presenter Kate Gerbeau   Yemen – we hear from a reporter on the ground in the wartorn region Europe's Migrant Crisis deepens but what next for the Royal Navy's involvement? There’s a new man in the defence Committee Chair - but what will Julian Lewis bring to the job? The Afghan Appeal fund celebrates 10 years of building schools in Afghanistan.   And ...The 1805 battle of Waterloo, what does it mean for you?
6/18/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 11th 2015

This week's Sitrep comes to you from the hallowed turf of Lord's Cricket Ground where the Inter-Service T20 tournament is taking place.   We will talking about the importance of Sport in forces life as well as looking at the connections between Cricket and the military.   Rain may stop play but the usual discussion and debate about all things defence and foreign affairs will continue.    Kate Gerbeau is our Spin Bowler with BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee behind the wicket.   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
6/11/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 4th 2015

(First broadcast on Thursday 4th June 2015 at 4.30pm)     Who’s our biggest threat – Islamic State or Russia? And should the UK send ground troops to fight alongside the Iraqi Army? One former British Army Commander thinks they should. Will America’s snooping restrictions have an impact on British Intelligence?   Could there be major development problems for the carriers’ new F35 fighter jets?   And why Forces’ sport is an integral part of military life …………………………       --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:    BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:      Defence Cuts BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee     Ukraine/ISIS Professor Paul Rogers from the department of peace studies at the University of Bradford   ISIS in Iraq Lieutenant General Graeme Lamb served in Iraq as Deputy Commanding General of the multi-national force. F35s Former Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander Sharkey Ward Amercian & British intelligence gathering Richard Norton-Taylor who writes for the Guardian on defence and security matters   Forces Sport BFBS Reporter Julian Evans     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
6/4/201530 minutes, 11 seconds
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Sitrep May 28th 2015

PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   (First broadcast on Thursday 28th May 2015 at 4.30pm)   Find out how the next SDSR is shaping up.   What the new Crowsnest surveillance system will mean for the Royal Navy.   Why Obama has spoken out about Russian’s aggression towards Ukraine.   And, why China could be heading for a show-down with the US over the disputed South China Islands. And from British Soldier to Blackwater - life as a security contractor in Iraq. --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:    BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    QUEEN’S SPEECH AND  SDSR BFBS reporter James Hirst interview with Professor Malcolm Chalmers, from the Defence and Security think tank - The Royal United Services Institute,   CROWSNEST SURVEILLANCE FOR THE ROYAL NAVY. Commander Graham Edmonds, Vice Chairman, at the UK National Defence Association.   RUSSIAN/NATO/UKRAINE. Professor Michael Stathis from the University of Southern Utah & BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee.   CHINA &  THE DISPUTED SOUTH CHINA ISLANDS. Mark Stone Asia Correspondent for Sky News.   BLACKWATER One former British soldier talks about his time as a Blackwater contractor in Iraq.     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
5/28/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 21st 2015

(First broadcast on Thursday 21st May 2015 at 4.30pm)   AS IS gathers ground in both Syria & Iraq, Sitrep speaks to a leading expert on Islamic State as the militants continue to gather ground in Iraq and Syria. Also this week, is America sending weapons into space? Nato chiefs of staff list new security challenges. And why more people are dying in conflict despite fewer wars being fought.   --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:    BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Abdel Bari Atwan, author of "Islamic State - The Digital Caliphate" BFBS reporter Victoria Smith interview with the International Institute for Strategic Studies Director of transnational threats and political risk, Nigel Inkster, as it publishes its 2015 Armed Conflict Survey. X-37B Spacecraft  with Kenneth Chang ,Science Reporter from The New York Times, BFBS reporter James Hirst talks to the people behind a new film giving a unique insight into the Afghan Army in Helmand .  "Tell Spring Not To Come This Year"   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website, or download the Sitrep Podcast.
5/21/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 14th 2015

PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   In Syria - have the Generals had enough of Assad? Is NATO lining up it's Baltic army? Who will be the new Chair of the Defence Select Committee? RAF Chinooks are being prevented from helping in Nepal. Has Britain sent the wrong type of helicopter? And some right royal opinions have aired about the Ministry of Defence.   --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:           BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Sir Andrew Green, a former British Ambassador in Damascus.   Former Chief of the General  Staff, Lord Dannatt, discussing the possibility of Nato troops being deployed to Baltic states. The Conservative MP Colonel Bob Stewart talking to Tim Cooper about the now vacant position of Chair of Commons Defence Select Committee.   Nepal Aid - Yurendra Basnett , Research Fellow from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI)     THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website
5/14/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 7th 2015

KATE GERBEAU PRESENTS TODAY   (First broadcast on Thursday 7th May 2015 at 4.30pm)   70 years on from VE did the Second World War change the world?Plus, what’s the experts verdict on what's in store for the NEXT seventy years?Why the West should understand how Russia’s past has influenced its Dynamic Mongoose is taking the North Sea by storm.---------------------------PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee & Dr Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Grand Strategy  - looking ahead Professor Malcolm Chalmers from the Royal United Services InstituteRussia/VE Day - Mary Dejevsky (DEJ-EV-SKEE) from The Independent.EXERCISE MONGOOSE – Dr Paul Rogers   THURSDAYS at 4:30pm UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30pm UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via web, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website
5/7/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 30th 2015

How Gurkha engineers and the RAF are providing aid to Nepal Trident - why the debate goes on? There's a new man in charge of Northern Cyprus, will that help the stalled peace talks? And Britain's Greatest Generation with stories of VE Day and beyond. --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Paula Middlehurst STUDIO GUEST:           BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee.   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  NEPAL AID EFFORT Ghurka Welfare Trust chairman; General Sir Peter Wall speaking to James Hirst and BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee TRIDENT Interview with former Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Boyce, and BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee NEW PRESIDENT OF NORTHERN CYPRUS Correspondent - Mike Theodoulou BOOK REVIEW   Sue Elliot, Co-Author of "Britain's Greatest Generation”
4/30/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 23rd 2015

The Mediterranean migrants crisis…did we heed the warnings?   The use of drones -  are we being told everything?   100 years on what did we learn from Gallipoli?   and…with two weeks to go…what are the main defence issues dominating the election?     --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee and former Royal Marine, Major General Julian Thompson.     OTHER INTERVIEWS:    General Sir Nick Parker, former Commander, Land Forces speaking to BFBS reporter James Hirst ahead of the general election on defence issues.     Book review with author Chris Woods, a former BBC Panorama producer whose new book is Sudden Justice, America’s Secret Drone Wars
4/23/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 16th 2015

How the US UK Joint Exercise in The States is helping to cement the special relationship. Russia - The Big Question, should we be frightened of Putin? Find out about the report on Britain's nuclear deterrent that no-body wants published. In Syria, Is President Assad still using chlorine and cyanide in attacks against his own people? And The Election - why no one wants to talk defence.   PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau     STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee,
4/16/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 9th 2015

(First broadcast on Thursday 9th April 2015 at 4.30pm) The Tories want to talk Trident - but what does it mean to voters? Why is Iran sending ships to Yemen? Where are North Korea's missing missiles? And why 2015 is a big year for the Gurkhas... --------------------------- PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee,     OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Naval Historian and defence strategist Professor Eric Grove on Trident.   Edward Schwarck is a research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute specialising in Asia Studies, discussing Japan.   Lal Shahi,(POR: Lal Shar-hee) the Manager of BFBS Gurkha Radio service down in Shorncliffe, on the Gurkha 200 Anniversary celebrations.   75th Anniversary of the Second World War's 'Battle of Narvik', Ron Cope has written a book on the battle. It's called "Attack at Dawn'   THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website
4/10/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 3rd 2015

Is President Putin threatening to use nuclear warheads over the Baltic States?   Is the MOD's anti-malaria drug safe?   Will defence be an election winner on May 7th?     And Christopher Lee explains what happened to the dead teeth at the Battle of Waterloo.
4/3/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 26th 2015

(First broadcast on Thursday 26th  March 2015 at 4.30pm) British troops train up Syrian Rebels – is this the start of something bigger? Why are  the Saudis are bombing Yemen. The voice of reason from the Vicar of Baghdad… Does Argentina really fancy another pop at the Falklands? And Richard the Third – were you there when they buried him?    PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee, military strategist Professor Eric Grove. OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Canon Andrew White – known as the Vicar of Baghdad, is in Jerusalem. Chair of House of Commons Defence committee, Rory Stewart speaking to James Hirst Major General Julian Thompson, who commanded 3 Commando Brigade, during the Falklands War.  THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK BasesYou can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website
3/26/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 19th 2015

(First broadcast on Thursday 19th  March 2015 at 4.30pm)   British troops are going to  Ukraine, but what exactly will they do there? Terror in Tunisia  - why did terrorists target the fledgling democracy? The budget – good news for veterans and military charities. Post Traumatic Stress disorder – what happens when it’s the nurse who suffers? And all aboard, as a new look for navy personnel is announced…    PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee,     OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Toops to Ukraine & terror attack in Tunisia, Michael Evans from The Times   The Budget – BFBS reporter James Hirst & Michael Evans from The Times   Major Lawrence Roche on Exercise Tractable on Salisbury Plain   Army Nursing officer Kerrie Pealin discussing her personal experience of Post Traumatic Stress disorder.       THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website
3/23/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 12th 2015

Tony Blair speaks exclusively Sitrep’s Kate Gerbeau ahead of tomorrow’s service of commemoration for the war in Afghanistan at St Paul’s cathedral.   Plus: Why is everybody getting obsessed about 2%?   And taking the war against IS personally – why former British soldiers want some of the action.     PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee,     OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Former Prime Minister, Tony Blair interview with Kate Gerbeau   Professor Malcolm Chalmers who is RUSI’s Director of UK defence policy studies, discussing Britain’s 2% contribution of GCP to NATO.   Simon Marks reporting on Defence Secretary Michael Fallon visit to Washington this week.   Two former Army officers, Tony Harris and James Banks, debate why former soldiers are heading off to fight IS.   THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website    
3/12/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 5th 2015

3/5/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 27th 2015

British Troops for Ukraine as Putin’s ships stand off Cyprus.   Why a Tory big beast is saying hands off the MoD budget.   Jihadi John revealed as Washington pulls off his mask.   Could a new Sikh Regiment in the British Army become a reality?   And women on the front line – we find out how the Danes do it.   "And for a cheeky bit of Sitrep Extra check out the BFBS Radio Facebook Page..."?     PRESENTER THIS WEEK : Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee, and historian and strategic analyst Dr Eric Grove   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Victoria Cross award discussion     Chairman of the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee Sir Richard Ottaway talking to BFBS reporter  James Hirst about Russia/Ukraine.   BFBS reporter  Emma Nelson special report on the role of women in the Danish Army.   Sikhs in the British Army Tom Tugendhat  who has served as the   Tom Tugendhat, the former military assistant to the Chief of the Defence Staff military assistant to the Chief of the Defence Staff, Lord Richards, discussing the idea of Sikh regiment.     THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)    Sky Channel 0211
2/27/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 19th 2015

Why the Defence Secretary is urging NATO to be ready for any Russian aggression in the Baltic States.   How is the Ukraine ceasefire holding up?   How should Libya deal with Islamic militants?   Are British troops winning in the fight against Ebola in West Africa?   And what was it like to live in Kabul at the height of the war in Afghanistan?     PRESENTER THIS WEEK : Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee,   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Michael Bociurkiw  (Bossuhrkyoo) is spokesman for the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)    Oliver Miles, the former British Ambassador to Libya.   BFBS reporter Charlotte Cross on the Defence Secretary’s visit to Sierra Leone   Heidi Kingstone, author of Despatches from the Kabul Café.     THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website
2/19/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 12th 2015

  There’s a ceasefire in Ukraine - but how long will the guns stay silent? In Syria President Assad talks but what's he actually saying? Why do the media still get the reporting of veterans’ mental health so wrong? And why is it so hard to get support if you're a former service person in Northern Ireland?     PRESENTER THIS WEEK : Tim Cooper   STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee,   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  From Moscow, the BBC's Diplomatic Correspondent Bridget Kendall   The Archbiship of Irbil, Bashar Warda interview with James Hirst about the Islamic State   Professor Nicola Fear on Veterans’ mental health conference from Kings Centre for Military Health Research have been discussing exactly this...     Former soldier Doug Beattie and now a UUP Councillor in Northern Ireland, discusses problems with veterans’ welfare in Northern Ireland.
2/17/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 5th 2015

2/5/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 29th 2015

(First broadcast on Thursday 29th January 2015 at 4.30pm)     Is Moscow playing a game of Russian roulette in international affairs?   What are the recruitment challenges for the UK military?   Why is the MOD spending 30 million on an upgrade to armoured vehicles?   Find out what HMS Kent is doing in the Indian Ocean.   And the thoughts and memories of the former Royal Naval pilot – who witnessed the Nazi cruelty at a Second World War concentration camp.     PRESENTER THIS WEEK : Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee,   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    RUSSIA/UKRAINE /EU/NATO Doctor Andrew Foxall, Director of Russia Studies at the think tank the Henry Jackson Society   Air Vice Marshall Mike Harwood discussing manpower     Defence equipment minister Philip Dunne speaking to BFBS reporter Will Inglis about  d the UK's armoured vehicles .   HMS Kent’s Captain, Commander Andrew Block, discussing the ship’s counter-piracy operations.   HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY. Former British serviceman Eric Winkle Brown speaking to Kate Gerbeau   THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website
1/29/201530 minutes, 9 seconds
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Sitrep January 22nd 2015

1/22/201530 minutes, 7 seconds
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Sitrep January 15th 2015

(First broadcast on Thursday 15th January 2015 at 4.30pm)    After the Paris terror attacks, the former head of GCHQ explains the fine line between freedom of speech and being spied on   Why NATO’s stepping up operations in the Baltic?   The Archbishiop of Jos (a prominent archbishop) in Nigeria tells Sitrep why the international community must take action against Boko Haram.   And how 15 years of diversity in the Military has changed the British Forces for the better.   PRESENTER THIS WEEK : Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee,   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Professor Sir David Omand, former head of GCHQ, discussing intelligence and security in the aftermath of the Paris attacks.   Charlie Winter from Quilliam, looking at counter radicalisation   Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos in Nigeria     …………………………………………………………………………… THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website    
1/15/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 8th 2015

How British intelligence can help the French capture the Charlie Hebdo (pro: Heb-doh) assassins. Why the US Airforce is pulling out of Mildenhall. Russia rethinks how to use its military, so do we need to rethink ours? Can the Reserve Forces increase their numbers in 2015? Australian Historian Peter Fitzsimons (pro: Fitz Simons as in boys name) discusses his new book “Gallipoli”. PRESENTER THIS WEEK : Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee,  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BFBS reporter James Hirst interview with former Lib Dem leader Sir Ming Campbell who sits on the intelligence and security committee BFBS reporter Tim Cooper speaks to  the former first Sea Lord, Admiral Lord West about Russia’s new military doctrine. Julian Brazier ,Minister for the Reserves, discusses recruiting issues Australian Historian Peter Fitzsimons discusses his new book “Gallipoli”.……………………………………………………………………………THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK BasesYou can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website
1/8/201529 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 18th 2014

SITREP 18 DEC 2014   (First broadcast on Thursday 18th December 2014 at 4.30pm, and 18.30)   It’s been quite a year for global events and this week Sitrep looks back at some of the big stories the programme has covered in 2014, including ISIS, Ukraine and Climate change.  And as we head towards 2015 with a General Election on the way - what’s in store for British Forces? Find out in this week’s Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau and guests.   PRESENTER THIS WEEK : Kate Gerbeau     STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee, the BBC’s diplomatic Editor, Bridget Kendall and Professor Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford.
12/18/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 11th 2014

12/12/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 4th 2014

12/4/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 27th 2014

11/27/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 20th 2014

11/20/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 13th 2014

Russian tanks are back in Ukraine, so what’s Putin’s long term plan & what can NATO do?   British troops complete their withdrawal from Afghanistan so who’s left to make the peace work?   Ebola - How long can the army stay in Sierra Leone?   And we hear from a man whose business is Remembrance all year round     PRESENTER THIS WEEK : Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee & former   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    BBC’s Diplomatic Editor Bridget Kendall discussing Russia and Ukraine. BFBS reporter Fiona Weir interview with Commander of the British Forces, Brigadier James Stopford.   Armed Forces Minister, Mark Francois talking to Josella Waldron   Steve Douglas who runs the British Grenadier Bookshop in Ypres?   …………………………………………………………………………… THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website
11/13/201430 minutes, 1 second
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Sitrep November 6th 2014

Are technology companies trailing in the wake of cyber terrorists?   The American diplomatic who says the US/UK relationship really is “special”   Plus, what lessons can we learn from the Western Front?   And 25 years, the impact of the fall of the Berlin Wall.         PRESENTER THIS WEEK : Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee & former   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    The former director of GCHQ, Professor Sir David Omand.   The American Ambassador to London, Matthew Barzun     BFBS presenter, Steve Britton.
11/7/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 30th 2014

10/31/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 23rd 2014

10/23/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 16th 2014

British troops are on their way to Sierra Leone to help in the fight against Ebola but is the world’s reaction too little, too late?   The Former Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Richards talks tough on spending.   The Army prepares for Exercise Black Eagle in Poland.                                                                                       And, the North Korean leader is back in action in North Korea…or is he?   . PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    BBC’s Mark Doyle from the Ghanaian capital Accra, discussing the Ebola crisis.     BFBS reporter Tim Cooper reporting from RFA Argus before it departs for Africa.   Exercise Black Eagle with BFBS reporter Rob Olver   Former Chief of the Defence Staff, General Lord Richards speaking about Ebola, IS and defence spending.   Korean expert Andrea Berger from RUSI     ……………………………………………………………………………………………… THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211   Alternatively listen again on the website
10/16/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 9th 2014

