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Special Quartet___migration_test_4812032670632


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About Special Quartet___migration_test_4812032670632
{"es":"  SPECIAL QUARTET "Namouche" Alexis Cuadrado SPECIAL GUESTS, AND HUGO ALVES PERICO SAMBEAT Extremadura Group Special Quartet Jazz went into the study of 7, 8, 9 December to record their first album "Namouche", the recording took place in Lisbon Namouche studies, and was recorded by Andre Fernandes. On the album they recorded musicians collaborate and international stature, these musicians are, Alexis Cuadrado, Perico Sambeat, and Hugo Alves. ---------------------------------- - Quintet plus Special Sambeat Perico and Hugo Alves: This septet proposes an open space improvisation through jazz-based themes but open to all styles. Stylistically speaking to the group could place sounds and colors that are close to jazz, rock, and funk, alternating own songs with versions of the Standards of contemporary jazz. Today is one of the most active formations of the jazz scene in southwestern Spain. "Quintet plus Special Sambeat and Hugo Alves Perico" proposes cover the rich musical territory borders saving any barriers or labels, walking among the Bepop and contemporary jazz. Its components, with a renowned and extensive musical training, fill a range of subjects own overwhelming, leaving no room for doubt or indifference. Their music is marked by a continuing search for new sounds and forms of expression, allows you to extend this illustrious echo beats as BeBop and bop. Note the presence of Argentine bass Demian Cabaud based in Lisbon, which brings great experience and expertise resulting from its long and intense career .--------------------- ----------- "Special Quartet: The quartet offers a space open to improvisation through a foundation subjects but open all jazz styles. Stylistically speaking we could put the group into sounds and colors that are close to jazz, rock, and funk, alternating own songs with versions of the Standards of contemporary jazz. Today is one of the most active formations of the jazz scene in southwestern Spain, and they already have in your memory sharing sessions with musicians like Ron Carter, Greg Osby, Guillermo Klein and Los Guachos, OAM Trio + Mark Turner, Kurt Rosenwinkel William McGuill, Albert Bover, Bill Mchenry or Sambeat Perico, among many others. Quartet Special travel offers rich musical territory eliminating any type of border barriers, borders or labels, be walking between pop and contemporary jazz, with a well-known components and extensive musical training, fill a repertoire of their own issues, and standards on very well selected and arranged by the quartet. Convincing in their performances leave no doubt and indifference, their track record supports them. Their program meets-compositions marked by a continuing search for new sounds and forms of expression-as well as literary classics arranged jazz exclusively and personal allows you to extend this illustrious echo beats as the bebop and post -bob. The components, with extensive musical training behind them, and come from the cities of Badajoz, and Almendralejo. Several of them have worked and recorded with musicians such as Arturo Serra, Perico Sambeat, Chano Dominguez, Jerry Gonzalez, Ari Hoenig, Phil Abraham, Jorge Pardo, Antonio Mesa, Albert Bover, Jimmy Castro, Hugo Alves, Nelson Cascais, and a long etc ..., in different configurations of jazz, both in Portugal and Spain. Namouche recorded their first album with the participation of Sambeat Perico, alto sax, Alexis Cuadrado, bass, and Hugo Alves, trompeta. SPECIAL QUARTET “ NAMOUCHE” INVITADOS ESPECIALES ALEXIS CUADRADO, PERICO SAMBEAT Y HUGO ALVES El grupo extremeño de Jazz Special Quartet se metió en el estudio los días 7, 8, 9 de diciembre a grabar su primer disco “NAMOUCHE” , la grabación se realizo en los estudios Namouche de Lisboa, y fue grabado por Andre Fernándes. En el disco colaboran y graban músicos de talla internacional, esos músicos son, Alexis Cuadrado, Perico Sambeat, y Hugo Alves. ---------------------------------- - Special Quintet plus Perico Sambeat y Hugo Alves: Este septeto propone un espacio abierto a la improvisación a través de temas de base jazzística pero abiertos a todos los estilos. Estilísticamente hablando podríamos situar al grupo en sonidos y colores cercanos al jazz, rock, y al funk, alternado temas propios con versiones de los Standards del jazz contemporáneo. En la actualidad es una de las formaciones más activas de la escena jazzística del suroeste peninsular. "Special Quintet plus Perico Sambeat y Hugo Alves" propone recorrer el rico territorio musical transfronterizo salvando cualquier tipo de barreras o etiquetas, caminando entre el bepop y el jazz más contemporáneo. Sus componentes, con una reconocida y amplia formación musical, llenan un repertorio de temas propios contundentes, no dejando lugar a la duda ni a la indiferencia. Su música está marcada por una continua búsqueda de nuevas sonoridades y formas de expresión, ello le permite ampliar el eco ilustre de latidos como el BeBop y el PostBop. Cabe destacar la presencia del contrabajista argentino afincado en Lisboa Demian Cabaud, que aporta su gran experiencia y bagaje fruto de su larga e intensa trayectoria profesional.-------------------------------- -Special Quartet: Este cuarteto, propone un espacio abierto a la improvisacion a traves de temas una base jazzistica pero abierto todos los estilos. Estilisticamente hablando podriamos situar al grupo en sonidos y colores cercanos al jazz, rock, y al funk, alternado temas propios con versiones de los Standards del jazz contemporaneo. En la actualidad es una de las formaciones mas activas de la escena jazzistica del suroeste peninsular, y ya tienen en su memoria sesiones compartidas junto a músicos como Ron Carter, Greg Osby , Guillermo Klein y Los Guachos , Mark Turner+Oam trio, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Guillermo Mcguill, Albert Bover, Bill Mchenry o Perico Sambeat, entre muchos otros. Special Quartet propone recorrer el rico territorio musical transfronterizo salvando cualquier tipo de barreras, fronteras o etiquetas, caminando entre el be pop y el jazz más contemporáneo, sus componentes con una reconocida y amplia formación musical, llenan un repertorio de temas propios, y estandars muy bien seleccionados y arreglados por el cuarteto. Contundentes en sus actuaciones, no dejan lugar a la duda y a la indiferencia, su trayectoria les avala. Su programa reúne composiciones propias- marcadas por una continua búsqueda de nuevas sonoridades y formas de expression-, así como clásicos de la literatura del jazz arreglados de manera exclusiva y personal; ello le permite ampliar el eco ilustre de latidos como el bebop y el post-bob. Los componentes, con una amplia formación musical a sus espaldas, y proceden de las ciudades de Badajoz, y Almendralejo. Varios de ellos han colaborado y grabado junto a músicos como Arturo Serra, Perico Sambeat, Chano Domínguez, Jerry González, Ari Hoenig, Phil Abraham, Jorge Pardo, Antonio Mesa, Albert Bover, Jimmy Castro, Hugo Alves, Nelson Cascais, y un largo etc…, en diferentes formaciones de jazz, tanto en Portugal como en España. Graban su primer disco NAMOUCHE con la participacion de Perico Sambeat, saxo alto, Alexis Cuadrado, contrabajo, y Hugo Alves, trompeta.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         &n"}