(First broadcast on Thursday 9th October 2014 at 4.30pm)   PLEASE NOTE PRESENTER THIS WEEK: Paula Middlehurst   British troops take the fight against Ebola into Sierra Leone, but is it too little too late?   Why Turkey is reluctant to get involved in the fight against IS.   Why the US Vice President had to say sorry to the leaders of Turkey and the UAE.   And the Party conference season’s over – so what did the main UK parties say about Defence?   PRESENTER: Paula Middlehurst   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:  BFBS reporter James Hirst speaking to the Defence Secretary Michael Fallon.   Sky News Correspondent Alex Crawford discussing the Ebola crisis.Political reporter,  Aaron Blake, from the Washington Post speaking about the US Vice President Joe Biden’s recent comments on IS.   BFBS reporter James Hirst with a round up of defence issued discussed during the Party conference season.   ………………………………………………………………………………………………THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK BasesYou can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website  
10/10/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 2nd 2014

10/6/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 25th 2014

The Prime Minister says Britain is ready to play its part in the fight against Islamic State, but will Parliament agree with him?What will airstrikes achieve, and what do the British public think?Also this week: Climate change, is it a bigger global threat to world security than terrorism?   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee & Professor Paul Rogers from the department of peace studies at the University of Bradford.   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    BFBS reporter James Hirst, covering events in Westminster. Tanya Abbraham from YouGov's political and social research team, on UK public opinion on airstrikes in Iraq & Syria.   ……………………………………………………………………………………………… THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website
9/26/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 18th 2014

In today's Sitrep.....   Obama says no boots on the ground in Iraq but his military chief says otherwise – who’s right?   How the military is trying to contain the Ebola threat.   And find out why Hitler’s desk is on display at a military museum in Dorset.   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Michael Stathis,Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Southern Utah, on US strategy in Iraq.   Fawaz Gerges, Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics, discussing the brutality of Islamic State.   Hamish De Bretton Gordon, a former British army chemical weapons officer, talking about the Ebola threat and military involvement.   BFBS reporter Tim Cooper reporting from the Keep Military Museum in Dorchester on  one very unusual object:   ……………………………………………………………………………………………… THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website
9/19/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 11th 2014

Find out how America’s going to deal with Islamic State and is Britain likely to join in? It’s one week until Scotland votes Yes or No, Sitrep answers YOUR questions about the big day. Plus: the latest phase in the British Army’s First World War commemorations And it’s Game On for Invictus  .PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Director General of the Royal United Services Institute, Professor Michael Clarke discussing IS and Scotland. Dr Colin Fleming, who’s a Research Fellow at the Scottish Centre on Constitutional Change at the University of Edinburgh BFBS reporter Steve Britton with the British Army in France as they continue to commemorate the First World War. Royal Marine Cassidy Little at the Invictus Games. ………………………………………………………………………………………………THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK BasesYou can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)
9/11/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 4th 2014

(First broadcast on Thursday 4th September 2014 at 4.30pm on BFBS Radio 2)**PAULA MIDDLEHURST IN FOR KATE GERBEAU THIS WEEK**  As NATO gathers in Wales for its most important summit in decades Sitrep looks at the main issues on the agenda; what can  Nato do to help solve the Ukraine-Russia crisis and how will the Alliance react to the global threat posed by Islamic State? And, are our leaders up to the challenge?Find out in this week’s/today’s Sitrep; with analysis & reports throughout the programme. PRESENTER: Paula Middlehurst, STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BFBS reporter James Hirst at the Nato summit in Wales, and Bridget Kendall, the BBC’s Diplomatic Correspondent also at the Nato summit, discussing Russia-Ukraine. BFBS reporter Tim Cooper speaking to Sir Christopher Meyer, former British Ambassador to Washington Sir Tony Brenton, former ambassador to Moscow talking to James Hirst. Former Ambassador to Syria Sir Andrew Green discussing the Middle East and IS.……………………………………………………………………………………………………THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK BasesYou can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website
9/4/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 28th 2014

(First broadcast on Thursday 28th August 2014 at 4.30pm)   Has Russia stepped up the chances of war in Europe?   The Islamic State continues its onslaught in Iraq, but how should the international community react?   Why is HMS Bulwark off to the Med?   And it’s the end of the line for HMS Illustrious, as supporters bid a fond farewell….     PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee and Professor Michael Clarke, Director General of the Royal United Services Institute   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Former Chief of the Defence Staff General Lord Richards talking to BFBS reporter Rob Olver about IS, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan   BFBS reporter Rebecca Ricks interview with HMS Bulwark’s Commanding Officer, Captain Dean Bassett…   BFBS reporter Geoff Meade on board HMS Illustrious with  Lieutenant Richard Turrell, the Ship’s aircraft control room officer.   …………………………………………………………………………………………………… THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website
8/28/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 21st 2014

Is the Islamic State about to kill another hostage and is there anything the United State and the UK can do about it? What’s the current role of the RAF’s Tornado Squadron in Iraq? And are Nigeria’s Islamist terrorists potential targets for the RAF? Plus, NATO leaders are preparing for their summit next month – but is modern terrorism tearing up their plans in front of them? PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee and Major General Julian Thompson who commanded 3 Commando Brigade during the Falklands War.    OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Simon Marks from feature Story News in Washington discussing US public opinion and President Obama’s position. Professor Paul Rogers, from the Department for Peace Studies at Bradford University, discussing the crisis in Middle East and previewing Nato conference in Wales, in Septembe. BFBS reporter Geoff Meade speaking to Group Captain Harvey Smith, The Commanding Officer at RAF Marham, about the role of the GR4 Tornado Squadron in Iraq.   ……………………………………………………………………………………………………THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK BasesYou can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website
8/21/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 14th 2014

8/17/201430 minutes, 13 seconds
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Sitrep August 7th 2014

How did one Afghan gunman beat the security cordon and kill an American General?   How does the MOD consistently fail its veterans?   How is it that Twitter can get a Gaza ceasefire, when the world powers cannot?   What really started the First World War?   And 10 artefacts that tell the story of the conflict.   PRESENTER: James Hirst   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:     The Defence Editor of the Times, Deborah Haynes   Professor Paul Rogers, from the Department for Peace Studies at Bradford University   'BFBS Presenter Mikaela Roche, discussing her BFBS documentary “Artefacts and Armaments: Ten objects that tell the story of the First World War.” Will be broadcast Sunday 10th August on BFBS Radio at 3pm.   THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website
8/7/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 31st 2014

(First broadcast on 31st July 2014 at 4.30pm)   Why the Defence committee says NATO needs radical reform.   Exercise Black Eagle…is the Cold War really on the way back?   The last crew member of the Enola Gay dies, but what turned him against nuclear warfare?   And – 100 years on – the world prepares to remember the Great War   PRESENTER: James Hirst   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Chair of The House of Commons Defence Committee, Rory Stewart, on its report  today on Nato.   Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, and former Foreign and Defence Secretary, Sir Malcolm Rifkind discussing Russia and Ukraine.   BFBS reporter Geoff Meade looking at Exercise Black Eagle which will take place in Poland   BFBS reporter Tim Cross, remembering the last surviving member of the air crew which dropped the atom bomb over Hiroshima in the Second World War, who died this week.  …………………………………………………………………………………………………… THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website    
7/31/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 24th 2014

The Ukraine air disaster….how will the world react?   What will it take to bring about  a cease-fire in Gaza?   Why are Muslims under represented in the Armed Forces?  The Defence Secretary tells Sitrep he wants to boost numbers.   And…a fond farewell to HMS Illustrious as she sails home…for the last time.   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau    STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee    OTHER INTERVIEWS:     Professor Paul Rogers, from the Department for Peace Studies at Bradford University discussing the Ukraine air disaster as well as the  Israel/ Gaza security situation.   BFBS reporter Charlotte Cross, reporting from the launch of the first Armed Forces Muslim Forum   Mike Critchley, the publisher of Warships World magazine discussing HMS Illustrious’ history in Service   ……………………………………………………………………………………………… THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website
7/24/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 17th 2014

7/18/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 10th 2014

Do British Airports really face terrorist attacks and will the switch on policy really work? Find out why MI6 wants to see your emails and text messages. A British General says NATO must boost defences against Russia – but the defence secretary says no way. And why Headley Court is moving South to a new home. PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau  STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Malcolm Chalmers, RUSI’s Director of UK defence policy, discussing the RAF and air power. BFBS reporter James Hirst speaking to Surgeon General for the Defence medical Services – Air Marshall Paul Evans. Brigadier Robin Bacon, Chief of Staff at ABF The Soldiers' Charity, talking about Headley Court’s new location. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK BasesYou can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website
7/10/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 3rd 2014

If the Middle East is the biggest current threat to world stability, what will we be worrying about in 30 years? It’s Navy week on Sitrep and the First Sea Lord tells the Government one carrier isn’t enough, give us two and we’ll do the job. And find out why the new Carrier’s being named with a bottle of Whiskey… PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau  STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee and Eric Grove, Professor of Naval History and fellow in security studies at  Liverpool Hope University OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Admiral Lord West former first First Sea Lord discussing Naval power with BFBS reporter James Hirst BFBS reporter Ali Gibson takes a look on board the new carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth.……………………………………………………………………………………………………THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website
7/3/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 26th 2014

The latest edition of SITREP with Kate Gerbeau (First broadcast on 26th June 2014 at 4.30pm) In the week that two generals speak out against more defence cuts,  is it time to stop the reservists “experiment”? Find out why Putin might have done the MOD a favour Who sides with whom when it comes to ISIS in the Gulf States? And what does Armed Forces Day mean for the services in Scotland?  PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee. OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Interviews with the Former Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Richards and the current Head of the Army, General Sir Peter Wall Former ambassador to Russia, Sir Andrew Wood, discusses the situation between Russia, Nato and Ukraine. BFBS reporter Toby Sadler Former speaks to Lt General Karl Eikenberry , former US ambassador to Kabul. Captain Chris Smith, Naval Regional Commander of Scotland and Northern Ireland, talks about the Navy’s involvement with Armed Forces Day this Saturday You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website……………………………………………………………………………………………………THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases
6/27/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 19th 2014

In this week's programme....(19 June) Iraq wants military help from America – but will they get it and what will it achieve? Sitrep speaks to the former head of the British Army General Sir Mike Jackson about Britain’s legacy in Iraq. Why the head of NATO has said ‘no’ to more defence cuts. And the art of the military tattoo. PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee. OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Professor Paul Rogers from the Department for Peace Studies at Bradford University on Iraq, Iran and Nato Former Chief of the General SGeneral Sir Mike Jackson discussing the crisis in Iraq BFBS reporter James Hirst interview with The NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen  Lieutenant Colonel Mike Shervington, the Commanding Officer of 3 Para, explaining the difference between civilian tattoos and military tattoos You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website……………………………………………………………………………………………………THURSDAYS at 4:30 UK TIME on BFBS RADIO 2and at 6:30 UK TIME on BFBS & UK Bases
6/19/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 12th 2014

6/13/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 5th 2014

In this week's programme....   Why is President Obama sending more troops to Eastern Europe & upping the cash to pay for it?   Why Putin’s been excluded from the top table of world leaders.   Kate Gerbeau talks to British former ambassador to Washington Sir Christopher Meyer about the influence of US foreign policy on Britain.   And it’s the 70th anniversary of D Day tomorrow, BFBS’s Tim Cooper & Patrick Eade report from Normandy.   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS defence analyst Christopher Lee.
6/5/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 30th 2014

Obama's big foreign policy speech - where does Britain fit in?    How much does it cost for the UK to go to war these days?   In Afghanistan, Sandhurst in the Sand prepares to welcome its first female recruits.   And it's D Day minus eight.  Counting down to next week's 70th anniversary.
5/30/201430 minutes, 9 seconds
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Sitrep May 22nd 2014

THIS WEEK'S SITREP (22nd MAY) A look ahead to the Ukrainian elections this weekend, The diplomatic fallout from Prince Charles’ comments about Putin Find out about the UK involvement in the search for the missing sailors, Do American Veterans really get such a good deal from their government? And a former PARA's extraordinary tale of survival in the jungles of Sierra Leone. PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee. OTHER INTERVIEWS: The BBC's correspondent in Moscow, Bridget Kendall BFBS Reporter Cath Brazier speaks to the man in charge of Army sailing, Retired Lt Colonel Alan Flavell. Simon Marks from Feature Story News, discussing the Veterans’ scandal in the States. Former PARA Steve Heaney author of Operation Mayhem You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website
5/23/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 15th 2014

5/16/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 8th 2014

5/8/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 1st 2014

5/1/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 24th 2014

4/24/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 17th 2014

4/17/201429 minutes, 37 seconds
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Sitrep April 10th 2014

4/10/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 27th 2014

3/27/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 20th 2014

3/20/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep March 13th 2014

3/13/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 27th 2014

2/27/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 20th 2014

2/20/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 13th 2014

2/13/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 6th 2014

2/6/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 30th 2014

This week, Sitrep finds out how three Generals are preparing for the future and Army 2020?   Could Syria have biological weapons and what impact could that have on the Geneva talks?   The State of the Union – what are President Obama’s plans for 2014?   Plus: a security warning to Britain’s Olympic athletes as they prepare for Sochi   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee    OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BFBS Reporter, James Hirst, discussing the interviews with: General Officer Commanding 1 Div, Major General James Chiswell GOC Germany – John Henderson Major General Nick Pope   weapons consultant and former commanding officer of the UK's joint chemical Biological radiological nuclear regiment Hamish De Bretton Gordon, on Syria   The BBC’s Diplomatic Correspondent Bridget Kendall, who has been following the Syrian talks in Geneva   Gena Turgel speaking to BFBS reporter Laura Hawkins about her time in various concentration camps, in the week the world remembers the Holocaust./
1/30/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 23rd 2014

The final round of armed forces redundancies have been announced…so what shape does this leave our Army in? The long road to peace in Syria – has the journey begun? Why the EU wants to send troops to the Central African Republic And ‘Row to Recovery’ -  how four British soldiers completed the gruelling three thousand mile row across the Atlantic. PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BFBS Reporter James Hirst on redundanciesProfessor Rosemary Hollis, Professor of Middle East Policy Studies and Director of the Olive Tree Scholarship Programme at City University. BFBS  reporter Cath Brazier
1/23/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 16th 2014

Is Robert Gates right to criticize Britain’s defence capabilities?   What’s going on behind the scenes in Syria and will the West have to talk to Assad?   And….who’s odds on favourite to take over the Chair of the Commons Defence Committee?   Plus,  deathbed remorse from the inventor of the AK – 47  - but who else lived to regret their invention?     PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee    OTHER INTERVIEWS:     The Times’  Correspondent Michael Evans – talking about Robert Gates’ comments on Britain’s defence capabilities     Sir Andrew Green, former ambassador to Syria   BBC’s political correspondent, Rob Watson on the Defence Committee   Dr Paul Rogers, from the Department for Peace Studies at Bradford University discussing the AK47  
1/16/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 9th January 2014

Find out about the book that's causing a stir in The White House & why President Obama's coming under fire over Afghanistan - from one of his own statesmen.   What’s behind the escalation of violence in Iraq?    Does the Armed Forces Covenant actually work?     And why Putin's mobilizing his troops ahead of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.     PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     OTHER INTERVIEWS:     Simon Marks, chief correspondent of Feature Story News discussing Robert Gates’ memoirs & increasing violence in Iraq   Chair  of the House of Commons Defence Committee James Arbuthnot discussing the Armed Forces Covenant   BBC’s diplomatic correspondent, Bridget Kendall talking about the forthcoming winter Olympics in Russia ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)    Sky Channel 0211 Alternatively listen again on the website
1/9/201429 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 19th 2013

Sitrep looks back on 2013 & looks ahead to the big issues next year.
12/20/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 12th 2013

Will the MoD ever manage to sort out its procurement problem ? French Forces are in the Central African Republic, but are they making a difference? What are Putin’s plans for the Arctic? And why a US military command centre is tracking Santa’s worldwide flight.   PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BFBS reporter James Hirst on the MoD and  procurement. A report from BFBS’s Ali Gibson who went to Lashkar Gah Durai, the furthest outpost in Task Force Helmand with ‘A’ Company from 3rd Battalion The Mercian Regiment in their warrior armoured vehicles Paul Melly from Chatham House looking at the situation in the Central Africa Republics. Sylvain Biville from ‘The Elders’  group discussing Nelson Mandela. An interview with Stacey Knott, the co-ordinator for ‘NORAD Tracks Santa’ – how the US military track Santa for children worldwide! …………………………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website
12/13/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 5th 2013

Was it the right decision to name the Royal Marine convicted for murdering a Taliban fighter? NATO puts pressure on President Karzai sign a new security agreement for Afghanistan. What does the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement mean for the military? Find out the latest from the crisis in the Central African Republic And………. when will we see a female Chief of Defence Staff? PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS: Documentary maker and journalist Chris Terrill, discussing the naming of Marine A Lieutenant General John Lorimer, the Deputy Commander of ISAF, talking to BFBS reporter Ali Gibson BBC Africa Correspondent Andrew Harding …………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Sky Channel 0211Alternatively listen again on the website
12/5/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 28th 2013

In this week's edition of Sitrep......... What Scottish independence would mean for defence The significance of the Iranian nuclear deal Could gamers be the key to the UK’s Cyber Defence? How British forces have helped Mali get back on its feet And should soldiers protect cultural heritage in conflict zones? PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS: Dr Phillips O'Brien from Glasgow University on Scottish independence. BFBS Reporter Will Inglis on Cyber threats. BFBS Reporter James Hirst reports from the capital of Mali, Bamako. Major Hugo Clarke on UK Blue Shield …………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Alternatively listen again on the website
11/28/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 21st 2013

In this week's edition of Sitrep......... How should Britain decide to go to war? The UK reviews it’s Navy options in Gibraltar. What’s the significance of the bomb outside the Iranian embassy in Beirut? And how do toys shape opinions of war? PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS: James de Waal, from Chatham House on changes to the decision process that took Britiain to war in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Conservative MP Bob Neill discussing the dispute between Gibraltar and Spain Child’s play expert Dr Tara Woodyer from Portsmouth University………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum) Alternatively listen again on the website
11/21/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 14th 2013

In Sitrep this week…….   Details of the humanitarian aid British Forces are giving to the Philippines   What next for the UN's talks with Iran over its nuclear plans?   How much money did this year’s Poppy appeal raise?   And soldier first, Olympian second – Heather Stanning talks about life in Camp Bastion.   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee    OTHER INTERVIEWS:     The RBL’s 'Head of Fundraising’ - Charles Byrne  Captain Heather Stanning talking to our reporter Tim Cooper. Mark Hibbs is a Senior Associate on the Nuclear Policy Programme at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and joins us from Germany…   ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website
11/14/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 7th 2013

Why Britain’s Intelligence Chiefs have gone public. What’s the future for  British ship building? Nato gets Jazzy in Eastern Europe. And remembering the fallen - the Royal British Legion’s Head of Remembrance shares her thoughts. PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Will Inglis speaks to  First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band in Portsmouth about the Bae job losses. Dr Phillips O'Brien, history lecturer at Glasgow University on the future of British ship building Rob Olver  with Nato’s Exercise Steadfast Jazz in Poland. The RBL’s 'Head of Remembrance' - Helen Hill . …………………………………………………………………………………You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
11/7/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 31st 2013

A new warning over PTSD…are young and disadvantaged soldiers at greater risk?   As violence escalates in Iraq, could the  problems have been avoided.   A special report from Bahrain on Exercise Omar.   And…how remembrance is being marked by people of all faiths…and none.   PRESENTER: Clare Sadler STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee    OTHER INTERVIEWS:     A report on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, by  BFBS reporter Rosie Laydon   Jake Wood ,former TA soldier who diagnosed with chronic PTSD. His book “Among You” is about to be published in paperback   Colonel Richard Kemp ,former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan , discussed the situation in Iraq   BFBS Reporter Laura Hawkins reporting  form Exercise OMAR   BFBS Reporter Kaija Larke reporting on how people of all different faiths, or none at all, will be marking this year’s remembrance day.   ………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website
11/1/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 24th 2013

NATO defence ministers have met in Brussels as a new phase begins in Afghanistan.. As the so-called Sandhurst in the Sand opens for business Sitrep looks in detail at what makes British military training so special…. Why the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst is the envy of the world and how African Union troops in Somalia have benefited from British military training. Plus:With piracy being  given the Hollywood treatment in the latest Tom Hanks’ blockbuster– hear how the EU Naval Force are winning the real fight off the African coast   PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BFBS reporter Rosie Laydon interviews the Defence Secretary Philip Hammond at a meeting of defence ministers in Brussels. BFBS reporter Ali Gibson at the official opening of the Afghan National Army Officer Academy Colonel Roy Parkinson from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst  Former commander of IMATT, Colonel Jamie Rear Admiral Bob Tarrant, Operation Commander of the European Union Naval Force Somalia and Commander UK Maritime Forces. …………………………………………………………………………………You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website 
10/24/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 17th 2013

Transition continues in Afghanistan but the fighting goes on.  Why there’s a call to postpone more cuts to the army. A preview of the NATO defence ministers meeting,   And retirement plans for HMS Illustrious:, how will she end up: museum, hotel or razor blades?  PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Colonel Stuart Tootal who commanded 3 Para discussing Afghanistan. Hugh Milroy,Chief Executive of the charity Veterans Aid, talking about the cuts to the Army and recruitment issues. Bill Ferris, Chief Executive of Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust, who preserve the destroyer ‘Cavalier’ as a tourist attraction. …………………………………………………………………………………You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
10/17/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 10th 2013

What’s behind the kidnapping of Libya’s prime minister?   How the growing terror threat is challenging the UK’s intelligence services   President Karzai’s criticises NATO’s performance in Afghanistan and there’s a warning from The Taliban in Pakistan.   Who are the new faces in defence in the Government and opposition party?   And the campaign to keep British soldiers clean, fit and healthy.     PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:     Former Ambassador to Libya, Oliver Miles.   BFBS reporter Tim Cooper from Camp Bastion.   BFBS reporter James Hirst reporting on MI5’s Andrew Parker’s speech    The BBC’s Rob Watson looking at the new faces in Defence  BFBS reporter Will Inglis reporting from Germany on keeping soldiers fit.
10/10/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep October 3rd 2013

How Britain’s footprint in Afghanistan is getting smaller.   Are reservists at greater risk of PTSD than regular troops?   How high on the agenda was defence at the Tory Party Conference/   And we hear from Jeremy Paxman about his new book “Great Britain’s Great War”     PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:     BFBS reporter Tim Cooper speaking to Lieutenant Colonel Jon Swift, CO first Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers in Afghanistan. The Defence Secretary Philip Hammond speaking to BFBS reporter James Hirst BFBS reporter Kaija Larke reporting on Combat Stress   BBC Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman discussing his new  book "Great Britain's Great War".
10/3/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 26th 2013

In Sitrep this week, terror in Nairobi.  Who’s behind it and could it happen in Britain?   Is Iran coming in from the cold?   Why Labour insists it wants to be the political party of the armed forces.   And a warning to soldiers to beware of taking gym supplements which could lead to the end of their army career…   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:     The BBC’s Mark Doyle, from Kismayo inside Al Shabab territory   BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee on what Al Quaida might have planned for America.   Patrick Smith, Editor in Chief of Africa Confidential discussing Kenya   BFBS Reporter  James Hirst reporting from the Labour Party conference & talking to Shadow Defence Secretary Jim Murphy   BFBS Reporter  Will Inglis special report on banned substances that soldiers may have unknowingly taken ………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website  
9/27/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 19th 2013

President Assad of Syria says he will destroy his chemical weapons – but will the Americans have to pay for it? What can America expect from Al Qaida And what does the future hold for Afghan women? Find out what the Liberal Democrats have been saying about defence  Will Germany drawdown lead to a shortage of school places for Forces’ children? And  find out why Tunnocks Teacakes were banned by the RAF in the 1960s. PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST:  Professor Michael Clarke, Director General of the Royal United Services Institute for defence and security studies.  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Clare Lockhart director of the Institute for State Effectiveness, discussing the plight of Afghan woman. BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee on what Al Quaida might have planned for America. BFBS Reporter James Hirst on the Liberal Democrat party conference that took place in Glasgow this week BFBS Reporter  Ali Gibson speaking to Lieutenant General Andrew Gregory, Chief of Defence Personnel on the New Employment Model, Catherine Spencer, Chief Executive of the Army Families Federation, commenting on fears that Forces families will face a lack of school places in Wiltshire, when they return to the UK from Germany. …………………………………………………………………………………You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website 
9/19/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 12th 2013

The reaction to President Putin’s direct appeal to the American people about Syria. What are the practicalities of removing Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile? Why are the Afghan National Army suffering such big losses in Sangin? What’s the future for defence procurement? And,what was life like for the women working at Churchill’s School for Spies?  PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  & Professor Eric Grove, Professor of Naval History and Senior Fellow in Security Studies at Liverpool Hope University  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Chris Abbott, a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Specialist, discussing Syria's chemical weapons. BFBS reporter Geoff Meade reporting from Camp Bastion BFBS reporter Will Inglis  Defence Equipment Minister Philip Dunne about the defence industry BFBS reporter Claire Sadler interviews Noreen Riols author of “The Secret Ministry of A G and Fish” …………………………………………………………………………………You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website 
9/12/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 5th 2013

Can the international community agree on a plan of action for Syria? What will be the long-term impact of the growing humanitarian crisis? There’s increased military activity in the Mediterranean, but what does it mean for Cyprus? Find out about the young Winston Churchill’s early battle experience in Afghanistan. And ….discover a place where computers can still take a backseat to old-fashioned maps PRESENTER: Claire SadlerSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  & Daily Telegraph’s Defence Editor Con Coughlin  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BFBS reporter Carla Prater from Akrotiri , Cyprus BFBS reporter Will Inglis investigating war games…………………………………………………………………………………You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
9/5/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 29th 2013

As the situation grows into a global crisis Sitrep guides you through all the developments… From the country's origins, after the First World War - to the present day, we ask what went wrong? What can the UK do?  Plus: the likely consequences & fallout if the West does attack Syria.  That’s all in Sitrep with Kate Gerbeau today at…………………..   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  & Dr Martin Macauley, international affairs analyst.   OTHER INTERVIEWS:     Sir Andrew Green, former ambassador to Syria,    BFBS reporter James Hirst looks at Syria’s recent history   Professor Michael Stathis, Professor of Political Science & International Relations at Southern Utah University discusses America’s position   BBC’s political correspondent Rob Watson on UK public opinion     ………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website
8/29/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 22nd 2013

In this week's edition of Sitrep......... TODAY'S PRESENTER IS JAMES HIRST Keeping secrets secret...should we all be concerned about the 9 hour questioning of David Miranda at Heathrow Airport? As relations between America and Russia turn chilly again...are we in danger of another Cold War? An Egyptian court orders the release of former President Hosni Mubarak...will that make a real difference to Egypt, or is it just symbolic? Climate change is as big a threat to world peace as terrorism. And...we recommend some good military books to get you through what's left of the summer. PRESENTER: JAMES HIRST STUDIO GUEST: BFBS Defence Analyst Christopher Lee and Professor Paul Rogers who lectures on international security at the University of Bradford. OTHER INTERVIEWS: Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti, William Hague's climate envoy.
8/22/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 15th 2013

TODAY'S PRESENTER IS JAMES HIRST   What next for a divided Egypt?   The complicated  logistics of withdrawing men and equipment from Afghanistan   Following 20th Armoured Brigade on ex Prairie Thunder   Hero, Veteran or simply ex-Forces -  how do you describe yourself?   PRESENTER: James Hirst STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  & Major General Julian Thompson   OTHER INTERVIEWS:     Nadim Shehadi,  from Chatham House Middle East and North Africa Programme,   BFBS reporter Geoff Meade in Camp Bastion on logistics of withdrawal.    BFBS reporter  Ali Gibson on EX PRAIRIE THUNDER   Hugh Milroy, Chief Executive of Veterans Aid.   ………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website
8/15/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 8th 2013

How dangerous was the threat of a major terrorist plot in Yemen? Could Iran’s new leadership lead to a thawing of relations with the West? Why Gibraltar’s residents are asking for a stronger Royal Navy presence on the Rock…. And, find out why August is the month for conflict. PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  & Middle East analyst Hazhir Teimourian OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Mike Evans, security specialist writer for The Times,  BFBS reporter James Hirst  speaks to the first minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo, is there and sent this report …………………………………………………………………………………You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website 
8/8/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 1st 2013

The latest attitudes survey is out but why do a third of military personnel say morale is low?   Are our soldiers being discriminated against?   What’s behind the latest prison breakouts in Pakistan and Iraq?   And why changes to military music could mean fewer marches and more Muse.   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee    OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Louise Simpson, Evidence Director from the Army Families Federation   Professor Michael Clarke, Director of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies,   Professor Sir Simon Wessely of  the King's Centre for Military Research   BFBS Reporter Geoff Meade Camp Bastion   Nigel Ellis is the Chairman of The International Military Music Society     …………………………………………………………………………………   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website
8/1/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 25th 2013

Is Iraq heading towards another civil war?    60 years on from the end of the Korean War, what did the conflict actually achieve?   Should politicians have the final say on deploying our Armed Forces overseas?   And… what’s in a name? Could a Janet or a John lead an Army into battle?   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee    OTHER INTERVIEWS:   The Daily Telegraph’s Defence Editor and author Con Coughlin discussing Iraq.   BFBS Reporter Tim Cooper reporting gon the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean war.   John Sweeney from BBC Panorama programme discussing modern day Korea – north and south.   Baroness Jay,Chair of the House of Lords Constitution Committee, on whether Parliament should have more involvement in deploying British troops …………………………………………………………………………………   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website  
7/25/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 18th 2013

The outgoing CDS General Sir David Richards issues a final warning over Syria   Are the alternatives put forward for replacing Trident viable?   The morality of arms sales is questioned in a new report   And find out why the Kremlin might be turning its back on modern technology in a bid to prevent cyber attacks……….     PRESENTER: Tim Cooper   STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee & former Royal Marine commander Major General Julian Thompson     OTHER INTERVIEWS:     Professor Eric Grove, the Director of the Centre for International Security and War Studies at Salford University, discussing Trident.     Arms Sales, BFBS Reporter Rosie Laydon …………………………………………………………………………………   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website.
7/18/201330 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sitrep July 11th 2013

What impact are events in Egypt and Syria having on the Middle East? A study says the Taliban’s planning to re-take Helmand. – but how are they going to do it? And how many troops will the US leave in Afghanistan  post 2014  Plus: will Trident be homeless? And the new Chief of the Defence Staff – find out what happens in his first few days. PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Professor Michael Clarke, director of the RUSI, the Royal United Services Institute Professor Theo Farrell is Head of the Department of War Studies at King's College London ………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
7/11/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep July 4th 2013

A new interim President for Egypt after military intervention - but is it a coup? What does the future hold for Trident? The government wants thirty thousand Army reservists by 2018 but can it be done And…..why the the PM David Cameron believes Kazakhstan (pro: Kaz-ak-stan)  is strategically important PRESENTER: Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BBC Correspondent Quentin Sommerville in  Cairo Lieutenant General Sir Graeme Lamb  & Personnel, Welfare and Veterans Minister Mark Francois on the Reserves. Rear Admiral Chris Parry, a strategic forecaster discussing the various options were for Trident… BFBS reporter James Hirst reports on his travels with the Prime Minister David Cameron ……………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
7/4/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 27th 2013

The Treasury’s told the MOD how much cash it’s got to spend…….but did the Defence secretary get the deal he wanted?   The Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Peter Wall , explains the future of land-warfare   Find out how senior Afghan officers are getting trained at Shrivenham.   There’s an update from the Army Families Federation conference in Germany   And “Our Wives and Sweethearts” – how a Royal Navy toast has been modernised.   PRESENTER: Tim Cooper STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee     OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BFBS reporter James Hirst on defence spending BFBS reporter  Claire Sadler reporting on the CGS’s speech BFBS reporter Charlotte Cross visits the UK’s Defence Academy at Shrivenham Sitrep’s Kate Gerbeau reports from the AFF conference   ………………………………………………………………………………………   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website
6/27/201330 minutes, 6 seconds
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Sitrep June 20th 2013

As Afghan forces take control of security in Afghanistan Britain’s most senior commander there tells Sitrep that the future of the country is in the hands of it’s people… The Supreme Court has ruled human rights do apply on the battlefield but what does that mean for future conflicts There’s been more army job losses – but what’s life really like for those who’ve taken redundancy? And the importance of  Exercise Askari Thunder in Kenya PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Deputy Commander of the international forces in Afghanistan, Lieutenant General Nick Carter BFBS reporter in Camp Bastion Geoff Meade  BFBS reporter Tim Cooper interviews legal commentator Joshua Rosenberg  Journalist Paul Osbourne discusses the impact of redundancies on those affected BFBS’s Ali Gibson reports from Kenya on  Exercise Askari Thunder ……………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website    Mary WiltonBFBS RadioOffice: +44 (0)1494 878712Mobile: +44 (0)7966 387318Email:  DAB Digital Radio in the UKSky Guide Number 0211Freesat Channel 786 On-air around the Forces' worldor at   >>> Mary Wilton 13/06/2013 14:57 >>>There’s more calls for international support in Afghanistan post 2014, and criticism from a former military intelligence officer who says Britain should never have gone.. What’s behind the protests in Turkey? As the humanitarian crisis in Syria deepens what more can the international community do? Plus: who’s been snooping on your emails?  Find out in Sitrep (later) today PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Frank Ledwidge author of  ‘Investment In Blood’ - The True cost of Britain's Afghan War  Middle East expert Hazhir Temourian, talking about the trouble in Turkey and forthcoming elections in Iran Richard Norton Taylor who writes on defence and security affairs for The Guardian.……………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
6/20/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 6th 2013

As the international community continues to agonise over Syria, find out about one man’s personal experience of the conflict. Is national security being but at risk by a Chinese telecoms company working in Britain? And Sitrep explores the relationship between defence and space & talks to European Space Agency Astronaut and former Army Pilot, Major Tim Peake  PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Photo-journalist & former soldierPaul Conroy, talks about his new book on Syria. James Blitz, Defence and Security Editor at the Financial Times discusses Cyber warfare European Space Agency Astronaut Major Tim Peake ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
6/20/201330 minutes, 6 seconds
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Sitrep June 13th 2013

There’s more calls for international support in Afghanistan post 2014, and criticism from a former military intelligence officer who says Britain should never have gone.. What’s behind the protests in Turkey? As the humanitarian crisis in Syria deepens what more can the international community do? Plus: who’s been snooping on your emails?  Find out in Sitrep (later) today PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee  OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Frank Ledwidge author of  ‘Investment In Blood’ - The True cost of Britain's Afghan War  Middle East expert Hazhir Temourian, talking about the trouble in Turkey and forthcoming elections in Iran Richard Norton Taylor who writes on defence and security affairs for The Guardian.……………………………………………………………………………………… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
6/13/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 30th 2013

Is the detention centre in Camp Bastion Britain’s Guantanamo Bay? How will the lifting of the EU arms embargo affect the Syrian conflict? Will the MoD meet the Treasury’s demands for cuts to the defence budget? Plus,  Henry VIII's flagship, the Mary Rose, comes to life in  a new museum in Portsmouth And …discover which toys were influenced by war over the last 200 years  PRESENTER: CLAIRE SADLER standing in for Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:   BFBS Reporter Will Inglis reporting from Camp Bastion on the suspected Afghan insurgents. International Affairs analyst Martin McCauley from university College London discusses the Camp Bastion detainees and the Syrian conflict. BFBS Reporter Liz Mullen on defence cuts to the MoD police BFBS reporter Tim Cooper visits the new Mary Rose Museum V&A’s Museum of Childhood, curator Sarah Wood discusses the museum’s “War Games” exhibition…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
5/30/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 23rd 2013

After a British soldier was killed in Woolwich – today’s Sitrep programme analyses the terror threat ….were they lone operators or part of a more sinister group -  and what does this mean for our Service men and women?  PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:  PM David Cameron speaks to BFBS Reporter Claire Sadler Admiral Lord West, former minister for security and counter-terrorism Professor Michael Clarke, Director General of the Royal United Services Institute  You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
5/23/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 16th 2013

How longer tours of duty in theatre may be beneficial. If the UK left the EU what impact would it have on defence? Discover what it takes to be a great foreign secretary. What’s behind the spy story in Moscow? And a special report from Colorado Springs on the Warrior Games  PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Major General Patrick Sanders, the Assistant Chief of Defence Staff (Operations), talks about extended tours of duty Alexander Nekrassov, former Kremlin advisor on spies.Jonathan Powell, who was Tony Blair’s Chief of Staff, discussing foreign secretariesThe BBC’s political correspondent, Rob Watson on EU & defenceBFBS reporter Tim Cooper reporting from the Warrior Games in the US. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)  Alternatively listen again on the website
5/16/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 9th 2013

Why the Defence Reform Bill plans to change the way military equipment is bought   Securing Somalia – the country’s top soldier talks about building his army from scratch.   Could drones spell the end for those magnificent men in their flying machines?   The mother of one of the four soldiers who died at the Deepcut Army barracks tells us why she’s pushing for a public inquiry.   And the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic – why it was the longest continuous military campaign of the Second World War.     PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   James Blitz, Defence and Security Editor at the Financial Times discusses the Defence Reform Bill    BFBS reporter Laura Hawkins meets General Dahir Adan Elmi, Commander-in-chief of the Somali National Army   Douglas Barrie, Senior Fellow for military aerospace at the international Institute for Strategic Studies discusses the increased use of drones.   Yvonne Collinson Heath author of a new book "A Mother's War: One Woman's Fight for the Truth Behind Her Son's Death at Deepcut” which is published today…   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and at 1830 (UK time) on BFBS (via webb, App & DAB in the UK and on FM in Scotland, Colchester, Salisbury Plain, Aldershot, Catterick & Blandford Forum)   Alternatively listen again on the website
5/9/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 2nd 2013

Ten years on how influential are the Taliban in Afghanistan?   Why Camp Delta in Guantanomo is giving President Obama a headache   How the battle lines are being drawn in cyber space   And UK veterans land in South Korea with war memories on their mind.     PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:       BFBS Reporter James Hirst reports from Camp Bastion   Middle East analyst Hazhir Teimourian comments on the Taliban’s spring offensive & Al Qaida’s influence   Cyber specialist David Livingstone on cyber security.   BFBS Reporter Fiona Weir reports from South Korea on a new war memorial dedicated to veterans of the Korean War You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio & BFBS UK Bases at 1830 (UK time)   Alternatively listen again on the website
5/2/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 25th 2013

As the Government prepares to tighten its belt further how safe is defence from more cuts and what impact would a cut in the counter-terrorism budget have on Britain’s security? Are chemical weapons being used in Syria? What does the future hold for Afghan interpreters post 2014? And ...... find out the definitive reading list for military minds    PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Professor Eric Grove, the Director of the Centre for International Security and War Studies at Salford University and Richard Norton Taylor who writes on defence and security affairs for The Guardian.  They discuss the forthcoming spending review and implications of a cut to the counter-terrorism budget. Tom Porteous, the program director for Human Rights Watch – looks at the claim that Syria has used chemical weapons. BFBS Reporter Rosie Laydon interviews ………………………Who are fighting for the right to live in the UK Christopher Lee and Eric Grove discuss the former CDS Sir David Richards' recommended reading list which You can view the full  list here You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio & BFBS UK Bases at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website
4/25/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 18th 2013

As transition in Afghanistan’s continues there’s still concern over insurgency   The Syrian President’s Al Qaida warning to the West   North Korea says it is ready to talk but is China running out of patience?   Remembering the Iron Lady & her military legacy.   Plus there’s an exclusive look at the F35 Lightning Two jet simulator.     PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST: BFBS’s Defence Analyst Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:     Brigadier Bob Bruce discusses transition & insurgency in Afgfhanistan   Andrea Berger – from the Department of Peace Studies at Bradford University discussies North Korea and China   Major General Julian Thompson, who commanded the Marines during the Falklands campaign, shares his memories of Baroness Thatcher.’s funeral   BFBS Reporter Tim Cooper, goes to an excusive preview of the F35 Lightning, the new jet for the Aircraft Carriers. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio & BFBS UK Bases at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website
4/18/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 11th April 2013

In Sitrep this week..........   Why there’s continued concern for Afghanistan’s future after ISAF forces leave   Find out who’s the power behind the throne of North Korea’s young leader   The military legacy of Baroness Thatcher & why the Lady loved Milk Tray…..   And it’s been 15 years since the Northern Ireland Good Friday Agreement, but how much of a difference has it made to lasting peace?     OTHER INTERVIEWS:     Professor Paul Rogers – from the Department of Peace Studies at Bradford University discussing Afghanistan and North Korea     Major General Julian Thompson, who commanded the Marines during the Falklands campaign, shares his memories of meeting Baroness Thatcher.   Northern Ireland analyst Chris Ryder, reflecting on the 15th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement
4/11/201330 minutes
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Sitrep April 4th 2013

There’s warnings from UK and US commanders in Afghanistan ahead of the summer fighting season   And there’s concern in Pakistan as they head towards national elections   As America reacts to North Korea’s rhetoric just how seriously should we be taking the threat?   Plus:  the RAF celebrates 95 years – but what will the air force look like in the future?     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee     OTHER INTERVIEWS:     Forces News’ reporter James Hirst reporting from Camp Bastion   Jason Strother, a reporter based in Seoul, discussing the North Korean crisis   Air Marshall Sir John Walker –Chief of the Intelligence Staff from 1991 to 1994, discussing the Korean crisis and also talking about the RAF   Elizabeth Quintana – an expert in unmanned air vehicles and the use of space assets at the Royal United Services Institute, looking at the future of the RAF   
4/4/201330 minutes
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Sitrep March 28th 2013

Why there’s going to be more cuts to the defence budget Who are the different rebel groups  in Syria and what do they want? Now the banks are open – what does the future hold for Cyprus, and could it happen here in the UK? And, It’s the end of an era for the military’s Search and Rescue.  PRESENTER:  Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Professor Rosemary Hollis, professor of Middle East policy studies at City University discussing Syria. Forces News’ reporter Tim Cooper reporting on the financial crisis in Cyprus. Forces News’ reporter Julie Knox on the Search & Rescue team You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website
3/28/201330 minutes
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Sitrep March 21st 2013

Ten years since the invasion of Iraq Sitrep reflects on the anniversary and speaks to former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Colonel Tim Collins, who led his men into Iraq. Plus, the man dubbed the ‘Vicar of Baghdad’ who initially supported the war explains why he’s now changed his mind The latest from Cyprus where the financial crisis continues And find out what the new Chief of the Defence Staff has in his in-tray  PRESENTER:  Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:   Colonel Tim Collins, who commanded the 1st Batallion, Royal Irish Regiment during the Iraq war in 2003 Canon of Baghdad Andrew White, dubbed the ‘Vicar of Baghdad’, he runs a Christian church in Baghdad. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair. Forces News’ reporter Carla Prater from Cyprus discussing the financial crisis and its affects on British Forces over there. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website
3/21/201330 minutes
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Sitrep March 14th 2013

Two years on & the Syrian conflict is ongoing – is there anything the international community can do end hostilities?   Concerns what an Independent Scotland will mean for defence…   How serious are North Korea’s threats to use nuclear weapons   How advances in frontline trauma care benefit not only the armed forces but also the NHS   And, find out what the new Pope thinks about the Falklands Islands……..   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee     OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Sir Andrew Green, former ambassador to Syria Andrea Berger, an expert on nuclear issues at the Royal United ServicesInstitute, British Forces News reporter Fiona Weir reporting from the hospital at Camp Bastion. Surgeon Commodore Alasdair Walker, Medical Director at Joint Medical Command You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website
3/14/201330 minutes
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Sitrep March 7th 2013

This week…… How the Army’s move from Germany will impact on local services in the UK How Britain is helping the Syrian rebels Why the Falkland Islanders will show a united front this weekend And find out who’s in line to be the next Chief of the Defence Staff?     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee and Professor Michael Clarke from the Royal United Services Institute     OTHER INTERVIEWS:    British Forces News reporter Ali Gibson speaks to Maj Gen John Henderson about drawdown in Germany British Forces News reporter Rosie Laydon reporting from the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps HQ. British Forces News reporter Cath Brazier reports from the Falkland Islands on the forthcoming referendum.     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website  
3/7/201330 minutes
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Sitrep February 28th 2013

Western leaders meet Syrian rebels in Rome - but will they give them what they want?   Can the MOD make 11 billion pounds worth of cuts over the next ten years?   Find out everything you need to know about America’s new Defence Secretary.   And after a long campaign the Arctic Convey veterans finally receive the recognition they’ve fought so long for.   PRESENTER:  James Hirst STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Professor Paul Rogers from the Department for Peace Studies at Bradford University on Syria and defence spending.   Professor Malcolm Chalmers from the Royal United Services Institute on defence cuts   British Forces News reporter Victoria Smith meets one of the Arctic Convoy veterans.   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website
2/28/201330 minutes
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Sitrep February 21st 2013

The aid budget could be used for defence-related operations but what does that mean for British forces?   Was he PM’s visit to India a success?   The truth about war – are today’s reporters telling the full story?   Plus - cyber warfare, Chinese style   And find out why British soldiers are training in extreme conditions in the arctic   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  British Forces News reporter Rob Olver at the Nato Defence Ministers’ meeting in Brussels.   The BBC’s Andrew North on the PM’s visit to India   Journalist and former Grenadier Guards Vaughan Smith on the media and the military.   British Forces News reporter Julie Knox on Exercise Arctic Norway   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
2/21/201330 minutes
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Sitrep February 14th 2013

Heading for exit – but what will Afghanistan look like after 2014?   What  can the international community  do about North Korea's nuclear tests?   How Mali and Algeria can learn from the democratic progress made in Somalia   And the TA on TV - but will the recruitment drive work?   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Michael Evans, the Pentagon correspondent from The Times looking at withdrawing troops from Afghanistan   Andrea Berger from RUSI on North Korea and arms control   Author James Fergusson discussing Mali and Somalia   British Forces News reporter James Hirst discussing Argentina’s Foreign Minister’s visit.   British Forces News reporter Charlotte Cross on the TA     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website  .
2/14/201330 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep 7th February 2013

  How long will French troops stay in Mali; and could Tunisia see more unrest?   What’s behind the MoD’s announcement on international soft defence?   Why the Argentine minister refused to meet the representatives from the Falklands Islands   And why the Forces Snow championships in Meribel are key to good morale     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Dr Berny Sebi from Birmingham University looking at the French military involvement in Mali.   Professor Michael Stathis from Southern Utah University discussing the use of drones.   British Forces News reporter Will Inglis speaking to Lt Gen Adrian Bradshaw, Commander Land Forces and Afghanistan’s chief of the General Staff, General Sher Mohammed  Karimi   British Forces News reporter James Hirst discussing Argentina’s Foreign Minister’s visit.   British Forces News reporter Jon Knighton from Mirabel.   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
2/7/201330 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep January 31st 2013

The Secretary of State for Defence Phillip Hammond speaks to Kate Gerbeau on Sitrep and discusses the British deployment to Mali and today's news about defence spending......   Also this week: how do you stop extremism – is education the answer rather than conflict?   And find out why the Defence Select Committee want to hear your views on the provision of Service children’s education     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  The Secretary of State for Defence Phil Hammond discussing Mali, defence cuts and Syria   Lt Gen Jonathan Riley on the British Forces mission to Mali   President of the Quilliam Foundation Noman Benotman on extremism   The Chair of the Defence Select Committee James Arbuthnot on Service children’s education   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
1/31/201330 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep January 24th 2013

Should more troops should go to Mali and why North Africa is now a global concern?   What shape will the Army be in after the latest round of redundancies?  And can the Reserves plug the hole?   Who are the new names at the top of the military command?   How should the centenary of the First World War be commemorated?   And how does the Prime Minister’s Europe speech affect the Armed Forces?   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee & Major General Julian Thompson   OTHER INTERVIEWS:  Forces News reporter Charlotte Cross with a report from Mali The Shadow Secretary of State for Defence Jim Murphy discussing Mali, defence cuts and women on the front line WW1 Centenary commemorations with Professor Sir Hew Strachan (pro: STRAWN) and Major Sir Michael Parker – organiser of many Royal Tournaments and military events.   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
1/24/201331 minutes, 10 seconds
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Sitrep January 17th 2013

Is the Hostage crisis in Algeria retaliation against the French intervention in Mali or something else? Why Russia’s top general tells Nato that Afghanistan pull out spells disaster Are forces children getting a good deal when it comes to their education? And what prompts A-listers like David Beckham and Ray Winstone to visit injured troops in hospital?PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  OTHER INTERVIEWS: Analytst Jon Marks on AlgeriaBBC Mark Doyle in MaliHeadteacher Su Scrimshaw telling us what it’s like to run a school where the majority of students are from Forces’ families.Sir Bob Russell from the Commons Defence Select Committee discussing Service children’s educationForces News reporter Claire Sadler talking to actor Ray Winstone You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
1/17/201330 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep January 10th 2013

  Will America keep its commitment to Afghanistan post 2014   And what difference will the new faces in the US Administration make to the transition?   What can we do to increase our cyber security awareness?   Why there’s an increasing worry that Syria will use chemical weapons   And how do you stop the violence and demonstrations in Northern Ireland…..     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee & Dr Martin Macauley from University College London   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Professor Michael Stathis, political scientist from Southern Utah University   Forces Radio reporterTim Cooper on the National Audit Office Report, speaking to Phillip Hammond   Forces Radio reporter Rosie Laydon on Cyber Security interviewing Major General Jonathan former head of cyber-security at the MoD.   Northern Ireland analyst Chris Ryder on Belfast. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
1/10/201330 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep January 3rd 2013

This week there’s more pressure from Argentina over its claims to the Falklands Islands   Why America thinks Europe should pay for its own defence and security including Afghanistan.   There’s a warning over military intervention in Syria & the consequences of drone strikes in Yemen.   And there’s concerns over the future capabilities of the Royal Navy.     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee & Professor Paul Rogers, from the Dept of Peace Studies at Bradford University.   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Jonathan Foreman from Civitas Institute discussing moving the international aid budget to the armed forces.   Professor Sir Paul Newton on Syria    Iona Craig, the Times Yemen correspondent, on drone strikes in Yemen   Steve Bush editor of British Warships And Auxiliaries 2013/14 You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
1/4/201330 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep December 20th 2012

This week Sitrep looks back at events that have shaped 2012  & Britain’s Armed Forces From transition in Afghanistan to civil war in Syria A year that remembered the Falkland's conflict & saw trouble returning to the streets of Belfast It was a summer of celebration and ceremony for the military, but what’s in store for 2013? Listen to this week’s Sitrep and find out… You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website. PRESENTER:  Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee and Major General Julian Thompson OTHER Contributors:  BFBS Reporters Tim Cooper in Cyprus, Rob Olver in Germany and Steve Britton in Brunei.
12/20/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep December 13th 2012

What next for Syria as the violence continues to escalate?   What’s behind the latest trouble in Northern Ireland ?   Could North Korea’s rocket launch elevate their  status on the world stage?   How a mother’s story of her soldier son may help young officers.   And why women might make better spies than men..........     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    Northern Ireland analyst Alan Murray on the latest troubles   Aidan Foster Carter, Korean expert on the rocket launch   Margaret Evison, author of "Death of a Soldier: A Mother's Story"   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
12/13/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep December 6th 2012

  The Chancellor’s Autumn statement – what does it mean for  Defence?   Find out how much progress has been made with the military covenant one year on   The new Deputy Commander of ISAF speaks about his hopes for the Afghan people.   Was this week’s NATO meeting Hilary Clinton’s farewell as US Foreign Secretary?   And, could the new US Ambassador be wearing Prada…….     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   OTHER INTERVIEWS:    BFBS Reporter James Hirst on the Autumn Statement and James Blitz – the security and defence editor of the Financial Times   Catherine Spencer, Chief Exec of the Army Families Federation on the military covenant & the hardships facing US Army wives .   The Deputy Commander of ISAF Lt General Nick Parker     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
12/6/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep November 29th 2012

What’s the state of Britain’s military justice system? Find out what concerns Nato's Secretary General has for Afghanistan and his hopes for a smooth transition. Who are the M23 & why we should be concerned And, the search for Burma’s missing spitfiresPRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
11/29/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep November 22nd 2012

  A ceasefire’s been declared but what’s next in the long quest for peace between Gaza and Israel?   Find out why the British Army in Kenya have been building a new base   And why former Cypriot dissidents might sue the British Army   Plus...  the story behind Portsmouth’s new Book shop and Naval art gallery   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
11/22/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep November 15th 2012

The Chief of Defence Staff warns ministers not to expect too much from a cut-down military.    A Royal Navy Submariner admits attempting to pass secrets to the Russians. Professor Eric Grove explains the dark history of spying submariners.   Britain calls for restraint in Gaza - what could be the consequences of this latest outbreak of violence?   Geoff Meade reports from Exercise Albanian Lion.   And after the Petraeus scandal, we look at America's relationship with it's generals.   PRESENTER: Kate Gerbeau  STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee and Professor Michael Clarke from his studio at the Royal United Services Institute.     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
11/15/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep November 8th 2012

The Government's plans to attract more reservists to the Army What’s the global reaction to President Obama’s election victory? Find out which countries wish he hadn’t won and why Should we trade arms with the Middle East? And why the CIA are funding social media in Cuba PRESENTER:  PAUL OSBOURNESTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
11/8/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep November 1st 2012

With one week to go until America elects its President who has the best foreign and defence policy And why the Middle East will be foremost in the next President’s mind Why getting inside a terrorists mind could help us counter the terrorism threat Find out about the campaign to protect the graves of Victoria Cross heroes And British Forces say goodbye to the last Military hospital in Cyprus   PRESENTER:  JAMES HIRST STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   Interviews:   Dr Michael Stathis  , from Southern Utah University on the US Elections. Roger Griffin on his new book ‘the British Forces News’ reporter Tim Cooper reporting on the closing of the last military hospital Ben Harris from the think-tank The Bow Group on protecting the graves of the Victoria Cross recipients.     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
11/1/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep October 25th 2012

Why British troops could be involved in Mali, Africa (pro: Mar-lee)   Who’s leading the race to become America’s next President?   The logistics of withdrawal from Afghanistan, what  plans are being drawn up for the eventual exit?   Plus.... the forgotten voices of the Second World War who still have so much to say………   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   Stephen O’Brien, David Cameron’s special advisor on Mali. British Forces News’ reporter James Hirst reporting from the States on the forthcoming Presidential elections Major General Julian Thompson discussing logistics of withdrawing from Afghanistan & his new book, Forgotten Voices ‘Desert Victory’.    You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
10/25/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep October 18th 2012

SITREP Oct 18th    Gen Mike Jackson tell Sitrep what he thinks about the ‘generals for hire’ scandal   The Scottish National Party finally reveal their plans for an independent Scottish defence policy   Why the Fusiliers are marching to Parliament today   And should Commonwealth soldiers be given the right to stay in the UK when they leave the Services…….   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   Interviews: General Mike Jackson discussing the lobbying generals SNP defence spokesman Angus Robertson on Scottish defence plans The Chief Executive of Veterans Aid, Dr Hugh Millroy British Forces News reporter Charlotte Cross with the marching Fusiliers.     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
10/18/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep October 11th 2012

What’s behind the collapse of the defence merger between BAE & EADS? Why the Foreign Secretary William Hague remains committed to the combat mission in Afghanistan And why a new report casts doubt over Afghanistan’s future post 2014 What the Tory Party have had to say about defence in this week’s Party Conference And the story of the former Para who nearly became a Taliban recruit.  PRESENTER:  Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee Interviews:James Blitz, Defence and Diplomatic Correspondent from the Financial TimesBritish Forces News reporter James Hirst speaking to William Hague, and reporting from the Conservative Party ConferencePaul Quinn Judge of the International Crisis Group on Afghanistan.Alexander Khan, author of ‘Orphan of Islam’.   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
10/11/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep October 5th 2012

  As tensions rise between Syria & Turkey what are the implications of this latest development   Are NATO troops heading for an earlier than expected exit from Afghanistan?   Find out what Labour has on its agenda for defence   And ….the Navy’s aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth won’t be ready for at least 8 years, so why has it already got its own crew   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.  
10/4/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep September 27th 2012

SITREP September 27th   World leaders converge in New York for the UN General Assembly, but what's the true value of the United Nations?   Water cannons are fired during a three way wrangle over islands in the far East, but what does it say about China's military plans?   What do the Lib Democrats think about Defence?   And find out the significance of the parades  through the streets of Belfast this weekend.....   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee and Dr Martin MacCauley the international affairs analyst  from University College London  Martin Macauley   INTERVIEWS:    Steve Britton BFBS’s man in Brunei on China   British Forces News’ reporter James Hirst on the Lib Dem conference   Northern Ireland  analyst Chris Ryder on the marches in Northern Ireland. ............................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
9/27/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep September 20th 2012

After a difficult week in Afghanistan  Sitrep looks at the main political and military challenges facing Nato.   Could an independent Scotland defend itself without help from the UK   Is Afghanistan set to become cricket’s next powerhouse?   And Paddy Ashdown on the Cockleshell heroes     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee      INTERVIEWS:    Professor Paul Rogers, from the University of Bradford on Afghanistan.   Professor Malcolm Chalmers, Director of Research at the Royal United Services Institute discussing implications for Scottish independence.   Lord Ashdown talking about his new book “A Brilliant Operation”, about the Cockleshell heroes.   The BBC’s Cricket Correspondent, Jonathan Agnew in Sri Lanka, on Afghanistan’s cricket team. ............................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
9/20/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep September 13th 2012

What the proposed merger between Bae & EAD means for British defence.   What's behind the assassination of the American ambassador to Libya?   Why Syria’s future depends on the action of a neighbouring NATO country.   And find out why the Iranians are accusing the West of stealing their rainclouds...   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Middle East analyst Hazhir Teimourian   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee       Interviews:  Defence Consultant Dr Alex Ashbourne-Warmsley Former ambassador to Syria, Oliver Miles Robert Tait, Iranian specialist.   ............................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
9/13/201229 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 6th 2012

SITREP September 6th  PRESENTER:  Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    After the Prime Minister’s re-shuffle who are the new, key people at the Ministry of Defence? Find out what President Obama is promising for another term in the White House. Why there’s trouble on the streets of Belfast. And– what it’s like to be a Muslim soldier in today's British Army? PRESENTER:  Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee     Interviews: Michael Clarke, Director of RUSI on re-shuffle & cyber securitySimon Marks of Feature Story News, at the Democrat convention in Carolina, USAAnalyst Alan Murray on Northern IrelandLt Col Peter Stradins, head of Army diversity ............................................................................................................You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
9/6/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep August 30th 2012

SITREP August 30th How will this week’s green-on-blue attacks in Afghanistan affect post-2014 withdrawal? As the US Presidential election campaign heats up - what is the foreign & defence policy strategies of the Democrat and the Republicans parties? Why there’s growing concern over Mali in Africa. And why there’s such a close bond between the Paralympics and the military. PRESENTER:  Glen MansellSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee     Interviews:BBC’s Quentin Sommerville in Kabul on AfghanistanPatrick Smith, Editor of Africa Confidential, discussing MaliMatthew Jamison from RUSI talking about the forthcoming US electionsBritish Forces News reporter Tim Cooper on the Paralympics ............................................................................................................You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
8/30/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep August 23rd 2012

SITREP August 23rd Britain and the United States warn Syria over chemical weapons, while the Israelis watch with concern Why drones are the weapons of choice for a slimmed down armed forces Plus…How well are injured personnel cared for by the NHS?  PRESENTER:  David SpencerSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee     Interviews:Professor Paul Rogers, Dept of Peace Studies at Bradford University discussing Syria, Iran and Israel.  Chris Cole (author of a blog Drones War UK) and Andrew Brookes, Director of The Air League discussing drones. Sue Freeth, Head of Operations at the Royal British Legion on the care of injured Servicemen and women. ............................................................................................................You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
8/23/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep August 16th 2012

SITREP August 16th Is the Armed Forces breaching it's own covenant through their treatment of commonwealth veterans? Will the actions of the group Pussy Riot spark further protests in Russia? Plus we examine Russia's relationship with Syria and the growing influence from China. And we recognise the achievements of a Naval convoy in Malta during the second world war.  PRESENTER:  Glen MansellSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee & Dr Martin MaCauley from University College London.   Interviews:James Hirst has the opinion of Veterans Aid Chief Executive about the treatment of commonwealth soldiers and examines the cases of Isimeli Baleiwai and Kaedon White Tim Cooper reports from Valetta on the First Sea Lord's visit to Malta this week in honour of the Navy's service there 70 years ago. ............................................................................................................You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
8/16/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep August 9th 2012

How vital is  the battle for Aleppo in deciding Syria’s future?   Why drones are taking over the skies in  Afghanistan   Find out the special qualities that former Service personnel bring to civvy street   And why there’s still a strong fascination for the Second World War after more than 70 years   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee       Interviews: Professor Fawaz Gerges on Syria & Egypt   Brtiish Forces News’ reporter Carla Prater in Camp Bastion talking about drones.   Tony Ward, MD or Force 10 Recruitment.   British Forces News’ reporter James Hirst interviews the PM David Cameron   Historian Anthony Beevor on his new book, the Second World War ............................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
8/9/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep August 2nd 2012

SITREP August 2nd  With the help of The Army team GB won its first Gold yesterday – but how difficult is it to combine your military career with sporting ambition? How the Olympic Truce strives to bring global peace through sport What’s the wider impact of the Syrian civil war on the Middle East? And why British troops in Germany commemorate the Battle of Minden    PRESENTER:  Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee     ............................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
8/2/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep July 26th 2012

SITREP July 26th Could there be military intervention in Syria’s civil war What are British troops doing in Somalia? Are young soldiers getting the education they deserve? And why sport is so important to the Army, Navy and RAF  PRESENTER:  Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Professor Paul Rogers, Dept of Peace Studies at Bradford University Jerome Starkey, The Times African correspondent Richard Clarke, director of Child Soldiers Major General Chris Elliot Director of The Army Sports Control Board BFN reporter Jon Knighton on the Olympics and Forces British Forcse involvement  ............................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
7/26/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep July 19th 2012

SITREP July 19th Is it the beginning of the end for Syria’s President Assad & his regime? In Afghanistan, PM David Cameron has a stern message for the Taliban After the G4S fiasco just how secure are the London Olympics? And find out the story behind the 40th Anniversary of the Battle of *Mirbat (*PRO: Mur-bat)   PRESENTER:  Glen Mansell STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee and the Director of The Royal United Services Institute: Professor Michael Clarke  ............................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website. 
7/25/201230 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep July 12th 2012

SITREP July 12th Is it asking too much for the Army to provide last minute Olympic security? Why Mali in North Africa could be the new Afghanistan Why reforming the House of Lords would be bad news for defending defence And how the weather has helped us win and lose wars…….. PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee Dr Martin Macauley from University College London on Mali & Afghanistan Interviews Col Richard Kemp, former commander in Afghanistan on troops providing Olympic security International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell on Afghanistan Admiral Lord West, former Sea Lord, on House of Lords reform  ............................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
7/12/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep July 5th 2012

SITREP July 5th   There are big changes ahead for the Army with the loss of some units and the merger of others   But will the new shape of the British Army be the right one to secure an uncertain future?   The Territorial Army will increase its numbers but can the reserves really provide the support that’s needed?   And what impact will the news have on families ?   Find out in a special edition of Sitrep, today on BFBS   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   Interviews   General Sir Mike Jackson Tel   Col Richard Williams, former SAS Commander in Iraq and Afghanistan; and reserve forces  specialist   Doug Beattie (TA soldier):   From the Army Families Federation:  Catherine Spencier ............................................................................................................   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
7/5/201230 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sitrep June 28th 2012

In Northern Ireland a symbolic handshake moves peace forward After nearly 70 years the heroes of Bomber Command finally get their memorial  The concerns of Pakistan as Nato prepares for transition And could Syria’s attack on a Turkish plane ignite the conflict  PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee Interviews Lord Ashdown on the significance of the Queen & Martin McGuiness shaking hands.British Forces News reporter Rosie Laydon interviews Pakistan's High Commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hassan Sky's Chief Correspondent Stuart Ramsay on SyriaBritish Forces News reporter James Hirst and Annie Haresign on Bomber Command memorial ......................................................................................................................................................You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
6/28/201230 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep June 21st 2012

  SITREP June 21st   Can diplomacy be the solution for Syria or would immunity for Assad be a better option?   Why is the Government investing in Trident when its future remains uncertain?   How the future equipment of the Army will determine the shape of the Armed Forces for years to come   What affect will the proposed changes bring to Forces’ pensions?   And find out why the Dalai Lama has been to Aldershot today…..     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   Interviews Sir Andrew Green, former ambassador to Syria   Professor Eric Grove of Salford University on Trident   British Forces News reporter Will Inglis interviewing Major General Carew wilks, Director Land Equipment.   Major General John Moore-Bick, secretary general of the Forces Pension Society   British Forces News reporter Tim Cooper at Aldershot   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
6/21/201230 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep June 14th 2012

 It's 30 years today since British Forces liberated the Falkland Islands from Argentina.  In a special edition of Sitrep Kate Gerbeau and Matt Teale reflect on the conflict.  They’ll be speaking to the Governor of the Falkland Islands and the man who’s in charge of British Forces today. Plus, hear from the Royal Marine Commander who made victory possible. … And find out what will happen when the future of the Islands is discussed at the United Nations later on today  PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee & Major General Julian Thompson   .................................................................................   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
6/14/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep June 7th 2012

  SITREP June 7th   The Defence Secretary Phillip Hammond tells Sitrep how future cuts will change the shape of the British Army   Are the US Drone strikes in Pakistan giving terrorists propaganda to recruit new members?   How British trained troops in  Sierra Leone are helping another war-torn African country   And the Ceremonial Director of the Diamond Jubilee procession shares his memories of the day and his hopes for future events.   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee   GUESTS: Defence Secretary Phillip Hammond Washington correspondent Simon Marks on the Drone attacks BFBS News reporter Ali Gibson on Sierra Leone Maj Andrew Chatburn, the Ceremonial Director in charge of the Diamond Jubilee procession Capt Alex Owen form the Household Cavalry Mounted Regt which took part in the Diamond Jubilee procession .................................................................................   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
6/7/201231 minutes
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Sitrep May 31st 2012

  Syria edges closer to civil war but what can the international community do about it?   There's a stark warning about the Taliban's plans during Nato's exit from Afghanistan.   Why Russia objects to Nato's missile defence   And the Queen celebrates 60 years as head of the armed forces.   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee .................................................................................     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
5/31/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep May 24th 2012

What measures are being taken to prevent Iran extending its nuclear programme?   What happened at the Nato Summit and how it will affect the future of British Forces   Why Amnesty International has condemned the UN in it’s report.   Memories from Royal Marines & Paratroopers as they return to the Falklands to remember 1982 & landing day   And never mind the singing – find out why the Eurovision song contests is all about the politics     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    INTERVIEWS Professor Paul Rogers, Dept of Peace Studies at Bradford University discussing Iran/Afghanistan/Amnesty & Egyptian elections BFBS Reporter James Hirst on the Nato Summit BFBS Reporter Charlotte Cross in the Falkland Islands Dr Karen Fricker, on the geo-politics of the Eurovision Song Contest       You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
5/24/201230 minutes, 44 seconds
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Sitrep May 17th 2012

SITREP Trail May 17th What’s on Nato’s agenda as it prepares for the Chicago Summit next week? General Mladic is on trial at the Haig for war crimes – but what measures are in place to prevent another atrocity happening & can anyone ever escape war crimes? How depth therapy is helping the rehabilitation of injured servicemen And the forgotten Battles of Scotland – why should they be remembered?  PRESENTER:  Kate GerbeauSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  INTERVIEWS Sir Malcolm Rifkind previewing the Nato summit in Chicago next week, & discussing European financial crisis and war crimes. Forces News reporter James Hirst on  Nato's forthcoming summit  Colonel Bob Stewart on war crimes Forces News reporter Fiona Weir on depth therapy for servicemen Dr Tony Pollard of Glasgow Univesity on Scotland's forgotten battles.  You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
5/17/201230 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep May 10th 2012

SITREP Trail May 10th   There's been a U-turn over which planes to use on the Carriers - but is it the right decision?   Why there's anger in Scotland over plans to lose some historic regimental names   Why France's new President-elect wants to speed up the withdrawal of French troops from Afghanistan.   And the new memorial to Bomber Command is nearing completion - but why has it taken so long?     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    INTERVIEWS The Secretary of State for Defence, Philip Hammond on the Carriers   The Shadow Secretary of State for Defence, Jim Murphy, on Carriers and proposed cuts to Scottish regiments.   BBC's Paris correspondent, Hugh Schofield, discussing the new President elect       You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
5/10/201230 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sitrep May 5th 2012

  It’s been a year since Osama bin Laden was killed – but has his death weakened Al Qaeda?  Sitrep gains unique access to Nato’s Maritime Operations centre in Naples.   Find out how the Defence industry is weathering the financial crisis…..   And Olympic security is put through its final tests    PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    INTERVIEWS From Camp Bastion British Forces News’ reporter Simon Newton   BFN reporter Geoff Meade discusses his visit to  Nato’s Maritime Operations centre in Naples   British Forces News’  Will Inglis reports on   British Forces News’ reporter James Banks reports from the latest Olympic military security exercise    PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
5/3/201230 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sitrep April 26th 2012

Has NATO got its strategy right in the lead-up to the Chicago summit in May?   Why the Parliament's financial watchdog is highly critical of the soaring costs of the Carrier programme.   Will the Arctic Convoy veterans finally get the medal they’ve fought so long for?   And all you need to know about the 21 gun salute…..   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
4/26/201230 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep April 19th 2012

  SITREP trail April 19th   Financial help for the future of Afghanistan but will NATO countries be happy to foot the bill?   Why an expert on the region is saying the forecast for peace after 2014 is unpredictable.   How Operation Joint Warrior is helping to promote cooperation with our European allies   And some unusual tales from Falkland veterans…..     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.   Interviews:   Dr Michael Clarke, Director of RUSI, The Royal United Services Institute   British Forces News’  reporter James Hirst from Camp Bastion   British Forces News’  reporter Tim Cooper on Operation Joint Warrior   British Forces News’  reporter Charlotte Cross speaking to Falkland veterans.
4/19/201230 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep April 12th 2012

The head of Nato says Afghan handover is on track but Afghan’s security forces are still concerned about security post 2014   Will the Syrian ceasefire hold – and what happens next? The invisible scars of PTSD - and is enough being done to help those who suffer? Plus....the important strategic position the Ascension Islands hold   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.   Interviews:   Professor Neil Greenberg , Surgeon Captain Royal Navy & Piers Bishop: from the charity Resolution Rebuilding Lives on Mental Health Issues   Jon Marks , Middle East analyst on the Syrian conflict and Iran’s nuclear ambition   British Forces News’  reporter Geoff Meade on the Ascension Islands  
4/12/201230 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep April 5th 2012

The Government wants to hold secret court hearings, so,  is there a case for some types of evidence to be heard behind closed doors It’s been a week of reminiscing in the Falkland Islands, but what are the feelings of the Islanders thirty years on?  How former servicemen are being trained to fight pirates off the coast of Somalia And why the cost of surrender is a lucrative business…… PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  ......................................................................................................................................You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
4/5/201230 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sitrep March 29th 2012

SITREP TRAIL 29 March How much trust is there between British and Afghan forces following the shooting of two British soldiers and what can be done to help prevent another attack? The Defence Secretary Phillip Hammond’s surprise visit to Afghanistan What mistakes were made in the lead-up to the Argentine invasion of the Falklands Islands? And the preparations of the Household Cavalry as they get ready for a busy schedule this summer.   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee Interviews with:Major Mike Minor on training of Afghan recruits.Major General Julian Thompson, commander 40 Brigade during the Falklands war.British Forces News reporter James Hirst from Afghanistan. ......................................................................................................................................You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time)Alternatively listen again on the website.
3/29/201230 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sitrep March 22nd 2012

The outgoing ambassador to Afghanistan tells Sitrep how he thinks the exit strategy will work and what sort of future the country could have.   What does the latest Budget announcement mean to defence projects and how will it affect Service personnel’s’ pay packets?   How much support is Latin America giving Argentina over its claims to the Falklands?       PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  Interviews with: Sir William Patey – the UK’s ambassador to Afghanistan   BFBS News Geoff Meade on the Budget   Richard Ralph , former Governor of the Falkland Islands and ambassador to Peru   ....................................................................................................................................... You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
3/22/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep March 15th 2012

  SITREP TRAIL 15 March   Why the PM Cameron and President Obama are determined to stick to the strategy in Afghanistan   Is enough being done to look after soldiers’ mental healthcare?   And why the future of the Joint Strike Fighter could be in jeopardy.       PRESENTER:  Glen Mansell   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  interviews with: Surgeon Captain Morgan O’Connell, on Forces’ mental welfare   Lieutenant General Jonathon Riley, on the military relationship between the US and the Uk and the logistics of withdrawing from Afghanistan   Dr Eric Grove on the Joint Strike Fighter   ....................................................................................................................................... You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
3/15/201230 minutes, 41 seconds
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Sitrep March 8th 2012

It’s been a tragic week for British Forces in Afghanistan but have the politicians got their strategy right?   Sitrep hears direct from Camp Bastion and get the opinion of a Warrior expert   And find out why next week’s summit between President Obama and PM Cameron is so important to the future of our Forces.     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  Interviews with:   Former foreign secretary  - David Miliband   British Forces News reporter from Camp Bastion -  James Hirst   Christopher Foss, Warrior Expert from Janes defence   ......................................................................................................................................... You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
3/8/201230 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep March 1st 2012

The RAF put Olympic security to the test   How the Koran burning has affected security in Afghanistan And the new supply route British forces have secured in the region   As Britain closes it’s embassy in Syria, the UN step up efforts to pass a new resolution   We get an insight into what will happen at this weekend ‘s elections in Russia   And HMS Liverpool goes home to the Mersey to bid a final farewell     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbeau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  Interviews with: Alexander Nekrassov (former advisor to the Kremlin) on Syria & this weekend’s Russian elections BFBS Reporter Charlotte Cross on Olympic security   British  Forces News reporter James Hirst from Afghanistan on the continuing anger over the burning of the Koran.   British Forces News reporter Geoff Meade on HMS Liverpool’s farewell trip.   ......................................................................................................................................... You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
3/1/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep February 23rd 2012

What more can Nato do to quell the anger of Afghans over the burning of the Koran As the situation in Syria deteriorates  - how can the international community help?   How the risks of war reporting are balanced with the desire to tell the story   How Afghan’s are winning the fight against corruption   And why the MoD has turned to South Korean shipbuilders…….       PRESENTER:  Glen Mansell   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with: Sky’s News’s Chief Correspondent Stuart Ramsay on Syria & war reporting Foreign Minister Alistair Burt on the situation in Iran.   British  Forces News reporter James Hirst from Camp Bastion on the anger over the burning of the Koran and anti-corruption measures.   British Forces News reporter Will Inglis reporting on defence procurement    ............................................................................................................................................. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
2/23/201230 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sitrep February 16th 2012

Find out what action NATO & the UK is taking to counter the growing cyber threat   Iran boasts about its nuclear achievements – but how far advanced are they?   Why have MPs from the Defence Committee chosen this sensitive time to visit The Falklands Islands?   And find out the importance of the forthcoming Anglo-French summit.   PRESENTER:  Glen Mansell   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with:   British Forces News reporter Will Inglis reporting on cyber    Professor Michael Codner from the Royal United Services Institute on Iran & cyber security   MP Patrick Mercer on the Falkland Islands ............................................................................................................................................. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time) Alternatively listen again on the website.
2/16/201230 minutes, 42 seconds
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Sitrep February 9th 2012

Could Turkey could play a key role in the Syrian crisis?   Two new reports criticize the cuts made by the SDSR – so is the MoD up to the job?    How will the United Nations react to Argentina’s accusation that the UK is militarizing the Falklands Islands   And find out how Afghan women are playing a leading role in their country’s transition     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with:   Sir Andrew Green, Britain's former ambassador to Syria   British Forces News’ reporter  Geoff Meade on the SDSR   Sukey Cameron, of the Falkland Islands Government   British Forces News’ reporter  from Camp Bastion on women in the Afghanistan National Army ................................................................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time). Alternatively listen again on the website.
2/9/201230 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep February 2nd 2012

The Americans are bringing forward the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan – but is it more to do with President Obama’s election strategy than a secure Afghanistan?    And what does it mean for British Forces in the region   As Prince William prepares for his time in the South Atlantic,  tensions remain strained between the British and Argentine governments, but what do the Falkland Islanders themselves make of it all?    And we talk to Peter Carroll, the man behind the Ghurkha’s ‘Campaign     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with:   The Director of the Royal United Services Institute, Michael Clarke British Forces News’ reporter Geoff Meade form the Nato Defence Ministers’ Meeting in Brussels Tim Cooper, our reporter  in the Falklands Peter Carroll of the Ghurkha’s Campaign for Justice.     ................................................................................................................................................ You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time). Alternatively listen again on the website.
2/2/201230 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sitrep January 26th 2012

The MoD comes under more criticism for its handling of redundancies   Egyptians mark a year since their revolution - but are they getting the type of leadership they fought for?   HMS Argyll is sent to the Middle East in a show of strength from the EU against Iran’s nuclear ambitions   And we find out the complex coordination involved in the security of London for the 2012 Olympics   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  Interviews with: James Arbuthnot, Chair of the Commons Defence Select Committee   BFBS Reporter James Hirst on Olympic Security   Richard Ottoway, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee on Syria and Iran   Jon Leyne, BBC Reporter, the anniversary  of the uprising in Egypt
1/26/201230 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sitrep January 19th 2012

The Shadow Defence Secretary Jim Murphy talks to Sitrep about the latest round of Armed Forces’ redundancies   What’s does the future hold for Nato?   Prime Minister David Cameron has promised the Falklands Islanders' his full support  - but is the Royal Navy capable of giving it?   And  - Is it ever morally right for a Captain to abandon a sinking ship?       PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   GUESTS:   British Forces News defence analyst Christopher Lee   Shadow Defence Secretary Jim Murphy on the latest round of Forces’ redundancies   BFN’s Tim Cooper from the Nato meeting in Brussels   Admiral Lord West on the Falklands ................................................................................................................................................................. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time).   Alternatively listen again on the website.
1/19/201230 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep January 12th 2010

  SITREP TRAIL 12th January   Why Scottish  independence would have huge implications for defence. What could be behind the assassination of another one of Iran’s nuclear scientists? There are more diplomatic tensions in South America as the Argentines are accused of starting a squid war against the Falklands Plus, how military academies could help to prevent future riots.     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau ................................................................................................................................................................. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time).   Alternatively listen again on the website.
1/12/201230 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep 5th January 2012

The Strategic Defence Review recommends that the future British Army will be supplemented by the TA but is it too much to ask of the reserve forces?   The US Forces brace themselves for their Defence Review but what will it mean for relations with Europe, and the UK’s 'special' relationship?   Why the Taliban are planning to open an office in Quatar.   Is Iran upping the ante with its warning to America not to send its carriers back to the Persian gulf   And we hear how the huge advances in medical science on the front-line are saving more lives than ever before   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with:   Col Richard Williams former commanding officer of 22 SAS, and contributor to the Future Reserves 2020 report, the review of the Reserve Forces.   Capt Doug Beattie, former soldier now in the Territorial Army   BFN's James Hirst on the US Defence Review   Professor Porter on advances in trauma care
1/5/201230 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep 22nd December 2011

This week it’s a Sitrep special looking back at the year of defence & current affairs in 2011.   How much progress been made in Afghanistan?   The extraordinary story of the Arab Spring…..will history judge it a success or failure?   What impact has the SDSR had now its findings are being implemented?   And we look at the challenges that lie ahead for 2012    PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:    BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Michael Codner, director of military sciences at the Royal United Services Institute   BFBS's reporter Geoff Meade ................................................................................................................................................................. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time).   Alternatively listen again on the website.
12/22/201130 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sitrep 15th December 2011

  The US and NATO ends their mission in Iraq – but have they achieved what they set out to do?   The Defence Committee raise concern about the long-term care of injured service personnel   What are the implications for European defence initiatives given the current financial climate?   And….. find out why the Jolly Roger is flying high at Portsmouth   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with:   Sir Jeremy Greenstock:  former representative to Iraq   James Arbuthnot, Chair of the House of Commons Defence Select Committee on treatment of injured Service personnel.   Tomas Valasek from the Centre for European reform on the Eurozone crisis   Victoria Ingles from the Royal Naval museum at Portsmouth on the Jolly Roger.
12/15/201130 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep 8th December 2011

There’s criticism of our policy in Afghanistan but is it really all tactics without strategy?   And who and what are behind the latest attacks this week?   Find out why they’re demonstrating in Moscow   Why mass immigration is a danger to us all   Plus, what’s the attraction of describing war?  We find out from one RAF Sgt.   PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with:   Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles:  former ambassador of the UK to Afghanistan and Pakistan.   Alexander Nekrassov, former advisor to the Kremlin   Sgt Alex Ford AKA, RAF Airman who’s blog and tweets have attracted a huge follow     You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time).   Alternatively listen again on the website.
12/8/201130 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep 1st December 2011

  What can be done to heal diplomatic relations between the UK and Iran?   How can Nato salvage its relationship with Pakistan?   Why there’s continued unrest over borders in the Balkans    And, find out about a new invention to remove barnacles from the bottom of ships     PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with:   Middle East Analyst Hazhir Teimourian on Iran   Lord Ashdown on , Nato, Pakistan and US relations; the Balkans and European security   BFBS News' reporter Tim Cooper on removing barnacles.   ................................................................................................................................................................. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time).   Alternatively listen again on the website.
12/1/201130 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep 24th November 2011

  Why military top brass say it's too early to judge whether the war in Afghanistan has been successful   The Government will appoint a chief coroner but what will it mean in practical terms to Service families?   Why Turkey is forging closer military ties with the UK    And there's growing unrest in Egypt  - so what happened to the Arab Spring?       PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with:   British Forces News reporter Geoff Meade in Camp Bastion, Afghanistan.   BBC Correspondent Hugh Sykes, in Cairo, Egypt   Middle East analyst Jon Marks on the Arab Spring.   Kevin Shinkwin from the Royal British Legion on the role of the Chief Coroner ................................................................................................................................................................. You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time).   Alternatively listen again on the website.
11/24/201130 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep 17th November 2011

Why Britain's top general in Afghanistan is happy with the progress so far. The best way for politicians and the top brass to work out military strategy. Why Cap Badges are an integral and honourable part of the British Army. And what battles would make the Top 20 of Britain’s worst military disasters?  PRESENTER:  Kate Gerbau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee  Interviews with: British Forces News reporter Geoff Meade talking to Lft Genearl James Bucknall on his time in Afghanistan. Major General Mungo Melvin, talking about military strategy.  Julian Farrance from the Army Museum, discussing Cap Badges. uthor John Withington talking about his new book 'Britain's 20 Worst Military Disaster
11/17/201130 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep 10th November 2011

SITREP TRAIL 10th November It’s the end of an era as British troops in Germany prepare for a long march-out. How worried should we be about Iran’s nuclear weapons programme? After another fatal accident, just how essential are the Red Arrows? And we hear how the soldiers in Afghanistan will be remembering their comrades both past and present this coming weekend . PRESENTER : Kate Gerbau STUDIO GUESTS: BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee Interviews with: British Forces News reporter James Hirst on the drawdown of British troops in Germany. Hazhir Teimourian, Middle Eastanalyst on Iran's nuclear weapon building programme. Air Chief Marshall Sir Michael Graydon discussing the role of the Red Arrows. British Forces News reporter Geoff Meade in Afghanistan on remembrance.
11/10/201131 minutes, 3 seconds
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Sitrep 3rd November 2011

Why the West feels so threatened by Iran…   Is the Government doing enough to counter the cyber security threat?  And find out how we can all help to police Cyber-Space.   How British Forces in Afghanistan have changed the mind set of one former Taliban commander to denounce violence   Plus, a very special celebration for the Royal British Legion   PRESENTER:  James Hirst   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee    Interviews with:   Professor Michael Clarke, director of the Royal United Services Institute talking about the threat Iran poses and the findings of the RUSI survey on defence matters.   General Sir Graeme Lamb, former commander of Special Forces, on cyber security   British Forces News reporter Geoff Meade in Afghanistan.    Lt General Sir John Kiszely, head of the Royal British Legion   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time). Alternatively listen again on the website.
11/3/201130 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep 20th October 2011

  Now that Sirte has fallen, has NATO fulfilled its role in Libya?   How tough is the job of Defence Secretary   What can be done to ease the tensions between Kosovo and Serbia?   The importance of the Haqqani network in the quest for peace in Afghanistan   And why the British Army is breaking the rules using underage soldiers in theatre      PRESENTER:  Kate GerbauSTUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee.        You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time). Alternatively listen again on the website.  
10/20/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 13th October 2011

SITREP trail 13th October The revolutionary forces in Libya are close to securing Sirte - but where is Gaddafi? How a message in a bottle helped the Royal Navy save a ship from piracy Why the prisoner exchange between Hamas and the Israelis is vital for the future of the Middle East And …. why Cyprus continues to be strategically important PRESENTER : Matt Teale STUDIO GUESTS : BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee. INTERVIEWS WITH: Dr Rosemary Hollis, Professor of Middle East Policy Studies at City University at City University British Forces News & Sitrep presenter, Kate Gerbau in Cyprus Karen Jacques from Dryad Maritime Intelligence Services - who monitor the threat of piracy.
10/14/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 6th October 2011

It’s been 10 years since British forces were sent to Afghanistan, but are they any closer to securing a successful outcome?  How has the military strategy changed in that time ?    Why  Nato says there must be more commitment from its allies How European security could be threatened by the Eurozone crisis And , the dogs of war, why our canine friends are so much more than a man’s best friend....     PRESENTER:     Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee.    INTERVIEWS WITH:   BBC 's Paul Wood in Afghanistan   James Blitz, the Financial Times Defence & Security Editor, on the Eurozone crisis.   British Forces News’ reporter Will Inglis on how the forces' equipment has improved in the past 10 years   British Forces News’ reporter James Hirst on the Tory Party conference.   You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time). Alternatively listen again on the website.
10/7/201130 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sitrep 29th September 2011

The Royal Navy is set to announce details of redundancies tomorrow...former First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Jonathon Band tells Sitrep how he thinks this will affect the Senior Service What impact will redundancies have on morale?  The Navy Families Federation tell us what support systems are in place to help those affected There’s been  job losses at BAe – but are we losing too much expertise from the defence industry/ Why the Labour Party claim they are the party for the military And,  today would have been Admiral Nelson’s birthday –what would he make  of  today’s modern Forces?     PRESENTER:     Kate Gerbau   STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee.    INTERVIEWS WITH:   Former First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Jonathon Band, on redundancies in the Royal Navy   Kim Richardson, Chair of the Navy Families Association   British Forces News’ reporter James Hirst from the Labour Party conference
9/29/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 22nd September 2011

 The latest from Libya as anti-Gaddafi forces battle their way to Sirte Two years ago former Ghurkhas won the right to stay in the UK, but is the infrastructure there to support them? What the Libl Dem’s think about defence issues. And why World War One still fascinates us after all these years  PRESENTER:     Matt Teale STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee.   INTERVIEWS WITH:Alastair Leithead, BBC Correspondent en route to Sirte, Libya with the NTC troops.  The BBC’s correspondent in Kabul,, Bilal SarwaryGerald Howarth, Conservative MP for Aldershot, one area where former Gurkhas have settled.Peter Carroll, of the Justice For  Gurkhas CampaignBritish Forces News’ reporter James Hirst from the Lib Dem Party conference.British Forces News’ reporter Tim Cooper visits the  replica WW1 trenches used by the popular TV series, Downton Abbey
9/22/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep September 15th 2011

How the UK is planning to help Libya get back on its feet  After the siege in Kabul – how prepared are Afghan forces to take control of their country’s security?  Why cyber security remains a global threat  And what makes a hero, is it outstanding bravery or just a question of luck?  PRESENTER:     Matt Teale  STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee.   INTERVIEWS WITH:Oliver Miles the former ambassador to Libya The BBC’s correspondent in Kabul,, Bilal Sarwary Claire Yorke, co-author of the Chatham House report on Cyber security Matt Croucher GC, author of The Royal British Legion  book 90 YEARS OF HEROES (Published by Collins)
9/15/201131 minutes, 8 seconds
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Sitrep 8th September 2011

The Baha Mousa Inquiry publishes its report but have conditions changed sufficiently to prevent this happening again? Are former injured service personnel getting the special treatment they were promised in the Military Covenant The legacy of 9/11 on America ten years on  And... find out why identifying the enemy could be increasingly difficult with the invention of an Invisibility Cloak PRESENTER:     Matt TealeSTUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee.  INTERVIEWS WITH:Gisela Stuart, MP, sits on the House of Commons Defence Select Committee, discusses injured service personnelSimon Marks of Feature Story in Washington talking about the 10th Anniversary of 9/11Mike Sweeney of BAE Systems on the invention of an Invisibility Cloak that could potentially disguise tanks
9/8/201130 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sitrep 1st September 2011

SITREP trail 1 September In an exclusive interview on Sitrep , the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, William Hague, speaks to Kate Gerbau about rebuilding  Libya, the wider Arab Spring and the future of Afghanistan. Plus: As the Army & RAF find out the details of their redundancy programmes what impact will it have on morale and the future fighting capability of the Services? PRESENTER:      Kate Gerbau STUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee.  INTERVIEWS WITH: The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, William Hague Patrick Mercer,¸MP, & former British Army officer – discussing Army redundancies. Dawn McCafferty from the RAF Families Federation on how morale will be affected by the redundancies You can listen on BFBS Radio 2 at 1630 (UK time) and on BFBS Radio 1 at 1830 (UK time). Alternatively listen again on the website.
9/1/201130 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep 25th August 2011

After  a six month campaign it’s the end of the road for Gaddafi as Tripoli falls – but what’s next for Libya?In a special edition Sitrep speaks to the Secretary of State for Defence, Liam Fox, who discusses how Britain has been helping the rebels track down Gaddafi and the help NATO can provide to help a smooth transition of government.Plus: the key role RAF’s Sentinel spy plane has played in intelligence gathering. PRESENTER:      Kate GerbauSTUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee INTERVIEWS WITH: Secretary of State for Defence, Liam Fox Professor Michael Clarke: the Director of the Royal United Services Institute, BFBS reporter Cath Brazier on the role of the RAF's Sentinel spy plane
8/25/201130 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep 18th August 2011

Is Gadaffi's grip on Libya coming to an end? And if so, how ready are the rebels to take control? How bribery and corruption are hampering aid to Afghanistan. The latest controversy surrounding the Carrier programme. And, discover the weird and wonderful ways the allies tried to defeat Hitler during WW11
8/18/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 11th August 2011

Should the Army have been brought in to help with this week’s riots?What are the wider consequences for America’s engagement in Afghanistan?How climate change has become a threat to our security.And the wider message of Aghanistan’s new TV Sitcom. PRESENTER: Matt TealeSTUDIO GUESTS: BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee and Robert Fox, the EveningStandard’s Defence Corresponent INTERVIEWS WITH:Captain DougBeattie, who’s been in the Armyfor almost thirty years and is now in the TA on this week’s riots & whether or not the Army should have been involved.Dr. Michael Stathis, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Southern Utah University on public opinion in Amercia after the loss of the Chinook helicopter last weekend.The Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Chris Huhne, on why climate change is a threat to our future security.
8/11/201130 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep 4th August 2011

8/4/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 28th July 2011

SITREP Thursday 28 July  The reasons behind the UK's decisionto recognise the Libyan rebels as Libya’s sole power What’s the prognosis of the Arabspring -  is it fizzling out ? Plus, Sitrep finds out how Forces’ familiesare coping as the Army faces even more redundancies  And, the political consequences of therecent explosions in Cyprus. PRESENTER:      Kate GerbauSTUDIO GUESTS:  BFBS’s defenceanalyst, Christopher Lee.  & Major General Julian Thompson, formercommander of the Royal MarinesINTERVIEWS WITH:Fawaz Gerges,Professor of Middle Eastern Policy at the London School of Economics.Oliver Miles,former UK ambassador to LibyaCatherine Spencer, Army Families FederationTabitha Morgan, Cypriot analyst
7/28/201130 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep 21st July 2011

What sort of shape will the UK's army be in after yet more cuts are announced?  And what impact will it have on morale?Why the hand-over of Lashkar Gah is critical to Afghanistan's instrumental was the campaign to save RAF Lossiemouth in securing the base's future?PRESENTER:Kate GerbauSTUDIO GUEST:  BFBS’s defence analyst, Christopher Lee.  INTERVIEWS WITH:Lt General Sir Graeme Lamb & MP Patrick Mercer on the cuts to the Army and the increase in reserves.George McIntyre, Convener of Moray Council and part of the 'save Lossiemouth campaign'.BFBS's Rob Olver, in Afghanistan on the handover of Lashkar Gah Kim Sengupta, The Independent's defence correspondent, on Afghanistan.
7/22/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 14th July 2011

The verdict on the Chinook crash – why did it take so long to clear the pilots?The fragile relationship between America and Pakistan comes under more pressure.And Afghanistan’s security policy is questioned after the assassination of President Karzai’s half-brother. Plus: Sitrep gets the NATO perspective on the Libyan campaign.
7/14/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 7th July 2011

In an exclusive interview the Secretary of Statefor Defence. Liam Fox,  gives Sitrep his views on the MoD, defence cuts, Libya &Afghanistan ....... We get the reaction from the Royal British Legionand from troops in Afghanistan to the phone-hacking allegations Plus...... what the Afghan National Army can learnfrom Sierra Leone..
7/7/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 30th June 2011

In this week’s Sitrep we talk to Lord Levene – the man responsible for the biggest shake-up at the MoD for a generation. Will the news that Colonel Gaddaffi is wanted for war crimes mean he’ll cling on to power until the bitter end? Nimrod makes its last flight - but does its exit leave a big hole in our defence capability? Plus Robert Gates’ end of term report......
6/30/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 23rd June 2011

Obama's announces his exit strategy for Afghanistan - but what does it mean for British Troops? Why some believe the Strategic Defence & Security Review should be re-opened What's behind the latest outbreak of violence in Northern Ireland? we really need Armed Forces Day?
6/23/201130 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep 16th June 2011

6/16/201130 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sitrep 9th June 2011

Yemen’s violent uprising pushes the country to the brink of collapseA warning to Iran - 'Stop arming the Taliban'What difference are the Apaches bringing to the Libyan campaign?Why the Reserves should be increased rather than decreased.And, are relations warming up between Nato & Russian?
6/9/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 2nd June 2011

6/2/201130 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sitrep 26th May 2011

Why the special relationship with the US is so essential to the UK and its security And why cooperation between the UK & US is important to the welfare of our Forces As military action increases in Libya - why the critics are also raising their voice And It’s the end of an era at RAF Kinloss.........
5/26/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 19th May 2011

The military covenant moves one step closer to becoming law, but not everybody’s happy. There’s a warning of more cuts to come but will the Army be in the firing line?  How far should NATO forces go in Libya? And the significance of the Queen’s visit to Ireland – how will it affect future relations?
5/19/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 12th 2011

Tough questions for Pakistan about Osama bin Laden as militants step up attacks in Afghanistan:   Can Scottish Nationalists save the threatened RAF bases at Lossiemouth and Leuchars?   And....why some Service charities are urging caution against  legalising the Military Covenant  
5/12/201131 minutes, 10 seconds
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Sitrep 5th May 2011

A Sitrep special as the world reacts to the news of the death of Osama Bin Laden How will it affect strategy in Afghanistan, and more importantly the role of British Forces there? How will Al Qaeda react? The international response & relations with Pakistan And we look at the implications for international security & terrorism?
5/5/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 28th April 2011

What’s the way forwardfor a favourable outcome in Libya? And how should theinternational community respond to the deepening crisis in Syria? What are the implicationsof the Taliban prisoner escape?   Plus: the final countdown to the Royal Wedding:
4/28/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitep 21st April 2011

As British military advisors head to Libya - should  Nato be doing more and is this the start of "mission creep"? Why the next few months are the real test of progress in Afghanistan How the weapons of the future could change the face of modern warfare And the special roles the Forces will play at the royal wedding...
4/21/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 14th April 2011

Could Afghanistan become the West’s forgotten war? Is the coalition targeting Colonel Gaddafi falling apart? After 50 years of space exploration why outer-space could be a threat to civilisation And who is Britain’s greatest general?
4/14/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 7th 2011

  Why the Gurkhas have been particularly hard-hit by the job losses announced this week . What should we do to break the Libyan stalemate? And a change of scene for the Irish Guards - from the battlefields of Helmand to the Royal Wedding in less than a week  
4/7/201131 minutes, 10 seconds
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Sitrep March 31st 2011

Sitrep 31st March (presented today by Paul Osbourne)How long can the coalition hold together in Libya? Is the RAF about to run out of pilots? Why there's a growing role for reservists in Afghanistan And what did the Government apologise for in Northern Ireland?
3/31/201131 minutes, 13 seconds
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Sitrep 24th March 2011

In Sitrep today.... In Libya - who’s running the military operation?  What’s the objective?  And is there an exit strategy? Plus the other Middle East countries on the brink of revolution And, in Afghanistan as seven provinces are handed over to Afghan security forces, is the end in sight ?
3/24/201130 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sitrep 17th March 2011

The continuing crisis in the Middle east   A top General tells Sitrep he's optimistic about progress in Afghanistan but also urges caution   What role would Brtish forces play if the UK had a nuclear emergency?   The Cold War ended a long time ago so why are Russian bombers trying to penetrate British Airspace   And a special tribute for the town that's honoured our fallen soldiers
3/17/201130 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep March 10th 2011

In this week’s Sitrep….   Why the MoD says there’ll be no U-turn on defence cuts,   How should the international community respond to the crisis in Libya?   And how did the SAS operation in the desert go so badly wrong?   Plus: why China is boosting its influence in Afghanistan
3/10/201131 minutes, 10 seconds
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Sitrep 3rd March 2011

Who’ll win the tug of war over Libya’s future? The harsh realities of the Defence Review as each Service prepares for job losses   The renewed push for a  political surge in Afghanistan And a career change for veterans - from the front-line to the classroom
3/3/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 24th February 2011

2/24/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 17th February 2011

The Shadow Defence Secretary’s response to the fiasco of the ‘sacking by email’ and the failure to legalize the the Military Covenant  And….after successful demonstrations in Egypt and Tunisia, what’s the possible outcome for the protesters in Bahrain, Libya and Iran? Plus: why Prince William’s wedding attire is causing a royal headache…
2/17/201130 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sitrep 10th February 2011

Has David Cameron broken his promise to the armed-forces? The story behind the botched search-and-rescue helicopter deal If American pressure helps to change Egypt’s Government, can it mend the Middle East Peace process? And should all serving personnel be awarded a medal?
2/10/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep February 3rd 2011

  As the protests continue in Egypt, what are the implications for the rest of the region?   Are tours of duty for bomb disposal teams in Afghanistan too long?   The continuing rows over Nimrod and Chinook   And...: it’s the end of the Iraq Inquiry – now all the evidence is in, what conclusions will be drawn?   
2/3/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 27th January 2011

The MoD wants to make more savings - but where will the axe fall?   What's behind the increased number of service personnel seeking help for mental health issues?   Plus the last minute attempts to save the Nimrod   Is democracy working in Afghanistan?   And how successful are the latest reconciliation talks between Cyprus and Turkey?
1/27/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 20th January 2011

This week,  Sitrep looks back 20 years ago to the first Iraq War as the legalities of the most recent Iraq war are still being debated ahead of Tony Blair’s return to the Iraq Inquiry   Plus: as the governments in Tunisia and Lebanon collapse, what can be done to calm renewed tensions in the Middle East?
1/20/201130 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep January 13th 2011

Is the government politicising the military convenant   How a change to  Forces’ pensions  could leave many out-of-pocket   Why the Chief of the Defence Staff believes the UK should have it’s own Cyber Command.   And  why one group are campaigning to raise the age of recruitment from 16 to 18.
1/13/201131 minutes, 10 seconds
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Sitrep 6th January 2011

This week’s Sitrep looks ahead: what can the defence world expect in 2011: what’s the prognosis for peace in Afghanistan ?  And why is Pakistan the key to peace in the region? How will the cuts from last year’s defence review affect British Forces around the world? Plus, why the Government is holding a review into the care of  Forces’ amputees and why Germany’s ending conscription.
1/6/201130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 23rd December 2010

This week,  a special edition of Sitrep looking back at the big stories of the year that made the headlines in the Forces' world.  From SDSR to  Afghanistan, Korea, the Middle East and many more - it's all in the Sitrep review of 2010 with Kate Gerbau and a panel of defence experts.
12/23/201030 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep 16th December 2010

Sitrep looks at the reasons why the experts are saying the strategy in Afghanistan isn’t working What’s the future for defence spending and procurement Find out what’s being done to counter Islamic extremism in the UK And, find out why the number of  homeless ex-Forces personnel has fallen dramatically in the last 10 years.
12/16/201030 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 9th December 2010

In this week's programme....   The true definition of the Military Covenant and what’s it means for Forces’ Families   Analysis of the  continuing fall-out from Wikileaks   What’s behind the latest spying allegations?   And, could climate change trigger the next war?
12/10/201030 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep 2nd December 2010

In this week's Sitrep..............   There's been more Wikileaks - but how damaging are they and what's still to come?   The story of how one woman's determination changed forever the repatriation process for servicemen and women.   And we say farewell to Ark Royal as it head towards Portsmouth
12/2/201030 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sitrep 25th November 2010

  In this week's Sitrep What's behind North Korea's attack on the South ? The highs and lows of the Nato summit Is the army doing enough to tackle bullying Plus: the fight to save RAF Leuchars  
11/25/201030 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sitrep 18th November 2010

In this week’s Sitrep ….what’s on the agenda at the Lisbon  Nato conference?   The EU’s Naval Force talks about its continuing fight against pirates off Somalia   Why the governments paying compensation to former Guantanamo prisoners.   And In Germany, concerns by top brass that the withdrawal of British Forces there will be ‘difficult’
11/18/201030 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep November 11th 2010

In this week's Sitrep, Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, explains why he's backing the fight to save LossiemouthDid torture prevent terrorist attacks on the UK?And why some veterans think the Poppy Appeal is too glitzy
11/11/201030 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 4th 2010

How do you stop Yemen turning into the next Afghanistan?The Anglo-French defence treaty - what it really means for British defenceWhat now for the President Obama after the mid-term elections; will the results change America's policy in Afghanistan?And, what is rare earth and why it could be the new gold.
11/4/201031 minutes, 1 second
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Sitrep 28th October 2010

In this week's Sitrep...   The outgoing CGS, SirJock Stirrup, explains why he’ll still be fighting for an increase in defencespending, and the head of the Defence Select Committee on what they’ll beinvestigating after the results of the Defence Review   Plus: Wikileaks; why releasethe documents now? And...Why the Royal BritishLegion’s Poppy appeal  is more appealingthan ever
10/28/201030 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep October 21st 2010

After months' of speculation the Government’sStrategic Defence and Security Review has finally been published.This week's special edition of Sitrep willl go beyond the headlines, to find out what it means for our forcesin the years ahead, and for Britain's position on the world stage.
10/21/201030 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep October 14th 2010

10/14/201030 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep October 7th 2010

  In this week’s Sitrep, could the war in  Afghanistan spill into Pakistan   The latest terror alerts in the UK & Europe –are they exaggerated or a genuine threat   Plus: the Royal Navy and the SDSR - the story behind the headlines  
10/7/201030 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep September 30th 2010

9/30/201030 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sitrep September 23rd 2010

Sitrep 23 September In today’s programme...Sitrep looks back at the British troops' mission in Sangin – was it a success?   Fact or fiction: the experts' verdict on the latest rumours to hit the forthcoming Strategic Defence and  Security Review..   Plus: could a solar flare cause as much damage as a nuclear weapon?
9/23/201031 minutes, 11 seconds
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Sitrep September 16th 2010

Today’s Sitrep looks at this week’s criticism of the defence review and asks just how radical it might be.Plus: A look ahead to this weekend’s Afghan elections And the latest on the fragile security situation in Northern Ireland.
9/16/201031 minutes, 8 seconds
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Sitrep September 9th 2010

9/9/201030 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep September 2nd 2010

9/2/201029 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep August 26th 2010

Part one of our two part review of the global defencepicture that anyone in the services today should know about – it’s the world you could be fighting in and for.  Today: we ask what’s going on inthe world and where do we fit in?  
8/27/201029 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep August 19th 2010

In this week’s Sitrep: Is Peace Worth Fighting For?  Given the outright opposition to the Gulf War and to the motives of the then Prime Minister Tony Blair for taking the UK into that war and, the increasing public opinion that the Afghanistan War is unwinnable, the question Is Peace Worth Fighting For? Is worth answering.
8/20/201029 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sitrep August 12th 2010

In this week's Sitrep Cyber Warfare. The future? Is it now? What is it? What can it do and who does it? Could cyber warriors really turn off all the military communications and computers and literally bring a major operation crashing to chaos? And... who could and who does hack into the most closely guarded coms find out in a Sitrep special on Cyber warfare.
8/12/201029 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sitrep 5th August 2010

8/5/201028 minutes, 33 seconds
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Sitrep July 29th 2010

In Sitrep today ....Pakistan and Taliban - friend or foe? Why the MOD got it wrong for widows and orphans. Why General Jackson says the Iraq war was legal. Why European allies have no right to criticise UK forces. Why the mole has yet to blow his whistle. Why Cameron wants Turkey inside the tent . And, what do KGB agents sing when they get to the pub? Find out in Sitrep with Christopher Lee & guests, 430pm live online and on BFBS Radio 2.
7/29/201029 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sitrep July 22nd 2010

This week: Are there too many 2 Stars in the Armed Forces? The latest on the Defence Review Afghanistan - is it really an unwinnable war?  Iraq -The slaughter goes on, as does the Iraq Inquiry. Plus North Korea  - more sanctions and the US sends in the really big flat top and Turkey - talking to the enemy, and why it's best to throw and not drop a clanger? 
7/22/201056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep July 15th 2010

In this edition of Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guestst: Afghanistan – have we got itwrong?And next week – the biggest security headache arrives in Afghanistan.  What do we do when Israel bombs Iran?  Plus China’s Military is on the Long Marchbut where’s it going? Sea Sunday – let’s not forget  AND, Nelson’s naval letter – but not a word toFleet Street.
7/15/201056 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sitrep July 8th 2010

In this Sitrep....Defence cuts - it’s official. UK troops move over in Helmand, but why has it taken so long to announce the obvious?. Why corruption and money laundering are good business in Kabul. A missile deal in Iraq: was the MOD totally incompetent or totally uncaring in the manner it treated families of Service people killed in action. And Spy wapping - the US and Russia are at it again. That’s all in Sitrep, with Christopher  Lee and guests.
7/8/201056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep July 1st 2010

In Sitrep today ....The Taliban bomb - scare stories or could the terrorists really get a nuclear trigger?  Afghanistan after McChrystal - are we losing it?  Liars or fools -  who's hiding the truth about why we went to Iraq?   PLUS: Prisoner torture - is MI5 being economical with the truth and has the time come to sell off Dartmouth, Sandhurst and Cranwell?
7/1/201056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep 24th June 2010

  This week's/today's Sitrep  looks at the upcoming strategic defence review: what is it? Is it possible to get it right? And, what will happen to each Service: The Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the Army, the Royal Air Force and let’s not forget the fringe: robotics, Intelligence, Information, and the Media .  Find out in Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests on BFBS Radio 2, 4pm UK time, listen again and on-line.  
6/24/201056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep June 17th 2010

In Sitrep today ....Afghanistan - Another lost cause? Or, the war that never was.  President Obama - proving no one can win three wars at once.  In Iraq - why the Iranians say bombing's easier than war.  In Pakistan - why the Intelligence people say Taliban's the best bet to avoid war, and in  Karachi - why banning demos won't keep the bombers out PLUS: Bloody Sunday - the ones who got away. and NATO - does it really need Montenegro?  All the answers in Sitrep, with Christopher  Lee and guests  4pm uk time, on BFBS Radio 2, on-line and listen again.  
6/17/201056 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sitrep June 10th 2010

In this week's Sitrep.......The long, ho, lethal summer ahead in Afghanistanbut what if  Pakistan could control the insurgents? China - can she control North Korea and WIKILEAKS - could the website become the biggest thing since the Freedom of Information Act That's all in Sitrep, with Christopher  Lee and guests  4pm uk time, on BFBS Radio 2, on-line and listen again.
6/10/201044 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sitrep June 3rd 2010

In today’s Sitrep.......Free Gaza? Or handing terrorists victory on a plate  Are western leaders too cowardly to save lives.  Arms sales: Why we're all broke except the arms salesmen.  The Iraq Inquiry - what the Americans told the Chilcott team.  Why a funeral in Belfast tomorrow says the Troubles have not all gone away.  Why the real Intelligence War is in Washington DC. the Chief of the Defence Staff really worth it?
6/3/201056 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sitrep May 27th 2010

Is Obama waiting for the UK to quit Afghanistan? In the Middle East - the Blair-Bush experiment & the damage to the UK. In the UK, the SDR defence review  - will it be worth the paper it’s written on? Plus the new surge: this time it’s Intelligence Gathering. And in Dunkirk - little ships rescuing history. That's all in Sitrep, with Christopher Lee and guests.
5/27/201056 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sitrep 20th May 2010

5/20/201056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep 13th May 2010

5/13/201057 minutes, 10 seconds
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Sitrep May 6th 2010

In today's Sitrep: Sitrep brings you a special discussion on the world the newly-elected prime minister will be facing.  What will be at the top of his in-tray?  Where are today's global hot-spots? Let Sitrep take you around the world to find out.  Join Christopher  Lee and guests 4pm uk time, on BFBS Radio 2, on-line and listen again.
5/6/201030 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep April 29th 2010

Sitrep Trail 29 April In today’s Sitrep: Afghanistan: Why no one knows how to fix it and why they never did.  Iraq: Why the killing goes on and why we should still care.  Northern Ireland: Why the dissidents won’t go away and nor can the police Scuds & thuds: Who’s handing out the Scuds and who they pointing at.  And...why the junk navy sails again That’s all  in Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests at 4pm on BFBS Radio 2, on-line and listen again.
4/29/201056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep April 22nd 2010

The Great Debate - this week it's Defence & Foreign Affairs but do Brown, Cameron & Clegg really know what they're talking about? The new security challenges: is the UK up to them? Cyprus after the elections: what's the future for the whole island? And The Volcano - the true power in the land. Plus: why Bligh wasn't just of the Bounty and...and why Brits can't test drive national pride.
4/22/201056 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sitrep April 15th 2010

Is the Defence Debate - sterile or virile?  Why are there thousands of ex-service personnel in prison. Why the Americans are quitting Death Valley.  Will Kyrgistan be the next honeypot for terrorists? Should we like Russia - and do they like us? What's the vision thing? Who had it, who has it, and,  who needs it?
4/15/201056 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep 8th April 2010

4/8/201056 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sitrep April 1st 2010

In Sitrep today: Afghanistan - can we trust the journalists there to tell us the real story. In Iraq - are the politicians dumping on democracy & are the Iranians winding up both sides.
4/1/201056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep March 25th 2010

In Sitrep today: Afghanistan - why the answers are harder than the questions, why we need to talk to the enemy and the Taliban on-line.  Is Iraq a mess or a miracle?  Is the foreign office going bust?  Why the pirates are heading East.  The latest Middle East crisis - why isn't it obvious?  And corruption at Westminster - but we still tell others to clean up their act.  That's all in Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests at 4pm on BFBS Radio 2, on-line and listen again.
3/25/201056 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sitrep March 18th 2010

In Sitrep today: Soft power, hard power, nuclear power, cyber-war, organized crime – is that the future for defence? Plus, cutting nuclear weapons down to size – but is size everything?
3/18/201056 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sitrep March 11th 2010

Afghanistan, why the foreign office thinks President Karzai's lost it. Israel, why Jerusalem's not negotiable.  The Coroner has spoken, but is it too simple to blame Gordon Brown?  The future's in Cyberspace, but who's listening in the MOD?  And...can the government really gag the Media ?
3/11/201056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep March 4th 2010

Why don’t we trust the MoD? And why assassinations are an everyday part of democracy in Iraq.
3/5/201030 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep 25th February

In today's Sitrep:   Why Obama can't win in America.  After 10 long years the Bloody Sunday Inquiry report is due to be published - but what will it say? 
2/25/201056 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep February 18th 2010

Day by day analysis of Operation Moshtarak and how World War II thinking could save Afghanistan from Taliban.
2/18/201030 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sitrep February 11th 2010

In this week's programme: Helmand - why Moshtarak is make or break in Helmand and why Trident won't be up for grabs in the strategic defence review.  
2/11/201031 minutes, 10 seconds
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Sitrep February 4th 2010

Why does the navy has more admirals than warships? Why are there are more civvies in MOD than the RN & RAF put together?
2/5/201030 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep January 28th 2010

Afghanistan - promises promises promises - but we're in it for the long haul.  And The Blair Witch Trial - not many friends left in court
1/28/201056 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep January 21st 2010

Why MI6 turned its back on real Intelligence. Should we sing happy birthday Mr President and Why next week's Afghanistan Summit is part of the UK election campaign
1/21/201056 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sitrep January 14th 2010

In Sitrep today.....Liar or Genius - why the Blair Trial started this week.
1/14/201056 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sitrep January 7th 2010

Why Yemen is such a bear trap for the UK and US
1/7/201059 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sitrep December 31st 2009

Sitrep's annual review of not just the year gone by, but the decade, and a look ahead to 2010.
1/4/201059 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep December 24th 2009

What sort of equipment would all three services wish for in the 2010 stocking?
12/24/200959 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep December 17th 2009

What sort of equipment would all three services wish for in the 2010 stocking?
12/17/200959 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep December 10th 2009

Why did the MI6 man blink? Why did generals fail their IQ tests? And why are warheads on foreheads doing the business? Obama has spoken
12/10/200959 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep December 3rd 2009

Obama has spoken: now what happens? Is the war on terrorism all done by July 20-11 or is that election speak?
12/3/200959 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep November 26th 2009

11/26/200959 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep November 19th 2009

Karzai speaks but does anyone believe he can deliver? 
11/19/200959 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep November 12th 2009

Afghanistan: Waiting for Obama & why Brown doesn’t really matter.  Plus, Iraq - the stench of oil and the whiff of fudge.
11/12/200959 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sitrep November 5th 2009

Why more people are saying troops out of Afghanistan plus....Berlin - the day the wall came down, were we really free?
11/6/200959 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep October 29th 2009

In today's Sitrep...How to fight extremism in Pakistan
10/29/200959 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep October 22nd 2009

What does the war in Pakistan mean for British troops long term?
10/22/200930 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sitrep October 15th 2009

Why is the MOD always in the political firing line? Should the military bekicked out of the MOD...and why the battle against Taliban is in Pakistan.
10/15/200959 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep October 8th 2009

Why No 10 can't handle the  noisy generals?
10/8/200959 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sitrep October 1st 2009

Are we about to see a completely new plan on Afghanistan? Is America asking the big question: why are we here? Because if America is, then so must the UK.
10/1/200959 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sitrep September 24th 2009

Why one Trident less won't fix the defence budget and why not put the Afghanistan budget into Homeland Security?
9/25/200959 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep September 17th 2009

The truth about defence cuts - why they would completely change the face of the military...line by line analysis in today's edition of Sitrep.
9/17/200959 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep September 10th 2009

Has PM Gordon Brown got it wrong about Afghanistan? How arms sales boost the economy, are the bombers back in Northern Ireland and why didn't the world come to an end yesterday as advertised?
9/10/200959 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep September 3rd 2009

On the anniversary of the outbreak of World War 11 today's Sitrep presentsyour personal guide to one hundred years of  the days war broke out, plus aglobal round up of the world's hotspots
9/4/200959 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep August 20th 2009

Today we're looking at famous speeches and the leaders who made them .Famous military leaders have played with words to inspire troops, indeed,nations. We all know famous ones like 'fight them on the beaches',. 'Neverin the history of so many' etc. But are words that valuable?  Find out inthis special edition of Sitrep.
8/20/200959 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep August 13th 2009

Do you think Britain should have nuclear warheads? Should the UK renewTrident? Is it just a military question? What about the morality of themushroom? Hear what the experts say with Christopher Lee  and guests.
8/13/200959 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep August 6th 2009

Why are the political knives out for General Dannatt? And why is Washington gunning for the UK’s X-file hunter?
8/6/200959 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sitrep July 30th 2009

General Dannatt’s latest salvo at government on Afghanistan but will MOD & Number Ten dodge the real issues? And....just  how good are British forces in Helmand?
7/31/200959 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sitrep July 23rd 2009

Everyone’s talking helicopters for Helmand...but isn’t that a smokescreen. Isn’t the real story this: we’re in the wrong war. Strategy’s being written on the hoof. True or false? Answers in Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests .
7/23/200959 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sitrep July 16th 2009

In Sitrep today: Afghanistan: men & equipment. Politics gone mad or incompetent military planning?  Who’s right?  Who’s wrong? Prisoner handling...why it’s so easy to break the rules;  Is the CIA still in the assassination business?  And...does the first sea lord have to be a physicist and ... Do commanders talk too much and do we believe politicians or the military?  That’s all in today’s Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests on BFBS.
7/17/200959 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sitrep July 9th 2009

In Sitrep today: Afghanistan – why the MOD thinks we have to be told why we’re there; Drone Warfare – does it do what the brochures says it does; is the proposed MOD Green Paper a con; arms control – is it all a myth or an invention of the weapons trade; why the Met’s counter-terrorism budget can’t escape cuts; the Pope & the UN and highly does Gordon Brown rate the Defence Secretary?  All that and more in Sitrep, 4pm uk time today, with Christopher Lee and guests.
7/13/200959 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep July 2nd 2009

No money so no defence. Is that the no-brainer for the next ten years in the MOD? Plus: Foreign media students in a top London college....what are they after? And, is it really possible to persuade disaffected Muslims to give terrorism a miss?
7/3/200959 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep June 25th 2009

Caring for service men and women in need - why can't MOD get it right? Plus: More body-bags in Iraq & Afghanistan - why the figures don't impress the British media. That's all in today's Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests.
6/29/200959 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sitrep June 18th 2009

In Sitrep today.....Iran – is this really the end of the Islamic Revolution & do western governments really want that anyway?   And in spite of the rhetoric, America & UK are having to think how they learn to live with North Korea’s bomb   Plus...why Mossad is telling Israelis to keep off Facebook, the public outcry over the private Iraq war the pen really mightier than the sword?  That’s all in today’s Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests
6/19/200959 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep June 11th 2009

In today’s Sitrep..... AFGHANISTAN: Just 18 months to win the war; Interrogation: what are the rules & who breaks them?  . IRAN: voting starts in the morning. Who will win? NORTHERN IRELAND: Why the Omagh bombers are not behind bars ARMS SALES: who are the big spenders? KOREA: Has the Dear Leader beaten us all at our own game  and Balkan hide & seek: why Radovan Karadzic was always one step ahead of the BBC’s war-crimes catcher.  All that in today’s Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests on BFBS.
6/12/200959 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep June 4th 2009

Does the White House really know where it’s going in the Middle east?  Could we really be heading for a war with North Korea? Does Israel really think war with Iran is inevitable? And do we really need a 65th anniversary D-Day bash - or is it all cynical politics?  Find out in this week's Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests
6/5/200959 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sitrep May 28th 2009

British troops have pulled out of Iraq. Was it all worth it? And after Iraq, what does the rest of the world think of us? Aliens from a colonial time machine? American poodles? Or...the professionals who got it right and didn't outstay their welcome? How others see us ... And would we do it ever again? That's this week's special edition of Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests.
5/29/200959 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sitrep May 21st 2009

In today’s Sitrep..... dozens killed & wounded in Baghdad bombings – but does the great British public care anymore? Why has President Obama fallen into the torture chamber of US politics? Did MI5 cock-up or simply fail to cope over the July 2005 `London bombings? Why do governments slag off the Israelis over the failure of any movement in the Middle East peace process? The answers in Sitrep with Christopher Lee and guests.
5/26/200959 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sitrep May 14th 2009

Why does the MoD have such problem with its equipment; do warriors get enough exercise; why the government won’t allow Iraqi interpreters into the UK; the real reason why Washington has sacked the ISAF general; the real reason why Pakistan is at long last facing up to Taliban; why the UN is front-runner for the 2009 Really Useless award; And piracy – how is the ransom money handed over, by whom and to whom? Oh, and do you know why sailors say aye aye....? 
5/15/200959 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sitrep May 7th 2009

This week's programme looks at the future of Devonport Naval Base, as well as the growing crisis in the border regions of Pakistan...
5/8/200959 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sitrep April 30th 2009

Iraq dominates this week, but Christopher Lee and guests also look at Britain's new policy on Afghanistan and Pakistan...
5/1/20091 hour, 2 seconds